Shisha what does it mean. The history of the hookah

Everyone in the world has heard about the hookah and can describe it visually, even approximately. However, only true admirers of this thing know the design in detail, as well as the principle of operation. Even among hookah lovers, few people know about its true origin and what it was like in its original form, since the hookah originates in the distant past in the East of Eurasia.

The main misconception among hookah admirers is ignorance of its true purpose, the idea of ​​creation and purpose of this artifact of Eastern culture. The founders used it far from “to get into their heads”, and it was far from being customary to use it in any circle of people.

What is hookah

Hookah is a smoking device that filters the inhaled smoke through the liquid in the flask before entering the lungs. Usually water acts as a liquid, but you can find a hookah on milk, juice, water with aromatic oils, wine and other alcoholic beverages. By the way, the hookah has other names: shisha, nargil, hukka- but they all mean the same device. Turkish sultans claimed that they did not smoke a hookah, but "drank smoke" from it. At the same time, a special mixture of opium and flavorings was often used for smoking.

In the Eastern world, hookah smoking is a purely individual event. Only the closest people of the owner could receive an invitation to joint smoking of a hookah. The process of smoking had the purpose of relaxation, bringing together the gathered people and enjoying the pleasant atmosphere together. You should not treat hookah as well as smoking cigarettes: it is rather aromatherapy than smoking in the usual sense.

As a “filling” of a hookah, not ordinary cigarette tobacco is used, but a special hookah tobacco, which is similar in appearance to jam. Hookah tobacco can be divided into two types:

  • tombac or zhurak is literally pure tobacco that does not have a pleasant smell;
  • maasel- familiar to us tobacco, which has various flavors.

Tombak is a classic option. There is an opinion among true connoisseurs that maasel lovers are just “tourists” who play with hookah, and do not enjoy it to the fullest. This type of hookah tobacco is revered for its strength, as it contains a huge amount of nicotine. Before use, tombak is soaked in water, squeezed, and only then smoked. According to known data, it first appeared in Turkey and Iran.

Maasel came to the West from Egypt and was loved by most hookah lovers. Unlike tombak, on the contrary, it stands out with a pleasant, fragrant smell. It does not contain resins and consists of only 30% black refined tobacco. 50% of maasel contains honey or molasses and the remaining 20% ​​is fruit chips. The classic version contains 0.05 mg of nicotine, but there are completely nicotine-free options on the market. In nicotine-free maasel, tobacco is replaced with another mixture, which, when smoked, smells like a bath broom.

The history of the hookah

It is difficult enough to associate the appearance of a hookah with any one country or people. Among various sources, the most common mention is that the first hookahs began to appear in India in the 15th century. The fact that it originates from the East is unequivocal, since this was favored by the great abundance of tobacco, as well as the corresponding lifestyle of the inhabitants. With the first appearance, hookahs quickly gained wide popularity among all sectors of Asian society.

The first hookahs in the world did not look the way we imagine them today. In the form of a flask, a coconut or pumpkin was often used, and a reed was ideally suited in the form of a tube. The whole structure was connected by a shaft, which was made from a tree trunk.

Over time, the hookah business gained momentum and constantly brought design improvements to get more and more pleasure from smoking. In this regard, craftsmen began to appear who made hookahs from wood and stone, since at that time metal processing technology was poorly developed. For rich people, shisha was decorated with precious stones, made of pure gold or silver. Thus, the hookah also became a decoration of the house, which spoke of the success and prosperity of the family.

Various types of tobacco were used for smoking, but, as a rule, they smoked tombak, while often adding various aromatic oils or juices to the flask. Wealthy people often used not only tobacco, but also fruit molasses with hashish for "driving". The mixture was set on fire with charcoal and placed on the bowl, directly on the tobacco itself.

It is not customary for the Eastern people to refuse to the owner of the house in the proposal of joint smoking of a hookah. A negative response was equated with disrespect and even an insult. Only special people were offered to share the “peace pipe”, since this ritual was considered a symbol of friendship and trust.

It is noteworthy that in the West, hookah is called “hukka”, and tobacco is “shisha”, while in the Middle East, on the contrary, hookah is called “shisha”, and tobacco is “tombac”. In Turkey, tobacco is called “narjil”, and in Syria “narguile”, while in India you will already be smoking “galian”. Actually, the name of hookah and tobacco directly depends on the place of its origin, since each nation calls it in its own way.

Despite the rather deep roots, it appeared in Europe relatively recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. If we talk about Russia, then later - in the early 1990s. Today, one can observe a rapid growth in the popularity of this echo of Eastern culture, thanks to a large number of specialized establishments throughout the country. Many of the best hookahs are opened by oriental people who honor this ancient tradition and share their culture with us.

If you have landed on this page, it means that you love hookah as much as the creators of the site site. And from this it follows that you do not just love to smoke hookah, but are also interested in the history of the origin and culture of hookah smoking. So I advise you to take a mouthpiece, take a drag on the smoke and read this article with pleasure! I wish you a pleasant dive;)
Many people in today's society love to smoke hookah. In this article we will tell you about the reason for the popularity of this activity and a little about the history of the hookah.

Hookah and East

When people for the first time come to a hookah and see a brilliant shaft, a flask with ornate patterns (in other articles we will talk about different types of hookahs), getting into an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility, they begin to guess about the origin of this type of recreation and the thought comes - this is the East! So let's get back to the roots.
Of course, now no one will tell you why the hookah occupies a dominant place among the pastimes of the population living in the East, but for many centuries there have been mentions of hookah smoke in prose, poetry, poems and images of hookahs on various canvases of great masters. Smoking hookah in public places was available, of course, only to men. They relaxed, hiding from the scorching sun and sweltering heat, discussed their future plans for life and played backgammon or chess. Women also smoked a hookah, but away from prying eyes, this is not associated with any prohibitions, just the role of a woman in Eastern society did not involve visiting cafes.
Let's move to the West of the XIX-XX centuries. At that time, Europeans who ended up in the East did not recognize the hookah at first. They believed that this was the lot of idlers - to sit and smoke in the shade of trees or in a tea house, calling smoking an incomprehensible device - "an incompetent pastime." However, very soon the inhabitants of Europe changed their minds about hookah smoking to the exact opposite. For women at that time, it became the most popular activity, so much so that we can still look at photographs of those times and see the process of smoking captured in the 19th century.
Now let's trace the movement of the hookah around the globe. In India, under the ruler of the Mughal Empire, Akbar Jelal-ad-Din, several centuries BC, the hookah was very popular. From India, the hookah, gradually modernizing, began its march through the countries of Asia. In countries such as Lebanon and Syria, hookah smoking was not given much importance. In China, they smoked a lot, but most of them added opium. In Japan, Mongolia and Korea, hookah smoking is not part of the culture, but hookah cafes are now periodically opening in them, due to increased demand. As for Egypt and Turkey, the disputes about who invented the hookah in the form familiar to the modern eye (see the article about khalils) make it clear that these two countries are real connoisseurs and the most important lovers of not only smoking, but also production hookah.

What is the name of the hookah in different countries

On the modern market, hookahs are presented in various shapes and sizes - low and high, classic and designer, simple and richly decorated - every lover will find it to his taste, price and preferences. And just as the variety of hookahs is great, so is the number of their names. The inhabitants of each country gave a name to the hookah in their own language, when its smoking became more popular. Therefore, this wonderful invention has accumulated a lot of names.
In all Arab countries you can find such names as " shisha"(Typical for Egypt, Bahrain, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Somalia)," narghile», « arghile"(more often used in Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Israel, Romania). " Narghile" is a Persian word, derived, in turn, from Sanskrit and meaning "coconut". This suggests that the first hookahs were made from coconut shells. From Persian, this word migrated to many other languages, slightly modifying its form.
The European hookah also has the right to exist. In Albania, the hookah was called " lula" or " lulava", from Romanian "pipe". But the word " shisha”, which in Arabic countries means the entire device as a whole, is used here only for the flask.
But Croats, Serbs, Bulgarians, as well as residents of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina call the pipe " narghile", from the Turkish "nargail". Sometimes the sound [r] is omitted in the word. But the word "shisha" is used here to refer to hookah tobacco.
The Spaniards gave the hookah a colorful name kachimba”, while emigrants from Morocco call him nothing more than “shisha”.
So where did the well-known word "shisha" come from? It turns out that originally in Persian it meant "glass". It is not difficult to guess why smoking devices began to be called by this name, because his vessel was made of glass. The list of countries where you can hear this hookah name is very wide: Sudan, Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Somalia, Yemen, Morocco, Algeria.
Oriental hookah in Azerbaijan and Iran is called " qalyan", or "hookah", from the Arabic "boil". The sound of gurgling liquid in the bowl of a hookah really resembles boiling water. We all know the name is also used in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. In these countries, special hookah establishments have become very popular in recent years.
In Uzbekistan, the hookah has a funny name " chillim».
The name of the hookah in English-speaking countries is often pronounced as " hookah". And the reason for this is the fact that India, the supposed birthplace of the hookah, was a British colony for a long time, from where the conquerors adopted such an unusual way of smoking tobacco. William Hickey, one of the emigrants, arrived in Calcutta in 1775 and was surprised by the local traditions. In his memoirs, he wrote that he could not appreciate all the charm of the luxurious hookah kindly offered to him. William was not at all delighted with the bitterness of tobacco, and he would have liked to refuse such a treat. But his interlocutor replied that without the joint smoking of a hookah in these parts it is impossible to conduct business. This is necessary to maintain your business credibility. A kind of "peace pipe" is even more important than lunch.
In Africa, hookah smoking has also been common since ancient times. Here, its design almost did not differ from the modern one. Therefore, its name corresponds to the essence: “ dakka- "water pipe".

What is hookah

But no matter how different the hookahs are in terms of names, materials, sizes and decorations, all of them - Turkish, Syrian, Egyptian, Chinese - have almost the same shape and design. Even outwardly, the hookahs that can be seen in the souvenir shops of the East do not differ from those depicted in the engravings of the 18th-19th centuries and even more ancient drawings.
Therefore, the hookah can be called one of the unchanging objects in its design. Everyone has a large vessel (or flask) with a narrow neck, where water is poured (traditionally) or another liquid (affects the aftertaste of exhaled vapor), then a tube is lowered into the vessel, the second tube is inserted from the outside above the water level (this is exactly the one through which you need to draw in steam), this design ends with a bowl in which tobacco smolders. When inhaled, the smoke passes through the water, bubbling, using it as a filter and being cleaned of harmful impurities.
Of course, the very first hookahs were short-lived, not functional and not very beautiful. But after the hookah as a device came from India to Persia, its formation as an object of art began - the inventive Persians began to work on it. It was at that moment that bowls, mouthpieces appeared, the shape and size changed. The production of hookahs was handmade and brought to perfection by the best craftsmen. Even then, four main parts were identified, of which a hookah should consist: a vessel with water, a metal pipe, a cup for tobacco and a pipe for direct smoking. Each master was engaged in the manufacture of only a certain part of the hookah. There were also flask makers - craftsmen who blew flasks, there were people who made metal pipes, there were cup makers - who made elegant cups, and there were also pipe makers - who created wonderful, flexible hoses from leather and mouthpieces from precious stones. It was all these people who put the warmth of their hands and soul into each hookah, creating each time a new work of art.

The culture of hookah smoking

So why do people like this sweet fragrant vapor so much? Maybe it's not just the intoxicating effect of hookah smoking? Maybe it is the product itself, which has absorbed history for so many centuries, that can give pleasure to every person? Probably, everyone will look for the answers to these questions for himself. But one thing we know for sure - the popularity of hookah smoking is not just because of its eastern origin, it has become a part of the culture of many countries and remains a favorite pastime for a very long time, to say that this is just an idle hobby.
Enjoy hookah smoking, chat, relax and have fun! And let our articles on the site help you plunge into the culture of hookah smoking and let you learn more about the hookah itself.

For what shisha (live etc.) - by what means

Nothing rude - nothing

Gasparov. Entries and extracts

♦ The Devil can appear at least in the form of Christ (but not the Mother of God), and Teresa of Avila checked, showing the bug: he ran away from the bug (V. Zlobin, in the book about Gippius). "Imps show cones to angels" - with a condemnation of "Salting" (Rem, "Painted Snouts", 99).

Phraseological dictionary (Volkova)

Nothing (vernacular, fam.) - nothing.

I don't have a shit, there's nothing to eat. L. Tolstoy.

I won't give a damn.

Architectural Dictionary

A cone of poles erected over a pit with an adobe or stone oven to dry the sheaves with smoke, which were leaned against the outside of the poles.

(Terms of the Russian architectural heritage. Pluzhnikov V.I., 1995)

Dictionary of Efremova

  1. m. outdated. The pointy top of smth., a pointed or upright object.
  2. m.
    1. Same as: fig.
    2. :
      1. trans. Something extremely small, nothing.
      2. The complete absence of something.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

The river of the Tobolsk province, Tara district, originates on the border of the Tomsk province from the Vasyugan-Ob watershed; flows first to the west, then to the southwest, then flows to the northwest and finally to the south-southwest and flows into the Irtysh River on the right side. The length is up to 150 versts, the width is from 10 to 20 fathoms, the course is extremely winding; the river is not deep, but accessible to small boats. Many forest rivers flow into it. The river irrigates the wooded and deserted area. Recently, settlers began to settle along the lower reaches of the river, where the land is better.

Ozhegov's dictionary

Shish, a, m.(simple).

1. Same as . Show sh. commun.

2. About what. extremely small, nothing. Sh. he will get! (i.e. get nothing). What shisha will I buy? (i.e., nothing to buy).

Nothing nothing.

Shish with butter the same as shish(in 2 values).

Dictionary of pagan concepts and gods

brownie, demon, evil spirits, usually living in barns. Shish plays his wedding at a time when whirlwinds raise dust in a pillar on the passing roads. These are the very Shishi who confuse the Orthodox. Boring and unpleasant people are sent to Shisham in anger. Finally, intoxicating shisha happen to people who have drunk themselves to delirium tremens (to hell). The name Shisha is also fastened to every bearer of news and an earphone in the old sense of the word, when shishi were scouts and spies, and when for shishimorstvo(as they wrote in the acts) were given, in addition to salaries, estates for services rendered by espionage. Shish was naked from birth, his yard was hollow, there were no cattle, and there was no one to lock up ... Shish's estate is a shtey wooden pot, and a pig horn with tobacco. There were two fake boilers, but they burned to the ground(B. Shergin. Shish's misfortunes).

Dictionary Ushakov

shish, shisha, husband.

1. Pointy top of something, sticky on something ( old., region).

2. Same as ( unfold). Show someone shish. shish eat ( cm. at 3 value). “And you, stupid, for disrespect to your parent - shish with butter.” Leskov.

| About something insignificant, constituting nothing, in meaning nothing, nothing unfold fam.). "Dowry - took a shish, nothing in the service." Griboyedov. - From naked to a thread - a nimble shirt. "And the fool shish!" Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Not a shish ( simple. fam.) - nothing. “I don’t have a shit, there’s nothing to eat.” L. Tolstoy. I won't give a damn.

Turkisms in Russian

1) peaked heap, heap, mound, building || hay || pointed hut, farce;

2) vernacular fico; trans. nothing, nothing, not a shish nothing;

3. region (Vyat.) tramp, sharomyga, thief || old scout, spy, informer (Dal, 4, 636). Weismann, 1731, 181 shish; Ushakov, 4, 1348 shish (Sk. Akad., 1965, 17, 1431, 1432). Dmitriev refers the word shish to Turkisms, confirmed by facts. He compares shish with "tur. sis" tumor ", skewer", tat. shesh; Az., Turkm., Kirg. shish. The nominal stem shish "tumor" is used as the verb shish-mek Swell", "swell". Obviously, this is also the Old Russian shish-ak, which Afanasy Nikitin recorded in the form chichak" (1958, 36). Vasmer: "Goryaev (ES, 423) is trying to find a source in Tur., shor. sis "swelling, abscess", sismak "to swell" (Radlov, 4, 1083 et seq.). Unclear" (4, 444). cf. Radlov sh1sh (shor.; tour.) 1. tumor, vered; 2. (tur.) swollen; (Shor., Crimea., Tur.) 1. a stick on which they fry, a skewer; 2. (shor.) gatehouse on the trap (4, 1082-1083); shysh (shor.) vered, boil (4, 1060); uüui- (Crim., Shore, Kom.; Tur., Chag., Kazan, drum.) to swell (4, 1083); shgsh (cauldron) tumor, abscess; shgsh- (cauldron) to swell, swell, abscess (4, 1094). cf. tat. shesh I tumor, edema, lump; shesh II 1. stozhar (a pole in the middle of a haystack); 2. poke (for fixing sheaves); 3. skewer (Tat.-Russian sl., 1950, 292); Az. shish I 1. tumor, bloating, edema, outgrowth; 2. swollen, swollen, swollen; shish II trochanter, trochanteric, sharp; shishe chekmdk to put on, string on a skewer (meat); shishme swelling, edema, swelling, swelling (Az.-Russian sl., 1941, 364).

A traditional oriental smoking device in which the inhaled smoke is filtered and cooled is a hookah. What this name means is now known all over the world. In Farsi, this word is a borrowing from Arabic, which means "boiling, burning." Smoking hookah is a philosophy that allows you to create a relaxed special atmosphere, something akin to aromatherapy and immersion in a special world of smells, thoughts and ideas. This exotic device is now popular all over the world.

History of tradition

The hookah comes from India, from there it spread to all Muslim countries, and from Turkey merchants brought it to the Arab countries. The main parts of the device are the mouthpiece, or chubuk, top, pipe, vessel, smoking bowl. Craftsmen competed in skill and art, making from gold, silver and copper with decorations a special device loved by everyone - a hookah. That such a device would quickly become popular could be foreseen when the fashion for oriental rites quickly spread throughout the world. Now the bowl of the device can be made of metal, as well as orange or grapefruit, which gives the smoke a special flavor.

Essence of smoking

Hookah lovers argue that it is important not what the vessel is filled with, but who the smokers are with. The essence of a hookah is a pipe of peace, a means of uniting guests, friends, relatives. Its difference from ordinary tobacco smoking lies in the cooling of the smoke, so ice is used. Other names in the countries of the East are nargile, bori, jajir, chilim, shisha, gouz.

Fans often argue about how to properly draw hookah smoke. Is it worth it to take a deep drag, drawing more of it into the lungs and slowly exhale, or do you need to take small but frequent puffs. Every smoker is sure that he knows all the secrets and smokes correctly. The beauty of this process lies precisely in the fact that any method, if it brings pleasure, will be correct.

For party and peaceful conversation

Hookah smokers are in no hurry, the tradition suggests a peaceful atmosphere, relaxing music, a small amount of light wine and abstract conversations. This process is as significant in the Middle Eastern countries as plov or a tea ceremony. Therefore, it is best to smoke a hookah at home or in restaurants and hookahs, where visitors will be provided with everything necessary for full enjoyment.

It is not customary to refuse if a hookah is offered to a guest. What a special pleasure to enjoy, there is no doubt.

Tobacco and accessories

Hookah tobacco is different from cigarette tobacco. It can be divided into several types: most often these are pleasant berry-fruit or spicy mixes for mixing - Al Fakir Fresh, Afsal Pan Raas and others.

The taste of tobacco is flavored with syrups:

  • apple;
  • strawberry;
  • watermelon;
  • cardamom;
  • cinnamon;
  • licorice;
  • menthol;
  • coffee or chocolate.

In almost every package of modern tobacco, you can find a syrup based on honey or glycerin.

The process of obtaining smoke is quite simple - hookah coals transfer heat to tobacco soaked with glycerin, which, in turn, begins to burn and give aroma.

Coals are needed so that the tobacco does not fade. They should quickly kindle and not interrupt the smell of tobacco. It is good to use charcoal, not tableted. It is safer for health and does not add an unpleasant odor.

How to choose the right device

A good hookah can become the central attribute of cozy parties and dinner parties. It is easy to assemble, and outwardly it has a height of at least 40 cm, optimally - 70-100 cm.

The metal part of the device must be stable. The quality of the assembly can be checked if you close the tobacco bowl with your palm and try to draw air through the tube: the device assembly is tight, if this is difficult to do.

The price of the device depends on the decor, the main thing when buying is to carefully examine it. It must be airtight, without cracks. In disassembled form, check the presence of seals.

The choice of the size of the device also depends on the purpose of its application:

  • to decorate a stylish interior, a high hookah of more than 1.5 m for two or three pipes, with gilding and crystal, is suitable.
  • for smoking alone - a small mobile device that you can take to friends and carry with you, or purchase an ordinary hookah not lower than 50 cm.
  • for a large company, the device should be from 70 to 120 cm high, with decor.

Feel free to buy modern devices: new technologies and materials provide durability and ease of use, and the appearance changes under the influence of bold design ideas.

However, in countries of traditional production, most hookahs are still made according to old technologies.

Where is the best place to buy abroad

The best countries for purchasing a quality smoking apparatus are Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Syria, Iraq, in extreme cases - China, Romania.

Where a hookah is not worth buying is in Turkey or Egypt. There, goods are often of poor quality, and the product for tourists there is most often just that. Your new exotic smoking device should, however, be manufactured industrially, not artisanal.

Hookah: harm or benefit

For a long time, it was believed that hookah smoking is not harmful to health, since it was believed that a significant part of the harmful substances dissolve in water, and the smoke cools before entering the lungs. But it is not so. The most harmful component in the smoking mixture is carbon monoxide from coal. For an hour of smoking a hookah, a person inhales ten times more smoke than from a cigarette. At the same time, tar, nicotine and harmful heavy metals enter the respiratory tract - their amount depends on the type of tobacco. The content of toxins in this case, in comparison with cigarette smoke, is somewhat lower due to the lower temperature of combustion of the mixture in the hookah device.

How to assemble a hookah and use it at home

If you would like to learn how to make a hookah yourself, use the diagrams and choose the right ingredients:

  • the bowl must be made of clay;
  • coal - coconut pressed;
  • foil - 14 microns thick, extra strong;
  • food grade silicone hose
  • the mouthpiece can be any desired.

The main thing in the assembly is to ensure tightness, otherwise you will not enjoy smoking.

Device preparation steps

For organizing an oriental-style party, a hookah will come in handy. In order to be guaranteed to have fun and not waste time replacing accessories, it is recommended to follow all the stages of preparing an exotic smoking apparatus.

  1. Cleaning. Before first use, rinse all parts with water, except for the hose, if it cannot be washed with water, wipe with a towel and leave to air dry.
  2. Filling the vessel. Pour liquid: water, milk, juice or light wine.
  3. Add ice if desired.
  4. Insert the shaft into the vessel, lowering it so that the rod is immersed in water.
  5. Check the tightness of the device by closing the tobacco bowl with your hand and pulling air through the tube. If the connections are tight enough, air will not pass through.
  6. Connect the hose to the side hole on the shaft.
  7. Double check the water level, making sure it doesn't get too close to the tube connection, otherwise the water will damage it.
  8. Put the tobacco into the cup with tongs.
  9. Close the cup tightly with foil and pierce thin holes on it.
  10. Kindle coal - it is better to use a special wood.
  11. Start smoking - when the vessel is filled with smoke, the device is ready for use.

It will be correct to wash the device after use and clean it if sediment appears in the vessel or the smoke has an unusual taste.

A beautiful stylish hookah is a good purchase to give a new atmosphere not only to the interior of the house, but also as an alternative to the habit of smoking. Where it is thoughtfully sipped to the music, there is no vulgarity and vulgarity. A hookah can also unite like-minded people, accept others with their advantages and disadvantages. What are familiar cigarettes compared to an exquisite device, a pleasant aroma and a leisurely conversation among friends? Especially if you know when to stop and save exquisite smoking for special occasions.

What is common between a Russian samovar and an Egyptian hookah? Where did the hookah come to Egypt? What are hookahs? How do Egyptians smoke hookah and do Egyptians smoke hookah? Hookah smoking is a public activity and very popular in Egypt.

Just like a samovar in Russia, in Egypt a hookah made of silver and adorned with precious stones is revered as a souvenir. Such a hookah is usually awarded to honored guests of the state of Egypt. Presenting this original smoking device as their own national treasure, the Egyptians completely forgot that the Turks brought the hookah to the coast of the Nile.

The Egyptians only adopted an Ottoman child. In 1516, the Ottomans went to the Arab East, practically without taking the hookah hose out of their mouths. It turned out to be inconvenient to conquer and smoke at the same time. As a result of their campaigns, the Turks practically got rid of the hookah infection. Now in Istanbul only occasionally smoke. In Cairo, they smoke recklessly.

What is a hookah?

In Arabic, a smoking pipe is called a latrine. Hence the name of the smoking apparatus - a hookah, one of the parts of which is a pipe. But, oddly enough, the Arabic ear does not perceive the word "hookah" at all. To ask for a smoke, you need to whisper two magical syllables: shi-sha. Shi-sha is not just smoke. Everything falls under this name: tobacco for smoking, a device for blowing smoke and the process of smoke production itself.

It should be noted that only for the unsighted Russian eye all hookahs are smeared with one world. For an Arab, a hookah is different for a hookah. There is actually a hookah, that is, shisha. And there is a hookah, which is not quite a hookah, but already a nargel, that is, a goza. Shisha is smoked through a long flexible hose, most often made of rubber. Gozu - through a wooden spout.

Traditional tobacco is filled into the hookah, crushed tobacco leaves mixed with black honey into nargel. (Black because it is extracted from sugar cane). But by and large, modifications of the smoking unit do not fundamentally affect the essence of the process. Shisha is needed not in order to go further after a smoke, but in order to stay in one place for a long time after a puff.

The ritual of preparing for smoking a hookah

Shisha is a ritual. And like any ritual, it is carefully furnished. First of all, you should prepare a brazier, where charcoal would constantly smolder. Water is poured into the main vessel - the basis (formerly made of pumpkin, and now of brass or glass), which is designed, firstly, to cool the smoke, and secondly, to serve as an ideal filter that traps tobacco tar and nicotine poison.

Tobacco is placed in a copper superstructure. Tobacco is washed and dried before use. However, it gets into the hookah slightly damp so that it does not quickly smoke. An ember is placed on top of the tobacco hill. It is taken from the brazier with special tweezers - malcad.

This simple structure is crowned with a rubber hose with a wooden tip - a mouthpiece. Inhaling the tobacco flavor through the hose, while causing the water in the vessel to "storm", you can catch a real buzz. And this way, or, as they say, saithe, one portion can "stay" the whole evening.

Dragged on. He shifted his gaze to the road. He looked at the waddling donkey. Pulled up again. He took a sip of coffee. Another puff. He raised his eyes to the sky and sighed heavily. Pulled up again. Passed the hose to a friend. The process can take hours. The worst enemy will be the one who dares to distract the smoker from him.

Smoking hookah is a public process

Hookah smoking is a public activity. Smoking service can be obtained in public places: in markets, at hotels. There are special places for smoky gatherings - divaniy ("sofa" comes from the Arabic "sit").

But the most common hookah rental in a cafe. Regulars come here with a personal foil filter. Believing that all people are brothers, the Arabs are very willing to pass the hookah mouthpiece from mouth to mouth. The following gesture is considered a sign of special affection: carefully lick the mouthpiece and hand it over to you. In decent houses, hookah is now smoked less and less.

Nevertheless, offering guests a hookah is considered an obligatory part of the entertainment program with a large gathering of people. They offer to smoke a hookah after a hearty lunch, for or instead of coffee. And not only to men. Indeed, in the Arab world, only a cigarette is an exclusively male privilege (an Eastern woman smoking Marlboro is a fallen woman). An exception has been made for the hookah. Egyptian women smoke shishu openly and willingly.

Proponents of hookah smoking believe that their method of smoke consumption is more efficient (tobacco swirls cooler) and safer (water filter is more reliable) than cigarette smoking. When smoking a hookah, it is not customary to pass smoke inside further than the throat.

Tobacco for shisha is distinguished by its special spirituality. It is usually flavored with fruits or herbs. But true smokers prefer pure tobacco without sweet smells and impurities. Altai tobacco brought from Syria is the most popular among heavy hookah smokers.

Until recently, the transport of hookahs to the territory of the Soviet state was prohibited. Vigilant customs officers seized copper vessels from the suitcases of tourists arriving from Egypt. It was believed that the hookah is a tool for the use of drugs. Apparently, the word "hashish" was involuntarily associated with the concept of "shish".

However, Arab youth are increasingly switching to "Camel", deciding that the hookah is still a dying way of smoky pastime that does not correspond to modern rhythms. It seems that the leisurely Arabs will soon have no time to smoke thoroughly.