The layout of the apartment for a wheelchair user. Arrangement of living quarters for a person in a wheelchair

Rehabilitation of disabled children
How to equip an apartment for the needs of a disabled child?

The right to live in an apartment specially equipped for the needs of a child with limited mobility and/or self-care ability is defined by Article 15 of Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”. Moreover, article 16 of this law provides for the responsibility of officials for evading the fulfillment of these requirements.

The rules for granting benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children for providing them with living quarters, paying for housing and utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 27, 1996 No. 901, indicate that the equipment and equipping of apartments is based on the recommendations of the IPR and financed by the owners of the premises.

This means that the administration of the locality at the place of residence is obliged to re-equip the apartment at its own expense only in the municipal housing stock. In all other cases, funding is provided either at the expense of the parents of a disabled child (if they are the owners of the apartment), or at the expense of charitable sources or additional programs of state social support for the population.

Installation in the apartment of devices that do not violate the structure of the building (handrails, stops, lifts in the bathroom, etc.) is made on the basis of recommendations in an individual rehabilitation program initiated by the parents of a disabled child. The technical means themselves, their installation are purchased or paid for by the territorial body of social protection according to the scheme adopted to provide a disabled child with technical means of rehabilitation.

In cases where the installation of technical devices requires intervention in the structure of the building (refurbishment of interior entrances, installation of equipment in the bathroom on load-bearing walls, installation of elevators on flights of stairs, installation of an external elevator, etc.), it is necessary to obtain an opinion from the engineering service.

In addition, when changes affect common areas (stairwells, vestibules, elevators in an apartment building), it is advisable to obtain the consent of other residents whose interests may be affected by the upcoming transformations.

Unfortunately, Russian legislation does not provide for separate standard instructions for equipping apartments in which disabled children live.

Nevertheless, according to your application to the head of the Management Company or the HOA in the house, they are required to make ramps at the exit from the entrance, and on each floor - to technically solve the problem with the equipment of removable ramps or moving lifts.

If this is not possible, then you can insist on moving to the first floor of a residential building located in the municipal housing stock.

The application is written in any form, with an ITU certificate of a disabled person, an individual rehabilitation program and a copy of the financial and personal account (or an extract from the house book). If you are refused to solve this problem, referring to the technical impossibility of solving it, then you need to contact the Housing Commission of your area with a request to exchange this apartment for an apartment located on the ground floor of a residential building in your area. And if it is not resolved there, feel free to go to court.

The peculiarities of arranging apartments for people with disabilities moving in wheelchairs is that they need more space to move than healthy people. In accordance with this, when re-equipping an apartment, it is first necessary to identify the routes of movement of a person in a wheelchair, coordinate his movement in all rooms and only then arrange furniture and equipment.

Entrance to the apartment
Entrances to residential buildings should be placed at a level closest to the ground The ideal entrance to a building for wheelchair users is at the same level as the sidewalk As a rule, in order to prevent water from flooding the premises, a step 0.15- 0.2 m
Ramp The width is usually not less than 0.9 m. ramp and horizontal platforms, bumpers with a height of at least 0.05 m are required to prevent the wheelchair from slipping. The ramp coating should not be slippery (Fig. 1)

Handrails are installed on both sides of the ramp. Handrails at the railing of the ramp should, as a rule, be provided with double ones at a height of 0.7 m and 0.9 m In accordance with the recommendations of EG Leontieva. wheelchair user, author of the book “Accessible Environment through the Eyes of a Disabled Person”, double handrails are preferable for the following positions, wheelchair users can use both the upper and lower handrails, in modern models of wheelchairs, the back height is reduced from 0.9 m to 0.8 m The installation of a lower paired handrail prevents such a wheelchair from falling sideways
It is necessary that the length of the ramp handrails on each side be greater than the length of the ramp itself by at least 0.03 m, and these sections must be horizontal. the recommended diameter is 0.04 m) The distance between the handrail and the wall is usually not less than 0.4-0.5 m The surface of the handrails is continuous along the entire length and strictly parallel to the surface of the ramp itself deformation due to children's games (skating, etc.) The ends of the handrails are either rounded or firmly attached to the surface, wall or posts, and when paired, they are also interconnected
When moving in a wheelchair, fingerless gloves are very useful, which protect hands from calluses. It is recommended to sheathe them with leather from the palmar part, and sew a mesh on the back side
The width of the horizontal area in front of the entrance to the apartment should provide the ability to turn the wheelchair for easy entry into the room. The depth of space for maneuvering the wheelchair in front of the door when opening from oneself must be at least 1.2 m, and when opening towards oneself - at least 1.5 m. The depth of the platform in front of the front door and the depth of the vestibule cannot be less than 1.2 m. The front door should, as a rule, open in the opposite direction from the ramp.
The front door of a residential building is the boundary between the public area and private housing. The requirement of accessibility is a priority for all front doors, without exception, since the tenants of any apartment can be visited by friends or relatives with physical disabilities, or they themselves can become disabled.
Entrance doors to buildings must have a width of at least 0.9 m and a height of at least 2.1 m. If there is a double-leaf door, the width of at least one of the door leaves must be at least 0.9 m. For doors located in the corner of the corridor, the distance from the handle to the side wall is at least 0.6 m. In the case of an existing doorway with a width of less than 0.9 m and, accordingly, a smaller (due to door hinges) door width, replacement of door hinges is recommended. Retrofitting the door with such hinges will allow it to open 180 degrees - parallel to the wall - and thus increase the width of the door. (Fig. 3)

Hallway and corridor
The area of ​​the hallway must comply with the ergonomic standards of the working area of ​​a person in a wheelchair, taking into account all possible hand movements and room for turning the wheelchair. Sufficient space to accommodate a disabled person in a wheelchair is a zone of 0.85x1.2 m. Comfortable space is 0.9x1.5 m.
There is a simple shoe remover that is easy to make yourself. (fig.5)

Near the entrance hall of the apartment, a place or pantry should be provided for storing materials and products used for work at home, with an area of ​​​​at least 4 square meters. m. This pantry is also recommended to be used as a place to store an outdoor stroller.
Doorways in the apartment must be at least 0.9 m. The main functional elements (hanger, switch, mirror, etc.) must be located at a height between 0.85 and 1.1 m.
If there is built-in furniture in the hallway, then the doors of the furniture should be held in place with magnetic latches. The height of the shelves in the closet, the height of the mirror in the hallway should be comfortable for a person in a wheelchair. Sockets and switches are at a convenient height.
Both in the hallway and in the entire apartment, it is recommended to remove all carpets, rugs and rugs that are not fixed around the perimeter of the room. If carpets are used, they must be securely reinforced, especially at the edges; the thickness of the coating, taking into account the pile, should not exceed 0.013 m. The most suitable floor in the apartment is wooden, covered with a special varnish with high friction force, or non-slip linoleum.
Corners at corners in the apartment should be as rounded as possible. All transitions in the apartment (if possible) should not have thresholds, steps or other height differences.
If it is necessary to install thresholds, their height should not exceed 0.025 m.
The width of the corridor should be sufficient for the free movement of a wheelchair user. The minimum width of the corridor in which a wheelchair can turn or turn around is 1.2 m. With a local narrowing of the passage, its width can be reduced to 0.85 m. The height of the passage to the bottom of the protruding structures must be at least 2.1 m.
In small apartments, for the convenience of turning the stroller in the corridor, it is recommended to remove extra doors. It is difficult for a person in a wheelchair to close the doors tightly, so the best option is the minimum number of doors.
The kitchen is a favorite place in every home. The kitchen area in the apartments of disabled people using a wheelchair must be at least 9 square meters. m, and its width is at least 2.2 m. Built-in furniture in the kitchen should provide for the possibility of wheelchair access to all tables and have the minimum necessary space for movement. When arranging furniture, one should be guided by the size of the functional areas - the necessary space for the movement of wheelchair users.
Approaches to equipment and furniture should have a width of at least 0.9 m, and if necessary, turn the wheelchair 90 degrees - at least 1.2 m.
The optimal reach of objects for a disabled person in a wheelchair is within:
* with side shelves - not higher than 1.4 m and not lower than 0.3 m from the floor;
* with a frontal approach - not higher than 1.4 m and not lower than 0.4 m
Kitchen tables, sink, stove should be at the same height, selected individually. All kitchen shelves and dish racks should be at such a height that the items in them can be easily reached by the disabled person. Pipes for supplying cold and hot water should be installed out of reach of hands and feet.
A very important issue in the refurbishment of the apartment is the placement of the washing machine. The main requirements are, being close to water and sewer pipes, having an accessible outlet, as well as easy access to the car.
The space under the kitchen sink should also be accessible for the wheelchair. A food waste disposer can be installed in the sink. It should be noted that this is an expensive pleasure. Installing such a grinder on the kitchen sink instead of a siphon and connecting it to the drain system, you can immediately solve the problem of taking out food waste. No debris, no odors, no dirt.
A simple technical tool, necessary not only in the kitchen, but throughout the apartment, is a device in the form of a “grabber”. With the help of such a device, it is easy to get any object.
Bathroom and toilet
Bathroom and toilet require refurbishment. The most convenient for a disabled person moving in a wheelchair is not a bath, but a shower. The size of such a cabin should be at least 1.2x0.9 m. In it, it is easy for a disabled person to transfer from a wheelchair to an ordinary plastic chair, use a flexible shower hose and wash themselves. The chair must be strengthened so that it does not move during transplantation from the stroller.
Handrails must be installed in the shower. It is also desirable that the handrails be near the sink. The mirror in the bathroom should be hung at a comfortable height.
A toilet combined with a bathroom is preferable: in this case, the space for maneuvering the stroller increases. (Fig. 10)

In modern small apartments, the bathroom is usually combined with a toilet. It is difficult for a disabled person to get into the bath and one cannot do without outside help. It is proposed to put a transverse board on the bathtub. It is advisable to upholster this board with corrugated rubber (so that it is not slippery to sit on it]. Using a board of various shapes, the disabled person moves from the wheelchair directly to the seat and washes in the bath on his own. If there are financial opportunities and sufficient space in the bathroom, you can install a lift. (Fig. . eleven)

Handrails must be made near the toilet and toilet rack. The door from the toilet opens outward, and the wide handle is at a height selected individually.
It is easy to slip on wet floors in the bathroom and toilet, so the flooring should be made of rough materials.
If necessary, handrails can be installed along the walls around the perimeter of the entire toilet at a height of 0.8-0.85 m above the floor. If a disabled person has a contracture in the hip or knee joint, it is recommended to put a nozzle on the toilet bowl.
Living room
The living room should not have extra furniture, let it be free to move in a wheelchair. It is advisable not to put small-sized furniture in the room, such as bedside tables. Small objects interfere with the passage of the stroller. Sockets, switches must be placed at a height convenient for the disabled. Windows should be wheelchair accessible and easy to open. Drawers in cupboards, books on the shelves, and dishes in the buffet should be accessible.
A technical tool - a "grabber" is always at hand, and even if glasses or some other object fall, with its help the disabled person will independently pick it up. The large handle on the room door makes it easy to open.
A simple device will help to put on socks or knee-highs on your own.
It is advisable to install a TV, music center and other equipment in built-in furniture. Optimal control of the equipment is remote. The most convenient telephone set for the home is a radiotelephone or cell phone, which is always nearby. Disabled people usually have a reduced adaptation of the body to the environment, and if funds are available, it can be recommended to install an air conditioner in the room, which allows you to regulate the humidity and temperature of the air in the room.
If a disabled person has the strength and desire, he can work without leaving his apartment. In this case, it is necessary to consider the organization of the working area in the room. First, it is the lighting of the workplace. It must necessarily be directed to the working area, should not create shadows in the working area and be bright enough.
To work on a sewing machine, you need a large table, at which it is convenient to sit on a wheelchair. The functional elements in the room should be located at a height between 0.85m and 1.10m above the floor.
Another way to work from home is to work on the computer. In this case. there is no extra furniture in the room, it is free to move in a wheelchair. The bedside tables, which are located under the table, are equipped with wheels, and the disabled person independently and easily moves them. The height of the working shelves of the cabinets is selected individually, and all items on them are accessible.
The bedroom is a rest room. A disabled person is recommended a special, special bed. The high bed is very comfortable. The height of such a bed allows you to put your feet under it, which are on the footboard of the stroller. In such a bed it is convenient not only to lie, but also to half-sit. To do this, you must either purchase a special headrest, or provide a device in the bed itself that regulates the rise. On the back of the bed, you can install either a special prefix with a table, or a handrail, with which it will be convenient to rise.

It is recommended to strengthen the handrail on the wall by the bed. The handrails are also on the side wall of the bed. These handrails will not allow you to fall out of bed, and will also help you move from it to the stroller. If the height of the bed is lower than the level of the seat of the stroller, then boards should be placed under the mattress to increase the height of the bed. A ship can be placed under the bed.
It is recommended to put a table near the bed. One of its surfaces can change position, it is easy to move it towards you, on the other plane you can put a phone or something else. The table has wheels and is easy to move. We remind you - no bedside rugs!
When choosing finishing materials and decorative fabrics for a room, flammable products should be avoided.
All devices, fixtures, accessories of the apartment are designed for maximum convenience and safety for the disabled. However, it is impossible to foresee all cases, therefore, when equipping an apartment, especially if a disabled person lives alone, it is recommended to install an alarm with an intercom for emergency assistance. When installing such an alarm, all rooms of the apartment are equipped with devices that perceive sound. Turning on the “panic button” goes to the dispatcher’s central post, which turns on the intercom and helps the disabled person: calls a doctor or provides other necessary assistance.
Balconies and loggias
Very often, the exit from the apartment for a disabled person is difficult, so the presence of a loggia or balcony in the apartment is very desirable. When arranging an accessible balcony (loggia), the following requirements must be met:
. use a dense corrugated floor covering;
. the maximum height of the thresholds and the height difference between the floor of the balcony and the interior of the house should be within 0.002 m, especially if ramps are not installed;
. install slopes descending from the doors;
. fences must be made taking into account the angle of view of a seated person (height ~ 0.6 m]. At the same time, parapets should not encourage children to climb on them

Materials provided by the St. Petersburg Public

organization of disabled people "Opportunity"

According to the legislation, a disabled person has the right to a well-maintained dwelling, equipped with special means and devices in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program. Families of disabled citizens also receive the right to expand housing conditions.

How to get an apartment for a disabled person? Describe the conditions and procedure for obtaining housing benefits.

Who is considered disabled

Eligibility for Housing Benefits

Conditions for the provision of housing for persons with disabilities

  1. Family living in a dwelling, the area of ​​​​which, when converted to each relative, does not meet the required standards.
  2. The technical and sanitary characteristics of the premises where the disabled person and his family live do not meet the established standards.
  3. The apartment of a wheelchair user is located above the 2nd floor.
  4. The family of a disabled person lives in the same living space in adjacent non-isolated rooms with other families that are not related to them by family ties.
  5. On the same living space with another family, if a patient with a serious chronic disease lives in the family, with whom one cannot be in the same room.
  6. A person with disabilities lives in a hostel or in a communal apartment (there are exceptions to this subparagraph).
  7. Living for a long time on the terms of hiring, sub-leasing or renting housing.
Disability does not limit a person's ability to receive housing on other grounds provided for by other social support programs.

How to register for housing

How to get an apartment for a disabled person? First of all, you need to register in the queue as needing to expand your living space. To do this, you will have to collect a package of documents and attach an appropriate application to it.

The list of documents for registration in the queue is as follows:

  1. Certificate of recognition of a person with a disability.
  2. A document that includes a set of rehabilitation measures (individual rehabilitation program).
  3. Documents evidencing compliance with the requirements of social services for obtaining housing (certificate of family composition, extract from the House Book).
  4. Other papers on request (medical certificates, extracts from the BTI, etc.)

The procedure for granting benefits

Affordable housing for disabled people of the 2nd group

Disabled people of the 2nd group are recognized as limited able-bodied.

However, citizens of this category also need special living conditions and care, therefore they have the right to enjoy housing benefits from the state.

Disabled people of the 2nd group registered as in need of housing apply for housing provided under a social contract of employment.

Housing for disabled people of the 2nd group must meet certain requirements in order to ensure the comfort of the disabled person living in it.

How should the living quarters be equipped?

  1. The apartment should contain devices that facilitate the life and movement of a person with disabilities.
  2. The area of ​​the premises must meet the standards established for citizens of this category.
  3. When designing an apartment building for the disabled, the features of future residents are taken into account, in connection with which the house is equipped with ramps and special elevators.

If a person living in a room on the basis of a social lease agreement is sent to a special rehabilitation center or a home for the disabled, his housing is not transferred to anyone for six months. If relatives of a citizen remain in the apartment, then no one is guaranteed to occupy it for any period of time.

Single housing is provided only on condition that a citizen is able to serve himself without the help of third parties.

Other housing benefits

In addition to measures to provide living space, disabled people of any group apply for various housing benefits that alleviate their financial situation:

  • 50% discount on utility and housing services (rent, payment for electricity, heating, water supply).
  • Discount on the purchase of coal, gas and other means of heating for residents of houses where there is no centralized heating.

Legal and regulatory framework for the adaptation of urban infrastructure facilities for the disabled

    In Moscow, 1.2 million disabled people live and use the services of a trading network:

    1.2 thousand people with disabilities using wheelchairs

    17,000 disabled people using various types of supports for movement, more than 6,000 blind and visually impaired people

    3 thousand deaf

Federal laws containing standards for the accessibility of urban infrastructure:

    Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

    Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation"

Moscow laws and regulations

    Law "On ensuring unimpeded access of disabled people to the objects of social, transport and engineering infrastructure of the city of Moscow"

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the City of Moscow

    Decrees of the Government of Moscow

Building standards for the accessibility of the environment for the disabled are valid 1991.

Responsible for implementing the requirements for adapting the environment for people with disabilities:

    Executive agencies

    Local governments

    Enterprises and organizations

    Financial costs in terms of ensuring accessibility are borne by the owners and balance holders of objects

Handicapped accessible shop

    A store with essential goods accessible to a disabled person must be located within a radius of no more than from his place of residence.

    If this store is not accessible to wheelchair users, it is recommended to place information about the nearest accessible store at the entrance.

A store is considered fully accessible for this category of disabled people if its entrance, movement routes in the store and service places are available, and there are information and communication tools available for this category of disabled people.

    Wheelchair users

    Disabled people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system

    Visually impaired (blind and visually impaired)

    Hearing impaired (deaf and hard of hearing)


    A conclusion about the accessibility of the store building can be made using the passportization technique using a survey questionnaire and an accessibility passport

Survey Questionnaire

Entry group

  • The building must have at least one entrance accessible to the disabled.

    If there is a separate entrance for the disabled, it must be marked with an accessibility sign.

Complex adaptation of the ENTRANCE to the building for all categories of disabled people

    SIDEWAY LEVEL or LADDER entry with support rails, tactile stripes in front of the stairs and contrasting coloring of the outer steps

    RAMP or lift for the disabled (if necessary)

    ENTRANCE AREA with a size of at least 2.2x2.2m

    DOOR OPENING without threshold and at least 90 cm wide

    Sound beacon, tactile information

    To make it easier for the visually impaired to find the store, it is recommended to install sound beacons at the entrance. You can use the broadcast of music, any radio program. The sounding range of the beacon is 5-10m.

    On the door leafs (on transparent ones, it is necessary) bright contrasting markings located at the level should be provided.

    1.2m - 1.5m from the floor:

    rectangle 10 x 20 cm.

    or a circle with a diameter of 15 cm yellow

    The width of the doorway must be at least 90cm

    The maximum force when opening the door manually should be no more than 2.5 kgf

    A door that is difficult to open can be an obstacle for the disabled

    The delay for automatic closing of doors must be at least 5 seconds

The height of the threshold (or one step) should not exceed 2.5 cm.

The depth of vestibules should be at least 1.8 m with a width of at least 2.2 m.

After the disabled person entered the vestibule, he must close the front door, and then open the next door to the lobby of the building.

The depth of space for maneuvering the wheelchair in front of the door when opening “away from you” must be at least 1.2 m, and when opening “towards you” - at least 1.5 m with a width of at least 1.5 m


The steps of the stairs must be solid, even, with a rough surface.

The step depth is not less than 30 cm and the height is not more than 15 cm.

For the blind, the uniform geometry of the steps is very important:

Steps higher than 15 cm are an obstacle for disabled people with damage to the lower extremities

This step, almost 30 cm high, makes the store inaccessible to disabled supporters

These inscriptions will not be read by the blind!

Contrasting coloring of the outer steps

    To warn the visually impaired about the beginning of the flight of stairs, the lower step and part of the porch are highlighted in a contrasting color to the depth of one step. It is recommended to paint the steps in yellow or white.

    To contrast the extreme steps, you can use rubber anti-slip mats or strips (at least three on one step)

Open steps on the paths of the disabled are unacceptable

People who wear prostheses or who have hip or knee problems are at risk of tripping on open steps

Embossed (tactile) strip

A relief tactile strip 60 cm wide should be located in front of the flight of stairs.

The change in texture should be felt by the feet and warn the blind person of an obstacle. It can be made of embossed paving slabs, various rugs that must be securely fixed, you can use the Stonegrip, Masterfiber coating.

Tactile indicators

The relief of a tactile tile that warns the blind of an obstacle: (stairs, road, door, elevator, etc.)

    The lack of handrails at the stairs makes it inaccessible to disabled supporters

    Handrails should be along both sides of the stairs at a height of 09 m.

    Handrail diameter 3-4.5 cm.

Horizontal end of handrails

Handrails should protrude at least 30cm beyond the last step, making it possible to stand firmly on a flat surface.

The horizontal completion of the handrail warns the blind of the beginning and end of the flight of stairs.

You can catch on such a handrail with a sleeve or edge of clothing and fall

The handrail ended before the stairs

For disabled people with mobility difficulties, this can lead to a fall.

If there are stairs for wheelchair users at the entrance to the store, a ramp is required.

Ramps are unacceptable for disabled people using crutches, walkers, orthopedic shoes. It is easier for them to overcome the steps.

Ramp for wheelchair users

    Slope no more than 5°

    Width not less than 1 m.

    Handrails at a height of 0.7 and 0.9 cm on both sides

    Side not less than 5 cm from the open (not adjacent to the wall) side

    Landing platforms at the top and bottom with dimensions of at least 1.5 x 1.5 m.

    For every 0.8 m. of rise, an intermediate horizontal platform

    Lighting at night

Ramp slope for the disabled

The slope of the ramp is allowed no more than 5 °, which corresponds to 8% or the ratio of the height H to the horizontal projection of the length L 1/12

Even when climbing such a ramp, a disabled person in a wheelchair must make significant physical effort.

On steeper slopes, the wheelchair may tip over.

These ramps are dangerous.

The slope of the ramp for wheelchair users is allowed no more than 5 °, which corresponds to 8% or the ratio of the height H to the horizontal projection of the length L 1/12

A lot of ramps have been built in the city with a slope equal to the slope of the stairs - 30 °. When trying to climb such a ramp, a wheelchair user may tip over.

Moreover, the distance between the guides, as a rule, does not correspond to the distance between the wheels of the stroller.

These ramps are also dangerous for the blind.

The ramp takes up a lot of space.

To determine the standard length of the ramp, its height must be multiplied by 12 and added for each rise

For example, with a height difference of more than 1.6 m, the ramp will have a longer length.

In this case, it is better to use a lift

intermediate platforms

Intermediate platforms are necessary if the ramp has a lifting height of more than 0.8 m. On a horizontal platform in the middle of the ramp, a disabled person can stop and rest.

The dimensions of the intermediate platform depend on the design of the ramp. If the direction of movement has not changed, then the platform in width can be equal to the width of the ramp, and in the direction of movement it must be at least 1.5 m deep.

If the ramp is made with a turn of 90 or 180 °, then the dimensions of the site should be 1.5 m, both in width and in length.

On such a platform with a depth of 70 cm, the wheelchair will not be able to accommodate, let alone turn around. It is impossible to use such a ramp.

Handrails at the ramps

    Fencing with handrails is carried out at ramps above 45 cm (more than three steps to the stairs).

    The optimal distance between the handrails of the ramp is 1 m, so that the wheelchair user can climb with the help of the handrails, intercepting them with both hands

    Handrails should be located at a height of 0.7 m for wheelchair users and at a height of 0.9 m for those who move independently.

    The handrail for a wheelchair user must be continuous for grabbing with a hand so as not to intercept it at the intersection with the posts of the fence

    The end of the handrail must be non-traumatic with a rounding to the wall or fence post

    The handrails are highlighted in a color that contrasts with the background (for orientation of the visually impaired)

Handrails on both sides at a height of 0.7 and 0.9 m. No horizontal termination

There is no handrail for the disabled on the wheelchair. There is no handrail on the other side. The slope is steep.

Ramp to ground floor

    No handrail on the other side

    There is no handrail at a height of 0.9 m.

    No intermediate rest areas

Ramp surface

    The surface of the ramp should be non-slip, but not too rough, without noticeable irregularities, creating optimal grip for the sole of a shoe or a coated wheelchair wheel.

    The main material is asphalt, concrete, small ceramic tiles (not polished), roughly processed natural stone, wood.

    The side on the ramp will be made at least 5 cm high to prevent slipping of the wheel of the wheelchair, crutch or leg. The presence of a side is especially important when there is no ramp fencing.

Modular ramps

Mobile (portable) ramps

    Easy to unfold and fold

    Available in lengths from 0.5 to 3 m.

    Used on stairs with 2-4 steps

    Price 10-30 thousand rubles.

Mobile lifts

    The lift can only be operated by people who have been trained

    The wheelchair is secured with gripping devices

    The cost is 150-220 thousand rubles.

Lifting platforms for the disabled

Vertical lifting platform

The cost of platforms is from 180 to 350 thousand rubles. (without mounting)

Service delivery zones at a trade enterprise

Options for organizing service areas for the disabled at trade facilities are considered in SP 35-103-2001

Service over the counter

    The height of the counter is more than 1 m.

    Counter height 0.7-0.9m

    Enough space for a wheelchair with a diameter of 1.5x1.5 m

    The length of the counter per visitor must be at least 0.9 m, the width (depth) of the counter 0.6 m, the height of the counter from 0.7 to 0.9 m.

Lowering part of the counter

Wheelchair service through the window

Fitting cabins

One of the fitting room booths should be large in size for a disabled person in a wheelchair and an accompanying person. You can use a movable partition, for example, on hinges.

Cabin dimensions:

    width - 1.6 m.

    depth - 1.8 m.

The width of the aisles in the trading floors

    For the blind 0.7m

    For disabled supporters - 0.85m

    For wheelchair users - 1.4m

Accessibility of the self-service lounge for a wheelchair user

The width of the passages between the equipment in the trading floors should be 1.4 m. (minimum 0.9 m), the height of the placement of goods up to 1.5 m., the depth of the shelves is not more than 0.5 m.

Passage at the cash register for the disabled

At least one aisle at cash registers with a width of at least 0.9 m

The same should be the width of the passage through the frame detector

A cash register with an extended aisle should be marked with an accessibility sign

Staff assistance

In self-service stores, the visually impaired require the assistance of staff when choosing goods.

A wheelchair user may also need assistance if the necessary product is located out of his reach.

It is advisable to place an information desk with an administrator on duty near the entrance adapted for the disabled

It is recommended to place an accessibility sign at the entrance to the store or place an announcement in the "Consumer Corner" that the visually impaired, wheelchair users are assisted in choosing goods and whom to contact

Information for the blind
Tactile signs

Visual information about trade departments, elevator lobbies, toilets, etc. should be made in a contrasting font, with a capital letter height of at least 7.5 cm

Information must be duplicated in Braille

Label size

The height of the capital letters of the inscriptions on the signs placed under the ceiling of the room at a height of more than 2 m, measured from the floor to the lower edge of the sign, must be at least 0.075 m.