Useful tips from experienced gardeners. How do SNT lands differ from individual housing construction and private plots and what is the best choice for a land user? And that's not it

Before determining the difference between individual housing construction and SNT, it is necessary to distinguish between their definitions.

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Individual housing construction stands for individual housing construction, in which buildings are erected by citizens on their own and at their own expense.

The erected buildings are transferred into ownership and are intended for permanent residence.

SNT is revealed as a horticultural non-profit society, whose members unite to solve various gardening and vegetable gardening issues.

Having expanded on the concepts, we can highlight the differences that exist between these categories of land:

  1. are provided for the construction of residential buildings with appropriate communications for regular living in them.
  2. SNT plots are acquired for agriculture, gardening, with the possibility of constructing country houses on them.
  3. Land for individual housing construction is located in some populated areas. SNT lands are related to.
  4. On plots for individual housing construction it is possible without any restrictions, in turn, in order to register in the SNT you will have to go through a certain long procedure, including recognition of the building as residential and suitable for living.
  5. Individual housing construction lands have promising development at the expense of local budget funds. Work is being carried out to improve and build roads, and infrastructure is being developed. SNT develops only at the expense of its members.

Types of land plots

Land plots are divided into types, which depend on their purpose.

There are the following types of land:

  1. Land for agricultural purposes. They are located outside settlements and allocated for agricultural work.
  2. Lands included in the forest and water fund. The forest fund belongs to forestry; the water fund is located near various types of reservoirs.
  3. Plots of land for industrial purposes. They are used for industrial facilities and are located outside populated areas.
  4. The settlement lands are intended for the development of cities and villages and have a developed infrastructure.
  5. Specially protected lands. They have cultural and historical value.
  6. Reserve lands. They are allocated for special purposes and have a reserve purpose.


All types of land have a specific purpose, which allows us to determine their legal regime.

The intended purpose determines the features of land use and what functions they perform.

The purpose of land may change. For example, a plot of agricultural land can become a plot of industrial land.

What to choose?

When choosing land, you should take into account a large number of nuances and legal subtleties. It is necessary to clearly define the purpose for which the land is being acquired.

For example, the goal is to engage in gardening, or a house for permanent residence will be built on the site. All this will be of significant importance, for example, when deciding the question of which is better: individual housing construction or SNT.

If you plan to purchase a simple garden plot for a seasonal stay or for farming, it is better to choose agricultural land.

The most acceptable option is private housing construction land. Of course, this option will be more expensive than agricultural land. Having chosen land for individual housing construction, you can easily own it, erect any buildings, register, have a postal address, etc.

If the land was acquired for agricultural purposes, it can be transferred to another category. This process is quite lengthy and labor-intensive.

Therefore, before purchasing land, it is better to first find out its purpose and weigh all the positive and negative aspects that may arise during its operation.

Individual housing construction or SNT: which is better?

A comparative analysis of land for individual housing construction and SNT allows us to highlight the following main points:

  1. By purchasing a plot of land for individual housing construction, you can erect any buildings on it. The main thing is that they meet the requirements for residential buildings. On the lands of SNT, you can also erect any building, even the smallest shed. The only question is that registering in it will be problematic, since the building must have normal infrastructure and meet the requirements for permanent residence.
  2. In buildings erected on land for individual housing construction, registration can be issued. To register in buildings on SNT lands, you will have to go through a large number of authorities before obtaining permission to register.
  3. The tax on real estate located in SNT lands is significantly lower compared to taxes on houses built on individual housing construction lands.
  4. The advantage of individual housing construction is that local authorities regularly develop the infrastructure of settlements, while the lands of SNT are developed at the expense of its members.

You can list the advantages of SNT and individual housing construction for a long time and ultimately not come to a consensus, since everyone chooses for himself what is best for him and for what purposes he will use the land.

What is the difference?

SNT and individual housing construction lands have their own differences, having found out which, you can easily decide on the category of land when purchasing.

The most important difference between the categories of land under consideration is their intended purpose:

  • land for individual housing construction provides for the possibility of erecting a house, the height of which cannot exceed three floors;
  • SNT plots can only be used for agriculture; sometimes the construction of a simple structure can become a problem.

Another difference is the location of the plots:

  • lands for individual housing construction are located in some populated areas, this means that the development of individual housing construction lands is planned and included in the federal programs that finance these projects;
  • SNT are located in areas with agricultural purposes; accordingly, the solution to all problems, including development, is carried out independently by the members of SNT.

Pros and cons of each category

When choosing a plot of land, you need to know certain information about general land management in the Russian Federation.

An ordinary citizen, far from legal rules and nuances, may get confused when delimiting lands and determining their pros and cons.

That is why it is necessary to clearly know all the pitfalls and problems that may arise when choosing a land plot and further erecting a residential building on it.


You can register with SNT only after the erected structure on the land is recognized as residential and can meet the required requirements.

You can register in an individual housing construction without any problems, since initially residential buildings are built on the lands for regular residence.


Taxes for a garden partnership can be significantly lower compared to individual housing construction.


Owners of land for individual construction have the right to preferential tariffs, the amount of which is many times lower than in SNT.


Individual housing construction lands are developed at the expense of the local budget and are developed annually. SNT lands are developed at the expense of their owners.

Is it possible to transfer land?

SNT and individual housing construction lands, as has already been determined, have certain differences, as well as pros and cons. As a result of the comparison, it becomes clear that lands for individual housing construction have more advantages compared to SNT lands.

Many SNT land owners are wondering how to transfer SNT into individual housing construction? In practice, this option is quite possible, subject to certain rules and in accordance with.

It may seem that the translation procedure is quite simple:

  • collection of documents;
  • submitting them to the appropriate authority.

In fact, when transferring land from one category to another, you can get a refusal from the administration.

Reasons for refusal may include any circumstances:

  1. A ban has been imposed on this site regarding its transfer to another category.
  2. The site does not fit the territory development plan.
  3. The site cannot be annexed to a populated area, and therefore difficulties arise when including it in the development plan, etc.

If you want to transfer a SNT land plot to an individual housing construction, you need to find out why this is needed at all.

If transferring SNT to individual housing construction is required only to obtain the opportunity to register in a house, then this option is suitable for those who have already lived in a constructed house for a long time and have the appropriate infrastructure and comfortable conditions.

If the house is only at the construction stage and the purpose of construction is to temporarily stay in it, for example, in the summer, then you should not waste time on translation.

Explains lawyer and summer resident Yuri Volokhov.

6 acres without tax

Is it true that pensioners will not have to pay land tax for plots of no more than 6 acres?

Yes it is. Legislators promptly responded to the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation Putin to ease the tax burden of pensioners, who have recently had to pay much more for their plots than before.

What happened? As a result of the revision of the cadastral value of land in many regions, the amount of land tax has sharply increased. Now, with the adoption of the new law, you will have to pay less.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation has Article 391, which is called “The procedure for determining the tax base.” From paragraph 1 of this article it follows that the tax base is the cadastral value of a land plot as of a certain date. It is measured in rubles. So earlier, before the adoption of the new law, some categories of taxpayers were provided with, I would say, a very ridiculous tax benefit: the tax base was reduced by a tax-free amount of only 10 thousand rubles! Let's say, if the tax base (cadastral value) of a plot is 500 thousand rubles, then the land tax was levied on an amount of 490 thousand rubles. Is this a benefit?

What will happen? Instead of the non-taxable land tax minimum of 10 thousand rubles, a tax-free cadastral value of 600 square meters of land area has been established for preferential categories of taxpayers. That is, the benefit has become significant. For many citizens, especially the elderly, the size of their plots is exactly 6 acres. And if the area of ​​the plot is larger, then 6 acres are now calculated from it and land tax is levied only on the cadastral value of the remaining area of ​​the plot. The tax base is reduced in relation to one plot of land at the taxpayer's choice.

Pensioners - benefit

They say that all pensioners will receive a land tax benefit. Is it so?

Now the following are entitled to benefits: Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation; disabled people of the 1st and 2nd disability groups; disabled since childhood; veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, veterans and disabled people of combat operations; “Chernobyl victims” and some other categories of citizens. And soon all the pensioners will be added to them.

What happened? In the early 90s of the last century, pensioners were generally exempt from paying land tax, but then this benefit was taken away from them.

What will happen? It seems that a reverse process has begun. The list of beneficiaries has been significantly expanded to include pensioners.

Garden houses

What else should citizens - land owners expect from legislators?

It is possible that new rules will be introduced for the construction of individual residential buildings on land plots provided not only for individual housing construction, but also for private farming and gardening.

The law regarding the construction of garden houses on garden plots was adopted by State Duma deputies at the end of 2017. On the one hand, it is proposed to establish strict construction parameters (the number of above-ground floors is no more than three, the height of houses is no more than 20 m). On the other hand, these residential buildings will be differentiated by area: up to 500 square meters and more than 500. The construction procedure (submission of documentation) for the former will be simplified. The necessary amendments are planned to be made to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as to both laws for gardeners, vegetable gardeners and summer residents (the current one in 1998 and the new one, which will come into force on January 1, 2019).

Changes in action

Federal Law “On Amendments to Parts One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” No. 436-FZ was adopted by the State Duma in the third reading, approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President on December 28, 2017. The law has already entered into force.

Is it possible to make money in gardening? And how! Intensive gardening does not require long-term investment. It can pay for itself in 2-3 years. Let’s say that in the fall of 2002 you stick seedlings into the ground, a year later you remove 10-15 apples from each tree, in 2004 the harvest will already reach 20-25 t/ha, and in the third year each hectare of a new garden can bring 40-50 t apples The same can be said about pears. The yield of other fruits (plums, apricots) is somewhat lower, but the prices for these fruits and berries are higher than for apples. True, they are not capricious like an apple; they require special storage and transportation conditions.

The cost of planting one hectare of garden, including all technological methods and improvements (during the entire period before entering the fruiting period), averages 35-45 thousand UAH. This includes the costs of all agrotechnical procedures for three to four years - from applying fertilizers to harvesting the first harvest.

The profitability of the garden is scary to say! - can reach hundreds of percent. Consider for yourself: per year, maintaining 1 hectare of an “intensive” garden (staff salaries, pesticides, fertilizers, equipment rental, etc.) can cost up to 2-3 thousand UAH; this hectare can bring up to 40-50 tons ( see above). Even spoiled fruits can be sold for industrial processing for 0.08-0.1 UAH. for 1 kg and get 4-5 thousand UAH for them. And good quality apples can be sold at the height of the fruit season for 1-1.5 UAH. for 1 kg (50-75 thousand UAH/ha). And if you don’t be greedy and put several tens of tons in a warehouse and “push” these fruits on New Year’s Eve or even later for 3-6 UAH. for 1 kg? The calculator jams... (This, of course, is not a calculation, but an estimate, but it is also very indicative. - Ed.)

With the most successful set of circumstances and a reasonable marketing policy of the gardener, his garden can pay for itself in the second year of operation.

If things go wrong (not counting forty-degree frosts, floods, fires and other force majeure) and a weak sales policy, the “sadistic” businessman will get his money back in the third year.

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Where to start

It is best to register your own horticultural enterprise in the form of a private agricultural enterprise.
The procedure for creating such an enterprise is the simplest and most painless.
In addition, of the existing 38 taxes and fees that businesses typically pay, a private agricultural firm pays only 27.
Of the eleven “exempt” taxes, the most significant are income tax, contributions to the Pension Fund, reserved VAT, which is subsequently directed to the development of the economy (i.e., owners do not pay VAT to the treasury, but accumulate the corresponding amount in their own account and report for intended use of this amount).

If you take some time, you can save not only on taxes, but also on the initial investment. The state levies a tax of 1% of revenue on the sales of all alcoholic beverages and beer and directs these funds to the development of gardening, viticulture and hop growing (how correct this is is a separate question. - Ed.). Of course, this help is not given to just anyone, and especially to beginners. And even non-newbies are not delighted with its distribution - see BUSINESS No. 16 of April 16, 2001, pp. 30-32.

Nevertheless, you can try. Possible options:
enlist the support of some experienced gardener and contact one of the horticultural associations (Ukrinsad corporation, Ukrsadvinprom state concern), if this most experienced gardener (or you yourself) is a member of one of them;
contact the Ministry of Agrarian Policy directly;
Don’t go “high” like that, but poke your nose into the department of agriculture at the local city, district, and regional state administration.

Of the 38 taxes and fees, an agricultural company pays only 27.

It includes reimbursement of expenses for the cost of design and estimate documentation, the cost of seedlings, the cost of pesticides, mineral and organic fertilizers, the cost of caring for young plantings before entering the fruiting stage.

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Whom to jail

Now in Ukraine, apple and pear trees bloom on approximately 500 thousand hectares. 300 thousand hectares of gardens are maintained by former collective and state farms, and about 180 thousand hectares are cultivated by private owners.

Of the 300 thousand collective farm hectares, according to the President of the Ukrainian Corporation of Intensive Horticulture and Nursery Growing (Ukrinsad) Peter Bely, 220 hectares are long overdue to be uprooted. These old gardens are planted with tall (correctly vigorous) trees “tall” 4-5 m with a voluminous crown (10 m in diameter) according to the scheme 8x8, 10x10 m. Such giants, even at the most lush time of their fruiting, can no longer compete with the trees of new varieties.

In general, trees are divided into vigorous, medium-sized, low-growing, and dwarf. Each type has both advantages and disadvantages.

The root system of vigorous-growing plants is a deep, slightly branched root that drills into the ground up to 5 meters deep.

Such trees are often not afraid of frost or drought. They can withstand a drop in soil temperature to minus 15°C and even in the driest steppe they can reach some unpaved river. True, such advantages pale in comparison with the significant disadvantages of vigorous plants. They enter the fruiting period already 7-9 years after planting (that is, all this time they do not bring money, but only demand).

Of the 300 thousand hectares of post-collective farm gardens, 220 hectares are long overdue for uprooting.

Due to the extensive and dense foliage, the fruits grow mainly on the outer part of the crown; a kind of “dead” space is formed inside. And from the very top the fruits are more difficult to collect - some of them remain on the branches, and this is a loss.

And further. Experts have calculated that 300-350 square centimeters of leaf work for 1 kg of fruit, and 700 square centimeters of leaf for 1 kg of wood. Since the root system and the trunk itself are very large, it turns out that the leaves only work for wood.

It turns out that vigorous trees are more suitable for half-poor and lazy gardeners who do not have money for a drip irrigation system, who are “not interested” in covering trees for the winter, and who, in fact, do not care what the harvest will be. The root system of low-growing plants is branched, the depth of the roots is no more than 60-80 cm.

Such trees take root easily. This tree does not grow tall: 2-2.5 meters. It begins to bear fruit in the second or third year. The productivity of low-growing plants is 40-50 t/ha. Therefore, all our calculations were made for an intensive garden planted with small trees.

Moral: even when buying not land, but a garden, it is better to “replant” it.

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Point of view

President of the Ukrainian Corporation of Intensive Horticulture and Nursery Growing (Ukrinsad) Petro WHITE:
- A hectare of orchard with intensive cultivation brings 40-50 tons. How much does a kilogram of good apples cost us? On the wholesale market, gardeners sell it for 2-3 UAH. You don’t need 2 or 3, just 1 UAH. I asked the guys how they sell. One made an agreement with the Billa supermarket and handed over three tons there for 1 UAH every day. for 1 kg, and they paid him every day.
No other type of agricultural activity provides as much profit as gardening.

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Before planting a garden, it is necessary to do a soil analysis. It is necessary to find out how suitable the land is for planting a garden and what agricultural techniques need to be carried out in order to optimally prepare the soil for planting seedlings. In general, a fair amount of design and preparatory work will be required.

You can, of course, find seven spans in your forehead and try to pull it all off on your own. But you won’t regret 7-8 thousand UAH. and order a set of design and estimate documentation to any research, scientific and design horticultural institute. In Ukraine it is "UKRNIIPROSAD" or one of its branches. There are also private companies that can do such a project.

Briefly about the content of design and estimate documentation. In particular, it should contain the results of soil research and the recommended selection of species and varieties of certain fruit plants. This recommended list is compiled taking into account the sum of the effective temperatures of a given region (the sum of all temperatures above plus ten during the growing season), precipitation, soil chemical composition, etc.

Without design and estimate documentation, you can’t count on government support.

It is also important in which direction the prevailing winds blow in that region, what is the exposure (or slope in one direction or another) of a given piece of land. It is most advantageous to locate the garden on a southern or southwestern exposure (in other words, on the southern or southwestern slope of a hill). If the garden is planted on a plain, then the exposure does not matter; here it is more important where the wind blows from. It is important that the wind blows along the row. (It is clear that in the actual documentation everything will be even more detailed, and we present these technical subtleties so that when communicating with a candidate designer, you can distinguish a complete “freeloader” from someone who knows the business. - Ed.).

At the end of the study, the design agency makes a business case and issues cost estimates. Then a signature is placed on the document, then it goes for examination to the Pomological Inspectorate (pomology is the science of plant varieties, and the inspection itself is located in Kyiv) and is approved by the Food Department (formerly the State Food Industry Committee). You can, of course, lay out a garden at random and guess with exposure, winds and soil. In this case, extra paperwork is simply not needed. But there is one caveat. Without a package of design and estimate documentation, you can’t count on “one percent” money (see the chapter “Where to start”). As they say, “beer is for union members only.”

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Point of view

A representative of the Billa supermarket, who wished to remain anonymous:
- Last year we worked with Ukrainian gardeners and were pleased with the cooperation. The main parameters that the fruits and vegetables we purchase must meet are high quality and reasonable prices. Ukrainian gardeners are already able to offer us such a product.
I believe that domestic fruits will in due time be able to easily supplant elite Dutch and other products. Of course, buyers who, for one reason or another (personally unclear to me) will prefer imported fruits, will remain, but today there are fewer and fewer such people.

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Gardens have a bad habit of creeping into the most remote corners of the country from markets.
Kyiv can safely be considered the most active such market (although it is hardly worth limiting oneself to it); the most suitable for gardening are the southern and western regions.
Consequently, transport “ends” will most likely exceed 500 km.

“In terms of money,” one trip will cost $200-300. Typically, long-distance transport companies charge $0.2-0.3 per kilometer, but the distance is measured in both directions: 500x2x$0.2 = $200.
Apparently, it is more profitable to export a batch of fruit to the market for semi-wholesale sale - about 10-15 tons. But there is one small nuance. You cannot sell such a batch in half a day (unless, of course, it is a targeted delivery); usually you have to stand with the goods for 1.5-2 weeks.

During this time, nothing may happen to the apple. But 2-3 days of inactivity (especially in the heat), for example, can ruin apricots and cherries. Usually, these fruits are delivered directly from the field to markets in batches of 1-2 tons, or they are placed in an equipped warehouse somewhere near the sales sites, and the goods are gradually delivered from there (see the “Sales” chapter).

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Read this as a revelation: you can either eat apples, or squeeze juice out of them, cook jam, etc. Consequently, they can be grown both for fresh sale and for industrial processing. There are so-called raw material gardens, where fruits are grown exclusively for processing. Of course, there is some sense in this, especially if you take into account the high demand in Europe for concentrated juice from Ukrainian apples. But growing raw materials will not bring a lot of money. To produce 1 ton of concentrated juice, you need to “lime” 8 tons of fruit. For 1 ton of concentrate, a Ukrainian producer can earn DM1.5 thousand on average, so neither the juicer nor the gardener can get much. However, it is possible to grow the same varieties both for sale and for processing: apples that have an excellent presentation can be sold to the public, while damaged and wormy apples can be “sold for juice.”

The most stable wholesale buyer may be a supermarket or restaurant.

To sell the finished product, you will have to exert yourself a little, take your feet in your hands and have a good run around supermarkets and stores where you can sell the “fruit” in small wholesale. Selling the entire harvest at once is quite problematic, since the wholesale fruit market in Ukraine is completely undeveloped. The main sales channel is collective farm semi-wholesale markets. But there, as you understand, the competition is not weak, and in some places there is its own mafia. The most stable partner may be a supermarket or restaurant. You can negotiate with him on regular deliveries and clear prices. And there are more and more supermarkets in the country every year.

Prices for fruits vary depending on the variety. Summer and autumn varieties are in less demand because they ripen just during the period of a massive influx of fruit to markets and are subsequently stored for a short time. They “go away” for a maximum of 1.5-2 UAH. for 1 kg.

Winter varieties can be sold for 2-4 UAH. for 1 kg. Well, if you rent a good warehouse for the winter and wait a few months, you can turn your apples into gold: in winter their value will jump two or more times. One gardener, who did not give his name, claimed that in the fall of 2001 he was offered to rent a similar warehouse near Kiev and asked for $2 per 1 ton of produce stored for three months. Consider: 100 tons of apples, which in October will sell for 2-2.5 UAH. for 1 kg, you can hold it for three months, spending some $200 on it, and then sell it for 5-6 UAH. for 1 kg.

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The price of fertility

The main technological preparation procedure is raising the planting. Planting is plowing to a depth of at least 60-70 cm. Before plowing, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied as necessary for the soil. On average, per 1 hectare you need to pour up to 20 centners of mineral fertilizers, more precisely, a fertilizing mass, where the mineral fertilizers themselves do not exceed 20%, and the rest is filler (sand, for example). In addition, it would be useful to “swell” 100-150 tons of organic fertilizers per hectare.

Before planting, it is necessary to plan, level, and sand the soil (“cut off” small mounds, fill in small beams). Raising the planting can cost 3-7 thousand UAH. for one hectare. There is no great need to purchase equipment for this. In any of the nearby farms you can rent tractors, harrows, and other necessary equipment.

But when starting an “intensive” garden, you can do without planting. What is needed for this? In the summer, a kind of driller passes through a shallowly plowed area reserved for the future garden and makes holes with a diameter and depth of about 1 m. Then these holes are filled with a mixture of soil and fertilizers - mineral and organic. These filled holes need to be marked somehow, and in the fall, holes 15-20 cm deep must be drilled in the same places, where trees should be planted. The root system of low-growing trees usually does not develop beyond this meter-long cylinder. Consequently, by fertilizing the entire hectare, the owner takes more care of the weeds than the trees. And so each tree will receive all the feeding it is due. Only the usable area will be fertilized. And unfertilized row spaces can be planted with some short grass, which will suppress weeds and hold the soil together, which will make it possible for people and equipment to get into the garden even in the most chilly slush.

And finally, this procedure that replaces planting reduces the cost of soil preparation by half. Nevertheless, planting is still widely used, which is not explained by the advantages of this technology, but rather by the inertia of agricultural managers (perhaps also by the presence of the necessary equipment and the ability to use it. - Ed.).

I would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with some very useful tips.

If you have your own vegetable garden, cottage, garden, then these useful tips are for you! There may be some nuances that can harm trees, plants and vegetables that you don’t even know. It seems like little things... but they can serve you well!

— Lilac, rose, fir, barberry and white acacia can suppress the growth of neighboring trees, especially pear and apple trees.

— If there is a slope on the site, then raspberries and other berry bushes It is not recommended to plant in its lower part. This way you will ensure the outflow of cold air in the area.

— Growing potatoes in apple rows may lead to the accumulation of toxins in the soil. First of all, apple trees will suffer from this.

— The neighborhood of rowan and pear has a positive effect on the growth and development of the latter.

— Carefully inspect the trees before summer arrives. If damage is detected after frost, whitewash the bases and trunks.

— Geranium, planted next to raspberries and currants for the summer, repels aphids well.

— Having bought new seedlings, dip their roots in a mixture of clay and water, cover with film or wrap in cloth.

— Fruit trees should be planted during the dormant period: in the fall - after shedding the leaves and in the spring - before the buds appear. It is recommended to do this in the spring, when the earth has not yet warmed up.

— Frequent but superficial watering is harmful to plants. The damp surface of the earth stops the access of oxygen to the roots of plants. As a result, the water does not reach the required depth, and the roots do not feed on moisture.

— Raspberries will take root well next to the apple tree. This arrangement protects the apple tree from scab, and the raspberries will not suffer from powdery mildew.

— Gooseberries planted next to a pine tree not affected by powdery mildew.

- So that the seeds germinate faster, soak them in “living water.” Such water is obtained after heating to 90-100C followed by cooling in a closed vessel.

— Don’t ignore even small wounds on trees! Clean each one with a knife and paint over it. Superficial, shallow wounds can be painted over without cleaning.

- To get rid of an anthill, pour a boric acid solution or boiling water over it, then cover the perimeter with garlic cloves and sprinkle with salt.

- If there is a mouse in the area, use special seeds in bags. To avoid accidentally poisoning spring birds, cover these bags with boards.

- Cherry gives a good harvest if planted next to cherries.

- For carrots

In order not to attract carrot flies when thinning carrots, you need to take a bucket of water and dilute 1 tablespoon of red or black ground pepper in it (enough for 10 sq.m.). There is no need to insist, just spray the carrots with infusion before thinning.
If you want to get a harvest of good, clean carrots (without any rot, infection, etc.), I advise that after the second thinning in early July, water the young plants with water (in a bucket) with potassium permanganate diluted in it (3 g) and 2 - 3 g of boric acid acids. A bucket is enough for 3 - 4 square meters. m. Repeat the same procedure a second time after 20 days. The carrots will be clean. Just remember to water the carrots with plain water before watering with the solution.
To prevent carrots from becoming horned or cracking, thin them out, leaving a distance of at least 4 - 5 cm between plants.

— For beets

Beetroot is an unpretentious crop, but some advice can be given. Many gardeners do not like large beets. If you want to get a smaller vegetable, do not plant plants as usual at a distance of 8 - 10 cm in rows and 18 - 20 cm between rows, but reduce the distance between rows to 10 - 12 cm. Sowing beets directly into the ground, through seedlings (grown in a greenhouse ) gives better results.
When I plant seedlings in the ground (June 5-6), I make sure to pinch them back by a third or a quarter. Thus, the plant’s forces go to the “head” and not to the root.
Beets, unlike carrots, love ash. Therefore, sprinkle some ash under the beets a couple of times a season. This helps neutralize the soil, because beets do not tolerate acidic soils well. You can even sprinkle lime under the plants to deoxidize them.
To make beets sweet, pour salt water on them twice (a spoonful of salt per bucket of water). Carry out the first watering when the root crop just begins to round, then 25 - 30 days before harvesting.

— For tomatoes

The greenhouse already has the first tier with tomatoes. So, be sure to tear off the leaf on the tomatoes before this first tier so that it does not take away nutrition from the fruit. You need to pick the leaf as soon as small tomatoes appear - about the size of a cherry; you don’t need to do this before: otherwise the ovaries will not set well.
These days you need to feed the tomato well with sodium humate - 10 g per 100 liters of water. Don't be afraid of sodium humate, it's an organic fertilizer.
In greenhouses, tomatoes set worse, especially in this hot summer. To speed up pollination, I advise you to tap the tomato stems, as I say tap.
Very often, gardeners do not know which shoots to pick off and which to leave, but this is directly related to the harvest. A tip to remember: you need to leave only the first stepchild that appears under (and not above) the first brush. Most gardeners do just the opposite and leave the top, harmful stepson, which will bloom but not bear fruit. The remaining two trunks will allow you to form a bush (sometimes you can form it into 3 stems) with 4 - 5 tiers of tomatoes.

Important detail: watering

Remember: you need to water tomatoes not under the bush, but between the rows. I water the tomatoes under the bush while they are small, and by June 10-12, when the bushes are completely hilled, I water abundantly only between the rows. Tomatoes like infrequent, but abundant watering (once every 7 - 8 days). Moreover, the top of the hillock should remain dry - this way air flows through the dry soil to the roots. You can even mulch the top with chopped straw. And let the moisture flow to the roots from the spaces between the rows. Explanation why: when we water a bush at the root, the water washes the root and the earth lags behind it. The root system again has to work, expend energy to “suck” the soil. In the grooves, wet soil, on the contrary, puts pressure on the roots and presses down the earth.

Early s arrows

Many gardeners complain that daikon or black radish shoots quickly. This can be avoided if you plant black radish no earlier than July 5-10, and daikon no earlier than July 25.

Garden strawberries require attention

When the time comes to harvest strawberries from the beds, collect absolutely all the berries, and not just the beautiful and fully ripe ones. Even those affected by rot cannot be left behind! After the strawberries bear fruit, also cut off all the tendrils, loosen the rows, water and feed the plants (or mulch) with mullein.
You can also spray the bushes with pine concentrate to repel the strawberry weevil.
Removing flower stalks is a push for the plant to grow

Vigilance is above all!

Unfortunately, everyone's favorite month of July - mid-summer - is characterized not only by heat, but also by hordes of pests: cutworms, carrot and onion flies, powdery mildew and late blight.
Aphids, mites and whiteflies may start eating eggplants and peppers. As soon as the rains begin, slugs attack. That is why in July it is necessary to treat all plants, at least for prevention, because it is much better to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

Prepare the soil

It is in July that it is best to start preparing land for the next season. You can prepare humus or river sand, which should be stored in a cool, warm place. From time to time you need to moisten and loosen the soil.

Accelerating maturation

In order to speed up the ripening of vegetables, reduce watering of tomatoes, onions, and garlic in June. This is what will speed up the growth process so much that you yourself will be surprised at the progress. The main thing is not to make the soil completely dry so that the seedlings do not die at all. For example, if you stop watering your tomatoes and then flood them (or there is a heavy rainfall), the fruits will crack and you will end up with a poor harvest.

Water with love

At the moment when the plant begins to produce root vegetables, watering is very important (carrots, beets, parsley, celery). If there is not enough moisture, you will get a small harvest.

Iodine for better seed germination and plant protection

Cabbage suffers greatly from aphids. To prevent the appearance of this pest, treat the cabbage with laundry soap foam. And if aphids do appear, then the following solution will be effective: half a liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine, mixed with 10 liters of water. The cabbage should be sprayed with this solution. And for better growth and protection from diseases, use a solution of iodine and water (40 drops per bucket of water). Pour a liter of this solution under each bush when the cabbage just forms a head.

Tomato seedlings are also watered with iodine solution for faster growth (1 drop per three liters). After using this solution, the seedlings will bloom faster and the fruits will be larger. Iodine can also protect tomatoes from late blight. To do this, you will need a few drops of iodine and 250 grams of milk, mix them with 1 liter of water.

Hydrogen peroxide for quick seed germination

To do this you will need a 4% hydrogen peroxide solution. You can soak tomato, cabbage or beet seeds in it. Just keep in mind that different seeds are soaked for different periods of time: cabbage for 12 hours, tomatoes and beets for 24 hours. You can use a more general solution; it is suitable for seeds of any crop: mix a tablespoon of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with half a liter of water. Just remember to rinse the seeds under running water after soaking and dry thoroughly. Hydrogen peroxide solution can be used to prevent tree diseases. For such purposes, peroxide and water are taken in a ratio of 1:32.

Tea in the garden

To fertilize your garden, you can take used tea leaves (or coffee grounds). You can also use this tea brew to prevent onions from getting sick. To do this, it is dried before planting the onions, and then, when the onions are planted, they are placed under each bush.

Salt for feeding

Salt is used for feeding if there is not enough sodium in the soil. This is usually visible when beets are planted; in this case, their leaves turn red. To increase the sodium content, beets are watered with a brine solution (250 grams of coarse salt diluted in 10 liters of water).

I will list the arguments, supplementing them with a short analysis.

1. On individual housing construction lands, build whatever you want, and no one will subsequently demolish it

This statement sounds very convincing.

Firstly, the decoding of the abbreviation IZHS speaks for itself - individual housing construction, as opposed to the frightening phrase - land for agricultural production.

Secondly, there are a number of scandalous stories involving the demolition of houses built illegally in holiday villages in the Moscow region.

As a result, most buyers are convinced that individual housing construction, from the point of view of the legality of construction, is definitely better.

This is true if we are talking about townhouses And duplexes. In this case, it is worthwhile to carefully understand the purpose of the land and the design of the building. If a town or duplex is built as a single block without expansion joints on land for gardening or summer cottage construction, then very real problems may arise with the legality of the construction of such a building. You can read about the expansion joint

However, if we are talking about detached cottage, the situation looks almost “mirror-like”. Just on lands for gardening or dacha construction, you can build and register more or less anything. The main thing is that the building is a detached house and is no higher than three floors. All this is registered legally under the dacha amnesty.

Don't believe me? Here is an example from the collective farm "Anosino Estate" - a typical country house :)

important!- To register a building under the dacha amnesty, the house must be located entirely within the boundaries of the site; be sure to check this when purchasing (you can use the public map of Rosreestr). The fact is that previously it was allowed to register a house without a geodetic reference to the site, and there are plenty of unpleasant stories with neighbors getting into the building.

IN from an example of three sections with borders overlapping each other

In the case of individual housing construction, obtaining a construction permit is mandatory. In principle, nothing special, but in any case these are costs. And the word “permission” means that they may not allow it.

conclusion:E If we are talking about a detached cottage, the difference in the level of risk associated with the legality of construction between individual housing construction, dacha construction and gardening is insignificant . With towns and duplexes, individual housing construction is preferable, but not always mandatory - you need to study the building design.

2 . In villages with individual housing construction you can register, in SNT - ONLY through the court

The possibility of registration is quite a strong advantage for buyers who want to sell an apartment and go to live in the countryside.

To register in a house, the following conditions must be met:

- cottage and plot of property;

- the house is registered as a residential building;

- the house is suitable for year-round living (provided with the necessary communications);

- the household has been assigned a postal address.

important: Very often the requirement is mentioned that the site must be classified as settlement land. In my experience this is not true. There are living examples in the near Moscow region when people were registered in houses built on agricultural land through the court. The process is tedious, but well-established, and the services of lawyers on this topic are relatively inexpensive (~30 thousand rubles on a turnkey basis).

All these conditions are almost automatically met for cottages on individual housing construction lands, with the exception of communications.

In the case of holiday villages and gardening partnerships, it is not always possible to fulfill such requirements. However, this does not mean that registration in SNT is definitely impossible - it is necessary to study the specific situation.

conclusion: Registration on individual housing construction lands is possible in almost all cases. On lands for gardening and dacha construction - not always, and, as a rule, requires a court decision.

3 . The tax on a house on agricultural land is significantly lower

Seems logical. Agricultural land and buildings on it should not be subject to high taxes, so as not to complicate the life of agricultural producers. This is usually what happens.

But there is a significant nuance. Real estate tax is calculated based on the cadastral value assessment. And, ideally, the cadastral valuation should coincide with the market valuation.

Let's now look at two absolutely identical plots with different purposes: individual housing construction and country house construction / gardening. Identical houses with identical communications were built on these plots. And then tell me why the market value of these objects should differ significantly???

Following this logic, it turns out that the tax should not be different. For example, if the price from the purchase and sale agreement was accepted as the cadastral value.

As an additional argument in favor of SNT, one can use the statement that a dacha house is not recognized as a luxury object. It is difficult to predict how this will be done. In theory, again, whether it is a luxury object or not, it is logical to determine based on the cadastral value. On the other hand, in Belarus, the physical characteristics of the house and the plot (the area of ​​the plot and the house, the status of the land, etc.) are taken as the basis.

conclusion: Buying a house and land in SNT does not guarantee a lower property tax compared to individual housing construction. However, it significantly reduces the threat of falling under high tax sanctions.

4 . Tariffs for gas and electricity on individual housing construction lands are lower

I discovered a rather interesting point for myself. It turns out that residents of cottage villages with individual housing construction are for the most part equated to village residents. As a result, MOESK and Mosoblgaz provide them with energy at a lower tariff than the owners of cottages in SNT.

So, in terms of electricity, the difference is quite significant; in 2014, 1 kW/hour cost:

For individual housing construction 2.81 rub.

DNP, SNT 4.01 rub.

Agree, the difference is noticeable. Detailed information on energy tariffs is in the articles “Electricity tariff in the Moscow region” and “Gas tariff in the Moscow region”.

important: It is possible that your energy supply organization is the DNP or the village management company. In this case, I recommend carefully studying the energy supply contract. Anything can happen.

conclusion: The preferential energy tariff is a noticeable advantage of individual housing construction over SNT, and this factor should not be discounted when assessing options for purchase.

5 . Local authorities are obliged to develop the social infrastructure of villages with individual housing construction

Indeed, the legislation on local government bodies places the responsibility for providing the territory with social and engineering infrastructure on local authorities.

But I wouldn’t delude myself too much. They may and should, but the reality usually turns out to be the opposite. More often it happens the other way around: the developer of a cottage village with individual housing construction is constantly burdened with more and more new tasks for the development of the adjacent social infrastructure.

So I think this argument is untenable.

That seems to be all... I'm on Google+

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