Why do people dream? Why do people dream?

And benefit; old- long eyelid; sad- unexpected war, skirmish; people in mourning- dashing news; thin- hungry year; in shackles- your family and friends are in danger.

Esoteric dream book

Strange people- associates, employees. There will be team communication.

Having fun- social events, you will have to attend a “party”.

They just surround- processes that captivate many, including you.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If in a dream you saw a lot of strangers- this suggests that you are frightened by the publicity of your love relationship. However, all fears and concerns will be in vain. You can completely trust your partner.

Familiar people- you are annoyed by the attention of friends and relatives that they pay to your relationship with your loved one. Don't let them interfere in your personal life.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

There are a lot of people (crowd)- fear, troubles; funny- sadness; fellow countrymen- happiness; old- long life; sad- war, skirmish; thin- hungry year; naked- gossip; in chains- friends are in danger; in funeral clothes (in mourning)- dashing news.

See a lot of people- fear and fear.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

People dressed in some kind of uniform- masks, “departments of anxiety in the kingdom of dreams.”

Symbolic dream book

Chinese dream book

Do you see how a noble man comes- misfortune will pass you by.

Bow and show respect to your elders- portends happiness.

Dreams of various noble, noble people- fortunately.

You are going somewhere with your spouse (wife)- there will be a misfortune soon.

Lunar dream book

Islamic dream book

If someone sees in a dream that people are visiting him- his superiors and his superiors will seek rapprochement with him.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If someone sees in a dream that certain people are visiting him- his superiors will show him goodwill and will persistently seek rapprochement with him.

Italian dream book

People of color who differ from us in skin color- are carriers of their own specificity, different from ours. They can represent healthy instincts that are seen as dangerous. And therefore it is an ambivalent symbol.

For black people, a white or yellow person- has the same meaning.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing strangers in a dream- portends that in reality you will experience fear, fright or fear.

Seeing a significant gathering of people, a large crowd of people- means that instead of taking decisive and active measures to resolve the pressing issue, you will have to act on the orders of your superiors, who are completely out of control of the situation.

Seeing naked people in a dream- means that you will become an object of ridicule and slander.

Bearded people- in reality, show unbridled and unrighteous anger. People in black robes - you will receive bad news.

People who are kind and generous- receive timely help and support from friends.

People sitting in silence- portend pleasant fun.

If people are sitting in a noisy group at a table with drinks and snacks- to good income.

Cheerful, cheerful people with a sense of humor- portend good health.

People with a boring, gloomy expression on their face- mean that you will perceive someone else’s misfortune as your own and rush to help those in need.

Seeing happy, satisfied people- to wealth and prosperity.

If you see armed people in a dream- in reality you will experience great joy.

If you are attacked by people with spears- this is a sign of an impending threat to your interests.

I dreamed about cross-eyed people- in reality you will be irritated by the society of arrogant upstarts.

If in a dream you see beautiful people around you- you will be entrusted with a responsible task. Seeing people sleeping means that in reality your friends will slander you.

People hiding their faces under masks- in real life you will try to deceive a person who is friendly towards you.

Seeing people lubricated with oil in a dream- foretells events in which you will play a primary role.

People drinking heavily, swearing and fighting- you must be afraid of losing the favor of the person on whom your success depends.

Dreaming of people being carried away by a flood- portends heavy losses and reflection, which will make life a gloomy and dull existence.

To meet people in a dream who know you, but you don’t have them or cannot remember when, where and under what circumstances you met them - such a dream means a change for the good if you manage to recognize them; if these people remain mysterious strangers to you- then such a dream does not bode well for you.

See people on a desert island, where they, like you in your dream, ended up as a result of a shipwreck- this foreshadows a harsh struggle for the right to take the place of the boss you fully deserve.

If you dream that you are communicating with outwardly friendly and amiable people, about whom you are told that they are two-faced and cunning, you will be pleasantly surprised at how favorable your business will start, and discouraged by its unexpected collapse.

Seeing in a dream a certain group of people as official representatives of government or public interests as part of a commission, jury, etc., who make decisions on a particular issue or give their assessment to something- such a dream portends you dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Bearded people- you have a tendency to anger, to impetuosity; going against- reservation; in black clothes- bad news; generous- get help; happy- wealth; seated- pleasant trifles; seeing strangers sitting and drinking- good income; cheerful- health; boring- taking other people's misfortune to heart.

Eastern women's dream book

A lot of people- a warning sign.

Jewish dream book

People- loss of independence, humiliating submission

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

You had a rather interesting dream in which a person appears before you in some major role, and it does not matter what actions the individual performed, in this case it is advisable to remember who it was. So, why does a person dream? The dream book will give the necessary answers.

Try to remember exactly what emotions you experienced when you recognized someone from your social circle under the guise of an unknown “Mr. X,” or, on the contrary, you could not recognize your friend and described him only as a representative of the human species. Various situations are possible, but each dream needs to be specified.

Even if your subconscious mind provides you with only superficial information like “It was a man,” nothing deeper is available to you, even such a dream can be interpreted with maximum benefit, you will be able to control your future. However, it is worth taking this seriously and even interpreting dreams with a simple “person” with all the details that you can remember without much stress.

People often come in dreams, signifying changes in the near future; they will occur in the social sphere of your public life. Most likely, you will be expected to change your position in a dispute or reach a new level of relationship with some person.

Interpretation of dreams according to circumstances and various situations

I believe that you have been able to synchronize with your own subconscious and are ready to begin the interpretation. It is necessary to warn that if you begin to think out the details of the dream, you most likely will not be able to fully take advantage of your capabilities in the near future.

We advise you to prepare yourself and stop doing extraneous things and focus only on the process of interpretation, which is not as easy as it seems. You need to extract the main details from your memories, which must be put together into a single puzzle, into a single narrative, using data from which we can give an accurate interpretation. Match your memories with the options given below:

  • It was just a silhouette of a person, nothing was particularly clear, we didn’t remember the details. The silhouette of a person in a dream indicates the expectation of a miracle; you have been engaged in some kind of activity for quite some time, but you cannot go beyond its limits, but only wait, with due devotion to you, for it to “shoot”;
  • A familiar person ran by, but it was not possible to specify. Such a dream is a harbinger of a quick acquaintance with your soulmate. which will show you how much you can love the human soul. However, even if you take active steps to find your soulmate, you may not succeed, dream books assure that she will find you herself. Then, when Her Majesty Fate orders;
  • A familiar person, we were able to find out. There is nothing special or mystical in this dream - you are predicted to meet this acquaintance, you will discuss some production issues, or just meet. Quarrels are not excluded, declarations of love also take place. In short, it is not worth listing the entire range of possibilities;
  • It was a relative. Again, it was not possible to specify, but your heart and subconscious told you that it was a relative. Such a dream is the opposite of a dream with a silhouette of a person. It is possible that you are not expecting the result, but it will arrive soon. It is also possible that you will receive help from nowhere, and you should not expect help from relatives despite this dream - rather, you will help them yourself;
  • The relative was a male acquaintance. Father, grandfather, brother or son-in-law - if you dreamed of one of these, in this case, “representatives” of humanity, then such a dream is an omen of wealth and new achievements; the conclusion of a dynastic marriage is no exception;
  • A relative appeared before you. Such a dream cannot be interpreted positively; it is a harbinger of some kind of “war” of ideologies. Most likely, your immediate environment does not understand you, and you cannot prove your position to them. Also, such a dream is a harbinger of losses, some troubles, confusion and depression;
  • The other half appeared. But these dreams are already positive; your relationship with your significant other will reach a new level, or at least become much better and more pleasant. You will be able to understand each other in a way that you did not understand before;
  • A male relative, stepfather or half-brother appeared. If these people appear before you, then you should look at your behavior or pay attention to the feeling of guilt that has been haunting you for a long time. Also, you have been trying to complete a project for quite some time, but you just can’t take the first step;

How do famous personalities and dream books, as well as somnologists interpret dreams?

Famous personalities also have their own opinion about this dream, and their opinion may not always be similar to the “samples” written above. They were taken as a basis, but their role in this case is to supplement the dream with facts, to give advice that was not given above. So, look down:

What can a person or people dream about in a dream?

According to Meridian's dream book

People in a dream can symbolize your surroundings in real life. Friendly foreign society is a reflection of collective relationships at work or in other permanent society. Personalities with a neutral position in a dream indicate the presence of disagreements in life with friends and loved ones.

Going against the crowd means having many difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. If you dreamed of a fussy crowd, then you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time solving everyday problems and troubles.

The dream book of the medium Hasse says that seeing people with a beard in a dream means that there is a lot of anger and anger. A crowd going against you indicates a threatening slander. Generous people dream of receiving help.

Unfamiliar drinking and smoking people - have good income. Seeing cheerful people in a dream means having good health, and seeing sad people means being indifferent to someone else’s misfortune.

According to Maly Veselov's dream book

A crowd of people in a dream indicates the presence of fear in real life. Cheerful people in a dream are a sad state, fellow countrymen are good luck and happiness, older people are a sign of longevity and prosperity. A sad crowd is a sign of warlike relations and conflicts. Exhausted bodies - hunger and poverty, naked - gossip, intrigues. People in chains talk about a possible threat to the lives of friends and loved ones. People in mourning clothes dream of people on the eve of bad news.

The Ukrainian dream book interprets dreams with cheerful people as a sign of sadness. Rural people are the image of happiness and enterprise. Elderly people indicate longevity. Sad people dream of conflicts and clashes, handcuffed - of approaching danger that threatens relatives and friends.

Apostle Simon the Zealot means by bearded people in a dream anger and emotional impetuosity. Generous people dream of receiving the necessary help. Happy - well-being and wealth; those in a sitting position - pleasant little things in life, cheerful crowd - good health. A large crowd of people in a dream is a sign of one’s own submission and lack of independence.

The Italian dream book interprets a person of a different nationality, people of a different origin, as a symbol of the presence of healthy instincts, which can be regarded as danger and threat.

Dream book of psychoanalysts

It says that a crowd of people is an expression of the individual’s relationship to the social masses. If a person walks through a crowd, then in real life he does not share public opinion and norms. Such a dream may indicate the presence of prerequisites for public protest.

The symbolic dream book considers a person in a dream as a manifestation of a certain feeling or emotion. It can also be a certain dominant character trait, an attitude towards something. The crowd is associated in this case with the loss of individuality and one’s own uniqueness. A dream in which the dreamer is in line for something will indicate stagnation in some important matters.

A person of the opposite sex in a dream indicates the state of affairs and well-being. It is necessary to interpret such a dream based on the character and mood of what was seen. People of exotic and unusual appearance in a dream indicate the individual’s sexual aspirations, readiness for experiments and new approaches to intimate life.

Flying bodies in a dream always reflect the individual’s state of consciousness, his moral and sacred achievements, and victories.

Modern dream book

Interprets strangers in a dream as a sign of ill will and extreme unresponsiveness of loved ones. A dream of this nature should protect a person from excessive gullibility and a tendency to quickly contact strangers.

Many beautiful people come into dreams when a person is too lenient towards others, not noticing the hardships of his life. Such a dream should make a person think about the sincerity and reciprocity of others. Frequent dreams in which many people are present indicate a feeling of loneliness. Usually, a person with such dreams seeks to get rid of his own loneliness.

In Azar’s dream book, people talk about a sign of loss of their own individuality and a tendency to submissiveness.

Martyn Zadeki explains dreams with people as a sign of fear and apprehension, unhappiness and loss. Unbridled, wild people come to sleep as a sign of trouble or loss in the future. But talking with such people means rejoicing and reconciling with someone in real life.

In the Chinese dream book, a noble and respectful person indicates that the sleeper managed to avoid a great misfortune. People who bow and express respect indicate an approaching happy moment in life. Going somewhere with your life partner means that an unfortunate moment in fate is approaching.

In the dream book from A to Z

a stranger in a dream may indicate threats and fears in real life. Seeing a crowd in a dream means abandoning your own plan to achieve a goal, acting on the instructions of a leadership that is incompetent in these matters.

Naked bodies are a sign of shame and public ridicule. A man with a beard indicates the manifestation of unreasonable anger, and people in mourning clothes indicate bad news in the future.

In the Tarot dream book, people in a dream indicate a dangerous goal in the dreamer’s real life.

According to the medieval dream book, managing people, dominating them means having a serious conversation in real life. But people from the lower social strata of the population dream of unrest.

The esoteric dream book interprets the appearance of a person in a dream as a sign of an upcoming collective conversation. Fussy people in dreams indicate general troubles in the family or at work. A cheerful crowd is dreamed of on the eve of a social event or party.

In night visions they occur quite often. You can see familiar and unfamiliar faces, famous characters, as well as those who have long been dead.

Dream Interpretation: strangers

There is a belief that at night we only see people we know. Nevertheless, a person can meet in his visions completely unfamiliar faces who will force him to look into the dream book. People in a dream can be a reflection of your relationships in your family, work or circle of friends. Quite often, such a vision can foreshadow disagreements. If strangers are running and fussing, then you should prepare for worries and troubles. If you go in the opposite direction to the general movement, then you will have to overcome a number of obstacles on the way to your goal.

Dream Interpretation: people of different professions

If at night you try to remember what they were doing. So, profession plays an important role:

  • the postman dreams of receiving news that will bring you disappointment;
  • if you saw a hairdresser at night, then you will soon come to success and popularity;
  • dreaming of a seamstress means that you will have to experience some kind of fear or fright;
  • a servant is a harbinger of lies and deception on the part of loved ones;
  • if in a dream you saw a man making barrels, then a comfortable life awaits you;
  • the seller symbolizes your hostility towards others;
  • seeing a jeweler in a dream, you will have to be more attentive to your valuables so as not to lose them;
  • watchman - a harbinger of a quarrel and deterioration of family relationships;
  • A favorable sign is to see a blacksmith in a dream, because it symbolizes a speedy recovery and a long life.

Many people

Perhaps everyone is interested in why Interpretation depends on many factors. So, the most common dreams have the following meanings:

  • a disorderly crowd portends serious problems, troubles, or severe fear;
  • if people in your dream are rejoicing and having fun, then in real life you will most likely be overcome by sadness and despondency;
  • when you dream of a crowd of sad people, this means serious conflicts with others;
  • if people are dressed in dark clothes, then unpleasant news should be expected;
  • a crowd of hungry and exhausted people foreshadows temporary problems at work;
  • if you dreamed that you were surrounded by a lot of naked people, then be prepared to hear unpleasant gossip about yourself;
  • If those around you are prisoners in chains, then one of your friends or acquaintances is in danger.

In most cases, you dream of a crowd when you are not in control of the situation. Most likely, you cannot control what is happening around you, or you have to act on the orders of superior people.

Why do you dream about close relatives?

Probably many who saw it look into the dream book. People with whom you have blood ties can appear in a variety of ways:

  • meeting with a close relative means that your real fears are not at all groundless;
  • if you dreamed of your sister in a wedding dress, then in reality a valuable gift or a big win awaits you;
  • if you dreamed that you were quarreling with one of your relatives, then it is quite possible that you will quarrel with your lover over a trifle;
  • if you dream that your relative is quarreling with someone, then soon you will hear unpleasant gossip about him;
  • hearing the news of the death of a sister or brother in reality foreshadows receiving good news;
  • if one of your close people is dressed in military uniform, then separation is coming;
  • the death of a relative in a dream means that he will actually live a long life.

Friends and acquaintances

If you dreamed of an acquaintance, then it is not at all necessary to open the dream book. Seeing the person you are friends with is seeing a reflection of your relationship. In most cases, such a dream foreshadows a quick meeting. Also, friends often appear in dreams after parties and get-togethers.

Famous people

If you see him as an actor, musician, etc., then be sure to look into the dream book. People who have gained wide fame and popularity may appear at that turning point in your life, when it is time to realize your hidden potential and engage in creative activity. Perhaps you have certain talents that need a boost. However, if you dreamed of a famous person whom you saw on TV the day before, then most likely this is nothing more than a reflection of the impressions received.

People from the past

Sometimes we have to see in our dreams people with whom we lost contact many years ago. It is quite possible that you will meet this person again in the near future. Also, such a dream may mean that you will find yourself in a situation similar to the one that happened to you before. Never neglect a dream in which you saw people from your past. Try to remember important moments in your life. Perhaps this will help you solve your current problems.

Other common dreams

In addition to the dreams listed above, the following are quite common:

  • old people - the time has come to act, there is no need to put off important matters for later;
  • connected people are a symbol of lack of independence, unreliability and irresponsibility, and therefore it is worth reconsidering the circle of your business partners;
  • a person of a different nationality dreams of new sensations or changes in life;
  • a man with a beard is a symbol that you are too aggressive and unkind to others;
  • if you dreamed that you were expressing respect to noble people, then happiness and prosperity await you in the future;
  • a generous person - in real life you can enlist the support of loved ones;
  • sad people dream that you are too sensitive to the suffering and misfortunes of others;
  • a man with a weapon portends great joy;
  • if you dream of people wearing masks, then you are trying to deceive or outwit a person who sincerely trusts you.

We quite often see people in our dreams. Their appearance, mood, clothing and other characteristics can tell a lot about the events that happen in real life.

Do not neglect dreams. They are not just a bunch of meaningless pictures.

Especially if a person dreams every night. Dreams can contain simple signs. They are quite easy to interpret.

But sometimes symbols can be quite complex, when every detail plays an important role. Such stories should be approached responsibly. Among some of the most important symbols, a person should be highlighted.

What to do if a person dreams constantly, every night? Perhaps in a dream you saw a cute image or a creepy person, a ghost? Or did you see yourself drunk? Options may vary. But there are not many of them. They are as follows:

  • For some reason I saw a vision of an unfamiliar person.
  • In the dream, the person was trying to say something.
  • For some reason I keep dreaming about the same person.
  • An acquaintance comes into dreams.
  • I saw a person you liked for a long period of time, but with whom you haven’t communicated for a long time.
  • I dreamed of a loved one with whom I have been together for a long time.
  • The deceased came to see you.
  • I dreamed of a man, for some reason without a head, arm or leg.
  • Seemed drunk.

It should be understood that not only the image plays an important role, but also the day of the week when the person was dreamed of, which should also be taken into account in the interpretation. For example, between a dream that occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday and a dream that occurred on the night from Monday to Tuesday, the difference is quite large.

Image in a dream

If a person dreams constantly or periodically, what should you do? According to dream books, a person in a dream is a projection of the dreamer. If the image has nothing to do with thoughts or experiences, then most likely it demonstrates your lifestyle and temperament.

The most popular options should be considered.

1. Why do you dream of strangers who do not evoke any emotions and do not feel them for you? Try to remember their image in more detail. Perhaps the details of the dream will indicate certain character traits that can be beneficial. A person in this situation usually shows his lifestyle, mistakes made or wrong decisions.

2. Why do you dream of a person trying to tell you something? Try not to forget the text of the message, analyze it. There is a high probability that the words of the person in your dream will be incomprehensible to you, but they are of great importance.

3. Do you constantly dream about the same person? This oddity occurs quite often. The dream hints that you have begun to walk in circles, cannot get off the ground in a certain project, and are fixated on chores and affairs. Try to think about what you might be doing wrong.

4. Why do you dream about a familiar person? If he visits you constantly, regardless of the day of the week, there is a connection between you. She's quite strong. Try to analyze the feelings that you have for this person, meet with him. Perhaps this will help you find the answer and figure out the situation together.

5. Why does the young man dream? For a girl, a dream is a sign that she thinks too often about a certain person, not daring to take a specific action.

A dream is just an extension of thoughts. However, sometimes a plot seen in a dream can signal an imminent meeting with a person you constantly think about. Much will depend on when the dream occurred.

6. Are you dreaming about your loved one? The dream says that you think about him too much and often. It does not foreshadow any events, does not report anything serious. This kind of story is not uncommon.

A drunk person predicts that excessive neglect can lead to trouble.

12. Famous people are not an entirely clear dream. It can indicate a desire to become popular, achieve prosperity and luxury. Perhaps exciting adventures and dates don’t happen often enough in your life.

Dreams by day of the week

Are you dreaming about a loved one or a person you don’t know? The interpretation must take into account when this happened. It is worth understanding that a plot seen, for example, on Monday, may differ from a dream seen on Wednesday.

Monday is considered to be a difficult day. He is under the influence of the Moon. This means that dreams seen on Monday night are particularly emotional. Perhaps the dream is closely related to your experiences. It is worth understanding your feelings and actions.

Dreams seen on Tuesday night acquire special power. This day is ruled by Mars. On Tuesday it is customary to perform significant actions. This means that a picture seen in a dream on Tuesday night can demonstrate aspirations and secret dreams.

Dreams seen on Wednesday night are considered less significant. The dream book gives them practically no meaning. People may not even be remembered. The interpretation of the dream that occurred on Wednesday will remain unchanged.

Dreams that occurred on Thursday night are ruled by Jupiter. Usually such dreams come true. Thursday promises a lot of work and activity. With effort, you will be able to achieve the desired result. The dream you had on Thursday night is important. It is recommended to treat it with full responsibility.

Prophetic dreams are visited on Friday night. No wonder many people want to see their future when they go to bed on Thursday. Why did this desire arise? It’s just that dreams often turn out vivid and sensual. They are ruled by Venus.

If you dream of a person you like, it means that pleasant changes will occur in the love sphere. A dream serves as a reflection of innermost desires. On Friday night you have important dreams, people you constantly think about.

You can expect anything from dreams. They are capable of radically changing the entire meaning of the interpretation, giving it a love meaning.

Important dreams can be seen on Saturday night. What can the dream book say in such a situation? A young man seen in a dream is able to warn or advise. It is worth thinking about your behavior and actions. There may have been a significant mistake made somewhere.

On Sunday night the dream may be sunny. It portends pleasant events and a positive mood. Regardless of how scary a person was in a dream on Sunday night, nothing bad will happen in the future.

Dreams in which the main character was a person are complex. But they need to be decrypted in any case to prevent possible troubles. Try to remember all the details, compare various facts, find the reasons for the appearance of a person in a dream.