The most difficult essay topics in English. Sample essay topics in English, computer version of TOEFL, essay topics in English


Topics in the following list may appear in your actual

test. You should become familiar with this list before

you take the computer-based TOEFL test. Remember

that when you take the test you willnothave a choice

of topics. You must write only on the topic that is

assigned to you.

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for

example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge).

Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific

reasons and

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are

the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support

your answer.

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved

the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in

books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience

with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source

is more important? Why?

A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near

your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new

influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory?

Explain your position.

If you could change one important thing about your hometown,

what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to

support your answer.

How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons

and specific examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television

has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use

specific reasons and

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big

city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and

details to support your answer.

“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has

nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the

quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities

should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities

as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and

examples to support your opinion.

Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why

do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and

examples to support your answer.

Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people

prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use


Some people believe that university students should be required to

attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be

optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use

specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the

qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your

It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built

in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why?

Use specific reasons

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a

teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do

do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use

specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are


Should governments spend more money on improving roads and

highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public

transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and

details to develop your essay.

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big

city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to

develop your essay.

In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this

phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of

people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of

a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and

specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do

do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific

reasons and details.

A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What

do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your

town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your

It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built

in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use

It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be

built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should

sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television,

newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to

the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and

celebrities Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.

Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human

activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to

live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support

your answer.

It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built

in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use

specific reasons and details in your answer.

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number

of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community,

or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in

search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support

your opinion.

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to

save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons

You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a

piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend. Which

would you buy? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree

or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a live

performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more

enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons

and examples to support your opinion.

Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why

you think it has changed people’s lives.




Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific

reasons and examples to support your answer.

Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the

present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and

examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of

technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it

more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and

never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this

statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry

are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you

agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific

reasons and examples to support your answer.

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be

successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific

Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or others

dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to

travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and

Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day’s

work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night.

Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have

these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your

culture? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work

for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and

details to support your choice.

People work because they need money to live. What are some other

reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use

specific examples and details to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face

communication is better than other types of communication, such as

letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to

support your answer.

Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people

prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use

specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or

chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your

opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples

to support your answer.

What change would make your hometown more appealing to people

your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most

important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons

and examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should

never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons

and details to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should

never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and

examples to support your answer.

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or

to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should

choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other

movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of

movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses

should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons

and examples to support your position.

Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other

people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do

do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are

as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons

and examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or others

adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18

year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support

your opinion.

What do you want most in a friend - someone who is intelligent, or

someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable?

Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use

reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences

in our lives that seemed difficult at the time became valuable lessons for

the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.

Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business.

Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be selfemployed,

work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific

reasons to explain your choice.

Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and

replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to

support your opinion.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates

are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in

school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire:

an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a

higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think

that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons

and details to support your answer.

If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to

study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons

and details.

Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life.

Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What

is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would

give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with

shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends?

Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades

(marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and

examples to support your opinion.

Some people say that computers have made life easier and more

convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex

and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to

support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way

to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and

examples to support your answer.

Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other

universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children

should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls

should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to

support your answer.

Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a

team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to

support your answer.

Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous

person in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific

examples to support your choice.

Describe a custom from your country that you would like people

from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific

reasons and examples.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has

made the world a better place to live. Use specific reasons and examples to

support your opinion.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising

can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples

to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern

technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and

examples to support your opinion.

Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of

valuable information. Others think access to so much information

creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific

A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where

should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details

to support your choice.

If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and

where would you go? Why? Use specific reasons and details to

support your choice.

What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people

in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephones

and email have made communication between people less

personal. Use specific reasons and examples to support your


If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history,

what person would you like to meet? Use specific reasons and examples

to support your choice.

If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that

be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask?

Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or

climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather

changes several times a year. Which do you prefer? Use specific

reasons and examples to support your choice.

Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or

university. What are some of the important qualities of a good

roommate? Use specific reasons and examples to explain why these

qualities are important.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing

plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and

examples to support your answer.

Some people think governments should spend as much money as

possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to

other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should

spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two

opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support

your answer.

People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of

modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in them

gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

Use specific details and examples in your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should

be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific

reasons and examples to support your opinion.

If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to

an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use

specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be

shared by two students. Would you rather have the university assign a

student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own

roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Some people think that governments should spend as much money

as possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other

people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more

basic needs. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Use

specific reasons and details to support your answer.

The Cossacks, who in this picture are writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan, could not imagine that their descendants in the 21st century would experience no less difficulties when writing an essay in English for the Unified State Exam.

How to get around all the pitfalls and write task 40 for the treasured 14 points– in my article!

general information

Task 40 on the Unified State Exam in English is a task of an increased level of complexity and is officially called “an extended written statement with elements of reasoning (your opinion).” For the sake of brevity, our sister, in the article I will simply call this beast “essay” or “composition”.

Here's what it looks like:

Comment on the following statement:
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position

An essay is a tasty task because it can bring 14 points on the exam. And if I recommend writing straight to a draft in order to save time, it is better to plan out the essay and write it as a draft, and then transfer it to the answer form (you can download one here -).

From the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2019 from the FIPI website, it is clear that now the student can choose any of the two proposed essay topics!

Criteria for evaluation

To understand how to write need to, let's get acquainted with the assessment criteria for task 40 from the FIPI website.

Solving a communication problem

As you can see, according to the criterion “solving a communication problem” you can get the maximum 3 points. I’ll decipher what they are given for:

  • Essay written according to plan
  • In an essay enough words
  • Style neutral

Writing Plan essays are carefully given in the assignment itself (see above):
– make an introduction (state the problem)
– express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
– express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
– explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
– make a conclusion restating your position

Word count required to obtain the maximum score is also indicated - “Write 200-250 words”. A deviation from the specified volume of 10% is acceptable. That is, you can write from 180 to 275 words. Achtung! Attention! If you write less than 180 words, the essay will not be checked - the expert will give 0 for solving a communicative task, and 0 for this item means 0 for the entire task. And the satisfied teacher checks one less essay. And if a student exceeds the threshold of 275 words, the expert will cross out the 250th word and simply won’t check further. That is, if there are counterarguments or conclusions left behind 250 words, they simply will not be counted and you will not see the maximum for this criterion.

About word count criteria. When determining whether the scope of the submitted work meets the above requirements, all words are considered, from the first word to the last, including auxiliary verbs, prepositions, articles, and particles. Wherein:
- numerals expressed in numbers, i.e. 1, 25, 2009, 126 204, etc., are counted as one word;
 numerals, expressed in numbers, together with the symbol of percentages, i.e. 25%, 100%, etc. are counted as one word;
- numerals expressed in words are counted as words;
 complex words such as good-looking, well-bred, English-speaking, twenty-five are counted as one word;
 abbreviations, for example USA, e-mail, TV, CD-rom, are counted as one word.

Neutral style is met if task 40 contains no abbreviations (I’m sure/ doesn’t matter/ wasn’t stated) and colloquial vocabulary (it is stupid to think so/ this opinion sucks/ the people wearing such clothes are mad).

Even when writing an essay, I strongly advise you to avoid rhetorical questions (But have you ever wondered...?), because Ms. Verbitskaya’s opinion on their use is inconsistent - one year they can be used, another year they cannot be used. Also, I would not recommend writing a phrase that begins with Let’s.... It can be regarded as colloquial. Better safe than sorry.

One more note in the paragraph about the communicative task - about plagiarism. If more than 30% of the answer coincides with the published source, then 0 points are assigned according to the criterion “Solving a communicative problem”, and, accordingly, the entire task is assessed at 0 points. So there is no point in memorizing excerpts from topics; you will have to think on your own.

Organization of text

The maximum for this criterion is also 3 points. You can get them if:

  • the essay is correctly divided into paragraphs
  • the essay is logical and has means of logical communication

It is clear that you need to write as many paragraphs as are in the plan ( five paragraphs!) and everyone must convey a thought corresponding to this point of the plan.

Below is more information about what to write in these five paragraphs and what means of logical communication use in them.

Introduction (paragraph No. 1)

The “correct” introduction consists of 2-3 sentences and paraphrases stated topic, and also shows the existence two opposing points of view on the problem.

Let's take the topic from the assignment above - Makinga good salary is more important than job satisfaction.

The introductory paragraph below paraphrases the theme ( career choice is one of the most important decisions in our life; it is essential to love what you do; whereas others focus on high salary while choosing a future profession) and indicates the existence of different points of view ( Some people believe that …, whereas other focus on …).

To join, I would recommend using the following tools: logical connection:

  • Some people think/believe/consider that …, whereas other think/believe/consider that …
  • The problem / issue / question of… has always aroused heated / sharp disputes / debates / discussions / controversy
  • Our modern world is unthinkable / unimaginable / inconceivable without... However, there are plenty of people who believe that it is not necessary / doubt the necessity / importance / use / benefit / good of...
  • …gaining increasing popularity today, many still dispute / doubt / challenge / bring into question / cast doubt on its use for the society
  • It is often difficult to decide which position to take whenever there is a debate regarding a choice between… and…

In the essay plan, in the second paragraph the student is asked to express his opinion and give 2-3 arguments in support of it. I would stop at two arguments in favor to fit into the required number of words. And the arguments “for” should be detailed - that is, we don’t just say “I think so,” but explain the point of view.

I also advise you to rush to prove not your point of view, but to defend a position for which you can come up with more arguments. At the training stage to plan the structure of an essay, it would be good to draw mind maps:

This thing will also come in handy during the exam. Helps to gather thoughts together before writing a draft.

In the topic about working for an idea or money, it was easier for me to find arguments about the superiority of the spiritual over the material:

Ligaments to express your opinion:

  • I believe/ I consider that…/ I am convinced that…
  • I personally favour…
  • To my mind…/ In my opinion…/ It seems to me that…
  • I can't but agree that...
  • I am against…/ I don’t approve of…/ I don’t support the idea of…/ I personally frown on…
  • It is said/believed that…
  • It goes without saying that…

Ligaments to express arguments:

  • Firstly / first and foremost / first of all ...
  • A major benefit is that...
  • To begin/start with, it is important to emphasize that…
  • Furthermore/ Moreover/ What is more/ Besides, …
  • A further convincing argument is that…
  • Another (positive/negative) aspect of…
  • Finally/Lastly

Opposite point of view (paragraph No. 3)

In paragraph 3 you need to state that there is an opposing point of view and support it arguments. There can be 1 or 2 of them (arguments) - it all depends on the number of pluses in the previous paragraph. I adhere to the rule “3 pluses in the 2nd paragraph - 1 minus in the third paragraph”, “2 pluses in the 2nd paragraph - 2 minuses in the 3rd”, otherwise you may not fit into the amount of words. Personally, I prefer the scheme in the evening - money, in the morning - chairs 2 arguments for - 2 arguments against.

Here's what I got with the opposite point of view.

Connectives for expression opposite opinion.

  • However, not all people share my point of view. They say that...
  • They assume/suppose…
  • They are in favor of... / They approve of... / They favor...
  • There is another side to the issue/question of …
  • There are people who have the opposite opinion./ Not all people share my viewpoint.

Counterarguments (paragraph No. 4)

This is one of the most problematic parts of the essay. The arguments “for” and “against” are invented; need more refute the arguments against, which were presented in paragraph 3. And do it neutrally. That is, write in the style of a troll from the forum: “Look, give him a good salary too!” You can’t sit on two chairs!” it is forbidden. =(

At the planning stage of drawing mind maps, you should think about which argument is best suited for counterargumentation and do not write it in the paragraph with your opinion, but save it “for dessert” - that is, for the fourth paragraph.

Let me emphasize once again that in the fourth paragraph we are precisely we refute the arguments of the third paragraph, and let's not come up with any more arguments“to the heap.” The opposite opinion in paragraph 3 talked about the importance of money to satisfy material needs and improve the standard of living. Let us object that pleasure from work and, as a result, professionalism are directly related to the size of the salary.

Connectives for expression counterarguments.

  • To a certain extent it is right, but we should not forget that… / we should consider the fact that… / one should not disregard… / one should take into account …
  • However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the above mentioned idea.
  • However, I disagree with these contentions.
  • I am afraid I cannot agree with these people here as I think …

Conclusion (paragraph No. 5)

At the end of the hard-won essay, you need to do it again declare the problematic nature of the topic(indicate two points of view) and your opinion. It is important here not to repeat yourself in wording and thoughts.

In conclusion I would like to state that work occupies a great part of everyday routine. Evidently, it is more logical to choose an occupation you fancy over the one that brings in only money.

Expressions for the final paragraph:

  • To conclude/ sum up/ summarise
  • All in all…
  • All things considered…
  • Taking all this into account/ consideration…
  • In short/conclusion…

Vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation

Now that we’ve sorted out the plan for writing an essay, let’s move on to the grammatical, lexical and spelling and punctuation of the essay. The table below explains the criteria for evaluating these parameters:

Lexical errors

Let's look at what errors are proudly called “Lexical”. This:

  • incorrectly used word in context (I would not speak so instead of I would not say so)
  • compatibility error (make homework instead of do homework)
  • omitting a word if it does not affect the grammatical structure of the sentence (My parents are very well familiar (missing the preposition with) the topic)
  • errors in word formation if the part of speech does not change (for example, unresponsible instead of irresponsible)
  • error in phrasal verb (give in smoking instead of give up smoking)
  • a spelling error that changes the meaning of a word (thing instead of think, whether instead of weather)

But you not only need to avoid making mistakes, you need to remember that vocabulary in the essay should correspond to the task. That is, if the essay is about food, all sorts of synonyms and expressions on the topic “food” should be used. The lexical composition of the essay should be varied. If the author uses simple words and expressions (I think, I need to say, It’s good/bad to) or repeats vocabulary, the wedding will not receive a maximum score for the “vocabulary” criterion. To get the coveted point, you need to use collocations (start doing – take up), phrasal verbs (meet friends – meet up), and tricky vocabulary (think – consider). For example, the essay given as an example is replete with set expressions ( fulfilling job, be of primary importance, sooner or later), it contains a phrasal verb ( bring in) and synonymous chains career-job-work-occupation/ love – be keen on – be fond of – fancy/ satisfying job – fulfilling job – favorite job/ high salary – material aspect – well-paid job.

Grammatical errors

When checking task 40, the expert puts a grammatical error in the margins if the error:

  • in any grammatical form, be it the form of a verb, plural noun, degree of comparison, and in any topic from the “Grammar Topics” section of the codifier
  • in the order of words in a sentence (for example, I don’t know what they are thinking about. – In the second part of the sentence, the word order is reversed, although there is no question mark)
  • there is a missing word that affects the structure of the sentence (for example, These people are wrong. – The linking verb “are” is missing)
  • in word formation, if the part of speech changes (for example, they wanted to write “politician” (politician), but they wrote politic (political)

Also, if a student makes do with simple sentences, points are deducted. The essay welcomes complex structures, modal verbs, phrases with the passive/infinitive/participles, conditional sentences, the main thing is not to overdo it and “do not write everything beautiful at once”, to the detriment of the meaning. For example, in my essay, in addition to all sorts of complex sentences, there are degrees of comparison ( the most important, higher), modal verbs ( can't, have to), passive ( are underpaid or underestimated), conditional sentence ( If a person is fond of his work, he will eventually become a professional in his area), construction with comparative adjectives ( The more money you have, the better life you can afford).

Spelling and punctuation errors

The following are considered spelling errors in an essay:

  • All errors that do not change the meaning of the word (for example, collegue, becouse, languaege)
    (If an error changes the meaning of a word, it becomes lexical - for example, thing instead of think, whether instead of weather)
  • If a word in a work is written correctly once, but the rest are written incorrectly, this is considered an error.
  • If a letter or word is written illegibly, the word is considered incorrectly written

In the entire written part of the exam, the student can choose either the British or American spelling of the word - favorite / favorite, colour / color, drugstore / pharmacy, crisps / chips. And stick to the chosen option until the end. That is, if color is written in one sentence and favorite is written in another, such variability will be recorded as an error.

Now about punctuation. Forget about abbreviations in essays (don’t/wouldn’t/mustn’t) - they will take away points from you. They can and should be written in a letter to a friend (), but not in an essay.

And if the work is written “like a chicken with its paw” (hello to our Russian language teachers =)) - that is, there will be a lot of strikethroughs in it - the expert has the right to reduce the grade by half a point.

Essay example

Makinga good salary is more important than job satisfaction.

It is common knowledge that career choice is one of the most important decisions in our life. Some people believe that it is essential to love what you do, whereas others focus on high salary while choosing a future profession.

In my opinion, a satisfying job is a better option. It fills life with positive emotions giving the energy to accomplish different tasks as we manage our daily routine. Another positive aspect of a fulfilling job is that your performance and, consequently, results are higher if you are keen on the task you are doing.

There are people who have the opposite opinion, for them the material aspect is of primary importance. The more money you have, the better life you can afford. Besides, money means opportunities – opportunities for better housing, education, entertainment and simply higher quality of life.

However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the above mentioned idea. If people are fond of their work, they will eventually become professionals in a chosen area, and specialists are rarely underpaid or underestimated. A favorite job becomes well-paid sooner or later.

In conclusion, I would like to state that work occupies a great part of everyday routine. Evidently, it is more logical to choose an occupation you fancy over the one that brings in only money.

Attention! When you rewrite your answer on the exam form, do not forget to write the task number at the beginning - Task 40. Also, from this year you cannot write on the back of form 2 (that is, the one where you need to write the essay). If something doesn’t fit in you – and it won’t fit, I guarantee you that – ask for the next form. I advise you to ask for the next form in advance, because the exam assistants may run out of them, and searching for new ones may take some time, which is so important.

And organize your time so that during the exam you have time to rewrite the entire written task on the form. An essay written as a draft is not checked.

Algorithm for writing an essay for an exam

  1. Allow 60 minutes to write.
  2. Read the topic and draw a mind map on the topic. After drawing, make sure that all the arguments given are clearly on the topic (not on a similar one that you have already written). Every year the exam writers come up with something new, so don't expect to get a topic you're already familiar with and don't slip into another one that's similar. This is fraught with a score of “0” for the CP criterion, that is, a score of “0” for the entire task 40.
  3. Read your arguments again and select the most appropriate arguments in the 3rd and 4th paragraphs - that is, arguments against and a counterargument to it.
  4. Write a draft essay. If you have little time left, write to the final copy right away.
  5. Check for errors. Here I advise you to remember your typical “blunders” and check your work on them.
  6. Rewrite it as a clean copy. Check for mistakes, check that you wrote “Task 40” before the essay.

P.S. – If you are reading a topic for an exam and realize that you don’t know a word in the topic, don’t panic! Calm down and try to guess how this word can be translated.


I would advise preparing for task 40 when the student’s level corresponds to at least B1 (ideally B2, because it is stated as the key to success on the Unified State Exam).

With level B1, I start preparing for this task about 6 months before the exam - first we analyze the assessment criteria, then we read and analyze essays from previous years, and at the end we try to write our own essays.

For practice, I would recommend purchasing Khotuntseva’s book; it is the most useful of all the manuals that claim to help you prepare for the written part. The other books presented below are also good, but Khotuntseva’s book is the best.


I will leave here the essay assessment scheme that the expert uses when checking assignment 40.

It is useful to show this chart to the student during preparation and fill it out together, using it first to evaluate the essays of previous years, and then the student’s own essay.

Please note that this article is current for the Unified State Exam 2018. In subsequent years, the requirements for writing this assignment may change and my advice will no longer be relevant.

Materials used when writing this article from– the most reliable source for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam. Anything you read on other sites may contain incorrect information - be careful! (Yes, I've seen a few of these sites with incorrect information and bad essay examples!)

I recommend looking at examples of examination essays with analysis in the article about.

Hello my beloved readers.

If you are confident that you write excellent essays, forget about it!

Okay, it's kind of rough. But in reality this turns out to be true. All of us - Russian-speaking people - write excellent essays in Russian, but when it comes to essays in English for the Unified State Exam, then we start having problems (to put it mildly). The whole point is that we do not follow their rules and structure, but we should...

Therefore, today we will learn how to write an essay correctly, what requirements to comply with, and I will also give you ready-made essays so that you can clearly see how they should look.

For high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam, you need to use simulators, which bring you as close as possible to the exam situation. You can use a similar simulator here . Practice and pass with 100 points!

What is an essay and its types

Let's start with the main question. It is probably already obvious that an essay is a kind of composition on a specific topic. But it's not that simple. The first thing you need to clearly understand is the difference between the two types of essays. These include essays expressing personal opinion, as well as essays with a “pros and cons” structure. And you should know the difference between them by heart.

Essay requirements

The main requirement for this task in 2017 is the volume of words. Alas, you are limited to 180-275 words. In addition, your essay must be grammatically correct, and the vocabulary, of course, must correspond to the language level. I do not recommend using words from the Elementary level when you are trying to pass the exam.

Style is also considered a very important element in assessing the quality of a written work. Yes, we are usually not very attentive to this aspect. With us, the “richer” and more “informal” the language you use, the better. But the British love a clear structure, so I not only do not advise you to do anything other than a formal writing style, but even forbid it!


Plans for different types of essays are also different.

Pros and Cons Essay Outline

For a pro-con essay, the following structure is usually used:

  • Introduction.

Start with a clear statement of the problem at hand, as well as a sentence that expresses ambivalence.

  • Arguments for".

Decide on the arguments for it. Express them clearly and, most importantly, do not forget that they are still related to the problem.

  • Arguments against".

Decide on the arguments against. You can even combine them with the previous paragraph. The main thing is that your thoughts are clearly defined and reasoned.

  • Conclusion.

In conclusion, clearly and clearly summarize what has been said, but still repeat the controversial topic again, expressing some hope for its solution.

What I usually recommend to my students is to outline your essay before you write it. The worst mistake is to write at random. Then you will find many mistakes, as well as complete confusion in your thoughts.

Personal opinion essay outline

If you need to express your opinion, then the structure of the text will be completely different:

  • Introduction.

In this type of essay, the beginning is identical to the previous one: you just need to identify the question that interests you.

  • Expressing your opinion.

Here you express your point of view and give several arguments why you think it is correct. Don't waste all your arguments on this part. One or two will still be useful to you in the future. Here you can give 2-3 arguments.

  • Expressing an opinion opposite to yours.

Any point of view has arguments opposing it. So imagine them here. It is not advisable to write less than two.

  • Your counterarguments.

And here you can use those couple of arguments that I advised you to save. In this case, 1-2 will be quite enough.

  • Conclusion.

Words- assistants

The rules for writing an essay are an important stage, but it is equally important to use introductory structures and expressions that will show your level of language proficiency, as well as dilute the boring formal text with neutral phrases. Let's look at some examples with translation:

People say.../ It is thought... - They say...

Firstly… / Secondly… - Firstly/secondly…

To begin with... - Starting with...

In addition to… - In addition…

Besides... - Besides...

Despite… - Despite…

As a result... - As a result...

On the one hand... on the other hand... - On the one hand... / On the other hand...

The problem is/might be/seems to be… - The problem is/maybe/seems to be…

While... - While...

What is more... - Moreover...

Summing up... - Summing up...

In conclusion… - In conclusion…

Suggested Topics

Of course, I cannot say with certainty what essay topics will be this year, but from experience I can say that the topics are always of a general nature. The reason for this is that few people can write about banking, for example. But on general topics, any of us can write anything based on our own experience. Therefore, here are some suggested essay topics:

  • Food - Food.
  • Traveling - Travel.
  • Fashion - Fashion.
  • Love and friendship - Love and friendship.
  • Money - Money.
  • Environment - Environment.
  • Family problem - Problems in the family.
  • Work and career - Work and career.
  • Leisure time activities - Things to do in your free time.

By the way, there is a wonderful guide that will help everyone learn to write essays perfectly! Just follow the rules and practice. The author gives here the maximum that a student can get when preparing for the written part of the exams.


Of course, I couldn’t leave you with nothing, and not even give you a template or example of how to complete this task. Read and analyze.

Have domestic appliances improved the quality of our lives?

Nowadays, many people have a great variety of devices at home that are thought to make our life easier. However, they also have some disadvantages. (Remember that you need to start with a clear definition of the problem)

On the one hand(don't forget to use introductory words ) , they definitely reduced the amount of time we spend on doing household chores. Cleaning, for example, has become much easier due to the invention of vacuum cleaner. What is more, washing clothes does not seem to be a big problem anymore. Women do it far more quickly than they used to. In addition, the process of cooking for a big family has become much easier. You can have a microwave as long as multi-cooker to prepare food in an hour insteadofspending the whole evening in the kitchen. (In this type of essay, it is important to have a clear structure: write only about the advantages right away, and then only move on to the disadvantages. Or vice versa. But never mix).

However, even though all this equipment was made to save our time, it also encourages people to work more, or spend their free time in front of television or computer. And that does not necessarily make people happier. They become lazier and in case something happens- they will no longer be able to survive without all these appliances.

Summing up, it must be said that although technology has made the life easier it should not define thequality of our lives. (Don't forget to make a conclusion at the end, but by doing so, emphasize your point.)

The structure of the essay, as I already said, differs depending on the type. Therefore, I will give you an example with various clichés of the second type.

Is it better to go on holiday with family or friends?

It is usually thought that going on holidays with friends is much better than spending free time with your family. I completely disagree with it. ( Similar to the previous comment - don't forget to identify the problem and mention it).

First of all, it is much more economical as parents usually pay for their children so you do not have to spend much of your money. Secondly, it may seem that going on holidays with your parents may be boring, but the reality shows that you can have as much fun with your relatives as you could have with your friends. (We express 2-3 arguments in support of your opinion).

There is also an opinion, that spending time with your friend or without your parents makes you more responsible and confident. It is thought that you learn to live on your own. (Don't forget that it is also necessary to indicate someone else's opinion opposite to yours).

I cannot agree with this point of view as the adolescence is the process that cannot be fulfilled during your holidays. And sharing time with you family, on the other hand, strengthens your relationship and encourages you to develop core human values. (Contrast the new arguments with the counterarguments that you received).

So whether there is a question who to spend your vacation with, make sure that it will be spent with those who love you most- your family. (And, in the end, remember to make the right point when asserting your opinion).

Common mistakes

Of course, there are no mistakes. But there are mistakes that are typical for almost 50% of students taking the exam. Therefore, I want to highlight those that will be embarrassing:

  • Forget about structure. Use informal words, phrasal verbs, or simply inappropriate vocabulary in style and format.
  • Write abbreviations don’t, haven’t, etc.
  • Do not use introductory structures.
  • Write less or more than the prescribed word limit.
  • Do not reveal the topic of the essay or “go away” from it, hoping that you will be appreciated for writing at least something.
  • Stupid grammar mistakes. Better check and correct it 10 times.

Guys, if you seriously want to structure your knowledge and improve your skills for the Unified State Exam 2017 under the guidance of a great teacher:

Quicker sign up for a free introductory lesson at the EnglishDom online school. There will determine your level language proficiency, learn weak sides, will pick up the most suitable a teacher for you, and you can study individually through a convenient online platform at the optimal time for you and for a reasonable fee.

Well, my dears, I am sure that your essay is no worse, and maybe even better. I hope that after today’s lesson, writing will become much easier for you, and the word “essay” will move from the category of “oh, what a horror” to the category of “well, that’s wonderful.”))

And in order to improve not only your writing skills, but also everything else that you will need when passing the frightening three-letter appearance, subscribe to my blog’s mailing list. There I regularly share useful materials, tips and tricks based on personal experience.

In the meantime, I say goodbye to you.

Until next time.

P.S. If you are interested in learning about my experience passing entrance exams and just reading my thoughts on this topic, then go ahead to my article “”

The last task in the written part of the Unified State Exam in English is essay writing. The length of the essay should be 200-250 words, and its structure should be as follows: introduction (with a statement of the problem), own opinion (including 2-3 arguments), opposing opinion on the problem (including 1-2 arguments), reason for disagreement with the opposing opinion and conclusion. When completing this task you can use ready-made essays in English which are presented below.

List of ready-made essays

1. Some people say that fast food has a bad effect on our health.
2. Some people say that genetically modified food is hazardous to health.
3. Some people think that there are many benefits of being a vegetarian.
4. Some people think that organic food is healthier than conventional food.
5. Some people believe that the only way to lose weight is following a weight loss diet.
6. Some people think that we should eat at home.
7. Some people believe that it is important to look nice and to follow fashion.
8. Some people think that clothes help them show who they really are.
9. Some people think that schoolchildren should wear school uniforms.
10. Some people say that there should not be any rules about the clothes people can wear in the workplace.
11. Some people say that wearing fur is unacceptable.
12. Some people think that tattoos and piercing make them more attractive.
13. Some people think that tourism ruins everything that it touches.
14. Some people say that school trips are beneficial for students.
15. Some people say ecotourism benefits the environment and local people.
16. Some people think that the best way to travel in a town or in a city is on foot.
17. Some people say that cars have improved our lives in a number of ways.
18. Some people say that traveling by plane is very convenient.
19. Some people say that taking public transportation is a convenient option for travel.
20. Some people say that hitchhiking is the best way of travel.
21. Some people say that traveling to exotic countries is an exciting experience.
22. Some people think that international travel has a lot of benefits.
23. Some people say that the best way to travel is by train.
24. Some people say that the best way to travel is by ship.
25. Some people choose to travel abroad to receive medical care.
26. Some people say that having friends is important for everyone.
27. Some people think that you can have only one true friend.
28. Some people think that only those who have much in common can become friends.
29. Some people think that nothing can ruin a true friendship.
30. Many people think that love makes a person happy.
31. Some people think that jealousy is a very destructive emotion.
32. Some people think that only those who earn a lot of money can be happy.
33. Some people think that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible.
34. Some people say that making money with the Internet is reality.
35. Some people say that teenagers should work to earn money.
36. Some people say that having a hobby is important for everyone.
37. Some people say that playing computer games is the best way to spend your free time.
38. Some people believe that teenagers should not be given too much free time.
39. Some people think that reading is a waste of time.
40. Some people think that collecting various things is a waste of time and money.
41. Some people say that online education is an excellent alternative to traditional education.
42. Some people think that homeschooling is an excellent alternative to traditional education.
43. Some people think that self-education is not very effective.
44. Some people think that if you want to get a good education, you should go abroad.
45. Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools.
46. ​​Some people think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students.
47. Some school-leavers think that university is not for them and choose not to go.
48. Some people think that computers may replace teachers in the future.
49. Some people believe that exams are the best way to check the student’s knowledge.
50. Many people think that homework is essential for every student.
51. Some people believe that students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study.
52. Some people think that grades encourage students to learn.
53. Some people think that students will use computers instead of textbooks in the future.
54. Some people think that creativity is an essential ability which must be taught at school.
55. Some people think that punishment should be used in class to achieve discipline and to make students study hard.
56. Some people say that having jobs can be of great benefit to teenagers.
57. Some people say that they would prefer to work at home.
58. Some people think that it is more important to get satisfaction from your work than to earn much money.
59. Some people think that in any occupation discipline is more important than talent.
60. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession.
61. Some people change their jobs every few years.
62. Some people think that it is better to work abroad.
63. Some people believe that they will be successful and happy only if they work much.
64. At present, there is no difficulty in finding a good job.
65. Some people think that there is nothing worse than being unemployed.
66. Many people believe that it is important to develop teamwork in the workplace.
67. Some people prefer to work for themselves or to own a business.
68. Some people think that modern technologies make life more convenient.
69. Some people say that cell phones have changed our lives for the better.
70. Some people say that using mobile telephones must be prohibited in school.
71. Some people believe that all teenagers should have a cell phone.
72. Some people think that the Internet has more drawbacks than advantages.
73. Some people think that children should spend less time surfing the Net.
74. Some people say that the Internet has improved the effectiveness of education.
75. Some people say that social networking sites offer significant advantages.
76. Some people believe that there are real risks to dating via the Internet.
77. Some people think that online chatting cannot substitute for face-to-face communication.
78. Some people prefer writing traditional paper letters to using e-mail.
79. Some people think that cloning opens up new opportunities.
80. Some people are worried about computers and robots doing the same things that people can do.
81. Some people say that a virtual field trip can be a good alternative to a traditional field trip.
82. Some people say that the theater is likely to disappear.
83. Some people think that graffiti is vandalism.
84. Some people believe that dancing can be of great benefit to children.
85. Some people believe that listening to music has good effects on everyone.
86. Some people think that rap music has a bad influence on teenagers.
87. Some people say that they are used to working or studying to the sound of music.
88. Some people think that watching movies is beneficial to everyone.
89. Some people are fond of 3D films.
90. Some people prefer watching a film version to reading a book.
91. Some people say that electronic books are going to replace paper books in the future.
92. Some people say that we do not need public libraries any more.
93. Some people say that reading detective stories is just a waste of time.
94. Some people say that weight loss diets can be very harmful.
95. Some people say that it is important to exercise regularly.
96. Some people say that extreme sports are too risky.
97. Some people believe that children should be encouraged to go in for sports.
98. Some people dream of becoming professional athletes.
99. Some people say that one should go to a fitness club to be healthy and slim.
100. Some people think that surfing is rather risky.
101. Some people think that parkour is not for everyone.
102. Some people think that physical attractiveness is important for everyone.
103. Some people think that plastic surgery can help them to become more attractive and happier.
104. Some people prefer to have only one child.
105. Some couples choose not to have children.
106. Some people choose to build a family through adoptions.
107. These days, some people adopt children from overseas.
108. Some people believe that adult children should not live with their parents.
109. Some people think that couples should not marry young.
110. Some people say that it is wonderful to have a sibling.
111. Some people believe that grandparents should take an active part in their grandchildren’s upbringing.
112. Some people say that overpopulation is a major problem for the human race.
113. Some people think that stress can ruin one’s life.
114. Some people continue smoking in spite of all warnings.
115. Some people believe that the problems caused by gambling are very serious.
116. Some people say that capital punishment should be allowed.
117. Some people believe that the lives of the disabilities are much easier nowadays.
118. Some people say that there is nothing better than watching TV.
119. Some people believe that watching TV can have harmful effects on children.
120. Some people think that reality TV shows are enjoyable and bring many benefits to the audience and the actors.
121. Many people watch soap operas because they find them enjoyable and realistic.
122. Some people say that print media will disappear in the future.
123. Some people say that radio is not as popular as it used to be.
124. Some people say that shopping is interesting and enjoyable.
125. Some people say that shopping malls have advantages over small shops.
126. Some people say that our lives would be better if we bought fewer goods.
127. Some people say that online shopping is an excellent alternative to traditional shopping.
128. Many people say that it is important to recycle waste.
129. Some people believe that going green has a lot of benefits.
130. Some people prefer hybrid cars to traditional cars.
131. Some people think that there are many reasons to promote carpooling.
132. Some people say that modern teenagers are carefree.
133. Some people are worried about the strong influence of peer groups on teenagers.
134. Parents have many concerns about their teenagers dating.
135. Some parents think that teenagers should not be given much independence.
136. Some people believe that animals should not be taken from their natural surroundings and put into zoos.
137. Some people think that keeping exotic animals as pets is an interesting experience.
138. Some people think that keeping pets is a waste of time and money.
139. Some people object to animal testing.
140. Some people think that virtual pets can replace real pets.
141. Some people think there are a lot of benefits of living in a big city.
142. Some people believe that learning foreign languages ​​is a waste of time.
143. Some people say that the English language should be learned in England.
144. Many people dream of being famous someday.
145. Time management skills are important for success.
146. Some people do not care whether they buy pirated or legal CDs and DVDs.
147. Some people think it is important to be honest in any situation.
148. Some people say that ambitiousness is the key to success and happiness.
149. Some people think that we should use critical thinking rather than trust intuition.
150. Some people say that nonverbal messages improve communication.

Format and rules for writing an essay “expressing opinion”

The essay “expressing opinion” is written in a formal (business) style.
In this type of essay, you need to express your point of view on a given topic, as well as bring other people’s points of view opposite to yours and explain why you disagree with them. Your opinion should be clearly stated and supported by examples or evidence.
The volume of the essay is 200-250 words (minimum 180 words, maximum 275)
The essay should actively use constructions such as “In my opinion”, “I think”, “I believe”
It is necessary to use introductory words and constructions like “On the one hand, on the other hand”..., linking words (Nevertheless, Moreover, Despite...)
It is prohibited to use abbreviations such as “I’m”, “they’re”, “don’t”, “can’t” (otherwise the score for organizing the essay will be reduced)
The “expressing opinion” essay has a strict structure, changing which when writing the essay will lead to a decrease in score. The essay “expressing opinion” consists of 4 paragraphs:

1) Introduction(introduction)

In the introduction, you must clearly formulate the topic-problem, indicating that there are two opposing points of view on the problem (Some people claim that mobile phones are very useful devices while others argue that life could be less stressful without them.) and express your opinion without using too many personal constructs
However, the first sentence should not repeat the given topic of the essay word for word. Recommended ending of the first paragraph: Now I would like to express my point of view on the problem of …

2) Main part

1 paragraph. Give 2-3 arguments supporting your point of view, supporting them with examples or evidence.
In the second paragraph you should adhere to only ONE point of view, for example: Mobile phones in my opinion are very useful devices. OR I consider the mobile phone to be a harmful and useless invention.
You must provide 2-3 arguments with evidence to support your opinion

2 paragraph. Give opposing points of view (1-2), and explain why you DO NOT agree with them. Example: However, some people think that mobile phones not only keep you in touch with your relatives and friends but also provide you with a great number of facilities. I can’t agree with this statement because…
Your counterarguments to the opinions of other people should not repeat the 2nd paragraph.

3) Conclusion

It is necessary to conclude, referring to the topic given in the 1st paragraph, that there are 2 points of view on the problem, and also confirm your own point of view.
For example: “There are different points of view on this problem. I think that...” or “Taking everything into consideration, there are two different points of view on this problem. I believe that...

Useful vocabulary for composition"expressing opinion"

1 paragraph Introductory phrases

  • It is popularly believed that….
  • People often claim that... Some people argue that...
  • A lot of people think that…
  • It is often suggested/believed that…
  • Many people are in favor of the idea that... Many people are convinced that...
  • Some people are against…

2 paragraph. Phrases expressing your point of view:

  • I would like to explain my point of view on this situation.
  • I would like to express my opinion on this problem.

Phrases characterizing the advantages of the problem under discussion:

  • As already stated I’m in favor of… for a number of reasons…
  • There are many things to be said in favor of…
  • The best/ thing about……. is...

Phrases listing points of view:

  • Firstly, /First of all….
  • In the first place
  • To start with, / To begin with,
  • Secondly, Thirdly, Finally,
  • Last but not least,

Phrases that add new arguments:

  • Furthermore, /Moreover, /What is more,
  • As well as…. /In addition to this/that…
  • Besides, /…….also….
  • Not only…., but…… as well.
  • Apart from this/that….
  • not to mention the fact that

3 paragraph.

  • Some people believe that… however they fail to understand that…
  • they fail to consider that… they forget that…
  • Some people argue that…. I can't agree with it as...
  • I disagree with this point of view (statement, opinion) because …
  • It has become fashionable for some people to argue that…
  • Contrary to what most people believe, I think that…
  • As opposed to the above ideas…I believe that…

4 paragraph. Closing phrases:

  • In conclusion,
  • On the whole,
  • To conclude
  • To sum up
  • All in all,
  • All things considered
  • Finally,
  • Lastly
  • Taking everything into account,
  • Taking everything into consideration

Expression of personal opinion:

  • In my opinion this subject is very controversial
  • In my view…
  • To my mind...
  • To my way of thinking…
  • Personally I believe that…
  • I feel strongly that...
  • It seems to me that...
  • As far as I am concerned…

Criteria for assessing the completion of tasks C2

Solving a communication problem (CONTENTS)



Spelling and punctuation

The task is completed in full: the content reflects all aspects specified in the task; the style of speech is chosen correctly, taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee; The norms of politeness accepted in the language are observed.

The statement is logical: the means of logical connection are chosen correctly; the text is divided into paragraphs; the format of the statement is chosen correctly

The vocabulary used is appropriate to the task at hand; There are practically no violations in the use of vocabulary.

(1-2 errors)

Grammatical structures are used in accordance with the task at hand. Virtually no errors.

(1-2 errors)

The task is completed: some aspects specified in the task are not fully disclosed; there are individual violations of the stylistic design of speech; the norms of politeness accepted in the language are generally observed

The statement is basically logical; there are some disadvantages when using logical communication means; there are some disadvantages when dividing the text into paragraphs; there are some violations of the format of the statement

The vocabulary used corresponds to the task, however, there are some inaccuracies in the use of words or the vocabulary is limited. But the vocabulary is used correctly

(3-7 errors)

There are a number of grammatical errors that do not impede understanding of the text

(3-7 errors)

There are practically no spelling errors. The text is divided into sentences with correct punctuation

(1-2 errors)

The task has not been completed completely: the content does not reflect all aspects specified in the task; There are often violations of style; generally the accepted norms of politeness in the language are not observed

The statement is not always logical: there are shortcomings or errors in the use of means of logical communication, their choice is limited; division of text into paragraphs is illogical or absent; there are numerous errors in the format of the statement

An unreasonably limited vocabulary was used; There are frequent violations in the use of vocabulary, some of which may make it difficult to understand the text

Either elementary-level errors are common, or errors are few in number but make it difficult to understand the text.

(8-12 errors)

There are a number of spelling or punctuation errors that make the text significantly more difficult to understand

(3-10 errors)

The task was not completed: the content does not reflect the aspects specified in the task or does not correspond to the required volume (200-250 words)

Note: the minimum number of words is 180, the maximum is 275. If the essay has 179 words - “0” for content, if there are more than 276 words, then only 250 words from the beginning are checked.

There is no logic in the construction of the statement; the format of the statement is not respected

Extremely limited vocabulary does not allow you to complete the task

(cannot be placed if there is no “0” for content)

Grammar rules are not followed

(more than 12 errors)

Spelling and punctuation rules are not followed

More than 10 errors

Essay sample

Many cities in Europe do everything to promote bicycles as an ecologically clean type of transportation; however the governor of St. Petersburg signed a decree according to which bicycles will not be allowed in the city centre.

Do you agree that bicycles should be banned in the center of St. Petersburg?

Write 200-250 words

Use the following plan:

1. Introduction. (State the problem)

2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.

3. Give other people's arguments and explain why they are wrong.

4. Make a conclusion

In European cities people ride bicycles a lot because they are aware that bikes help to save fuel and reduce pollution in cities. However, the governor of Saint-Petersburg decided to ban bicycles in the city center and I fully agree with it. I would like to explain my point of view on it.

In my opinion, the governor is absolutely right. In the first place, our roads are not adapted for biking as in Europe; they are too narrow and there are no separate lanes for bicycles. Moreover, bikes do not help the traffic situation but even sometimes make it worse as bicyclists often break traffic rules and cause accidents. In addition, the weather in St. Petersburg is not good for bicycle commuting. In winter roads are covered with ice, in autumn and in spring rains are frequent and roads are wet, so it is very difficult for cyclists to move.

On the other hand, some say that bikes are undoubtedly useful for our health, I can not agree with it completely as there are a lot of road accidents where cyclists are injured. Some people may argue that bikes are ecologically clean, but you can also put special purifying facilities on cars which are faster and more comfortable as transport.

To sum up, there are different points of view on this problem. I believe that bicycles should be banned in the city center where streets are not specially created for them. As I see it, a bike is a kind of transport for short trips in the countryside.

Unified State Exam in English. Letter. Task C2. Video tutorial.