The parrot scolds green what to do. The parrot has loose stools - what to do? Treatment and prevention

Almost all of us have pets that are full members of the family. We care for our pets with special trembling and care, we carefully monitor their health. But, sometimes, animals still get sick, and their treatment takes a lot of time and effort. Budgerigars live in many houses; these cute and funny birds cheer up the owners with their cheerful chirping from the very morning. These pets have a high resistance to various diseases, but still budgerigars can get sick. So, for example, the treatment of diarrhea in budgerigars requires the owners to carefully and carefully care for the birds.

Attentive owners will immediately notice the first symptoms of one or another. How to understand that a budgerigar is sick? Very simple. A sick bird becomes inactive, loses activity, stops chirping, refuses to feed, sits at the bottom of the cage and does not react to anything. Bird feathers can also become a sign of the disease; in a sick individual, they are disheveled, become dull and brittle. A sick bird may have difficulty breathing and make plaintive sounds.

One of the most common diseases of parrots

A disease such as diarrhea in a budgerigar often becomes the main cause of his death.

Causes of diarrhea in a budgerigar

When owners notice an uncharacteristic discharge of liquid intestinal contents, they wonder why the budgerigar has diarrhea? There can be several reasons for this disease:

  1. Infectious disease, i.e. the parrot became infected from an already sick individual;
  2. goiter inflammation; goiter is a sac-like expansion of the esophagus, which is located to the right of the sternum;
  3. Disease of the internal organs; it can be a disease of the intestines, kidneys, liver;
  4. Poisoning; many parrots fly around the apartment and try to taste everything that they catch their eye, because of this, poisoning can occur;
  5. Stress; if the pet lives in a cage not alone, then the struggle with other individuals for food, water or a female can lead the pet to stress;
  6. Poor quality food and water;
  7. Too much green food

Attentive owners carefully monitor their pets every day. Such a sign as vomiting, especially in females, cannot be called a cause for concern. Sometimes the female thus expresses her readiness for communication with the male for breeding. Regularly it is worth inspecting birds, a smooth and clean surface of the beak indicates that the bird is healthy. But if cracks appear on the horny surface, you should contact your veterinarian. As a rule, healthy individuals rest sitting on one leg, if you notice a pet in a position on two legs, lethargic and bleak, you should think about his health.

How to help your pet cope with illness

Not a single budgerigar lives in many houses, but a whole company, what if one of the budgerigars vilifies? First of all, it must be isolated from communication with other individuals in order to avoid infection. In a cage with a sick parrot, it is worth installing an infrared lamp that will work day and night, cover the bottom of the cage with white paper to make it easier to monitor secretions, install two perches in the cage so that the parrot chooses where it is more convenient for him to settle down.

What to feed a sick parrot

If it happens that the budgerigar is vilifying, you should change his diet. You can feed and water a sick bird with the following products:

3) decoction of chamomile;

5) rice water

Fruits, vegetables, greens should be excluded from the bird's diet.

Sometimes diarrhea can be accompanied by other signs of illness. If you notice that your pet has diarrhea accompanied by signs such as:

  • vomit;
  • indifference to everything around;
  • ruffled feathers;
  • refusal to eat

This suggests that the pet develops a pathology, and if measures are not taken, it may die. If diarrhea and the above mentioned symptoms last more than one day, the parrot should immediately be shown to the veterinarian, who, after a thorough examination, will prescribe treatment. As a rule, budgerigars take two to three days to recover, after which it is necessary to wash the pet under warm water and thoroughly disinfect the cage.

To avoid diarrhea and other illnesses in budgerigars, it is important to remember about hygiene: wash the cage and bowl for food and water regularly; you need to carefully monitor the diet: it should be varied and rich in vitamins and minerals, especially parrots need vitamins in winter; if you release a parrot to fly around the apartment, be careful that he does not peck at something, especially houseplants, which may contain toxic substances.

Care, love and simple rules of care are the key to strong friendship between a person and a pet!

Like any other pet, a parrot can get sick. Diarrhea is one of the most common diseases, the bird refuses to eat, more and more often sits at the bottom of the cage, fluffed up, does not sing or speak, and is rapidly losing weight. The color of the bird's feces changes, the cloaca becomes inflamed.

There are many reasons for diarrhea in parrots: a change in diet or habitat, stress, viral and bacterial diseases, poisoning, and much more.

How to start treating diarrhea in a parrot?

First of all, move the cage to a more calm and quiet place, but away from drafts. The habitat of the bird must be thoroughly washed and disinfected, and the remnants of old food removed - perhaps it was the food that caused diarrhea. Completely replace the filler, rinse the drinkers and feeders with hot water. Contaminated feathers near the parrot's cloaca need to be washed.

If you start introducing new vegetables or fruits into the bird's diet and diarrhea begins, it is better to abandon this idea for a while, and then give food little by little, observing which of them the bird does not tolerate well. If there is no blood in the feces, you can warm the cage with an infrared lamp (it must be turned on at least 3-4 hours a day) - you will not only warm the bird if it is shivering, but also get rid of pathogens.

Treatment and diet for diarrhea in a parrot

Often the bird is given vitamin complexes and immunomodulators, including Gamavit. It is added to a drinking bowl or buried in a beak, it would also be good to give preparations with dry bacteria, for example, Vetom, diluting it with clean water. To prevent dehydration, there should always be fresh water in the drinker, you can also give decoctions: rice, rosehip, chamomile, St. John's wort, weak black tea. Make sure that feces do not get into the drinker and feeder, regularly change the contents of contaminated bowls.

Fruits, herbs, seeds are removed from the diet. While it is better to give your pet porridge - boiled rice without salt and fat. A quarter of an activated charcoal tablet is often given as a sorbent: it can be dissolved in a drinking bowl, or it can be poured directly into a bird's beak from a syringe without a needle.

If the bird has become lethargic, loses its appetite, begins an off-season molt, and diarrhea does not go away for several days, it is better to show it to the veterinarian. Diarrhea may well be a symptom of a more serious illness, and the sooner you start treatment, the better for the bird.

Table of contents:

What diseases are budgerigars and cockatiels susceptible to?

Corellas and budgerigars are most often prone to the following ailments:

The following signs indicate the disease of parrots:

  • hard breath;
  • lethargy, immobility;
  • suppuration and tearing of the eyes;
  • poor appetite or its absence;
  • uncoordinated movements;
  • excessive feather loss;
  • redness of the skin on the legs;
  • the appearance of growths in the goiter;
  • noticeable weight loss;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

If you find these signs in budgerigars and cockatiels, you should immediately call a veterinarian at home or visit a veterinary clinic with a feathered pet.

Types of stool in parrots

Normally, the stool in budgerigars and cockatiels is soft, formed, has a green or brown tint, it depends on the diet of birds. Changes in the consistency of feces indicate pathological disorders occurring in the body of birds. So, a thicker and even harder consistency of feces is a sign of constipation. A more liquefied consistency of feces is a sign of diarrhea. But not all liquid discharge in parrots is diarrhea. The fact is that both feces and urine in birds are collected in the cloaca - an expansion of the posterior intestine, from where they are excreted simultaneously. Formed stools surrounded by a small amount of fluid are normal. And if the feces represent a homogeneous liquid mass, it can be argued that the bird has diarrhea. Diarrhea is sometimes confused with polyuria. This is a disease of the kidneys in birds, in which there is excessive excretion of urine as a result of a violation of the suction function. Signs of polyuria are liquid stools, excreted in large quantities, in which formed stools are found.

That is, loose stools in parrots occur as a result of diarrhea or polyuria. Diarrhea occurs due to disruption of the digestive tract for various reasons. Polyuria is a malfunction of the kidneys. Therefore, there is increased water content in the stools.

Why does water diarrhea occur in parrots: budgerigars and cockatiels?

Loose stools or watery diarrhea is the most common disease in parrots. And contributes to the development of this disease in the first place, poor pet care and inappropriate living conditions. Diarrhea can be caused by:

  1. Viral, infectious diseases, of which the most severe and dangerous is salmonellosis, often causing severe diarrhea, rapid dehydration and death.
  2. An unbalanced diet, which leads to beriberi, and a lack of minerals and vitamins leads to disruption of the functions of many systems in the body, including the digestive system. The absence of millet in the diet or the predominance of cereals causes indigestion and diarrhea in birds. Also, the lack of calcium negatively affects the digestive system.
  3. Stale food, dirty and stagnant water contain bacteria that poison and affect the digestive tract of birds, which leads to diarrhea.
  4. Poisoning by poisonous plants in the house. Parrot owners should take into account the fact that a feathered pet can peck, pluck house flowers, and in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to get rid of such plants.
  5. Chemical poisoning. This includes even an air freshener.
  6. The predominance of greens and fruits in food, which enhance the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which provokes the appearance of loose stools.
  7. Failure to comply with hygiene standards. The cage and utensils must always be kept clean to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  8. Drafts and hypothermia are the cause of colds, weakened immunity, in which cockatiels and budgerigars open diarrhea with water, as well as vomiting.
  9. Stressful situations, such as fright, loud noises, screams, mistreatment of a pet, change of environment and owners, other pets (cats, dogs).
  10. New food.
  11. Binge eating.
  12. Pathologies of the digestive system, liver, kidneys.
  13. Goiter diseases.
  14. Tumor formations.
  15. Carrying out therapy with the use of antibacterial drugs that disrupt the intestinal microflora and provoke diarrhea with water.

Why does parrots vomit with diarrhea?

Vomiting in cockatiels and budgerigars is almost always accompanied by loose stools. These symptoms are indicators of pathological processes dangerous for parrots. To contribute to the development of these unpleasant symptoms can:

  1. Bad food and chemicals cause intoxication, as a result of which the body turns on protective functions that push out toxic compounds with the help of vomiting and loose stools.
  2. Goiter diseases. The goiter in birds is a digestive organ, which is a small expansion in the esophageal tube. Here, solid food, under the influence of special enzymes, softens and moves to the stomach, where it undergoes further splitting. Goiter pathologies are associated with inflammation of the glands, resulting in the release of mucus, which the pet tries to get rid of, setting the goiter in motion, and this provokes vomiting. In addition, the digestion process is disturbed, diarrhea appears.
  3. Once in the body, pathogenic bacteria in the process of life poison the body, disrupt the intestinal microflora and the digestive system, diarrhea with water and vomiting appear.
  4. Vomiting and diarrhea with water occurs in cockatiels and budgerigars with gastritis and other pathologies of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Vomiting and loose stools can cause inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

Colored diarrhea in parrots

Normal parrot stools are greenish or brown in color. Changes in the color and consistency of feces indicate pathological disorders occurring in the body of birds. Liquid homogeneous stool indicates the development of diarrhea, which, depending on the causes of the disease, varies in color: white, green, black.

White diarrhea

Diarrhea of ​​white, beige or grayish color occurs in parrots whose diet contains fatty foods. With the appearance of white diarrhea, it is necessary to exclude seeds, nuts, milk from the bird's diet. White blotches can be the result of arthritis, stress, infections, liver damage.

Green water diarrhea

Symptoms of diarrhea in parrots

Diarrhea causes a lot of trouble for a feathered pet. With frequent loose stools, the parrot quickly loses weight, which is not immediately noticed due to plumage. Weight loss, accompanied by weight loss, can be seen when feeling the bird. When losing weight, an outgrowth on the chest of birds is noticeably felt. In the normal state, the keel bone protrudes only slightly. In addition to weight loss, there are many other symptoms of diarrhea, such as:

  • the pet may refuse food;
  • there is malaise, weakness;
  • the parrot sleeps for a long time or is in a motionless position for a long time, ruffled;
  • the bird becomes lethargic and silent;
  • apathy appears, indifference to what is happening around;
  • there is inflammation around the cloaca;
  • plumage under the tail becomes sticky, dirty;
  • stools acquire a liquid homogeneous consistency, there may be a change in the color of feces or blotches of green, red, white, gray.

With untimely treatment, this condition can lead to irreversible consequences, up to the death of the pet. Therefore, if you find these signs, you should immediately seek advice from an ornithologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Why is watery stool dangerous?

Diarrhea lasting more than a day is a deadly threat for parrots. A pet can die primarily from dehydration, which leads to exhaustion, rapid weight loss, and loss of strength. In addition, the lack of fluid contributes to thickening of the blood, which leads to circulatory disorders, oxygen deficiency and death. This happens in just a few days, therefore it is strongly recommended to observe the feathered friend in order to start the treatment of the disease in a timely manner. In addition, with frequent defecation, there is a strong stretching of the muscle tissue of the walls of the cloaca, as a result of which it falls out. The fallen cloaca dries up over time, and this provokes the appearance of itching, discomfort, pain in the anus. Parrots often begin to peck at the withered part of the formations. These actions lead to severe bleeding, which can further aggravate the condition of the bird.

What medicines to treat diarrhea in parrots?

Treatment of diarrhea should begin immediately, otherwise the pet is in mortal danger. The first thing to do is to clean the plumage of the parrot from dirt with a damp cloth soaked in a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort (if your parrot tolerates water procedures well, it is better to bathe it), clean the cage and change the bedding. It is not necessary to feed the bird with diarrhea, you can give a little rice porridge, boiled in water and without salt. It is necessary to provide a comfortable warm mode, for which an infrared lamp is used. Indeed, during an illness, the bird freezes very much, this can affect the speed of its recovery, since it will spend a lot of energy on warming. The lamp is installed on the roof of the cage, it is not necessary to keep it constantly on, you can take two-hour breaks between heating. Additional heating with an infrared lamp is not acceptable for diarrhea with blood, indicating bleeding. In this case, treatment is prescribed only after the examination.

In all other situations, it is imperative to give absorbent drugs three times a day, for example, activated charcoal, Enterosgel, Smektu. It is also recommended to give your pet immunomodulators to drink. These funds include Gamavit. Fifty grams of the drug is diluted in fifty milliliters of boiled warm water and instilled into the beak five drops for five to seven days. Dry pharmaceutical bacteria, for example, Vetom, are used as immunostimulating drugs. They are added to water and given to a sick parrot for a week. Medicines based on bacteria will restore the intestinal microflora, normalize digestive functions, and eliminate diarrhea.

Further treatment should be carried out after examination and prescriptions of a specialist. Antibiotics (Baytril), anti-diarrheals (Linex), and vitamin and mineral supplements are often prescribed for diarrhea.

A prerequisite for the treatment of any disease in parrots is to ensure silence, create a comfortable climate. From folk remedies, you can use decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, blueberries, which have fixing, antimicrobial properties.

What to feed parrots with diarrhea?

Nutrition for diarrhea plays a huge role in its treatment. Any foods rich in fats and fiber should be excluded. These are nuts, fruits, herbs and vegetables; grain mixtures should also be abandoned for now. In the first days of the disease, you can feed the bird only with rice porridge or water with rice water. Here is the entire diet for the period of treatment, to which you can add only infusions and decoctions of plants.

How to prevent diarrhea?

Corellas, like budgerigars, are not demanding in care, but to prevent the development of diseases, preventive measures must be observed, which are as follows:

  1. Check food expiration dates.
  2. Keep the cage clean.
  3. Avoid drafts in the room where the parrot is located.
  4. Water and food should always be fresh.
  5. Make the transition to the new food gradually.
  6. Avoid situations that can lead to pet stress.
  7. If necessary, clean the plumage of the bird, do not forget about the anus.
  8. Provide the parrot with optimal thermal conditions. The room should not be cold or hot.
  9. The cage should be placed in a bright room, not under direct sunlight.

In addition, it is important to make a diet that will provide the pet with the necessary minerals and vitamins. To prevent the development of diarrhea, cereals should be included in the food: millet, oats, flax, wheat, hemp seeds. They can be given both raw and boiled. Fruits, vegetables, herbs are used as a source of important elements. But not in large quantities, the predominance of such food will cause diarrhea. You can give eggshells, which contain a large amount of calcium, because its lack can cause diarrhea. In addition to the main food, it is recommended to add tree branches to the diet. Usually they use birch, apple, cherry, linden. Tree branches are given not only because of the useful substances contained in them, it is useful for birds to gnaw them for their beak.

Often, feathered breeders can notice feces of a liquid consistency in the cage. At the same time, the feathers near the cloaca are dirty, and the bird itself may look painful. Diarrhea in a parrot occurs for various reasons - serious and completely harmless. Is it worth it to sound the alarm and immediately treat the bird for illness? It depends on the origin of the unpleasant symptom.

How to identify diarrhea in a bird?

The presence of a violation in digestion is noticed not only by loose stools, but also by the appearance and condition of the parrot. A feathered friend, fluffed up, sits in one place and dozes. He has no reaction to others, light and noise. The appetite is weak. Often the parrot spits up the food eaten.

Diarrhea in a greenish budgerigar also indicates the presence of dysbacteriosis after taking antibacterial drugs.

A bird with diarrhea noticeably loses weight. This is not visible because of the feathers that fit snugly to the body. To check the degree of thinness, the owner probes the pet in the chest area. In this area, the keel bone in a healthy bird is weakly palpable.

Feathered diarrhea is not an independent disease, but only a sign of it. The most common symptom is diarrhea or polyuria.

In the first case, the litter has a homogeneous liquid consistency. Polyuria is accompanied by feces in solid form, but with watery discharge.

Diarrhea and polyuria cannot be ignored. To ignore these diseases is to put the bird at mortal risk. Pathologies of the kidneys and liver lead to such a sad end.

Why do parrots get diarrhea?

It is important to immediately establish why the diarrhea occurred right now. The causes of stool disorder in poultry are as follows.


One of the first causes of diarrhea is malnutrition. These are stale fruits, poor-quality and dirty grain, an excess of grass in the daily diet. Millet in the feeder is a good prevention. The mixture must necessarily contain this cereal, and then the feathered friend will not have problems with digestion.


The water in the drinker should always be fresh. Do not allow the liquid to stagnate for a long time. If the owner uses boiled water, then the parrot can drink more than it should. In this case, the feces are densely formed, but there is a lot of moisture around it.


Indigestion also occurs due to stress. This may be a change of owner and place of residence. The bird needs time to settle down and get used to new people. At this time, the parrot is under stress. It is important for the owner to be patient and gradually establish contact with a new friend.

calcium deficiency

If the birds do not have a mineral stone in their cage, then the most likely cause of diarrhea is a lack of calcium. The stone is also necessary for the bird to grind its beak. This important element must be present in the cage of every parrot.

Infections, diseases, inflammation

Diarrhea in a budgerigar may appear due to infectious diseases. Almost all diseases of parrots begin with diarrhea, even the common cold. A bird can get sick if the cage was in a draft or the temperature in the room was much lower than 25 degrees. Inflammatory processes occur in the goiter, and it does not work properly. Undigested, spoiled food enters the stomach. The litter is watery with food residues or a homogeneous liquid consistency.

Diseases of the liver, intestines and kidneys are another cause of stool disorders.


Birds can be frightened by a sharp sound, unusual and large objects in the hands of the owner, other birds and animals living in the apartment. In this case, diarrhea will be short-term and quickly pass.


In a room with a cage, drafts should not be created. To ventilate the room, it is better to take the birds to another room for a while.

Other reasons

Diarrhea also occurs under such circumstances:

Only after determining the cause, you can understand how to treat a pet.

What is important to do before starting treatment?

Before looking for what to give a parrot for diarrhea, it will not be superfluous to do the following first.

Decoctions of St. John's wort and chamomile will help strengthen the protective functions of the bird.

How to treat diarrhea in your feathered friends

What should I do if my budgerigar has diarrhea? Place any adsorbent into the cage (Smecta, crushed activated carbon, Polyphepan). One part of the powder is placed in the feeder, and the other is added to the drinker.

Diarrhea may be caused by calcium deficiency. To increase this substance, it is necessary to grind the shell into a powder and add it to the feed. Crushed calcium tablets (purchased at a pharmacy) are also suitable.

The main treatment is carried out with different drugs:

  • "Gamavit" is an immunomodulator. Add 0.5 ml per 50 ml of water. Another way to use it is by pipetting 4-5 drops in the beak every day. Course - 7 days.
  • dry bacteria are purchased at veterinary pharmacies. An example of such a drug is Vetom 1.1. The course of therapy is a week, one drop in the beak twice a day.
  • "Dicyon" is necessary if the litter is red and hisses when in contact with peroxide. In this case, after one drop of the drug in the beak, it is urgent to contact an ornithologist.
  • "Karsil", crushed into powder, if the bird retains at least some appetite.
  • "Linex" - the powder from the capsule should be sprinkled on food, boiled rice is better.
  • "Baytril" - the veterinarian writes out after the formulation of infectious diseases.

What to do if the parrot has diarrhea even after all the measures taken? You need to go to a veterinary clinic to see an ornithologist. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications.

Possible Complications

If diarrhea is not treated, the health of the bird will be compromised. Long-term stool disorder in a budgerigar leads to stretching of the cloacal muscles, which can fall out. After the sore dries, the bird will begin to itch. The parrot will try to get rid of it with its beak. This will lead to bleeding and death.

Help from a veterinarian

The situation is not improving after all the measures? Urgently to the veterinarian. He will tell you how to cure the bird by carefully examining the litter. It is advisable to take it with you in a container. For a complete picture of the disease, the doctor must be told in detail about other symptoms.

It happens that in the city there is no specialist in the treatment of birds. You can turn to the forums for help. Based on the photograph of the bird itself and its feces, ornithologists will give maximum recommendations and advice.

Important! Only a doctor in a veterinary clinic will establish an accurate diagnosis based on the symptoms and prescribe the correct treatment for a parrot.

Preventive measures

In order not to face the problem of diarrhea in feathered pets, you must follow simple rules for the care and prevention of diseases.

Be sure to select high-quality food, while paying attention to expiration dates. After opening the package, carefully examine the grains. There should be no unpleasant musty smell, mold and black elements.

Make sure that the parrots do not accidentally try the poisonous plant on the windowsill. These include dieffenbachia, violet or spurge. Better get rid of these plants.

The room with the cage should be periodically ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed.

It is necessary to provide the bird with a calm environment without stressful situations, loud music and other noise.

Birds love the sun and fresh air. Parrots need a bright, ventilated space. The cage should be periodically exposed to the sun, but not under direct sunlight. Parrots need to get vitamin D, without which digestion is disturbed.

Indigestion in a parrot is a disease that is very easy to notice. The bird quickly loses weight, becomes inactive. The pet sits at the bottom of the cage and refuses to eat. In a parrot, diarrhea can occur in different forms.

Varieties of diarrhea

Parrots can have 2 types of digestive disorders:

  1. The cloaca is an extension of the posterior intestine, in which the feces and urine of the bird are collected. Polyuria is a disorder associated with an increase in the amount of urine in the stool.
  2. Diarrhea is accompanied by the formation of too much fluid in the feces themselves. The stool sticks to the feathers and skin of the bird and begins to exude an unpleasant odor.

What does the color change in bird droppings indicate?

White diarrhea

This means that there are too many fatty ingredients in the parrot's diet. White blotches can be a sign of onset arthritis, liver pathologies, or stress.

Liquid green stool

Black litter

Dark-colored stools are often due to internal bleeding. In this case, traces of blood can be seen in the diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to deliver the bird to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Frequent loose stools affect the appearance of the parrot. He begins to refuse the offered food. However, a sharp decrease in body weight is quite difficult to notice because of the dense plumage.

The bird loses its appetite and begins to refuse its favorite food. The parrot shows signs of weakness and malaise. The parrot prefers to be at the bottom of the cage. However, she moves a little.

The cloaca of a pet becomes inflamed, the plumage under the tail quickly becomes dirty.

What are the dangers of watery stools?

Prolonged diarrhea in a parrot can be fatal. A sick bird suffers from dehydration. Lack of water in the body causes blood clotting and oxygen deficiency. This leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the parrot.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition in order to start treatment in a timely manner. Frequent defecation causes stretching of the muscles in the area of ​​the cloaca. A sick parrot feels itching and soreness in the tissues near the anus.

Causes of diarrhea in a parrot

The factors that provoke the development of diarrhea in a parrot include:

  1. Violation of cell hygiene. In this case, you can not do without a thorough disinfection of the place where the bird lives.
  2. Buying low-quality food that was added to the parrot's feeder.
  3. The cause of diarrhea in a parrot can be dirty water. It is best to buy bottled water.
  4. Constant thirst in a bird indicates a lack of vitamin A.
  5. Budgerigar diarrhea can occur immediately after eating spoiled fruit. Until the bird recovers, it is better to exclude greens, fruits and vegetables from its diet.
  6. Some indoor plants are dangerous for the parrot. Check if they are poisonous to your pet.
  7. Various infectious diseases and disorders of the internal organs can provoke diarrhea.
  8. Diarrhea in a parrot can be a reaction to too loud sounds. Parrots get nervous in such an environment. To eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the noise.
  9. Inflammation of the goiter is a consequence of the use of expired food. A characteristic symptom of this disease is loose stools. The bird instantly regurgitates any food that has got inside. Without treatment for this pathology, the bird quickly dies.

Clean the plumage of the bird from pollution. The best way to do this is with a damp cloth. It must first be moistened in a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort. Conduct a general cleaning in the cage of a sick bird. It is necessary to constantly change the bedding.

A sick parrot is constantly freezing, and this can affect the speed of his recovery. To prevent the bird from wasting its strength on warming, you can install an infrared lamp above the cage. And it is not necessary to keep it on all the time.

Bacteria contribute to the restoration of microflora and eliminate the effects of diarrhea. It will not be superfluous for diarrhea and taking Gamavit. Add 0.5 ml of immunomodulator to 50 ml of water. The duration of the course of treatment is 7 days. Antibiotics for the treatment of diarrhea can only be prescribed by a specialist.

How to treat diarrhea in case of poisoning

Treatment of diarrhea in case of poisoning

The characteristic signs of poisoning in parrots include:

  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • there is undigested grain in the litter;
  • parrot has no appetite.

To get rid of toxins after poisoning with poor-quality food, you can use. To alleviate the condition, give the parrot 3 times a day Smektu or.

The product can be added to the drinker and mixed with water. This will help the body of the bird to remove the toxins that provoked diarrhea.

How to deal with dehydration

Diarrhea in a budgerigar leads to a rapid loss of water, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. As a drink, it is better to use a decoction of chamomile. A decoction of wild rose or St. John's wort has a therapeutic effect on a parrot.

The drinking bowl of a sick bird can be filled with boiled water, to which potassium permanganate has been added. You can also improve the functioning of the digestive organs of parrots with the help of rice water.

What should be in the diet

From the diet of a sick bird, foods rich in fats and fiber should be excluded. When the first signs of diarrhea appear, you need to feed the parrot only rice porridge.

Rice broth helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system. You can speed up the recovery of your pet with the help of herbal decoctions from bog and St. John's wort.

The cause of diarrhea in a parrot may be a lack of calcium. For this purpose, you can use eggshells. Grind it up and add it to your pet's food.

Make sure that bird feces do not get into the water or feed. This can lead to re-infection with harmful bacteria. In this case, water and bird food should be replaced immediately.

Important! In the absence of treatment results, you should immediately show your pet to a specialist. It is advisable to take several photographs of his feces.

Prevention of diarrhea

  1. Be sure to check the expiration date of the food. Expired food can lead to diarrhea in the bird.
  2. Diarrhea often occurs due to poor hygiene. The cage must be kept clean at all times.
  3. Make sure there are no drafts in the room.
  4. Change the water in the drinker every day.
  5. Indigestion can be triggered by stress.
  6. It is necessary to ensure the optimum temperature so that the parrot does not feel discomfort.
  7. In the diet of poultry should be grain. Fruits and greens should be given in small amounts.