The breed of the tallest dog in the world. Giant dogs: the largest breeds

These dogs are not just big, they are huge! Each of them had the honor to get into the top 10 largest dogs in the world, which means that these giants are not only the largest, but also the most powerful dog breeds on the planet!

10 Akita

This is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, aggressive towards strangers and kind to family members. Akita is considered the largest breed of Japanese dogs!

It is known that even in ancient times, her ancestors went with their owners to hunt for a large animal, up to a bear. Adult males reach 71 cm at the withers and weigh up to 60 kg.

9. The Anatolian shepherd dog (Kangal)

Kangal is a brave shepherd from Turkey. This breed is distinguished by its lightning-fast reaction and vigilance. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog has a distrustful but very balanced character. This large breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm!

Although most often described as a shepherd dog, Kangal is actually a guard dog that protects the herd from jackals and wolves, and even bears.

8. Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

Although not the largest breed in the world, it is a very large dog. Males at the withers reach 70 cm, and weight up to 80 kg! The ancestors of Alabai were ancient shepherd dogs that served man thousands of years ago in Central Asia. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a complete lack of aggressiveness towards children.

7. (Leonberger)

One of the largest dog breeds in the world, bred in Leonberg, Germany. Leonbergers have a very strong and well balanced body. Their height is 66-82 cm, and their weight is between 45 and 77 kilograms. First and foremost, this is a family dog.

6. Tibetan Mastiff (Tibetan Mastiff)

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mention of them dates back to 1000 BC. This is a working breed of dog, bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals.

Considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan mastiff is from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is 60–77 cm.

5. Newfoundland

A breed of working dog native to the island of Newfoundland in Canada. These dogs are very good swimmers and divers. They are even-tempered and alert, courageous and resourceful, and easy to train.

The average height at the withers of an adult Newfoundland is 71 cm, and the weight is about 68 kg. As far as I know, some dogs of this breed weighed over 90 kg, and the largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120.

4. Irish wolfhound (The Irish wolfhound)

The tallest breed of greyhounds. Height from 71 to 89 cm, and weigh from 53 to 84 kg. Initially, they served in wars and hunting, where they were most often used in baiting wolves.

Their legs are long and strong, thanks to which the Irish wolfhounds achieve great speed during the hunt. And although they are used to bait wolves, these giants can not be an excellent guard dog / And all because they do not bark, and are not very aggressive.

3. St. Bernard

St. Bernards standing, on average, have a height of 68-90 cm and a weight of 64-91 kg. The Saint Bernard is indeed a giant breed. They were originally bred for rescue missions in the Alps.

It is mandatory for this breed to keep them in good physical condition. St. Bernards are also good observers. These big dogs can be a big threat to burglars.

2 Great Dane Dog

Giant Great Dane breed. Height up to 92 cm, and weight up to 90 kg! The Great Dane was originally bred as a hunting dog. They are also depicted on Egyptian artifacts as early as 3000 BC.

In 2012, the Great Dane named Zeus was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's tallest dog, which had 112 cm at the withers.

1. English Mastiff (English Mastiff)

The English Mastiff is rightfully recognized as the largest dog breed in the world, considering only the weight of the animal. Even Julius Caesar, when he first saw the mastiff, was surprised by their endurance and strength.

Mastiffs even participated in the gladiator fights of ancient Rome. This breed has an average weight of 68 to 110 kg, and a shoulder height of up to 84 cm. Look, in this photo, a mastiff is next to a pony. And it's not photoshop.

You recognized the 10 largest dogs in the world, saw photos of these huge and rare breeds of pets. Now watch a video about them.

Who owns the title of "The Biggest Dog Breed in the World"? In 2004, it was received by Gibson marble dog from California (USA) - his height was 107 cm.

In 2013, this record was broken by another Great Dane named Zeus, whose length from feet to withers was 111.8 centimeters. Does this mean that the Great Dane breed is the largest?

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes 343 dog breeds, which are classified according to type and use into 10 groups.

There is no official division of dogs according to size.

However, there is a generally accepted division of breeds into large, medium and small. If the height of the dog at the withers is more than 60 centimeters, and the weight in adulthood (over 2 years old) exceeds 25 kilograms, then it is considered large.

The largest of the large includes 10 breeds, which will be discussed later.

Breeds with photos and descriptions

10 Irish Wolfhound


6. Newfoundland

It grows up to 75 cm and gains weight up to 69-70 kg. with boundless patience. Knows family members and treats each of them with respect and friendliness. The nature is touchy, so the training is carried out as gently as possible.

Newfoundland sheds all year round. It needs to be combed once a day, otherwise the long, thick coat goes astray.

Bathing such a pet is not worth it. It is better to use dry shampoo cleaning, as bathing contributes to the deterioration of the coat. Eyes and ears should be examined daily - they are prone to infection.


5. Anatolian Shepherd Dog (Kangal, Karabash)

It is rightly included in the breeds of dogs of large sizes: it grows up to 82 cm and gains weight up to 65 kg. Brave and not afraid of anything. Very proud and highly intelligent.

It treats well only members of the family in which it grew up, loves children. - a tall dog with well-developed muscles. It has thick and short hair. He is hardy and not afraid of the cold. Short hair is enough to comb once a week. Bathing once a month is enough.

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

4 Pyrenean Mountain Dog

It has a dense double snow-white coat. The height of the dog can reach 80 cm. They are devoted to their owners and love to spend as much time with them as possible. Very affectionate, noble and good-natured. They treat children well.

Mountain dogs make good watchdogs, they show aggression in cases where the situation requires it.

Pyrenean mountain dog

3. Scottish Deerhound

It grows up to 85 cm and gains weight up to 50 kg. This is a tall but thin animal. Always in excellent physical shape. The coat is hard and not long. Color gray with grey.

Deerhound easily gives in, quickly thinks and needs physical activity. He does not show aggression, has a quick reaction. The coat needs to be brushed once a week. The mouth is cleaned every other day. Ears are checked and cleaned regularly.

Scottish Deerhound

2. Hungarian kuvas

It grows up to 76 cm tall and gains weight up to 63 kg. It has a thick, wavy coat of medium length that needs to be brushed regularly to keep it from matting.

The fur is white. Kuvasz is brave and will never give up first in a confrontation. He has his pride. Capable of outbursts of aggression when mistreated. Beware of strangers.

hungarian kuvasz

1. Great Dane

Growth reaches 85 cm, and body weight - up to 90 kg. Each paw is equal to the palm of a person. Representatives of the breed are complaisant, patient and good-natured, get along with family members. The Great Dane is not picky - does not need frequent bathing. This procedure should be replaced by brushing with dry shampoo.

The main advantages of large pets:

  • security qualities;
  • sociability and fidelity;
  • provides the owner with regular long walks in the fresh air;
  • keeps company with lonely people.

There are fewer cons, but they are:

  • a big dog needs space;
  • keeping a large animal will cost more - it needs more food.

There is no doubt that each owner selects a pet according to personal preferences, as well as taking into account their financial capabilities, because each dog needs maintenance and care. The cost of food, transportation of a large dog will be significant. Therefore, you need to acquire an animal not at the first desire or the first request of the child, but carefully weighing your capabilities - physical and financial.

Decide in advance for what purpose you need a pet: as a guard, hunting assistant or just a friend. Listen to the advice of breeders, read the material. Carefully study the breeds of large dogs with photos. Only then make a decision about buying a puppy.

Additionally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about the largest breeds of dogs:

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to the family of which they are favorites. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. The positive side is their wonderful character - large dogs, with proper upbringing, as a rule, very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are fairly easy to train and do not require much exercise. As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include rather high food costs, since such large-sized animals require an appropriate amount of food. Perhaps the most frustrating factor is that large breeds often have a much shorter lifespan than their smaller counterparts.
Despite the disadvantages and the huge popularity of small breeds of dogs, many people prefer to have a large dog in their home, which will not only be a faithful and kind friend to all family members, but also a reliable defender and guard of the territory.
In this article, we will look at the 30 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, first of all, the average body weight of dogs of each breed was taken into account, as well as height at the withers (the withers is the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog's body). The top includes dog breeds with an average male weight of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

30th place: Estrel Sheepdog(other name - portuguese mountain shepherd) is the oldest breed of dog in the Iberian Peninsula, originally used as a shepherd dog. The average height of males at the withers is 65-72 cm, weight is 40-50 kg, in females the height is 62-69 cm, weight is 30-40 kg. In Russia, dogs of this breed are little known, because. rarely seen outside of Portugal. Those who want to get a dog of this breed should know that the Estrel shepherd dogs are completely unsuitable for life in the city, but they are ideal as hunting dogs.

29th place: - one of the most ancient breeds of European hunting greyhounds, the mention of which was first recorded in Scottish chronicles as early as the 16th century. The average weight of males is 40-50 kg, females - 35-43 kg, the minimum height is 75 cm for males and 70 cm for females. Amazing flair and excellent reaction make deerhounds natural hunters. They are very active, hardy, balanced, love children, are easy to train and easily remember commands.

28th place: Cane Corso(other name - italian mastiff) - a breed from Italy, leading its roots from dogs used in war by the ancient Romans. Cane Corso are focused on protection and protection. The average height of males is from 64 to 72 cm, weight 45-50 kg. The average height of bitches is 60-64 cm, weight 40-45 kg.

27th place: Russian borzoi- a breed of hunting dogs, originating in the 17th century. Height at the withers of males from 75 to 86 cm, females - 68 to 78 cm. Weight 36-61 kg.

26th place: dogo argentino(other name - argentine mastiff) is a hunting dog breed bred in Argentina in the 20s of the 20th century. The average weight of males is 45-65 kg, females 40-55 kg. Average height: males 60-68 cm, females 60-65 cm.

25th place: (another name - big japanese dog) - a breed of dog that arose in the United States after World War II on the basis of the ancient Japanese breed Akita Inu (it was to this breed that the famous dog Hachiko belonged). Americans and Canadians do not consider the American Akita a separate breed, holding the view that the American and Japanese Akita are two varieties of the same Akita breed. Males of the American Akita breed weigh 45-66 kg with a height of 66-71 cm, females have a weight of 36-54 kg and a height of 61-66 cm. Japanese Akitas are shorter and lighter.

24th place: South Russian Shepherd Dog- a shepherd breed bred by the landowner Falz-Fein (1863-1920) in the south of Ukraine. There is an opinion that the ancestors of this breed were brought from Germany, and the breed itself is identical with the Old German, Old French and Old English shepherd dogs (this type of shepherd dog almost disappeared in Europe, but in our country, thanks to large-scale sheep breeding, they bred as watchmen from wolves and survived). The average height of males is 65-66 cm, females 62-66 cm, the average weight of dogs of both sexes is from 48 to 50 kg. This dog is not suitable for the elderly and those in poor health as it requires an active lifestyle.

In the photo - South Russian Shepherd Dog and Fox Terrier

23rd place: - a breed of dog originally from the Swiss Alps. The growth of males of this breed is 65-72 cm, weight 50-64 kg, the height of females is 60-69 cm, weight 48-54 kg. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is not suitable for city life, it needs space, fresh air and exercise.

22nd place: - an ancient French breed of dogs belonging to the group of mastiffs. In the Middle Ages, they were used as hunting and fighting dogs, and today they are known for their excellent watchdog qualities and calm, friendly character. The minimum weight of these powerful, muscular animals is 45 kg for females and 52 kg for males. The height at the withers in females varies from 57 to 65 cm, in males - from 60 to 69 cm.

21st place: - a large breed of domestic dogs, bred by English huntsmen in the 19th century to protect estates. The growth of bullmastiff males at the withers ranges from 64 to 71 cm, weight - from 50 to 59 kg. Females on average weigh from 45 to 54 kg, and their height varies from 61 to 66 cm. Brave, loyal, calm and balanced - this is how the character of bullmastiffs can be described. They are very disciplined, intelligent animals, easy to train and, having an excellent sense of smell, are wonderful bloodhounds.

20th place: - service dog breed, bred in the USSR. The average weight of males is 50-60 kg, height is 72-78 cm, in females the indicators are as follows: weight 45-50 kg, height 68-74. This dog is not for sitting on a chain. The Black Russian Terrier needs constant communication with the owner, the family in which he lives.

19th place: - an ancient breed of dog from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, where it is still very highly valued as a shepherd guard dog. The height at the withers, depending on the sex, can vary from 71 to 81 cm, weight - from 40 to 65 kg. Kangals are very loyal, obedient, energetic, love children, have a sharp mind and are easy to train.

18th place: - a large breed of sheep dogs, known for their unusual appearance. Its massive body is covered with long white hair, folded into original cords. The average height of males is 70-80 cm, females - 65-70 cm, the weight of the former ranges from 50 to 60 kg, and the latter - from 40 to 50 kg. Smart and balanced, the Komondor is used as a guard dog, they are very affectionate and loyal, easily adapting to life in urban environments.

17th place: - a breed of large service dogs, originating from France. For hundreds of years, representatives of this breed were used by shepherds to protect livestock on the steep slopes of the Pyrenees. These gentle, strong-willed, good-natured and intelligent dogs have a strong physique and elegant appearance. The growth of males ranges from 70-81 cm, weight - 50-54 kg, as for females, their height at the withers is 65-75 cm, and their weight is 36-41 kg.

16th place: Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound(other name - hotosho) - an ancient breed of dogs, common in Buryatia and adjacent territories. According to the breed standard, males must be at least 74 cm, females - at least 66 cm. Weight - from 45 to 70 kg.
Dogs of this breed have long lived at Buddhist monasteries and guarded herds of cattle, camels, flocks of sheep. The Buryats and Mongols often used these dogs for hunting. Now hotosho is a guard and guard dog, companion and bodyguard, used in the search for people in emergency situations.

15th place: Caucasian Shepherd Dog- one of the oldest breeds, whose homeland is the Caucasus. Representatives of this breed are characterized by a strong type of constitution and a fairly large growth. The height at the withers, depending on the sex of the animal, varies from 64 to 75 cm, and the weight of adults is 45-90 kg. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have a decisive and courageous character, they are distrustful of strangers. They are distinguished by special endurance and undemanding, able to adapt to any climatic conditions.

14th place: Kuvasz- an ancient breed of service dogs of Hungarian origin. In the Middle Ages, their status was so high that only persons of royal blood or persons close to them were allowed to have a dog of this breed. The weight of males ranges from 48-90 kg, height at the withers is 70-76 cm, the average weight of females is 34-68 kg, height is 65-70 cm. Kuvasses are strong, brave, loyal dogs that are very easy to keep.

13th place: - a large breed of hunting dogs that arose as a result of crossing dogs brought to Ireland by the Celts with local pickling dogs. It has the status of one of the tallest dog breeds in the world. According to existing standards, the minimum height should be 79 cm (males) and 71 cm (females), and the minimum weight - 54.5 kg and 40.5 kg. Despite their impressive size, Irish wolfhounds are by nature very quiet and calm creatures. They are loyal and loving dogs, excellent with children and relatively easy to train.

12th place: Neapolitan mastiff (mastino napoletano)- service breed of dogs that appeared in the south of the Apennine Peninsula in ancient times. Since ancient times they have been used as guard dogs. Neapolitan mastiffs have a strong rough type of constitution. The height at the withers for females is 60-74 cm, for males - 65-79 cm. The weight of males ranges from 60 to 70 kg, females - from 50 to 60 kg. In addition to good security qualities, representatives of this breed are known for their playful and very friendly character in a homely atmosphere.

11th place: (other names - Turkmen wolfhound or alabai) - an ancient breed of dogs, originally from the regions of Central Asia. The average height at the withers for males is 70-75 cm, for females - 65-69 cm. Weight can range from 50 to 80 kg for males and from 40 to 65 kg for females. Dogs of this breed perfectly cope with the guard and security service. Although Alabai seem clumsy, slow and very calm, they have an explosive nature, excellent reaction and a strong muscular body.

10th place: - a large breed of dogs, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenean Shepherd Dogs. The growth of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and weight - 54-77 kg. Bitches weigh 45-61 kg, height at the withers is 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive canine type. They have a unique character that has created a reputation as an ideal family dog, distinguished by a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easily trained, reasonable dogs with excellent watchdog qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog- a large working dog, bred in Russia in the 50s of the 20th century by crossing the following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Pinto Hound. According to the breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), the preferred height for bitches is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), the minimum weight for males is 60 kg, for females 45 kg. The Moscow watchdog is a self-confident, balanced, independent and sociable dog. It has excellent watchdog and protective qualities. These dogs know no fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel- a breed of service dogs with excellent security qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. This is a large, hardy, powerful dog with good reaction and plasticity. The growth of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, females - 59-65 cm, the weight of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only in affection, but also in regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed native to the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. Thanks to their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and natural swimming abilities, Newfoundlands are excellent lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females - 45-55 kg. Some representatives of the breed are known to have weighed over 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120 kg. The height of the males ranges from 69-75 cm, and the female - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, enormous strength and extremely affectionate character. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As far as tremendous strength is concerned, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, who dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface in Bothell (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: - one of the most ancient breeds, which served in the monasteries of Tibet as a guard dog, and also accompanied nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. The weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, females - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, reserved, obedient dog, combining the ability to guard the house and be a good friend to the family in which he lives. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to a cat's). Interesting fact: a representative of the Tibetan mastiff breed named Hong Dong (Hong Dong) is the most expensive dog in the world, for which a coal magnate from China gave 1.5 million euros.

5th place: German dog - tallest dog breed in the world. The minimum height of males at the withers is 80 cm, females - 72 cm, the weight of males can vary from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of bitches is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The weight of the giant is 70.3 kg.
These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

In the photo - the tallest dog (Great Dane) and the smallest dog (Chihuahua)

4th place: - a breed of giant dogs, originally from Aragon, Spain. Representatives of this breed, which appeared in the south-west of Europe in the company of Asian traders, were originally used as shepherd dogs. Pyrenean mastiffs are very large dogs: males are 77-81 cm, females 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although males weighing more than 100 kg can often be found. Pyrenean Mastiffs are known for being exceptionally intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities that are inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and security guards.

3rd place: st bernard- a breed of giant-sized dogs, descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. These are very strong, large dogs, the height of which is 65-80 cm for females and 70-90 cm for males. According to breed standards, the weight of the St. Bernard must be above 80 kg, the most common dogs are over 80 cm tall and weighing over 100 kg. St. Bernard named Benedictine, weighing 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Another St. Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm. Calm, sensitive and friendly character makes ideal companions from St. Bernards.

2nd place: - a breed of giant dogs, whose homeland is Extremadura, Spain. Initially, the breed was used to protect livestock from wolves and other predators. The height of a male Spanish mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of the female at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a great friend to all family members and a reliable guard at home.

1st place: - an old English dog breed, which has the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and the weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg in males and from 54 to 91 kg in females. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who got into the Guinness Book of Records, with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Mastiffs-aristocrats are known for their power, courage, poise and peacefulness. They do an excellent job both as a guard dog and as a companion dog.

The Great Dane is considered the tallest dog in the world. This is the official title given to the breed by the Guinness Book of Records. Next to these giant dogs, their owners look like teenagers.

The history of the breed

The Great Dane is a working breed belonging to the group of Molossian dogs. The ancestors of the Great Dane appeared on the territory of Europe during the Great Migration of Nations. Strong and heavy dogs were brought with them by the nomadic people of the Alans, who flooded the expanses of Western Europe in the 3rd-5th centuries.

The Alans settled on the territory of the Apennine Peninsula and modern Germany. The ancestors of Great Danes were used during battles and for protection. They were considered formidable fighting dogs.

The crossbreeding of the alien mastiffs with the Irish wolfhound and the English greyhound led to the appearance of a new subspecies. Its representatives have become more mobile, so they began to resort to their help in driven hunting for large game, in particular for bears. Such occupations were distributed exclusively among the upper strata of society, so the breed was considered aristocratic. Over time, these dogs began to be bred as companions.

Among those who put a lot of effort into the development of the breed, it is important to mention Count Wiederd de Sanclair. The name "Great Dane" was given to the descendants of Molossian dogs in 1878. Prior to that, "Great Danes" were called large and strong dogs that were not representatives of a particular breed.

At the same time, a committee of breeders was created in Germany who bred animals of this type. The first breed standard appeared in 1880. Interestingly, since 1965 the Great Dane has been considered the symbol of the US state of Pennsylvania.

Physiological features of the breed

The Great Dane is distinguished by a massive physique, a developed skeleton, an expressive head and an aristocratic posture. Its appearance harmoniously combines balance, nobility and proportional lines.

The body of males usually fits into a square, while females are more elongated. According to the current standard, the height at the withers (the highest point on the animal's spine) in males should be at least 80 cm, and in bitches - 72 cm. At the same time, the length of the back should not greatly exceed the height at the withers. The weight of dogs fluctuates around 90 kg.

Representatives of the breed are characterized by a long and large head with a wide bridge of the nose. The dog's ears are set high, their edge close to the cheek. The neck is high and long. The withers are muscular. The limbs are strong and straight. The paws are closed in a ball, which gives a resemblance to the representatives of the cat.

The tail of the Great Dane is set high and tapers towards the tip. When the dog is relaxed, the tail is lowered, and when excited, it rises noticeably. The coat of the dog is short and shiny.

As for color, the standard highlights:

  • black (deep black, white spots are possible);
  • brindle (gold with distinct black stripes and a black mask);
  • white with black spots (pure white with ragged black spots);
  • fawn (gold, black mask welcome);
  • blue (blue-steel, white areas are possible).

The eyes and nails of the representatives of the named breed are usually black. Light eyes are found only in blue and marble dogs.

The Great Dane is a watchman, companion and bodyguard. Its basic features are poise, calmness and goodwill. But if there is a threat to the owner, the attacker will not do well, especially since the Great Danes are distrustful of strangers. However, you can safely go to public places with them.

Great Danes are quite active, they enjoy playing catch-up and fetching. Dogs of this breed can be considered homebodies. They can lie on the floor for hours, changing their location from time to time. Great Danes gladly demonstrate their growth, leaning on the shoulders of the owner with their front paws.

They are known to be good-natured and loyal pets. This is an easy to manage companion. Great Danes treat all family members well, willingly play with children. But it is better not to leave very young children alone with a Great Dane puppy. A 5 month old puppy often weighs more than a 5 year old. During the game, he can unwittingly harm the baby.

Great Danes are not aware of their size and strength, which means that the consequences of some of their actions should not be considered deliberate sabotage. When playing with a person, they can easily knock him down, which should not be taken as aggression either. These wise dogs are not at all prone to groundless manifestations of aggression.

Dogs are well aware of when it is better not to disturb the owner. At the same time, they are very sociable and require a lot of attention. At a young age, they are often hyperactive and not always obedient, but proper training makes them ideal family pets.

Since the dog is large, the first thing he needs is space. It makes no sense to start a Great Dane if you are the owner of a small apartment. It is also not customary to keep this aristocrat on the street. In the conditions of the Russian winter, the short coat of the Great Dane is a weak protection from the cold.

At the same time, the coat of these dogs does not require special care. So, there is no need for frequent bath procedures. Taking a bath requires thorough rinsing of the shampoo. The fact is that the remnants of the detergent can have a bad effect on the dog's coat. Regular walks, at least an hour a day, are especially important for the dog.

Great Danes are quite smart, so any owner can teach them to elementary commands. But when starting a dog of this breed, be prepared for the fact that they live no more than 6-10 years.

Representatives of the breed included in the Guinness Book of Records

Great Danes with enviable constancy are included in the list of champions. This is not possible for every breed. Let's take a look at some of the Great Danes who have been honored to enter the Guinness World Records list.


Male Great Danes are usually taller than females, however, for a long time, the Nova was considered the tallest dog in the world. Leaning on her hind legs, she reached a height 1.80 m. At the same time, her weight was 70 kg.

Nova lived with her owner Ann Supley in Addison, Illinois, USA. Ann liked to walk her pet in a Superman cape. Despite her impressive size, Nova was afraid of unfamiliar relatives of small size. At the same time, she was very fond of playing with children and was known as an excellent nanny.


In 2013, the Great Dane Zeus was named the tallest dog. His height at the withers was 111.8 cm, and when standing on his hind legs - 2.24 m. Recall that the first indicator is measured from the withers to the floor. The dog lived in a small town in Michigan (USA). The dog's daily ration consisted of 14 kg of feed.

According to the owner of the giant Kevin Dorlag, Zeus had a constant good nature. True, when the dog grew up, it was difficult for him to understand why now he was not allowed to sit on his master's lap. Thanks to the owners, Zeus was distinguished by high social activity. In many schools and hospitals, he was not only a welcome guest, but also an indispensable assistant.

In public places, Zeus not only showed his size, he took part in the socialization of children, in particular, he helped kids overcome their fear of animals. In addition, it was used for canistherapy. This is a popular rehabilitation method using specially trained animals.

Zeus died in 2014, by that time he was 5 years old.


Currently, the tallest Great Dane in the world lives in Essex (UK). Freddie's height is 2.28 m. If the dog stands on its hind legs, it will rise 61 cm above its mistress Claire Stoneman. The giant weighs more than 90 kg. Freddie lives with Claire, her family, and Daughter Fluer.

It is not difficult to guess that the dog eats an impressive amount of food. According to the owner, his favorite treats are buttered toast and fried chicken. It takes more than one thousand dollars a year to feed a dog.

Claire walks with Freddie every day for at least 40 minutes. Moreover, the walk takes place in the early morning, so it is possible to avoid collisions with small dogs, which are often afraid of the size of the dog. Claire understands that in the event of an unpredictable situation, she may simply not keep the pet.

A sudden encounter with a Great Dane can scare anyone. However, unless you have malicious intent, there is nothing to worry about. Size does not affect the benevolent disposition of these giant dogs.

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to the family of which they are favorites. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. The positive side is their wonderful character - large dogs, with proper upbringing, as a rule, very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are fairly easy to train and do not require much exercise. As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include rather high food costs, since such large-sized animals require an appropriate amount of food. Perhaps the most frustrating factor is that large breeds often have a much shorter lifespan than their smaller counterparts.
Despite the disadvantages and the huge popularity of small breeds of dogs, many people prefer to have a large dog in their home, which will not only be a faithful and kind friend to all family members, but also a reliable defender and guard of the territory.
In this article, we will look at the 30 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, first of all, the average body weight of dogs of each breed was taken into account, as well as height at the withers (the withers is the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog's body). The top includes dog breeds with an average male weight of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

30th place: Estrel Sheepdog(other name - portuguese mountain shepherd) is the oldest breed of dog in the Iberian Peninsula, originally used as a shepherd dog. The average height of males at the withers is 65–72 cm, weight 40–50 kg, for females, height 62–69 cm, weight 30–40 kg. In Russia, dogs of this breed are little known, because. rarely seen outside of Portugal. Those who want to get a dog of this breed should know that the Estrel shepherd dogs are completely unsuitable for life in the city, but they are ideal as hunting dogs.

29th place: - one of the most ancient breeds of European hunting greyhounds, the mention of which was first recorded in Scottish chronicles as early as the 16th century. The average weight of males is 40-50 kg, females - 35-43 kg, the minimum height is 75 cm for males and 70 cm for females. Amazing flair and excellent reaction make deerhounds natural hunters. They are very active, hardy, balanced, love children, are easy to train and easily remember commands.

28th place: Cane Corso(other name - italian mastiff) - a breed from Italy, leading its roots from dogs used in war by the ancient Romans. Cane Corso are focused on protection and protection. The average height of males is from 64 to 72 cm, weight 45-50 kg. The average height of bitches is 60-64 cm, weight 40-45 kg.

27th place: Russian borzoi- a breed of hunting dogs, originating in the 17th century. Height at the withers of males from 75 to 86 cm, females - 68 to 78 cm. Weight 36-61 kg.

26th place: dogo argentino(other name - argentine mastiff) is a hunting dog breed bred in Argentina in the 20s of the 20th century. The average weight of males is 45-65 kg, females 40-55 kg. Average height: males 60-68 cm, females 60-65 cm.

25th place: (another name - big japanese dog) - a breed of dog that arose in the United States after World War II on the basis of the ancient Japanese breed Akita Inu (it was to this breed that the famous dog Hachiko belonged). Americans and Canadians do not consider the American Akita a separate breed, holding the view that the American and Japanese Akita are two varieties of the same Akita breed. Males of the American Akita breed weigh 45-66 kg with a height of 66-71 cm, females have a weight of 36-54 kg and a height of 61-66 cm. Japanese Akitas are shorter and lighter.

24th place: South Russian Shepherd Dog- a shepherd breed bred by the landowner Falz-Fein (1863-1920) in the south of Ukraine. There is an opinion that the ancestors of this breed were brought from Germany, and the breed itself is identical with the Old German, Old French and Old English shepherd dogs (this type of shepherd dog almost disappeared in Europe, but in our country, thanks to large-scale sheep breeding, they bred as watchmen from wolves and survived). The average height of males is 65–66 cm, females 62–66 cm, the average weight of dogs of both sexes is from 48 to 50 kg. This dog is not suitable for the elderly and those in poor health as it requires an active lifestyle.

In the photo - South Russian Shepherd Dog and Fox Terrier

23rd place: - a breed of dog originally from the Swiss Alps. The growth of males of this breed is 65-72 cm, weight 50-64 kg, the height of females is 60-69 cm, weight 48-54 kg. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is not suitable for city life, it needs space, fresh air and exercise.

22nd place: - an ancient French breed of dogs belonging to the group of mastiffs. In the Middle Ages, they were used as hunting and fighting dogs, and today they are known for their excellent watchdog qualities and calm, friendly character. The minimum weight of these powerful, muscular animals is 45 kg for females and 52 kg for males. The height at the withers in females varies from 57 to 65 cm, in males - from 60 to 69 cm.

21st place: - a large breed of domestic dogs, bred by English huntsmen in the 19th century to protect estates. The growth of bullmastiff males at the withers ranges from 64 to 71 cm, weight - from 50 to 59 kg. Females on average weigh from 45 to 54 kg, and their height varies from 61 to 66 cm. Brave, loyal, calm and balanced - this is how the character of bullmastiffs can be described. They are very disciplined, intelligent animals, easy to train and, having an excellent sense of smell, are wonderful bloodhounds.

20th place: - service dog breed, bred in the USSR. The average weight of males is 50-60 kg, height is 72-78 cm, in females the indicators are as follows: weight 45-50 kg, height 68-74. This dog is not for sitting on a chain. The Black Russian Terrier needs constant communication with the owner, the family in which he lives.

19th place: - an ancient breed of dog native to Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, where it is still highly valued as a shepherd guard dog. The height at the withers, depending on the sex, can vary from 71 to 81 cm, weight - from 40 to 65 kg. Kangals are very loyal, obedient, energetic, love children, have a sharp mind and are easy to train.

18th place: - a large breed of sheep dogs, known for their unusual appearance. Its massive body is covered with long white hair, folded into original cords. The average height of males is 70-80 cm, females - 65-70 cm, the weight of the former ranges from 50 to 60 kg, and the latter - from 40 to 50 kg. Smart and balanced, the Komondor is used as a guard dog, they are very affectionate and loyal, easily adapting to life in urban environments.

17th place: - a breed of large service dogs, originating from France. For hundreds of years, representatives of this breed were used by shepherds to protect livestock on the steep slopes of the Pyrenees. These gentle, strong-willed, good-natured and intelligent dogs have a strong physique and elegant appearance. The growth of males ranges from 70-81 cm, weight - 50-54 kg, as for females, their height at the withers is 65-75 cm, and their weight is 36-41 kg.

16th place: Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound(other name - hotosho) - an ancient breed of dogs, common in Buryatia and adjacent territories. According to the breed standard, males must be at least 74 cm, females - at least 66 cm. Weight - from 45 to 70 kg.
Dogs of this breed have long lived at Buddhist monasteries and guarded herds of cattle, camels, flocks of sheep. The Buryats and Mongols often used these dogs for hunting. Now hotosho is a guard and guard dog, companion and bodyguard, used in the search for people in emergency situations.

15th place: Caucasian Shepherd Dog- one of the oldest breeds, whose homeland is the Caucasus. Representatives of this breed are characterized by a strong type of constitution and a fairly large growth. The height at the withers, depending on the sex of the animal, varies from 64 to 75 cm, and the weight of adults is 45-90 kg. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have a decisive and courageous character, they are distrustful of strangers. They are distinguished by special endurance and undemanding, able to adapt to any climatic conditions.

14th place: Kuvasz- an ancient breed of service dogs of Hungarian origin. In the Middle Ages, their status was so high that only persons of royal blood or persons close to them were allowed to have a dog of this breed. The weight of males ranges from 48-90 kg, height at the withers is 70-76 cm, the average weight of females is 34-68 kg, height is 65-70 cm. Kuvasses are strong, brave, loyal dogs, which are very easy to keep.

13th place: - a large breed of hunting dogs that arose as a result of crossing dogs brought to Ireland by the Celts with local pickling dogs. It has the status of one of the tallest dog breeds in the world. According to existing standards, the minimum height should be 79 cm (males) and 71 cm (females), and the minimum weight - 54.5 kg and 40.5 kg. Despite their impressive size, Irish wolfhounds are by nature very quiet and calm creatures. They are loyal and loving dogs, excellent with children and relatively easy to train.

12th place: Neapolitan mastiff (mastino napoletano)- a service breed of dogs that appeared in the south of the Apennine Peninsula in ancient times. Since ancient times they have been used as guard dogs. Neapolitan mastiffs have a strong rough type of constitution. The height at the withers for females is 60-74 cm, for males - 65-79 cm. The weight of males ranges from 60 to 70 kg, females - from 50 to 60 kg. In addition to good security qualities, representatives of this breed are known for their playful and very friendly character in a homely atmosphere.

11th place: (other names - Turkmen wolfhound or alabai) is an ancient breed of dog, originally from the regions of Central Asia. The average height at the withers for males is 70-75 cm, for females - 65-69 cm. Weight can range from 50 to 80 kg for males and from 40 to 65 kg for females. Dogs of this breed perfectly cope with the guard and security service. Although Alabai seem clumsy, slow and very calm, they have an explosive nature, excellent reaction and a strong muscular body.

10th place: - a large breed of dogs, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenean Shepherds. The growth of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and weight - 54-77 kg. Bitches weigh 45-61 kg, height at the withers is 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive canine type. They have a unique character that has created a reputation as an ideal family dog, distinguished by a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easily trained, reasonable dogs with excellent watchdog qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog- a large working dog, bred in Russia in the 50s of the 20th century by crossing the following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Pinto Hound. According to the breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), the preferred height for bitches is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), the minimum weight for males is 60 kg, for females 45 kg. The Moscow watchdog is a self-confident, balanced, independent and sociable dog. It has excellent watchdog and protective qualities. These dogs know no fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel- a breed of service dogs with excellent security qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. This is a large, hardy, powerful dog with good reaction and plasticity. The growth of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, females - 59-65 cm, the weight of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only in affection, but also in regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed native to the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. Thanks to their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and natural swimming abilities, Newfoundlands are excellent lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females - 45-55 kg. Some representatives of the breed are known to have weighed over 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120 kg. The height of the males ranges from 69-75 cm, and the female - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, enormous strength and extremely affectionate character. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As far as tremendous strength is concerned, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, who dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface in Bothell (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: - one of the most ancient breeds that served in the monasteries of Tibet as a guard dog, and also accompanied nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. The weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, females - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, reserved, obedient dog, combining the ability to guard the house and be a good friend to the family in which he lives. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to a cat's). An interesting fact: a representative of the Tibetan mastiff breed named Hong Dong (Hong Dong) is, for which the coal magnate from China gave 1.5 million euros.

5th place: German dog - tallest dog breed in the world. The minimum height of males at the withers is 80 cm, females - 72 cm, the weight of males can vary from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of bitches is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The weight of the giant is 70.3 kg.
These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

In the photo - the tallest dog (Great Dane) and (Chihuahua)

4th place: - a breed of giant dogs, originally from Aragon, Spain. Representatives of this breed, which appeared in the south-west of Europe in the company of Asian traders, were originally used as shepherd dogs. Pyrenean mastiffs are very large dogs: males are 77-81 cm, females 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although males weighing more than 100 kg can often be found. Pyrenean Mastiffs are known for being exceptionally intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities that are inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and security guards.

3rd place: st bernard- a breed of giant-sized dogs, descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. These are very strong, large dogs, the height of which is 65-80 cm for females and 70-90 cm for males. According to breed standards, the weight of the St. Bernard must be above 80 kg, the most common dogs are over 80 cm tall and weighing over 100 kg. St. Bernard named Benedictine, weighing 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Another St. Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm. Calm, sensitive and friendly character makes ideal companions from St. Bernards.

2nd place: - a breed of giant dogs, whose homeland is Extremadura, Spain. Initially, the breed was used to protect livestock from wolves and other predators. The height of a male Spanish mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of the female at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a great friend to all family members and a reliable guard at home.

1st place: - an old English dog breed, which has the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and the weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg in males and from 54 to 91 kg in females. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who got into the Guinness Book of Records, with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Mastiffs-aristocrats are known for their power, courage, poise and peacefulness. They do an excellent job both as a guard dog and as a companion dog.