The most ridiculous records. The most ridiculous and funny records from the Guinness Book of Records

It was published on August 27, 1955 and became one of the best sellers by Christmas. Since then, over 400 million titles have been released. The latest is planned for 2011.
1. The widest mouth. Francis Domingo Joaquim from Angola has the largest mouth in the world. Its length is 6.69 inches.

2. The smallest car. A British designer has built the world's smallest car that can fit a person. A 1 meter high car with a 150 cc engine. It is stylized as a toy car.

3. The oldest twins. Sisters Inna Pugh (right) and Lily Milward were registered as the oldest twins in the world. At the time of registration, their age was one hundred years and ten months. Both live in the UK.

4. The longest cat. A five-year-old Maine Coon named Sweety has been registered as the world's longest cat. Its length was 48.5 inches from the tip of the tail to the nose.

5. The largest collection of navel down. If you choose among the most unusual collections, this one wins by a huge margin. In 1984, an Australian began to collect the fluff that accumulated during the day on his navel. Twenty years later, the weight of his collection reached 22 grams.

6. The largest mosaic of toasts. Laura Hadland, who loves toast, made up a photo of her mother-in-law from them. In total, 9,852 toasts were involved in the work.

7. The largest number of Mickey Mouse. American Janet Estevez has been collecting this collection since 1960.

8. The longest nose. The longest nose belongs to the Turk Mehmet Ozirek and is equal to 8.8 centimeters.

9. The largest number of straws in the mouth. Simon Elmore from Germany managed to stuff 400 straws into his mouth and hold for 10 seconds.

10. The largest number of spoons held on the face. Aaron Cassie from Canada can hold 17 spoons on his face at once.

11. The heaviest boots. The weight of the heaviest boots is 122.8 kilograms. Zhang Zhengyi from China decided to walk in them.

On May 4, 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, then Managing Director of Guinness Brewery, went hunting in Wexford County, Ireland.
He witnessed a dispute about the fastest bird in Europe, and then realized that it was impossible to find out in reference books.
Then the thought occurred to him that such a book could become popular.
The first edition of the 197-page Guinness Book of Records appeared on August 27, 1955, and by Christmas it had already become the most popular book in the UK.
Since the release of the first edition, over 400 million copies have been sold. The latest published book is Guinness World Records 2010.

The largest gastropod is the African giant snail (Achatina achatina). The largest of the individuals reached 39.3 cm from head to tail tip.
The length of the shell was 27.3 cm, and the snail weighed exactly 900 grams. (Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records)

Joel Wall from the USA pushes his masterpiece - the largest ball of rubber bands.
The 4,097 kg ball was measured in Lauderhill, Florida on November 13, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The largest number of people dressed as Smurfs was 1,253. These are the people who came to the Muknomania festival in Castleblaney, Ireland, on July 18, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The record for the 100-meter hurdle race was 22.35 seconds.
The record holder was the German Maren Zonker in Cologne, Germany, September 13, 2008. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

The world's largest pocket knife is 3.9 meters long when unfolded and weighs 122 kg.
It was designed by Telmo Cadavez from Portugal and handcrafted by Virgilio Raul also from Portugal on January 9, 2003. (Guinness World Records)

The heaviest lemon in the world weighed 5 kg 265 g and was grown by Aharon Shemel on a farm in Kfar Zeitim, Israel. (Guinness World Records)

Scott Murphy of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, bent a 30 cm diameter aluminum pan in 30 seconds on July 30, 2007.
In girth, the resulting “lump” turned out to be 17.46 cm. (Guinness World Records)

The largest number of mugs of beer that a woman carried 40 meters is 19.
This was done by Anita Schwarz in Mesenich, Germany on November 9, 2008 on Guinness World Records Day. (Nick Hannes/Guinness World Records)

Sam Wakeling rode 453.6 km on a unicycle in a day in Aberystwyth, Wales from 29 to 30 September 2007. (Guinness World Records)

Jean-Francis Vernetti of Switzerland has collected 8,888 different Do Not Disturb signs from hotels in 189 countries since 1985. (Guinness World Records)

The total length of the nails of Melvin Booth (left) from Michigan is 9.05 meters. Lee Redmont (right), who hasn't cut her nails since 1979 and filed them carefully to grow to 8.65 meters, lost her "wealth" in an accident in February.
The 68-year-old record holder says that this is the most dramatic event in her life, but also admits that it is much easier without them. (Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

227 T-shirts were worn by Jeff Van Dyck at the Unizo event in Brecht, Belgium on April 24, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

Harry Turner from the UK can stretch his skin on his stomach up to 15.8 centimeters, and all because of his Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - a connective tissue disorder that affects the skin, ligaments and internal organs.
This disease affects collagen, which strengthens the skin and determines the level of its elasticity, which leads to weakening of the skin and increased joint mobility.
In more serious cases, it can be fatal as a result of ruptured blood vessels. (Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

1 911 - exactly the same number of bottles of soda with Mentos were collected in one place, namely, in Latvia by students of the TURIBA Higher School of Business on June 19, 2008.

The largest jicama weighs 21 kg and was grown by Leo Sutisna in West Java, Indonesia. (Guinness World Records)

The largest collection of clones from the LEGO Star Wars game consisted of 35,310 individual models and was compiled by LEGO in Slough, UK on June 27, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The oldest person to bungee jump is Helmut Wirtz.
Wirtz was 83 years 8 months and 7 days old when he bungee jumped in Duisburg, Germany on August 9, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The largest collection of watches belongs to Jack Schoff from the USA, who put together 1094 watches on June 17, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The new record was set on January 23, 2009 by Wim Hof ​​from the Netherlands - he spent 1 hour 42 minutes 22 seconds completely buried in the snow. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

The largest chalk drawing was 8,361.31 meters and was drawn by 5,578 children from Alameda, California schools for a special children's project from May 27 to June 7, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The record for the fastest ride on the rear wheel of a motorcycle sitting on the handlebars was achieved by Enda Wright in York, UK on July 11, 2006 and was 173.81 kilometers per hour. (Guinness World Records)

The longest skis in the world are 534 meters long. These skis were used by 1043 skiers at an event in Sweden on 13 September 2008. (Jonas Borg/Guinness World Records)

The oldest table tennis player is Dorothy de Lowe.
She was 97 years old when she represented Australia at the 14th World Veteran Table Tennis Championships in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 25, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The "Snake Boat" from Aleppi, Kerala, India, is 43.7 meters long.
Her team consists of 143 people, including 118 rowers, 2 drummers, 5 helmsmen and 18 singers.
The boat appeared in public in Kerala, India on May 1, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The highest speed on a skateboard in a standing position was 113 km per hour.
This record was set by Douglas da Silva in Rio Grande do Sull, Brazil on October 20, 2007. (Guinness World Records)

The largest gathering of Santa Claus took place at Gilhall Square in Derry, Northern Ireland on December 9, 2007 and amounted to 13,000 people. (Guinness World Records)

The PAV1 Badger, developed by Howe and Howe Technologies, is the smallest armored vehicle ever built, measuring just 1 meter wide.
It's strong enough to knock down doors, yet compact enough to fit in an elevator. It was commissioned by the California Public Protective Service. (Guinness World Records)

Jalapi Roland from Hungary set an unusual record on November 12, 2008: a horse dragged a burning Roland 472.8 meters. (Guinness World Records)

The highest speed of the lawn mower was 98 km per hour.
The record was set by Tommy Passemante from the USA at Miller Park in Utah on November 18, 2008, especially for the MTV show Nitro Circus. (Nate Christenson/Guinness World Records)

The Japanese Kenichi Ito got into the Guinness Book of Records as the person who ran the fastest 100 meters on all fours - in just 18.58 seconds.
The record was set in Tokyo on November 13, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The longest distance that a person has traveled on a bicycle without touching the ground for exactly one day is 890.2 km.
The record holder was Marko Balo from Slovenia on September 6-7, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The beard of Sarwan Sing from Canada measured 2.33 meters from the tip of his chin to the tip of his beard.
The record was recorded on November 11, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

Ashrita Furman cracked 80 eggs on his head in one minute at New York's Panorama Cafe on December 10, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The longest ears of the dog reach 34.9 cm on the right and 34.2 cm on the left. The ears belong to Tigger, a Bloodhound owned by Brian and Christina Flessner of Illinois. (Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

Indian Anthony Victor has hair growing from his ears, which reaches a length of 18.1 cm. (Guinness World Records)

The space cowboy, also known as Cheyne Hultgren from the show "Lo Show Dei Record", set a world record on April 25, 2009 in Milan: he dragged 411.65 kilograms only with the help of his eye sockets. (Guinness World Records)

The heaviest transport that a person moved 30.48 meters weighed 57,243 kg.
It was dragged by Kevin Fast from Canada to the TV show "Live with Regis & Kelly" in New York on September 15, 2008. (Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

The largest edible hamburger weighs 74.75 kg and costs $399 on the menu at Mally's Grill in Southgate, Michigan. This yummy was made on August 29, 2008. (Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

Victor "Lari" Ramos Gomez (pictured) and Gabriel "Danny" Gomez (both from Mexico) are two members of a five-generation family who suffer from a rare disorder called congenital hypertrichosis, characterized by increased facial and body hair.
Women in the family have a light coat of hair, while men have hair covering approximately 98% of the body, excluding the palms and feet. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

Ilrek Yilmaz of Turkey squeezed 279.5 cm of milk out of his eyes at the Armada Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey on September 1, 2004. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

Mike Howard of the UK walks a beam between two hot air balloons at 6,522 meters near Somerset, UK on September 1, 2004.
This feat was filmed for the television show Guinness World Records: 50 Years 50 Records. (Guinness World Records)

The heaviest apple weighed 1,849 grams. He was raised by Hisato Iwasaki on his farm in Hirosaki, Japan. The apple was plucked on October 24, 2005. (Guinness World Records)

On July 7, 2006, the smallest horse was Tambelina, a miniature bay mare 44.5 cm at the withers, owned by Kay and Paul Gossling of St. Louis, Missouri.
Radar - a Belgian heavy horse - on July 27, 2004 was 19 palms without hooves. Radar lives on the farm of Priefert Manufacturing Inc. in Texas.
The horses were photographed together for the Guinness Book of Records on September 3, 2006. (Richard Bradbury/Guinness World Records)

Bigfoot 5 is 4.7 meters in height, its wheels reach 3 meters in height, and this miracle weighs 17,236 kg.
This is one of 17 Bigfoot Jeeps built by Bob Chandler of St. Louis, Missouri.
This model was built in the summer of 1986. The car is "parked" in St. Louis and occasionally appears at city events. (Richard Bradbury/Guinness World Records)

He Pingping from Mongolia - the smallest man in the world (his height is 74.61 cm) - stands between the legs of Svetlana Pankratova - the woman with the longest legs.
Pankratova's legs are officially 131.83 cm.
Svetlana says that she likes to have the title of woman with the longest legs, but this has its drawbacks - it's not so easy to find a man who likes to be with such a tall woman. (Andy Rain/EPA)

Michael Jackson impersonator Hector Jackson performs with hundreds of people at the Revolution Monument in Mexico City August 29, 2009.
The Guinness Book of Records recorded 13,597 people simultaneously dancing in the style of Jackson. (Dario Lopez Mills / AP)

Kim Goodman from the USA can protrude 11 mm from their sockets. This record was recorded on the television show "Guinness World Records: Primetime" in Los Angeles on June 13, 1998. (Drew Gardner/Guinness World Records)

Participants in the biggest pie fight at ABC Studios in New York on September 17, 2009 during the show “Live with Regis & Kelly.” (Afton Almaraz/AP)

The world's tallest man Sultan Kosen from Turkey is measured by Guinness World Records on September 21, 2009.
Kosen's height is 246.38 cm. Sultan Kosen, 27, says he is "proud and happy" to be the tallest man and man in the world.
“Before that, I had a pretty difficult life,” says the giant, whose growth was the result of a pituitary gland disease. “Now it will be much easier for me to live.” (Seth Wenig / AP)

Great Dane Gibson was the tallest dog in the world. His height was 107.18 cm from floor to shoulder, and on his hind legs he reached 2.19 meters.
In this photo, Gibson is playing with his friend Zoe, a 19cm Chihuahua. The tallest dog in the world died of bone cancer on August 12, 2009. (Deanne Fitzmaurice/EPA)

The greatest underwater depth at which a person rode a bicycle is 66.5 meters.
This was done by Vittorio Innocente in Santa Margherita Ligur, Liguria region, Italy on July 21, 2008. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

93% of Isobel Varley's body is covered in tattoos. An absolute record among the elderly. (John Wright)

The book, where records are made, is very popular, almost every person on our planet knows about it. People from all over the world try to achieve complex, difficult records, but some go in an unusual way. As a result, ridiculous records are created that can only cause a smile.

How far will the burning man run?

Now there is a record for more than 119 meters. A very strange and risky record was set and registered.

Who was the first to vomit in space?

We can be “proud” of our cosmonaut German Titov, it was with him that this trouble happened in 1961. The Hero of the Union went through very difficult training and preparation, but the load in space is staggering. The man has achieved many positive achievements, for example, he was the first to shoot video and photos of the Earth from a handheld device.

Non-standard use of a drill

Everyone has a neighbor who is always drilling. A man from Germany did not drill for repairs, he created a new record. Taeyu Khui Jang used the tool as a carousel and managed to spin 148 revolutions within a minute. How he endured it, and how bad he felt afterwards, is unknown.

The dumbest book ever

What to spend 16 years of your life on? Les Stewart did not think of anything better than writing a huge book (nearly 20,000 pages). In the process, 7 printing presses and about 1,000 ink ribbons were worn out. The contents of the book are numbers from one to a million. Absolutely pointless and stupid creation.

Quick release bras

How much time do you spend taking off your bra? Sean Murray set a stunning record: he managed to remove 91 pieces of laundry in one minute. At the same time, he operated with one hand.

How many records can 1 person set

Starting in 1979, Ashrita Furman set about setting records. He personally came up with a lot of tricks in various disciplines. For example, he used the largest boot by weight, twisted a huge hula hoop, etc. All his achievements are absurd.

Everyone has heard about the Guinness Book of Records. And everyone knows that here are collected a variety of achievements of the most ordinary people from all over the world. However, in addition to the impressive achievements of the human mind and spirit, there are funny and stupid Guinness records. Someone is trying to become famous or make money, another is simply eccentric and does not hesitate to show his oddities, others do something out of love for this occupation.

The attention of readers is presented with a small overview of the absurdities that the Guinness Book of Records is rich in. Silly records are found there quite often.

strong ears

Two people are represented in this nomination at once: Lasha Patareya and Zafar Gill. The first set his record by dragging a truck on his left ear. The weight of the car was 8.28 tons.

Gill is an athlete from Pakistan who is able to lift a sixty-kilogram kettlebell on his right ear. An ordinary cord was used to secure the load. Zafar himself weighs only 90 kg, trains regularly and calls his specific occupation "ear-lifting".

The longest…

Vivian Wheeler holds the title for the longest female beard. An American woman has to collect it in a ponytail, because individual hairs reach 28 cm. An unusual decoration for a woman.

Sarvan Singh - the owner of the longest. So that it does not touch the floor, the priest must stand on a pedestal. The length of the beard is 2.33 m.

Hairdresser-fashion designer Katsuhiro Watanabe put his art into practice. He is the owner of the longest mohawk in the world. The height of the hairstyle is 113.284 cm.

Mattel is a Chinese toy company. Its employees showed special love for the railway and assembled a canvas with a total length of 2888 m.

The most stupid photos do not always look attractive and show all the achievements without embellishment. Most people run at the sight of certain champions. For example, among those who like to grow fingernails, two distinguished themselves at once: Melvin Booth and Lee Redmont. The total length is 9.05 m and 8.65 m, respectively. Twisted nails hanging to the floor can be terrifying.

It is not immediately possible to answer the question “how many people will enter the soap bubble?”. However, the artist Fang Yang tested in practice and set another useless and stupid record. He managed to put 181 people inside the bubble.

The fastest

And even on the run, you can be the original. And not only in it. So, the most stupid speed records.

One of the funniest records can be called an obstacle course in fins. It was installed by a German Maren Zenker, who covered a hundred-meter distance in 22.35 seconds.

Japan's Kenichi Ito ran the 100m in 17.47 seconds. It would seem nothing out of the ordinary. Only he overcame this distance on all fours.

High speed can be demonstrated while sitting on the toilet. The main thing is that the device is equipped with a motor. The world record was set by Canadian Jolene Van Vugt, who managed to reach a speed of 75 km / h.

The fastest unbuttoning of bras is the German - Thomas Vogel. Maybe this is not the most stupid Guinness record, but unexpected - that's for sure. Achievement of a German citizen - 56 bras per minute.

The most massive

Everyone knows the Smurfs, but how many dare to dress up in such a costume? It turns out that gnomes have a lot of fans. Especially in Ireland, where on July 18, 2008, a record number of people in the form of Smurfs took to the streets of the town of Castleblaney - 1253!

In Riga, a month earlier, entertainment was different: almost 2,000 people arranged soda fountains. The fun is very simple: throw 1-2 Mentos candies into a bottle of cola, shake the mixture and open the lid. As a result, a sweet fountain rushes into the sky. Perhaps this is not only the most stupid Guinness record among events, but also the most fun.

The March 8 holiday in Michigan in 2013 was rather amusingly celebrated. Here, in the city of Grand Rapids, 607 people put chicken beaks on their faces. In this form, they were on the street for 11 minutes and 39 seconds.

The invasion of Santa Claus is observed annually. But in Derry, they took to the streets in an orderly manner and at the same time. As a result, the Guildhall Square was overcrowded: 13,000 Santas barely fit in there!

Most compact

28 London girls managed to fit in one car, and even a mini-class! How did they manage to do this, and where did they ram down there?

Another record was also set by the fair sex. American Katie Jung is literally the owner of an aspen, because the girth of her torso is 53.3 cm. If Katie puts on a corset, she will become even thinner: 38.1 cm.

There is power, where to apply it?

Georges Christen won the 10m. The Luxembourger covered this distance, holding a table with a girl sitting on it, in just 7.5 seconds! A toothpaste ad featuring Georges will look very convincing.

The fastest and best roll of pans is a resident of the United States, Scott Murphy. It took him 30 seconds to bend the frying item. The remains of the frying pan are significantly reduced in size: 17.46 cm in girth instead of 30 cm in diameter.

Another American is excellent at handling wooden Kevin Shelley - the only person in the world who can break through 46 toilet seats with his head at once. Perhaps he has a special technique?

Men generally have a strange attitude towards their heads. They use them to set the stupidest records. Another record holder distinguished himself by breaking 80 chicken eggs on his forehead in a minute. This, of course, is not breaking a tree, but Ashrita Furman earned an impressive bump.


What people do not collect! In addition to the usual and familiar hobbies, there are very extravagant ones. For example, Ben Barker, an Australian citizen, has been collecting… garbage from his navel for 26 years! During this time, he managed to accumulate 22.1 g.

The next extraordinary collection is a collection of 8888 "Do not disturb" signs. The Swiss Jean-Francois Vernetti specially stayed in various hotels and took commemorative signs with him. Since 1985 he has visited 189 hotels.

On your wave

There are also completely stupid records, but at the same time very original. It is difficult to put them into any category, so it is better to talk separately about such achievements.

For example, the amazing achievement of a sword-swallower who managed to keep a turned on puncher weighing 38 kg in his mouth for 3 seconds!

With a construction tool, you can do not such things. For example, 141 rotations are revolutions that a person can hold on to a hanging working drill.

Perhaps the most stupid Guinness record was set by Ken Edwards. He became famous as the best eater of cockroaches. In 1 minute, Ken is able to chew and swallow 36 pieces.

The representative of Germany, Anita Schwarz, ran 40 m, holding 19 large mugs of beer in her hands. However, she managed not to spill a single drop! In the days of Oktoberfest, such a skill can come in handy.

The stupid Guinness World Records don't end there. Every year more and more weirdos apply, hoping to record their achievement. Therefore, it makes sense to periodically flip through the book in search of large originals. After all, as practice shows, stupidity can be great.

Denzil St. Clair tried to set a new record for keeping bees at the same time in 2006. He failed, being stung by 30

Manoharan, also known as serpentine Manu, passes two tree snakes through his nose in India. He tried to use his skills in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records, but it is not entirely clear how

Basset Hound Jack is the owner of the longest ears among dogs

Elaine Davidson is the most pierced woman in the world

The biggest monopoly game was played in Sydney in 2005

These elephants were involved in setting the record for the Most Expensive Picture Drawn by Elephants. And there is even one

Steve Dearwood is trying to set a record for the most needles piercing human skin at the same time.

Slovak Milan Roskopf set the world record by juggling three 10kg cannonballs in 15.80 seconds.

Radar, officially registered tallest horse in the world, next to Tambelina, the smallest horse in the world

Les Stewart spent 16 years and 7 months printing the largest book in the world. It lists in words all the numbers from one to a million

Indian Pratesh Baruah in 2002 set a record for the largest number of needles from syringes penetrating the face.

American Isobel Varley is the most tattooed old woman in the world

Great Dane Gibson is the tallest dog in the world (height 2.18 m). His chihuahua friend Zoe holds the opposite record.

Thai scorpion queen Kanchana reads a magazine while setting the record for the longest time in the same room with these creatures. 2002

Canadian Terry Gortzen set a record by riding a 5.5 m high homemade bicycle

Vietnamese Tran Van Hei entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2004 for not cutting his hair for 31 years.