Renal failure (acute, chronic). Renal failure - acute and chronic forms, symptoms and treatment, prognosis What are kidney failure symptoms

The human kidney is a paired organ of the urinary system, the main purpose of which is the formation of urine. The development of renal failure occurs when the work of the kidneys is grossly impaired, and therapeutic assistance has not been provided in a timely manner.

What it is?

The disease "renal failure" is a serious condition that develops against the background of other diseases or lesions and is characterized by impaired functioning of the kidneys. Depending on the severity and duration of the course, there are acute and chronic forms of renal failure. Pathology can affect people of any age and gender, but young women are more likely to suffer from impaired kidney function.

In most cases, the cause of kidney failure is a violation in the organ itself, caused by external or internal environmental factors. However, diseases that are absolutely not related to the kidneys can also provoke pathology. The most common reasons include:

  • Congenital pathologies of the structure of the kidney;
  • Chronic diseases in the body - diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, liver cirrhosis or liver failure, urolithiasis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys that were not treated or proceeded with complications;
  • Malignant neoplasms in the renal tissue;
  • Blockage of the ureters with calculi, resulting in retention and accumulation of urine in the kidneys, overstretching of the organ and the formation of pathology;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Massive blood loss or a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, for example, with burns;
  • Poisoning with chemicals and poisons;
  • Self-medication with nephrotoxic drugs, long-term use of antibiotics or other drugs, without a doctor's prescription.

In some cases, kidney failure in women can develop during pregnancy.

Signs of kidney failure

Signs of kidney failure in women largely depend on the degree of dysfunction of the organ:

  • Initial degree - at this stage, there are no clinical symptoms, however, pathological changes are already occurring in the tissues of the organ;
  • Oliguric stage - symptoms appear and increase: the amount of urine separated per day decreases, lethargy, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, cardiac arrhythmia, abdominal pain appear (the duration of this stage is up to 10 days);
  • Polyuric stage - the patient's condition returns to normal, the daily volume of urine increases and often corresponds to physiological parameters, however, at this stage, the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system is possible;
  • The stage of rehabilitation - the kidneys begin to function fully and are almost completely restored. If a large number of nephrons were damaged during acute renal failure, then a complete restoration of organ function is impossible.

The chronic form of the disease develops as a result of the progression of acute renal failure. The condition is characterized by the destruction and death of the kidneys (glomeruli, nephrons, parenchyma), as a result, the organ cannot perform its functions - this leads to disruption in the work of other vital organs.

Depending on the degree of damage to the renal tissue and the severity of the patient's condition, there are several stages of chronic renal failure with different symptoms:

  • The latent stage (latent) - there are no clinical manifestations of the disease, so the patient is not aware of his condition - however, with increasing physical exertion, weakness, dry mouth, drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue, increased urine output occur;
  • Clinical stage - at this stage, there are clinical symptoms of intoxication of the body: nausea, vomiting, pallor of the skin, lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, a sharp decrease in the volume of urine, diarrhea, bad breath, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, headaches;
  • Stage of decompensation - complications in the form of frequent respiratory diseases, inflammatory infections of the urinary organs are added to the signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • Compensation stage (or terminal stage) - there is an extinction of the functions of the vital organs of a person, resulting in a fatal outcome. Clinically, this stage is manifested by symptoms of severe intoxication of the body, impaired functioning of all organs, bad breath, yellowness of the skin, and the development of neurological disorders.

Symptoms of kidney failure during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a syndrome of renal insufficiency may develop, caused by impaired renal function as a result of squeezing the ureters, renal artery or organ tissue by the growing uterus. In this case, the expectant mother has the following clinical symptoms:

  • A sharp decrease in the volume of daily urine, up to complete anuria;
  • Increase in blood pressure;
  • The appearance of protein in the analysis of urine;
  • Swelling of the face and limbs;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Lethargy, weakness, headaches;
  • Signs of intoxication of the body;
  • Paleness of the skin.

At the first appearance of such signs, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. Severe renal failure during pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the uterus, up to its antenatal death.

Treatment of kidney failure

The sooner kidney failure is detected and treated, the higher the chances of a complete recovery of the patient.

The acute form of the disease is a reversible condition, for the treatment of which it is important to determine the causes of the malfunction of the organ. Treatment of the underlying disease and hemodialysis helps to restore the normal functioning of the kidneys.

With concomitant inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, antibiotics and immunostimulants are prescribed.

In renal failure caused by severe poisoning, toxins or drugs, the patient is prescribed hemosorption and plasmapheresis. In acute blood loss - transfusion of blood and plasma substitutes.

In the chronic form of the pathology, it is impossible to completely restore the functioning of the kidneys, however, it is possible to stop the development of irreversible processes and somewhat improve the patient's quality of life. For this, the patient is prescribed regular dialysis and a special diet.

Nutrition for kidney failure should be balanced, and foods easily digestible. It is advisable to arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week. Fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese - should be present on the table every day.

In addition to the main treatment plan drawn up by the doctor on an individual basis, the patient must strictly follow the recommendations of the specialist:

  • Exclusion of physical activity;
  • Lack of stress;
  • Refusal of alcohol and smoking;
  • Bed rest in the acute stage.

In chronic renal failure, after normalization of the general condition of the patient, if possible, an operation is performed to transplant a donor kidney. This greatly helps to improve the quality and prolong the life of the patient.


With the progression of symptoms and the absence of timely treatment, the risk of complications is high:

  • The transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • uremic coma;
  • Sepsis.

If kidney failure is not treated, the patient quickly dies.

Kidney failure refers to a number of pathologies that pose a significant threat to human life. The disease leads to a violation of the water-salt and acid-base balance, which entails deviations from the norm in the work of all organs and tissues. As a result of pathological processes in the renal tissue, the kidneys lose their ability to fully excrete the products of protein metabolism, which leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the blood and intoxication of the body.

By the nature of the course, the disease can be acute or chronic. Causes, treatments and symptoms of kidney failure for each of them have certain differences.

Causes of the disease

The causes of kidney failure are varied. For acute and chronic forms of the disease, they differ significantly. Symptoms of acute renal failure (ARF) occur due to trauma or significant blood loss, complications after surgery, acute kidney pathologies, poisoning with heavy metals, poisons or drugs, and other factors. In women, the development of the disease can be triggered by childbirth or by infection and spread outside the pelvic organs as a result of an abortion. With acute renal failure, the functional activity of the kidneys is disturbed very quickly, there is a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate and a slowdown in the process of reabsorption in the tubules.

Chronic renal failure (CRF) develops over a long period of time with a gradual increase in the severity of symptoms. Its main causes are chronic diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels or metabolism, congenital anomalies in the development or structure of the kidneys. At the same time, there is a violation of the function of the organ for the removal of water and toxic compounds, which leads to intoxication and, in general, causes a disruption in the functioning of the body.

Tip: If you have chronic kidney disease or other factors that can provoke kidney failure, you should be especially careful about your health. Regular visits to the nephrologist, timely diagnosis and implementation of all doctor's recommendations are of great importance to prevent the development of this serious disease.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

Signs of renal failure in the case of an acute form appear abruptly and have a pronounced character. In the chronic variant of the disease, at the first stages, the symptoms may be imperceptible, but with the gradual progression of pathological changes in the tissues of the kidney, their manifestations become more intense.

Symptoms of acute renal failure

Clinical signs of acute renal failure develop over a period of a couple of hours to several days, sometimes weeks. These include:

  • a sharp decrease or absence of diuresis;
  • weight gain due to excess fluid in the body;
  • the presence of edema, mainly in the ankles and face;
  • loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea;
  • pallor and itching of the skin;
  • feeling tired, headaches;
  • excretion of urine with blood.

In the absence of timely or inadequate treatment, shortness of breath, coughing, confusion and even loss of consciousness, muscle spasms, arrhythmias, bruising and subcutaneous hemorrhages appear. This condition is fraught with death.

Symptoms of chronic renal failure

The period of development of CRF until the onset of characteristic symptoms, when significant irreversible changes in the kidneys have already occurred, can range from several to decades. Patients with this diagnosis have:

  • violations of diuresis in the form of oliguria or polyuria;
  • violation of the ratio of night and day diuresis;
  • the presence of edema, mainly on the face, after a night's sleep;
  • increased fatigue, weakness.

The last stages of CRF are characterized by the appearance of massive edema, shortness of breath, cough, high blood pressure, blurred vision, anemia, nausea, vomiting and other severe symptoms.

Important: If you find symptoms that indicate a violation of the kidneys, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. The course of the disease has a more favorable prognosis with timely therapy.

Fatigue and headache may be due to kidney failure

Treatment of the disease

In case of renal failure, treatment should be comprehensive and aimed primarily at eliminating or controlling the cause that provoked its development. The acute form of renal failure, unlike chronic, responds well to treatment. Properly selected and timely therapy makes it possible to almost completely restore kidney function. To eliminate the cause and treat acute renal failure, the following methods are used:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification of the body with the help of hemodialysis, plasmaphoresis, enterosorbents, etc.;
  • fluid replenishment during dehydration;
  • restoration of normal diuresis;
  • symptomatic treatment.

Therapy for CKD includes:

  • control of the underlying disease (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • maintaining kidney function;
  • elimination of symptoms;
  • body detoxification;
  • adherence to a special diet.

At the last stage of CRF, patients are shown regular hemodialysis or donor kidney transplantation. Such treatments are the only way to prevent or significantly delay death.

Hemodialysis is a method of blood purification from electrolytes and toxic metabolic products.

Features of nutrition in the presence of renal failure

A special diet for kidney failure helps reduce the burden on the kidneys and stop the progression of the disease. Its main principle is to limit the amount of protein, salt and liquid consumed, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of toxic substances in the blood and prevents the accumulation of water and salts in the body. The degree of rigidity of the diet is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition. The basic rules of nutrition for kidney failure are as follows:

  • limiting the amount of protein (from 20 g to 70 g per day, depending on the severity of the disease);
  • high energy value of food (vegetable fats, carbohydrates);
  • high content in the diet of vegetables and fruits;
  • control of the amount of fluid consumed in the amount, calculated from the volume of urine excreted per day;
  • restriction of salt intake (from 1 g to 6 g, depending on the severity of the disease);
  • fasting days at least once a week, consisting in the use of only vegetables and fruits;
  • steam method of cooking (or cooking);
  • fractional diet.

In addition, foods that cause kidney irritation are completely excluded from the diet. These include coffee, chocolate, strong black tea, cocoa, mushrooms, spicy and salty foods, fatty meat or fish and broths based on them, smoked meats, and alcohol.

Diet is a very important element in the treatment of kidney failure.

Folk methods of treatment

With renal failure, treatment with folk remedies in the early stages gives a good effect. The use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants that have a diuretic effect helps to reduce swelling and remove toxins from the body. For this purpose, birch buds, rose hips, chamomile and calendula flowers, burdock root, dill and flax seeds, lingonberry leaves, horsetail grass, etc. are used. Various collections can be made from these plants and kidney teas can be prepared on their basis.

In case of kidney failure, the use of pomegranate juice and a decoction of pomegranate peel, which has a tonic effect and improves immunity, also gives a good effect. The presence of seaweed in the diet helps to improve kidney function and promote the excretion of metabolic products.

Tip: The use of alternative methods of treatment for renal failure must be agreed with the attending physician.

Kidney failure is not a separate disease. This is a syndrome that develops with a number of severe conditions. The kidneys are an extremely important paired organ, which is involved not only in purifying the blood and removing decay products and excess water in the form of urine, but also being a link in the metabolism that occurs in the human body. Violation of their function causes rapid intoxication. Many conditions can cause a malfunction of this paired organ. For example, liver damage with cirrhosis often causes the appearance of such complications as hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), in which the work of the kidneys is rapidly deteriorating, and its recovery is not always possible.

Sometimes the existing disorders can be reversible, and after targeted treatment, the function is restored. Under certain circumstances, the growing damage to this paired organ leads to the fact that the patient has to periodically undergo a procedure. This is vital when the kidneys completely lose their ability to function normally.

The only way to restore the patient's health in this case is an organ transplant.

According to statistics, about 600 cases of total renal failure are diagnosed annually per 1 million people, requiring radical treatment.

The main types of kidney failure

There are 2 main forms of this pathological condition: acute and chronic. Each of them has its own reasons for the appearance, as well as separate approaches to treatment and rehabilitation. Acute renal failure that confirms? A rather sharp violation or a strong decrease in the functionality of the kidneys, as a result of which the patient needs emergency medical assistance.

Often this form is reversible. Now there are 3 main types of acute renal failure (ARF):

  • hemodynamic (prerenal);
  • parenchymal (renal);
  • obstructive (postrenal).

This is a condition in which there is a slowdown or complete cessation of the output of nitrogen metabolism. In addition, with the development of acute renal failure, the water-acid-base and electrolyte balance may be disturbed. The influence of this pathology also on the composition of the blood is significant. A certain level of certain substances affects the patient's condition.

The presence of (CRF), as a rule, indicates a gradually progressive condition that develops as a result of the death of nephrons. The remaining normal cells gradually cease to cope with the function assigned to them. appears very slowly.

If, at the beginning of the pathological process, the remaining healthy cells are still capable of maintaining a normal level of blood purification and urine excretion, subsequently overloading the nephrons becomes the reason for their more rapid death.

The deficiency of renal functionality begins to increase, and, as a result, intoxication of the body with the products of its own metabolic processes is observed.

Causes of acute renal failure

Various factors have already been well studied, which, under certain circumstances, can cause not only an acute lesion of this organ, but also lead to a chronic violation of its function. The causes of this condition in acute form are extremely diverse. People who have health problems should carefully monitor the manifestations of this organ.

For example, the prerenal form of acute renal failure usually occurs in conditions that provoke a decrease in cardiac output and intracellular fluid volume, in addition, in vasodilation and bacteriological and anaphylactic forms of shock. A similar disorder of the kidneys can be caused by:

  • heart failure;
  • thromboembolism;
  • tamponade;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cardiogenic, anaphylactic and bacteriotoxic shock;
  • ascites;
  • burns;
  • acute blood loss;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • severe dehydration.

Under the condition of complex treatment of the primary pathological condition, a rapid recovery of lost or reduced kidney functionality is usually observed. In severe diseases (cirrhosis of the liver), hepatorenal syndrome often develops. Since it is not possible to improve the situation with hepatocyte damage, the patient's condition, as a rule, is rapidly deteriorating. Hepatorenal syndrome, accompanied by severe renal failure, can be caused not only by cirrhosis, but also by erosion of the biliary tract and viral hepatitis.

However, it is most often found in people who have abused alcohol or drugs.

In this case, hepatorenal syndrome, accompanied by a pronounced impairment of kidney function, is extremely difficult to treat, since against the background of harmful addictions, all organs are affected. If the patient has hepatorenal syndrome, that is, the kidneys are damaged due to severe destruction of the liver, transplantation is necessary. In some cases, not only kidney but also liver transplantation is required, and double transplants are extremely rare. Hemodialysis in this case is dangerous because it threatens to lead to severe bleeding.

The development of the renal form of acute renal failure may have completely different causes. Usually the problem lies in the toxic effect on the parenchyma tissue of various potent substances. You can poison this paired organ:

  • copper salts;
  • uranium;
  • mercury;
  • mushroom poisons;
  • fertilizers;
  • substances from anticancer drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • sulfonamides, etc.

Among other things, the development of this form of acute renal failure is observed if the level of hemoglobin and myoglobin circulating in the blood is increased or tissues are compressed as a result of injury. Much less often, this condition is associated with an alcohol or drug coma and transfusion of incompatible blood.

Postrenal form of acute renal failure may occur due to blockage of the urinary tract by stones.

Sometimes it is caused by tuberculosis, tumors of the prostate gland and urea, with urethritis and dystrophic variants of the defeat of the abdominal tissue.

Etiology of CRF

This condition is usually caused by various diseases that affect the nephrons. Most often, in chronic renal failure, signs of the disease are detected in people who have suffered from the following diseases for a long time:

  • systemic autoimmune;
  • glomerulosclerosis of the diabetic form;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • hereditary nephritis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • nephrangiosclerosis.

The inflammatory process that is observed in these diseases leads to the gradual death of nephrons. Thus, at first, the processes in the kidneys become less efficient. Damaged areas are quickly replaced by connective tissue, which cannot perform the functions necessary for the body.

When the parenchyma dies, with the development of renal failure, immediate treatment is required.

Usually, before the formation of this pathological condition, a person suffers from one or another inflammatory disease for 2 to 10 years.

Symptomatic manifestations of renal failure

As a rule, the manifestations of this state, regardless of its form, increase sequentially. Signs of insufficiency, proceeding according to an acute scenario, are fully detected within a few days. Usually the clinical picture is caused by the primary disease that provoked the shutdown of the kidneys. The first non-specific signs include manifestations of drowsiness, weakness, lack of appetite and nausea. Usually, these symptoms of kidney failure are easily confused with signs characteristic of the underlying disease. After that, characteristic signs of intoxication may appear. In addition, a violation of urine production is immediately noted. Renal failure is characterized by:

  • azotemia;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • proteuria;
  • hyperphosphatemia;
  • an increase in potassium levels.

Patients complain of signs of general intoxication, including abdominal pain, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Among other things, pulmonary edema may develop, which is characterized by the presence of shortness of breath and moist rales.

In severe cases and the absence of targeted treatment, the patient is threatened with coma. The condition is often complicated by bleeding, pericarditis, uremic gastroenterocolitis.

In patients with acute renal failure, immunity is often greatly reduced, which predisposes to the appearance of stomatitis, pneumonia, parotitis, sepsis, and pancreatitis. With proper treatment, there is a gradual increase in daily urine output. This continues for 2 weeks. At this time, the normal water-electrolyte balance is restored, and all other indicators return to normal. Complete recovery of the kidneys after experiencing the acute phase of the course of the disease is observed after about 6-12 months.

In chronic renal failure, the manifestations of damage to the paired organ increase over a long period of time. People suffering from the latent form of this disorder often do not observe intense signs of the disease, but at the same time they note a decrease in working capacity and the appearance of weakness.

After the transition of this state to the stage of compensation, the signs of renal failure become more pronounced. Usually weakness becomes a frequent occurrence. Mild dry mouth may be present all the time. Further, there is a release of more urine than is required, which can cause dehydration. In the later stages of chronic renal failure, a sharp decrease in the amount of urine produced can be observed. If one kidney is affected, the prognosis is more favorable. Among other things, progressive CRF is characterized by manifestations:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • muscle twitching;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • skin itching;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • stomach and nosebleeds;
  • hematomas.

Despite the fact that in chronic renal failure, the signs of the development of the pathology are very similar to the acute form, nevertheless, these conditions cannot be confused, since the symptoms appear at different speeds. Slowly increasing manifestations of damage to this paired organ require the adoption of certain measures.

In the case of such a condition, as with interrelated, the doctor must constantly adjust therapy in order to stop or at least slow down the process and delay the need for the patient to switch to dialysis.

Complications of pathology

The extreme danger of both acute and chronic forms of damage to this paired organ is not an exaggeration at all. In addition to the characteristic signs, which in themselves have an extremely unfavorable effect on the state of the entire human body, additional severe complications can be observed.

The most typical consequences of this condition include:

  • stomatitis,
  • dystrophy;
  • anemia;
  • dropsy;
  • uremic coma;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • osteodystrophy;
  • myocarditis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • pericarditis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • decreased immunity;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Neurological disorders may develop. In patients with renal insufficiency, lethargy, loss of orientation in space, and confusion are often observed. In older people, against the background of this pathological condition, peripheral neuropathy may develop.

Methods for diagnosing kidney failure

When signs of the development of this syndrome appear, it is imperative to contact a nephrologist. Timely identified symptoms and treatment of existing pathologies allows you to restore the functionality of the kidneys and prevent the progression of failure.

Diagnosis requires taking an anamnesis and conducting a general and bacteriological analysis of urine. In addition, blood is taken from the patient for research. Modern diagnostic tools make it much easier to identify problems associated with kidney function. Frequently ordered studies include:

  • ultrasonic dopplerography;
  • chest x-ray;
  • chromocystoscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • electrocardiography;
  • urography;
  • Zimnitsky test.

What is kidney failure and what danger it carries, doctors are already well aware. After determining the nature and severity of the pathological process as a result of a comprehensive examination, the optimal course of therapy can be selected.

Without research, it will not be possible to find out the causes of kidney failure and prescribe therapy.

Treatment of the disease

After a comprehensive diagnosis, doctors can determine the optimal therapy strategy. If acute renal failure is detected, hospitalization is required. If the condition is severe, the patient can be immediately redirected to the intensive care unit. Treatment of kidney failure should be aimed at addressing the root cause of the problem.

Usually, hemodialysis is performed to remove toxins. If the problem was caused by the ingestion of poisonous substances, detoxification therapy can be carried out. In the presence of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, an adequate treatment regimen for these abnormalities is prescribed. In addition, removal of stones from the kidneys and bladder, gastric lavage, antibiotic therapy, removal of necrosis areas and washing of existing wounds, normalization of blood pressure, etc. can be carried out.

Plasmapheresis may be indicated to improve the patient's condition. Furosemide and osmotic diuretics can be used to stimulate diuresis in the presence of acute renal failure. Dopamine administration may be required to improve the condition.

With proper targeted treatment, as a rule, the patient's condition stabilizes within 2 weeks.

During this time, the patient must follow a protein-free diet and a special drinking regimen. After the acute period, the patient should continue to follow the recommendations given by the attending physician, since full recovery may take about a year.

In chronic renal failure, treatment presents a certain difficulty. There are many treatment regimens that can significantly slow down the process of dying off normal kidney tissues. Since this condition usually develops against the background of various conditions, efforts are directed towards eliminating the primary problem. Due to the constant deterioration of renal processes, symptomatic therapy methods, special diets and drug treatment regimens are selected. Staying in sanatoriums and resorts can bring significant benefits.

The patient needs to understand the severity of his health problems. Existing treatment tactics can only slow down the pathological process, but not completely eliminate it. Such patients need to take tests at regular intervals to correct therapy.

If homeostasis is detected, the water-salt balance, azotemia and acid-base composition of the blood are corrected.

When the question arises of how to treat kidney failure, it is often prescribed:

  • calcium gluconate;
  • Almagel;
  • sodium bicarbonate solution;
  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • Lasix;
  • iron preparations;
  • folic acid.

The treatment regimen aimed at correcting the condition, as a rule, often changes. However, therapy does not allow 100% cure of the kidneys. Thus, increasing damage eventually leads to a complete violation of their function. In the presence of kidney failure, how to treat it should be determined by a qualified doctor.

With the development of the terminal stage of chronic renal failure, the patient requires regular hemodialysis.

It is believed that these procedures can extend the life of the patient by about 23 years. So that the patient no longer needs them, an organ transplant is required.

Prevention of kidney failure

Many people do not even think about the importance of certain organs until severe violations begin to appear on their part. The kidneys have a high regeneration resource, so they can be restored even after serious damage. However, it is advisable to take care of your health from a young age. Eliminating the negative effects of alcohol, drugs and tobacco smoke can significantly reduce the risk of developing pathology.

It is necessary to pay attention to the existing symptoms of the kidneys in a timely manner. Timely treatment of stones, as well as infectious diseases, is the most important moment in the prevention of insufficiency. People who are at risk of kidney damage need to monitor the quality of the water they drink and follow a special diet.

Kidney failure is a dangerous disease, the result of which is a metabolic disorder. According to medical statistics, about 3% of the population currently suffers from pathology. These figures are increasing exponentially every year. Both women and men are equally susceptible to the disease. The disease does not bypass even small children. In this article, we will try to figure out what symptoms accompany kidney failure in men, what kind of disease it is, how to treat it.

general information

The kidneys perform an important function in the human body. They continuously produce urine, which subsequently removes harmful substances. Such a filtering structure ensures that two balances are kept in balance: water-salt and acid-base. Renal failure is a dangerous pathological condition characterized by mass death of nephron cells. In the future, the body loses the ability to form and excrete urine. The disease is a consequence of acute damage to the tissues of the organ, therefore it develops suddenly. The volume of urine produced is sharply reduced, sometimes it is completely absent. It is very important to recognize the symptoms of kidney failure in men in a timely manner in order to exclude the occurrence of complications. The sooner the doctor prescribes treatment, the higher the chances of recovery.

The main causes of the disease

Kidney failure has two forms of development: acute and chronic. Based on this, physicians identify factors predisposing to the development of the disease. Among the causes of the acute variant of the disease, the most common are the following:

  • Intoxication of the body with food and alcohol, drugs.
  • Renal circulatory disorder.
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Damage or removal of a single kidney.
  • Blockage of the urinary tract.

Chronic renal failure in men, the causes of which differ from the acute form of the disease, develops gradually. Usually it is preceded by serious pathologies of the internal organs. It can be diabetes, hypertension, congenital nephropathy, pyelonephritis, or any of the above diagnoses requires constant monitoring by a doctor. The implementation of his recommendations and appointments can prevent the occurrence of renal failure.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The development of the pathological process and its causes affect the symptoms of renal failure in men. Initially, the patient pays attention to the fact that the fluid is excreted from the body irregularly. Urination may be accompanied by pain discomfort. The man begins to inexplicably lose weight, the skin becomes yellow. Appetite disappears, nausea and vomiting appear after eating. Anemia can be clearly observed in the blood test. A similar clinical picture is characteristic of a disease such as renal failure. Symptoms in men can vary depending on the form of the disease - acute or chronic. Next, we consider each case in more detail.

Acute course

The disease in this case is manifested by a sharp decrease in the amount of urine or a complete cessation of its excretion from the body. Signs of intoxication gradually increase: loss of appetite, indigestion, under the influence of toxins, the liver enlarges. Kidney dysfunction is accompanied by the appearance of specific edema under the eyes.

The clinical picture of the acute form of the disease develops in the following sequence:

  • First stage. The appearance of signs of the disease is due to its root cause. As a rule, symptoms of general intoxication appear: the skin is pale, the patient's duration of this stage may vary. In some patients, the disease begins to manifest itself a few hours after the death of nephrons, in others - after 2-3 days.
  • Second stage. At this stage, the volume of urine output is sharply reduced, so the likelihood of death is high. Urea and other products of protein metabolism gradually accumulate in the blood. The result of such a violation is severe swelling. The body starts poisoning itself. What are the symptoms of kidney failure in the second stage? In men, lethargy, drowsiness, and possibly a disorder of the stool appear. The leading symptom of the disease is an increase in nitrogen levels in the blood.
  • Third stage. At this stage, diuresis gradually normalizes, but the symptoms still persist. The body's ability to concentrate urine and remove metabolic products is restored. The work of the lungs, cardiac system and gastrointestinal tract also returns to normal. Puffiness, pastosity of the legs goes away. The duration of this stage is approximately 14 days.
  • Fourth stage. Gradually recedes renal failure. Symptoms in men do not disappear immediately, it takes from one to three months for the final recovery.

If there are signs indicating acute renal failure, it is necessary to immediately call a team of medical workers. All subsequent therapeutic measures are carried out in a hospital setting.

chronic process

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a latent course. Initially, the patient notices a deterioration in well-being. He quickly gets tired, appetite disappears, headaches appear. The skin becomes dry, and the muscles lose their tone. The patient is constantly sick, worried about frequent seizures. Hands, feet and face are very swollen. Symptoms in men increase gradually. The skin turns yellow, and sores appear in the oral cavity. The patient may suffer from diarrhea and severe flatulence. The smell of urine begins to be felt by the surrounding people. In parallel, the work of the cardiac and respiratory systems is disrupted. Immunity suffers from the pathological process.

Conservative treatment allows you to maintain full-fledged work. However, an increase in psycho-emotional / physical activity, neglect of the prescribed diet, improper drinking regimen - all these factors can cause a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Diagnostic methods

In order to avoid complications of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose it in a timely manner, to determine the causes. The medical examination of the patient begins with the collection of a clinical history. The doctor should know how long ago the signs of kidney failure appeared. In men with one kidney, the clinical picture practically does not differ from that in patients with a full-fledged organ (both kidneys). It is mandatory to study the state of the urinary system. Comprehensive diagnostics includes ultrasound, biochemistry of blood and urine, radiography, CT. An early comprehensive examination of the body allows you to start treatment in a timely manner and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

What is dangerous pathology?

Renal failure in men, the treatment and diagnosis of which were not carried out in a timely manner, may be accompanied by complications. The body gradually stops working, which is fraught with intoxication of the body with metabolic products. An extremely unpleasant complication is the narrowing of the vessels of the kidneys. This pathology is considered as the last degree of development of the disease, as a result of which sodium accumulates in the body.

Therapy of the acute form of the disease

Kidney failure is a dangerous disease that requires treatment in a hospital setting. At the initial stages, therapy is reduced to the elimination of the causes of the disease, the restoration of homeostasis and impaired system functions. Depending on the patient's condition, you may need:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification therapy (hemodialysis, infusion of saline solutions);
  • fluid replacement (transfusion of blood and its substitutes);
  • hormonal agents.

With the diagnosis of "renal failure" in men, the treatment and dosage of drugs are selected by a specialist. To remove nitrogenous slags and detoxify the body, they resort to hemosorption, plasmapheresis, and hemodialysis. To normalize diuresis, use diuretic medications ("Furosemide"). Depending on the type of violation of the water-electrolyte balance, solutions of calcium, sodium and potassium salts are administered.

Treatment of a chronic process

Therapy of the chronic variant of renal failure involves the impact on the underlying cause of the disease, the maintenance of organ functions and detoxification procedures. At the initial stages, the main goal of treatment is to slow down the progression of the pathological process. In hypertension, antihypertensive drugs are used. If the main cause of renal failure is hidden in an autoimmune disease, glucocorticoid hormones and cytostatics are prescribed. With anatomical changes in the excretory system, an operation is performed to improve the patency of the urinary tract or remove the calculus.

Against the background of constant therapy, an additional one is prescribed to reduce the symptoms of renal failure in men. How to treat the disease, the doctor determines. For example, diuretics are used to reduce swelling. With severe anemia, vitamin complexes and iron preparations are prescribed.

In the last stages, the patient is transferred to permanent hemodialysis. The procedures are repeated every 14 days. Kidney transplantation is an alternative to hemodialysis. With good compatibility and a successful operation, the patient has a chance to recover and return to normal life.

Principles of Diet Therapy

We have already talked about the symptoms of kidney failure in men. Diet in this disease is an important component of treatment. Patients are advised to follow a low protein diet. Changing the habitual diet can slow down the development of the pathological process and reduce the burden on the kidneys. Diet therapy includes several principles:

  1. Limit protein intake to 65 g per day.
  2. Increasing the energy value of nutrition by increasing carbohydrate foods in the diet.
  3. The main focus should be on fruits and vegetables. It is important to take into account the content of vitamins, salts and protein component in them.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted. This parameter can be calculated by the formula: the amount of urine excreted per day + 800 ml. In this case, all liquids (soups, cereals, drinks, fruits, vegetables) should be taken into account. The absence of pronounced edema and the preserved water balance allow the patient to receive 6 g of salt per day.

Preventive actions

How to prevent kidney failure? First of all, it is necessary to observe the indications and the scheme for the use of drugs. It is necessary to refuse nephrotoxic products, which include surrogate alcohol and narcotic substances. It is important to treat infectious and inflammatory pathologies in a timely manner

In order to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form, you should know what symptoms of kidney failure have. In men, the disease is manifested by problems with urination and deterioration of well-being. When such disorders appear, you should seek help from a specialist.


Timely identification of the causes of renal failure, competent diagnosis and appropriate treatment can save the patient's health. The acute form of the disease has a favorable prognosis if the patient follows all the doctor's instructions and follows a diet. In a chronic course, the chances of recovery depend on the stage of the pathological process. In the case of full compensation for the work of the kidneys, the prognosis for life is favorable. In the end stage, the only option to maintain health is permanent hemodialysis or

The kidneys are an important organ of the urinary system, which is the filter of the human body. With their help, excess fluid, medicines, decay products formed during digestion and harmful compounds are removed from the body. Renal failure is a syndrome of impaired functioning of the kidneys and the inability to perform the listed functions.

What is kidney failure? This pathology does not develop independently, and is a consequence of the inability of the body to maintain normal internal processes. A decrease in the efficiency of the kidneys leads to a slow accumulation of decay products and toxins. This entails intoxication of the body and malfunctions of other organs and systems. The slow process of "poisoning" the body leads to the fact that the symptoms of kidney failure are difficult to diagnose at the beginning of the development of pathology.

Based on the characteristics of the course of the pathology, acute renal failure and chronic renal failure are distinguished. The first variety develops against the background of infections and inflammation already present in the kidneys. This species is characterized by sudden onset and rapid development. Requires treatment. In the absence of timely therapy, the acute form of the disease turns into chronic renal failure.

Types of renal failure in acute form of leakage:

  1. The prerenal form of the disease is the most common. It is characterized by a violation of blood flow in the kidneys, which leads to a lack of blood and, as a result, a violation of the process of urine formation.
  2. Renal insufficiency occurs due to the pathology of the renal tissue. As a result, the kidney is unable to form urine. This species is the second most frequently diagnosed.
  3. Postrenal pathology indicates the presence of obstructions in the path of urine outflow from the kidneys. It is rarely diagnosed, since if an obstruction occurs in one urethra, the function of a diseased kidney is taken by a healthy one - the disease does not occur.

Causes of acute kidney disease:

1. Causes of prerenal appearance:

  • disorders in the work of the heart and its pathology;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure against the background of infectious diseases and allergic reactions;
  • dehydration of the body with prolonged gastrointestinal disorders or impaired intake of diuretic drugs;
  • liver diseases that lead to impaired blood flow and as a result, kidney and liver failure occurs.

2. Renal form and its causes:

  • intoxication with toxic substances and chemical compounds;
  • disintegration of red blood cells and their coloring matter;
  • diseases caused by a violation of the immune system;
  • inflammation in the kidneys;
  • vascular disorders of the kidneys;
  • injury to a healthy kidney in case of disruption of the functioning of another.

3. Renal failure causes postrenal form:

  • tumor formations of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • injury to the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • obstruction to the outflow of urine.

Chronic renal failure develops as a result of:

  • hereditary pathologies of the kidneys;
  • renal failure during pregnancy (during fetal development);
  • kidney complications in other chronic diseases;
  • the formation of barriers to the outflow of urine from the kidneys;
  • chronic inflammation in the kidneys;
  • drug overdose;
  • poisoning with harmful chemicals.

Stages and symptoms of acute renal failure

Acute and chronic renal failure are characterized by a different symptomatic picture and duration of the course. Each type of disease goes through four stages.

Stages of acute renal failure: initial, oliguric, polyuric and complete recovery.

The initial stage is characterized by the start of the process of deformation of the renal tissue. At this stage, it is difficult to determine the disease, as the patient is concerned about the symptoms of the underlying disease.

The second stage is oliguric. At this stage of the development of the pathology, the state of the renal tissue deteriorates. The formation of urine and its excreted volume is reduced, which leads to the accumulation of substances harmful to humans in the body. The water-salt balance is disturbed. The duration of the severe period of the disease is one to two weeks.

Signs of renal failure of the oliguric stage:

  • reduction of daily urine to 500 ml;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • loss of appetite, digestive disorders and the appearance of an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth;
  • distraction and inhibited reaction;
  • muscle spasms;
  • increased blood pressure, heart rate, shortness of breath;
  • in some cases, internal bleeding may open in the stomach or intestines;
  • decreased immunity and the development of concomitant infectious diseases of organs of other systems.

The polyuric stage is characterized by the restoration of the general health of the patient and an increase in the volume of daily excreted urine. However, at this stage there is a high risk of developing dehydration of the body after the second stage and infection of a weakened body.

Restoration of kidney function and the general condition of the patient occurs at the last stage. This stage usually takes a long period - from six months to a year. In the case of significant deformation of the renal tissue, complete recovery is impossible.

Stages and symptoms of the chronic form

Renal failure - stages in the chronic form of leakage: latent, compensated, decompensated and terminal.

At the first stage of the chronic form, it is possible to recognize the disease only by passing a general blood and urine test. The first will show changes in the electrolyte composition, the second will indicate the presence of protein in the urine.

Compensated stage

In the second compensated stage, the following symptoms occur:

  • weakness and rapid loss of strength;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • violation of urination (increased urge, especially at night, an increase in the volume of urine excreted).

A cardinal deterioration in blood and urine parameters is noted. So, urine tests indicate an increase in nitrogen, urine, creatinine, protein and salts.

In chronic kidney pathology, kidney shrinkage gradually occurs.

Decompensated renal failure symptoms:

  • weakening of the body;
  • sleep disturbance (constant drowsiness or insomnia);
  • decreased reactions;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • lack of appetite;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • swelling of the face and lower extremities;
  • the occurrence of dryness, peeling, itching of the skin;
  • violation of the chair;
  • decrease in immunity, resulting in an increased likelihood of developing diseases of various nature;
  • worsening of blood and urine parameters.

terminal stage

In end-stage renal failure, the following symptoms are noted:

  • the accumulation of toxins leads to a deviation of all indicators of urine;
  • the patient is diagnosed with urine in the blood - poisoning occurs;
  • lack of urination;
  • deterioration in work and the development of pathologies of other organs and systems, hepatic and renal failure develops;
  • lack of appetite and normal sleep;
  • memory impairment;
  • depression.


Renal failure - diagnosis begins with a doctor's examination of the patient and the collection of information about the patient's health status. During the examination, the doctor examines the condition of the skin, the smell from the mouth. In the course of the survey, it is necessary to find out whether the patient has convulsions, pain in the abdomen and lower back, what is the quality of sleep and appetite.

The next stage of diagnostic procedures includes: general and bacteriological analysis of urine, general and biochemical blood tests.

In acute and chronic renal failure in urine, there are changes in density, an increase in protein, red and white blood cells. An increase in red blood cells in urine may indicate the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary ducts, tumor neoplasms, and injuries to the organs of the genitourinary system. An increase in white blood cells in the urine indicates the development of infections and inflammation.

A bacteriological analysis of urine will help to establish the causative agent of an infectious disease, as well as to determine its resistance to antibacterial agents.

Kidney dysfunction syndrome is diagnosed when there is an increase in leukocytes in the blood, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, and an imbalance in plasma protein fractions. Also, a pathological condition can lead to the development of anemia and a decrease in platelets.

In the acute form of the disease, the results of a biochemical blood test indicate changes in the mineral balance, as well as an increase in the products of creatine-phosphate reactions and a decrease in blood acidity.

In chronic insufficiency, the indicators of a biochemical blood test are as follows:

  • growth of urea, nitrogen, products of creatine-phosphate reactions, minerals and cholesterol;
  • decreased levels of calcium and protein.

Diagnosis of renal failure at the next stage includes an ultrasound with Doppler, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These methods make it possible to study the condition and structure of the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder. Also, with the help of these studies, it is possible to determine the cause of the narrowing of the ureters or the occurrence of an obstruction to the outflow of urine.

Dopplerography is necessary to assess the condition and patency of the renal vessels

In addition to the main methods of diagnosing the disease, the doctor may prescribe additional studies:

  1. A chest x-ray is necessary to determine the condition of the lower respiratory organs.
  2. Diagnosis of renal syndrome can be made using contrast - chromocystoscopy. The patient is injected into a vein with a special substance that leads to a change in the color of urine, then with the help of an endoscope inserted through the urethra, the bladder is examined.
  3. When the above basic diagnostic methods fail to make a diagnosis, a biopsy of kidney tissue can be performed. This type of study involves the study of renal tissue under a microscope. To do this, a special needle is inserted through the skin into the kidney.
  4. To determine violations in the work of the heart muscle, the patient is given a referral for electrocardiography.
  5. In the chronic form, a patient with renal failure must pass urine according to Zimnitsky. To do this, during the day it is necessary to collect urine in eight containers (3 hours each). The Zimnitsky test allows you to determine the violations of the kidneys, the density of urine, as well as the ratio of the volume of night and day urine.


Based on the data obtained during the diagnosis, the causes of kidney failure are determined, to which treatment will be directed. When choosing the direction of treatment, it is also important to determine the stage of the disease. Therapy is always carried out in a complex and in a hospital under the supervision of the attending physician.

Renal failure treatment requires a comprehensive and effective. With significant blood loss, you should start with a blood transfusion. This method is also the most effective for serious disorders in the functioning of organs and systems.

The renal form of the disease is treated depending on the symptoms of the course:

  1. In case of violations in the functioning of the immune system, hormonal preparations or medications are administered intravenously that stimulate the production of hormones by the adrenal cortex.
  2. Renal insufficiency with high blood pressure is treated with blood pressure medications.
  3. When the syndrome of liver and kidney failure is caused by poisoning with harmful toxic and chemical compounds, the patient needs to cleanse the blood using hemosorption or plasmapheresis and gastric lavage. After the procedures, sorbents are prescribed.
  4. The renal form, which arose against the background of infectious diseases of the kidneys, can be treated only with the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
  5. In diabetes, treatment includes lowering blood sugar levels by taking medications and following a special diet.
  6. When the pathology is accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin, the patient is prescribed iron and vitamins. It is also necessary to increase the proportion of iron-containing foods in the diet.
  7. Diuretics are used to normalize urine output.
  8. In case of disturbed water and electrolyte balance, the patient is prescribed medications with a high mineral composition.

It is most often possible to treat postrenal renal failure only by surgical intervention, since the cause of the pathology is an obstacle to the outflow of urine.

Treatment of renal failure in chronic course is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Disease prevention

In addition to the main methods of treatment, prevention of renal failure is important, which includes:

  • exclusion of physical activity during the recovery period;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • observe bed rest;
  • eat according to the doctor's recommendations (follow a diet);
  • if necessary, achieve weight loss;
  • treat comorbidities.
  1. Cut down on protein foods that put a strain on the kidneys.
  2. Eat more carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, sweets), which are necessary to maintain strength.
  3. Limit your salt intake.
  4. Drink enough liquid.
  5. Exclude legumes, nuts, mushrooms from the diet.
  6. Limit coffee and chocolate intake.

Thus, the syndrome of impaired renal function is called renal insufficiency. It develops as a result of infectious, inflammatory diseases, urinary outflow disorders and other causes. There are two forms of pathology: acute and chronic. The stages of renal failure in acute and chronic forms are different and are characterized by different symptoms.

Treatment for each type of disease is different and should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathology and its consequences.