A breed of small dogs similar to cubs is the name. What are the breeds of dogs that look like a teddy bear

Dogs that look like cubs have a special attraction in the eyes of people. Often, when buying a pet, future owners do not prefer a particular breed, but choose it solely by external signs.

Focusing on such parameters, dogs with one common characteristic can be distinguished into a separate group - a visual resemblance to a bear.

Main breed qualities

Many dogs have unique features that make them resemble various wild animals - wolves, foxes, lions, and even horses. But pets, evoking associations with teddy bears, are endowed with a special charm.

Large and medium breeds, similar to bears, have, as a rule, an ancient history of origin. Most of them are difficult to keep in an apartment (due to their size or the difficulty of creating optimal conditions), but such a dog will be very comfortable in a private house with a land plot.

Rich fur, which provides the main resemblance to a clubfoot wild animal, will protect animals from any cold weather.

If at puppyhood big dogs are the spitting image of teddy bears, then over time they acquire a formidable and intimidating appearance. Representatives of small breeds cause tenderness all their lives and are more reminiscent of soft toys than live bears.

Such dogs have acquired miniature sizes due to selection. If in the past centuries their ancestors were watchmen, hunters or shepherds, now they are exclusively decorative pets, moreover, wonderful companions.


The sizes, temperaments and external data of breeds resembling bear cubs are very different from each other, but all dogs have similar features:

  • devotion to the owner and family;
  • intelligence, intelligence and good memory;
  • a fair amount of stubbornness;
  • propensity to dominate.

Due to the abundant woolen cover, the movements of most animals seem clumsy, which further emphasizes their resemblance to bears.

Popular Bear Dog Breeds

All bear-like breeds have different characteristics and require certain conditions of detention, and each of them is charming in its own way. But dogs that look like cubs are especially worthy of special mention.


Representatives of one of the largest and most ancient breeds are distinguished by their intimidating appearance, impressive size, but good character. At the withers, they reach 66-71 cm and weigh 70 kg.

The resemblance to a bear is given not only by abundant fur and dimensions, but also by the shape of the dog's ears - they are small and fit snugly to the head. The skull is large, rounded and wide, the muzzle is short. The coat is abundant and coarse, with a thick and soft undercoat. Dark colors (black, brown, etc.).

The physique of the Newfoundland breed is balanced, massive, strong. Huge pluses of the dog are accommodating, calm, mind, patience. But caring for her is somewhat problematic: considerable dimensions require a lot of space, and the coat requires close attention.

Shedding continues all year round. Of the obvious disadvantages, one can note abundant salivation and a short life span (on average 10 years).

Due to their inactivity, such dogs are often obese, so they need at least a little activity and a strict diet.

Alaskan malamute

Hardy and strong sled dogs have a good disposition. Their modern purpose is companions and family pets. However, to this day, the working qualities of Malamutes are manifested in extraordinary assertiveness and stubbornness.

If the physique of the dog is more like a wolf, then the lush fur adds a resemblance to a bear, especially in puppyhood. The thick coat of the animal is designed for the harsh Arctic climate, so the owners often have to use the brush, especially during the molting period.

Similarities are added by a large head and a wide muzzle. And large paws, which allow the animal not to drown in the snow, are similar in structure to bear ones.

The growth of an adult Malamute is 58-64 cm, weight is 34-38 kg. The color is quite diverse - from solid white to gray and two-color (this is usually white in combination with gray, brown, black or red).

The plush appearance makes people want to buy a pet, but stubbornness and some difficulties in keeping, unfortunately, sometimes make the owners regret their choice.

chow chow

With regard to this breed, epithets about a bear are most often used. Although the Chinese call the dog a furry lion (as the name of the chow-chow is translated), it looks more like a bear.

The working purpose of the breed gives out a strong and powerful build, strong limbs, a wide chest. The weight of the dog reaches 20-32 kg (males are noticeably larger), height is 46-56 cm. The standard allows several colors: black, blue, red, reddish, cinnamon.

The main feature of the Chow Chow is that its charming appearance hides an imperious, proud and stubborn disposition. Initially, the breed was intended for fighting and baiting, hence the complex nature.

The fur of the dog is rough and long, with abundant soft undercoat. On the neck and paws, fur forms a collar and trousers. On the head, the skin is quite loose, so small folds form on the muzzle.

This is the only breed with a blue or purple tongue. The scientific hypothesis is that dogs originated either from now extinct wolves with similar mouth pigmentation, or from an animal that is an intermediate link between a dog and a bear (the latter have a black mouth). However, the Chinese have a legend that the dog licked a piece of the sky that fell to the ground.


These small dogs have several intrabreed varieties, of which the teddy bear resembles the bear type. A charming animal has ancient roots, but its current appearance is the result of the painstaking work of breeders.

The standard allows 12 colors, the rarest of which are black and white. Dogs need professional grooming, as a bad haircut can ruin the coat and even the health of the animal.

Active and sociable, Pomeranians are very fond of the company of people, but tend to lead among animals. Plush fur is not prone to shedding, however, it requires especially careful care, details.

Dog lovers should remember that Pomeranians love to bark at every opportunity, and this brings a lot of trouble in education.


Representatives of the breed have an elegant appearance and a lean but strong physique, but the shaggy coat allows the animals to look like a bear.

The origin of poodles is not known for certain. Initially, the hunting dog was incredibly popular for several centuries as a companion. The main reason for this is the lush coat, which allows pets to make glamorous hairstyles and original haircuts.

Poodles are equally good for an apartment and a private house. They are among the most intelligent dogs. Selectively bred and adopted to the standard 4 intrabreed sizes (large, small, dwarf and toy). However, the proportions of all species are the same, only the dimensions differ.

By nature, poodles are mischievous, playful, but a little vulnerable. The coat is long and may have a curly or cord-like structure. There are several colors: apricot, black, white; silver, tan, harlequin, etc.


This is a very fluffy breed of dog that looks like a bear. She reaches a height of 33-61 cm and a weight of 11-21 kg. Goldendoodles are divided into 2 sizes - standard or mini.

The fur according to the norms should be single-layer, lush, pleasant to the touch and curly. Sheds in moderation. Soft in such dogs is not only wool, but also character. They are sociable and friendly, calm, playful.


These large white dogs have spent their entire history in a polar climate, so their coat is very plentiful and dense, two-layered (soft undercoat and hard guard hair).

The weight of an adult is 17-30 kg, the height is 46-56 cm (females are smaller). The color of the fur is only white, but a light cream shade is possible.

Sledding and working dog is of medium size, strong build and stable, widely spaced limbs. By nature, they are sociable, brave and devoid of aggression animals.

Tireless and hardy Samoyeds perfectly adapt to any conditions. They have good health, are loyal to people and other pets. The dog will fight back when attacked, but the guard or watchman will not work out of him.

Tibetan mastiff

Representatives of the breed have an impressive appearance: an impressive size, shaggy long hair with a mane, a large head with a square shortened muzzle. With alertness, folds form on the forehead.

The fur is very luxurious, thick and straight, with abundant undercoat. Colors are different: black, gray coffee, gold, sable, tan is allowed.

The addition of dogs is balanced, massive, muscular. The minimum height for females is 61 cm, for males - 66. Weight not less than 60 kg.

Giant dogs are peaceful and very accommodating with their owners. In relation to strangers and animals, they are adequate, but wary. By nature, they are self-sufficient, self-confident, not devoid of stubbornness.

The breed is expensive and rare. The dogs were bred in harsh and cold conditions, and the remoteness from the mass settlements of people ensured the preservation of a pure line for centuries. The Tibetan Mastiff is the case when cub puppies turn into big bears with age.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This big and fluffy dog ​​looks massive not only due to the fur. Its standard height reaches 75 cm, weight - 50-70 kg, but other individuals reach a truly incredible size - up to 110 kg.

The length of the coat in the breed is allowed in several types (short, medium and long). Colors are more common gray, brown, fawn, variegated.

Shepherd dogs have a difficult disposition: they are persistent, wayward and brave. They show a wary attitude towards strangers, so training is important for such a giant dog.

The purpose of Caucasians is a guard and fighting breed. Since ancient times, the ancestors of modern dogs have successfully guarded flocks of sheep from wolves (this is where ear cropping came from). Dogs tend to dominate people and other animals. Their physique is massive and muscular.

Akita Inu

This Japanese dog breed is not shaggy, but still very similar to a bear cub. Animals have been known since antiquity: for several millennia, ordinary people bred dogs, but over time, Akita Inu received the attention of nobility and emperors.

The dogs have a strong skeleton and a large size - 61-71 cm.

Wool gives them a special charm. It is not long (5 cm), but thick, fluffy, coarse and two-layered (with a soft undercoat). The color is pure or with a clear pattern, without streaks. Different colors are possible - red, white, piebald, brindle, etc.

The temperament of the representatives of the breed is quite oriental - they are characterized by restraint with strangers, calmness, some alertness. Dogs are always friendly with owners.

The breed gained popularity after the world learned about the devoted dog Akita Inu, nicknamed Hachiko.

The main feature that gives dogs a visual resemblance to bears is fluffy fur, the care of which will be the main concern of the owners. Thick hairline requires combing and cutting, as it is prone to the formation of tangles, and the appearance of the animal quickly becomes untidy.

The main concerns of bear cub owners:

  • balanced feeding to keep the fur thick and healthy;
  • combing out fluff;
  • skin care (due to the abundance of wool, problems often arise);
  • adding special multivitamin supplements to the diet.

The exterior of bear dog breeds is often judged by the condition of the coat. Show animals will need the services of a professional groomer.

The similarity with a teddy bear makes dogs unusual and attractive, so they are in demand among dog breeders and delight those around them. You can buy a domestic "bear" in large, medium or small sizes, depending on the availability of suitable conditions.

Pomeranian, or Pomeranian - the smallest representative of the Spitz, which appeared in Pomerania, a historical region in Germany. This small and very touching dog has a light character and a cheerful playful disposition. She is very energetic and active, loves to walk and communicate with people. Without requiring enhanced care and a special diet, Spitz can give a lot of joy to both children and adults.

Recently, this dog, which looks like a soft toy, has become very popular: more and more people around the world are striving to get just such a breed. And some of its representatives have turned into real stars of the Internet! Let's get acquainted.

To date, the hilariously trimmed Boo has over 1.3 million fans and is already actively promoting Boo: The Life of the World's Cutest Dog, a unique collection of his most striking and interesting photographs.

This is not the only Pomeranian who glorified his breed on the Internet. 9 year old Shunsuke also became a real star and earned the title Japan's most adorable dog. This cute dog has his own account in Twitter, which has already collected 60 thousand subscribers.

Popularity came to Shunsuke when he appeared in one television show, after which soft toys, books and calendars with the image of Pomeranian began to be sold in stores. Shunsuke is also very popular in China, where a real boom in this breed began and its average price rose from 700 to 1000 yuan.

More than 400 dog breeds are known to exist today. There are purebred individuals and crossbreeds of different species. Often, when choosing a pet, future owners are guided not by the characteristics of a certain type, but rather by the appearance of the animal. Dogs that look like bears, which come in different sizes, look very attractive.


Breeds of large and medium size are of ancient origin and are intended for keeping only in private houses with a plot. In childhood, they undoubtedly resemble teddy bears, but as they grow older, their appearance changes. Dimensions, the need for a large space and a thick coat make it difficult to live in an apartment environment. But it is warm wool, reminiscent of a bearskin, that provides comfort when the dog is on frosty days on the street or in an unheated room.

Large dogs show a desire for leadership, and therefore they require more strict education and constant training. Miniature breeds resemble clumsy fluffy cubs, evoking emotions of tenderness and admiration. Perfectly adapted to living in an apartment. They make excellent companions and become pets.

Popular breeds

All types that look like clubfoot brethren have a certain charm and charm, but they have peculiar habits and need different conditions of detention. Several breeds deserve special attention.


The breed is so named after the province of the same name in Canada, where the harsh maritime climate and cold winds prevail. The local population held in high esteem large dogs with abundant hair that could repel water.

Despite the massive physique, the Newfoundlands have a good disposition. They are very intelligent, calm, patient and obedient. In case of danger, they will always come to the rescue not only to the owner, but even to a stranger who is in trouble. They get along well with people and other animals.

They are prone to passivity and laziness, which can cause them to become obese, therefore with them it is necessary to conduct at least short training sessions, giving clear commands. Newfoundlands are very fond of water, you should, if possible, let them swim and frolic in the water. They love to play with children on the shore of ponds.

In nutrition, it is important to adhere to a strict diet. Food should be high-calorie, enriched with minerals and vitamins.

They reach a height of 66-71 cm, gain weight up to 70 kg. Wool requires careful care, as it is prone to year-round molting. To prevent the formation of tangles, it should be combed daily with a brush with hard bristles, and thoroughly combed out once a week.

The resemblance to a bear is given by a huge size, a square body, thick fur, a round muzzle and small ears that fit snugly to the head. Newfoundlands are black or brown in color. Life expectancy averages 10 years.

Alaskan malamute

The breed was bred by the Eskimos. By physique, especially in adulthood, they are more like wolves. They have a well-developed musculoskeletal system, therefore they are very strong and hardy, which allows them to be used as sled dogs. Animals have an energetic temperament, developed intelligence, but are very stubborn and self-willed.

They need increased physical activity and constant training sessions. When living in a family, they try to take a leadership position, therefore strict education is required.

Height ranges from 59-63 cm, and body weight is 35-38 kg. There are different colors from pure white to gray with an admixture of black, red and brown shades. Wool sheds 2 times a year, during these periods it is important to comb it thoroughly. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The similarity with the bear gives the fur and the structure of the paws. Malamute puppies are very charming and look like cute teddy bears.

Samoyed or Arctic Spitz

For the first time the breed appeared in the northern regions of Russia, belongs to the group of sled dogs. Samoyeds are very hardy, have a strong muscular body and strong, well-developed limbs. The head is wedge-shaped, the muzzle is small and flattened, the coat is thick and fluffy.

By the manner of behavior they are very sociable, friendly and brave. Easily adapt to any conditions. They get along well with their owners and other pets. Aggression is unusual for them, but they will fight back when attacked. They love attention to their person, so it is more suitable for people with enough free time. It is difficult to bear separation.

In the absence of manifestations of affection and care, they begin to get bored and attract attention with loud barking. They like to spend a lot of time outdoors, need physical activity. It is not advisable to have a dog of this breed as a guard, more suitable for the role of a family companion.

Samoyeds are of medium size, height reaches 46-56 cm, weight - up to 30 kg. Live an average of 12-15 years. The color of the fur is most often white, but sometimes there are representatives with a light cream color. Despite the fluffy coat, caring for it is not particularly difficult, shedding infrequently - once or twice a year. Requires combing 1-2 times a week.

At the age of puppies, they very much resemble polar bear cubs.

Tibetan mastiff

A very rare and expensive breed, it is one of the largest in the world. It was bred many centuries ago, but still retains its pure line. In ancient times, its main purpose was to protect nomadic tribes and monks in the mountains of Tibet.

Representatives of this type have impressive sizes, long and shaggy hair, a large head with a wide forehead and a shortened muzzle. If they show alertness, then the appearance of folds becomes noticeable on the forehead. Very hardy, need intensive training and long walks.

Mastiffs are calm, peaceful, trusting with their owners, but very vigilant towards strangers. Often they demonstrate stubbornness, strictness is required in education.

At the withers they reach a height of up to 75 cm, weigh about 60 kg. The color can be different: black, golden, coffee, gray, for example, and tan. Wool should be combed once a week, and during the spring molt daily.

With age, funny cub-like puppies turn into large individuals and retain their resemblance to bears.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The most famous and widespread guard breed, bred 20 centuries ago. The physique is very massive and muscular.

They have a complex character: too wayward, demanding, persistent and brave. There is a desire to dominate people and a feeling of being in the lead role. Strangers are extremely unfriendly and suspicious. In conditions of danger, they make the right decisions, fight back, and when there is a threat to the owners, they attack first. Usually their actions are correct and unmistakable. Need constant training.

They reach a height of up to 75 cm, and a weight of up to 70, there are also too large animals - with a mass of about 110 kg. The shade of wool is most often gray, fawn, brown and mottled. The coat is thick, tangles often appear, should be combed out 2 times a week. Live 10-12 years.

The resemblance to a bear is given by the gigantic dimensions of the body, hard fur, large rounded paws and great physical strength.

Akita Inu

Japanese breed, has a strong and muscular physique. Lush, thick, two-layer coat with a soft undercoat gives a special appeal. The temperament of the dogs is very calm and friendly, they are wary of strangers, but they behave with restraint, without showing aggression.

The growth of adults reaches 70 cm, weight - 35-54 kg. Different colors are possible - white, red, brindle, piebald colors. Fur care is simple, it is enough to comb 1 time in 7-10 days, during the molting period you can 2 times a week. The life span is 10-14 years.

At the age of puppies, they are very similar to cubs, but over the years, a resemblance to a wolf or a fox appears.

chow chow

This pretty breed of medium size is classified as a group of Spitz. Has a Chinese origin. The physique is strong, the chest is wide, the limbs are strongly developed. An interesting feature is the purple tongue. There is an ancient Chinese legend about this. When God created the sky, a piece of it accidentally fell to the ground, which was immediately licked by an inquisitive dog, and since then its tongue has acquired a blue-violet color.

Chow Chows are very energetic, they like active and long walks. Behind a pleasant appearance hides a stubborn and power-hungry character. They show devotion and love to the owners, but when meeting a new person they can show aggression. Developed watchdog skills.

Grow up to 46-56 cm, weigh 20-32 kg. The color can be red, brown, black, blue. Life expectancy is 9-15 years. Despite the fluffiness, wool is easy to care for - Once a week requires thorough combing, you can walk on it for 1 minute before a walk with a massage comb to give neatness.

Due to the fluffy fur coat, round head and small ears, chow chows are more often compared to cubs than other breeds.


This breed of miniature pets is very popular. They are great companions and love to be around people. Very kind, obedient, mobile and playful. They like to bark loudly, which somewhat complicates education.

The coat is not prone to shedding and tangles, but due to its density, it needs to be combed 2-3 times a week. In feeding, preference should be given to meat, cereals, eggs and milk.

Growth is small - about 22 cm, weight is gained up to 3.5 kg. Colors are different: red, cream, blue, sable, chocolate, black and white are less common. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

A short muzzle, small round paws, thick fur give a resemblance to a teddy bear.


It is a mixture of Golden Retriever and Poodle species. Very kind, patient, sociable and playful nature. He likes to be in the center of attention of household members, and especially children, whom he forgives all pranks about himself.

The coat is soft, fluffy, curly, pleasant to the touch, does not shed. The main care is combing 2 times a week to prevent tangles. Color can be brown, copper, cream, golden, red, white, brown, black.

There are small and medium sizes. Growth within - 35-65 cm, weight - from 10 to 30 kg. The life span is 10-15 years.

Curly hair, a round head and always a kind look give an outward resemblance to a teddy bear.

How to choose?

The choice of a pet is always very responsible, the desire to have a dog that looks like a bear is not enough. The following points need to be carefully considered:

  • willingness to show sufficient attention and compliance with the rules of animal care;
  • the purpose of acquiring a four-legged friend is to be a companion or guardian of the family;
  • the behavior and character of which breed is more attractive;
  • when keeping a puppy in an apartment, make sure that family members are not allergic to dog hair;
  • whether the dog is supposed to live with other animals in the house.

For adults and responsible people, in whose house there are rarely guests, there are no small children and other animals, you can choose any puppy you like, regardless of type and size. The main thing is to create optimal conditions for them and appropriate care.

Families living in an apartment with small children are better off buying a goldendoodle dog. For families where children have already crossed the threshold of the school and realize that the animal needs not only games, but also care, you can get a Chow Chow, Pomeranian or Samoyed. Akita Inu will become a true and devoted friend to a teenage child.

Lonely elderly people who see a companion in a dog can be recommended to get a Samoyed or Goldendoodle, but you should not get a Pomeranian or Chow Chow because of their excessive activity and noise.

Oversized pets are better for people living in a private house. But even if there is a local area with them, it is imperative to take regular walks.

Some dog breeds look like anything but a dog. Get ready for some serious overload, here is a list of breeds whose puppies make it impossible not to want to take this wonder into the house. But a charming appearance requires a special attitude and care.


A gentle giant, the Newfoundland is a bold and intelligent working dog. This is primarily a family companion, it will also become a partner for a traveler or tourist.

Huge paws, fluffy fur, round dark eyes, plump cheeks - a Newfoundland puppy can pass for a black bear. Cute and Newfoundlands brown and black and white. The coat requires constant care, the dog needs to be bathed 2-4 times a month with special products and combed out with a brush with hard bristles 3-4 times a week. The Newfoundland's haircut doesn't have to be drastic, the thick coat protects him from the cold in winter and the heat in summer.

Alaskan malamute

Originally bred for tasks such as hunting polar bears or driving heavy sleds, the Malamute is today a popular dog breed for families and people with an active lifestyle.

With fluffiness, huge paws and cheeks, these puppies look like they will grow up into elegant polar and gray bears. Once every 6-8 weeks, the dog needs bathing, and long hair with a thick undercoat must be combed daily or at least every other day. Thick and moderately hard coat does not require a haircut. The color of Malamutes is often gray to black or red.

chow chow

Independent and full of dignity, the Chow is attached to one person, although he gets along with all family members. Excellent guard dog, will protect from strangers.

The purple color of the tongue and the fur of a teddy bear, as well as the "bearish" gait, are the distinguishing features of the breed. The Chow Chow is a low activity dog ​​and can live happily in any home, including an apartment.

If puppies of other breeds, growing up, still look like dogs, then the Chow Chow at any age looks like a bear cub. Red chows are more common, but can be black, red, blue and even white. The dog is clean, it is enough to bathe it 2-4 times a year with high-quality shampoos and conditioners, it is necessary to take care of the coat 2-3 times a week with special brushes. Many owners are against cutting Chow Chows, but if you want to cut a dog, trust a professional, even an experienced groomer sometimes takes several hours.


A small dog the size of a toy - a proud but cheerful dog looks like a small fluffy bear cub. The calm nature of the breed and affectionate nature are liked by many.

Bear-type dwarf Pomeranians are dogs with a round head, short, flattened and wide muzzle, close-set round eyes. It seems that they have chubby cheeks, but this is an optical effect due to the thick hair on the cheekbones. The chin is slightly raised, and the tip of the nose is raised. They resemble a chow chow or a miniature teddy bear.

Hair care is simple, but combing is desirable to carry out daily. Violations in the nutrition of an orange affect the condition of its coat. The Miniature Spitz is especially attractive with a short haircut that makes him look like a plush toy. Red, white, chocolate - a puppy of any color is incredibly cute.


Boundless energy and a sunny disposition make the Poodle an excellent family dog. No breed has a more developed sense of humor than the poodle.

Poodle puppies, especially chocolate-colored puppies, look like teddy bears. So you can't be sure which one is a poodle and which one is a toy. White, blue and peach poodles are also not uncommon. The coat of the dog does not cause allergies, but requires regular care and maintenance. You will have to use not only shampoo, but also conditioner for wool. From the age of six weeks, it is necessary to accustom the pet to combing. A poodle's haircut is able to emphasize its beauty and grace.


Intelligent, friendly and affectionate with a moderate level of activity, needing a long walk every day, they are companion dogs. They love people and should live in the house, not on the street.

No one will be surprised if it turns out that the prototype of the teddy bear was a goldendull puppy with black eyes and furry fur. Color varies. As a child, he looks like a bear cub, which for some reason barks. The absence of an undercoat makes it "non-shedding", but it is necessary to keep the coat in excellent condition, the formation of tangles should not be allowed. A teddy bear haircut not only makes the dog prettier, but also protects against infections caused by the accumulation of dirt on the muzzle and head. If goldendoodle with straight hair is enough to comb once a week, then curly hair needs this procedure daily.

People really like dogs that look like cubs. Often, when choosing a breed for a future pet, they pay attention not to the characteristics of the breed, but simply to the appearance. And what could be cuter than a fluffy "teddy bear"?

Breeds of medium and large size have an ancient history of origin. It is better to keep such dogs in a private house, because the apartment will be crowded due to their impressive size, and it is not always possible to create the proper conditions. In addition, lush fur, providing a resemblance to a clubfoot, will protect from any cold weather.

General information and Peculiarities

Puppies of large breeds have a unique charm and look more like a teddy bear than a real one. With age, they acquire a rather frightening, if not formidable appearance. Small breeds resemble soft toys for life and cause tenderness. Due to selection, they became small in size, lost their functions of hunters and watchmen, and became more like companions for humans.


There are a lot of breeds resembling cubs, they differ in temperament, size and external data.

Some similarities can be identified:

  • Devoted to their family and master;
  • Excellent memory and ingenuity;
  • stubbornness;
  • tendency to dominate.

Breed overview

Popular dog breeds that look like bears:

  1. Pomeranian– a great companion, loves people. The average weight is 3-4 kg, and the height is just over 20 cm. The breed has its roots from Asia, but it was brought to its current form solely by the efforts of breeders.

Pomeranians are obedient and kind, playful and agile, but they like to bark loudly, which can cause some discontent among the neighbors.

These dogs are characterized by 12 types of color, with black and white being the rarest. The coat of dogs of this breed needs regular grooming. The appearance of the spitz (teddy bear) will delight the whole family, especially children. Live 12-15 years.

  1. Newfoundland- giants with a good character, at the withers reach a height of 65-70 cm, and weight reaches 70 kg. The breed comes from Canada, from the area of ​​the same name with cold and strong winds. It may seem to some that this is indeed a clubfoot that came out of the forest, but no, it’s just that the breed is incredibly similar to a forest dweller. They are similar not only in size and weight, but the ears of the Newfoundland resemble those of a bear.

Newfoundlands are prone to laziness and passive, in order to avoid obesity, you need to make joint runs or train with them. These dogs are very fond of water, so it would be a good idea to take it with you to a river or lake in the summer and have a race swim.

Wool sheds year-round, so it is advisable to comb it daily, if you neglect this advice, tangles may form, which spoil the image of the dog so much. Life expectancy is approximately 10 years.

  1. Alaskan malamute- sled dogs, they are very strong and hardy, have the kindest character. The average height of a Malamute is around 60 cm, and the weight is about 35-40 kg. The breed was bred by the Eskimos.

Since they are sled dogs, they require constant exercise and training. They try to always and everywhere be leaders, therefore, when living in a family, they require strict upbringing.

Large paws in structure resemble a bear's, they allow you not to drown in the snow. Their physique is more like a wolf. The color can be different from pure white to gray, it can be two-tone (usually a mixture of white with gray, red, brown, black).

The coat sheds 2 times a year, during these periods the dogs need careful care. The average life expectancy is 13-15 years.

Be careful: the cute plush appearance of the Alaskan Malamute makes you want to get this breed, but the willfulness and stubbornness of the animal can sometimes cause people to regret the choice made.

  1. Arctic Spitz or Samoyed- a sled dog, originally from the northern regions of Russia. This breed has a muscular body and strong limbs - the dogs are strong and hardy. Samoyeds weigh up to 30 kg, and reach 45-55 cm in height.

Arctic Spitz are rather companions, they are not suitable for the role of guards, as they need constant communication. Samoyeds are friendly, outgoing and get along well with other pets and people. If you want to get a dog of this breed, make sure that you have enough free time, because they love attention and are difficult to tolerate separation. If the Spitz has little attention and affection, he begins to get bored and bark loudly, which can do harm. With these animals, it is desirable to spend a lot of time in the air, to subject them to physical exertion.

Samoyeds are usually white, but there are individuals with a slight cream undertone. The coat is almost problem-free, shedding once a year, requires combing once every two weeks. They live about 12-15 years.

  1. - one of the largest breeds in the world. They reach height at the withers up to 75 cm, weigh an average of 60 kg. Puppies look like a bear, with age this similarity is not lost. Mastiffs are calm as boas, peaceful and trusting, but they treat strangers with distrust.

Important conditions of detention are: the possibility of long walks daily, the need for enhanced physical training, strict education.

Mastiffs are coffee, black, golden color, tan is acceptable. They live about 12-15 years.

  1. - The most popular guard breed. They reach a height of up to 75 cm, but usually less, weigh an average of about 70 kg, but there are individuals with 100 kg of live weight.

Caucasians have a complex character: demanding and wayward, persistent and overly brave. Often they want to dominate people and feel like the masters of life. Strangers are treated unfriendly. In danger, they act with lightning speed, fight back when attacked, if something threatens the owner, they attack first. They need strict and regular training.

The color is usually fawn, variegated, brown, less often gray. It is desirable to comb out once every 2 weeks, with some dogs this can be quite difficult. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Important: it is better to start Caucasian Shepherd Dogs as a guard in private homes, living with them in an apartment will be quite difficult.

  1. is a Chinese breed of dog. The owners of these animals most often hear about the resemblance to a bear, although the Chinese call this breed a hairy lion. The weight reached by these dogs is 20-30 kg (males are much larger), height at the withers is 46-56 cm.

At first, the breed was intended for baiting and fighting, so her character is not easy - proud, stubborn, domineering. They have a strong physique, developed paws and a wide chest. The purple tongue is an interesting feature. There are 2 theories on this topic:

First- dogs are descended from an animal that is something between a dog and a bear. Recall that clubfoot has a black mouth.

Second– Chow Chows are descended from extinct wolves with similar mouth pigmentation.

They can be red, black, brown and even blue. Wool is easy to care for, it is enough to comb it out once a week, before going out you can comb it with a massage comb, it will look neat and beautiful. They live 9-15 years (yes, the difference is almost 2 times, keep an eye on the health of your pet, and he will please you longer).

  1. goldendoodle This is a Poodle/Golden Retriever mix. They are small and medium in size, reaching 30-60 cm in height, respectively, and weighing about 10-30 kg.

By nature, they are very patient, sociable, kind and playful. This dog was created for a quiet pastime and friendship.

The fur is curly, soft and pleasant to the touch, goldendoodles do not shed. Color can be cream, copper, golden, brown, red, black and white. Live 10-15 years.

How to make a choice?

This is a very responsible choice and there is little resemblance to a bear, you need to comprehensively evaluate many factors:

  • Character and behavior - you should not get a wayward dog if you are not ready to train him regularly;
  • Conditions of detention - do not take a sled dog if you cannot arrange races with it or let it out in a large aviary;
  • Goal - Decide if you need a guard or companion;
  • Is cohabitation with other pets expected?
  • Before you get a dog in an apartment, make sure that all family members do not have allergies;
  • Enough time to take care of your pet.

It is fluffy fur that gives the dog a resemblance to a bear, and caring for him will be one of your main concerns. Thick coat prone to tangles, to avoid this, it will need to be washed and combed regularly.

  • Provide your dog with a balanced diet;
  • Brush your pet's teeth - this will protect against periodontal disease;
  • Training should begin as early as 1-2 months;

Consider all the features of the noted breed, weigh the pros and cons and make a choice. We hope you will find a common language with the chosen puppy and enjoy each other for a very long time!