The most profitable internet and TV for home. What Internet is better to connect for a private house? The best providers in Russia

The Internet for a private house, dacha and apartment must be selected taking into account what it will be used for. Providers provide a wide range of options to provide high-quality and fast access to the Internet. In order to choose the best option, detailed instructions and recommendations for choosing will be given below.

What to look for when choosing

Choosing a provider

Before you decide and connect the Internet, you need to pay attention to the provider. In each individual city, there are several local companies, but we will consider large companies providing similar services throughout the country. It is worth noting that a large company can find quite profitable tariff plans that will provide the optimal ratio of speed and cost. The user first needs to find out if the provider can connect to the internet in the area where he lives.

Wireless coverage and quality

If, for any reason, broadband Internet provision is not possible in the area you are looking for, then you should try to pay attention to wireless connection. First of all, if rural areas are taken into account, the best way to find out the availability of mobile Internet is to have repeaters (towers) of the operator. If such towers are installed, then the coverage and signal quality may be at a sufficient level, because. the signal propagating from them (unlike ordinary base stations) covers an area of ​​up to 30 km on average.

Satellite Internet

If the previous option also does not provide stable Internet, you can try using satellite. This option involves the use of a special dish equipped with a receiver. It should be noted that connecting such a connection is not cheap, but if there is no alternative option, then this will be the most optimal.

Decide on the type of connection

After the previous points have been determined, it is necessary to understand what type of connection providers and operators provide. At the moment, providers provide their customers with several types of connections, via cable (Ethernet local area network, fiber optic), modem (ADSL and Dial-Up telephone line) and DOCSIS (via TV cable). Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Detailed specification will be given below. The client needs to contact the provider's office for more information.

The next type of connection will apply directly to mobile operators. At the moment, cellular companies are full of various proposals for high-quality and fast mobile Internet. Most often connection is made using a USB 3G modem. The operation of this device is extremely simple, the SIM card accesses the nearest operator tower and, depending on the installed equipment, receives a signal using the following protocols: GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA +, WiMAX and LTE.

In addition to the modem, the phone itself can act as a transmitter. Modern devices have support for high-speed 3G and 4G Internet. In turn, mobile operators provide traffic packages in sufficient volumes. It is best to find out in detail in the nearest communication salon.

Unlimited internet or traffic calculation

For users who spend a lot of time online, watching movies, downloading music, etc. It is best to connect an unlimited package. If this is not possible, you need to study the offers with the highest traffic package. If access to the network will be carried out only in case of emergency, it is best to use a tariff with traffic calculation.

Deciding on speed

After the provider (operator) has been selected, it is necessary to determine what speed is required to complete the tasks, and what will be considered optimal. If we take into account broadband Internet and optical networks, then this is the most optimal option, since the speed reaches 100 Mb/s. In turn, if we talk about "ADSL", then the threshold speed will not exceed 60 Mb/s., in some cases it can be even lower. Wireless networks have a sufficient data transfer rate, the minimum values ​​​​today are from 3.6 Mb/s to 100 Mb/s. With the development of 4G networks, the speed can reach 1 Gb/s.

Which Internet is better to connect

Wired Internet

Currently the most popular type of connection. Allows you to connect high-speed Internet to a private house without a phone. More commonly used in cities than in rural areas. It is preferable to use it in the apartment.

The following connection options are available to the user:

  • direct connection device (computer) if the house no longer has such equipment;
  • using a router. The wire is connected to the router, and it distributes the Internet to portable devices, such as a smartphone, tablet, ultrabook, and in some cases to a TV.

The main features of this type of connection is that it provides a high data transfer rate, which allows you to view HD video without delays and periodic network interruptions. Also, using this technology, you can connect IPTV television.


An ADSL digital line is a telephone line connection. A fairly popular solution if there is no alternative to a broadband connection. Among the advantages can be identified, unlimited Internet traffic. To date, the number of subscribers using ADSL modems is decreasing, this is primarily due to low speed and the fact that additional purchase of equipment (splitter (splitter) is required), despite the fact that the connection uses an existing infrastructure.

Wireless Internet

Today, perhaps, this method of accessing the network has become the most popular. The speed is at the level of broadband and in some cases exceeds it. It is also worth highlighting that the coverage of such a connection comes not only to large cities, but also to small areas and rural settlements. A good example is a map of 3G and 4G network coverage (Beeline operator) in a remote village, in one of the regions.

Consider network types and maximum speed:

  • 2 G(EDGE). At the moment, this type of connection is practically not used. In cities and outside the city, more modern equipment is being installed that can maintain high data transfer rates. But in a remote area, this may be the only way to get online. The connection speed does not exceed 144 Kb/s;
  • 3 G. The most popular type of data transfer. Provides speed at the level 3.6 Mbps.
  • 4 G. The development of 3G has led to the creation of the fourth generation of communications. When using such a connection, the speed can reach 1 Gb/s.

Satellite Internet

This option is the most preferable when it is not possible to create a dedicated line, lay a LAN cable and where there is insufficient mobile coverage. This method, although it is the only one provided that there is no alternative, it will cost significantly more expensive, you need to purchase an antenna, an amplifier and convert the signal and the receiver itself. Speed ​​is on par 20 Mb/s.


This technology is a wireless communication standard that transmits data over a considerable distance and to a large number of devices. The principle of its operation is based on the operation of mobile networks. Base stations are installed that form the coverage area of ​​the wireless network and user devices receive a signal from the nearest station. This method is most preferred, as it allows you to get a universal way to access the network for a wide range of devices. Nevertheless, the technology has not yet received wide distribution, this is primarily due to the lack of frequencies.

Optical fiber

The connection method is characterized by a high data transfer rate over long distances. Now more and more large providers use fiber optic cables. Of the benefits can be distinguished, reliability, safety and high speed. When using it, the user will not have problems accessing the network. It is also durable, resistant to temperature changes, ionizing factors, etc.

Most often, fiber is laid in apartments. In private homes and rural areas, such technologies are not yet used. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment maintenance.

Choosing a router

If the choice regarding connection was in favor of wireless networks, then you must use a router (router). The following are the main recommendations when choosing this device. More detailed information is available on our website.

  • wireless or wired router. Wireless connects only to the mains, no additional wires are provided. In turn, the wired device is connected to the mains and network cable;
  • purchase in a store or purchase from a provider. Now most of the companies offer their customers to purchase a router directly from them. At the same time, when buying a branded device, various bonuses are available to the user;
  • top speed. In this case, it is necessary to study the specifics of the router;
  • coverage area. Budget models, as a rule, cover an area from 10 to 15 meters, the coverage of a more expensive model can reach 100 m. In this situation, it all depends on where the device will be used. For a small apartment, a budget option is suitable; to connect a house, you need a more expensive device;
  • transmitters. The more transmitter antennas installed, the better the signal of the router will be.

The best providers in Russia

  • Rostelecom;
  • VimpelCom (Beeline);
  • R-telecom;


Represents the largest coverage area to the user. The provider serves its networks in the most remote regions of Russia. Its benefits first of all, they consist in a wide choice of tariffs, connection options and high-quality support. In the event of a problem, the company's engineers will quickly fix the problem.


  • FTTH (conducted directly to an apartment or a private house);
  • FTTB (the cable is laid to the building. Connections in the apartments are carried out by other systems);
  • FTTN (signal distributed at the node);
  • FTTS (the signal comes immediately to the subscriber's room);
  • GPON (Passive Optical Network Based on Tree Structure);
  • xDSL (limited information transfer rate up to 8 Mbps).

VimpelCom (Beeline)

This provider not only provides mobile Internet, but also wired broadband access to the network, by means of cable laying (twisted pair). Connection is also provided using branded routerSmartbox. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting a wide range of tariffs, low prices and stable communications.


  • FTTH (conducted directly to an apartment or house);
  • mobile 2G, 3G and 4G;
  • USB 3G modems.


This company is a fairly popular telecommunications holding in Russia. Representative offices of the company are located in more than 50 cities of the country. The advantages of the provider are that the Internet is provided via fiber optics connected to the FTTB house and low prices. The average price for an unlimited tariff is 350 rubles per month.


One of the most popular providers in Russia. The total length of highways is more than 120,000 km. Of the benefits you can highlight the stable quality of the Internet connection and a wide selection of tariff plans. Also worth noting are the low prices.


  • GPON (Only Moscow and Moscow Region);

When choosing which Internet is better to connect for a home, the options may differ significantly - depending on the location of the home, the financial capabilities of the user and other factors.

The easiest way to resolve the issue is for residents of large cities, it is more difficult for small settlements where there is not even their own provider, and, especially, cottage or summer cottages.

Although, thanks to modern technologies and the prevalence of Internet services, the problem of each potential user with a network connection is completely solvable.

Since the advent of mobile and satellite communications, anyone can access the network using a router or receiver, even if wired Internet cannot be connected to the house.

At the same time, if housing is located within the city, connection is sometimes available in the usual way.

That is, with the help of fiber, which provides greater speed and, as a rule, the absence of traffic limits.

Features of choice

When choosing a particular option for connecting to the Internet, the owner of a private house should check the availability of coverage.

As a rule, each provider has a special form for this on the official website.

Although before using it, you should at least approximately know which operators serve this city or region.

You can also find out about this on the network by connecting to it in another way (for example, from another home or from a phone).

Having decided on the method of connecting to the network, you must:

  1. Choose the most suitable option in terms of speed and price, if there are several of them;
  2. Contact representatives of the Internet provider and agree on the chosen option and the equipment necessary for operation;
  3. Order a connection service and purchase (or rent) of equipment.

After the network has been installed and its work has been paid for, it is necessary to set up a computer, a router and a 3G modem (if necessary).

And then start using the Internet, solving the tasks for which it was connected.

At the same time, users who need to log into the network quite often should connect unlimited tariffs or at least such service packages that provide a significant amount of traffic.

But, if the network is needed only periodically (for sending messages or, for example, using it only on weekends), it is advisable to choose options with a limit.

And even better - tariffs in which payment is withdrawn only on the day when the user enters the Internet.

Where to get the Internet if it is not? Internet outside the city// Internet in the country

If you live in a private house outside the city, then no company wants to pull the Internet to you. In this video, I talk about how we got out of this situation.

Wired Internet

The most popular option for connecting a private house to the network is wired Internet.

Although the possibility of holding it does not exist in every private house - even in the suburban area.

First of all, because the costs of creating and maintaining a network outside the home are paid by the provider.

And, the fewer potential customers there are in the region, the less sense it makes to run a cable there.

At the same time, if broadband access can be provided in the house, the maximum speed increases to 100 Mbps and even higher.

In addition, the user can choose one of two connection options:

  1. Direct connection to a computer (PC or laptop) - suitable if there is only one computing device in the house;
  2. Using a router that can transmit data to other equipment - smartphones, laptops, computers with Wi-Fi, tablets and even TVs.

Rice. 1 Wired network connection.

High speed and no limit, characteristic of a wired connection, allow you to watch high-quality video, hold Skype conferences and use IP-TV.

And the only drawback of such a connection is the attachment of the network to a specific place.

So, for example, after returning home after a trip to the country, the user cannot enter the network using the same connection as one could do with wireless access.

Direct connection

The direct network option is the fastest.

Network speeds can reach 100 Mbps and even 1 Gbps (although such a connection is unlikely to be offered by companies that conduct the network to private homes).

Most often, direct connection is used by residents of low-rise housing in the city or country houses located near large settlements.

As a rule, only national scale operators offer such services.


Another way to connect to the network in a private house is a digital ADSL line.

It becomes possible if you have a telephone line, which allows you to provide speeds up to 60 Mbps.

Advantages of the option - as a rule, among the tariffs of telephone providers there are packages with unlimited traffic.

And the speed is quite high for solving almost any tasks using the Internet.

The disadvantage is the small coverage area of ​​such a network - especially now, when the number of subscribers of telephone companies is gradually decreasing.

Rice. 2 ADSL modem for Internet access.

Wireless Internet

Wireless technologies allow a greater level of mobility for the network user.

So, the same tariff when using 2G, 3G or 4G modems can be used in the city, in the village, and in the country.

While the disadvantage of the option can be called instability and relatively slow data transfer:

  • 2G connection, available to owners of almost any mobile phone, allows you to get a speed of no more than 64 kbps;
  • 3G communication increases this parameter tenfold - up to 3.6 Mbps;
  • modems and phones with a 4G connection provides almost the same capabilities as a wired network - up to 100 Mbps (sometimes up to 1 Gbps).

Rice. 4G speed testing.

However, despite the rather good maximum speed indicators, the real value is often much less.

And for its use by several devices at once, a router with a connection to a 3G / 4G modem is required.

Although, if communication is carried out, for example, through a smartphone or tablet, the same mobile device can also act as a router.

At the same time, satellite communications can be much more stable and relatively fast. However, this option will also be the most expensive.

And the user will be able to connect to the Internet, only being in the house where such a network is held.

But the satellite can provide coverage anywhere in the world - even where you can not use the telephone.

Satellite Internet

Satellite communication has the following characteristics:

  • constant (rather than changing during the day and depending on the number of connected subscribers) speed up to 20 Mbps;
  • coverage in any city, country or cottage village, and even in the forest;
  • high cost of use and, as a rule, the presence of a limit.

In addition, the operation of such a network requires special expensive equipment - an antenna, a receiver, a satellite modem and an additional set for transmitting information (if feedback is also required).

As a result, a satellite connection is chosen only in cases where there are no other options with a sufficiently stable connection in this area.

Rice. Satellite Internet in a private house.

Internet 3G

One of the optimal ratios of price and quality of communication is Internet 3G.

It can be connected via a modem or a smartphone supporting this technology (a tablet with a 3G module).

The cost of using the service depends on the access speed and traffic volume.

Connecting to unlimited packages can be a rather profitable option - even at a relatively high price, they are able to provide several devices on the network at once.

Although for this the 3G modem will have to be connected to a router that supports it, the cost of which is slightly higher than that of a regular router.

How to strengthen 3G Internet in the country and in the village

Do you want to increase the speed of 3G Internet?! This video will clearly show you how to do it.

GPRS/EDGE network

Internet GPRS, which can be used even by owners of relatively old mobile phones, does not provide high speed access and, moreover, stability.

However, if there is such a connection, you can enter the network outside settlements, paying a relatively small amount.

In addition, the low speed makes the traffic limit not so significant - as a rule, using such a connection, it is possible to transmit or receive no more than 100 Mbit of data per day.

Rice. GPRS network structure

4G/WiMAX communication

The option using 4G technology has become more and more popular lately.

High speed, comparable to wired networks (10–100 Mbps), even compensates for the cost of such a connection.

There is only one serious drawback, due to which communication is not yet very common in the territory of the Russian Federation - the lack of a sufficiently large coverage.

In addition, not many operators offer suitable services.

how to make 100% 4G internet

What is the best internet connection for home? A guide on how to choose the right type of connection depending on the place of residence and finances.

Features of choosing a router

You should choose a router to use the network depending on the type of its connection.

And, if, for example, a conventional router is enough for wired and satellite Internet, wireless requires the purchase of special equipment.

There are no other differences in the operation of routers.

For 3G and 4G network

Buying a 3G or 4G modem with which you can use wireless Internet provides communication to only one device.

The first method, which requires certain costs, is still more convenient.

Indeed, with the help of a separate (and not built-in or connected to a computer) router, a signal amplification is provided at a level of 10–20 dB.

As a result, you can use the network at a distance of several tens of meters from the signal source.

For wired internet

When using a direct connection or an ADSL modem, the problem is solved by purchasing a regular router - with 4 LAN connectors for wired communication and one or more antennas for wireless.

You can amplify the signal by connecting additional antennas (each acts as an amplifier by 3-5 dBi).

Tip: The larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the stronger the signal should be. So, for 100-150 sq. m and, especially two- or three-story, it is best to use a router with 3 antennas. And install the router closer to the center of the building.

If there are several residential buildings or a summer kitchen on the site, where network access is also required, you can connect another device - a repeater.

With its help, the signal will be strengthened, and the coverage area will increase by tens of square meters.

And an even more suitable method for a large area is to install an additional access point (for example, a second router).

Rice. 7 Repeater to boost the Wi-Fi signal.


After choosing the appropriate network option and resolving issues with the purchase of equipment, you can connect to the Internet.

And after the Internet appeared in the house, deal with the problem of its transmission to the entire territory where access is required.

Although dealing with this situation is much easier compared to the connection itself.

Internet in a private house

Internet in a private house, consider 4 ways to connect the Internet in a private house, village or countryside

Talking about which Internet is better to connect without trying different options is pointless. Only a test drive will help determine the optimal rate. When choosing a provider, you must remember that the connection speed determines how the user will work on the network, and therefore you should choose the best Internet available from all available.

Connection technologies

The user himself decides which home Internet is suitable for his situation. There are several connection types:

  • Mobile Internet:
    • ruler G;
    • GPRS;
  • dedicated line:
    • xDSL;
    • FTTB;
    • xPON optical networks;
  • dial-up access via the telephone network;
  • wireless networks:
    • WiFi;
    • WiMax;
  • modern satellite internet.

To connect home Internet, you need to decide on the required characteristics, and then connect the one that best suits the goals and objectives of the user.

ADSL, fiber

To work online with a large amount of traffic, networks such as xDSL (ADSL, VDSL, etc.) are suitable. The ADSL digital line is connected through the telephone network at a speed of up to 60 Mbps. But to install it you need:

  • landline phone;
  • splitter;
  • modem.

Optical fiber is a modern technology that allows you to increase the speed and quality of the connection. It does not rot and is not exposed to rain, snow and sunlight. If the user has the opportunity to connect to a ready-made fiber optic system using cheap passive splitters, then there are no questions about which Internet is better to connect for the home. Only fiber!

Wireless networks

Wireless Internet transmission does not require cabling. The connection is made using a modem that receives and receives signals using WiFi and WiMax technologies. Mobile operators always offer subscribers: “First, select a tariff, and then connect the Internet for home use or for work.” There are several types of connections:

  • 2G (connection speed up to 64kbps);
  • 3G (up to 3.6 Mbps);
  • 4G (up to 100Mbps, in some cases up to 1Gbps).

Satellite, Dial-Up and Docsis

Satellite Internet connection is an evolutionary way to access the World Wide Web. There are two types of connection organization:

  • asymmetric (reception of data is carried out via satellite communications, and transmission is via any other);
  • symmetrical (reception and transmission of information is carried out via satellite).

Nothing transmits a signal better than a satellite, and the advantage of this connection is that if a telephone line (including fiber optics) is not installed in the district, then it will still be possible to get the Internet, no matter how remote the house is!

Docsis is data transmission over cable television systems (as long as the speed does not exceed 42 Mbps).

Dial-up access is an old way of connecting to the Internet using a dial-up modem. During network access, the phone is always busy.

Which technology option is better to choose for an apartment and a private house?

Choosing which Internet is better to connect, you need to decide where exactly it will be installed. Good Internet speed in the apartment allows you to choose from a large number of providers for a long time: which one will be able to offer better conditions and connect the network to the apartment at reduced rates, and thus the contract will be concluded.

The country house no longer gives such privileges. If the cottage is located far from settlements and does not have a dedicated telephone line, then you will have to connect the network using wireless technologies. Satellite Internet for the home is the best connection option, but it is also the most expensive, so people usually use mobile technologies to access the network from providers:

  • Tele 2;
  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone;
  • Yota etc.

A router is a device for wireless transmission of the Internet via Wi-Fi. The quality of the signal depends on the correctness of its choice.

When buying a router, consider the following parameters:

  • wireless or wired type (wireless router connects only to an outlet, there are no connections to a network cable, and for a wired device, you need to find a place where you can connect to the Internet and install the router there);
  • compatibility with the provider (for example, Yota offers its subscribers certain routers);
  • software;
  • speed (depends on the cost of the device);
  • Wi-Fi territory coverage (a standard D-link router is suitable for an ordinary apartment);
  • design (depending on the location of the device):
    • floor (installed on 4 legs on any smooth surface);
    • wall-mounted (they have holes for self-tapping screws);
    • portable (typical for mobile Internet);
  • the number of antennas (the more there are, the better the signal quality).

Reviews of the largest providers (geography, technologies, approximate prices)

The decision on which Internet to choose depends on the location of the subscriber, because for each Russian region, in addition to backbone providers, there are also local ones. And sometimes you can find better deals on tariffs.

But the coverage area and the quality of the connection of backbone Internet companies are most often the reason for choosing them. The largest providers in Russia include:

  • Rostelecom;
  • Megaphone;
  • Retnnet;
  • Vimpelcom;
  • R-telecom;
  • MTS, etc.

And which Internet provider is the best, each user decides independently.


Rostelecom is the largest internet provider in Russia.


Rostelecom has the largest coverage area due to the construction of more than 500 thousand kilometers of network backbones. For example, in 2016, the construction of an optical fiber system was completed on the section between Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Magadan! The complex of networks, which the Internet provider is building throughout Russia (including those beyond the Arctic Circle) on the basis of a government decree, perfectly demonstrates Rostelecom's leading position in providing communication services in the Russian Federation.

Internet on the Rostelecom website


Rostelecom provides Internet access using optical fiber and Wi-Fi technologies. Fiber optic access is also divided into:

  • FTTx:
    • FTTH (the cable is led directly to the apartment or house);
    • FTTB (optical fiber is brought to the building, and gets into the apartments using other systems);
    • FTTN (signal distributed at the node);
    • FTTS (the signal comes immediately to the subscriber's room);
  • GPON (Passive Fiber Optic Internet Network Based on Tree Structure);
  • xDSL (allows you to minimize costs, but does not provide Internet speeds higher than 8Mbps).

Approximate prices

Package offers of Rostelecom depend on the region of their provision. For example, in Moscow, the minimum cost of connecting to the Internet is 200 rubles per month. But the user will not get a Wi-Fi router for free, and the connection speed is minimal - about 30 Mbps.

Minimum tariff

When the price increases to 449 and 499 rubles per month, the connection speed increases to 100 and 200 Mbps, respectively, and subscribers receive a Wi-Fi router.

Tariffs with a Wi-Fi router


Beeline offers its customers wired and wireless internet.


Beeline's 3G Internet coverage area is better in the central and southern parts of Russia, in the eastern regions of the Russian Federation the Internet speed drops, and in the north it is better not to even try to use it at home, but choose the provider that works locally.

Beeline coverage areas

4G is represented in:

  • Moscow and MO;
  • St. Petersburg and the region;
  • some central regions of Russia;
  • large cities (if heading to the north and east of the country).

Wired Internet from Beeline transmits a signal at a speed of up to 100 Mbps. The provider is building highways throughout the country. More than 140,000 kilometers of networks have now been built, but Beeline's main activity is concentrated in the central part of Russia.


Beeline wired Internet is provided using FTTB technologies. Mobile Internet is represented by a line of all G, including 4G +.

The device receiving the Internet signal can be a smartphone, tablet or modem. The quality of the connection in the first two cases depends on the gadget itself, and for a USB modem, you can amplify the signal in simple ways:

  • using a USB extension cable, placing the modem closer to a window or balcony;
  • by installing a special antenna on the facade of the house (the method is suitable for cottages), which will be connected to the modem device with a coaxial cable;
  • by connecting an extension cord, antenna and active amplifier (if you live in remote areas with a weak signal from Beeline).

Approximate prices

The cost of the Internet depends on the tariff and region. Today there are promotions within which you can get home Internet for free.

Home Internet within ALL tariffs


The length of MTS highways is more than 120,000 kilometers. In Moscow, MTS cooperates with MGTS, which provider's networks it uses (to reduce Internet rates, it is better to connect a landline telephone to the apartment). The provider has offers for home Internet even with daily billing.

Approximate prices

Prepaid Internet tariffs in Moscow (payment per month):

  • 200 Mbps for 490 rubles;
  • 60 Mbit for 360 rubles;
  • 500 Mbit for 1600 rubles.


MTS wired Internet is connected using the following technologies:

  • GPON (Moscow and Moscow region);
  • ADSL.

Fiber-optic cable is laid in the apartment conditionally free of charge. If the subscriber uses MTS services for less than a year, he will be forced to pay a penalty (the amount is negotiated individually).

Information from the MTS website


ER-Telecom Holding has offices in 56 cities of Russia and provides broadband Internet access as part of the service. The company uses Fiber to the Home (FTTB) technology.

Internet from

The minimum connection cost is 300 rubles at a speed of 100 Mbps. Simultaneously with the Internet, the user will be connected to 100 TV channels (it is better to connect them to a mobile device).


TransTeleCom serves a fiber-optic backbone with a length of about 80,000 kilometers. Despite the relatively small coverage (Rostelecom has the best performance), it was TTK who was the very first to install an Internet transmission line to the northernmost city of Lobytnangi (which is located beyond the Arctic Circle!).

In some cities (for example, in Moscow), TTK does not have offers for individuals. Provider tariffs in Yekaterinburg:

What are the criteria for choosing a provider?

It is easy to determine which Internet to connect by choosing a provider, so you first need to decide on a company. Provider selection options:

  • connection cost;
  • connection speed;
  • technical support activity;
  • connection type, etc.

Before you decide which Internet provider is best suited, you need to check the availability of the service in a particular region.

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  • The best home Internet should be inexpensive and of high quality - with a stable connection and real speed, which is not less than indicated in the tariff. And it must also meet the needs of the subscriber. In the article, we tell you by what criteria to choose a provider in order to get the maximum benefit.

    How to find out which home internet provider is the best

    There are more than a thousand providers in the country. The average apartment building in a large city has, on average, up to nine telecom operators, each of which offers from two to five tariffs. It is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better. All of them provide a set of options for their audience. The main thing to do is to understand what criteria are important to you and how much you are willing to pay for them. To make it a little easier to choose, follow the recommendations.

    Determine the purpose of the connection

    Determine what you need the internet for. This depends on the connection speed you need. Speed ​​affects the cost of the tariff. You should not overpay for unnecessary megabits per second if the real need allows you to use less expensive offers.

    The goal can be anything - for study, work, entertainment. But you will need a more detailed breakdown. If the Internet is needed to download essays or search for answers to exam tickets, you can limit yourself to mobile Internet at speeds up to 50 Mbps. But if you are studying foreign languages ​​via Skype while watching foreign channels online in HD, you will need a tariff with at least 100 Mbps.

    Choose a connection method


    Types are distinguished by the physical properties of the cable - copper and fiber optic. The connection principle is approximately the same - a cable is pulled into the apartment from the common wire connected to the house. It is connected either directly to a computer or to a router. The difference between them is the maximum possible internet speed. For fiber, it is almost ten times higher.


    It is provided using satellite communications, radio towers, public Wi-Fi access points. To connect via satellite or radio tower, the subscriber must purchase an antenna. Depending on the type of connection, the plate is installed on the street or in the apartment. The signal over such networks is worse than over the wired Internet, it is highly dependent on external factors - weather conditions, obstacles in the signal path, interference from other networks. Often, signal amplification equipment is installed along with the antenna.

    Wireless Internet is more often used where it is impossible to connect via a wire, or together with other services, such as satellite TV.

    Count the number of devices

    The connection speed is shared between all connected devices. The more of them, the lower the speed that falls on each device.

    If you plan to connect multiple computers to the network, estimate how much data they will transfer. It will be difficult to make a Skype call with a simultaneous torrent operation on one device and an active online game on another, with a tariff rate of up to 50 Mbps. The higher the connection speed according to the tariff, the faster the actual data transfer on a separate device.

    Find out which operators are in your home

    Use the search service for operators in your home. Enter the address and get a selection of providers with tariffs and the possibility of applying.

    If you are going to connect wired internet, it is better to contact the provider that is already present in the house. It will be faster. In the case of wireless Internet, there is no binding to the exact address.

    Find providers that connect home internet to your address:

    Start typing street or city

    Estimate rates and provider support

    Estimate the rates of suitable providers. Contact each carrier that suits your needs. Ask questions, learn about the conditions of connection. So you will not only get important information, but also be able to assess the level of the company's work with customers.

    Should You Trust the Ratings of the Best Home Internet Providers?

    Exist . To distribute telecom operators in places, they collect ratings and comments from subscribers, study the quality of service provision - the work of technical support, connection stability, drops in data transfer speed. Usually there are also customer reviews.

    The rating helps to get an initial idea about the services of providers, to determine who is worth cooperating with and who should be avoided. But you can't rely solely on the list. User ratings are subjective, as are tasks on the Internet, regions where subscribers live. Perhaps in your case, the best home Internet from the list will turn out to be expensive or too slow, and the operator at the bottom of the rating will provide good conditions for a moderate fee.

    Which home internet is better to choose

    Choose the Internet that suits your needs and connects easily.

    Wired is more reliable - it is stable and provides high speed. Wireless can be connected even in the country, it does not require drilling the walls around the front door and often comes with other options, such as satellite TV.

    The speed can also be different. The fiber optic cable provides the maximum. Its bandwidth is 1 Gb / s, but routers cut the speed, so the real one is usually less, about 500 Mbps. This speed is enough to download an episode of a series in two minutes, simultaneously play online games on a computer and watch digital TV, use smart home technology. But if you use the network only for reading news in the evenings, you should not overpay for non-consumable megabits per second. You will have enough mobile Internet, which can also be connected to a computer.

    So before choosing:

    • Assess your needs.
    • Check the rates of operators available in your home.
    • Read reviews about suitable providers, look at the positions in the ratings.
    • Contact each operator and ask questions about connection and service.
    • Choose the most suitable one.

    Unsure of your choice? Give up the idea of ​​cooperation with a provider that offers expensive equipment. If you cancel its services a couple of months after connecting, you will not be reimbursed for the costs.

    You can find out which Internet is better to connect in your region by ordering a free consultation on our website. Leave your contact details and the operator will contact you shortly.