Eye damage symptoms. Eye Damage: Causes and Treatments

All resulting eye injuries are divided into foreign bodies or injuries entering the organ of vision.

The ingress of a foreign body almost always leads to injuries of a domestic, industrial, sports, combat nature. The injury can cause blindness in one eye.

What is the best treatment for an eye injury at home? What to do with an eye injury?

What eye injuries can a person get?

Injury to the eye and orbit (ICB-10 code S05) can be caused by any small and even non-sharp objects, as well as chemicals. Injury can be inflicted with a fist, a stone, a snowball.

First, the optical apparatus (cornea), the lens, is damaged. In case of serious damage, the retina of the eye is also injured, and sometimes the optic nerve.

If a chemical burn occurs, acids, household chemicals, alkalis, cosmetics act as damaging substances. Alkaline - the most dangerous.

Acid, if it enters the eye, can quickly coagulate and not penetrate deep into the eye tissues. But alkali penetrates deeply, corroding all the eye membranes.

After a few days, severe and irreversible damage occurs in the tissues of the eye, which leads to an absolute loss of vision that cannot be restored.

An eye burn can be not only chemical, but also thermal. Get it due to hot steam getting into the eye.

With non-penetrating eye injury, the following occurs:

  • severe bleeding inside the eye;
  • rupture of the retina and choroid;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • traumatic cataract.

Often this is possible after a severe bruise or blow with a blunt object.


  • severe pain in the eye;
  • uncontrolled lacrimation begins;
  • pain syndrome, if the patient looks at the light, visual acuity is greatly reduced;
  • possible appearance of a bloody spot on the eye.

With a penetrating injury, complete destruction of the damaged eyeball, damage to the lens, loss of vision is possible. The patient must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Blunt eye injury is divided into the following degrees: mild, moderate, severe.

The consequences of such an injury:

  • erosion of tissues that are located around the cornea;
  • damage to the corneal epithelium;
  • possible inflammation and infection;
  • the level of visual acuity may decrease;
  • pain in the eye due to damage to the nerve endings.

Symptoms of blunt trauma:

  • when an infection is attached, edema develops after a few days;
  • purulent discharge is formed;
  • possible post-traumatic keratitis and corneal ulcer;
  • visual acuity will decrease as a result.

The eye can also be damaged due to injury or bruising of the bones, tissues, muscles that are located near the eye organ.

As a result of a fracture and crack in the wall of the orbit, air can penetrate under the skin, causing severe swelling of the eyelid and protrusion of the eyeball. The optic nerve can be damaged and cause blindness.

If a person has suffered an eye injury, it is necessary to provide emergency first aid.

Absolutely not:

  • rub the damaged eye, put pressure on it;
  • touch it, try to remove the foreign body on your own;
  • wash the eye in case of a penetrating wound (exception: penetration of chemical solutions into the eye);
  • neutralize the effect of one substance with another (if the burn was produced with an acid solution, then it should not be washed with alkali);
  • use cotton wool for bandaging, as its villi can get into the eye and aggravate the situation (with the exception of eyelid wounds with heavy bleeding).


  • wash hands before any manipulation;
  • calm the victim;
  • take him to the emergency room.

When the eyelids are injured:

  • clean the area of ​​damage from contamination with water or antiseptic solutions;
  • apply cold without pressing on the eye, cover the wound with a sterile bandage;
  • make a bandage of cotton and gauze with heavy bleeding.

In case of contact with a chemical solution, you need to:

  • rinse eyes and eyelids with running water;
  • put the victim near the sink, tilt his head back, open his eyelids, rinse the eye for 30 minutes;
  • take the victim to the emergency room.

If quicklime powder gets into the eye, you should never wash your eyes! Interacting with water, lime generates heat, intensifying the burn. Crystals are removed with a dry, clean cloth.

In case of eye contact with super glue:

  • try to remove the glue from the skin of the eyelids (you can apply tetracycline ointment 1%);
  • open your eyes;
  • take the victim to the emergency room.


For flame burn:

  • remove impurities from the skin of the eyelids, wipe with alcohol so that it does not get into the eyes;
  • anoint the skin of the eyelids with tetracycline ointment 1%.

When burned by ultraviolet rays:

  • due to the severe photophobia resulting from the burn, darken the room;
  • put an antibacterial ointment behind the eyelid (for example, tetracycline 1%);
  • put dry ice on your eyes (put the ice in a bag, wrap the bag in a clean napkin);
  • give painkillers (Pentalgin, Nurofen, Ibuprofen);
  • if the pain does not go away within an hour, go to the emergency room.


For bleeding:

  • drip antibacterial drops (Albucid (20%), Levomycetin (0.25%), Vitabact (0.05%));
  • close the eye with a sterile bandage;
  • you can't put pressure on your eyes.

With a foreign body sticking out of the eye:

  • close the fellow eye with a napkin, since the simultaneous movement of the eyeballs will displace the intraocular part of the foreign body and lead to additional damage;
  • drip antibacterial drops (Albucid (20%), Levomycetin (0.25%), Vitabact (0.05%));
  • without wasting time, go to the emergency room;
  • do not try to pull out a foreign body on your own.

If a mote that has entered the eye does not come out with active blinking and lacrimation, you need to:

  • examine the eye by pulling the lower eyelid;
  • try to wash the mote with water (without using a handkerchief, cotton wool, tweezers);
  • drip antibacterial drops (Albucid (20%), Levomycetin (0.25%), Vitabact (0.05%));
  • go to the emergency room if you can’t get rid of the mote.

If the particle is sharp (glass from broken glasses, for example), you should not try to get it yourself. Clumsy manipulations further injure the eye, which can lead to damage to the lens or optic nerve.


Therapy of an eye injury is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. Save the eye as an organ, restore the location of damaged structures.
  2. Save or restore vision.

To eliminate the wound of the eyelids and conjunctiva, surgical treatment is performed. The stitches are removed after a week or two. If the lacrimal ducts are damaged, they are restored by implanting tubes that prevent the overgrowth of the lacrimal ducts.

Burns are treated with prolonged rinsing with water (if it was a chemical burn). Then conservative treatment is carried out. If the burn is moderate or severe, then the patient should be in the hospital.

Penetrating wounds require urgent surgical intervention. The stitches are removed after 2-3 months, depending on the severity of the eye injury.

The damaged lens is removed surgically, as inflammation may develop and pressure in the eye will increase. Subsequently, an artificial lens is implanted.

The foreign body in the eye is removed. The doctor determines the method individually. If there is a hemorrhage inside the eye, medication is prescribed. You may need to remove blood from the eye (perform a vitrectomy).

To save the eye, it is necessary to restore its anatomical integrity surgically as quickly as possible, then undergo a long course of conservative therapy.

After that, additional surgical procedures are possible. Observation by an ophthalmologist is a prerequisite for recovery. The duration of recovery after a corneal injury depends on the severity of the injury.

What drops to drip in case of eye injury? Their effect and the severity of the damage should first be studied. Eye drops are prescribed by an ophthalmologist after receiving the results of an examination of the condition of the eye.

Kornegel has a wide spectrum of action. Regenerates tissue after cuts and even chemical burns. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol, which is actively involved in the restoration of mucous membranes and skin.

It is prescribed for corneal erosion, infectious diseases, burns, injuries. Quickly restores, reduces dryness and burning. This drug is dripped into the conjunctival sac.

Solcoseryl - an eye gel that accelerates metabolic processes in tissues. After instillation, it can cover the damaged area for a long time, promotes the penetration of oxygen and nutrients into the injured area.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children under one year old.

Side effects:

  • mild burning;
  • allergy.

One drop is dripped into the conjunctival sac up to four times a day. In severe cases, one drop is dripped every hour.

Balarpan-N is created from components that make up the natural tissues of the cornea. Heals, restores with various injuries and damage. Assign for the treatment of erosion, trauma, burns, keratitis, conjunctivitis, postoperative rehabilitation.

Eliminates dry eyes, helps to get used to contact lenses, eliminates irritation and pain.

Vitasik also promotes the regeneration of mucous tissues. A sterile clear solution that is dripped into the eyes. Helps improve metabolic processes in tissues, accelerates the regeneration of damaged areas.

Also protects the eyes from germs. To avoid damage to the mucous membranes of the lenses, the solution is instilled into the eyes a few minutes after the lenses are removed.

Defislez - a drug that creates a protective film, softens and nourishes the eye membrane. Helps accelerate the healing of affected corneal tissues after injury, burns, surgery.

Assign to persons who constantly work at a computer. Eliminates "dry eye syndrome", fatigue, burning sensation. Moisturizes and nourishes. Promotes the restoration of the tear film, reducing discomfort.

Tobropt is indicated for the treatment of infection. Violates protein synthesis, stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria. It is prescribed for inflammatory eye diseases and infectious complications during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment of the eyes.


  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • childhood.

Side effects:

  • mild burning, itching;
  • allergy;
  • deposition of crystals in the cornea.

Drip one drop every four hours into the conjunctival sac. In acute eye damage, the drug is dripped every hour.

Naklof - painkiller drops for the eyes after an injury. Diclofenac sodium in the composition will relieve inflammation and pain. Almost does not penetrate into the bloodstream. It is prescribed for prophylaxis during surgical interventions, reducing postoperative inflammation and pain.


  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hives;
  • sensitivity to components.

Side effects:

  • hyperemia;
  • blurred vision;
  • ulcerative keratitis, corneal edema (rare).

For prevention, drop by drop five times a day for three hours after surgery. After the frequency of reception is reduced. To eliminate pain, drop by drop every 4-6 hours.

Immediately after application, vision decreases for a while. Bleeding may increase if Naklof is used simultaneously with drugs that reduce blood clotting.

Indocollir - a drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Assign for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, surgical treatment of cataracts, prevention of complications after surgery.

Eliminates inflammation, pain, reduces inflammation. Drip into the affected eye drop by drop up to four times a day. The duration of therapy is up to four weeks.


  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • rhinitis, bronchospasm,
  • hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • herpetic keratitis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Side effects:

  • mild burning sensation;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • redness on the skin.

The drug is not used with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Able to weaken the effect of beta-blockers, saluretics. May enhance the effect of anticoagulants, lithium.

May be used with other eye drops. The interval between applications should be 10 minutes.

All the drugs described should be used only as directed by an ophthalmologist, who also determines the course of treatment and its duration.

Eye Prevention:

Injury Prevention for Children:

  • hide chemicals from the child (cleaners, ammonia, sprays, super glue);
  • choose toys for small children without sharp and cutting parts;
  • take the baby away from children who play with pistols with plastic bullets, into darts;
  • teach the baby to properly hold scissors, pencils, pens or not allow him to pick them up if the child is too small;
  • do not let the child near a working lawn mower, open fire;
  • buy him eye protection for football, hockey;
  • do not allow the child to look at the sun without goggles;
  • take the child away if fireworks and salutes are fired nearby.

Among the causes of complete or partial loss of vision, traumatism stands out the most. At the same time, the eyes have one feature - even a minor injury, which a person may not pay attention to, can cause a sharp deterioration in vision. That is why it is important to deliver the victim to the doctor as soon as possible, after providing first aid in case of injury. Read the article on how to do it right.

Types of injury

In ophthalmology, all eye injuries are grouped according to a different principle.

Depth of injury:

  • on penetrating;
  • and non-penetrating.

By type:

  • for agricultural,
  • military,
  • criminal, etc.

There is another classification, which we will consider below - according to the mechanism of occurrence :

  • burns - occur under the influence of chemical or thermal factors;
  • frostbite - from the action of low temperatures;
  • orbital contusion - occur upon impact, most often do not require hospitalization;
  • foreign bodies (corneal injuries) - sand, glass falcons, metal sparks and other particles;
  • penetrating wounds of the eye - the presence of a through wound channel in the eye, may be accompanied by prolapse of the vitreous body.

Some injuries are treated on an outpatient basis, others only in the hospital department.

Providing first aid

Regardless of the severity of the injury, you should consult a doctor, even if the situation seems mundane. Upon impact, visual acuity may suddenly decrease, at the same time there will be disorientation in the environment, headache, dizziness. This is how retinal detachment is manifested, which is not treated at home. Consider what is the procedure for assisting a victim with an eye injury before the arrival of an ambulance team.

Read in a separate article:

Eye burns

The burn of eye tissues can be caused by various chemicals (acids, dyes, vinegar, pepper) or by a thermal factor - exposure to a flame or high temperature. In the latter case, it is forbidden to open the affected eyelids to the victim - such an action will provoke another attack of pain and aggravate the injury.

The first aid algorithm for thermal eye burns is as follows:

  • cover the damaged eye with a sterile bandage or, in extreme cases, with a clean piece of cloth;
  • give an anesthetic drug - analgin, ketanov, nise;
  • call an ambulance.

If the burn is caused by lime, which happens during whitewashing, the eye should be examined, the existing pieces of lime should be removed, and a 3% solution of glycerin should be dripped.

If this remedy is not available, the eyes should be rinsed with water according to the following method:

  • tilt the head of the victim so that the eye is directed downward;
  • gently lift the upper eyelid;
  • direct a thin jet of water towards the outer corner of the eye.

In this way, you can also wash if acid, vinegar and other chemicals get into the eye. Washing with milk will help against pepper, and against watercolor paints, which often get into the eyes of children, tea brewing. As with a thermal burn, after initial care, the eye is covered with a clean cloth and bandaged. After that, it is necessary to take the victim to the nearest traumatology department. In case of burns with steam or boiling water, do not rinse the eyes.

For any chemical burns, do not wash the damaged eye with neutralizers (for acid, this is alkali). The reaction that occurs in this case can aggravate the injury.

Additional material:

snow blindness

This injury is rare and is a type of burn. The reasons may be the sheen of snow, welding work and other similar factors. Snow blindness is characterized by pain, pain, flashes (“bunnies”) with closed eyes. In especially severe cases, short-term deprivation of vision is possible.

The first aid procedure is as follows:

  • take the person to a dark room;
  • apply a cold compress to the eyes;
  • call an ambulance.

The pain of snow blindness can be relieved with pain-relieving drops, but they slow down the recovery of damaged corneas and can cause vision loss. Therefore, it is better to entrust medical measures to a doctor.

Eye wounds

Do not rinse an injured eye with water. The simplest thing to do is to lay the injured person on their back, cover both eyes with a clean handkerchief or other cloth, and fix the bandage.

If a penetrating wound occurs, Faxal drops can be dripped into the eye. They contain an antibiotic and prevent possible infection. After such treatment, a clean bandage is applied to the eyes, then the victim is taken to the nearest traumatology department. If for some reason the ambulance team cannot arrive at the scene of the incident, the injured person must be transported in a reclining position.

Foreign bodies

Even if a foreign body has fallen on the conjunctiva of the eye, the sensations are not pleasant. Trauma causes lacrimation, blinking causes pain, irritability appears. A few hours later, an inflammatory process begins at the site of penetration of the foreign body, the victims may complain of a decrease in the severity of the action.

Eyewitnesses, trying to help, often make a gross mistake - they try to pull out a foreign body. In this case, the wound becomes more dangerous and can cause loss of vision. The only measure of first aid in this case is the application of a clean bandage and hospitalization.

If a foreign body (insect, wood shavings or sand) has fallen on the upper layer of the eye (conjunctiva), you can try to remove it without waiting for the doctor to arrive.

If it fell under the upper eyelid, you need to act in the following sequence:

  • with the fingers of one hand, pull the upper eyelid down by the eyelashes;
  • press the eyelid with the fingers of the second hand;
  • carefully, using a handkerchief or gauze, remove the foreign object.

In case of injury to the lower eyelid, it can be pulled down by pressing on the skin under the eye and remove debris that has entered the eye.

In cases where the mote cannot be removed, in order to avoid mechanical injury to the eye, further attempts should be stopped. The victim should be covered with a bandage and taken to the doctor. It is forbidden to independently remove metal shavings, as well as any foreign body that has fallen into the iris or eyeball area.

Mild eye contusion

Mild contusion is usually treated at home and does not require hospitalization. However, first aid should be provided to the victim.

Do it in the following way:

  • a cold compress is applied to the injured side of the face (ice can be used);
  • instill any disinfectant eye composition, for example, Albucid;
  • give any painkiller.

After that, the victim must be sent to the emergency room or wait for the arrival of the ambulance crew. Even if the injury is habitual, there is no need to risk vision.

Blunt eye injury

Occurs when an object (a stick, an animal horn, a car part, a tool) is struck in the region of the eye cavity, it is characterized by reddening of the conjunctiva and eyelids, developed edema. Often blunt trauma occurs in children and adolescents as a result of fights, games, sports.

First aid is provided according to the following algorithm:

  • apply ice or a cold compress to the sore eye;
  • in case of inflammation, wash the conjunctiva with a solution of furacilin;
  • drip albucid or apply chloramphenicol ointment 0.25% under the eyelids.

In the event of inflammation or the presence of hemorrhage in the eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor. If this is not possible, heparin ointment can be applied to the eyelids.

First aid for eye injuries in children

Injury Prevention

Most often, eye injury occurs at work or at home. As a rule, safety precautions are not observed in this case.

Therefore, to avoid trouble, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Try to avoid dust - dust irritates the conjunctiva and increases the degree of injury to the eye.
  2. Make sure that there is sufficient lighting in the working area.
  3. Perfectly know the device and principle of operation of machine tools, electric tools and other equipment that can cause mechanical injury, monitor its serviceability and the presence of protective covers.
  4. Enterprises must comply with established labor protection and safety standards.
  5. If there is a potential threat of a foreign body getting into the eyes, use goggles or shields made of plexiglass or transparent plastic.

It is important to observe the rules of hygiene. As medical practice shows, the most common source of infection of an injured eye is dirty hands, with which the victim or eyewitnesses tried to remove a foreign body or apply a bandage.

Particular attention should be paid to children. Parents should be aware that the peak of childhood injuries occurs in the spring and summer. It is important to explain to the child safety measures with help around the house, remove sharp and cutting objects, monitor the unavailability of chemicals.

(Infographics in good quality for the stands, available by clicking the button "Download" )


  • Eye diseases: fundamentals of ophthalmology. Textbook edited by V.G. Kopaeva, 2012.
  • Textbook D.V. Marchenko. First aid for injuries and accidents, 2009.

There are many types eye injuries. They can be household, industrial, criminal, agricultural, children's, military. It can also be due to chemical or thermal burns. Injuries can be different in severity, external and penetrating. But in fact, with any eye injury, there is a deterioration in visual function.

The most common are occupational eye injuries. They account for more than 70% of all traumatic injuries of the eyeball. Most often they are received by workers involved in metal processing.

According to statistics, men (90%) are more susceptible to eye injury than women (10%). In 22% of all cases, eye injuries are observed in children and adolescents under the age of sixteen. Usually childhood injuries occur as a result of careless handling of sharp and piercing objects.

Any damage to the organ of vision, even those that at first glance seem completely harmless and do not require medical attention, can lead to serious consequences, up to a complete loss of visual function and disability. In case of eye injuries until they are completely healed, ophthalmologists advise using glasses to correct vision, since contact lenses themselves are a foreign body and can cause additional trauma to the eye tissues.

Depending on the degree of loss of visual function, three degrees of severity of eye injuries are distinguished:

  • With a mild degree, visual acuity usually does not suffer;
  • With injuries of moderate severity, a temporary deterioration in vision is observed;
  • Severe injuries are usually accompanied by a significant and persistent decrease in visual acuity.

In especially severe cases, the development of complete blindness is not excluded.

Penetrating eye wounds

Penetrating wounds of the eye, there is a violation of the integrity of its membranes. They can be torn, cut or chipped. At the same time, ptosis, exophthalmos, and ophthalmoplegia develop. Such complications indicate deep wounds with damage to the deep structures of the eye and blood vessels, damage to the optic nerve is not excluded.

Due to the ingress of foreign bodies into the eye, purulent complications may develop. The greatest danger in this regard is organic substances or those containing any toxic components. If a penetrating wound occurs in the limbal region, then, depending on the depth and size of the wound, such a serious complication as vitreous prolapse may develop.

When the lens or iris of the eye is injured, as well as when the lens bag is torn, the lens becomes rapidly clouded and all its fibers swell. In such cases, post-traumatic cataract formation occurs within a week. Metal fragments that have fallen into the eye stain its tissues in peculiar colors. Around the foreign body (if it consists of iron), the rim of the sclera around the cornea is painted in a rusty-brown color, in the presence of copper - in yellow or green.

First aid for penetrating eye wounds

Treatment should be carried out by an ophthalmologist. First aid includes the removal of superficially located foreign bodies. To do this, the victim should rinse their eyes with clean boiled water. After that, the eye is closed with a bandage and the patient is taken to the hospital. Upon admission to the hospital, the patient is examined, aimed at identifying foreign bodies and determining the place of their exact localization. After surgical treatment and removal of a foreign body, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is necessary. The introduction of tetanus toxoid is mandatory.

Complications of penetrating eye injuries

When injured in the limbus, purulent or serous iridocyclitis usually occurs, with the formation of pus in the inner membranes of the eye and the vitreous body. There are painful sensations, vision is reduced, the pupil becomes narrow and the accumulation of purulent contents in the anterior chamber is clearly visible. One of the complications of eye injuries is traumatic cataract. It is formed when the limbus or the cornea is injured, the lens may not become cloudy immediately, but some time after the injury.

The most severe complication is sympathetic inflammation, it threatens with the loss of a healthy eye. Sympathetic inflammation is manifested by photophobia. Then, due to the effusion of fibrin, the iris adheres to the lens, which leads to complete overgrowth of the pupil. Against this background, secondary glaucoma develops from which the eye completely dies. To prevent the development of glaucoma in a healthy eye, doctors are forced to resort to removing the injured eye.

From a long stay of metal foreign bodies in the tissues of the eye, diseases such as siderosis and chalcosis can develop, from which narrowing of the boundaries of the field of view occurs, pigments form on the retina, secondary glaucoma, retinal detachment and complete atrophy of the eye can develop.
For any type of penetrating injury, the patient must necessarily seek help and treatment in a hospital.

Non-penetrating eye wounds

These injuries are not associated with a violation of the integrity of the cornea or sclera. They usually occur as a result of large sand particles, small insects, etc. getting into the eyes. In this case, the doctor can easily remove the foreign body under anesthesia. After that, the eye is washed with antiseptic solutions. For several days, the victim should instill eye drops with antibiotics several times a day into the damaged eye, and put antibacterial ointments, such as tetracycline, behind the eyelid at night.

Eye burns

The greatest danger to the eyes are burns. As a rule, they lead to significant damage to the eye tissues. Their treatment is quite difficult and does not always lead to a complete restoration of visual function. About 40% of those affected eventually become disabled.

Of all burns, 75% are acid burns. They cause coagulative necrosis. The severity and consequences of such a burn are determined after a couple of days, since the acid does not immediately penetrate into the thickness of the eye tissue.

25% of burns are caused by exposure to alkalis. In this case, the dissolution of tissue protein occurs. With such injuries, eye damage can occur from 5 minutes to several days. The exact severity of the burn can be determined only after 3 days. The highest danger is a combination of acid, alkali and thermal burns.

First aid for burns

For burns, first aid consists of rinsing the eyes with plenty of water. If it is established by what substance the burn was obtained, then it is necessary to use a substance that neutralizes its pathogenic effect. Sodium sulfate (20% solution) is usually instilled into the affected eye, an antibacterial ointment is placed, or an inert vaseline or olive oil is instilled. After providing the necessary first aid, the victim must be taken to a hospital for further examination and treatment.

Due to the superficial and open location of the eyes, this organ is very vulnerable to injury and various kinds of mechanical, chemical, thermal damage. Injury to the eye is dangerous by surprise. It can happen anywhere, neither adults nor children are immune from it.

An eye injury means damage to the natural structure and, as a result, a violation of the normal functioning of the organ of vision, which can lead to disability of the victim. Injury occurs as a result of foreign bodies, chemicals, exposure to temperatures, or due to physical pressure on the organ.

It is necessary to take this seriously, if you get an eye injury, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. After rendering assistance by a traumatologist, a mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary. Despite the severity of the injury, complications can develop over time. To avoid them, it is important to carry out treatment under the close supervision of a specialist.

An eye injury in a child is a particularly dangerous injury. Having arisen at a young age, in the future it may become a reason for a violation, a decrease in the functions of an injured organ. Most often, the cause of injury can be:

  • damage by a foreign object to the eye;
  • blows, bruises;
  • - thermal or chemical.


Eye injuries are distinguished depending on the causes of origin, severity and location.

According to the mechanism of damage, it happens:

  • blunt eye trauma (bruises);
  • wound (non-penetrating, penetrating and through);
  • uninfected or infected;
  • with penetration of foreign objects or without it;
  • with or without ocular prolapse.

Classification by location of damage:

  • protective parts of the eye (eyelid, orbit, muscles, etc.);
  • eyeball injury;
  • appendages of the eye;
  • internal elements of the structure.

The severity of eye injury is determined based on the type of damaging object, the strength and speed of its interaction with the organ. There are 3 levels of severity:

  • 1st (mild) is diagnosed when foreign particles penetrate the conjunctiva or the plane of the cornea, burns of 1-2 degrees, non-penetrating wound, eyelid hematoma, short-term inflammation of the eye;
  • 2nd (middle) is characterized by acute conjunctivitis and clouding of the cornea, rupture or tearing of the eyelid, eye burns of 2-3 degrees, non-penetrating injury to the eyeball;
  • 3rd (severe) is accompanied by a penetrating wound of the eyelids, the eyeball, a significant deformation of the skin tissues, bruising of the eyeball, its defeat by more than 50%, rupture of the internal membranes, damage to the lens, retinal detachment, hemorrhage into the cavity of the orbit, fracture of closely spaced bones, 3-4 degree burns.

Depending on the conditions and circumstances of the injury, there are:

  • industrial injuries;
  • domestic;
  • military;
  • children's.

The reasons

Light, superficial injuries occur when the eyelids, conjunctiva or cornea are damaged with a sharp object (nail, tree branch, etc.).

More serious injuries occur with a direct blow with a hand or a blunt, voluminous object to the face or eye area. Injury to the eye during a fall from a height. These injuries are often accompanied by hemorrhage, fractures, bruises. Eye damage can occur due to traumatic brain injury.

With a penetrating wound in the eye area, it is injured with a sharp object. With fragmentation, internal penetration of foreign large or small objects or particles occurs.


The sensations experienced by the injured do not always correspond to the actual clinical picture of the injury. There is no need to self-medicate, remember that the eyes are an important organ, a failure in their functioning leads to the patient's disability and disrupts the usual course of his life. With this injury, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. This will help in the early stages to avoid complications and serious vision problems.

Depending on the nature of the damage, their symptoms are also distinguished. Mechanical injury to the eye by a foreign body is characterized by hemorrhages in various parts of the eye, the formation of hematomas, damage to the lens, its dislocation or subluxation, retinal rupture, etc.

Pronounced symptoms in the patient is the absence of pupil reaction to light, an increase in its diameter. The patient feels a decrease in the clarity of vision, pain in the eyes upon contact with a light source, profuse tearing.

The most common injury is damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. The cause of mechanical injuries is the insecurity of this part of the eye and the lack of safety elements, its openness to the ingress of foreign objects and particles. These injuries, according to the statistics of visits to the doctor, occupy a leading place among existing eye injuries. From how deeply the body sticks, superficial and deep injuries are distinguished.

In some cases, corneal erosions develop, their appearance is associated with a violation of the integrity of the membrane under the influence of foreign bodies, chemicals or temperatures. A corneal burn in most cases leads to loss of visual acuity and disability of the patient. With a corneal injury, the patient feels a decrease in the clarity of the “picture”, pain in the eyes upon contact with a light source, profuse tearing, discomfort, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, acute pain, redness and swelling of the eyelids.


Eye injuries are serious. In severe cases of damage, loss of vision can occur without its subsequent resumption. This occurs with penetrating wounds or chemical, thermal burns. A consequence of eye injuries and a complication during their treatment is a deterioration in the outflow of intraocular fluid - secondary glaucoma. After an injury, hard scars appear on the cornea, the pupil is displaced, the vitreous body is clouded, swelling of the cornea is noticeable, and intraocular pressure increases.

In some cases of damage to the eye, a traumatic cataract occurs (Fig. below). Its signs are clouding of the lens and loss of visual acuity. It may be necessary to remove it.

With the provision of competent and emergency care, serious consequences of eye injury can be avoided.

First aid

In the event of an eye injury, the following steps must be taken in the first place:

Regardless of their nature and type, any eye injury requires competent and timely assistance and medical advice. In case of damage to the eye, it is necessary to treat it very carefully. Timely treatment is a guarantee of minimal complications and minimizing the negative consequences of an eye injury.


Treatment of eye injuries cannot be started without an accurate diagnosis. The patient needs a mandatory visit to the ophthalmologist, as well as the appointment of additional examinations, such as:

  • detailed study of eye structures (biomicroscopy);
  • radiography;
  • checking visual acuity;
  • study of the anterior chamber of the eyeball (gonioscopy);
  • fundus examination (ophthalmoscopy), etc.

Treatment and related procedures begin immediately. In case of minor injuries, the patient applies the eye instillation procedure with drugs containing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hemostatic elements.

In case of a burn or mechanical damage, it is necessary to eliminate, remove the source of irritation. Treatment in a hospital is indicated for moderate and severe injuries.

A penetrating wound requires surgical intervention. This unscheduled and urgent procedure is carried out by an ophthalmological surgeon.


Measures to prevent eye injury include the following:

  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • careful use of household chemicals;
  • careful handling of dangerous sharp objects;

For schoolchildren, it is important to have competent behavior in the chemistry classroom, as well as in the workshop, at the machines. Before the start of the lesson in school laboratories, the teacher should be aware of the statistics of childhood eye injuries, so you need to start communication by repeating the rules and requirements for safety and caution, which everyone should know about.

Before starting machine work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the unit and use eye protection.

All household chemicals used at home should be out of the reach of children. When buying children's toys, it is important to consider their age-appropriateness (the absence of sharp corners and traumatic parts).

Compliance with the above rules will avoid eye injuries of any severity, both in adults and in babies.

The eyes are one of the most sensitive organs, most prone to injury and damage.

Most often, eye injuries are diagnosed in young men (8 times more often than in the opposite sex), children damage their eyes 5 times less often than adults.

Medical statistics show:

  • only in 50% of people who have received eye injuries, vision remains unchanged;
  • in 10-15% of patients, vision is reduced to a minimum level;
  • 5% of patients due to serious eye damage have to remove the eyeball.

In case of any injury to the cornea of ​​the eye, it is urgent to contact a medical institution to provide qualified medical assistance! will do everything possible to save your organ of vision!

Eye injury symptoms

The following symptoms can be distinguished, characteristic of any eye injury:

  • photophobia;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • severe pain in the eye, headache;

Types of eye injuries

There are many different classifications of eye injury, we list the most common of them.

Classification of eye injuries due to injury:

  • sports injuries of the eyes (impacts on sports equipment, bruises with a ball, etc.);
  • combat injuries of the eyes (shocks by an explosive wave, shell fragments, injuries received when using "cold" weapons);
  • occupational eye injuries (obtained while working with tools, on machines);
  • eye injuries caused by emergencies (accidents at a chemical plant, fire, etc.);
  • household injuries of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes (hitting with heavy objects, limbs, hitting the eye, etc.).

Sometimes children's eye injuries are also distinguished as a separate type.

Severity classification

All eye injuries can be divided into 4 degrees:

  • mild degree of eye injury (does not reduce vision in humans);
  • medium (visual loss is temporary);
  • severe (long-term weakening of visual function);
  • especially severe (irreversible loss of vision is possible).

Classification according to the depth of the lesion

According to the depth of the lesion, non-penetrating wounds (erosion, contusion,) and penetrating (trauma of the organs of vision with a violation of the integrity of the fibrous membrane).

According to the mechanism of manifestation, eye injuries are divided into the following categories:

  • closed injuries eyes (wounds that do not damage the integrity of the eyeball) - contusion and non-penetrating wound ;
  • open injuries - rupture of the eyeball and perforation.
  • simple penetration - wound of the eye with one inlet;
  • penetration with presence ;
  • penetrating wound - wound through the eye;

In addition, chemical, thermal and radiation burns are distinguished.

Closed damage

Contusion - injury from a blunt object or blast wave, resulting in bruising of the eye or its concussion. There are all 4 types of contusion: from a mild degree to a particularly severe wound.

Injury to the eye can be direct (a direct blow to the eye) and indirect (a strong blow to the head, in which the organ of vision is also injured).

eye contusion leads to an increase in intraocular pressure, deformation of the eyeball and changes in all the membranes of the eye:

  • when the conjunctiva is damaged, hemorrhages appear;
  • severe trauma to the cornea of ​​​​the eye can lead to its clouding and the development of scars;
  • rupture of the sclera is dangerous with the possibility of intraocular bleeding;
  • a change in the iris can lead to deformation of the pupil or to the complete separation of the iris (traumatic aniridia);
  • if the lens was hit during the concussion, then this leads to its dislocation and movement into the posterior chamber of the eye, as a result of which post-traumatic may develop;
  • when the retina is damaged, its clouding, hemorrhage, rupture, and inflammation first appear. And at a later date, an eye injury leads to detachment and atrophy of the optic nerve.

Remember: even slight damage to the eye can lead to dangerous consequences in the future! Be sure to contact in case of any violations in the work of the organ of vision!

Open damage

With open damage, there can be both perforated and non-perforated wounds, threatening serious complications.

A person who has received an open eye injury may experience spasm of the eyelids, severe pain, swelling of the eyelid and bleeding from the injured eye, and severe visual impairment.

The destruction of the eyeball is evidenced by a change in its size, severe bleeding, clouding of the eye. The patient's temperature rises, there is a sharp pain, swelling, pus in the eye. In such cases, urgent surgical intervention is necessary!

Eye burns

With chemical, thermal and radiation burns of the eyes, the same symptoms of the disease can be observed:

  • 1 degree - the appearance of edema and redness of the tissues of the eye;
  • Grade 2 - the appearance of small bubbles on the eyelid of the eye and white scabs (dead tissue) on the sclera and cornea;
  • 3 degree - matte cornea and necrosis of the layers of the eye in half of its area;
  • 4 degree - more than half of the area of ​​the organ of vision is damaged, which leads to vascular disorders, deformation, perforation of the eye and even the appearance of charring.

Non-penetrating wounds

Non-penetrating wounds occur when sharp and small (small pebbles, sawdust, metal shavings, etc.) get into the eye area.

With this eye injury, the following symptoms are observed: the appearance of redness on the conjunctiva, photophobia, difficulty blinking, pinpoint, painful sensations.

Do not try to remove foreign bodies yourself, this can complicate the situation. You can read more about the problem of a foreign body in the eye.

Diagnosis of an eye injury

Treatment of an eye injury begins with a thorough in-office examination of the foreign body in the eye and for bony damage to the orbit).

First aid for eye injury

To properly assist a person with an eye injury, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • if small ones get into the conjunctiva, you can try to wash them with running water;
  • you can not try to independently eliminate a foreign body stuck in the deep shells of the eye;
  • the damaged eye must be covered with a clean gauze bandage (cotton wool cannot be used!);
  • with severe pain, it is recommended to drink an anesthetic;
  • must be contacted as soon as possible.

Treatment of an eye injury

Small and uncomplicated injuries are treated on an outpatient basis, more serious eye injuries are treated in a hospital setting.

In case of injury to the eye membranes, surgical procedures are performed. In case of minor eye injuries, primary wound treatment is carried out, and in more serious cases, foreign bodies are removed from the eye cavity, eye plastic surgery and restoration of its structures.