Why presses on the eyes: possible causes of the symptom. Pressing pain in the eyes Feeling of pressure in the eyes

Some people experience pressure pain in the eyes. The symptom of pressure is described as pain above the eyes, when moving the eyes, around the eyes, or behind the eyes. Pressing pain in the eyes is usually accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • decreased vision
  • temperature rise
  • double vision
  • photophobia
  • loss of visual fields.

Causes of pressing pain in the eye

1. Glaucoma.
A sharp increase in intraocular pressure to high numbers is accompanied by the appearance of bursting pain in the eyes of a pressing character and a sharp decrease in vision, the appearance of a white fog in front of the eye. Additionally, nausea and vomiting may be present. A very formidable symptom in glaucoma. The condition requires immediate medical attention.

2. Optic neuritis.
With inflammation of the optic nerve, pressing pain appears behind the eye, bursting in nature, aggravated by movement of the eye. Viral and bacterial infections can cause neuritis.

3. Iridocyclitis.
Inflammation of the iris of the eye causes severe pressing eye pain and severe photophobia.

4. Computer syndrome.
Visual fatigue can cause pressing pain in the eyes at the end of the working day or after continuous work at the computer, which lasts more than 2 hours.

5. Migraine.
There is a separate eye form - migraines. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the causes of pain in the eye itself. Accompanied by loss of visual fields. Complete restoration of vision and cessation of eye pain of a pressing nature is observed after the cessation of a migraine attack.

6. Sinusitis.
Inflammation in the sinuses, especially in the upper sinus (frontitis) can cause pressing pain in the eyes and in the head. Eye and headache accompanied by an increase in total body temperature above 38 gr. and the appearance of symptoms of intoxication of the body.

7. Increased intracranial pressure.
In some cases, after a head injury, vascular disease, or infectious diseases, pressing pain in the eyes appears.

8. Eye injury.
Any injury to the eye is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the eyes. Pressing pain appears as a result of a contusion or a blow to the eye.

Treatment of pressure pain in the eyes

In most cases, a slight pressing pain in the eyes is associated with the usual overwork and after rest it goes away on its own. However, some causes that cause pressing eye pain are a sign of a very serious problem. For example, pressing pain in glaucoma.

If not diagnosed in time and not treated, it can lead to complete blindness. Therefore, it is very important to consult a specialist doctor to find out the underlying cause that led to the development of pressing pain in the eyes.

Pain in the eyes can occur as a result of overwork when working at a computer or with papers: the muscles of the eyes are overstrained, as they focus only at one distance, dryness appears due to rare blinking and the operation of the air conditioner. In this case, rest and certain gymnastics help to eliminate pain. This is the most common cause of eye discomfort, but not the only one.

Pressing pain in the eyes

The second common cause of discomfort is increased - in this case, it seems that the eye seems to be squeezing something out from the inside.

Factors such as:

  1. Headache, spasm of muscles or blood vessels.
  2. Sudden change in atmospheric pressure (change in weather).
  3. Drinking alcohol or smoking;
  4. Increased concentration of attention on one point;
  5. Inflammatory process, glaucoma.

Discomfort is associated with the pressure of fluid in the vitreous body on the shell of the eye. Most often, it goes away by itself after some time, if there are no pathological changes.

Attention! Consult an ophthalmologist if the pressing pain is unbearable, prolonged or regular. Too much high blood pressure can lead to glaucoma. This disease is most susceptible to the elderly and those whose parents had it in history. dangerous because it leads to decreased vision and even blindness.

Mechanical damage to the eye

Acute pain, especially when looking away, is most likely caused by a foreign object getting into the mucous membrane. The pain may increase when the eye is rubbed, so this should not be done - the particle can damage the shell of the eye or eyelid, then the discomfort will remain even after extraction. And in some cases, the ingress of a mote, which could not be immediately removed by washing or frequent blinking, can cause the onset of an inflammatory process. Therefore, if you cannot get rid of the foreign object on your own, and the pain intensifies, consult a doctor: he will turn the eyelid and easily remove the source of discomfort.

Damage to the eye can be caused by improper wearing of contact lenses, bruises, mechanical stress, burns. For example, when welding, ultraviolet radiation damages the cornea, irritation and pain appear, clouding, tearing, it is difficult to look at the light. There may be severe pain when opening, as the eyelids are tightly closed. This phenomenon is called electrophthalmia.

Attention! After a burn from welding, you should not scratch your eyes, rinse them or use drops - you need to urgently see a doctor. Feelings are similar to the presence of a foreign object, however, the above methods will only increase irritation and pain.

Swelling of the eyes or swelling of the eyelids with pain

Tearing and swelling of the eyes is most often caused by sinusitis, SARS, appears due to general intoxication of the body. It can also be a manifestation of an allergic reaction in the spring-summer season or when using new cosmetics. Eye irritation can be caused by an infection or the following diseases:

  1. Styes: eyelashes are scaly, red and itchy, and can also be dacryocystitis.
  2. Inflammation of the sinuses, difficulty breathing (sinusitis).
  3. Quincke's edema is an allergic reaction to foods, pollen or cosmetics.
  4. Diseases of the stomach or liver, cardiovascular system, if the tumor is only on the lower eyelid.

First aid for swelling of the eye! Rinse with tea leaves or a weak solution of boric acid, apply hydrocortisone ointment or castor oil. Cucumber or potato compresses can help, and they are completely safe.

Eye inflammation: conjunctivitis

Conjunctiva - a protective transparent film that prevents foreign particles from entering, provides the secretion of tear fluid. It can become inflamed, watery and fester for many reasons - due to damage by bacteria, viruses, fungus. This is due to rubbing the eyes with dirty hands, hypothermia, bright light, overwork, or a general viral disease.

When only one eye is affected, and with a bacterial infection, both. Chronic disease can be caused by long-term negative effects - tobacco smoke, chemicals, beriberi. Conjunctivitis is a fairly common disease that can be easily treated with eye drops. Inflammation in the choroid of the eye is called uveitis.

How to deal with eye pain?

You can improve your well-being on your own when you are sure that the discomfort is not associated with a serious illness:

What causes painHow to treat
1 Computer workAfter a long stay at the computer, when the eyes dry out and overstrain, there is a feeling of pain, you need to use special moisturizing drops, blink, do gymnastics (look in different directions, angles, into the distance) and give your eyes a rest
2 foreign bodyIf the pain is due to a mote, then rinse your eye and get wet. But if it's a bruise, a stick prick, or a burn, see a doctor immediately.
3 Migraine, head pain, pressureWhen discomfort occurs due to a migraine, headache or pressure change, flies appear, it hurts to look at the light, lie down to rest in a dark room, limit exposure to sound sources
4 Contact lenses or glassesDiscomfort when wearing contact lenses or glasses indicates their improper use, expiration date, improper selection. Get rid of the provocative factor and contact the optician to select new accessories for vision correction
5 Styes or conjunctivitisBarley and conjunctivitis go away on their own, drops of Ophthalmoferon (with the viral nature of the disease), Albucid or Levomycetin (with a bacterial infection) will help alleviate the condition

Urgently visit an ophthalmologist in case of mechanical damage to the eye, burns, sharp acute pain, dull pressing for more than 2 days, or visual impairment.

Keep in mind that eye pain can be caused not only by diseases of this organ, but also by rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, or other health problems. A visit to the doctor will relieve you of doubts, and the timely prescribed treatment will relieve you of a deterioration in well-being. Do not neglect the recommendations of a specialist, follow the treatment regimen.

To prevent pain in the eyes, do eye exercises every day, periodically get up from the table, look away, let them rest. Do not touch your eyes with your hands, and if necessary, only after disinfecting them. Use proven cosmetics, preferably hypoallergenic.

Video - Possible causes of eye pain

The eyes are a complex paired organ that rests only during sleep. Therefore, under the influence of various circumstances, discomfort may occur in the eyes, pain may appear that presses on the eyes from the inside.

But not always pressing pain in the eyes is associated with behavioral causes, sometimes pain can manifest itself as a symptom of diseases that require immediate treatment.

Causes of pain with pressure on the eyes

The causes of pressing pain in the eyes may not be associated with diseases, but may be the result of overstrain, for example, during:

  • long reading;
  • prolonged TV viewing;
  • excessive pastime at the PC monitor.

In these cases, you need a good rest for the eyes; if the work is associated with an increased concentration of attention, then it is necessary to take breaks and do special gymnastics.

Diseases that cause pain in the eyes

  • Migraine may be associated with a decrease in blood supply to the brain. It affects one or both halves of the head and descends to the upper jaw and eye. At the same time, the headache is so severe that it sometimes becomes unbearable. The disease is more common in women.
  • Spasm of cerebral vessels can lead to pressing pain in the eyes. Spasm can be caused by a lack of oxygen, lack of sleep, smoking, as when smoking, blood vessels constrict sharply.
  • Intracranial pressure, which is caused by excessive accumulation of fluid in the ventricle of the brain. This can occur with trauma, tumors, encephalomeningitis disease, or other brain pathology.
  • Conjunctivitis is an eye disease that is caused by an infectious, viral, bacterial disease, or an allergy. The viral variety is spread by airborne droplets.

REFERENCE. Severe pain in the eyes can only be provoked by conjunctivitis, which is caused by toxic substances.

Arterial and ocular hypertension

Arterial hypertension is one of the most common causes of headaches that press on the eyes. This symptom, accompanied by an increase in pressure, is always a very alarming signal that should never be ignored. Source: flickr (Michael Kovich).

Diseases that can lead to a feeling of pressure on the eyes from the inside are often associated with vascular damage. High blood pressure or hypertension is one such disease. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of pressure on the eyes from the inside.

If there is a tendency to increase blood pressure, then it must be controlled.

As a preventive measure, you need to give up alcohol, excessive consumption of salty and spicy foods, and also reduce body weight if overweight.

In the organ itself, increased pressure can also occur, this is called ocular hypertension, characterized by:

  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • the occurrence of headaches;
  • tearing;
  • pressing pain in the eyes.

The disease may not have a specific identified cause - essential hypertension, but may occur due to poisoning with toxic substances, with prolonged use of hormonal drugs, as a concomitant disease with endocrine disorders and as a companion of inflammatory processes affecting the mucous membrane of the eye, the cornea.

What to do if you are worried about pressing pain in the eyes

Important! With these symptoms, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist, since ocular hypertension leads to glaucoma, which, in turn, always ends in partial or complete loss of vision.

You can not ignore the symptom, the sooner you start treatment, the easier it will be to cope with the problem that caused it.

As a preventive measure for eye diseases and other diseases that lead to pain in the eyes, it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle, follow a diet, exercise and fresh air are mandatory. And most importantly, do not forget to give your eyes periodic rest, especially during activities that require a constant increased concentration of attention.

homeopathic treatment

If you feel any discomfort caused by a feeling of pressure in the eyes, you should contact a specialist who, after examining, will be able to indicate the cause of its occurrence. Modern devices are able to accurately determine the cause of changes occurring in the eyes. Source: flickr (Irina Eremenko).

Good results in eliminating pain in the eyes with a feeling of pressure gives.

Any treatment, including homeopathic, should be started only after examination and correct diagnosis. To eliminate pain, symptomatic drugs are often prescribed, which not only relieve pain, but also affect the entire body as a whole, improving the work of all its systems in a complex.

Drugs for chronic migraines

  1. (Arnica). The action of Arnica is aimed at reducing the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, stimulating the processes of tissue repair.
  2. (Cocculus indicus) is effective for headaches localized in the back of the head.
  3. (Bryonia) is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent that can relieve the symptoms of many diseases in the body, it helps well with headaches.

Drugs for glaucoma

  1. (Phosphorus) is used to restore visual function and normalize intraocular pressure;

A feeling as if something is pressing on the eyes appears in many people. As a rule, it is accompanied by a headache in the forehead. In most cases, when it presses on the eyes from the inside, the reason lies in the banal overwork caused by prolonged visual stress. But sometimes it is a sign of serious illness. Therefore, even with minor discomfort, it is worth finding out the reasons for their appearance by contacting a doctor.

The reasons

If it began to put pressure on the eyes, you need to pay attention to the regularity and circumstances of this phenomenon. A one-time case, especially for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or work with papers for a very long time, does not require special attention. In this case, you need to contact the doctor only if additional symptoms appear. If it constantly presses on the eyes, then this can be caused by the development of various diseases. Under such circumstances, the problem should be taken with sufficient seriousness.

It can put pressure on the eyes for the following reasons:

  • Psycho-emotional stress. With any serious stress associated with the psyche or emotions, the head begins to hurt, which is manifested by pressure on the eyes. The temple may also get sick, and this may concern only one of them.
  • Migraine. Few people know this type of headache, but everyone who has experienced it would prefer to avoid recurring attacks. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by pressure on the organs of vision, nausea, dizziness, intolerance to sound and light. The pain itself can affect the left or right temple, while sometimes it gives to the forehead, eyes or bridge of the nose.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. With a curvature of the spine in the cervical region, the head hurts and presses on the eyes. Blood vessels may also pulsate.
  • Eye diseases. Intraocular infections, inflammation, styes affecting the eyelid or eyelashes, and various corneal injuries all contribute to the appearance of unpleasant sensations that resemble pressure from the inside. The eyes may also turn red or watery, dizzy, the picture becomes cloudy, and in special cases, swelling of the upper or lower eyelids appears.
  • Sinusitis. The inflammatory process in the sinuses causes pressing sensations, severe pain in the bridge of the nose or the entire head. Therefore, when the nose begins to stuff up with a runny nose, you need to drip drops and blow out accumulations of mucus.
  • Hypertension, hypotension. Deviations regarding pressure negatively affect the vessels of the brain. With increased or decreased pressure, the back of the head begins to hurt, the head may feel dizzy, the eyelids become heavy. Low levels can also cause severe weakness and blanching of the skin.
  • Violation of the blood circulation of the brain. With mild disorders, pain appears throughout the head, which presses on the organs of vision. If a stroke occurs, the symptoms will be very severe, and the victim will need urgent hospitalization. If a person complains of pain, and then falls sharply, has breathing problems, uncontrollable muscle contractions (convulsions) occur, then an ambulance should be urgently called.
  • Tumor. With any neoplasm, the eyes hurt, as if they were being pressed. Even tumors as simple as a cyst, which are normal in some cases, can cause discomfort.
  • . Getting injured is always accompanied by a concussion, which causes pressing sensations. There may be no other symptoms at all, but sometimes there is a feeling of nausea, double vision, weakness.
  • Infections. In infectious diseases, it can also burst the forehead from the inside, while affecting the eyes. Especially often newborns infected during childbirth are susceptible to this.
  • Hormonal reorganization. Unpleasant feelings concerning the eyes can appear in women with hormonal changes. Women during pregnancy are most susceptible to this phenomenon, with nausea, weakness and other symptoms appearing.
  • Colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza). A person experiences all the classic symptoms of the disease, as well as pressure on the eyes.

This concludes the main causes of pressure that affects the eyes. However, it can also occur with other health problems. Among them:

  • Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • The negative impact of bad habits;
  • Diseases of the teeth;
  • VVD (vegetovascular dystonia);
  • allergic reactions;
  • Body poisoning.

Even incorrectly selected glasses contribute to the appearance of pressing pain, in which the eyeballs can also turn red and tear production may increase. This is very often faced by children who have only recently bought glasses. The child may not tell adults about his feelings, because of which special attention should be paid to him.

Many diseases require medical intervention, and if you delay, you can get serious complications. Therefore, after the periodic appearance of unpleasant sensations, you should immediately make an appointment with the doctor.


To find out why it presses on the eyes, you must definitely visit an optometrist. First, the doctor will measure intraocular pressure. Normal indicators - 9-22 mm Hg. Art. In case of deviations, the oculist will prescribe an additional study of the optic nerve. For a more accurate diagnosis, he will send the patient to such examinations as:

  1. , CT. With their help, it will be possible to find out if there are tumors, inflammations and other similar diseases in the head.
  2. Vascular ultrasound. This diagnostic method will show the presence of vascular damage, the formation of blood clots, as well as the speed of blood circulation.

After a complete examination, the ophthalmologist will prescribe treatment or give a referral to another specialist if the underlying causes of pressure are not related to the organs of vision.

Medical treatment

Medicines can be prescribed only by the attending physician. You can not choose drugs on your own, because. in this way, you can cause serious harm to your health. Immediately after the final diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe medications for the underlying cause. But they can also prescribe pills:

  1. Painkillers (Analgin, Pentalgin).
  2. Anti-inflammatory (Nurofen, Ibuprofen).
  3. Antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Cefalexin).
  4. Diuretic (Diacarb, Furosemide).
  5. Tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Chlordiazepoxide).

Additionally, eye drops may be prescribed. They will be used to:

  1. Relieve inflammation (Diclofenac).
  2. Constrict the pupil (Pilocarpine).
  3. Strengthen the outflow of fluid (Xalatan).
  4. Reduce fluid production (Bitoptik).

Also, to increase the effectiveness of treatment, the doctor can send the patient for therapeutic massage or special physiotherapy. In special cases, when the disease is extremely dangerous, a surgical operation may be required.

Effectively getting rid of pressure on the eyes is possible only with an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Folk remedies

Time-tested folk methods allow you to quickly feel relief from even severe symptoms. However, they are not able to cure serious diseases, which is why they can only be used for minor problems.

The most effective methods:

  • Washing eyes. You will need to apply a decoction of chamomile or aloe. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in it, and then wipe the eye with it from the edge of the head to the nose so that the liquid is slightly squeezed onto the mucous membrane.
  • Reception of decoctions. It is enough to make a decoction of mint or lemon balm and drink it to reduce pressure inside the eyes, getting rid of discomfort.
  • Lotions for the eyes. It is necessary to moisten the bandage in nettle or chamomile decoction, apply it on the eyes for 10 minutes.

If after carrying out such procedures there is no improvement, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Special exercises

If the pain is due to overexertion or fatigue, then you can get rid of it with the help of simple exercises. They can be used by both adults and children. What to do if it presses on the eyes:

  1. Look up, down, left, right.
  2. Draw a circle with your eyes clockwise, then repeat in the opposite direction.
  3. Draw a square first clockwise and then vice versa.
  4. Draw a few eights horizontally and vertically with your eyes.

You can perform the exercises repeatedly (up to 10 times), adhering to the specified sequence. It is recommended to additionally repeat them with closed eyes.

If pressing pains are caused by serious diseases of the organs of vision or the brain, it is strictly forbidden to perform these exercises, press on the eyeballs for massage, bend over and perform heavy physical actions.


To avoid discomfort associated with the organs of vision, it will be possible with the help of prevention. It involves changing your lifestyle and maintaining your health at a high level. What will be required:

  • Give up bad habits (do not drink or smoke);
  • Ensure the healthiest possible environment at home;
  • Monitor your weight;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Visit your doctor regularly if you have a chronic illness.

Following these simple rules will reduce the risk of a headache that presses on the eyes to a minimum.

Is this phenomenon dangerous?

The variety of reasons due to which pressure pain may appear makes the problem much more serious. Therefore, if additional symptoms appear or pressure on the eyes increases, it is imperative to consult a doctor in order to receive timely treatment. This is the only way to keep your health.

Uncontrolled use of drugs and ignoring medical care leads to an aggravation of the problem. Pain in the frontal part of the head and eyes can become regular. You can stop the condition by conducting a full examination and finding out exactly the cause.

The reasons

A condition in which the eyes and frontal part of the head hurt, accompanies many diseases. Initially, the symptoms are manifested by the tension of the eyeballs, then the discomfort increases in the forehead. Or everything happens the other way around, and the pain syndrome occurs in the upper part of the head. Experts identify several main reasons for this condition.


Eye disease caused by increased intraocular pressure. accompanied by pain in the frontal part of the head and eyeballs. Seeing a doctor is imperative so that the disease does not go into an advanced stage. Sometimes excessive pressure leads to complete loss of vision.


Pathology of a neurological nature, which is manifested by compressive pain in one half of the skull (less often in two). The disease is not associated with injuries, oncology, jumps in arterial or intraocular pressure. Although the patient has a feeling as if something is pressing on the eyes from the inside.

Pain in the frontal part of the head and eyeballs occur paroxysmal, radiate to the neck and upper jaw, and are aggravated by external stimuli.

Myopia (nearsightedness)

A visual dysfunction in which an image is formed in front of the retina rather than on it. If left untreated, it progresses, causing complications in the form of bulging of the sclera, retinal hemorrhages or its detachment. These conditions may be accompanied by pressing pains in the eyes.

High blood pressure

The feeling that something is pressing on the eyes occurs with a jump in intracranial pressure. Less often, this happens with an increase in blood pressure. Discomfort increases in the evening and at night, when the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the skull is difficult. Sometimes it is accompanied by vomiting, bruising under the eyes, and a headache can be severe.

If left untreated, vision decreases, a feeling of protrusion and pain appears above the eyes and inside the apples. With hypertension, the pain is less pronounced, "flies" appear before the eyes, dizziness and pulsation in the temples.


The main reason why something from the inside presses on the eyes and forehead is a concussion. In this case, medical intervention is needed, because concussion in the future will provoke headaches, vascular and neurological disorders, and high blood pressure.


It can be mental or physical. Chronic fatigue, pressure on the eyes, decreased performance are signals that the body needs rest.

Soreness of the eyeballs and the frontal region can be eliminated independently by providing a good sleep, limiting stress, stabilizing the psycho-emotional state.

cluster pain

For this reason, the forehead hurts and presses on the eyes with such intensity that the sensation is like piercing apples with knitting needles. Attacks last for hours, occur over weeks and months. First, it blocks the ear, then the nose, sweating increases, and blood rushes to the face.

Eyes and forehead hurt most often seasonally, in spring or autumn. In the body, failures are observed in the management of biological rhythms (sleep and wakefulness), so pain occurs at the same time of day.


A cold, flu, or meningitis causes a feeling of hard pressure on the eyes and forehead. The latter disease is the most dangerous and can lead to death. With pressing sensations in the forehead and eye sockets, especially against the background of high fever, nausea and dizziness, you should immediately consult a doctor.


This is a pathological expansion of the lumen of the artery of the brain, causing hemorrhage and damage to vital functions. During exacerbation, the forehead hurts and presses on the eyes, the person feels sick, part of the face goes numb. Hearing is also impaired, vision deteriorates, photophobia and weakness occur. The condition is stopped only in a hospital setting.


Inflammation of the frontal sinuses, the first sign of which is chronic nasal congestion. Then pressure is added to the eyes and forehead due to stagnation of purulent-mucous discharge in the sinuses. The temperature rises, weakness develops, general well-being worsens.

brain oncology

Neoplasms in the tissues of the brain are considered the most dangerous reason why the forehead above the eyes hurts. Ophthalmic symptoms allow early diagnosis of cancer. These include deterioration or blurred vision, headaches in the forehead, bridge of the nose and eyes, inability to read or write.

With brain tumors, visual impairment is observed in 90–92% of patients.

Other reasons

In addition to the listed diseases, the feeling as if something is pressing on the eyes and the frontal part of the head hurts is provoked by several more reasons. These include the use of certain foods - tea, strong coffee, nuts, semi-finished products, salted, fried, smoked foods, foods rich in animal fats.

Also, pain in the head occurs due to vasoconstriction. The condition occurs due to alcohol abuse or smoking.

In schoolchildren or students, it presses on the eyes during control or sessions. At this time, the brain processes a large amount of information, and the eyes get very tired. Therefore, rest from intense mental activity, walks in the fresh air and a good night's sleep are required.

Also presses on the forehead and eyeballs as a result of prolonged exposure to bright sun or strong wind. Mote or dirt that gets into the eyes can cause irritation.

Worrisome accompanying symptoms

Non-dangerous conditions, such as chronic fatigue or mental stress, often go away on their own. If, over time, in the forehead and eyeballs it presses more and more, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

These signs will indicate that you should urgently see a doctor:

  • intense headaches radiating to the eyes, neck and jaw;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • frequent vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • temperature rise to 39–40 ° C;
  • weakness, sweating;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • blurred vision, impaired hearing and coordination in space.

These symptoms may indicate an aneurysm and subsequent cerebral hemorrhage, concussion, high intracranial pressure, or hypertensive crisis. Meningococcal infection is also possible.

Which doctor should I contact if my forehead and eyes hurt

When your forehead or eyes hurt, you should first contact a local therapist. He will conduct an initial examination, collect an anamnesis and make a preliminary diagnosis. The doctor will assess the clinical symptoms and refer the patient to specialized specialists. It can be a neurologist, ophthalmologist, infectious disease specialist, otolaryngologist, oncologist.

In case of increased intraocular pressure, myopia and glaucoma, consultation with an ophthalmologist is mandatory to prevent optic nerve atrophy and complete loss of visual function.


A list of diagnostic procedures in a situation where it presses on the eyes and worries about pain in the frontal part of the head:

  • tonometry - measurement of intraocular pressure according to the Maklakov method, which is also carried out in a non-contact way;
  • electrocardiogram - if a hypertensive crisis is suspected;
  • dopplerography of cerebral vessels - to assess the patency of capillaries;
  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain - if there are suspicions of an aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage and oncological neoplasms;
  • x-ray of the skull - in case of traumatic brain injury;
  • rhinoscopy or endoscopy - to confirm sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid tests - if meningococcal infection is suspected.

The exact diagnosis will depend on the symptoms in each case. The need for additional research is determined by the specialists to whom the patient was referred with pressing pains in the eyes and head.

What to do?

In case of indefinite paroxysmal discomfort, when the eyes and forehead hurt, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause.

Before that, you can alleviate the condition yourself in the following ways:

  • take a warm relaxing bath with the addition of salt, decoctions of chamomile, mint or lemon balm;
  • limit the time spent in front of the TV or computer;
  • do a relaxing head massage in circular motions starting from the back of the head, moving towards the neck and shoulder blades;
  • drink soothing tea with lemon balm;
  • limit the amount of salt in meals and enrich the diet with foods rich in proteins, fiber, vitamins;
  • provide oxygen access to the room, ventilate it more often;
  • do not wear tight clothes, do not tighten the tie too much.

Such measures will help if the patient has problems with intracranial or arterial pressure, or if his forehead hurts and presses on his eyes due to excessive physical (mental) overstrain. An ambulance should be called immediately if the patient has loss of consciousness, convulsions, high fever, visual and speech disorders.

Most often, the reasons why it hurts in the forehead and eye sockets are arterial and intracranial hypertension. In these cases, the patient is prescribed diuretics, drugs from the groups of adreno- and beta-blockers, as well as calcium channel blockers. The treatment regimen will be determined by the doctor.

What to do if the eyes and forehead area start to hurt sharply? Pay attention to concomitant symptoms - nasal congestion, chronic fatigue, overexertion, fever, dizziness. If you suspect a hypertensive crisis, stroke or cluster pain, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Consultation with a specialist will facilitate the diagnosis and speed up the development of a treatment regimen.

Useful video about pain in the forehead and eyes