Order on the appointment of Arkady Mikhailovich Korolkov. Russia and the United States have sharply stepped up efforts to resolve the Donbass

Korolkov Arkady Mikhailovich - commander of the 99th Guards Pomeranian Red Banner Order of Suvorov II class. and Kutuzov II Art. self-propelled artillery regiment of the 3rd Vislenskaya Red Banner Order of Suvorov II degree and Kutuzov II degree motorized rifle division of the 22nd combined arms army of the Moscow Military District, guard colonel. He was awarded the Order of Courage, "For Military Merit", the medal "For Military Merit", and other medals.
A. M. Korolkov was born on July 26, 1964 in the city of Sverdlovsk, in the family of a military man. Having firmly decided to follow in his father's footsteps, the guy after high school entered the Kolomna Higher Artillery Command School, which he successfully graduated in 1985. According to the distribution, he was sent to the GSVG, where he served as a fire platoon commander in a self-propelled artillery regiment. A year later, his fate is again closely connected with his native Kolomna VAKU. During 1986-1991. he serves as the commander of a training platoon, and then a training battery of cadets. Deserved prestige, high professional training and dedication to A. Korolkov open the way for further improvement. In 1984, he successfully graduated from the Military Artillery Academy. M. I. Kalinin and leaves for the Far Eastern Military District, where he serves as a division commander, chief of staff of 996 SAP. In 1997-1999 he heads the activities of the headquarters of the 147th SAP (MVO).
A special place in his officer biography is occupied by the illustrious 99th Guards Pomeranian Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov III degree self-propelled artillery regiment, commanded by Colonel A. Korolkov from 1999 to the present.
In mid-September 1999, the 99th Guards SAP leaves for the North Caucasus to carry out difficult and extremely responsible combat missions to eliminate illegal gangs and is part of the Western group under the command of Major General V. A. Shamanov. The first volleys of the regiment's guns were fired from the territory of the Stavropol Territory for fire support of infantry advancing on the settlement of Kapustin. On October 2, artillerymen crossed the border of Chechnya. On October 3, Guards Colonel A. Korolkov personally controls the fire of the reactive and howitzer-artillery battalions in the course of massive fire strikes against a cluster of bandit formations in the area of ​​Naurskaya station. The first volleys destroyed a group of militants numbering up to 70 people and 2 vehicles with weapons and ammunition.
On October 4, the regiment commander directs the firing of the howitzer battalion units when performing a fire mission with precision-guided munitions. The result of competent actions was the destruction of the fortified camp of gangs on the eastern outskirts of Alpatovo. This was followed by battles for the settlements of Upper Naur, Samashki, Zakan-Yurt, Alkhan-Kala, Urus-Martan, Goity, Alkhan-Yurt.
Repeatedly the regimental commander personally led the corrective groups that worked directly at the location of the enemy. He knew how to find a way out of the most difficult, sometimes, as it seemed, hopeless situations. This was the case in January 2000 during the storming of the Sharia Security Palace. Correction group A. Korolkov was surrounded. And the commander made the only right decision - he called fire on himself. In a similar way, he acted in February during the assault on height 956.7 in the Argun Gorge.
In the battles for Grozny, A. Korolkov was given the next rank - colonel, and he was awarded the Order of Courage. His regiment was rightfully recognized as the best artillery regiment in the warring group in the North Caucasus. Only in the battles for Grozny, the divisions fired up to 1000 shots a day, and the shells hit targets accurately.
For courage and heroism during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1365 of July 25, 2000, Guards Colonel Arkady Mikhailovich Korolkov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by awarding a special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

Continues to serve in the Russian Army. Since 2007 - Deputy Commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the Moscow Military District.

FOR THREE years of command of the Guards Pomeranian Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov of the III degree self-propelled artillery regiment, Colonel Arkady Korolkov was never on vacation. His working day starts no later than 6.30. Sunday is a little different from Monday. Arkady Mikhailovich himself explains this by the fact that in the current difficult time for the army, it is only through such hellish labor that combat training is in full swing, equipment is ready for battle, subordinate officers and soldiers live in human conditions ...

His regiment entered Chechnya in September 1999. The Terek and Sunzhinsky ridges, Achkhoy-Martan, Alkhan-Kala, Urus-Martan ... For almost two years, regimental self-propelled guns 2S19 "Msta-S" and multiple launch rocket systems "Grad" "worked" here. Not a single battle was complete without gunners. That is why the bandits hated the servants of the "god of war" especially fiercely.

But at first in Chechnya we were considered "parquet floorers," recalls Arkady Mikhailovich, "because we are from the Moscow Military District. Then, when they saw it in action, these ideas vanished like smoke.

Going to Chechnya, Arkady said that he would stay there for 2-3 months, no more, - Alla Anatolyevna, the commander's wife, recalls through tears. - I did not even suspect that in reality it would drag on for almost two years. At first, nothing was known about him. My daughters Masha and Lyuba and I never missed a single news broadcast. Everyone was hoping that they would suddenly show or at least say something. At that moment, I thought it couldn't get any worse. But it was not there. Approximately two months later, an acquaintance who had returned from Chechnya called. He said that Arkady was a great fighter. He asked to be more careful, to watch the children, because the Chechen leaders promised the militants 100 thousand dollars for his head ...

A month or two later, an officer brought the first letter from Arkady. Then there were more news. In April, a closed telephone connection appeared: I immediately felt better.

He became a HERO of Russia after the fighting in the Argun Gorge and near Komsomolsk. He refused to tell for what exactly, mentioning only that he had to call fire on himself ...

Arkady personally tries to talk about himself as little as possible, - explains his wife. - As for the Star of the Hero, he always has one answer: "This is the assessment of the entire regiment."

The most dangerous job in artillery is directing fire. The guns hit the enemy from a decent distance, and the spotter is at that moment at the forefront and determines their targets, gives them coordinates. Korolkov very often took on this function. Side by side with the infantry commander was at the command and observation post. However, this habit - to take on the most difficult and important - he never changed in his officer service.

In this counter-terrorist operation, we were recognized as the best artillery regiment, - says Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Sannikov, deputy commander for educational work of the guard. - Firstly, because under the command of Korolkov we performed all the tasks perfectly. The infantry did not go anywhere without our artillery preparation. Even the special forces always took our spotter with them. Secondly, we suffered fewer losses than other artillery regiments. During the entire period of stay in Chechnya, six people died. This is explained not only by the professional skills of our commander, but also by his high demands. No matter how hard it was, our soldiers always had time to shave, hem a fresh collar, and did not forget about the statutory military salute. Some will think that such formalities are useless in war. As an officer-educator, I affirm that discipline begins precisely with these "little things." And in war, it ultimately saves lives.

Others spoke about Korolkov's ability to protect people.

I happened to take part in the first Chechen campaign as part of another unit, - said the paramedic of the self-propelled artillery division of the guard, senior warrant officer Lyudmila Efimova. - Then there were just terrible conditions. And, to be honest, when I entered Chechnya for the second time already as part of this regiment, I was simply amazed. At least once a week, the soldiers had the opportunity to wash in the bath. Each unit had a shower. We ate just fine. Once a lost group of motorized riflemen from a neighboring division came to us. After tasting our cuisine, they could not believe that this is possible here in Chechnya. Undoubtedly, this is the merit, first of all, of Arkady Mikhailovich.

The ability of a commander to appreciate his subordinates is manifested not only in a combat situation. His deputy guard, Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Kurbanov, with whom Korolkov went through the whole of Chechnya, is going to be promoted in the near future. Another combat officer - the head of communications of the regiment of the guards, Major Sergei Kuzik, was also nominated by the commander to a higher position. The youth is not left unattended. Lieutenant Konstantin Nevostartsev, for example, who graduated from the Kolomna branch of the Military Artillery University only this year, has already been appointed battery commander.

It seems that the only person to whom Korolkov's worries do not apply is himself. Seriously undermining his health in Chechnya, he stubbornly refused to go to the hospital.

Every day I asked on the phone, persuaded, demanded that he go for treatment, - recalls Alla Anatolyevna. - In response, I heard familiar words that now, they say, you can’t leave the regiment ... We have been living together for 15 years, so I quickly realized that persuading the problem cannot be solved. She turned to the high boss with a request to put her husband in the hospital. I don’t know if this helped, but soon Arkady fell into the hands of doctors. After the hospital, he was sent home for 20 days for rehabilitation. Those were the happiest days of our lives. True, even these days he disappeared into the unit. Engaged with the unit remaining at the point of permanent deployment.

In JUNE of this year the regiment returned home. The commander was burdened by the problems of an already peaceful life. The higher command does not make allowances for the fact that people have been in the war zone for a long time. And tasks - the sea.

It so happened that the regiment was stationed on the territory of another division. Therefore, he does not even have his own dining room. In general, there are a lot of complications because of this. But they are gradually being removed. By the beginning of next year, according to Korolkov, his own canteen will start working. There will be its own sports town. Officers and ensigns are slowly being provided with official housing. All lieutenants arriving in the unit are accommodated in renovated dormitory rooms. The barracks of the regiment in terms of comfort and amenities will give odds to their neighbors. With the advent of Korolkov, rooms for psychological unloading, libraries, and televisions appeared in them. It is not for nothing that the training camps of the young replenishment of the entire motorized rifle division are held on the territory of the Korolkov regiment.

At the same time, combat training is in full swing. Of course, there are enough problems here. For example, there are no simulators for training with Msta-S calculations. A number of questions have to be worked out on diagrams and posters. Nevertheless, the level of training of gunners is very high. After all, tactical exercises of batteries and divisions with live firing take place every training period. Any soldier of the unit performed a real combat mission at least once.

At the end of September, a demonstrative tactical exercise of one of the tank regiments of the division was held for students of the Academy of the General Staff on the basis of the Gorokhovets training ground of the Moscow Military District. The gunners of Korolkov fielded 18 self-propelled artillery mounts and 6 Grad MLRS and successfully completed their tasks.

Says a lot about Guards Colonel Korolkov as a talented commander. I would like to believe that a brilliant military career awaits him, the Hero of Russia, holder of the Orders of Courage, "For Military Merit", who received the rank of lieutenant colonel and colonel ahead of schedule.

Arkady Mikhailovich Korolkov(born July 26, 1964, Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovsk region, USSR) - Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, participant in the Second Chechen War, Hero of the Russian Federation (2000). Deputy Commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the Moscow Military District.


Born on July 26, 1964 in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Russian. The son of a soldier. Graduated from high school.

Since 1981 in the Soviet Army. In 1985 he graduated from the Kolomna Higher Artillery Command School. He served in a self-propelled artillery regiment in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, commander of a fire platoon. In 1986-1991 he commanded a training platoon and a training battery of cadets at the Kolomna Higher Artillery Command School. In 1994 he graduated from the Kalinin Military Artillery Academy. Since 1994, he served in the Far Eastern Military District: commander of an artillery battalion, chief of staff of the 996th self-propelled artillery regiment. Since 1997 - Chief of Staff of the 147th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment in the Moscow Military District. Since 1999 - Commander of the 99th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Motorized Rifle Division of the 22nd Combined Arms Army of the Moscow Military District. Since September 1999, he took part in the second Chechen war, the regiment was part of the operational group "West".

On October 3, 1999, in the area of ​​​​the village of Naurskaya, two divisions under his command destroyed up to 70 militants and two vehicles with ammunition by shelling.

He successfully led the actions of the regiment during the capture of the Tersky and Sunzhensky ridges, the settlements of Upper Naur, Samashki, Zakan-Yurt, Alkhan-Kala, Urus-Martan, Goity, Alkhan-Yurt.

In January 2000, during the assault on Grozny, he was attacked at an observation post, cut off from Russian troops, and, being surrounded, caused fire from his batteries on himself. In February 2000, he participated in the operation to occupy the Argun Gorge, where in the battles at an altitude of 956.7 he also caused fire on himself. In March 2000, he participated in the assault on the village of Komsomolskoye.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1365 dated July 25, 2000, Guards Colonel Korolkov Arkady Mikhailovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region with the Gold Star medal.

Since 2002 - Deputy Commander of the 34th Artillery Division. In 2006 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. Since 2007 - Deputy Commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the Moscow Military District.

He was awarded the Order of Courage, "For Military Merit", the medal "For Military Merit", and other medals.

controversy ensued onheroic death of ourspecial forces in Syria March 24, which, once surrounded, caused aviation fire on itself.

In the comments, several people emotionally began to prove that this did not happen, that this does not happen at all, and that all these are “myths since the Great Patriotic War.”

It is clear where such emotions come from. Putting himself in the place of this hero, a person understands that he would behave in a completely different way, and this understanding causes psychological discomfort, in order to get rid of him, a person begins to convince everyone, and first of all himself, that there is no feat at all, that heroes are just victims of command mistakes, and heroism is just “an instinctive reaction in an extreme situation”, etc.

But if everything is clear with emotions, then the phrases “these are all myths” or “why would you even need to call fire on yourself?” cause confusion. Not only in the history of the Great Patriotic War, but also in the recent history of Russia, there are hundreds of examples of such feats. Since they are clearly not talked about enough today, I will give here a few examples that I know of.

Korolkov Arkady Mikhailovich , (born 1964), hero of Russia. Since September 1999, he took part in the second Chechen campaign, commanded a self-propelled artillery regiment as part of the West operational group.

In January 2000, during the assault on Grozny, he was attacked at an observation post, cut off from Russian troops, and, being surrounded, caused fire from his batteries on himself. In February 2000, he participated in the operation to occupy the Argun Gorge, where in the battles at an altitude of 956.7 he also caused fire on himself.

In transmission "The moment of truth. Heroes of Russia" from 23.02.2009 Arkady Mikhailovich talks about his feat (time code 09:10). Being five of us surrounded by 100-150 militants, our fighters fired back for 20 minutes.

After that, Korolkov decided to call the artillery fire on himself. As a result, none of our soldiers died. The losses of the militants amounted to about 60 people killed.

Romanov Viktor Viktorovich , (1972 - 2000), hero of Russia. Participated in the storming of Grozny on New Year's Eve 1994-1995. He was awarded the Order of Courage and the medal "For Military Valor" on February 29, 2000, as part of the 6th Airborne Company, Viktor Romanov fought at an altitude of 776 with many times superior enemy forces.

According to various sources, not a full hundred of our paratroopers were attacked by 1,200 to 2,500 well-trained militants under the command of Idris, Abu al-Walid, Shamil Basayev and Khattab. A fight ensued. On March 1, when the bandits occupied the height, Romanov called in artillery fire on himself.Victor died under this shelling.

84 Russian servicemen were killed in that battle. Losses on the part of the militants amounted, according to various sources, from 400 to 500 people killed.

Zadorozhny Igor Sergeevich, (born 1975), hero of Russia. Since 2000, he has made four trips to Chechnya to fight against gangs. He took an active part in 151 special operations and 80 reconnaissance exits.

In January 2003, Igor Zadorozhny commanded the assault group of the Typhoon special forces detachment. On January 28, 2003, the group discovered a base of militants near the village of Yalkhoi-Mokh and, blocking their escape routes, called artillery fire on it.

During another attempt to break out of the encirclement, Zadorozhny found himself alone in the path of a group of bandits. During the battle, Igor caused artillery fire on himself.

As a result of the operation, 20 militants were killed. Zadorozhny survived, having received severe injuries and concussion.

An example from the recent past is the defense of Saur-Mogila by Donbass militias in the summer of 2014. For more than a week, 30 people held the height, surrounded by a group of Ukrainian troops numbering several hundred (!) Armored vehicles and heavy artillery pieces.

Despite the acute shortage of food and ammunition, the militias continued to correct artillery fire, inflicting significant damage to the enemy in equipment and manpower.Repeatedly, the defenders of Saur-Mogila called for artillery fire on their positions. , at the moments of the assault by Ukrainian militants.

At the time of leaving the position on August 9, the losses among the militia amounted to 9 people killed, the exact number of those killed on the Ukrainian side is unknown, according toby some estimates, sunk losses amounted to several hundred people.

I want to finish with an excerpt from a poem by Konstantin Simonov"Son of an Artilleryman" :

And two weeks later
There was a heavy battle in the rocks,
To help everyone out, I must
Someone risk themselves.
The major summoned Lenka to himself,
Looked straight at him.
- at your command
Appeared, comrade major.
“Well, it’s good that you showed up.
Leave the documents to me.
You will go alone, without a radio operator,
Radio on the back.
And across the front, over the rocks,
At night in the German rear
Walk along this path
Where no one has gone.
You'll be there on the radio
Fire batteries.
Is it clear? - That's right, it's clear.
- Well, go quickly.
No, wait a little.—
Major stood up for a second
As in childhood, with two hands
Lenka pressed to himself: -
You go to such a thing
It's hard to come back.
As a commander, I
I'm not happy to send it there.
But as a father... Answer me:
Am I your father or not?
“Father,” Lenka told him.
And hugged him back.
All night, walking like a pendulum
Major did not close his eyes,
While on the radio in the morning
The first signal came:
- It's all right, I got it.
Germans left me
Coordinates three, ten,
Hurry, let's fire!—
The guns were loaded
The major calculated everything himself,
And with a roar the first volleys
They hit the mountains.
And again the signal on the radio:
- Germans right me,
Coordinates five, ten,
More like fire!

Earth and rocks flew
A column of smoke rose
It seemed that now from there
Nobody gets out alive.
The third signal on the radio:
Germans around me
Hit four, ten
Spare no fire!

The Major turned pale when he heard:
Four, ten - just right
The place where his Lyonka
Must sit now.
But without showing it,
Forgetting that he was a father,
Major continued to command
With a calm face
"Fire!" - shells flew.
"Fire!" - charge quickly!
Square four, ten
There were six batteries.

Original taken from

According to experts, due to the economic crisis, Moscow's position has become more flexible.

On Saturday, the Kaliningrad region hosted a six-hour meeting between Presidential Aide Vladislav Surkov, who oversees Donbass, and US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. They discussed the situation in Donbass, the implementation of the Minsk agreements, as well as issues that could be brought to the meeting of the trilateral contact group, including constitutional reform in Ukraine, elections and security issues. Kyiv was informed about the results of the meeting by the US Embassy.

Surkov called the talks "substantial, constructive and useful," adding that they took place in the format of a "brainstorming session" to find compromises for the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

Washington was also satisfied with the results of the meeting, noting that Moscow demonstrates a desire to resolve the conflict diplomatically. Washington also admitted that sanctions against Russia could be lifted as early as 2016, provided that hostilities cease in Donbass, elections are held, and Ukraine regains control over its eastern border.

Recently, the dialogue between Russia and the United States on the settlement in Donbass has noticeably intensified. According to Balazs Jarabik, an employee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, this is due to at least two processes - the need for Kyiv to adopt constitutional amendments on the status of self-proclaimed republics, the deadline for which expires at the end of January, and the operations of the United States and Russia in Syria, where they are forced to accumulate experience in constructive coordination.

Especially for the portal, the news was commented on by:

Denisov Denis Olegovich - political scientist, head of the Kyiv branch of the Institute of CIS countries

This meeting turned out to be decisive for the development of a consolidated position of the Russian Federation and the United States on a number of issues related to Ukraine. One of the key issues discussed was the issue of changes to the Constitution. Already next week, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will need to consider amendments to the Constitution in the second reading. If this does not happen, they will be able to vote for the amendments next time not earlier than in a year. This will mean a violation of all the normative terms of the Minsk agreements. Naturally, this will cause discontent, including Western partners.

It is worth noting that many politicians in Ukraine have already begun to prepare escape routes, and the media increasingly hears the point of view that Ukraine, unlike the Russian Federation, is a democratic country, and the president cannot tell the Verkhovna Rada what to do and what not to do. Accordingly, no one can guarantee the result of the vote.

Personally, after this meeting, I was left with the impression that the main topic was the issue of elections to be held on the territory of the DPR and LPR. Consensus is quite possible in this respect. In the United States, they understand that the problem of elections is one of the most demonstrative and revealing. Without its solution, they consider a peaceful settlement impossible.

Nebrenchin Sergey Mikhailovich - military expert of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", Academician of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

The relationship between Russia and the West can be divided into three types of cooperation. The first is when Russia is strong, powerful and authoritative in the international arena, then relations with us are forced to be built taking into account our interests. Second, Russia is weak or not very strong, then there is forceful pressure. Third, Russia begins to rise and strengthen, then they begin to meet us halfway and try to hug us. But, as a rule, they "strangle" us in their arms.

The current version, when Russia has not yet finally established itself in the foreign arena, should be viewed as an attempt to reach reconciliation with us, but again for its own purposes. Apparently these goals are dictated by the conjuncture of the pre-election situation in America. In this case, in order for the right candidates to get the right votes, some kind of conditional partnership with Russia and signs of a “reset” are needed.

It seems to me that one cannot seriously count on the fact that the Americans want to “reset” relations today.

Korolkov Arkady Mikhailovich - military expert of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", hero of the Russian Federation

The Contact Group on Ukraine is working in accordance with the agreements that were signed by the 4 heads of state.

The United States of America influences the leadership of Ukraine, and based on this, Russia is also looking for other ways to resolve the issue of Ukraine. Since Surkov was satisfied with the progress of the negotiations, I think they have become one of those additional ways that Russia is looking for to resolve the issue.