Large marinated zucchini for the winter. Using pickled zucchini

Greetings to everyone on our website. Canning zucchini is always incredibly tasty. The secret lies in its compatibility with all types of other vegetables. You can experiment with the amount of certain ingredients, the amount of spices, and don’t be afraid to spoil the final result.

Zucchini has won people's love for good reason. Firstly, it is a very affordable and budget-friendly vegetable, for those who do not have their own garden plot. Buying it won't be difficult. If you are gardening, then you are probably reaping a rich harvest. Then you should definitely make at least a few jars of zucchini preparations for the winter.

1. Pickled zucchini

On cold winter days, it’s especially pleasant to open jars with various vegetable preparations. Most often, many people always grow large quantities of zucchini. I suggest you marinate them. They will turn out crispy and very tasty. Pickled zucchini will be an excellent alternative to cucumbers and will go well with anything as a snack.


  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Dill – 3 umbrellas
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • Black pepper - 4-5 peas
  • Water - 1 l
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 9% – 100 ml

Preparation steps:

1. Pour a liter of water into a small saucepan and place on fire. As soon as the water becomes warm, add salt.

2. Then add sugar, stir until the bulk ingredients dissolve. Wait for the brine to boil, let it simmer for a couple of minutes, then remove from the stove and pour in the vinegar.

3. Zucchini, in my case these are young fruits, rinse and dry with a towel. Cut into circles no less than a centimeter wide. If you have larger specimens, the center with the seeds must be carefully cut out and cut into large pieces.

4. Prepare jars in advance, wash and sterilize them. Place bay leaves, dill umbrellas, coarsely chopped garlic cloves, and black peppercorns on the bottom.

5. Fill the jars with zucchini mugs and fill them up to the neck with warm brine.

6. Fill a large saucepan with water, place a kitchen towel on the bottom, and place the jars covered with a lid on it. Water should cover the jars halfway. Place on the stove, after boiling, keep them for another 15-20 minutes.

7. After this, close the lids tightly. Place the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket. After complete cooling, you can put them away for further storage.

Enjoy the snack and treat your friends!

2. Appetizer of zucchini with tomatoes

An ideal appetizer of pickled vegetables for a winter feast. Zucchini with tomatoes are ideal as a side dish for meat or fish dishes. It’s not difficult to prepare such preparations for winter at home; see for yourself from the recipe below.


  • Zucchini - 1.2 kg
  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Onions - 6 pcs
  • Bell pepper – 5 pcs.
  • Greens - 200 g
  • Black pepper – 20 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 6 pcs
  • Cloves - 6 pcs.
  • Water - 3-3.5 l
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar - 6 tbsp. spoons

Preparation steps:

1. First of all, rinse the vegetables thoroughly under running water, do the same with the greens. Peel and remove seeds from the zucchini. Remove the core from the bell pepper. Peel the onion and garlic. Then all the ingredients need to be crushed. Garlic in thin plastics, bulbs in half rings. Bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini - in small pieces. Chop the greens into smaller pieces with a knife.

2. In a deep container, mix all the products together, leaving a little chopped herbs.

3. To begin with, rinse jars for snacks thoroughly, then they need to be sterilized. Then place a pinch of herbs on the bottom of the jars, and place the vegetable mixture on top. Try to fill the jars as tightly as possible. Also sprinkle a small amount of herbs on top.

4. The next stage after preparing the vegetables is preparing the marinade. Fill the pan with water and wait until it boils. Then add spices to the pan: salt, black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves. Mix everything well until the salt is completely dissolved. Bring the marinade to a boil again, turn off the heat on the stove. At the same time, pour in the vinegar.

5. Pour the marinade into jars, which immediately roll up or screw the lids on tightly.

6. Boil water in a saucepan and place jars in it for sterilization. Carry out the procedure for about 20 minutes.

After all the steps, move the jars to the floor with the lids down. Cover with something warm. Leave it for a few days and then put your preparations in the pantry or cellar.

I wish you good luck and delicious preparations for the winter!

3. Zucchini with spicy sauce

To preserve zucchini according to this recipe, you need young fruits with thin skin and unripe seeds. Spicy tangy flavor and crispy zucchini. The snack can be eaten immediately after preparation or rolled into jars for the winter. Cook in a good mood, good luck!


  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 30 g
  • Carrots – 100 g
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar 9% – 70 ml
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • Parsley - bunch

Preparation steps:

1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly with cold water and dry. Cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Wash the remaining vegetables and herbs thoroughly as well. Remove the skins from the garlic cloves and peel the carrots. Cut the hot pepper into thin rings, finely chop the parsley. Chop the garlic into slices, cut the carrots into thin strips.

3. Place all ingredients in a saucepan. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar. If desired, you can add ground black pepper, just a pinch, for even more flavor. Mix everything together and leave for half an hour. We need juice to form.

5. Fill the prepared jars with the snack and close the lids tightly.

6. Transfer the jars to a dark place, turn them over, and preferably wrap them up. Wait until it cools down, then lower it into the cellar or put it in the pantry for storage.

Have a nice day!


A very interesting snack with a bright and rich taste. The whole family will be delighted with this treat. The pieces will be soaked in the garlic marinade and will have an interesting taste. I highly recommend making this appetizer.


  • Zucchini - 2 kg
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Vinegar 9% – 100 ml

Preparation steps:

1. Peel the zucchini. Cut into centimeter by centimeter cubes and place in a bowl.

2. Peel the garlic, using a press, squeeze all the cloves into a bowl with the chopped zucchini.

3. Add sugar to the mixture.

4. Then add salt.

5. Pour in vegetable oil.

6. Mix everything thoroughly, leave to marinate for half an hour. At this time, boil water and prepare the jars. They need to be washed with detergents and sterilized.

7. Fill the jars to the brim, doing it as tightly as possible. Pour boiling water mixed with vinegar.

8. Place the jars in a pan of water and place on the stove. As soon as the water boils, after 15 minutes, take them out and roll them up.

9. Turn the jars over as in the photo, wrap them in a warm blanket, and leave to cool.

Very simple, and most importantly fast. Enjoy your snack!

5. Korean zucchini

An excellent snack for fried potatoes and many other dishes. Delight your taste buds with a savory, spicy snack. Ideally, when you want to eat something like this, just take out a jar and enjoy.


  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • Carrots – 500 g
  • Onion – 500 g
  • Bell pepper – 5 pcs
  • Garlic – 150 g
  • Greens - 20 g
  • Sugar - glass
  • Vegetable oil - glass
  • Vinegar 9% - glass
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Korean carrot seasoning - 1 pc.

Preparation steps:

1. Remove the peel from the zucchini, if necessary, and the center with seeds. Using a special grater, grate the fruit into thin long strips.

2. Peel the carrots and grate them on the same grater. Add a package of seasoning and sugar to it.

3. Grind the bell pepper and onion into strips. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. Add greens, mix all vegetables in one deep bowl.

4. For the marinade, mix vegetable oil, vinegar, and salt in a separate bowl.

5. Fill the jars with a mixture of vegetables and add marinade. Leave them to stand for at least three hours.

6. After the time has passed, jars of snacks need to be sterilized. Then roll up the lids and you can put them away in the pantry or cellar.

Good luck with your cooking and have a great time!

6. Video recipe for crispy pickled zucchini

A very interesting and amazing tasting snack will pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones.

All recipes are time-tested. Prepare only tasty and healthy dishes for your loved ones. I wish you to prepare as many different preserves as possible without unnecessary hassle.

See you soon!

This year there is a richer harvest of zucchini than ever before. Lecho was already prepared from them, and appetizing snacks were approved by all household members, and even jam surprised with its variety. But I so want to prepare more of my favorite vegetable for the winter that I had to pick up all my old notes and start pickling.

I was pleased that the delicate fruits can not only be preserved like classic cucumbers, but even achieve a taste similar to mushrooms.

Very young ones that can fit into jars can be easily preserved for a long period either whole or cut into circles. Old large fruits just need to be peeled from the slightly hardened skin and seeds, and then cut into beautiful thin strips or cubes.

A huge plus is that everything is done quite quickly and with a minimum amount of ingredients, but when you open the jar in the cold season, it will be simply impossible to resist not eating everything at once!

Do you remember how delicious “classic” pickled zucchini was in Soviet times? In recent years, they have reappeared on the shelves. But why pay for something you can prepare yourself? Just let’s not do this in a three-liter jar, but rather prepare three liter jars - then they will definitely go away.

It will look very original if you chop fresh carrots in the form of sticks or some kind of curly stars and add them inside the jars. They won’t change the taste much, but the contents will look a little brighter and more fun.

We will need:

  • Young zucchini – 2 kg.
  • Water – 1.2 l.
  • 9% vinegar – 100 ml.
  • Black peppercorns - 18 pcs.
  • Garlic clove – 9 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l. (better with a slide)


1. It is best to take young fruits so as not to cut off anything except the tips. Wash them thoroughly and cut them into circles one and a half centimeters thick. Grind the peeled garlic cloves in the form of plates - this will make it more convenient to place the slices inside the jars and will accommodate many more circles.

2. Throw a couple of slices of garlic and 2 peppercorns into pre-sterilized liters, then fill them to the middle with zucchini wheels. Add garlic and pepper again and add the main ingredient up to the neck. Vegetables should be placed as densely as possible, and spices again on top. Each jar should contain 3 cloves of garlic and 6 peppercorns.

3. Now you need to pour in the ready-made hot marinade, which we prepare in advance from boiling water with salt, sugar and vinegar. To avoid any surprises in the form of exploding lids, the marinade filling should simmer for about three minutes so that all the ingredients in it are well dissolved and mixed.

It is worth pouring it in three stages: pour a third into one jar, do the same with the next and then with the third. Return to the first one and repeat the sequential procedure two more times. This will help ensure that the glass does not burst from the boiling liquid.

4. Place the filled dishes up to the hangers in a large saucepan with hot water, lightly covering with lids. As soon as the water boils, set aside for 10 minutes and sterilize.

At the bottom of the pan for sterilization, it is best to place a kitchen towel folded in at least two layers in advance, so that with a further increase in temperature on the fire, the glass bottoms do not overheat.

5. Take out the finished workpiece, place it on a heat-resistant stand or potholder and roll it up. Immediately check that the closure is secure by turning the cans over or gently rocking them.

If everything is sealed, send it to cool under a warm “fur coat” in an upside down position.

Once completely cooled, store for storage.

Crispy zucchini marinated like mushrooms

Our family loves mushrooms. But somehow the summer was not very fruitful for them, and a friend advised me to definitely prepare zucchini according to this recipe. When we opened this delight for dinner in the winter, everyone unanimously decided that the taste was reminiscent of pickled milk mushrooms.

To avoid any confusion, I’ll immediately make a reservation that for one 250 ml and 9 half-liter jars, the amount of all ingredients is given based on already peeled vegetables.

We will need:

  • Zucchini – 3 kg.
  • Carrots – 0.3 kg.
  • Bell pepper – 0.3 kg.
  • Sunflower oil – 200 ml.
  • 9% vinegar - 150 ml.
  • Head of garlic – 2 pcs.
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch.
  • Granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper – 1 tsp.


1. Chop the washed and dried zucchini into medium-sized cubes. It is desirable that they are all approximately the same, so that they marinate evenly.

2. Cut the carrots the way you like. We prefer to cut it into regular circles – it’s faster to cut and it looks quite interesting when finished.

3. Cut the pepper into small cubes, slightly longer than the zucchini cubes.

4. Since we want to achieve a mushroom flavor, the heads of garlic will release more of their juice and aroma if we grind them in a blender.

5. Rinse the greens of fresh juicy dill well, let dry and chop with a knife.

6. In a large saucepan or deep bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly so that all the ingredients are evenly redistributed and look like one beautiful mass.

Leave to marinate for three hours, covered, but remember to stir every hour.

7. During this time, the vegetables will release juice.

Place them together with the released liquid into sterile jars, trying to leave at least a centimeter of free space so that the precious marinade does not spill out during sterilization.

8. Place the jars in a saucepan with warm water, add just enough water to come up to the shoulders and bring to a boil. Sterilize for a quarter of an hour with the lids covered but not screwed on.

If you decide to make seals into liter jars instead of half-liter jars, then do not forget that the sterilization time should be increased by at least 5 minutes and will be a third of an hour.

9. Carefully remove and tighten the screw caps one by one. Can also be sealed under regular metal lids with a seaming wrench.

10. Turn over and wrap for a day. Afterwards you can store it in the cellar and take it out as needed to please your eaters.

This preparation not only tastes like mushrooms, but also in appearance.

How to quickly pickle raw zucchini in jars

In winter, you really want fried zucchini “rolls” with filling, but the store either doesn’t have this vegetable, or the prices are such that just one glance at the number makes you lose any desire to buy them.

But there is a way to keep the long thin “tongues” almost raw and then just take them out of the jar, fry them in batter or breading and stuff them. Don't believe me? But in vain! Moreover, I recommend trying both versions of the marinade - each has its own taste charm.

We will need:

  • Zucchini – 0.5 kg.

Marinade No. 1:

  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Peppercorns – 6 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tsp.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Citric acid – 1/3 tsp.

Marinade No. 2:

  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • 6% vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.


1. In order to get beautiful long strips of absolutely equal thickness, cut the washed zucchini with a regular vegetable peeler using uniform movements from one end to the other.

2. Roll one strip into a tube. From above, sequentially, like a tape, wind others on it to form an elastic roller approximately the same size as the diameter of the can.

Place the coiled cut inside the glass container and repeat the winding steps with the strips until the entire jar is filled with such improvised coils.

3. Pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan and add the remaining ingredients for the marinade, mix well and boil for 3 minutes.

4. Fill the jar up to the neck with the finished boiling filling and screw on the lid.

5. Allow to cool while covered and store in a cool place. Zucchini strips marinated in this way retain their elasticity and are ready for subsequent manipulations.

In winter, you can use them to make rolls with any filling.

Zucchini pickled for the winter like cucumbers

Not only cucumbers can be crunched during a feast, but also zucchini. And you can marinate them whole or cut into slices in the same way as gherkins.

It turns out simply incredibly delicious.

We will need:

  • Zucchini – 5 kg.
  • Head of garlic – 2 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas – 1 bunch.
  • Hot pepper – 2 pods.
  • Salt, sugar, 70% vinegar - 1 teaspoon per jar.


1. If possible, collect very young fruits, which are convenient to put whole in a jar. Otherwise, the vegetables should be cut into quarters or circles - it all depends on your desire. Be sure to cut off the ends so that the contents do not ferment.

2. Place an umbrella of dill, chopped garlic and several round pieces of hot pepper into the bottom of a dry, clean container. These spices must be redistributed evenly, otherwise the taste will be different everywhere.

3. Place the vegetables tightly so that there is a little free space left at the neck.

4. Pour 1 tsp directly on top of each liter. salt and granulated sugar.

5. Pour boiling water, add 1 tsp. vinegar and, covering with iron lids, sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Ideally, during this time, light green vegetables should turn slightly yellow, but greenish streaks will remain on the skin.

6. Roll up hermetically and let cool while wrapped for 24 hours.

All you have to do is wait until winter and you can enjoy it.

Video on how to cook the most delicious pickled zucchini

And here is another wonderful recipe that produces a delicious preparation. The zucchini turns out spicy and crispy, and is always eaten instantly.

And preparing such a savory delicacy will not be difficult.

Indeed, when people’s love for a certain product is great, there are no recipes of any kind on this topic.

And this is good, you can pamper yourself more often in winter with all sorts of different pickled delicacies

Recipe for pickled zucchini without sterilization

For those who don’t like to bother with sterilization, the marinating process can be much simplified. True, the ingredients for three liter jars will be slightly different.

So that's good! The taste will also be different.

We will need:

  • Zucchini – 1.8 kg.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.
  • Garlic clove, cloves, bay leaf - 9 pcs.
  • Allspice peas – 21 pcs.
  • Water – 0.5 l.
  • Granulated sugar - 65 gr.
  • Vinegar - 50 ml.
  • Salt – 25 gr.


1. Cut the washed zucchini into half-centimeter circles. If overgrown zucchini is used, then the pulp, cleared of skin and seeds, can be crumbled into plates of similar thickness.

2. Peel the garlic cloves and divide them into halves using a knife.

3. Place 3 cloves, bay leaves and washed dill sprigs, 6 garlic cloves and 7 allspice peas on the bottom of sterile jars.

4. Place shredded zucchini wheels tightly on top and pour boiling water over them. Let it sit under the lids and after 20 minutes drain the water from each jar into a saucepan.

5. Prepare brine from the resulting slightly green liquid by adding sugar, vinegar and salt to it and boiling for three minutes.

6. Pour the finished marinade into the container right up to the neck and immediately screw the lids on tightly.

7. Cool upside down, lightly wrapped in a thick cloth. To prevent the delicate color of the contents from fading, it is best to store the workpiece in a cool, dark place.

This preparation even looks beautiful, but can you imagine what it tastes like?!

Instant pickled zucchini with honey and garlic

My hurry-jumpers just can’t wait for the cold weather and demand to try the goodies almost immediately after the marinating process. For those who are especially impatient, you have to specially prepare incredibly tasty zucchini that is almost instantly cooked.

So that they absorb the marinade as quickly as possible, I cut them into slices, i.e. in the form of thin wide strips with a vegetable peeler. Literally 1 hour and a delicious appetizer is ready.

We will need:

  • Zucchini – 0.5 kg.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Garlic clove – 3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped fresh dill - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Pepper - to taste.


1. Turn young zucchini into tender crispy slices of equal length.

2. Season them with salt and mix well. Allow excess liquid to drain for half an hour. Since we use honey in our recipe, it is desirable that it does not ferment in the vegetable juice, which is why it is necessary to separate the excess liquid from the chopped vegetable.

3. While the salted strips are infusing, in a separate convenient bowl, mix all the remaining ingredients (except for dill and garlic). Be sure to taste the marinade.

Although the cuts have already been salted, you may still want to add a pinch of salt to the sauce so that it does not seem bland.

Spicy lovers can add pieces of red hot pepper.

4. Place the soaked zucchini in a colander. Excess juice will drain and there will be no need to break the slices by squeezing by hand.

7. Place the finished appetizer on a plate and serve. And if you plan to store it for a long time, I recommend putting it in a jar, sterilizing it for 15 minutes and sealing it hermetically.

The snack looks and smells so well that no one can remain indifferent. And everyone wants to quickly grab a thin slice with a fork and enjoy the taste.

In similar ways, you can also pickle squash, a mixture of zucchini and cucumbers, or even combine all three vegetables at once. For a beautiful appearance, you can add bright spices, peppers, carrots, or combine the main fruits themselves in different colors.

These are such wonderful and delicious recipes. And all this splendor comes from an ordinary zucchini.

It would seem like a bland vegetable, but if you approach it wisely, it will sparkle with the flavor and aromatic colors that you put into it during cooking.

It also retains its ability to crunch on the teeth, and men consider it an ideal snack for vodka. Even if you don't have time to cook dinner, you can whip up even regular mashed potatoes or pasta with some wonderful pickled vegetables.

Bon appetit and good mood with zucchini pickles!

Zucchini season is now in full swing. This year's harvest is good, so you can make a variety of seams for the winter. Don't limit yourself to just canned zucchini. After all, zucchini can be covered for the winter in other ways: making lecho, an appetizer of fried zucchini, Korean salad, zucchini with mushrooms and even zucchini jam.

Today I will write 8 step-by-step recipes for preparing various preserves with zucchini. In most cases, these preparations require sterilization. Then the jars just need to be washed with soda, and there is no need to sterilize them separately, they are sterilized along with the contents. If the recipe does not require sterilizing zucchini in jars, then the jars must be sterilized separately in advance. The lids need to be boiled in both cases.

Important! Only coarse rock salt is suitable for preservation. You cannot use iodized or fine ones.

It is a popular snack because it has a good, balanced flavor. The appetizer got its name for its spiciness; it contains hot fresh pepper and garlic.

Ingredients (per 1.5 l):

  • zucchini - 1 kg
  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • hot chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. no slide
  • vinegar 9% - 70 ml
  • refined vegetable oil - 70 ml

Zucchini for the winter - preparing “Mother-in-law’s tongue”:

1. All vegetables need to be washed, seeds removed from peppers, and garlic peeled. To prepare the sauce, you need to grind tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, and garlic through a meat grinder or in a blender. Pour the resulting liquid mixture into the pan in which the appetizer will be cooked.

2.Add flavourless vegetable oil, sugar and salt to the vegetable sauce, stir. Place the sauce on the fire, bring it to a boil and reduce the heat. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

3.While the sauce is cooking, chop the zucchini. They are cut into long strips. After 10 minutes of cooking the tomatoes and peppers, add chopped zucchini, stir and cook for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

If the zucchini is old, they need to be peeled and seeds removed. In this case, it is necessary to weigh it in its purified form.

4. While the snack is cooking, you need to wash and sterilize the jars and lids. At the end of preparing “Mother-in-law’s tongue,” pour vinegar into the pan, let the mixture boil and immediately put it into jars. Pour the sauce all the way to the top of the jar. Immediately roll up the lids of the preserves.

5. Turn the workpiece over, wrap it in a blanket and leave until it cools completely. At this point, delicious spicy-sweet zucchini is ready for the winter, enjoy.

Crispy zucchini for the winter in marinade

This is a simple pickled zucchini recipe. For aroma you will need various herbs, garlic, bay leaves. These zucchini cook quickly; you don't need to leave them to let out their juices. Raw zucchini is placed in a jar, filled with marinade and sterilized. That's all. The cutting method can be any: into circles, long bars, or sectors. In general, cut as convenient.

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • young zucchini - 2.5 kg
  • dill umbrellas - 1 pc.
  • parsley - 3 sprigs
  • horseradish leaves - 1 pc.
  • black currant leaves - 1-2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • allspice peas - 3-4 pcs.

For the marinade (4 liters):

  • water - 2 liters
  • vinegar 9% – 140 ml
  • sugar - 125 gr.
  • salt - 100 gr.

Zucchini for the winter in sweet and sour marinade:

1. Wash the zucchini and trim the edges. If you want the zucchini to be cut into long strips, then trim the zucchini so that it is the length of a liter jar (to the hanger). Choose zucchini that is young and tender, with thin skin and unripe seeds.

2.Cut each zucchini into 8 pieces. That is, first in half, then cut each half in half and each piece in half again. All greens must be washed well. Wash the jars with soda. Do not use dishwashing detergent; it is difficult to wash off and leaves a chemical film on the dishes. There is no need to sterilize jars separately.

3. At the bottom of each jar, place a bay leaf, 3-4 allspice peas, 1 clove of garlic, cut into slices, dill umbrellas and parsley sprigs, horseradish and currant leaves. Place zucchini sticks in jars. Do not place too tightly so that the zucchini is well soaked in the marinade.

4. Prepare the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, and bring to a boil. After the water boils, pour in the vinegar and immediately pour the boiling marinade into the jars to the top.

To prevent jars from bursting, fill the jars halfway first, and then top up to the very top.

5.Place the zucchini to sterilize. Place a cloth on the bottom of the pan, place the jars and fill them with hot (but not boiling) water up to their hangers. Cover (but do not roll up) the jars with sterilized lids to prevent water from the pan from getting into the zucchini. After the water boils, keep the zucchini in it for another 10 minutes. Then you need to roll up the lids and turn the jars over.

6.Now the marinated zucchini is ready, very crispy and aromatic. In winter, such a snack will greatly please.

Zucchini for the winter, like milk mushrooms

If you marinate the zucchini using the method described below, they will taste like pickled milk mushrooms. This recipe calls for fresh dill and parsley. There is no need to make a separate marinade with water; the zucchini seals in its own juice.

Zucchini should be taken of hard varieties. Do not take yellow and soft zucchini, they will not hold their shape and will not turn out crispy. It is better to take young vegetables. If you only have overripe ones, you will need to peel them and cut out the seeds.

Ingredients (for 1.8 l):

  • zucchini - 1.5 kg (net weight)
  • dill and parsley - a large bunch
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • garlic - 1 medium head
  • dill umbrellas - 1-2 pcs. for each jar
  • cloves - 2 pcs. per 0.5 l jar
  • allspice peas - 3-4 pcs. per 0.5 l jar
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • odorless vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • apple cider vinegar 6% – 150 ml

How to cook zucchini for the winter, like milk mushrooms:

1. Rinse the zucchini well, trim off both edges and cut into sectors (into quarter circles). Wash the greens very well, chop finely and add to the zucchini.

2. Squeeze the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater and also add it to the zucchini.

Do not use more than the specified amount of garlic because it will soften the zucchini.

3.Pour sugar, salt, ground black pepper (add pepper to taste) into a bowl with the vegetables, add apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix everything well until smooth. Leave the zucchini to marinate for 3-6 hours. The main thing is that the zucchini releases enough juice. The marinating time will depend on the type of zucchini. Stir occasionally, then the juice will come out better.

4. Wash the jars with soda solution and boil the lids. Place 2 cloves, 3 allspice peas and 1-2 dill umbrellas at the bottom of the jar. Fill the jars with zucchini up to the top. Pour the juice remaining in the bowl into jars as well. Cover the jars with lids, but do not screw them on.

5. All that remains is to sterilize the squash mushrooms and roll them up. You need to sterilize in the usual way: lay a towel on the bottom of the pan, place the jars and fill them with warm water, without adding 2 cm to the lid. Bring the water in the pan to a boil and keep the jars in boiling water for 10 minutes (0.5 l). Sterilize liter jars for 15 minutes, 1.5 liter jars for 20 minutes.

During sterilization, the zucchini will still release juice, so there will be more of it. Don't worry if the juice doesn't cover the zucchini at the jarring stage.

6.Remove the zucchini from the boiling water and seal the jars with lids. Turn over and let the preserves cool. The result is very aromatic and piquant pickled zucchini in its own juice, similar to milk mushrooms. Cloves are a must in this recipe; they give the desired aroma.

Zucchini jam with pineapple flavor

In the previous recipe, the zucchini turned out to taste like mushrooms, in this recipe they turn into pineapples! And this is possible because when cooked in sweet syrup, the zucchini is imbued with a new taste. This jam can be eaten with tea, the syrup can be used to soak cake layers, and this jam can also be used in baking. And no one will guess that this is not a pineapple, but a banal zucchini.

The jam, like most jams, is made in three stages. This is done so that the zucchini has time to soak in the pineapple syrup and does not fall apart during long cooking.

Ingredients (per 1.5 l):

  • zucchini - 1200-1300 gr.
  • sugar - 400 gr.
  • pineapple juice – 400 ml
  • lemon - 1 pc.

How to make zucchini jam:

1. Zucchini is not used completely for jam, but only the dense part. First, wash them and peel the skin. Next, cut in half and remove the seeds with a spoon. It would be strange if there was a zucchini seed or peel in a pineapple, wouldn’t it? Weigh the zucchini after peeling. This amount of ingredients requires 1.2 kg of already peeled vegetables.

2.Cut the zucchini into cubes of about 1 cm and pour into the pan in which you will cook the jam. Mix zucchini with sugar. The lemon needs to be washed very well, preferably with a brush, to remove all chemicals from the peel. Cut the lemon into half circles (along with the peel) and add to the zucchini. Pour pineapple juice into the total mass, stir and you can put the jam on the fire to cook.

3. Bring the jam to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and cook for exactly 5 minutes. Don't forget to stir the mixture so that nothing burns. Remove the pan from the stove and remove the lemon so that there is no bitterness in the jam. Let the zucchini cool completely.

If you wish, you can not use a whole lemon, but squeeze the juice out of it. Just be careful not to let the seeds get into the jam.

4. Set the jam to boil a second time. Bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. After this cooking, the zucchini becomes yellowish in color, they are saturated with pineapple juice. After the second cooking, leave the jam again until it cools completely at room temperature.

Before the third cooking, sterilize the jars and lids.

5. It remains to cook the jam for the third (last) time. But now, after the syrup boils, cook the zucchini for 10 minutes and immediately place it hot in sterilized jars and roll it up. Turn the jam over and wrap it “under a fur coat”, let it cool completely. Believe me, this zucchini jam will be a pleasant discovery for you.

Marinated zucchini for the winter “Colorful” with honey

This is no ordinary recipe. The jar will contain several colors of different vegetables. In addition, the zucchini is laid out in the form of rolls, which looks great. This appetizer can be safely placed on a festive table; all guests will be delighted. Instead of sugar, honey is added to the marinade, which gives the zucchini a piquant taste.

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • zucchini and zucchini
  • carrot
  • bell pepper yellow and red
  • parsley - 4 sprigs
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • allspice peas - 4 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml

Take as many vegetables as will fit in the jar.

For the marinade:

  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • honey - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the carrots. Cut some of the carrots into circles (you can use a curly knife), cut some into thin and long strips (you can use a Korean carrot grater). Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut it into strips. Peel the garlic.

2. Zucchini and zucchini are cut in two ways. Cut some of the vegetables into circles, 1-1.5 cm thick. Cut the second part into thin slices. The best way to do this is to use a vegetable peeler.

3. Wash the jars well with baking soda, rinse thoroughly with warm running water. At the bottom of a liter jar, place 4 peas of black and allspice, a teaspoon of mustard seeds, 4 sprigs of parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, a couple of pinches of julienned carrots. Place a few slices of zucchini on top of it all. If the circles are large, you can cut them in half. Place carrot circles between the zucchini.

4.Next you need to take a zucchini slice, put a piece of pepper in it and roll it up. Place these rolls in several layers in a jar. Place zucchini slices and carrots in slices and strips on top again. The topmost layer is carrot sticks. Fill all prepared jars in this way.

5. Cook the marinade. For 1 liter of water, add one and a half tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of honey. Stir, bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes.

6. Pour the hot marinade over the vegetables in the jars. Do not pour the marinade all the way to the top, because you will need to add vinegar at the end. Cover the jars with sterilized lids.

7.Now it's time for sterilization. Everything is as always: a saucepan, a towel on the bottom, hot (but not boiling water) water up to the hangers, the jars are covered with lids. After the water boils, sterilize the jars for 10 minutes.

8.Remove the jars from the boiling water, pour 2 tbsp into each liter jar. table vinegar and roll up the boiled lids. This preservation looks very beautiful and is very tasty to eat.

Korean salad with zucchini, cucumbers and carrots

Korean salads will appeal to lovers of spicy and spicy taste. Although the spiciness can be adjusted to taste. The ingredients include Korean carrot seasoning. The main spices in it are coriander and pepper. There are some hot and some mild seasonings, choose which one you want. Make sure that the complex seasoning does not contain a flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate. The vegetables in this salad remain crispy.

Ingredients for 2 liters (weight of vegetables in peeled form):

  • zucchini - 500 gr.
  • cucumbers - 500 gr.
  • carrots - 500 gr.
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs. (multi-colored peppers will look beautiful)
  • onions - 200 gr.
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Korean carrot seasoning - 1 tbsp.

Winter squash in Korean - preparation:

1. Wash the zucchini and cut in half. Use a spoon to remove the seeds; for this salad you only need the dense part of the zucchini. Cut the zucchini into thin strips. If you have it on the farm, use a special grater. Cucumbers need to be cut into cubes.

2. Grate the carrots using a Korean carrot grater or cut into thin, long strips. Cut the pepper into long strips. Onion - in half rings. Finely chop the parsley. Place all the vegetables in a large container where the salad will marinate.

3.In a separate bowl you need to make the marinade. Mix sugar, salt, seasoning, black pepper, vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix everything well so that the sugar and salt are at least partially dissolved. Pour this marinade over the salad and mix very well with your hands. It will be difficult to stir everything with a spoon.

4. Leave the zucchini and vegetables to marinate for 3 hours. During this time, wash the jars and sterilize the lids.

5.When the salad stands, it will release juice. Start putting it in the jars, compacting it. Pour the juices over the vegetables and cover with lids.

6. Sterilize the salad by placing the jars in a wide saucepan. There should be fabric at the bottom to prevent the glass from bursting when heated. Fill the jars with water to the level of the hangers. Bring this water to a boil and sterilize the salad for 10 minutes. Then immediately seal the jars tightly with lids and turn them over to check for leaks. This salad should be wrapped in a warm towel or blanket and allowed to cool.

7. In winter, open a jar of this Korean-style vegetable salad and remember the warm summer days.

Appetizer of fried zucchini in tomato sauce

If you like fried zucchini, then close them for the winter. This snack will be well stored even in an apartment. The sauce for the zucchini will be tomato.

Ingredients (for 2 l):

  • zucchini - 1 kg
  • onions - 250 gr.
  • garlic - 3-6 cloves
  • For the sauce:
  • dill - 30 gr.
  • tomato juice – 900 ml
  • vegetable oil - 125 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - 2 tbsp.
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • allspice peas - 3 pcs.

Fried zucchini for the winter - how to cook:

1. Zucchini needs to be washed, the tails trimmed and the skin cleaned. Only then weigh the zucchini. Place the chopped vegetables in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt, stir and leave for 10 minutes.

2.The onion should be cut into half rings and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown.

4.Place the fried zucchini, onion and squeeze the garlic into a bowl. Mix well.

5.Prepare the sauce. Pour tomato juice, vinegar and vegetable oil into the pan. Add sugar, allspice and salt. Finely chop the dill and add to the sauce. Place the dressing on the fire and bring it to a boil. Throw in the bay leaf and cook for 3 minutes, stirring until the sugar and salt dissolve.

6. The jars need to be washed with soda. Place zucchini with onions and garlic in clean jars. Fill the jars halfway. Pour the sauce over the zucchini and cover with sterile lids.

If desired, fill the jars to the top with zucchini. Then take twice as much zucchini as required.

7. Sterilize the preserved food within 30 minutes after the water boils. When sterilizing, turn the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid. Be sure to place a cloth napkin on the bottom of the pan. Pour enough water so that it does not fall into the jars when boiling.

8.Immediately after sterilization, roll up the lids, turn the jars over and cover them with a towel. Let cool and store in a permanent storage location.

Zucchini and sweet pepper lecho

Lecho is a product made from bell pepper. The same salad is made with pepper, but the main ingredient is zucchini. Try making this preparation for the winter. This is a delicious salad with soft stewed vegetables.

There is no need to sterilize salad in jars, as it will cook. Therefore, jars and lids should be sterilized in advance.


  • zucchini - 3 kg
  • bell pepper - 700 gr.
  • garlic - 80 gr.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • tomato juice - 1 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp.
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. (or 7 tbsp. 9%)
  • sunflower oil – 300 ml
  • ground red pepper - to taste

Winter squash with pepper - preparation:

1. Wash the zucchini and cut into cubes. Cut the pepper into strips, chop the garlic with a knife. Place the vegetables in a large saucepan and pour in tomato juice, preferably freshly squeezed.

2. Put the vegetables on the fire to stew. First, make the heat high and wait for the mass to boil. Be sure to stir the lecho so that it does not burn. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

3. After half an hour of stewing, add sugar, salt, garlic, hot pepper and vegetable oil to the vegetables. Boil for another 10 minutes. At the end, add acetic acid - 1 tbsp. and can be rolled into sterilized jars.

4. Turn the jars over and check if the lid is leaking. Leave until completely cool. Lecho turns out delicious, with a pleasant tomato taste. Try cooking!

Here are 8 recipes for how to preserve zucchini for the winter. Choose one or several and make preparations that will delight you in winter. Read also other recipes on the website in the section, there are a lot of delicious things there. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments and share your experience. See you in the next article!

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Step-by-step recipes for preparing marinated zucchini for the winter: classic, quick without sterilization, for rolls, “Spicy salad”, “Finger lickin’ good”

2018-07-04 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


4 gr.

16 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for pickled zucchini for the winter

Delicious, crispy pickled zucchini is an ideal appetizer for a family dinner, holiday or celebration. They can be served with boiled potatoes and fried meat, as a snack for strong drinks. In terms of taste, zucchini pickled for the winter can be compared with any cucumber. They can be rolled up with sterilization or done without it, that is, use the “lazy” method. We will look at different options for preparing delicious pickled zucchini.

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:

  • one kg of young zucchini;
  • bay leaf;
  • six peppercorns;
  • a ring of hot pepper;
  • three dill umbrellas;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • horseradish leaf:

Marinade for 3 1 liter jars:

  • liter of water;
  • one table spoon of sugar;
  • two table spoons of salt;
  • eighty ml tables of vinegar 9%.

Step-by-step recipe for pickled zucchini for the winter

The ingredients indicate the amount needed for one liter jar, and we prepare the marinade for three liters at once. This will make it easier to calculate proportions. If you are preparing three jars at once, then take three kilograms of zucchini and other ingredients for three jars.

First you need to sterilize all containers and lids. Let them dry. Sterilization is not carried out in wet jars.

At the bottom of each container we place a horseradish leaf, dill umbrellas, peeled garlic cloves, peppercorns and a bay leaf. For extra piquancy, add a ring of hot pepper. To give garlic more flavor, some housewives first lightly crush it with the edge of a knife and add it whole or cut it into large rings.

Wash young zucchini thoroughly and dry with paper towels. Afterwards they are cut into slices half a centimeter thick.

Place the chopped zucchini in jars. We compact them, but do not bring them to the very neck. Leave just a couple of centimeters. This is done to ensure that there are no “dry” zucchini. They will absorb part of the marinade; the top ones should not be left without it. Therefore, we leave some space and then we will add the marinade.

By the way, you can put a couple of dill umbrellas on top as additional ingredients.

Pour water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and table salt. Bring to a boil, cook for two minutes, no more, pour in vinegar and immediately turn off the heat on the stove. Otherwise, the vinegar will lose its properties.

Pour still boiling marinade into the jars right up to the neck. It’s better to let a little marinade spill over the edge than to leave air in the jars.

Screw the lids on tightly, turn the bottom upside down and check if the marinade is leaking - everything should be sealed.

Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave until completely cool. This will take approximately twelve hours. Place the pickled zucchini in the cellar or any cool place where sunlight does not penetrate. Such preparations are stored for approximately one year.

Option 2: Quick recipe for pickled zucchini for the winter

Let's prepare delicious pickled zucchini for the winter using a “lazy” recipe without sterilization. They can be rolled into jars for long-term storage or served immediately. Our grandmothers used to cook this way.


  • one kg of zucchini;
  • six cloves of garlic;
  • six peppercorns;
  • three dill umbrellas;
  • three laurel leaves;
  • leaves of black currant, cherry, apple tree - three pieces each;
  • two leaves of horseradish;
  • sprig of tarragon, optional.


  • three liters of water;
  • one hundred ml table of vinegar;
  • one hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • one hundred grams of salt cook.

How to quickly cook marinated zucchini for the winter

Since we are preparing for the winter, jars and lids still need to be sterilized. But we prepare the marinade differently, according to a “lazy” recipe.

Wash the zucchini and wipe dry with a clean towel. Cut into slices or halves. Thickness is approximately five millimeters.

Wash all the greens and cut into several pieces. Simply peel the garlic.

We put everything we need at the bottom of the jars, then there is a line of chopped zucchini. Place it very tightly. We should have had three liter jars.

Boil three liters of water and fill our jars with boiling water. Cover with a clean cloth, not lids.

After about twenty minutes the zucchini will begin to release its juice, pour everything into the pan. Add coarse salt and granulated sugar and place on high heat on the stove. When everything boils, the salt and sugar will dissolve.

Turn off the heat, add vinegar and stir.

Fill all the jars, now roll the lids tightly. Turn the bottom upside down, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Store in the cold.

Option 3: Marinated zucchini for winter rolls

If you like to prepare various zucchini rolls, marinate the prepared bases for the winter. Ready-made pickled zucchini for rolls will be available all year. They can also be served to the table just like that, as a simple snack. The recipe requires very young zucchini, with thin skin and immature seeds. Take care of a vegetable peeler in advance; with its help we will cut the vegetables very thinly. The recipe is for one half-liter jar.


  • two young zucchini;
  • 1 table spoon table vinegar;
  • 1/3 teaspoon table salt;
  • boiling water - how long will it take?

Step by step recipe

Wash the young zucchini thoroughly. Use a soft dish sponge to gently remove any dirt. Afterwards, wipe them dry with a clean cloth or paper towels.

Sterilize the jars in a way convenient for you.

We take zucchini and a vegetable peeler. There are also special knives for thin slicing. We form thin and long plates from the zucchini. Roll them into rolls and place them in a jar. It turns out an interesting green rose. If there is free space, fill with zucchini slices.

Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each jar and add a third of a teaspoon of salt. Pour the resulting mixture with very boiling water.

Note: To prevent jars from cracking, pour boiling water in the center, not along the edges. Sometimes a knife or spoon is placed in the jar.

We place our jars for sterilization in a pan with hot water. We first place a cloth on the bottom of the pan so that the jars do not “jump”.

Leave for seven minutes.

Carefully remove the jars from the pan and immediately screw the lids on tightly. Traditionally, turn it upside down, cover it with a blanket and leave it to cool.

Now the pickled zucchini for rolls can be stored in a dark and cool place for a year. Try them just like that or prepare a delicious snack.

Option 4: Marinated zucchini for the winter “Spicy salad”

An unusual and interesting option - zucchini is cut into thin slices, and the marinade and ingredients for the preparation are prepared so that it turns out something like a salad. Its basis is zucchini, but not simple, but marinated. An amazing aromatic and tasty snack for all occasions.


  • 1.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 80 ml tables of vinegar;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 2 teaspoons of pepper mixture;
  • 4 teaspoons salt cook;
  • 8 bay leaves;
  • 1 teaspoon coriander hammer;
  • 8 teaspoons sugar.

How to cook

Wash the bunch of dill and parsley, don’t spare the greens, we need their aroma. Place in a colander to allow excess water to drain.

We put the water to boil, then add the bay leaf leaves specified in the spice recipe. After boiling, add table vinegar and immediately turn off the heat.

Pour in a little vegetable oil and mix everything.

While the marinade is cooling, let's deal with the zucchini, herbs and garlic.

Remove the skin from the zucchini, cut into large pieces, then into thin strips.

Finely chop all the greens with a knife. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.

Mix everything.

Place everything in an enamel pan, pour in the marinade and wait until the mass reaches room temperature. We put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Sterilize the jars and lids, lay out the pickled zucchini salad and roll up. Store in a dark and cool place.

Option 5: Zucchini pickled for the winter “You’ll lick your fingers”

Very tasty, aromatic and crispy pickled zucchini. The name of the recipe speaks for itself. Many experienced housewives use this method, and we will try it too.


  • three kg of young zucchini;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • head of garlic;
  • 3/4 cup vinegar;
  • 3/4 cup of growing oil;
  • 3/4 cup sugar;
  • 2 table spoons of salt;
  • 1 table spoon of dry mustard;
  • bay leaf and peppercorns to taste.

Step by step recipe

The peel is removed from young, washed zucchini. The seeds are taken out if they are the father-in-law. Cut the fruit into strips along the length. Place them in an enamel bowl or pan.

Mix chopped herbs and sliced ​​garlic cloves.

Place the spices in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil, dissolving the granulated sugar and salt with a spatula. Add greens and garlic to the zucchini and mix.

Remove the marinade from the heat, pour vinegar and oil into it and stir. Fill the zucchini and put it under pressure for three hours.

Place the zucchini with herbs and garlic in sterile jars, pour in the marinade and screw the lids on tightly.

Let it cool completely and put the field away for storage.

Greetings, my dear blog guests. If there is little time left before your guests arrive and you don’t know how to surprise them, don’t panic. You can use them or make quick-cooking pickled zucchini. This appetizer is prepared in just a couple of hours. Without seaming and other procedures that accompany preservation for the winter. And what delight your culinary skills will cause among your guests. They had no idea that you were such a great cook :)

This recipe will help you prepare a delicious snack in just 2 hours. If you don’t believe me, be sure to do it and write in the comments how you did it. For it you will need:

  • 500 g zucchini;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 30 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt + pepper black peas.

Remove the stalks from the zucchini, wash them and cut them into thin longitudinal strips. Remember: the thinner you cut, the faster and better the vegetables will marinate. Next, transfer the preparations into a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. During this time, the vegetables will release juice. Drain it and carefully squeeze out the excess liquid from the workpiece.

Switch to the marinade. Grind the pepper into powder in a mortar. Finely chop the washed greens with a knife. We pass the peeled garlic through a press. Mix the greens with garlic and pepper. Next, mix sugar, oil and vinegar - the crystals should dissolve. And then we add this liquid to the other ingredients of the filling and send the finished marinade to the zucchini.

Mix vegetables with aromatic dressing. Then cover the bowl with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This delicacy is served chilled.

Marinate vegetables with honey

When the test portion of the delicacy prepared according to this recipe evaporates, your family will beg you to make more. This is not surprising - such a snack turns out to be painfully tasty. For this you need to stock up:

  • 0.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 100 ml olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of grape vinegar;
  • fresh herbs (cilantro + basil + tarragon);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • crushed black pepper.

We cut off the stalks of the zucchini and remove the skin from them. Next, using a special knife, cut the vegetables lengthwise into thin slices. Salt the workpiece and set aside for half an hour.

During this time we prepare the filling. Honey should be melted in a water bath (if it is thick) and mixed with pepper, oil and vinegar. Finely chop the greens, thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel. After that, we send it to the marinade. We peel the garlic cloves, puree them using a garlic press and add them to the general mass. Mix everything thoroughly.

When interacting with salt, the zucchini released quite a lot of juice - you need to get rid of it. To do this, place the vegetables in a colander. Then we put them in a bowl with the filling and mix well. Next, it is advisable to place all this in the refrigerator for several hours. And then you can safely set the table.

If there is only a little time left before guests arrive, the option will save you. I use this recipe often in the summer.

Watch another step-by-step recipe for making zucchini salad in this video.

Raw as a snack

This dish turns out to be very tender and nutritious at the same time. It is swept off the table in a matter of minutes. There is probably a special physical law of evaporation at work here :) To prepare it, you need to stock up on:

  • 250 g zucchini;
  • 40 g Adygei cheese;
  • 50 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of garlic minced in a garlic press;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • 75 ml olive oil;
  • ½ tbsp. spoons of salt.

We wash the greens, dry them with a kitchen paper towel and cut them coarsely (recommended step - 1 cm). Or you can break it with your hands. Mix vinegar with salt, oil and parsley.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. For this dish, it is better to use young zucchini - they have a soft skin, you don’t have to cut it off. Remove the stems from the vegetables, wash them and cut them into cubes of approximately 1x1 cm.

We send the cheese to the zucchini and pour it all with aromatic dressing. Next, season the salad with garlic mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and place the dish in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

Delicious zucchini like mushrooms

Do you like crispy mushrooms? Then this recipe will become your favorite. You will need the following products:

  • kilo zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • small bunches of greens (parsley + dill);
  • 1/3 tbsp. spoons of crushed black pepper;
  • 6-7 cloves of garlic;
  • 2/3 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 35 ml vegetable oil;
  • 35 ml of 9% table vinegar.

We wash the peeled and stalked fruits and cut them into large cubes. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into thin slices. Grind the peeled garlic cloves using a press or cut into small cubes. Dry the washed greens and chop them with a knife.

Next, add zucchini, carrots, herbs and garlic to the saucepan. Sprinkle everything on top with sugar, pepper and salt. We also add oil and vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly, cover the saucepan with a lid and leave for 3 hours at room temperature. This is necessary so that the vegetables can marinate thoroughly.

After this, place the container with the ingredients on low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. All this time, the vegetable mixture must be stirred so as not to burn. Next, remove the dishes from the heat, cool the dish and transfer it to the refrigerator. You can serve it 2-3 hours after you send the “mushrooms” to the cold.

Spicy in Korean

To prepare this snack you will need the following products:

  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • half a hot pepper;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of 9% table vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • water;
  • a little crushed black pepper and paprika;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill.

Remove the stem from the zucchini, wash it and dry it with a kitchen paper towel. Next, cut the fruit into circles 3-5 mm thick and cut each circle into 4 equal parts. Place water on the stove, bring it to a boil and add pieces of zucchini to it. They need to be blanched for 5-7 minutes. After this, place the workpiece in a colander to remove excess liquid and transfer it to a bowl.

Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press. Peel the carrots, wash them and chop them into strips using a Korean grater. Next, mix the zucchini with carrots and add garlic pulp.

Cut the chili pepper into thin rings and add it to other vegetables. Dry the washed greens, chop them and add to the rest of the ingredients. Add ground pepper and paprika here. Next, salt and sugar the dish, and also flavor it with vinegar and oil.

After this, mix everything thoroughly and transfer the salad to a saucepan. Next, it needs to be sent to the cold. These are very quick Korean-style zucchini, so you can eat them within an hour.

Did you know that originally we only ate zucchini seeds? In the 16th century, when this plant was brought to Europe, its pulp became food. Gradually, the product began to be used in the cuisines of different nationalities.

Zucchini is low in calories - only 24 kcal per 100 g. It contains a lot of fiber and water, which makes it an indispensable product for weight loss

In addition, it contains vitamins of groups, and. Of the minerals, it contains the most potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. Thanks to this chemical composition, it is useful for problems of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. It also helps normalize blood pressure and strengthens the immune system. In addition, it protects the body from harmful effects that provoke premature aging. So, eat zucchini - and you will be young and beautiful!

My dear readers, how do you pickle zucchini? I’m sure you have signature recipes – share them in the comments. And be sure to subscribe to updates - I will tell you so many interesting things. That's all for today: I wish you culinary inspiration. Bye bye.