Breaks according to the labor code. Lunch break according to the labor code

All employees need smoke breaks during working hours, because no one can work constantly throughout the entire shift. During the break, you can relax, and then start working with redoubled energy. And we will tell you how much should be given for pauses, how often employees can take them and for what purposes.

Several articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are devoted to breaks during working hours.

In Art. 108 states that each employee has the right to receive a break for food and rest if the duration of his shift is more than 4 hours, with a shorter one, you can do without it.

The duration of the time allotted for this should be at least half an hour, while it is not included in the working day. The regulation of the rest of the nuances of the pause for eating food is left to other documents.

Article 109 stipulates breaks intended to warm up and rest. The types of work for which they are necessary, according to the Labor Code, should also be established by the internal regulations. But it is stipulated that it is imperative to provide an opportunity to rest for workers working in low temperatures in the open air or in unheated rooms. The employer is also required to provide warm rooms so that employees can warm up in them before going out again in harsh weather conditions.

Documentary regulation of breaks

Breaks should be regulated in detail by the internal regulations, which indicate at what time they are provided, as well as how long they last. The same rules also list those jobs for which it is impossible to provide a break for rest and food. If the work is one of those, then it will be necessary to provide the employee with the opportunity to eat directly during working hours.

But the lunch break is the easiest. Much more difficulties arise with the regulation of other pauses, which should also be provided for by the rules. All small smoke breaks, tea breaks and walks along the corridors - should they be decisively suppressed, or are employees still entitled to them. It depends on the specifics of the work, but Article 109 of the Labor Code speaks about them. Such breaks are mainly needed if the work is office work and involves interaction with a computer - for example, the annex to the Sanitary Rules and Regulations recommends changing work using a computer and without it. Accordingly, if there is no such alternation, the employee needs regular breaks, and they are included in working hours.

We have described the rights of employees, and it would be nice if they used them, and no more, however, in reality, everyone works with different returns, and some also tend to rest more than necessary. In every enterprise, management has to deal with the problem of uncontrolled interruptions that reduce work efficiency. Employees simply gather in a smoking room or somewhere else, often in groups, and do not work for a long time, arguing that they have a legal break. Over time, the number and duration of such breaks only increase, and they can last longer than the work itself. It is very difficult to fight such abuses, especially since a bad example is contagious, and if several such workers appear, then most of the rest will soon begin to neglect their duties to one degree or another - the level of labor discipline will fall.

To prevent this, you need to strictly regulate breaks and stop excessive enthusiasm for them on the part of employees. Their total duration during office work at the computer should be in the range of 40-80 minutes with a standard length of the working day.

Such parameters should be specified in the order, if necessary, separate orders of the management can be added to them. Employees are familiarized with all these documents, they sign, certifying that they know and accept the rules, after which their failure to comply will be fraught with disciplinary sanctions. Systematic violations can even lead to dismissal.

In the rules, breaks can be defined either with a rigid reference to time, for example, by setting a break for 10 minutes at the end of the hour every two hours: from 9:50 to 10:00, from 11:50 to 12:00, and so on, or or floating. The first option is more convenient for controlling employees if the discipline is not up to the mark. If it turns out that it is already 10:20, and they are in the smoking room, then the violators will not be able to say that they have just arrived, because there is a clearly established time at which they must be in it. The second option is suitable for more democratic companies, but even in this case, you can use time tracking services for computers, with which you can monitor so that employees do not rest too much.

Smoking is a separate issue, it is not for nothing that a break is often called a smoke break, but because very often they are required by smoking employees. At the same time, it is far from a fact that such an employee will take fewer breaks for other needs, as a result, in fact, the useful time spent will be reduced even more. Smoke breaks according to the Labor Code - and now we mean the time for smoking - are not provided, which means that you can freely fight them. There are different ways to fight:

  • smoking bans within the boundaries of the enterprise - are fraught with the fact that employees will be forced to leave it, and even greater loss of time;
  • fines;
  • incentives for non-smokers;
  • increasing the length of the working day for smokers - then breaks to smoke will be accepted on an equal basis with the rest, but those employees who use them are forced to stay in the office longer.

Types of breaks at work

All work breaks can be divided according to several criteria. So, according to the scope of specialties, they are:

  • general - these apply to each employee;
  • specialized - that is, related only to selected categories, for example, nursing mothers or representatives of certain professions, for which the need for pauses is associated with the peculiarities of working conditions.

Another division is by necessity, according to which there are pauses:

  • mandatory - they must be installed, and if the employer does not give them, then this may be the reason for the proceedings;
  • recommended - they are installed at the request of the employer himself.

Finally, breaks are also divided by whether they are included in working hours, paid or not. Everything is simple here - there are breaks included in it and excluded.

For rest and food

The duration of the time allotted for meals, according to the law, is 30-120 minutes.

It depends on the length of the working day, and if this is a standard eight-hour shift, then usually an hour is given for a break. An increase may be required if the eating area is far from the office and it takes time to get to and from it. Or it is necessary for the employee to get home - such moments are regulated by agreement with the employer, and once again we note that this break is not included in working hours, that is, for example, if the working day lasts 10 hours, and lunch is 2, then the time from to work before the end of the shift will be 12 hours. At the same time, since 2 hours of lunch time are not paid, the employee can use them as he pleases - it is not necessary to have lunch and rest.

A break for meals is provided approximately in the middle of the shift, so if it lasts 8 hours, it is advisable to give it 4 hours after it starts. This is also stipulated by the internal regulations - a shift in one direction or another is possible, but within small limits, for example, to provide it three or five hours after the start of such a shift.

For heating and relaxation

This type of break is established in Article 109 of the Labor Code and belongs to specialized ones. Designed for workers working outdoors or in unheated rooms at low temperatures. If the thermometer falls below minus 10, then you can work without a break for 10 minutes, at lower temperatures - 5. This should be followed by a rest in a warm room for 10 minutes. All these periods are included in the payable time. The temperature in the relaxation area is required by law to exceed 21°C, and it is also mandatory to provide the opportunity to warm the hands and feet. In addition, a hot lunch is laid if work is carried out at low temperatures, after which work can be started no earlier than 10 minutes later.

For baby feeding

If a worker has a child under the age of one and a half years, then she should be given time to feed him. It can be used every three hours, and the duration of the pause in work is half an hour. Sometimes, if there are such circumstances (for example, the place of residence is removed from the place of work), the break may last longer. Its duration also increases if there is an appropriate medical opinion. If there are several children at the indicated age, then the time for feeding them increases to an hour.

With a standard working day, two such breaks with a total duration of one hour are required. The employee can write a statement about joining these breaks to the lunch one, or about transferring them both to the beginning of the day and to its end, that is, reducing the working day at their expense. The employer is obligated to do this, and this time, regardless of whether it is taken several times a day, or is summed up, must be paid.

If the upbringing of a child who has not reached the specified age is carried out not by his mother, but by his father, other relatives, etc., then they are also granted these privileges.

For personal use

The establishment of such breaks is left to the discretion of the employer, that is, they are optional. However, they are still recommended, and it is desirable to install them for the convenience of employees. Such small pauses are regulated in the internal regulations and the collective agreement, their time is included in the working time, usually their total duration per day is no more than 20-25 minutes.

When working on a computer

If a person works at a computer, then this requires stress on the body, in addition, it leads to insufficient muscle activity. To minimize the harmful effect, it is prescribed to take regular breaks during such work - about once an hour for 10-15 minutes, during which a person can warm up or take a walk. It is important, of course, that he does not distract other employees, but such respite itself cannot be prohibited.

Among other things, such a break will allow you to regain full concentration when you return to work, as a result of which things will go faster.

Specific parameters of breaks when working in conditions of high physical exertion are set depending on the position and nature of the loads. Undoubtedly, they are mandatory and included in the paid time. Of the general recommendations, it should only be noted that the intervals between pauses are usually taken longer, but the breaks themselves are also longer so that the body has time to rest, for example, 20 minutes every two hours. But it all depends on the specific type of work, because it is far from always possible to work without a break for two hours at high physical exertion.

Summarizing the above, we briefly list the important rules that will help achieve clear regulation of breaks in production and when working in the office:

  • Employees must have a clearly regulated work and rest schedule, indicating all possible pauses. If necessary, the documents are updated, new items are introduced into them or irrelevant ones are removed.
  • When developing a regime, one should be guided by the nature of work, how long the working day lasts, how work days and days off alternate, and similar factors.
  • All employees must be familiarized with the documents that regulate pauses.
  • Breaks are controlled according to a well-thought-out system, which is clearly communicated to each employee.

The importance of rest should not be forgotten, periodic pauses allow you to keep yourself in good shape, better focus your attention and give out greater productivity than work without interruptions. However, they must be clearly regulated so that there is no possibility for abuse.

You will be interested

Many personnel in employment are interested in the question: what rules govern the lunch break at the enterprise? This is a very important point that helps to provide employees with free time for eating. His absence makes you think about the integrity of the employer. After all, eating is a natural need of the body. And every employee must satisfy it. But, of course, not at the expense of work. The working day is often long. Or the person stays for overtime work. He needs to eat somehow. Norms regarding the lunch break in Russia are established by the Labor Code. What does it say? What are the key points employees should pay attention to?

Direct duty

The first important point is that in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, breaks for meals are indicated as mandatory. That is, each employer is obliged to provide its employees during the working day or work shift with a certain period of time for a lunch break. Especially if it is not about part-time work, but about a full-fledged shift. Lack of time to eat is a direct violation of the law. You can't starve your subordinates. They have the right to complain about their employer. You can not provide a break for eating only when the shift is approximately 4 hours. That is, in partnership. But even in this case, subordinates may legally demand a lunch break.

Not at the expense of work

The next point is to take into account the time for rest and meals. Article 108 of the Labor Code indicates that the employer is not only obliged to provide this period of time to his subordinates. This period is not counted as a working period. That is, the employer does not have to pay for lunch breaks. And no one has the right to demand this from him. Even if a person, on his own initiative, did not interrupt his official duties for the sake of eating.


There are certain rules regarding the length of the break for rest and lunch. They are also spelled out in the Labor Code. But we are talking only about the maximum and minimum. The exact figures must be indicated in the employment contract with each employer. It turns out that the length of time allotted for eating is the time frame that the director has the right to set on his own. But taking into account the established norms for the duration of rest.

What is the minimum time for a meal? At least 30 minutes is the minimum required by law in Russia in order to have a meal or just relax. Establishing a lunch break below the specified bar is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation. which indicates the period of less than the established norm, as well as its complete absence - this is the labor force.


What else should you pay attention to? What are the important points contained in the Labor Code? A lunch break is something every employer must provide to their employees without fail. The minimum time for a meal is 30 minutes. And what about the longest prescribed duration? The maximum lunch break is fixed by law. Up to two hours are allotted for rest and eating. In practice, such a long break is rarely observed. The main thing is that this time should not be paid by the employer under any circumstances.

Not taking a break from work

In some cases, the employer cannot provide employees with legal rest, which provides for a break from work. In this situation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also provides for certain rules. It has already become clear - you can not leave subordinates without food. This means that the lunch break should be provided at the expense of the work shift. The director is obliged to provide the opportunity to eat directly in the performance of duties. What positions does it cover? employment contract concluded between the employer and the subordinate. It is in it that the norms for breaks are indicated, as well as places where you can eat and rest.

No hard limits

A lunch break is a value that, as already mentioned, has only maximums and minimums fixed by law. The article under study is not specific in any other way regarding the provision of time for rest or meals. As already mentioned, each employer independently sets the duration of the lunch break. These norms are prescribed in the employment contract. As a rule, in enterprises, all employees are given a break at a specific time (for example, at 12:00). It can be used both for relaxation and for lunch.

In fact, 30 minutes is too little for a meal. Often employees do not have time to eat in peace. And 120 minutes is a lot. Therefore, there is an unwritten rule regarding the issue under study. Most employers set a rest break of 1 hour.

Where to rest and dine?

Of course, directly at the workplace you can not in any way eat food. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly designate at each enterprise an area that is intended for rest or lunch. This is quite normal. Most often, such a place is a canteen or cafe located at the corporation.

It should be noted that the lunch break is carried out exclusively in accordance with the employment contract. This means that the employer must not only allocate, but also indicate in the concluded agreement the places reserved for a meal or a break for unpaid legal rest. If there is no such item, employees can eat directly at the workplace or even leave the walls of a particular company to rest or break for lunch. Therefore, this feature should not be neglected.

Women with babies

Special attention is required by women who immediately after giving birth went to work. Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that such employees should be provided not only with a break for eating. Up to a certain point, these personnel have every right to count on additional rest. According to the established rules, a lunch break for a woman who has children under the age of 1.5 years must last according to the internal regulations of the corporation. But in addition, it can be calculated for periods for feeding the baby.

They also have their limitations. The maximum is set by the employer (usually by agreement of the parties). The minimum is 30 minutes. That is, a woman with a small child can be interrupted to feed the baby for at least half an hour additionally, not at the expense of her own meal or rest.

How often should infant time slots be provided? At least once every 3 hours. In fact, it is recommended to coordinate this moment with the employer - all children are different. Someone wants to eat after 2 hours, someone can endure 4-5. Therefore, these features are discussed in advance by the parties. The lunch break due to the need to feed a child under 1.5 years of age should not be changed.

Wherever I want - there I will go

The time allotted for eating, as already mentioned, is not paid. It is not included in the working day. Accordingly, the Labor Code provides for some features that give freedom of action to personnel during a meal. The fact is that breaks for rest and meals are personal minutes (or hours) of an employee. He has the right to use them at his own discretion. For example, go home for lunch, go shopping, meet friends. The main thing is to observe the restrictions established for the duration. The employer cannot prevent the employee from doing this. If a subordinate wants, he can go to a store or cafe for food during his lunch break. After all, the restriction by the authorities in actions during periods that are not paid is a violation of human rights.

Leisure outside the company

The lunch break is not necessarily the time at which meals are taken. The fact is that since these periods are not paid, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the free use of these periods of time by employees. They can not only eat, but also rest. Moreover, no one has the right to force a subordinate to remain within the company. Breaks for rest or lunch are the personal time of every citizen. And he has the right to dispose of it as he wishes.

The only thing that the subordinate must take into account is the following point: if the meal was not taken during the established lunch break, there will be no additional break for eating. The employer, at his discretion, can make an indulgence to the employee, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. You shouldn't rely on it.

Changing breaks

Another important point - the lunch break is a clearly fixed internal schedule for a period of time. It must be established and approved by the employer. It is important. Some are interested in whether it is possible to independently transfer lunch time to one hour or another. The answer is simple - no. You can try to negotiate with the employer, but nothing more. On an ongoing basis, no one will transfer the time allotted for rest and meals for a particular employee. You can't take breaks on your own initiative. Therefore, if the employer offers lunch from 12:00 to 13:00, for example, then you need to eat during this period of time. After all, there will be no more breaks.

Work on transport

Often, employees have to work in transport or constantly leave their main workplace to perform their duties in full. That is, people have specific work schedules. How to deal with lunch breaks in this situation? The employer must issue a special decree, which will prescribe all the nuances of the time provided to employees working in transport or on permanent trips for lunch and rest. Such documentation is called a provision on granting a break to personnel with special working conditions.

Often, employees set aside time for lunch on their own, without notifying the employer about this. That is, until, for example, they get to the meeting place. According to the established rules, you can't do that. But the unspoken norms provide for such a step. But this does not exempt the employer from providing an official break for eating. He still must allocate a certain interval for lunch. Otherwise, subordinates can legitimately complain about him.


What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? The lunch break is a legal time that an employer must set aside for rest and meals for all employees. Its minimum duration is 30 minutes, the maximum is 120. In fact, the establishment of an hour lunch break is practiced.

The studied period of time is allocated by the employer in accordance with the employment contract and the internal regulations of the enterprise. Only the boss can carry it. Employees arbitrarily have no right to change the time of rest and lunch. It's illegal. Women with young children may require extra breaks to feed their baby. Not the most common practice, but it does happen. The employer cannot refuse this. The lunch break should not be reduced. It is provided to employees on the same terms as to all other subordinates.

Each subordinate has the right to freely dispose of the time allotted for rest or lunch. You should pay attention to the fact that you can leave the walls of the company. No one can limit an employee in this regard. After all, the employer does not pay for periods of rest and meals. This means that subordinates cannot claim personal time for rest.

As you know, any worker, in whatever profession and conditions he works, is not a robot or a machine. His work, for physiological reasons, cannot be continuous. The natural needs of the body and fatigue also affect, and the result may well be unsatisfactory results of work. Unfortunately, not all employers understand this. But the labor code guards the interests of workers, not only regulating the duration of mandatory technical or lunch breaks, but also leaving scope for providing additional rest with an 8- or 12-hour working day.

Breaks in accordance with the law are mandatory and recommended

Despite the fact that interruptions in work at first glance may seem like an insignificant circumstance worthy of regulatory regulation of 2–3 articles, in practice the regulatory framework for them is quite massive. The Labor Code allocates half of Chapter 18 to breaks, supplementing with separate articles in the guarantees section for special categories of workers. But besides this, many industry regulations establish special rules for breaks in the work of employees of certain professions (these are the orders of the Ministry of Transport on breaks for vehicle drivers and aircraft dispatchers, and the orders of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on breaks for employees of tobacco, starch, alcohol production and juice production, and etc.).

General, when working at a computer, mandatory - how they are classified

In general, such a set of breaks permitted by law can be classified according to several criteria:

  1. Scope of specialties:
    • general - relating to all employees without exception - lunch break, additional breaks established by the employer for personal needs, etc.;
    • specialized - breaks applied to certain categories of employees (nursing mothers, employees of certain professions, working in certain specific conditions, for example, at a computer).
  2. According to the degree of obligation for the employer:
    • mandatory - lunch break, most breaks provided to certain categories of employees, breaks for heating, etc .;
    • recommended - additional breaks set by the employer's local NLA.
  3. By inclusion in working hours (and, accordingly, payment):
    • excluded from the course of working time - lunch break;
    • included in working hours - most other types of breaks.

In the collective agreement and PWTR, the employer must reflect the types of breaks used in the organization and the rules for determining them (it is better if specific time frames are indicated). If the working regime of individual employees in terms of breaks differs from the rest, their conditions may be stipulated in the employment agreement.

Is the lunch break included in the working day?

Lunch break is mandatory for all employees

Lunch rest is a mandatory break for all employees, guaranteed by art. 108 TK. Its main purpose is to rest and eat, but each employee has the right to use this break at his own discretion.

If an employee voluntarily dedicates a lunch break to work, this does not contradict the law. However, this time is not payable.

The Labor Code establishes clear parameters for lunch breaks:

  • duration from half an hour to two hours;
  • start - no later than 4 hours from the start of work.

However, it should be understood that the specifics of some production processes, for objective reasons, do not allow the employer to interrupt them. So, it would be absolutely unnatural to send a kindergarten teacher to lunch - after all, you can’t leave the kids unattended. It is for such cases that Part 2 of Art. 108 makes a reservation: if it is impossible to organize a full-fledged lunch, the meal must be organized by the employer without interrupting the process (in the above example, together with the children). Nevertheless, the presence of such a feature for certain categories of workers is necessarily stipulated in the PWTR.

The so-called floating lunch break is also allowed by law, which means for the employee the opportunity to independently determine the time for meals, depending on the workload and the current situation. However, the time “corridor” for choosing the time of rest is still prescribed either in local legal acts or in the contract.

The law does not contain any reservations regarding the lunch break for part-time employees, as well as those who work in shifts (12 hour shifts, for example). And this means that the former have the right to claim a full-fledged lunch break every day, and for the latter, the employer can schedule two or more breaks with a total duration of no more than the maximum. However, this is not an obligation, but the right of the employer.

Time for personal needs during the day

Additional breaks for personal needs (for example, a coffee break) are set at the discretion of the employer

The Labor Code does not oblige the employer to establish additional (except for lunch and specialized) breaks for the general mass of employees, however, it does not prohibit it. In addition, recommendations on short breaks during the working day for a “smoke break”, “coffee break” or just a respite are given by the methodology for determining labor standards. Yes, and the employers themselves understand the importance of such an organization of working time, not only to maintain a normal level of labor productivity, but also as an incentive to work in the company as a whole.

Additional breaks are regulated in the employer's local regulatory legal acts - PVTR, collective agreement. The time of such breaks is regarded as working, and, accordingly, is paid in the usual way.

The total duration of additional breaks per working day is usually about 10-20 minutes.

Technical (specialized or technological) breaks

The legislative basis for the provision of specialized breaks is Art. 109 TK. Nevertheless, all the existing variety of norms devoted to this topic could hardly fit into the framework of one article.

Straight st. 109 names only one type of specialized breaks - those intended for heating workers in conditions of low temperatures and rest for employees involved in loading or unloading.

However, specializations include:

  • breaks for people who constantly work at a computer (according to the norms of SanPin, after each hour of such work, they should be interrupted for 10-15 minutes, taking in general from 50 minutes to one and a half hours to rest for a working day);
  • breaks for feeding children (Article 258 of the Labor Code);
  • breaks established by branch orders for workers of certain professions - drivers, dispatchers, manufacturers of tobacco and alcohol products, starch and molasses, juices and yeast, postal workers, penitentiary inspections, cadastral service, etc.

Constant work at the computer requires frequent breaks

The duration of rest when working in the cold and in the heat

The rules for establishing breaks associated with deviations in the temperature regime in which the employee works from the norm are regulated by SanPin–96 and Methodological recommendations–10.

General rules for working at low temperatures:

  • additional breaks are provided simultaneously with the opportunity to warm up in a specially equipped room;
  • the air temperature in the room for heating should be above 21°C, while the legs and arms must be heated additionally - at a temperature of 35°C to 40°C;
  • heating time at an ambient temperature of up to 10 ° C, you can work no more than 10 minutes in a row, below 10 ° C - no more than 5 minutes in a row;
  • employees working at low temperatures should be fed a hot lunch, after which they can start work no earlier than 10 minutes from the moment of completion.

If the employer has not ensured that employees working in the cold comply with the above guarantees, they have the legal right to refuse to work.

The work of the team or its individual members in conditions of elevated temperatures also requires the employer to be attentive to compliance with the law. By the way, the air temperature in the room is considered to be elevated if it exceeds the value of 26–28 ° С. Here everything depends on the intensity of labor:

Employees working in the cold are given warm breaks
  • work that does not require great physical effort in such conditions should not continuously last more than 5 hours;
  • work of medium intensity - no more than 2.5 hours;
  • highly labor-intensive work - no more than 10–20 minutes.

How is a break for feeding a baby regulated?

Article 258 of the Labor Code establishes special additional breaks for young mothers. So, a woman who left maternity leave before the baby reaches the age of one and a half years has the right to several breaks daily - every three hours of work. The duration of the breaks depends on the number of children of the corresponding age:

  • in the presence of one child, each break lasts at least half an hour;
  • if there are two or more children - one hour.

Breaks at the request of a woman can be shifted in time, for example, attached to a lunch break, the end of the working day (shift), etc.

The mother of a baby under one and a half years old is given additional breaks for feeding the child

Breaks for feeding children are paid - they are paid based on the average earnings of the employee.

Special Issues for Granting Work Breaks

Dividing the day into parts

Fragmented (for objective reasons, divided into parts) labor day - the rules for its provision and payment are subject to Art. 149 of the Labor Code - does not involve the provision of a separate lunch break. This nature of labor is prescribed in advance in the labor agreement and is additionally compensated in monetary terms. However, specialized breaks designed for employees of certain professions in the event of a fragmented working day are applied in the usual manner.

Is it possible to work without rest?

The law prohibits employers from ignoring the requirements for mandatory breaks, including reducing them relative to the lower limit of the norm or not establishing them at all. In turn, the employee has the right to continue working during a legal break, but such work is not subject to payment.

Extending a break for rest or lunch

Violation of the time frame of the break by the employee is considered as non-compliance with the rules of labor discipline, which means a disciplinary offense. Depending on the duration of the time period during which the employee was absent from work, the severity of the misconduct is determined. In the event of an absence of more than three hours, it can be regarded as absenteeism with the application of the most severe measures of influence (up to and including dismissal). Less serious infractions may be "rewarded" with a reprimand or reprimand.

Responsibility of the employer for violations of the law

For violation of the rights of employees to rest, the legislator bears administrative responsibility

The employer for non-compliance with the law on breaks in work bears administrative responsibility under the general article of the Code of Administrative Offenses - 5.27.

The sanctions of this article provide for a wide range of penalties (it all depends on the severity of the identified violation):

  • fines for officials - from one to five thousand rubles, in case of a repeated offense - up to twenty thousand rubles with disqualification;
  • fines for companies - from thirty to fifty thousand rubles, for a repeated offense - up to seventy thousand rubles.

Breaks in work are a guarantee of the health of workers and their further fruitful work. Mandatory breaks ensure that only the most basic conditions for the employee are met, while additional breaks can serve as an incentive to work in the company. Understanding this, an experienced leader will definitely use this method as a low-cost opportunity to increase his own authority and the authority of the company in the team.

To maintain strength during the working day, a person needs a break to rest and eat. This aspect is noted in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If you encounter difficulties in providing free time for rest at work, pay attention to the content of this article and learn about your rights guaranteed by law.

The minimum break for rest and meals of a worker during the working day according to the law

Various aspects of labor relations between employees and the employer are regulated by the Labor Code. The provisions of the relevant legal act indicate the time allotted by law for the rest of the staff. In addition, the content of the labor charter of the company, which indicates the time for lunch, is important. The internal regime of the organization must comply with the rules of the law.

  • Lunch time during the day cannot be less than that established by law, i.e. 30 minutes;
  • The maximum time allotted for rest and eating is 2 hours;
  • At individual enterprises, internal regulations may establish several intervals for recuperation.

Types of breaks at work

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation considered and noted a list of possible types of breaks during the working day. This list should be included in the internal labor regulations.
The following classification of pauses during work is established:

  • General break for rest and lunch;
  • Special - provided to workers of certain professions. The duration of the intervals is determined by the complexity of the organization and production technologies. This time must be included in working hours;
  • Time for feeding the child - this process is carried out for 1.5 years. An employee has the right to pause every 3 hours. It should take at least one hour to do this. Also, such time can be provided to persons raising a child on their own;
  • The law provides for the provision of several breaks for workers in cold conditions, in open, unheated premises;
  • At the request of the head, additional intervals can be prescribed in the organization's regulations to maintain the strength and health of employees.

The time provided for meals and relaxation is not paid by the employer. The employee has the right to dispose of the free period as he wishes. If the management of the organization neglects to provide employees with free time for rest, then it is obliged to pay for this time. Voluntary performance by an employee of labor duties during the lunch period does not mean that remuneration will follow.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for smoking breaks. But if the employer strictly forbids this event during the working day, a lawyer will help you defend the right to take a break or challenge fines.

Technical breaks during the working day

For certain types of work, employees may be provided with technical breaks during the working day. Their number and duration are determined by the nature of labor activity and are noted in the internal regulations. As the law says, this period can be 10-15 minutes every hour or one and a half. As a rule, such pauses are paid by the head of the enterprise.

Paid breaks during the working day

If you are a worker in certain occupations, you are legally entitled to several breaks per day. Relaxation time must be paid by the employer. In addition, the time provided for lactating women is subject to payment.

Remember that the legislation of the Russian Federation is on the side of the workers, so even temporarily unemployed people can get borrowed funds. Loans for the unemployed

Breaks during the working day at the computer

A distinctive feature of working at a computer is its monotony, immobility and tension. Such labor activity carries certain risks to human health. Therefore, a desirable condition for such work is the provision of several breaks during the working day.

It should be noted that the Labor Code does not directly control this aspect. However, this does not mean that the employer is not obliged to provide workers with breaks.

In accordance with other legal acts and regulations, the employee must be provided with safety and health. This implies the need to provide short-term respite for those working at the computer.
Women working at computers should be given regular rest time. This period is equal to 5-10 minutes every hour.

Breaks during the working day during physical activity

In accordance with the provisions of labor legislation, a list of professions has been defined, representatives of which must receive several short breaks during the working day. This category includes persons involved in physical labor. During labor activity, in order to restore their strength and raise their tone, they have the right to periodic pauses. The duration of these intervals should not be less than 15 minutes.

Breaks during the working day for shifts

Labor legislation of the Russian Federation notes the right of employees to rest between shifts. This period represents the time when the job ends and starts the next day. However, a more detailed understanding of the days off between shifts should be spelled out in the internal regulations of the organization. As a rule, the work schedule should be established so that the duration of rest for a shift worker is twice the duration of work time.

During working hours, the employee must fulfill his labor obligations. There are situations when the employer neglects his duties and violates the legal rights of workers. To avoid such arbitrariness, it is necessary to be aware of your rights. To do this, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the content of labor legislation.

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But most often such a schedule is in the service sector, and it is unprofitable to set permanent breaks there. For example, I work around the clock, and we leave to smoke / go to the toilet / eat when there are few clients and a partner can handle it alone, and not according to some specific schedule.

  • In an organization where a 12-hour working day is established, there should be breaks of no more than 2 hours, but not less than 30 minutes in accordance with Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This time is not included in business hours. When applying for a job, you need to pay attention to what is written in the contract, read it carefully, especially between the lines and there must be a clause on the rules for the lunch break. Lunch breaks must be specified in the employment contract concluded between the employer and the employee. For some types of work, depending on the specialization, there should be additional breaks, for example, rest and heating in accordance with Article 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How many and when should there be breaks for a 12 hour shift?

The work of the team or its individual members in conditions of elevated temperatures also requires the employer to be attentive to compliance with the law. By the way, the air temperature in the room is considered to be elevated if it exceeds the value of 26–28 ° С. Here everything depends on the intensity of work: Employees working in the cold are given breaks for heating

  • work that does not require great physical effort in such conditions should not continuously last more than 5 hours;
  • work of medium intensity - no more than 2.5 hours;
  • highly labor-intensive work - no more than 10–20 minutes.

How a break for feeding a child is regulated Article 258 of the Labor Code establishes special additional breaks for young mothers.
So, a woman who left maternity leave before the baby reaches the age of one and a half years has the right to several breaks daily - every three hours of work.

Labor Code - chapter 18. work breaks.


Loading… How many and when should there be breaks for a 12 hour shift?

  • Your work shift is 12 hours. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 108. Breaks for rest and meals), during the work shift, the employee is given a break for rest and meals, which is not included in working hours. What is interesting - the article is called Breaks and it is about one break.

In my opinion, this is a flaw in the Labor Code, which for some reason did not interest anyone. What if the shift lasts 24 hours? Why is this issue not raised and hushed up? It is not profitable for workers to raise it, since this time is not paid. So everyone suits one break of one hour somewhere in the middle of the shift (you can find out more in the Internal Regulations of your organization) regardless of the length of the shift.

Frequency and duration of breaks during working hours according to the labor code

In addition, recommendations on short breaks during the working day for a “smoke break”, “coffee break” or just a respite are given by the methodology for determining labor standards. Yes, and the employers themselves understand the importance of such an organization of working time, not only to maintain a normal level of labor productivity, but also as an incentive to work in the company as a whole. Additional breaks are regulated in the employer's local regulatory legal acts - PVTR, collective agreement.


The time of such breaks is regarded as working, and, accordingly, is paid in the usual way. The total duration of additional breaks per working day is usually about 10-20 minutes. Technical (specialized or technological) breaks The legislative basis for granting specialized breaks is Art.

109 TK.

Types of breaks that are included in working hours and paid

The time of breaks, as well as their duration, is established by the internal labor regulations or by agreement between the employee and the employer. Every organization should have a schedule indicating the time and duration of breaks. With the permission of the employer, the time not used for lunch can be spent on overlap during the day.

  • Unfortunately, the duration and number of breaks for rest and eating is not determined by the current Labor Code.
    Only the minimum (30 min.) and maximum (2 hours) duration of the break, which is not included in working hours, is precisely named. As Art. 108 the duration of rest and breaks are established by the internal labor regulations or by agreement between the employee and the employerquot ;. I myself work 12 hours a day, but we still have not agreed on this issue.

Am I entitled to a lunch break and smoke breaks during work? 12 hour day


Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Breaks for rest and meals” prescribes a working break of no more than 2 hours, but not less than half an hour. Accordingly, your break, if you are registered under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can last from 30 to 120 minutes. What time in this interval is directly regulated by the enterprise in which you work.

Chapter eighteen of Article 108 of the Labor Code defines breaks from thirty minutes to two hours for a working day or shift. This article does not specify how to allocate working hours and breaks. The order, as a rule, is determined by the enterprise itself, and employees sign it as a sign of familiarization and agreement.
The article reads as follows: Therefore, with a twelve-hour shift, it is quite possible to have one or two breaks lasting from half an hour to two hours.

What are the breaks during the working day according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

  • According to the degree of obligation for the employer:
  • mandatory - lunch break, most breaks provided to certain categories of employees, breaks for heating, etc .;
  • recommended - additional breaks set by the employer's local NLA.
  • By inclusion in working hours (and, accordingly, payment):
  • excluded from the course of working time - lunch break;
  • included in working hours - most other types of breaks.

In the collective agreement and PWTR, the employer must reflect the types of breaks used in the organization and the rules for determining them (it is better if specific time frames are indicated). If the working regime of individual employees in terms of breaks differs from the rest, their conditions may be stipulated in the employment agreement.
General rules for working at low temperatures:

  • additional breaks are provided simultaneously with the opportunity to warm up in a specially equipped room;
  • the air temperature in the room for heating should be above 21°C, while the legs and arms must be heated additionally - at a temperature of 35°C to 40°C;
  • heating time at an ambient temperature of up to 10 ° C, you can work no more than 10 minutes in a row, below 10 ° C - no more than 5 minutes in a row;
  • employees working at low temperatures should be fed a hot lunch, after which they can start work no earlier than 10 minutes from the moment of completion.

If the employer has not ensured that employees working in the cold comply with the above guarantees, they have the legal right to refuse to work.

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As you know, any worker, in whatever profession and conditions he works, is not a robot or a machine. His work, for physiological reasons, cannot be continuous. The natural needs of the body and fatigue also affect, and the result may well be unsatisfactory results of work.
Unfortunately, not all employers understand this. But the labor code guards the interests of workers, not only regulating the duration of mandatory technical or lunch breaks, but also leaving scope for providing additional rest with an 8- or 12-hour working day.

Article 108. Breaks for rest and meals

So, it would be absolutely unnatural to send a kindergarten teacher to lunch - after all, you can’t leave the kids unattended. It is for such cases that Part 2 of Art. 108 makes a reservation: if it is impossible to organize a full-fledged lunch, the meal must be organized by the employer without interrupting the process (in the above example, together with the children). Nevertheless, the presence of such a feature for certain categories of workers is necessarily stipulated in the PWTR.

The so-called floating lunch break is also allowed by law, which means for the employee the opportunity to independently determine the time for meals, depending on the workload and the current situation. However, the time “corridor” for choosing the time of rest is still prescribed either in local legal acts or in the contract.