Fish for a child: when to give and where to start? Fish for a kitten. What kind of fish and at what age is suitable for feeding a child What time can I give fish to a baby

Fish in the diet of a child: what is useful, from what age to give?

A balanced diet is the key to the full development and growth of the child. Pediatricians advise caution in introducing fish dishes into the children's diet, as they are a fairly strong allergen. It is not surprising that parents are often interested in, at what age can fish be given to children and in what form?

What is useful fish in the diet of a child?

Fish is rich in protein, which is also found in cereals, nuts, meat. However, fish, unlike these products, is much easier to digest. It is also rich in Omega-3, Omega-6 amino acids and vitamins B12, B6, which stimulate the brain. Sea fish contains a lot of iodine, which, like amino acids, has a positive effect on human mental activity. In addition, it contains a lot of phosphorus and vitamin D, which are necessary for the strengthening and growth of bones. Magnesium and potassium, which are part of the composition, favorably affect the functioning of the heart.

At what age can children be given fish?

Doctors recommend including fish in the diet of a child from 10 months. If the child is not susceptible to allergies, it can be introduced with caution from 8 months, but only after meat has been introduced into complementary foods. If the baby suffers from diathesis, then it is better to postpone acquaintance with fish dishes for up to a year. They need to be introduced into the diet, like any new product, half a teaspoon a day, preferably in the morning, so that you can track a possible allergic reaction. Over time, the amount of the product is adjusted to 150 g. At first, you should not give fish more than 1 time per week. For older children, it is prepared 2-3 times a week.

It is impossible to include meat and fish dishes in one day in the child’s menu, as an excess of protein can adversely affect the body. The liver converts undigested protein into urea, which is excreted through the kidneys. Animal proteins contain toxins. The more protein, the more toxins, which leads to the formation of toxins in the intestines. Toxins also have a negative effect on brain cells. Additional burden on the kidneys, liver and intestines is not conducive to the health of the child.

In what form can fish be given to young children?

It is better to start introducing a child to this new product with “skinny”, i.e. low-fat varieties, and low-fat varieties. These include the cod family: pollock, hake, cod, pollock. Pike perch, navaga, sea bass, carp, flounder family are perfect.

You can not give young children fried, smoked, salted and dried fish. Canned fish is also unacceptable in the children's menu, of course, if they do not belong to baby food.

Fish can be boiled, steamed, stewed or baked in the oven, given separately or baked with vegetables. Meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, soufflé, soup are made from it, but it is better to start with mashed potatoes. From the age of 1.5, invite your baby to try a fish casserole or pie. Any fish, especially river fish, should be well cooked. Make sure that the baby does not get bones in the food. Small thin fish bones easily stick into the throat and it can be very problematic to get them on your own.

Red and fatty fish, caviar and other seafood (mussels, shrimp, etc.) should not be given until 3 years of age. Fatty fish are too heavy for the unformed baby stomach and intestines. Mussels, shrimps, red fish and caviar are the strongest allergens. Even if the child does not suffer from allergies, you should not risk his health.

After three years, fatty varieties can already be included in the children's diet. There are no special changes in the preparation of this product. A kid at the age of three already knows how to chew food well. If you are sure that there are no bones, you can offer the child a whole piece of fish.

There are families in which fish dishes are not eaten for various reasons. You should not impoverish the children's diet due to personal preferences. Fish rich in nutrients will bring great benefits to your baby.


The tender fish meat literally melts in your mouth, and it is not surprising that many children prefer it to chicken or veal. The content of nutrients in it depends on the season, habitat and species. Children are recommended to cook mainly sea fish, as it contains less salt, more iodine and nutrients.

Why fish is good for children

The main value of fish lies in easily digestible protein. In addition, it contains a whole set of important essential amino acids that a growing body needs so much. They are like a building material for the cells of internal organs, including the brain, and these elements are also necessary for muscle growth.

Fish is useful not only for protein, it also contains other substances that have a positive effect on the health of the child:

  • vitamin D - it is extremely important for the formation of the skeletal system, the regular presence of fish in the diet of a grown baby is the best prevention of rickets;
  • vitamin A - participates in the synthesis of proteins, normalizes metabolism, increases the body's resistance, helping it fight viral and inflammatory diseases;
  • ?3 and ?-6 fatty acids - needed for the construction of muscle cells, are involved in metabolic processes;
  • iodine is an important element that is involved in many processes, in particular, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • fluorine - is important for the formation of a strong skeleton.

In addition to the substances mentioned above, fish contains phosphorus, calcium and potassium. In terms of the content of useful elements in fish, it significantly exceeds meat and many other products.

There are other benefits as well. Fish meat is better digested than, for example, veal, beef or chicken. So, according to the results of the studies, it was found that on days when a person eats only fish, refraining from eating meat, the load on the pancreas decreases by about 2 times.

What kind of fish can be given to children?

Important! In some varieties of fish, the fat content can reach 33%. For babies, low-fat types, such as salmon or sea bass, are suitable. From the river, carp or trout are good, the meat of which is distinguished by its special tenderness and refined taste. In total, three categories of fish are distinguished by fat content:

  • Non-greasy. It contains less than 4% fat. This category includes: hake, pollock, perch, saithe and saffron cod.
  • Medium fat content - up to 8%. Catfish, catfish, carp and sea bass. The pleasant taste of these varieties is combined with the tenderness of the meat.
  • Fatty fish: from 8 to 30%: sturgeon, pink salmon, mackerel, herring.

It is best to start with low-fat varieties of fish, and after the baby gets used to them, gradually expand his diet. Children under one year of age are strongly discouraged from offering fish with a high fat content, as it is less digestible and can cause an upset in the child’s fragile digestive system.

Not only the type of fish matters, but also the way it is cooked. We all love fried foods, but if you want to cook perch or trout for a baby, it is best to stew them or, if the baby is already a year old, bake them. Light fish soups are also useful.

Introduction of fish to the baby's diet

It is better to introduce fish into the crumbs menu not earlier than the daughter or son turns 8 months. The best option for the first fish dish is mashed potatoes without salt and spices. Some mothers advise adding a little starch to it as a thickener - this should not be done, since the baby's stomach is not yet adapted for its processing. Use a blender to grind the fish. It must first be boiled, after which you can add quite a bit of butter.

In no case do not leave the cooked portion for the next feeding - the fish is useful only fresh, in the finished product, intensive reproduction of bacteria begins quite quickly. Other Tips:

  • the size of the first portion is no more than 1-2 g, every day it can be gradually increased and brought to a year up to 40-50 g;
  • up to 12 months, offer the crumbs a fish, crushed to a homogeneous mass - without lumps, when the child grows up, you can give him a fillet “crumpled” with a fork with small pieces;
  • it is advisable not to add salt to fish dishes - they already contain it in an amount that is quite sufficient for this age;
  • red fish are more likely to cause allergies, so choose white varieties such as hake, cod, zander or silver carp;
  • fish can only be introduced if the baby is healthy and has not been vaccinated over the past week;
  • Complementary foods should be given before breastfeeding.

After the first "tasting" monitor the condition of the baby. Make sure that there are no rashes on his body, that the temperature has not risen, and that the stool is normal. The optimal serving size of fish at 8 months is 10-30 g, when the child grows up a little - you can offer no more than 50-60 g per day, at a year and a half you can increase a piece of fish to 70 g, and for a two-year-old baby - up to 80 g.

After a year, the portion can be increased, and the fish should be present in the child's menu no more than 2-3 times a week. Babies are advised not to give varieties of red fish until they are 2-3 years old. Also, do not offer them herring or other pickles. Fried fish should be cooked only after the child is 3 years old. Please note that children under the age of 6 should not be smoked, but even at an older age this category of fish is not healthy.

Fish dishes for children: recipes

fish soufflé

Ingredients: 100 g of fish, preferably sea, chicken egg, a little white bread, if desired, it can be replaced with oatmeal, 100 ml of milk, butter for lubricating the mold.

Steam the fish to make it easier to separate the meat from the bones. Grind the boiled fillet with a blender, add the yolk, milk and soaked bread to the mass. Separately beat the protein and add it to the puree. If you wish, salt a little. Before laying out the mass in molds, do not forget to coat them with butter. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes. The dish is designed for children from 1 year old.

Trout in dough

You will need 120-150 g of trout, 5-6 quail eggs, 50-70 ml of milk, a little carbonated mineral water, a little wheat flour for rolling, olive oil. Cut the fillet into portions. Separately, prepare the batter: beat the eggs with a mixer, add a little salt, milk and sparkling water, as well as flour. Stir until a homogeneous mixture without lumps is obtained. Dip fish pieces in batter and fry in olive oil. Due to carbonated water, the "fur coat" comes out very light and airy. The dish is suitable for children from 3 years.

Steamed cod cutlets

Ingredients: 250 g cod, a small onion and the same carrot, 50 g wheat bread, 1 tbsp. l. milk, chicken egg, greens - to taste. Cod can be replaced with pollock or any other type of white fish. Grind food in a meat grinder (cod, vegetables, bread soaked in milk), add a little salt, mix thoroughly. Form small patties, roll them in flour and place in a double boiler. Cook for about 20-25 minutes. Serve with garnish.

Delicious fish dishes always help to increase the appetite of children. Important! Use only high-quality products for their preparation, and do not store them for a long time in the refrigerator, as they lose their useful properties with long-term savings.

Despite the usefulness, the fish is different in that it contains many allergens that very young children cannot cope with. And some parents do not know when to introduce fish into complementary foods.

So, fish is considered to be late feeding. Most pediatricians agree that fish should appear on the baby's menu no earlier than eight months. In the event that a child shows signs of an allergy, this product will have to be postponed for a long time - at least for two or three years, until the body gets stronger. Since fish is a late complementary food, before it appears in the diet, the baby should get used to cereals, meat and sour-milk products. If you are late with the introduction of these products, you will have to wait with the fish - first prepare the child's body for the simplest food, and only then move on to the heavy one.

We introduce fish into the diet correctly

The rules for introducing fish into a child's diet are very important and no one has canceled them, so we will definitely list the most important ones:

  • it is necessary to start complementary foods with half a teaspoon, then increasing the dose;
  • the first two weeks, fish should not be given more than twice a week;
  • in no case should you give more than the established norm, because an allergy may appear.

Fish for the first meal

It is important to know exactly which fish to start feeding a child with, because not all of its varieties are suitable for the first feeding. We list the properties that distinguish a fish ideal for a small child:

  • dietary;
  • low-calorie;
  • fresh;
  • low allergenic.

In addition, many experts argue that only sea fish should be in the baby’s diet, citing the fact that river fish absorb too many toxins and salts of heavy metals, which are found in large quantities in our polluted rivers. An exception, perhaps, can be considered a trout, which never lives in dirty water and always moves to more environmentally friendly areas of reservoirs and rivers.

Turning to the specifics, let's say that at the first feeding, you can focus on such varieties of fish: sea bass, hake, cod, pollock. These are lean white varieties of fish that are highly digestible.

Hake has a lot of vitamins, calcium and potassium. The use of this fish strengthens the immune system and contributes to better functioning of the stomach and intestines. A good option is blue whiting, which can give odds to many types of fish in terms of sodium, manganese, iodine and cobalt content. Cod has the most tender meat and a very pleasant taste, so even the most picky kid will definitely like it (note to those who constantly have problems introducing new foods into the diet). In addition, cod contains vitamins A and D. Pollack is no less useful, and its liver is the best source of vitamin A, which plays a key role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, teeth and nails.

Fish is the main source of vitamins PP, B1, B6, B12 and phosphorus, the lack of these substances threatens the baby can lead to in the blood, resulting in impaired oxygen supply to the body.

A little later, the baby can be offered varieties of medium-fat fish. These include trout, catfish, carp. They are no less useful than the varieties already listed, but their fat content does not allow them to be introduced into the diet until the child's digestive tract is not sufficiently developed.

The advantage of children's canned fish

Finding really fresh fish in our time is not so easy, because even the fishermen in the market can not always be trusted, and the shops mostly bring frozen fish, which could be repeatedly frozen and thawed during transportation. Therefore, conscientious parents can only hope for canned children, which are produced on an industrial scale. In their manufacture, only fresh fish is used, which passes all sanitary checks. The hygiene standards established by the Ministry of Health are also observed.

Note to parents: pure fish canned children are not so common. Mixed products are mainly produced, for example, "Tuna with vegetables", "Trout with vegetables". In such canned food, the content of fish ranges from 10 to 15 percent. The remaining 90 percent is occupied by various cereals or vegetables. When choosing canned food, it is very important to read its composition - it should not contain products that have not yet been present in the child's diet or that can cause an allergic reaction.

How many fish can a child depending on age

The age of the child greatly affects the amount of food that his body needs. If you do not know how much fish a child can eat at 1 year or at 8 months, there is a risk that you will overfeed him and cause an allergy that might not have been. A table will help you not to make a mistake, which will indicate the number of fish for different ages.

What to Avoid When Introducing Fish to Your Baby's Diet

Firstly, until the child is one year old, in no case should he be given caviar, because it is very difficult for the body and most often causes allergic reactions.

Secondly, the baby should not eat dried, salted, smoked fish and canned fish, which are not part of commercially produced baby food.

Thirdly, it is better not to experiment with other seafood (shrimp, mussels, crabs, rare varieties of fish, fish with red meat) until the child is at least one and a half years old.

Hello dear readers! We often hear from young parents the question of whether children can fish. I answer you can. It is a very useful product. But in order to introduce it correctly and not harm the child, you need to know a number of features, including when it was time to add it to complementary foods, in what volume, which fish to choose and how to cook. In this article you will find answers to these questions.

Fish is a useful product

  1. It is the main source of valuable proteins. Easily absorbed by the body.
  2. High content of fatty acids (especially polyunsaturated). Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are involved in the development of muscle cells and in the metabolic process.
  3. The presence of vitamins: A, D, E, group B. Vitamin D contributes to the development of bones in the child's body. Vitamin A contributes to the synthesis of proteins and metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Micro and macro elements: F, I, K, P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn. Fluorine is involved in the construction of bone tissue. Iodine plays the biggest role in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  5. Does not contain coarse fibers and heavy fats, which facilitates the process of digestion.
  6. The composition of valuable substances in fish significantly exceeds that of meat. It is also better absorbed and loads the pancreas much less.

But don't forget about the other side:

How much can children fish

Feeding fish should start at 9 months for breastfed babies and at 7 for artificial ones. However, if your child has previously been diagnosed with an allergy to other foods, then the likelihood of such a reaction to fish is very high. In such cases, it is better to postpone the introduction of this product until a year old, or even later.

I gave my son a taste of fish for the first time at almost 10 months. Prepared puree without adding salt and oil. The kid liked it.

What kind of fish should be chosen for kids

The most valuable and useful is sea and ocean fish, but it is also the fattest. For small children, this fish is not suitable.

So, what kind of fish can children under one year old? Introduce the product exclusively low-fat varieties. The maximum fat content of such representatives is 4%. These include: hake, pollock, bream, river perch, cod. In addition, for babies it is worth preparing mashed potatoes and monitoring the absence of bones.

The first fish I gave to my son was hake. Then I tried to introduce other types, but for some reason it was the hake that my baby liked more than the others.

And what kind of fish can a child at 1 year old? Here it is already slowly allowed to introduce medium-fat fish. The percentage of fat in such varieties is from 4% to 8%. Representatives of this type: catfish, herring, sea bass, crucian carp, carp. Children older than a year old can bake a fish. Also, kids can try to chew pieces of fish on their own, for them it is no longer necessary to grind the product to a puree state.

But frying and introducing red varieties of fish should not be earlier than two or three years.

How to choose a quality product

When buying fish, it is very important to purchase a fresh and high-quality product. Here are a few criteria by which you can determine how suitable a fish is for a child to eat:

  1. Do not be alarmed if the product is lightly doused with ice. The main thing is that the layer should be of the same thickness over the entire surface. This is the normal procedure.
  2. Notice the gills. In a quality product, they are clean. Mucus in any quantity is not allowed.
  3. Fresh fish have shiny eyes and scales.
  4. If you buy white varieties of fish, then the color of its meat should only be white or dull pink.
  5. Buying a ready-made product intended for babies - check the expiration date and the sealing of the package.

Complementary feeding rules

  1. Introduce a new product only when the baby is healthy, in a good mood and you will not be vaccinated in the near future.
  2. For the first time, give the baby no more than 2 grams of fish. Then increase the portion and bring it up to 75 grams by the year.
  3. When the child is over a year old, you can continue to increase the portion.
  4. Give complementary fish food twice a week, but not more often.
  5. Do not salt fish products.
  6. Grind fish for babies until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  7. Complementary foods are best given between feedings.
  8. Start with lean fish.
  9. You should not give red fish until two, or better, three years.

Cooking right

  1. Choose fresh over frozen fish.
  2. If you still have to defrost the product, then do it by lowering the carcass into cold water (slightly salted).
  3. For children, any heat treatment method is suitable, except for frying in a pan. Give preference to the steam procedure.
  4. When you first start adding fish to your child's menu, do it individually. It is not necessary to add any other ingredient to such complementary foods. Now the main thing for you is to check the reaction of the child to this particular product.
  5. When the baby grows up - give him in equal shares a fish with vegetables or a fish with cereals.
  6. For children under one year old, be sure to grind the fish to a puree state.
  7. If it turns out dry, you can add water or oil.
  8. For older children, you can not grind the fish, but only if you are sure that there are no bones in it, and that the baby already knows how to chew solid food.


When the baby becomes older, you can fantasize about how and in what way to cook fish for him. But, and now I offer you three recipes that can be offered to the baby even before the age of one.

Fish puree

  1. For 20 minutes, cook fish fillet (60 grams).
  2. The cooled product is crushed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. If desired, you can pour in a little butter and milk.
  4. If you added milk, boil the finished product with constant stirring.


  1. Soak 10 grams of bread in water.
  2. Take it and fish fillet (60 grams), grind through a meat grinder three times.
  3. Add the egg yolk to the resulting mass and, if necessary, salt and oil.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Arrange the balls.
  6. Dip the meatballs in a saucepan, fill them with water.
  7. Cook for at least 30 minutes over low heat.

fish pudding

  1. Boil half a potato.
  2. Attach 2 teaspoons of sunflower oil and milk to it.
  3. Grind in an accessible way.
  4. Boil the fish fillet (approximately 100 grams).
  5. Cut the finished fish into small pieces. Beat in an egg.
  6. Combine vegetables and fish, mix everything.
  7. Pour the resulting product into the mold.
  8. Cook for at least 30 minutes in a water bath.

The baby's menu should include fish products. They will give him strength, energy, strengthen bones and teeth, improve the functioning of the immune system.

We have discussed how to introduce fish into complementary foods. So now, for your child, a new dish will be not only tasty and interesting, but also useful. And let the baby love it from the first spoon.

When can a child fish? Fish is a very healthy food, it contains a lot of high quality and easily digestible protein. All essential amino acids are present in fish proteins.

Especially, it has a high content of the essential amino acid methionine. Fish proteins are easier to digest and better absorbed than meat proteins.

Everyone knows about the benefits of fish oil. It contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids necessary for the development of the child's nervous system and many other useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K and trace elements.

But at the same time, fish is highly allergenic, therefore, it is introduced into the child's diet after other types of complementary foods: vegetable puree, cereal, fruit puree, juices, meat puree and cottage cheese.

Fish is introduced into the child's diet no earlier than 8 months - if started at 4 months, and from 9 months - if complementary foods started at 6 months.

If the child is prone to allergies, especially if parents or other relatives are allergic to fish, then it is better to start giving fish to the child after 1 year.

And if a child has an allergy to fish, it should be excluded from the diet and the child should be allowed to try again after 2-3 years.

Fish for a child What can I do?

Sea fish considered more useful and environmentally friendly. It has fewer bones and is easier to separate. Sea fish is easier to cook for a child, with the guarantee that the bones do not get into mashed potatoes or fish meatballs.

Red fish is a very strong allergen, and white fish is considered less allergenic, so it is recommended for complementary foods. white fish.

lean fish digested and absorbed more easily than fat.

So, the first fish for feeding: pollock, cod, tuna, hake, horse mackerel.

From river fish to baby food up to 1 year old, only trout, as the most environmentally friendly (trout lives only in the cleanest reservoirs).

Fish for a child How much can you?

Begin to introduce fish into the diet with 1/2-1 teaspoon. The recommended amount of fish in 1 year is 30 g or 6 teaspoons.

How much fish to give a child in grams depending on age

Fish for a child after 1 year

After a year, fish and meat can be given to a child on the same day, but it is recommended that the total amount of fish + meat in one day be within the amounts given in the table.

Salted herring is allowed to be given to children over 3 years old as a snack.

Fish broths and soups are allowed for children from 3 years old.

A child is also allowed to give fried fish from the age of 3, and before that it is better to cook it for a couple, boiled or baked.

Smoked fish, fish caviar, as well as canned fish (such as sprats, sprats in tomato, etc.) are not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Prepared fish puree

As follows from the above, fish is introduced into the diet of a child late, if complementary foods are started according to WHO recommendations from 6 months, for the first time fish is given to a child no earlier than 9 months, and many mothers do this later.

Therefore, it is difficult to find ready-made purely fish puree for baby food (I did not manage to do this), apparently, it is not profitable to produce it.

But you can find baby puree: fish with vegetables, fish there is 8 - 20% (not all manufacturers indicate the content of fish in their purees on the packaging). Many manufacturers of baby food have such products. This is convenient for those mothers who feed their babies with ready-made vegetable puree of the same brand. Such mothers only need to make sure that the vegetables contained in the puree have already been tried by the child and well tolerated.

What to look for when choosing ready-made fish puree

  • Not all manufacturers indicate the name of the fish on jars of mashed potatoes. If a child is allergic to fish puree, and the name of the fish is not indicated on the jar, it will not be possible to establish which fish is allergic to, and all types of fish will have to be excluded from the diet. Therefore, it is more convenient to use ready-made purees, where the name of the fish is indicated on the jars.
  • Puree is better to choose in glass jars, such packaging is considered the most environmentally friendly. In a glass jar, you can evaluate the appearance of the product.
  • There are fish and vegetable purees marked or bio - this is an indicator of environmental friendliness and high quality of the product.
  • You need to carefully read the composition, in addition to fish and vegetables, mashed potatoes may contain salt, water, broth, starch, flour, spices, vegetable oil, milk. Puree can be homogenized (of a uniform consistency) or contain soft pieces. If any component in the composition does not suit you, the modern assortment of baby food will allow you to choose a product of another brand that suits you.

Fish and vegetable purees of the most famous brands


Semper purees are produced only in glass jars, the content of fish in puree is about 12%

Semper fish and vegetable purees are varied, but up to 1 year old are recommended only

  • Potato with flounder. From 8 months, 125g. Ingredients: fish fillet, vegetables, flour, vegetable oil, lemon juice, onion, dill, white pepper, water.
  • Vegetable stew with salmon and rice. From 9 months, 190g. Added to the composition milk and salt.
  • Potatoes with cod in a creamy sauce,
  • Mashed potatoes with salmon in a creamy sauce,
  • Mashed potatoes with cod whiting,
  • Vegetables with cod fillet.

Puree from 1 year old differs more a variety of vegetable composition and seasonings: celery, dill, parsley.



  • Trout vegetables,
  • Hake with potatoes.



Fish and vegetable puree Bellakt from 8 months, in glass jars, 130g

  • Trout with potatoes and greens,
  • salmon with vegetables,
  • Cod with rice and vegetables

Contains fish fillets, vegetables, potatoes or starch, applesauce, skimmed milk powder, dill, salt, water, may contain vegetable oil, parsley.

Grandma's basket


Fish and vegetable puree Babushkino basket is additionally enriched with vitamins A, D, E, B and omega3 and omega6 fatty acids, produced in glass jars of 100 g, recommended from 8 months.

  • Cod-potato and pink salmon-potato, contain potatoes, fish fillet, vegetable oil, rice, water, skimmed milk powder.
  • Salmon vegetables, contains: potatoes, zucchini, salmon fillet, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, vegetable protein, salt, water.


Hipp fish and vegetable puree contains only marine fish (about 12%), but the name of the fish is not indicated on the jars. Hipp - organic puree. Hipp puree is additionally enriched with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Produced in glass jars.

From 8 months homogenized puree

  • Fish with potatoes, fish with vegetables, 125g each.
  • Potatoes with sea fish and assorted vegetables in a jar 220g.

Ingredients: water, sea fish, vegetable oil (corn, rapeseed), reconstituted lemon juice, iodized salt, rice, vegetables.

From the age of 10 months, the puree has chunks to develop chewing skills, noodles and cream for a variety of flavors.

  • Sea fish noodles in cream and broccoli sauce.

From 12 months— pasta with sea fish and vegetables in tomato sauce — different composition of vegetables.



Recommended from 8 months, in glass jars of 100 g - Cod fillet with vegetables and rice, puree is additionally enriched with beta-carotene and ascorbic acid.
Ingredients: cod fillet (13.0%), zucchini, rice flour, carrot, vegetable oil, starch, potato flakes, soy protein isolate, onion, salt, ß-carotene, ascorbic acid, spices (cumin, dill), water.

Russia Ivanovo

  • cod with rice and vegetables,
  • trout with potatoes and greens,
  • salmon with vegetables.

Ingredients: fish fillet, vegetables or rice, sunflower oil, potato starch, skimmed milk powder, onion, lemon juice, dill, parsley, salt, water. The content of fish in mashed potatoes is about 20%.

How to make fish puree for kids

The fish must be washed, thoroughly cleaned of bones and boiled in a small amount of water until soft. Then you need to get the fish out of the broth, again carefully clean it from the bones and rub through a sieve or chop in a blender. In puree, you can add breast milk or a mixture to which the child is accustomed or vegetable broth. You can add vegetable oil (5 ml per 100 g of puree), salt to taste. Puree should be brought to a boil, cool and give to the child.

I hope you give fish to a child? Stay healthy!