Preparations with bifidobacteria for the intestines. Bifidobacteria Needed for Gut Health Best Lactobacillus for Gut

bifidobacteria- These are microorganisms that live without access to oxygen in the human intestine. They got their name due to their appearance: bifidus is translated from Latin as “divided”, the bacterium consists, as it were, of two halves connected at an angle.

The norm for an adult is 10 9 -10 10 CFU / g (colony-forming units in one gram).

Bifidobacteria are the first microorganisms that colonize the body of a newborn baby. Over time, their number in the intestine decreases somewhat, but until the end of days they remain an indispensable component of a healthy person.

Their functions:

  • form such a strong bond with the intestinal mucosa that harmful microbes and toxins cannot be absorbed into the blood through the intestinal wall;
  • displaced from the lumen of the digestive canal;
  • process food particles that have fallen between the intestinal villi (provide parietal digestion);
  • produce proteins and their structural units or amino acids;
  • synthesize vitamin K and many B vitamins: thiamine (B 1), riboflavin (B 2), pantothenic (B 5), nicotinic (B 3) and folic acids (B 9), pyridoxine (B 6);
  • accelerate and enhance the absorption of iron and calcium, as well as vitamin D.

Bifidobacteria support and suppress putrefactive, help digest carbohydrates. Without them, the assimilation of breast milk is impossible.

Sources of bifidobacteria

You can make up for the lack of bifidobacteria from medicines or products. Medicines are taken for fast, and with the help of natural products they support it.


Medicines containing bifidobacteria are called or eubiotics.


Bacteria beneficial for the intestines are found in all fermented milk products. Kefir and natural yogurt are especially rich in bifidobacteria, although yogurt with fermented baked milk does not lag behind them. It is only important that these products are made from natural milk.

In nature, bifidobacteria are found in the milk of any cattle: cow, goat, mare and even camel. When fermenting milk, ideal conditions are created, and they actively multiply in the drink.

The industry produces different products:

  • bifacil;
  • bifidyogurt;
  • bifid milk;
  • bifidokefir and the like.

Danon launches the Activia product, which is positioned as useful due to the content of bifidus and lactobacilli.

If you have access to natural milk, then you can use homemade sour milk, which is no different in usefulness from imported yogurts. It must be remembered that the maximum concentration of beneficial bacteria is in a one-day product - after fresh milk has stood for a day in a warm room.

In the difficult years of our country, when there was a shortage of medicines, he saved many infant lives.

Bifidobacteria for children and newborns

If the newborn is breastfed and he does not have constipation or diarrhea, then nothing needs to be added - the child receives everything he needs with breast milk. Formulas for artificial feeding are also enriched with beneficial bacteria.

If necessary, newborns can be given Linex and Probifor, from 6 months Bifikol. The capsule must be opened, and the powder contained in it must be mixed with water and given in a spoon or dissolved in a small amount of liquid and given to drink. These medicines should be given immediately before meals, preferably before each feeding. Dosage for newborns - 1 capsule per day. If too little is obtained for each feeding, then the contents of the capsule can be divided into 2 times and given in the morning and evening.

If the baby does not like the taste, then the medicine can be mixed with breast milk or formula.

Bifiform is allowed for children from 2 years old, Bifidumbacterin from 3 years old, Bifiliz suppositories from 12 years old.

Is it possible to take preparations of bifidobacteria for prevention?

A healthy person does not need to use bifidobacteria in the form of medicines, because in the composition of the intestinal microflora their share is about 60%, and in children - up to 90%.

If there is a digestive disorder, a decrease in immunity or another illness, then the doctor will prescribe the necessary bacteria.

However, it is useful to use natural probiotics in the form of lactic acid products, but always made from natural milk.


How to find out the content of bifidobacteria in the intestine?

It allows you to determine how many and what kind of bacteria are in the intestine.

The analysis finds out which bacteria predominate: beneficial, opportunistic or pathogenic. An analysis is prescribed if a person is concerned about unstable stools, pain, flatulence, skin rash, or allergic reactions. Medicines for the treatment of dysbacteriosis are selected depending on the response to this analysis.

Standards for children / adults

  • in children of the first year of life - from 10 10 to 10 11;
  • in older children - from 10 9 - 10 10;
  • in adults - from 10 8 - 10 10.

When the intestinal microflora is in a healthy state, this has a positive effect on the immune system and the general psychological mood of a person.

Among the obligatory anaerobic microflora on the intestinal mucosa, bifidobacteria occupy a special place, since they make up 90% of all existing varieties.

Maintaining their condition and number within the normal range allows you to get rid of many intestinal diseases and pathologies, to improve the processes of digestion.

What it is?

Bifidobacteria belong to the class of gram-positive anaerobic microorganisms. The appearance of these bacteria is like a curved rod. The extreme points of the structure can become thicker, thinner, sometimes divided into 2 approximately identical parts. From this came their name, since in Latin it consists of two words (divided in two and bacterium).

In the intestines of newborns, bifidobacteria play a leading role in organizing the microflora necessary for digestion. They do not lose their importance in the adult state of a person. Their predominant location is the large intestine.

These microorganisms have a lot of varieties, since their species is represented by 24 strains. One of the factors for maintaining a normal weight and strengthening the immune system is the optimal amount of all varieties of bifidobacteria in the body.

Effect on the body: what is their role?

Bifidobacteria are essential for the production of organic acids. The most important of these are lactic and acetic acid, so the substances responsible for their formation are the most important.

They regulate and, if necessary, restore the normal pH level in the general microflora of the intestinal environment.

These microorganisms are able to detect strong antagonism, therefore, they easily suppress the vital activity and active reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora, harmful and putrefactive flora, which is also often present in the intestine.

Bifidobacteria themselves take on the partial functions of human immunity, as they represent a kind of shield that prevents the appearance and development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bifidobacteria have a significant impact on the implementation of many processes in the body:

  1. Participate in the provision and normalization of digestion, which allows you to organize the optimal absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
  2. They promote protein hydrolysis, participate in the fermentation of carbohydrates, perform saponification of fats and lipids, carry out competent decomposition into components of vegetable fats and fiber. In general, these processes occur due to the activity of enzymes, the supply of which is provided by bifidobacteria.
  3. Modernize the process of movement of the muscles of the intestine, that is, peristalsis. This process avoids stagnation, constipation and strong gas formation.
  4. They participate in the inhibition of vitamin B, and also contribute to its active absorption when ingested with food. When performing these actions, bifidobacteria provide increased resistance of the nervous system to stress, overstrain and other negative psychological conditions. They help to increase the resistance and survival of nerve cells, which helps protect a person from nervous disorders and mental illness.
  5. Increase the absorption of vitamin K, which is necessary for optimal blood clotting.
  6. They are involved in the inhibition and absorption of many types of amino acids, which in turn allow the body to more easily absorb calcium and vitamin D.
  7. Bifidobacteria take part in many processes of assimilation and redistribution of useful substances, therefore they provide an anti-anemic and anti-rachitic effect, as well as fight against the manifestations of allergies, and reduce its intensity.
  8. They encourage lymphatic work to work faster, activate the production of immunoglobulins, which is necessary to enhance the body's immune response. This aspect influenced the birth of the popular expression that most of the immunity is in the intestines.

Symptoms of a lack of bifidobacteria and possible consequences

Deficiency of bifidobacteria manifests itself very clearly, as a person begins to suffer from signs of dysbacteriosis. The first symptom and the most striking manifestation of a deficiency of essential bacteria is the occurrence of an acute intestinal infection, since the protective forces are either absent or are in too small quantities, therefore they are unable to fight back harmful microorganisms.

With a deficiency of bifidobacteria, diarrhea and diarrhea are often manifested. The lack of bifidobacteria provokes a slowdown in peristalsis, which causes congestion.

All signs of putrefactive processes appear, fermentation of products is not excluded, and bile acids accumulate among the entire contents of the intestine. Usually, these processes provoke diarrhea, but among patients there are cases with constipation.

Sometimes, with a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria, flatulence manifests itself. The natural microflora is unable to cope with the incessant appearance and reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Due to their large number, there are significant accumulations of carbon dioxide released during the life of microbes. In addition to bloating, chronic flatulence is manifested by heartburn and bad breath.

If no measures are taken to treat the pathology, there is a global lack of vitamins in the body and increasing anemia.


Among the "harmless" manifestations of a lack of bifidobacteria, constipation and diarrhea stand out. Gradually, the risk of developing severe intestinal infections increases significantly.

In the absence of proper treatment, a strong allergy appears, not only to products that always cause irritation, but also to those substances that were previously used without problems.

It is not excluded the appearance of gastritis, including in severe form. On the basis of constant irritation of the mucosa, signs of peptic ulcer appear.

Of the general symptoms, the provocateur of which is a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria, a strong decline in general and local immunity stands out, and the frequency of diseases of a viral nature increases.

The patient shows excessive fatigue, feels constant weakness up to a complete breakdown. Indirectly, the lack of necessary bacteria in the intestine affects the decrease in concentration, psychological exhaustion.

Causes of changes in microflora

  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Reception of antibacterial and hormonal agents.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Polluted water and food.

How to normalize?

To restore the intestines and populate it with a sufficient amount of bifidobacteria, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures, completely revising your diet.

If you use drugs in combination with folk remedies and eat only certain foods, the number of beneficial bacteria will be restored, which will help get rid of the symptoms that appeared due to their lack.


To normalize the microflora, the following drugs are used:

  1. Probiotics.
  2. Prebiotics.



  • Probifor.

Medicines that include several bacterial cultures with the participation of bifidobacteria:

  • Florin Forte.
  • Linex.
  • Bificol.


They serve to create a favorable environment that ensures the normal reproduction and functioning of beneficial bacteria:

  • Lactofiltrum.
  • Lactusan.
  • Duphalac.
  • Prelaks.
  • Inulin.
  • Portalak.

Additionally, you can use Bifiform, which contains a lot of live bacteria.

Folk remedies

  1. Regular drinking of mash.
  2. Drinking a glass of whey daily on an empty stomach.
  3. Use before breakfast and dinner for a clove of garlic.
  4. Use of garlic yogurt. For cooking, boiled liter of milk is needed. The liquid is cooled and fermented on black bread. After that, the product is diluted with grated garlic croutons. This mixture should be consumed regularly. You need to store it in the refrigerator.


To restore the condition of the intestines, especially after a sharp decrease in the number of bifidobacteria, it is necessary to adhere to a reasonable and systematic diet. Many foods can have a positive effect on colonizing the intestines with beneficial microflora.

Basic rules of the diet:

  • Acceptance of only quickly digestible products that do not provoke the occurrence of stagnation.
  • The use of small portions up to 8 times a day.
  • Refusal to drink water.
  • Stop eating fast carbohydrates.
  • Eating foods high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • The use of only slightly dried bread.
  • Exclusion of their diet of fried and fatty foods.

You should enrich your diet with foods that have bifidobacteria:

  1. Dairy products. These are cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt, homemade yogurt is especially useful.
  2. Sauerkraut, specifically pickle.
  3. Apples preserved in a soaked form.
  4. Kvass based on bread.

There are products that allow you to create a favorable environment on the intestinal mucosa for the reproduction of surviving bifidobacteria, and also prevent the development and reproduction of pathogenic microflora:

  • Dried fruits.
  • Onion and garlic.
  • Herbal teas, such as mint, chamomile, St. John's wort. Berries, especially raspberries and currants, are also useful as a basis for making drinks.
  • Flour and wheat in the form of bran.
  • Dandelion leaves, chicory, Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Preventive measures

  1. Proper nutrition, if necessary, compliance with a competent diet.
  2. Dosed intake of antibiotics, competent selection of medicines, if possible, replacement of potent substances with more latent drugs.
  3. Timely restoration of microflora after medical manipulations.
  4. Preventing the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the intestines by washing food and refusing poor-quality cooked food.
  5. Eliminate stress, strengthen the nervous system.

The lack of bifidobacteria in most cases is very painful and makes it impossible to carry out normal life. In order to prevent such a state, it is necessary to lead the right way of life. To replenish the missing bifidobacteria, you should use drugs in conjunction with folk remedies and follow the rules of nutrition.

The normal balance of microbes in the gastrointestinal tract is the key to good health and well-being. The bulk of the microflora of the body is bifidobacteria. Reduced content of them in the intestines? This is not fatal in the short term, but health problems will increase. If you neglect the principles of a healthy and rational diet, then an unfavorable environment is created for bifidobacteria in the intestine. Their number is decreasing. The empty place is occupied by other species, and often they do not “get along” very well with the body.

Beneficial bacteria

Microorganisms enter the gastrointestinal tract with water and food. All microflora present in the human intestinal tract is divided into two groups. The first includes microbes that provide metabolic processes. That is, they must be present in a certain amount. Such bacteria are called obligate: Escherichia coli. This also includes microorganisms that do not play a significant role in the activity of vital systems (bacteroids, enterococci), but their presence does not harm a person.

Why is a reduced amount of bifidobacteria dangerous for the body? Of the total number of microbes in the intestine, obligate microflora should account for 95-97%. If the analysis shows that the number of bifidobacteria is significantly reduced, then this means that other species have taken their place. And if this is not E. coli or other friendly or neutral forms, then problems should be expected. Constipation, diarrhea, allergies, lowering the body's defenses - this is not a complete list of possible troubles.

Pathogenic microflora

Another group is microorganisms of the facultative type. They are divided into two groups depending on the "harmfulness". Pathogenic forms can cause harm by their mere presence. The most dangerous pathogens are dysentery and typhoid (Salmonella and Shigella).

Opportunistic microbes can cause harm to the body if there are certain factors that contribute to their excessive reproduction or are associated with a weakening of the protective functions of the body. Among such flora, Klebsiella and Clostridia are distinguished, which may not be harmful in small quantities, and those that should not be in the body (especially children's) (staphylococci, Candida fungi, Proteus).

Despite the fact that the human body and microbes live in symbiosis, that is, they receive mutual benefit, such a “friendly neighborhood” is possible only if a strict quantitative ratio of the obligate and facultative forms of microflora is observed. An imbalance, when bifidobacteria are lowered, usually leads to indigestion. If the problem is not solved, clinical manifestations of intestinal infections are possible.


These microorganisms were first isolated in 1899. To date, more than 30 species of bifidobacteria are known. These Gram-positive, curved, rod-shaped microbes are up to 5 microns in size and colonize the large intestine. Located on the walls of the intestine, they play the role of a shield and prevent contact with pathogenic microflora. The total number of these bacteria normally can reach 10 8 - 10 11 per 1 g of feces.

Being the dominant microflora in a healthy person, they provide the processes of protein and fat metabolism, participate in the regulation of mineral metabolism, the synthesis of B and K vitamins.

In addition to their main duties, these microorganisms are active against pathogenic strains, producing specific organic acids with antimicrobial action. A reduced number of bifidobacteria can cause enzymatic, metabolic and antitoxic dysfunction, as well as impaired colonization resistance and immune response to pathogenic microflora. Bifidobacteria improve food fermentation by enhancing protein hydrolysis, participate in the saponification of fats, the fermentation of carbohydrates, and the absorption of fiber. Their merit is in normal and this is a timely and stable evacuation of digestive products.


The reduced content of bifidobacteria in feces is most often determined by research in case of suspected dysbacteriosis. This analysis is not widely used in ordinary medical practice due to the length and complexity of its implementation on the basis of outpatient departments.

To obtain accurate analysis results, it is necessary to ensure rapid delivery of feces (no more than 3 hours) in a sterile container to the laboratory. The collected biomaterial (10 g) should preferably be cooled, but not frozen. Enemas and preparations with barium should not be used. Antibiotics should be stopped 12 hours before collection. Also, a few days before the analysis, they stop using laxatives and rectal suppositories.

It usually takes about a week to count the number of germs. During this time, the contents of the container, sown on a nutrient medium in a thermostat, germinate, and the specialist counts the bacterial colonies.

Deciphering the results

Determine the number and ratio of beneficial and hostile microorganisms. First of all, the graph of pathogenic forms of microbes (Salmonella, Shigella) is filled in the form - they should not be at all. Next come the obligatory results of the number of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and E. coli, and also their ratio in the total number is calculated.

Depending on age, gender and various factors, the doctor who sent for analysis gives an interpretation of the results. The main indicator is bifidobacteria. The content of these microorganisms is reduced in the presence of dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). The diagnosis is made on the basis of a comparison of normative indicators with actual ones. If necessary, amendments are made taking into account the characteristics of the clinical manifestations of the disease and the presence of various predisposing factors.


These microorganisms are representatives of the gram-positive anaerobic intestinal flora. Together with bifidobacteria, they ensure normal digestion and protective functions. In the total mass of the microflora of the body, they account for up to 5%. An increase in the number of lactobacilli in the analyzes is not a serious imbalance. Often this happens with the predominance of sour-milk products in the diet. It is much worse when bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are lowered in the analysis.

When developing drugs containing live cultures of bacteria (probiotics), scientists try to adhere to the ratio. Normally, the balance between bifido- and lactoflora should be within 9:1. This ratio, according to experts, will provide optimal conditions for the development of both crops.

In most cases, lactobacilli do not show pathogenicity, but, on the contrary, participate in the metabolic processes necessary for the body. They produce lactic acid from lactose and other carbohydrates, which is a necessary condition for normal digestion and a barrier to pathogenic microflora. They also synthesize trace elements, participate in the decomposition of indigestible plant foods. Unlike bifidobacteria, which inhabit mainly only the large intestine, lactobacilli are also present in other parts of the digestive tract.


The body's ability to resist infections largely depends on the state of the intestinal microflora. Most of the immune cells are concentrated there. Genetic predisposition and antibodies acquired after vaccinations or past diseases cannot provide an adequate level of protection for the body. It is the intestinal microflora that sets the tone for well-being. From this it follows that a reduced content of bifidobacteria will adversely affect immunity.

This condition is especially dangerous with a significant decrease in the amount of normoflora. There are gaps on the inner surface of the large intestine. Opens access to his cells. With adverse factors (damage, ulcers), microorganisms that inhabit the intestinal tract can spread beyond it. The result may be the entry into the circulatory system of pathogenic bacteria that can cause inflammation in other organs. The extreme degree of this pathology - sepsis - leads to death.

Research by scientists is increasingly confirming the relationship of microflora imbalance with the development of diabetes mellitus, anemia, atherosclerosis, cancer and even obesity. The main problem is bifidobacteria. Their content in the intestines is reduced - this is a catalyst. Dysbacteriosis immediately occurs, the body's immune response is delayed or weakens. In the absence of correction, the underlying disease develops. Against its background, secondary infection develops (frequent colds of a viral nature), concomitant visible problems appear (allergies, dermatitis), delays in growth and development, and a decrease in muscle mass and body weight.


This pathology occurs when not only bifidobacteria are lowered, but there is a tendency for the pathogenic microflora to prevail over the normal one. Such dysbacteriosis is called true. It does not arise spontaneously.

The initial stage characterizing the presence of progressive dysbiosis can be a steady increase in the number of ballast bacteria (E. coli with weak enzymatic activity, enterococci). They begin to develop because the main culture disappears. In addition to infections in the intestines, the reason may be the frequent use of antibiotics without subsequent correction or improper (irrational) nutrition.

Dysbacteriosis in newborns can be transient (temporary), when due to various factors (prematurity of infants, weakening of the body after a difficult birth), a violation of the normal cycle or development occurs. After stabilization of the condition, as a rule, by the end of the second week, the normoflora is restored.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis

When such a diagnosis is made, the treatment of the patient should be divided into two stages. Reduced bifidobacteria can be restored if the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora is suppressed. This can be done in several ways: antibiotics, intra-intestinal antiseptics and immunopreparations containing bacteriophages capable of selectively absorbing and neutralizing pathogenic microbes inside themselves.

For settlement in the intestines of bifido- and lactobacilli, probiotics are usually used - preparations containing a live culture of beneficial microorganisms. Treatment should begin as soon as possible. A delay in correcting the balance of microflora can cost the body dearly: constipation, diarrhea, anemia, gastritis, arthritis, duodenitis, malignant neoplasms of the intestine.

In order to protect yourself as much as possible, it is important to exclude stress, beriberi, alcohol, overeating, when the normal fermentation of incoming food is disrupted. We should not forget about the influence of age, seasonal and climatic factors.

Bifidobacteria are lowered in a child

What to do if dysbacteriosis gave disappointing results? The first thing that suggests itself is to reconsider the diet and the quality of the food you eat. Most of the problems are related to this. If there are complicating factors - antibiotics, radiation therapy, the consequences of an illness, stress, fatigue - then, if possible, minimize their influence.

Next, you need to introduce bifidobacteria into the body. Downgraded to 10 6 or less? This suggests that against the background of dysbiosis, the results of the analysis, as a rule, show which undesirable microorganisms should be neutralized and expelled from the intestine in the first place.

Along the way, the child's diet should be adjusted: a rigid meal schedule, the exclusion of unwanted foods (sweets, canned food, semi-finished products, smoked meats). More natural products: vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products.

In newborns, the main process of formation of the intestinal microflora begins with the first portions of the mother's colostrum. The baby is born sterile. In the delivery room, it comes into contact with foreign bacteria. A lot depends on how quickly the baby can access the mother's breast. Ideally, this is minutes (up to an hour). A longer delay caused by various reasons (difficult birth, caesarean section, weakened or premature baby) will inevitably affect the health of the baby.

Mother's milk is an ideal source of bifidus and lactobacilli. By eliminating the negative influencing factors, breastfeeding will quickly restore the necessary balance. Another thing is when bifidobacteria are lowered in infants, and for one reason or another he cannot take mother's milk.

Due to unformed immunity, the resulting dysbiosis, caused at first glance by mundane factors (teething, vaccination, hypothermia), may become uncompensated. Such a failure cannot be left to chance; complex treatment based on the results of the analysis is necessary.

If the child cannot receive mother's milk, preference should be given to mixtures adapted not only to a specific age category, but also containing live cultures of beneficial bacteria. Such compositions are enriched with protective factors, they include prebiotics, which create conditions for a good survival of microflora in the intestines of infants.


In situations where the result of the analysis shows reduced bifidobacteria, and there is a need to quickly increase their concentration in the intestine, preparations with live cultures of beneficial microbes are used. Distinguish between liquid concentrates of bacteria that are in active form, and dried lyophilized or freeze-dried masses. The first begin to act immediately after entering the body. Another group - microorganisms that are in anabiosis, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, show activity after a certain time (the moment of passage of the large intestine).

Preparations of useful microflora may contain one culture (monoprobiotics) or several different strains of bacteria (associated). In a separate group, synbiotics are distinguished - complex preparations containing the main culture and a set of biologically active substances that contribute to the fixation of bacteria in the body (probiotic + prebiotic).

Reduced bifidobacteria - not a sentence. Which drug to purchase, parents decide after the advisory opinion of a specialist. There are plenty to choose from: "Linex", "Lactiale", "Bifidumbacterin", "Acilact", "Laktomun" and other worthy representatives of biologically active food supplements.

Microorganisms live in the human intestine, which make up a total mass of up to two kilograms. They form the local flora. The ratio is strictly maintained according to the principle of expediency.

The bacterial content is heterogeneous in function and significance for the host organism: some bacteria in all conditions provide support through the proper functioning of the intestines, therefore they are called beneficial. Others are just waiting for the slightest breakdown in control and weakening of the body in order to turn into a source of infection. They are called opportunistic pathogens.

The introduction of foreign bacteria into the intestines that can cause disease is accompanied by a violation of the optimal balance, even if a person is not sick, but is a carrier of the infection.

Treatment of the disease with medicines, especially antibacterial action, has a detrimental effect not only on the causative agents of the disease, but also on beneficial bacteria. The problem is how to eliminate the consequences of therapy. Therefore, scientists have created a large group of new drugs that supply live bacteria for the intestines.

What bacteria form the intestinal flora?

About half a thousand species of microorganisms live in the human digestive tract. They perform the following functions:

  • help with their enzymes to break down the substances that have got with the products to normal absorption, absorption through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream;
  • produce the destruction of unnecessary residues of the digestion of food, toxins, toxic substances, gases, in order to prevent the processes of decay;
  • produce for the body special enzymes, biologically active substances (biotin), vitamin K and folic acid, which are necessary for life;
  • participate in the synthesis of immune components.

Studies have shown that some bacteria (bifidobacteria) protect the body from cancer.

Probiotics gradually crowd out pathogenic microbes, depriving them of nutrition and directing immune cells to them.

The main beneficial microorganisms include: bifidobacteria (make up 95% of the entire flora), lactobacilli (almost 5% by weight), Escherichia. Conditionally pathogenic are:

  • staphylococci and enterococci;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida;
  • clostridia.

They become dangerous when a person's immunity falls, a change in the acid-base balance in the body. An example of harmful or pathogenic microorganisms are shigella, salmonella - the causative agents of typhoid fever, dysentery.

Beneficial live bacteria for the gut are also called probiotics. So, they began to call specially created substitutes for normal intestinal flora. Another name is eubiotics.
Now they are effectively used to treat digestive pathologies and the consequences of the negative effects of drugs.

Types of Probiotics

Preparations with live bacteria were gradually improved and updated in terms of properties and composition. In pharmacology, they are usually divided into generations. The first generation includes drugs containing only one strain of microorganisms: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Colibacterin.

The second generation is formed by antagonist preparations containing an unusual flora that can resist pathogenic bacteria and support digestion: Bactistatin, Sporobacterin, Biosporin.

The third generation includes multicomponent drugs. They contain several strains of bacteria with bioadditives. The group includes: Lineks, Atsilakt, Acipol, Bifiliz, Bifiform. The fourth generation consists only of preparations from bifidobacteria: Florin Forte, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Probifor.

According to the bacterial composition, probiotics can be divided into those containing as the main component:

  • bifidobacteria - Bifidumbacterin (forte or powder), Bifiliz, Bifikol, Bifiform, Probifor, Biovestin, Lifepack Probiotics;
  • lactobacilli - Linex, Lactobacterin, Atsilact, Acipol, Biobacton, Lebenin, Gastrofarm;
  • colibacteria - Colibacterin, Bioflor, Bifikol;
  • enterococci - Linex, Bifiform, dietary supplements of domestic production;
  • yeast-like fungi - Biosporin, Baktisporin, Enterol, Baktisubtil, Sporobacterin.

What should be considered when buying probiotics?

Under different names, pharmacological firms in Russia and abroad can produce the same drugs-analogues. Imported, of course, much more expensive. Studies have shown that people living in Russia are more adapted to local strains of bacteria.

Still better to buy your own drugs

Another negative - as it turned out, imported probiotics contain only a fifth of the declared volume of living microorganisms and do not settle in the intestines of patients for a long time. Before purchasing, you need to consult a specialist. This is caused by serious complications from the misuse of drugs. Patients reported:

  • exacerbation of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • obesity;
  • allergic reactions.

Live bacteria should not be confused with prebiotics. These are also medicines, but do not contain microorganisms. Prebiotics contain enzymes, vitamins to improve digestion, stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora. They are often prescribed for constipation in children and adults.

The group includes known to practitioners: Lactulose, pantothenic acid, Hilak forte, Lysozyme, preparations from inulin. Experts believe that it is necessary to combine prebiotics with probiotic preparations for maximum results. For this, combined preparations (synbiotics) have been created.

Characterization of first generation probiotics

Preparations from the group of probiotics of the first generation are prescribed to young children when first-degree dysbacteriosis is detected, and also if prophylaxis is necessary, if the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Primadophilus is an analogue of drugs with two types of lactobacilli, much more expensive than the others, since it is produced in the USA

The pediatrician chooses Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin for babies (include bifido- and lactobacilli). They are diluted in warm boiled water and given 30 minutes before breastfeeding. Older children and adults are suitable drugs in capsules, tablets.

Colibacterin - contains dried bacteria of Escherichia coli, is used for prolonged colitis in adults. A more modern monopreparation Biobacton contains an acidophilus bacillus, indicated from the neonatal period.

Narine, Narine Forte, Narine in milk concentrate - contains an acidophilic form of lactobacilli. Comes from Armenia.

Purpose and Description of Second Generation Probiotics

Unlike the first group, second-generation probiotics do not contain beneficial living bacteria, but include other microorganisms that can suppress and destroy pathogenic microflora - yeast-like fungi and spores of bacilli.

Used mainly for the treatment of children with mild dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections. The duration of the course should be observed for no more than seven days, then switch to live bacteria of the first group. Baktisubtil (a French drug) and Flonivin BS contain bacillus spores with a wide spectrum of antibacterial action.

Inside the stomach, spores are not destroyed by hydrochloric acid and enzymes, they reach the small intestine intact

Bactisporin and Sporobacterin are made from hay bacillus, antagonistic properties to pathogenic pathogens, resistance to the action of the antibiotic Rifampicin are preserved.

Enterol contains yeast-like fungi (saccharomycetes). Comes from France. Used in the treatment of diarrhea associated with antibiotics. Active against clostridia. Biosporin includes two types of saprophyte bacteria.

Features of third generation probiotics

Live bacteria collected in combination or several of their strains act more actively. They are used to treat acute intestinal disorders of moderate severity.

Linex - contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci, is produced in Slovakia in a special powder for children (Linex Baby), capsules, sachets. Bifiform is a Danish drug, several varieties are known (Baby drops, chewable tablets, complex). Bifiliz - contains bifidobacteria and lysozyme. Available in suspension (lyophilizate), rectal suppositories.

As part of the drug bifidobacteria, enterococci, lactulose, vitamins B 1, B 6

How are 4th generation probiotics different?

In the production of preparations with bifidobacteria of this group, the need for additional protection of the digestive tract and the removal of intoxication was taken into account. Means are called "sorbed" because the active bacteria are located on activated carbon particles.

Indicated for respiratory infections, diseases of the stomach and intestines, dysbacteriosis. The most popular drugs in this group. Bifidumbacterin Forte - contains live bifidobacteria sorbed on activated carbon, is available in capsules and powders.

Effectively protects and restores the intestinal flora after respiratory infections, with acute gastroenterological pathology, dysbacteriosis. The drug is contraindicated in people with congenital deficiency of the lactase enzyme, with rotavirus infection.

Probifor - differs from Bifidumbacterin Forte in the number of bifidobacteria, it is 10 times higher than the previous drug. Therefore, the treatment is much more effective. It is prescribed in severe forms of intestinal infection, with diseases of the large intestine, dysbacteriosis.

It has been proven that the effectiveness is equated in diseases caused by shigella to antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone series. Able to replace the combination of Enterol and Bifiliz. Florin Forte - includes a lacto- and bifidobacterium composition sorbed on coal. Available in capsule and powder form.

The use of synbiotics

Synbiotics are a completely new proposal in the treatment of intestinal flora disorders. They provide a double action: on the one hand, they necessarily contain a probiotic, on the other hand, they include a prebiotic that creates favorable conditions for the growth of beneficial bacteria.

The fact is that the action of probiotics is not long-lasting. After the restoration of the intestinal microflora, they can die, which again causes a worsening of the situation. Accompanying prebiotics nourish beneficial bacteria, provide active growth and protection.

Many synbiotics are dietary supplements, not medicinal substances. Only a specialist can make the right choice. It is not recommended to make a decision about treatment on your own. The drugs in this series include the following.


Many authors refer to the best drugs to date. It combines the beneficial effect of 17 types of live bacteria with extracts of algae, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs, fruits, cereals (more than 70 components). Recommended for course use, you need to take from 6 to 10 capsules per day.

The production does not involve sublimation and drying, therefore the viability of all bacteria is preserved. The drug is obtained by natural fermentation for three years. Strains of bacteria work in different parts of digestion. Suitable for people with lactose intolerance, does not contain gluten and gelatin. Comes to the pharmacy chain from Canada.

Multidophilus plus

Includes three strains of lactobacilli, one - bifidobacteria, maltodextrin. Produced in the USA. Available in capsules for adults. The Polish remedy Maxilak in its composition contains: as a prebiotic oligofructose, as a probiotic - live cultures of beneficial bacteria (three strains from bifidobacteria, five from lactobacilli, streptococcus). Indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, impaired immunity.

Assigned to children from the age of three and adults 1 capsule in the evening with meals

Which probiotics have targeted indications?

With an abundance of information about bacterial preparations with live microorganisms, some people rush to extremes: they either do not believe in the expediency of using them, or, conversely, spend money on ineffective products. It is necessary to consult a specialist about the use of probiotics in a particular situation.

Children with diarrhea during breastfeeding (especially those born prematurely) are given liquid probiotics. They also help with irregular stools, constipation, lagging behind in physical development.

Babies in such situations are shown:

  • Bifidumbacterin Forte;
  • Linex;
  • Acipol;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bifiliz;
  • Probifor.

If diarrhea in a child is associated with a past respiratory disease, pneumonia, infectious mononucleosis, false croup, then these drugs are prescribed in a short course for 5 days. With viral hepatitis, treatment lasts from a week to a month. Allergic dermatitis is treated with courses from 7 days (Probifor) to three weeks. A patient with diabetes is recommended to take courses of probiotics of different groups for 6 weeks.

For prophylactic administration, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Bifiliz are most suitable during the season of increased incidence.

What is better to take with dysbacteriosis?

It is necessary to be sure of the violation of the intestinal flora to pass a stool test for dysbacteriosis. The doctor must determine what specific bacteria the body lacks, how severe the violations are.

With an established deficiency of lactobacilli, it is not necessary to use drugs only. containing them. Because it is bifidobacteria that are decisive in the imbalance and form the rest of the microflora.

Monopreparations, in which there are only the same type of bacteria, are recommended by the doctor only with a mild degree of violations.

In severe cases, combined means of the third and fourth generations are needed. The most indicated Probifor (infectious enterocolitis, colitis). For children, it is always necessary to select combinations of drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Means with colibacilli are prescribed very carefully. When identifying ulcers in the intestines and stomach, acute gastroenteritis, probiotics with lactobacilli are more indicated.

Usually, the doctor determines the duration of treatment by the generation of the probiotic:

  • I - a monthly course is required.
  • II - from 5 to 10 days.
  • III - IV - up to seven days.

In the absence of effectiveness, the specialist changes the treatment regimen, adds antifungal agents, antiseptics. The use of probiotics is a modern approach to the treatment of many diseases. This is especially important for parents of young children. It is necessary to distinguish medicines from biological food supplements. Existing dietary supplements with intestinal bacteria can only be used by a healthy person for the purpose of prevention.

The correct functioning of the digestive tract directly depends on the balance of the flora inhabiting it. If there is a predominance of harmful microorganisms over beneficial ones, the mechanism of food digestion fails. So that the disorder does not become total, the correct ratio should be restored as soon as possible with the help of powder preparations of capsules or other forms.

Restoration of the intestinal microflora becomes a priority for various pathologies of the body due to the direct influence of the function of the gastrointestinal tract on well-being. Special tools are also used for prevention purposes. The choice of drugs for adults and children is quite wide, and their effect may vary depending on the composition.

When to Take Good Bacteria

The intestinal microflora has many faces, but the largest number is characteristic of bifido- and lactobacilli. Normally, their volume is 100 times higher than the number of harmful organisms. Under this condition, it is possible to ensure the correct flow of the following internal processes:

  • Enzymatic digestion of food. Beneficial bacteria take part in carbohydrate fermentation, protein hydrolysis, neutralization of fatty acids, and dissolution of fiber.
  • Maintaining an acidic environment in the intestine to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic flora, poisoning with toxins.
  • Absorption and synthesis of vitamins.
  • Metabolism of bile acids and cholesterol.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Activation of intestinal and gastric peristalsis.

If the balance is disturbed, characteristic negative changes in the human condition are noted:

  • Disturbed by constipation or diarrhea, flatulence.
  • Spasms occur.
  • There is rapid fatigue.
  • Reduced immunity.

The appearance of such signs is a clear indication for lactotherapy. Taking live bacteria is also recommended in the following cases:

  • during antibiotic treatment.
  • With a systematic bowel cleansing.
  • If you are worried about acne, acne.
  • Surgery is due.
  • Diagnosed with inflammation of the genitourinary system.

What are bifido and lactobacilli

When prescribing a certain drug, doctors are guided by its composition, features of action. Differences are due to the type of beneficial microorganisms.


This includes Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria. In the maximum amount they are present in the intestines of infants. As soon as the baby switches to adult food, the composition of the "population" of the gastrointestinal tract changes markedly and microorganisms live only in the large intestine. Their purpose is the breakdown of carbohydrates, blocking toxins and harmful substances, allergens, carcinogens.


They are present along the entire length of the digestive tract in both children and adults. Such flora is gram-positive facultative anaerobic. By producing special elements, microorganisms help maintain metabolic processes, break down plant food, and process it into a mixture of lactose and carbohydrates. As a result, an acidic environment is formed that prevents fungal and bacterial pathologies.

For children, lactobacilli are indicated for rotavirus infections that occur with severe digestive disorders and intestinal function.

Preparations with bifidobacteria

Medicines that help restore balance are available in the form of capsules, rectal suppositories, powders and ampoules with dry contents (lyophilisate) for the preparation of a liquid suspension. The first two groups are distinguished by a high price due to maximum efficiency, the possibility of conducting therapy without being tied to a diet and the simultaneous use of other drugs. Powder products are cheaper, but they often contain only one strain of bacteria, which can be adversely affected by the environment of the stomach.

An effective probiotic is presented in all of the listed forms. The active ingredient is one strain of living microorganisms. Indications for use - intestinal dysfunction, dysbacteriosis on the background of a viral, bacterial, food infection, chronic inflammation of the lower abdomen. And also Bifidumbacterin is recommended for infants who are about to switch to artificial feeding.

The dosage is calculated by following the instructions. The powder diluted in water is drunk half an hour before meals. Contraindication to treatment - lactose intolerance.

The probiotic contains beneficial bacteria for the intestines in the form of bifido- and lactoflora. The complex action is manifested in the following:

  • Defensive forces are strengthened.
  • The stool is normalized.
  • Improves digestion and metabolic processes.

You need to take the medicine with meals, mixing the contents of the capsules with liquid food or drinking them whole. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 15 days.

It is an effective means of a group of eubiotics. Release form - lyophilisate. In the composition, along with bacteria, E. coli are present. The suspension is taken twice a day 30 minutes before meals. To dilute the dry powder, boiled water cooled to room temperature is used.

If increased acidity is detected, it is advisable to drink 100 ml of mineral water or soda solution 10 minutes before taking it.

This remedy is recommended for an adult to take with antibiotics to maintain the balance of the flora or restore it. For women, the drug becomes an effective prevention of vaginal candidiasis, which often accompanies antibiotic therapy. In pharmacies, there is both a lyophilisate intended for dilution, and rectal, vaginal suppositories.

Admission rules depend on age. Adults drink the suspension before meals, children under 2 years of age with the first portions of food or during feeding. The powder is diluted directly in a jar, achieving its dissolution by shaking. If rectal suppositories are used, a preliminary bowel cleansing is needed.

It is a third generation probiotic with active ingredients: enterococci and several strains of bifidobacteria. The result of the reception is the restoration of digestion, the suppression of pathogenic flora. For adults, the drug is offered in the form of capsules, for children - in the form of powders, oil solutions and chewable tablets (their compositions include B vitamins).

The uniqueness of the product lies in the content of a living culture in a solution prepared from vegetables, propolis and soy. After application, the displacement of conditionally pathogenic flora is activated, the protection of the mucosa lining the intestines is restored. It also improves the absorption of calcium, iron and other minerals.

To achieve the effect, a long-term use for over 2 months is required.

Preparations with lactobacilli

Such funds are available in the form of medicines or dietary supplements that supplement the daily diet. Inexpensive products and items with a high cost are available.

Lactobacilli for the intestines are represented by lactic acidophilic microorganisms. After taking, a complex action is provided: the elimination of microbial, infectious flora and an increase in the number of useful components.

Probiotic helps restore balance by normalizing defenses and digestion. As a result of systematic use, harmful organisms are destroyed, acidity inside the gastrointestinal tract increases. The drug is indicated for both adults and infants due to the absence of adverse reactions. The dosage depends on age. Due to the resistance of the main component to antibiotics, simultaneous treatment with antibacterial agents is possible.

If Lactobacterin is used in the form of a lyophilisate, storage of the prepared solution is unacceptable.


The medicine with live acidophilic lactobacilli and kefir fungi is available in the form of capsules, the complete dissolution of which occurs already in the intestine. It is a third-generation symbiotic, effective for violations of motor function, metabolic processes, and weakening of immune defenses. With food allergies, the drug stops intoxication.

Acipol can be taken by children from the age of 3 months, if individual sensitivity to the components is excluded.

The tool is distinguished by a combined composition, including enterococci, strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria in the form of libenin.

Once in the body, these components actively multiply and as a result, the production of B and C vitamins and the absorption of potassium improve. At the same time, acidity in the intestines increases. The result is the inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug directly affects the mechanism of production of digestive enzymes, bile. Normalization of microflora occurs in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, admission is recommended at any age.

The synbiotic is indicated for use by adults, as well as children over 1 month old. After a course of therapy, strengthening of immunity, protection of the upper digestive tract from damage by pathogenic microbes, and a decrease in the negative effect of drugs are noted.

The complex action is due to the presence in the composition of pre- and probiotics, bacteria of the LGG strain, which are most resistant to the aggressive gastric environment and bile acids. Full restoration of the natural microflora occurs after 9 days from the start of therapy. Before use, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in water, milk or yogurt and drunk immediately.

Another representative of synbiotics, which ensures the intake of lacto- and bifidose populations, oligofructose, beneficial streptococci, lactococci into the body. The complex composition allows you to fight the pathologies of the large and small intestines, infections that affect the immune or respiratory system.

Enterosorbent is often prescribed together with drugs based on lacto- or bifidobacteria, it helps to remove harmful components from the digestive tract. It is accepted if there are the following signs:

  • Allergic reactions, poisoning.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • hangover syndrome.
  • Chronic renal failure.

In some cases, the option of using lactulose to restore the function of the gastrointestinal tract is being considered. It begins to work in the large intestine, providing nutrition for lacto- and bifidobacteria. The composition is represented by two components - galactose and fructose, which act as prebiotics and a mild laxative. In view of this feature, the use is advisable with a tendency to constipation.

Preparations for children

The described funds can be given to a child for treatment and prophylactic purposes. The dosage is agreed with the doctor. Most drugs are approved for use even by newborns. The main thing is to exclude individual intolerance to components for products containing lactose. Preferred drugs include Acilact, Bifidumbacterin, Linex.

In addition to medicines, dietary supplements are produced for children. This group includes Bifidus, Primadophilus, Junior. Such drugs and other probiotics are included in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infection, barking cough, bronchitis, pneumonia. In these situations, a 7-day course is provided.

The danger of self-medication

Therapy with probiotics, like other medicines, must be strictly scheduled and planned in time. If the recommendations given in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor are not followed, undesirable consequences may occur.