Proper preparation of minutes of meetings sample. How the minutes of the meeting are drawn up


Training. Register all participants meetings, indicate, if possible, in alphabetical order their names, positions. You must reflect such information in the protocol as accurately as possible, without the usual abbreviations.

Methods for compiling a protocol. It all depends on how it is customary to record information about meetings X commissions in a given organization or company: either shorthand, sound recording, or handwritten notes. Depending on this, you will have to compile, transcribing a transcript or sound recording, plus the thesis content of the reports that were of the day.

Please note that there is still an introductory and main part in the protocol text. The introductory part is the same for full and short, and the names of the secretary leading the minutes and the chairman are indicated in it. commissions, as well as the total number of participants meetings. People who are not official members commissions, but those present, nevertheless, are marked in the puncture as "invited".

No protocol has documentary force until it is signed by the secretary and the chairman. This is a prerequisite.

The performance of so many economic and legal actions is accompanied by compilation. The nature of the information contained in it varies depending on the type protocol, however, some general patterns in the writing of this document can be identified.


The scope of the protocols is extremely wide: protocols are drawn up on administrative offenses and on the commission of certain investigative actions, protocols of proceedings and meetings of shareholders are kept, etc. How should the protocol be written? What information should be included in it?

First of all, the protocol must contain the name of the organization that draws it up: Horns and Hooves LLC, N-sky District Court, etc. This is followed by the name of the document - the protocol itself and an indication of which event is logged. For example, minutes of a meeting of shareholders or minutes of interrogation of a witness.
B must indicate the date of the recorded action (meeting, interrogation, etc.), its number (or the number of the case on which it is), as well as the start and end time of the recorded event.

After the specified information, it is necessary to list the persons participating in the recorded action, indicating the role they perform. For example: “Judge Ivanov I.I., when conducting

Keeping minutes is an integral part of any meeting, conference, meeting, academic council and other events. It is very important to make minutes correctly, because this type of document reflects the essence of the meeting and can serve as confirmation or refutation of some points of this event. In office work, both the minutes of large meetings between different companies and internal planning meetings are equally important.

On September 1, 2013, Federal Law No. 100-FZ of May 7, 2013 “On Amendments to Subsections 4 and 5 of Section I of Part One and Article 1153 of Part Three of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” entered into force. One of the changes is the requirements for the execution of minutes of meetings now.

Sections of the Protocol

CHAIRMAN - an official who leads a meeting, conference, etc.

SECRETARY - a person present at the meeting and keeping the minutes of this meeting. This is not necessarily a secretary by position; any employee of any department can keep minutes.

ATTENDED - a list of all those present at the meeting, indicating their positions. The list of those present is drawn up in accordance with the positions held, from the highest to the lowest. In the case when there are several people with equivalent positions among those present, then their order in the list is determined by alphabetical order. Another option for the arrangement of those present is in alphabetical order of surnames, regardless of their position.

If more than 15 people are present at the meeting, they are drawn up in a separate list, which is attached to the minutes:

PRESENT: 45 people (list attached).

AGENDA - this section consistently reflects all the issues that are planned to be discussed at the meeting. Brief minutes and minutes of operational meetings may not have an agenda.

LISTENED - here the name of the speaker and the topic or, if necessary, a summary of his speech is indicated.

For example:

HEARD: Ivanova P.I. with a report on the development of a new priority area.

PERFORMED - listing by name of all those who commented on the report.

DECIDED - here we write what decisions were reached during the meeting and indicate the deadlines agreed at the meeting for the implementation of decisions. Often, “solutions” are in the nature of tasks and have all the components for this: the name of the performer, the content of the task, the deadline. For example:

Ivanov I.I. – by December 20, 2014, draw up a plan for advanced training of the procurement department employees for 2015.

In addition, by decision of the protocol, you can approve or agree on a draft document:

Approve the Rules for the use of corporate e-mail LLC "Vesna" and put them into effect from 08/03/2015.

Approve the Nomenclature of Affairs of Vesna LLC.

The following sections are less common in protocols:

HEARD - one of those present reads out to everyone a document or part of a document.

For example:

HEARD Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 4545-p dated July 22, 2015

WELCOMING SPEECH - As a rule, the welcoming speech is delivered by the chairman of the meeting at major conferences and forums. At ordinary meetings, flowery greetings are dispensed with.

INVITES are experts in a particular field who have been invited to express their competent opinion on the issues of the meeting. Invited persons do not take part in decision-making.

A DISSENTING OPINION is the opinion of one of the participants of the meeting, which disagrees with the decision made. The participant has the right to demand that his dissenting opinion be recorded in the minutes. It is drawn up on a separate sheet and is an integral part of the protocol.

If a discussion arose on one of the questions, then it is recorded and drawn up as follows:

HEARD: I.A. Paramonov about the need to introduce a unified electronic document management system in a group of companies.

QUESTION: T.A. Mikhailov. Is the introduction of a unified EDMS economically feasible at this stage of development of the group of companies?

Answer: The introduction of an EDMS is not only economically feasible, but will also help optimize the costs of the administrative activities of a group of companies.

Registration of the protocol

The protocol is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization for documents. This form contains the following details:

  • name of company;
  • name of the structural unit (if the meeting is held in a department or directorate);
  • the place of preparation of the document (you can not indicate if the locality in which the organization operates is included in its name: "Togliatti Dairy Plant");
  • name of the document - PROTOCOL;
  • heading to the text - in this case, the name of the meeting or the name of the collegial body:


operational meeting


meetings of the expert commission

  • (this is the date of the meeting);
  • the text of the document - we analyzed its contents above;
  • signature - the protocol is signed by the chairperson and the secretary.

The completed protocol is sent to all participants of the meeting. If the document contains tasks, it is put under control.

Internal protocols are usually drawn up in short form. The goal here is to record the instructions of the director, and not the course of the meeting or the opinions of its participants. It is quite another matter when representatives of several organizations gather at the meeting. No matter how good relations with them today, you never know what awaits us tomorrow. Maybe the minutes of this particular meeting will become a key document that will prove your case in a possible dispute. Therefore, at joint meetings, protocols are kept with the utmost rigor.

P ractice 8



Most of the documents created by institutions are informational and reference. These documents contain information about the actual state of affairs. Information and reference documents include: certificates, memorandums, acts, letters, etc. They are of an auxiliary nature and are not binding. The information contained in them can be taken into account.


The protocol occupies a special place in the system of organizational and administrative documentation. It can be attributed to information documents (since it contains information, it contains information about the discussion of some management issues), and since it contains an operative part. may be regarded as a governing document.

Protocol -, a document fixing the course of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, meetings, conferences, and other forms of work of collegiate bodies (boards of committees and ministries, municipal governments, as well as scientific, technical and methodological councils).

Meetings of shareholders, meetings of boards of directors are subject to mandatory logging.

Protocols are submitted to state authorities for registration (for example, when registering commercial banks, chambers of commerce and industry, etc.). Minutes are also drawn up to document the activities of temporary collegiate bodies (conferences, meetings, meetings, seminars, etc.).

The protocol is drawn up on the basis of records that were kept at the meeting by the secretary manually or using a voice recorder.

Depending on the type of meeting and the status of the collegiate body, the form of the protocol is chosen: short, full or verbatim.

Brief Protocol- fixes the issues discussed at the meeting, the names of the speakers and the decisions taken. Such a protocol is recommended to be kept only in cases where the meeting is transcribed, reports and texts of speeches will be submitted to the secretary or when the meeting is of an operational nature.

Full protocol - records not only the issues discussed, the decisions taken and the names of the speakers, but also sufficiently detailed records that convey the content of the reports and speeches of the meeting participants, all the opinions expressed, questions and remarks, remarks, positions. Full minutes allow you to document a detailed picture of the meeting.

Verbatim protocol - is compiled on the basis of a verbatim report of the meeting (transcript) and verbatim conveys the process of discussing each issue and developing a decision on it.

Full and verbatim protocols are compiled on the basis of handwritten verbatim or tape recordings.

All types of protocols are drawn up on a common form, which includes the following details: name of the institution, type of document, place for putting the date, index of the document, place for drawing up the protocol, place for the title to the text. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting. If it lasted several days, then the protocol date includes the start and end dates. The number (index) of the protocol is the serial number of the meeting. The title to the text reflects the type of meeting or collegiate activity (Minutes - meetings of the board).

The text of the protocol includes an introductory and main part.

In the water part of the protocol, after the heading, the names and initials of the chairman and secretary of the meeting are given. From a new line after the word present, list the surnames, initials of the permanent members of the collegiate body in alphabetical order (in the short form of the protocol, these data are omitted), as well as the surnames, initials and positions of those invited. The words "Chairman", "Secretary", "Attended" are written with a capital letter from the beginning of the left edge. When drawing up the minutes of an extended meeting, the names of the participants are not listed, but their total number is indicated. Participants are counted according to the registration lists, which are transferred to the secretary of the meeting and become one of the annexes to the minutes.

The agenda is included in the water part of the protocol. It lists the issues discussed at the meeting with the names of the speakers (speakers) and fixes the sequence of their discussion. It lists the issues discussed at the meeting with the names of the speakers and fixes the sequence of their discussion. The agenda of the meeting is drawn up in advance and should include the optimal number of issues.

The main part of the protocol text contains as many sections as there are items on the agenda. Sections are numbered accordingly.

Each section consists of three parts: “HEARD”, “SPEAKED”, “DECIDED”, which are printed in capital letters in order to highlight in the text of the protocol the recording of the speech of the main speaker, the participants in the discussion of the issue and the operative part, formulating the solution of the issue. For the same purpose, in the text of the protocol, each speaker's surname and initials are printed from a new line in the nominative case. The presentation of the recording of the speech is separated from the surname by a hyphen, it is stated from the third person singular, the content of the report is written in the form of direct speech. If the text of the report is shorthand or presented by the speaker in writing, then after the dash they also write with a capital letter - “The report is attached”.

The word “HEARD” is preceded by the number of the agenda item, followed by a colon.

The progress of the discussion of the report is reflected in the section "SPEECHES" Questions and answers are recorded in the section "SPEECHES". Words - question and answer are not written.

For example:

AV Smirnov - Were measures taken to liquidate...?

The adopted decisions are contained in the "RESOLVED" section. If there are several solutions, they are numbered with Arabic numerals with a dot. Each decision is accompanied by an indication of the position, surname and initials of the person responsible for its implementation and contains a deadline, for example:


1. Prepare a draft of a new Staff Regulations. Responsible - HR manager Rodionova N.P. Deadline - 11/18/2001.

The operative part is built according to the scheme: action - performer - term. The executor can be an organization, a structural unit or a specific official.

The protocol can fix the decision on the approval of any document. In this case, the protocol should have a reference to the date and number of the document, and the document itself should be attached to the protocol.

During elections, the results of voting for each candidate shall be indicated in the protocol.

The protocol is signed by the chairman and the secretary. The secretary edits the text, acquaints each speaker with the recording of his speech and receives the signature of the speaker who agrees with the recording of his speech. The protocol of the meeting for conducting, which is chosen by the presidium, is signed by the chairman, secretary and all members of the presidium.

An extract from the protocol is an exact copy of a part of the text of the original protocol. At the same time, all the details of the form, the introductory part of the text, the agenda item for which the extract is being prepared are reproduced. An extract from the protocol is signed only by the secretary, he also draws up an attestation. It consists of the word “Correct”, an indication of the position of the person who certifies the extract, a personal signature, surname, initials and date. If an extract is given for submission to another organization, then it is certified by a seal.

Protocol template

(with longitudinal arrangement of details)

Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Name of company


____________________ № _________________

the date


Place of publication


Committee meetings for...

Chairman - Smirnov S.S.

Secretary - Antonova M.I.

Present: 30 people (list attached)

(if up to 15 people, then in the protocol

surnames with initials

in alphabetical order separated by commas)


1. On the procedure for preparing for the conference.

Manager's report...


Sokolov A.I. - The text of the report is attached.


Ivanov M.I. - a short recording of the speech (in the third person).


1.1. Approve...




Chairman Signature S.S. Smirnov

Act- a document drawn up by several persons and confirming specific facts or actions.

Acts are drawn up in various situations and therefore have many varieties:

act of accepting work under the contract;

act of acceptance and transfer of documents;

The act of writing off materials;

a commercial act

act of verification, etc.

Acts are drawn up by a commission, permanently acting or appointed at the direction of the leaders.

A special group is formed by commercial acts establishing the facts of damage, damage or shortage of cargo, other violations of the rules of transportation. Such an act is drawn up on a printed form of the established sample, filled out without blots, erasures or strikethroughs. All additions and corrections in the act must be specified and certified by the signatures of both parties.

If the act is an internal document of the enterprise, it is drawn up on a common form. If the act is an external document, then it must contain reference data about the organization.

The act must have:

the name of the organization (structural subdivision);

the name of the document type;

title to the text


· seal;

applications; (with copies of supporting documents).

The text of the act consists of introductory and ascertaining parts.

The water part of the act indicates the basis for its preparation. This may be a link to a document, to an oral order from the management, to any facts, events, actions.

The act may have a heading, for example: “Act on the shortage of consumer goods” or “Act of acceptance and transfer of documents marked “Confidential”.

The main part of the act states:

· targets and goals;

the timing of the commission's work;

results (conclusions, conclusions, suggestions).

After the text and a note about the application, if necessary, information about the number of copies of the act, their location or the addressees to whom they were sent is indicated.

The act is signed by all persons who took part in its preparation.

For a number of acts (on material, financial and other important issues), approval by the head and certification with the seal of the enterprise is necessary.

The acts of audits and inspections are introduced to all persons whose activities they affect. At the same time, in the act, after the signatures of the compilers, there is a note “The act is familiar with: positions, signatures, transcripts of signatures and dates.”

For example:

Compiled by:

Chairman _______________________________________________

Commission members:

Members of the commission: 1. _____________________________________

Position, surname, initials

In attendance: 1. _____________________________________

Position, surname, initials

The names of the members of the commission and those present are arranged alphabetically. The title of the position includes the name of the institution.

The stating part begins with a paragraph. It sets out the goals, objectives and essence of the work done by the drafters of the act, its results. The results of the work can be presented in the form of a table.

In the final part of the act, conclusions are drawn or recommendations are made. This part of the text is optional - the act can end with a statement of facts.

After the text, before the signatures, if necessary, indicate the number of copies of the act drawn up and their location (this part of the act is also optional). For example:

Compiled in 3 copies:

1st copy. sent to the Ministry of Economy of Russia

2nd copy. sent to the Ministry of Railways of Russia

3rd copy. - in the case 05-24.

Complete the text of the act of signature. The act is signed by the chairman of the commission and all drafters. When signing the position, the surnames are not indicated before the names. For example:

Commission Chairman Signature K.Ya. Lakin

Commission members: ______________ V.N. Kirillov


______________ I.N. Potapov


N.N. Lamshina


As in any document, in the act before the text there is a heading that begins with the preposition "O" ("On") and is formulated with the help of the verbal noun "On verification", "On acceptance and transmission", "On write-off", "On destruction " etc.

Some types of acts require approval. For example, an act on the liquidation of an institution is approved by the head of a higher department (minister), an act on the allocation of documents and files for destruction - by the head of the institution. The approval is issued with a stamp in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-97.

Here is an example of an act:

Ministry of Culture of Russia APPROVED

Committee for Culture Chairman of the Committee

Administrations Signature N.I. Petrov

___________________________ ___________________

Name of area Date

18.05.2000 № 12

Novosibirsk city

On checking the safety of documents in the committee

Reason: order of the chairman of the committee dated April 20, 2000 No. 102 “On checking the safety of management documents”.

Compiled by a committee composed of:

Chairman: Deputy Chairman of the Committee Sidorov G.V.

Commission members: 1. Head. General Department Grigoryeva N.I.

2. Inspector of the personnel department Mikhailova G.G.

3. Deputy chief accountant Myshkin S.I.

4. Referent Prokudina M.V.

In the period from 16 to 18 May 2000, the commission checked the organization and storage conditions of management documents in the culture committee. Documents are stored in structural subdivisions and in the general department.

The nomenclature of cases is annually coordinated with the Novosibirsk Regional Archives. No facts of death, loss, damage or illegal destruction of documents have been established.

Compiled in 2 copies:

1st - in case No. 1-23

2nd - to the regional archive.

Commission Chairman Signature G.V. Sidorov

Commission members: Signature N.I. Grigorieva

Signature GG. Mikhailova

Signature S.I. Myshkin

Signature M.V. Prokudin

Option 2

Document the result of the audit of the work of the Sibtekhmash OJSC enterprise, which was carried out from 02/01/2000 to 03/01/2000, as a result of the audit, the following shortcomings were identified: personnel records are not streamlined, some personal files of engineering and technical personnel are in a state of disrepair; unreasonable write-off of packaging paper, nails and spare parts for equipment repair is allowed; in the machine shop, solder was overused in the amount of 60 kg; warehouse manager P.I. Yakovlev untimely shipped returnable packaging to suppliers, for which the plant paid a fine in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles. The rest of the information is up to you.

Secretary Signature M.A. Antonova

16. Draw up the minutes of the meeting of the inventory commission of the gas equipment plant, which considered the issue of the results of the inventory for warehouse No. 2 of auxiliary materials. At the meeting, a resolution was adopted on approving the results of the inventory and attributing at the expense of the warehouse manager the shortage of auxiliary materials in the amount of 365 million rubles, as well as a collation sheet for warehouse No. 2 and an explanatory note from the warehouse manager. The rest of the information is up to you.

17. Draw up a complete protocol of the general meeting of workers of the production cooperative "Start", at which the issue of creating the production of building materials for the construction of residential buildings was discussed. At the meeting, the information of the chairman was heard about the possibility of creating such a workshop and the prospects for its work. After the discussion, it was decided to instruct the chairman and his deputy for construction to develop work within 6 months and allocate 315 million rubles for these purposes.

18. Draw up a summary of the production meeting of the employees of the planning and economic department of the medical preparations plant, which considered the issue of early development of the technical industrial financial plan for 1998. After the discussion, the production meeting decided to develop the technical industrial financial plan three days ahead of schedule. Enter the rest of the information yourself.

Similar information.

Virtually all organizations hold meetings at which issues of an operational nature are considered. Very often such meetings are called operational meetings. They are conducted by managers of different levels: from the head of the organization to the heads of structural divisions. Operational meetings are held at regular intervals (usually once a week) and are usually recorded. If the structural unit or the head who conducts the meeting does not have a secretary, keeping the minutes of the operational meeting can be entrusted to one of the employees of the unit.

General rules for registration of the protocol

Our dictionary

Protocol- a document containing a consistent record of the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegial bodies.

The minutes are drawn up on the basis of sound recordings or draft handwritten notes that are kept during the meeting by the secretary or other employee, as well as materials prepared for the meeting (texts of reports, speeches, references, draft decisions, agenda, lists of participants, etc.).

If the meeting was audio-recorded, after the meeting it is reprinted, then the written text is edited and included in the minutes in processed form. The term for drawing up the minutes of the meeting should not exceed three to five days from the date of the meeting. Minutes of operational meetings are drawn up and executed on the day of the meeting or within one or two days after the meeting.

Protocols are complete and short. Complete Protocol contains a record of all speeches at the meeting, questions posed to the speaker, speeches by persons who took part in the discussion, and decisions taken.

Brief Protocol includes only the names of those who spoke, the topic of the speech, a summary of the speech, and decisions made.

The course of operational meetings, as a rule, is recorded in short minutes.

The minutes of the meeting are drawn up on a common form, a standard sheet of A4 paper or a specially designed protocol form.

Mandatory details of the protocol are:

  • name of company;
  • name of the type of document (MINUTES) indicating the type of meeting;
  • date of the meeting;
  • protocol registration number;
  • the location of the meeting;
  • signatures.

The date of the protocol is the date of the event.

Problems and Solutions

Taking minutes of operational meetings is often difficult. Let's consider the most common.

■ Problem: the secretary or one of the junior officers who takes the minutes may not understand the essence of the issue under discussion, and therefore has difficulty recording the progress of the discussion of the issue.

What to do? In such situations, the secretary should contact the staff member who spoke at the meeting or any other staff member who can provide clarification.

■ Problem: since operational meetings are often held without strict time limits, the secretary may not have time to write down everything that happens during the meeting.

What to do? In this case, keeping a sound recording during the meeting and drawing up a protocol based on its transcript can help.

■ Problem: when discussing an issue, both essential and insignificant or even insignificant information can be expressed, and it can be difficult for the secretary to single out the main (essential) information, which must be recorded in the protocol.

What to do? In this case, before drawing up the minutes, the secretary must analyze all the information, separate the main from the minor, and include only the most important information in the minutes.

Text of the short protocol

The text of the protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main.

In introductory part the short protocol indicates the names of the chairman and secretary, the positions and names of the participants (present) and invited persons, the agenda. If there are more than 15 participants in the meeting, it is allowed to indicate the total number of participants in the minutes, and the list of those present with their positions and names is given in the annex to the minutes, for example:

Present: members of the directorate in the amount of 16 people. (the list is attached).

The names of the persons invited to the meeting are indicated after the word "Invited", indicating the position of the person and the name of the organization.

The agenda indicates the issues that are the subject of consideration, in addition, the position and surname of the speaker (speaker) may be indicated. If there are several questions, they are numbered with Arabic numerals and arranged in the order of discussion. Agenda issues are formulated with the preposition "o" ("about"), for example:


Items on the agenda should be formulated accurately and clearly, reflecting the essence of the issue under discussion. It is not recommended to include the item "Miscellaneous" or "Miscellaneous" in the agenda.

Text main part The summary protocol consists of separate sections according to the number of agenda items. Sections are numbered in Arabic numerals in accordance with the agenda. Each of them is built according to the scheme:

These key words for the protocol are printed in capital letters from the border of the left margin and may appear in bold. After the word LISTENED in the nominative case, the surname of the speaker and the agenda item are indicated, after which the content of the speech is summarized in the form of the 3rd person singular.

In the part "DECIDED: (RESOLVED:)" briefly, accurately, concisely, so that there is no double interpretation, the decision is recorded. Decisions are formulated in a prescriptive form: "Prepare ...", "Foresee ...", "Inform ...". Several decisions can be made on one issue. In this case, they are numbered in Arabic numerals with reference to the serial number of the issue on the agenda, for example:

If necessary, along with the decision, the voting results are indicated: the number of votes cast “for”, “against”, as well as abstentions.

From theory to practice

Imagine that after deciphering a recording made by hand or on a dictaphone, we received a text on the basis of which we need to draw up a short protocol:

Item on the agenda: 2. On the progress of the reconstruction of the warehouse for finished products No. 2

Speech text:

Vasiliev P.R. According to the reconstruction plan, we were supposed to start installing racks and lifting mechanisms at the end of the month on the 25th. CJSC "Profile" - our supplier of shelving equipment - violates the deadlines. On the 20th we were supposed to receive the first batch, in 10 days - the second. At us - delivery by two equal parties, so in the contract. We paid in full, that is, 100% in advance, because the last time we converted the first warehouse, we had no problems with them. Today is the 28th and we haven't received it yet. Faxes were sent to them, they called, yesterday they answered that the first batch was shipped, but it will take two or three days, that is, we have a delay due to the supplier. I think they need to formally file a claim for violation of the delivery time.

In order to make a record, it is necessary to highlight the most important information. To do this, let's try to put a number of questions and get answers to them. From the above text, we can get answers to the following questions:

We see that the text contains information that is not reflected in the answers: the organization fully paid for the goods, and 100% prepayment was made, since there is a positive experience of cooperation with CJSC Profile. Is this information relevant to the situation under consideration? Obviously not, therefore, this one does not need to be included in the protocol. Thus, based on the answers to the questions that we received, we can draw up a short protocol of the speech:


Vasiliev P.R.

The shipment of the first batch of racking equipment was made by the supplier CJSC Profile in violation of the deadline, as a result of which the deadlines for the reconstruction of warehouse No. 2 were not met. The first batch of equipment was supposed to arrive on December 20, the second - in 10 days. The installation of shelving and installation of lifting mechanisms were to begin on December 25th. According to the supplier, the first batch of equipment will arrive no earlier than December 30-31. Offered to send a claim for violation of delivery time.


If the expressions “20th”, “25th”, etc. were used in the speech, a specific month must be indicated in the protocol, for example: “December 20”, “December 25”, etc.

Suppose that at the meeting during the discussion of the current situation, the proposal to send a claim was not supported. It was decided to send a letter of demand to the supplier about the need to comply with the delivery deadlines established by the contract. The decision in this case should be recorded in the minutes as follows:


Prepare and send to CJSC Profile a letter of demand on the need to meet the deadlines for the delivery of shelving equipment.

Responsible executor - Vasiliev P.R.

Deadline - (date).

Let's consider one more example.

Item on the agenda: 5. On conducting an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch of the company in the city of Perm

Speech text:

Medvedev V.V. During this year, the financial department and our accounting department have repeatedly encountered the fact that the branch in Perm presented us with errors in reporting. Twice they themselves discovered these errors, informed us about it and then sent corrected reports. Twice our accounting department found errors in calculations, as well as in the fact that the expenses of the branch were carried out under the wrong items for which it should have been done. If these errors were not corrected in time, this could lead to problems with paying taxes. Also, our specialists drew attention to the fact that deadlines are constantly violated presentation of hospitality expense reports. The chief accountant of the branch was twice on a business trip with us, we dealt with the mistakes made by the branch, but the situation has not changed much. Head of the administrative and economic service Polozov R.A. also complained that there were some problems with transport costs in Perm. The fact is that initially reports on transport costs are submitted to him, and then he submits a consolidated report for all branches to the accounting department. Considering all this, I think that it is necessary to organize and conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch in Perm, so as not to have problems in the future.

Supervisor: Who do you think should be included in the commission and how much time will it take to conduct an on-site inspection?

Medvedev V.V. I think three people are needed: one for accounting, another for the financial department, and a third for the administrative and economic service and the logistics department. Previously, we discussed with the heads of departments who could go, so I suggest three people: deputy. chief accountant Somov S.S., auditor Yastrebova A.A. and leading engineer Sokolov B.B. The verification can be carried out within 3-5 days.

Let's analyze the text of the main speech according to the previous scheme:

1) Financial department and accounting department of the parent company

2) Branch in Perm

What does (did) do?

1) (Branch in the city of Perm) submits reports with errors, spends expenses on the wrong items for which this should be done, violates deadlines presentation of hospitality expense reports.

2) (Finance department and accounting department of the parent company) analyzed the mistakes made with the chief accountant of the branch.

3) (The financial department and the accounting department of the parent company) propose to organize and conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch in Perm by sending three employees of the organization

During this year

No positive results

And in this case, we see that information of the second plan remains in the text. First of all, this is a mention of the head of the administrative and economic service Polozov R.A., who also complained that the branch had some problems with transportation costs. We classify this information as secondary because the travel expense reports were only initially submitted to the head of the housekeeping service for the preparation of a summary report. Since the reporting of transport costs is currently different, this information is of little value in assessing the current situation.

The secondary information should also include the mention that the branch itself detected errors twice, and twice - the accounting department of the head organization. You can simply say that the errors were found repeatedly.

Brief protocols do not reflect the questions posed to the speaker. However, if there is significant information in the answer to the question, it is recorded in the minutes of the speech. In the example above, this is information about who is proposed to be included in the commission.

Based on the answers received, we can make a protocol record of the speech:


Medvedev V.V.

During this year, the branch in Perm repeatedly presented reports with errors, posted expenses in the wrong items for which it should be done, and presented reports on hospitality expenses with violation of the deadlines. Despite the analysis of errors with the chief accountant of the branch, the situation has not changed. He considers it necessary to conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch, including in the commission the deputy. chief accountant Somov S.S., auditor Yastrebova A.A. and leading engineer Sokolov B.B.

If during the discussion of the issue a decision is made to conduct an audit, the decision should be formulated in the protocol as follows:


Prepare a draft order on the establishment of a commission to audit the financial and economic activities of the branch in Perm, agree on the date of the audit with the director of the branch in Perm.

Responsible executor - Medvedev V.V.

Deadline - (date)

V.F. Yankova,
cand. ist. sciences, deputy Director of VNIIDAD