Obtaining a digital signature for 44 fz at the treasury. How to get an electronic signature - a step-by-step algorithm


  • The document on the appointment of the head to the position, if the signature key certificate is issued to the head of the organization.
  • Organization card: addresses (legal, actual, postal, electronic, including the electronic address and phone number of the EDS owner), bank details, taxation system (OSNO or SRNO), statistics codes (OKATO, OKPO, OKVED or a copy of statistics codes) .
  • A power of attorney confirming the authority of a person (potential certificate holder) who is not the head of the organization.

Individual entrepreneur

  • A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  • A copy of the identity document of the certificate holder, as well as the identity of the representative of the certificate holder (in the event that the signature key certificate is received by the representative of the holder) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - a passport with a photo and place of registration at the place of residence.
  • Bank details, taxation system (OSNO or SRNO), statistics codes (OKATO, OKPO, OKVED or a copy of statistics codes), email address and phone number of the EDS owner).
  • A power of attorney issued to the representative of the certificate owner (if the signature key certificate is received by the representative of the certificate owner).
  • SNILS - the insurance number of the individual personal account of the owner of the electronic signature certificate.

Obtaining a digital signature

To date, the main document flow - registration activities, signing of contracts, submission of reports to funds - is carried out electronically. Therefore, to confirm the legality of electronic documents and guarantee the legality of the actions of officials, an electronic digital signature, in other words, an EDS, will be required. It carries encrypted information that confirms the responsibility of a particular person for the content of the document, therefore, it acts as a substitute for a conventional signature and seal.

EDS - easy and simple

On our website, you will find detailed information about the digital signature, describe the existing advantages of its use, as well as the opportunities that its presence guarantees. This means that in our certification center you will be able to obtain a digital signature for subsequent use in your commercial activities. The digital signature is valid for a year, and after the expiration of its validity, it is required to go through the procedure for obtaining an EDS again.

Obtaining an EDS

During the registration of the digital signature, the client is provided with a certificate. It has the right to receive an individual - an employee of the company, who has applied for a digital signature. It is important that this person has the authority to act on behalf of the enterprise. It is noteworthy that there may be several authorized persons. Therefore, each of them requires a separate EDS. Often it is given to the director. Although, if an employee has a power of attorney to perform all types of transactions, it will be enough for an organization to receive one EDS.

To work with EDS on a personal computer, a special program is installed, called a cryptographic provider. It is allowed to equip all machines with this software, on which the EDS key will be used in the future.

In many fields of activity. This is primarily due to the transition to electronic document management, as well as the simplification of the reporting system. Now it can be submitted electronically, but instead of a handwritten signature, an electronic signature is required. You can not do without EDS and when conducting public procurement.

For production, please contact digital signature certification authority. Their activities are regulated by Law No. 63-FZ.

Which certification authority to choose

Before starting the procedure for obtaining a signature, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of using such a tool. Each case will require its own signature, and this will depend on which certification center for obtaining an EDS need to apply.

The budget organization will need it for:

  • public procurement under 44-FZ and participation in them: if a budgetary organization acts as a customer, an EDS is needed literally at every stage of organizing and conducting public procurement (for publishing notices, protocols, entering information into the register of contracts, placing additional agreements, and so on);
  • procurement under 223-FZ;
  • filing reports with the tax authorities;
  • signing documents in the normal course of business.

In this article, we will deal exclusively with the EDS for public procurement under 44-FZ. He obliges to use an enhanced unqualified signature (clause 3, part 1, article 4 44-FZ). Gives it out only certification center of the Federal Treasury, obtaining an EDS it takes place on the basis of Regulation No. 261 of 09/14/2018.

From 07/01/2018, an enhanced qualified signature must be used for public procurement. It will also continue to be issued by the certification center of the Federal Treasury.

How to issue an EP for public procurement

Schematically, the entire acquisition process is as follows.

What do you need to get

When you have decided which EDS is needed, it is selected directly EDS certification center in which it is made. In our case, the Federal Treasury, but the algorithm is the same for everyone:

  1. An application for production is filled out.
  2. A package of documents is submitted.
  3. Production is paid in accordance with the prices of the certification center.

Please note that the ES is not issued to a budgetary organization as a whole, but to its specific employee. If documents must be signed by several people, then everyone will need to issue their own ES.

The budgetary organization will be required to prepare the following documents (it also certifies copies of documents):

  • a copy of the passport of the person for whom the ES is issued;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • copy of SNILS;
  • a certificate request file on a removable storage medium that does not contain CEP;
  • a power of attorney or other document confirming the authority of the person to whom the ES is issued.

In the power of attorney, it is required to indicate that the employee for whom the ES is issued is given the authority to:

  • possession of a certificate; providing to the CA FC a set of documents and information that is needed for obtaining;
  • certificate status changes;
  • familiarization with the information contained in the certificate;
  • obtaining a manual on ensuring the safety of using a qualified electronic signature.

You can generate an application, a request for a certificate, an electronic signature key in several ways:

  • through the information system "Certifying Authority";
  • using the means of creating a request, which are posted on the official website of the Treasury;
  • at the Treasury Department.

The certificate is issued by the Department of the Treasury. Together with the certificate, a certificate file, a certificate on paper, and a security manual will be sent. We also provided the ability to download a certificate using the Certification Authority information system, provided that the recipient already has a valid electronic signature and a certificate for it.

Download consent to the processing of personal data

Download a power of attorney for the right to act on behalf of the certificate holder

How long will it take

From 10/01/2018, the Treasury issues an ES according to the new rules. The term for issuing a certificate has been increased to six working days. The customer was no longer notified on paper about the cancellation of the signature. Information about this will be sent by e-mail, by phone or through the Certification Center system.

The certificate can also be downloaded from the Certification Center information system. But for this, it is necessary that the recipient already has a valid electronic signature and a certificate for it.

An electronic signature has become a mandatory attribute not only in most business processes, but also in solving many problems related to business document exchange. Representatives of not only the commercial, but also the public sector deal with large volumes of documentation today. In addition, the EDS key allows you to solve problems that arise in the course of interaction between the state and citizens.

In this regard, special sections have already appeared on the websites of many government agencies that enable individuals and legal entities to send and receive documents without a personal visit. The Federal Treasury is recognized as the leader in the use of information technologies among state bodies.

Why get an EDS in the Treasury

With the name of such a structure as the Treasury, the EDS is connected through the systems and portals under its jurisdiction. This certificate allows the holder to

  • send documents to the regulatory authority
  • get authorization in SUFD
  • receive information in the System on state and municipal payments
  • work on the public procurement website and in other systems

The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature in the treasury

The issuance of an electronic signature key by the certifying center of the treasury takes place in several stages.

  1. The recipient collects the necessary documents and signs an agreement on accession to the regulations of the treasury certification center.
  2. If the agreement has already been signed earlier, then the recipient draws up an application for the extension of the EDS rights or the production of a new electronic signature key.
  3. An order is issued to appoint persons who are responsible for working with the EDS key and its storage (if it is a legal entity).
  4. The user is given funds to work with a signature in the treasury, then he passes authorization on the portal.
  5. The desktop is configured according to information security standards.

It is worth emphasizing that the issuance of an electronic signature in the treasury of the organization is carried out in relation to a specific individual - an official. Most often, this role is played by the head of the organization or his first deputy. The latter can independently go through all the stages of obtaining an EDS on the basis of a power of attorney.

Documents required when issuing an EDS

The composition of the package of documents required to obtain an EDS at the Treasury differs for legal entities and for individuals and entrepreneurs. An organization undergoing the acquisition procedure transmits part of the information about itself at the stage of sending a request to create a key. Subsequently, upon authorization, the legal entity must provide

  • a copy of the manager's passport, his SNILS, an appointment order and consent to the processing of personal data - the original or a notarized copy.
  • a copy of the request for key generation and recording on the media with the signature of the manager
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, an application for receipt from the organization, a certified copy of the certificate of registration (by a notary or tax authority)

To obtain an electronic signature in the treasury, as part of a package of documents for individuals and individual entrepreneurs, there must be

  • originals or certified copies of the passport, SNILS, TIN, consent to the processing of personal data
  • electronic and printed versions of the key generation request file (its public part).

We will give step-by-step instructions on how to obtain an EDS for participation in electronic auctions, we will talk about the types of EDS for public procurement, as well as how to sign a document with an electronic digital signature.

General concepts

An electronic signature is information in electronic form that is attached to signed documents in order to identify the person who signed this document. Such a definition is given in paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the law of 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ. Art. 5 of the above law distinguishes the following types

  • simple,
  • reinforced, which in turn is divided into qualified and unskilled.

A simple EDS 44-FZ does not guarantee, unlike the other two, the immutability of the document after it has been signed. It is suitable for actions such as authorization on Internet sites, for example, on the public services portal.

An electronic signature for trading on electronic platforms is used only of the second and third types. At the same time, a qualified enhanced ES is issued only by a CA with accreditation by the Ministry of Communications and encryption software from the FSB.

Let's compare the areas of application in various fields of activity:

Application area Simple Unskilled qualified
Electronic document management
Court of Arbitration
Document management with individuals
public services
Regulatory authorities (FTS, FSS, PFR)
Electronic trading

To work in the EIS from 07/01/2018, an enhanced qualified electronic signature is required (until 07/01/2018 - unqualified). This is stated in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 4 of Law No. 44-FZ. Law No. 223-FZ does not contain a provision on which EDS is required for trading, however, many trading platforms require its qualified variety. It is currently required for registration on every trading platform. From 01/01/2019, registration of public procurement participants will be carried out in the EIS, and their subsequent accreditation on trading floors will be carried out automatically.

The ownership of the EDS for participation in the auction by a specific person is certified by issuing a certificate of the ES verification key to such a person.

How to get an EDS for trading

We will tell you more about obtaining an electronic signature for bidding and how it works. At the moment when the digital signature is applied, the string of characters that makes it up is attached to the document as a personal identifier of the signatory. This identifier is paired with a public key for authentication. Ownership of the key by the same person it certifies establishes the validation certificate.

To get full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please, register. It won't take more than a minute. Select a social network for quick authorization on the portal:

Thus, in procurement, it is necessary to obtain not only the electronic digital signature itself, but also the key and certificate for it. The latter issue special certification centers (CAs). The current list of accredited certification centers as of May 22, 2018.

An EDS for trading should be obtained according to the regulations, the new version of which was approved by Order of the Federal Treasury No. 342 dated December 12, 2017. Step by step it looks like this:

Step 1. Sign an agreement with the Certification Authority.

Download a sample agreement. Fill in the details of the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, hereinafter - TOFC. Write a statement, put the seal of the organization and have it signed by the head or authorized employee. The right to sign is given by the head, who approves the order, the provision on the right to sign or draws up a power of attorney.

Submit two copies of the application to the CA TOFK. One copy remains with the Treasury, the other with the applicant. If the applications do not pass the verification, the CA will return them and explain the reason for the refusal.

Now you have the right to apply to the CA for programs for ES - means of cryptographic protection of information and key generation.

Step 2. Obtain an electronic signature from the Treasury

Obtaining an EDS under 44-FZ in the Treasury begins with filling out an application in two copies in any form. Specify in it:

✔ an employee who will receive EP funds;
✔ programs - "Workstation of Key Generation" and "CryptoPro CSP".

Please attach to your application:

✔ two disks with a one-time recording - for programs;
✔ a list of employees with EDS rights. Put the seal of the organization on it. It must be signed by the head or authorized employee; ✔ power of attorney - if the application is submitted by an authorized employee.

Submit your application to the UC. Treasury specialists will accept applications and prepare the CryptoPro CSP and Key Generation Workstation programs in three working days. Wait for the call from the CA, or call yourself and check if the software is ready.

Step 3. Install programs on your computer

Install "CryptoPro CSP" and "Key Generation Workstation" on the computers of employees with the EDS right to participate in the auction.

How to install

This program serves as a means of cryptographic protection of information. Run the installation and click "Next", agree to the license terms, fill in the fields:

✔ "User" - full name the employee who will use the certificate;
✔ "Organization" - the name of the organization;
✔ "Serial number" - number from the license registration card.

Select the installation type - "Typical".
Check the media - "smart card reader" and "removable media reader". Click "Install" and wait while the program is installed on your computer.

Step 4: Generate Keys and Certificate Request

Launch the "Key Generation Workstation" and click the "Generate Certificate Request" button.

Select the option "Request for an Applicant's Certificate" - for an individual or "Request for an Applicant's Certificate" - for a legal entity and click "Next".

If you work in the UIS under 44-FZ, choose a certificate for an individual, if under 223-FZ - for a legal entity.

Check the roles of the certificate owner. To work in the UIS according to 44-FZ, select the roles "Client Authentication" and "Work in the UIS".

Specify the authority: for example, “Work in the EIS” → “Customer” → “Customer. An official with the right to sign the contract.

Select one role - "Client Authentication" if you are creating a request to work in the EIS under 223-FZ.

Click "Next" and in the information window about the owner of the certificate, fill in the fields that are available for editing. Next, fill in the tab of the owner of the certificate - an employee of the organization and the tab of the organization. Click "Next" again. A window will open, in which check the box "Print an application for obtaining an EDS key certificate".

Insert a flash drive, Rutoken or other removable media into your computer and click "Run". In the "CryptoPro CSP" window, select the media, save the electronic signature keys to it and click "OK". Next, enter the password that you will use when signing documents.

If you forget your password, you won't be able to recover.

Attention: do not save the request file on a flash drive with keys. Submit the file to the Treasury along with the certificate application. If you bring a request on one flash drive with a key, it will not be accepted.

Click "OK", the application form for the certificate of the electronic signature verification key will appear. Fill out the application and print two copies of it. The program will report that the keys have been generated. Click the Done button.

Each application is signed by the employee who receives the electronic signature and the head of the organization or an authorized employee. If the application is being prepared by the head, let him sign twice - in the fields of the applicant and the head. Applications will be needed to obtain a certificate for an electronic signature at the Certification Authority.

Step 5. Apply for a certificate to the Certification Authority

Take the applications for obtaining an EDS for participation in the auction to the Certification Center in two copies. Submit with them:

  • request file on a flash drive, Rutoken or other media;
  • a copy of the second and third pages of the passport;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • a copy of SNISL;
  • a copy of the TIN;
  • power of attorney from the organization signed by the head or authorized employee.

Take your passport, original TIN and SNILS or copies that have been certified by a notary. Employees of the CA will compare the information in the originals and copies. Instead of a TIN, you can provide a notification of tax registration. Such an explanation is given by the Treasury of Russia in a letter dated November 7, 2016 No. 07-04-05 / 11-845.

An authorized employee has the right to refer applications to the CA. Let him take with him:

  • original and copy of the second and third pages of the passport;
  • power of attorney from the head of the organization;
  • power of attorney from the employee for whom the application is being submitted.

The list of documents in clause 5.2.5 of Regulation No. 197 is exhaustive. However, it is better to call TOFK and specify what documents are required for the ES certificate.

If the documents are completed correctly, the CA operator will accept applications and issue a certificate in five working days. The Treasury will inform you by phone or email that the certificate is ready. This procedure is prescribed in clauses 3.6 and 3.8 of Regulation No. 197.

Step 6. Get a certificate

An employee of the organization receives a certificate personally or through a representative with a power of attorney. The CA specialist will upload the certificate file to a USB drive, such as a USB flash drive or Rutoken.

The carrier is required:

  • format;
  • mark with the number assigned by the organization.

Use the media from the list, which is published on the website of the regional OFC in the "Certifying Authority" section. Together with the file, the operator will issue two copies of the certificate on paper. Sign the certificates. Take one copy, the other will remain in the CA. Get a guide on the safe use of EDS and cryptographic protection tools against receipt.

Step 7: Install the certificate on the computer

Insert the flash drive with the certificate into your computer. First, extract the certificate from the file that was issued by the CA:

  1. open file *. p7b, where "*" is the file name. A window with certificates will appear;
  2. Click on the “Certificates” item on the left side of the window;
  3. Select the certificate and click on the "All tasks" context menu item, then on the "Export" item. A window will open in which click "Next";
  4. select the file format –.cer. Name the file: for example, the employee's last name in Latin;
  5. specify where to save the file: a USB flash drive with a certificate or a folder on your computer;
  6. Click Next, then Finish.

Now install the certificate. Launch the CryptoPro CSP program. Select the "Service" tab, click "Install personal certificate".

Click on "Browse" and select the certificate you exported: a file with cer permission. Review the certificate details and click Next. Insert the flash drive with the keys into the computer. Select the key container that was generated in the workstation. For convenience, check the "Find container automatically" box.

Click the "Browse" button - the certificate store window will appear. Select "Personal", click "OK" → "Next". Wait while the certificate is installed on the computer.