Why is one nostril larger than the other. Nose asymmetry: defect, complication or norm? Help of traditional medicine

It is almost always a psychological problem for the owner. Some peoples who have large noses - a genetic predisposition, have made a kind of cult from the size of this organ. But, what is most interesting is that a good half of the plastic surgeons involved in the adjustment of this organ are representatives of these peoples. That is, not everything is so clear. But we digress.

Features of large nostrils

Big noses are different: wide, generally large, as well as a nose with large nostrils. The latter disproportion is especially unpleasant when the nose itself is not very prominent, but the nostrils are of such a size that almost the entire nasal cavity can be seen through them. A natural question arises: if the nostrils are very large - what to do? An equally exciting defect is when one nostril is larger than the other. This often happens with a deviated septum or deformity of the nose after injury due to improper fusion. Naturally, the question arises: “How to remove huge nostrils?” There is only one way out - it will help eliminate the defect, reduce this part of the nose, make it beautiful and proportional to other parameters and the face as a whole.

How to fix big nostrils

At the first consultation, the plastic surgeon will conduct a thorough examination and decide how to remove large nostrils: whether it is necessary to correct the back of the nose, the septum, or whether it is enough to reduce the wings. After the diagnosis, a virtual 3D model of the nose will be made, as it will become after rhinoplasty. This is a very important point, since the general appearance of a face with a new “nose” is often completely different from what a person imagines it to be. So that subsequently there will be no misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with the results of rhinoplasty of large nostrils, such a preparatory stage is performed.

If the huge nostrils (pictured) are associated with a too wide or long back of the nose, then rhinoplasty consists in removing excess cartilage tissue, which will automatically reduce the nostrils. It performs this intervention only under general anesthesia and most often an open type, when an incision is made at the bottom of the nose, the skin and mucous membrane are separated from the cartilage, the excess part of the cartilage is excised, and the mucous membrane and skin are returned to their place. Excess skin, as a rule, itself returns to normal, tightens. If there are too many tissues, the excess is also excised in the corners of the organ so that the seams are practically invisible. After the operation, a fixing bandage is applied to the nose for the time of tissue fusion, and tampons are inserted into the nostrils to absorb secretions.

The reduction of the wings of the nose is carried out with the normal size of the entire organ and greatly enlarged nostrils - such a nose is also called wide (Negroid). In this case, the excess cartilaginous and soft tissues of the wings are also removed by the method of open rhinoplasty. Inconspicuous seams disappear within one and a half to two months. The full recovery period lasts 8-10 months, but how much the nostrils have decreased can be seen after the edema subsides.

One nostril is larger than the other - ways to correct a defect

In a situation where one nostril is larger than the other, how to correct the situation - to increase the one that is smaller, or vice versa - to reduce the larger one, the doctor will decide after the examination, depending on the reasons that caused such a defect. Most often, this problem can be eliminated by aligning the curved septum, which causes disproportion. Such an operation is called.

A more complex problem is when the different sizes of the nostrils are the result of improper fusion of soft tissues after an injury. In this case, a reconstructive operation is performed, which may not affect the cartilage.

If a little time has passed after rhinoplasty surgery and you have one nostril larger than the other, then this situation is quite acceptable. There is even an informal term “nose plays”, that is, it changes shape, appearance, then on the one hand, then on the other it seems larger. The nose will take its final shape only after 8-12 months, and only then it will be possible to assess how successful the rhinoplasty was. If the problem of disproportion of the nostrils remains, then a second rhinoplasty will be prescribed.

Good time!
In general, such a situation - was at the ENT, he says that there is a curvature and it is necessary to do an operation; because in the future, this can adversely affect health, especially in old age. After his words that I began to notice a curvature, one nostril breathes worse than the other.
Has anyone had an operation?
What consequences? Where did they do it? How much? Do we do it with a laser?

I know it hurts a lot. This was the decisive "no" to surgery. My own nose was broken 3 times. So far no consequences.

19.2.2007, 10:17

These curvature of the partitions are very common. I also have a slight curvature, one nostril breathes a little worse than the other ... The operation was not offered, apparently quite insignificant.
But, in general, all this pales in comparison with the existing year-round allergic rhinitis, due to which the nose does not breathe almost all year round.

19.2.2007, 12:20

A friend's nose was broken. It has grown together incorrectly (although outwardly it is almost imperceptible). As a result, one nostril is constantly not breathing (because of this, he often snores).
It is corrected in an elementary way: the nose breaks again, cartilages grow together correctly, etc. You just fly out of life for 2-3 weeks at least. Face swollen blue-yellow-green

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 13:01

MoniK. Vopschem listen here, and do not listen to horror stories, such as:

There is such a wonderful woman - a professional in her field:
Dimitryuk Svetlana Vladimirovna She is the head of the department of otolaryngology at the Novgorod State University. Operations are carried out in the 1st hospital.
I had surgery with her in 2004.

You contact her. She puts you on the waiting list for the hospital. Wait a week or two...
While waiting in line, you pass the appropriate tests that she will indicate to you.
You stay in the hospital for only 3-4 days.
Operation process:
Chips with ultracaine. A drug is injected into a vein, you count up to 6 seconds, and you know nothing more ... No pain, no memory.
You wake up only when she pats you on the cheeks after the operation, then they take you to the ward.
The most unpleasant thing is a sick otkhodnyak during the first postoperative day. Then you sit down on painkillers effective pills, and endure.
On the 4th day I was already discharged from the hospital, before leaving I was returned a full handful of my cartilage and bones from the nostrils - FOR MEMORY!
2 weeks hung out on home sick leave.

Now believe me - I'm happy and forgot what it is - my nose does not breathe ...
Decide without hesitation! She does any complex operations, with snorers, with farts.
A very strong and determined woman. True - her biceps are like my ass but in a narcotic state and unconscious - you will not be scared.

I warn you about the side effects of such an operation:
along with cartilage / bones, she willy-nilly removes some olfactory receptors. Now, many cheap women's perfumes with some components are palpable to me, like ordinary acetic acid. I don’t even smell their real smell, although they are trying to prove to me that they are very gentle and pleasant. An incredible sneeze comes on, and I suffocate until I jump out into the fresh air. Excellent french
You will forget about real cognacs and balms, smoking fragrant tobacco.
But the allergy to half of many - previously clinging to me, plants - has passed!
Her contacts:
Dimitryuk Svetlana Vladimirovna
Mob: 8-911-611-95-74.
Initial reception at the address: BS-P 24/2, on the territory of the kindergarten "Gnezdyshko". You will see the sign "LOR"
Time of receipt; 16-18
GOOD LUCK! And don't even think about it. The earlier the better. The heart needs a full breath!

Be sure to tell her that it is precisely such and such a nostril that breathes worse than the other, so that she knows where she can work more with a chisel and a chisel.
It corrects even breathing

19.2.2007, 13:27

You know, every third person has these curvature of the partitions (I am no exception). And nothing. Another thing is, if it really interferes with your life - it is difficult to breathe or something else (some cannot sleep on some side), then you can go for an operation. But this

I myself witnessed such an operation.
If you have never paid attention to this before and it doesn’t bother you in any way, then forget about it and live on.

you will snore louder

19.2.2007, 13:33

Duc under anesthesia probably do not care. And after - as once again broken, no?

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 13:38

You were the witness and I was the patient.
Please don't be afraid. We are so afraid
Read my post first...

19.2.2007, 13:42

Chemistry does not scare us.

And how much time do you spend in honey. establishments?

19.2.2007, 13:42

19.2.2007, 13:59

My brother had a deviated septum, which led to the formation of a cyst in one of the maxillary sinuses...

the operation was done. all is well now...

but in general... I don’t even know what to say... my brother was breathing with difficulty for 2.5 years... he just didn’t get it... and sinusitis... and other garbage... until they did an x-ray.

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 14:00

Duc - her what then? - Didn't they euthanize???
Gutted alive? Wow sadists...


General tests + for AIDS = 2-3 days in the city
Stationary 3-4 days
At home = 2 weeks on sick leave until all the crusts from the nostrils get enough sleep

19.2.2007, 14:04

My brother was given local anesthesia...

and of course, I would not want to scare ... but (even if it was free) we decided to do the operation for a fee, because it's faster ...

as a result, the brother was in shock ... when they did it ... he says - they have nothing there ... although they did it for a fee ... then threads ... then tools ... then even cotton swabs ... the nurse ran all the time somewhere for something.

And this after all operation! and in such a dangerous area ...

19.2.2007, 14:04

Vovka, merci.
Damn, and break faster ...

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 14:09

What? - Has it broken again?

19.2.2007, 14:16

well, not right now.
but there is something to fix.

19.2.2007, 14:19

in Volna ... and the doctor is from somewhere in Kolmovskaya ... or who knows. coming. they also said - super-duper ... but there are no complaints about the quality! but on the process itself ... my little brother said - so that once again I would be under the local at least for some thread of the operation - that's really a pipe!

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 14:21

Ya from Dimitryuk delighted! Only to her. You will not find a better specialist in this field. This is what the cop doctors suggested to me, and confirmed in due time ...


General anesthesia only!
And before the operation - also blow

19.2.2007, 14:36

vovka, a friend had an operation, somewhere in the 98th year. They did it without anesthesia, or rather just a local anesthetic, which simply dulls, but does not completely relieve the pain. In general, I almost make a living. Yes, you can also see how they climb there with all sorts of things. Feelings are still the same.

19.2.2007, 14:39

The pain can be endured, but from this you can lose consciousness.

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 14:57

Why such extremes - with local anesthesia?

19.2.2007, 15:17

in general, to be honest, his doctors did not advise ... why - I don’t know.

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 15:21

Maybe the guy's ECG alerted the doctors?

19.2.2007, 16:22

They did a local anesthetic and that's it ... She was conscious, and after the operation, she was still unconscious from the shock of the transferred. I remember very well that there was a lot of blood. Be
Apparently similar to this

Uncle Vovka

19.2.2007, 16:50

The only contraindications to general anesthesia are intolerance. This is also asked before the operation.
And then he will give a chisel in the nose, and the spine will spill out into shorts ...

19.2.2007, 17:16

QUOTE(vovka, 19-02-07 @ 14:21)
And before the operation - also blow biggrin.gif

in no case, anesthesia will not work +))) well, or almost will not work +)))

19.2.2007, 23:44

Thanks for answers. How scary, ugh...
I follow the trail. week, once again for a consultation, discuss with the doctor in more detail. I’ll take note of Dmitryuk, but other people don’t say very good things about her

My father did (long ago) a similar operation. Before the operation, the nose was folded to one side, after the operation - to the other.

not. Of the alarming current, hemoglobin is above normal. much higher.

After the operation, the nose of a friend of mine became so potato-like that for this reason he closed the question about the nose for himself. I wonder how things are now with aesthetics.

20.2.2007, 11:53

I also have a slight curvature, the doctors said you can correct it if you want,
I didn’t notice, however, that one nostril should breathe more than the other, or maybe I didn’t think about it ... but I don’t burn with desire to correct it ...
maybe more than once it will be fixed somewhere ... corrected .. on the street ...

In principle, I don’t care about the appearance of my own nose, but here

somehow does not roll at all.

21.2.2007, 17:04

MoniK if you do, please post)
Same problem.
The doctor in nitrogen after the fracture says, like, I’ll fix everything right now, put it without anesthesia, without just 2 garbage in the nose, and let’s twist it, when after 10 seconds I got up from this couch, she was all wet with sweat (gygy couch), although she tormented less than 10 seconds even, fucking didn’t straighten out of course gygy

21.2.2007, 17:48

Likewise! The septum is curved, but xs why ...
It doesn’t bother me much, and no one told me about the operation!

Uncle Vovka

21.2.2007, 20:47

How many people - so many opinions. I expressed my assessment, and there is no point in lying to me. She is neither my lover nor my sister. I fell under her scalpel - and I will always be grateful to her ...

If someone really breathes badly, or - unbearable snoring - DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE OPERATION!
About someone's nose with potatoes: you don't have to look for "butchers" of hucksters. Contact specialists who did not buy a medical diploma, but studied their art

21.2.2007, 22:48

An acquaintance, about 6 years ago, corrected similar problems (simultaneously with a nose job) at the Pirogov clinic (St. Petersburg), he was satisfied. True, and the cost at that time was 25 oblique (in rubles, of course).

21.2.2007, 23:26

My nose is broken five times, only memories remain in my nose from the straightness of the septum ... I think it’s better to go to a plastic surgeon .. you will overpay, but they will do it qualitatively. Not worth saving. By the way, difficult breathing due to the partition is a slope from the army, it seems to be like, it’s so ... for reference +)

23.2.2007, 22:37

Mythical .... nothing will mow down from the army ....


23.2.2007, 23:11

And what does a plastic surgeon do not hurt so much and heal faster? How is it different from what was said above?
By the way, it seems that the Uritsky clinic on Lomonosov is doing this, does anyone have reviews about it? and how much does it cost to fix the partition there?

23.2.2007, 23:40

As I understand it, a simple surgeon has the first and only task - to correct the disease, i.e. curvature of the septum. And what the nose will look like after the operation is by no means the first and second thing.

And the plastic surgeon will correct not only the curvature, but will not allow the nose to suddenly become ugly.

somehow I listened to a whole lecture devoted to the "terrible" consequences of the curvature. He came out convinced that it was impossible to live like this (C), and a month later he found out that he himself had a slight curvature. I was very surprised because it doesn’t interfere with life at all (well, like the fact that one testicle is higher than the other)

And the butcher from the shop in the market will heal faster and turn out smoother? The fact is that plastic surgeons know the facial part more professionally and, as a result, they will make it more professional. Moreover, almost all clinics are commercial, and they do not work there for nothing like in municipal hospitals, hence the responsibility and quality of the tools, means, and the minimum risk and quality of service. All this minimizes risk and stress. I don’t argue that there are doctors in municipal hospitals who will give a hundred points head start to the average surgeon from a commercial clinic, but this is already Russian roulette, and Russian roulette, when a thousand bucks is at stake, you know, it’s an extremely stupid idea.

24.2.2007, 14:52

According to statistics, only 5% of the population does not suffer from this disease, the rest has some changes. As they say, do not look for sores - otherwise you will definitely find them.
I do not understand how the actions of the surgeon in this operation can affect the shape of the nose. As mentioned above, he will only "work with a chisel" in the nasal canal. If, of course, this disease surfaced in you after an injury that led to a change in the shape of the nose, then of course it is necessary to form. contact the surgeon.


24.2.2007, 15:32

27.8.2007, 14:08

I did such an operation in a military hospital, my nose began to breathe much better. He didn’t become crooked, either the doctor was experienced, or he gave $ 100. From anesthesia, only a horse dose of something like novocaine (felt only the first injection), and promedol. Waste is minimal. In the whole operation, the worst thing is when, a few days after it, the bandages are pulled out of the nostrils. If it helps anyone, in comparison, swallowing a probe (not to be confused with FGDS) is 100 times worse.

29.8.2007, 23:19

Did this operation in November 2006 in the regional hospital. FREE, in the direction of lora from Diamed. When I read this topic, I cried ... The operation under general anesthesia takes about 1.5-2 hours, depending on the complexity. The bandages were removed on the second day, on the seventh - he was discharged. True, we must pay tribute, head. the department said that for the first time she met a person who had undergone an operation like this. Healed like a dog. Analyzes before the operation - at least hang on the wall, as a sample, no deviations. Probably gave up playing sports. On the table, he told jokes to the anesthesiologist when he injected anesthesia. Such a funny anesthesiologist got caught, "burned the stsuko not like a child." He told all sorts of funny things. I told him 3 jokes on honey. I still managed to tell the topic, then passed out. After being brought to the ward, he got up after a few minutes. Half an hour later, he was already playing cards in the next room, until the nurses, who were freaked out by such a thing, were put into bed. After 2 hours, lunch cracked on both cheeks, there was a terrible hunger after the operation.
And now attention, I will debunk some myths about the complete kabzdets "consequences" and so on.
1. General anesthesia only.
2. There was no pain after the operation. Only discomfort in the nose. It's ridiculous to even call it pain.
3. The shape of the nose has NOT CHANGED. I mean, he did not become like Jamaican blacks, half a face and potatoes. Yes, he became straighter, of course, than before the operation, but that's all. Moreover, it was immediately said that there would be nothing from the operation with the shape of the nose. In the profile - the muzzle after this execution, you can see
4. People like me were half the department. This operation is quite standard. The fact is, according to the plant manager. - when a teenager grows, often the growth of the bones of our skull does not go simultaneously with the formation of the nose, and it turns out that the bones of the skull fit on the cartilage and nasal bone, and displace them. Because this process goes on for years, it passes gradually and painlessly, and then we look in the mirror and say - emayo, my damn nose is crooked. Well, the second option - during a stormy school, student, etc. life, we suddenly get on the scoreboard, which leads to deformation and irreversible (naturally) changes in our nasal septum. By the way, 20-year-old girls were with me in the hospital for this operation. And they did not write with boiling water. Oh yes, the second half of the patients in the ENT department were sinusitis. But this is a complete kabzdets, at least from the outside. The fact is that they were pierced there with special sinus sinuses. knitting needles and pumped out all the crap that had accumulated. Without general anesthesia. Several times, because the punctures healed after a while. So gentlemen, do not catch a cold nose.
5. The only discomfort that was after the operation was that I had to sleep with a bandage for 2 nights, and a slight temperature on the first evening.

And after the bandages were pulled out of the nose, there was a complete buzz in general. By the way, these bandages in the nose are saturated with some kind of medicine, and when they are dragged, they fly out of there like pretty little ones in a split second. Like snot. No discomfort. Then a few days at the examination every morning - and that's it. During the examination, needles with medicine on cotton wool are shoved in the nose, this can be tolerated. Absolutely nothing terrible, but you get used to the fourth procedure and do not pay attention. I somehow cut through the entire hospital with these knitting needles, they just put them on me, and they said sit outside the door for 10 minutes, we'll take care of others. And I dumped the store for pies on the first floor. At the same time, the people were scared.

So, why did I go for this operation - before, my nose was constantly stuffy, in winter it was full of cuffs, in the summer, when I bought it, it was also cranks right away. I practically did not feel smells, I always suffered from snot. A few years later, he began to get sick with all sorts of acute respiratory infections much more often. Angina was my "favorite" disease, once I even suffered a funicular one - and these are krants such that it's better not to even tell. The last time, when I was already 29 years old, the temperature was 37.2-37.5 for about a month and a half, those already started a severe inflammatory process. In this state, I arrived at the Laura, and after examination and X-rays, I received a referral.

What I got - I began to hear smells very sharply, colds and headaches practically disappeared. Do not believe me - now I blow my nose with pleasure, and I breathe through my nose with a full chest.

The funniest thing is when I washed in the shower on the 3rd day after the operation, I slipped on the tile with my bare heels and got a bump on my head and a strong sprain of my back, and therefore I visited the traumatology center for a few more days while I was lying

Special thanks - to the nurses of the ENT department and the head surgeon - Ukhanova Elena Aleksandrovna (sorry, if I misremembered my last name a little, I didn’t remember exactly) She did the operation. I have never seen such a human attitude towards patients anywhere.

And finally, the worst thing in this story is bad food and mortal boredom in the evenings.

No one has succeeded in slacking off on this topic =))

Bird type: Corella Age: 4 months Floor: Male How long have you had a bird?: month How long have you been ill? noticed today If already treated, then with what - in detail: did not treat Whether did or made analyzes, whether addressed to the doctor. If contacted, then to whom (clinic, last name):: No Symptoms:: one nostril is smaller than the other Has the litter changed?: Did not change Was there any vomiting? No What do you associate the onset of the disease with (change of food, caught a cold, hurt yourself, ate something suspicious, etc.)?: don't know How much does a bird eat per day? Is the appetite good? The degree of activity of the bird: active / decreased activity / lethargy: eats well, active What is the fatness of the bird at the time of treatment, how many heaps of litter does it give out in 1-2 hours?: 2-4 piles Was there a change of food in the period before the onset of symptoms of the disease?: No If the food was not changed, how long ago did you open a new pack of food?: a week ago If poisoning is suspected, what houseplants did you have access to?: does not have Could the bird have swallowed a small inedible object, did it gnaw on materials that were not intended for this?: No Were aerosols, chemicals sprayed in the room? Detergents for floors/carpets, etc.? Fumigator? Teflon coated iron: like no Do they smoke in the room where the bird lives?: Not Did you smell paint, gas, or other strong odors? Were there any repairs (dust, primers, etc.)?: No Does the bird live in the kitchen?: No, the bird does not live in the kitchen If the bird lives in the kitchen, do you use non-stick cookware?: The bird in the kitchen does not live and is not used If the bird lives in the kitchen, did the food burn in the presence of the bird?: Didn't burn Are there any negative factors (drafts, humidity or dryness of the air, poor lighting, stressful situations, etc.)?: Dry air, humidify What grain mixture does the bird feed on? Indicate the NAME of the grain mixture. If the mixture does not have a name (by weight), then the composition .: rio for medium parrots Please provide details of what is included in the diet in addition to the grain mixture.: apples, buckwheat, carrots Do you give Trill, do you treat the bird with food from your table, if you treat it, what kind and how often?: No What vitamin supplements does the bird receive and in what dosages?: don't give What mineral supplements do you give and does the bird use them? Minkamen, sepia, crushed oyster shells, liquid minodilki?: sepia, mineral blend "rio" What kind of water do you give and how often do you change the water in the drinker? Specify the type of water: tap, filtered, boiled, purchased (name): bottled purchased Have there been any new birds in the house in the last two months? If yes, then more about it.: No Is the bird kept alone, in a pair, in a flock? If there is another bird(s), how does it (their) feel?: one Is there a bird in direct contact with rodents?: No Does the bird's beak outgrow?: Doesn't outgrow Are there plumage problems: permanent molting, unfolded or deformed feathers, disheveled and brittle plumage?: pokotsanny tail (this was still in the store) Lifestyle: lives constantly in a cage, walks under supervision every day, is free grazing all day without supervision: walking under supervision City: Ivanovo Describe the symptoms of the illness in detail and talk about anything that may be related to your bird's illness.: One nostril became smaller than the other. No inflammation found

Strict, measured proportions to the millimeter are the destiny of engineers, mathematicians and architects. Nature does not operate with round numbers, so no person can boast of perfectly even facial features.

Nose asymmetry found in more than 80% of the inhabitants of our planet. It can manifest itself in a different size or different shape of the nostrils, unequal wings, deviation of the back and tip from the midline. Sometimes such nuances are absolutely invisible to others, but sometimes they literally catch the eye.

Can this be fixed, and if so, how? Should you always seek help from a plastic surgeon? And what to do if a similar problem appeared after the operation?

How does nasal asymmetry occur?

Such a state (not always it should be called a defect) can be congenital or acquired:

  • In the first variant, the individual features of the structure and development of the facial bones of the skull and cartilage, from minor to very serious, such as and / or, become the cause. More often than others, the nasal septum is “to blame”: it can grow faster than the outer bones of the nose, deform and displace all adjacent anatomical structures. Due to its curvature, nasal breathing is almost always disturbed to one degree or another, differences in the size of the nostrils or wings of the nose are visually noticeable, and the back and tip can be shifted to the side from the center line.
  • Acquired asymmetry may be the result of surgery on any of the departments of the face, incl. rhinoplasty or septoplasty. Usually this is not a consequence of the errors of the surgeon, but only a temporary imbalance caused by edema, which returns to normal after a few weeks or months. Another possible cause is mechanical trauma. Here, everything often happens the other way around: the displacement of bone and cartilage structures is imperceptible in the first days and weeks due to swelling and hematomas. And after a while, returning everything to its place will be much more difficult than immediately after the damage ( see also article « »).

Can this be fixed?

The only reliable way to correct defects in the septum, nostrils, wings and other nasal structures is plastic surgery - or rhinoseptoplasty. The first step here will be a face-to-face consultation, at which the surgeon will examine the problem area and decide on the appropriateness of the intervention (we will talk about why such a decision is far from always made “in favor of the patient” below). Next, the nature and causes of the problem are precisely determined and the most appropriate technique is selected to eliminate it:

  • If the asymmetry of the back, tip, nostrils and / or wings of the nose is caused by defects in the septum, work is carried out with it. Sometimes it can be relatively easily aligned and set to a new position, in more complex cases, the curved sections are completely removed, which are then replaced with grafts - they are usually obtained from a piece of the patient's rib. It sounds scary, but in fact it is a relatively simple and less traumatic procedure ( see also article « »).
  • Sometimes the problem is related to the incorrect location of the medial pedicle - the section of cartilage that supports the columella from the sides. Its displacement to one side causes the nostrils and wings to look very different in size, and the tip may deviate from the midline. Correction in this case consists in a slight displacement of the legs in the right direction.
  • More serious defects - the consequences of injuries, congenital pathologies, etc., may require complex, sometimes multi-stage operations, during which not only the cartilaginous, but also the bone structures of the nose are repositioned, and the lack of tissues is replenished. There is no single technique here, and an individual correction plan is developed for each patient.

Some surgeons allow the use to correct minor asymmetries. Usually, dense fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite, polycaprolactone, etc. are used for this, which are introduced into soft tissues and increase their volume. In this way, you can correct the unevenness of the tip and back, but it will not always work out to align the nostrils and wings. And, unlike the operation, the result will remain only for 6-12 months, after which the procedure will have to be repeated.

There are also a variety of devices for correcting the shape of the nose. Usually these are clothespins of one form or another, which must be worn on the face for a long time: allegedly, due to constant pressure, it is possible to change the shape of soft tissues, cartilage and even bones. But, unfortunately, such devices cannot give a noticeable aesthetic result even with constant use. But they give their owner a false sense of control over the situation, which is the reason for the existing demand for them.

Photo 3 - the results of rhinoplasty, corrected nostrils of different shapes and sizes:

Photo 4 - unevenness of the back and tip of the nose corrected with fillers (without surgery):

Asymmetry after rhinoplasty

What could be worse than an initially crooked nose? Only irregularities left after the already performed plastic surgery, which the patient sees with surprise when the bandage is removed for the first time. And no matter how much the surgeons explain to the annoyed ladies that everything will return to normal as soon as the swelling subsides completely (and this will happen no earlier than six months later), many in the heat of the moment begin to prepare for a second operation a week after the first.

What is really going on? The blood supply to the face is fundamentally different from other parts of the body. Significantly more blood flows to the head per unit volume of tissues. This, on the one hand, promotes rapid healing, but, on the other hand, the same rapid increase and long-term (up to 6-8 months) preservation of edema, the “behavior” of which is sometimes quite unpredictable:

  • it can move to different parts of the nose, which is why its back or tip deviates to one side or the other from the midline;
  • often worse at certain times of the day, such as in the evening;
  • can relatively quickly disappear in one area of ​​the nose, but persist for a long time (several months) in another.

Thus, the asymmetry of the nose after rhinoplasty is normal. At first, the nostrils can be different, and the wings, the back often does not look quite even, and the tip is too large or displaced. But until the moment when the puffiness subsides completely, it is absolutely inappropriate to draw conclusions about the aesthetic results of the operation - and, moreover, plan a second one.

Why such operations are not performed for all patients?

For most people, the presence of a slight disproportion is not just the norm, but part of the individuality that forms their unique appearance. This is evidenced by numerous studies in which scientists compared images composed of dual left and right halves of the face of one person. Even the recognized beauty Marilyn Monroe was no exception.

As it turned out, the criterion of beauty is often not the mathematical correctness of facial features, but their general harmony and balance. And its asymmetrically located nose, which is slightly shifted towards the narrower half, can become its important component. If such a “defect” is corrected (for example, surgically), then all the delicate correlation will be violated, and the aesthetic result will be unsatisfactory.

Another important factor is our tendency to be overly critical of our own appearance. We are talking about cases where there is no noticeable cosmetic defect, but a slight displacement of the back or tip of the nose is given "universal" significance. As a result:

  • a person is ashamed of his own face;
  • believes that this imperfection is noticeable not only to him, but also to others;
  • is embarrassed to be photographed or chooses such head positions for the photo so that the asymmetry is not noticeable;
  • worries a lot about this, up to the appearance of more serious psychological problems, difficulties with communication, being in society, etc.

It is extremely difficult to carry out an operation that would completely suit a patient with such complexes. The initial dissatisfaction with oneself and one's appearance in this case is usually transferred to the result of plastic surgery, in which small “irregularities” and “inconsistencies with the ideal” will be found (this condition is called dysmorphophobia by psychologists).

  • American plastic surgeon Ronald V. DeMars has an interesting way of helping patients realize the real extent of their alleged problem. “When a person comes to me for a consultation with a request to remove a slight asymmetry of the nose or another part of the face, I give him a glossy magazine and ask him to show me 5 photos of the most attractive, in his opinion, celebrities. Then we look at their faces in close-up and on each of them I point out at least 5 asymmetric areas. This is not difficult to do, since not a single person in the world has perfectly even proportions.

Thus, before looking for ways to correct an existing shortcoming, you need to honestly answer yourself the question of why exactly this is needed. The objective reasons for seeking help from a plastic or ENT surgeon are:

  • violation of nasal breathing caused by an incorrect position of the septum or other bone and cartilage structures;
  • a serious external defect of the nose, which is clearly visible from the outside, clearly distorts facial features and leads to objective difficulties in communicating with people.

The desire to perform an operation to harmonize the face and make it more attractive, if a person understands that rhinoplasty alone cannot fix all the problems in life, is also quite a good reason. In other situations, rhinoplasty is unlikely to give the desired result.

Expert opinions:

leading plastic surgeon at Frau Clinic:

Initially, the asymmetry of the nose is a physiological feature that only intensifies over the years. The operation should be performed if there are problems with nasal breathing or the proportions are violated: the septum is curved, the osteochondral section of the external nose, etc., in connection with which the person experiences discomfort.

To date, I consider microrhinoplasty to be the safest and most effective method for correcting this problem. It allows you to carefully perform all surgical procedures in an extremely short time (from 50 minutes to 1.5 hours), maintain natural proportions, and minimize injuries to blood vessels and nerve endings. This approach helps not only the surgeon, but also the patient himself - the rehabilitation period is much faster and easier (there are no bruises and hematomas), and you can return to your usual lifestyle in a few days.

As for the asymmetry that occurs after the operation, this happens quite rarely and depends on the following factors:

  • how significantly the proportions of the nose were initially violated;
  • the quality of the surgeon's work;
  • the process of scarring, which is associated with the individual characteristics of our body (hormonal background, skin type, etc.).

If you feel like “something went wrong”, you should contact your plastic surgeon for preventive measures.

plastic surgeon, rhinosurgeon, clinic "Sharm":

Causes of asymmetry of the nose are congenital (genetic) - they can appear both immediately and in the process of growing up, or acquired - when, due to trauma in childhood, the development of one half of the face could lag behind. In the first case, the violation of proportions, as a rule, is associated with a different volume of tissues on the right and left sides of the nose, when the length of the cartilage or wings, the height of the bones, or the septum are noticeably different. Also, a combination of asymmetry with a cleft palate and a "cleft lip" is possible.

If such a condition causes aesthetic discomfort in the patient, creates complexes, worsens the quality of life, interferes with breathing, the problem must be solved only surgically. For example, if deviations of the tip of the nose are caused by different lengths/widths of its cartilage, then the excess volume should be excised and special sutures applied to build a new symmetrical framework. Open rhinoplasty allows you to perform this as jewelry as possible.

The asymmetry that has arisen after rhinoplasty is a direct complication, but its probability is extremely small, most often the usual edema, which gradually disappears, becomes the fault. If the problem persists for a year, corrective surgery may be required.

plastic surgeon, Arbat Estetik clinic:

There is no absolute symmetry in any face. Differences between the right and left side are often noticeable at the level of the wings of the nose, in the shape of the nostrils, etc. It is not always possible to completely rid the patient of such a “flaw”. After all, the bone structure of the skull also matters here, which, like soft tissues, is also not perfectly even in our country. This can be an indication for surgery only if the difference is visible to the naked eye, and not only to the patient in the mirror or on a selfie at a certain angle and lighting (which most often happens), but really to everyone. Basically, this happens as a result of an injury, or is a congenital defect - and in addition to aesthetic problems, it is also accompanied by impaired breathing.

You have a stuffy nose. Have you ever wondered why it seems that one nostril breathes somewhat better than the other? Interestingly, there is a scientific justification for this phenomenon.

In the described condition, as confirmed by Rachel Rodity, MD, a natural physiological reaction, called the nasal cycle, is to blame. During it, our nostrils in turn draw in a larger volume of air.

Let's find out in more detail why the nostrils behave this way and what can be done when one or both of them immediately refuse to let air through.

Why does one nostril breathe better than the other?

Our nose has special structures called turbinates. They are responsible for warming and moistening the air passing through the respiratory tract before it reaches the lungs. This allows you to prevent irritation of the delicate tissues of the latter.

And in order for the described process to be the most effective and at the same time the body's resources are not unnecessarily spent, the nostrils are forced to work in turn. A greater flow of blood to one of them heats the incoming air, which, in turn, causes the mucous membrane lining this nostril to swell from the inside. But such swelling just reduces the amount of air that can pass through it.

“If a person does not have a runny nose, an allergic reaction, an infectious disease or a pathology of the structure of the nasal septum, then he will not notice these nuances. But when we are sick, the blood flow to the nose increases, which causes increased swelling, and therefore increases the production mucus,” says Dr. Roditi. And, despite the fact that painful edema is present throughout the nose, we feel it to a greater extent precisely in that nostril, in which at the moment there is also a rush of blood associated with the natural cycle of breathing.

How to deal with a stuffy nose

"There's really nothing we can do about the nasal cycle," says Dr. Roditi. When you are sick, one nostril will always be blocked more than the other. True, after a while (from 90 minutes to 4 hours), this state independently passes to the other side of the nose. Of course, you will immediately feel the relief of breathing in one nostril, but, unfortunately, almost immediately you will find that the other one is no longer breathing.

Therefore, experts advise working to reduce painful "congestion" in general. This will help inhalation and washing the nostrils with salt water. Nasal sprays can also "open the floodgates" to get rid of accumulated mucus.

Drugs that reduce swelling of the mucosa

The most effective are drugs containing oxymetazoline. This substance constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling in the nasal passages. Although it should be remembered that these drugs cause a kind of dependence, because without their use, nasal breathing is immediately disturbed by new edema. Therefore, according to University of Cincinnati associate professor, MD Jonathan A. Bernstein, they should be used no more than twice a day for a week.

If the illness persists for more than 10-14 days, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious pathologies, such as a deviated septum, which can also cause breathing problems.