The best mask for hair growth and density. The best masks for hair density at home: simple recipes

For every woman, beautiful and healthy hair is a component of her success, showiness and just a good mood every day. Needless to say, nature did not treat everyone with due attention and understanding, which is why some girls have to be content with what they have. At the same time, there are various recipes for strengthening and enhanced growth of your curls, including often used hair masks, which are quite easy to do at home.

Beauty salons have begun to resort to such measures more often, and many masters have long recognized their effectiveness, even in comparison with well-known cosmetics.

Basic rules for using masks

As with the implementation of any other undertaking, in order to achieve the effect, it is necessary to follow some principles here:

  1. The temperature of the product applied to the hair should not be lower than body temperature. For this purpose, a water bath can be used.
  2. The mask should be applied to cleanly washed strands. The remedy should affect both the hair and scalp. It is best to rub the mixture with light massage movements for several minutes.
  3. After treatment with the composition, the hair must be wrapped. First, the head should be wrapped in cellophane or polyethylene, and then put on a hat or wrap it with a towel. Thanks to such actions, the remedy will provide a deep effect.
  4. On average, the prescribed duration of masks on the hair is 30-60 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed.
  5. Almost all recipes for the density of strands involve the use of about twice a week within a month. Then comes a monthly pause, which will allow the skin and hair structures to fully recover.

These simple rules, observed at home, will provide proper care and help you quickly achieve the effect for the density of your curls.

Mask classification

Home-prepared compositions for the density and growth of curls are divided into:

  • nutritional - the main task is to saturate the hair and skin structures with useful substances and trace elements;
  • stimulating - the essence is to stimulate the skin, which leads to the activation of the growth of strands.

Now let's talk about them in a little more detail.


Mostly include various oils. In particular, olive oil, burdock oil, and castor oil are in special demand. The advantage of such formulations is a guaranteed effect, with systematic use no more than once a week. As a minus, it is necessary to mention that they are very difficult to wash off the head at the end of the procedure. The use of such masks is an excellent care for your hair. But here you need to be careful in the case of fatty strands.

In addition, nourishing masks can be prepared from everyday products, for example, eggs, honey, bananas and other things, as well as cosmetic clay.


Given the specifics of the action of stimulating masks, they are prepared from more aggressive ingredients such as mustard, onion and pepper. In most cases, such compositions show themselves very effectively.

At the same time, it is important to consider that stimulating masks prepared both in the salon and at home are not suitable for everyone, as they can provoke an allergic skin reaction.

Among the most effective and well-known, it is worth mentioning the mustard mask, which provides excellent care.

List of popular mask recipes

Perhaps, the existing recipes for the preparation of such masks for the growth and strengthening of strands number in the hundreds. In our article, we will consider the most effective of them, which have proven themselves among a large number of the fair sex.

In this case, you can alternate recipes with each other. For example, a month to do one mask, and after a period of rest - another. Or use a different composition each time - everything is up to you, and only through experimentation will you come to a qualitative result.

Recipe for oil masks

The benefits of burdock and castor oil are known throughout the medical and cosmetic world. Often resort to them and lovers of alternative medicine. To prepare this mixture at home, take 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and castor oil, drop lemon juice there, and then stir well. It is necessary to treat the hair with the composition over their entire surface, not forgetting the scalp.

After an hour and a half, wash off the substance with warm water. There are also other recipes that use these ingredients, to which other oils can be added in varying proportions.

egg mask recipe

Compositions based on egg yolks have an excellent effect on the health and appearance of hair. For their preparation, a fresh egg is used, which is mixed with the contents of ampoules of vitamins A and E. The resulting mixture is thoroughly beaten, and then applied to the entire surface of the head. After the required time, rinse your hair with warm water.

Recipe for beer masks

Live beer contains vitamins necessary for the growth and density of strands. Such masks are easy to prepare at home, and avocado is used as an auxiliary ingredient, which is now easy to find on supermarket shelves.

From one half of the avocado fruit, the pulp is taken and mixed with two tablespoons of beer. It is necessary to beat the composition until a mushy consistency is obtained.

After applying to the hair and after waiting 40 minutes, the composition must be washed off with a solution of beer and water (1: 3). This will give your hair extra softness and silkiness.

kiwi face mask recipe

For the growth and density of fatty and not very strands, a kiwi mask is suitable, which is also easy to prepare at home. This fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is so necessary not only for curls, but also for the health of the whole organism.

At the same time, it contains other useful trace elements, and another advantage of such a mask will be its pleasant smell. In addition, we must not forget about its softness. To prepare the desired composition, you will need 2 kiwi fruits and 2 tablespoons of flour, which must be thoroughly mixed with each other.

The resulting product should be treated with a root zone, and also distributed over all hair. After half an hour, the composition is washed off with clean water.

Recipe for burdock honey masks

These two key ingredients do not need additional advertising and are used productively as traditional medicines. The compositions prepared with their use have a positive effect on the growth and density of the strands, making the hair beautiful and silky.

Burdock oil should be mixed with a spoonful of honey, and a spoonful of cognac and yolk are added to the resulting mixture. After applying the composition to the skin and hair of the head with massage movements, it is better to make a compress using a cellophane or plastic film, over which you can wrap a scarf or put on a hat for a greenhouse effect.

After holding such a mask on your head for 40-60 minutes, you must thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo. To achieve the desired and quick effect, such recipes should be used for two months with a frequency of 2 times every 7 days.

Indian recipe with burdock

Recipes using an Indian burdock mask will not only prevent hair loss, but also provide care for them, making them spectacular and shiny. Also suitable for oily strands. This mask is easy to prepare at home.

In this case, we additionally need basma and henna. They need to be cooked in equal quantities and pour moderately hot water. Now comes the turn of the key ingredient - burdock oil, which you need to take 20 ml. Also, egg yolk and 20 g of cocoa powder are added to the composition.

After thorough mixing, the product is rubbed into the skin and hair, and then left there for about an hour. After this time, the head must be washed well with shampoo. As a final touch, the hair can be additionally rinsed with non-concentrated lemon juice or a decoction made from birch or nettle.

Honey and medicinal herbs

Honey as the best remedy for many ailments will give an excellent result if used in combination with various medicinal herbs. Among those that will be convenient to use at home, you can list St. John's wort, nettle, calendula and chamomile.

To thicken the strands, add a little honey to the decoction of these herbs. For greater efficiency, the egg yolk will not become superfluous. The mask is applied to the skin and hair for approximately 30 minutes.

When using such recipes, some resort to the help of yeast as another ingredient.

Medicinal herbs and yeast

If in the previous recipe we talked about yeast as an optional component of the composition for the health of the hair, then here they will become the main ingredient.

You can use any of the listed herbs here. Based on them, you need to prepare 20 grams of broth, to which add the same amount of grams of yeast. An egg yolk is also placed here, after which the mixture is thoroughly beaten until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Why is yeast needed? Not only because of the content of useful substances and vitamins in them. Leave the cooked “dish” to ferment for about one hour, then add a spoonful of burdock and a few drops of essential (any) oil to it.

The mask should be warm when applied. In extreme cases, it should be heated in a water bath. The composition prepared at home is applied to the hair, and after 35–45 minutes it is washed off with plain water. Also, when washing off, you can use the same herbal decoction, which will saturate the hairs with useful trace elements.

Such a yeast remedy will provide excellent care for oily curls, and to achieve a quick result, you can apply it three times a week for about a month.

At the same time herbs, on the basis of which the decoction is prepared, it is better to choose in accordance with the color of the girl's strands. So, St. John's wort or oak bark is more suitable for dark-haired beauties. For fair ones, chamomile will be the best solution.

Recipe for kefir-egg masks

Sour-milk ingredients combined with many favorite egg yolks will help to achieve amazing density. Here you will also need cocoa powder in the amount of 1 tsp, which must be mixed with two glasses of kefir. The mentioned egg is also added here, after which the mixture is well beaten and applied to the head.

December 22, 2018

Caring for curls from many women takes a lot of free time, because you really want your hair to fully match the image, be lush and voluminous. This can be achieved in one way - to use home-made masks to add volume and thickness to hair, or use purchased ones, which not everyone can afford.

A care mask that gives volume to hair is recommended for women who have not been endowed by nature with lush hair. Thanks to some substances that are usually found in mixtures, the strands become visually thick, acquire a chic volume. Regardless of whether the mask was purchased in a specialized store, or prepared according to recipes with your own hands at home, there are several rules and recommendations that should be followed to achieve the long-awaited result.

Basic rules of application:

  1. The use of masks to increase the density should be regular - at least 10 times a month.
  2. Homemade recipes for hair density are prepared only from high-quality fresh products.
  3. Be sure to rinse the curls thoroughly and blot with a towel before applying the mixture.
  4. Heat contributes to the activity of the components of the mask, so after applying the mass to the strands, you need to warm your head - with a plastic cap, a towel.
  5. It is recommended to remove the mask from the hair with warm or even cold water, herbal decoction.
  6. If masks for the density of strands are used regularly, you need to take a short break every few months and let your hair rest.
  7. To eliminate addiction, especially if home remedies are used, it is better to alternate different mask recipes.

The duration of the effect of the mask on the strands depends on the recipe, but usually the whole procedure takes about an hour. Sometimes the use of a product for volume and density can cause discomfort and even allergies. To prevent such troubles, you can do a simple test - apply a few drops of the prepared drug on your wrist. If the skin has not reacted with a rash or burning for several hours, you can use the mask on your hair.

Hair care at home: recipes for hair density

Do-it-yourself recipes for density are considered the most effective for hair care at home, because they not only quickly give the curls such a desirable volume, but also cost almost nothing, all components of the mask for volume can be found at home.

Kefir, bread

will give the hair the desired volume, make it soft, thick and easy to fit into any hairstyle, give a beautiful shine.


  • 15 gr. henna (powder);
  • 180 ml of kefir;
  • 85-90 gr. black bread.

Pour the bread with warm kefir, wait a quarter of an hour, knead the crumb into a homogeneous gruel. Add henna, mix thoroughly. Apply to the scalp and always along the entire length of each strand. Wash off the thickening mask at home after about an hour. For rinsing, it is recommended to take water with the addition of a few drops of fruit vinegar. If the hair is light, then henna can not be added - it can give a grayish tint to the strands.

Yeast and milk

not only can create the effect of a thick and voluminous mane, but also has another advantage - it can be used on all types of curls.


  • 45 gr. yeast (it is better to take pressed ones);
  • 45 ml of milk;
  • 25 ml olive oil;
  • 15 gr. granulated sugar.

Heat milk and mix with yeast and granulated sugar. Leave warm for at least half an hour. Add olive oil, mix and start applying the mask. Cover with a uniform layer of the mixture not only the skin of the head, but also each strand. You can wash off after half an hour, but it is better to leave for a longer time - up to an hour and a half.

Mustard and yolk

The recipe for hair care at home and the yolk will not only make the curls visually thicker, but also strengthen the roots, preventing hair loss.


  • 45 ml of water;
  • 50 gr. mustard powder;
  • yolk;
  • 45 ml of oil (olive, almond, even ordinary sunflower).

Dilute the mustard with water (pour the liquid in small parts), then add the pounded yolk, pour in the oil. Apply evenly over the entire length of the curls, leaving a small amount on the scalp. The mask for increasing the density is quite burning, so it is quite difficult to withstand the discomfort. Do not worry that the recipe will cause harm - burning means that beneficial substances penetrate the tissues of the skin and hair. The impact will take about an hour, but if you can’t stand it, you can remove it a little earlier.

Oil, lemon

The recipe for hair density at home perfectly cleans dust and grease, betrays a beautiful sparkle.


  • 55 ml castor oil;
  • 50 ml of lemon juice;
  • 35 ml of burdock oil.

Send a mixture of oils for a short time in a water bath, then add freshly squeezed juice. Apply the mask on the strands, trying to evenly cover each hair. During the application of the composition, carry out a light head massage - this contributes to the penetration of nutrients into the cells of the epidermis. Rinse off the mask for density and volume with warm water, to facilitate the process, you can add a little shampoo.

cognac, salt

Hair after using this not only becomes much thicker, but also shines, as after expensive cosmetic procedures.


  • 85 ml of high-quality cognac;
  • 25 ml of natural honey;
  • 30 gr. sea ​​salt.

In a small container, combine all the ingredients, tightly close the lid and send to a cool dark room for a week. The mask at home is applied to the hair and scalp. Be sure to use a hat made of film and a towel for warming. The time required to increase the density is an hour and a half.

Professional masks

Using ready-made professional masks for hair volume and giving them density is much easier than making a recipe at home. In most hair care products, they are already completely ready for application, the only thing needed for preparation is to rinse the strands and dry them slightly.


Just one application of the mask is enough for the curls to be completely transformed - they become silky and voluminous. There is an increase in density due to argan oil, which is not inferior in price to truffles or black caviar. The product has a delicate delicate aroma that remains on the strands for a long time. The price of the mask is about 1200 rubles.

The active component of the mask is an extract from sunflower seeds. Thanks to the oil-rich ingredient, the hair will not only be filled with volume, but also acquire a delightful shine and fluffiness. The tool perfectly protects the strands from external irritants, split ends and even restores damaged tissues. The cost is from 850 rubles.

A tool with many benefits. One of them - the mask gives the strands such a desired density. Regular use will allow you to constantly enjoy the chic look of hair and the feeling of silkiness from touching the curls. Another plus of using the drug is that useful substances quickly penetrate into the hair tissue, thereby contributing to recovery from damage. The cost is from 900 rubles.


Cotton oil, which is the main active component of the preparation, gives volume to the hair. Another advantage of the mask for density and care is the nutrition of the strands, which is great for dry and thin curls. Recommended for permanent use, it will lead to excellent results - the hair will always be "live", thick and voluminous, with a natural shine. Price - from 2000 rubles.

Some girls naturally have "liquid" strands that grow slowly. Especially for them, we will give effective hair masks that can easily be done at home. All of them are designed for hair growth and density, but it is advisable to alternate recipes with each other. Let's not delay, let's get started right away!

Rules for the use of masks for hair growth and density

1. Masks for hair growth are recommended to be applied every 3-5 days. At home, a course is conducted, consisting of 15 sessions. This is followed by a month break. Funds are not used randomly, systematicity is needed, otherwise there will be no result.

2. If the mixture contains strong-smelling components, such as garlic cloves or onions, after shampooing, additionally rinse the strands with water and lemon (80 ml of citrus juice per 2 liters).

3. A mask for hair density, including yeast or gelatin, is distributed over pre-washed and dried hair. The components are steamed and distributed warm.

4. If the product is enriched with harsh ingredients, it must be applied to unwashed hair.

5. Hair masks are kept strictly under the film. The warming effect is required for hair growth and density.

6. Carry out a sensitivity test: a small part of the composition is distributed to the area behind the ear, washed off after half an hour. If there is no rash (itching, burning), start therapy.

7. To enhance the effect during application, lightly massage the head, 3 minutes will be enough. Only then insulate with cellophane and a towel.

The best recipes for masks for hair density and growth

It was already mentioned earlier that for greater efficiency, it is necessary to alternate recipes with each other. Hair should not get used to one mask.

No. 1. With burdock oil

1. This tool includes only one component, but the result is truly amazing. Buy pure burdock oil or with pepper, the second option is specially designed for hair growth.

2. Applying it is easy. Measure the required amount, warm up for a couple to a comfortable temperature. The oil should not burn.

3. Rub first into the root part, massage, stretch down. Lubricate the ends generously. After wrapping with a film, note 2 hours.

No. 2. With kefir

1. Hair masks with kefir are quickly prepared at home. They are designed specifically for hair growth and density, the result is noticeable after only three treatments.

2. You will need kaolin (white clay) in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Fill it with water, let stand for about a third of an hour. In another bowl, soak 3 slices of black bread pulp in warm kefir.

3. When the bread is soaked, turn it into porridge, combine with clay. After application, note 50 minutes and remove.

Number 3. with garlic

1. Garlic masks smell unpleasant, but they are not inferior in effectiveness to purchased products.

2. Grind into porridge 8 teeth, combine with 80 ml. olive oil and let sit for 15 minutes.

3. Rub into the roots, do a three-minute massage and wrap the mop in a film. Remove after 30-40 minutes.

No. 4. With vitamins

1. In order for hair to grow, it needs nutrition. Vitamins B12 and B6 are aimed at enriching the follicles. After a month, you will notice a “fluff” of new hair.

2. Combine 1 ampoule of the named vitamins. Enter 20 gr. balm and 3 raw yolks. Whisk.

3. Apply, massage. Stretch to the ends and wrap your hair with cellophane for an hour.

No. 5. With dimexide

1. Hair masks with the inclusion of dimexide stimulate metabolic processes. Carrying out procedures at home, it is better to take additional ingredients for hair growth and density. Vitamins play their part.

2. You will need to purchase 2 ampoules of vitamin E and A in advance. Connect them, enter 1 tsp. dimexide and 4 tsp. burdock oil. Make sure the mixture is at a comfortable temperature for application.

3. It is necessary to distribute the composition on dirty hair and skin. After rubbing and wrapping with a film, note 45 minutes. Rinse early if it stings.

No. 6. With aloe vera

1. The plant has a disinfecting property, and therefore this mask is ideal for owners of oily hair. It normalizes the production of fat and enhances growth.

2. Cool 3 egg yolks and fluff with a fork. Keep the aloe in the cold for 20 minutes, then squeeze out the juice. Add to the yolks along with 70 ml. castor oil.

3. Bring to a temperature above room temperature, but so that the eggs do not curl. After application, keep under a special cap for 1-2 hours.

No. 7. With pepper tincture

1. The mask has been popular for many years due to its ability to increase blood flow to the skin and improve growth. Red pepper tincture will benefit everyone.

2. Measure out 15 ml., combine with 3-4 raw yolks. Whisk and make sure the product is above room temperature. Apply with rubbing motions.

3. Hair masks with a warming effect are aged at home for no more than half an hour. For hair growth and density, create a thermal effect.

No. 8. with yeast

1. The recipe uses a decoction of herbs. For dark hair, use nettle, for light hair - chamomile, red hair is better to use calendula.

2. Prepare a decoction of 20 gr. dry collection and 1 liter. boiling water. Leave to infuse, strain. After cooling, stir in 15 gr. yeast and beaten raw egg yolk.

3. The finished mixture should be left warm for an hour. Type in 50 ml. almond oil. Apply the composition by massaging the skin. Spread the rest to the ends of the strands. Turn your head and wait an hour.

No. 9. With onion

1. Onion masks leave behind a specific smell, so after removing them, rinse your hair with water and lemon juice (80 ml of juice is required for 2 liters). The same remedy can be used for falling out.

2. Mix together in equal proportions high-fat mayonnaise, olive oil, honey, onion juice. Warm up slightly and apply for 50 minutes.

No. 10. With henna

1. Hair masks will achieve the desired effect. They are ideal for hair growth and density. Use the recipe regularly.

2. Mix 200 ml. low-fat kefir and 45 gr. soft part of rye bread. Wait for it to get wet. Make a homogeneous gruel and mix 40 gr. colorless henna soaked in water.

3. Spread the mask over the curls. Warm up and wait 40 minutes. Rinse with a solution: 10 ml per liter of water. apple cider vinegar.

No. 11. With bread

1. The presented tool is suitable for owners of short or medium strands, bread will get confused in long curls.

2. You will need 3 slices of bread, as well as warmed milk. Soak the crumb in it, and then turn the entire contents into porridge.

3. Apply to the roots and massage gently. You can stretch the remaining tool to the ends, but not necessarily. Delete after an hour.

No. 12. With cognac

1. Hair masks with the addition of cognac help to achieve an impressive result. Systematic application is effective for hair growth and density.

2. Use an enamel pan. Combine in it 35 gr. liquid honey, the same amount of fine sea salt, 180 ml. cognac. Stir food and cover.

3. Insist 8 hours. Apply and lightly massage at the roots. Wrap your head and heat with a hair dryer. Wait an hour.

No. 13. With soy protein

1. Such masks for hair growth noticeably thicken the structure. Dilute 100 gr. protein with any herbal decoction. Get a creamy mass. Mix in 10 gr. powdered sugar.

2. Distribute the finished product over moistened curls. Pay special attention to the root zone. Wrap your head with a film and a towel. Wait 50 minutes, wash.

No. 14. With honey

1. A simple mask recipe will allow you to achieve visible volume and density in the shortest possible time. In addition, there is a natural shine.

2. Steam 50 ml. burdock oil. Enter 10 ml. skate and the same amount of liquid honey. Stir in the beaten yolk.

3. Rub, stretch down and pay attention to the ends. Keep warm according to the classical scheme for a couple of hours.

No. 15. with mustard

1. Hair masks with mustard powder show impressive results. The products are especially effective for hair growth and density.

2. Warm up 40 ml a little. olive oils. Mix with beaten egg yolk. In parallel, combine in another cup 50 ml. water and 25 gr. mustard powder. Mix everything together.

3. Apply the mask from roots to ends, massage into the skin. Build a cap and wait 1 hour. If you feel discomfort, rinse off.

Home recipes have always been more popular than salon treatments. It makes no sense to overpay if the desired effect can be achieved independently.

A head covered with healthy, shiny hair will provide a presentable look to any man or woman. But in the current scenario, it looks like a far-fetched dream if you don't use a hair mask. Increasing amounts of pollution in the environment, wrong eating habits and stressful periods are the culprits of the struggle that every person is currently experiencing. Let's talk in this article about home masks for thick and fast hair growth.

When it comes to finding out the causes of the problem and the lack of hair, we should not ignore the store-bought products, because they are often the hidden culprits of all hair ailments.

Cold outdoor air and blow-drying can wreak havoc on even dense hair. Homemade products can replenish the density and moisture of the hair. If you are looking for ways to restore the quality of your hair, then it is reasonable to eliminate these funds. But then the question arises of how and how to take care of curls without purchased chemical products?

Cold damages hair

It is not difficult to prepare such funds yourself. Dryness, thinness and brittleness of the hair is due to protein deficiency. Using a protein mixture will help moisturize the hair. A basic mix of eggs, yogurt, avocado, and mayonnaise can definitely help. But greater efficiency will be obtained after applying a mask with gelatin, banana, coconut oil.

Quality hair is like a precious seedling: you must water and nurture it to grow into a healthy, strong tree full of vitality.

Guaranteed to improve hair:

  • Stop daily washing;
  • Eliminate the use of a hair dryer;
  • Buy a humidifier. It is beneficial for the entire skin and respiratory tract;
  • Use of moisturizing homemade cosmetics.

Simple tips to make your hair stronger

Simple rules will help you make your hair thick and strong, which is important for every girl and woman.

About the universal mask for thick and fast hair growth

Making homemade products is not only very cheap, but extremely simple. You need a few simple ingredients from the kitchen. For a traditional mask that is guaranteed to increase the density and amount of hair, only three ingredients will serve: ground mustard powder and olive / vegetable oil.

Everything is at hand


  • Portion of mustard powder;
  • Water;
  • Olive/vegetable oil;
  • Egg.

Apply exclusively to the roots.

About the egg mask for density and rapid hair growth

Now, where pollution and artificial cosmetics deprive the hair of its natural protein, egg mixtures can prove to be effective. The egg works as a great hair strengthening agent. By adding oil to it, which further strengthens and thickens dull hair.

The simplest mask

For the mask:

  • Yolk;
  • Aloe;
  • Oil.

Heat some olive/vegetable oil. Spread the mixture over the entire surface of the scalp. Leave the mixture for half an hour and rinse with water. You will notice that the hair will become shiny and beautiful.

About a mask based on henna for density and rapid hair growth

Henna is used to make natural hair look better, which is why there is a traditional henna mixture. But there are other preparations for hair that are prepared with a mixture of henna and other ingredients, which helps to make any hair shiny and nourished.

Henna helps thicken hair

We all know that henna is always used for coloring. For a better effect, you need to soak henna in green or black tea. To double the conditioning effect, add an egg to the henna mixture. Instead of an egg, you can mix yogurt or essential oil.

About the mask for hair density and growth

While there are many hair products out there, you don't need to spend a lot of money on expensive hair masks to keep your hair thick. A homemade mask remains a harmless way to strengthen hair.

The composition of such a mixture for intensive hair thickening:

Cheap but effective


  1. Mix everything and distribute a little of the mixture on the root area;
  2. When the mixture layer dries, apply another layer;
  3. Cover your head with a warm cloth;
  4. Wash off the mask after 25 minutes.

The mixture should be applied regularly throughout the week. Constant use of the mixture will make the hair much denser.

About oil-lemon mask for oily hair

Lemon is famous for vitamin C, which is good for enhancing the shine of the hair. The ancient Egyptians used lemon instead of shampoo to remove dirt or oil from their hair. Heat, improper diet, chemicals, humidity, fatty foods, hormonal changes are a few of the causes that cause oily hair. Oily roots or scalp is a very common problem and it definitely needs attention.

Lemon to get rid of oily hair

The astringent qualities of lemon make it good for oily roots. Its wonderful citrus aroma is refreshing.

For the mask:

  • Beat the egg and add henna;
  • Add olive oil, honey and water;
  • Mix.

First, wash your hair with plain running water and spread the mixture on your hair. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off.

About kefir mask for density and rapid hair growth

Because of its proven benefits for overall health, kefir is becoming popular day by day in the grooming field. Women in the countries of Central Asia traditionally use kefir in their care regimen. Wait method is to prepare a homemade mask.

Kefir will save your hair

Kefir is a fermented dairy product that tastes similar to yogurt. This product contains billions of live beneficial bacteria or yeast. It is the most powerful probiotic and antioxidant. Often there is not enough time to take care of their appearance. Therefore, they try to choose practical methods that do not require too much effort and time.

A simple kefir mask is a good remedy. Without other components, it is easy to apply the product to the hair. Leave for 15 minutes. Deficiency or excess of some supplements in the mask can contribute to an unpleasant side effect. Choose the right recipe depending on your needs.

About the mask with burdock oil for the density and speed of hair growth

Experts have confirmed that burdock is a great help for hair, improves structure, prevents loss and increases hair growth. Burdock oil has no contraindications. One part oil is enough, but long hair needs two parts.

Burdock oil can be bought at any pharmacy

Hot (but comfortable for the surface of the head) oil must be absorbed into the roots with rubbing movements. Leave for a couple of hours. The oil can be washed off with shampoo.

About pine nuts for thick hair

Delicious pine nuts are used in food or as a snack. Pine nuts can even help you lose weight, and they are especially good for your hair. Pine nuts are rich in protein and vitamin E. Vitamin E is good for enhancing hair growth. Also it keeps the head free from dandruff. The selenium and acids present in pine nuts help to keep the head healthy.

Pine nuts are useful even for hair

Zinc, biotin and B6 present in pine nuts can prevent baldness. The nuts are consumed internally or used pine nut oil to apply to the roots.

About honey and yeast - a mask for density and rapid hair growth

The use of yeast is very effective in accelerating hair growth, and honey has conditioning properties. Yeast contains many stimulating components. With the help of yeast, you can prevent baldness, improve the structure and accelerate growth. Honey is an emollient product that retains moisture in the hair. This reduces brittleness, which is often the cause of stunted growth.

Honey is the best remedy for hair growth

For the mixture, take water, mix with yeast and set aside for an hour. Apply everything to the roots, then cover with cellophane and wrap with a towel. Wash off the mixture after an hour.

About mustard mask for density and rapid hair growth

Along with antimicrobial properties, there are mustard treatments as a skin cleanser. This results in a gorgeous mane that is so important to any woman.

Mustard for thick hair

Mustard plays a significant role in many beauty treatments. The gift of this nature helps to stimulate the follicles. Mustard helps reduce the secretion of oil from the scalp. Mustard seeds contain 16.5-38.5% fatty oil and about 0.2-1% essential oil, protein, mineral compounds (up to 10%) and myosin enzyme. Mustard stimulates follicles, blood circulation, strengthens hair.


  • mustard powder;
  • Kefir;
  • Sugar;
  • Corn starch;
  • Yolk;
  • Castor oil.


  1. Mix the ingredients;
  2. Apply everything on the head;
  3. Leave everything for 25 minutes.

If the burning sensation is severe, reduce the duration.

About the mask for the density of fine hair

If the hair is thin, there is no reason to spend money on procedures and products. There are a lot of folk remedies that help grow denser and voluminous hair. For a hair thickening mask, you will need 10-12 fresh curry leaves and 2 parts coconut oil. Curry leaves are rich in protein and beta-carotene, essential when it comes to fighting thinning. The properties of coconut oil make this mixture ideal for thinning hair.

Curry will thicken your hair


  • Heat curry leaves in coconut oil;
  • Wait for the oil to drop to a warm temperature;
  • Apply it on the surface of the head;
  • Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash off with shampoo.

Benefits of curry leaves and coconut oil oil mask: reduces hair loss, moisturizes hair, nourishes and thickens.

Healthy, thick hair requires gentle care. If you regularly take care of them and pamper them with nourishing masks, then the hairstyle will be lush for a long time, the strands will be silky and obedient. There are many folk recipes for hair density. The most simple and effective are collected in this article.

Nature has not awarded all women with thick healthy hair. But there are affordable means with which you can improve the appearance of your hair - They are not inferior, and often even superior in effect to store cosmetics.

The benefits of hair masks

The reasons for dissatisfaction with your hair can be different. Some have naturally fine hair, others suffer from hair loss or have damaged their hair by drying it out. There is only one result - liquid, brittle, dull strands that do not hold volume. These problems can be corrected. It is enough to use masks from available and useful components, which are divided into:

  • warming - increase blood microcirculation;
  • - give shine and nourish, stimulate growth;
  • protein - restore the structure;
  • - give volume to the hairstyle and nourish the skin;
  • - prevent hair loss, strengthen and saturate with vitamins.

The components are selected so as to act on the scalp, stimulating blood circulation and the growth of new hair. For these purposes, masks with 2-3 ingredients are suitable, which enhance and complement each other's properties.

Application rules

Medical masks are applied 1-2 times a week, with a course of 10-15 procedures and a break of 1 month. You can combine several compositions, alternating warming pepper and light herbal masks.

There are simple rules, following which the mask for hair density will bring benefits and quick results:

  • Apply oil formulations, products with, dairy products, pepper, cinnamon, and garlic before washing your hair. They need to be washed off with shampoo to wash out small particles and remove an unpleasant odor.
  • Gelatin, yeast, herbal masks are applied to a clean head.
  • If there are oils among the components, then they must be introduced into the composition heated in a water bath.
  • To enhance the effect of the product, the head is covered with a plastic cap or film, and wrapped in a towel.
  • If the composition contains honey and, then an allergy test will be useful. Prepare a small amount and apply to the skin. If redness appears, discard this recipe.

Enhances the effect of oil masks for hair density light massage. Start with a central parting and move to the back of the head, rubbing the product into the scalp.

This will have a positive effect on microcirculation and stimulate the work of hair follicles.

Homemade masks are good because you can choose an individual composition that suits your problem. Below are the most popular and proven recipes for making hair thicker and lush.

Yeast with chamomile for growth and density

An excellent tool for the rapid growth of strands, nourishing the skin and roots. Suitable brewer's yeast in a briquette, dry or in tablets.

  • Yeast 1 tsp
  • Yolk.
  • 3 filter bags.

Dissolve yeast in water and leave in a warm place. Make an infusion of dry chamomile flowers and mix with yeast. Add beaten yolk. Strand by strand, apply the composition on the head. Warm up and wait 15-30 min.

Burdock for density and volume

A traditional remedy for hair growth and strengthening, nourishes and prevents hair loss.

  • - 4 tbsp. l.

Warm up a bottle of oil in hot water. Pour the product into the palm of your hand and rub into the skin. Spread the oil from roots to ends with a comb. Warm your head and keep the remedy not less than an hour. Wash off with plenty of shampoo.

Kefir-castor for growth and density

After castor oil, the hair becomes silky, obedient and thick. Kefir strengthens and saturates the strands, so they grow faster.

  • - 1 tbsp. l.
  • - 0.5 cups.

Heat the kefir and pour the oil into it, mix. Apply to the roots, cover with a film and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with herbal decoction (chamomile, oak, linden).

Cognac with egg

Makes hair thick, strengthens and restores, reduces hair loss.

Since alcohol dries hair, the product must contain fatty dairy products, yolk, honey or oils. You can add herbs and henna.

  • 1 st. l.
  • Yolk.
  • Honey 1 tsp

In a deep bowl, combine warmed honey, warm cognac and whipped yolk. Apply the mask strand by strand over the entire head, tie with a film and a towel. Hold on 15-30 min., then rinse.


Actively stimulates the growth of new hair, makes them thick and silky.

  • Red pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. l.

Melt the honey in a water bath. Add pepper and mix thoroughly. Put on gloves and apply the product with massaging movements. Warm your head and keep the mixture 30 minutes. If you feel a strong burning sensation, rinse off the product.


Stimulates and enhances blood circulation. The strands become thicker and stronger. Can be applied to dirty hair.

  • Mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar (increases pungency) - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix mustard and sugar, dilute with hot water until liquid. Apply to the skin with massaging movements. Put on an insulating cap for 30 min. A slight tingling and burning sensation is allowed. Wash off with shampoo and apply a balm.


The task of this composition is to nourish the hair follicles with the vitamins necessary for growth and restore the damaged structure of the strands.

  • Oil vitamins, 3 ampoules.
  • Yolk.
  • Shampoo - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the yolk, vitamins into a homogeneous mass. Cover the strands with the composition and hold 40-60 min. Rinse thoroughly.

Gelatin for sparse hair

Gelatin saturates with proteins and makes hair elastic, shiny, voluminous and thick. It closes the "scales" and the hair is less fluffy.

  • Warm water - 3 tbsp. l.
  • - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Balm - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Soak dry gelatin in warm water. When it swells, combine with balm. Distribute through the strands without applying to the skin and roots. Cover with plastic and heat with a hair dryer. Leave on 30-40 min. Then rinse with water.

Onion with honey

Onion juice gives radiance, strengthens and stimulates growth. Honey saturates with essential trace elements and gives volume.

  • Bulb.
  • Honey - 1 hour l.

Grate the onion on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Melt thick honey in warm water and mix with juice. Apply to strands and hold for 1 hour.


Homemade cosmetics can cause allergies if there is an individual intolerance to one of the ingredients of the composition. The most dangerous are masks with mustard. They are very irritating, warm up the skin and should not be used for any, even minimal, skin damage.