Psychotherapy of schizophrenia. skin treatment session

A doctor with a medical education and a diploma in the relevant specialty. His area of ​​expertise borders on psychology.


Psychiatrists and psychotherapists help to cope with mental disorders. The field of work is the same, but the methods of treatment are different. Psychotherapists influence the patient with conversations, special techniques for working with the subconscious, for example, hypnosis. Psychiatrists use drug treatment and observe patients in a hospital setting.


The psychologist solves emotional problems, internal conflicts and helps to see a way out of difficult life situations. The psychotherapist works with more complex mental disorders. This is a doctor who has a higher medical education and has the right to diagnose, prescribe medications, and conduct therapy aimed at working with the subconscious.

On our portal, you can choose a psychotherapist from the best clinics in Moscow and make an appointment with him online or by phone. Questionnaires of doctors with information about their work experience, education, rating, as well as patient reviews will help you find a good private psychotherapist.

Popular questions about a psychotherapist

When is it necessary to consult a psychotherapist?

Reception of a psychotherapist is necessary for: the occurrence of bulimia, anorexia, sudden panic attacks, various phobias.

Looking for a good doctor, advise a good psychotherapist in Moscow?

The site contains profiles of the best psychotherapists with detailed information about them. After reading reviews about their work, you can choose the best psychotherapist.

You can do it on the site. Sort psychotherapists by rating and choose the best psychotherapist.

Need the best psychotherapist (professional), where to turn for help?

Which psychotherapy clinic should I contact?

Finding the right clinic is not an easy task. On our portal you can choose the best. Patient reviews and clinic ratings will help you with this.

How is an appointment with a psychotherapist?

The psychotherapist fully assesses the situation, finds out the features of the development of the higher nervous system, as well as the reasons for the manifestation of those symptoms that the patient has complaints about. It is impossible to hide anything from the doctor or distort the truth, since the specialist may make the wrong decision, which will affect the quality of treatment.

If at the reception the psychotherapist detects any violations in his specialization, he decides to start therapy, while he informs the patient in detail about the proposed treatment plan and the use of medications if necessary.

How to prepare for a psychotherapist appointment?

Before the first visit, it is advisable to refuse to take psychotropic drugs (if there are no vital indications for such a reception): in order to “bring yourself and your problem” to the consultation, as they say, in its purest form. The same applies to nicotine use. But on the eve of the consultation, alcohol or drugs must be categorically abandoned.

How is the recording through DocDoc?

Questionnaires of doctors with information and reviews about them will help you choose a good psychotherapist. You can book online by selecting the desired date and time, or by phone.

Note! The information on this page is provided for your information only. To prescribe treatment, consult a doctor.

Psychotherapist consultation in Moscow

If you got an appointment with a psychologist, you would have to speak in a difficult situation for you ... and listen. But when it comes to psychotherapy, we must understand that dialogues alone will not do. And, if you hurt your knee, you will be "cured" not only with a word, but also - if necessary - they will also anoint the place of the bruise with green paint. Perhaps, complex treatment using therapeutic methods and medications is the main difference between the work of a psychotherapist and the work of a psychologist or psychiatrist. This approach is often the most effective!

When can a therapist help you?

“When I became very ill (says my new patient), I finally decided to see a psychotherapist. He listened to me carefully and prescribed a lot of drugs for two weeks of treatment in advance. He told in detail how and at what time to take them, what in the morning, what at lunch, what in the evening, and what before bed. But after the whole course, I didn’t feel better, only severe drowsiness and weakness from the drugs appeared, why?

When do you need to consult a psychotherapist?

You must have experienced a state of despair and inner emptiness at least once in your life. Do you often feel like the world is against you? Or that luck always slips through your hands? Usually such moods really exist in every person. But we are all different, and someone's psyche is able to quickly adapt to life changes. Some people need more time, and some people will not be able to cope at all. That is why the hand and support of a qualified specialist - a psychotherapist - is so important.

What temporary difficulties does a psychotherapist work with?

  • Depressive states (may manifest themselves in general physical and mental lethargy, lack of will, apathy, a bleak attitude to what is happening, sometimes in a lack of appetite);
  • Difficulties in family life (divorce, infidelity, conflicts between spouses, the birth of children);
  • The problem of choice (work, study, loved one);
  • Work with difficulties in interpersonal relationships and communication skills (conflict at work, in communication with the opposite sex);
  • Borderline states (neurosis, panic attacks, phobias;)
  • Loss of the meaning of life (age crises, prolonged occupation of an "unloved" business);
  • stress associated with a change of residence, changes in health, and so on.
These are just some of the reasons why a psychotherapist is consulted. But since there are no identical situations in life, not a single identical reaction to them, the main thing is that no matter what question you turn to a psychotherapist, a real specialist will always select an individual method when communicating with you. What will be the effect of visiting a psychotherapist?
Many, after visiting a psychotherapist, sincerely believe in "instant healing." You will see for yourself that the effect and its speed will largely depend on you: on your readiness to “get behind the wheel” as soon as possible, on your openness and level of trust in relation to the specialist. Only with the right and trusting interaction of “You are a psychotherapist” can high results be achieved! On average, a visit to a psychotherapist can take you from 1.5 months to 6 months, depending on the severity of the condition.


Kolchina Tatyana Viktorovna holds the position of a psychiatrist, psychotherapist at the Main Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. He also runs a private practice, helping dozens of patients every month.

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Psychotherapy of schizophrenia

We do not always think about the meaning of the words spoken and often in the heat of the moment call schizophrenics people who act or think differently than everyone else. Only a doctor has the right to diagnose a person with schizophrenia after a full examination. Modern psychiatry is able to help people suffering from this disease and make them full members of society. Having discovered the first signs of a mental disorder, you should not hesitate: the sooner a psychotherapist consults, the sooner you (or your loved ones) will be prescribed the right treatment.

What is schizophrenia?

The name "schizophrenia" is literally translated from Greek as "I split the mind (mind)". This severe mental illness is characterized by fundamental disorders of thinking, leading to a complete distortion of the perception of reality: a person is not able to think, act, and express emotions normally. Without timely medical care and control, the disease quickly turns into a chronic form, which is practically untreatable and threatens with lifelong disability.

Symptoms of schizophrenia

Scientists have not come to a consensus on whether schizophrenia is an independent disease or is it several separate diseases united under one name. There are a lot of signs by which schizophrenia is diagnosed, they are usually divided into several groups.

  • Psychotic symptoms are manifestations that are absent in healthy people. These include various delusional ideas and pictures of the vision of the world that emerge into the patient's subconscious. It is impossible to convince him that in reality everything looks different. For this reason, he feels misunderstood, lonely, flawed. Hallucinations often occur in the mind: false images appear, voices are heard, objects that do not exist in reality float before the eyes, causeless pain occurs, incomprehensible tactile sensations appear.
  • Disorganized symptoms are the inability to form one's thoughts. A person is not able to conduct a normal dialogue with others. He speaks out of place, suddenly stops in the middle of a conversation, or writes incomprehensible snippets of phrases on paper. The patient becomes excessively distracted, loses everything, does not understand the purpose of things. Schizophrenics often do not experience any emotions or start laughing or crying out loud inappropriately.
  • Negative symptoms - a state of affect, when the patient is absolutely unaware of the severity of the acts committed: aggressively rushes at others or takes suicidal actions.

Causes of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia can occur at any age. Recently, scientists are also considering a version of the genetic predisposition to this disease. The cause of schizophrenic disorders is the pathology of brain cells. Computer studies show that in such patients the cerebral hemispheres work inconsistently. In some cases, schizophrenia can be triggered by hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders. Many psychoanalysts consider this disease a social phenomenon caused by the imperfection of our society. These are reasons such as improper upbringing of children, cases of abuse, lack of understanding in the family, drunkenness, drug addiction.

Types of schizophrenia

Depending on the nature of the course of the disease, various types of schizophrenia are distinguished.

  • The paranoid form is the most common. The patient himself comes up with images that then haunt him, he is constantly afraid of something, hiding from relatives and colleagues.
  • Hebephrenic form - the patient cannot think adequately and make decisions independently, often becomes depressed or shows signs of aggression.
  • The catatonic form is associated with manifestations of non-standard motor activity. The patient sits motionless for hours, not reacting to the environment, or performs movements that would not come to the mind of an ordinary person.

Treatment of schizophrenia

In the treatment of schizophrenia, modern psychotropic drugs are used. Antipsychotics smooth the course of the disease, their dosage is selected individually for each patient. Direct contact and trust between the patient and his personal doctor, as well as support and understanding in the family, are very important. In the world, millions of people are affected by schizophrenia, doctors daily try to help such patients and alleviate their suffering as much as possible. Timely consultation of a psychotherapist (or the help of an experienced psychiatrist) at an early stage of the disease greatly increases the chances of a successful recovery of a person and a speedy return to normal life.

An example of schizophrenia in a teenager

Dysmorphomania syndrome in the clinic of unfavorable juvenile schizophrenia. observation.

Patient D., pupil, student, then a disabled person of the 1st group. The patient's father suffered from schizophrenia and abused alcohol. He died of tuberculosis when the patient was 14 years old. Mother - irritable, quick-tempered. He grew and developed normally. From childhood, he was distinguished by a very sociable character, but at the same time he was unrestrained and irritable. From the age of 7 I went to school. Studying was easy, he was fond of sports, took part in social work. From the age of thirteen, the patient's inherent tendency to irritability began to manifest itself more and more clearly. While studying in the 9th grade (the patient is 15 years old), he gradually began to notice that those around him were somehow too attentive, and sometimes looked at him suspiciously and laughed. At first I could not understand why this was happening, but one day, looking at myself in the mirror, I “understood” the reason for ridicule: “the lower jaw became ugly, very large and wide.” He decided that the jaw had increased “due to climate change” (the patient had lived with his uncle in Moscow for some time before, and then returned to his native southern city).

Since that time, I tried to take pictures as little as possible. For a long time he looked at himself in the mirror, doing "massage" of the jaw. When in public places, he covered his face with his hand. Became more withdrawn, but studied still successfully. After graduating from the 10th grade, he tried to enter the university, but could not pass the entrance exams. He left for relatives in another city, where he worked for a month at a film studio as a worker, and then, at the insistence of his relatives, he entered the evening department of the construction and road institute. A few months later, he left the institute, because "the future specialty did not attract him." He returned to Moscow, worked as a laborer. When he entered the university, he did well with his studies. By nature, he became more and more angry, irritable and quick-tempered.

In addition, the patient did not leave the thought of the jaw. Arriving in Moscow, he first turned to surgeons with a request to perform cosmetic surgery on him. Having received the advice to “get the crap out of my head,” he did not calm down and still constantly thought about it. He was very burdened by his condition, wept, tried not to be in crowded places, avoided his comrades.

He changed even more dramatically in character: he clashed over every trifle, became extremely rude and vicious, sociability was replaced by isolation and gloom. With his misbehavior, he often gave fellow students a reason to accuse him of hooliganism. Soon he began to notice that he "unpleasantly affects others", causes them some kind of tense state, and a year later there was a conviction that others know what he was thinking about, they "read his thoughts." Soon he “understood” that he could “transmit his thoughts to others”, and in addition, “biocurrents, magnetism” could cause them to redden their eyes, tearfulness, and tense facial expressions. By this time, the jaw began to bother less, but still noticed the mocking attitude of his comrades towards himself, about which he often made scandals and fights.

On the second course I could study only 2 months. Due to the fact that the patient began to openly complain that others read his thoughts, look at him suspiciously and laugh at him, he was consulted by a psychiatrist and was hospitalized for the first time in a psychiatric hospital.

From the side of the physical and neurological sphere, no visible pathology was revealed. Numerous acne and pustular rash on the skin of the face.

Mental status: fully oriented. At first, he speaks reluctantly about his condition, during a conversation with a doctor he tries to close his lower jaw. Objectively, the jaw without any signs of a cosmetic defect. At the same time, the presence of numerous acne and a profuse pustular rash on the patient’s face does not bother him at all (“I have had this for a long time”, “nothing”). Then it becomes more accessible, he assures that they are trying to treat him in vain, since “this is not a disease at all”, but “a special work of the brain”, “this has never happened to anyone before”. He reports that his jaw now worries much less, but worries about "the ability to transmit thoughts at a distance." "Transmission of thoughts" is especially enhanced when the patient writes, and weakens or even disappears during a conversation with others. "Transmission" sometimes takes place "directly through the skull", which, in addition to the transmission of thoughts, "may also transmit visual impressions." For example, when he looks in the mirror, those around him, without even looking in his direction, "see his image." By "transferring thoughts" the patient can cause reddening of the eyes, tearing or "enlightenment of the eyes" in those around him. Suggests that the impact on others may be due to his habit of wrinkling his forehead heavily. He often asks the doctor whether he is treated in this way and whether he needs to be treated at all, asks for the advice of physicists (“perhaps it will be necessary to investigate biocurrents properly”). In support of his words, he refers to an article that he once read - about the possibility of "thought transmission at a distance."

In the department, he is not very sociable, does nothing, often gets into arguments with the staff, violates the regime.

After treatment, he was discharged for maintenance doses of chlorpromazine (150 mg per day).

After being discharged, he received academic leave and went home. At home, he helped with the housework and "danced." After 3 months, he again began to notice that his thoughts were "read by people around him", and soon he "established a connection with other planets", "heard various sounds and voices from other planets." He began to think about the problem of improving life on Earth and other planets.

Having started studies at Moscow State University, he could not study normally. He attracted the attention of those around him also by the fact that he talked a lot and was extremely spiteful. Hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital again.

Mental status: clear consciousness, fully oriented. He is indignant at being admitted to the hospital, considers himself “absolutely healthy”, and demands to be discharged. He stated that he would speak frankly only if the doctor "recognizes him as not schizophrenic." He is convinced that everyone around him reads his thoughts, "he himself does not have this ability." At times, he suddenly starts waving his arms - "to transmit thoughts."

Detects a clear overestimation of personality. He demands an immediate meeting with a number of outstanding physicists, declares that together with them he will establish contact with other planets and develop a system for improving life on Earth and in other worlds. Demands this meeting immediately, because he has "important plans, but time does not wait." He does not remember the “ugly jaw” at all. He is tense, angry, tends to escape, conflicts with the staff, attacks the sick, mostly the weak, takes food from them.

In the process of treatment, he stopped actively expressing crazy ideas. He stated that they stopped reading his thoughts and he did not hear anything about other planets, but for a long time he remained very angry and aggressive. He continued to attack the patients, trying to hit them in the face (“they bothered me, they annoy me”), took away food from them, and resisted treatment.

By the end of his stay, he became softer and calmer, began to show concern about his studies: whether he was expelled, how things are with the hostel, whether they will give him a scholarship, etc.

In this observation, the disease of schizophrenia began at the age of 12 with an increase in the patient's characterological features, which were joined by the syndrome of dysmorphomania (the idea of ​​a physical defect, an active desire to correct it, the idea of ​​an attitude, a depressed mood). Such characteristic manifestations of this syndrome as a symptom of a mirror and a symptom of a photograph were also observed. However, unlike other observations, it was not the delirium of a physical defect that arose primarily, but the idea of ​​a relationship (the patient could not understand why they suddenly began to treat him in a special way).