Development of positive thinking. Tips and exercises

To regard any events as auspicious is a great advantage in everyday life. Such a view of the world allows you to make the most of your inner talents, fill your life with joy and harmony. The development of positive thinking is a task that every person can do. By applying methods and doing daily exercises, the habit of thinking creatively will be formed within two months.

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking is a way of human mental activity, in which any result of an activity or event is perceived as something that has a positive potential, carrying in itself:

  • life experience;
  • success and good luck;
  • resources to fulfill their own desires;
  • new opportunities;
  • ways to achieve great results.

The ability to see the good reflects a person's attitude towards himself, life, the world as a whole, as well as towards other people. This serves as a source of personal growth and spiritual development, contributes to the discovery of creative abilities and the formation of a stable sense of inner harmony.

The Benefits of Positive Thinking

A person who practices this way of thinking in life receives a number of advantages.

These advantages can be obtained by every person who sets himself the goal of mastering a new way of mental activity.

How to learn to think positively?

To develop the habit of thinking positively, you need to recognize the benefits of this way of thinking and purposefully practice a new way of thinking-creativity.

It is important to realize that any thought is material and all events in a person's life are the result of their actions.

A thought is something that a person can change. For this you need:

  • constantly monitor your thoughts;
  • observe events in your life;
  • learn to see the relationship between thoughts and situations;
  • practice daily, doing exercises to develop a positive way of thought-creation.

Daily and purposeful work on yourself will allow you to master new ways of thinking within two months.

Methods for developing positive thinking

Learning to think positively is a science that every person can master if desired.

These simple methods of developing positive thinking, if practiced every day, will help train a positive mindset.

By practicing these methods in daily life, positive thinking will be formed day by day. Most people's experience shows that the period of formation of new thinking habits requires 30 to 60 days.

for the development of positive thinking

The following exercises for the development of positive thinking help to develop a new way of thought creation.

  1. "Gratitude". The practice of sincere gratitude for everything that is present in life helps to activate positive energy and improve mood. This can be done mentally, but it is better to write down every day in a notebook everything for which a person is grateful to God, the world and the people around him.

This training will teach the mind to choose good moments in life and displace the negative from the brain.

  1. "Purification of speech". Having carefully followed your everyday speech, you need to exclude all turns that contain denial, negativity, doubt. Consciously restructuring his speech in a positive way, a person forms the habit of thinking in life-affirming images.

Additionally, it is advisable to write out life-affirming aphorisms and positively charged phrases.

  1. "Deal with the Past" The burden of past grievances and failures, mental dialogue about past negative events absorbs a huge amount of time and mental energy. During these periods, the brain does not create anything new, but evokes old images and emotions.

To change this situation, you need to restore the unwanted event in the past one by one, forgive all its participants and let go. To enhance the effect, you can use a balloon in which to place a note describing an unpleasant moment, inflate and release it in the open air.

  1. "Five Pros" This practice teaches to see favorable roots in any unpleasant event. It is necessary to write down an event that is regarded as negative and write 5 benefits from its occurrence.

Going through one memory after another and converting them to the rank of positive, the memory and brain are freed from unwanted assessments and filled with confidence and positive.

  1. "Tactile Anchor". This exercise uses the ability of the subconscious mind to avoid pain. An elastic band worn on the wrist serves as a tactile anchor. Every time your thoughts become negative, you need to pull back and flick your wrist. In the future, the brain and subconscious will independently avoid unwanted thinking.
  2. "Purple bracelet". Effective training, which is aimed at tracking negative thoughts and consciously changing them.

The bracelet is worn on the right hand, if the brain rolls into complaints, criticism, disappointment, gossip and other negative mental images, then the bracelet moves to the other hand. The challenge is to keep the purple bracelet on one arm for 21 days.

Performing these simple exercises, the consciousness is reconfigured in a positive way and stable habits of favorable thinking are formed.

Thus, positive thinking, as a way of mental activity, can be developed by every person. Daily practice and constant control over your thoughts for 2 months can completely change your life.

Novosibirsk State Technical University

Faculty of Humanities Education

Department of P&P


Positive perception of the world as freedom of choice

Completed by: Shelest A.V. P-72

Checked by: Kadetova E.B.

Novosibirsk, 2009


Positive perception of the world in religion

The difference between positive thinking and affirmations and mood

Getting rid of stressors

Autogenic training as a way to relieve psycho-emotional stress



"Positive attitude and clear

goal setting-

the beginning of all human achievement!"

Napoleon Hill

Choice is not an illusion. And, thank God, that he gave us such a great opportunity - Choice. Freedom of choice - from ideals to building your own life.

On the one hand, it seems easy to perceive life from the point of view of an optimist, to perceive everything positively, but on the other hand, in our lifetime, when there are so many problems and all sorts of troubles, it is quite difficult to do this. Let's start with the fact that all events in the world are neutral in themselves and are not colored by any emotions. It is each person who gives them a negative or positive (or leaves a neutral) connotation.

For example, a person slipped and fell, if it’s in a comedy, then it’s funny - positive perception, if it’s you who fell, then it hurts, negative perception, or maybe you passed by on the street and didn’t particularly pay attention to this case - neutral perception. That is, we ourselves, our brain, evaluates events. And more often he, the brain, as if without our participation does it - emotions splash out. And if you try to control your feelings, it's not easy, and it's not always possible, especially at first. But if you try, you will definitely get results. Moreover, the most difficult thing is not only not to express negative emotions outwardly, but to really believe that everything is fine (well, or neutral).

How then can we perceive the failures and troubles that are encountered at every step. Failures must be treated as a lesson on the way to achieving the goal. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Napoleon Hill: "Failure teaches us, not puts up obstacles in front of us ... In every negative moment there are seeds of equally significant positive moments ... Just one, but a good idea, backed by action, can turn failure into success. Your mistakes - it's not you".

At the end of the twentieth century, American psychologists had a hypothesis that the quality of a person's life, and this is the level of income, and career achievements, and the creation of a strong family, is determined, first of all, by the level of intelligence development. However, the results of the studies did not support this hypothesis. It turned out that, in general, the duration and quality of life are associated with such human traits as optimism and cheerfulness. And it is these qualities that determine the state of human health, because most of our diseases are of a psychosomatic nature, i.e. the state of health of our organs and systems directly depends on our nervous system, on our attitude to diseases in general and our body in particular.

Modern science tells us as a fact that our world is nothing but a projection or a mirror image of your inner world. There is a principle in the universe that states that in order for something new to live, something must first die. Death and life are two opposite poles.

Helen Keller said that every time a door closes, a new door opens, but unfortunately we only have a limited amount of attention. So, if we give our full energy and attention to a closed door, we miss all the open doors around us. This attention is important in the creation of life. Most of us have an attention deficit when it comes to the things we want and deserve, and an attention deficit when it comes to the things we don't want.

So it's a matter of disciplining that attention muscle and using that and using that to our advantage.

Positive perception of the world in religion

Our contemporaries and those who lived much earlier than us wrote about positive thinking. Ways of life such as Christianity, Buddhism and Sufism teach a person to focus in life on something good, something positive.

The ability to think and speak positively is a lot of work. True, interesting and fascinating, but work.

In June of this year, the head of one of the main Tibetan Buddhist schools, the Karma Kagyu school, the 17th Trinley Thaye Dorje, arrived in Moscow. He urged the thousands of Russians who came to meet him in Moscow to carefully monitor that thoughts, words and actions are always positive, and noted that this is the key to happiness.

"Buddhism is a guide, a method to always keep a very positive attitude," said Trinley Thaye Dorje.

According to him, the essence of the method is to maintain a positive view of existence itself, "constantly maintain consciousness and carefully monitor what we think, say and do."

"Usually, if a person does not look at his life positively, various confusions arise," Karmapa added.

It is because of inattention that a person is taken over by emotions that are by no means his "true nature". Dharma (Buddha's teaching) makes it possible to see this.

"Dharma helps to change the attitude towards life from pessimistic to positive, gives hope for joy in any situation," said the head of the Karma Kagyu.

To develop and maintain a positive attitude towards life, Trinley Thaye Dorje advised to use the following approach: "Every situation is the best situation. Every person, every circumstance can be a teacher." The Karmapa compared this to the concept of "baptism of fire" (baptism of fire).

When asked about mindfulness and mindfulness, the teacher called the latter "the key to a healthy and happy life."

In the absence of mindfulness, a person, according to Buddhist teachings, begins to make mistakes. Although these mistakes are small, they accumulate and can form a corresponding habit. Then, after some time, this accumulation "takes over us", and at some point the error becomes very large.

According to him, if a person understands that he has made a mistake, you should not get depressed, but you should "learn from mistakes and rejoice in the right thing that you are doing."

"The main thing is to apply this method every day. And in the end it becomes a very good habit," Karmapa added.

"In this delightful but short life, one should try to calm down, live in harmony. And the best way to achieve this is to show boundless sympathy and loving kindness," Karmapa is convinced.

Speaking about how to combine the suffering that takes place in the world and positive perception, Karmapa emphasized that in Buddhism "we are not talking about total suffering", and "life is not full of suffering and pain for everyone." “If a person is extremely lazy and distracted and does not understand the nature of life, then teachings that speak of suffering as the nature of samsara (the chain of rebirth) become useful. But this does not mean that this method should be applied to everyone,” added Trinley Thaye Dorje.

According to him, a person can "perceive so many things physically and mentally" as a result of wishes. "Desire is something very powerful. Therefore, in the dharma given by the Buddha, the importance of desires is emphasized. If we steadily make positive wishes for ourselves and others, our experience of mind and matter changes for the better, both for ourselves and for others," explained Karmapa.

He is convinced that if over and over again a person wishes to "become kind, generous, wise," then "in the end, these wishes take shape, habits change."

What is the difference between positive thinking and affirmations and attitude?

As a rule, positive belief (affirmation) and a positive attitude are associated with convincing yourself, managing your time effectively and achieving your goals faster. These techniques are widely used in business and everyday life, they are easier to learn and use, because a positive attitude, affirmations are associated with processes and actions.

Such a definition as a way of life is more suitable for positive thinking, this is already our position in life.

According to the latest research by British scientists, there are modifications of the gene that is responsible for the transport of the hormone serotonin and affects a person's commitment to the perception of positive or negative aspects of the world around him.

Those who have this gene more "long" are usually optimists, people with a "short" gene are prone to pessimism.

Recently, scientists have discovered that genes are energy-information formations that can change their structure due to changes in the energy-information flow of their owner. And if the task of a gene is to transfer the achievements of previous generations to offspring, then it is quite logical that genes can change their shape and structure. From this we can draw an extremely pleasant conclusion - by changing habits, way of thinking, a person not only improves his life, but also passes these developments through the genes to his children.

Getting rid of stressors

How to get rid of stressors that prevent us from positively perceiving the world?

In order to neutralize stressors, it is important to go beyond the problem and determine in which direction you should move - that is, instead of the “Escape From ...” strategy, apply the “Move To ...” strategy. For example, instead of empty experiences like “Oh, why doesn’t she love me?” or “Why am I so unhappy?” the problem should be reformulated into the question “What should I do in order for her to love me?” or “What do I need from this life to make me feel happy?”



Stressors that are beyond our control





Walks in the open air

Tasty food

Stressors that we can directly influence



SOCIAL SKILL TRAINING (communication, etc.)



Analysis of causes and conclusions for the future

Training of relevant qualities

Advice and help from loved ones


Stressors that cause stress only because of our interpretation.





Development of optimistic views


Autogenic training as a way to relieve psycho-emotional stress

The origins of autogenic training go back to the practice of Indian yogis, who could influence many mental and physiological processes of their body with the help of autosuggestion. It is now recognized that autogenic training (AT) is a fairly effective technique for correcting psychoemotional stress (Lobzin V.S., Reshetnikov M.M., 1986; Svyadoshch A.M., 1997; Shcherbatykh Yu.V. 1998). AT is based on self-hypnosis, which can have a huge impact on mental and vegetative processes in the body, including those that are not amenable to arbitrary conscious regulation. The mechanisms of the phenomena occurring in this case remain unclear, and the “peripheral theory of emotions” created by James-Lange at the beginning of the century still retains its significance for understanding the processes that connect our thoughts and our body. According to this hypothesis, each physiological state of the body corresponds to a certain state of consciousness, and the influence of these states is mirror-like. From the seemingly paradoxical statement of W. James “we cry not because we feel bad, but we feel bad because we cry”, an empirical conclusion, quite confirmed in practice, follows. If a person has a bad mood, sadness and grief, then it is very difficult for him to force himself to experience joy, or at least peace, by an effort of will. But if he puts a smile on his face and holds this expression for a couple of minutes, then his emotions will automatically change and shift in a positive direction.

Numerous studies have established that if, by an effort of will, firstly, you change the nature of the excitation of the skeletal muscles, making it correspond to another emotion, and, secondly, change your thoughts, making the assumption that the desired emotion is already in the body, then the probability of the desired emotions will skyrocket. The Jacobson method can serve as an example of the first of the above approaches to influencing one's own body, and the E. Coue method can serve as an example of the second method.

The method proposed by Jacobson is based on the idea that there is a close relationship between the brain and skeletal muscles, in which mental stress is immediately reflected in the form of increased muscle tone, and muscle tension increases emotional stress. According to Jacobson, the vicious circle formed in this case can only be broken from the "peripheral end", that is, through special exercises aimed at complete relaxation of the skeletal muscles. Based on this, the author developed a technique of voluntary muscle relaxation in affective states (fear, anxiety, embarrassment, etc.), which contributed to the removal of emotional tension, and was also used to prevent the occurrence of -8-

Unlike the method of muscle relaxation, in which there is an indirect influence of muscles on the human mind, the Coue method proposed more than a hundred years ago involves a direct effect on a person’s mood and emotions through the conscious formation of appropriate mental images. To do this, a person must imagine that the rudiments of the desired emotion (calmness, joy, etc.) are already in the body and inspire oneself that the strength of these feelings is gradually increasing. In principle, it is enough to repeat the phrase “I feel good” several dozen times, accompanying these words with vivid and detailed representations of how good it is for you, so that your condition actually improves. Kue recommended doing these exercises twice a day - in the morning (immediately after waking up) and in the evening (before falling asleep).

In the 30s of our century, J. Schultz, having integrated the experience of both Western and Eastern psychotherapy (in particular, the yoga system), created his own direction of self-hypnosis, calling it autogenic training. AT exercises according to Schultz are divided into two stages - initial and higher. The initial stage includes 6 exercises, thanks to which you can learn to voluntarily influence a number of body processes that are not normally subject to conscious control. The result of this stage of AT is the ability to cause a feeling of heaviness and warmth in the limbs, to regulate the rhythm of cardiac activity and respiration, to cause a feeling of warmth in the solar plexus and coolness in the forehead. At the highest level of AT, patients learn to induce “special mental states” in themselves. Patients mastering the classical version of AT, at this stage, consistently learn the ability to vividly imagine some color in front of their inner gaze, then a given object, and, finally, imagine images of abstract concepts (“beauty”, “happiness”, “justice”, etc.). In conclusion, those involved in AT, being in a state of deep immersion, ask themselves questions like “What is the meaning of work?”, Getting the answer to them in the form of visual images. In the future, the method of autogenic training was widely used by various psychotherapists and was significantly modified in accordance with applied tasks.


It is necessary to constantly develop positive thinking. A positive perception of reality means that we should focus our efforts on solving the problems we face, and not complain about their existence. The winner "bites" into the problem, while the loser tries his best to get around it, but constantly bumps into it. There are only two types of problems: problems that we can solve and problems that we can't do anything about. Positive thinking involves the rejection of fruitless complaints about far-fetched and not yet existing difficulties. It is all the more unproductive to envy others - it is better to rejoice at their progress and ask them for advice on how we can succeed in our activities.

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Positive thinking helps solve problems and improves the quality of life. But not the best circumstances that arise in life make you immediately forget about this wonderful method. How to think positively in any difficulties?

There is only one answer: only by making it your habit. Special exercises used both in trainings and on their own will help in this.

Positive thinking is the most important success factor. How to learn to enjoy life and see the positive? Your brain needs to be trained to be dominated by positive thoughts. A person must be conscious and constantly monitor not only what his body is doing, but also what his brain is doing. All emerging negative thoughts must be immediately replaced with positive ones. Over time, this will happen automatically.

Thinking in positive categories does not mean being a frivolous optimist or indifferent. A positive-minded person understands the realism of what is happening around, but concentrates not on problems, but on ways to solve them. If there is no solution or it does not suit you, you should calmly accept it, draw a conclusion for the future and move on. There are many more good things ahead.

How to learn to think positively and live? In order not to be disappointed, one should not have high expectations. It is better to evaluate yourself realistically. You can also take a chance, enjoying this game, regardless of the outcome.

But the very first thing to do is to assess whether anything depends on you personally. If it does not depend, then, conditionally speaking, an earthquake and its consequences in the other half of the globe should be taken simply as information. But the rain outside the window should lead you to the idea that you need to take an umbrella with you. Then you will avoid damage to clothes, bad mood and colds.

Techniques to Help Develop Positive Thinking

  1. Surround yourself with the same positive people. Two individuals, in contact, inevitably experience mutual influence. If you constantly listen to complaints and negative monologues about how hard life is, it will be difficult to tune in to the positive. By the way, you can read ""
  2. Spend less time watching bad shows on TV about catastrophes, crises, criminal offenses. There is always good and bad going on in the world. Of course, it is necessary to be aware of ongoing events, but you should not concentrate too much on them. Watch comedies, read good books.
  3. Write down all your little joys. Re-reading, try to re-experience the same emotions and high spirits. Review your family album more often. After all, the best moments of your life are captured there.
  4. Smile! A person begins to smile when he feels good. But it also works in reverse. If you smile first, then a good mood will follow.
  5. Practice meditation. This promotes awareness. And with this quality, a person is able to control his life.
  6. Say affirmations. You can even create small posters with affirmative sayings and hang them on the wall.
  7. Visualize. The article "" was written about this. Imagine yourself as a winner in every situation. You can create in your imagination a picture or a small video with yourself in the lead role.
  8. Be more grateful for all the good things what's going on in your life.
  9. Listen to pleasant music more often.

You can add to this list of ways to start thinking positively.

Accept what can't be changed

How to learn to think positively and live if not all dreams come true? Understand that not everything can be changed. You cannot choose other parents, change your current age, your height. If this is not accepted, then you will have to suffer every day from the presence of these factors, and this is a direct path to neurosis.

In addition, you need to accept and love yourself. Love even in failure. Try to do only what you like. Do not pay attention to criticism of other people, even those closest to you. Not always remarks are made out of good intentions. Sometimes it's just a drain of negativity or elementary envy.

Complex"nasty duckling"

Often parents, fearing to spoil their children, never praise them, but not a single mistake is left unattended. It is possible that they were also raised by their own parents.

How to start thinking positively in this case? You should analyze your life, look at yourself with your own eyes, and not be guided by the statements of your parents and teachers. Maybe you will see a completely successful, positive person who deserves quite flattering characteristics. By the way, remember if you have a habit of responding to compliments with denial. Get rid of this complex, and attribute compliments to your list of positive qualities.

gaining spiritual rest

How to learn to think positively and stop fighting with life? To do this, it is necessary to stop dividing events into “bad” and “good”. A logical attitude to life events is not always beneficial. Losing a job, which seems like a catastrophe, can turn into a career take-off in a new place and gaining financial prosperity. Divorce will allow you to meet true love.

Finding positive moments in every event is the answer to the question: “How to learn to think positively?” The world must be accepted as it is. Don't fight life, it will win anyway.

revision rules

Most stress is generated by rules that we ourselves came up with or heard in kindergarten. Don't set boundaries for yourself and then suffer because of it. Many settings are outdated and require revision. From grandchildren, we ourselves have turned into grandparents, and, without realizing this, we continue to behave as before. This gives rise to internal conflict and neurosis. How to think positively in such a situation? You'll have to work on yourself.

Positive thinking needs to be developed. Exercises specially designed for this will help you do it in an interesting, playful way.

Positive mindset exercises

  1. Exercise "Calling different emotions." Sit in front of a mirror and take a close look at your face. You should have the feeling that you are seeing it for the first time. Try alternately depicting different emotions. Accompany this with appropriate cues, observing the changes in the sound of your voice. Track your inner feelings.
  2. Exercise "Change of emotions." Bring on the negative emotion. Feeling uncomfortable. Change negative emotion to positive. Listen again to your feelings. Learn how to think positively.
  3. Exercise "Replacement of expectations". Imagine that you have a test in which you will not look your best. Replace this picture with another one where you will be the main winner. This exercise is an exercise in learning to think positively.
  4. Exercise "Get to know your hand." Performing this exercise trains the ability to observe your sensations. Concentrate your attention on your right hand. Feel its weight, temperature. Is it dry or wet. Is there a slight vibration. Is there a feeling of crawling. Repeat this exercise with the other hand.
  5. Exercise "Feel the taste of food." It consists in not eating mechanically, but enjoying delicious food. When eating, distract from extraneous thoughts. Concentrate on the taste sensations. Eat slowly, take your time, try to feel each ingredient. Chew food thoroughly, savor it. Become a gourmet and taster. The skill of getting pleasure from any business that you do is acquired.
  6. Exercise "Fantasy without limits." This exercise helps to emancipate the mind. Choose a part of the body, for example, the ring finger on the right hand. If you want to get married or get married, imagine putting a wedding ring on this finger. Feel the chill of the metal, feel your heart beat faster. Add ambient sounds, pleasant smells. Remember these feelings. To make a habit of positive thinking, these exercises must be repeated regularly.
  7. Relaxation exercise. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Focus on inner feelings. Start clenching and unclenching your fists quickly. Raise your arms to shoulder level and continue the exercise. When you feel that your hands are tired and there is no strength to continue, put the rivers on your knees and relax. Work on your feelings for a while. Remember the state of pleasant relaxation. Now, in stressful situations, you can remember these feelings and reduce stress.
  8. Exercise "Awareness of your positive x qualities. This exercise teaches you how to start thinking positively. When we think about our achievements, it gives us confidence. But often we forget about past successes that we could rely on. You need to learn to constantly remind yourself how significant, successful you are. Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Divide it into three parts and title them: “My virtues”, “What am I strong in”, “My achievements”. Complete these columns. Try to remember them. It won't work the first time, so re-read it regularly. Now, in moments of uncertainty and doubt, imagine it before your eyes. Straighten your shoulders and raise your head - you can do everything!
  9. Exercise "Developing faith in future achievements." Repeat the previous exercise, but make a list of those qualities that you are just going to develop in yourself.
  10. Exercise "Imagining Financial Achievement" X". The concept of success is an indispensable component of financial stability. It is difficult for a person who lives "from payday to payday" to maintain self-confidence. Article on the topic: "". For this, it is necessary to have positive thinking, exercises for development, which are developed by psychologists, must be put into practice. Imagine being successful and financially independent and the benefits that come with it. You can imagine the purchases you can make now, the trendy resorts, the charity work. Of course, do not go beyond reality, after all, few become oligarchs.
  11. Exercise "Advice from smart people." Let's say you have to make some important decision. You hesitate, because there are pluses and minuses. Imagine yourself in the company of people you respect. These may be people you know or people you have only heard about or read about. Socrates may be next to your smart colleague. Bring your problem to them, and then carefully “listen” to their advice.


Developing the ability to think positively is essential for a successful life. To do this, you need to study the tips “how to start thinking positively” and do not forget to perform the special exercises developed for this.

From the point of view of an optimist, everything is perceived positively, but on the other hand, in our lifetime, when there are so many problems and all sorts of troubles, it is quite difficult to do this. Let's start with the fact that all events in the world are neutral in themselves and are not colored by any emotions. It is each person who gives them a negative or positive (or leaves a neutral) connotation.

For example, a person slipped and fell, if it’s in a comedy, then it’s funny - positive perception, if it’s you who fell, then it hurts, negative perception, or maybe you passed by on the street and didn’t particularly pay attention to this case - neutral perception. That is, we ourselves, our brain, evaluates events. And more often he, the brain, as if without our participation does it - emotions splash out. And if you try to control your feelings - it is not easy and not always, especially at the beginning, it is possible. But if you try, you will definitely get results. Moreover, the most difficult thing is not only not to express negative emotions outwardly, but to really believe that everything is fine (well, or neutral).

How then can we perceive the failures and troubles that are encountered at every step. Failures must be treated as a lesson on the way to achieving the goal. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Napoleon Hill: "Failure teaches us, not puts up obstacles in front of us ... In every negative moment there are seeds of equally significant positive moments ... Just one, but a good idea, backed by action, can turn failure into success. Your mistakes - it's not you".

That is, you do not hide from problems and mistakes, but study and analyze them - you try to find a positive moment in them and focus your attention on it. Diogenes: "No one offends us, except ourselves", "we are not emotionally traumatized by the people around us, but by our reaction to their words and actions."

A few words about work, which sometimes also gives us quite a few negative emotions, in the words of Elwood Chapman: "Many people think that work and pleasure are opposite concepts ... Focus on the positive factors of work ... Exhausting work is too high a price that we we can pay for the right to lead a decent life.

With a negative attitude towards work, you lose three times: 1) work does not bring pleasure; 2) do not grow professionally; 3) negative impact on personal life... Combine business and pleasure! Look for a job that you like. If such a profession doesn't already exist, create it."

In other words, you should also look for positive factors in your work, but if you really hate your job, then maybe you should look for another one? And yet, never pay increased attention to what people think about you, how they evaluate you. The ancient Roman philosopher Epictetus said: "People are not worried about the events themselves, but their opinion about these events."

Everyone probably has days when everything is wrong and generally lousy. For this case, you can come up with a formula for yourself that would help to cope with this. Og Mandino wrote that in this case it helps him to open a newspaper on page 6 (obituaries are published there in the USA) and think that any of these people would gladly change places with him, and all his troubles are nonsense.

It helps me when I imagine that on the scale of the Earth, and even better than the Universe, all my problems and difficulties are such a trifle that you should not be upset because of them. Try to find what works for you. And a few more quotes from different books: "Both in the past and in the future, you need to look for the positive - this is the formula that will help us live. Control your thoughts, control your emotions, decide your own destiny! Focus your thoughts on what you consider pleasant and useful, and distract from everything unpleasant and harmful.Tune your brain to what you want, and distract it from what you don’t want.With a positive attitude, you can always succeed.A person’s capabilities are limited only by his desires, his attitude to life ... "Money does not allow you to buy a positive attitude. ...Only you can manage your life mood."

And now we turn to exercises that will help us achieve our goal and become happy.


"We become what we think about the most," said W. James. So let's think about what we want to become and what we want to achieve. To achieve a greater effect, you need to learn how to relax physically - auto-training and other systems teach this. "Physical relaxation - promotes mental relaxation. A relaxed body cannot feel fear, irritation, anxiety." Choose a time and place where no one will disturb you - relax and imagine that the goal has been achieved and what you feel at the same time, the more small details you imagine (color, smell, etc.) the better.

In the book of Anatoly Babushkin "Bath - the house of health" a recommendation is given - to do this in a sauna or a Russian steam room, although he focuses on health. But we will try to combine these recommendations. So, in the sauna or in the Russian steam room, relax, it's better to lie down, and imagine the moment when you were truly happy, maybe this is the first day of your vacation and you went to the seashore and everything is great. Or is it the day when you successfully completed a big project, etc.

When you have imagined this (exactly that feeling of happiness - Vereshchagin calls it a "reference" state), now in this state imagine that you have reached your goal and how good you feel. The more often you do this exercise, the better. As Colin Turner says: "Invest in yourself one percent of your time per day and you will get the other ninety-nine percent in the form of profit."

And here is what William James (1899) says about relaxation - "The Commandments of Relaxation" - "When the decision is made and it is necessary to proceed with execution, discard all responsibility for the outcome of the matter - that is, unbrake your intellectual and practical mechanisms, let them act free and at ease, and they will serve you doubly."

The following recommendations from books can also serve as exercises: "Relax - the Mechanism of Success works for you ... Leave the house every morning with the feeling that YOU are the happiest person ... Love yourself ... Check and re-evaluate believe in yourself... Learn to listen to yourself - think in silence and solitude - relax... Make success a habit!... Be yourself and do what you really love... Once you understand, that you can achieve success, you will achieve it ... You need to cultivate the "habit of success". Success contributes to success. Recreate the "feeling of success" from memory (some episode) ... Act always - little by little, but every day.. .".

Here is another very useful recommendation: "If nothing is lost in the attempt, and if you succeed, you can gain a lot, be sure to try!" Over time, we become more and more lazy and sometimes we are too lazy to force ourselves to call someone or go somewhere, but according to the above quote, you must definitely try, in case of failure, you lose some time, and in case of success ...

Now "exercises" in relation to other people: "The more you share, the more you will have ... To become happy, make other people happy! ... Start smiling at yourself, start smiling at the whole world! Strive to find good in others and learn to love people... Joy should always be shared!... Forgive yourself and others, don't judge people. Try to understand other people. Make compliments. Other people see the world differently than you. Develop a state of joy and happiness in yourself: a) feel happy. b) share your happiness with others."

And remember that "success and glory come to those who develop a passionate desire to achieve the goal," and "a weak desire gives weak results."

Well, and some elementary truths that we often forget about: "Know how to repent and admit that you are wrong... Make adjustments to your actions... Self-confidence is the first secret of success... Persistence is an important factor in turning desire into material equivalent.

And yet I believe that: "There seems to be a direct relationship between people's expectations and what actually happens."

I don’t know if I managed to convey to you the mood that arises after reading books. But to consolidate this mood, with the help of quotes again, I will repeat the main ideas. So, the main thing is that "Imagination is the workshop of your mind, which can transform its energy into prosperity and success."

And in order for this to happen, the following principles must be observed (Napoleon Hill):

1. Positive attitude

2. Certainty of purpose

3. Willingness to go the extra mile

4. Be a pleasant personality

5. Enthusiasm

6. Learn from defeat

7. Apply creative vision.

Maxuel Moltz says that the conditions for success are:

1. Specific purpose

2. Know how to face the truth, do not deceive yourself. Admit your mistakes and failures, but don't dwell on them.

3. Be brave in solving your problems, be able to take risks.

4. Kindness to people and high self-respect

5 - I am I, the rest does not matter (I am already a person)."

Turner Colin repeats: "Build your self-confidence:

A) the main goal is to be happy

B) imagination - what will I be

C) recall positive experiences

D) rise above negative feelings

e) Believe in yourself actively, not passively.

And at the same time, we must remember: "Live one day, but see the goal ahead - the formula for success. Either forward or backward - there is no middle ground. You can do it if you believe you can! Victory comes in inches, not miles."

Happiness to you and success!

Today, the expression positive thinking means not just an easy attitude to life, but a whole concept and system. There are other definitions: mental positivism, right thinking, power thinking, new thinking. This concept includes special techniques and methods of positive thinking. They are taught in popular trainings on and methods of achieving success. Generally speaking, the system is built on the belief that our thoughts can materialize. What we think about will definitely happen. If you are positive, think about success, health, happiness, then these categories will definitely come into your life. The psychology of positive thinking originated a long time ago, and its heyday came in the 20th century (in the USA and Europe) and the 21st century (in Russia).

History of mental positivism

It is generally accepted that the foundations of the theory of positive thinking were laid by the American writer Norman Peel. He outlined his views in The Power of Positive Thinking. It is important that he developed his theory in collaboration with experienced psychoanalysts. Peel's method is based on the idea that a person should construct and visualize desires and dreams in order to achieve a higher quality of life and greater life satisfaction.

The author tried with the help of his work to help a person create a positive way of thinking. Over 5 million copies of The Power of Positive Thinking have been sold. Although the work has received considerable criticism. The author was accused of hypnosis and a large number of unconfirmed quotes.

The birth of mental positivism

Despite the fact that Norman Peel, who lived in the 20th century, is considered the founding father of positive thinking techniques, they were first discussed in the 19th century. The American philosopher and writer Ralph Emerson spoke in his works about the need to trust your inner strength and listen to yourself. The main works in which these ideas are stated are On Nature and Self-Confidence. Emerson had many followers in the USA: Quimby, R. W. Trine, P. Melford. In Europe, 3 directions of power thinking were most famous: the French method of Coué, German mesmerism and the institution of "mental positivism" of Schellbach.

Psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coué developed a method based on the daily, which should bring what you want, for example the phrase - I look better every day. This method is based on self-hypnosis, on changing unconscious thoughts, as Coue himself said. The advantage of theory is that it is based on practical observations. Working as a pharmacist, the scientist observed how self-hypnosis affects a person's recovery. What Coué noticed would later be called the placebo effect.

The physician Friedrich Mesmer founded a technique named after him mesmerism, or animal magnetism. It is based on irrational ideas. According to Mesmer, people are free to release a special energy and with its help to communicate with each other. He conducted group sessions in which he treated people by immersing them in a trance state.

All of these scientists laid the foundations of positive thinking. Today, many of these principles are used by modern specialists in their work.

positive psychology

The science of right thinking is largely based on such a section as positive psychology. It is generally accepted that the thinking of force is its applied continuation. There are opponents of this opinion, who argue that positive psychology appeared much later.

This direction of psychology studies only the positive aspects of the human psyche, in contrast to the classical one, focused on pathologies and problems. The main themes of the positive direction are: optimism, forgiveness, trust, flow, solidarity, i.e. those categories that bring joy, peace, satisfaction into our lives. The purpose of this section is to try to unlock the potential of a person, make his life brighter and.

Founder Martin Seligman outlined the main areas of research: positive emotions (pleasure, optimism, energy, vitality), positive character traits (love, wisdom, kindness, courage, honesty), social institutions that contribute to the development of people (strong family, democracy, free media comfortable working environment).

Researchers involved in this area have proven the influence of positive emotions on a person's attitude. Research results have shown that positive thinking makes a person more open, productive, and courageous. He is able to think more effectively and find the best ways to solve problems.

Mental Positivists

The formation of positive thinking has received the greatest development in our century. Today, millions of books are published on and. The leader in this area is the United States. First of all, the practice of positive thinking is used in the work of development consultants, business coaches, speakers. During their performances, they teach people how to be a positive person, tune in to positive thinking and change their lives. Here are the most popular experts in the technique of positive thinking today.

  1. Stephen Covey. American consultant and teacher. The main field of activity is consulting on organizational management and life management. He is best known for his bestselling books: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Eighth Habit: From Efficiency to Greatness, The 4 Rules of a Successful Leader, Super Job. Super career.
  2. Robin Sharma. One of the most famous American business coaches. He writes books, gives lectures and seminars. The basis of his philosophy is the union of two traditions: Western and Eastern. The West is characterized by purposefulness and efficiency. For the East - wisdom, spiritual tranquility, the desire for the harmonious development of the body and soul.
  3. Anthony Robbins. Motivational speaker, writer, trainer. The main topics are life coaching and self-development. Known for his motivational audio programs. He published several books that became bestsellers: Wake up the giant in yourself, The Book of Self-Power, Money. Game master. Seven Steps to Financial Freedom. To become a student of Anthony Robbins, you must enroll 2 years in advance. His services cost $1 million a year.
  4. Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn's career peaked in the second half of the 20th century, and in total his oratory experience was about 40 years. Over such a long period he has lectured all over the world, consulted and published a large number of books. The most famous works: “Treasury of Wisdom. Success, career, family”, “Seven strategies for achieving wealth and happiness”, “Vitamins for the mind”.
  5. Robert Kiyosaki. This famous coach is already 70 years old, and he still gives motivational lectures, during which he tells how to start thinking positively and how to set yourself up for success. Robert Kiyosaki is best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Other bestsellers include Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and The Cash Flow Quadrant.
  6. Lee Iacocca. Lido Anthony Iacocca worked as a top manager of Ford and Chrysler, but became known throughout the world thanks to his autobiographical books. The most popular of them in Russia is "Career Manager". In them, he shares the secrets of his success, including talking about the importance of such an action as positive thinking every day.

Napoleon Hill

Talking about the science of mental positivism, one cannot but mention Napoleon Hill. He stood at the origins of modern life coaching, career training and personal growth. He is often spoken of as a great success writer and is credited as the founding father of new thought theory and the self-help genre. His book Think and Grow Rich is one of the best-selling books in the world. Hill's philosophy lies in the phrase: "A man can achieve what his mind can imagine."

In his books, he offered specific exercises on how to set yourself up for success. This technique is based on a lot of practical work: Hill interviewed the most successful and famous figures of his time. Subsequently, he analyzed these success stories and deduced his formula.

Principles of Positive Thinking

What are the basic principles of positive thinking? They include certain attitudes, exercises and techniques that help to form positive personal qualities and a positive way of thinking. In order to eliminate negative thinking and begin to think positively, you must practice these principles every day and sincerely believe in their effectiveness. Here are the main ones.

  1. Our thoughts materialize. The world around us treats us the way we treat it. Be kind, caring, help others and you will see - the world will reciprocate.
  2. . She always accompanies us. Love is at the heart of how to learn to think positively and attract good things. Accompany all your actions with care, respect, do not show indifference. A positive person treats everyone with love and kindness.
  3. The world around is not limited, the resources in it are unlimited. It sounds strange, but try repeating this phrase to yourself every day. And you will see: if you really want something, you will definitely get it.
  4. Each of us is the author of our own destiny. There are many studies confirming that self-confidence is one of the keys to success. Do not look for the reasons for your failures in other people. Believe that everything in your life depends only on you.
  5. Love yourself. Tell yourself every day that you are smart, beautiful, happy. Praise yourself even for small victories.
  6. The world around is fair: if something happened to you, then you deserve it. Therefore, do good deeds, and the world will reciprocate. This principle is similar to the method of causally positive thinking widely used in psychology.
  7. Our world is unique and worthy of admiration. Don't take everything you have for granted. Every day, thank fate for any pleasant little things. A positive person always concentrates on the good, finds pleasure in everyday little things.


Consider exercises aimed at developing positive thinking. Unlike principles, these are specific actions that need to be performed every day. It is believed that they need to be done daily for 3 weeks. After this time, exercise will become a habit.

"My Perfect Day"

This is a popular exercise that psychologists use in their practice. Most often used by consultants for personal and career development. The exercise helps to set goals and realize them, focus on positive attitudes, and ultimately teaches you how to be positive. The technique is as follows: describe your ideal day on a piece of paper. Pay attention to details, highlight the most important and pleasant for you personally: time with loved ones, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, interesting projects, an effective meeting with colleagues, etc. After that, try to spend the next day the way you described it. Think about how happy and satisfied you were. If something doesn't work, try again.

Power Thinking Techniques

Positive psychology has developed certain techniques that have proven effective. Applying them in your life, you will learn to better understand yourself and your desires, to realize your dreams. The most popular techniques are: visualization, meditation, affirmations, the method of causally positive thinking. As you apply them, remember that they work with negative thinking as well. Therefore, exclude all sad thoughts, think only about the good.


Visualization is about presenting what you want. The technique is based on self-hypnosis. Some scientists believe that our brain does not distinguish between real images and fictional ones. Therefore, it reads what we represent as a real object. Thus, the desired is realized. In proof of this theory, our sensations in a dream are cited. They are the same as in reality. If we are afraid in a dream, we feel fear as if in reality. Of course, visualization can only be seen as an adjunct to achieving goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine in detail what your body will be like, what clothes you can wear. But visualization won't work if you don't exercise and eat right.

In addition to presenting your desires, use special boards. Glue everything related to your dreams on them. The board can be replaced with an album, a notebook, etc. It is important to imagine everything in detail: for example, how you stand on the scales and see the long-awaited weight that you have been striving for for a long time. It is important to maintain spiritual harmony, peace and tranquility.


Meditation is similar to the previous method in that imagination is also actively used here. But meditation is more aimed at working with energy, and not with consciousness. During this process, you relax, tune in to the desired psychological state. There are different types of meditation on positive thinking: success, love, wealth. But at the first stage, it is important to learn to relax and listen to yourself. By successfully mastering this technique, you will be able to both change your thinking to a positive one and achieve your goals. People who practice meditation talk about the inexpressible sensations experienced during this practice.

The main principle of meditation is regularity. The most optimal time of day is considered to be early morning or twilight. You need to position yourself so that your face looks to the north or east. For successful meditation, just half an hour a day is enough.


Affirmations are the foundation of how to learn to think positively. They are phrases that a person repeats to himself daily for a long time. The effect of this technique is based on self-hypnosis and the belief that thoughts can materialize. Despite the apparent simplicity and even primitiveness, mastering this method is quite difficult. It is necessary to adjust your consciousness in such a way as to sincerely believe in the materialization of your thoughts.

Affirmations help both form positive thinking and make dreams come true. At the first stage, use expressions aimed at harmonizing the inner world, acquiring peace of mind. After successfully mastering such affirmations, try other types: for love, success, etc.

Method of Causally Positive Thinking

This method aims to find the root cause of an event. Having found it, in the future we can solve all other problems caused by this cause. The method of causally positive thinking makes a person more confident, as it offers to control his life, to be its creator. Usually we experience stress because one event can carry several consequences. This method proposes to move from the cause. As a result, a person learns how to think positively.

Books on positive thinking

Just a few decades ago, people in our country started talking about what positive thinking is as a concept of life. Therefore, on the book shelves you can find mainly the work of American specialists. Here are the most popular books on how to start thinking positively, achieve success and.

There is also the harm of positive thinking. This happens when a person breaks away from reality and plunges exclusively into his positive thoughts. Therefore, the techniques of correct thinking can only be considered as an additional tool for real deeds.