Family club for disabled children and parents. Organization of the work of the club for families raising children with disabilities

Educational project "We and our children"

The role of the family in the upbringing and development of the child is undoubted. It is noted that the greatest success is achieved by children whose parents not only mastered pedagogical techniques and tactics, but also managed to understand and accept the characteristics of their child. One of the most vulnerable category of families in this aspect is families raising children with disabilities.

According to modern studies (V.V. Tkacheva, I.Yu. Levchenko, O.G. Prikhodko, A.A. Huseynova), qualitative changes that take place in families raising children with disabilities manifest themselves at the psychological, social and somatic levels. The fact of the birth of a child “not like everyone else” is the cause of severe stress experienced, primarily by the mother. Stress, which has a prolonged character, has a strong deforming effect on the psyche of parents and becomes the initial condition for a sharp traumatic change in the way of life that has formed in the family (the style of intra-family relationships, the system of relations between family members and the surrounding society, the peculiarities of the worldview and value orientations of each of the parents of the child). Often the family cannot cope with the emotional load, the consequences are very diverse - violations of marital, parent-child relationships, often the family system, unable to withstand the stress, breaks up. In families with disabled children, there is a huge percentage of divorces, incomplete families, in which the entire burden, both social and emotional, falls on the mother, who is not able to fully contribute to the socialization of the child. In this case, there is an even greater increase in anxiety, the family becomes vulnerable and little functional.

All this causes an urgent need to provide socio-psychological and correctional-pedagogical assistance to families in the process of socialization of disabled children. In this situation, it is important to provide assistance through the creation of a friendly environment, psychological support for parents, individual support for families in difficult life situations, involvement of families of disabled children in collective forms of interaction: joint creative activities, exchange of experience, specially organized classes. Such work can be organized by uniting families in a club.

Since 2008, the VERA Club for families raising disabled children has been operating in the institution. This name of the Club was not chosen by chance. In difficult life situations, FAITH is necessary:

FAITH in your children, their abilities and abilities;

FAITH in yourself, your patience, your love for our children;

FAITH in people, in their understanding and desire to help.

These principles have become the basis of the Club's activities. The purpose of the Club's work is defined as: strengthening and development of a family raising a disabled child.

This goal can be achieved by solving the following tasks:

    promoting the formation of a favorable microclimate in family relations;

    disclosure of the child's personal, creative and social resources;

    creating a positive image of the family, developing a tolerant attitude in society.

The starting point for organizing the activities of the Club was a meeting with a group of parents whose children with disabilities attended correctional and developmental classes and received advisory, treatment and preventive care in the institution. The needs and requests of parents, their wishes and interests, forms of interaction were discussed, and the Club's work plan for the year was drawn up. This group of parents became the Club Council. Then came the Club's business card, Regulations on the Club for Parents of Disabled Children, and the Program for Supporting Families Raising Children with Disabilities.

Why the Club?

An analysis of the situation showed that this form of interaction is attractive to parents:

    free participation in Club events (a parent can choose an event, form of participation, be present with or without a child, etc.);

    a variety of events (the club uniform does not limit the choice of topics, method and venue, number of participants, etc.);

    the similarity of family problems, the possibility of open and non-judgmental discussion and communication;

    psychological support from each other and from specialists, development of organizational and communication skills of parents;

    obtaining new information on specific requests (joint work planning);

    development of children (communication skills, creativity, fine motor skills, etc.);

    created conditions (the possibility of visiting leisure and cultural events, participating in excursions, trips).

for an institution:

    involvement of families raising children with disabilities in the institution;

    attracting the attention of social partners and the public to the activities of the center;

    no additional burden on specialists;

    insignificant financial costs.

Based on the problems and tasks, the activities of the Club are developing in three directions. First direction "We and our children".

The purpose of the activities carried out within the framework of this direction is to contribute to the harmonization of parent-child relations, the formation of a favorable microclimate in the family. One of the leading forms of work is the organization of special psychological sessions with parents. An example of the implementation of such work is the implementation of the psychoprophylactic program "Seven-I" for parents raising children with disabilities.

The main objectives of the program are to provide assistance to parents:

In recognizing one's own non-constructive behavioral reactions, developing the ability to consolidate adequate forms of behavior and respond to the child's problems;

In mastering the basic functions of the family and its members;

In improving interpersonal interaction and positive communication in the family system and the space surrounding the family.

The program consists of 8 lessons, which are held once a week with a duration of 40-60 minutes.

Working with a group of parents is carried out in several stages.

During the first stage, the teacher-psychologist finds out the parents' ideas about education (its goals, methods of influence, influence on the personal development and behavior of the child, the adequacy and dynamism of the parental position). Further work is aimed at increasing the emotional acceptance of the child, increasing the effectiveness of parental control and requirements, understanding the child's behavior. At the last stage, parents are trained in effective ways of communicating with the child, adequately expressing their feelings, and reflecting on the work on the program.

Practice-oriented technologies are used as the main methods and techniques of work: discussion, role-playing game, problem solving, psychotechnical exercises.

As criteria for the effectiveness of the group's work, the following are considered: the formation of an adequate understanding of the nature, personality and actions of the child by the parents (determined by the test-questionnaire of the parental attitude of A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin); the positive nature of family dynamics (studyed with the help of the projective test "Sociogram "My Family"" by V.V. Tkacheva).

The experience of implementing the program has shown that after participating in classes, parents notice an increased interest in the feelings, plans and needs of the child, the desire to trust and cooperate with him, understanding the causes and consequences of the child's actions.

The next form of work is the participation of parents in correctional work. The main indicator of the involvement of parents in correctional and developmental work is the increase in activity, understanding of the problems and victories of the child. Outwardly, this is expressed in the fact that the family begins to study regularly, follow the recommendations of a specialist, make their own allowances, and bring them to classes.

To achieve this goal, classes were organized in the "Child-Parent-Specialist" system aimed at correcting and developing the cognitive, emotional-volitional sphere and speech of children. Classes differ in complexity and richness, which allows them to be used in working with children with various developmental disabilities. All classes are held in a sensory room using special equipment: fiber optic fibers, air bubble tubes, a sand table, rotators, a dry pool, mats, tracks, etc.

The duration of the classes is 15-20 minutes (depending on the individual, age and typological characteristics of the participants and the goals of the exercises).

Work tasks:

Help parents to analyze the age and specific characteristics inherent in children with disabilities;

To teach parents the methods and forms of work on the development of mental processes, the correction of deficiencies in the speech development of children with disabilities;

To form in the child ideas about the world around; develop visual, auditory and tactile sensations; develop sensorimotor skills; to carry out stimulation of the child's imagination, correction of attention, emotional-volitional sphere.

In addition, parents learn in the classroom:

Listen to the child;

To be useful to the child in gaining self-confidence, and not to force them to act as they wish;

Be willing to accept the child's feelings without judging or judging them;

Believe in the child, his ability to solve his own problems;

Treat the child as an independent person.

Work in the "Child-Parent-Specialist" system involves two stages: organization of individual lessons; transition to group work.

In individual lessons, a specialist carries out a personality-oriented approach aimed at identifying, disclosing and supporting the positive personal qualities of each of the parents necessary for successful cooperation with the child. Depending on the characteristics of the family, the teacher chooses one of the tactics of behavior:

Parents are only required to repeat tasks at home, copy the actions of the teacher and their sequence, sometimes adopting his behavior, intonation, etc.;

Parents are invited to participate in separate episodes of a lesson with a child conducted by a teacher, while all three actively participate (the specialist together with the child as a whole; the parent as a partner in the game);

The specialist actively involves parents in the lesson, offering to finish the exercise he started; further, explaining his goal, he offers to complete the task on his own.

At the final stage of work with parents, the teacher conducts subgroup classes when two children and their parents meet. The specialist organizes such classes only after it is possible to form cooperation between the parent and his child in individual lessons.

Parents of problem children often report that they have difficulty walking with their child. Conflict situations arise both between children and between adults themselves. It happens that parents of normally developing children are unhappy that such a baby will play next to their child (lack of information about problem children gives rise to fear in them). Parents of a child with psychophysical developmental disorders are afraid that there will be no conflict between their child and other children, they do not know how to get out of it or how to prevent it.

Given all this, the specialist aims to teach parents the ability to establish cooperation with another child, children with each other and adults with each other. For more effective achievement of the set goal, a teacher-psychologist is actively involved in conducting subgroup classes (it is possible to use game therapy, etc.).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of classes in the "Child-Parent-Specialist" system is monitored during the general diagnosis of the child, monitoring his behavior in various situations, tracking his educational activities; diagnosing parental satisfaction with the content of classes.

Expected result: an increase in the level of formation of attention, imagination, sensorimotor skills, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres of the child; parents' mastery of available methods and forms of correction of the child's mental processes.

The second direction of club work - "Our Talents".

The purpose of the activities carried out within the framework of this direction is the social self-realization of parents and their children, changing the attitude towards them in society.

The forms of work are various socio-cultural activities that allow disabled children to adapt to standard socio-cultural situations: to do what they can, to find and use the necessary information, to expand their opportunities for integration into ordinary socio-cultural life.

All social and cultural events can be divided into two groups. The first group includes activities for organizing leisure activities for families:

Excursions, trips, hikes are associated with communication with nature, acquaintance with the native city, its sights. For a child with developmental disabilities, the opportunity to stay in nature is essential for expanding the living space, obtaining environmental knowledge, and improving health. Nature is the richest environment for the development of the child's sensory systems (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste). The development of natural landscapes effectively develops the perception of space in children and teaches them to move and navigate in the external environment without fear. Communication with nature provides a lot of positive emotions to parents and children, gives them the opportunity to communicate, establish emotional understanding, forms a commonality of feelings, moods, thoughts, views, brings up aesthetic feelings, love for their native land;

A game-play, a theatrical game help the child to master the rules and laws of adults. The participation of disabled children in play activities forms the correct model of behavior in the modern world, improves the general culture of the child, introduces them to spiritual values, introduces them to children's literature, music, fine arts, etiquette rules, rituals, and traditions. In addition, theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings of the child, developing the emotional sphere of the child, forcing him to sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out;

A holiday is an artistic action, a show in which every child must actively participate (on their own or with the help of an adult). The holiday makes it possible to unite children and adults into a large team, organizes them, unites them (charging with common action and emotions, the child begins to act in the same way as his neighbors and people around him). In the process of planning a holiday, a reasonable approach and taking into account the characteristics of children are important. It is unacceptable to overload the holiday with special effects, costumes, bright attributes - all this will distract children from the holiday itself. Music, songs, 2-3 small joint games - all this can be implemented within the framework of a small one-dimensional plot. All elements are united by a common rhythm; activities change. The main requirement is that the level of difficulty should not be excessively high. At the end of the holiday, a surprise moment is very important - a gift, a small souvenir.

The second group includes activities that stimulate the disclosure of the creative potential of families: participation in city, district, regional and federal competitions for children's and family work. Such events increase the interest and creative activity of children and their parents, help to see the unusual in the ordinary, to demonstrate their talents and abilities. At the same time, it is important to create a situation of success, stimulate, encourage creative experience, so that children and their parents want and strive to be proactive, active and creative. The main form of work is art therapy - any creative activity (drawing, fantasizing, designing), and, above all, your own creativity, no matter how primitive and simplified it may be. Every child and parent can participate in art therapy work, which does not require any visual abilities or artistic skills.

These events contribute to the expansion of the creative potential of a disabled child and his parents and are aimed at developing communication skills, gaining experience in social interaction, and expanding the circle of contacts.

The third line of work is "Here we are"(Appendix 4).

An important aspect for the existence of the Club is the presentation of its experience in the media. Children and their parents, teachers publish articles based on the results of classes and events in district, regional and federal publications. Dialogue with the media allows parents to express their position in the upbringing of children with disabilities, talk about the positive experience gained, and promote family values. Publications in the press are a way to reflect impressions about participation in holidays, exhibitions, excursions, to express thoughts and suggestions on various issues.

Active representation in the press of the achievements of the Club members effectively solves the problem of attracting new families of disabled children in need of socio-psychological and correctional and pedagogical assistance to the institution. Parents, receiving information about the work of the Club, getting acquainted with the achievements of others, are convinced of the need for interaction both with the specialists of the institution and families, members of the Club, who have a positive experience in raising a disabled child.

An important aspect of promoting the experience of the Club is to attract the attention of the public, enterprises and organizations, services and departments to the problems of family education of children with disabilities. Thanks to the reflection of the Club's events in newspapers and magazines, the institution has permanent social partners that provide an opportunity to organize festive events, thematic meetings, and promotions without financial investments from the institution.

In total, over the years of operation of the Club for Families Raising Disabled Children "VERA", 9 articles have been published in regional publications, 2 articles in regional and federal publications.

An effective practical form of work to attract public attention to the problems of children with disabilities, the formation of a tolerant attitude in society, and the solution of individual problems of families is the organization of various actions.

As needed, the action "Help a friend" is organized. In the event that the treatment of a disabled child requires expensive medicines, special equipment, an initiative group of Club members seeks help through the media, holds meetings with heads and teams of enterprises, organizations, and individual entrepreneurs. Funds collected in this way are transferred to a needy family.

The annual action "Child and road" is interesting. Its organizers are pupils of orphanages of the city and traffic police inspectors. In the course of its implementation, thematic games, competitions, and practical exercises are organized with disabled children and their parents, aimed at improving road safety. Traditionally, every disabled child receives as a gift a light reflector and a guardian angel made by the hands of the pupils.

The specialists of the institution pay special attention to the dissemination of the experience of club work among teachers of educational institutions. For this purpose, publications have been prepared in the all-Russian scientific and methodological journals "Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional and rehabilitation work" (1/2011), "Education and education of children with developmental disorders" (8/2012). The published materials reveal in detail the main forms and directions of accompanying children with disabilities within the framework of the club, reveal the role of parents in the process of consolidating the knowledge gained in correctional and developmental classes with specialists at home, and present the experience of organizing leisure activities.

Regularly teachers of the institution participate in scientific and practical conferences: All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Medical-psychological-social-pedagogical support for disabled children and their families" (Krasnoyarsk, 2010); I All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Correction and prevention of behavioral disorders in children with disabilities" (Moscow, 2011); III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Family in the Context of Pedagogical, Psychological and Sociological Research" (Penza, 2012).

In the course of speeches and reports, the experience of organizing the Club is presented and summarized: the problems of families that arise in the process of education are identified; the stages of work on the psychoprophylaxis of behavioral disorders in children with disabilities are described in detail through the organization of cooperation with parents and increasing their parental competence; forms and directions of club activity are presented.

Thus, today the institution has created special conditions that contribute to solving the problems of families raising children with disabilities. As the main tasks and prospects for the work of the club, it is planned to consolidate positive forms of family communication and interaction with the child and others, create conditions for the disclosure of their personal, creative and social potential, organize informal interaction between parents to overcome their isolation and gain new communication experience. Both the possibility of positive dynamics in the child's condition and simply a more complete and happy life of his family depend on how parents feel responsible for the path of their child, how much they understand his real problems.

As the actual results of the project implementation, we present the following data:

- 35 families, members of the Club, use rational models of family education;

- there is an annual attraction of new families to the work of the Club;

- 20 children with disabilities annually undergo correctional and developmental training;

20 parents of disabled children were trained in effective methods of development and correction of the cognitive sphere and behavior of the child;

- 15 families raising children with disabilities present creative works on regional, district and city exhibitions and competitions of children's works;

- 5 materials from experience of raising children with disabilities in the family.

Project "We and our children"

The family is the most significant factor in the socialization of the child and its influence in this regard exceeds the influence of all other social institutions. The role of the family immeasurably increases if a disabled child grows up in it. In accordance with the terminology enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for social protection. For persons under the age of 18, the category "disabled child" is established.

The relevance of considering club activities as a form of support for families raising a disabled child is due to the following:

First, the annual increase in the level of disability of the child population in the country. Thus, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, as of January 1, 2014, 582,000 children with disabilities under the age of 18 were registered as of January 1, 2014. A year later, as of January 1, 2015, 590 thousand children with disabilities were noted, and as of January 1, 2016, 613 thousand children with certain health disorders with persistent disorders of body functions. That is, for two years in Russia, the indicators of childhood disability increased by 5.32%. Of course, it is much more difficult for such children to realize themselves as equal citizens of the country - to get an education and make a professional choice, to be independent. On the one hand, disabled children are directly dependent on certain measures of state social policy, and on the other hand, on the help of relatives who not only provide care, but also satisfy their needs.

Secondly, families raising children with disabilities (there are about 400 thousand of them in the country in 2016) face many difficulties of various kinds (medical, legal, economic, psychological, pedagogical, etc.) and are among the most socially unprotected families. social group. Their income is not high, and the needs for medical and social services are much higher than the average family raising a healthy baby. So for 2016, the average pension in the country for a disabled child registered in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was 12,339 rubles, and the average monthly cash payments for disabled children at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation was 1,765 rubles.

Thirdly, in order to adapt and rehabilitate families with a disabled child, various forms of support and social assistance are being created today. One of these forms is the organization of club associations.

Club activity with a disabled child and his family is one of the forms of socio-cultural activity organized within the framework of a voluntary association of children and parents who have common interests, needs and problems that are solved in their free time, both in the process of informal communication and specially organized group and individual interaction with specialists implementing training programs and programs of correctional and rehabilitation assistance.

Clubs have become widespread since the middle of the 20th century. They, as a rule, were organized with the participation of specialists of various profiles (social worker, psychologist, social pedagogue). The specialist transfers his functions to the group, and the group member presents his case, which the group discusses, helping him to rationally realize its essence, and thus, in the process of group work, the client's problem was removed. As the club movement developed, the practice of activities and methods of work expanded.

Today, the club, as an association of families raising a child with special needs, often sets itself the following tasks:

Implementation of mutual support;

Exchange of life experience;

Information exchange;

Exchange of individual ways out of difficult life situations;

Joint receipt of information and assistance from specialists on typical issues of concern to group members;

Awareness and protection by the participants of their rights and interests;

Attracting the attention of society and state structures to their problems;

Formation of positive motivation of parents for the rehabilitation of disabled children.

Any activity for its implementation should be attractive. Club activities are attractive for parents with disabled children due to the following features: 1) free participation in club activities is possible, i.e. the parent himself can choose the event, the form of participation (to be present with or without the child); 2) variety of events; 3) the similarity of the problems of families, which leads to an open and non-judgmental discussion and communication; 4) psychological support from both specialists and Club members; 5) obtaining new information on a specific request; 6) development of children (communication skills, creativity, etc.).

Currently, there are more than 300 clubs in the Russian Federation for families raising a disabled child. In large Russian cities, there are several clubs that are ready to help families raising a disabled child. Each club can reach approximately 50 families in need of support.

However, despite the presence of certain experience and practical developments in this area, social specialists still have many questions related to the mechanism for organizing this type of activity.

From the point of view of the authors of the article, it is most expedient to organize the Club on the basis of the department of social protection of each district of the city. In this case, targeted assistance to each family is possible. A social worker can take on an organizing function.

The purpose of the Club may be to provide informational, psychological, consultative assistance to parents raising children with disabilities in the family, to resolve both personal problems and problems of relationships within the family.

It is reasonable to divide the work on the organization of the Club into several stages:

The preparatory stage is necessary for the selection of specialists interested in the work; involvement of families raising children with disabilities; development of an action plan;

The educational stage is aimed at developing educational competence in parents through expanding the range of their pedagogical and defectological knowledge and ideas. It may include such forms of work as lectures, seminars, individual consultations with the involvement of teachers, defectologists and speech therapists;

The psychological stage is necessary for the optimization and harmonization of parent-child relations in a family raising a disabled child, the development of the creative abilities of family members. Its content may include socio-psychological trainings, consultations, joint creative activities of parents and children, play activities, dramatization games, festive events, etc. with the involvement of a psychologist, music worker, social teacher and social worker;

The social stage will help parents obtain legal literacy and social protection for both disabled children and families raising them. At this stage, it is possible to use such forms of work as round tables, parental evenings, etc., with the involvement of a lawyer and a social work specialist.

When implementing club activities, it is necessary to organize information support. This will make it possible to attract unreached families with disabled children, as well as to develop a tolerant attitude of society towards this social group. Throughout the entire activity in the media and on the Club's website, it is possible to place articles, recommendations and other information related to the Club's topics.

Thus, club activities with a family raising a disabled child provide an opportunity to get help for families in a difficult situation. After all, how much parents feel responsible for the path of their child, how much they understand his real problems, depends both on the possibility of positive dynamics in the state of a child with disabilities, and simply a more complete and happy life for his family.

The article presents a program of work with the parents of a disabled child in the format of club meetings. The tasks of the "School of the Parent of a Special Child", the topics and structure of the classes are formulated, the methods used to maintain interest and disclose the identified topics are described.



The program of the club "School of a parent of a special child"

Shmakova N.V ., educational psychologist

GKU DDI "Southern Butovo"

Explanatory note

The family is the natural environment that ensures the harmonious development and social adaptation of the child.

Families in which children with developmental disabilities are brought up face specific problems and experience difficulties in resolving them: incompetence in the upbringing and development of an abnormal child, parents' ignorance of elementary psychological and pedagogical knowledge for remedial education and upbringing of a child at home in an accessible its format; distortion of contacts with the surrounding society and, as a result, the lack of support from the society, etc.

Modern research (E.A. Ekzhanova (1998); T.V. Chernikova (2000); V.V. Tkacheva (2000); I.V. Ryzhenko and M.S. Karpenkova I.V. (2001); Kardanova (2003) and others) point to changes in the emotional, value-semantic spheres, in the mental and somatic state of the parents of disabled children.

The first, historically established, form of work of specialists (doctors, teachers and psychologists) with parents of children with developmental disabilities is the educational and educational direction. For a long time, when working with a family, attention was focused on the child himself, but not on the functioning of the family, not on its members who found themselves in a situation of psychological trauma, family stress and crisis.

Recent publications indicate the need to provide psychological assistance not only to the disabled, but also to his relatives.

A study of families raising a disabled child showed that the parents of a sick child, with a high readiness to devote themselves to solving the child's problems, misunderstand (underestimate) the direct relationship between the state of the child and the whole family with the personal state of the parent, the importance of working with personal problems.

The results of a survey of parents to identify their request for individual psychological counseling, group work aimed at improving their own psychological state showed that 53% of the parents surveyed do not express the need for psychological work with them personally.

For parents who have a request to work with a psychologist, the group form of work turned out to be more in demand than the individual one. The largest percentage of them (68%) preferred learning to interact with the child as the goal of training, 54% want to communicate with parents of children with similar problems to share experiences and provide mutual assistance to each other

That is, the multidimensional nature of the problems of a sick child forces parents to feel insufficient parental competence in matters of psychological and pedagogical impact on the child, which determines the content of their requests to specialists.

When compiling the program of activities of the club "School of the Parent of a Special Child", both the requests of the parents and the objectively existing, but not indicated by the parents, need for personal psychological assistance and support were taken into account. The group form of work carries a powerful resource for solving problems, both pedagogical and psychological.

This program, leaving the issues of pedagogical education as a priority, also includes the tasks of developing the psychological competence of parents in self-knowledge and knowledge of the child, in the ability to help themselves in a stressful situation.

Purpose of the program

Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education, development and social adaptation of children with psychophysical disorders through psychological and pedagogical education; involvement of parents in cooperation in terms of unified approaches to the upbringing and education of the child.


  • to form in parents a positive perception of the personality of the child with

developmental disorders;

  • expand the parents' vision of their educational functions in

regarding a mentally retarded child;

  • to acquaint parents with special correctional and

methodological techniques necessary for conducting classes with a problem child at home;

  • acquaint parents with effective methods of parenting

children's interaction, educational techniques necessary for correcting the personality of a child with developmental disabilities;

  • motivate parents to interact with

specialists of the institution, participation in the creation of a single educational space "orphanage-boarding school - family";

  • motivate parents to seek psychological help

personally for themselves, to participate in psychological trainings;

  • contribute to the expansion of contacts with society, to ensure

the opportunity to communicate with parents who have children with similar problems.

Program designed for parents whose children attend a social welfare institution. Participation in parent meetings of other family members (grandparents, siblings of a disabled child, etc.) is welcome, given that they, as family members, influence the child and participate in his upbringing.

The duration of the program is 1 academic year (then it can be continued).

Parent club classes are held once a month (8-9 meetings)

The duration and time of one lesson is 1.5-2 hours:


Group composition: 8-12 people. It is assumed that the main composition of the group will be permanent, which will allow parents to better understand the proposed material and motivate parents for the practical use of knowledge in teaching and raising children at home.

The program is presented in the form of a list of topics for club meetings of parents, a brief description of the structure of the lesson, a list of methods and techniques for implementing the topics of classes. an outline of the content of each lesson. The guidelines for the implementation of the program provide practical material: Approximate content of classes on all topics, "Exercises to start the lesson", "Options for completing classes", "Proverbs", examples of questionnaires "Feedback", the content and rules of the psychological game "Dolphin".

During the academic year, the program can be adjusted depending on the requests and needs of the participants in club meetings.

Thematic lesson plan

club "School of a parent of a special child"

September .

The topic "Incurable" does not mean - "doomed" (Features of correctional and developmental education of children with severe mental retardation).

October .

Theme "Magic brush" (Correctional drawing possibilities).

November .

Theme "Visiting a speech therapist" (Formation of the prerequisites for the development of speech).


Theme "Drawing together" (Joint productive activity of an adult and a child - parent-child workshop)


Theme "Sensory development is important" (The importance of sensory experience for the overall development of the child)


Theme "Healer-clay" (Correctional possibilities of clay modeling)


Theme "Living Clay" (Joint productive activity of an adult and a child - parent-child workshop)


Theme "Movement is life" (Adaptive physical education for children with developmental problems - parent-child activity)


Theme "Children and Music" (The influence of music on the human psyche)

Lesson structure

The lesson consists of 3 blocks:

1 block: Introduction to the topic.

The first block includes organizational and informational parts.

Organizational is aimed at creating an atmosphere of emotional closeness of the group members, inclusion in the subject of communication.

The information part offers a mini-lecture on a designated topic, which can be illustrated by watching videos; recommendations for working with children in the practical part of the lesson; job preparation.

Block 2: Practical. It can be a workshop or a master class for parents, a parent-child workshop. Thus, parents learn practical skills for self-study with children. At the end of the parent-child lesson, the children return to their groups.In this regard, the parent-child lesson involves preliminary thinking through organizational issues related to bringing children to class and returning them to groups after the practical part.

Block 3: Final. This is part of the active communication of all participants of the meeting and specialists about the information received and the experience gained, understanding what is happening, awareness of their response to specific situations, psychological and pedagogical interpretation of what was happening. An opportunity is provided to reflect on their position and style of interaction with the child.

  • Mini-lecture - introduces the subject of the lesson, focuses on the issue under discussion, introduces new information on the problem
  • Parable - can be an epigraph or, conversely, a generalization to the topic; stimulus for discussion
  • Discussion - discussion of a topical issue; as a rule, parents share their personal experience in solving problems or seek advice from the group
  • Watching a video to emphasize the importance of the topic under discussion
  • Watching a video from the life of children in the DDI or a slide film with a commentary is an illustration of pedagogical methods of working with children, the capabilities and achievements of children with a well-organized correctional process
  • Psychological exercise, training game - are included in any part of the lesson with a specific goal. Beginning: to relieve tension, to bring group members closer, to include them in the topic of conversation. In the course of the lesson: to understand the topic under discussion through awareness of one's states, sensations, emotions; mastering techniques for relieving stress and harmonizing the emotional state. At the end: summarizing the topic or closing the session (for example, a farewell ritual)
  • Practical lesson (workshop) - mastering practical skills, acquaintance with corrective methods and techniques for working with children
  • Parent-child workshops are a joint productive activity that allows the parent to realize their positions, ways of interacting, cooperating with the child, their response to a situation where the child does not meet expectations; the practice of finding methods and techniques to involve the child in activities, etc.
  • Teaching Aids Exhibition - showcasing educational material available for use at home
  • Photo exhibitions on club activities - information about the content of past club meetings, revitalization of the experience of participating in club activities, including those for children and parents; activation of positive emotions
  • "Feedback" at the beginning of the session - a story about the impact of the previous meeting on changes in knowledge, in the belief system, etc.; a kind of “self-report” on the use of knowledge gained in the previous lesson in the practice of communicating with your child
  • "Feedback" at the end of the lesson - an opportunity to comprehend, realize and talk about the significance of the topic under discussion for oneself, readiness to use information in communicating with the child at home
  • Feedback questionnaires - a written version of feedback; fixing one's readiness to take responsibility for applying the acquired knowledge in practice
  • Handout (memo, manual, video / audio recordings, book, etc.) for home methodical piggy bank - to consolidate the material, maintain interest

Estimated Expected Outcome

The emergence of parents' interest in the process of child development, the desire and ability to see small, but important for the child, achievements.

Participation of parents in the correctional and educational process of the child with an understanding of the significance of this for their child; development of a sense of satisfaction from the successful application of their knowledge in the upbringing and development of the child.

Increasing the activity of parents in matters of cooperation with the specialists of the institution; desire to participate in psychological and pedagogical activities (club activities, psychological trainings, consultations, etc.).

Expanding the circle of communication among the parents of the institution.

In the Sukhinichsky district of the Kaluga region, a social rehabilitation center for minors "Rays of Hope" operates. The parent club "Binding thread" has been created in the Center. The specialists of the Center and some active parents decided to unite. The purpose of the association was to jointly solve pressing issues, celebrate holidays, spend cultural leisure and support each other in difficult times. Such a grouping, on the one hand, was a simple matter, because all parents were brought together by a common problem - a sick child. On the other hand, many parents were in a state of depression, some families isolated themselves from society, embarrassed to show people their "different" child, there were families with whom friends stopped communicating. Thus, isolation, isolation from the whole world and a state of hopelessness, the loss of something important in life became the causes of intrapersonal disorders and a partial loss of communication skills. The specialists determined communication training as the most appropriate form of work, which is carried out at the first stage of work with parents at the beginning of the school year.
Communication training contributes to the solution of the following tasks:
- getting to know each other;
- creation of conditions for rapprochement and unification of group members;
- awareness of one's own individuality, increasing self-esteem;
- development of communication skills and abilities;
- reduction of emotional stress, optimization of the functional state.
The trainings are held in an atmosphere of trust, which makes it possible to implement a greater intensity of feedback between group members compared to everyday communication. The creation of a climate of trust is facilitated by a special form of conducting classes, in which the leader does not oppose himself to the group, but acts as one of the participants in group work.
When organizing classes on psycho-training of communication, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles:
- activity of group members;
- research position;
- partnership communication;
- voluntary participation;
- providing participants with full information about the goals and methods of conducting the training;
- during the training, taking all precautions against physical and mental injuries.
In the first lesson, the rules by which the group works are developed. The rules are accepted by the whole group together with the psychologist at the very beginning of the work. They are needed to create an environment where each participant can speak openly and express their feelings and views. Participants are not afraid to become the object of ridicule and criticism; are sure that everything personal that is discussed in the lesson will not go beyond the group; receive information without interfering with others.
The main part of the lesson includes exercises aimed at revealing the problem and working it out, consolidating behavioral and communication skills. At this stage, participants are given the opportunity to try new techniques, behavioral strategies in a safe environment. The task of the psychologist is to encourage the participants' attempts to work out the acquired skills, to promote the development of trusting relationships. Each lesson includes relaxation exercises aimed at reducing stress and optimizing the functional state. Such exercises are carried out to classical music, the sounds of nature, you can read the text to the music, influencing the figurative perception of the picture of the world (about the sea, forest, birds, etc.).
To evaluate the effectiveness of training, the following methods are used:
Discussing problems with personal statements. At the end of the training, each member of the group speaks about what he learned new, what he liked or did not like, what needs to be changed. In this case, the psychologist needs to outline the reviews, and then analyze them and draw conclusions.
Psychologist's Notes. During the training, the psychologist writes down how the group reacted to this or that information, whether everyone took part in the games, whether everyone was comfortable.
Further participation of parents in self-help groups. If the group formed as a single organism during the communication training, then this contributes to the effective work of parents in the self-help group.
Goals and objectives of the parent club "Connecting Thread"
- providing social support to parents of children with disabilities in matters of their rehabilitation, development and education;
- providing parents with psychological and legal assistance on the basis of the Center.
- legal advice to parents;
- organization of joint leisure of parents and children;
- teaching parents methods of rehabilitation of children with disabilities at home;
- psychological trainings;
- organization of active family recreation in nature for parents and children with disabilities.
Club members:
- parents of children with disabilities living in the Sukhinichsky district;
- specialists of the Center (teacher-psychologist, social pedagogue).
Organization of club activity.
The work of the club is carried out on the basis of a social rehabilitation center for minors.
Events for parents and children are held free of charge, with a frequency of 1 time per month.
Forms of work of the club: psychological trainings, leisure activities, consultations of the Center's specialists, excursions, etc.
Results achieved:
- improving the legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities;
- expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation, mutual assistance;
- overcoming stressful conditions by parents without prejudice to mental and physical health;
- formation of an adequate attitude towards children with special needs;
- mastering the methods of rehabilitation work with children at home;
- formation and organization of a healthy lifestyle of the family;
- organization of communication of children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication of their parents;
- instilling the skills of organizing joint leisure time for parents and children.
The topics of classes with parents and the forms of their conduct are given in the table.
The results of the work done are positive.
The parent team rallied, mothers (mostly) and some fathers became more sociable, always ready to help a friend, mutual assistance, the emotional state of parents improved markedly, they began to communicate with each other by phone, meet in families, share experiences, addresses of medical and other institutions.

Lesson "Introduction"

- introduce the members of the group to each other;
- talk about the rules of the club;
- set up the group for further joint work.

The first stage "Warming up"

Good afternoon, dear mothers. Very glad to see you! We start working together. Our classes will focus on developing you as a parent. Here we will communicate with you, play. All the knowledge that you get as a result of our classes, you can use in communicating with your children. All our classes will be held in the form of a game. And every game has rules. I want to introduce you to them.

Thematic planning of the activities of the parent club "Binding thread"

o Confidential communication style. Talking about ourselves, we hope for reciprocity.
Sincerity in communication. Everything you say must be true.
Confidentiality. No one can talk outside the group about what is happening in it.
The group supports each member with advice, an opportunity to listen, a kind word.
And now I invite you to tell about your thoughts and expectations related to the upcoming class, and the feelings with which you went to the first meeting.

1. Exercise "Name".
All participants sit in a circle. Everyone calls his name, and then, on any letter of his name, he names the quality inherent in his character.
2. Exercise "Interview".
Each participant takes turns talking about himself:
why did they give you that name, who called it that?
what does the name mean?
what are your hobbies?
name your life motto.
3. Exercise "Continue the phrase."
Participants are given cards with an unfinished sentence, which must be continued:
I try to be alone when I feel...
I don't do housework when I...
Making hurtful remarks if I...
I start eating a lot when I
I get upset when I...
It's very hard for me...
It makes me feel better if I...
I am happy when I...
I get lost when...
I'm worried if I...
I worry when...
I still don't know...
I want it very much...
I think the most important...
I need to know what I...
4. Exercise: "Mountains".
Imagine a warm, sunny summer day. You are sitting on a mountain lawn covered with soft green grass. Your back rests on a stone heated by the sun. Majestic mountains rise all around you. The air smells of grass warmed by the sun. There is a slight smell of flowers and rocks heated during the day. A light breeze ruffles your hair, gently touches your face. You look around, from your position you see a mountain range stretching out into the distance, beyond the horizon. The sunbeam glides smoothly along the slopes. Far ahead, almost out of earshot, the water of a mountain stream slowly falls from a stone ledge. There is an amazing silence around: you hear only the distant, barely audible sound of water, the buzzing of a bee over a flower, a lonely bird sings somewhere, the wind rustles the grass easily. You feel how calm and serene this place breathes. Worries and anxieties, tension go away. A pleasant peace surrounds you. You raise your eyes and see the sky above you, so clear, blue, bottomless, which can only be in the mountains. An eagle soars in the blue silence. Almost without moving his mighty wings, he seems to be floating in the boundless blue. You look at him and accidentally catch his eye. And now you are an eagle, and your body is light and weightless. You soar in the sky, looking at the earth from a height of flight, remembering every detail. And here you are on the ground.
5. Exercise "Art therapy".
I suggest you display your thoughts and feelings on paper with the help of paints and pencils.

Third stage. Completion

Lesson "How to deal with emotions"

- training parents to get out of stressful situations;
- reduction of anxiety and fear of rejection;
- formation of a constructive position of the mother of a sick child, aimed at preserving and strengthening the family;
- correction of personality disorders and attitudes.

The first stage "Warming up"

1. Greeting.
2. Reflection of the past lesson. Thematic warm-up.
3. Exercise "I remember, I know ..."
Parents describe the joyful events of married life.
The parents and the psychologist then discuss the notes. The psychologist gives the following setting.
In the life of spouses there are light and dark streaks. There are no families that do not have joyful events in their lives. Joyful events can include family holidays, the expectation of the birth of a child, joint vacation trips, visits to theaters, exhibitions, etc. What is important here is not where the spouses were, but what kind of relationship arose between them at that time. Positive tone and depth of relationship are important. The recollection of pleasant events warms the soul, allows you to remove sadness, sadness, a feeling of dissatisfaction. Every time something sad or gloomy happens in your life, neutralize this event with a memory of a pleasant one. Use positive thoughts as an "antidote" to negative ones.
4. Exercise "Exactly today."
Formation of a positive attitude towards myself and my family members: "I, as a mother, should be able to mentally build a barrier, a protective "wall" in a stressful situation, or place the child and myself in an invisible case, armor, in order to separate from any irritated subject."

Second phase. main event

Third stage. Completion

1. Reflection of parents.
2. Summing up the day.
For the successful rehabilitation of a child with disabilities, the father must take part in his development and upbringing. Mom needs to be able to control her feelings and emotions, find an activity that will be a pleasure.

Lesson "Development and training of the ability to constructively respond to negative reactions of the social environment"

- learn to manage their own emotional state;
- think in a constructive way, so as not to "get stuck" on negative experiences;
- find new alternative ways to overcome life's problems;
- show ways of positive thinking.

The first stage "Warming up"

1. Greeting.
2. Exercise "Yes, of course, and I also ...".
Group members form two circles, inner
circle - facing the outside, in pairs. One of the couple says a compliment to the second, to which the second replies: "Yes, of course, and also I ..." (finishes the phrase). Then they switch roles. When the exchange of compliments has taken place, the inner circle takes a step to the right and, thus, there is a change of partner in the exercise.

Second phase. main event

1. Exercise "I'm on a piece of paper."
Setting for the participants: Draw yourself from the outside, what you look like on your "mental" screen. Nearby draw a very beautiful Lady Luck in a long white dress. And now draw yourself again, always with a smile on your face, walking hand in hand or arm in arm with Lady Luck. What do you think we have done now? Brought good luck! The verbal code of good luck is very simple - you need to wish it to all people as often as possible.
2. Exercise "Response".
Participants sit in two rows opposite each other; from the first participant to the one who sits opposite, a critical or aggressive statement is formed (playful or concerning the real situation that occurred at the training). The addressee must "process" the statement according to the rules "Is it important to you? .." and obtain consent from the aggressor. Then the respondent becomes the author of a critical or aggressive statement about the next participant sitting opposite, the last one in the chain says a provocative phrase to the one who started the exercise. The basic principle is this: you need to proceed from the consideration that a person communicates some information about what he would like to avoid in the future, which is important to him, therefore, in response to criticism or aggression, it is useful to simply tell the person that he was heard. For example, the phrase: "Your child's behavior is somewhat defiant!". Answer-question: "Is it important for you that children on the street behave within the generally accepted framework?". Answer: "Yes." When a person says "yes", the level of aggression decreases (and vice versa!). The task is not to build up the aggressive potential of the statement, but to extinguish it, turning it into a constructive discussion of the problem. This formula allows you to receive directly from a person confirmation of his interests and presentation of values.
"How to construct a phrase correctly?" It is necessary to understand what exactly inside a person made him react in this way. Talk about the general subject matter of the claim. Speak only in positive terms: any negative particles must be removed, no "not"! Negative words should be replaced with antonyms. For example, it is worth replacing the phrase "not to be sloppy" with the phrase "to be neat". Talk not about yourself, but about people in general: not "Am I talking loudly?" But "Were people correct in reprimanding me?" etc.

Third stage. Completion

1. Reflection of parents.
2. Summarizing the results of the day: emotional self-control and constructive response in situations of confrontation - an indicator of the confident behavior of parents.

Marina Skopintseva
Parents' club, an effective form of accompanying the family of a child with disabilities

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard is to ensure equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of psychophysiological and other characteristics.

Children with disabilities experience an increased need to rely on adults, their fate largely depends on the position of the family and the adults around them. The family is a reliable foundation in solving certain issues: the upbringing of children, their inclusion in social spheres, the formation of children with disabilities as active members of society. Therefore, in our work we apply a personality-oriented, humane-personal approach to children and parents.

In my work I actively use non-traditional interactive forms of work with parents based on cooperation and interaction. The use of interactive methods can significantly deepen the influence of the teacher on parents. The principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented in new forms of interaction with parents.

In 2016, on the basis of a preschool institution, he began his work resource center, where one of the effective forms of interaction with parents is the organization of work Club "Help Each Other"parent club- this is a promising form of work with the family, taking into account the actual needs of the family, contributing to the formation of an active life position of the participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family and transferring experience in raising children.

The purpose of the club: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education, development, health promotion of children with disabilities, as well as assistance to families in adapting and integrating children with disabilities into society.

Club tasks:

providing psychological and correctional-pedagogical support to families in matters of education, upbringing and development of children;

the formation of parental skills for the maintenance and upbringing of the child, including the protection of his rights and health, the creation of a safe environment, successful socialization;

the formation of mutual trust in the system of relations between the educational institution and the family;

increasing the legal competence of parents in matters of state guarantees to families raising children with disabilities and familiarization with the basics of legislation in the field of protecting children's rights;

educational work on the problems of developmental disorders in children and their correction;

promotion of positive experience of family education.

Specialists of the preschool institution (teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, music director, physical education instructor, pediatrician) contribute to the organization of the club's activities. Thanks to network interaction, we attract employees of the Rodnik social service center.

Teachers and specialists of a preschool institution teach parents to feel and understand their child better, build relationships competently, and be able to use the necessary tools and techniques.

For effective cooperation with parents, we take into account their personal problems, first of all, in order to earn their trust, liberate them, get an emotional response, which traditional forms of work with parents do not always allow. Communication within the family club creates a positive emotional atmosphere for both teachers and adults.

As part of the parent club, I organize meetings of parents interested in solving the problems of their children. In the conditions of informal communication, club members get to know each other, share their own experience of interacting with their child, meet with specialists, exchange thoughts about themselves and their work, participate in trainings and research.

I use various forms holding a parent club "Let's help each other" such as:

Round table "Health of the child", "Hello baby";


Psychological living rooms "Trust";

Discussions and mini-trainings, "How I imagined him before birth and how he is now";

Workshops with specialists”;

Joint festive events with tea drinking;

Game sessions Lekoteka;

Participation in competitions;

Use of information technologies: production of brochures, booklets, memos.

At these meetings, I talk about the small achievements of children in the field of emotional communication and development. Parents, in turn, talked about their problems, asked questions, made joint decisions, which helped parents acquire the skills to resolve conflict situations with a child, they learned how to effectively interact with him, to realize and optimize their parental position.

During meetings at the Help Each Other Club, parents have the opportunity to meet each other, exchange experiences and support each other, and this gives parents the feeling that "they are not alone."

The result of the work of the club is:

Inclusion of parents in the life of the kindergarten, cooperation with teachers in matters of education and correctional work;

Parents see that there are families around them that are close to them in spirit and have similar problems;

They are convinced by the example of other families that the active participation of parents in the development of the child leads to success;

An active parental position and adequate self-esteem are formed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the work of the club helps to strengthen the position of a family with a child with disabilities or a disabled child as a partner and active subject of the educational environment of a preschool institution.