The most unusual vacation spots in the world. The most beautiful places in the world

Our world can be infinitely amazing and beautiful. And in order to be convinced of this, sometimes it is enough to take only one single step. Truly magical and bewitching beauty can be found in almost every corner of our planet. After all, most of them hide away from well-trodden tourist trails.

In our article today, we decided to bring to your attention a selection of the most beautiful and which, for one reason or another, usually fall out of sight of modern Belarusian tour operators. Their names are rarely aspirated, as, for example, the names of Paris or Barcelona, ​​and the existence of most of them can only be known by chance, as if there is something reserved and mysterious in these routes. But it is precisely from this that such unexplored directions only become more valuable and attractive. After all, such unusual travel and allow you to fully understand how multifaceted and amazing our planet can be.

  1. Uyuni Salt Flat (Bolivia)

Salar de Uyuni is a huge prehistoric lake located in the southwestern part of Bolivia. However, this place resembles a real lake (in the traditional sense of the word) only from November to March, when, due to rains, the salt cells are covered with a thin layer of water, constantly shining in the sun. At such hours, the Salar de Uyuni becomes like a giant mirror, reflecting the boundless heavens in itself. And from this, the border between the two worlds becomes almost indistinguishable. Thick Bolivian clouds suddenly appear right under your feet. And the surrounding landscapes lose all connection with reality. That is why Salar de Uyuni is often called a place frozen between heaven and earth. After all, there are not enough words in any language of the world to convey all the enchanting beauty of this place.

In the absence of rain, the salt marsh turns into a huge desert covered with white salt instead of yellow sand. And in places where drying water still manages to break through a thin salt crust, small cone-shaped volcanoes are formed, similar to playing pieces, arranged in the correct order on a huge chessboard.

Another attraction of the salt marsh is the famous cemetery of steam locomotives, located in the vicinity of Uyuni. Once all the trains assembled here were part of a large project for the extraction of minerals and valuable minerals in the desert. For industrial work, a railway was laid from Chile to Bolivia. However, the economic value of the project turned out to be insignificant. And the Indian tribes began to attack the railroad and the trains following it often. As a result, already in the fifties of the 20th century, the road was closed, and suddenly the trains that turned out to be unnecessary were left to rust in the middle of the desert.

It was only in 2006 that the Bolivian government suddenly remembered the old cemetery of steam locomotives again, deciding to turn it into a kind of open-air museum. Now such unusual travel the famous salt marsh and the old locomotives resting in its vicinity attract thousands of people to Bolivia. I wonder what the Bolivian Indians think about this?

  1. Lake Bled (Slovenia)

Despite the fact that Slovenia is relatively close to our Motherland, the resorts of this tiny country remain a real "terra incognita" for Belarusian tourists (especially compared to the cities of nearby Croatia, Italy and Montenegro). The magical Lake Bled is no exception, surrounded by the Julian Alps and covered with hundreds of legends related to the ancient history of the local castles. In this place you will not meet the usual crowds of tourists. And the local air, saturated with the magical smell of the mountains, is still filled with ringing silence. And it is this amazing atmosphere of solitude, coupled with the magical beauty of the local landscapes, that makes these lands truly magical and unusual travel destination.

However, Lake Bled is a place that cannot be called boring. In addition to many first-class hotels in these parts, there are dozens of sports centers offering tourists a wide range of all kinds of entertainment (from kayaking to hang-gliding over the enchanting mountain slopes).

In winter, several ski resorts operate in the vicinity of the lake. In addition, the convenient location of the city of Bled makes it a convenient starting point for subsequent trips around Slovenia. Just a few tens of kilometers from the lake is the capital of the country - Ljubljana, as well as the famous Triglav National Park, the mystical Skocjan Caves and another picturesque reservoir - Lake Bohinj.

  1. Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)

When you talk about Kyrgyzstan, even some fairly experienced travelers begin to wrinkle their noses contemptuously: “What can be interesting in this country?”. However, in fact, far and near Kyrgyzstan is a country that can bring many pleasant surprises to tourists. What is the majestic and enchanting mountain region of Tien Shan worth, striking with the cold beauty of crystal lakes, snow-covered slopes and endless fields overgrown with unusual grass and outlandish flowers? Everything in this place is imbued with an exciting spirit of adventure and a fabulous atmosphere of romance. After all, it is not in vain that the legendary “seven thousandth” mountain Pobeda Peak was once considered one of the most impregnable mountains throughout the former Soviet Union.

Besides, unusual travel to the Tien Shan is also a great opportunity to go chasing the fabulous Santa Claus. It would seem, and here he is? I answer: the thing is that a few years ago, Swedish scientists from the Sveko company, having calculated the speed of rotation of the earth, the distance to the largest cities and comparing other geographical and demographic factors, found out that it was on the territory of Kyrgyzstan that the optimal “take-off and landing » the base of the legendary fairy tale character. Otherwise, he simply will not succeed in flying around the entire globe in one night.

  1. Rhine river valley (Germany)

The Rhine Valley is probably one of the most famous and popular routes on our list. unusual places to travel. Every year it is followed by thousands of European tourists. However, despite this, among Belarusians and travelers from other CIS countries, this region of Germany is still quite little known.

And this fact seems like a completely egregious misunderstanding. After all, it is here, in the valley of the Rhine River, that you can feel the spirit of real Germany. In these parts, tiny villages, dotted with half-timbered houses, side by side with proud castles, looking at the world from the height of the coastal slopes. High mountains covered with green forests give way to picturesque valleys and famous vineyards...

That is why the Rhine Valley is considered one of the most amazing places in all of Germany. After all, even the most beautiful cities of this country can hardly be compared with the quiet charm of the local nature.

  1. Cappadocia (Turkey)

Speaking of trips to, we, as a rule, mean a fun and noisy vacation in one of the southern resorts of the Turkish seaside. However, far from major tourist centers, this country is changing in the most amazing way. Turkish Cappadocia is a proof of this - a unique natural region, famous for its unusual natural landscape and a huge number of cave cells, crypts, monasteries and temples, whose history dates back to the time of the birth of Christianity.

In addition, it is in this place that the world's oldest (!) underground cities are located. The most famous among them are the settlements of Kaimakli and Derinkuyu, which stretch for many kilometers deep into the rock. These cave cities were found by archaeologists in the sixties of the last century. And since then, these places have been the object of constant study for dozens of scientists.

Among other things, Turkish Cappadocia is also one of the most popular ballooning centers in the world.

In a word, going to these places, you guarantee yourself the most extraordinary journey in life.

  1. Troy (Turkey)

The semi-legendary ancient Greek "polis" is another reason to go to Turkey from now on. For many years in a row, the city of Achilles and other ancient heroes, sung in legends, was considered only a figment of the imagination of the great Homer. However, about 140 years ago, a self-taught German archaeologist named Heinrich Schliemann proved in a practical way that some legends have a very real historical justification. Since then, the legendary Troy, the remains of which are now located in the Hisarlik hill region, seven kilometers from the Dardanelles, has become one of the main historical treasures of modern Turkey. And Heinrich Schliemann himself, who, among other things, also found the legendary "Priam's treasure", went down in history as one of the most successful adventurers in the world, as well as the founding father of the so-called "field (practical) archeology."

  1. Kamchatka (Russia)

Wild, majestic, recalcitrant Kamchatka is the land where the heart of real Russia beats. Here, among dormant volcanoes, bubbling geysers and crystal lakes, you can feel like a real traveler who finds himself somewhere on the very edge of the world. This place is home to a mind-boggling number of national parks, biosphere reserves and unique protected areas, many of which are included in the UNESCO list of natural and cultural heritage. Is this not enough to call Kamchatka one of the most fascinating and unusual places to travel throughout our vast planet?

In addition, Kamchatka is a habitat for many rare animals, including brown Kamchatka bears, which have long become a symbol not only of this peninsula, but of Russia as a whole.

In addition to getting to know wildlife and inanimate nature, a trip to Kamchatka can be interesting due to the numerous centers for active recreation. Skiing (including extreme helly-skiing), snowmobiling and dog sledding, swimming in thermal springs, as well as rafting, diving, kayaking and much more - all this makes the Kamchatka Territory a very interesting place to relax. It is not for nothing that these places are so often called Russian Iceland.

  1. Ksamil Beach and Vlore (Albania).

The sea coast of Albania is probably one of the most underestimated tourist regions in Europe. In these parts, the Adriatic Sea shimmers with turquoise, and the majestic mountains, frozen at the very horizon, remain surprisingly beautiful and picturesque. The best examples of this are resorts such as Ksamil Beach and Vlore. The first is a very small, but very colorful town, perched on the southern coast of Albania. The second is a larger city, however, even here, due to the relatively small number of tourists, the beaches remain surprisingly clean and picturesque.

The mild Mediterranean climate, low prices, an abundance of fruits, as well as the amazing beauty of the local nature - all this makes the Adriatic coast of Albania a place really worthy of the attention of tourists.

In addition, Albania is a country with a rich history and culture. Here, on a relatively small piece of land (comparable in size to the Mogilev region), there is a huge number of ancient monasteries, fortress bastions and ancient buildings inherited by this country from the Greek and Roman conquerors.

Mosque in the city of Korca

A vivid example of this is the ancient city of Durres, located just a two-hour drive from Vlora. During its long history, this region has become a stumbling block for many European nations. Just think about it: for 2500 years this town managed to be part of the Bulgarian, Greek, Turkish, Byzantine, Italian, Kerkyrian, Corinthian and, of course, the Albanian state.

Wouldn't you be interested to see the ancient city that so many ancient peoples fought for? Than not a route for unusual trip?

  1. Patagonia (Argentina)

Patagonia, which is also often referred to as the more famous Tierra del Fuego archipelago, is an absolutely unique place. Wild mountain landscapes, crystal glaciers, picturesque fjords and endless plains of frozen land that have not changed their shape since the birth of the first people - all this natural diversity cannot be compared with anything else. Once in these parts, you seem to find yourself in a parallel reality. Here, right on the beaches, you can find colonies of penguins and elephant seals, and on the slopes of the high Andean mountains you can see thousands of bonfires that are burned at night by local tribes of Indians.

In addition, it is in these parts that the famous Cave of Hands is located, which is already 90 centuries old! Add to this unique nature reserves, national parks and uninhabited islands that still retain their primitive prehistoric charm - and you will understand why this region can be safely called one of the most amazing and interesting places on our planet.

Yes, of course, to get to Patagonia you will need a lot of effort and financial resources. However, once in these parts, you guarantee yourself the most extraordinary journey In my life. After all, how could it be otherwise, if we are talking about the real edge of the Earth!

  1. Curonian Spit (Lithuania/Russia)

The Curonian Spit is a thin strip of land that stretches for a hundred kilometers along the Lithuanian coast and separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic basin. In fact, this place is a long series of sand dunes and pine forests growing right in the middle of the endless sea. There is no usual fuss here, and surprisingly clean air is filled with the smell of pine needles, salty waves and amazing crystal silence, which seems almost endless in this place.

In 2000, the Curonian Spit was classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. And nine years later, the International Foundation for Environmental Education included the local beaches in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable coastal areas on the planet. Specialists of the popular Lonely Planet guidebook also contributed to the popularization of this place, calling the pine forests and sandy beaches of the Curonian Spit one of the most beautiful places in the Baltics. Since then, thousands of tourists have visited these parts. However, even despite this, the Curonian Spit has not lost even a tiny part of its natural charm.

Despite the fact that the population of the spit is only a few thousand inhabitants, these parts have not only their own coastal villages with all the necessary infrastructure, but also their own unique sights. The mystical Hill of Witches, dotted with dozens of wooden idols, the unique "Dancing Forest", the remains of the Kopgalis fortress with the Maritime Museum located here, as well as the Klaipeda Dolphinarium and the museum of fishing boats, located right under the open sky. In a word, the Curonian Spit is a place that clearly proves that interesting and unusual places to travel can be found just a few hundred kilometers from your home. After all, every corner of our planet is able to present a lot of pleasant surprises to those travelers who truly know how to appreciate true beauty.

In the world there are a huge number of interesting and beautiful places located on different continents. Everyone should see these places.

Troll tongue, Norway

Troll's Tongue is a stone ledge on the mountain Skjeggedal, near the city of Odda in Norway. The ledge rises above Lake Ringedalsvatn at an altitude of 350 meters.

This is a place of pilgrimage for tourists, although it will take at least 5 hours to climb there.

Great Wall of China, China

As you know, the Great Wall of China is one of the main wonders of the world, which was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 1987. The Chinese wall is somewhat reminiscent of a snake that coils for 8852 kilometers (the length of the Chinese wall). Of course, the years take their toll, the Chinese wall is more than two thousand years old and the walls are being destroyed in some places, but despite this, the Chinese wall is one of the most famous historical sights.

Machu Picchu, Peru

The Lost Inca City of Machu Picchu. The ancient city of the Incas is located in the picturesque tropics, at an altitude of more than 2400 meters above sea level on the slopes of the Andes. Everything that you will see here is made by ancient craftsmen from special stone, which was carefully processed. The city was built in the 15th century, but due to the invasion of the Spaniards, the Incas were forced to leave it. Of course, all the locals were well aware of the monument of ancient architecture, but it gained worldwide fame only after it was found and described by the American historian Heenan Bingham in 1911.

Geirangerfjord, Norway

The Geirangerfjord is one of the most picturesque and most visited Norwegian fjords, located in the Sunnmøre region in the southwest of Møre og Romsdal. It stretches between the mountains for 15 km and is a natural extension of the Storfjord (Great Fjord). Its maximum width is 1.3 km. On the outskirts of the Geiranger Fjord, where the Geirangelva River flows into it, is the village of Geiranger, from which it takes its name. The population of the village is 300 people. In 2005, the fjord and its surrounding areas were added to the list of UNESCO natural heritage sites. It is this status that today hinders the implementation of the local authorities' plan to build power lines across the fjord.

The ancient city of Petra is another of the wonders of the world, the main attraction of Jordan. The Nabateans, an ancient Arab tribe, built this city in a narrow canyon among sheer cliffs about 2,000 years ago. Petra was at the crossroads of important trade routes connecting India, China, southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria and Rome, and for a long time was the center of trade, a rich and famous city.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

The statue of Jesus Christ is the youngest of the new wonders of the world. It was built in 1931 on Mount Corcovado. The figure of the Savior towering over the city with arms outstretched for blessing immediately became the main symbol of Rio.

Bora Bora Island, French Polynesia

This island was formed eight million years ago and is located in Polynesia. Like other volcanic islands, it slowly goes under water. The island is very beautiful and surrounded by many small islands with beautiful beaches and white sand. There are many marine life in the water, so if you scuba dive you can meet tropical fish, sharks, rays, etc.

Mount Roraima, Venezuela-Brazil-Guyana

The unique Mount Roraima is located in the north of South America, at the junction of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana.

The highest current of the mountain is 2723 m above sea level, and the flat top is a plateau with an area of ​​about 34 km². It is considered a sacred place, and local Indians call it the navel of the earth.

A fantastic view opens from the mountain: it was Roraima who inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write a novel. lost World.

Socotra Island is one of the most beautiful and wonderful places on Earth. Here, in a harsh desert climate, unique representatives of the animal and plant world have been preserved. Many species of flora and fauna can not even be found in other parts of the world, due to the isolation of the island from the rest of the world.

Swing at the end of the world (End of the World), Ecuador

This extreme attraction is located in the mountains of Ecuador (the city of Banos). The unique swing over the abyss is located at an altitude of 2660 meters above sea level, offering a breathtaking view of the Andes.

Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt

The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven wonders of the world. Its construction is still shrouded in secrets and myths. Many interesting archaeological finds belong to these lands.

Skala Pulpit, Norway

This rock is called Preikestolen in Norwegian and is a 604-meter-high cliff located in southwestern Norway near the Lysefjord fjord. Tourists really like the platform at its top, which offers stunning views and great photos.

Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island is one of the most amazing habitats on the planet. It is located in the Pacific Ocean. The closest points are South America and inhabited Pitcairn Island.

Angel Falls, Venezuela

The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela. The total height of the Angel Falls is 979 meters, the height of the continuous fall is 807 meters. Water falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. Canaima National Park, where the waterfall is located, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here is how the modern traveler Alexander Klenov describes the Angel Falls: “It remains a mystery where the waterfall feeds from. There is no lake, no river, nothing. Only strange vegetation, unseen animals, fog and silence… The place is enchanted.”

The unique colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia are located in China, in the province of Gansu. The colored rocks are composed of red sandstones and conglomerates mostly from the Cretaceous period. Such formations are a unique type of petrographic geomorphology, existing only here. Colored rocks are included in the World Heritage List.

Beachy Head, England

Beachy Head rock appeared 100,000,000 years ago, in the late Cretaceous period. People often call it the end of the earth. Standing close to a cliff, you feel small and weak, because the ground abruptly leaves from under your feet and there are only endless expanses of water ahead.

Moraine Lake, Alberta, Canada

Located in Banff National Park in Canada. The most interesting thing here happens in June, when the water level in the lake reaches its maximum and the water begins to shimmer with amazing shades of blue and blue, which are obtained due to the sunlight refracting on the rocky bottom.

This charming home is located on an island near Vestmannaeyjar, a small archipelago south of Iceland. The archipelago consists of the island of Heimaey, which is inhabited, and thirteen small ones that are uninhabited.

There is a beautiful legend on the Internet that this is a small island and a country house, was presented to the singer Bjork in 2009. However, she refused such an extraordinary gift ...

Neuschwanstein Castle is a historic German castle located in Bavaria. It is located near the town of Füssen near the border with Austria. The castle is considered one of the most visited and photographed attractions in the world.

For those who have never seen it with their own eyes and have not looked at photos with him, the appearance of the castle will seem familiar, because it is he who occupies a central place on one of the most recognizable logos - the emblem of the Walt Disney company.

Mountain river cave in Quang Binh province, Vietnam

Mountain river cave (Son Doong), almost 6 km long, is the largest in the world. Its largest part reaches 200 meters in height and 150 meters in width, and some parts of the space are so massive that they can fit the city with all its streets. From constant erosion, part of the cave collapsed, forming passages and the so-called cave halls.

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is by far the UK's greatest national landmark, symbolizing mystery, strength and power. The original purpose of Stonehenge is not clear to us, but some believe that it served as a temple for the worship of the ancient deities of the earth. It has been called an astronomical observatory for marking significant events on the prehistoric calendar. Others claim that it is a sacred place for the burial of high-ranking citizens of the ancient society.


Our planet is beautiful, and you can find the best vacation spots for yourself in it.

You can travel to popular tourist destinations, or you can choose places where you will not meet a large concentration of tourists.

Here are some less popular places among tourists where you can relax and have a good time:

1. Unusual places to stay: underground beach

Hidden underground, a secret beach on one of the Marieta Islands in Mexico boasts crystal clear water. You can get to it by boat along a long tunnel or by swimming.

2. Savage holidays in Peru

Huacachina is an uninhabited oasis in Peru. It is located near the city of Lima, Peru. Today, this place is visited by those who like wild holidays - people come with backpacks, set up tents, swim and do sandboarding (boarding on the dunes) and quad biking on the sands.

3. Vacation abroad: a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Those who have ever been to the village of Blagaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, were delighted with the incredibly beautiful Blagai Tekia Monastery, built right next to a rock in a cave where the Buna River originates. Tourists can see the beautiful wooden interior of the monastery.

4. Relax on the pink lake

Lake Hillier on Middle Island, southwestern Australia is pink. Even if you fill the bottle with water, it will be pink. Why the water is pink is still unknown, but scientists suggest that the reason lies in the salinity and specific microorganisms that live in the lake.

5. Scuba diving between North America and Europe

Silfra is a rift located in Lake Thingvadlavatn in Thingvellir National Park, Iceland and is part of the divergent boundary between the N American Plate and the Eurasian Plate. Not only is the water here the cleanest, but the rift itself is so narrow that divers can touch North America and Europe at the same time.

6. Where to go on vacation: Isola Bellu

In the 1600s, Isola Bella was transformed from an ordinary stone island in the middle of Lake Maggiore, Italy, into a flower garden surrounding the palace. In addition to the palace, the territory of the island is also known for its baroque gardens.

7. Family vacation in the Maltese countryside

Popeye Village in Malta was originally created for the filming of the 1980 movie Popeye, but has since been converted into a theme park. 3 truckloads of paint (about 2,000 gallons) were used to create the film's sets. Today, tourists can go boating here, visit a wine house and jump on water jumps.

8. Vacation in China: red land

The Red Land in Dongchuan is 250 km from Kunming. High air temperatures and frequent rains in the region have turned the color of Dongchuan's soil to red. The soil contains oxidized iron and minerals that affect the color of the mail and flowering plants all year round.

9. Unusual places on earth: Darvaza

Darvaza is a gas crater in Turkmenistan. Both locals and tourists have nicknamed this place "The Door to the Underworld", or "Gate to Hell". This huge fire hole was created in 1971 when Soviet geologists foundaccumulation of underground gasnear the village of Darvaza.

When drilling of an exploratory well began, experts discovered an underground void - at that moment the earth collapsed, after which a large hole filled with gas formed. In order to avoid poisoning people and livestock with gas, it was decided to set fire to the gas. Geologists believed that the fire would go out after a few days, but they were wrong. The natural gas that is constantly coming out of the crater has been keeping the fire going around the clock for several years now.

10. Vacation on Flores Island

Flores Island, an island off the coast of Portugal, is famous for its flowers dotted throughout the island. The name Florish came about precisely because of this feature. The island also has natural hot springs and lagoons where you can swim.

11. Active holidays in Greece

Ghiola on the island of Thassos in Greece is an isolated lagoon that has developed naturally. This lagoon is located near the settlement of Astris. Getting here is not easy, as the nearest road is about 1 km away, and leaving the car, you will have to walk. But if you succeed, you will enjoy not only a beautiful view, but also be able to swim in an unusual place overlooking the sea.

12. Rest without the sea: an unusual cathedral over the rocks

Las Lajas Church is located 7 km from the city of Ipiales, Colombia, on the border of Colombia and Ecuador. It is located in the canyon of the Guaitara River, above green rocks and waterfalls, and is one of the most popular temples in the country. The cathedral, created in the neo-Gothic style, stands right on the bridge.

13. Where to go on vacation in the summer: the dunes in Brazil

During the rainy seasons, the Lencois Maranhenses National Park in the state of Maranhao, Brazil, comes into its own in an unusual way. Due to frequent rains and 40-meter sand dunes, a large number of lagoons form here, but there is no vegetation.

The best time to visit this place is between July and September, when the deepest lagoons are most abundant.

14. Rest in the jungle of Guatemala

The Guatemalan natural monument Semuc Champey is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful places in the country and in the world. This place is hidden from the eyes of tourists deep in the jungle. The name was given to it by the Kekchi Indians, and it is translated as "a place where the river goes underground." Around - the jungle, and among them you can relax in the cool waters of natural pools.

15. Unusual city in New Zealand

Take a dip in the hot springs of Rotorua on the shores of the lake of the same name. They are located on the North Island, New Zealand. The city of Rotorua is also known for its geysers, thermal waters and mud pools. This city was nicknamed "Sulphur City" (Sulfur City).

16. Vacation in Spain

The city of Setenil de las Bodegas appeared among a network of caves in the rocks above the Rio Trejo, Spain. The white houses of this rock city are built into the rock, and some even use it as a roof.

Here you can find many bars and restaurants serving delicious food.

17. Unusual park in South Africa

Namaqualand National Park in South Africa got its name in honor of the Nama people living in those places. Just once a year (usually in the spring), these arid valleys experience rain and turn into colorful flower carpets of orange and white daisies.

It is worth noting that tourists are forbidden to visit this place, but during the season of daisies, a huge number of people from all over the world come, settle in towns and camp on the periphery of the park.

18. Cave in France

Discovered by a hunter in 1836, a cave in the commune of Saint-Marseille-d'Ardèche, France contains a network of underground reservoirs and rock formations with a total length of more than 60 km.

19. Holidays in French Polynesia

Rangiroa is the largest atoll in the Tuamotu archipelago and is located in French Polynesia. Here you can find a large number of oysters that produce black pearls.

The land area is 79 sq. km, and it itself consists of a cluster of 415 small islands. This place is also famous among divers and dolphin lovers. In addition, manta rays, green sea turtles and hammerhead sharks live here.

20. Unusual city in Italy

The small Italian town of Castelluccio, Italy, is located near the commune of Norcia. It is known for its huge variety of flowers that bloom between the end of May and July.


marble cave

The Marble Caves are located on Lake Buenos Aires (or General Carrera).

For thousands of years, waves crashed against the calcium carbonate walls and eventually formed marble patterns on the cave walls.

This lake of glacial origin can be found on the border of Chile and Argentina.

Rest in our time for many people is that they are waiting for a whole year, working tirelessly. Some people like to relax in their country house - cheap and cheerful. Many people like sightseeing holidays in European cities - also a great option. However, most people dream of going on vacation to a place where the warm sea caresses the skin, the hot sand burns the feet, and the cool breeze develops the hair. Introducing the ranking of the 14 best beaches in the world.

14 Brazil - Copacabana

The list of the most beautiful places for a beach holiday opens with the most famous beach of Rio de Janeiro, which stretches for 4 kilometers in the southern part of the incredibly eponymous name and is one of the attractions of the city. Brazilians call this beach “Princess of the Sea” and consider it the best place for tourists because of the abundance of hotels and entertainment for every taste. Copacabana is the most popular area in Rio. There are beautiful apartments and huge penthouses. This area is considered a convenient starting point for all excursions, and it is here that one of the most colorful New Year's festivities in the world takes place. Every year on the night of December 31 to January 1, more than 2 million tourists gather at Copacabana. In addition to beautiful beaches, Brazil boasts many, some of which are considered among the most amazing in the world.

13 Australia - Whiteheaven Beach

This huge 6 km long beach is covered with fine white sand and is the best beach in Australia. The sand is not the finest, its consistency resembles snow, and in water it turns into something resembling sour cream. It is hardly possible to find the best place for diving and snorkeling all over the world. Here all year round there is warm tropical weather - the average air temperature is 27.4C. Whitehaven Beach, like the island of Whitesunday, on which it is located, has the status of a national park in Australia, because this island does not have more than one hotel, but unusually more than a dozen. All tourists stop on neighboring islands, and then sail on boats to this fantastic beach.

12 Cuba - Varadero

This beach is part of the resort town of the same name and the most famous resort area in Cuba. The beaches here stretch for 20 kilometers and are protected by the largest coral reef in the Caribbean Sea. Varadero Beach was recognized by UNESCO in 1992 as one of the cleanest beaches in the world, and entry to this resort area is prohibited for local residents. During the day, tourists are waiting for sandy beaches of hotels, crystal water and sunbathing, and adventure seekers - yacht trips, deep-sea fishing and excursions to various exotic corners of Cuba. In the evening, nightclubs, discos and restaurants, which Varadero is so famous for, open. The resort is located just 134 kilometers from Havana. Life here is seething day and night.

11 Hawaii - Hanalei Bay Beach

This magnificent beach is located in one of the most beautiful parts of the world and if scenic views are what you are looking for, Hanalei Bay Beach is a must see. An almost perfect semi-circle reminiscent of a white sand bay surrounded by waterfalls and magnificent mountains stretching up to the clouds. This can be seen by clicking on the photo of this beautiful beach. It is located on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, which was voted the best island in Hawaii, and the beach was voted the best in the US in 2009. Kauai is an island with lush vegetation that covers it from the mountains to the ocean. There are over 80 kilometers of white sandy beaches. While this beach can be packed with tourists, especially in winter when surfing conditions are ideal, you won't find a more stunning view anywhere else in the world.

10 Philippines - White Beach

This four-kilometer beach of white and fine sand, where coconut palms grow, is located on the Philippine island of Boracay and is the center of the tourist life of this place. This is a great place for both a relaxing beach holiday and active recreation. Boracay is a small island, but nevertheless, it is still included in the ranking of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It is 8 km long and 2 km wide. The east coast is separated from the west by no more than half an hour on foot. White sand beaches stretch all along the coastline. The island has a variety of accommodation options - from luxury hotels to inexpensive bungalows.

9 Indonesia - Lombok

The ninth place in our list is occupied by an island with a size of 80 km, located to the north of Bali. The shape of the island resembles the Indonesian lombok pepper, hence the name. The tourist infrastructure is most developed in the western part of the island of Senggiji. There, tourists can fully immerse themselves in a state of solitude and closeness to nature. Landscapes of Lombok with its jungles and thickets, coral islands and long clean beaches will impress even the worldly-wise tourist. This island has recently been actively built up with new hotels, and the tourist infrastructure is developing. In the central part of Lombok, Mount Rijani, 3726 meters high, with a crater lake in the middle, is visible from everywhere. The locals worship Rijani, it is one of the 4 highest mountains in Indonesia.

8 Goa - Palolem

This beach is a great place for independent travelers, surfers and kiters. Diving is very popular here and there is a special diving center, boat trips, swimming with dolphins and fishing. Among the many attractions, beautiful beaches attract people the most. Palolem beach has the shape of a crescent, and it is quite long, 2-3 kilometers, but it is one of the most favorite vacation spots for tourists. In search of freedom, in Goa everyone finds what they were looking for. Thanks to the local nature and very calm gentle sea, this place is the most popular for a beach holiday in India. Life here is in full swing, especially during the season, all hotels are filled to capacity, and there is almost no crowd on the promenade along the beach. Like on many other Goa beaches, at night fun is seething near the sea, music plays, and people dance until the morning to reggae, rock and live music, enjoying nature. Local nightlife is famous for the so-called quiet noisy parties, when people on the beach dance with headphones playing music. Many tourists consider India the best country for a beach and at the same time a club holiday.

7 Canaries - La Gomera

This almost round island, with an area of ​​372 square kilometers and a population of 20,000 people, is located not far from bustling Tenerife. La Gomera is different from most of the Canary Islands. It seems to be created for the perfect relaxing holiday. Tourists come here only to relax on the ocean coast with black volcanic sand, far from any civilization. Those who come here usually surf and live on the shore for several days. The highlands of the island have become a giant greenhouse that has given shelter to almost 400 species of plants that disappeared in Europe and Africa millions of years ago. Among them there are some that you will not find anywhere else in the world.

6 Bora Bora - Matira

Matira Beach, located on the south side of Bora Bora, is the best and most popular beach on the island. Its white sand stretches from the Bora Bora hotel to Matria Point. Here, topless sunbathers enjoy the tranquility and serenity of the beach. This place is well cooled by the trade winds. At low tide, you can get from the end of Matira Point to the barrier reef. It is this shallow water that prevents yachts from sailing around the island or inside the reef. The shallow lagoon of Bora Bora is great for snorkeling. Another activity that you can enjoy in Bora Bora is kayaks or canoes, which you can swim near the shore. Here you will discover a coral garden filled with tropical plants.

5 Fiji - Wakaya

The Fiji Islands group comprises over 300 islands in the South Pacific. Only one third of the islands are inhabited, the other islands are corners of untouched nature. Vakaya is one of the most beautiful places in Fiji, combining new standards of hospitality with an unparalleled vacation by the Pacific Ocean. This is a private island of the Lomaiviti archipelago, with an area of ​​8 square kilometers, located to the west of the main island of the Fiji archipelago - the island of Viti Levu. Picturesque landscapes with rocky cliffs and lush tropical forests, rich flora, beautiful sandy beaches of Wakaya Island, excellent conditions for attract tourists from all over the world.

4 Mauritius - Paradis

The coast of Mauritius is famous for its coral sand and luxury hotels. From all sides, the island is protected by coral reefs, so that near the beach the water is always clear and calm, which creates ideal conditions for diving and yachting. Morne Beach is located just behind the Paradise Hotel and is considered by many to be the most beautiful beach in Mauritius. Delightful nature, not yet touched by the ubiquitous hotel business: luxurious vegetation, a transparent lagoon and a grandiose spectacle of rocky cliffs in the sea at sunrise and sunset.

3 Maldives - Cocoa Island

This small private island is made for lovers of solitude and walks on the sand. Small houses are taken out into the ocean, and you literally sleep on the waves. When you wake up, you can, after walking 3 meters, find yourself in crystal clear water, through which you can see the cleanest ocean floor. On the island you can do yoga, take advantage of spa treatments, diving, boat trips. In general, this small island with its amazing beaches is the dream of any person who wants to have a quality and relaxing holiday.

2 Seychelles – Anse Source D`Argent

Perhaps this is the most famous beach of the Seychelles - several times recognized as the best beach in the world and is considered the most photographed beach in the world and one of the on earth. Almost all Seychelles postcards and desktop wallpapers are photographed here. The beach is located on the territory of the L’Union Estate park, the entrance fee is 100 rupees (260 rubles), every third visit is free. In principle, you can climb over the fence or walk on the water early in the morning. The beach consists of a series of small bays stretching for a kilometer. The uniqueness of the beach lies in the large number of large and small granite boulders that strewn the shore, some of them are in the water. In some places you can find "installations" of these boulders, incredibly piled on top of each other.

1 Bahamas – Pink Sands

So we come to the first place where the most beautiful beach in the world is located - Pink Sands on the Bahama Harbor Island. The beach owes its name to the fabulously pinkish sand, which, against the backdrop of the azure sea and sky, makes an amazing impression on vacationers. In addition, diving enthusiasts will get real pleasure here. If you like to swim, the water is warm and calm almost all year round because the beach is protected by coral reefs. You can enjoy the sand, the sea and the natural environment of the entire island. Tourists really feel very calm and comfortable on Pink Sands. If you are planning a vacation in the Bahamas, then you should already think about it, because the best time to relax is from September to May. This paradise has long been chosen for their country houses by Hollywood stars - Robin Williams, Susan Sarendon, Keith Richards and others.

The most beautiful places in the world have always attracted millions of tourists. Be it high mountains or endless valleys, vast seas or historic buildings. The sights of planet Earth are an endless and fascinating journey. We have prepared the Top 20 most beautiful places in the world. Watch, discuss and share the post on social networks with your friends!

20th place - Kungur ice cave, Russia

8th place - Faroe Islands, Iceland-Norway

Located between Iceland and Norway. More than 50 thousand people live on the archipelago. The total area of ​​the archipelago is 1400 sq. km, and includes 18 small islands, 17 of which have life. Even in the coldest month, the temperature does not fall below 0 degrees. The attention of all tourists who come to this amazing place is offered: a unique landscape, green meadows, clouds, rocks and, of course, the Atlantic Ocean. You will not find such beauty anywhere else!

7th place - Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve, Russia

It is located 12 kilometers from the city of Serpukhov on the left bank of the Oka River. The territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve with an area of ​​4945 hectares is forested, it is located near the northern border of the mixed forest subzone. Here visitors can see a unique phenomenon - deciduous forests meet with conifers. Vacationers who come to this place will be able to see more than 960 higher plant species. Visit the most beautiful places in Russia and this place should certainly be among them.

6th place - Yellowstone Volcano, USA

One of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States of America. Yellowstone National Park is skillfully located on the territory of three states at the same time: Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. The park is famous for its waterfalls, hot springs, rich flora and fauna. This reserve became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in March 1872. Those who have seen the most unusual places on Earth always distinguish Yellowstone in a special category.

5th place - Iguazu Falls, Brazil-Argentina

A real wonder of the world, which is located 20 km from the town of Puerto Iguazu. The legendary national park invites everyone to plunge into the wonderful world of the Amazonian forests with incredible landscapes. The classic tour of the park is a short walk to the waterfalls. A boat ride on a turbulent river - and you are already at the foot of the world-famous waterfalls, which you saw from above only half an hour ago.

4th place - Yosemite National Park, USA

The first natural American reserve, which is famous throughout the world for its unique virgin nature. The reserve with the highest waterfall is located in the state of California. Most of the films about the Indians were filmed on the territory of Yosemite National Park.

3rd place - Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

This is a majestic building, which is located near the town of Füssen in Bavaria. The amazing beauty of the mysterious castle enchants tourists with its magnetism literally at first sight. The castle was built in 1869 by Ludwig II, who wanted to recreate the era of chivalry. A record amount of money was spent on the construction of this architectural masterpiece - more than 6 million gold marks. After the death of the monarch, the castle was opened to the public, this was done in order to recoup at least part of the money spent on construction.

2nd place - Niagara Falls, USA-Canada

The most famous waterfall in the USA and Canada. It has become one of the most visited attractions in North America. It got its name from the Indians who lived here, and is translated as “thundering water”. The width of the waterfall is 670 meters, the depth in its middle is about three meters, and the height is 51 meters. Every year, 20 million tourists from all over the world come to admire the beauty of the waterfall. To maximize the enjoyment of beauty, tourists are offered viewing platforms, a cable car, galleries and paths for pedestrians, and even an excursion in a hot air balloon and helicopters.

1st place - Grand Canyon, USA

(Grand Canyon) is one of the oldest national parks in the United States of America. The picturesque corner is one of the most perfect creations of nature on Earth. It is located in the state of Arizona. Until the middle of the 16th century, the Grand Canyon was inhabited by the Pueblo Indians, who lived in small dwellings in the form of caves. The Grand Canyon is a huge tourist complex with numerous parking lots, slopes and overnight accommodations. Many people think that this is the most beautiful place on earth!

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