First aid in case of damage to the respiratory organs. PMP with damage to the respiratory organs outline of a lesson in biology (grade 8) on the topic


First aid in case of damage to the respiratory system

Foreign bodies in the airways

Talking while eating, careless games often lead to the fact that foreign objects - fish bones, beans, peas, and even coins and stones that children played with - enter the respiratory tract: into the nose, larynx, trachea. If such an object enters the nose, it is necessary to clamp the second nostril and try to blow out the foreign object. If this does not work out, you should consult a doctor, because inept actions can drive a foreign body even further.

The ingress of foreign bodies into the larynx occurs when the larynx is not closed enough epiglottis. This is accompanied by severe bouts of coughing, due to which foreign particles are removed from the larynx. If the cough does not help, you can hit the victim on the back several times, after bending him over the knee so that the head drops as low as possible. Small children are simply lifted by the legs. If this does not help, you must urgently take the victim to a medical facility.

First aid for drowning, suffocation and suffocation

In each of these cases, the flow of outside air into the lungs stops. Insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain after 2-3 minutes can lead to death. Therefore, it is necessary to act clearly and quickly.

After the drowning man was taken out of the water, first of all, his mouth should be cleaned of dirt, water should be removed from the lungs and stomach. For this purpose, the victim is thrown over the knee and the abdomen and chest are squeezed with sharp movements or shaken. When breathing and cardiac activity stop, one should not wait for the removal of all water from the respiratory organs, it is more important to start artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Strangulation can occur when the throat is squeezed, when the tongue sinks. The latter often happens when fainting when a person suddenly loses consciousness for a short time. So the first thing you need to do is listen to your breath. If it is accompanied by wheezing or stops altogether, you need to open your mouth and pull your tongue forward or change the position of your head, tilting it back. It is useful to give a sniff of ammonia or other substances with a pungent odor. This excites the respiratory center and helps to restore breathing.

Noisy labored breathing also occurs with swelling of the larynx , the skin and mucous membranes turn blue. In this case, a cold compress should be applied to the outer surface of the neck, and the legs should be immersed in a basin of hot water. The patient should be taken to a hospital as soon as possible.

Particularly severe damage to the respiratory system occurs when blockages are ground. With prolonged compression of skeletal muscles, toxic compounds accumulate in them. When the human body is released from compression, these substances rush into the bloodstream and impair the functions of the kidneys, heart and liver.

After removing a person from the blockage, it is necessary first of all to restore breathing: clean the mouth and nose of dirt and start artificial respiration, chest compressions. Only after the restoration of these important processes, it is possible to proceed with the inspection of damage, the application of harnesses and tires.

When falling into the ground or drowning, it is important to warm the victim. To do this, they rub it, wrap it in warm clothes, give tea, coffee and other hot drinks. It is impossible to warm the victim with heating pads, bottles of hot water, as it can cause burns and disrupt the normal distribution of blood between organs.

First aid for electrical injuries

Lightning and electric shock have much in common, and therefore they are united by one concept - electrical injury . If a person is struck by a technical electric current, first of all, it is necessary to de-energize the wire. It is not always easy to do this: if a person grabbed the wire with his hand, it is almost impossible to tear him off the wire, since his muscles are paralyzed. It is easier to turn off the breaker or simply fold the wire away from the victim, of course, after isolating yourself from the current (rubber gloves and shoes, a dry wooden stick should be used).

It is not necessary to de-energize the victim from lightning. You can safely touch it. But the consequences of the defeat are largely similar. They depend on the strength and direction of the current, on what voltage the person was under, in what condition his skin and clothes were. Moisture reduces the resistance of the skin, and therefore the electric shock is more severe.

Funnel-shaped wounds resembling burn injuries are visible at the points of entry and exit of technical current. The current affects the nervous system, the person loses consciousness, stops breathing. The heart works weakly, and it is not always possible to listen to the pulse.

If the electrical injury was relatively weak and the person himself came out of a faint, it is necessary to examine the external lesions, apply a bandage and immediately send the victim to the hospital, since repeated loss of consciousness due to heart failure may occur. In the hospital, the victim is delivered warmly covered. It is useful to give an anesthetic, such as analgin, and to observe complete rest. Heart preparations are also useful: valerian, Zelenin drops.

In severe cases, respiratory arrest occurs. Then apply artificial respiration , and in case of cardiac arrest - his indirect massage .

Artificial respiration and chest compressions

As a result of accidents (during drowning, lightning strikes, severe burns, poisoning, injury), a person may lose consciousness. His heart stops, his breathing stops, clinical death . Unlike the biological state, this state is reversible. Activities associated with the withdrawal of a person from clinical death are called resuscitation (lit.: revival). biological death occurs after brain death.

If the work of the heart and lungs is restored within 5-7 minutes, the person will live. Immediate action can save him - artificial respiration and indirect heart massage .

First of all, the patient should be placed on his back on a hard surface, his head thrown back. Then unbutton the clothes, expose the chest. Cover the nose or mouth with gauze and vigorously blow in air (16 times in 1 min).

When assisting a drowning person, you must first free the oral cavity from silt and sand, and the lungs and stomach from water.

If the heart does not beat, artificial respiration is combined with an indirect heart massage - rhythmic pressure on the sternum (60 times per 1 minute). Air is blown in every 5-6 pressures. The pulse should be checked periodically.

The appearance of a pulse is the first sign of the resumption of the work of the heart. Artificial respiration, heart massage sometimes have to be done for a long time - 20-50 minutes. First aid is completed when the victim regains consciousness and begins to breathe on his own.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

Poisoning occurs as a result of inhalation of carbon monoxide, lighting gas, generator gas, combustion products, smoke due to the formation in the blood carboxyhemoglobin and impaired oxygen transport in the blood.

For mild poisoning the skin becomes bright pink, dizziness begins. There is tinnitus, general weakness, nausea, vomiting, weak pulse, fainting.

For severe poisoning there is immobility, convulsions, impaired vision, breathing and heart function, loss of consciousness for hours and even days.

First aid:

  • Remove victim to fresh air or a well-ventilated area.
  • Release him from clothes that restrict his breathing, create peace, let him smell the cotton wool with ammonia.
  • If breathing stops, artificial respiration should be performed. In the event of cardiac arrest, begin chest compressions immediately at the scene.

When foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract, all the efforts of the caregiver are directed to ensuring that it is pushed out by a stream of air. It is impossible to try to remove an object stuck in the nose or larynx, as you can push it even deeper.

First aid for drowning, blockages with earth, suffocation is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, the upper respiratory tract is cleaned of dirt, water is removed from the stomach and lungs, at the second stage artificial respiration and indirect heart massage are started.

In case of electrical injuries, first of all, it is necessary to turn off the switch, discard the wire with a wooden object. When breathing and cardiac activity stop, artificial respiration from mouth to mouth and indirect heart massage are used.

Volkova Tatyana Viktorovna,

biology teacher,

specialist of the highest category of the highest level, State institution "Secondary school No. 19 of the education department of the akimat of the city of Kostanay"

Grade: 8

Lesson Plan Date

Lesson biology

Lesson topic: Vital capacity of the lungs, its measurement. Breathing exercises. First aid in case of damage to the respiratory system: foreign bodies in the respiratory tract, drowning, suffocation, covering with earth. Artificial respiration and chest compressions( flipchart, page 60- document Microsoft office Word ).

Lesson Objectives: form the conceptvital capacity of the lungs”, to introduce Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, with the methods of providing first aid in case of damage to the respiratory system.

Behind giving a lesson (flipchart, page 61) :

Educational: introduce students toone of the main indicators of the state of external respiration - VC, spirometer - a device for measuring VC, pay attention to the need for knowledge and skills to provide first aidwith damage to the respiratory system;

Developing: promote development of skills to compare, analyze and draw appropriate conclusions,apply the acquired knowledge in practice;to form first aid skills in case of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, drowning, suffocation, covering with earth;

Educational: bring up the desire for a healthy lifestyle, to help students realize their importance in providing first aid to the victim.

Lesson type: biology lesson using information technology.

Lesson methods: verbal (partial search, conversation, explanation), problematic, independent work with additional material, visual, practical (experiment setting).

Form of study: individual, frontal, in pairs and in groups.

Equipment: flipchart, human torso with internal organs, “Electronic manual on biology. Grade 8 "(Volkova T.V.,ISBN978-601-7438-01-2), interactive whiteboard, computer, video« Determination of VC using a spirometer andGLX", t tables "Artificial respiration and chest compressions","Respiratory organs", "Techniques of artificial respiration", notebookwith assignments for individual work, edited by Zh. Kurmangalieva,Handout.

During the classes .

At this very moment, when we breathe here, there is who are suffocating.

K. Balmont

Lesson stage

Content of educational material



Preparation for EAEA, UNT

Tasks for the development of functional literacy

Individual correctional work

I . Org.


Hello guys! Sit down! Now turn to each other and smile, with such a good mood we will begin the lesson.


II . Knowledge update:

BUT). Orally:

    What changes in the chemical composition of air and the physical properties of air occur when people stay indoors for a long time?

    What are the main sources of indoor air pollution?

    What diseases can be transmitted through the air?

    What measures are taken to prevent tuberculosis in Kazakhstan?

    How do you deal with dust in your home?

    What do you know about the flu?

B). Work with a notebook with tasks for individual work, edited by Zh. Kurmangalieva, according to the options:

1 option:

Complete task 1 on page 8 and task 3 on page 10.

Option 2:

Complete task 2 on page 8 and task 4 on page 10.





Modern life is inextricably linked with transport, electrical appliances, non-observance of elementary rules when swimming on the beaches in the summer season, and eating food.

According to doctors, at the scene of the accident, first aid is provided to the victims in one case out of a hundred.

People just don't know what to do. And practice shows that the life of the victim often depends on what kind of assistance they will receive.

in the first minutes.

Are you aware that…

according to Japanese experts:

    if the victim was in a state of clinical death no more than

3 minutes, the probability that a life can be saved is 75%;

    when this interval is increased to 5 minutes, the probability decreases to 25%;

    after 10 minutes, the person can not be saved ..

How do you think: How can you reduce the number of victims and help the victims? (providing first aid).

That's right, timely first aid could reduce the number of victims by 1/3.

We met in the past lessons with the structure and functions of the respiratory system, ways of regulating the respiratory system.

What do you think we will learn in class today?

Write down the topic of the lesson:Vital capacity of the lungs, its measurement. First aid in case of damage to the respiratory system.

Problem question:

Can you provide first aid for respiratory arrest?



IV .

Study n/m:

BUT). Vital capacity (VC) and its measurement flipchart, page 62) :

What health indicators do you know? (blood test, pulse, blood pressure, flat feet, posture). Today we will get acquainted with another indicator of health - VC - vital capacity of the lungs.

VC is the volume of air that a person can inhale after taking the deepest breath possible.

VC depends on sex, age, height, human health and other factors.

Are you aware that…

    on average, in women, the VC is 2.7 liters, and in men - 3.5 liters;

    during sleep, a person absorbs from 15 to 20 liters of O in 1 hour 2 ;

    when he's awake but lying down, consumption Oh 2 increases by 1/3;

    when walking - twice, with light work - three times, with heavy work - six or more times.

The intensity of ventilation depends on physical activity, since the working tissue absorbs oxygen faster.

Work in pairs on assignments:

Using the data in the table (Appendix No. 1), analyze the average VC indicators of athletes involved in different sports and answer the questions:

    Why do average VC values ​​differ in athletes?

    Explain why athletes do not experience shortness of breath during heavy physical work?

(exemplary answer: during physical training, the FEM can increase by 1-2 liters, so the athlete does not experience shortness of breath even when doing hard work. Large portions of air entering the lungs during inhalation allow you to supply the body with enough oxygen without increasing the respiratory rate).

Vital capacity of the lungs (VC) measured with instrumentspirometer (flipchart, page 62).

(take a measurement)

Determination of VC in schoolchildren using Xplorer GLX, spirometer sensor, laboratory equipment "Respiratory system" .

(Description given in Biology withXplorerGLX on pp. 151-157). Video.

During heavy physical work, ventilation of the lungs is achieved due to a greater depth of breathing. A person who has a small VC, and even the respiratory muscles are weak, has to breathe often and superficially. This leads to the fact that fresh air remains in the airways and only a small part of it reaches the lungs. As a result, tissues receive an insignificant amount of oxygen, and a person cannot continue to work.

Problem question:

But not every person goes in for sports, are there other ways to increase VC? (for example, breathing exercises).

B). Breathing exercises (flipchart, page 63).

Let's get acquainted with Strelnikova's gymnastics (Appendix No. 2) showing two exercises, students repeat after the teacher.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova

    helps in the treatment of chronic diseases of the sinuses, bronchi and lungs, including pneumonia and asthma;

    when performing exercises, the immune forces of the body are activated;

    gymnastics allows you to develop flexibility, plasticity due to the activity in the process of performing exercises of almost all muscle groups;

    oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its work as a whole.

AT). First aid in case of damage to the respiratory system: foreign bodies in the respiratory tract, drowning, suffocation, covering with earth.

In some diseases, respiratory failure occurs.

Do you know that

stopping breathing for 4-5 minutes or more inevitably leads to death.

Therefore, each person should be able to provide first aid in case of respiratory arrest due to a respiratory disease or as a result of an accident.

Using Appendix No. 2, in the form of a cluster, write down the causes of airway obstruction:

1. Language (in an unconscious state).

2. Foreign body is the most common cause of airway blockage in children.

3. Injury - violation of anatomy, blood, fragments of teeth.

4. Carbon monoxide poisoning.

5. Swelling of the larynx (compression of the vocal cords) with thermal or chemical burns, suffocation.

6. Malignant neoplasms of the larynx (tumors)

Work in groups on assignment (flipchart, page 64) :

Using Appendix 2, review the material, discuss in groups, transcribe from the table about the proposed airway obstruction, and present to the class:

1 group:

Causes and first aid for foreign bodies in the respiratory tract and suffocation.

2 group:

Causes and first aid for drowning or falling into the ground.

3rd group:

Causes and first aid for electrical injuries(flipchart, page 66) .

G). Artificial respiration and chest compressions (flipchart, page 65) :

(Teacher's explanation)

  1. Reason for holding artificial respiration - no breathing or

violated to such an extent that it threatens the life of the victim.

2. Artificial respiration - an urgent first aid measure for drowning, suffocation, electric shock, heat and sunstroke, with some poisoning.

In the case of clinical death, that is, in the absence of spontaneous breathing and heartbeat, artificial respiration is carried out simultaneously with a heart massage. The duration of artificial respiration depends on the severity of respiratory disorders, and it should continue until fully spontaneous breathing is restored. At the first signs of death, for example, cadaveric spots, artificial respiration should be stopped.

Of all the known methods of artificial respiration that do not require special devices, the most effective and affordable method is currently recognized as “mouth-to-mouth” or “mouth-to-nose”.

3. Preparation for artificial respiration:

    the victim must be laid on his back, unbuttoned clothes that impede breathing and blood circulation, put a roller of clothes under the shoulder blades;

    stand to the right of the victim, bring the right hand under his neck, put the left hand on the forehead and tilt the head back so that the neck and chin are in line (usually when the head is tilted back, the mouth opens spontaneously);

    if the jaws of the victim are tightly compressed - push the lower jaw with the thumbs of both hands so that the lower incisors are in front of the upper ones, or open the jaws with a flat object (spoon handle, etc.);

    with a finger wrapped in a handkerchief, gauze or thin cloth, free the victim's mouth from mucus, vomit, dentures;

4. Perform artificial respiration.

to perform artificial respiration

    the mouth or nose of the victim can be covered with a clean handkerchief or gauze;

    the rescuer takes a deep breath (about 1 s);

    covers with his lips the half-open mouth of the victim;

    squeezinghis nose with his fingers, makes an energetic exhalation 9 about 2 s), blowing air into the respiratory tract and lungs of the victim. 12-15 injections should be done per minute; the volume of air blown at a time of 1 - 1.5 l, sufficient to stimulate the respiratory center of the lungs, is carried out until rhythmic and sufficiently deep breathing appears or until the arrival of medical workers who transfer the victim to hardware-manual or hardware-automatic breathing.

5. Indirect cardiac massage.

Indirect cardiac massage produceduring cardiac arrest , characterized by:

    pallor or cyanosis of the skin;

    absence of a pulse in the carotid arteries;

    loss of consciousness;

    cessation or disturbance of breathing (convulsive breaths).

Performing chest compressions:

    the rescuer puts the palm of his right hand on the lower half of the sternum, (stepping back two fingers higher from its lower edge), while the fingers are lifted;

    he puts the palm of his left hand on top of his right across and presses, helping by tilting his body;

    pressure is produced by quick shocks lasting no more than 0.5 s. For 1 minute it is necessary to do 72 pressures.

If two people provide assistance, then one of them does an indirect heart massage, and the other - artificial respiration. The ratio "breathing - massage" should be 1: 5 and done alternately so as not to create additional resistance to the blown air when pressing on the chest. While blowing air alternately: 4-5 pressures on the chest (on exhalation), then one blowing of air into the lungs (inhalation).

If assistance is provided by one person, which is extremely tiring, then the sequence of manipulations changes somewhat - every two quick injections of air into the lungs, 15 chest compressions are performed. In any case, it is necessary that artificial respiration and chest compressions be carried out continuously for the right time.


must be remembered:

    Artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out with difficulty breathing or in the absence of it.

    An indirect heart massage is performed if the pulse is not felt.

state of emergency













Work in pairs



Work in pairs

Group work


V .


BUT). Orally (flipchart, page 67) :

1.​ Why should the victim's head be tilted back?back?(so that the neck and chin form a single line)

2. How is personal hygiene observed when performing artificial respiration?(Injection of air is carried out through gauze or a scarf)

3.​ Why is it necessary to cover the nose when performing mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose artificial respiration?

4.​ Why is it necessary to step back from the edge of the sternum with an indirect heart massage, and by how much?

5.​ How many rescuers should be involved in CPR and chest compressions?

6.​ How many centimeters should the sternum be pushed through?

So can you or not provide first aid for respiratory arrest?

B). Practical part (flipchart, page 68) :

Situations for practicing rescue skills:

Group work:

1 group:

Sasha's table lamp stopped working, he decided to fix it himself, but forgot to unplug the lamp from the socket. The boy unscrewed the light bulb and began to inspect the wires, touched the wire. Sasha lost consciousness. His pulse was barely perceptible.

What happened?

What are your actions?

2 group:

Petya and his friends went to swim in the river. Suddenly Petya disappeared under the water. The guys pulled him ashore, but he was without signs of life.

What happened?

What are your actions?

What conclusions and advice can be drawn from the analysis of this situation?

3rd group:

Masha ate an apple and laughingly told her friend a funny story from school life. Suddenly she began to choke.

What happened?

What are your actions?

What conclusions and advice can be drawn from the analysis of this situation?

state of emergency


Group work

VI .


Our lesson is coming to an end. I think that we have completed the tasks set.

Evaluation of the work of groups.

I think that the main result of our lesson is not the grades that you received, but the skills that you can apply in a difficult life situation.





(flipchart, page 69) :

learn the summary

answer the following question in writing:

Why is it necessary to educate the entire population on how to provide

first pre-medicalhelpinjured?




(flipchart, pages 70-72) :

    Today in class I learned...

    Through my work in class, I...

    The lesson got me thinking about...

    I especially succeeded...

    I realized that...

I want to finish the block of lessons about the respiratory system with the words of D. Dewey:

Man, for real

thinking, draws from

no less mistakes

knowledge than from their successes.


Literature and the Internet - sources (flipchart, page 73) : :

    Alimkulova R. Biology. Almaty: "Atamura", 2008 - 288 p.

    Bogdanova T.L., Solodova E.A. Biology. Directory. M.: "AST - PRESS". 2001 - 815 p.

    Zverev I.D. Reading book on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene. M .: "Enlightenment", 1978. -239 p.

    Lipchenko V.Ya., Samusev R.P. Atlas of normal human anatomy. M .: "Medicine", 1988. -320s.

    Rezanova E.A., Antonova I.P., Rezanov A.A. Human biology in tables and diagrams. M .: "Izdat - School", 1998. - 204s.

    «Electronic manual on biology. Grade 8 "(Volkova T.V.,ISBN 978-601-7438-01-2),

    www. yandex. en-search -images

    www. imfan. kz < http:// www. imfan. kz> - personal site of the teacher of biology Ratushnyak N.A.

    www. kiwi. kz < http:// www. :// Athlete

    Indicators of VC, ml



    football player








    Appendix #2:

    Strelnikova's basic breathing exercises:

    1. "Palms" (warm-up exercise).

    We stand straight, showing palms. In this case, the arms to the elbow are lowered along the body.

    With each breath, we squeeze our palms into fists, as if trying to grab something. Only the hands move.

    We take 4 short noisy breaths through the nose, as if sniffing something. We exhale voluntarily - through the mouth or nose. After a series of breaths, rest for 3-5 seconds, after - another series of 4 breaths. In total, they need to be done 96 (in the methodology this number is called “hundreds”): a total of 24 times for 4 breaths.


    We stand straight, arms along the body, hands clenched into fists. With each breath, we sharply unclench our fists, as if pushing something away from us in the direction of the floor.

    We take 8 short noisy breaths without stopping, after which we pause (rest) and repeat the exercise (a total of 12 repetitions are performed).

    "Pump »

    We stand up straight, slightly apart, arms lowered freely. Slightly lean forward, rounding the back. The neck is relaxed, the head is freely lowered down. When tilting, we take a short breath with our nose, as if inhaling the aroma of a flower. On the exhale we straighten up.

    Just as in the previous exercise, we take 8 short noisy breaths without stopping, then we pause (rest) and repeat the exercise (12 repetitions in total).

    Application #3:

    Respiratory disorders

    First aid

    Foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract:

      hitting an object (for example, a pea, a pebble) in the nose;

      entry of a foreign object into the throat

    Pinch the free nostril and try to blow out the foreign object.

    The ingress of a foreign object into the larynx is accompanied by a strong cough.

    If the cough does not help, you can slap on the back several times.


    when the tongue sinks (more often with fainting)

    Open your mouth and pull your tongue forward or change the position of your head.

    It is useful to give a sniff of ammonia - this excites the respiratory center and helps to restore breathing.


    ground cover

    After extraction from the blockage, it is necessary to restore breathing: clean the mouth and nose from dirt and start artificial respiration, chest compressions.

    4 .


    Examine the nose and mouth.

    Remove sand and foreign objects.

    Place the victim face down on the thigh of the rescuer's leg bent at the knee so that the head touches the ground.

    Press firmly and rhythmically on the victim's back.

    After restoring breathing, warm the victim: rub with alcohol, wrap in warm clothes, give a hot drink.

    Small children are lifted by their feet.


    Electrical injury:

    a) current

    b) lightning

    Disconnect power source.

    Artificial respiration and chest compressions.

    After breathing is restored, give the victim a hot drink.

Lesson type: biology lesson using information technology, lesson - generalization.

Teacher Goal:


  • generalize and systematize students' knowledge on the topic "Breathing";
  • to acquaint with the sequence of first aid in case of damage to the respiratory system;
  • focus on the need for knowledge and skills to provide first aid in case of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, drowning, electrical injuries.


  • develop creative and logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw appropriate conclusions;
  • to form first aid skills in case of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, drowning, electrical injuries;
  • develop the skill of planning work, organizing work with additional material.


  • to form environmental competence and the desire for a healthy lifestyle;
  • help students understand their importance in providing first aid to an injured person.

Student goals:

  1. Review material on the structure of the respiratory system.
  2. To get acquainted with the sequence of first aid in case of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, with drowning, with electrical injuries.
  3. Learn to provide first aid in case of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, drowning, electrical injuries.

Equipment and didactic materials: PC, projector, interactive whiteboard, tables, cards.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment. (2 minutes.)

Teacher: Guys, good morning. My name is Kuznetsova Olga Aleksandrovna, I am a biology teacher.

I came to your lesson with such a mood (showing the image of the sun)! What is your mood? On your table are cards with the image of the sun, the sun behind the cloud and the clouds. Show your mood.

We are in a great mood, but we will have to talk about serious, significant things related to our health.

2. Actualization of knowledge (3 min.) to complete tasks. (Motivation).

Teacher: There are many dangers in our life. Our modern life is inextricably linked with transport, electrical appliances, we all go swimming and it happens that we do not follow the elementary rules when we eat in the dining room.

Wars, catastrophes, major accidents ... take tens, hundreds, thousands of victims ...

What do you think: “Could there have been fewer victims?”

How can you help the victims?

Indeed, timely provided first aid could reduce the number of victims by 1/3.

Therefore, having already studied the structure of the respiratory system, the work of the respiratory organs and their regulation, we can today find out ...

The topic of our lesson: First aid in case of damage to the respiratory system

Can you provide first aid for respiratory arrest?

Lesson objectives:

  • repeat and systematize students' knowledge on the topic covered;
  • equip yourself with knowledge of first aid in case of damage to the respiratory system.

3. Work on cards (5 min.).

BUT)Teacher distributes assignments to students (1 min.)

We will work as follows.

First row (Connoisseurs) will tell us:

1 desk - about the structure of the respiratory system;

Second row (Explorers) study the textbook material p.115-117 and give us the reasons and first aid for:

1 desk - ingress of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract;

2 desks - drowning or filling up with earth;

3rd party - suffocation;

4 desks - electrical injuries.

Reason for violation

Signs of violation

First aid

Ingress of foreign bodies

a) in the nasal cavity

b) in the oral cavity (larynx)

  1. difficult nasal breathing, bleeding, and mucus discharge from the nose
  2. choking and coughing
  1. Pinch the free nostril and try to blow out the foreign object.
  2. A strong cough, if the victim does not help, you can slap on the back several times, after bending him over the knee, so that the head drops as low as possible; children are lifted by their feet.


The face and neck are blue or gray, the vessels of the neck are pronounced.

No pulse

Examine the nose and mouth.

Remove sand and foreign objects.

Place the victim face down on the hip of the rescuer's leg bent at the knee so that the head touches the ground.

Squeeze the stomach and chest with sharp movements and shake.

Small children are lifted by their feet.

Artificial respiration and chest compressions

Tongue drop

Breathing is wheezing or absent

Open mouth.

Pull the tongue forward or change the position of the head by tilting it back.

Give a sniff of ammonia

Laryngeal edema

Breathing with noise, suffocation, skin and mucous membranes turn blue

Apply a compress to the outer surface of the neck.

Immerse your feet in a bowl of hot water.

Deliver to hospital.

ground cover

Examine the nose and mouth.

Remove dirt and foreign objects.

After restoring breathing, warm the victim: rub with alcohol, wrap in warm clothes, give a hot drink.

Electrical injury:

b) lightning

  1. Pale skin, no breathing, no pulse.
  2. Dark blue spots on the skin in the form of a tree, lack of breathing, pulse.
  1. Disconnect power source.

Artificial respiration and chest compressions.

  1. Artificial respiration and chest compressions.

After breathing is restored, give the victim a hot drink.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Loss of consciousness, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and face, respiratory arrest

Remove victim to fresh air.

Give the victim a horizontal position.

Artificial respiration and chest compressions.

After restoring breathing, warm the victim: rub with alcohol, put warming pads to the feet, give a sniff of ammonia.

The third row (Eureka) work with a creative task.

1 desk - draw up an algorithm of actions for the provision of first pre-medical emergency care

a) use of personal protective equipment;

b) elimination of the causes of the impact of threatening factors;

c) urgent assessment of the condition of the victim;

d) calling for help, including an ambulance;

e) giving the victim a safe position;

e) elimination of life-threatening conditions;

g) monitoring the condition of the victim until the arrival of medical workers.

2nd desk - formulate a definition of the first pre-medical emergency care and its tasks

First pre-medical emergency aid (PDNP) - a complex of simple measures aimed at saving lives and preserving human health, carried out before the arrival of medical workers


a) taking the necessary measures to eliminate the threat to the life of the victim;

b) prevention of possible complications;

c) ensuring the most favorable conditions for the transportation of the victim.

B) We finish the tasks.

Please tell me guys When should you exhale on flexion or extension of the muscles?

4. Physical education (1 min.).

1 exercise

Hands on the belt. At the expense of one, two - breath.

On the count - three, four - exhale.

2 exercise

Hands to the shoulders, up - inhale.

Hands to the shoulders, down - exhale.

3 exercise

Hands on the belt. On the count of times (exhale) - turn the torso to the right,

two (inhale) - starting position.

On the count of three (exhale) - turn the torso to the left,

four (inhale) - starting position.

5. Checking tasks (10 min).

6. Watching the video clip "Artificial respiration and chest compressions" (5 min).

1. Why does the victim's head need to be tilted back (so that the neck and chin form a single line)

2. How to observe personal hygiene when performing artificial respiration (air injection is carried out through gauze or a scarf)

3. Why is it necessary to cover the nose when performing mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, and vice versa when mouth-to-nose is performed

4. Why is it necessary to retreat from the edge of the sternum during indirect heart massage, and by how much?

5. How many rescuers should be deployed to perform artificial respiration and chest compressions?

6. How many centimeters should the sternum be pushed through?

7. D/Z. Summarizing. Mood reflection.

D.z. Together with the computer science teacher, put the information that you learned today in the lesson to the booklet

Guys, thank you very much for your work. I was very pleased that you were so active in the lesson and accordingly got good results.

And at the end:

There are signs in front of you:

If everything was clear and interesting to you at the lesson;

If you did not understand everything, but it was interesting;

00- if everything was incomprehensible and not interesting to you.

What is your mood now? Thank you, I'm very happy for you!

Breathing hygiene. First aid for respiratory arrest. Summary of a lesson in biology in grade 8 Lesson objectives: Educational: to update and develop students' knowledge of the respiratory system, to acquaint them with respiratory diseases, to consider the effect of smoking on the respiratory system, to form a negative attitude towards smoking; introduce first aid for respiratory arrest Developing: develop the ability to choose the right statement, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions; continue the formation of the basics of hygiene (respiratory hygiene rules); formation of first aid skills for respiratory tract injuries. Educational: to cultivate a careful attitude to the respiratory organs and health in general. Equipment: computer, slide support (presentation), table “Respiratory Organs”, biology textbook “Biology. Grade 8" Rokhlov V.S., Trofimov S.B. Course of the lesson 1. Organizational moment.    2. greeting; preparing the audience for work; the presence of students in the classroom. Checking students' knowledge. Breath is synonymous with life. What is breath? What organs are part of the respiratory system? Please show on the slide (slide 1) And now the task “Finish the sentences” (slide 2) 3. Learning new material You can’t clog a person in a box, Ventilate your home cleaner and more often. V. V. Mayakovsky: (slide 3) Students' answers. = Today we will find out the causes of respiratory failure (we have already talked about them in part, studying the organs of the respiratory system and measures to prevent them.) Write down the number, the topic of the lesson in notebooks. The respiratory organs have a direct connection with the outside world, they are the first to receive the blows of various harmful environmental factors. Teacher: please name these factors Students: dust, bacteria, environment, smoking, etc. Teacher: A person inhales and exhales in one minute - 5 liters of air, in one hour - 300 liters of air, in one day 7200 liters of air. Assume that there are five dust particles in one liter of air. How many particles will the student inhale per lesson? And for a day? The resulting number is counted and recorded - 1125 particles 36000 particles. (slide 6) We are always surrounded by an invisible cloud of dust. It spoils the home, clothes, food. But, most importantly, dust in the air is harmful to human health. (a student's report about the dangers of dust) Student: M.V. Lomonosov also wrote about the harmfulness of “stone and earthen dust”. And only 100 years later, the effect of dust on the body was studied. The hard labor conditions of miners were described by Emile Zola in the novel "Germinal", where he spoke about workers who, coughing, spit out coal black sputum. Along with dust, there are always bacteria in the air. They settle on dust particles and, like on parachutes, stay in suspension for a long time. Where there is a lot of dust in the air, there are a lot of germs. In a clean residential area in 1 m of air there are 1520 of them, on the street - up to 5 thousand. Teacher: An Italian proverb says: “Where a sunbeam does not peep, a doctor often goes there.” (slide 7,8,9) But, unfortunately, a person himself aggravates the condition of the respiratory system - he does not breathe properly, and in particular by smoking. We already know about the dangers of smoking on the organs of the cardiovascular system, but what happens to the lungs from this bad habit. Student message. (on the dangers of smoking on the respiratory organs) (slides 1011) A smoker exposes his body to severe poisoning through the respiratory organs. When analyzing tobacco smoke, chemists identified 91 organic substances, 9000 and 1200 solid and gaseous compounds. Nicotine causes poisoning of the body. Smokers are much more likely to develop chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, tuberculosis and asthma. A non-smoker saves not only his own health, but also the health of those around him. It was found that 8 hours after the last carbon monoxide escapes from the blood, after 9 months lung function is restored, after 5 years the probability of stroke is equal to that for non-smokers, after 10 years the probability of getting cancer decreases and after 15 years the probability of heart attack decreases. Passive smoking. (slide 12) People who are active smokers harm not only their health, but also the health of the people around them, especially their loved ones. There is such a thing as a passive smoker. This is a person who does not smoke himself, but is surrounded by people who smoke and receives approximately the same amount of nicotine and other harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoke does not pass through the cigarette filter and therefore contains more toxins. 75% of nicotine and 70% of carbon enters the atmosphere when smoking tobacco. I urge - love yourself, your brain, your liver and heart, friends. Make a conclusion yourself immediately - Smoking a person is dangerous and harmful! What can be done to improve the condition of your respiratory tract? Student responses: fight air pollution; to visit the city more often; smoking cessation; lead a healthy lifestyle. Everything that you have named now will be your task for life. Diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, for this it is necessary to strengthen the respiratory system, thereby protecting oneself from harmful environmental factors. Let's do breathing exercises. Demonstration of hygiene exercises for the prevention of breathing “It smells of burning, “Candle”” Stand up straight. Hands at the seams. Legs shoulder width apart. Take short, like an injection, breaths, sniffing loudly. Force the nostrils to connect as you inhale. Train 2-4 breaths in a row. Attention to inhale. The deeper the inhalation, the more inconspicuous the exhalation. Attention to short exhalations through the mouth, inhalation through the nose. Exercise "Pump". Starting position - standing or sitting straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Inhale loudly and slowly bend over, and then just as slowly return to the starting position, as if you were pumping. Do 8 sets of 8 times. : Among the diseases that affect the respiratory system, there are infectious, Teacher allergic, inflammatory. (slide 13) The most common viral infections are influenza and acute respiratory (respiratory) diseases, tonsillitis, and tuberculosis. There are drop and drop dust infections. Droplets are transmitted when coughing, sneezing, talking: particles with pathogens fly out with exhaled air. Droplet dust is transmitted by contact with objects used by the patient. Students' messages: 1. Influenza. (slide 14) Influenza is a viral disease related to airborne infection. Spreads quickly, tk. the virus is stable in the environment, and infection is carried out by droplets of mucus of patients that enter the air when coughing and sneezing. Influenza is dangerous with possible complications. When communicating, sick and healthy people should cover their nose and mouth with gauze bandages; keeping the rooms and air clean is of great importance in the prevention of influenza. The influenza virus infects people of all ages. This is the most common disease of all currently existing. The influenza virus changes its shape under the influence of drugs. Epidemiologists are constantly updating the serum in accordance with changes in the virus, so that a massive flu epidemic does not occur, doctors recommend that you get a flu shot in advance. 2. Tuberculosis is a chronic lung disease, the causative agent of which is Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch's bacillus. (show slide 8). The disease begins gradually and slowly progresses. At first, the patient may not know that he is ill. However, over time, weakness increases, coughing appears, streaks of blood appear in the sputum, body temperature rises to 37.2 - 37.9 ° C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis can also affect other organs, causing tuberculosis of the kidneys, skin, eyes, etc. The main source of the spread of tuberculosis is a sick person who, when coughing, sneezing, laughing, emits small drops of sputum and saliva, which contain tuberculosis mycobacteria, with these droplets they scatter around at a distance of 0.51.5 m and are contained in the air for about 3060 minutes . With air, they penetrate into the lungs of nearby people. The disease, despite long-term treatment and a large amount of honey. drugs, curable. The patient must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene: have his own towel, separate dishes, etc. (slide 1516) Manifestation of the disease: the lung tissue disintegrates and turns into a loose mass. The poison secreted by microbes poisons the entire body. Detection of the disease at an early stage: make a fluorography x-ray of the chest. The first fluorographic office appeared in 1924 in Rio de Janeiro. Teacher: poisoning with vapors of ammonia, chlorine and other chemicals reflexively stops breathing. Breathing stops in drowned people, after electric shock, with serious injuries. Soon the heart stops. However, death does not come immediately: as long as the brain is alive, it is possible to restore the fading functions of the body. The reversible phase of the onset of death is called clinical death. It lasts only 57 minutes, during which you can still bring a person back to life. Resuscitation techniques are called resuscitation. Biological death occurs due to irreversible loss of brain function and cardiac arrest. In case of loss of consciousness and switching off of spontaneous breathing, artificial respiration and chest compressions are used. “First aid for respiratory arrest. Prevention of respiratory diseases ”(slide 17) work according to the textbook p. 209210“ Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration ”When the victim lies on his back, first of all, remove from the mouth everything that got there and may interfere with breathing. Open the airway by tilting your head back and lifting your chin, pinch your nose with your index finger and thumb, inhale deeply and press your lips firmly against the victim's. Inhale strongly into the victim's mouth until you see the cage rise. Retract your lips and let your chest drop, "Mouth to Nose CPR" If you have rescued a person on the water and it is not possible to open the casualty's mouth, mouth to nose CPR can be performed. It is easy to blow air into the nose, but it is difficult to get the air where it needs to go. The soft tissues of the nose can block the passage of air. "Indirect cardiac massage" If there is no pulse, then the heart has stopped. You will have to do chest compressions. The victim lies on his back on a hard surface. Bend over it and feel the lower ribs with your fingers. Place the palm of the other hand on the edge and lower it down to your index finger. This is where you will put pressure on your chest. Place one hand on top of the other. Press down on your chest 45 cm. Then release the pressure without removing your hands. Repeat the pressure about 80 times per minute. / Demonstration of techniques is carried out on a dummy / Practical work. Question number 1. You have witnessed the tragedy - a man is drowning in the river! Luckily, he managed to get him to shore. But what to do next? Remember, procrastination is like death! Question number 2. People tried to bury a person who was struck by an electric shock in the ground (as first aid). An ambulance arrived and saved him from certain death. Explain why without medical assistance a person could die and what kind of first aid a doctor saved him? Question number 3. There was a cardiac arrest with breath holding. You have 5 minutes at your disposal. Take action! "General conclusions of the lesson" Breathing must be correct. A necessary condition for normal gas exchange is clean air. Smoking is harmful to the respiratory system. Infectious diseases include influenza, SARS, diphtheria, tuberculosis. Preventive measures to combat diseases of the respiratory system include:  Dust control,  Wet cleaning,  Airing the premises. Reflection. reflection algorithm. I - how I felt in the process of teaching, whether I was comfortable, whether I was satisfied with myself. We - how comfortable I was working in a small group; I helped my comrades, they helped me - which was more; I had problems with the group. Deed - I have reached the goal of the teaching; I need this material for further study (practice, just interesting); what was difficult, why; How can I overcome my problems.

In this lesson, we will learn about how to provide first aid to victims with respiratory damage. This knowledge will help save the lives of those around you.

Subject:Respiratory system

Lesson: First Aid for Respiratory Injuries

In case of careless behavior, small objects can get into the respiratory tract, which can cause breathing difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to provide first aid in such situations.

If foreign objects get into the nose, it is necessary to close 1 nostril and try to blow out the object with force. If this fails, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the emergency room.

Rice. 1. Actions when an object hits the nose

The ingress of foreign particles into the larynx is accompanied by a strong cough. Due to this, spontaneous removal of these particles from the larynx occurs.

Rice. 2.

If the cough does not help, it is necessary to hit the victim hard on the back, after bending him over the knee so that the head is as low as possible. If this does not help, you need to call an ambulance.

Sometimes collapses and other accidents occur that cause injuries that cut off the air supply to the lungs. If the brain does not receive enough oxygen for 2-3 minutes, it dies.

As a result of an accident, a person may lose consciousness. His heartbeat and breathing stop. And if within 5-7 minutes to restore his normal breathing and pulse, the person will live. This requires artificial respiration and chest compressions.

First, the patient must be placed on his back, on a hard surface. Throw back his head, unbutton his clothes and expose his chest. Cover the nose or mouth with gauze and inhale vigorously 16 times / min.

When rendering first aid to a drowning person, first of all, it is necessary to free his oral cavity from silt and sand, and his lungs from water. To do this, the victim is thrown over the stomach or knee and with sharp movements they press on the stomach or shake it.

Rice. 3. First aid for a drowning person

If the heart does not beat, then artificial respiration is combined with an indirect heart massage. To do this, rhythmically press on the sternum 60 times / min. Air is blown in every 5-6 pressures. The pulse should be checked periodically. Its appearance is the first sign of the resumption of the work of the heart.

Rice. 4.

First aid is completed when the victim comes to his senses and begins to breathe on his own.

1. Kolesov D.V., Mash R.D., Belyaev I.N. Biology 8 M.: Bustard

2. Pasechnik V.V., Kamensky A.A., Shvetsov G.G. / Ed. Pasechnik V.V. Biology 8 M.: Bustard.

3. Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. Biology 8 M.: VENTANA-GRAF

1. Kolesov D.V., Mash R.D., Belyaev I.N. Biology 8 M.: Bustard - p. 153, tasks and question 3,4,5,9,10.

2. What should be done if a foreign object gets into the nose?

3. How is an indirect heart massage performed?

4. Imagine that you pulled a drowning man out of the water. What will be your next steps?