The order of the exam in the year. Rules for writing the exam: what is prohibited and what is allowed

The procedure for passing the exam usually takes place on the territory of schools. In official documents, they are called PES - examination points. The addresses of educational institutions where the exam is to be taken are indicated in the passes for the exam (eleventh-graders receive them at their schools, graduates of previous years - at the education departments where they applied for the exams). At the same time, the addresses can be different: several schools can be allocated for compulsory exams and the most popular elective subjects in a district or city, and only one for “rare” subjects such as geography.

In each of the PES, graduates of several educational institutions at once. Moreover, eleventh-graders usually do not take the exam in their "alma mater" - they are sent to other schools. This is done so that all dealers are in different conditions. However, usually schoolchildren have the opportunity to get acquainted with the premises where they will take the exam: graduates usually write rehearsal exams in those schools to which they are “attached”.

For the duration of the exam, all lessons, circle classes, etc. in schools involved under PES: only the examiners and their accompanying persons, as well as the organizers of the exam, are in the building.

The order of passage to the point of delivery of the exam and the list of permitted subjects

On the day of the exam, the schools where the USE takes place open their doors one hour before the start of the exams - at 9.00 local time. Graduates of previous years come to PES on their own, eleventh graders usually first gather at their school and go to the exam centrally, accompanied by a class teacher or subject teacher.

Only USE participants and accompanying persons are allowed to the examination point - after the presentation of documents (passports, passes for the exam). In addition, inside the PES, the examinees are registered - they are noted in the list of arrivals and given the number of the audience and place. The distribution of participants into rooms and desks (each of which is marked with a special code) is carried out by the organizers in advance, in an automated mode, and it is impossible to “swap places” with anyone on the day of the exam.

Prior to the start of the exam, participants hand over their personal belongings, smartphones and other gadgets to a cloakroom or specially organized storage points, leaving with them only what is needed to pass the exam.

The list of things you can take with you to the exam includes:

  • passport (check that there are no extraneous papers under the flaps of the cover),

  • pens (the recommended option is two black gel pens, but you can take more);

  • ruler - at exams in mathematics, physics, geography;

  • non-programmable - at the Unified State Examination in physics, chemistry, geography;

  • protractor - on geography;

  • food and medicines - if necessary.

Please note that the invitation to the exam is not included in the list of permitted items - it must be submitted together with the things.

Before entering the part of the school where the exam itself takes place, participants are checked with a metal detector to make sure that they do not carry prohibited technical devices. Inspection often unnerves schoolchildren - they consider it humiliating. However, it is worth taking it easier - in the end, before air travel, for example, passengers go through much more stringent screening, and pass through the frames at the stations, inspect bags at the entrance to large public events, etc. have already become the norm.

To reduce nervousness, you can make sure that the check goes “like clockwork” in advance:

  • do not wear large jewelry,

  • choose clothes without metal accessories,

  • Avoid bulky clothes with lots of pockets

  • before going through the metal detector, check if you have any extra things with you,

  • if you wear a mechanical or quartz watch, it is not necessary to hand it in, but it is better to take it off and hold it in your hand before the inspection, along with permitted items. Electronic clocks are best left at home.

After the screening, the participants are escorted to the offices where they have to take the exam and take their places in accordance with the seating arrangement. On the door of each office should be a list of examinees "assigned" to this audience. Another copy of the list is held by the exam organizers responsible for this audience. In it they mark all the arrivals. At this stage, you will have to show your passport again - the organizers must make sure that each participant in the exam is exactly the one he claims to be.

It is not forbidden by the USE rules to take water or food with you to the exam (with the proviso that they should not be pungent or in rustling wrappers), however, in practice, exam participants are usually asked to leave everything except passport pens on a table at the entrance to the classroom. In order to have a drink or a snack, it will be possible to leave the classroom.

How is the passing of the exam in the classrooms: the procedure for briefing and filling out forms

The exam starts at 10:00 local time. At this point, all participants should take their places. Latecomers may be admitted to the classroom, but there will be no re-briefing for them. During the exams, only participants of the exam, organizers and public observers are in the audience.

The exam begins with the fact that the organizers announce a brief "introductory" information about the rules for passing the exam. Do not be surprised that the text is read from a piece of paper - this is a mandatory requirement, because the text of the appeal is approved at the level of the Ministry of Education, and all important information must be conveyed word for word, without distortion or additions. Reading an appeal usually takes a couple of minutes.

After that, the organizers begin to distribute materials. If the CMM options are printed out right in the audience, the sealed package with the options is first opened, then they are printed and laid out by the organizers, after that they are distributed to the participants. If the control and measuring materials arrive at the PES already printed, they are in a sealed envelope, which is also opened in front of everyone. Individual sets of participants in this case must also be sealed - they are opened by the participants themselves.

After the kits are distributed, the participants of the exam, under the guidance of the organizers:

  • check the completeness of the package (it should not contain extra or missing forms),

  • check barcodes on forms and envelopes,

  • check the absence of printing defects in KIMs and forms,

  • fill out the forms as instructed.

All these procedures usually take about 15-20 minutes, if the printing of forms is carried out in the classroom - about half an hour. This time is not included in the "examination" - the start date of the exam is the moment when all the forms are filled out.

What can you use during the exam

As already mentioned, a USE participant enters the examination room with a passport and pens, and for exams in mathematics, physics, chemistry and geography, additional items from the list of permitted ones. Everything else is given to the participants by the organizers.

The individual set of the USE participant for all written exams includes:

  • texts of the KIM variant,

  • registration form,

  • answer form No. 1 - for tasks with short answers,

  • answer sheet No. 2 for tasks with detailed answers (except for the basic level math exam).

In addition, the organizers give all participants sheets for drafts with the stamp of the school on the basis of which the exam is being held.

Also, at some exams, participants are given additional reference materials: At the Unified State Examination in mathematics and physics, these can be applications to KIMs, including reference information necessary for solving specific problems. Participants of the chemistry exam are provided with:

  • Mendeleev,

  • electrochemical series of voltages of metals,

  • table of solubility in water of acids, salts and bases.

There are no additional allowances for the USE in other subjects.

Rules for writing the exam: what is prohibited and what is allowed

The duration of the exam in various subjects varies and ranges from 3 hours (180 minutes) to 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). The starting point is the end of the briefing. This time is written on the blackboard, as well as the time when the exam ends. You can keep track of the time, which should hang in each examination room. In addition, the organizers are obliged to remind the participants of the time twice: 30 and 5 minutes before the deadline.

During this time, participants must remain in their places, observe silence, not contact each other and not pass any objects to neighbors - this is prohibited by the rules of the exam. At the same time, the organizers do not have the right to give any explanations on the text of the tasks or to communicate individually with any of the examinees. They only ensure the conduct of the exam from an organizational and technical point of view, monitor the correct filling of forms and advise on procedural issues.

For rough notes, paper provided by the organizers is used, you can also make any notes, notes and underlining in KIMs and use their reverse side for calculations. But it is impossible to rewrite the wording of tasks from KIM to a draft - this is considered a violation.

During the exam, participants can leave the audience with the permission of the organizers, however, all examination materials and the notes you have made must remain in the classroom, it is strictly forbidden to take them out. Participants are accompanied by the organizers of the exam along the PES corridors (several people are specially on duty in the corridors). Without supervision, the participants remain only in the toilet rooms - to control what the graduate is doing in the booths, the inspectors have no right (as well as to limit the time spent there).

If the USE participant violates the rules of conduct, refuses to obey the organizers, is “caught” using a cheat sheet, cell phone or other prohibited technical means, he can be removed from the exam without the right to retake. Moreover, he will not receive points for tasks already completed - the work of violators is not checked.

If the examiner is not feeling well during the exam, he has the right to interrupt the exam by informing the organizers about his state of health. In this case, he is escorted to the medical room, where a doctor is on duty, ready to provide urgent assistance. After the fact of the disease is recorded, an act is drawn up on the early completion of the exam - and the sick person has the right to retake the exam on reserve days.

Ready-made solutions are entered into the examination forms with a black gel pen - so that after scanning everything written is clearly distinguishable. KIMs and drafts are not scanned and not checked - therefore, it is necessary to have time to transfer all decisions to the forms. If there is not enough space on form No. 2 (for detailed answers), the participants turn to the organizers with a request to issue an additional form. It is provided only when the issued form is completely filled out on both sides.

If the work is completed and checked ahead of schedule, the USE participant submits all materials to the organizers and can go home without waiting for the deadline. Early acceptance of papers ends 5 minutes before "time H", at the time of the last announcement of the imminent end of the exam.

After the time has elapsed, the examinees must put down their pens (even if the work is not finished yet). Next, they should: fold the sheets with control and measuring materials into an envelope, and forms and drafts - on the edge of the table.

The organizers of the exam in front of the participants must collect papers, cross out the remaining empty spaces on forms No. 2, fill out the exam protocol and pack the forms in special returnable bags - and seal them.

After that, the end of the exam is announced aloud - and the protocol is read out. On this, the procedure for conducting the exam is considered completed, the organizers hand over the examination materials to the headquarters, and the participants can only wait for the test results.

The main documents regulating the procedure for conducting the USE-2016 Chapter 6, Art. 59. Final certification. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated g “On approval of the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education” (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated g 291, from g 529, from g 923. from g 9, from g 693). Letter from the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated "Methodological materials governing the conduct of the final essay (statement) in the academic year." Open bank of GIA assignments for educational programs of basic general education.

Organization of the state final certification 2016 in the form of the Unified State Exam - organized and conducted by Rosobrnadzor together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education; in the form of GVE - organized and conducted by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage the field of education, educational institutions and their founders.

State final attestation 2016 Students who do not have academic debt in all subjects of the curriculum for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education are allowed to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, - who completed the curriculum in full (having annual marks in all academic subjects for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education not lower than satisfactory) current year

To obtain a certificate of secondary general education, it is necessary to pass two mandatory exams in the form of the Unified State Examination (in Russian language and mathematics) admission to study in undergraduate and specialist programs 36 test scores in mathematics - 27 test scores (profile level) or marks "3,4,5" (basic level). A graduate who has received less than points in these subjects does not receive a certificate.

USE schedule (project) Main period June 16 informatics and ICT, history June 2 June 6 mathematics (basic) mathematics (profile) June 14 foreign languages, biology May 30 Russian language May 27 geography, literature June 20 physics, chemistry June Foreign languages ​​( orally) 08 June social science

The procedure for conducting the exam To participate in the exam, a graduate must submit an application no later than February 1, indicating the list of subjects for which he plans to take the exam. After February 1st, selected items cannot be added or changed. On the day of the exam, the graduate must have with him: an exam pass, a passport, a black gel or capillary pen. It is forbidden to have a mobile phone and other means of communication during the exam. If the procedure for conducting the exam is not followed, the organizers remove the participants from the exam from the exam.

In 2016, in order to organize the USE, the following changes to the USE in mathematics are planned. - The exam in mathematics is divided into two levels: basic and specialized. - Graduates will be able to choose both levels at the same time, or one of the levels. - To obtain a certificate of secondary general education, it is enough to pass the USE at the basic level (20 tasks - marks “2,3,4,5”). - For admission to a university where the subject "Mathematics" is not in the list of entrance exams, it is enough to pass the USE at the basic level. -For admission to universities in which mathematics is included in the list of entrance examinations, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Examination in the subject "Mathematics" at the profile level. (19 tasks - max 100 points)

In 2016, in order to organize the USE, the following changes are planned 2. USE in a foreign language. - When conducting the exam in a foreign language, at the request of the participant, the section "Speaking" is included in the exam, the oral tasks of which are recorded on audio media. - The maximum score is -100 (the written part, the maximum score is 80 points; the maximum score for the oral part is -20 points) 3. Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

Final essay (statement) The final essay (statement) as a condition for admission to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as the GIA) is mandatory for graduates of the current year of educational organizations implementing programs of secondary general education Deadlines for the final essay (statement ) December 2, 2016 - for students of the current year. February 3, 2016 and May 4, 2016 - for students of the current year - if they have good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances). In case of receiving an unsatisfactory result (“failure”) for the final essay (statement), students have the right to retake the final essay (statement), but no more than two times and only within the time frame stipulated by the schedule for the final essay (statement)

The duration of the final essay (statement) The duration of the final essay (statement) is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). The duration of the final essay (statement) does not include the time allocated for preparatory activities (instructing the participants in the final essay (statement), filling in the registration fields of forms, etc.). For participants of the final essay (statement) with disabilities, children with disabilities and the disabled, the duration of the final essay (statement) is increased by 1.5 hours

The order of the final essay (statement) The final essay (statement) begins at local time. Venue _MOU gymnasium 12 During the final essay (statement) on the desktop of the participants in the final essay (statement), in addition to the registration form and entry forms (additional entry form), there are: a pen (gel, capillary or fountain pen with black ink); identity document; medicines and nutrition (if necessary); a spelling dictionary for the participants of the final essay (spelling and explanatory dictionaries for the participants of the final presentation), issued by members of the commission of the educational organization for the final essay (statement); instructions for participants in the final essay (statement); drafts (not checked and entries in them are not taken into account).

The procedure for conducting the final essay (statement) During the conduct of the final essay (statement), participants in the final essay (statement) are prohibited from having communication equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information, their own spelling and (or) explanatory dictionaries. Participants in the final essay (statement) are also prohibited from using texts of literary material (fiction, diaries, memoirs, journalism, other literary sources). The results of the final essay (statement) Participants can familiarize themselves with the results of the final essay (statement) at the MOU gymnasium 12.

Re-admission to the delivery of the final essay (statement) Re-admitted to writing the final essay (statement) within the time limits established by the schedule for the final essay (statement): students who received an unsatisfactory result in the final essay (statement) (“failure”); students and persons listed in clause 1.2 of these Guidelines who did not appear for the final essay (statement) for good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances); students, persons listed in clause 1.2 of these Guidelines, who have not completed the submission of the final essay (statement) for good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances). Students who have received an unsatisfactory result (“failure”) in the final essay (statement) may be re-admitted to participate in the final essay (statement), but no more than twice and only within the time limits established by the schedule for the final essay (statement). Validity of the results of the final essay - 4 years

Verification of the final essay (statement) General procedure statement of less than 150 words (all words, including official ones, are included in the calculation), then “failure” is set for failure to comply with requirement 1 and “failure” for the entire work as a whole (such final essays (statements) are not checked by experts in accordance with five evaluation criteria).

Requirement 2. “Independence in writing the final essay (statement)” The final essay (statement) is performed independently. The criteria for evaluating the final essay and presentation by educational organizations implementing educational programs of secondary general education are close, as can be seen from the comparison table below: Involvement of literary material 2. Consistency of presentation 3. Composition and logic of reasoning 3. Use of style elements of the source text 4. Quality of written speech 5. Literacy order), as well as "pass" according to one of the other criteria (3 - 5).

Information support of the Unified State Examination: - Shekera Elena Viktorovna administrator of the Unified State Examination in the Krasnooktyabrsky district (MOU secondary school 20) - Kochetkova Svetlana Viktorovna - deputy director for water resources management - responsible GIA in the MOU gymnasium 12; - Familiarization on the site with some federal administrative documents on the conduct of the state final certification in 2016. e-mail addresses of official sites: municipal: ru - address of the MOU gymnasium 12 ru regional: Information and reference portal of the Administration of the Volgograd Region (section "Executive authorities. Committee on Education and Science". federal:

For all points of the unified exam, the start time of the USE is standard - 10.00 . Do not be late and before leaving the house, check that you have taken a passport (or other identity card) and a pass to the Unified State Examination. You will not be allowed to enter the classroom without these documents. By the way, the number of your audience is indicated in the list. Strictly follow the instructions of the organizers so as not to be in someone else's place.

At the beginning of the exam, you will receive a sealed packet with answer sheets and assignments. First of all, according to the instructions of the instructors.

After receiving the package with tasks, check the quality of the forms. Report the location of the marriage to the organizers. Check the barcodes on the registration form and on the envelope of the examination kit. Please fill out the forms carefully! It's annoying to make a mistake in writing your own surname.

Drafts will be given to you along with the forms. If you did not have enough space to answer in form No. 2, ask the organizer for an additional sheet.

During the exam in any subjects strictly prohibited:

  • communicate with other participants;
  • get up from the specified place;
  • use mobile phones;
  • move around the audience
  • exchange any materials;
  • leave the audience without the accompaniment of the organizer (including to the toilet and medical office).

The violator has the right to be removed from the office. This fact is recorded in the protocol of the examination and indicated in the student's form.

How many hours does the exam take?

The start time of the exam is written on the blackboard. Only after official permission can you start working on assignments. Don't worry, because after the courses at IMTP you clearly know!

USE duration is determined by the degree of complexity of the subject being handed over:

  • 235 minutes - mathematics, physics, literature, computer science, information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • 210 minutes - Russian language, history, social studies;
  • 180 minutes - biology, geography, chemistry, foreign languages.

Is it possible to leave earlier?

Yes. But if there are 15 minutes left before the end of the exam, you must remain in the classroom. When leaving, be sure to present a pass in which the information necessary for reporting will be entered. Also, the organizer is obliged to put the seal of the institution and his signature on it.