Juice from unripe pears. Pear juice: simple recipes for the winter

To get a vitamin drink at home, you can prepare pear juice for the winter using a juicer, the recipe for which is quite simple and unpretentious. Until recently, pears were not so often used in canning until many varieties of this wonderful fruit were developed. Now you can make preparations not only in summer, but also in late autumn.

The importance of pears in the diet

The abundant content of folic acid in pears puts them at the first level among useful fruits that have a positive effect on blood formation. Thanks to this component, pears are recommended for pregnant women and children. This fruit is also rich in iodine and potassium. The presence of such components makes the heart work rationally and the circulatory system function stably. Pear has a positive effect on intestinal disorders and has an excellent effect on the overall functioning of digestion. By eating a pear, you can get rid of severe pain from gastritis, heartburn, cholecystitis and the like.

Different recipes for pear juice for the winter using a juicer will allow you to enjoy the beneficial substances during the cold season. Naturally, freshly squeezed pear juice is much tastier and more beneficial, but it is not possible to consume it every day. It is better to make such syrup yourself at home, because no one is responsible for the quality of store-bought goods. In addition, juice from the counter is loaded with preservatives and additives that are not suitable for everyone. Those who want to improve their health with store-bought pear juice may even harm themselves.

About pear juice and its preparation

Pear juice prepared with your own hands at home for the winter supports the body in the right rhythm, sets the mood, and improves general condition. Compote and juice from pears can be drunk as an antibiotic, because this fruit contains arbutin with restorative properties. You can obtain and preserve juice with pulp or in its pure form. Useful components are preserved in both cases. Recipes for rolling up pear juice for the winter are quite varied, and the main ones are presented below. To create provisions, the following kitchen utensils are needed: a juicer or juicer, a knife, an enamel pan, a metal sieve, a crusher. The selection of pear variety is also important. If you have free time for conservation in the summer, then at your service: Summer Williams, Clapp's Favorite, Bere Giffard, Summer Yellow. The autumn season offers you varieties: Noyabrsky, Michurinskaya Beauty, Larinskaya, Krasnobokaya. Closer to winter, pear juice can be obtained from the Conference and Severyanka. All varieties lend themselves well to hot processing and behave unpretentiously during the canning process.

1 kg of cultivated pear produces 0.6 liters of juice, and 1 kg of wild pear produces 0.5 liters.

Pear juice for the winter through a juicer with sterilization

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the pears, peel and cut into pieces.
  2. Place the fruit in the juicer and extract the juice.
  3. Pour the resulting drink into jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  4. Seal and you're done!

Pear juice for the winter through a juicer without sterilization

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the washed pears into slices.
  2. Extract juice using a juicer.
  3. Boil the resulting liquid in a saucepan and simmer for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  4. Pour the boiling syrup into bottles and screw on the lids.

Pear juice for the winter through a meat grinder

Recipes using a pear juice extractor for the winter are the easiest and most affordable, but not everyone can afford to purchase an expensive device. For this purpose, there are ancient methods of obtaining juice, and the juice comes out incomparably rich and tasty.

Cooking process.

  1. Grind the pitted pears in a meat grinder.
  2. Filter using a sieve and a wooden press, or place the resulting slurry in gauze, folded in half and squeeze with your hands.
  3. Boil the resulting pear juice for 15 minutes. Pour into jars and seal. You can also sterilize uncooked juice in jars. The result will not change.
  4. Happy consumption.

Pear juice for short-term storage

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the core from 1 kg of fruit, cut into pieces
  2. Place on the bottom of the pan and add 300 g of sugar. Leave for a day to release the juice. After the allotted time has passed, the resulting mixture is boiled.
  3. Allow to cool and push through a sieve. Then they boil again and pour into jars and seal. The resulting pear juice contains pulp and can be stored for up to 2 months, which should preferably be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
  4. The juice is ready to drink.

Pear juice in a juicer

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the pears and remove the core. Divide large pears into pieces; do not remove the peel.
  2. Unripe or sour fruits can be diluted with sugar to taste.
  3. Prepare the juicer for use. To do this, the lower tier must be filled with purified water. Insert a container for future juice and place a shelf with pears on top. Place the device on the stove and wait to receive juice after 25 minutes.
  4. After an hour, the juice is supposed to be ready. You can turn off the juicer.
  5. Place the strained pear liquid in a saucepan and boil. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  6. After the contents boil, pour into pre-sterilized jars. Bon appetit!

Extracting juice from a juicer is a lengthy process that should take half a day. Liquid will be released from the faucet gradually in small portions.

For those who want to dilute the pear taste with other fruits, a step-by-step description is provided below. In this recipe you can understand how to make pear juice with apple juice. You can replace the apple with other fruits, and even use berries (raspberries) or vegetables (carrots). This option combines not only the taste, but also a complex of vitamins in one glass.

Juice from pears and apples for the winter

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the apples and pears and remove the core.
  2. Fill half the pan with water and fill the rest with fruit. Cook over low heat. Add sugar if desired.
  3. After the ingredients are cooked, let them cool. Then pass through a metal sieve to squeeze out the juice.
  4. Boil the squeezed juice again in a saucepan for 20 minutes and pour into jars.
  5. The vitamin cocktail is ready.

What is better, a juicer or a juicer?

This question is purely individual. Some people want to get results faster, others want better results. To choose the necessary recipe for pear juice for the winter using a juicer or a juicer, you should still consider some of the characteristics of these two devices. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, each juicer will be able to choose what is closest to his liking.

Pear juice according to grandfather's recipe - video

Pear is a fairly simple, but at the same time very healthy fruit. It contains a lot of glucose, carotene, B vitamins, pectin, fiber, tannins, sorbitol and carotenoids. Moreover, the pulp of this wonderful fruit contains a large number of different acids: ascorbic, malic, citric and folic. Pear contains a lot of sucrose, fructose and glucose.

The fruits of the pear tree are not only rich in nutrients, but also have several beneficial properties. Firstly, they are useful for slow digestion, they speed up the metabolism, thereby improving your digestion. Secondly, in the entire history of medicine, no such fact has been discovered that a pear could cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, with full confidence it can be added to baby food or baby porridge. Thirdly, due to the fact that this fruit is rich in various beneficial microelements, it strengthens the immune system and supports the good functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, doctors recommend eating the fruits of the pear tree for those who are recovering from the flu or any other viral disease, for example, ARVI. Pears also improve appetite, invigorate and increase performance.

Undoubtedly, pear juice is very tasty and healthy, but somehow it is not produced by well-known manufacturers, so it is rare to see this drink in a store or market. Yes, if it does occur, it is full of preservatives and dyes harmful to the body. What should lovers of a tasty, rich and naturally pear drink do? The solution is very simple - do it yourself, at home. Then you will be sure that it contains nothing harmful.

There are only two ways to squeeze juice from pears: through a meat grinder or using a juicer. This pear drink contains a lot of substances that contribute to the rapid proliferation of certain bacteria, so no one puts it in jars in its pure form for the winter, but mix it with the nectars of other fruits or berries, which increases its shelf life many times over. It is reasonable to say how many pears are needed to prepare such a drink. On average, approximately 20 kilograms are needed per 10 liters of finished juice.

There are many ways to prepare pear juice, but we will look at the simplest, most popular, but incredibly tasty.

Preparing pear juice for the winter

This method of preparing a pear drink involves long-term storage, so it can easily be used for making drinks for the winter. This will allow you and your loved ones to be supplied with vitamins in such a cold and dangerous time for the immune system.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • granulated sugar 1 kg.

Instructions for preparing pear juice:

  1. from the very beginning, the fruits need to be washed and dried
  2. then cut them into pieces, but not too small
  3. scroll through a meat grinder into a deep bowl, preferably enameled
  4. after which you need to squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass using a press and gauze
  5. you need to put the mass under a press, and then strain the nectar through fine gauze
  6. The resulting juice must be heated, but not boiled. If desired, add sugar to hot drink
  7. hot it needs to be poured into sterile pasteurized jars
  8. roll up

Preparing pear juice in a juicer

This recipe differs from the first in that it uses a juicer rather than a meat grinder to extract juice. This preparation is also designed for long-term storage.


  • pear 6 kg.
  • granulated sugar optional 1.5 kg.

How to make pear juice in a juicer:

  1. the fruits, of course, need to be rinsed well under running water and dried on a towel or dry, clean paper handkerchiefs
  2. cut the pears into four or six pieces
  3. then put the entire amount of chopped fruit into the juicer and wait until all the juice is squeezed out (before using this device, you must carefully read the instructions and all included recommendations)
  4. after this, the resulting nectar should be strained through a fine gauze cloth and closed in bottles (you can close the juice in plastic containers, but then you need to fill all the lids with paraffin; you can also put them in glass jars, only in this case you need to heat the juice again and pasteurize the jars at least thirty minutes)

Homemade pear juice

This cooking method requires short storage, only about two months. Therefore, such juice cannot be closed for the winter, but in the fall, of course, it is possible, because even in the fall the human body needs vitamins and immune support.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • granulated sugar (300 grams per 1 kg of fruit)

Instructions for preparing pear juice at home:

  1. It is advisable to thoroughly wash and dry the fruits
  2. after which you need to chop them finely and put them in an enamel pan with large edges (deep)
  3. cover all this with sugar and leave to infuse for twenty-four hours
  4. after a day, the resulting liquid must be heated and rolled into pasteurized jars
  5. You don’t have to heat the drink, but then it will only be stored for one month
  6. It is worth noting that such a product must be stored in the refrigerator at all times.

Pear juice for the winter - “Vitamin” recipe

This recipe is no different in its cooking technology from the previous ones. The only thing is that the juice is heated in a water bath, which helps to avoid a large loss of vitamin substances.


  • pear tree fruits 2-3 kg.
  • granulated sugar or honey to taste (about 1 kg of sugar or 300 grams of honey)

How to make pear juice for the winter:

  1. wash the fruits thoroughly
  2. remove the core containing the seeds
  3. cut into small pieces
  4. we use either a meat grinder or a juicer to extract juice
  5. filters the resulting drink through a gauze mesh folded several times
  6. if the juice is not sweet enough, then you need to add sugar or honey to taste
  7. pour the resulting drink into jars and place them in a water bath to warm up for fifteen or twenty minutes
  8. after which it is necessary to close (roll up) the jars
  9. store in a cool, dry place, preferably in the dark.

For our readers, we have also prepared wonderful recipes for grape juice that will decorate your dinner table and will appeal to the entire household.

Pear and apple juice through a juicer

Juice from pears can be stored for the winter, as already mentioned, not in its pure form, but with the addition of any other juice. So, the most popular is pear and apple juice. Therefore, you need to take into account that the juice must be squeezed not only from pears, but also from apples.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • apples 3-4 kg.
  • granulated sugar (one kilogram of fruit needs 50 grams of sugar)

Step-by-step recipe for making pear-apple juice:

  1. both types of fruit need to be washed and dried
  2. first squeeze the juice from the pears, and then from the apples, using any of the methods listed above
  3. pour both nectars into a large container
  4. heat and add sugar as desired and to taste
  5. pasteurize jars
  6. roll up

What else can you make from pears?

This is a very unusual and original way. Pear drink is mixed with cucumber juice. The taste is unusual, but piquant. Moreover, this drink contains twice as many vitamins.


  • pears 1 kg.
  • chopped ginger 100 grams
  • cucumber 1 kg.
  • celery 4-5 stalks

How to make juice from pears and cucumbers:

  1. peel and wash all fruits and vegetables
  2. cut into large cubes
  3. pour it all into the juicer
  4. add ginger
  5. seal the resulting drink in jars

store in the refrigerator for several weeks (a month or a month and a half)

Recipe for pear juice with chokeberries

This method is very simple, it can be called “old-fashioned”. Almost all grandmothers use this method, and their juice is the most delicious and natural. In this case, mix pear with chokeberry.


  • pears 2 kg
  • chokeberry 2 kg
  • beets 200 grams
  • granulated sugar (0.5 kg, if needed)

Cooking instructions:

  1. wash and sort all the berries, fruits and vegetables
  2. beets need to be peeled
  3. then pass through the juicer one by one
  4. mix
  5. add sugar if necessary (you can use honey)
  6. heat up
  7. At this time, pasteurize all available jars
  8. roll up the juice

Some people ask why it takes so long to bother and roll up the juice for the winter yourself, if you can buy it ready-made. But no store-bought juice can compare with homemade juice. It is natural, tasty and always at hand. Moreover, its presence clearly saves the family budget, albeit slightly. In fact, you don’t need much time to prepare such juice; you just need to devote four hours to this process, depending on how much of the drink needs to be stored for the winter. Moreover, it can be stored for a long time, and you don’t have to worry that the juice will spoil or disappear!

In winter, the immune system lacks vitamins and support, and this juice will saturate the body with useful substances all year round and help during illnesses or colds!

Pears are great for preparing other winter preparations: pear jam or pear compote.

Pear juice has many beneficial properties and its consumption can bring great benefits to the human body. Not only does it help manage high blood pressure and lower cholesterol, but it also helps maintain healthy bones, is high in potassium, and is a powerful antioxidant.

In this article you will learn about all the beneficial properties of juice, what benefits it can bring, whether there can be harm from consuming it, and also how to make pear juice at home.

Pear juice is obtained from pear fruits. Pear is one of the common fruit trees with fruits of the same name. Pears grow mainly in temperate climates. Most species of this tree are deciduous, but there are evergreen varieties.

The pear is a fairly cold-resistant plant and can tolerate winter cold down to minus 35-45 degrees. Evergreen varieties - not lower than minus 15 degrees.

Pear blooms with white, yellowish or pinkish flowers. Depending on the variety, the fruits can have different shapes from spherical to classic pear-shaped.

Pear juice composition and beneficial properties

Pear juice is a fairly nutritious juice. It contains a number of nutrients that are beneficial to human health.

Pears are an excellent source of water-soluble dietary fiber. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, folic acid and niacin. They are also rich in copper, phosphorus and potassium. They contain calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur in smaller quantities.

In addition, pear juice contains:

Antioxidant compounds;

Some organic acids;

Fruit sugars, including glucose and fructose;

Pectin compounds;


The richest sources of vitamin C are grapefruit and orange juices. But pear juice, albeit in smaller quantities, also contains this vitamin. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and blood vessels. One glass of juice contains 12.4 mg of ascorbic acid. This value is almost twice as high as in one average pear. Its content in juice is 14 percent for men and 17 percent for women of the recommended daily intake.

Pear juice is an excellent source of copper. One glass can contain up to 4 percent of this mineral. Copper is extremely important for the human body. It is involved in the synthesis of melanin, the pigment that is responsible for the color of skin and hair, and provides natural protection from sun rays.

Copper is involved in hematopoiesis and supports the functioning of the nervous system.

Pear juice contains large amounts of potassium. Its content can be up to 5 percent of the daily intake of this mineral. Potassium is important for the heart, regulating the content of intracellular fluid, which helps fight edema, regulate blood pressure and, accordingly, reduce the load on the cardiovascular system and the risk of blood clots.

Taken together, all this has an effect on blood circulation, increasing blood flow to all parts of the body and improving their functioning, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.

The presence of iron improves the production of red blood cells and reduces the risk of anemia.

Compounds with antioxidant properties have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing pain associated with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis and others.

The presence of minerals directly related to the health of the skeletal system serves to prevent bone loss, especially in women during menopause.

Pear juice is one of the lowest calorie fruit juices. On average, depending on the variety of pears, 100 grams can contain about 30 calories or a little more. Considering that it contains a lot of fiber, which helps suppress hunger and gives a feeling of fullness, overweight people should pay attention to this fact.

Pear juice benefits

Pear juice can provide great benefits to the body. Drinking juice can:

Get rid of excess weight;

Improve digestion;

Prevent constipation;

Reduce swelling;

Reduce blood pressure;

Reduce inflammation;

Improve metabolism;

Improve blood circulation;

Prevent the development of certain diseases.

Pear juice is one of the best juices that can have a significant impact on improving digestion due to its high dietary fiber content. One glass of juice provides about 18 percent of essential dietary fiber, most of which is insoluble polysaccharides. Thanks to this, it quickly gives a feeling of fullness. Once in the intestines, they, like a sponge, absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body. In addition, they improve the movement of digested food in the intestines and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

Dietary fiber can reduce the concentration of bile acids in the intestine, which helps prevent the development of colon cancer. It contains a number of organic acids, such as ferulic, coumaric, which have anti-cancer properties. Some studies support a reduction in esophageal cancer with regular consumption of pear juice.

What else is pear juice good for? This juice, like the pears themselves, is hypoallergenic. It can be introduced into the diet of young children without fear of allergies or digestive disorders.

Good for skin and hair. Due to the presence of a number of important minerals and vitamins, pear juice can reduce the effects of aging on the body and skin. Thanks to the presence of vitamin C and other antioxidants, it helps fight the effects of free radicals, protecting skin cells from damage and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The dietary fiber in juice slows down the release of sugar into the blood and prevents collagen breakdown. This makes the skin smoother and younger.

It affects the condition and appearance of hair. The juice contains vitamin A and other components such as zeaxanthin and leutin, which are powerful antioxidants. Drinking pear juice can reduce hair loss, and sorbitol nourishes the hair roots and maintains their natural moisture.

Pear juice is harmful

Of course, drinking pear juice brings many benefits. But we cannot exclude the possible harm that it can bring to a certain category of people.

First of all, it is an allergic reaction. Despite the fact that the occurrence of an allergy to pears is considered unlikely, there is a risk. It may manifest itself:

Itching, including the oral cavity;

Painful tingling sensation;

Swelling, including the throat.

In exceptional cases, anaphylactic shock may develop.

There may be abdominal pain, which usually goes away within two hours.

Stomach cramps and diarrhea may occur.

Excessive consumption of pear juice by children may increase the risk of obesity due to impaired nutrient absorption.

Drinking pear juice is safe during pregnancy, except in cases of individual intolerance. But during breastfeeding, especially in the first months, it can cause digestive and intestinal disorders in the baby.

How to make pear juice

Now you can buy pear juice in the store. But it is still better to drink freshly squeezed juice. The best way to make juice at home is to use a juicer. Here are the basic steps for juicing.

For juice, it is better to take harder pears, which should not have signs of spoilage, rotting, etc. Hard pears yield more juice than soft, ripe ones.

Rinse the fruits well under cold water. Dry and cut into pieces that will be convenient for use in a juicer.

You need to drink the juice immediately after preparation, as it quickly oxidizes and loses some of its beneficial substances.

This juice goes well with many other fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, kiwi, celery, apples, pineapple and more.

If the juice is too thick, you can dilute it with water or juice that contains less fiber.

If you have prepared a lot of juice, the best way to preserve all the beneficial properties is to freeze it. This juice needs to be defrosted gradually in the refrigerator.

When buying juice in a store, be sure to pay attention to the composition. Juice, according to GOST requirements, should not consist of anything other than puree or concentrate of pears and water. When reconstituting juice, no other ingredients should be added. Pear nectar may contain sugar and be additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Pear juice is one of the most delicious fruit juices, with many beneficial properties that can benefit the body and overall health. It should definitely be included in your diet.

To get a tasty drink enriched with vitamins at home, you can take a fruit such as a pear. A juicer is often used for this. There are quite a few recipes, simple and unpretentious, that allow you to quickly prepare pear juice. This drink stores well in a dark and cool place. It can be prepared at any time of the year. Let's take a closer look at the most common recipes for preparing pear juice through a juicer for the winter.

Benefits of pear

Pear is a very healthy fruit containing large amount of carotene, glucose, pectin, vitamin B, tannins, fiber, carotenoids and sorbitol. In addition, the fruit pulp contains such a variety of acids as malic, ascorbic, folic and citric. Pears contain a lot of fructose, sucrose, and glucose.

Pear, due to the content of useful substances in it, has healing properties. She helps speed up metabolism, improving digestion. According to medical statistics, no one has an allergic reaction to this fruit, so it is added to children's cereals and foods. This fruit is rich in various beneficial microelements, it helps strengthen the immune system, supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and increases performance. Doctors recommend consuming pear for people recovering from viral infections, such as influenza.

About pear juice

Prepared with your own hands drink for the winter helps maintain the body in the required rhythm, improves mood and overall well-being. This drink is drunk as an antibiotic, since the fruit contains arbutin, which has restorative properties. It is prepared both with and without pulp. In any case, all useful components are preserved.

This drink can rarely be found in stores, so many housewives make it at home. In this case, you can be sure that it will not contain anything harmful. Squeezing juice from fruit in two ways: using a juicer or through a meat grinder. Because of this, such a drink will contain a large amount of substances that promote the rapid proliferation of bacteria, so it is not recommended to roll it in its pure form, but mix it with nectars of various fruits, which helps to increase its shelf life. Let's look at the most popular and simple recipes for making pear juice.

Recipe for pear juice for the winter without sugar

For this recipe take dense and juicy fruits. The fruit must be without any damage. They are thoroughly washed in water, the core and seeds are removed and cut into small pieces. After that, they are placed in a juicer and passed through it.

If there is no juicer, then use a meat grinder. The resulting drink is poured into jars, sterilized for 20 minutes and sealed.

Recipe for pear juice for the winter “Vitamin”

  • pears – 2 – 3 kg;
  • sugar - one kilogram or honey - 300 grams.

The pears are washed and dried, then cut into small cubes and squeezed out the juice through a juicer. The resulting drink is filtered through gauze, which needs to be folded several times. If it turns out unsweetened, then honey or sugar is added to it to taste. The finished juice is poured into jars and heated in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. After this, the jars are rolled up and stored in a dry and cool place.

Recipe for pear and apple juice using a juicer

As already said, drinking from a pear for the winter close with the addition of any other nectar. The most popular is the pear-apple drink. You just need to remember that the juice is squeezed from both pears and apples.

For this recipe you will need:

  • pears – 5 kg;
  • apples – 3 – 4 kg;
  • sugar (50 grams per 1 kg of fruit).

Apples and pears are washed and dried. First, the juice is squeezed out of the pears through a juicer, and then from the apples. Both nectars are poured into a large container, heated and sugar is added to taste. The jars are pasteurized and sealed.

Recipe for pear and cucumber juice for the winter

It's pretty unusual and original recipe, since pear juice is mixed with cucumber juice. The taste of this drink is piquant, and the content of vitamins in it doubles.

For this recipe you need:

  • pears – 1 kg;
  • ginger – 100 g;
  • celery – 4 – 5 stalks;
  • cucumber – 1 kg.

Fruits and vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into large cubes. After that pour them into the juicer and add ginger. The resulting drink is sealed in jars and stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Recipe for pear and chokeberry juice

This recipe is very simple and has been used since ancient times. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • pears – 2 kg;
  • beets – 200 g;
  • chokeberry – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg.

Berries, vegetables and fruits are sorted and washed. The beets need to be cleaned. Then through a juicer pass all the ingredients one by one. The resulting drinks are mixed, sugar is added and heated on the stove. This healthy juice is poured into pasteurized jars and rolled up.

Thus, pear juice - very healthy drink, especially when prepared at home. It turns out natural and tasty. It is prepared quite quickly and simply, and in winter the drink allows you to saturate the body with all useful substances, helping to fight diseases and colds.


If you want to make pear juice as a preparation for the winter, it is rational to use a juicer or double boiler. This allows you to go through the necessary stage of sterilization and ensure that the juice is stored for a long time. But for immediate consumption of freshly squeezed juice, one juicer will be enough.

Pear juice should be drunk chilled. This way it will reveal the entire flavor spectrum. It is most convenient to pre-cool the pears so that after pressing you can immediately enjoy the amazing drink.

Worth knowing! The juice yield from pears is about 50%-65%. The most juice is produced by juicy and soft fruits, for example, the Williams variety, which is extremely popular among buyers, and the Forest Beauty variety. No less tasty is the juice obtained from the fruits of the “Duchess” (they are sweet and have a honey aftertaste) and “Conference” (these are hard but juicy pears). But the “Chinese” variety is not suitable, since the fruits are hard and crunchy. The juice will be several times less compared to other varieties.

For dietary nutrition, a pear is more suitable than an apple. After all, if apples stimulate the appetite, then after eating a pear this does not happen. In addition, a pear tastes sweeter than an apple, and at the same time, it contains much less sugar. All this leads to the fact that the pear and its juice are perfect for baby food, for those who are on a diet or have diabetes.

There are many varieties of pears, and juice for the winter can be made from any variety. They are all equally juicy, although they differ in taste. Wild pears have a wonderful aroma and taste, but making juice from them is very difficult. They are too hard and have very little juice. However, if you add a few wild pears to the cultivated varieties, you will get delicious pear juice for the winter. You just need to choose what kind of juice you want to prepare – with or without pulp.

Wash the pears, remove the seed pods and squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer.

If you don’t have a juicer, peel the pears in the same way and grind them through a meat grinder, and then squeeze out the juice using gauze.

Place the cake in a saucepan and fill it with warm water in the same volume as the cake.

Let the cake stand for 30 minutes, and again, using gauze, strain the juice.

Mix the first juice with the second, add sugar at the rate of:

for 1 liter of juice – 300 grams of sugar.

Place the juice on the fire and boil the pear juice for 10 minutes. Don’t worry, the pear tolerates heat treatment well and will retain its beneficial properties even when boiled. Store pear juice in a dark, cool place, but no longer than 12 months.

Pour the juice into sterile bottles and seal them with lids.

Pear juice with pulp

  • Pears 1 kg;
  • sugar 500 gr;
  • water 1 l.

Peel the pears, cut them and place them in a saucepan. Sprinkle the sugar over the pears and let sit for about an hour.

Pour the juice into a saucepan with water and place it on the stove. Boil the pears for 7-10 minutes until soft.

Grind the resulting mass through a fine sieve. If the resulting juice is too thick, add more water.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, and pour the juice into prepared jars.

Juice with pulp is stored no worse than purified juice, but is more...

Watch the video on how to make pear juice using a press:

Pear juice is an extremely healthy drink, which is often used in programs for cleansing the body of toxins. You can diversify the drink by adding other fruits and berries, as well as your favorite aromatic spices. We will learn how to make pear juice from the recipes below.

Pear juice recipe


  • fresh pears – 2-3 kg.


The recipe for preparing pear juice for the winter is very simple: wash the pears, peel them from the core and pass them through a meat grinder. We put the finished pulp under a press, and strain the resulting liquid through several layers of gauze into a saucepan. To make the process of preparing pear juice easier, you can use a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into jars, cover with a lid and place in a water bath to simmer for 15-30 minutes. In this way, pear juice is prepared for the winter, or for long-term storage, but if you plan to drink the drink in the next couple of days, then boil it for 2-3 minutes and leave to cool immediately before drinking.

Using the same scheme, you can prepare apple and pear juice for the winter. If apples and pears are not particularly sweet, then you can supplement the drink with sugar or honey to taste.

Pear juice in a juicer

You can prepare apple-pear juice, or pure pear juice, using a simple device - a juicer. Using this device, you get more juice than using a juicer.

To prepare juice in a juicer, pears must be sorted, whole fruits separated from seeds and cut into cubes. Place the prepared fruit in the container of the juicer, pour liquid into the water compartment and cover everything with a lid. The process of cooking the juice takes from 20 to 60 minutes (depending on the softness of the fruit), after which the output is a thick and sweet drink that has retained all its vitamins. Hot juice can be poured into sterilized jars or bottles and stored.

If the natural sweetness of the drink is not enough for you, then before preparing it, you can pour granulated sugar into the container at the same time as the fruit, about 40-50 g per 1 kg of pears.

Vitamin juice from pears and cucumbers

For many, a pear is just a delicious sweet fruit that doesn’t stand out in any way. But in fact it is very useful. The fruits of the pear tree contain many vitamins, glucose, fiber and other substances necessary for the body. They also help speed up digestion, strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Of course, having learned how many advantages a pear has, every housewife will want to extend its shelf life, especially in cold seasons, when the body lacks vitamins. An excellent way to do this is to store pear juice for the winter.

Finding ready-made pear juice in the store is quite difficult, since few manufacturers offer it. In addition, industrial juices are often full of dyes, preservatives and other not very healthy ingredients. Therefore, it is best to make homemade preparations. Moreover, the pear is a fairly prolific tree, and few other components are needed. You can prepare pear juice at home without sugar, which will result in even more benefits and lower costs.

How to choose pears and extract juice from them

In principle, you can use any available variety of pears, but the most aromatic and tasty juice will come from fruits with dense pulp and thin skin. For 1 liter of juice you need approximately 2 kilograms of pears.

The easiest way to prepare pear juice is to use a juicer. But in its absence, a meat grinder or juicer will also do a good job of squeezing liquid out of fruits.

Delicious and healthy additives in pear juice

Since pear juice contains little acid, bacteria multiply very quickly in it. To avoid this, chefs recommend winter preparation together with other fruits. This will only make the taste better, and at the same time the shelf life of the drink will be extended.

The most common option is apples. A tasty mixture is also obtained by mixing pear juice and rowan or quince juice. A refreshing drink is made with the addition of cucumbers, but it can be stored for only a few weeks and only in the refrigerator. If you want to preserve only pears, you should add a little lemon juice or citric acid to the composition.

Proper storage of pear juice

To keep the product as long as possible, the juice is pasteurized or the hot rolling method is used. The duration of pasteurization of the drink is at least 20 minutes.

In the second method, the juice is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes, after which it is poured into a container.

You can use both jars and bottles to store juice. Before bottling the drink, jars must be sterilized. If the juice is bottled, then after they have cooled, the lids must be sealed with wax or paraffin.

Classic pear juice recipe (through a meat grinder)

This recipe is often called “Vitamin” because it contains little sugar, or no sugar at all if the pears are sweet. Thus, the most natural drink is obtained. Typically, 1 kg of pears requires no more than 0.5 kg of sugar. It can be replaced with honey (100-150 g). Of course, you can get a little more juice using a juicer. But if such a device is missing, a meat grinder can easily replace it.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the pears, wash them and let them dry.
  2. Cut into small pieces and pass the fruits through a meat grinder.
  3. Using gauze or a sieve, grind the resulting pulp.
  4. Add granulated sugar or honey (best to taste).
  5. Pour the juice into sterilized jars and heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Roll up the lids and transfer to a cool place for storage.

Easy and fast: juice from pears in a juicer

A juicer will make the work easier, and you will get even more juice than using a juicer. Therefore, this device is a real find for housewives.

Cooking process:

  1. We sort the fruits, wash them and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the pears into cubes and place them in the juicer container.
  3. Next, add water to the compartment for it, cover with a lid and set to cook. Depending on how soft the fruit is, the cooking time will range from 20 minutes to one hour.
  4. Pour the finished juice into sterilized jars or bottles and put them in a cool place after cooling.

If desired, you can add a little sugar to the pears before cooking.

Delicious pear-apple drink

Apples are great friends with pears. In addition, this combination will reduce the risk of bacteria development, meaning the juice will not spoil quickly. The color of an apple-pear drink will be lighter than a pure pear drink.

Typically the proportions of fruit are as follows: 1 kg of pears to 2 kg of apples. But this is all conditional, so you can safely experiment. Sugar is taken at the rate of 50 g per 1 kg of fruit.

Cooking process:

  1. We prepare the fruit as usual: wash it and cut out the core.
  2. Using a juicer or meat grinder, squeeze the juice first from the pears, then from the apples.
  3. Pour the resulting juice into a suitable container and set to cook.
  4. During the cooking process, foam may form on the surface of the juice, which must be removed.
  5. Add sugar to taste.
  6. Pour the hot juice into sterilized jars and seal. When it cools down, put the juice in the cellar.

Exquisite pear juice with chokeberry

This is a fairly simple recipe, but has been known for many decades. The taste of the drink prepared in this way is unique and natural, and the color will be a very deep shade, like wine.


  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 kg chokeberry;
  • 100 g beets;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • water.

Cooking process:

  1. We prepare all the products: we sort, wash, clean, remove seeds, etc.
  2. We extract pear juice using a juicer (if you use a meat grinder, you should additionally pass the mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth).
  3. We do the same procedure with rowan berries and beets.
  4. Mix all the juices and set to simmer.
  5. 5-7 minutes after boiling, pour the drink into sterilized jars and roll up.
  6. We leave them upside down in a warm place or wrap them up.
  7. When the drink has cooled completely, it can be stored in the cellar.

Delicious homemade pear juice will be an excellent source of vitamins in winter. Bon appetit!