Why do cats have wet noses? The cat's nose is too wet.

Quite often, beloved pets get sick and there are many reasons for this: unbalanced nutrition, hypothermia, improper conditions. Many people wonder if a cat's wet nose is considered the norm?

The value of the organ of smell for a cat and its care

Indeed, the condition of the pet's nose is an indicator of its health and it is necessary to pay due attention to its condition, because the effectiveness of the cat's interaction with the outside world depends on it. Thanks to the moisture of their nose, the cat family:

  • It captures odors better (the sense of smell in domestic cats is 15 times sharper than in humans).
  • Determines the temperature of the food.
  • Helps to hunt.
  • Heat exchange occurs, in particular, body cooling;
  • Warms and purifies the air.

If the pet is not worried about anything, then his nose should be clean, smooth to the touch, cool and slightly damp.

It is necessary to be attentive to pets and observe changes in their behavior and appearance. This also applies to your pet's nose. If the animal does not cope with cleaning, you need to help remove debris from the nasal passage using a damp cloth or Q-tip. Do not treat any damage with iodine or brilliant green, this can disrupt the function of the cat's olfactory organ.

What could be cause for concern?

By changing the temperature of the humidity of the nose, you can trace some of the processes occurring in the pet's body. Sometimes this can be one of the signs that your pet is sick. It is necessary to understand in general terms when to worry, when not.

The main symptoms in which the disease begins to progress:

  • Often or rarely go to the toilet.
  • Diarrhea or bloody discharge.
  • The cat is constantly under stress.
  • Profuse hair loss.
  • Vomit.
  • Deep breathing.

The temperature of the nose can change during the day, so there is no need to panic if your pet has a dry nose, as everything will be normal in a couple of hours. There is a scientific explanation for this: during sleep, the animal is at rest, its body temperature rises, partial dehydration of the body occurs due to insufficient water, after waking up, all biochemical processes are restored.

A cold nose can be a sign of some disease, but other symptoms are also associated, such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, weakness, lethargy. In this case, it is recommended not to take self-treatment from the Internet, but you should contact your veterinarian for qualified help.

A cold nose in and of itself shouldn't be a cause for concern., as this may be a completely habitual reaction. You can determine the disease by observing the accompanying symptoms with a low nose temperature, for example, colds:

  1. You should feel the ears, they may be hot.
  2. The cat eats little, is less mobile, lethargic.
  3. Often snorts or sneezes.
  4. High body temperature.

Body temperature is measured not by the nose of the animal, but by a thermometer. For this, the usual one, which is used by people, is suitable.

When to contact the veterinarian?

There are symptoms in which it is necessary to consult a veterinarian for advice:

  • Lethargy, passivity, malaise.
  • Increased nose temperature, dryness.
  • The color of the nose is pale, cold.
  • The nose has changed color to blue, red, yellow or white.

If one of the above symptoms is found, no need to self-medicate, be sure to contact a specialist, notifying him in detail about the symptoms of the cat. The veterinarian will collect the necessary tests, the results of which will help him determine the diagnosis and determine the course of treatment.

Do not worry too much about your pet, because in most cases it turns out to be a common cold. Reputable veterinarians will prescribe medications, as well as give advice that will help the pet to always be healthy, cheerful and playful.


Cold nose in combination with other symptoms as an indicator that may inform weakened immune system. Owners who do not bother with the cat's diet prefer to limit themselves to buying dry food. Dry food causes dehydration, followed by a malfunction of the internal organs. It is recommended to dose the daily amount of dry food with regular homemade food. Cats are predators, so the body requires natural food - meat.

Proper nutrition helps the cat to build the normal functioning of organs, increase resistance to diseases, endure negative environmental influences and always be in good shape.

How to properly care for a cat's nose

To monitor the health of a cat, you need to check the temperature of the spout with the back of your hand. This must be done carefully so as not to scare the pet.

It is necessary to be attentive, observe the behavior of the animal, monitor the appearance, provide good nutrition and good living conditions. Compliance with these requirements will help avoid the occurrence of diseases, as well as prevent serious consequences.

It is worth remembering that the health of the pet depends only on the owner. Only a healthy cat will be able to please and charge with positive emotions.

Since childhood, we know that a wet nose in a cat is a sign of health. Is this really so, can an unhealthy animal have a wet nose, is a dry nose always bad? Let's try to find out the answers to the questions in this article.
  • A very wet nose in a cat, combined with sneezing, refusal of food, elevated body temperature, may signal that the animal has caught a cold;
  • Sometimes the lobe is especially strongly moistened if a foreign object has got into the nasal passages of the animal. Moreover, the discharge can be not only transparent, but also bloody and purulent;
  • Often flows from the nose of a cat due to allergies. A pet may not tolerate, for example, the smell of cigarette smoke, the smell of cleaning products. Allergic rhinitis can develop due to the rejection of plant pollen, the introduction of certain medications, dust;
  • If the pet sniffs heavily, his nose is too wet, and he breathes through his mouth, the situation may be in the presence of a polyp on the nasal mucosa;
  • The cause of a too wet nose and constant discharge from it may be the presence of a benign or malignant tumor;
  • A wet and too pale nose can be a sign of cardiovascular disease;
  • If the animal's nose is not only constantly too wet, but also cold, hypothermia (hypothermia) or poisoning can be suspected.
  • How to care for a cat's nose

    For the most part, cats are lovers of exemplary cleanliness, so they can take care of the beauty of their fur coat, eyes and nose on their own. However, if the purr neglects hygiene, it is permissible to clean the dirty nose with cotton swabs (possible with a limiter) dipped in warm water.

    If the animal's nose flows like a faucet, it will not be possible to get by with cleaning. In this case, it is necessary to observe the animal. Is the cat clearly not feeling well? High temperature, apathy, dull look, refusal of your favorite treat - a reason to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible.

    healthy cat nose

    So, as it turned out above, a cat's nose can be both dry and wet during the day. If the health of the animal is not in danger, her nose may be:
    • Warm and dry - during sleep, immediately after an active pastime or when it is too hot;
    • Slightly damp, smooth and shiny - most of the day.
    If the discharge from the nose is too abundant, not transparent, but bloody or purulent, there is a dried crust on the nose, the cat sneezes or shakes its muzzle every now and then, then its health is in danger. To accurately state the condition of a pet, it is not enough just to feel his nose. After all, as we found out, the lobe cannot be wet all the time. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence or absence of symptoms of malaise.

    Taking care of the health of your pet is the main responsibility of the owner of any pet. Cats are no exception. It is not always easy to determine if your four-legged friend is healthy, it is even more difficult to name a specific disease that annoys him. After all, the animal cannot tell about its state of health and complain about this or that symptom. Only a qualified veterinarian can make an accurate and correct diagnosis after an examination and examination of the tests.

    However, any responsible owner can independently notice the first signs of health problems in their pet. To do this, he should more often observe the peculiar "indicators" that nature has placed on the body of the animal. One of them is the condition of the cat's nose, or rather, its tip or lobe.

    What should be the nose of a healthy cat

    A wet nose in a cat is a sign of its health and normal well-being. Dry and hot urine can be a sign of fever and indicate the presence of a disease. In principle, most lovers of these fluffy fidgets know that if a cat has a dry nose, then this may be a sign of the onset of an ailment. However, not everything is so simple and unambiguous here: a similar sign does not necessarily indicate health problems, the temperature of the lobe can also rise in a healthy pet - this is quite a common situation.

    So what kind of nose should a healthy cat have? Let's try to deal with this issue.

    general information

    The nose of any cat is a fantastically complex organ that plays a crucial role in the life of all felines. A person has a very weak sense of smell - smells do not play a very important role in our life. Cats are different. From the moment they are born, they live in a world of smells.

    Immediately after birth, blind kittens are almost completely dependent on the sense of smell: by smell they look for the mother's nipple and her warm side, recognize their littermates, and look for a den. Yes, and in adult cat life, smells play a huge role: they are associated with the behavior of pets during the mating season, the search for food and hunting. Also, smells serve as a feline to determine their own and foreign territory, they are also needed for communication.

    The sense of smell of tailed pets is fifteen times stronger than a human, and their nose is a unique organ. It is divided by a cartilaginous septum into two passages, each of which leads to the so-called labyrinth, in which the pet can “store” odors and separate them from impurities. After the labyrinth, they fall on the olfactory receptors associated with the brain.

    It is interesting! Remember the power of a cat's sense of smell, and don't overuse perfumes, air fresheners, and other sources of unnatural odors. Too harsh "chemical" aroma can be a real shock and a source of severe discomfort for your pet.

    Cats always carefully monitor the cleanliness of the nose, because the presence of dirt in this place dramatically reduces their sense of smell. This is about the same as nasal congestion in humans. The sense of smell is very important for your pets, it provides them with a full life in the world of smells.

    In addition to olfactory, the cat's nose performs other functions. For example, breathing occurs only through it: the air, passing through the nasal passages, is warmed up and cleaned of dust, harmful chemicals and microorganisms. The front part of the cat's nose has no hairline and is called the lobe or speculum. Due to the secretion of the mucous membrane and frequent licking, the lobe is almost always moist and cool. The skin on the mirror is temperature sensitive, so your pet can tell if food is hot without even touching it.

    Usually the color of the earlobe matches the color in general, although there may be exceptions. The most healthy noses are in individuals with a natural head and muzzle shape. Flat-faced breeds often have problems with the respiratory system, as their nasal cartilages are flattened and unable to function properly.

    It is interesting! The color of the cat's nose can vary depending on temperature and color: in some, when it gets cold, the nose darkens, while in others it brightens.

    What can affect the temperature of the cat's nose

    Many owners believe that if a cat has a hot nose, then it is sick. However, not all so simple. Dryness can also be caused by completely natural causes, and to more accurately determine the condition of the pet, you need to pay attention to other signs. Only a combination of several symptoms can more or less accurately indicate health problems in your pet. The degree of humidity of the mirror can change several times a day even in a perfectly healthy cat.

    A cat's nose is dry and warm, usually in the following cases:

    • if she sleeps;
    • for some time (about thirty minutes) after waking up;
    • after serious physical activity, the temperature rises, which leads to dryness of the mirror;
    • do not be surprised if the cat has a dry nose and is warm if it is in a hot and stuffy room;
    • after severe stress.

    Frequent dryness of the nose is a normal situation for older animals. Cats love to sit on radiators or other heating devices - it is natural that at this time their nose will be hot.

    It is interesting! In seals with a flattened shape of the muzzle, the nose is most often wet. This is explained very simply: they just have the opportunity to lick it.

    Purring owners should remember one more rule: even a cold and wet nose is not a 100% guarantee that your pet is completely healthy. Source: Flickr (Kim_s_Pics)

    What can a cat's nose tell about

    Dryness of the mirror can indeed be a sign of an increase in body temperature, which is often a signal of a deterioration in well-being. However, we must not forget that the usual temperature of a cat is two degrees higher than a human. So the lobe may seem hot to you, even if the pet is absolutely healthy. If there are suspicions, then it is better to measure the temperature with a thermometer by inserting it into the anus of the animal (normal temperature is 38-39 degrees). If you do not have a thermometer, then you should touch the ears: if the cat has a fever, they will be hot.

    Elevated body temperature may be evidence of poisoning, various infections, colds, inflammation. Often the cause of dryness and fever are dermatological diseases of the pet. Dryness can be caused, including the ingress of a foreign body into the nasal passages.

    A dry nose in a cat can be the result of a variety of reasons, including malnutrition, overeating, a stomach clogged with hair, and a slight cold.

    It is better for you to carefully observe the behavior of your pet and respond in a timely manner to the appearance of any additional symptoms. If the mirror is dry and hot, and the cat refuses to eat, is inactive, meows plaintively, then it's time to contact the veterinarian.

    The real warning signs are:

    • vomit;
    • bloody or loose stools;
    • hair loss;
    • animal anxiety;
    • too frequent visits to the toilet;
    • sneezing.

    This list is far from complete. If any deviations from the norm appear, you should seek the help of a specialist.

    The lobe of a cat's nose can still tell a lot about the owner. If it is too cold and wet, then this may be a sign of various ailments. A cold nose in a cat can be the result of such diseases:

    • systemic pathologies of internal organs;
    • severe hypothermia and lowering the temperature of the animal;
    • stress
    • food poisoning.

    The owner should also observe the color of his pet's nose. It testifies to the work of his circulatory system. A cyanotic mirror indicates a serious pathology of the heart or a lack of oxygen of various etiologies.

    A red lobe is a sign of rhinitis, an infectious disease, or mechanical irritation of the upper respiratory tract. You should also pay attention to nasal discharge: a cat's nose that is too wet can be a sign of a cold or various infectious ailments.

    The color of the earlobe often changes in older pets, but if your cat is in the prime of life, then it is better to contact the veterinarian with this problem.

    Separately, one should dwell on diseases associated with the nose of cats. First of all, these are rhinitis of various origins. They can be caused by common colds, viral and bacterial infections, or be allergic in nature. Cats have sinusitis and tumors of the nasal passages or sinuses (benign and malignant). A foreign body may enter the nose.

    Purring owners should remember one more rule: even a cold and wet nose is not a 100% guarantee that your pet is completely healthy.

    What to do with dry nose

    What to do if the cat has a dry and hot nose? If you find similar symptoms in your animal, then you should not immediately panic. Dryness of the mirror is very often quite normal. Think about what preceded the appearance of this symptom, maybe your Murka was playing, sleeping, or perhaps the temperature in your apartment is too high?

    Observe your pet's behavior. If additional alarming symptoms appear, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid going to the veterinary clinic. Be sure to measure the body temperature of the animal - it should not exceed 39 degrees.

    You yourself will not be able to determine the cause of the temperature rise and make the correct diagnosis. A person who is far from veterinary medicine will not even be able to properly examine an animal. Also, you should not hope that the problem will be solved by itself - this happens extremely rarely.

    Do not expect that good nutrition, proper care and your care will help the pet cope with the disease on its own. This is not enough. It is a very bad idea to try to give a cat "human" medicines. The physiology of a cat is very different from that of a human, and such attempts can only bring harm.

    Determining the condition of a cat by its nose is known to every person who has dealt with four-legged friends in his life. However, this sign is very unreliable: only a complex of symptoms and long-term observation can suggest the correct diagnosis.

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    Cats get sick quite often and there can be many reasons for this: hypothermia, malnutrition, violation of the conditions of detention. If a cat has a wet nose, does this mean that she has health problems and what should be done in this case?

    If a cat has a cold wet nose, can this be considered a variant of the norm? People often ask this question, since a cat's cold nose is a common phenomenon.

    Experienced breeders are in a hurry to reassure people who have only recently acquired a pet. In fact, this is a variant of the norm. When the animal is healthy, its nose is cold and slightly moist. Many veterinarians advise paying attention to these signs when assessing the condition of a pet.

    Why does a cat have a wet nose and how cold should it be? Heat transfer in the body of felines proceeds somewhat differently than in humans. If the cat is comfortable in the conditions in which he lives, his nose remains moist and cool due to the constant evaporation of moisture.

    A slightly warm and dry nose in cats may indicate that the animal is hot, it has been in a dry and warm room for a long time. This leads to a violation of heat transfer and the appearance of corresponding signs. In some cases, a dry and warm nose indicates that the animal is sick. In this case, other symptoms of the disease can be observed: an increase in body temperature, weakness, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea.

    Most often, it is precisely because of a change in the temperature of the animal's nose that the owner begins to suspect that something is wrong with his pet. In this case, it is better not to try to diagnose yourself, but to immediately consult a doctor. Only an experienced veterinarian can tell what happened. Often, additional tests and studies are required to make the correct diagnosis.

    A dry nose may indicate partial dehydration. Perhaps the animal just needs to be given more to drink or adjust its diet. Quite often, you have to deal with this if only dry food is present on the cat's menu. In this case, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian and switch the pet to wet food or even feed him homemade food.

    A wet nose in a cat does not need to be wiped with a cloth or napkin. In this case, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Most often, experts recommend not to interfere with the natural process of excretion of moisture and mucus, as this is simply necessary to maintain the health of the animal.

    The temperature of a pet's nose can change throughout the day. Immediately after waking up, this part of the body is usually warmer. This is easily explained from a scientific point of view. During sleep, the animal is at rest, the body temperature rises, the body is somewhat dehydrated, since the last fluid intake was a long time ago. After 2-3 hours, the nose should become cooler and wetter.

    If a cat has a wet, cold nose, this should not be cause for concern. This state of affairs can alert only if there is too much mucous discharge, especially with an admixture of blood. Too wet nose and mucus discharge may indicate the presence of:


    fungal or bacterial infection;

    head trauma;

    Tumors in the nasopharynx;



    Other pathological conditions can also be suspected, including the ingress of foreign objects into the nasopharynx. Self-treatment of the animal in this case may not be effective and quite dangerous. The cat needs to be urgently shown to a specialist, and it is desirable to describe in detail exactly when the animal’s nose became cold, at what time of the day the discharge appeared, how much mucus flowed out, and whether other suspicious symptoms were noticed.

    In any case, there is no need to panic. Most often, the diseases are not so serious. If a decrease in nasal temperature is associated with a cold, it is usually accompanied by sneezing and coughing. It is necessary to treat a sick animal comprehensively. A good result can be achieved with a combination of drugs and physiotherapy. Modern veterinary clinics offer many services aimed at improving the health of the animal. Competent veterinarians can also give a number of valuable tips regarding the conditions of keeping cats, feeding regimen and other important aspects. This will help you raise your cat to be alert, playful and healthy.

    Too wet nose in a cat may indicate banal hypothermia. The breeder should review the conditions of keeping the animal and, possibly, correct them so that the pet is always warm and comfortable.

    The question of why a cat has a wet nose cannot be answered unambiguously. A wet nose indicates that the animal is healthy, but excessive mucus production may indicate the presence of certain diseases or that the animal is cold.

    Cats have many abilities that are inaccessible to humans and seem fantastic to him. This is the ability to see in pitch darkness, and the ability to fall on all four paws, taking this position from any position, and the ability to survive even after very heavy falls, and much, much more.

    But there are also differences that, it would seem, cannot be considered some kind of superpower, but which, nevertheless, distinguish a cat from people. One such ability is the cat's wet nose. If you touch it to the touch, you can be sure that it is cold and wet.

    It should be noted that the sense of smell in cats is very sensitive. Unfortunately, it is somehow not customary to talk about the “sniffing” abilities of cats. Most people somehow suspect that the sense of smell in cats is better developed than in humans, but it does not even occur to anyone to perceive them as owners of a unique sense of smell. In the vast majority of cases, dogs are cited as owners of unique olfactory abilities, while forgetting that a cat in the perfection of its sense of smell is inferior to its eternal rivals in the struggle for the love of its owners quite a bit.

    By the way, a wet nose is peculiar not only to cats, but also to dogs. But if pundits know almost everything about the dog's nose, then the cat's nose has been studied to a much lesser extent. Probably, the reason for this was not only the fact that the dog has an excellent sense of smell, but the fact that it lends itself very well to training and has a number of qualities that a person can put to his service, which he has been doing for more than a thousand years. This is the search for criminals, and the salvation of people, and hunting, and the search for drugs, and so on.

    And although scientists still managed to establish that the cat's sense of smell is only five percent inferior to the dog's, it can be said without a shadow of a doubt that it turned out to be unclaimed precisely because of the lack of accompanying qualities. Agree that you can only imagine a cat chasing a criminal and detaining him, except in a drunken delirium. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to force a cat by wearing a leash to perform his official duties. And if it were possible, then cats could be used on a par with dogs.

    Phlegm on a cat's nose (as well as on a dog's) is a viscous substance that is of great help to the cat in recognizing odors, which is extremely important, because it is thanks to them that the cat distinguishes the owner from just a similar person, distinguishes between prey, determines status, sex and health status of other cats and so on. And it is the sense of smell that helps the cat and the cat to find each other during the period of “cat weddings”.

    And it is the moisture on the nose that helps to capture all kinds of molecules that have entered the nose and, with the help of a huge number of receptors, to recognize odors. In addition, due to the absence of sweat glands, a cold and wet nose allows the cat to maintain a normal body temperature. During those moments when the cat is resting or fast asleep, her nose becomes dry and warm and this is completely normal, although some owners mistakenly believe that this is a sign that the pet is unwell. In fact, this is due to the fact that during sleep, the body temperature of a cat slightly increases. But if a cat has a hot nose during activity, this really indicates that not everything in the animal’s body is going as it should. And if the cat suddenly began to refuse food or eats much less than before and, moreover, lies for a long time, you should immediately feel her nose.

    Since the cat is a pronounced predator, her nose is also used to determine the direction of the wind, otherwise her prey can smell her. Probably everyone saw how people raise their wet fingers to determine the direction of the wind. The cat does not do this and for good reason: it has a nose for this, and which side of the nose is colder - from that side the wind blows.

    In addition, the nose is used by the cat in order to determine the temperature of food. Perhaps, every cat owner is familiar with the picture when a cat, approaching food, first “sniffs” it with its nose and only then proceeds to absorb food. Most people think that a cat is sniffing food in this way, when in fact it measures whether the temperature of the food is safe or not. Thus, the cat's nose is the best thermometer for its owner.

    In view of the foregoing, we can conclude that the cat's nose is much more complicated than the human one. Suffice it to mention that on the one hand, when a cat is healthy, her nose will be wet, and on the other hand, a cat can also get a runny nose.