Polyp - what is it: types, symptoms and treatment of polyposis. Does a polyp turn into cancer? The polyp is called

Polyps are benign formations on the mucous membranes of various human organs. They can appear in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, in the nose or throat, in the uterus, bladder or bronchi. Polyps can grow singly or in multiple formations, in the second case, the disease is called "polyposis".

The term "polyp" was introduced by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates and means "many legs".

The main danger of polyps is that they can develop from a benign tumor into a malignant one. Therefore, their timely identification, classification and treatment can save your life.

Types of polyps

The classification of polyps is quite branched.

Polyps are distinguished by the type of education:

  • Inflammatory. Those that appear in places of inflammation. For example, in the stomach with gastritis or in the uterus with endometriosis.
  • Hyperplastic. Appear as a result of excessive growth of a healthy mucosa.
  • neoplastic. The most dangerous are the result of the growth of atypical cells. It is such a polyp that can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

According to the microscopic structure, polyps are:

  • Tubular. The structure of the polyp is similar to tubules, the surface is smooth.
  • villous. Polyps have the finest hairs on the surface. Most often, it is in this structure that a malignant tumor develops.
  • Tubular-villous. A combination of the two previous options.

There are different types of polyps:

  • Polyp on leg. It has a pronounced elongated leg connecting the mucosa of the organ and the polyp itself.
  • "Sessile Polyp". The leg is missing. Education develops directly on the mucosa. This type can metastasize cancer cells.

Benign tumors are small, less than a centimeter. A person may not know about them for years. Large tumors are dangerous, especially in case of bleeding or mucus. With the appearance of one polyp, the likelihood of the formation of others in the same organ increases sharply. Therefore, it is important to start timely treatment, as soon as a benign tumor is detected.

Polyps in the nose (polypous sinusitis)

When polyps appear on the nasal mucosa, constant congestion occurs, breathing becomes difficult, and headaches may occur. Most often, the disease develops against the background of inflammation of the nasal mucosa - sinusitis. In the case of chronic inflammation, the mucous membrane begins to actively grow, trying to fight inflammation by increasing the area. After a while, there is no room left in the sinuses for new tissues, and they fall out into the nasal cavity. It is these formations that are called polyps.


The main prevention of polyposis sinusitis is the timely treatment of the common cold, sinusitis and sinusitis.


Treatment of nasal polyps includes conservative and surgical techniques.

Conservative treatment

With conservative therapy appoint:

  • Treatment of infectious diseases of the nose with antibacterial drugs.
  • Immunocorrection with drugs of bacterial origin (ribomunil, IRS-19).
  • Exclusion of contact with various allergens (household, medicinal, professional) and the use of antiallergic drugs (loratadine, cetirizine, diazolin).
  • Topical corticosteroids: fluticasone, beclomethasone.

Methods for removing polyps in the nose

With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, surgical intervention is indicated.

There are such methods of surgical removal of polyps in the nose:

  • Polypotomy - polyps are removed using a special cutting loop, which is inserted through the nose. The operation lasts about an hour, the recovery period after the procedure is an average of two weeks. The disadvantage of polypotomy is the reappearance of growths in the same place.
  • Endoscopic removal - an endoscope with a camera is inserted into the nasal cavity through the nostril, the doctor monitors the progress of the operation on the computer screen. Patients can lead a normal life three days after the operation.

The most modern way to treat polyps is laser removal. This technique is practically painless, does not require a recovery period, reduces the risk of complications and relapses of the disease.

Surgical methods are usually combined with conservative treatment: after the operation, drug therapy is prescribed.

Folk remedies

At the first signs of polyps in the nasal cavity, you can start treatment at home:

  • Mummy. Dissolve one gram in five tablespoons of boiled water. Bury in the nose several times a day. However, it is recommended to drink a drink from the mummy. To do this, dissolve 0.2 g of mummy in a glass of water and drink in small sips throughout the day.
  • anise tincture. 15 g of common anise herb is poured into 100 ml of alcohol and infused in a dark place for 10 days. Then they filter. The prepared tincture is diluted with cold water in a ratio of 1: 3. 10-15 drops are instilled into the nose 3 times a day until the growths disappear completely.
  • Salt and iodine. It is very useful to rinse the nose with salt water. 2 teaspoons of sea salt per glass of water. You can add a couple of drops of iodine to the water. The solution is drawn in by the nose and spit out. Then, polyps in the nasal cavity are smeared with iodine (cotton swab). The procedure is carried out 2 times a day. Within three months, the polyps should go away.

Polyps of the gastrointestinal tract

Polyps form in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. The main causes of the appearance of tumors: chronic inflammation, fatty, spicy foods rich in synthetic additives, the influence of a hereditary factor is not excluded.

Polyps in the stomach

Gastric polyps are most common in men over 40 years of age. They make up about 7% of all types of tumors in the stomach. Some of them can also degenerate into a malignant tumor. At first, polyps of the stomach do not make themselves felt, symptoms appear when they grow. You may feel pain in the lower back or between the shoulder blades after eating, nausea, heartburn, excessive salivation, diarrhea and general weakness appear.

  • For the treatment of polyps in the stomach, a mixture of honey and olive oil is used in equal amounts. The juice of two lemons is added to a kilogram of the mixture. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, stirred before use.
  • To prevent malignant degeneration of growths in the stomach, viburnum juice is used. To do this, mix the juice with honey in a ratio of 1: 2. Take 3 times a day before meals for a month.

Polyps in the intestine

Symptoms of the appearance of polyps in the intestines do not appear immediately. With their growth, pain in the abdomen, itching and burning in the anus are noted. In the later stages, diarrhea with streaks of blood, weakness and dizziness appear. The causes of polyps are various inflammations in the intestines, such as, for example, colitis. The reason may be malnutrition, excessive consumption of fatty and animal foods. In addition, there is a theory that the cause may be an excess of germinal material during the development of the fetus, which, due to inflammatory processes, turns into a neoplasm.

  • Polyp of the rectum. It is treated with celandine juice. Juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and enemas are made. Gradually reduce the amount of water. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.
  • Intestinal polyps. A tincture of a golden mustache helps from a polyp. 70 gr. herbs, put a liter bottle of vodka on the floor and let it brew in a dark place for 10 days. Take a dessert spoon half an hour before breakfast. The course is a month, then a 10-day break. The general course of treatment can take about a year.
  • Intestinal polyp. With polyps in any part of the intestine, a decoction of yarrow, chaga and St. John's wort helps. The mixture is prepared in equal parts. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. Take a quarter of a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment can take up to six months.

Polyps of the female genital organs

In women, polyps can appear on any mucous membrane of the genital organs - in the cervical canal, in the uterus, even on the placenta, but the cervix is ​​​​a favorite place for the appearance of polyps. Chronic erosion, inflammation of the endometrium in the uterus, mechanical damage and inflammation in the cervical canal, as well as a violation of the hormonal background in a woman can provoke their appearance. Small polyps may not make themselves felt for a long time, while large ones bleed and cause discomfort to a woman. By themselves, these formations are not dangerous, but those polyps that appear on the cervix can lead to the development of cancer of the cervix or directly to the body of the uterus.


Treatment of polyps of female genital organs is only surgical. With polyps of the cervical canal, curettage of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is used. Treatment is not started immediately, but after several examinations, since sometimes polyps can disappear on their own after the next menstruation.

Placental polyps are removed by scraping or vacuum aspiration. If this type of polyp is not removed, infertility can be provoked.

Polyps of the cervix and body of the uterus also need to be removed surgically, the method of their removal is called polypectomy. Often the cause of polyps is hormonal disorders in the body of a woman, so the doctor after the examination prescribes hormonal drugs.

If uterine polyps are found during pregnancy, treatment is prescribed after childbirth.

Folk remedies

  • Garlic. Polyps in the cervical canal and cervix are treated with a garlic swab. To do this, crush one clove and wrap it in a sterile soft gauze, tightly tie the ends with a thread. The tampon is inserted into the vagina before going to bed for the whole night. Course 30 days.
  • Watercress. Freshly squeezed juice is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day with meals. It is advisable to drink juice for several months until the polyp is completely cured. You can add honey to the juice for flavor.
  • Onion. In the afternoon, make a tampon with baked, finely chopped onions. At night, change the tampon by adding grated fresh onion to it with grated laundry soap in a 1: 1 ratio. Continue changing tampons in the morning and evening. After 2 days, change the contents of the swab to cottage cheese with a small amount of aloe juice and honey. Such tampons are put on for another 3 days. If the first course did not help, repeat it after a few days.

Bladder polyps

The appearance of polyps in the bladder may be accompanied by slight bleeding, discomfort during urination is almost always felt, as well as frequent urge to go to the toilet. Their appearance can be provoked by cystitis or urethritis, drinking a large amount of synthetic drinks, smoking, as well as hereditary predisposition. The appearance of polyps is a sign of an imbalance in the body, therefore, along with the treatment of the polyp itself, one should work on strengthening the overall immunity of the body.


If small polyps are found in the bladder, they are not removed, but are periodically checked for growth. If the polyp begins to bleed or close the lumen of the ureters, which prevents the normal outflow of urine, it is removed using an operating cystoscope. A loop of a diathermocoagulator is thrown over the polyp, cut off and at the same time cauterized the blood vessels of the legs of the removed polyp.

Folk remedies

  • Pumpkin seeds. Grind 6 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds with seven boiled yolks, add half a liter of olive or sea buckthorn oil. To stir thoroughly. Put in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool the mixture. Take a teaspoon in the morning for 5 days. Take a break for 5 days and start taking it again. Continue until complete recovery. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • decoction of herbs. If the disease is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine, drink a decoction of horsetail herbs - 75 g, common gill - 50 g and common knotweed - 150 g. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 400 ml of water and boiled over low heat so that half of the original volume remains. Take a quarter cup 3 times a day until the urine is cleared of blood impurities.
  • Celandine. You can get rid of a polyp on the urethra with the help of lotions with celandine juice.

Gallbladder polyps

Most often, polyps in the gallbladder occur against the background of inflammation. Gallstone disease can also provoke their appearance. You can detect a polyp only by checking an ultrasound scan; it practically does not affect your well-being. In very rare cases, you may feel pain in the right hypochondrium after eating, which means that the polyp has appeared in the bile duct, and makes it difficult for the outflow of bile.


Treatment of gallbladder polyps depends on their type:

  • Cholesterol polyps, which some doctors consider cholesterol stones, are treated with drugs that dissolve gallstones (ursofalk, ursosan). It is also mandatory to follow diet number 5.
  • For the treatment of inflammatory polyps, antibacterial treatment is prescribed under ultrasound guidance. With the ineffectiveness of treatment and the growth of the internal tissue of the gallbladder, surgery is performed.
  • Adenomas and papillomas are true polyps that threaten to degenerate into malignant tumors. Therefore, all small growths are controlled by ultrasound. With the appearance of outgrowths of more than one centimeter, with multiple polyps and their growth by 2 mm per year, removal of the gallbladder is indicated.

Folk remedies

  • Chamomile and celandine. Mix herbs in equal parts. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for a day. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals. The course is a month, a break for 10 days and you can repeat the course.
  • Raincoats. Gather 15 Large Old Raincoat Mushrooms. Pour them with 100 g of vodka and let it brew for a week, you need to shake the container with mushrooms every day. Then drain the vodka, finely chop the mushrooms and mix them with 3 tablespoons of honey and 500 g of butter. Take the mixture in a tablespoon 30 minutes after a meal. Store the mixture in the refrigerator
  • Cholagogue herbs. Alternate courses of treatment for polyps with a course of decoction of choleretic herbs. The mixture is prepared from equal parts of herb thistle, artichoke and saltwort. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Drink the infusion hot half an hour after eating a quarter cup.

Polyps in the bronchi


Polyps in the bronchi are especially prone to cancerous degeneration, therefore, if they are detected, their removal is indicated. In this case, the following methods are used:

  • Endoscopic - used for single polyps on a narrow stalk. The operation is carried out through a bronchoscope, throwing a diathermic loop over the polyp.
  • Thoracotomy and bronchotomy - used when it is impossible to use the endoscopic method, with extensive growth of polyps. These are complex surgical operations, consisting in opening the chest and the lumen of the bronchi.

Folk remedies

The most common causes of polyps in the respiratory system are viral diseases and smoking. Therefore, most of the means of combating this disease involve antiviral herbs.

  • spruce tea. Brew 50 g of September spruce branches like regular strong tea. Drink fresh within 3 weeks. Take a break for a month and you can repeat the course. Depending on the severity of the disease, several courses may be needed.
  • juniper berries. Boil a tablespoon of berries in a glass of water for 10 minutes over low heat. After the decoction has cooled, strain it and take a third of a glass after meals three times a day.

The treatment of any polyps should be comprehensive, the chosen remedy should be used until the cure, in addition, you should take a closer look at your lifestyle: perhaps quit smoking, establish a balanced diet, play sports. Health to you!

Polyps are abnormal growths of tissue that can be found in any organ that contains blood vessels. Most polyps are benign. However, due to abnormal cell division, they can transform into a malignant tumor. Therefore, in order to rule out the diagnosis polyp - cancer' should be carefully examined.

Types of polyps that can turn into cancer

Colorectal cancer usually starts as a benign polyp that grows out of the mucous membrane. If precancerous polyps are not removed, they become malignant.

Adenomatous polyps are tubular or villous in nature and are especially prone to regeneration. They usually grow on a stem and resemble mushrooms. The development is slow, takes a period of up to 10 years or more, as a result of which there is a risk of developing malignant adenocarcinoma.

In the early stages, the abnormal cells contained within the polyp are removed, preventing the development of the invasive form.


If a polyp is present, the doctor will take tissue samples to perform a biopsy. Examination of a polyp particle is carried out under a microscope to determine the type of tumor process.

Depending on the location of the polyp, the procedure for obtaining a sample includes:

  • colonoscopy, which is performed when diagnosing polyps of the rectum;
  • colposcopy of polyps located in the vagina and uterine wall;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy - a procedure performed to detect formations in the small intestine or stomach.

If the polyp is in an easily accessible place, a piece of tissue is taken without much difficulty.

polyp cancer of the stomach

Polyps of the stomach are usually benign small growths on the mucous membrane. However, they can be harbingers of cancer.

Risk factors for developing adenocarcinoma:

  • especially dangerous polyps, consisting of glandular cells;
  • polyps larger than 2 cm;
  • multiple polyps.

Symptoms of the transition of a polyp into cancer:

In the early stages, the signs are vague and easily ignored. They can often mimic a peptic ulcer with severe abdominal pain.

Additional symptoms:

  • feeling full after a small amount of food (early satiety);
  • weight loss and weakness, as well as an inability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals, resulting in anemia;
  • bloody vomit or stool.

Even in the early stages, not very extensive crayfish can spread to distant sites (liver, lymph nodes, bones).

Treatment and prognosis:

Less than 5-15% of people with gastric adenocarcinoma live longer than 5 years. Removing the entire tumor before it has spread offers the only hope for recovery. The entire stomach and nearby lymph nodes are often excised. The prognosis is good if the oncological formation has not penetrated too deeply into the wall of the stomach. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy contribute to a quick recovery.

Polyps in the uterus can turn into cancer?

Polyps of the uterus are growths on the inner mucous membrane of the organ, which are formed due to excessively rapid growth of the uterine tissue. They are attached to the endometrium with a thin stalk or wide base. In most cases, polyps are benign formations, although some of them can turn into cancer.


  • unusual vaginal bleeding between periods and/or after intercourse;
  • difficulty or pain when urinating;
  • pain in the pelvic area.

Polyps formed in the uterus and attached to the tissues of the endometrium, with the presence of malignant tissues, are often differentiated as polyps - endometrial cancer. The risk of transformation into cancer increases dramatically when the patient reaches the age of 50.


Therapy options depend on the general health condition, type and.

  • Surgery:

Surgery is the main treatment for cancer. Usually includes:

  • total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus);
  • bilateral removal of the uterine appendages (excision of both ovaries and fallopian tubes);
  • biopsy of omentums, adipose tissue in the pelvic area;
  • removal of lymph nodes.
  • Radiation Therapy:

Polyps in the uterus, cancer foresees the use of radiation treatment to correct the patient's condition after a hysterectomy or as the main method when the operation is not possible.

  • Chemotherapy:

The main goal is to use drugs, particularly hormones, to kill cancer cells or stop their ability to divide. The method is prescribed after surgery, involves the use of radiation therapy or is performed instead of it.

Hormones used to treat the uterus include:

  • progestins;
  • tamoxifen;
  • aromatase inhibitors.

Polyps and rectal cancer

A rectal polyp is a common occurrence. It resides on the inner lining of the intestine and often progresses to malignancy. The growths can be scattered over the entire inner surface of the organ and vary in size.


  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • watery diarrhea;
  • convulsions, abdominal pain, and obstruction suggest a deep lesion.


Depending on the stage , cancer associated with polyp degeneration require different therapeutic management. But most importantly, the polyp must be completely removed using electrosurgical or biopsy forceps during a general colonoscopy. Local or transanal excision can be applied.

To avoid spread into the deep layers of the rectum, the use of radiation therapy or its combination with chemical treatment is recommended.

They appear due to the growth of the glandular tissue of the mucosa of the organ.

The main cause of the development of pathology are hormonal changes, provoked by various factors.

This problem is mainly faced by women over the age of 40, when the body is restructured before menopause.

In younger girls, the disease is less common, in exceptional cases - before the onset of menstruation.

What is a polyp

Endometrial polyps are benign formations localized in the uterine cavity.

With the confluence of certain factors in the mucosa, an abnormal proliferation of cells begins. As a result, outgrowths appear on thin mushroom-shaped legs. Each of them has a vascular network through which the formation is nourished. Due to this, the polyp increases in size.

The size of the formations is different - from a few mm to several cm. Polyps can occur singly or multiple.

Symptoms of the occurrence and growth of polyps in the uterus are:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • selection in the middle of the cycle;
  • after intercourse;
  • profuse bleeding during menstruation.

Is this pathology dangerous?

Many women try not to notice, leaving the problem unresolved. This state of affairs entails a series of dangerous consequences.

What does this mean for a woman? And why is a polyp so dangerous? Can it be malignant or not?

A polyp in the uterus is not cancer, but doctors consider it a precancerous condition, so the most dangerous consequence is the degeneration of education into a malignant process.

In addition, polyps are dangerous because they can cause menstrual irregularities, miscarriage, frozen pregnancy or infertility.

Failure in the menstrual cycle occurs due to hormonal imbalance. As a result, menstruation becomes irregular and heavy. Severe bleeding often causes anemia.

The reason for infertility lies in the same hormonal failure and the growths themselves. Since the endometrial layer is abnormally deformed, normal fertilization and implantation of the egg is difficult.

Even if pregnancy occurs with polyps in the uterus, there is a risk of bleeding, which will lead to placental abruption. In addition, disturbances occur in the uteroplacental blood supply, which causes oxygen starvation of the fetus, developmental disorders and placental insufficiency.

Unlike polyps in the nose, signs of polyposis in the uterus do not appear for a long time. Only when the formations reach an impressive size and begin to disturb the woman, she goes to the doctor. The loss of time is the main danger in relation to the malignancy of polyp tissues.

Can the disease turn into cancer?

As mentioned above, the presence of polyps is considered precancerous condition, therefore, the formations are subject to removal and mandatory histological examination.

The extent of the lesion and the number of polyps determine the tactics of treatment. Neoplasms can be removed by the hysteroscopic method or diagnostic curettage.


In case of detection of cancer cells, a complete removal of the uterus can be performed - extirpation.

Polyps can recur, while in 1.5% of cases their malignancy is diagnosed, in particular, this applies to the adenomatous type. After excision, the neoplasm should be further observed by an oncologist.

Among the factors that can cause cancerous degeneration, the following can be distinguished:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • sexual and other infections in the body;
  • chronic foci of inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • overheating in the sun, in a bath, sauna;
  • hormonal imbalance caused by endocrine disorders or stressful situations.

A common cause of the transformation of a polyp into cancer is education injury. This can happen during the procedure for curettage, abortion and other gynecological manipulations.

Oncological degeneration is not always possible to detect at an early stage. Diagnostic measures in these cases include histological examination of smears, tests for tumor markers, etc.

Malignant degeneration can be suspected with the appearance of unpleasantly smelling discharge, bleeding. Ultrasound examination shows the heterogeneity of the uterine tissues, their abnormal increase, the presence of additional formations with fuzzy contours.

Types of formations and their danger

  • glandular. Such formations consist of stromal tissues with a high content of endocrine gland cells;
  • . Polyps of this type consist of connective tissue;
  • glandular fibrous. Mixed type, including cells of the first and second types;
  • adenomatous. It is characterized by structural polymorphism, that is, such a formation includes a variety of cells, including atypical ones. High risk of malignancy.

Polyps of the glandular-fibrous structure cause bleeding and inflammation, which complicates the disease. The adenomatous structure is very dangerous by degeneration into a malignant tumor. Excision of such formations is considered the basis for the prevention of cancerous lesions of the uterine structure.

What causes a polyp to grow?

The growth of education and an increase in the area of ​​​​damage to the epithelium can be caused by the following factors:

  • ovarian cysts, which cause an increase in the production of sex hormones;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • frequent stress;
  • obesity - in this case, adipose tissue causes increased production of estrogen, the excess of which causes the growth of the epithelium - thus forming polyps.

Diagnostic methods

Detection of polyps in the uterus is possible in several ways:

  • examination in the gynecological chair. With a shallow location of polyps, the doctor can detect the unevenness of the epithelial layer on a simple gynecological examination using mirrors. The tubercles differ from the rest of the surface in a more red color. The shape resembles a mushroom or a bunch of grapes. On palpation, there is a thickening of the cervix;
  • cervicoscopy and colposcopy. Cervicoscopy - examination of the cervix using a hysteroscope equipped with a video camera. The method allows you to identify even small polyps and other pathologies. If the formation is small, the equipment used allows it to be removed. With the help of a colposcope, the doctor can assess the condition of the cervix;
  • . Allows you to identify neoplasms and provide information about the thickness of the endometrium and its structure. Along the way, information about the condition of the tubes and ovaries necessary for further treatment is obtained.

Medical therapy

To do this, the specialist prescribes hormonal therapy, which reduces the production of estrogen, while the amount of progesterone in the body increases:

  • women under 35 years of age are shown progestin contraceptives ( Regulon, Janine, Yarina);
  • up to 40 years and after before menopause - gestagens (, Utrozhestan, Norkolut);
  • with menopause - gonadotropin releasing antagonists ( Zoladex, Diferelin).

Such treatment allows you to eliminate the hormonal causes of the growth of formations, while the polyps dry out and fall off, leaving the uterus along with menstrual blood.

When inflammatory processes become the cause of the appearance and growth of formations, antibiotic therapy is indicated. Appointed Zitrolide, Monomycin and etc.


With multiple growths, treatment is supplemented by scraping the endometrium in the affected areas. After the procedure, the injured areas are disinfected with a special solution. The tissues of the removed formations are sent for histological examination.


Blood discharge does not cause concern, gradually subsiding and ending within 10 days after the operation. Continued bleeding should be a reason to see a specialist.

Also, the patient should consult a doctor if there is an uncharacteristic smell of discharge or purulent inclusions present in them.

may have the following consequences:
  • inflammation of the uterus- is rare and indicates non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards during the operation or the presence of an infection in the body;
  • uterine rupture- at the same time, large gaps are sewn together, and small ones overgrow on their own;
  • bleeding against the background of the absence of outflow - hematometer. Pain and cessation of bleeding is the main symptom of this complication. This threatens sepsis in the absence of therapy.

The main consequences of hysteroscopy are bleeding that lasts several hours after the operation. Further, under normal circumstances, only spotting should be observed. If the bleeding continues, it threatens with anemia. This condition requires additional therapy.

How the disease affects pregnancy

Polyps are dangerous for women of reproductive age due to infertility. Such growths often occur against the background of hormonal failure, which leads to menstrual irregularities and other ensuing consequences. The maturation of the egg does not occur in every menstrual cycle or there is no ovulation at all.

Even if fertilization has occurred and pregnancy has occurred, the fetus will not be able to join the uterine mucosa. Education interferes with this, while the mucous layer is abnormally structurally changed and not ready for egg implantation.

In order to avoid a dangerous pregnancy, before planning it, you should undergo a diagnostic examination. If polyps are found, they should be removed and a course of hormonal drugs should be taken. Proper therapy guarantees the restoration of the ability to conceive and bear a healthy child.

It is impossible to delay treatment - such a pathology entails irreversible consequences. Multiple growths cause heavy bleeding, which leads to the impossibility of pregnancy.


When diagnosing polyps in the uterine cavity, it is necessary to consult a specialist. It will help you choose the right treatment tactics.

It is impossible to postpone the problem indefinitely. Remember that polyposis is a dangerous disease that is considered a precancerous condition.

Useful video

The video talks about uterine polyps:

In contact with

Polyps are benign growths that can appear anywhere where there is a mucous membrane. They may differ in the location, their histological state, in appearance, and, consequently, in the choice of treatment. The unifying factor of all polyps is that they appear against the background of reduced immunity and in every possible way disrupt the coordinated work of the whole organism.

What are polyps

Polyps are neoplasms in the inner part of a hollow organ. They have a different appearance and histological character. Success in treating these bodies will depend on where they are located. Outwardly, polyps are flat and pedunculated, they are also called sessile.
Such tumors can appear one at a time or be of a multiple nature, in which case the disease is called polyposis.

Sometimes there are so many growths that they interfere with the movement of fluid in the organ, and also create various interferences. So that failures do not start in the body due to this, urgent removal of polyps is indicated.

According to the type of occurrence, they are divided into:

  • inflammatory;
  • granulation;
  • hyperplastic and neoplastic;
  • hamartoma.

Polyps are often found in the following places:

  1. The nose and paranasal sinuses.
  2. Gastrointestinal region, such as the inside of the stomach, large intestine, and small intestine.
  3. Bladder.
  4. In the female system, this is the body and cervix.

The reasons

If we talk about polyps in the uterus, then the causes of their occurrence are as follows:

  • diseases of the genital area;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stressful situations;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • the impact of infection.

Polyps can appear in any organ as a result of the impact of general causes that affect the life system as a whole, and as a result of specific factors affecting the work of a particular organ.

Common causes of polyps:

  1. The presence of bad habits and neglect of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. hereditary factor.
  3. The focus of infection in the body, often in nearby areas, and polyps appear.
  4. Age reason, the older the person, the greater the likelihood of polyps.

Diagnostic measures

There are places where a polyp cannot be detected immediately. These are internal organs. In this case, only the correct diagnosis will help.

For example, to identify a polyp in the uterus, you will need the following research methods:

  • metrography;
  • hysteroscopy.

For other types of polyps, the diagnosis is divided into the following types:

  1. Optical view.
  2. Radiology.
  3. Other diagnostic measures.

Optical devices for detecting a polyp look like an elongated cable equipped with a camera and lighting, thanks to which you can examine the mucous membrane of internal organs. This device is productive for flat polyps that cannot be detected using other diagnostic methods. On some devices, there are special forceps, with which you can take material for histology or immediately remove an existing polyp. These methods include:

  • colonoscopy;
  • halfpectomy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • hysteroscopy.

If a polyp was found, then a biopsy is performed from the extracted material. This is necessary in order to determine the nature of the formation and exclude oncology.

With this examination, existing polyps can be removed immediately. This is done if the growths have not grown more than 2.5 cm.

X-ray is carried out using a contrast agent, which covers the mucous membrane and makes it possible to detect its irregularities.

Other diagnostic measures include digital rectal examination, virtual colonoscopy. They are used in combination with other types of diagnostics, as they do not give a complete picture of the disease.

Principles of treatment

Upon learning of the presence of a polyp, a person is afraid that it will begin to increase in size, but this is not so, the increase in the number of neoplasms, which is called polyposis, is a great danger. So, if a polyp appears in one place of the body, then there is a high probability that the growth will appear in another place. Therefore, doctors recommend their removal. Especially if polyps bring discomfort and pain.

Small neoplasms are removed immediately during endoscopic examination. This method is practiced when small polyps appear in the throat, esophagus, intestinal region, stomach, cervix, etc.

Children often have polyps in the nasopharynx - adenoids. They are removed in the following ways:

  1. Electrocoagulation.
  2. Cryodestruction.
  3. Evaporation with a laser.

If the polyps are large or diffuse polyposis is observed, then it is necessary to do an abdominal operation. Sometimes a part of the organ is removed, for example, part of the intestine, uterus, etc.

But even after applying the surgical method, no doctor can guarantee that polyps will not reappear. The nature of polyps is not fully understood, in the presence of hormonal imbalance and other predisposing factors, these neoplasms may appear again and possibly in a completely different place.

Medical treatment of polyps is carried out only by the attending physician. For example, with formations in the uterus, hormone therapy can be performed.

Traditional medicine recommends taking celandine tincture. This herb is known for its antitumor activity. But its dosage, as well, should be prescribed by a specialist, since the plant is considered poisonous. With the right dosage, you can get rid of the polyp or prevent its growth.

Nasal polyps can be treated medicinally, this is done in the presence of inflammation. So the patient is shown anti-inflammatory treatment, if necessary, antiallergic drugs, sometimes antibiotics.

Small polyps are also eliminated with medicinal solutions. This is widely practiced for growths in the uterus. Special preparations are introduced there, which contribute to the speedy drying of benign growths.

Do not fall into despair when a polyp is found. It's not as dangerous as it seems. If you listen to the doctors and follow all the instructions, then the disease will recede. With the indicated removal of the polyp, it is advisable to do this as early as possible so that later there are no complications.