Does hexicon help with thrush during pregnancy. Candles Hexicon during pregnancy - reviews


  • the whole process of treatment is accompanied by daubing
  • the price is high


Hexicon suppositories were prescribed to me when I was pregnant. The need for them arose after the installation of an obstetric pessary, since the body can begin to reject a foreign body, as a result of which an infection occurs.

I was only thirtieth week then, that is, two more months before the birth, respectively, it is too early to give birth. And in the hospital they prescribed me to put these suppositories as a preventive measure, since there were no obvious signs of infection. Already in the morning after the first candle, brown discharge began, I was terribly scared, because there was already a threat of premature birth. My district gynecologist said that you still need to put down at least 5 pieces for prevention. Although I put it, I was terribly worried, because the discharge did not pass.

I do not think that these suppositories are the best solution for dealing with thrush and other diseases. There are cheaper options, and much less risk for yourself and the child. I won't be buying these candles again, I'm disappointed.

General impression: Not the best remedy for female infections ...


  • Relatively cheap


  • Causes irritation and bleeding


It is known that the candles "Hexicon" from thrush are useless. And this problem haunted me constantly during my second pregnancy (during the first - too, but not so much). At the 18th week of pregnancy, I complained to my gynecologist about the symptoms of thrush, and she prescribed Hexicon for me: 1 suppository in the morning and evening.

I, as a disciplined patient, began to be treated as the doctor ordered. The itch from candles only has amplified. And after the fourth candle, I found spotting of a scarlet color. Of course, I got scared, called an ambulance, I was hospitalized. In the hospital, I was examined by three different doctors: in the emergency room, my attending physician and head. department. And only one of them said that Hexicon could cause irritation, which provoked spotting. The rest assured me that this could not be from candles. Of course, as soon as I entered the hospital, the candles were canceled for me. There were no more divisions. They did an ultrasound, took tests, examined me. But the cause of spotting was not found and discharged.

The thrush problem remained. I again complained about her to the gynecologist, and she again prescribed Hexicon suppositories for me (I didn’t recover then). And I must say that since the doctors denied the connection between Hexicon and blood, I stopped suspecting them and began to be treated by them again. It was about 30 weeks. The itching from the candles became incredibly strong, but I endured until the third day I found blood again! This time there was much less blood, just a drop, and I realized that it was from candles. I didn’t call an ambulance, just in case I informed the gynecologist and checked. Everything was fine with the baby.

I began to google and saw that such a reaction is not uncommon! Queries in search engines on the topic "Hexicon and blood" are very popular.

But in the instructions for "Hexicon" there is not a word about possible spotting. In anger, I wrote to Nizhpharm. We must give them their due - they answered quickly. They asked a lot of questions: age, diagnosis, doctor's name, etc.

As a result, they sent back something like "The check did not reveal any violations."

I believe that since the blood from the "Hexicon" is such a frequent occurrence, then additional research should be carried out. But, apparently, Nizhpharm does not think so...

General impression: During pregnancy, they caused blood, although they were prescribed by a doctor for thrush. What did Nizhpharm answer me?


  • find it difficult to name


  • not all pregnant women are suitable for this drug

So, I decided to tell my story, which happened to me when I was 9 weeks pregnant.

Just at that time I went to register. The doctor looked, took a smear, but said that there was a lot of discharge, that before the results of the tests, she needed to be treated with candles. Of course, as you may have guessed, Hexicon candles were prescribed.

Well, well, it must be so. The drug, in general, was familiar to me, I had already used it somehow before pregnancy. There were no side effects, so I bought it without any doubts and fears.

You have to put them on overnight. I put it on once, put it on the second ... and the next morning I found pinkish discharge! I didn’t rush to the doctor, I tried not to panic, and so far I decided to just watch how it would be next. But I put Hexicon for the third time ... only now, the very next day, a drop of blood and even some tiny clot was found on the napkin.

Now, of course, I got scared. The first thing I suspected was that it was after Hexicon. Canceled it right away! And the next day, there was no pink discharge, much less bloody.

This question then interested me, so I climbed into the network to look for information. And, as it turned out, such a reaction to Hexicon during pregnancy is not uncommon. And I, for example, canceled it immediately, but there were cases when girls used it to the last, as a result - urgent hospitalization (put it in storage).

As you can see, “it is possible to take during pregnancy”, but here is what happens after this reception ...

So girls be very careful with this drug.

P.S. And, by the way, my analyzes then turned out to be good even without Hexicon;)

General impression: During pregnancy, you can, but be very careful!


  • not detected;


  • Provoked bleeding

During pregnancy, at 16-17 weeks, the gynecologist at the antenatal clinic advised taking Hexicon suppositories to prevent genital tract infections.

I listened, bought and started to insert. Somewhere on the second day, an incomprehensible daub began, and on the third day, bleeding began.

After the whole epic with the hospital due to bleeding, including an unscheduled ultrasound, examination and a bunch of nerves, it turned out that Hexicon suppositories provoked bleeding. They "corroded" the cervical mucosa and it bled. Then, studying the forums, it turned out that such a problem arose not only for me. So be careful with those candles! All health!

General impression: Be careful with them



  • cause bleeding
  • severe itching and burning

Thank God that these candles were prescribed to me after the birth! Many of them are prescribed during pregnancy. I categorically do not recommend this drug to pregnant women - it causes bleeding too often!

In general, I love to be treated with candles! If you can choose this method of treatment, then I always choose it - effectively and safely. But not in this case!

When I went to the gynecologist after giving birth, she said that she did not like the amount of my discharge, took a smear and prescribed Hexicon until the result was obtained. Said "good candles".

Some time after I inserted the first candle, I felt a wild itch! Simply unbearable! It was impossible to fall asleep (the first candle fell just at night). I thought it was a coincidence. She continued to suffer.

On the third - pink discharge appeared. I realized that it was time to tie with these candles.

None of the candles caused me any side effects at all! These are the first.

I quit. The next day, cystitis began. Cystitis smoothly turned into pyelonephritis (although the kidneys were healthy all my life and my urine was perfect). Where they could come from - I can not understand. It is clear that the infection was in the body and the suppositories had nothing to do with it. However, I'm not the first, I'm not the last, who exactly after Hexicon had such a situation. It's strange somehow. Especially when you consider that Hexicon's testimony is just the fight against cystitis!

In short, never again! Even if cystitis with pyelonephritis is not taken into account, wild itching, severe burning and pink spots (and many have bleeding) are more than a good reason not to use these "MIRACLE" candles NEVER !!!

Pregnant girls! Be careful! Think a hundred times before treating yourself with these candles! Too frequent bleeding from Hexicon. There are much safer remedies for thrush during pregnancy - for example, PIMAFUCIN! For other sores, ask the doctor to replace these suppositories with some other ones!

It seems, it would seem - the usual chlorhexidine ... Horror!

General impression: HORRIBLE candles! Haven't seen anything worse in a long time!

I am 16 weeks pregnant, the doctor prescribed Hexicon 1 suppository 2 r per day for 5 days, because of the itching, I thought the thrush was not confirmed. On the 4th day of taking pink discharge, I was so scared for the baby that I had a panic, I already thought we would call an ambulance. I ran with my husband on the ultrasound. The doctor said that everything is fine with the baby, she sees no danger to the baby and sees no reason to call an ambulance. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow for a consultation.

22 weeks of suppositories from ureaplasma were prescribed ... yesterday I put the first one, today I'm dying from terrible pains in my left side and lower back ... ((I still didn’t know how they come out .... I also thought the water had broken .... I was very scared. ... I drank a lot, now I'm lying in bed, until it helps ....

I was in storage at 33 weeks. so they were all prescribed there, I didn’t put them on after reading the reviews, the girl put them in the ward, her plug came off at night (34 weeks), so her doctor on duty looked, since it was the head of the family at home, and said that they are so thermonuclear, they are better before childbirth to put, and then 1 per night.

... I had a period of 5-6 weeks. prescribed from chr. thrush and on the 3rd day I was taken away in an ambulance with spotting. All doctors unanimously repeated that these are wonderful suppositories and it’s not about them ... I lost my child. What do you think? Further worse! After the operation, I decided to heal. The doctor warned that there would be no blood discharge after scraping, after 3 weeks menstruation would begin. On the second day, bleeding again - scarlet blood. And indeed, if this is a side effect, then why do respected manufacturers not warn about this !!! I wish them good health from the bottom of my heart!!! Girls, do not treat thrush in the early stages, for 8-9 months you can be treated already without harm to the child.

I put only two, they flow very strongly with water. I put it on at 33 weeks, I almost turned gray, I thought the waters had broken. They were all very dry. Didn't post anymore

Neutral Feedback


  • Safe in pregnancy


  • Questionable effectiveness

Hello my dear friends and readers of the community!

Have a nice day everyone!)

In my review today, I would like to tell you about one drug that the doctor prescribed to me during pregnancy, namely, vaginal suppositories called "Hexicon" from the well-known pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm.

As I noted a little higher, I met these vaginal suppositories at the very beginning of my pregnancy, when I was admitted to the hospital with a threatened miscarriage.

With a certain set of medicines that the doctor prescribed for me, so to speak, to maintain pregnancy, in the general list, I saw just these candles

When I asked why I needed these suppositories, the attending physician replied that they were prescribed for prevention.

What kind of prevention? To be honest, I did not understand, maybe I do not understand something.

Despite my doubts, I still purchased Hixicon candles.

Immediately I was reassured by the fact that these suppositories are safe if used during pregnancy ...

From the instructions for use, I learned that Hexicon, in fact, is an antiseptic drug that is designed to prevent sexually transmitted infections, as well as to treat bacterial vaginosis, various colpitis.

As I already noted at the very beginning of today's review, Hexicon suppositories are safe if used during pregnancy, which is undoubtedly a huge plus.

After using suppositories during pregnancy, I can only say that they absolutely did not cause me any discomfort, itching, irritation, allergic reaction.

After some time, I again had to resort to the help of Hexicon - this time, I tried to cure thrush, which haunted me at the very end of pregnancy.

But, to my great regret, these vaginal suppositories were only able to alleviate my condition for a while, the symptoms of thrush became a little dull ...

Summing up all of the above, I can only say that Hexicon suppositories, in my opinion, are an exclusively prophylactic agent, rather than a drug intended for the treatment of any diseases.


  • Can be used during lactation and breastfeeding
  • For the treatment of female genital diseases.


  • Not effective for candidiasis
  • STD, not cured. Can't comment on efficiency.

What is "thrush", I found out to my happiness being in an interesting position. After the test results came in, they told me that they found "candidiasis" in me. To my question and the fear in her eyes, she replied: "Don't be afraid. It's thrush. All pregnant women have it. But you need to get rid of it." And she decided to rid me of her with these candles. Scheduled in advance for application. In general, I bought it, they cost about 300 rubles and began to use it as the doctor prescribed. I didn't even read the instructions (and I should have). And it's been like this for 9 months. A small relief comes, while maintaining a certain diet, but does not completely disappear. And that's it. I tell the doctor in consultation that this medicine does not help. And she doesn't seem to hear me. He says that he needs to continue treatment. I continued. When the time of my interesting position approached its logical conclusion, I went to the hospital. So to speak while "to get acquainted". The doctor on duty decided to see me. after examination, I will omit the details of this process, she was very surprised, saying that I have a very pronounced form, this female disease. And she began to scold me why I didn’t do anything. I said that throughout the entire period, I am being treated with Hexicon. After that, the doctor fell silent, apparently professional ethics, did not allow me to speak badly about the actions of a colleague and wrote me her recommendations. There were two drugs listed on the sheet. Candles and tablets. Moreover, the cost is much cheaper than the above. And as it turned out later, much more effective. In almost 1.5 months of use, all the symptoms disappeared. As a result, I want to say that now I began to trust more practicing doctors. And now I go to the maternity hospital for preventive examinations in the women's section. More trust in these people. Health to you and your loved ones.

General impression: The theorist is not a comrade of practice.

I set it at 38 weeks, the doctor said to prepare for childbirth, although the smears were clean, everything was ok, but I didn’t set the whole course, but 5 pieces, if you put them very much, use daily, I didn’t give birth a little ahead of time, when at night it flowed out, and I thought it was water)))))))


  • Acceptable price
  • help
  • do not flow
  • do not leave marks on clothes


  • Didn't find


I first encountered these suppositories during pregnancy. It was difficult for me in the third trimester. There was a threat of premature birth and the doctor decided to put the ring in until the end of the pregnancy. Hexicon suppositories were prescribed, because the tests were bad. Personally, they came up to me, no side effects were observed. Repeated analyzes were ideal))

The next time I also used them as prescribed by the doctor after cauterization of erosion for quick healing and prevention of infections.

Now I use them on my own initiative, when there are any discharges and unpleasant sensations resembling thrush.

In my opinion, these are very good candles with a reasonable price. They do not leave stains on clothes, they do not flow out at night, if used strictly according to the instructions.

I read a lot of bad reviews that they are dangerous during pregnancy. Yes, doctors have not proven that they are safe for the fetus, but the moment that women experience discomfort and other side effects indicates that there is an individual intolerance to some component of the suppositories and the doctor should replace them with others.

These candles are perfect for me, so I try to keep them in the medicine cabinet just in case.

General impression: Excellent candles, suitable for pregnant women.


  • most likely individual...


  • side effects
  • no result.


I had to use Hexicon suppositories more than once. Mostly this happened during pregnancy, when, as it seems to me. everyone faces problems that only vaginal suppositories can solve.

Usually the doctor prescribes which ones are needed in which case.

And sometimes during pregnancy I had a need for Hexicon.

Let me just say - it helped and not even badly. There was no particular discomfort from use then. In any case, nothing that I would remember and pay special attention to ...

And now, at the current time, for several months, I have to undergo treatment, plus, as a preparation for the operation, Hexicon suppositories were prescribed to me.

It was necessary to use them within 10 days, 2 times a day.

Well, it certainly was a test for me.

Firstly, in the process of treatment, I was glad more than once that I could be at home ... Since the suppository melts and flows very strongly. it stains, let's say so... It leaves greasy stains on the linen, which are at least good, that they are washed more or less... But the sensations are not pleasant... It is strange that I have never noticed such an effect before from these candles...

Secondly, after a full period of treatment, after three days it was necessary to pass an analysis ... While I was waiting for these days, bleeding began. not strong, but it worried me very much, because it was not at the right time and obviously not a normal phenomenon ...

Thirdly finally, the analysis turned out to be many times worse than it was before ... And before that it was almost perfect, just for the operation it was necessary to bring it to full ideal ... What caused the deterioration and bleeding - the doctor did not really answer me - the main thing is that the first - they began to treat further, and the second itself passed - sort of like a side effect from using the Hexicon suppository ...

Most likely, if I have to, then I will refuse to use these particular candles, I will ask to be replaced with another one.

And the course is not cheap, I would say ...

General impression: my opinion is divided.

Positive reviews

During pregnancy, I put hexicon twice. The first time at the very beginning of pregnancy, when bad smears came during registration. The second time already before childbirth for sanitation. Both times the treatment gave a result, the smears were clean. I put candles before dreams and additionally used daily. The first two days there was a slight discomfort, and then I did not experience any sensations. I liked the drug both in terms of effect and sensations, if they are prescribed, of course, I will put it.


  • Affordable price
  • efficiency
  • no side effects


  • does not help with thrush

When I was pregnant, in the first trimester I had a bad smear (leukocytes 15-20 units), and the doctor prescribed these suppositories for me. Hexicon is one of the few drugs allowed in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation. These suppositories are also often prescribed before childbirth, so that there are no inflammatory processes. The drug helped me, the smear became good and I was able to carry the baby safely. After giving birth, my leukocytes were again elevated, the doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics and Hexicon, and again it helped. And most importantly, no side effects, otherwise some write that they had spotting from Hexicon and all that. But for thrush, this drug is not particularly effective. And his price is quite acceptable 250 rubles for 10 candles, there is its analogue Klion D, it is cheaper, but it’s not very good for me.

General impression: Really helps


  • Effective


Greetings, my friends and guests of the site!

In today's review, I want to talk about Hexicon Vaginal Candles. This drug was recommended to me by a gynecologist before childbirth.

I apologize for the intimate details, there are vaginal suppositories inside the package, there are ten of them, one package is enough for a course of treatment.

I was prescribed for prevention one suppository once a day, at night, for three days.

Also, I would like to note that the drug is used to treat infections of various infections.

General impression: Antiseptic

The doctor prescribed me for thrush at the 10th week, after the first application it got better, put 5 suppositories and after 2 weeks another 5. I really liked Hexicon, there was no itching, no blood!

I am at 16 weeks. from ureaplasma used candles hexicon 2r / day - 7 days. I should have taken antibiotics, but I didn't. My smear was good every time. and urealp. did not pass. but there was no harm from the hexicon either. 2 Ultrasound showed that everything is normal with the baby. Yes, and genecologists (consulted with different ones) unanimously say that the hexicon is not harmful. so if the problem is with smears (and nowhere with them!) - feel free to use it!

Hexicon is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy. It acts like an antiseptic, you will not harm the baby in any way. But unsanitized vaginitis can backfire during childbirth: there may be consequences for the baby for you in terms of endometritis and the like ...

I was prescribed suppositories during pregnancy by a gynecologist to eliminate itching and burning. Literally after the first dose, I felt relief.

One of the few drugs approved for use during the period of bearing a baby. Since pregnancy provokes disruptions in the microflora of the vagina, expectant mothers often suffer from vaginosis, thrush and other ailments. In this case, Hexicon becomes a real salvation.

A photo. When is Hexicon prescribed

What is Hexicon effective against?

The drug is available in the form of suppositories, which are inserted into the vagina 1-2 times a day. Hexicon is prescribed for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and to combat existing problems. So, the medicine effectively defeats ureaplasma, chlamydia, pale treponema, herpes virus, fungi of the Candida species.
If we are talking about prevention, then candles should be applied no later than two hours after intercourse. If we are talking about treatment, then, as already mentioned, suppositories are inserted into the vagina 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days. You should put candles in the supine position, and after their introduction you should not get up for an hour. It is necessary that the candle melts completely and the active substance is activated.

Additional indications for the use of Hexicon:

  • The need to restore the microflora of the vagina after fungal or infectious sanitation;
  • Preparation for childbirth, which requires treatment of the vagina;
  • Prevention of the development of purulent complications after childbirth.

Side effects of Hexicon

Although the drug is safe for pregnant women, since it is not absorbed through tissues, but acts locally, it can cause reactions in the body. With individual intolerance to the components of the suppositories, a woman may experience redness, itching, and a slight burning sensation. However, all these unpleasant consequences of taking the medicine disappear immediately after its withdrawal.

Hexicon can also be excreted from the body along with bloody discharge. Pink or brownish. But don't be afraid of it. It is possible that a woman has an increased level of leukocytes, which provokes a similar effect. However, at the first appearance of blood-stained discharge, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to rule out possible risks.

Hexicon at different stages of pregnancy

The drug is prescribed for all periods of bearing a baby. But in the first trimester, it is still worth using it after a thorough examination by a doctor. The doctor will identify all the possible reactions of your body, determining the right dosage that will not provoke an allergy. As for the second and third trimester, here Hexicon is allowed without any contraindications and reservations.

What is important: the price of this drug is quite affordable. Of course, in different regions, cities and even districts, the cost can vary greatly, but on average, the Hexicon price range ranges from 250 rubles to 300 rubles in different dosages. Such a price is an important factor, because you can use the drug for one pregnancy more than once, so the savings in this case are not an empty phrase. A photo. Treatment of thrush with Hexicon in women

Hexicon during pregnancy is a drug that is used to treat and prevent genital infections. Let's look at the features of the use of the drug, dosage, contraindications, possible side effects and the effectiveness of treatment.

Hexicon is a safe drug that helps in the treatment of genital infections. The peculiarity of the drug is that it does not have a negative effect on the natural microflora of the vagina. It is this fact that allows the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Hexicon is considered an effective drug that reliably protects against genital infections.

During pregnancy, the issue of protection against the risks of infection is very relevant for every woman. During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to prepare the birth canal for childbirth and to restore the microflora of the vagina. In the postpartum period, Hexicon is prescribed to prevent inflammatory and infectious lesions.

Indications for the use of hexicon during pregnancy

Indications for the use of hexicon during pregnancy are based on the effectiveness of the active substance of the drug. Hexicon is allowed to be used at any stage of pregnancy, as well as during lactation. The drug is active against most infections that are sexually transmitted. Microorganisms that cause gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureplasmosis and other diseases are sensitive to the active substance of hexicon.

Hexicon restores the microflora of the vagina in microbial and fungal infections. The drug is used to treat the genital tract before childbirth, in the presence of genital infections and bacterial vaginosis. The drug is effective in the prevention of purulent complications in the postpartum period, when suturing the tissues of the birth canal and the skin of the perineum.

Hexicon during pregnancy from thrush

Hexicon is not used during pregnancy from thrush, as it is not effective in combating this fungal disease. For the treatment of these purposes, other drugs are used, for example, Miramistin. But Hexicon helps in the treatment of diseases that are caused by microorganisms such as: Ureaplasma spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema spp., Chlamydia spp., Bacteroides fragilis, Trichomonas spp., and Gardnerella vaginalis.

Candida fungi are not sensitive to the active substance of hexicon - chlorhexidine. That is why, when trying to treat thrush using Hexicon, the bacterial microflora is destroyed. As a result, Candida yeast-like fungi begin to multiply unhindered. This leads to an increase in the symptoms of thrush.

Can hexicon be used during pregnancy?

Is hexicon possible during pregnancy is a question that interests many women who have been prescribed this drug. Hexicon is a safe drug that is allowed to be used during pregnancy, as the drug has shown high efficacy in obstetric practice. The peculiarity of the hexicon is that it does not violate the microflora of the vagina, does not enter the bloodstream and has a local effect.

According to the instructions for use of the drug, Hexicon can be used during pregnancy at any time, but only for medical reasons. Self-medication with a drug can lead to adverse reactions that manifest as itching, rash and irritation.

In addition, some women are diagnosed with intolerance to the drug, so the hexicon is replaced with safer drugs (as a rule, Miramistin is used instead of the hexicon). Many doctors claim that Hexicon is the only drug that can be safely used in early pregnancy. It is precisely because of the safety of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy that the hexicon has no analogues in the early stages.

Hexicon or Terzhinan during pregnancy: which is better?

Hexicon or Terzhinan during pregnancy is a question that sooner or later confronts many women. Both drugs can be used in preparation for childbirth and in the treatment of infectious diseases. But both Hexicon and Terzhinan cause side reactions. Terzhinan is forbidden to use in the first trimester of pregnancy, and Hexicon causes burning and allergic reactions. Since we have already considered the indications for the use of Hexicon, its features and effectiveness, let's look at the instructions for using Terzhinan.

  • Terzhinan is a combined medicine that is used in gynecology. It has antimicrobial and antifungal activity. The drug maintains a normal pH level in the vaginal microflora and the integrity of the mucous membrane. Released in the form of vaginal tablets.
  • You can use Terzhinan only from the second trimester of pregnancy. With improper or prolonged use, it causes irritation and itching of the vagina, less often allergic reactions occur. As for contraindications, Terzhinan is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to the active substance - ternidazole.
  • The main indications for the use of the drug are the treatment and prevention of vaginitis. Terzhinan is used before gynecological operations, childbirth, before hysterography and for a number of other indications.

The final choice in favor of one of the drugs is made only by the attending physician. The gynecologist focuses on the gestational age, indications for the use of the drug and the presence of contraindications.

Instructions for hexicon during pregnancy

The instruction for hexicon during pregnancy is a description of the rules for using the medicine, dosage, contraindications, possible side effects and other nuances that relate to Hexicon. So, hexicon is the drug that is used to treat and prevent sexually transmitted infections.

The active substance of hexicon chlorhexidine is active against pathogenic microorganisms. According to the instructions, it is allowed and completely safe when used during pregnancy and lactation. But, despite the safety of the drug, you can use Hexicon only as directed by a doctor. Let's look at the main points from the instructions for use.

  • Indications

Hexicon is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases, so it is active against Gardnerella vaginalis. The drug is prescribed for vaginal infections and infectious and inflammatory diseases that are sexually transmitted.

  • Release forms

Hexicon has several forms of release, the drug is released in the form of vaginal suppositories, gel and solution for external use. The composition of the medicinal product includes: chlorhexidine bigluconate, polyethylene oxide and excipients. .The medicine comes in different dosages. So, the gel is produced in 15, 20 and 30 g, and the solution in a 25% dosage, in vials of 10, 50, 150, 250 and 500 ml.

  • Pharmacological group

Hexicon refers to antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agents. The drug has a bactericidal effect against many microorganisms. Hexicon has antiseptic properties, disinfects and cleanses the affected areas of the skin.

  • Pharmacodynamics

Pharmacodynamics of hexicon during pregnancy is the effectiveness and principle of action of the drug. Hexicon is an antiseptic drug that has several forms of release. The peculiarity of the drug is that it does not destroy beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that are responsible for the normal microflora and acidic environment.

But at the same time, Hexicon completely suppresses the pathogenic microflora and does not allow the development of purulent and bloody environments. The drug is active against syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia and other diseases. But Hexicon does not affect acid-fast bacteria and fungi. The drug can be used as a contraceptive, since the active substance of the drug destroys spermatozoa and disrupts their spermicidal action.

  • Pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetics of hexicon during pregnancy are the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug. When using Hexicon solution for external use, the product is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Excreted with feces and kidneys. If the solution is used for intravaginal treatment in the form of tampons and lotions, then Hexicon does not have a systemic effect.

When using vaginal suppositories, the drug, like the solution, is not absorbed and does not affect the functioning of the body. Pharmacokinetics of vaginal suppositories Hexicon corresponds to a solution for external use, that is, it does not have a systemic effect.

  • Dosage and mode of application

In the prevention of infections in the postoperative period, a 0.5% solution is used; for disinfection of burns and wounds, a 0.5% Hexicon solution is also used. For lesions of the genitourinary system, a 0.02% solution is used. In the treatment of vaginal infections - suppositories are used, up to two times a day until the desired therapeutic effect is obtained.

  • Side effects and contraindications

Hexicon is forbidden to use for allergic dermatitis and with hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug. When using the drug, avoid contact with the eyes. Hexicon is available from pharmacies without a prescription.

  • Interactions with other drugs

The interaction of Hexicon during pregnancy with other drugs is possible only with medical permission, when the doctor has approved the use of several drugs at the same time. Hexicon must not be taken concomitantly with medicines that contain iodine. Since, such an interaction can lead to the appearance of side effects. When using vaginal suppositories, it is forbidden to use other suppositories.

During the course of treatment with hexicon of any form of release, it is necessary to limit the use of cosmetics and shower gels and intimate hygiene. Hexicon is not compatible with detergents that contain an anionic group. Suppositories are incompatible with soap and any cosmetics, and when using a solution, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of soap and any cosmetics. Since soapy substances can lead to inactivation of chlorhexine.

Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy

Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy (vaginal suppositories) are an effective and safe remedy, with the active ingredient - chlorhexidine bigluconate. The active substance of the drug has an antiseptic effect. Hexicon is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Despite the effectiveness in the treatment of a number of diseases and the safety of use during pregnancy, Hexicon vaginal suppositories have contraindications. First of all, it is hypersensitivity to the active substance. Since the drug can provoke allergic reactions and other side effects. Candles are administered intravaginally, one or two candles in the morning and evening. The course of application should not exceed 7-10 days.

Contraindications to the use of hexicon during pregnancy

Contraindications to the use of hexicon during pregnancy are based on the action of the active ingredient of the drug. Most often, Hexicon is prescribed for the treatment of skin dermatitis, that is, non-infectious inflammation and allergic reactions. When applying hexicon to the skin, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off cosmetics. It is forbidden to use simultaneously with iodine, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the hexicon.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to use Hexicon with minimal absorption. In some women, the use of the drug causes itching, burning, skin irritation and dryness. The treatment of such manifestations of the drug is symptomatic, but, as a rule, any adverse reactions disappear within 20-30 minutes after using the remedy.

Side effects of hexicon during pregnancy

Side effects of hexicon during pregnancy occur due to individual sensitivity to the active substance of the drug, due to prolonged use of the drug or non-compliance with the dosage. When using suppositories, the active substance is not absorbed from the mucous membrane, and when applying the solution, Hexicon does not penetrate the skin. This indicates the safety of the drug for the unborn child and the mother's body.

Side effects are manifested when using any form of the drug with soap and cosmetics. Hexicon causes a local irritating effect, allergic reactions, dry skin, allergic rash, itching. Treatment of adverse reactions is symptomatic, in especially severe cases it is required to stop taking the medicine.

Allocations after hexicon during pregnancy

Allocations after hexicon during pregnancy are a side effect of the drug or may indicate that the drug was prescribed to a woman with contraindications. Another reason for discharge after Hexicon is non-compliance with the conditions for using the drug, violation of the recommended dosage and duration of treatment.

Many women who were prescribed Hexicon in the form of vaginal suppositories due to an increased level of leukocytes noted that after the drug they began to have pinkish and then brown discharge. In this case, such discharge after hexicon during pregnancy is considered normal. But spotting after medication may indicate placental abruption or bacterial vaginosis, which is very dangerous and can lead to miscarriage. Sometimes, it causes thrush, that is, white curdled discharge. In any case, at the first appearance of discharge after the drug, it is necessary to temporarily stop taking the drug and consult a gynecologist.

Dosage and administration

The method of administration and dose of Hexicon are prescribed by the attending physician and depend on the symptoms of the disease and the presence of contraindications in the patient. There are several recommendations that will improve the effectiveness of the drug and reduce the risk of side effects. When using hexicon with iodine-containing drugs, special consultation with a doctor is required, since such an interaction causes adverse reactions.

The duration of treatment using Hexicon vaginal suppositories should not exceed 14 days. At the same time, it is forbidden to use other vaginal suppositories with candles. The dosage of the drug is individual for each patient. When using hexicon, it is recommended to limit the intake of water procedures, soap and other cosmetics. During the period of treatment with the use of vaginal suppositories, it is necessary to completely exclude sexual intercourse.

Hexicon in early pregnancy

Hexicon is approved for use in early pregnancy, since the safety of the drug is based on the fact that it is not absorbed into the body and does not adversely affect the development of the child. But, the use of the drug should be controlled by a doctor. Since, despite the positive characteristics, it has a number of contraindications. And individual hypersensitivity to the active substance can cause allergic reactions.

The effectiveness of hexicon in early pregnancy also depends on the form of release of the drug. So, many women noted that when using the Hexicon solution, there were no adverse reactions. But the use of vaginal suppositories can cause severe burning and itching, which causes pain, which is very dangerous in early pregnancy.

Hexicon during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

Hexicon during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is prescribed to many women. The drug is absolutely safe, does not affect the development of the child and the mother's body. Hexicon is used to treat diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Hexicon during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is also prescribed for prevention, if sexual infections are suspected, with incomprehensible secretions and with elevated leukocytes (according to the results of tests and smears). The course of treatment with hexicon does not exceed 7-10 days.

Hexicon during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Hexicon during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is used to treat and prevent infections transmitted by. The drug effectively helps with itching of the vulva, inflammatory and infectious lesions.

The drug is used before surgical treatment of gynecological problems, before abortion, during the installation of the spiral and before intrauterine studies. The drug is used to disinfect purulent wounds, burn surfaces, to prevent infection. Hexicon has proven itself in dentistry, the solution is used to treat periodontitis, gingivitis and other diseases.

Hexicon during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

Hexicon during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is prescribed to many women. The drug is used a few days before childbirth as a prophylaxis. The drug is used to disinfect and clean the birth canal and vagina. Hexicon eliminates the risk of infection of the baby with any infection during childbirth.

Hexicon is the optimal drug for the treatment of bacterial infections, infectious, fungal and inflammatory lesions of a woman during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman is prescribed vaginal suppositories, then the woman is not necessarily in a horizontal position, since the drug begins to act effectively after administration. Despite the fact that Hexicon is allowed during pregnancy and is safe, it is necessary to use the medicine only as directed by a doctor.

Storage conditions for hexicon during pregnancy depend on the form of release of the drug and must comply with the rules and recommendations that are described in the instructions for the drug. The solution and vaginal suppositories must be stored in a cool dry place, which is protected from sunlight and out of the reach of children. The storage temperature must not exceed 25 °C.

Due to non-compliance with storage conditions, the drug loses its medicinal properties. If the storage temperature is not observed, Hexicon changes its physical and chemical properties. The solution may acquire a different color, cotton formations appear in it. Vaginal suppositories, if stored improperly, acquire an unpleasant odor and change color.

  • Vaginal suppositories, 16 mg №10 - from 100 UAH.
  • Solution for external use, 0.05%, 100 ml - from 50 UAH.
  • The price of hexicon during pregnancy depends on the manufacturer of the drug and the pricing policy of the pharmacy. Before buying a medicine, monitor its cost in several pharmacies.

    Thrush is the most common gynecological disease among girls and women. Her treatment deserves attention, it should be comprehensive, complete, timely. The goal is to avoid recurrence of the disease (recurrence).

    The main group of drugs used in the treatment of genital candidiasis (thrush) are antifungal drugs, they are prescribed only by a gynecologist. Additional groups are different and have several goals. Consider one of the popular drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases - Hexicon.


    Treating this disease is important for any girl. If you experience symptoms, you should consult a doctor:

    • Firstly, without treatment, this disease can become chronic and subsequently it will be very difficult to get rid of it.
    • Secondly, the infection can be transmitted to the sexual partner, and in this case, he will also be disturbed by its unpleasant symptoms.
    • Thirdly, the symptoms of thrush bring severe discomfort in life, worsen self-confidence.
    • Fourth, if thrush develops during pregnancy, it can harm the unborn baby.

    Treatment should be comprehensive and include the following drugs:

    • First-line drugs are antifungal agents. They can be in the form of tablets as well as suppositories and vaginal tablets. In tablet form, the following are more commonly used: fluconazole (Diflucan, Flucostat, Mycosyst), clotrimazole, natamycin, nystatin. In the form of suppositories, which, as a rule, contain a combination of antifungal drugs: Polygynax. Pimafutsin, Terzhinan, Klion D, butoconazole (Gynofort cream).
    • Antioxidants are used in the form of vaginal suppositories: vitamin C (Vaginorm C).
    • Antiseptic drugs that help fight infection (Hexicon in the form of suppositories, Miramistin in the form of a spray, Chlorhexidine in the form of an irrigation solution).
    • Personal hygiene products. It is necessary to use a special soap based on lactic acid (Lactacid, Vagilak, Vagisil, Lactagel) and intimate sprays with antiseptic components (Epigen Intim, Panavir Intim).


    One of the popular drugs prescribed as an additional therapy for thrush is Hexicon. It belongs to the group of antiseptic and disinfectant preparations, it is available in the form of suppositories and tablets for vaginal administration, as well as in the form of a solution for external use. It contains chlorhexidine bigluconate.

    The most convenient for use is the form of release of the drug in the form of suppositories, since in this case the administration of the drug is fast, accurate and reaches the destination with a full dose. Each suppository by weight is 16 mg or 8 mg, includes chlorhexidine bigluconate and additional components: polyethylene oxide 500 and polyethylene oxide 1400.


    Chlorhexidine has a disinfectant effect, is effective against fungi, gram-positive (staphylococci, streptococci) and gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli) microorganisms, as well as protozoa.

    Hexicon with thrush acts mainly not directly on the fungus, but on the accompanying flora involved in the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of the disease. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, Hexicon is well fixed and acts for a long time.

    Thanks to chlorhexidine, Hexicon kills the pathological flora, reduces swelling, itching, burning, redness in the genital area, and reduces pain.


    This drug is used for most infections of the pelvic organs, most often with thrush. Instructions for use of the drug includes the following indications:

    • Trichomonas infection.
    • Chlamydial infection.
    • Syphilis and gonorrhea.
    • gonococcal diseases.
    • It is used in the treatment of vaginitis, colpitis (inflammation of the cervix), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), caused by both Candida fungi and other flora. Including during pregnancy.
    • Cervical erosion.
    • The protective effect of the drug is used in preparation for surgical interventions.
    • Protection against infections during unprotected sex.


    There are some restrictions on the use of Hexicon. According to the instructions, the contraindications are as follows:

    • Intolerance to chlorhexidine, allergic reactions to it.
    • The presence of bleeding or wound surfaces in the pelvic area.
    • Infections, accompanied by a rise in temperature above 38 degrees (the destruction of the drug increases).
    • Use in conjunction with intimate hygiene products containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
    • Monotherapy (only Hexicon) in the treatment of inflammation, including thrush.

    Side effects

    There were few complications during treatment. The main ones are allergic reactions in the form of a rash.

    Also, the appearance of a slight itching in the genital area, a violation of the natural microflora of the vagina. No specific side effects have been identified when used during pregnancy.


    Before the appointment, a number of medical examinations and diagnostic measures are carried out. Initially, a course of primary therapy is prescribed for thrush, then additional. Candles Hexicon are prescribed by the attending physician.

    Before the introduction of the candle, the woman takes a horizontal position. Assign according to the scheme: one suppository in the vagina, preferably at bedtime, a course for seven to ten days.

    Hexicon during pregnancy

    Due to its safety, the drug is safely prescribed by doctors in the treatment of thrush during pregnancy, as well as in the treatment of other inflammatory diseases. During pregnancy, patients must undergo therapy for genital candidiasis, since any infection of the genital tract can adversely affect the unborn baby.

    Hexicon contains chlorhexidine in its composition, which has an antiseptic effect and has few side effects, therefore it is safe during pregnancy and helps in the treatment of diseases.

    Also, pregnant women are prescribed chlorhexidine in the last weeks before childbirth in order to achieve conditional sterility of the birth canal.

    Thus, the drug Hexicon in the form of suppositories is common in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Actively prescribed by doctors for thrush. But it must be remembered that it should be used only in combination with the main antifungal drugs, in combination with intimate hygiene products and after the appointment of the attending physician.

    Hexicon is a safe drug that is prescribed for identified infections. During pregnancy, conditionally pathogenic microflora in conditions of weakened immunity begins to actively multiply, provoking inflammatory processes, both new ones and those that were not treated before conception. Hexicon is included in the list of drugs that are allowed to be used at any stage of pregnancy.

    During pregnancy, women very often suffer from sudden onset of infectious diseases. Treatment is complicated by the search for safe drugs. One of the remedies that can be used during pregnancy is Hexicon.

    Hexicon is an antiseptic, the active substance of which is chlorhexidine. The tool is effective against the predominant majority of pathogenic microflora. The main feature of the drug is that it is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect the fetus.


    What is the advantage of Hexicon over antibiotics
    The antibiotic eliminates the cause of the disease - it kills the bacteria. An antiseptic stops the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the body, preventing the development of the disease. The benefits of Hexicon are as follows:

    • the drug affects only the area of ​​​​application and is not absorbed into the blood;
    • to date, not a single fact of the effect of the drug on the fetus has been recorded;
    • has a wide spectrum of action, the antibiotic is effective against a certain spectrum of bacteria;
    • Chlorhexidine accumulates in the mucous membranes and continues to affect the pathogenic microflora even after the end of the course of therapy;
    • allowed at any stage of pregnancy, unlike antibiotics, the use of which is prohibited in the first trimester, and in the future they are prescribed with great care;
    • does not affect the beneficial microflora of the vagina;
    • the antiseptic has no contraindications except for allergic reactions, antibiotics are contraindicated in pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

    Indications for use

    What infections are Hexicon used for?
    The antiseptic does not cure, but prevents the development of infection and cleans the treatment area with the drug. It is often used in obstetrics and for the treatment of wounds in surgery. Hexicon is effective against the following microbes:

    • causative agent of gonorrhea;
    • gardnella;
    • chlamydia;
    • ureaplasma;
    • bacteroids;
    • gram-negative anaerobic rods.

    If the disease - gonorrhea, chlamydia or ureaplasmosis - at the time of the appointment of Hexicon has already been detected in a pregnant woman, therapy will not contribute to recovery. Treatment with Chlorhexidine stops the reproduction of the infection, however, the bacteria will remain in the woman's body and over time their number will begin to increase, spreading over the entire surface of the mucosa. With gardnellosis (bacterial vaginosis), the mucous membrane of the vagina is affected. The disease can be treated with Hexicon, it is possible to achieve recovery for many years.

    The drug is often prescribed during the period of bearing a baby, therapy is preventive in nature. Indications for the use of Hexicon:

    • gardnelosis therapy;
    • therapy of vulvovaginitis;
    • suturing the uterus;
    • setting the uterine ring (obstetric pessary);
    • the need for sanitation of the vagina during pregnancy;
    • sanitation before childbirth, the procedure helps prevent infection of the fetus;
    • after an unprotected act in order to prevent infection;
    • after childbirth with profuse bleeding.

    Note: to prepare for childbirth, candles are prescribed a few weeks before the date of birth. Reception of vaginal tablets is possible only after consultation with your doctor. With the threat of abortion, therapy with candles and Hexicon tablets is prohibited, as this can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

    Instructions for using candles

    Candles are the most convenient form of the drug for therapy during pregnancy. Suppositories must be administered in the supine position. The procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and at night. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but on average it is ten days, and in special, most severe cases - twenty days.

    Candles are often prescribed before childbirth to disinfect the birth ducts in order to protect the baby from infection. Candles are administered for five days, one per day. For preventive purposes, Hexicon is continued after childbirth.

    Features of application by trimesters

    Throughout the course of therapy, it is necessary to limit the toilet of the genital organs. The drug must not be used in combination with soap and any other surfactants. Otherwise, the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine is completely leveled. Also, you can not use brilliant green and iodine-containing substances with suppositories, otherwise the risk of irritation increases.

    1 trimester
    Most often, Hexicon is prescribed precisely in the first trimester, when the immune system is most suppressed and the risk of infection increases sharply. Today, Chlorhexidine is recognized as the safest and most gentle drug that can be prescribed in the first trimester.

    Note: in the early stages, the gel is the least dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman and does not cause allergic manifestations, like other forms of the drug. In the first trimester, Hexicon is prescribed for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory pathologies.

    2 trimester
    Assign for genital infections and pathologies of an inflammatory nature. Also, with the help of the drug, the vaginal mucosa is treated before gynecological examinations and surgical intervention.

    3rd trimester
    During this period, the drug is prescribed to eliminate the risk of infection of the fetus during labor.

    Note: the instructions indicate that the drug in the form of suppositories is not effective against viruses, fungi and spores, as well as lactobacilli. With regard to fungal microflora, Hexicon's solution is effective, but it is not prescribed during pregnancy due to the presence of auxiliary components in the composition.

    Release forms

    Hexicon is produced in several forms:

    • candles;
    • vaginal tablets;
    • gel;
    • solution.

    Candles are represented by two types - Hexicon and Hexicon D. The letter "D" means a lower dosage of the active substance in one suppository, the remedy is prescribed for pregnant women who have minor symptoms of the disease.

    Vaginal tablets are used for infection of the vaginal mucosa. The tablet must first be wetted with water and then injected into the body. The daily dosage is one or two tablets. The duration of treatment is from a week to ten days.

    Hexicon gel is prescribed for infection of the external genital organs. The drug is treated with the labia minora and the vestibule of the vagina. The agent is applied two to three times a day for ten days.

    Hexicon solution is a universal remedy, as it acts against viruses and fungi, but it is rarely prescribed during pregnancy. Douching with a solution can lead to miscarriage. Treatment with a solution of Hexicon is carried out in one case - before the examination by a gynecologist and the doctor himself does it. In some maternity hospitals, the birth canal is treated with an antiseptic solution.

    Overdose and interaction with other drugs

    No facts of overdose with Hexicon have been identified, since chlorhexidine, the main component of the drug, is not absorbed into the blood. Even with a long period of therapy, traces of chlorhexidine are not found in the blood.

    With thrush

    The drug is effective against many infections that spread to the genitals, however, chlorhexidine does not work on yeast-like fungi. Hexicon, like all antiseptics, with the thoughtless use of the drug, a violation of the natural, beneficial microflora is possible, which means that the treatment will provoke the development of thrush.

    However, gynecologists still prescribe the drug Hexicon for thrush, since the presence of the fungus Candida albicans indicates the presence and development of other bacteria. If a mixed bacterial-candidal vaginal infection is detected, Hexicon helps eliminate swelling and inflammation.

    To eliminate the direct source of the disease - yeast-like fungi - drugs such as Fluconazole, Duflocan, are used.

    Note: the scheme of therapy, the complex of drugs, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, dietary nutrition - limit the amount of carbohydrates and diversify the diet with fermented milk products.

    Bloody issues

    Many patients note that while taking Hexicon during pregnancy, discharge of a pink or brownish tint begins. The basis of the suppository is polyethylene oxide - this substance softens the vaginal mucosa and removes pathogenic microorganisms that acquire a pinkish or brownish tint. Such secretions are not dangerous to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, but it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

    A normal reaction to taking Hexicon is a colorless vaginal discharge and pink and brownish discharge. If heavy bleeding begins, you should immediately abandon the drug and notify the gynecologist. Doctors explain the fact of bleeding by individual intolerance to the drug. That is why, before prescribing drug treatment, it is important to make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to its components. After all, it is easier to prevent dangerous consequences than to eliminate them.

    Other causes of discharge:

    • non-observance of instructions for the use of the drug;
    • non-compliance with the schedule of the course of therapy.