Why you need to walk outdoors. Outdoor time: more is better? Is it often better? Being in nature improves short-term memory

Hello dear readers! We all know how important it is to be outdoors. What role does it play in our health? It is very important to know how to dress properly for a walk in order to benefit.

From the article you will learn that fresh air not only saturates our body with oxygen, but is also able to regulate our weight. Find out what kind of air is capable of doing this

Whatever it was, wherever you are, always remember that fresh air is very important for health. Especially if people are indoors most of the time. After reading the article, you will find out how useful it is for us.

Fresh air

We all know about the benefits of fresh air, but unfortunately not everyone fully saturates their body with it. Hence the ailments, constant fatigue, all the time you want to sleep, and most importantly, health begins to fail.

Of course, diseases begin not only from a lack of fresh air, but it plays a very important role in health. After all, air is an integral part of our life. That's the way we are. Absolutely everything breathes, without it, well, no way!

Due to the modern rhythm of life, many of us rarely go outdoors. Here is my confirmation of this. I know that for the sake of your health you need to find time for walks. How can I try to do it.

We are so arranged that we constantly need fresh air. The human body cannot live without oxygen. Due to the work of the lungs, it is saturated only by one third. The main oxygen we receive through the skin is two-thirds.

Therefore, outdoor activities are very important. We should make it a rule to walk for at least half an hour every day. It doesn't matter where - be it a park, a green street or a garden, if it is in the courtyard of your house.

Fresh air supply

An influx of fresh air is necessary because the human body needs oxygen. American doctors generally advise sleeping without clothes. They believe that this way they recover faster and sleep much better.

Every cell in our body needs fresh air. Long clothes do not allow air from a dense fabric to pass to the body. Especially in summer, it should be loose and light.

Fresh air is essential

I'll start with one story that happened to a little boy. She is proof that fresh air is vital. This happened a very long time ago and this incident is recorded in the book “History of the Ancient World”.

On one of the holidays of Emperor Augustus, a six-year-old boy was painted with gold paint to portray the god of love, Cupid. Twelve minutes later, the boy died of asphyxiation.

This is what skin breathing and fresh air mean for each of us. That is why our body must always be clean, so that, like a sponge, the air around us can be easily absorbed through the skin.

outdoor recreation

Of course it's good to be outdoors. I remember how we gathered for the whole day in a large group with our children and went out into nature. They fried barbecue, ate vegetables and fruits, and most importantly played different games with the children.

In the evening they returned home cheerful, rested and full of energy. This is what outdoor recreation means. How I miss those times. Now the children have grown up and have children of their own. They also try to spend more time outside the home and actively relax in the fresh air.

Air temperature

Air temperature may vary. In this section I want to tell you about such air temperature as cold. Of course, he preserves our body very well. But it also hurts if you do not protect yourself from it. It is especially important to remember for people who love winter resorts and often go to them.

The complexion improves under the influence of cold, it becomes clean and fresh. This happens according to the principle of alternating narrowing and expansion of blood vessels. This leads the skin to increase elasticity and rejuvenate it accordingly.

Cold also helps to reduce weight. Fresh air contains a lot of oxygen that enters the body and it helps to quickly oxidize and burn fats. Since in this case they serve as fuel that warms the body.

It all depends on the air temperature. If it's cold, what happens is what I just wrote about. If the air is of a different temperature, the reactions of the corresponding seasons and weather also occur. Most importantly, fresh air can bring many benefits to our body.

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Be healthy and happy.

Video - Outdoor walks

Summer is a great time for outdoor activities. The singing of birds, the bright sun, the aroma of flowers, the clear sky - all this relaxes, sets you up for positive. Moreover, walking is not only fun, but also beneficial for health and weight loss.

What are the health benefits of walking?

The muscles of the legs and arms work in a completely different way, metabolic processes proceed. When moving, food is digested much faster, blood moves more intensively to all organs, the spleen, liver, and pancreas are enriched with oxygen. In addition, during walks, the intervertebral discs periodically relax and tighten, as a result, their blood supply improves. This is such a kind of massage. That is, walking is very useful for the spine.

Walking is also useful for:
respiratory organs;

If you move a little, the organs are covered with a coating of toxins, it decreases in them and the organs become a little smaller - they atrophy. While walking, slags and toxins leave the body through sweat, which means that the internal organs begin to work normally again, the body is cleansed.

Regular walks strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to infections. That is, in the cold season you will get sick less often. In addition, walking at an intense pace saturates the brain cells with oxygen, which helps fight fatigue, headaches and insomnia. In general, walking normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, because at this time you can distract yourself from your problems or, conversely, quickly find a solution to a problem that has tormented you for a long time, enjoy beautiful views, listen to birdsong. Walking is a kind of meditation. It allows you to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and feel life.

Slimming with walking

Walking not only improves health, but also helps. To lose weight, you need to walk every day and walk at least 5 km. There are approximately 1250 steps in one kilometer. If you walk a kilometer, you can burn forty to fifty calories. If you walk 5 km, then you can burn at least 200 calories. For a month of daily walking, you can burn about 6000 kcal.

Of course, it all depends on walking speed, age, terrain, weight. The more weight, for example, the more calories are consumed. If you walk with weights (sticks, for example), the number of calories burned will also increase. But in any case, regular training will slowly but surely improve your appearance. At the same time, it is not necessary to review your menu or count the calories eaten. But if you want to lose weight faster, add proper nutrition to walking. The result will surprise you.

For walks, it is better to choose routes through the hills, hillocks. This will increase workload and calorie loss, hence help in weight loss. Of course, you need to walk on the ground or low grass, and not on paved paths. This will reduce the load on the spine.

How to walk?

You have to walk right. Walking slowly will not help you lose weight. But what is considered slow walking? Very slow walking is 60 steps per minute, slow is 80 steps, medium is 110, fast is 130, very fast is more than 140 steps. For weight loss, an average pace will be enough, but if you wish and feel good, you can increase the speed to 130 steps and above.

For greater effect, you can take special walking sticks, in this case, the load on the muscles will increase, and not only on the legs. The muscles of the back and arms will tense. When the number of calories burned increase up to 40%. And you can also swing your arms intensively - this will also help get rid of more calories, which means that you can lose weight faster. Walking backwards and walking sideways are also very helpful. You can alternate such loads during a walk. This will help speed up the weight loss process.

The body during the walk should be kept straight, the shoulders should be straightened, but there is no need to strain. The state should be calm and relaxed. And you also need to try to notice all the nuances around. It may seem difficult at first, but gradually you will get used to it.

It will probably be difficult to maintain regularity at the beginning of classes. It is not always desirable to go out, especially if the weather is not too favorable. But after a while, if you don't give up, you will enjoy walking. You will feel that you are missing something if you do not go for a walk. You will get used to the workouts and love them.

Walking is useful at any time of the year, but in inclement weather it is problematic to do so. Therefore, take advantage of the warm summer days to heal and rejuvenate your body, lose a few pounds and become calmer. Walk and enjoy nature and movement!

Agree, you don’t really want to walk when it’s cloudy outside. Everyone knows that thanks to the sun we get vitamin D, but few people know that this happens even when the sun is not visible behind the clouds. We have collected as many as 6 benefits of walking in the fresh air that literally push you out for a walk.!

First, let's understand what happens when you are indoors for a long time. Firstly, you breathe the same air, in which the amount of oxygen decreases. Breathing in this stale air does not provide your body with enough oxygen. This can lead to physical and psychological health problems such as dizziness, nausea, headaches, fatigue and exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, depression, colds and lung disease. Not a particularly attractive set, right?

Fresh air is good for digestion

Probably, you have often heard that after eating it is good to go for a light walk. Not only movement, but also oxygen helps the body to better digest food. This benefit of fresh air is really important if you are trying to lose weight or improve your digestion.

Improves blood pressure and heart rate

If you have problems with blood pressure, you should avoid a polluted environment and try to stay in a place with clean and fresh air. A dirty environment forces the body to work harder to get the oxygen it needs, so blood pressure can rise. Of course, it is difficult for residents of megacities to find clean air, but try to get out into nature at least once or twice a week.

Fresh air makes you happier

The amount of serotonin (or joy hormone) depends on the amount of oxygen you breathe in. Serotonin can significantly improve your mood and promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Fresh air helps you feel more relaxed. This is especially important for those who are used to raising their spirits with sweets. The next time you feel down, just go for a walk in a park or woods and see how it affects you.

Strengthens the immune system

This is especially important in the spring, when immunity is significantly reduced. Mud, dullness, rain are not particularly attractive for a walk, so at this time of the year we go out for a walk less often. However, the white blood cells that fight bacteria and germs need enough oxygen to do their job properly. Therefore, make it a habit to go out for at least a half-hour walk to help your immunity strengthen.

Clears the lungs

When you breathe in and out through your lungs, you release toxins from your body along with the air. Of course, it's important to breathe really fresh air so you don't absorb additional toxins. Therefore, we again advise you to go to nature as often as possible in order to restore lung function.

Increasing the amount of energy

Fresh air helps you think better and boosts your energy levels. The human brain needs 20% of the body's oxygen, can you imagine? More oxygen brings greater clarity to the brain, improves concentration, helps you think more clearly, and has a positive effect on energy levels.

And now we give specific advice on how to absorb more fresh air, and some of them can be done without leaving the city.

Try running outdoors. Find a wooded area or a park with lots of trees in your city and go for a run there. The combination of cardio and oxygen has a good effect on the respiratory organs and increases the endurance of the body.

Go hiking in the woods once a week or two. In addition to providing your body with oxygen, it can also become an enjoyable pastime and even a family tradition. And it is always good to combine business with pleasure!

Keep plenty of plants in your home and workplace to improve air quality. Plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide (remember the school curriculum?), and some of them can even remove toxic pollutants from the air.

Do physical exercises every day. If possible, do it outside. Sports help to start blood circulation more powerfully and supply the body with oxygen.

Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed and, if possible, sleep with the window open. But this item should be performed only for those who do not live in the center of the metropolis.

Ekaterina Romanova

Probably everyone knows that fresh air is good for health. But at the same time, most adults prefer to be indoors rather than outdoors. All their contact with fresh air is limited to airing, and short runs from home to work and back. But this is a completely wrong approach, because walking is the most affordable and at the same time very effective way to maintain health and improve the body. But many people are wondering what time is best for and what is the best way to walk more or more often?

When is the best time to go outside?

If you live in a busy city with many cars and far from green areas, it is best to choose a time for walking either early in the morning - when most cars have not yet left the streets, or late in the evening - when the intensity of both public and private transport has already decreased.

If you live in a small village or there is a body of water near you, it can be anything. Walk when it's convenient.

Make time for a little walk every day. You can completely forego public transport and get to work and back on foot. Only you need to move not along the road, but along the yards and smaller roads.

A morning walk will help you cheer up, get enough energy and get to work full of energy. Also, such being in the fresh air will provide an opportunity to improve efficiency and creativity, since the brain will receive the amount of oxygen it needs. And the movement will lead to the production of endorphins, which, of course, will have a positive effect on mood and well-being.

An evening walk after dinner can be a great cure for any sleep problems. Rather than look at the monitor screen in the evening, it is better to go outside and breathe fresh air. Just twenty to thirty minutes of a leisurely evening walk will help you get rid of the aggressive influence of chronic stress, stabilize blood pressure, and eliminate muscle tension.

What is the best way to walk: more often or longer?

In fact, experts cannot say unequivocally which option of walking will be optimal. But they all agree on one thing - you must definitely walk every day.

Start daily regular walks in the fresh air from half an hour, over time, increase their duration to the level that is optimal for you. In order to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as heart attacks, doctors advise that the body not only stay in the fresh air, but also actively absorb oxygen. To do this, you can do brisk walking, light jogging, simple physical exercises on the street. The duration of active classes at first should not exceed ten minutes, over time they can be carried out longer.

Long walks in the fresh air will help you look better and feel better.

In the presence of some diseases, frequent walks in the fresh air are more acceptable than long ones. The same recommendation is relevant for young children, the elderly and pregnant women.

Scientists say that it is best for patients who want to go for a walk half an hour after a meal. The duration of the walk should be at least forty-five minutes. This exposure to fresh air will help reduce the likelihood of type 2 diabetes.

Walks in the fresh air for various diseases

For many patients, outdoor exercise can be especially beneficial. This type of physical therapy is recommended for patients. Doctors say that walking moderately activates the activity of the cardio-respiratory system, benefits patients recovering from a variety of ailments of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. This type of activity will be especially useful for those who suffer from neurosis and other similar disorders in the activity of the nervous system. Walks are used both in hospitals and in spa therapy. Doctors advise walking in the fresh air and those patients who are on home treatment. It is extremely important to take into account that the load during walking and its duration are selected exclusively by the doctor on an individual basis. To increase the load, they change the pace of movement, select the changed terrain, increase the length of the step. In the conditions of sanatorium-resort institutions, a dosed ascent is often practiced - along the health path. In the latter case, the loads should be short-term - starting from ten minutes in one approach.

Of particular benefit are walks in the forest, park area and near the sea. The air in these places is saturated with a mass of useful substances, which has an additional healing effect. To really benefit from outdoor walks, don't eat too much in front of them. Also bring drinking water with you.

In the presence of any diseases, the duration of walks in the fresh air, their regularity and severity of the load is selected only by a doctor. The rest of the categories of the population need to walk, focusing on their condition and the availability of free time - more walks in the fresh air and longer in time will definitely give more benefits.

Additional Information

Many patients who are just starting to walk in the fresh air complain of fatigue, loss of strength and shortness of breath. You can cope with such unpleasant symptoms with the help of traditional medicine.

To saturate the body with energy, it is worth preparing a medicine based on oats. Pour two hundred grams of bran into a liter of boiling water. Boil for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Squeeze out plant material. Take the resulting decoction in half to one glass three to four times a day.

You can also rinse a glass of oat grains and brew them with one liter of boiling water. Boil such a remedy over a fire of minimum power until it acquires the consistency of liquid jelly. Strain the finished medicine and dilute it with fresh milk, observing an equal ratio. Dissolve five tablespoons of honey in it. Take the finished medicine fifty milliliters three to four times a day. Continue therapy for two to three months.

In order to increase the overall tone of the body and enhance physical and mental performance, prepare a medicine based on celery. Pour two hundred grams of crushed roots with two hundred milliliters of cold, pre-boiled water. Insist the medicine for two hours, then strain and take during the day in small portions.

If you are suffering from, prepare the following remedy: prepare ten cloves of garlic, grind it to a pulp. Also squeeze the juice from a dozen medium-sized lemons. Mix these ingredients, fill them with a liter of honey. Mix well and leave for a week in a tightly covered jar. Take four teaspoons of the prepared mixture once a day. Do not swallow the medicine immediately, but take it slowly. Don't miss a day. Do this every day until the mixture is finished.

Even for the treatment of shortness of breath, you can prepare an ordinary turnip. Grind a small root vegetable on a grater. Fill it with half a liter of water and boil it on a fire of minimum power for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished broth, and squeeze the vegetable raw materials. Take the resulting drink in a glass just before a night's rest.

If you are going to engage in active physical activity, or at least walks in the fresh air, prepare an excellent general strengthening mixture. Crush well half a kilogram of walnut kernels, mix them with one hundred grams of aloe juice, three hundred grams of honey and juice squeezed from three to four lemons. Take the resulting mixture in a teaspoon three times a day about half an hour before a meal.

Also, a wonderful tonic effect is given by taking a medicine based on rose hips. Brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed fruits with a glass of boiled water only. Infuse such a remedy in a thermos for a day. Strain the finished infusion and take it in a third or half a glass twice or thrice a day shortly after a meal.

Walking in the fresh air can bring great benefits to many people, including those who suffer from various diseases. The intensity of such classes will not be superfluous to discuss with your doctor.

The benefits of walking outdoors.

Often parents try to limit the time their child spends on a walk, although pediatricians and child psychologists have long proven that long walks in the fresh air are very beneficial for children.

To maximize the benefits of walking, experts advise walking and breathing fresh air with children. For children, such walks are very useful. Thanks to children, adults become more organized.

Walking is the simplest and surest means of hardening a child.

Walking with a child is necessary at any time of the year and in any weather, and the duration of the walk should be adjusted in accordance with weather conditions.

. Walk in the airis the best way to improve health, increase immunity, and hence the prevention of colds in children and adults. Besides, stroll helps to increase the child's appetite. Metabolism improves, nutrients are better absorbed. Thanks tooutdoor walksthere is a natural cleansing of the body, the upper respiratory tract functions better.

In the summer, the child can be in the air all day.Well, if it will be a vacation in the country, where there is an opportunity to hide from the rain and the scorching sun.

Walk is an excellent means of preventing visual impairment in children. After all, on the street, where there is so much space, the child constantly has to move his eyes from nearby objects to objects far from him.

Walk - this is the best means of preventing rickets in children. The body is saturated with ultraviolet light, which is responsible for the production of vitamin D in the body.

While walking the baby has a lot of positive emotions and new experiences, on which both his intellectual and social development depends.

Properly organized walk is the key to a good mood.

In order for the child to be active on the street, it is necessary to choose the right clothes. She should not hamper the movement of the child, prevent him from jumping and running. Do not put on a lot of things for the baby, this can only harm, lead to overheating, and then to a cold. Feel the baby's neck from the back. If it is dry and warm - everything is in order, if it is wet and hot - the child is hot and sweaty, then you need to go home. If the neck is cool, the baby is cold and should be insulated.

In order for the walk to be interesting, fun, parents should know how to entertain the child.

In the summer there can be games with a ball, jump rope, word games, observations of the outside world (living and inanimate nature). In winter - with snow, sledding, guessing riddles, skating.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Advice for parents "The benefits of walking in the fresh air for children"

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The benefits of walking outdoors.

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