The best exercises for the pectoral muscles in the gym. Exercises for pectoral muscles for girls in the gym

Doing chest growth exercises for girls is the best way to lift your chest a little at home. They help to get your “girls” back in shape and prevent sagging. In fact, with developed pectoral muscles, your posture will become better, and the overall silhouette will be more attractive. Therefore, dear girls, down with tight push-up bras! Do this set of 15 exercises and in a couple of weeks you will already see the result.

Before starting any workout in the gym or at home, it is essential to warm up the target muscles to prevent injury.

Standing chest stretch:

  1. Stand straight, straighten your back, draw in your stomach;
  2. Pull your shoulders back and raise your arms, bending them at the elbows so that the forearms are parallel to the face;
  3. Take your hands back and open your chest;
  4. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 5;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

The camel pose opens the chest and stretches it well. It also stretches the back muscles well.

Performing the Camel exercise:

  1. Get down on your knees, push them a little to the sides;
  2. Bend back, grab your heels with your hands;
  3. Open your chest and feel the stretch in your chest and back;
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 5;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

This exercise works both the muscles of the chest and the upper back. Exercise for beginners. You will need a pair of dumbbells.

Performing Seated Dumbbell Raises:

  1. Sit on a bench, straighten your back, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders laid back, stomach pulled in;
  2. Take a dumbbell in each hand and lower it down;
  3. As you exhale, raise your arms to shoulder level;
  4. Lower your arms as you inhale.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 12;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Lying dumbbell spread

This exercise is similar to the previous one and is one of the most effective for pumping up the pectoral muscles. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a fitball.

Performing lying dumbbell wiring:

  1. Sit on a fitball, take a dumbbell in each hand. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, straighten your back;
  2. Step forward until your body is parallel to the floor and only your shoulders are touching the ball. Make sure your abs are tight and your hips, pelvis, and chest are on the same level;
  3. Raise your arms up above your chest, turn your hands facing each other;
  4. As you exhale, spread your arms to the sides and lower until the dumbbells are at chest level;
  5. On the inhale

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Incline Dumbbell Press

The incline dumbbell press is great for building pectoral muscles and requires an incline bench to do it. The same exercise can be performed in a neutral position and with a negative angle. All 3 options work on different areas of the same muscles.

Incline dumbbell press:

  1. Lie on a bench with an inclination, straighten your back, take your shoulders back;
  2. Take a dumbbell in each hand, lift it up, turn your hands forward;
  3. Lower the dumbbells down, bending your arms at an angle of 90 degrees;
  4. On an inhale, return to the starting position. At the top, the dumbbells should touch each other.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 15;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

The bench press is one of the main exercises for the pectoral muscles. It can be performed both in a neutral position, tilted, and tilted with a negative angle.

Performing a bench press:

  1. Lie on a bench with your back straight and your stomach in. Feet fully rest on the floor slightly wider than shoulders;
  2. Place your hands so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. Firmly grasp the barbell, hands turned forward;
  3. While inhaling, slowly squeeze the bar up, straightening your elbows;
  4. Hold this position for a second and lower as you exhale.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

Wide push-ups - regular push-ups, but with a wide stance. They work out the pectoral muscles more precisely due to the wide arrangement of the hands.

Performing wide push-ups:

  1. Take the starting position for push-ups, the back is straight, the press is tense;
  2. Position your arms wider than your shoulders;
  3. Get down as low as possible, bending your elbows;
  4. Return to starting position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 15 seconds;

Incline push-ups put more strain on the pectoral muscles than classic push-ups. You can use a fitball or other high ground.

Bent over push-ups:

  1. Take the starting position for push-ups, place your feet on a hill;
  2. Do 5 regular push ups.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 5;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Medicine ball push-ups

This is a difficult version of push-ups, but with a little practice and you will succeed. You will need 2 medicine balls.

Performing medicine ball push-ups:

  1. Place 2 medicine balls on the floor shoulder width apart;
  2. Put the brushes on the balls, stretch your legs back. Rest on socks;
  3. Bend your elbows, lower yourself down and return to the starting position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 7;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Plank with dumbbells

The plank is great for strengthening the core muscles, and a little modification can make it very effective for strengthening the pectoral muscles.

Performing a bar with a turn with dumbbells:

  1. Set 2 dumbbells on the floor at shoulder width;
  2. Get on your knees, lean forward and grab dumbbells with both hands. Dumbbells should be located clearly in line with the shoulders and elbows;
  3. Holding firmly on the dumbbells, straighten your legs. Feet should be shoulder width apart;
  4. Raise the right dumbbell and turn to the right. Keep your right hand straight, look at the dumbbell. Hold the other dumbbell firmly with your left hand. You can also rotate your left leg for balance;
  5. Slowly return to the starting position;
  6. Repeat the same on the other side.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Dumbbell bench press in the gluteal bridge

This exercise engages the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, thighs and pectoral muscles. You will need 2 dumbbells.

Performing a dumbbell bench press in the gluteal bridge:

  1. Take a dumbbell in each hand and lie on your back. Bend your knees, feet fully on the floor. Stretch your arms up, turn your hands forward;
  2. Lift your hips off the floor, squeeze your buttocks and slowly lower the dumbbells, bending your arms into a “V” shape. Lower your arms until the dumbbells almost touch your chest;
  3. Return your hands to their original position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 12;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Overhead Dumbbell Press

Yes, this exercise is aimed at pumping up the shoulders, but it also involves the chest muscles. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and move forward.

Performing dumbbell overhead press:

  1. Stand straight, legs wider than shoulders;
  2. Raise your arms so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor and your forearms are perpendicular to your shoulders. Turn the brushes forward. This is the starting position;
  3. Squeeze the dumbbells with an arch up, bringing them together at the top point. Do not straighten your arms;
  4. Return your hands to their original position.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 12;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Reduction of hands while standing

This exercise may seem difficult, which in principle it is. You will need an expander and a stable support.

Performing hand reduction while standing:

  1. Attach the expander to the support. Turn around, grab the handles of the expander and move forward. Stop when you feel the stretch. Bring one leg forward, slightly bend your elbows (away behind your back), keep your hands at chest level, face to the floor. This is the starting position;
  2. Straighten your arms and bring them together in front of you;
  3. Slowly return your hands to their original position;
  4. Do 6 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 6;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

  1. Isometric chest exercise

You don't need any equipment for this exercise. This exercise is isometric, which involves using only the strength of your body to work out the muscles.

Performing an isometric exercise for the pectoral muscles:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, shoulders relaxed;
  2. Squeeze your palms tightly at chest level;
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds;
  4. Relax your arms and lower.

Sets and Reps- 2 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds;

Wall push-ups burn calories well and tone the muscles. They are aimed at working out the muscles of the chest, biceps, deltoid muscles, rhomboid and core muscles.

Performing push-ups from the wall:

  1. Stand at a distance of 60-90 cm from the wall. Rest your hands on the wall shoulder-width apart. Hands should be at the same level with the shoulders. This is the starting position;
  2. Bend your elbows and inhale as you approach your chest as close to the wall as possible;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. The head should be in a straight line with the shoulders, the buttocks are retracted, the press is tense.

Sets and Reps- 3 to 10;

Relaxation- 10 Seconds.

These are the 15 most effective chest exercises for women. We will tell you a little more about the benefits of these exercises.

Benefits of chest exercises

In addition to lifting the chest and increasing strength and posture, these basic exercises have a bunch of benefits for the female half of all ages, namely:

  • Exercises for the muscles of the chest will not affect its size, but may raise it slightly. These exercises allow you to avoid sagging breasts;
  • These exercises will not make the chest hard. They pump up the pectoral muscles, which are located at the base of the chest. Thus, the chest becomes more elevated and looks more voluminous;
  • The correct study of the pectoral muscles also tones the muscles of the arms and upper back, since most of these exercises pump triceps, biceps and deltas .

Chest exercises help to tone and strengthen the upper body. The pumped top will give you harmony and strength. Do not hesitate, take dumbbells in your hands and go, dear ladies!

Many women are extremely dissatisfied not only with the size of their breasts, but also with the shape. Absolutely everyone dreams of a beautiful bust, and if in their youth many are content with their parameters, then after childbirth everything changes dramatically and the thoughts of the ladies are full of questions about what to do to restore the mammary glands to their former beauty.

It's no secret that plastic surgery can not only restore, but also "add" what is missing. But, not everyone can afford such a procedure, and the consequences that you may encounter also scare away from the operation.

If your chest began to sag and its shape is not at all pleasing, then it is time to go in for sports. It is active training that will allow you to tighten your chest and wear revealing outfits without hesitation. In addition, you will have the opportunity to become the owner of a stunningly toned body, which will return you to an excellent mood and self-confidence. So, dear ladies, if you want to tighten your chest, then we start playing sports.

There are two options, thanks to which you can restore elasticity, attractiveness to the bust, and even significantly tighten it. These are home workouts, as well as a visit to the gym.

In our article, we will consider both options for dealing with the problem, which will allow you to choose the most suitable and convenient one.

Attractive shapes at home

If you regularly perform the exercises below at home, then the chest muscles will gain tone, due to which the bust will rise, and the shape will improve slightly. In this case, one should not hope that the mammary glands will increase, since this is impossible without plastic surgery.

Women's breasts can be tightened with the following exercises:

How many times should the exercises be repeated?

You can tighten your chest with these exercises if you strictly follow certain rules, namely:

  • you should do at least 3, ideally 5 approaches;
  • the number of repetitions from 10 to 20 times, depending on endurance and physical level. human training.

Before moving from one approach to the next, you need to take a short pause (one minute). If the body does not have time to “come to its senses” in one minute, the rest between sets can be increased to two, but during the training period you should try to come to the first option of a break.

As for the frequency of training, they should be done three times a week. This will be quite enough to tighten the chest and make it as attractive as possible.

When working with dumbbells, use a light weight (0.5 - 1 kg). If these attributes are missing, you can fill half-liter bottles with water, and start exercising.

Regularly performing the above training complex and following all the rules, the first positive results can be noticed after a month. Then you will need to increase the load (dumbbell weight, number of repetitions), since the muscles will already get used to the exercises that you have been doing for a month and will stop “reacting” to your actions.

How to do a workout in the gym

If you decide to visit the gym in order to improve the chest, then this will be the best solution, since there are special conditions for the implementation of the full complex, thanks to which you can get amazing results. At the same time, visiting the gym, you will find not only elastic tightened bust shapes, but also correct the waist, buttocks and legs.

Gym workout

Regular exercise in the gym will allow you to adjust the body, especially if they are well planned. It is possible to improve problem areas, including the bust area, with maximum efficiency in the very place where there are all the necessary simulators for this. Also in the gym there are dumbbells of different weights, which will allow you to gradually increase the load for faster positive results.

It is worth noting that those women and girls who think that exercising in the gym will help increase their breasts by 2-3 sizes are very much mistaken.

But thanks to training, you are guaranteed to be able to:

  • make the bust more spectacular;
  • tighten the shape of the mammary glands;
  • make your posture perfect, which also helps to improve the appearance of the chest;
  • You will be able to get rid of sagging breasts and prevent the appearance of further defects.

Well-developed pectoral muscles will be able to lift the chest so much that it will actually look a little larger.

To go to the gym or not?

A very large percentage of women think that they can turn into masculine individuals if they start doing iron. But this is a big misconception, because the hormonal background will not allow you to create a huge mountain of muscles throughout the body. The only thing you will get is a toned, graceful sports figure.

You should not be afraid of training in the gym at all, and for the reason that you will not visit this institution every day and work for hours on gaining muscle mass, using special preparations. You are waiting for work with a small weight, and even if you increase it over time, you will not be able to turn into a masculine creature.

That is why, we collect the bag, throwing a convenient, comfortable shape into it, and go to the gym to hone the chest, and “along the way” the figure.

Bust Firming Exercises

Bench press

A huge number of women drew attention to the fact that the forms acquire noticeable elasticity after performing this exercise. It should be performed while on the bench.

The execution technique is quite simple:

  • take a comfortable position, sitting on a bench lying on your back;
  • pre-adjust the height of the racks so that it is convenient to take the barbell;
  • remove the barbell (or the neck from it, depending on the preparation) and lower it very close to the chest, taking a breath;
  • as you exhale, lift the weight up.

Exercises on an inclined bench should be performed in the same way, but in this case the barbell should be lowered closer to the upper chest zone (in the first case, lowering is done to the center of the bust).

Push ups

While in the gym, you can perform not only classic push-ups (from the floor), while placing your hands as wide as possible to work out the pectoral muscle well, but also from the bench.

The exercise should be done as follows:

  • we go down on the exhale;
  • rise on the inhale.

Remember, the lower you go, the more the pectoral muscle works. When pushing up from the bench, you can pre-adjust the height, which will allow you to successfully perform the exercise even for poorly trained women. Over time, the level of the bench can be lowered and, as a result, come to the exercise on the floor.

Working with dumbbells

The exercise is performed similarly to that written earlier, but in the gym you can increase the load with each approach, starting with the minimum possible, and change the dumbbells to heavier ones by 3-4 approaches.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

This exercise is very effective, but it is almost impossible to cope with it immediately without preparation. This type of push-up promotes the development of the pectoral muscles (their lower part), allows you to give a beautiful shape to the triceps and provides a complex effect. If you are not able to cope with this exercise at the initial stages, do not despair. Regular bench presses, as well as push-ups from the surface, will allow you to start exercising on the uneven bars after a while.

The technique for performing this breast lift method is as follows:

  • firmly grasp the bars with your hands, and jerk up;
  • as you exhale, lower your body down, while watching your elbows so that they spread out to the sides;
  • when performing the exercise, press the chin to the body.

When doing push-ups on the uneven bars, try to go as low as possible, while avoiding discomfort. Remember, training in the gym should be fun and cause mild muscle soreness.

Performing a full range of exercises (this is not all that can be done in the gym), after a month of regular training (about 3 times a week) you will notice that your forms have changed significantly. The achieved result will make you move forward, thanks to which you will be able to realize your dream - to tighten the mammary glands as much as possible and be proud of their attractive shape.

In pursuit of a flat stomach, rounded buttocks and embossed legs, women sometimes forget about their breasts, although the muscles under the mammary gland can also be corrected. With the help of chest exercises in the gym, women cannot enlarge the bust and change its shape. However, it is quite possible to tone the muscles and make the upper part expressive. Moreover, increased blood flow in this area further prevents sagging of the mammary glands.

The result depends on the correct selection of practices. The program includes multi-joint and single-joint techniques to strengthen the muscles of the core and load the local area. The standard complex includes:

  • push ups;
  • presses from different positions;
  • lifting dumbbells from an inclined bench;
  • climbs on uneven bars;
  • work in the simulator "butterfly".

How to pump up the breasts of a girl in the gym with push-ups

Start with the classics.

  1. Get down on the floor, rest on it with your toes and hands, spaced wider than your shoulders.
  2. Tighten your pelvis and align your body into a string. Bend your elbows and lower your body down without touching the surface.
  3. Straighten your arms with the power of the muscles of the core and biceps, and lift the body. In the light version, perform the exercise from your knees or from an emphasis on the bench.

Bodybar bench press on a straight bench

Move on to basic techniques. The neck press or works out the center of the pectoral muscles. The principle is simple:

  1. take a projectile from the rack with a direct grip;
  2. and do slow lifts.

Dumbbell option

Due to the wide range of movements of mobile shells, large, small and deep muscles are pumped more efficiently.

  1. Lie down on a bench with weights in your hands.
  2. Rest your feet on the floor.
  3. Squeeze the shells, trying to bring straight arms at the top. This technique creates a critical tension in the middle zone.
  4. Then go into the negative phase and pull them down towards the waist. Having reached the critical point, again go into a positive phase.

  • Lower the load 2 times slower than you raise it.
  • Bring your shoulder blades together at the bottom.
  • Avoid jerky movements to avoid damaging the shoulder rotators.

Bench press on a bench with an inclined back

When the body position at an angle of 30-45° the load is accentuated closer to the collarbone.

  1. Lie down so that the bar is at eye level.
  2. Grasp the base with a wide grip, remove the projectile from the racks and lower it to the upper chest area.
  3. Now press up like a bench press.

Push-ups on the uneven bars for chest training

On the pectoral muscles is designed for girls advanced in sports. It thoroughly pumps the shoulder girdle and triceps. The principle is to extend and bend the arms while raising and lowering the body. Since the chest and three-headed beams work in pairs, depending on the technical nuances, the emphasis is easily shifted. However the muscles of the chest are stronger and, at the slightest opportunity, pull the tension onto themselves.

  1. Go to the simulator with the bars (graviton), located slightly wider than the shoulders, and jump on it.
  2. Hold the body vertically on straight arms, bend your knees at an even angle.
  3. Turn your elbows back and press to yourself, tilt your torso forward.
  4. As you exhale, pull your body. If the movements are difficult, straighten your arms at the top so that excessive tension leaves the triceps in a couple of moments. With good training, keep the elbow bend at 10°.
  5. Lower yourself down and feel a pleasant stretch in your chest area. Move into the positive phase without delay.

Dumbbell bench press on a fitball

No less effective is the point training of the pectoral muscles in the gym on a fitball.

  1. Lie on your back on an exercise ball with the dumbbells palms facing forward. Such a grip will not allow the redistribution of the load on the deltas.
  2. Bend your knees at a 90° angle and rest your feet on the floor.
  3. Stabilize your body and simultaneously raise your arms up.

Presses from the lower block

  1. Set the bench in the simulator, tilt the back to 30 °.
  2. Sit down, rest your shoulder blades against the back, stick out your chest with a wheel.
  3. Grasp the handles of the lower block, bend your elbows at an even angle.
  4. Straightening them, bring them to the torso and connect in the center without lowering the weight.
  5. While moving towards you, do not forget to bring the shoulder blades together.
  6. Hold on to the climax and start all over again.

What is Easy Curves

Working on the double resistance chest machine will help to enhance the effect of basic exercises. The Easy Curves design is an analogue that stretches like a rubber shock absorber. When working with it, the external muscles of the chest are first involved, then the central ones are connected. At home, he will replace dumbbell presses.

  • One Series of 5 exercises is based on squeezing and unclenching the expander with a movement vector from the waist to the chest.
  • Second based on alternating hand movements at an angle of 45° in the same direction.

Practices are performed daily with alternating complexes.

Do you want firm, firm breasts? Trainer Katie Ferguson will tell you about the best chest exercises for girls and toned breasts, without surgery!

Your chest is made up of two main muscles, the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, as well as many smaller ones. These muscles are located under the tissues of the mammary glands, on the chest, connecting with the humerus (the bone of the forearm, which is closer to the shoulder joint).

The chest plays a major role in allowing you to raise your arms in front of you and move your shoulders.

These exercises target your upper, middle and lower chest muscles, that is, to make the chest fit.

Lie on your stomach, place your palms on the floor so that they are next to your armpits and push your body up so that your elbows are slightly bent. Bend your knees. Raise your feet and cross your legs at the ankles. Remember to keep your stomach tight, slowly lower your chest to the floor for 3-4 counts, then lift it up again. Repeat as many times as you can.

Why is it effective

Push-ups are a great compound exercise that not only works your chest, but also your shoulders, back, and lower back muscles. It can be performed by a lady in the gym, it is easy to improve in it. Simply lean on your toes instead of your knees to make your workout harder, or take it to the next level by resting your feet on a fitness ball.

Lie on the fitness ball with your middle back, making sure your shoulder blades can move. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Hold the dumbbells next to your armpits with your knuckles pointing up. Count to three as you push the weight over your chest until your arms are almost fully extended. Slowly lower them down to the starting position for the same count.

Why is it effective

This exercise is aimed not only at the chest muscles, but also at the triceps. The unstable surface of the fitness ball also works the waist muscles and helps improve balance and coordination.

Sit on a chair or bench, hands at your sides, leaning on a bench, legs straightened. Leave your hands where they are now and tear yourself away from the bench. Slowly lower yourself to the floor for 3-4 counts, bending your elbows. On the same count, return to the starting position.

Why is it effective

Although this exercise focuses on the triceps, it is also very beneficial for the chest muscles. This is a great way to tone your arms and chest for summer.

  1. Medball throws

Take medicine ball two hands. Raise above your head, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Throw the ball to the floor as hard as you can. Pick it up and do 3 sets of 20 reps.

Why is it effective

You will see this move work as you throw. The harder you throw, the more your muscles work. This exercise also targets the shoulders, forearms, and leg muscles. It also has the benefits of cardio exercises, and it will surely exhaust you.

  1. Breeding dumbbells lying

Lie down in the same position as for the bench press. Only this time, place your hands over your chest, straightening them, elbows slightly bent, knuckles looking to the sides. Spread your arms and lower them until your elbows are in line with your shoulders, for 3-4 counts. On the same count, return to the starting position.

Why is it effective

Flying Dumbbells differ from Bench Presses in that their movements are isolated. And this means that you use only one joint in order to work out the muscles.

Push up. As soon as you do a push-up without taking your hands off the floor, jump up and pull your legs forward so that you are standing in a bent position. Lift your hands off the floor and jump as high as you can. Bend over again, put your hands on the floor, jump up and return your legs to the push-up position. Repeat 20 sets with a 30 second break between each.

Why is it effective

This exercise engages your chest muscles during push-ups. This position also helps to stabilize the body before jumping up. The exercise works the shoulders and forearms and is an excellent cardio.

  1. Medball push-ups

Take the emphasis lying down, as for push-ups. Only this time put both hands on the medicine ball. Slowly lower yourself down for four counts, keeping your abdominal muscles tense, then return to the starting position. Now remove your right hand, put it on the floor in line with the ball, so that there is a distance of half a meter between the hands. Again push up. Return your hand to the ball. Push up again. Place your left hand on the floor and push up again. Repeat 10-20 times, do 3-4 sets.

Why is it effective

Exercising on an uneven surface, such as a medicine ball, helps improve the balance and stability of the waist muscles.

  1. Fitball pullover

Lie on the ball with only your upper back touching it. Place your feet on the floor, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Hold the dumbbells with both hands and raise them above your head with outstretched arms. Hold your hands in this position and lower the dumbbells behind your head, using only your shoulders, as far as you can. Slowly return to the starting position.

Why is it effective

This isolated exercise targets the chest muscles without using the other major muscle groups. To make it harder, put your feet and knees closer together.

  1. Reduction of hands in a crossover

The cable trainer has individual handles or adjustable sides. Make sure the pulleys are attached to the top of the machine. Pick a weight that allows you to complete 12-15 reps max. Stand straight, lean forward slightly (squeezing your abs) and grasp both handles. Feet together, or you can try a splayed stance. Bend your arms slightly, pull both handles using only your arms and chest (pectoral muscle) and hold for 3 seconds. Slowly return your hands to the starting position. Like a pro: Aim for three sets and rest 45 seconds in between.

Why is it effective

This exercise requires your muscles to be engaged without stretching them. So they come in tone at the same time, without increasing in size.

  1. Raising the medicine ball

Raise the medicine ball straight up. Slowly lower it behind your head as far as you can, arms outstretched and slightly bent at the elbows. Tighten your chest and triceps as you lift the ball to the starting position above your chest.

Why is it effective

This is a great exercise to get your chest muscles working. Muscles work, but there is no weight resistance.

Some Helpful Tips

  • Don't forget to stretch after each exercise - hold each stretch position for 20-30 seconds
  • Stand up straight, bend your knees. Stretch your arms out in front of you and interlock your fingers. Raise your arms above your head and as high as you can and arch your back.
  • Place the palm of one hand on the wall, arm straight. Rotate your body in the opposite direction from your hand. You should feel a stretch on one side of your chest. Change side.
  • Do back exercises to avoid slouching and improve posture

  1. Reverse fly on a fitness ball

Place the ball directly under your hips. The pelvis is directed to the ball, the abdominal muscles are tense.

Take dumbbells in both hands, palms down. Arms at sides at a 45 degree angle. Keeping your arms at your sides, lower your shoulder blades down and to the center.

Raise your arms and lower back to the starting position. Tip: ball under hips, abs tense, try not to round your lower back.

Push-ups with an emphasis on the back for triceps

  1. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a fixed bench or stable chair
  2. slide off booty forward, legs straightened so that the hips are at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor.
  3. Push up, straightening arms, keeping the elbows slightly bent to create tension in the triceps and relieve it in the elbow joints. Don't let your elbows bend outward. Increase the tension by making a "bump" one foot, then another.

Video - chest workout | Exercises to Strengthen the Pectoral Muscles in the Complex

Now you know the best breast lift exercises for women and girls both in the gym and at home. Now it's up to you, put enough perseverance and strength and the result will not keep you waiting.

According to materials:

Dear girls, work on yourself and for your own sake!

Passion for sports and muscle work occurs mainly because a person wants to change for the better, improve, feel healthy and happy, because the truth is simple and says: a healthy mind in a healthy body.

A sports figure always looks very attractive and commands respect from others.

If we talk about female beauty and what every self-respecting girl should strive for, then it is worth noting that being full and overweight is very simple, being thin and sitting on a strict diet will also not make much effort, but working on with your body and to have taut forms - this is really aerobatics.

Many girls succumb to stereotypes and do not want to work on their muscles, thinking that this will make the muscles simply masculine. But by no means - girls who have a taste and are not too fanatical about sports will always have very feminine rounded shapes that will not leave any man indifferent.

When a girl begins to work on her body and muscles, she often asks herself the question: is it worth pumping the pectoral muscles and if so, what is the best way to do it? The answer to the first question is a resounding yes!

At the same time, the size of the chest is not important - if it is small, then work on the muscles will effectively increase it. And if the size suits, then with the help of simple exercises you can make the forms taut and elastic.

Of course, it is best to work on the muscles in the gym under the guidance of a trainer or on your own using training videos.

But if you want to achieve a visible result, then you can effectively work on yourself in absolutely any conditions, including at home. At the same time, such training will not take much time, and by working on yourself daily for 20 minutes, the result will truly surprise you and bring not only physical, but also spiritual satisfaction from the work done.

Next, we will look at some effective exercises for the gym and at home in order to work out the chest muscles well and you will learn how to get perfect breasts without surgery. At the same time, it will always be very useful to separately study the structure of the muscles that you need to work on, so you will better understand what you are dealing with and what sensations in which area should be during a certain exercise.

Basic exercises for the upper and lower pectoral muscles

It so happened that in women the upper part of the pectoral muscle is less developed than the lower. When working on the pectoral muscle, it is necessary to pay due attention to the careful study of both the top and bottom.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter which muscles you work on - you need to monitor which ones develop faster and which ones are lagging behind (muscles develop completely individually for each person) and, based on your observations, you need to build a workout.

If you work out in the gym, then it is advisable for beginners to work on the pectoral muscles with the help of simulators and dumbbells with minimal weights. As soon as the muscles get stronger, you can move on to free weights and bench press.

Yes Yes! Many girls are horrified by the barbells, considering them exclusively a male prerogative (it's safe to say that many of those who are reading this now raised their eyebrows in righteous surprise), but these are all stereotypes that we will now dispel.

Working with a barbell with light weights will not make you a man, but will allow you to work out the necessary muscles as efficiently as possible and get a quick result, which you would have to wait for whole years spent lifting small dumbbells.

At the same time, do not be afraid of the gym - the hormone estrogen naturally dominates in women, and testosterone in men.

Therefore, the muscles of men are more developed and for the same reason you will not pump yourself up a huge biceps, no matter how much you would like to. If it is still too difficult to press the barbell and there is no stability in the hands, then in the gym you can work well on the Smith machine on an inclined bench, be sure to adhere to the technique for correctly performing the exercise.

Push ups

A simply magnificent, well-known and accessible exercise is push-ups from the floor, which perfectly trains the pectoral muscle. At the same time, there are a lot of push-up options.

It will be easiest for beginner girls to learn push-ups in this way:

  1. It is necessary to lay a special mat under your feet or something not too soft, not too hard, since push-ups will be on your knees, which are very fragile and we do not want to damage them.
  2. We get on our knees, cross our legs behind us, take the starting position - we put our hands shoulder-width apart and begin to smoothly lower and rise as many times as our strength allows.
  3. At the same time, we do not forget about breathing, which, when working on muscles, is of tremendous importance - most often we exhale at the point of greatest tension, and when we return to a position, we inhale.

If the muscles are already a little stronger, then you can try to perform push-ups in the standard way - with your feet shoulder-width apart at the same level as your hands. At the same time, you should categorically avoid a common mistake with such push-ups - do not raise your pelvis while lifting to the starting position, but work exclusively with the muscles of the arms and chest!

Of course, this exercise is more convenient to perform in the gym, where there are many dumbbells with different weights and a special bench with tilt adjustment, but you can adjust to its performance at home. And believe me - this exercise is worth it!

To perform it, we take dumbbells with a weight that is comfortable for you, but it should be noted that with kilogram dumbbells you won’t achieve much result even with 50 repetitions, so you should stock up on weights from 1 to 5 kg to start, depending on how thin your hands and weak muscles.

Sports equipment, including dumbbells, is far from affordable equipment for productive work at home.

Therefore, in an economical plan, it is better to go to the gym (at the same time, the cost of subscriptions can be easily compared via the Internet and choose for yourself the most suitable ratio of price, availability of simulators and convenience of the location of the gym).

It's one thing if there is no time for the gym at all, and all you can count on is a free half an hour at home in the evening or in the morning before work. In this case, you still have to take several dumbbells with different weights, otherwise you may not notice the result of your work for a very long time.

Speaking about the visibility of the result of work on the muscles, it should be noted that no cubes, reliefs and attractive roundness of the muscles will be visible if there is a large fat layer under the skin.

You need to fight this strictly with a diet (take foods containing carbohydrates and proteins at a clear time, know which foods contain them and stick to fractional nutrition) and cardio simulators (a variety of step machines, orbitreks and treadmills), which burn calories very well and thus the fatty layer.

But back to breeding dumbbells. Starting position: we lie down on an inclined bench, the lower back is well pressed against the bench, so as not to burden our lower back and spine. If the dumbbells are not kilogram, and your working weight is 5 or more kg, then it is better for someone to help you take them when you are already in position.

You can safely take dumbbells on your own as follows:

first we sit on the bench, put the dumbbells sideways on our feet, then we lie down and take the dumbbells on the biceps.

Technique: the dumbbells are on the same line with each other a little fat at shoulder level (the brushes are turned perpendicular to the chest), we begin to lift them at the same time, reduce them to each other, while turning the brushes perpendicular to the chest is not necessary, they remain in their initial position. You should feel tension in the chest muscle and work more with it than with your hands.

Another great chest exercise with dumbbells

It should be remembered about another very effective exercise with dumbbells for working out the pectoral muscle, which is quite simple in terms of execution technique. We are talking about the reduction of hands at chest level, which by the way can be performed in a special simulator.

We spread our arms with dumbbells and begin to reduce them with efforts, exhaling well at the same time (the press will also please this pleasantly). You don’t need to bring your hands to the end and push the dumbbells together, so you can hit - we leave a distance of a couple of cm between the dumbbells.


This is just a short list of exercises that can work out the chest muscles and a brief description of the execution technique. Performing them regularly, you can achieve results. In order to perfectly perform these exercises and learn a lot of new ones, which will certainly bring visible results, you need to constantly replenish your knowledge about muscle development, watch video lessons and read thematic literature.

VIDEO How to pump up pectoral muscles for a girl

Especially for the site, the article was prepared by Morozova Margarita

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Conducts general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. He also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.