Psoriasis - home treatment. How to cure psoriasis forever How to smear psoriasis at home

Psoriasis is a disease whose causes have not yet been established. There is also no effective cure for this disease. Psoriasis develops in waves: it progresses, slows down development, goes into remission (subsidence of symptoms). It is this stage that serves as the goal of therapeutic measures. It can be achieved with the help of effective medicines, and maintained with special procedures.

Causes and manifestations

Psoriasis is an external manifestation of the malfunctioning of the immune system. With it, the protective reactions of the body do not correspond to the strength of external irritation. The first signs of the disease are visible to the naked eye. Rounded, rough patches of pink color appear on the skin, covered with gray-white scales. They form in areas of the most frequent, but not intense skin irritation (most often on those parts of the body that are subjected to friction) - on the extensor surfaces (elbows, knees, shoulders, back), as well as on the palms and sides of the ankles.

Psoriasis can also affect the scalp. In this case, abundant dandruff is formed in the hair. Dense large scales are poorly removed from the hair, and attempts to comb them end in damage to the skin. The patient suffers from severe itching, and his hair looks untidy.

In the active phase of the disease, the spots increase in size. Around the element that appeared first, new rashes form. In areas of psoriasis, hyperkeratosis is observed - excessively rapid keratinization of the skin. The scales do not have time to tear away from the skin, cover it with a thick loose layer. With the intentional removal of keratinized plates, an even, smooth, pink substrate is visible - a zone of inflammation. Removal of peeling often leads to the release of droplets of blood.

Elements of psoriasis cause a lot of discomfort to the patient - they hurt, itch, protrude above the skin, and make it difficult to move. The skin under them can crack, which is accompanied by pain. The rash also brings moral discomfort, as it spoils the aesthetic appearance of the body.

In the preservation phase, inflammation and peeling remain in the rash zone. At the same time, the spots stop growing, and new elements no longer form around them. With proper treatment, a remission phase begins - inflammation subsides, keratinization slows down. In the early stages of the development of the disease, the spots almost completely disappear for a while.

Psoriasis is not associated with skin infections and is not transmitted through direct contact with the patient or cohabitation with him.

There are many reasons for inadequate immune function. Scientists associate psoriasis with chronic contact with allergens, intoxication of the body, endocrine disorders, increased sensitivity due to infectious diseases. The course of the disease strongly depends on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. The first psoriatic rashes are formed against the background of shocks. Stress and nervous tension trigger the progress of the disease, provoke the spread of the rash in parts of the body.

General rules of treatment

The main point in the treatment of psoriasis is the search for provoking factors. The patient should be fully examined, deal with the treatment of chronic and acute diseases. As a rule, after the elimination of the underlying diseases, the course of psoriasis is facilitated. The second task is to find the factors that provoke the appearance of rashes. They can be stress, food, cosmetics, beauty treatments, medications. Reducing the frequency of these factors makes it possible to restrain the progression of psoriasis.

Next, medicines are selected to treat the disease. To treat psoriasis on the body, hormonal ointments and creams are prescribed in the acute phase. The first doctors recommend weak hormones (Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone). They should be used in the shortest possible course so as not to provoke the body to become addicted. Such medicines relieve itching well, reduce the activity of inflammation.

To fully eliminate the elements of the rash, the patient is transferred to non-hormonal preparations: based on zinc (Psorikap, Cynovit), vitamins (Dyvonex, Tretinoin), antibacterial substances (Naftalan, Ichthyol), homeopathic remedies (Psoriaten). Hyperkeratosis is eliminated with salicylic ointment.

After the onset of remission, you can continue to use preparations based on zinc propionate, or switch to emolats - hypoallergenic products based on mineral oils that can moisturize the skin qualitatively.

At the next relapse, those drugs are used that helped stop the previous exacerbation. In case of their insufficient effectiveness, the funds are replaced with more active ones.

Treatment of psoriasis is associated with the use of hormonal and other drugs that can have side effects. They have a number of contraindications. Only a dermatologist can correctly prescribe a course of therapy, after an objective assessment of the symptoms and a full examination of the patient.

How to relieve exacerbation

With active inflammation, hormonal agents cannot be dispensed with. Psoriasis in the active phase should be treated with hormonal ointments. Doctors prescribe Celestoderm, Belo-Derm, Cutiveit, Dermovate, Belosalik. Ointments are applied to the affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day. To increase their effectiveness, it is possible to apply a non-tight bandage (this moment must be agreed with a specialist). Daivobet ointment has proven itself well - a combination of a hormone and a synthetic analogue of vitamin D3.

If the hairy areas of the body and scalp are affected, hormonal lotions (Celestoderm, Carizon, Belo-Derm) should be preferred. These are liquid products that can fully replace ointments. The fact is that meze-like substances are difficult to apply to the skin under the hair, evenly distribute. Lotions and emulsions have good wetting ability, are easy to distribute and do not pollute the hair. They are applied using a special applicator 1 time per day. With moderate severity of symptoms, treatments are possible every other day.

With intense signs of psoriasis, cracking and wetting of plaques, combined hormonal ointments are prescribed (with antifungal and antibacterial substances in the composition). These include:

  • Belo-Gent.
  • Triderm.
  • Akriderm.

When trying to achieve remission of psoriasis at home, it is important to abandon folk remedies and aggressive ointments (with petroleum products, turpentine, vegetable oils, ichthyol). Such drugs are used after the subsidence of acute symptoms, subject to good tolerability and pronounced effectiveness. If used at the stage of progression, excessive skin irritation and aggravation of the symptoms of psoriasis are possible.

Zinc and salicylic acid preparations can be used in parallel with hormonal ointments. They improve the skin's ability to regenerate and inhibit pathogens. To eliminate rashes on the head, you can use shampoos with zinc (Cynovit, Friderm). The products are used instead of conventional cleansing shampoos.

Physiotherapy also helps to relieve the exacerbation of psoriasis. The frequency and duration of such treatment should be determined by the doctor. Ultraviolet irradiation in combination with topical preparations helps to quickly eliminate acute inflammation. In some cases, acupuncture is prescribed.

When and how to use folk methods

Dermatologists themselves recommend that patients with psoriasis resort to alternative medicine. Some natural remedies help to significantly prolong remission and almost completely abandon hormonal drugs, as well as significantly slow down the development of psoriasis. Trying new methods should only be in the phase of subsiding acute symptoms.

External funds

In the people, to treat psoriasis at home, they use ointments based on propolis, bee honey. It is also recommended to make lotions from decoctions of chamomile, succession, celandine. When using the product for the first time, small areas of the affected skin should be treated and the reaction of the body should be observed. With good tolerance, the methods can be used on large affected areas.

To prolong remission, doctors and traditional healers recommend special hygiene procedures. Baths with sea salt give a good effect. For preparation, dissolve 2.5 kg of sea salt in several liters of hot water. Only after the complete disappearance of the crystals, pour the solution into a bath filled with warm water. The bathing procedure should last no more than 10 minutes. After it, you should gently blot the skin with a towel and put on cotton underwear. Repeat such bathing should be 2 times a week.

Baths with bischofite or magnesium sulfate are also popular. A couple of caps of solution (30 ml of concentrate) or 1 kg of dry magnesium sulfate should be added to one bath. The bath is taken for 15-20 minutes. Such treatment should be agreed with the doctor, since magnesium can penetrate the body, accumulate, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and heart muscle. Magnesium bathing should be repeated no more than 1 time per month in order to maintain remission.

Treatment of psoriasis from the inside

Many positive reviews are left about the treatment of psoriasis with activated charcoal. The maximum effectiveness of the method is manifested when it is combined with a diet. Doctors believe that charcoal cleanses the body, removes toxins and allergens, and reduces the amount of factors that provoke psoriasis.

Coal is taken orally at the rate of 1 tablet per 6 kg of body weight. The required number of tablets is divided into 3 doses. Take 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. During treatment, drink plenty of water (to prevent constipation). Cleaning with activated carbon is continued for no longer than 10 days in a row. The use of this method at home is best agreed with the doctor. It is possible to use other sorbents that are better tolerated and have good cleaning abilities.

Also popular is the method of taking celandine inside. It should be remembered that celandine is a poisonous plant and should be treated only after consulting a doctor. Canned (using vodka) celandine juice is diluted with water. The initial dose is 1 drop. Every day it is increased by 1 drop. Increase the dose to 20 drops per day, then gradually reduce by 1 drop. The cycle is repeated after 2-3 weeks. Visible positive results appear after 2-3 courses of such treatment.

Celandine is effective for psoriasis and in the form of a decoction. A bandage soaked in it is applied to the rash for half an hour. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for a month.

Very good results in the treatment of psoriasis gives sanitary-resort therapy. To reduce the number of relapses, the patient is prescribed sedatives, it is recommended to change the type of activity (if the person worked in harmful conditions). However, all medicines and procedures work only up to a certain time. In case of deterioration of the condition, systemic treatment is prescribed - pills for psoriasis or injections with hormones. These products should not be used at home. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor. Some of them are used only in a hospital setting. The prognosis for psoriasis is unfavorable.

Psoriasis: causes, symptoms, home treatment, tips for patients with psoriasis, patient reviews about the treatment of folk remedies.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic disease that affects the skin (in some types, nails and hair are affected). About 5% of people worldwide suffer from psoriasis. The statistics are disappointing: over the past decades, there has been a tendency to increase cases among the population: if earlier people over 30 suffered from psoriasis, now cases of the disease are recorded among children and even newborns. Until today, it has not been possible to develop an effective treatment for psoriasis, which would allow the patient to completely get rid of the disease. Any treatment prescribed by a dermatologist can reduce symptoms and bring the disease into remission.

Causes of psoriasis

Unfortunately, to date, the causes of psoriasis are not fully understood. In medicine, there are several specific theories, according to which the development of the disease occurs:

  1. Autoimmune - in each body there are special protective cells. Under unfavorable conditions (the ingestion of viruses and bacteria), they begin to become more active, releasing certain substances into the blood. All this leads to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the body, as a result - increased division of skin cells;
  2. individual response of the body. In the presence of a number of adverse factors, epidermal cells begin to perform their protective functions worse. Immunity also fails, this is expressed in the destruction of the structures of skin cells.

If we talk about the immediate causes of the disease, then scientists presumably name several at once:

  • Malfunctions of the endocrine organs;
  • Systematic stress and nervous strain;
  • Violations in the work of immunity;
  • Biochemical imbalance in the body.

According to the official theory, there are 2 types of psoriasis:

  1. Psoriasis type 1 - is transmitted at the gene level by breakdowns in the immune system. More than half of all patients are affected by type 1 psoriasis, and it is predominantly young people who are affected by the disease. With this type of disease, only the skin is affected.
  2. Type 2 psoriasis - occurs, as a rule, with an incorrect lifestyle and adverse effects on the body, occurs most often in adulthood. Type 2 psoriasis is especially dangerous because proceeds much more severely and the joints and nails are affected.

It is known that healthy skin cells divide in 21 - 28 days. With psoriasis, there is a decrease in this time to 4-5 days.

Symptoms of psoriasis. When should you sound the alarm?

Psoriasis tends to develop gradually. The first symptoms of the disease are always severely itchy red spots (papules), located mainly on the head, on the folds of the body and skin folds.

Psoriasis papules have their own characteristics that are unique to this disease:

  • On the surface of each papule there is a thin scale, it can be removed without much difficulty with little friction of the spot;
  • After removing the scales and further friction, a pale pink patch of skin is exposed;
  • Small drops of blood appear on the exposed area.
  • Proceeding as a chronic disease, its course can be divided into 3 stages:
  • progressive;
  • Stationary;
  • Regressive.

I would like to dwell on each of them in detail.

At the first stage, the disease manifests itself quite clearly: inflamed red spots appear on the skin, the patient is tormented by a constant feeling of itching and dryness on the damaged areas of the skin. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the so-called papules (spots) are located in places of greatest contact with clothing and flexion parts of the body, causing severe irritation and tightness, bringing discomfort to the patient.

At the initial stage of the disease, papules are several millimeters in size, for a long time they may not spread throughout the body and grow in diameter. If the number of papules begins to increase, then this indicates the beginning of the 2nd stage of psoriasis.

At the stage of the stationary stage, subject to appropriate treatment, a stop of new rashes is observed, old papules stop increasing in volume, while being completely covered with scales. A characteristic feature of the stationary stage is the cessation of itching and increased peeling of spots.

The regressive stage is the final one in the fight against psoriasis. It is important to consolidate the result obtained here. At the last stage, the inflammatory process and peeling stop, the old rashes discolor until they disappear completely. Most often, there are no traces on the skin.

It is very important to start treatment as early as possible to avoid further complications. Psoriasis cannot be ignored and left to chance, it is a very serious disease that requires urgent treatment. Its manifestation is not limited to the defeat of the skin only; in advanced stages, the disease passes to the joints, causing their severe inflammation. In the future, psoriatic arthritis develops, which does not have the best effect on the quality of life of the patient: in most cases, people lose their ability to work, and one in four becomes disabled. People with type 2 psoriasis are at particular risk for developing psoriatic arthritis.

As it was said earlier,
Until today, there is no cure for psoriasis in the world that would completely cure sick people. Any appointments are made by doctors with one single goal - to remove the exacerbation of the disease, to enter it into remission, keeping its further course under control. As a rule, treatment continues for a fairly long period of time, including oral medications and topical agents.

These include:

  1. Tablets for oral administration;
  2. Hormonal and non-hormonal ointments;
  3. Salt baths;
  4. Immunomodulators;
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  6. Selective phototherapy.

The use of expensive drugs, of course, has the desired effect, but not every average Russian can afford such a long treatment. Therefore, people often resort to the treatment of psoriasis at home with various folk methods. It is known that home treatments have been used since ancient times: people have always encountered skin diseases, in the absence of current anti-inflammatory drugs, they used herbal remedies that coped quite effectively with the disease.

How to get rid of psoriasis, using only home remedies? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

How effective is traditional medicine in the fight against the disease?

Herbal medicines have been used by the sick for hundreds of years, a fact that is confirmed by a number of historical records. Currently, a huge number of scientific studies confirm the safety and effectiveness of traditional methods for the treatment of psoriasis.

The use of various means in the fight against psoriasis can achieve significant effects both in the victory over a specific disease, and on the whole body as a whole:

  • Gradual removal of the skin from papules;
  • Reduced itching, tightness, dry skin;
  • Normalization of the function of the skin;
  • Normalization of the immune system;
  • Cleansing the body by removing toxins and toxins;
  • Slight calming effect on the central nervous system.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies, it is important to take into account possible alternative methods of dealing with the disease and the occurrence of side effects from the use of a particular drug, therefore, one cannot do without consulting a competent specialist.

Basic principles of psoriasis treatment at home

Ways to combat psoriasis at home are quite diverse, we will return to this topic, but the basic principles for all of them will be:

  1. The systematic use of treatment with folk remedies;
  2. The use of hormonal agents during periods of exacerbation;
  3. Control over the formation of crusts, their removal as needed;
  4. Carrying out full courses, without interrupting treatment and replacing one remedy with another;
  5. Compliance with the correct skin hygiene recommended by the doctor;
  6. Maintaining medical nutrition if necessary;
  7. Periodic observation by the attending doctor.

Without following all these principles, the fight against such a serious disease as psoriasis is simply unthinkable.

In order to achieve
For the maximum effect in the fight against the disease, it is important to approach this responsibly and realize that folk remedies are a fairly serious set of measures. It should be aware that any home treatment is effective only at the initial stage of the disease. In the advanced stages of the disease, alternative methods of treatment are not recommended to avoid further progression of psoriasis; in this case, preference is given to pharmaceuticals.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, as mentioned above, it is strongly recommended to visit your doctor and get advice on treatment methods, only if this approach is approved by a specialist, start therapy.

Let's go directly to the traditional methods of treatment and deal with the most popular remedies in the fight against psoriasis:

  • Turmeric powder is perhaps the most popular of all remedies. Its use is effective due to its anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare such a remedy is quite simple, for this you need to stir 50 g of turmeric powder in 100 g of water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. At night, carefully treat the papules on the body, and rinse in warm water in the morning. It will also be useful to use turmeric powder for food, because it contains a huge vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Coconut oil - is very popular among psoriasis patients. Applying it is quite simple: the oil is applied in a greasy layer to the affected areas of the skin, if possible, it is not washed off for as long as possible. When applied correctly, coconut oil will relieve you of itchy and dry skin in a few days.

  • Aloe juice - perhaps, such a plant adorns the windowsills of many readers. It has a number of useful properties: perfectly moisturizes the skin, has anti-inflammatory properties, contains antioxidants. For the treatment of psoriasis, the juice of the plant is used - the leaves are thoroughly washed under water, the peel is removed, and the juice should be squeezed out of the remaining pulp. Every day after taking a shower, papules on the body should be treated until they disappear completely.
  • Argon oil is also one of the most popular and effective means in the fight against the disease. High-quality argon oil is distinguished by the presence of a large number of vitamins and fatty acids, and has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It should be applied at night with a thin layer, if possible, the affected areas are covered with a clean cloth. Argon little is very effective in the treatment of psoriasis on the scalp.

The use of various ointments made at home is an effective way to fight the disease. Ointments made at home are used to moisturize the skin, relieve dryness and other unpleasant sensations. Making homemade ointments is a simple process, even an inexperienced person can easily cope with this task. When using ointments on natural ingredients, you must remember to follow a number of rules:

  1. They are stored no more than 2 - 3 days at a temperature not higher than +3°C;
  2. They should be applied exclusively to clean skin;
  3. It is necessary to use until the complete disappearance of signs of the disease.

Now let's go directly to the recipes for homemade ointments for psoriasis:

  • "Egg ointment" - 2 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed, leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The infused and cooled ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, but not less than 4-6 weeks.
  • "Propolis ointment" - 50 g of propolis, 50 g of butter, beat in a blender, let it brew in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Treat the affected areas at bedtime. The course of treatment should be continued for at least 6-8 weeks.
  • "Ointment from celandine" - 50 g of dry celandine grass, 50 g of petroleum jelly. Grind the celandine grass in a blender, mix the finished powder with petroleum jelly until a homogeneous structure is formed. Apply to the affected areas of the skin after bathing 1 time per day. Continue treatment until the psoriasis spots disappear completely.
  • "Ointment from scales" - 50 g of dried fish scales should be crushed and thoroughly mixed with 100 g of fish oil. The ointment is applied every other day for 2-3 hours, after which it is washed off with warm water. The course of treatment lasts 4 - 6 weeks.

Homemade lotions and lotions as ways to combat psoriasis

No less popular folk remedies in the fight against psoriasis are lotions and lotions. Their preparation does not take much time, and in terms of effectiveness they are sometimes not inferior to creams.

Lotion from a young celandine. In the initial stages of the disease, as well as mild forms of psoriasis, such a lotion will be an excellent solution. It is not difficult to prepare it: pour 7 stalks of young celandine into 200 g of water, put in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes. After removing from the stove, let it brew, then strain through a fine sieve. Wipe the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 4 weeks.

St. John's wort flower lotion. A decoction of St. John's wort can also be used in advanced stages of the disease. It is prepared as follows: pour 100 g of St. John's wort flowers into 250 g of water, boil for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and infuse, then be sure to strain. Wipe the papules 2 times a day after bathing, avoid long-term storage of the lotion. Treatment should be continued for 8 weeks.

Plantain leaf lotion. To prepare the lotion, it is better to use fresh plantain leaves in the amount of 150 gr. To begin with, rinse them thoroughly in running water, then finely chop, fill with water, put on a slow fire and do not forget to cover with a lid. Boil plantain leaves for at least 15 minutes, then strain and leave to cool. Treat the skin 2 to 3 times a day after taking a shower, the duration of treatment should be 4 to 6 weeks.

Garlic compress. Skip the head of garlic through a grater or meat grinder, pour boiling water in a volume of 150 g, let it brew. Then strain through a strainer, apply as a compress or lotion at night.

Lotions from horse sorrel. Grind 100 g of horse sorrel in a blender, then pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain, apply as a lotion 3 times a day.

Therapeutic baths: contraindications, basic rules, types of therapeutic baths

As one of the components of an integrated approach, patients with psoriasis are often prescribed therapeutic baths. The choice is not accidental: baths perfectly relieve itching, irritation, swelling, discomfort, help the patient to endure the exacerbation of the disease more easily, and also significantly prolong the periods of remission.

Therapeutic baths have a number of useful properties:

  1. Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  2. Remove toxins and toxins from the epidermis;
  3. Relieve the unpleasant symptoms caused by psoriasis;
  4. Remove redness and swelling of the skin.

The appointment of therapeutic baths also has its own contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Perhaps, for any patient, preparing a bath for himself will not be difficult. However, even the most effective bath at first glance may not bring the desired effect without a number of conditions:

  1. The temperature should not exceed +37°C;
  2. Just before taking a bath, it is important to douse yourself with warm water;
  3. The total duration of being in the water is not more than half an hour;
  4. The bath should not be taken on an empty stomach;
  5. The frequency of admission - every other day;
  6. Immediately after the exit, it is very useful to use a healing cream for the skin, preferably on a natural basis.

When taking a bath, the patient must take into account his age. Thus, it is undesirable for people over 50 years of age to be in water whose temperature exceeds 36 ° C, and the residence time should be reduced to 15 minutes. Now let's move on to the types of therapeutic baths.

Salt. Baths with sea salt are the most common and effective of all types: firstly, sea salt can be bought at an affordable price, secondly, it helps to exfoliate psoriatic crusts, and thirdly, it practically does not cause allergic reactions. The only downside to using a sea salt bath is that it causes severe itching in the first 2-3 uses.

Preparing a salt bath is very simple, the calculation looks like this: 1 kg of salt is pre-mixed in boiling water, after which it is added to the filled bath and mixed thoroughly. To be in such water should be about 20 minutes, the frequency of admission is no more than 3 times a week. A systematic stay in a bath with sea salt will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis and relieve periods of exacerbation.

With magnesium sulfate. Baths using magnesium sulfate are quite effective and strong. Magnesium sulfate is a serious chemical substance, excessive abuse of such baths may not have the best effect on your health. Of all the therapeutic baths, water procedures with magnesium sulfate have the fastest and most effective effect. For cooking you will need: 1 kg of magnesia per 25 liters of water. Poured into the total volume of water, one sachet weighing 100 g., after emptying each thoroughly stirred until the crystals disappear. The permissible number of applications is 2 times in 4 weeks.

Coniferous baths. Taking coniferous baths involves preparing an infusion: dissolve 150 grams of concentrated coniferous extract in 300 g of water, mix thoroughly, add to the total volume of water. You can also use fresh pine branches, for this they are boiled in a bucket of water for 15 minutes, after which they are filtered and added to the bath. Coniferous baths should be taken at a temperature not exceeding 37 ° C for 20 minutes.

Starch baths. Baths with potato starch are taken rather in exceptional cases, when the patient is tormented by severe itching. 600 g of starch must be diluted to a homogeneous consistency in 1 liter of water, then add the resulting mass to a bath with a temperature of no more than 36 ° C. Baths with potato starch should be taken no more than 4 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

Soda. soda baths
great for all psoriasis patients. In addition to excellent exfoliating effect, baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties. Such baths can be taken at least every day, because soda only in exceptional cases causes allergies. To prepare a bath you will need 1 pack of soda. It should be slowly poured into water and mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved. The water temperature should not exceed 37°C, the bath should not be more than 20 minutes.

Herbal baths. A huge number of plants have a number of beneficial effects - relieving inflammation, reducing swelling, reducing unpleasant symptoms, improving blood circulation. Such herbs include chamomile, celandine, calendula, string, sage, plantain, St. John's wort. Baths with the use of herbs are always prepared exclusively on a decoction of plants. As a rule, 2 liters of broth are added to the bath. The duration of the reception should be 20 minutes. The duration of the course to achieve the desired effect is at least 8 weeks.

Psoriasis today is a little-studied disease. There are many reasons against which the disease develops and, unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the appearance of the disease in a certain person. However, numerous studies of scientists and medical statistics allow us to draw certain conclusions about the causes of recurrence of the disease, although this is very approximate.

Probably every psoriasis sufferer has noticed more than once that the exacerbation of the disease largely depends on the lifestyle and quality of life. It can be concluded that even such a serious disease as psoriasis does not proceed uncontrollably and regardless of human actions.

Therefore, methods for the prevention of psoriasis should be as follows:

  • Complete abstinence from alcohol and smoking;
  • Normalization of the daily routine;
  • Introduction to the diet of healthy foods;
  • Maintaining a sports lifestyle;
  • Avoidance of provoking factors;
  • Increasing the immune defense of the body;
  • Maintaining proper body hygiene.

One of the main preventive measures aimed at combating relapses will be positive thinking. If possible, do what you love: horseback riding, cycling, knitting, drawing, reading books, watching your favorite movies, listening to music. Dedicate time to communicate with family and friends, be able to properly organize your leisure time, learn to think optimistically and then many problems can be avoided.

In addition to the main treatment, it is important for patients with psoriasis to follow some recommendations designed to speed up the healing process.

  • Take proper care of your skin. It is especially important for patients with psoriasis to pay due attention to skin care. It is very good to take a contrast shower, a warm bath, pamper yourself with all kinds of herbal wraps. Use medication as directed by your doctor.

How to treat psoriasis at home? This question arises in many people with a similar disease. It is quite possible to carry out therapy at home with uncomplicated forms of the disease. What is allowed for treatment?


Psoriasis is one of the diseases of the skin, characterized by a chronic course. A characteristic symptom of the disease is the presence of red spots on the surface of the skin. Occurs in adults and children regardless of gender. Most often diagnosed on the head, on the arms, on the legs, it can spread to the whole body. In certain cases, it is possible to develop nail psoriasis, which causes a lot of trouble to the patient.

The main cause of psoriasis is heredity, but other factors are not excluded. Nervous shocks, hormonal disruptions, frequent infectious diseases, and an unhealthy lifestyle can provoke the onset of the disease.

At the first stage, the skin is covered with red spots, which can itch, in rare cases, hurt. Gradually plaques are covered with scales. After a certain period of time, they pass, there are no traces of the disease.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that gets worse from time to time. It is impossible to get rid of it forever, but proper treatment will allow you to achieve a long period of rest.

At home, for the treatment of psoriasis, you can use medications and traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for psoriasis

How to treat the disease with folk remedies? There are a variety of recipes that can stop the exacerbation of the disease, reduce the manifestation of symptoms and speed up recovery.


This substance does not contain harmful elements and hormones, so it is often used in the treatment of psoriasis.


  1. Water is mixed with soda and the resulting solution is used to wash the inflamed areas of the skin.
  2. Soda is mixed with water to the consistency of sour cream. A cotton swab is moistened in the mixture, applied to the affected area for a while.
  3. Mix three yolks, a teaspoon of soda, 100 ml of chaga, two large spoons of birch tar and grated laundry soap. Add a glass of chicken fat and a little fir oil. Before applying to the skin, pharmacy bile is added to the mixture. Use at night.


Many medicinal herbs and plants, when used correctly, will help normalize the condition of the skin and body with psoriasis.


  • Large leaves of aloe are turned into gruel. The mixture is applied to plaques in the morning and evening. The duration of therapy is approximately two months.
  • Wormwood grass powder is mixed with melted lard in equal amounts. Use the ointment for exacerbation in any part of the body, including.
  • It is allowed to wipe the areas of inflammation with fresh celandine juice.
  • Mix 20 grams of finely chopped celandine, St. John's wort, crushed propolis and 10 grams of calendula flowers. Everything is carefully ground into a homogeneous mixture. Add some vegetable oil. Used as an ointment for diseased areas.


This substance is contained in some preparations for psoriasis - Cytopsor, Kartalin, Akrustal. However, it can also be used in its pure form (without automotive additives). Apply to damage for ten minutes.

After this time, the areas covered with grease are cleaned and washed with water using tar soap. The duration of treatment is approximately three months, each week the treatment time is increased by twenty minutes, bringing up to one hour.

Birch tar

Tar is a useful and effective medicine for the treatment of psoriasis at home. It can be used in its pure form or as part of other medicinal products.


  1. It is allowed to apply pure birch tar to psoriatic plaques with cotton swabs, discs and swabs. Keep this medicine for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and soap.
  2. Mix three large spoons of tar, two spoons of petroleum jelly and five spoons of fifty percent tincture of Japanese Sophora. Insist for two weeks, apply once a day.
  3. Prepare a mixture of three parts of tar and one part of ash. Used as an ointment to treat stains.


The bee product contains a wide variety of useful substances and elements. It is used to treat many diseases. It is allowed to use propolis for psoriasis.


  • The affected areas are treated with a 10% propolis tincture using cotton pads. Repeat twice a day.
  • Vaseline and propolis are mixed in a container in a ratio of 6/1. Cook, stirring constantly, for half an hour. Apply to patches.
  • Crushed propolis is mixed with warm vegetable oil. The mixture is filtered and used for the treatment of psoriasis.


Baths for psoriasis give a good result. They may well be used for therapeutic purposes.


  1. A pack of sea salt is dissolved in a bath. Salt baths are taken every day for a week.
  2. You can use decoctions of plantain, chamomile, calendula, birch buds and leaves. Such baths are taken for twenty minutes every other day.

Folk remedies help to cope with the disease. But care must be taken during their use in order to avoid adverse effects.

Medicines for psoriasis

Medicines for the treatment of psoriasis are used in a complex manner. The drugs help to reduce the inflammatory process, reduce swelling, relieve unpleasant symptoms.


  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the inflammatory process - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen,
  2. Antihistamines quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, reduce swelling and itching - Loratadin, Zirtek.
  3. Enterosorbents help rid the body of toxic substances - Enterosgel, Polysorb, you can even use activated charcoal.
  4. Immunomodulators strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism. Often used in the form of injections.
  5. Vitamin complexes help the body to cope with the disease faster.
  6. How to smear plaques? For this purpose, various external agents are suitable - ointments, creams, gels. It can be salicylic, zinc, ichthyol ointment, Davobet, Akrustal, Cynovit, Skin-cap.

Effective treatment is possible only when using all the prescribed drugs at the same time.

Hormonal treatment

Therapy with hormonal drugs is used in the absence of the effect of treatment with other means. In certain situations, this is the only way to remove the aggravation. For this purpose, external agents with hormones in the composition are used.


  • hydrocortisone,
  • prednisolone,
  • Lorinden,
  • Afloderm,
  • advantan,
  • Flucinar,
  • Sinaflan,
  • Dermovate.

These are some of the drugs prescribed for psoriasis. The use of these medicines is possible only with the permission of a medical professional. Treatment is carried out for a specified period of time. Self-use can lead to serious disruption of the internal organs.

Laser and complex treatment

Currently, a special laser is used quite often for the treatment of psoriasis. Due to the influence of special rays, the development of diseased cells slows down, the disease gradually disappears. A big plus of this treatment of psoriasis is to reduce the risk of developing tumor diseases.

Complex treatment

How to get rid of the disease? To do this, it is necessary to carry out treatment in a complex, including all methods.


  1. medicines,
  2. vitamin therapy,
  3. physiotherapy procedures,
  4. Treatment in sanatoriums,
  5. Diet and proper nutrition.

Prevention and reviews

There is no specific prevention of the disease. It is necessary to monitor the state of the body, lead a proper lifestyle, treat all diseases in time. A strong immune system will not allow psoriasis to worsen.

Treatment of psoriasis at home is to comply with all doctor's prescriptions. If unpleasant symptoms occur, stop therapy and go to the hospital


Many skin diseases cause a person great discomfort. Psoriasis is one of those ailments that does not allow millions of people to live in peace, forming scales on the skin. People can't afford to wear their favorite clothes, and constant itching creates constant problems. How to cure psoriasis at home forever, what ointments and other remedies to use in treatment so that this skin disease recedes forever - this issue must be dealt with carefully.

What is psoriasis

Literally translated from Greek, psoriasis is a skin itch. The disease is one of the oldest ailments and is chronic. The manifestation of the disease occurs under the influence of its own immune cells in the body. Modern medicine distinguishes many types of psoriasis, but the most common are the following:

  • vulgar, or plaque;
  • drop-shaped;
  • pustular;
  • palmar-plantar;
  • exudative;
  • erythroderma etc.

The main initial sign, which can appear already in the first months of life and by which psoriasis is determined, is grayish-white scales appearing on the skin. They are located on the head along the edge of the hair, on the folds of the joints, places subject to excessive friction. Rashes in their parameters are of different sizes, but at the initial stage they are small spots, which eventually grow into larger locations.

Can psoriasis be cured

There is no unambiguous opinion what is the main cause of psoriasis. Among the main factors are stressful situations, heredity, genetics, metabolic disorders. Therefore, we can assume and highlight the main methods of treating inflammation. Since the disease is chronic in nature, it is not possible to completely and permanently cure psoriasis, but when using an integrated approach, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the sufferer by reducing the symptoms.

Treatment of psoriasis at home

Before treating psoriasis at home, it is important to get a consultation from a specialist, since only an experienced doctor is able to draw up an effective course of drug and physiotherapy treatment. Among the main methods and means of treating psoriasis at home, which are able to remove or reduce the external manifestations of the disease are the following:

  • therapeutic ointments, creams, waxes;
  • UV irradiation;
  • sunbathing;
  • propolis;
  • medicated shampoos;
  • hormonal agents;
  • lotions;
  • powders;
  • chaga;
  • herbal infusions.

Strict prescription of all appointments, following the instructions of medications, taking them regularly will help, although not cure psoriasis forever, but at least prolong the remission period, helping a person feel confident. Take breaks between treatments and, if possible, avoid using multiple drugs at the same time, since it is difficult to determine whether the therapy is working in this way.

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the body

The use of folk remedies for psoriasis on the body, no matter what they say, gives a positive effect, which has been repeatedly confirmed. An important aspect here is that the methods and ingredients used do not have a toxic effect on the body, especially on the liver. Many techniques are used in cosmetology with success, but it is worth knowing that no matter how effective the folk remedy would be according to the advice, treatment, first of all, should be started with a consultation with a doctor.

Ointment for psoriasis at home

It is possible to control such symptoms characteristic of psoriasis as burning, itching, dryness, cracking of the skin by using a variety of ointments prepared by oneself. Since treatments may contain ingredients such as petroleum jelly or certain oils, people who are prone to allergies should be wary of using them. Ointment for psoriasis at home is prepared simply, and for this it is possible to use various ingredients - from calendula to fish scales. Apply the product directly to the plaques.

Here is some of them:

  • From two eggs and a tablespoon of vegetable oil (and you can choose any at your discretion), a mixture is prepared, to which you need to add half a spoon of acetic acid. The resulting mixture is lubricated daily with problem areas before going to bed after the obligatory shower.
  • 25 g of birch tar are mixed with 15 g of bee honey, 10 g of vaseline and 5 g of fish oil and boric acid are added to the mixture. Protein is introduced into the resulting composition, thoroughly mixing everything. Apply the prepared fatty ointment once every day.

Decoctions and infusions for psoriasis

In addition to external treatment, traditional medicine recommends using decoctions and infusions for psoriasis. You can make kvass from oats, an infusion of chopped bay leaves or dill seeds. You can buy fir water at the pharmacy without any problems, which is also famous for its healing properties. Do not disdain in the treatment of psoriasis with herbal preparations (burdock, elderberry, calendula, immortelle, nettle, celandine), which you can prepare yourself in a short time or purchase at the same pharmacy kiosks.

Therapeutic baths

Popular in home treatment are therapeutic baths. It is worth knowing that this method of therapy is not suitable for all patients. People with heart failure, pregnant women, those who have malignant tumors, should abandon water procedures. For everyone else who has no contraindications, you can choose one of the proposed baths for treating psoriasis at home:

  • sage. Preparation should begin the day before the procedure. Three tablespoons of sage are poured with a liter of water, boiling for an hour. The next day, the prepared broth is added to the water.
  • linen. Pour 50 g of flax seeds with a liter of boiling water, insist, filter and add to water. The tool effectively fights itching.
  • coniferous. The brewed needles are added to the water. Take such a bath once every two days, and the time interval should not exceed 15 minutes. But a bath of pine buds is an excellent cure for psoriasis on the elbows.
  • valerian. 75 ml of tincture is added to warm water. Take a bath for 10 minutes, no more.

Find out more information about and the causes of the disease.

Treatment of psoriasis on the head

The greatest discomfort is caused by psoriasis, which affects the scalp. It can occur in a mild form, but sometimes it manifests itself in a severe skin lesion. Treatment of psoriasis on the head at home is carried out with the help of medications and folk remedies:

The cure for psoriasis

Since there are no effective remedies that can cure the disease, in addition to the use of ointments, folk remedies and medicines for psoriasis at home, it is strongly recommended to follow proper nutrition (and not only during an exacerbation!). Food should not include foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, soda, alcohol, vegetables and fruits with a pronounced red color, foods containing dyes and preservatives. After the onset of relief, you can slowly begin to remove the restriction, but at the same time carefully monitor the reaction of the body.

If the question arose of how to cure psoriasis at home forever, then in addition to taking medications, some recommendations should be followed:

  • use protective equipment when working with aggressive substances during cleaning;
  • wear loose clothing, avoiding frequent contact and friction of the fabric with the skin;
  • take a shower with therapeutic or neutral means;
  • you can use salt lamps, add crumbs or pieces of sea salt to the bathroom;
  • limit your exposure to the open sun, etc.

Psoriasis Prayer

Each person in the treatment of diseases chooses his own path of healing. Often, especially devout people believe that prayer for psoriasis can cope with the disease forever. Believe it or not - everyone decides for himself. According to beliefs, the text of the prayer should be read on Clean Thursday or other church holiday in the bath during the guy:

My Lord, my Savior, free my skin and my body from all filthiness, from vile disease, from vile leprosy. Cleanse my soul and heart from vile thoughts, obscene desires, evil memory, dashing enmity. Just as I forgive my offenders, so you forgive me my sins and free me from every disease. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs to combat psoriasis. But synthetic medicines negatively affect the work of internal organs. Therefore, patients prefer to treat psoriasis at home with folk remedies.

Symptoms and causes of psoriatic plaques

Doctors have established factors that provoke psoriasis:

Its essence is to normalize the acid-base balance through the use of certain foods.

It is allowed to eat vegetables, sea fish, cottage cheese, cereals, fruits, chicken.

It normalizes metabolism, the work of the digestive tract, strengthens the immune system.

To prevent the disease from progressing, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Greek, Crimean balm and other herbal medicines

Healers recommend using Crimean and Greek balms for psoriasis. They are sold in pharmacies, online stores. Crimean balsam contains Naftalan mixture, microelements. Helps with mild to moderate severity of pathology. Apply twice a day.

Greek balm is used to stop acute relapses. It contains propolis, pine resin, pollen and other natural ingredients. Apply to the skin twice a day. Half an hour after skin treatment, it is recommended to take a tar bath. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

The secrets of Tibetan medicine, helping to quickly get rid of the disease

Tibetan medicine considers psoriasis as the result of an imbalance in the three systems that regulate the body: bile, wind and mucus. Bile is responsible for the digestive, wind for the nervous, mucus for the lymphatic and endocrine systems. Balance is restored by a complex effect on the body:

  • phytotherapy;
  • acupressure;
  • vacuum therapy.

Kalmyk yoga and proven runes

Kalmyk yoga involves the use of exercises, mudras.

Each rune symbolizes vitality and helps to overcome the disease.

Runes tested:

  • Eyvaz. Raise your arms and shift your weight onto your right leg. Breathe in the air and imagine how the earth energy penetrates the body.
  • Dagaz. Sit down and rest your hands on your knees. Focus on the sense of time.

Is it possible to cure the pathology forever on your own?

It is forbidden. Folk methods, physiotherapy and yoga help to bring the disease into a state of prolonged remission. For successful treatment, these methods should be applied at the beginning of the exacerbation of the pathology.