Low temperature in a child with bronchial asthma. Is there a temperature in bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is an unpleasant and dangerous chronic disease accompanied by constant inflammatory processes provoked by certain external or internal factors. The role of allergens is played by a variety of reasons: infections caused by bacteria or viruses entering the body, and irritants - chemicals or small particles. Sometimes the development of bronchial asthma can provoke even prolonged stress.

The main symptoms include frequent attacks of suffocation, sometimes independent of activity or time of day, characteristic shortness of breath with difficulty exiting, as well as a straining paroxysmal cough with the inability to get rid of sputum.

Many who have encountered such symptoms for the first time are wondering - is there a temperature with bronchial asthma?

Usually a small temperature accompanies the disease that precedes the development of bronchial asthma - asthmatic bronchitis. The disease most often occurs in overweight children over 3–4 years of age or in a child of any age suffering from diathesis or rickets. It is in this case that a problem may arise with determining the true nature of the disease, since the first signs of emerging bronchial asthma are accompanied by temperature fluctuations and other symptoms of colds. But most often in such a situation, the child is diagnosed with several diseases, the signs of which overlap each other.

Is it possible to confuse bronchial asthma and classic bronchitis?

Although sometimes the diagnosis of the disease can confuse even experienced doctors, in most cases it is the presence of fever that speaks in favor of bronchitis, not asthma.

Can temperature change in bronchial asthma?

Although in most cases such a sign is not a characteristic symptom of the disease, experts do not deny that some patients have temperature changes (most often it is lowered). The features of the ongoing processes are revealed in the osmotic theory, which is very popular among doctors. It takes into account the effect of physical activity on disease-damaged lungs.

With any vigorous activity, a person’s breathing quickens and a large volume of air enters the lungs, which is worse moistened and slowly warms up. This leads to cooling not only of the respiratory tract, but also of the whole organism as a whole - the body, as it were, “colds out” from the inside.

Are there situations in which bronchial asthma is accompanied by fever?

An increase in temperature occurs only if the disease is accompanied by an increase in the activity of bronchopulmonary infection. Such cases are called subtrophilic or long-term observed states.

Most often, subfebrile temperature does not exceed 37-37.5 degrees and occurs against the background of acute respiratory diseases superimposed on asthma.

It is worth noting the difference in the nature of subfebrile condition:

  • infectious - poor tolerance in combination with a positive reaction to antipyretic drugs;
  • non-infectious - an almost imperceptible smooth course with no response to drugs.

Do I need to bring down subfebrile temperature?

Most experts note that there is no need to take medications, provided that the patient is well tolerated by his condition.

Symptoms of what diseases are similar to bronchial asthma?

  1. Acute bronchitis is characterized by a slight increase in temperature in the complete absence of shortness of breath. Most often, bronchitis is preceded by an untreated cold.
  2. Obstructive bronchitis - shortness of breath inherent in asthma, wheezing and heavy exhalation are accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature to 38-39 ° C. The main difference between the disease is the absence of recurring attacks.
  3. Pneumonia - high fever, straining cough and persistent shortness of breath without specific difficulty in exhaling.

2013-03-14 06:20:18

Diana asks:

Hello, please help. IM 33 years old. The last three years have been completely tortured by relapses - herpetic keratitis in both eyes, corneal erosion, while visual acuity itself is not reduced, but muddy scars remain on the cornea itself from the disease. Very painful relapses happen 20 times a year!!! (treatment: "acyclovir" tablets, interferon drops / eyes, "vegamox" drops for eyes, "Virgan" gel for eyes, "Systain-ultra" drops for eyes - at each relapse "Neovir" intramuscularly twice a year, "Cycloferon" intramuscularly for the last time in February of this year.began in 2004 with single relapses once or twice a year.ophthalmologists, ENTs and others cannot understand the reason.To date, relapses have reached the number of three times a month!!!
From chronic diseases - bronchial asthma of a mixed form of moderate severity, under control, does not really bother (which appeared after pneumonia suffered in 2004 outside the hospital), allergic rhinitis (I take allergy tests once a year - nothing was detected, and eosinophils in the blood fluctuate from 3 to 11, regardless of the time of year), migraine, in recent years, acute respiratory viral infections have become more frequent with a constant temperature of 37.5 for a long time. All HIV tests are negative, according to gynecology everything is normal - she gave birth to two children, there are no infections of the urinary-genital system and there never was.
ELISA studies to detect immunoglobulins to viruses are negative (oddly enough). The big request to decipher an immunogram. I will write out those results that are "knocked out of the norm":
result is normal
Lymphocytes (abs.) 2.0 1.7-1.9
T-lymphocytes (E-ROK) (abs.) 1.32 0.80-1.20
T-lymphocytes active 50 24-30
T-lymphocytes active (abs.) 1.04 0.40-0.57
B-lymphocytes (EAC-ROK) 29 12-26
B-lymphocytes (EAC-ROK) (abs.) 0.60 0.20-0.49
HCT 45.4 34.1-45.0
MCV 98.1 79.4-95.0
MONO 0.62 0.24-0.36
ESR - 3
Hemoglobin - 146
Thanks in advance!

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Diana.
Those data which you have provided, on an immunogram do not pull. At least they indicated that you are normal, tk. I don't know for what indicators you did the immunogram. The same story with antibodies to viruses, what kind?
Judging by the described clinic, there are problems with the immune system. You should probably be screened for autoimmune, hematological, and infectious diseases as well.
In addition, going to a good classic homeopath does not hurt either.
Lymphocytosis is observed in a number of bacterial and viral infections, in hyperthyroidism, diseases of the lymphatic system, rheumatic diseases. An increase in B-lymphocytes is observed in acute and chronic infections, lymphocytic leukemia, myeloma, etc.
In any case, you need to understand the internal reception.
Be healthy!

2012-11-02 13:17:58

Maria asks:

Hello! For 2 months, she has had a dry cough, a feeling of a lump somewhere in the trachea, just below the throat. She underwent an examination, did an analysis for IgE - the norm, eosinophils in the blood are normal (2). No changes on chest x-ray. FVD revealed latent bronchospasm. Based on this, the doctor diagnosed me with bronchial asthma. I bought a peak flow meter, I have been taking measurements in the morning and in the evening every day for 8 days now. For my age and weight, the norm is 393, my indicators are usually 450-470. There are no so-called "morning dips" in the peak flow chart. Please tell me, maybe I just did the FVD wrong? Recently, the cough has greatly decreased, but there is a feeling of wheezing in the left lung at the bottom when coughing, with a simple inhalation and exhalation it is gone. I was advised to contact a psychologist, I began to consult with him. There were no asthma attacks. Prolonged rise in temperature 37-37.2. What could it be?

2012-05-05 17:34:00

Svetlana asks:

Good afternoon, Vera Alexandrovna. Please help me. I want to breathe normally, but I can’t (((Sorry, I can write in detail and emotionally, because I no longer have the strength to live like this, and I no longer have doctors who I can consult. Background: I’m 25. In October, I fell ill with pneumonia , was treated in the hospital for a month, then it subsided, then relapsed again. They sown a large growth of pneumococci and staphylococci. They even used Amoxiclav, Tavanic, Ertapenem, Vancomycin but to no avail, at the end they dripped sumamed and it became easier. (As it turned out, already in March I had mycoplasmal pneumonia).Although the pneumonia resolved in November, residual effects in the lungs remained and still remain, even increased in size. symptoms: constant unbearable weakness, temperature 36.9 - 38, no cough, but the feeling of pressure in the lung is strong and recently when walking (although I can hardly walk, shortness of breath appeared), and so the same tingling in the lung, in the place where there was pneumonia, it even hurts to lie on the right side. All these months I have been seen by doctors, I was in the pulmonary department in Kharkov, I had a consultation in Kyiv. In Kyiv, during the next bronchoscopy, I was sown Pseudomonas aeruginosa (no captions were written). But the doctor in Kyiv did not pay attention to this, my blood clinic tests were already normal then (I also didn’t know anything about Pseudomonas at that time, only now I read about it that it is dangerous). When my temperature at home in Kharkov once again rose to 38.5, I went to the infectious diseases department in Kharkov, the doctor prescribed me fromilid (fromilid, because the doctors of the only two pulmo departments in Kharkov do not believe that I can have Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the lung , we are sure that tests were not sterile in Kyiv), after 7 days the blood tests returned to normal and I had no temperature for a month, my lung seemed to hurt less, strength appeared, and I was finally glad that all the torment ended (pressure and bursting truth still remained in the lung). A week and a half ago, my temperature rose again to 37.5. I didn’t go to the doctors anymore, because the pulmonologists in Kharkov decided that they had already cured me. If they are treated, then from anything, but not from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, because they do not believe the tests. Tell me, please, 1) if Pseudomonas aeruginosa is still present in the lung, and blood tests are almost normal (only monocytes are elevated) and a little ESR, is it possible not to treat it with antibiotics, is there a chance that the body will someday overcome it itself? 2) Will there be any complications with the lungs later if she is not cured? 3) An infectious disease specialist in Kharkov said that from his experience, Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the lungs is not cured at all, it develops into a chronic one, what can this chronic infection threaten me with? 4) Can I breathe badly because of it? (bronchial asthma was ruled out, there is cattral endobronchitis of the 1st degree). I'm sorry that I wrote so much, but honestly I don't know what to do anymore? Tell me please. I can’t check for myself whether there is still Pseudomonas aeruginosa there, sputum is not coughed up with any bronchodilators, and no one in Kharkov will do a bronchoscopy for me from the street. Please help, please. (my mail [email protected])

Responsible Strizh Vera Alexandrovna:

Hello! Catarrhal endobronchitis of the 1st degree in the absence of temperature and clinical manifestations of an active bacterial infection cannot be the basis for antibiotic therapy and, moreover, the cause of pressure and bursting in the lung. Exclude diseases of the digestive system, heart and thyroid gland.

2012-02-16 21:34:40

Gregory asks:

Hello! I am 30 years old. My disease appeared 1 year ago. It started with the fact that I began to feel dizzy, severe weakness, feelings of loss of consciousness. When an ambulance was called, an increase in pressure up to 170/120 was established and tachycardia (130 bpm) was then treated in cardiology (having diagnosed IRR). After discharge, the state of health improved slightly. But a week later it all started back (general weakness, dizziness, tachycardia when walking) turned to a therapist - they began to treat SARS, they closed the hospital with hedgehog symptoms (14 days have passed). Two weeks later, he was again on sick leave (again they put ARVI). I myself went to the doctors - a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist and an infectious disease specialist. Passed examinations: tests for hormones, blood (deployed, for potassium, etc.), hormones, REG, EEG, HIV, cardiogram, x-ray, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal cavity, swallowed a probe. everything is normal except - they found me hepatitis B, I also suffer from bronchial asthma and hron. gastroduodenitis - all this was normal at the time of the examination.
With these results, the neuropathologist sent me to the regional hospital, where I was diagnosed with vegetative dysfunction of the mixed type. Upon arrival back to the doctor, he told me that it was not him and sent me to an endocrinologist who, in turn, said the same thing and sent me back (but advised me to drink a note). After that, I went back to the therapist (about 2 weeks later), but I also had other symptoms: pain, tingling in the region of the heart; nausea in the morning; feelings of fear, fear of losing consciousness, etc.; he appointed new examinations of the stomach and another neuropathologist - who sent me to the hospital (saying that she had no time to mess with me), where they instilled me with mildronate, adoptal, caventon, neurovitan, actovegin. After discharge, there were no recommendations and they were discharged with a temperature of 37.4 (which I periodically have) with headache and slight dizziness. Although I felt much better, but alas, 14 days of sick leave. Two weeks later, I went to another neurologist (already through acquaintances), because I started having all the symptoms again (tremor in my hands, feelings of fear, temperature 37.1, weakness, pressure 170/100 (caused an ambulance pricked magnesia), tachycardia etc. She said that these were panic attacks and prescribed myosern 0.5 tablets before going to bed.It became easier, but the temperature rose periodically, indigestion, and fatigue, dizziness.As a rule, this happens in the afternoon after sunset, I feel better I drank for 1.5 months as prescribed, but after stopping after two weeks, everything intensified again, I went to her and again prescribed myosern.After drinking for a month, I suffered a strong emotional shock and my blood pressure increased, and at the slightest excitement, pressure, tachycardia, pre fainting. By coincidence, my mother was in neurology and there I took a consultation.The head of the department advised me to drink afobozol 1-3r and bisoprolol 0.5 in the morning, having diagnosed GB I-II DE with died ny astheno-neurotic syndrome, and sent for a consultation with a cardiologist with a cardiogram. In cardiology, they said that the cardiogram was good and that it was nervous, but they prescribed the same medicine to drink for a month. I drank 1.5 months. and after the cessation, the head began to feel dizzy again, to hurt between the shoulder blades, but less often. I turned to a massage therapist who advised me to first turn to a homeopath. After 2 weeks, the attacks began to become more frequent. I again began to drink myosern. he skill was in the presence of the house. To a homeopathist while did not go cold.
Please tell me what I need to do and for what to be treated?
Thanks in advance.

Responsible Yatsenko Ekaterina Valentinovna:

Dear Gregory, judging by the symptoms you describe, your main doctor should be a neuropathologist. I recommend finding a competent doctor and continuing therapy (this pathology needs long-term methodical treatment).

2012-01-10 18:41:12

Elena asks:

From the end of October 2011, a slight pain in the middle of the chest suddenly appeared, dry cough, weakness, temperature 37-37.2. The therapist prescribed an X-ray of the OGK, issued a referral for a consultation with an allergist. The result of the chest x-ray: infiltrative, focal shadows are not determined, the pulmonary pattern is somewhat enhanced, the roots are taut, the sinuses are b/o, the heart is not enlarged in size. Complete blood count: WBC 7.6; RBC 4.48; HGB 143; HCT 0.418; MCV 93.3; MCH 31.9; MCHC 342; PLT S 318. Treatment was prescribed: ambroxol, ventolin, lorano, travesil, erespal, ascorutin. The allergist issued a referral to the bacteriological laboratory for sowing from the nose and throat, as well as for total IgE. The result of bacterial culture: abundant growth of golden staphyloccus in the throat, no pathogenic bacteria were found from the nose; fungi were not found. The result of a blood test for IgE is 9.77 IU / ml, reference intervals are up to 87.0.
The treatment by the therapist did not give a result, a week after the outpatient treatment, the state of health worsened. In addition to pain in the chest, heaviness appeared, the cough intensified (without sputum), weakness became stronger, an incomprehensible painful spasm appeared (feeling as if a ball was rolling from the middle of the chest and into the throat) - only during the day, the lower part of the ribs hurt and the feeling was that the ribs one size larger, there was no choking, no coughing at night.
On November 18, 2011, she was referred to the regional hospital for a consultation with a pulmonologist, who gave a referral for bronchoscopy, based on the results of which treatment will be prescribed. I refused bronchoscopy due to side effects after it. She underwent spirography using 200mcg of salbutamol. Spirometry without salbutamol: FVC- 3.52, should-3.46; FEV1 - 3.41 should-3.0; PEF L / s- 7.28 should-6.86; FEV 1% -96.9 should-82.5. Conclusion: spirometry is normal. Spirometry 15 minutes after salbutamol inhalation: FVC POST - 3.72 PRE -3.52; FEV1 POST - 3.44 PRE -3.41; PEF L/s CONST – 6.64 PRE- 7.28; FEV 1% FAST - 92.5% PRE - 95.5. Conclusion - the test is negative.
On November 24, 2011, she went to a private clinic for a consultation with a pulmonologist. The pulmonologist gave a referral for fluoroscopy. The result of fluoroscopy: the lungs are without focal and infiltrative opacities, normal airiness, the pulmonary pattern is enhanced, moderately deformed in the basal regions, the roots are lowered in structure, the diaphragm is clear, the sinuses free, heart and aorta normal; conclusion: radical pneumofibrosis. The pulmonologist, based on the conclusion of fluoroscopy, diagnosed an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis aggravated by osteochondrosis. Treatment was prescribed: lazolvan intravenously 10 injections; serrata 10 days; erespal syrup 14 days; rapitus -10 days; bronchomunal - 10 days; breathing exercises; chest massage. Lazolvan was able to pierce only 6 injections, she did not take rapitus due to the lack of pharmacies in the city, she did 10 massage sessions per cell. Feeling a little better.
On December 13, 2011, she went to the hospital of the pulmonology department for treatment. The doctor diagnosed COPD stage 1 exacerbation of LIO. Treatment: intravenous latren (droppers), lazolvan 10 injections, dexamethasone 3 droppers, buffer soda, thiotriazoline, amplipulse per gr.cell 10 days; inhalation with flixotide 7 days. There are no improvements. In the course of treatment, the following tests were made: 12/20/2011 urinalysis: specific gravity 1021, protein was not detected, sugar was not detected, Ep pl unit in p / z; alpha 4-7 in p / sp; phosphates; 12/14/2011 detailed blood test: Ht -0.39; hemoglobin148; erythrocytes 4.4; color index 1.0; mean erythrocyte volume 89; platelets 288; leukocytes 14.3; segmented neutrophils 74; lymphocytes 22; monocytes 4; erythrocyte sedimentation rate 7. Detailed blood test 20.12.2011: Ht 0.47; hemoglobin155; erythrocytes 4.8; color index 0.97; mean erythrocyte volume 88; platelets 331; leukocytes 9.3; neutrophils stab 2, segmented 59; eosinophils 1; lymphocytes 26; monocytes 12; erythrocyte sedimentation rate 5. She underwent ultrasound of the thyroid gland - there are no deviations from the norm.
On December 23, 2011, she was referred for a consultation with an allergist at the regional hospital. The allergist diagnoses her with bronchial asthma, possibly with an allergic bias. Has appointed or nominated to accept symbicort 2 r a day within 3 months.
On December 23, 2011, a tomography of the ph. cell was performed, scanning mode - spiral, contrast enhancement - ultravist 300 - 100 ml IV bolus. Results of tomography: the lungs are completely expanded, uniform pneumatization, without focal and infiltrative changes, the pulmonary pattern is not changed, trachea and bronchi I-V passable, without intraluminal pathology, in the areas of the pulmonary trunk, pulmonary arteries and their branches accessible to inspection, intraluminal contrast defects were not detected, the mediastinum was not expanded, no pathological formations were found in the mediastinum, the lymph nodes of the roots of the lungs and mediastinum were not enlarged, fluid accumulation in the pleural cavities and not found in the pericardial sac, the pleura and pericardium are not thickened; no bone-destructive changes in the thoracic spine, ribs and sternum were found.
Treatment at the pulmonology hospital did not give significant results: the spasm almost disappeared (sometimes it appears but not as painful as before), heaviness in the chest did not go away, the cough did not go away (no sputum), the ribs periodically hurt. I can only sleep on my back if I lie down on on the side or on the stomach, the heaviness intensifies, while the sensation is as if some kind of vessel is being compressed inside.
Help with specification of the diagnosis and treatment. I will be grateful for your help.

Responsible Bondaruk Olga Sergeevna:

Good afternoon. If there are no focal formations according to CT, then asthma is most likely to occur. In addition, it is worth doing FEGDS to exclude hiatal hernia. Cough can be both nervous and allergic.

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News on the topic: temperature in bronchial asthma

In the autumn-winter period, the greatest number of exacerbations of bronchial asthma is recorded: the frequency and depth of attacks become more pronounced and severe. Exacerbations in the cold season are mainly associated with meteorological factors and the prevalence of acute respiratory viral infections.

Typically, the temperature in typical bronchial asthma is kept within normal limits and does not rise much.

In some cases, it may rise due to secondary infection. For example, in bronchitis, the symptoms are severe coughing and pyrexia.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease.

Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory process in the bronchi of an allergic nature, which is caused by exposure to allergens and other irritants.

Asthma symptoms

Patients are often interested in whether there can be a temperature with asthma. Doctors say that it can increase only in exceptional cases, for example, with the development of concomitant diseases.

For an uncomplicated course of the disease, the following symptoms of asthma are characteristic:

  • suffocation;
  • respiratory failure;
  • frequent dry cough or with slight sputum and shortness of breath;
  • difficulty inhaling and exhaling;
  • skin manifestations in the form of psoriasis, urticaria and eczema.

During an asthma attack, subfebrile temperature can sometimes be kept.

If, with this disease, it rises above 38.5 degrees, then it is necessary to contact the clinic in order to exclude pneumonia or other diseases.

Can the temperature change during BA

When faced with an illness for the first time, patients ask the question whether the temperature can rise with asthma, and also how dangerous this condition is.

As a rule, at the initial stage of the development of BA, symptoms similar to those of a cold are noted. Bronchial asthma can develop against the background of bronchitis, one of the symptoms of which is a feverish state.

A typical reaction of the body in asthma is a decrease in temperature, so its increase should alert. If such a phenomenon is observed, then, most likely, a respiratory disease develops against the background of bronchial asthma.

Sometimes body temperature rises during an asthma attack, but it does not exceed 38 degrees. In this case, do not panic. Almost always, hyperthermia disappears after the arrest of the attack. But if patients do not know if adults have a high temperature with asthma, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of hyperthermia in asthma

Often the cause of an asthmatic attack is a cold with complications or SARS. If an exacerbation of asthma is accompanied by a high temperature, it should be clarified which infection provoked it. To do this, you need to go to an appointment with a therapist or pulmonologist.

As a rule, with asthma, the temperature rises only in rare cases, and then only slightly.

Distinguishing obstructive bronchitis from is quite difficult, so you can’t do without the help of an experienced specialist. As a rule, a provocateur of bronchitis is a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Allergic asthma, on the other hand, occurs due to exposure to an allergen, which can be household chemicals, dust, pollen, wool, and some food products.

Infectious-allergic can be on some grounds. The second disease can last up to three weeks, after which it can become chronic. Against the background of chronic bronchitis, asthmatic attacks begin, accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38 degrees. Hyperthermia develops due to the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

The most common causes of hyperthermia in asthma include:

  • development of bronchitis;
  • pathological processes occurring in the pulmonary system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • intoxication of the body with drugs;
  • anemia
  • stress, experience;
  • allergic reaction;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system.

If during the attack there is a sudden development of hyperthermia, which, after normalization of the patient's condition, does not go away on its own, then it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Do I need to lower the temperature

In many cases, experts do not advise to bring down the temperature, provided that it does not rise above 38 degrees. During this period, the work of the immune system is activated, resulting in a speedy recovery.

If the body temperature rises with bronchial asthma, then it is worth identifying what causes hyperthermia and what the consequences may be.

The condition of a person with asthma can be aggravated due to infectious diseases and allergic reactions. It is these provoking factors that can cause an increase in body temperature. If hyperthermia is difficult for a person to tolerate, then it is better to take measures to reduce the temperature.

When the temperature rises, extreme care must be taken when choosing means to reduce it. Some drugs used to treat a fever may cause an attack.

Treatment tactics

If the body temperature during asthma rises above normal values, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to prescribe effective treatment.

Even if an asthmatic has a fever, you should not stop using aerosol inhalers. Drugs used by patients constantly do not always stop the attack, but they can reduce the risk of bronchospasm.

Often, long-acting glucocorticosteroids are used, which are available in the form of an aerosol. In each case, a certain type of drug should be selected only by a specialist. With a prolonged attack, drugs do not always help. In this situation, you need to call an ambulance. The patient is taken to the hospital for relief of the attack.

With a strong increase in temperature in asthma, it is necessary to use antipyretics until the cause of this condition is found and eliminated.

If the cause of hyperthermia lies in the transferred stress, then it will pass by itself after the normalization of the psychological state. There are situations when, against the background of an increase in temperature, stress is aggravated, and this entails an even greater deterioration in well-being.

Hyperthermia in asthma is not dangerous if:

  • there is a slight increase in temperature;
  • it does not last long;
  • relatively well tolerated.

Only severe hyperthermia, which does not go away for a long time and causes a deterioration in well-being, should be eliminated through the use of antipyretic drugs. It is especially important to bring down the high temperature with the development of concomitant ailments that cause. In particular, this applies to SARS.

Sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed by a doctor to prevent the onset of asthma attacks, help to overcome such a symptom.

Known antipyretic drugs may be used but should be used with caution. They are prohibited if . In such a situation, the choice of medicines should be approached responsibly and not take medicines without consulting a doctor.

You can try to bring down the temperature with asthma using traditional medicine methods. Plentiful drinking and the use of herbal infusions are recommended. Despite the great effectiveness of alternative methods of treatment, it must be borne in mind that some herbs can be perceived by the patient's body as an allergen.

If the cause of hyperthermia in asthma is an infection, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. The choice of this or that agent depends on the type of pathogen and its susceptibility to the active substance [M25] of the drug.


With such an ailment as bronchial asthma, a high temperature is extremely rare. Usually, the provoking factor for its increase are complications of the underlying disease or concomitant ailments.

If such a symptom appears with BA, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist is able to identify the cause of hyperthermia, assess the degree of danger and choose an effective treatment.

Fever in asthma is not a serious cause for concern if it goes away on its own. If hyperthermia lasts for a long time or appeared during an asthmatic attack, then the best solution would be to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Bronchial asthma is a disease of the respiratory organs resulting from the low resistance of the patient's body. In the modern sense, asthma is an inflammatory allergic process, accompanied by damage to the bronchial system when the body interacts with allergens. As a result of determining the cause of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma

For uncomplicated asthma, the following symptoms are characteristic:

severe suffocation, which most often occurs after physical exertion; sometimes obstructive bronchitis may appear; sometimes during an asthma attack, the temperature rises to subfebrile numbers; there is shortness of breath, in which exhalation is difficult;

the patient is worried about a strong, incessant cough with minimal sputum production; on the part of the skin, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis are possible.

If the body temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, it is necessary to exclude acute inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system by contacting a medical institution.

Causes of temperature

Bronchial asthma in some cases can be accompanied by both low and high temperatures, the causes of which can be quite diverse. The most common include:

hyperthermia may be present if an asthmatic attack is accompanied by bronchitis; a sharp rise in temperature can be observed when the disease is accompanied by pathological processes of the pulmonary system (congenital malformation, bronchiectasis, etc.); functional failures in the immune system; general intoxication of the body, due to an overdose or improper intake of medicines;

stress overvoltage, anemia; often subfebrile temperatures (38 ° C - 38.5 ° C) are provoked by an acute allergic reaction and disruption of the endocrine organs. In addition, cases of bronchial asthma with subfebrile temperature, which occurs due to a chronic process caused by a non-infectious form of respiratory infections, have recently become more frequent.

In the event that attacks of bronchial asthma are accompanied by sudden changes in body temperature, that is, it is very unstable, an immediate appeal to the attending physician is required. A qualified specialist is obliged to identify the cause of this condition by prescribing a series of diagnostic examinations for this. If such an increase (or decrease) is noted once and does not cause severe complications, one should wait for some time, observing the patient's reaction, and subsequently identify the etiology of hyperthermia.

The course of the disease

In a classic attack, asthma comes on suddenly. In this case, rapid breathing, difficult exhalation is observed. A person is forced to take the most gentle posture and perform superficial respiratory efforts. Difficult exhalation leads to the accumulation of air in the chest area, due to which it swells, and if you put both hands on your chest, you can feel a tremor when you exhale.

An asthma attack can last from 5 minutes to several hours. Sometimes it ends on its own. However, it is recommended not to wait for complications and take an aerosol bronchodilator, as choking causes severe discomfort and ineffective treatment can increase bronchospasm. In especially severe cases, there is a high risk of severe complications, in which it is necessary to carry out intensive therapy.

The periods between attacks also differ. In some patients, it is almost asymptomatic, while others develop serious changes in respiratory function at this time.

Forms of bronchial asthma

In many patients, asthma occurs without pronounced attacks, and when exacerbated, they develop obstructive bronchitis, which is classified as an asthmatic form of bronchial asthma. Some patients, especially children, have a predisposition to a persistent nocturnal cough without characteristic dyspnea. This form of the disease is called asymptomatic, but over time it can take a typical form.

The development of bronchial asthma in response to physical activity is classified as exercise-induced asthma. With this form of the disease, bronchial hyperreactivity is observed, which is stimulated by the muscular system.

It must be borne in mind that an asthmatic attack can cause emotional and psychological stress. Therefore, if there is a predisposition to asthmatic manifestations, stressful situations and nervous strain should be avoided.

Stages of development of asthma

At the first stage of development, pain occurs in the chest area. Sometimes it can spread to the abdomen, muscle area in the shoulder area. Cough and shortness of breath with a minimal presence of sputum become noticeable. In addition, the patient becomes hyperexcitable. The second stage is characterized by a more severe condition of the patient. His skin color may change to pale gray, breathing quickens (it becomes superficial). In addition, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate. The patient becomes lethargic.

In the third stage of bronchial asthma, the color of the skin becomes cyanotic, blood pressure may drop to critical levels, the patient begins to suffocate, and a convulsive syndrome may occur. If this condition is not treated promptly, irreversible consequences may occur.

It is important to consider that signs of an inflammatory process in the bronchi are observed in almost all patients, not only during an attack. They can be detected when the attack is in the attenuation stage. This symptomatology requires mandatory treatment. To do this, there are a number of special drugs, the treatment of which is aimed at combating the main causes of the development of bronchial asthma.

Treatment tactics

In case of a disease with a high temperature, it is important to undergo a diagnostic examination, after which the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment. It can be quite long. If the attack is prolonged and cannot be stopped with medication, it is recommended to contact a medical institution for treatment in a hospital.

During an attack of bronchial asthma, aerosol preparations are most often prescribed (Berodual, Atrovent, Salbutamol, Berotek, etc.). Inhalers are the most convenient to use, in addition, they are quite easy to store and can be carried with you.

It is important to consider that treatment with drugs that are used on an ongoing basis is sometimes not able to relieve an attack that has begun, but they can effectively reduce the predisposition of the bronchi to develop spasms. Such drugs must be taken for a long time, without interrupting treatment. The most commonly used are long-acting glucocorticosteroids, which can also be in the form of an aerosol. These include Fluticasone Propionate, Beclamethasone, Flixotide, Budesonide, etc.

It should be noted that only patience and careful implementation of all medical recommendations and taking only those drugs prescribed by the doctor can most effectively neutralize the symptoms of the disease for a long period of time.

Take an Asthma Control Test - More ⇒

Not many people know that bronchitis is a dangerous disease that can become chronic or asthma. About how to cure bronchitis, including chronic, we will talk with a pulmonologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Ekaterina Viktorovna Tolbuzina - my advice will help you.

Bronchial asthma is a respiratory disease that occurs in the absence of resistance from the immune system. Modern medicine interprets asthma as an allergic inflammatory
process accompanied by violations of the bronchial system. An increase in body temperature is not a typical manifestation of bronchial asthma..

Why does the temperature appear?

Most likely, the attack is caused by a cold. Often, the disease occurs due to SARS, so when the temperature rises, you need to find out which infection caused the attack. An experienced pulmonologist will help in this matter.

Bronchial asthma without complications is mainly characterized by shortness of breath with difficult exhalation, persistent strong cough without sputum, slight fever and skin manifestations (urticaria, psoriasis).

Only an experienced doctor can distinguish obstructive bronchitis from bronchial asthma. The causes of the first are various infections of viral, bacterial or fungal origin. In some cases, a bacterial infection joins the viral infection. Whereas bronchial asthma is a reaction to various allergens (animal dander, dust, household chemicals, plant pollen and food products).

The connection between infectious-allergic asthma and bronchitis is very clearly traced: bronchitis lasts up to 21 days, becomes chronic, and then asthma attacks occur, which are accompanied by subfebrile temperature (up to 38.0 ° C). This is due to inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Often, patients with a similar disease suffer from food or skin allergies.

Factors of the onset of the disease

There are a number of factors that reduce immunity, resulting in asthma attacks. These factors include:

Malnutrition and lack of sleep. Chronic fatigue. Constant emotional stress. Hormonal changes. Prolonged course of other diseases.

In infectious-allergic asthma, in addition to the basic manifestations, attacks may have their own characteristics:

when coughing, a lot of viscous and mucous sputum is separated, sometimes pus is present; spasm of the respiratory tract is possible, provoking suffocation; the duration of attacks can reach several days; wheezing with difficult exhalation; frequent and shallow breathing.

As mentioned earlier, seizures can occur with changes in body temperature. It is observed both increased and decreased. The reasons for its occurrence are also varied. The most common include malfunctions of the immune system, drug overdose, stress, as well as disruption of the endocrine system.

IMPORTANT! If attacks of bronchial asthma are characterized by constant temperature changes, then you need to urgently contact a medical facility. Qualified doctors should prescribe a series of tests to identify the causes of such fluctuations.

Exacerbation of infectious-allergic asthma is observed in winter, spring and autumn at low atmospheric temperatures. This disease should not be ignored and must be treated for several reasons:

Without the use of drugs, the patient's condition will not improve. Various complications are possible, and without proper treatment, pulmonary emphysema is possible after 3 years. There is a chance of getting concomitant ailments.

It is also worth noting that in women with a similar ailment, seizures in a more severe form pass monthly. This is due to menstruation and PMS, when the emotional load increases. Therefore, asthma can be considered a psychosomatic disease and it is better to resort to the advice of a specialist in this field.

Types and stages of development of asthma

In addition to the typical type of asthma described above, there are others in medicine. So not pronounced asthma develops into obstructive bronchitis during exacerbations and belongs to the asthmatic type. Some people suffer from a persistent nocturnal cough that does not cause shortness of breath - this is an asymptomatic form of asthma that can develop into a typical one.

If bronchial asthma has developed due to constant physical exertion, then this is asthma of physical exertion. It is characterized by shortness of breath and fatigue during exercise, wheezing and coughing, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Asthma develops in all patients according to the same scheme, which can be divided into 3 stages.

♦ The first stage is characterized by pain in the chest, which spreads to the abdomen and shoulder muscles. There is a cough with shortness of breath, but there is very little sputum. The general condition of the patient can be described as hyperexcited.

♦ In the second stage, the patient's condition worsens: breathing becomes frequent and shallow, and the skin may become pale gray. Often there is a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, which leads to lethargy of the patient. Rarely - body temperature rises to 38 °.

♦ At the third stage, the skin becomes cyanotic, and blood pressure is close to critical norms. The patient may suffocate, often there are convulsions. If proper treatment does not occur at this stage, then unpredictable consequences are possible.

IMPORTANT! Symptoms of the inflammatory process in the bronchi appear not only during an attack, but also during attenuation. This symptomatology is subject to treatment with special drugs aimed at eliminating the main causes of the development of the disease.

Principles of treatment

Due to the complexity of the disease and the large number of components, treatment is carried out for several directions at once:

Medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms. Their task is to expand the bronchi and eliminate allergies. These include hormonal inhalers, antihistamines, or antispasmodics. The pulmonologist individually for each patient must select medications. Often prescribed inhalation drug "Fliktosid", syrup "Ascoril" and "Miteka" or "Ketotifen" in tablets. Sometimes, in addition to them, special massages and salt caves are prescribed. Medicines are used that relieve the inflammatory process. But initially the type of infection-causative agent is determined. Doctors prescribe antibiotics, both in the form of tablets and in the form of inhaled solutions, and only in extreme cases resort to injections. Basically, Cefazolin is used for 7 days. If the patient's condition worsens, then hospitalization is performed. Attention is paid to the removal of sputum and the purification of the respiratory tract. For this, mucolytic and bronchodilator drugs are used. They try to increase immunity. Doctors resort to physical therapy, exercise therapy, or massage because immunomodulatory drugs can only increase the allergic reaction.

IMPORTANT! If the disease proceeds with a high temperature, then it is important to undergo a series of examinations, and only then the doctor should prescribe a course of treatment. In case of a protracted attack, when drugs cannot eliminate it, inpatient treatment is recommended.

Treatment of infectious-allergic asthma is a long and continuous process in which patience and impeccable fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions play an important role. In addition, it is worth remembering that for a successful recovery, you must definitely take medication, because this ailment cannot be cured with folk remedies.

√ Good to know ⇒ Bronchiectasis

Our readers recommend-interview with a doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Ekaterina Viktorovna Tolbuzina. We will talk about how you can cure bronchitis, including chronic, which can turn into bronchial asthma and other broncho-pulmonary diseases. Her advice will help you.

Any disease has certain symptoms that can be used to suggest what is happening in the body. Bronchial asthma is also characterized by specific symptoms, among which are:

shortness of breath cough; labored breathing; feeling of tightness in the chest; palpitations, etc.

These signs are also characteristic of other diseases of the respiratory tract, and for colds. It is difficult to determine the exact diagnosis by them; examination is required. However, one difference is often inherent in bronchial asthma - it does not tend to have an increase in temperature.

Why is fever possible in asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that cannot be fully cured. In other words, it lasts for years, and all this time the symptoms periodically remind of themselves.

However, the presence of asthma does not exclude the development of other diseases in the patient, for example, of an infectious origin. In this case, signs of a concomitant disease, including high fever, join the symptoms of bronchial asthma.

Can the temperature rise only during exacerbations of asthma (when there are no viral diseases)? This happens very rarely. Usually during attacks there is a decrease in temperature, which occurs due to more active breathing, which has a cooling effect.

But there may be situations in which the temperature increases. It:

allergic reaction; drug overdose; pathological processes in the organs of the respiratory system; disorders in the immune system; endocrine disorders; stress.

All these circumstances are not part of the manifestations of bronchial asthma - these are either factors that provoke it, or its complications. Therefore, we can say that the cause of hyperthermia is not asthma.

In other words, the symptom in question is not peculiar to asthma. If it manifests itself, this indicates the presence of other types of deviations in the body. An exception may be the case when an aggressive asthma attack occurred unexpectedly, which frightened the patient and caused just such a reaction in his body (but this is already associated with the individual characteristics of the response).

This means that if an elevated temperature is detected in asthma, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of this phenomenon. This is especially true for children, since the children's body is too sensitive to external influences.

But even more dangerous is the situation when the body temperature changes dramatically. This must be paid attention to, since bronchial asthma is already a complex disease, and in the presence of complications and additional diseases, the danger increases.

Feedback from our reader - Olga Neznamova

Do you need to hit?

In most cases, doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature, which is below 38 degrees. If it is present, the body's defenses are activated, which contributes to a speedy recovery. However, in the case of bronchial asthma, everything is ambiguous. It all depends on what causes this phenomenon and how it can affect the patient's condition.

Infectious diseases and allergic reactions that cause fever can aggravate asthma, so you should find out how best to deal with them. If they are accompanied by severe hyperthermia, which is poorly tolerated by the patient, this symptom should be eliminated.

If such a reaction occurs due to the drug, you need to be careful, since taking additional drugs can cause deterioration. Therefore, when the temperature is high, you need to consult a doctor.

If the cause is a stressful situation, then the temperature should decrease by itself as soon as negative experiences are eliminated. But it also happens that due to hyperthermia, unwanted emotions become even brighter and stronger, which causes a further increase in body temperature. In this case, it makes sense to turn to medicines.

At a temperature that has arisen due to pathological processes in the respiratory system, the doctor should decide whether to knock it down or not. If the pathology of the respiratory organs is detected only after the onset of this symptom, it is necessary to conduct an examination and choose a treatment. In this case, any ill-conceived actions can do harm.

In general, hyperthermia during asthma if it:

insignificant; does not last long; well tolerated by the patient, does not require adjustment with the help of drugs.

Only serious increases that do not go away for a long time and seriously worsen the patient's condition need such an impact. Although it is not necessary to bring down the temperature in asthma, in some cases it must be done. This is especially important in the presence of diseases that can complicate the course of asthma (for example, SARS).

They need to be eliminated as soon as possible. Therefore, the patient must know how to deal with this problem. To do this, you should consult with your doctor, what should be done the first time hyperthermia is detected. The fact is that antipyretics for adults and children with asthma should be selected by a specialist, depending on the causes of this phenomenon.

In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed to prevent asthma exacerbations (Nedocromil sodium, Dexamethasone) successfully cope with this symptom. With their help, hyperthermia is quickly eliminated.

It is acceptable to use conventional antipyretics (Paracetamol, Nurofen). However, they should be avoided in aspirin-type asthma. In this situation, you need to be very careful with medicines and not use them unnecessarily.

It is better to bring down the temperature with the help of folk remedies (plentiful drink, herbal infusions). But in relation to them, you need to be careful not to use a component that is an allergen.

Antibiotics are also suitable for this purpose, especially if the problem is due to an infection (Ceftriaxone).

In other words, a specialist should choose a medicine to eliminate a symptom such as fever, since there are too many circumstances to consider. This is especially important for children, because the child can get rid of asthma as they grow up, and it is important to avoid possible complications.

Hyperthermia in bronchial asthma is considered a rare phenomenon, which usually manifests itself in the presence of complications. Therefore, this symptom is a reason to consult a doctor who will identify its causes, establish the degree of danger and choose a way to overcome it.

It is important to remember that minor changes in temperature, which are rare and pass quickly, are not a cause for alarm even with such a serious illness. However, if hyperthermia persists for a long period of time or occurs at the time of an acute asthmatic attack, it is better to be examined.

Do you still find it hard to be healthy?

chronic fatigue (you get tired quickly no matter what you do)… frequent headaches… dark circles, bags under the eyes… sneezing, rash, watery eyes, runny nose… wheezing in the lungs…. exacerbation of chronic diseases ...

Bondarenko Tatiana

Project expert OPnevmonii.ru

A chronic disease that often occurs as an allergic reaction to a number of pathogens is called bronchial asthma. The patient is constantly tormented by suffocating attacks, which he describes as "I can not exhale", a hysterical cough and shortness of breath even at rest. Temperature in bronchial asthma is not a specific symptom. Often, the thermometer indicators increase when pathogens affect a weakened body.

Causes of temperature rise

Now doctors consider the disease as an allergic reaction of the body to pathogens. Such a response is accompanied by violations of the bronchial system and develops due to the inaction of a weakened human immune system. At the same time, a high temperature is rather a sign of a concomitant disease (for example, SARS, influenza, etc.), which causes inflammation and provokes fluctuations in the thermometer. Men, women and even children suffer from this disease. Bronchial asthma develops as a result of pathologies of the bronchi or upper respiratory tract, when the inflammatory process is not treated for a long time, or the therapy is not chosen correctly.

The disease is accompanied by attacks that can occur at any time, so the patient should always be ready and have medicines with him to cope with the symptoms and manifestations of the disease. Otherwise, choking during an asthma attack can be fatal.

Many patients, when faced with manifestations of bronchial asthma for the first time, are wondering if the body temperature can rise with this disease and what it threatens. At the initial stage, the disease can indeed resemble the symptoms of a cold with fever. The development of asthma is usually a consequence of asthmatic bronchitis, among the symptoms of which there is such a change in the body as a feverish state.

Doctors note that with a disease such as bronchial asthma, a decrease in body temperature is often noted. If the temperature gets higher, it is most likely due to a respiratory disease superimposed on asthma. When an attack begins, the thermometer readings may rise slightly, within 38 C. Do not panic, for many attacks are accompanied by just such a body temperature, but then it returns to normal on its own.

If elevated degrees on the thermometer persist for a couple of days, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

Other factors

Other reasons that provoke temperature changes can be:

  • Anemia.
  • Nervous tension, stressful conditions.
  • Uncontrolled intake of drugs.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Pathology of the lungs and bronchi.
  • Violations of the endocrine system.

Exacerbation of asthma occurs, as a rule, in autumn, winter and spring, when the climate changes. At this time, asthmatics should be extremely attentive to their health, as the risk of developing the disease is high.

In women suffering from a disease such as asthma, a complication in the form of temperature changes occurs every month, in connection with the menstrual cycle. This happens due to the increase in emotional stress these days and changes in the hormonal background.

It is not uncommon for asthmatics to have complications when vapors from household laundry detergent, furniture polish, dishwashing liquid, and even soap get into their lungs. Getting into an unfamiliar place, the patient must prepare for the fact that there are pathogens that can lead to the development of an allergic reaction and an attack of bronchial asthma. It is always necessary to have antispasmodics and antihistamines with you, which relieve an attack.

Treatment of the disease

To choose the right treatment regimen, you need to contact a qualified specialist who will conduct a series of studies. The doctor will determine the causes of a symptom such as fever in asthma and prescribe symptomatic treatment for the underlying cause.

Since asthma is a complex disease, therapy is designed to help in several ways at once:

  1. To overcome the primary manifestations of the disease will help hormonal drugs as inhalations, antiallergic drugs and antispasmodics. The main goal of this area of ​​therapy is the expansion of the bronchi and the release of a person from the manifestations of allergies. This will alleviate the patient's condition during an attack.
  2. The temperature in asthma occurs due to the inflammatory process. Therefore, having determined the infection that has become the causative agent of inflammation, the doctor prescribes drugs that can effectively cope with inflammation. Preliminary studies should show the sensitivity of pathogens to various groups of drugs. As a rule, these are antibiotics in tablets. If after this the patient's condition does not improve, he has to be hospitalized and resorted to injections of the strongest broad-spectrum antibiotics.

  3. An important task of the doctor is to cleanse the patient's lungs and remove sputum in order to avoid re-inflammation and recurrent attacks. For this, mucolytic and bronchodilator drugs are used.
  4. To avoid relapse, it is necessary to increase the protective forces of the patient's immunity. For this purpose, various massages, physiotherapy, exercise therapy are used. The patient is advised to rest, change the environment or even the climate by going on a trip.

If the patient is tormented by a high temperature, you need to undergo a thorough examination that can identify pathogens that provoke changes in body temperature. After that, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. If the patient's condition only worsens, hospitalization will be required.