How much should an 8 month old baby sleep. Sleep norms for a child up to a year, from a year to three

A child differs from an adult in the speed of ongoing processes: high growth rates, activity, a faster change in activities, including sleep and wakefulness. The older the baby gets, the more he moves, and therefore gets tired more quickly.

It is important to know how much a child should sleep at 8 months, when activity rises sharply. After all, by this time he had learned to crawl quickly, stand on his feet. Some people take their first steps at this time.

If the baby has little rest, he becomes lethargic, capricious, gains weight poorly, and may lag behind in development.

Quality sleep of sufficient duration is a prerequisite for the life of a small person.

At this age, the baby can already withstand longer intervals without sleep.

The following developments have taken place:

  • The muscles have become strong enough, so that the baby can sit well and crawl quickly. If you put it on legs and support it, it will try to walk. If you are interested in the question at what age does a child begin to walk confidently, read the article When does a child begin to walk?>>>;
  • Well developed fingers. They confidently grab objects, move them, press, break, throw. An experimenter woke up in your son (daughter). Don't be upset if he throws the toy on the floor with great force and looks at your reaction. It's not harmful. He checks how a thing can fall, what sound it makes, what is happening around. The kid is gaining experience;
  • Becomes curious. Looks in all boxes and boxes. After all, there is already enough strength and consideration to crawl, reach out and open. For the safety of the baby, limit the accessibility of potential threats, lock or tie the handles of the lockers where they are stored. Remove medicines, detergents, cosmetics, household chemicals higher, so that even by chance it would not be possible to get them;
  • The kid feels the mood of his mother, tries to evaluate and imitate him. Builds grimaces, laughs merrily, sincerely sad. He is interested in his reflection in the mirror, works out different emotions on it;
  • The game becomes an important pastime. A small person is completely absorbed by boxes, cubes, pyramids. And while the game does not consist in constructive creation (construction, folding), but in destruction. He disassembles the pyramid, knocks down the cubes made up of the “house”, takes out and throws toys out of the boxes;

Don't get upset and don't worry. This is also normal. This period precedes the next, when the child begins to build and collect.

  • Another important aspect of activity is movement. He crawls, tries to get up, looks into all corners, often asks for hands, loves to jump and “fly” with the help of adults; By the way, many parents at this age begin to use walkers. Find out how safe it is for your baby from the article: When can I put my baby in a walker?>>>
  • The dream became lucid. If earlier you could watch TV in the same room where a four-month-old baby sleeps, then at 8 months this will definitely not work. He can even react to rustles. At this age, the child may wake up from loud noise.

Know! The most sensitive time is 5-10 minutes from falling asleep. If at this time something wakes the child, then it will be extremely difficult to put him further. The child feels a false sense of rest and does not intend to go to bed.

In such cases, the use of constant rituals before bedtime can help well. About what it is and what they are for, read the article: Rituals before bed>>>

How many hours does an 8 month old baby sleep? A child sleeps from 13 to 15 hours a day. This is an approximate time that allows the baby at this age to fully relax, recuperate in order to play normally, live and develop. Track how and how much your son (daughter) sleeps, compare with the normative value. Read about sleep norms in the article: Sleep norms for children up to a year>>>

There are children who need less sleep. At the same time, they feel good and develop normally. But in most cases, if the child does not get the right amount of sleep, he becomes moody, irritable.

  1. During the day, the child has 2 sleeps, the duration of each is from 1 to 2 hours;
  2. Waking time between sleeps is 3 to 4 hours.

Usually, the baby clearly shows that he is tired and needs sleep. Becomes less active, he is not carried away by toys. Watch what time it happens. Most likely, you will find a pattern that will allow you to establish a sleep pattern.

In the morning around 11, the baby falls asleep for 1-1.5 hours. Closer to the evening - one more. These numbers may vary. Someone sleeps 2 hours in the morning, and alone in the evening, or even 30 minutes. This is also normal. Often moms get nervous about a short second nap. Do not worry. Soon your son or daughter will switch to 1 nap in the afternoon. Reducing the duration of the second is a natural process.

At 8 months, the baby continues to suck at night. Babies who sleep through the night while breastfeeding are the exception rather than the rule. Read the current article: How long to feed a baby at night?>>>

  • Usually, the child sucks at night 1-2 hours after laying down for a night's sleep, then at 3.5.7 hours (+ - 1 hour);
  • Usually the baby suckles the breast without waking up, in a dream.

You can come across crazy advice - do not accustom a child to co-sleeping, so that later you do not have to wean him. In my opinion, it is much easier for both the child and the mother to sleep together, feed and feed half asleep and feel fresh and rested in the morning.

  1. If night feedings exhaust you a lot;
  2. There are too many of them;
  3. The child hangs on his chest all night, and during the day he whines and asks to be held - then you should take an online course How to teach a child to fall asleep and sleep without a breast?>>>

Often mothers worry that children do not sleep well and cannot fall asleep for a long time. The laying process stretches for an hour, or even more. To avoid such a problem, you need to properly organize sleep:

  • Keep the room at a normal temperature and humidity. In a hot, stuffy room, it will be difficult for your baby to fall asleep. He will be tormented by a feeling of lack of air. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Put a humidifier or hang wet towels;
  • The room should be quiet and dark. Close the door so that no sounds can be heard from neighboring rooms, turn off the lights or leave only a nightlight. Some children cannot sleep in the light, but they are afraid even without it. Turn off the lights and put your son or daughter to bed next to you. So he will be comfortable and calm;
  • Start packing at the first sign of fatigue. Do not wait until the baby is patient and overexcited;
  • Follow your usual ritual. If you haven't created it yet, now is the time. Before a nap, it could be a walk. Before the night - gymnastics, massage, bathing. Calmly put the baby in the crib, stroke his back, tell a story, read a book, sing a song.
  • A course on problem-free children's sleep will help you How to quickly put a child to sleep?>>>

Small deviations (by an hour) from the norm, how much a child sleeps at 8 months, are possible. The main thing is that sleep is not just time spent in the crib for the baby, but a way to restore strength for new achievements and discoveries.

It is important for every mother to know how much a baby should sleep at 8 months. Lack of sleep negatively affects the condition of the baby. Keep a sleep schedule day and night.

Eight months is considered to be the end of infancy. It is at this age that the growth rate of the baby begins to slow down, but mental development goes by leaps and bounds. Perception, thinking, memory are improved, the child is actively socialized, his emotions and speech are enriched. It is difficult to imagine how much information is received and analyzed by the consciousness of the crumbs at once. Naturally, a fragile organism cannot work in such a tense rhythm for a long time, and rest is simply necessary for it. The sleep of a child, according to Academician Pavlov, has a "saving" value for the brain, which is still in the development stage, otherwise exhaustion and death of nerve cells is inevitable.

Even a couple of hours of lack of sleep a day negatively affect the child's condition, and we are talking not only about bad mood, fatigue and whims. The consequences can be much more sad: a weakening of the immune system, impaired intelligence, emotional and nervous development, the appearance of hyperactivity syndrome. How much should a baby sleep at 8 months to avoid such problems?

Sleep rate per day / h Daytime /h Night /h Night rest Comfortable wake time /h
14 4 2 10 3:15

Recall that the data given in the table are an approximate guideline for parents who must make adjustments for the individual characteristics of the baby.

Daytime nap requirements

How much and how does a child sleep at the age of eight months? Daily rest, as before, is necessary so that a mobile and active baby replenishes the expended energy, gives a break to his body, relaxing the nervous, supporting and muscular systems. Its structure practically does not change.

  • The duration of sleep is reduced, now the baby needs 4 hours to restore the body.
  • You need to put him to bed 2 times.
  • Taking into account the fact that the baby is now an early bird, it is good to put him down for the first time already at 8-30 in the morning for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • The most favorable time for an afternoon nap is from 14-30 to 16-00.

It is very important to ensure that during the period of wakefulness the baby does not overwork."Walking" for more than 3 hours and 15 minutes will inevitably cause overwork, problems with falling asleep and restless sleep of the baby.

All about night sleep

An eight-month-old baby needs a night's sleep not only for rest and unloading. Scientists have proven that at this moment growth hormone is actively released, and immune cells are formed. There is a memorization and analysis of information received during the day. The brain conducts a kind of “scanning” and assessment of the state of internal organs. For recreation to be beneficial, it must be properly built.

Weaning from nighttime snacking will not work quickly - it’s worth starting with a reduction in the duration of feeding. If the baby is bottle-fed, gradually reduce the amount of formula in the bottle. It is necessary to get up to the awakened child, but it is better to wait a little with feeding. To start:

Most likely, the sleepyhead turns a little and falls asleep again.

Crisis 8 months

During the first year of a baby's life, psychologists predict several age-related crises. All of them are associated with another breakthrough in growth and development and are accompanied by unpleasant changes in the behavior and habits of the child.

The age of 8 months is no exception - a quiet and docile baby suddenly:

And most importantly, the baby’s sleep pattern is disturbed: he does not want to fall asleep, often wakes up, crying and calling for his mother.

What is the reason for such behaviour? Until now, the baby was aware of himself with his mother as a single whole. At 8 months, there is a sharp jump in the development of the child - he learns to think in categories. The peanut himself, mom and dad in the children's minds now appear not in unity, but as completely separate beings.

The baby begins to understand that mom can leave and leave him alone. This is where the problems of falling asleep lie - both boys and girls are afraid to fall asleep and lose their mother. And waking up between sleep cycles and not finding her nearby, they announce the silence of the night with a loud cry.

How to overcome a sleep crisis

Unpredictable actions cause fear, anxiety and tension in the crumbs - you won’t fall asleep in this state. The duty of the parents is to instill in the child the confidence that under no circumstances will he be left alone, that the mother does not disappear forever, even when she is lost from sight, but always returns.

Your participation will help the child calm down, relax and fall asleep peacefully, overcoming unnecessary fears and concerns.

Other causes of sleep disturbance

Statistics show that every second baby has bad sleep in the eighth month of life. The reasons for this are numerous.

Be attentive to the baby. If there is a problem, fix it as soon as possible. Only in this way will your child grow up healthy and happy.

A child in the eighth month not only begins to more actively learn about the world around him and his curiosity for everything increases, but also the first organic framework appears. He ceases to be a weak-willed being, all the energy that previously went into physical development now begins to show perseverance and demonstrate character.

Height and weight

At 8 months of his life, a child becomes on average 400-500 grams heavier, and about two centimeters taller. The increase in head circumference is half a centimeter, as well as the chest (half a centimeter). It is necessary for his growing organs, which need more and more space.


By the end of the eighth month, it is likely that the baby will be able to acquire three teeth, or even four. In most cases, these are the upper and lower central incisors, but other teeth may erupt first. Also, you should not panic if only one tooth has appeared by the 8th month, since the process of teething for each baby takes place individually.

What can an 8 month old baby do?

A child at 8 months old should be able to sit up and sit on his own for several minutes (make sure that the baby does not sit for too long, as his back muscles are still very weak). He should also be able to stand up, pulling himself up on his hands, and independently take a few steps. Hold the object firmly with both hands, transfer it from one hand to the other, throw it. Gradually combine sounds into syllables and repeat them several times, as a result, he can get words such as: “ba-ba-ba”, “ma-ma-ma”, such seemingly touching children's chatter can move forward his psychological development.

Daily routine of a child at 8 months

At 8 months, the baby may begin to be frightened by unexpected, sharp sounds. This is a kind of new stage in the awareness of the perception of the surrounding world. At this stage of development, you should introduce the baby to various “noisy” house helpers, including a washing machine, kitchen appliances, a vacuum cleaner - let him listen to the sounds they make, explain what they are for. If the child is still afraid of them, try to include them as little as possible.

Menu and nutrition of the child

At eight months, the child begins to eat more and more varied, leaving mother's milk as the main food product (in the event that he is breastfed). Formula-fed babies are often left with only one formula feed at this time. At the eighth month of life, meat broth from chicken, turkey and veal meat should appear on the child's menu. In the future, meat broth, as well as the meat itself, must be present in the baby’s daily diet, because the amino acids contained in it cannot be replaced by anything else, and their lack can lead to a lag in physical development. A number of mandatory products by this age should also include freshly prepared purees and juices, as well as fermented milk products such as kefir and cottage cheese. Even if your baby already has teeth, mashed potatoes are the ideal food for him now.

How much sleep

By 8 months of life, the baby should have developed the following regimen: night sleep should begin at 20.00 and have a duration of about 10-12 hours. Daytime sleep should be in the morning and after lunch, while the duration of each should be 1.5-2 hours.

Stool norms

Potty training should begin at eight months old. Preheat the pot immediately before using it. If it is wet and cold, the child will feel discomfort. To avoid injury, the potty should always be on the floor, not on a bed, bench, or chair.

Baby care at 8 months


Still at 8 months for a child, the adoption of water procedures is an interesting activity. If you properly organize bathing, then the child will be able to get a charge of positive emotions. Buy a variety of toys to play in the bath, as a rule, they are interesting, bright and do not sink. At this age, the crumbs usually do not like to wash their hair, try turning it into a game, then it will bring only positive impressions. Depending on the desire of the baby, the duration of bathing can be up to 20-25 minutes. If the child does not like water, then you should not torment him, in which case the duration of bathing can be 5-10 minutes.


At 8 months, babies begin to actively throw various objects out of the stroller and observe the reaction of their parents. If you pick up a toy from the floor and put it next to your baby, he will immediately throw it back. You should not consider this a whim of the baby and scold him, because in this way he invites you to play with him.


At 8 months, special attention should be paid to the legs of the crumbs, since their curvature may be the result of rickets: this is a serious disease caused by various changes in the body, rickets is especially dangerous for girls, as it can lead to a violation of the natural shape of the pelvis.

A baby at 8 months is teething, he feels pain and salivation increases. The child is naughty, refuses to eat, bowel movements may become more frequent and the stool will become liquid, so be careful. In order not to confuse these symptoms with another disease, be sure to consult your doctor.

For eight-year-old children, healthy sleep is a guarantee not only of good activity during the next day, but also of normal psychological development. However, it is at this age that many parents complain about problems with children's sleep. How to solve them? What needs to be done so that the dream of a son or daughter becomes strong and full again.

How much sleep should a child at 8 years old

What are the norms of sleep for a child at 8 years old are considered correct? After 7 years in a child - the refusal of daytime sleep can serve as the norm. But at the same time, the duration of night sleep should be at least 9 hours. If the baby does not sleep during the day due to lack of time and heavy loads, then his nighttime sleep can last much longer. In addition, daytime sleep deprivation can lead to problems with night sleep.

Do not load the child with circles and additional activities. Let him rest after school, do his homework and play at home or go to one section. Do not deprive your child of childhood!

What to do if the child is afraid to sleep alone

For children, fear and anxiety are normal emotional responses. They themselves can scare themselves with fictional horror stories and horror stories. You can save the baby from anxiety, come up with a good fairy tale and good defenders with him. Leave the lamp on in the room, it will also help the baby forget about fears.

Explain to the baby that the room and bed belong to him, so that every night he comes to his cozy corner.

The cause of children's fears can also be excessive evening activity, watching TV. Before bed, spend time doing quiet activities without watching TV. Try to put your baby to bed at the same time every day.

Many dads complain that their boy at 8 years old is still sleeping with his mother. The consequences of this may be different or absent altogether for both boys and girls. In the worst case, it will turn into a habit and even as a teenager, the child will not sleep well without his mother.

In fact, the protracted joint sleep of mother and baby is the mistake of parents. You should have gradually weaned the child from the parental bed at an earlier age. At this age, children are more confident in defending their positions, they begin to doubt their parents, because they do not understand why the adults changed their minds and force him to sleep alone. Find positive moments for the child in his sleep on a separate bed. Confidently, but without aggression, explain your position and persuade the baby to refuse to share sleep with mom or dad.

Causes of childhood insomnia at 8 years old

Parents of many 8 year olds complain about sleep problems. Very often, a child at the age of 8 does not fall asleep well due to the transitional age. During this period, his worldview is formed, he may begin to doubt parents and other adults, this leads to aggressiveness and increased emotionality, which in turn leads to poor sleep. To solve this problem, you can simply wait out the end of the transitional age or mitigate its manifestations. To do this, communicate with your baby, let him be independent, become indisputable authorities.

If the baby is overexcited due to excessive activity, then it is worth canceling all evening entertainment. Before going to bed, you can take a shower, read books or listen to music.

In no case should you be allowed to watch TV or use a computer and other gadgets before going to bed. After them, it is difficult for the child to fall asleep, he is overexcited and may wake up in his sleep due to nightmares.

Another cause of childhood nightmares and night crying can be digestive problems. If the baby ate a heavy meal before going to bed, then the gastrointestinal tract will not be able to relax even at night and will work, respectively, nerve cells will also respond to this.

It is desirable that dinner consists of proteins (cereals, pasta, fish, chicken), vegetables or dairy products. Feed your child 2 hours before bed.

Poor sleep can be caused by discomfort from bedding, mattress or pajamas. These problems are easily solved because children are able to voice them.

Day baby sleep- this is a benefit for both him and his mother, because when the baby falls asleep, she has time for washing, cleaning and cooking. However, very often young parents are concerned that their baby sleeps little or, conversely, a lot. In search of information of interest, they "interrupt" many forums. And everything would be fine, but these resources sometimes contain false information, which is misleading. So, let's try to figure out such a "boiling" issue together with you.

Really need to know

Science has long proven that the duration of sleep is influenced by various factors, ranging from physiological to psychological. Therefore, if your child feels cheerful, eats well, but sleeps less than the recommended time, you should not panic. In cases where there are any deviations in behavior, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

Remember that every child is different. You should not try to adjust his schedule to the generally accepted schedule. This can negatively affect his well-being, cause nervousness and bring down the biological clock. But be that as it may, there is an undeniable pattern: the older he gets, the less he sleeps. Some children do not sleep during the day as early as the age of three.

Experts say that an eight-month-old baby should sleep for about sixteen hours a day. At the same time, twelve of them should fall at night.

As for daytime sleep, the baby can sleep once or twice, depending on the characteristics and needs of the body. If you follow the ideal regime, then the first daytime sleep should be from eleven o'clock, and the second - from three o'clock.

What causes sleep deprivation?

Sleep deprivation can be caused by two things:

  • pain, for example, teething;
  • uncomfortable sleep conditions.

There are no other factors here, since the baby is programmed by nature for active development during sleep. Thus, we can safely say that sleep is no less important than nutrition. Systematic lack of sleep leads to the development of physiological, psychological and neurological abnormalities. Therefore, try to correctly schedule daytime sleep, taking into account all the nuances.