Why does the cat swear. Diarrhea found in a cat: what to do to restore normal bowel function

If the cat is lethargic and has loose stools, this may be a sign of a serious illness.

When loose stools began, with what interval does emptying occur, the presence of foreign or suspicious impurities in the stools, blood, mucus, unnatural color of feces, how the animal behaves, are there any accompanying symptoms:, spasms,.


The stool frequency of a healthy cat depends on the food consumed, the intervals between meals.

  1. Food dry food strictly according to the regime - a chair up to 2 times a day.
  2. One meat- 1 time in three days.
  3. Balanced varied diet – two or three times within 24 hours.

Fecal masses should normally have a clear shape, soft consistency, light brown color. If boiled vegetables are added to the diet - beets, carrots - the color will acquire a color closer to the food eaten.

Loose stools are almost always problems with the intestines. From the nature of the feces, color, you can pre-set in which section of the intestine the problem is - thin or thick.

Colitis and vomiting

Loose stools, which are accompanied by vomiting with blood, may indicate severe intoxication.

The presence of mucus, sometimes with blood - possible colitis, inflammation of the large intestine. A liquid slurry with pieces of undigested food indicates an allergy. Individual intolerance to a particular product. accompanied by vomiting - intoxication.

Treatment of difficult cases only with the help of a veterinarian!

The doctor establishes a complete clinical picture through a comprehensive examination:

  • anamnesis;
  • visual inspection;
  • laboratory research;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • gastroscopy.

Sometimes a short hospitalization of the animal is required for observation and taking tests for bacterial culture.

The cat has loose stools what to do at home

Help begins with the main thing - alleviating the suffering of the animal.

In case of poisoning toxic substances provide poison neutralization. For this, an antidote is administered.

Apple cider vinegar and water can help with alkali poisoning.

In case of poisoning alkali dilute apple cider vinegar or lemon juice with water and give a sick pet a drink.

Poisoning acid neutralized with beaten egg white.

Intoxication due to stale food , provided that the poisoning occurred no more than three hours ago, it is eliminated with a solution of table salt and water: 1 part salt to four parts water. Hydrogen peroxide with water, in equal proportions, is given every ten minutes. Water is poured in a large amount to ensure vomiting.

Worm infestation

Diarrhea with blood, if you look closely, you can also see worms.

Worm infestation lends itself. The type of worms, the approximate period of infection are taken into account.

Basically, universal complex medicines are used:

  • kanikvantel plus;
  • enwire;
  • drontal;
  • milbemax;
  • pratel;
  • troncil;
  • febtal;
  • prazicide;
  • profender.

Suspensions are given with a syringe. Tablets can be given with food, crushed into powder.

cat plague

Distemper also belongs to the category of bacterial infections. Unfortunately, there is no treatment that guarantees the complete recovery of the animal. The cat needs complete rest, comfortable conditions, supportive therapy.

Cat distemper is very dangerous!

Antibiotics, vitamins, immunity-supporting drugs, symptomatic treatment are prescribed. The best help is good care.

Viral herpes

A complication in the form of herpes in a cat, which.

Viral herpes of the feline family requires a special approach. Medical care is divided into symptomatic elimination of the problem and specific.

  • Symptomatic: immunomodulators - anandin, roncoleukin. Antibiotics: cefazolin, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, sinulox, amoxicillin.
  • Ointments and gels: iodinol, chlorhexidine, actovegin, solcoseryl.
  • Antiviral: anandine drops. Solutions: Hartman, Ringer-Locke. Vitamins: groups C, B. Specific elimination - surgical opening of wounds, cleaning, local healing.

Help with colitis

Help with colitis depends on the causes that caused it. General therapy is aimed at alleviating the general condition of the cat. Removal of inflammation - anti-inflammatory. Normalization of the pathogenic environment of a bacteriological nature - antibiotics. Restoration of the body as a whole - fortifying, vitamins.


Cancer in a cat.

Neoplasms - tumors - are mostly removed surgically, followed by restorative therapy.


Stressful situations do not require medical assistance. It is enough to provide your pet with favorable conditions: peace, a balanced diet.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Solution on pomegranate peels.

Traditional medicine will be a good aid. It is allowed to use pomegranate peel for diarrhea, which should be brewed, insisted for an hour, watered the cat 3-4 times a day. You can use the walls of chicken stomachs, which are dried, ground into powder. Mixed with food at every feeding.

Medicinal collection from oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, fruits and flowers of bird cherry, blueberries in equal proportions pour boiling water, insist. Give 30 ml four times a day.


The first day when loose stools occur, the cat needs a complete refusal to eat.

Food must be removed, but water should be left and monitored for its freshness.

Since during the illness occurs, drink plenty of water . Water must be fresh and clean.

On the second day light low-fat food is gradually introduced into the diet: boiled chicken breast, lean broth, rice, liquid enveloping cereals. Specialized therapeutic food for sensitive digestive system. Continue this diet throughout the entire period of illness and rehabilitation.

After recovery, you can return to the previous regimen and eat the same food, but with caution.

Preventive measures

The most important component of prevention is love for the animal. Pay special attention to nutrition, make sure that foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines do not get into the animal's food. Change the water in the drinker in time, do not mix fresh food and yesterday's food. Prevent stressful situations, eliminate access to the trash can.

Cat diarrhea (diarrhea) is a rather unpleasant bowel disorder, well known to every self-respecting cat lover. Our smaller brothers also often suffer from this painful condition, no less than people. The main symptom of diarrhea that the owner of the animal may notice is frequent emptying, while the stool is very liquid and much less in quantity than usual. Diarrhea may be black or even red, which indicates that internal bleeding has begun in the stomach. Other external symptoms of an upset stomach can be: lack of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, as a result of your pet's atypical behavior. A painful pathological condition will not only cause stress in the pet, but also increase the load on the internal organs. The most effective treatment in such a situation is surgical, which began immediately after the symptoms were detected.

Causes of diarrhea

The feces of a healthy cat are similar to human ones, they are soft, slightly moist, and keep their shape. Color range - from black-brown to light brown. The average cat, being healthy, walks on a large one or two times a day, subject to systematic nutrition. As soon as the stool becomes too soft, mushy, loses its shape and spreads over the surface of the floor or cat litter in water streams, this is a sign of diarrhea. The most common cause is a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. A cat or a cat can eat expired or spoiled products, the quality of which was not checked in time by the owner. Along with food, food waste can get in, which the cat’s stomach cannot digest. If you have drastically changed the brand of cat food, and the pet's digestive system has not yet adapted to the new composition of the food, the likelihood of diarrhea increases dramatically.

Other causes of feline diarrhea can be an incorrectly formulated diet, motion sickness in transport, especially when the trip is long-term, or the influence of stressful situations (meeting other animals, fighting, going to the veterinarian). In the latter case, the nervous system, which works at the limit, wears out a lot, and the consequences of overvoltage cause a malfunction in the digestive tract. All of the above causes of diarrhea are relatively harmless and easily treatable, much more serious if diarrhea is just an accompanying symptom of your pet's illness.

The main diseases that cause diarrhea in cats are:

The last 3 diseases from the list are very serious, for their treatment it is worth contacting veterinarians, it is impossible to engage in independent home treatment in such cases, it is simply not effective, during this time the cat's health may deteriorate or be fatal. But do not panic ahead of time, in most cases, diarrhea is just a digestive disorder that can be cured on its own. If recovery does not occur for a long time, it is worth contacting a specialized animal clinic.

Diagnosis and definition

The color of liquid fecal secretions will help to more accurately determine the cause of diarrhea. For visual diagnostics, you need to use the classification:

What and how to treat diarrhea in cats

Before starting any treatment, it is worth remembering exactly what you fed the cat the last 2-3 times. If the diet included raw liver or fish, too fatty meat or stale dairy products - most likely it was this food that disrupted the gastrointestinal tract and caused diarrhea. It is necessary to stop feeding the animal with these products and replace them with less heavy food, in other words, put the cat on a temporary diet. If the emptying is liquid, large in volume and incommensurable with the volume of food that you gave the last time, there is overfeeding, perhaps from the great love of the owner. You need to stop feeding so often and reduce portions of food.

If the above recommendations do not help, and the cat does not develop new symptoms, such as high fever, lethargy, increased drowsiness, medication should be started. Firstly, the patient needs to undergo a daily course of cleansing fasting, 12 hours is enough for a kitten. Provide constant access to clean boiled water at room temperature. Give activated charcoal twice a day. Dosage calculation - one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. If your pet belongs to miniature breeds (Himalayan cat, Toyger), which weigh 3-5 kilograms, you need to give half a tablet.

Dilute the tablet in boiled water, draw the resulting mixture with any syringe without a needle and inject into the open mouth of the animal. It is most convenient to pinch the cat with your knees, throw back his head and, fixing his chin, pour the solution between the teeth. Keep your head tilted back until he swallows the medicine. Chamomile or St. John's wort tea will be a good addition to charcoal tablets, it also disinfects the walls of the stomach and removes toxins.

After a fast, you can gently start feeding your cat food that is easy to digest. Of the main and affordable products, these are: boiled egg yolk, chicken meat and boiled rice. If the pet eats raw or boiled vegetables, you can give them. In any pet store, you can buy therapeutic food with bifidobacteria and biologically active additives adapted to the age of the cat. After studying the annotation, the dosage, number of doses and duration of treatment will become clear.

Treatment for diarrhea in kittens

If the kitten has diarrhea during the transition to a different brand of food, or the kitten has just been purchased and you do not know what he ate before, most likely the digestive system is adapting to a new food. Diarrhea should go away on its own, you need to observe the addiction process, do not expand the diet and do not change the feeding order. If the kitten is very small, up to 3-4 months old, it is advisable to gradually switch to another food: systematically add the amount of new food to meals and reduce the proportion of the old one, such an algorithm will least affect the physical health of the kitten. In other cases, the causes and treatment of diarrhea in kittens are similar to intestinal upset in adult cats.

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Unfortunately, cats, like other animals, suffer from intestinal disorders from time to time. In the most severe case, the cat has frequent loose stools accompanied by discharge of pus with blood impurities. There can be many reasons, from severe overeating to acute infection. As a result, the colon becomes crowded, and poorly digested food moves heavily into the colon, and then the rectum.

Why does a cat have loose stools?

We list the main possible causes of intestinal upset:

  1. Eating sick rodents.
  2. Carrion.
  3. Poor quality and damaged.
  4. Dead birds.
  5. Fatty food and vegetable oil.
  6. Eating spices.
  7. Ingestion of paper, plastic, pieces of rags, and various other indigestible objects.
  8. Toxic substances and poisons.

Sometimes appears in a seemingly normal situation. Food that is quite normal for a person or another animal causes a strong upset in a furry pet. Problems with a cat's stool can be associated with intolerance to a certain type of food in his body. Even ordinary chicken, corn, soy, horse meat, albeit rarely, provokes diarrhea in some cats.

The mental state of the animal often causes intestinal disorders. Living beings can all be subject to stress. In a cat, loose stools sometimes appear in a state of severe fright, after an unexpected move, a sharp change in diet, such reasons should also not be discounted.

Cat diarrhea treatment

At home, short-term intestinal disorders are treated that are not associated with bloody discharge and a large loss of fluid from the body. Babies exclude food for 12 hours, adults - for a day. Water is provided in limited quantities. When the loose stools in the cat stop, the treatment will be a strict diet. Suitable chicken, boiled rice, egg white, special feed.

The "initiator" of a new diarrhea is often eating a large amount of carbohydrates. At first, let's eat half as much as usual. Usually, over time, the cat's loose stool stops, and his body returns to normal.

Diarrhea in a cat(medical term - diarrhea) is a very unpleasant indigestion, known to everyone not by hearsay. But not only people can suffer from this pathological condition, but also animals, including cats. Symptoms of diarrhea in a cat are frequent emptying, while the feces are liquid and less than usual in volume.

The color of diarrhea in a cat may turn black or red in case of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. However, this diarrhea is not only frequent stools with liquid feces of a different color, but also nausea, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and dehydration. Such factors are not only guaranteed to cause stress in the cat, but also trouble for the owner. That is why it is necessary to start treating diarrhea in a cat as soon as symptoms are detected.

Causes of diarrhea in cats

Under normal conditions, cat stool is slightly moist, slightly soft, and has a "formed shape". The color of the feces is dark brown. The frequency of defecation of a healthy cat is 1-2 times per day. If the cat's stool softens, loses its shape and becomes mushy or watery, this is a sign of diarrhea.

Most often, diarrhea in a cat occurs through a disruption in the digestive system, which, in turn, occurs due to the cat eating spoiled foods, food waste that is poorly digested by the cat’s stomach, and also due to changes in the brand of food (the body will have to adapt to the new composition stern).

Also, the cause of diarrhea in a cat or a cat can be pumping in transport during a long trip, an incorrect diet, stressful situations (for example, the appearance of new animals in the house or a visit to the veterinarian). However, all of the above causes of diarrhea are not frightening and easy to eliminate, much worse when diarrhea is a symptom of your cat's disease. So let's find out what feline diseases cause diarrhea:

  • Worms (roundworms, Giardia, trichomoniasis, coccidiosis);
  • Viral infections (leukemia, panleukopenia, infectious peritonitis);
  • Bacterial infections (salmonella, campylobacter, clostridia);
  • fungal bacteria;
  • Diabetes;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Kidney and liver disease;

Some of these diseases are extremely serious, but this is not a reason to panic. As we have already recalled, in most cases, diarrhea is caused precisely in the form of digestive disorders, and therefore you can cure it yourself. If the following tips and instructions do not help, then you need to contact your veterinarian. But before considering how and how to treat diarrhea in a cat, let's learn how to diagnose the type of diarrhea.

Diagnose the type of diarrhea

Depending on the color of diarrhea in a cat, you can determine its possible cause. Consider the types of diarrhea and the causes of each of them:

  • Yellow diarrhea - indicates the usual poor digestion of food. But very saturated, almost orange color of diarrhea indicates an excess of bilirubin and damage to the liver;
  • The green color of diarrhea indicates putrefactive processes in the intestines. The most likely cause is the eating of rotten foods by animals;
  • The white color of diarrhea - (as well as feces) indicates a “blockage” of the pathways for the entry of bile into the intestines, and therefore is absent there. The sign is not good;
  • Diarrhea with water in a cat - indicates a significant release of fluid into the intestinal tract, while the mucous membrane is not damaged;
  • Diarrhea from milk is not at all scary. The reason for such diarrhea in adult cats is a small amount of specific enzymes that are responsible for the digestion of milk (their number decreases during the maturation of the animal);
  • Frequent diarrhea in a cat (more than five times a day) - may indicate the intensity of the disease or disorder of the rectum;
  • The cat has diarrhea and vomiting - indicates food or other poisoning. If these symptoms do not go away for a sufficiently long time, it is worth examining the animal at the veterinarian;
  • Diarrhea with blood in a cat - may indicate a serious illness. It is best to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible;
  • Diarrhea with mucus in a cat - most likely indicates inflammation in the large intestine;
  • Diarrhea after vaccination - probably some kind of disease was hidden in the cat, and as a result of vaccination, its symptoms “floated to the surface”. The vaccination itself does not cause diarrhea;
  • Diarrhea in a kitten - can occur for all of the above reasons, respectively, the treatment will be exactly the same.

Well, we have considered the types of diarrhea in cats. Let's move on to the specifics of the treatment of each of these types of diarrhea.

How and how to treat diarrhea in a cat

Before you treat diarrhea in a cat, carefully look and analyze what you fed her last time. If raw fish or liver, fatty meat or sour milk were present among the feed, then most likely they caused indigestion and diarrhea. In this case, simply eliminate these foods from the cat's diet and temporarily transfer the animal to a diet. If there is a lot of diarrhea and it is liquid, this can also be the reason for overfeeding. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of feeding and portions of feed.

If the above tips did not help, but the cat does not show any other symptoms other than diarrhea (fever, lethargy of the animal), it is worth starting active treatment. It consists in "putting the cat on a fast" for a period of one day (in the case of a kitten - 12 hours). In this case, the cat should always have access to fresh and clean boiled water (not hot of course).

In addition, it is necessary to give the animal activated charcoal (twice a day, 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight). Please note that many breeds of cats (for example, etc.) weigh only 4-5 kilograms, and therefore only half a tablet should be given at a time.

The procedure for giving a cat an activated charcoal tablet is as follows: the tablet is dissolved in boiled water, the resulting solution is drawn into a syringe (without a needle, of course); then you need to raise the head of the animal and holding it by the chin, insert the tip of the syringe between the teeth and pour the medicine into the mouth. In this case, it will not be superfluous to give the cat tea from chamomile or St. John's wort to drink (the procedure is similar).

After the fasting time, it is worth feeding the cat only food that is easily digested. The following products are suitable: boiled egg yolk, boiled chicken meat, boiled rice. Of course, you can feed and special therapeutic food for cats. Most manufacturers have such feeds in their lines. Read more about how to choose the right food for your cat here.

Note that therapeutic food should be intended specifically for the treatment of indigestion, so choose carefully. Also, the Murlo website recommends that on the first day after fasting, give the cat only half of the usual portion, and the full one only after the animal has completely recovered.

When should you take your cat to the vet?

If your cat has diarrhea that lasts longer than a day, or diarrhea with blood or mucus, you should seek help from a veterinarian. Also, a signal for contacting a specialist is a well-marked weakness of the cat, plaintive meowing (indicates severe pain), severe vomiting, fever, fever and convulsions. With the last symptoms that appear together with diarrhea, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. The specialist will be able to make the necessary tests, establish a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Treatment for diarrhea in kittens

In kittens, the treatment for diarrhea is exactly the same as in adult cats and cats. The only thing that we have already noted is that the fasting period should not exceed 12 hours. In addition, so that kittens do not experience digestive disorders, we recommend reading the article. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video about proper feeding of cats. Feed your cat properly and the risk of diarrhea will be minimal.

Video: about feeding cats

Often, pets experience all sorts of digestive disorders for a variety of reasons. If a cat has diarrhea, what should the owner do in this situation in order to competently help the animal restore its digestive function? The first step is to establish the cause of the violation of the normal functioning of the intestine, to provide first aid to the pet.

Read in this article

Causes of the disorder

There are many reasons for the development of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: from eating stale foods to a dangerous viral infection that threatens the life of the animal. Diarrhea (diarrhea) is most often observed in the following cases:

Short-term diarrhea in a cat can be caused by a stressful situation, an allergic reaction, malfunctions in the endocrine system, and tumor pathologies. Timely identification of the cause of indigestion will allow the owner to provide the animal with the necessary assistance as soon as possible.

What the color of feces tells about

Important in diagnosing the causes that led to diarrhea is the analysis of pet feces. The owner is able to independently determine the severity of the pathological process and its danger to the health of the animal. To do this, you should look at the nature of the bowel movements:

  • Diarrhea without color change, odor, without any inclusions in the feces indicates a malnutrition of the animal. Often the cause of such diarrhea is overeating of the pet.
  • Light yellow feces indicates a violation in nutrition, poor digestion of food, the use of low-quality products.
  • Intense yellow faeces may indicate a pathology of the liver, a violation of the metabolism of bilirubin in the body. Clay color of stools is possible in violation of the gallbladder.
  • Diarrhea with mucus should alert the owner of the animal, since such a symptom indicates the reproduction of pathogenic organisms in the intestine. Feces mixed with mucus are often observed in inflammatory processes in the large intestine, the presence of polyps, tumors. Diarrhea with mucus, frothy discharge can be a symptom of an infectious inflammation of the intestine.
  • Greenish stools indicate irritation of the intestines by indoor plants, which are often eaten by cats. If at the same time weight loss is observed, then such diarrhea can be the cause of inflammation of the pancreas.
  • black diarrhea, tarry consistency with the presence of vomiting, apathetic state of the animal indicates helminthic diseases, and may also accompany a stomach ulcer.
  • The owner should be alerted by the situation when the cat diarrhea with blood. Such a symptom indicates the development of helminthiases, including a disease dangerous for humans -. Often, bloody diarrhea is observed when a cat is affected by the simplest organisms (giardia, coccidia). Foreign bodies and tumor processes can lead to bloody diarrhea.
  • Stools with mucus, blood, bad smell are a sign of both inflammatory bowel diseases of various etiologies, and symptoms of oncological pathologies in the animal's body.

Diagnosis by type of fecal matter in case of diarrhea in an animal will help the owner to determine the danger of a developing pathology and provide the pet with the necessary assistance in a timely manner.

First aid for an animal

If such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea is detected, the owner should take a number of measures recommended by veterinarians in such cases:

  • Without following a starvation diet, it is almost impossible to cure diarrhea in a cat.. If diarrhea is observed in an adult animal, then therapeutic fasting can last a day. In the event that diarrhea has struck a kitten under the age of 6 months, the period of abstinence from food should be no more than 12 hours. A starvation diet will free the intestines from food masses, reduces intoxication of the body.
  • Many owners ask veterinarians what to give a cat for diarrhea so as not to harm the animal. From diarrhea caused by errors in feeding, it helps well Activated carbon. The drug helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins, binds them and removes them from the body. Activated charcoal is given 2-3 times a day at the rate of 500 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. In addition, the pet can be offered chamomile decoction which has a disinfectant effect. Can be given to a cat powder "Smecta", after dissolving the contents in boiled water. However, it should be understood that neither activated charcoal nor Smekta are medicines, and they cannot help with serious causes of diarrhea.

  • Indigestion in the animal leads to dehydration, so the owner should direct efforts to prevent this phenomenon. The pet should have fresh boiled water freely available. In the absence of thirst, the cat can be forced to drink water using a syringe without a needle or a small syringe.
  • Compliance with hygiene standards. For the duration of diarrhea, the owner should thoroughly wash and disinfect water dishes, trays and other items.

Useful video

About what causes diarrhea in cats, how to treat diarrhea at home and what the veterinarian will offer, see this video:

It is possible to help an animal at home only if there are no impurities of blood and mucus in the feces, and the frequency of bowel movements is no more than 3-4 times a day. Therefore, a veterinarian should decide how to treat diarrhea in a cat after a clinical and laboratory examination.

We restore the work of the digestive tract

After a starvation diet due to diarrhea in an animal, it is necessary to restore the digestive system and prevent another failure. The exit from therapeutic starvation should be gradual. The pet needs to be fed in small portions, in the first 2 - 3 days underfeed by about 30% of the usual diet. In the absence of signs of diarrhea, after 3-4 days, you can return to the usual amount of food for the animal.

The owner should have an idea of ​​what to feed the cat with diarrhea. In the early days, the animal is not recommended to give dairy products, meat without heat treatment, as well as dry food that can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Preference should be given to cereals on the water or feed the animal with special medicated feeds developed for indigestion.

If diarrhea is observed after antibiotics, then after consultation with a veterinarian, a course treatment of dysbacteriosis should be carried out. For this purpose, special probiotics are used to restore the normal intestinal microflora.

When to see a doctor

Helping an animal with the development of diarrhea at home is possible only if the cause of diarrhea is not a serious pathology. If you find liquid and frequent bowel movements in a cat, you should seek veterinary help and do not self-medicate.

It is not necessary to delay the visit to the doctor if blood, mucus and other signs of the animal's malaise are found in the feces. Fever, vomiting, lethargy, refusal to feed, lethargy, convulsions - a reason for immediate contact with the clinic. The veterinarian will determine not only the cause of indigestion, but will also give advice in each case on how to treat diarrhea in a cat.

The variety of causes of diarrhea in a pet makes it difficult to self-diagnose the underlying disease. The analysis of the fecal matter of the animal helps to determine the severity and danger. The main condition in the treatment of diarrhea is the observance of a starvation diet, the prevention of dehydration and detoxification of the body. Only a veterinarian can prescribe an effective treatment for diarrhea based on clinical and laboratory diagnostic methods.