Diabetes. Symptoms, causes and treatment of diabetes


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Diabetes- This is a serious disease of the endocrine system, consisting in the absolute or relative insufficiency of insulin production, the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose by the body. As a result of this disorder, glucose, which our body receives from carbohydrates, is not absorbed and accumulates in the blood. An excess amount of glucose leads to its appearance in the patient's urine (one of the main symptoms), metabolic disorders and other negative consequences, up to an extremely dangerous condition called diabetic coma.

Diabetic coma is expressed in loss of consciousness by a person and occurs due to too high or too low amount of glucose in the blood. This condition is very dangerous to health and therefore people diagnosed with diabetes should diligently control their blood sugar. Today, this is not difficult to do, since every diabetic has the opportunity to purchase special tests and periodically take measurements at home. It can be a glucometer or a special test strip for determining the level of sugar in the urine.

Causes of diabetes

What are the causes of diabetes development? One of the reasons is a predisposition that is inherited. If a person has diabetics in the family, then he also has a certain risk of getting this disease, especially if he leads an unhealthy lifestyle. The reasons for the development of diabetes, even in those who do not have a predisposition to it, can be:
  • malnutrition and abuse of sweets;
  • stress and various psycho-emotional stress;
  • suffered a serious illness;
  • violation of the liver;
  • lifestyle change;
  • excess weight;
  • hard work, etc.

Insulin dependent or non-insulin dependent diabetes?

There are two types of diabetes: insulin-dependent (type I diabetes) and non-insulin-dependent (type II diabetes). The symptoms of diabetes mellitus for both types are somewhat similar, but, due to various causes of development, they differ. The main differences in symptoms are expressed in their intensity. In type I diabetes, the symptoms are more pronounced, but in type II diabetes, the patient may not suspect that he is sick for several years.

Insulin-dependent diabetes is manifested in the fact that the patient's body cannot produce insulin on its own and needs its constant administration. This disease is incurable, so doses of insulin artificially have to be administered throughout life.

In the second type of diabetes, the desired hormone is produced, but the body is insensitive to it. This is a more common form of the disease, and according to statistics, more than 85% of cases of the total number belong to it. This disease is also currently incurable completely, and its treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

Insulin-dependent diabetes is called a disease of youth, as it predominantly affects people under 30 years of age. But the second type of diabetes often comes to those whose age is more than 40 years. Moreover, most of these diabetics, even before the detection of the disease, have problems with being overweight.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes can be divided into two groups:
1. Main symptoms.
2. Secondary symptoms.

The main symptoms include:
1. Polyuria. This problem is manifested in increased and increased frequency of urination. In the urine, glucose should not be detected, however, with disorders caused by diabetes, sugar is detected in the urine. The patient may even need nightly trips to the toilet. The thing is that excess sugar from the blood begins to leave through the kidneys into the urine, which leads to an intensive drawing of water from the body. At the same time, diabetes mellitus in children shows the same symptoms: a child can sleep in the middle of the night and still not wake up. If the child did not have problems with urination and suddenly began to urinate in the bed, then it is worth carefully checking his health.

2. The first symptom gives rise to the second - polydipsia- intense, obsessive thirst, which is very difficult to satisfy. This thirst is caused by a violation of the water balance in the body due to frequent urination. Patients often wake up in the middle of the night to drink a cup of water. Responsible for the constant desire to drink and dry mouth is the thirst center, which is activated by the brain of a diabetic after losing 5% or more of moisture from the body. The brain insistently demands to replenish the disturbed water balance in the body.

3. The third symptom of diabetes is polyphagia. This is also a thirst, however, no longer for water, but for food. A person eats and at the same time feels not satiety, but the filling of the stomach with food, which then quickly turns into a new hunger.

4. Intensive weight loss. This symptom is predominantly inherent in type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) and girls are often happy with it at first. However, their joy passes when they find out the true reason for losing weight. It is worth noting that weight loss takes place against the background of increased appetite and abundant nutrition, which cannot but be alarming. Quite often, weight loss leads to exhaustion.

Symptoms of diabetes - video

The intensity of symptoms indicates the type of diabetes

The listed symptoms can be both with insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, however, in the first case, as mentioned earlier, the symptoms are more pronounced. It is also worth noting that pronounced signs of type I diabetes are observed if more than 80% of the cells responsible for insulin production have already died in the patient's body. Up to this point, the symptoms are less noticeable and the patient often simply does not pay attention to them, not even suspecting that the disease is progressing. Therefore, if at least one of the listed symptoms is detected, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to identify or exclude diabetes. A characteristic feature of type I diabetes is that the patient can approximately or even accurately report when exactly he felt health problems.

The second type of signs of diabetes mellitus are secondary symptoms.

Although not very pronounced, they often indicate the presence of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, although they may be a consequence of type I diabetes.

The secondary symptoms of diabetes in men and women are almost identical. However, women may be concerned about such a symptom as itching of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Having discomfort in the groin, the woman suspects the presence of a sexual infection and goes to the gynecologist. An experienced doctor will easily detect that there is no infection, and will poison the patient to check the blood and urine for sugar levels.

People who have discovered several symptoms of diabetes at once and suspect that they have this disease should not despair. Diabetes is not a death sentence. This is just a different way of life that imposes certain restrictions on a person in terms of nutrition and behavior. All diabetics gradually get used to the rules that are important for their health and well-being, after which they no longer seem uncomfortable.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Diabetes due to relative or absolute insufficiency of insulin in the human body. With this disease, the metabolism of carbohydrates is disturbed, and the amount of glucose in the blood and urine increases. Diabetes mellitus also causes other metabolic disorders in the body.

Cause Diabetes mellitus is a deficiency of insulin, a pancreatic hormone that controls the processing of glucose at the level of tissues and cells of the body.

Risk factors for developing diabetes

Risk factors for the development of diabetes, that is, conditions or diseases that predispose to its occurrence, are:
hereditary predisposition;
overweight - obesity;
arterial hypertension;
elevated level .

If a person has several facts at the same time, the risk of developing diabetes for him increases up to 30 times.

Causes of diabetes

Destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas as a result of viral infections. A number of viral infections are often complicated by diabetes, as they have a high affinity for pancreatic cells. Mumps (viral mumps), rubella, viral hepatitis, chickenpox, etc. cause the greatest risk of developing diabetes. So, for example, in people who have had rubella, diabetes mellitus develops in 20 % cases. But especially often a viral infection is complicated by diabetes in those who also have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. This is especially true for children and teenagers.
hereditary factor. Relatives of people with diabetes tend to have diabetes several times more often. If both parents have diabetes, the disease manifests itself in children in 100 % cases, if only one of the parents is sick - in 50 % cases, in case of diabetes mellitus in a sister or brother - at 25%.

But when it comes to diabetes 1 type, the disease may not appear, even with hereditary predisposition. In this type of diabetes, the likelihood that a parent will pass on to a child defective gene, is about 4 %. Science also knows cases when only one of the twins fell ill with diabetes. The risk that type 1 diabetes will still develop increases if, in addition to the hereditary factor, there is also a predisposition resulting from a viral infection.
Autoimmune diseases, in other words, those diseases when the body's immune system "attacks" its own tissues. These diseases include autoimmune thyroiditis, glomerulonephritis, lupus, hepatitis, etc. In these diseases, diabetes develops due to the fact that cells of the immune system destroy pancreatic tissue, responsible for insulin production.
Overeating, or increased appetite leading to obesity. In people with normal body weight, diabetes mellitus occurs in 7,8 % cases, when the normal body weight is exceeded by 20 % the incidence of diabetes is 25 %, with an excess of mass 50 % - diabetes appears in 60 % cases. Obesity leads to the development of diabetes 2 type.

You can even reduce the risk of this disease reduced through diet and exercise total body weight 10 %.

Classification of diabetes

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies diabetes mellitus into 2 type:
insulin-dependent - type 1;
insulin-independent - type 2.

non-insulin dependent diabetes also divided into two varieties: 1) diabetes in persons with normal body weight; 2) diabetes in obese individuals.

In the studies of some scientists, a condition called prediabetes (hidden diabetes). With it, the level of sugar in the blood is already above the norm, but not yet high enough to make a diagnosis of diabetes. For example, the glucose level between 101 mg/dl to 126 mg/dL (slightly higher 5 mmol/l). When there is no right treatment Prediabetes turns into diabetes itself. However, if prediabetes is detected on time and measures are taken to correct this condition, the risk of developing diabetes is reduced.

A form of diabetes mellitus has also been described gestational diabetes. It develops in women during pregnancy, and may disappear after childbirth.

Diabetes mellitus type 1. In insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ( 1 type) are destroyed more 90 % insulin-secreting pancreatic cells. The reasons for this process can be different: autoimmune or viral diseases, etc.

In patients with diabetes 1 type, the pancreas secretes less insulin than necessary, or does not secrete this hormone at all. Of those people who suffer from diabetes, diabetes 1 type suffer only in 10 % sick. Usually diabetes 1 type manifests itself in people before 30 years. Experts believe that the start to the development of diabetes 1 type gives a viral infection.

The destructive role of an infectious disease is also expressed in the fact that it not only destroys the pancreas, but also causes the immune system of a sick person to destroy the pancreas' own insulin-producing cells. So, in the blood of people suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, contains antibodies against insulin-producing b-cells.

Normal absorption of glucose without insulin is impossible, that is, the normal functioning of the organism is also impossible. Those with diabetes 1 type, are constantly dependent on insulin, which they need to receive from the outside, since their own body of these people does not produce it.

Diabetes mellitus type 2. In non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ( 2 type) the pancreas secretes insulin in some cases even in larger quantities than necessary. However, the cells of the patient's body as a result of the action of any factors become resistant - their sensitivity to insulin decreases. Because of this, even with a large amount of insulin in the blood, glucose does not enter the cell in the right amount.

diabetes mellitus 2 kind of get sick too 30 years. The risk factors for its occurrence are obesity and heredity. Diabetes 2 type can also result from the misuse of certain drugs, in particular, corticosteroids for Cushing's syndrome, acromegaly, etc.

Symptoms and signs of diabetes

The symptoms of both types of diabetes are very similar. As a rule, the first symptoms of diabetes are caused by high blood glucose levels. When its concentration reaches 160-180 mg/dl (above 6 mmol/l), glucose enters the urine. Over time, when the disease begins to progress, the concentration of glucose in the urine becomes very high. At this point, the first symptom of diabetes appears, which is called polyuria- allocate more 1,5-2 l of urine per day.

Frequent urination leads to polydipsia - constant feeling of thirst to satisfy which you need to consume a large amount of fluid daily.

Calories are also excreted with glucose through the urine, therefore the patient begins to lose weight. Patients with diabetes have an increased appetite.

So there is a classic triad of symptoms characteristic of diabetes mellitus:
polyuria - allocation of more 1,5-2 l of urine per day;
polydipsia - constant feeling of thirst;
polyphagy - increased appetite.

Each type of diabetes has its own characteristics. The first symptoms of diabetes 1 types usually come on suddenly or develop over a very short period of time. Even diabetic ketoacidosis this type of diabetes can develop in a short time.

In patients with diabetes mellitus 2 type, the course of the disease is asymptomatic for a long time. If certain complaints appear, then the manifestation of symptoms is still not pronounced. Blood glucose levels at the onset of diabetes 2 type can even be downgraded. This condition is called "hypoglycemia".

In the body of such patients, a certain amount of insulin is secreted, therefore, in the early stages of diabetes mellitus 2 type of ketoacidosis, as a rule, does not occur.

There are also less characteristic non-specific signs of diabetes mellitus [b]2 type:
frequent occurrence of colds;
weakness and fatigue;
abscesses on the skin, furunculosis, hard-healing ulcers;
severe itching in the groin area.

Patients suffering from diabetes 2 type, often find out that they are sick, by chance, sometimes after several years from the moment the disease appeared. In such cases, the diagnosis is established on the basis of a detected increase in blood glucose levels or when diabetes is already causing complications.

Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes

Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus 1 type is put by the doctor on the basis of an analysis of the symptoms identified in the patient and the analysis data. To diagnose diabetes, you need to perform the following laboratory tests:
a blood test for glucose to detect its elevated content (see table below);
urinalysis for glucose;
glucose tolerance test;
determination of the content of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood;
determination of C-peptide and insulin in the blood.

Treatment of type 1 diabetes

For the treatment of diabetes 1 type apply the following methods: drugs, diet, exercise.

The insulin treatment regimen for each diabetic patient is individually compiled by the attending physician. In this case, the doctor takes into account the patient's condition, and his age, and weight, and the characteristics of the course of his illness, and the body's sensitivity to insulin, as well as other factors. For this reason, there is no single treatment regimen for insulin-dependent diabetes. Self-medication for diabetes 1 type (both insulin preparations and any folk remedies) strictly prohibited and extremely dangerous to life!

Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes

If there is a suspicion that the patient has diabetes mellitus 2 Type, you need to determine the level of sugar in the blood and urine.

Usually diabetes 2 type, unfortunately, is detected at a time when the patient has already developed complications of the disease, usually this happens through 5-7 years since the onset of the disease.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

For the treatment of diabetes 2 type, you need to follow a diet, exercise, take drugs prescribed by a doctor that reduce blood glucose levels.

For those suffering from diabetes 2 type, oral antidiabetic drugs are usually prescribed. Most often they need to be taken once a day. However, in some cases, more frequent medication is required. The combination of drugs helps to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

In a significant number of cases of diabetes mellitus 2 type drugs gradually lose their effectiveness in the process of application. These patients are treated with insulin. In addition, at certain periods, for example, if a patient with diabetes mellitus 2 such as seriously ill with another disease, most often it is required to temporarily change the treatment with tablets to treatment with insulin.

Only the attending physician can determine when taking pills should be replaced with insulin. Purpose of insulin therapy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus 2 type - compensation of glucose levels in the blood, and consequently, the prevention of complications of the disease. It is worth considering the use of insulin in diabetes mellitus 2 type if:
the patient quickly loses weight;
symptoms of complications of diabetes are revealed;
other methods of treatment do not provide the necessary compensation for the level of glucose in the patient's blood.

People with diabetes have to strictly follow the diet, limiting yourself in many products. Food products for such patients are divided into three categories:
1) products for which there are no restrictions in use for diabetes: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, radishes, green beans, green peas (no more than three tablespoons), fresh or pickled mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, herbs, spinach, sorrel; allowed drinks: mineral water, tea and coffee without sugar and cream (you can add a sugar substitute), drinks with a sweetener;
2) foods that can only be consumed in limited quantities: low-fat chicken and beef meat, eggs, low-fat boiled sausage, low-fat fish, fruits (except those included in the third category, see below), berries, pasta, potatoes, cereals, cottage cheese with a fat content of not more than 4 % (preferably without additives), kefir and milk with a fat content of not more than 2 %, low-fat cheese (less 30 % fat), beans, peas, lentils, bread.
3) Foods to be excluded from the diet: fatty meat (even poultry), fish, lard, sausages, smoked meats, mayonnaise, margarine, cream; fatty varieties of cottage cheese and cheese; canned food in oil, seeds, nuts, sugar, honey, all confectionery, chocolate, jam, ice cream, grapes, bananas, persimmons, dates. It is strictly forbidden to drink sugary drinks, juices, alcoholic drinks.

Diabetes- a disease caused by insulin deficiency in the body, which leads to severe disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, as well as other metabolic disorders.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels due to inadequate insulin action. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, more specifically by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans. In diabetes mellitus, they are either completely absent, or insulin-dependent diabetes), or the cells of the body do not respond enough to it (, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes). Insulin regulates metabolism, primarily carbohydrates (sugars), as well as fats and proteins. In diabetes mellitus, due to insufficient exposure to insulin, a complex metabolic disorder occurs, the blood sugar level increases (hyperglycemia), sugar is excreted in the urine (glucosuria), acidic products of impaired fat combustion - ketone bodies (ketoacidosis) appear in the blood.

The main signs of diabetes are extreme thirst, frequent urination with large amounts of urine, and sometimes dehydration (dehydration). Some of the symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different.

Diagnosis of diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes is made on the basis of a blood test for sugar content (glycemia), in disputable cases, after the administration of glucose. If the patient is (thirst, strong urination, feeling of hunger or weight loss), a blood sugar test is sufficient. If its level is elevated, it is diabetes mellitus. If the patient does not have symptoms typical for diabetes, but there is only a suspicion of diabetes mellitus, a glucose tolerance test is performed, the principle of which is described above. The response of the body to this load determines whether it is really diabetes mellitus or only impaired glucose tolerance.

In order to establish the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to determine the level of sugar in the blood: if the blood sugar level on an empty stomach (the time of the last meal > 8 hours) is more than 7.0 mmol / l twice on different days, the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is not in doubt.

If the blood sugar level on an empty stomach is less than 7.0 mmol / l, but more than 5.6 mmol / l, a glucose tolerance test is necessary to clarify the state of carbohydrate metabolism. The procedure for conducting this test is as follows: after determining the blood sugar content on an empty stomach (a fasting period of at least 10 hours), you must take 75g. glucose. The next measurement of blood sugar level is made after 2 hours. If the blood sugar level is more than 11.1, you can talk about the presence of diabetes. If the blood sugar level is less than 11.1 mmol / l, but more than 7.8 mmol / l, they say it is a violation of carbohydrate tolerance. At lower blood sugar levels, the test should be repeated after 3-6 months.

Human blood sugar norm (SC norm)

For people without diabetes, the blood sugar level is 3.3-5.5 mmol/l After eating, the blood sugar level of a person without diabetes can rise up to 7.8 mmol/l
Causes of diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes

Both forms of diabetes are similar in symptoms, but differ in the nature of the course.

Symptoms of diabetes:

If you find such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diabetes is a very serious and dangerous disease.

Consult with our specialist. It's free!

is a violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and water in the body. The consequence of this is a violation of the functions of the pancreas. It is the pancreas that produces a hormone called insulin. Insulin is involved in the processing of sugar. And without it, the body cannot convert sugar into glucose. As a result, sugar accumulates in our blood and is excreted in large quantities from the body through urine.

In parallel with this, water exchange is disturbed. Tissues cannot retain water in themselves, and as a result, a lot of defective water is excreted through the kidneys.

If a person's blood sugar (glucose) is higher than normal, then this is the main symptom of the disease - diabetes mellitus. In the human body, pancreatic cells (beta cells) are responsible for producing insulin. In turn, insulin is a hormone that is responsible for ensuring that glucose is supplied to the cells in the right amount. What happens in the body with diabetes? The body produces insufficient amounts of insulin, while the content of sugar and glucose in the blood is increased, but the cells begin to suffer from a lack of glucose.

This metabolic disease can be hereditary or acquired. Pustular and other skin lesions develop from a lack of insulin, teeth suffer, angina pectoris develops, hypertension, the kidneys, nervous system suffer, and vision deteriorates.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The pathogenetic basis for the occurrence of diabetes mellitus depends on the type of this disease. There are two varieties of it, which are fundamentally different from each other. Although modern endocrinologists call the division of diabetes mellitus very conditional, the type of disease still matters in determining treatment tactics. Therefore, it is advisable to dwell on each of them separately.

In general, diabetes mellitus refers to those diseases, the essence of which is a violation of metabolic processes. At the same time, carbohydrate metabolism suffers the most, which is manifested by a persistent and constant increase in blood glucose. This indicator is called hyperglycemia. The most important basis of the problem is the distortion of the interaction of insulin with tissues. It is this hormone that is the only one in the body that contributes to the drop in glucose content, by carrying it into all cells, as the main energy substrate for maintaining life processes. If there is a failure in the system of interaction of insulin with tissues, then glucose cannot be included in the normal metabolism, which contributes to its constant accumulation in the blood. These cause-and-effect relationships are called diabetes mellitus.

It is important to understand that not all hyperglycemia is true diabetes mellitus, but only one that is caused by a primary violation of insulin action!

Why are there two types of disease?

Such a need is mandatory, since it completely determines the treatment of the patient, which is radically different in the initial stages of the disease. The longer and more severe diabetes mellitus proceeds, the more its division into types is formal. Indeed, in such cases, the treatment is practically the same for any form and origin of the disease.

Type 1 diabetes

This type is also called insulin-dependent diabetes. Most often, this type of diabetes affects young people, under the age of 40 years, thin. The disease is quite severe, insulin is required for treatment. Reason: The body produces antibodies that destroy the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

It is almost impossible to completely recover from type 1 diabetes, although there are cases of restoration of pancreatic functions, but this is possible only under special conditions and natural raw food. To maintain the body, it is required to inject insulin into the body with a syringe. Since insulin is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, taking insulin in the form of tablets is not possible. Insulin is administered with meals. It is very important to follow a strict diet; easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, fruit juices, sugary lemonades) are completely excluded from the diet.

Type 2 diabetes

This type of diabetes is non-insulin dependent. Most often, type 2 diabetes affects the elderly, after 40 years, obese. Reason: loss of sensitivity of cells to insulin due to an excess of nutrients in them. The use of insulin for treatment is not necessary for every patient. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe treatment and doses.

To begin with, such patients are prescribed a diet. It is very important to follow the doctor's recommendations completely. It is recommended to reduce weight slowly (2-3 kg per month) to achieve a normal weight that must be maintained throughout life. In cases where the diet is not enough, sugar-lowering tablets are used, and insulin is prescribed only in very extreme cases.

Signs and symptoms of diabetes

Clinical signs of the disease in most cases are characterized by a gradual course. Rarely, diabetes manifests itself in a fulminant form with a rise in glycemia (glucose content) to critical numbers with the development of various diabetic coma.

With the onset of the disease, patients develop:

    Persistent dry mouth;

    Feeling of thirst with inability to quench it. Sick people drink up to several liters of daily fluid;

    Increased diuresis - a noticeable increase in portioned and total urine excreted per day;

    Decrease or sharp increase in weight and body fat;

    The appearance of the smell of acetone from the patient;

    Clouding of consciousness.

The appearance of characteristic signs of diabetes or the development of its complications is an alarm signal that indicates the progression of the disease or insufficient medical correction.

Most significant causes of diabetes are such as:

    Heredity. It is necessary to reduce other factors that influence the development of diabetes mellitus to nothing.

    Obesity. Actively deal with excess weight.

    A number of diseases that contribute to the defeat of beta cells responsible for the production of insulin. Such diseases include diseases of the pancreas -, pancreas, diseases of other endocrine glands.

    Viral infections(, epidemic and other diseases, this includes). These infections are the starting point for the development of diabetes mellitus. Especially for people who are at risk.

    Nervous stress. People who are at risk should avoid nervous and emotional stress.

    Age. With age, for every ten years, the risk of developing diabetes doubles.

This list does not include those diseases in which diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia are secondary, being only their symptom. In addition, such hyperglycemia cannot be considered true diabetes until advanced clinical manifestations or diabetic complications develop. Diseases that cause hyperglycemia (increased sugar levels) include tumors and hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, chronic pancreatitis, and an increase in the level of contrainsular hormones.

Diagnosis of diabetes

If there is a suspicion of diabetes mellitus, this diagnosis must be either confirmed or refuted. There are a number of laboratory and instrumental methods for this. These include:

    Examination of blood glucose - determination of fasting glycemia;

    Glucose tolerance test - determination of the ratio of fasting glycemia to this indicator after two hours after ingestion of carbohydrate components (glucose);

    Glycemic profile - the study of glycemic numbers several times during the day. Performed to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment;

    Urinalysis with the determination of the level of glucose in the urine (glucosuria), protein (proteinuria), leukocytes;

    Urinalysis for acetone content - if ketoacidosis is suspected;

    A blood test for the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin - indicates the degree of disorders that are caused by diabetes;

    Biochemical blood test - a study of hepatic-renal tests, which indicates the adequacy of the functioning of these organs against the background of diabetes;

    The study of the electrolyte composition of the blood - is indicated in the development of severe forms of diabetes;

    Reberg's test - shows the degree of kidney damage in diabetes;

    Determination of the level of endogenous insulin in the blood;

    Examination of the fundus;

    Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, heart and kidneys;

    ECG - to assess the degree of diabetic myocardial damage;

    Doppler ultrasound, capillaroscopy, rheovasography of the vessels of the lower extremities - assesses the degree of vascular disorders in diabetes;

All patients with diabetes should be consulted by such specialists:





    Surgeon (vascular or special pediatrician);

The implementation of the whole complex of these diagnostic measures can help to clearly determine the severity of the disease, its degree and the correctness of tactics in relation to the treatment process. It is very important to conduct these studies not once, but to repeat them in dynamics as many times as the specific situation requires.

Blood sugar levels in diabetes

The very first and informative method for the primary diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and its dynamic assessment during treatment is the study of blood glucose (sugar) levels. This is a clear indicator from which all subsequent diagnostics and therapeutic measures should be based.

Specialists reviewed normal and pathological glycemic numbers several times. But today their clear values ​​have been established, which shed true light on the state of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. They should be guided not only by endocrinologists, but also by other specialists, and by the patients themselves, especially diabetics with a long history of the disease.

As can be seen from the table above, the diagnostic confirmation of diabetes mellitus is extremely simple and can be carried out within the walls of any outpatient clinic or even at home with a personal electronic glucometer (a device for determining blood glucose). In the same way, criteria for assessing the sufficiency of diabetes therapy by certain methods have been developed. The main one is the same level of sugar (glycemia).

According to international standards, a good indicator of the treatment of diabetes is a blood glucose level below 7.0 mmol / l. Unfortunately, in practice this is not always feasible, despite the real efforts and strong aspirations of doctors and patients.

A very important heading in the classification of diabetes mellitus is its division into degrees of severity. This distinction is based on the level of glycemia. Another element in the correct formulation of the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is an indication of the compensation process. This indicator is based on the presence of complications.

But for ease of understanding what happens to a patient with diabetes, looking at the records in medical records, you can combine the severity with the stage of the process into one rubric. After all, it is natural that the higher the blood sugar level, the more severe the diabetes and the higher the number of its formidable complications.

Diabetes mellitus 1 degree

Characterizes the most favorable course of the disease to which any treatment should strive. With this degree of the process, it is fully compensated, the glucose level does not exceed 6-7 mmol / l, there is no glucosuria (glucose excretion in the urine), the indicators of glycated hemoglobin and proteinuria do not go beyond normal values.

In the clinical picture, there are no signs of complications of diabetes: angiopathy, retinopathy, polyneuropathy, nephropathy, cardiomyopathy. At the same time, it is possible to achieve such results with the help of diet therapy and taking medications.

Diabetes mellitus 2 degrees

This stage of the process indicates its partial compensation. There are signs of complications of diabetes and damage to typical target organs: eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves, lower extremities.

The glucose level is slightly increased and is 7-10 mmol / l. Glucosuria is not defined. Indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin are within normal limits or slightly increased. There are no severe organ dysfunctions.

Diabetes mellitus 3 degrees

Such a course of the process indicates its constant progression and the impossibility of drug control. At the same time, the glucose level fluctuates between 13-14 mmol / l, persistent glucosuria (excretion of glucose in the urine), high proteinuria (presence of protein in the urine), and there are obvious detailed manifestations of target organ damage in diabetes mellitus.

Visual acuity progressively decreases, severe (increased blood pressure) persists, sensitivity decreases with the appearance of severe pain and numbness of the lower extremities. The level of glycosylated hemoglobin is maintained at a high level.

Diabetes mellitus 4 degrees

This degree characterizes the absolute decompensation of the process and the development of severe complications. At the same time, the level of glycemia rises to critical numbers (15-25 or more mmol / l), it is difficult to correct by any means.

Progressive proteinuria with protein loss. Characterized by the development of renal failure, diabetic ulcers and gangrene of the extremities. Another of the criteria for the 4th degree of diabetes is the tendency to develop frequent diabetic coma: hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar, ketoacidotic.

Complications and consequences of diabetes

By itself, diabetes mellitus does not pose a threat to human life. Its complications and their consequences are dangerous. It is impossible not to mention some of them, which are either often encountered or pose an immediate danger to the life of the patient.

Coma in diabetes mellitus. The symptoms of this complication increase at lightning speed, regardless of the type of diabetic coma. The most important threatening sign is the clouding of consciousness or extreme lethargy of the patient. Such people should be urgently hospitalized to the nearest medical institution.

The most common diabetic coma is ketoacidotic. It is caused by the accumulation of toxic metabolic products that have a detrimental effect on nerve cells. Its main criterion is the persistent smell of acetone when the patient breathes. In the case of hypoglycemic coma, consciousness is also clouded, the patient is covered with cold profuse sweat, but a critical decrease in glucose levels is recorded, which is possible with an overdose of insulin. Other types of com, fortunately, are less common.

Edema in diabetes mellitus. Edema can be both local and widespread, depending on the degree of concomitant heart failure. In fact, this symptom is an indicator of renal dysfunction. The more pronounced the swelling, the more severe the diabetic nephropathy ().

If the edema is characterized by an asymmetrical distribution, capturing only one lower leg or foot, then this indicates diabetic microangiopathy of the lower extremities, which is supported by neuropathy.

High/low blood pressure in diabetes. Indicators of systolic and diastolic pressure also act as a criterion for the severity of diabetes. It can be assessed on two levels. In the first case, the level of total arterial pressure on the brachial artery is judged. Its increase indicates progressive diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage), as a result of which they release substances that increase pressure.

The other side of the coin is a decrease in blood pressure in the vessels of the lower extremities, determined by ultrasound dopplerography. This indicator indicates the degree of diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities ().

Pain in the legs with diabetes. may indicate diabetic angio- or neuropathy. This can be judged by their character. Microangiopathy is characterized by the appearance of pain during any physical activity and walking, which makes patients stop for a short while to reduce their intensity.

The appearance of night and rest pains speaks of diabetic neuropathy. Usually they are accompanied by numbness and decreased sensitivity of the skin. Some patients note a local burning sensation in certain areas of the lower leg or foot.

Trophic ulcers in diabetes mellitus. are the next stage of diabetic angio- and neuropathy after pain. The type of wound surfaces in different forms of diabetic foot is fundamentally different, as well as their treatment. In this situation, it is extremely important to correctly evaluate all the smallest symptoms, since the possibility of saving the limb depends on this.

It is immediately worth noting the relative favorableness of neuropathic ulcers. They are caused by a decrease in the sensitivity of the feet as a result of nerve damage (neuropathy) against the background of foot deformity (diabetic osteoarthropathy). In typical points of friction of the skin in places of bone protrusions, corns appear, which patients do not feel. Under them, hematomas are formed with their further suppuration. Patients pay attention to the foot only when it is already red, swollen and with a massive trophic ulcer on the surface.

Gangrene in diabetes mellitus. most often a consequence of diabetic angiopathy. To do this, there must be a combination of lesions of small and large arterial trunks. Usually the process begins in the region of one of the toes. Due to the lack of blood flow to it, there is severe pain in the foot and its redness. Over time, the skin becomes cyanotic, edematous, cold, and then covered with blisters with cloudy contents and black spots of skin necrosis.

The described changes are irreversible, therefore it is not possible to save the limb under any circumstances, amputation is indicated. Of course, it is desirable to perform it as low as possible, since operations on the foot do not bring any effect in gangrene, the lower leg is considered the optimal level of amputation. After such an intervention, it is possible to restore walking with the help of good functional prostheses.

Prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus. Prevention of complications consists in the early detection of the disease and its adequate and correct treatment. This requires physicians to have a clear knowledge of all the intricacies of the course of diabetes, and patients to strictly comply with all dietary and medical recommendations. A separate heading in the prevention of diabetic complications is to highlight the correct daily care of the lower extremities in order to prevent damage to them, and if they are detected, immediately seek help from surgeons.

To get rid of type 2 diabetes, you must follow these recommendations:

    Go on a low carb diet.

    Stop taking harmful diabetes pills.

    Start taking an inexpensive and harmless drug for the treatment of diabetes based on metformin.

    Start playing sports, increase your physical activity.

    Sometimes small doses of inulin may be required to normalize blood sugar levels.

These simple recommendations will allow you to control your blood sugar levels and refuse to take drugs that give multiple complications. You need to eat right not from time to time, but every day. The transition to a healthy lifestyle is an indispensable condition for getting rid of diabetes. A more reliable and simple way to treat diabetes at this point in time has not yet been invented.

Medications used in diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, hypoglycemic drugs are used:

    Drugs that stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin. These are sulfonylurea derivatives (Gliclazide, Gliquidone, Glipizide), as well as meglitinides (Repaglitinide, Nateglitinide).

    Drugs that increase the susceptibility of cells to insulin. These are biguanides ( , ). Biguanides are not prescribed to people who suffer from pathology of the heart and kidneys with severe insufficiency in the functioning of these organs. Also drugs that increase the susceptibility of cells to insulin are Pioglitazone and Avandia. These drugs belong to the group of thiazolidinediones.

    Drugs with incretin activity: DPP-4 inhibitors (Vildagliptin and Sitagliptin) and GGP-1 receptor agonists (Liraglutide and Exenatide).

    Drugs that prevent glucose from being absorbed in the organs of the digestive system. This is a drug called Acarbose from the group of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors.

6 common misconceptions about diabetes

There are common beliefs about diabetes that need to be dispelled.

    Diabetes develops in those people who eat a lot of sweets. This statement is not entirely true. In fact, eating sweets can cause weight gain, which is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. However, a person must have a predisposition to diabetes. That is, two key points are necessary: ​​overweight and burdened heredity.

    At the beginning of the development of diabetes, insulin continues to be produced, but body fat does not allow it to be properly absorbed by the cells of the body. If this situation is observed for many years, then the pancreas will lose its ability to produce enough insulin.

    Eating sweets does not affect the development of type 1 diabetes. In this case, the pancreatic cells simply die due to antibody attacks. Moreover, the body itself produces them. This process is called an autoimmune reaction. To date, science has not found the cause of this pathological process. Type 1 diabetes is known to be inherited rarely, in about 3-7% of cases.

    When I have diabetes, I will immediately understand this. You can immediately find out that a person develops diabetes mellitus, if only he manifests a type 1 disease. This pathology is characterized by a rapid increase in symptoms, which are simply impossible to ignore.

    At the same time, type 2 diabetes develops for a long time and is often completely asymptomatic. This is the main danger of the disease. People learn about it already at the stage of complications, when the kidneys, heart, nerve cells were affected.

    While the treatment prescribed on time could stop the progression of the disease.

    Type 1 diabetes always develops in children, and type 2 diabetes in adults. Regardless of the type of diabetes, it can develop at any age. Although type 1 diabetes is more common in children and adolescents. However, this is not a reason to believe that the disease cannot begin at an older age.

    The main reason that leads to the development of type 2 diabetes is obesity, but it can develop at any age. In recent years, the issue of childhood obesity in the world is quite acute.

    However, type 2 diabetes is most commonly diagnosed in people over 45 years of age. Although practitioners are beginning to sound the alarm, indicating that the disease has become much younger.

    If you have diabetes, you can not eat sweets, you need to eat special foods for diabetics. Your menu, of course, will have to be changed, but you should not completely abandon ordinary foods. Diabetic products can replace the usual sweets and favorite desserts, but when eating them, you need to remember that they are a source of fat. Therefore, the risk of gaining excess weight remains. Moreover, products for diabetics are very expensive. Therefore, the easiest solution is to switch to a healthy diet. The menu should be enriched with proteins, fruits, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and vegetables.

    As recent studies show, an integrated approach to the treatment of diabetes can make significant progress. Therefore, it is necessary not only to take medicines, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as eat right. Insulin should be injected only in extreme cases, it is addictive.

    If a person with type 1 diabetes refuses insulin injections, this will lead to his death. If the patient suffers from type 2 diabetes, then in the early stages of the development of the disease, the pancreas will still produce some amount of insulin. Therefore, patients are prescribed drugs in the form of tablets, as well as injections of sugar-burning drugs. This will allow your insulin to be better absorbed.

    As the disease progresses, less and less insulin is produced. As a result, there will come a moment when it will simply not be possible to refuse his injections.

    Many people are wary of insulin injections, and these fears are not always justified. It should be understood that when the pills are not able to produce the desired effect, the risk of developing complications of the disease increases. In this case, insulin injections are a must.

    It is important to control the level of blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as take drugs to normalize these indicators.

    Insulin leads to obesity. Often you can observe a situation where a person who is on insulin therapy begins to gain weight. When blood sugar levels are high, the weight begins to decrease, because excess glucose is excreted in the urine, which means extra calories. When the patient begins to receive insulin, these calories cease to be excreted in the urine. If there is no change in lifestyle and diet, then it is quite logical that the weight will begin to grow. However, insulin will not be the culprit.

Unfortunately, not in all cases it is possible to influence the inevitability of the appearance of type 1 diabetes. After all, its main causes are the hereditary factor and small viruses that every person encounters. But not everyone develops the disease. And although scientists have found that diabetes occurs much less frequently in children and adults who were breastfed and treated with antiviral drugs for respiratory infections, this cannot be attributed to specific prevention. Therefore, there are no truly effective methods.

The situation is quite different with the prevention of type 2 diabetes. After all, it is very often the result of a wrong lifestyle.

Today, the question of the possibility of a complete cure for diabetes is considered very ambiguously. The complexity of the situation is that it is very difficult to return what has already been lost. The only exception is those forms of type 2 diabetes that are well controlled under the influence of diet therapy. In this case, normalizing diet and physical activity, you can completely get rid of diabetes. It should be borne in mind that the risk of recurrence of the disease in case of violation of the regimen is extremely high.

According to official medicine, type 1 diabetes mellitus and persistent forms of type 2 diabetes cannot be completely cured. But regular medical treatment can prevent or slow down the progression of complications of diabetes. After all, they are dangerous to humans. Therefore, it is extremely important to engage in regular monitoring of blood glycemia, controlling the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. It must be remembered that they must be for life. It is permissible to change only their volumes and varieties depending on the patient's condition.

However, there are many former patients who were able to recover from this incurable disease with the help of curative fasting. But forget about this method if you cannot find a good specialist in your city who could control you and prevent the situation from getting out of hand. Because there are many cases when experiments on oneself end up in intensive care!

As for the surgical methods for eliminating diabetes mellitus with the implantation of a kind of artificial pancreas, which is a device that analyzes the level of hyperglycemia and automatically releases the required amount of insulin. The results of such treatment are impressive in their effectiveness, but they are not without significant shortcomings and problems. Therefore, no one has yet succeeded in replacing the natural insulin of a particular person with a synthetic analogue, which may not be suitable for a diabetic patient in everything.

Developments continue in the field of synthesis of those types of insulin that will consist of identical components specific to each patient. And although this is still a distant reality, every person, exhausted by the course of diabetes, believes that a miracle will happen.

Which doctor should I contact?

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, she has been working at the diagnostic center No. 3.

Drug therapy is the mainstay of treatment for any type of diabetes, but insulin-containing drugs are addictive and the effectiveness of such therapy decreases over time. Some patients fundamentally adhere to a life position that involves the rejection of chemical drugs.

What measures can be taken at home? If you have diabetes, treatment with folk remedies should be comprehensive. Consider not only the most effective recipes, but also methods that should be avoided.

Basic home treatments

Alternative methods of treating diabetes will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and improve health with the help of natural and natural ingredients.

Treatment of diabetes without drugs involves the use of the following methods:

Remember that the impact must be complex. Only one recipe will not be able to cure the disease. Get ready for the fact that the treatment of diabetes with folk remedies will be long, so it is worth choosing methods that you will be comfortable using every day.

Alternate different folk recipes for diabetes to prevent addiction. Do not lose hope if any of the methods did not bring the expected results - it is worth looking for other medicinal herbs or products.

Compliance with a proper diet is the main factor on which the success of treating diabetes at home depends. Different diets have been developed for type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

All foods that increase blood sugar should be eliminated, and acceptable foods should have enough water, fiber and protein.

The list of approved products for folk treatment of diabetes includes the following:

When choosing foods for your diet, focus on those spices, fruits and vegetables that help remove cholesterol from the body and reduce blood sugar.

The myth of the treatment of buckwheat with kefir

A fairly common myth is that raw buckwheat soaked in kefir in the evening helps lower sugar levels. In fact, this is one of the mono-diets, which involves the use of steamed buckwheat with kefir for 7 days.

Butter, sauces, sugar and salt are not allowed in this case. Only an additional glass of low-fat kefir and 2 liters of liquid in the form of water with lemon, or green tea is allowed. 5 hours before bedtime, you need to have dinner for the last time.

Such a diet has a very aggressive effect on the body, like any mono-diet, so the occurrence of side effects will be an expected consequence. General well-being will worsen, headaches will occur, and a sharp exclusion of salt from the diet will lead to jumps in blood pressure.

Despite the fact that a few extra pounds will be lost, within a month they will return.

Consider other aspects of the impact of such a diet on the body.

Despite the fact that buckwheat with kefir in most cases brings positive results, after returning to the usual diet, they will disappear after 3 days, after which the diabetic will be disturbed by fluctuations in pressure and sugar, a broken state and weakness. It is difficult to cope with such stress even for a healthy body at a young age, but we are talking about diabetic patients.

As a result, the buckwheat kefir diet cannot be included in the treatment plan for diabetes in old age and is not suitable for patients on insulin therapy with unstable blood pressure.

juice therapy

Preparing natural juices will improve the condition of a diabetic and is the main preventive measure if you are at risk. Juice therapy is not the main alternative treatment for diabetes. Juice should be consumed freshly squeezed, and fruits, berries and vegetables should contain a minimum amount of glucose.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies for diabetes can reduce sugar and involve the use of natural foods, plants and herbs.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with folk remedies also involves the preparation of herbal decoctions that help eliminate negative symptoms at any stage of the disease.

Managing Diabetes at Home

You can use other effective folk remedies for diabetes. When using this or that method, be guided by your well-being and immediately stop taking if the symptoms of the disease worsen. Also consider the possibility of an allergic reaction, if your body is prone to allergies.

Hydrogen peroxide for type 2 diabetes

Hydrogen peroxide is a rather unusual folk remedy for type 2 diabetes. The following principles must be strictly adhered to:

  1. The solution should be only 3%;
  2. After a 10-day course, take a break for 3 days;
  3. Use the remedy only before meals;
  4. 2 drops of peroxide is the maximum initial daily dose.

To prepare the medicine, dissolve 1 drop of peroxide in 50 ml of water. Gradually increase the concentration from 1 drop to 10. This technique is not recognized by official medicine, but the effectiveness of such a remedy for diabetes has been proven in practice.

Soda as a component of therapy

Baking soda has been used as a folk remedy for diabetes since the early twentieth century. Internal reception begins with a minimum amount of soda. Dissolve a small pinch in a glass of boiling water, literally on the tip of a knife. Cool and drink in one gulp. Drink this water for a week if there are no side effects - nausea or dizziness. After a short break, the course can be repeated.

Soda baths are a safer remedy for diabetes. It is worth taking such baths daily for 10 days (a pack of soda for a full bath of water).

Make an infusion of 200 ml of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of seeds. After straining, drink a glass three times a day. Flaxseeds can be mixed with medicinal herbs such as bay leaf, dill seeds, viburnum bark, nettle, birch buds or dandelion roots.

You can mix everything together in equal proportions and infuse 4 liters of the collection in a liter thermos for 2 hours. Such an infusion is drunk according to a similar regimen, but in a third of a glass. When breastfeeding and during pregnancy, the method is contraindicated.

Propolis treatment

  • No more than 15 g of propolis per day;
  • Reception 2 hours before meals;
  • 4 g - single serving.

The ingredient is thoroughly chewed, after which it must be swallowed. A tincture with the ingredient in question and royal jelly is also effective. Propolis tincture can be pharmacy or homemade - 20 drops per glass of water. Additionally, take royal jelly three times a day for 10 mg. After a three-week course, the sugar level decreases by 3-4 µmol/l.

Criphea for diabetics

Kryphea Amur is a rare variety of moss that has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. For medicinal purposes, an extract is used that stimulates the production of enzymes and hormones of the pancreas and is actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

Enzymes, which are part of the Kryphea extract, help food to be fully absorbed in the small intestine and facilitate its digestion. There are similar substances in the human body, and plant enzymes complement their work.

Also, this tool has the following properties:

  • Reducing pain in damaged tissues;
  • Regeneration of cells in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • Activation of immunity;
  • Normalization of stomach acidity;
  • Antihistamine action.

Kryphea Amur is indicated for damage to the islets of Langerhans and disruption of the pancreas, which often occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus. The interaction of the mentioned pathologies can be significantly minimized if the drug is used regularly.

Just 1 spoon before meals is enough. 1-2 times a day - for children and 3 times for adults. A monthly break should be done after a 3-month course of treatment, after which therapy is resumed.

Lemon with garlic

In diabetes, it is important to maintain the body's immune abilities, and the vitamin C contained in lemon is ideal for this. The only caveat is not to use lemon-based products on an empty stomach.

Eggs are beneficial in themselves for diabetes as they are both nutritious and dietary. Daily use of eggs and lemon in equal amounts can reduce the sugar content by a couple of units, even if you are not using any medications at the same time.

Based on these two products, I created a recipe that can not only relieve negative symptoms, but also completely normalize sugar levels.

Mix a chicken egg with 5 ml of lemon juice. Products must be fresh. Eggs are best used at home, and the juice is freshly squeezed. A chicken egg can be replaced with 5 quail eggs. The resulting mixture will be enough for a single dose half an hour before meals. The monthly course of treatment consists of three-day cycles (3 days treatment / 3 days break).

spice therapy

Treatment of diabetes at home also involves the active addition of spices and a daily diet. There are recipes both based on a single component and based on a mixture of spices.

Cinnamon can be added to tea, made into an infusion with honey, but you should be careful with this method during breastfeeding.


Clove lowers glucose levels, cleanses the blood, prevents intestinal infections, reduces gas formation, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, fights microbes and relieves pain.

For the treatment of diabetes, the most effective recipe is in which 20 spice buds must be infused in a glass of boiling water overnight. Further, the liquid is divided into three parts and drunk during the day. On the same day, in the evening, an infusion is prepared according to a similar scheme, but with 10 heads of cloves and taken the next day, also in three doses.


The recipe for making turmeric and agave juice is most beneficial for diabetics. It is necessary to mix 2 g of turmeric with a spoonful of agave juice and use this mixture a couple of times a day. To make juice from the agave for this recipe, you need to cut the leaves of a home plant and keep them in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Juice must be freshly made.

As for turmeric, it can be additionally added, like cinnamon, to any dishes and even tea, which will help reduce sugar, weight, and also strengthen the liver.