Orthogonal projection area. Development of "Detailed proof of the theorem on the orthogonal projection of a polygon" (grade 10)

Lesson plans for 10th grade

Lesson 56

Subject. Area of ​​orthogonal projection of a polygon

The purpose of the lesson: to study the theorem on the area of ​​the orthogonal projection of a polygon, to develop students’ skills in applying the learned theorem to solving problems.

Equipment: stereometric set, cube model.

During the classes

I. Checking homework

1. Two students reproduce solutions to problems No. 42, 45 on the board.

2. Frontal questioning.

1) Define the angle between two planes that intersect.

2) What is the angle between:

a) parallel planes;

b) perpendicular planes?

3) Within what limits can the angle between two planes change?

4) Is it true that a plane that intersects parallel planes intersects them at the same angles?

5) Is it true that a plane that intersects perpendicular planes intersects them at equal angles?

3. Checking the correctness of the solution to problems No. 42, 45, which the students recreated on the board.

II. Perception and awareness of new material

Assignment for students

1. Prove that the projection area of ​​a triangle, one side of which is in the projection plane, is equal to the product of its area and the cosine of the angle between the plane of the polygon and the projection plane.

2. Prove the theorem for the case when a lattice triangle is one in which one side is parallel to the projection plane.

3. Prove the theorem for the case when a lattice triangle is one in which none of the sides is parallel to the projection plane.

4. Prove the theorem for any polygon.

Problem solving

1. Find the area of ​​the orthogonal projection of a polygon whose area is 50 cm2, and the angle between the plane of the polygon and its projection is 60°.

2. Find the area of ​​the polygon if the area of ​​the orthogonal projection of this polygon is 50 cm2, and the angle between the plane of the polygon and its projection is 45°.

3. The area of ​​the polygon is 64 cm2, and the area of ​​the orthogonal projection is 32 cm2. Find the angle between the planes of the polygon and its projection.

4. Or maybe the area of ​​the orthogonal projection of a polygon is equal to the area of ​​this polygon?

5. The edge of the cube is equal to a. Find the cross-sectional area of ​​the cube by a plane passing through the top of the base at an angle of 30° to this base and intersecting all the side edges. (Answer. )

6. Problem No. 48 (1, 3) from the textbook (p. 58).

7. Problem No. 49 (2) from the textbook (p. 58).

8. The sides of the rectangle are 20 and 25 cm. Its projection onto the plane is similar to it. Find the perimeter of the projection. (Answer: 72 cm or 90 cm.)

III. Homework

§4, paragraph 34; test question No. 17; problems No. 48 (2), 49 (1) (p. 58).

IV. Summing up the lesson

Question for the class

1) State a theorem on the area of ​​the orthogonal projection of a polygon.

2) Can the area of ​​the orthogonal projection of a polygon be greater than the area of ​​the polygon?

3) Through the hypotenuse AB of the right triangle ABC, a plane α is drawn at an angle of 45° to the plane of the triangle and a perpendicular CO to the plane α. AC = 3 cm, BC = 4 cm. Indicate which of the following statements are correct and which are incorrect:

a) the angle between planes ABC and α is equal to the angle SMO, where point H is the base of the height CM of triangle ABC;

b) CO = 2.4 cm;

c) triangle AOC is an orthogonal projection of triangle ABC onto the plane α;

d) the area of ​​triangle AOB is 3 cm2.

(Answer: a) Correct; b) wrong; c) incorrect; d) correct.)

Consider a plane p and the straight line intersecting it . Let A - an arbitrary point in space. Let's draw a straight line through this point , parallel to the line . Let . Dot called the projection of a point A to the plane p with parallel design along a given straight line . Plane p , onto which the points of space are projected is called the projection plane.

p - projection plane;

- direct design; ;

; ; ;

Orthogonal design is a special case of parallel design. Orthogonal design is a parallel design in which the design line is perpendicular to the projection plane. Orthogonal design is widely used in technical drawing, where a figure is projected onto three planes - horizontal and two vertical.

Definition: Orthogonal projection of a point M to the plane p called the base M 1 perpendicular MM 1, dropped from the point M to the plane p.

Designation: , , .

Definition: Orthogonal projection of a figure F to the plane p is the set of all points of the plane that are orthogonal projections of the set of points of the figure F to the plane p.

Orthogonal design, as a special case of parallel design, has the same properties:

p - projection plane;

- direct design; ;

1) ;

2) , .

  1. Projections of parallel lines are parallel.


Theorem: The area of ​​the projection of a plane polygon onto a certain plane is equal to the area of ​​the projected polygon multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the plane of the polygon and the projection plane.

Stage 1: The projected figure is a triangle ABC, the side of which AC lies in the projection plane a (parallel to the projection plane a).




1. ; ;

2. ; ; ; ;

3. ; ;

4. By the theorem of three perpendiculars;

ВD – height; B 1 D – height;

5. – linear angle of the dihedral angle;

6. ; ; ; ;

Stage 2: The projected figure is a triangle ABC, none of the sides of which lies in the projection plane a and is not parallel to it.




1. ; ;

2. ; ;

4. ; ; ;

(Stage 1);

5. ; ; ;

(Stage 1);

Stage: The designed figure is an arbitrary polygon.


The polygon is divided by diagonals drawn from one vertex into a finite number of triangles, for each of which the theorem is true. Therefore, the theorem will also be true for the sum of the areas of all triangles whose planes form the same angle with the projection plane.

Comment: The theorem proved is valid for any plane figure bounded by a closed curve.


1. Find the area of ​​a triangle whose plane is inclined to the projection plane at an angle , if its projection is a regular triangle with side a.

2. Find the area of ​​a triangle whose plane is inclined to the projection plane at an angle , if its projection is an isosceles triangle with a side of 10 cm and a base of 12 cm.

3. Find the area of ​​a triangle whose plane is inclined to the projection plane at an angle , if its projection is a triangle with sides 9, 10 and 17 cm.

4. Calculate the area of ​​a trapezoid, the plane of which is inclined to the projection plane at an angle , if its projection is an isosceles trapezoid, the larger base of which is 44 cm, the side is 17 cm and the diagonal is 39 cm.

5. Calculate the projection area of ​​a regular hexagon with a side of 8 cm, the plane of which is inclined to the projection plane at an angle.

6. A rhombus with a side of 12 cm and an acute angle forms an angle with a given plane. Calculate the area of ​​the projection of the rhombus onto this plane.

7. A rhombus with a side of 20 cm and a diagonal of 32 cm forms an angle with a given plane. Calculate the area of ​​the projection of the rhombus onto this plane.

8. The projection of a canopy onto a horizontal plane is a rectangle with sides and . Find the area of ​​the canopy if the side faces are equal rectangles inclined to the horizontal plane at an angle , and the middle part of the canopy is a square parallel to the projection plane.

11. Exercises on the topic “Lines and planes in space”:

The sides of the triangle are equal to 20 cm, 65 cm, 75 cm. From the vertex of the larger angle of the triangle, a perpendicular equal to 60 cm is drawn to its plane. Find the distance from the ends of the perpendicular to the larger side of the triangle.

2. From a point located at a distance of cm from the plane, two inclined ones are drawn, forming angles with the plane equal to , and a right angle between them. Find the distance between the points of intersection of the inclined planes.

3. The side of a regular triangle is 12 cm. Point M is chosen so that the segments connecting point M with all the vertices of the triangle form angles with its plane. Find the distance from point M to the vertices and sides of the triangle.

4. A plane is drawn through the side of the square at an angle to the diagonal of the square. Find the angles at which two sides of the square are inclined to the plane.

5. The leg of an isosceles right triangle is inclined to the plane a passing through the hypotenuse at an angle . Prove that the angle between plane a and the plane of the triangle is equal to .

6. The dihedral angle between the planes of triangles ABC and DBC is equal to . Find AD if AB = AC = 5 cm, BC = 6 cm, BD = DC = cm.

Test questions on the topic “Lines and planes in space”

1. List the basic concepts of stereometry. Formulate the axioms of stereometry.

2. Prove consequences from the axioms.

3. What is the relative position of two lines in space? Give definitions of intersecting, parallel, and skew lines.

4. Prove the sign of skew lines.

5. What is the relative position of the line and the plane? Give definitions of intersecting, parallel lines and planes.

6. Prove the sign of parallelism between a line and a plane.

7. What is the relative position of the two planes?

8. Define parallel planes. Prove a sign that two planes are parallel. State theorems about parallel planes.

9. Define the angle between straight lines.

10. Prove the sign of perpendicularity of a line and a plane.

11. Define the base of a perpendicular, the base of an inclined, the projection of an inclined onto a plane. Formulate the properties of a perpendicular and inclined lines dropped onto a plane from one point.

12. Define the angle between a straight line and a plane.

13. Prove the theorem about three perpendiculars.

14. Give definitions of dihedral angle, linear angle of dihedral angle.

15. Prove the sign of perpendicularity of two planes.

16. Define the distance between two different points.

17. Define the distance from a point to a line.

18. Define the distance from a point to a plane.

19. Define the distance between a straight line and a plane parallel to it.

20. Define the distance between parallel planes.

21. Define the distance between intersecting lines.

22. Define the orthogonal projection of a point onto a plane.

23. Define the orthogonal projection of a figure onto a plane.

24. Formulate the properties of projections onto a plane.

25. Formulate and prove a theorem on the projection area of ​​a plane polygon.

Detailed proof of the polygon orthogonal projection theorem

If is the projection of a flat n -gon to a plane, then where is the angle between the planes of the polygons and. In other words, the projection area of ​​a plane polygon is equal to the product of the area of ​​the projected polygon and the cosine of the angle between the projection plane and the plane of the projected polygon.

Proof. I stage. Let's carry out the proof first for a triangle. Let's consider 5 cases.

1 case. lie in the projection plane .

Let be the projections of points onto the plane, respectively. In our case. Let's assume that. Let be the height, then by the theorem of three perpendiculars we can conclude that - the height (- the projection of the inclined, - its base and the straight line passing through the base of the inclined, and).

Let's consider. It's rectangular. By definition of cosine:

On the other hand, since and, then by definition is the linear angle of the dihedral angle formed by the half-planes of the planes and with the boundary straight line, and, therefore, its measure is also the measure of the angle between the planes of the projection of the triangle and the triangle itself, that is.

Let's find the ratio of area to:

Note that the formula remains true even when. In this case

Case 2. Only lies in the projection plane and is parallel to the projection plane .

Let be the projections of points onto the plane, respectively. In our case.

Let's draw a straight line through the point. In our case, the straight line intersects the projection plane, which means, by the lemma, the straight line also intersects the projection plane. Let this be at the point Since, then the points lie in the same plane, and since it is parallel to the projection plane, then by consequence of the sign of parallelism of the line and the plane it follows that. Therefore, it is a parallelogram. Let's consider and. They are equal on three sides (the common side is like the opposite sides of a parallelogram). Note that a quadrilateral is a rectangle and is equal (along the leg and hypotenuse), therefore, equal on three sides. That's why.

For applicable case 1: , i.e..

Case 3. Only lies in the projection plane and is not parallel to the projection plane .

Let the point be the point of intersection of the line with the projection plane. Note that and. In 1 case: i. Thus we get that

Case 4 The vertices do not lie in the projection plane . Let's look at perpendiculars. Let us take the smallest one among these perpendiculars. Let it be perpendicular. It may turn out that it is either only or only. Then we'll take it anyway.

Let us set aside a point from a point on a segment, so that, and from a point on a segment, a point, so that. This construction is possible because it is the smallest of the perpendiculars. Note that is a projection of and, by construction. Let us prove that and are equal.

Consider a quadrilateral. According to the condition - perpendiculars to one plane, therefore, according to the theorem, therefore. Since by construction, then based on the characteristics of a parallelogram (by parallel and equal opposite sides) we can conclude that it is a parallelogram. Means, . Similarly, it is proved that, . Therefore, and are equal on three sides. That's why. Note that and, as opposite sides of parallelograms, therefore, based on the parallelism of the planes, . Since these planes are parallel, they form the same angle with the projection plane.

The previous cases apply:.

Case 5. The projection plane intersects the sides . Let's look at straight lines. They are perpendicular to the projection plane, so by theorem they are parallel. On codirectional rays with origins at points, we will respectively plot equal segments, so that the vertices lie outside the projection plane. Note that is a projection of and, by construction. Let us show that it is equal.

Since and, by construction, then. Therefore, according to the characteristic of a parallelogram (on two equal and parallel sides), it is a parallelogram. It is proved in a similar way that and are parallelograms. But then, and (as opposite sides), are therefore equal on three sides. Means, .

In addition, and therefore, based on the parallelism of the planes. Since these planes are parallel, they form the same angle with the projection plane.

For applicable case 4:.

II stage. Let's divide a flat polygon into triangles using diagonals drawn from the vertex: Then, according to the previous cases for triangles: .


In geometry problems, success depends not only on knowledge of the theory, but on a high-quality drawing.
With flat drawings everything is more or less clear. But in stereometry the situation is more complicated. After all, it is necessary to depict three-dimensional body on flat drawing, and so that both you yourself and the person looking at your drawing would see the same volumetric body.

How to do it?
Of course, any image of a volumetric body on a plane will be conditional. However, there is a certain set of rules. There is a generally accepted way of constructing drawings - parallel projection.

Let's take a volumetric body.
Let's choose projection plane.
Through each point of the volumetric body we draw straight lines parallel to each other and intersecting the projection plane at any angle. Each of these lines intersects the projection plane at some point. And all together these points form projection of a volumetric body onto a plane, that is, its flat image.

How to construct projections of volumetric bodies?
Imagine that you have a frame of a volumetric body - a prism, pyramid or cylinder. By illuminating it with a parallel beam of light, we get an image - a shadow on the wall or on the screen. Note that from different angles different images are obtained, but some patterns are still present:

The projection of a segment will be a segment.

Of course, if the segment is perpendicular to the projection plane, it will be displayed at one point.

In the general case, the projection of a circle will be an ellipse.

The projection of a rectangle is a parallelogram.

This is what the projection of a cube onto a plane looks like:

Here the front and back faces are parallel to the projection plane

You can do it differently:

Whatever angle we choose, the projections of parallel segments in the drawing will also be parallel segments. This is one of the principles of parallel projection.

We draw projections of the pyramid,


Let us repeat once again the basic principle of parallel projection. We select a projection plane and draw parallel lines through each point of the volumetric body. These lines intersect the projection plane at any angle. If this angle is 90°, we are talking about rectangular projection. Using rectangular projection, drawings of volumetric parts in technology are constructed. In this case we are talking about top view, front view and side view.

Chapter IV. Straight lines and planes in space. Polyhedra

§ 55. Projection area of ​​a polygon.

Let us recall that the angle between a line and a plane is the angle between a given line and its projection onto the plane (Fig. 164).

Theorem. The area of ​​the orthogonal projection of a polygon onto a plane is equal to the area of ​​the projected polygon multiplied by the cosine of the angle formed by the plane of the polygon and the projection plane.

Each polygon can be divided into triangles whose sum of areas is equal to the area of ​​the polygon. Therefore, it is enough to prove the theorem for a triangle.

Let /\ ABC is projected onto a plane R. Let's consider two cases:
a) one of the parties /\ ABC is parallel to the plane R;
b) neither party /\ ABC is not parallel R.

Let's consider first case: let [AB] || R.

Let us draw a plane through (AB) R 1 || R and design orthogonally /\ ABC on R 1 and on R(Fig. 165); we get /\ ABC 1 and /\ A"B"C".
By the projection property we have /\ ABC 1 /\ A"B"C", and therefore

S /\ ABC1=S /\ A"B"C"

Let's draw _|_ and the segment D 1 C 1 . Then _|_ , a = φ is the value of the angle between the plane /\ ABC and plane R 1 . That's why

S /\ ABC1 = 1 / 2 | AB | | C 1 D 1 | = 1 / 2 | AB | | CD 1 | cos φ = S /\ ABC cos φ

and therefore S /\ A"B"C" = S /\ ABC cos φ.

Let's move on to consider second case. Let's draw a plane R 1 || R over that top /\ ABC, the distance from which to the plane R the smallest (let this be vertex A).
Let's design /\ ABC on a plane R 1 and R(Fig. 166); let its projections be respectively /\ AB 1 C 1 and /\ A"B"C".

Let (sun) p 1 = D. Then

S /\ A"B"C" = S /\ AB1 C1 = S /\ ADC1-S /\ ADB1 = (S /\ ADC-S /\ ADB) cos φ = S /\ ABC cos φ

Task. A plane is drawn through the base side of a regular triangular prism at an angle φ = 30° to the plane of its base. Find the area of ​​the resulting cross-section if the side of the base of the prism A= 6 cm.

Let us depict the cross section of this prism (Fig. 167). Since the prism is regular, its side edges are perpendicular to the plane of the base. Means, /\ ABC is a projection /\ ADC, therefore