Sleep and its role in a healthy lifestyle. Sleep and weight loss


Healthy sleep is physiologically necessary for a person and is an important condition for physical and mental health. . A person spends about a third of his life in sleep, so this part of our life must be paid close attention and care must be taken to ensure that sleep is healthy and correct. The quality of our wakefulness depends on the quality of sleep, that is, how our body rests at night depends on how it will function during the day. Proper sleep is a source of good mood, well-being and, of course, our beauty.

Human sleep consists of several stages, repeated several times during the night. The stages of sleep are characterized by the activity of various structures of the brain and carry various functions for the body. Sleep is divided into two stages: non-REM sleep and REM sleep. The stage of non-REM sleep is further divided into four stages.

slow sleep

    First stage. The person is half asleep, dozing. In humans, muscle activity, pulse and respiratory rate decrease, body temperature decreases.

    Second stage. This is the stage of light sleep. Muscle activity, pulse and respiratory rate continue to decrease.

    Third stage. Stage of slow sleep. At this stage, the human body is almost completely relaxed, the cells begin recovery work.

    Fourth stage. Deep slow sleep stage. The human body is completely relaxed, the body rests and recovers. Thanks to the third and fourth stages, when we wake up, we feel rested.

Quick sleep.
REM sleep is also called REM sleep or the REM (rapid eye movement) stage. This stage occurs approximately 70-90 minutes after the onset of sleep. The paradox of this stage is that during this period the activity of the brain is almost the same as during wakefulness, despite the fact that the human body is in a completely relaxed state. In addition, body temperature and blood pressure rise, breathing and heart rate increase, and the eyes under the eyelids begin to move rapidly. It is during this period that we tend to have most of our dreams.


    Rest of the body.

    Protection and restoration of organs and systems of the body for normal life.

    Processing, consolidation and storage of information.

    Adaptation to changes in illumination (day-night).

    Maintaining a normal psycho-emotional state of a person.

    Restoration of the body's immunity.

There are a number of rules, the observance of which will make sleep extremely beneficial to health. These rules help the body to properly perform its functions during sleep, which certainly has a positive effect on the well-being and mood of a person during wakefulness.

    Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day of the week.

    It is best to go to bed before 23:00. It is at this time that most people's bodies are set to relax.

    Don't eat before bed. You can have a light snack a couple of hours before bedtime. such as vegetables, fruits or dairy products.

    Do not drink alcohol and drinks containing caffeine (cocoa, coffee, tea) before going to bed. Tea with chamomile, mint or warm milk with honey, drunk before bedtime, will benefit the body and help you fall asleep faster and easier.

    Helps you fall asleep quickly outdoors before bed.

    Before going to bed, you should not think about problems and worries, you will have time to think about them during the day. And in the evening it is best to relax and help the body fully relax and recover during a night's sleep. Relax your muscles as much as possible and think about something pleasant.

    Should not be taken before bed , leave this procedure in the morning. In the evening, it is best to take a warm bath or shower.

    For a quick and peaceful falling asleep, you can read calm literature or turn on soft slow music, sounds of nature, lullabies, etc.

    Don't forget to ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

    Turn off the light in the bedroom, otherwise the sleep is likely to be superficial, which will not allow your body to fully rest and recover.

    It is best to sleep more naked, and in case of freezing, take cover with additional rather than wearing warm clothes.

    To rest the body, it is enough to sleep four complete sleep cycles, consisting of slow and fast sleep and described above.

    The bed should be flat, not too soft and not too hard.

    It is necessary to sleep in a horizontal position, preferably alternately - either on the right or on the left side. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended.

    In order to start a good mood in the morning, do not lie in bed for a long time, immediately after waking up, stretch, smile and get up. Do it slowly and with pleasure.

So mother nature decided that a person, in addition to active existence, must sleep.

Healthy sleep is an integral and significant part of life, it is an invaluable source of not only good health and good mood, it also contributes to the preservation of beauty and youth.

Sleep is considered the best way to relax, distract from life's problems. “Lie down, sleep and everything will pass”, “Morning is wiser than evening” - these old sayings will never lose their relevance. But for a good rest, it is very important to observe equivalent phases of wakefulness and sleep.

Sleep is a vital state of brain activity, and it is a healthy, sound sleep that a person needs. Anxious sleep, unlike healthy sleep, has few advantages: the brain cannot relax, and when you wake up in the morning, you feel tired. Mankind complains of insomnia, resorting to sleeping pills in desperation. But this is a double-edged sword - at first you can fall asleep, but later the dream becomes more restless, and then the sleeping pills completely stop working.

Experts have proven that more than a third of the population suffers from insomnia or other sleep disorders that prevent night rest and recovery. In the absence of healthy sleep, the possibility of a productive day life is sharply reduced. Healthy, restful sleep is an important factor that positively affects health, especially in our stressful time.

Of course, there are many people who do not have any problems sleeping! They go to bed when they feel like it and wake up refreshed and refreshed. They fall asleep perfectly everywhere and always, and can afford a cup of coffee in the evening. But, alas, there are also many people suffering from sleep disorders.

Even if from time to time the body suffers from insomnia, it is possible that it will develop into a nightly problem. Sleepless nights can and should be left in the past. Establish healthy sleep habits and you will be able to get rid of insomnia and achieve healthy sleep without intermediate awakenings.

It has been found that the human body tolerates lack of sleep much harder than hunger. Normal people cannot stand without sleep for more than two days - they involuntarily fall asleep, and during daytime work they may experience short-term dreams and naps, even imperceptible to others.

Usually an adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep. But of course, all people sleep differently, some need more time to rest, some less. Determine how many hours of sleep you personally need to get enough sleep and feel good in the morning. But remember that trying to sleep more than your body needs will make you feel bad all day long. No wonder some people notice: "I've been rushing about all morning, now I'm all broken." But it was simply necessary to get out of bed on time.

Following simple tips, you can not only normalize your sleep, but also make it healthy - and you will feel good!

Go to bed before 24:00, approximately between 22:00 and 23:00.

Don't eat before bed.

Try not to take stimulating drinks in the evening.

Breathe fresh air before bed.

Do not engage in mental and physical work immediately before bedtime - this leads to overexcitation and difficulty falling asleep.

Do not read or watch TV in bed. The bedroom is a sleepy abode, it should tune in the appropriate way.

A warm shower or bath with soothing herbs can help you fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.

Sex before bed sometimes helps to relieve tension, usually after it they quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly.

Choosing the right bed is of the utmost importance. Listen to the opinion of orthopedic surgeons. The bed should be hard enough.

Don't use high pillows. The neck should be flush with the body.

Sleep on your side - this is good for the spine, and also reduces the likelihood of snoring.

The bedroom should be quiet and ventilated.

Pleasant music, recordings of the sound of the surf or birdsong contribute to a pleasant bedtime.

Learn the basics of auto-training - it helps a lot with relaxation and healthy sleep.

Fall asleep in comfortable clothes, or naked - as you like!

How you feel during the day depends on how you slept at night. If during the day you constantly yawn and think slowly, then it's time to think: do you sleep correctly and do you follow all the rules of healthy sleep?

What is healthy sleep? This is sleep, during which the body has time to recover and rest. And for this, a night's rest must meet several requirements:

  • Sleeping with an open window (needs enough oxygen)
  • Sleep 2 hours after eating (a full stomach disrupts the heart)
  • Sleep in complete darkness (any light sources interfere with the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin)
  • Sleeping in the correct position (on the side, with neck support)
  • Sleep with the right mindset for rest (daily habit of falling asleep on a schedule and without distractions)


Ventilate the room before going to bed. Lack of oxygen reduces the quality of sleep, making it intermittent and shallow. You will not have time to recover and the next morning you will get up broken.

A hearty dinner at night will not let you fall asleep, lead to indigestion and even to heart failure. During sleep, the activity of the digestive system is significantly reduced. This affects the quality of digestion. The redistribution of blood flow can cause ischemia of the heart muscle, so people with coronary heart disease are not recommended to overeat at night.

But there is food that promotes sleep. The hormone melatonin is responsible for sound sleep. Foods with the amino acid tryptophan (the precursor of melatonin), such as cherries, cherry juice or bananas, will help its production.


It's easier to fall asleep in the dark. If there is a light source in the room, the light will penetrate the retina and melatonin, the "sleep hormone", will not be produced. That's why you need to remove the TV and glow-in-the-dark clocks from the bedroom. Waking up in the middle of the night and looking at the luminous alarm clock, you can lose sleep until the morning. For the same reason, the display of a mobile phone can spoil the rest. It is better to use a mechanical watch.


In many hypertensive patients, the pressure rises at night and early morning hours. The fact is that the effect of drugs taken at bedtime ends in the morning, and just in the morning the risk of developing a stroke of the brain or myocardial infarction increases. That is why it is recommended to take long-acting antihypertensive drugs at night.


    If a person falls asleep sitting, his head leans to the side or forward. In this position, breathing is disturbed, the vertebral arteries that feed the brain are bent and compressed. The brain lacks oxygen. In addition, the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine are deformed. Those who are forced to sleep sitting up (in an airplane, train, bus) should definitely use a neck pillow. It forms a soft support for the neck.

    For the same reasons, it is dangerous to sleep on your stomach. In this position, the head is turned to the side. This posture again compresses the arteries of the neck, and the brain again receives less oxygen. Lying on his stomach, a person is not able to take a full breath. Respiratory hypoxia develops.

What to do?

Train yourself to sleep on your side or back. It's simple, just give yourself such a "installation". If the posture on the back leads to apnea, that is, stops breathing during sleep, you can accustom yourself to sleep strictly on your side. There is a simple and effective method for this: a tennis ball in a pocket sewn on the back of pajamas will prevent you from rolling over onto your back.

    If lying on your back, you put a high pillow under your head (for example, it’s so convenient for you to watch TV), and then you fall asleep, then your chin rests on your chest. In this position, the intervertebral discs are deformed, nerve endings are pinched and blood vessels are pinched. The height of the pillow should be adjusted according to the principle “the line of the neck is parallel to the line of the bed”.

    In order to avoid pain in the neck and lower back in the position on the side in the morning, it is necessary to adjust the height of the pillow. First of all, the pillow should provide support for the neck. The principle is the same - "the line of the neck is parallel to the line of the bed." The head rests on the pillow, and the shoulder and arm rest on the mattress. Also, the pillow between the knees contributes to the unloading of the spine.

    Avoid sleeping on hard surfaces that flatten the curves of your spine. If your neck or back hurts after waking up, then your sleep is unhealthy, and you need to see a doctor.

The right mattress

You can probably solve many sleep problems if you choose the right mattress for yourself. How to do this, learn from the test. And at this link you can choose centers where you can contact about a mattress for a healthy sleep.

During daylight hours, a person works, then he needs rest. Sleep is a normal and vital period for every organism. What should it be? How much sleep does a person need to stay healthy? Is it important to go to bed and wake up at the same time?

Healthy sleep - what is it?

Let's start with an interesting fact that scientists have established: people who sleep the same number of hours at night live longer than those who have a change in sleep duration. The same experts drew attention to the fact that lack of sleep contributes to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The body is subject to wear and tear, changes occur even at the level of biochemical reactions. But more on that later.

Let's see what advice experts give to ensure that our sleep becomes healthy.

  1. Mode required. In order for sleep to bring maximum benefit and minimum harm, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time. When this regime is violated, our biological clock, biorhythms, gets off. It must be said that even on weekends, the mode of sleep and wakefulness should not change. Let's look at young children who don't care if it's a weekend or a weekday - they get up at about the same time. Let's take an example from them.
  2. Sleep duration. Scientists answered the question of how much sleep you need: on average, the sleep period should be 7-8 hours. However, healthy sleep is uninterrupted sleep. It is more useful to sleep soundly for 6 hours than 8 hours with awakenings. Therefore, WHO data on this issue expand the boundaries of healthy sleep: an adult needs to sleep from 6 to 8 hours a day for normal life.
  3. Do not lie in bed after waking up. There is a danger of falling asleep again. In addition, the body must get used to the fact that the day begins precisely after waking up at the set time. This will quickly become the norm for you.
  4. Avoid exciting environments 1 hour before bedtime. Prepare your body for sleep by eliminating fussy activities, vigorous exercise at least 1 hour before bedtime.
  5. Do relaxing treatments before bed. Make it a tradition, especially for those who have trouble falling asleep. Set up your “ceremony” before bed, in which you include what helps you relax. If a person performed active actions and, without calming down, went to bed, he can toss and turn in bed for a long time.
  6. Try not to sleep during the day. This can lead to problems falling asleep in the evening.
  7. Create a cozy and relaxing environment in your bedroom. It has no space for a TV and a computer. The mattress on the bed, the pillow should provide comfort and meet orthopedic standards. The bed should be associated with sleep, so it’s absolutely impossible to watch TV on it, consume, read. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. Oxygen promotes fast falling asleep and healthy sleep.
  8. A good dream indicates a good day. Spend daylight hours actively, do not neglect physical exercises and walks in the fresh air.
  9. Avoid eating before bed. The last time it is recommended to eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime. And dinner should not be plentiful.
  10. Smoking, drinking coffee, alcohol closer to the time of falling asleep interfere with healthy sleep. Give it up for the sake of your health.

What is the danger of lack of sleep

So, we found out that a person needs to sleep 6-8 hours a day. Now let's see what lack of sleep can lead to - a violation of the duration of sleep. If short sleep enters the system, we are faced with the dangerous phenomenon of chronic sleep deprivation. The habit of many today is a short nap during the week. On weekends, a person allegedly compensates for lack of sleep with sleep until 12-13 pm. Alas, this not only does not make up for what was lost, but also worsens the picture. Doctors gave this phenomenon the name "sleepy bulimia".

Consequences of lack of sleep:

  • decreased immunity;
  • decreased performance, concentration, memory;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • headache;
  • obesity (the body, as if defending itself, is trying to make up for the lack of energy with extra calories);
  • in men, due to lack of sleep, testosterone levels decrease by 30% (the belly begins to grow even in thin men, there is a risk of inflammation of the prostate gland);
  • increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol;
  • depression, insomnia may develop;

The main danger of lack of sleep is a violation of the normal biological rhythms of the body. During the day, each organ and system has its own periods of activity and rest. Chemical reactions occur inside the body, which also depend on biorhythms. Violation of sleep and wakefulness, the duration of rest leads to very serious internal disorders, the cause of which is desynchronosis. Unfortunately, the list of disorders that can result in desynchronosis is not limited to the above.

Until a certain time, a person can cope with lack of sleep by changing his lifestyle by an effort of will. However, over time, chronic lack of sleep can lead to sleep disturbances that he cannot cope with on his own.

What are sleep disorders?

  • Insomnia (insomnia) - it is difficult for a person to fall asleep and stay in a state of sleep.
  • Hypersomnia is unhealthy sleepiness.
  • Parasomnia - sleepwalking, night terrors and nightmares, bedwetting, epileptic seizures at night.
  • Situational (psychosomatic) insomnia is insomnia of an emotional nature that lasts less than 3 weeks.
  • Presomnic disorders - when a person has difficulty falling asleep.
  • Intrasomnia - frequent awakenings;
  • Postsomnicheskie disorders - disorders after awakening, fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Sleep apnea - slowing down and stopping breathing during sleep (the patient himself may not notice anything)
  • Bruxism is a spasm of chewing muscles during sleep - the jaws are compressed, a person grinds his teeth.

Sleep disturbances can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, obesity, decreased immunity, irritability and memory loss, muscle pain, convulsions, and tremors.

In case of sleep disorders, it is necessary to contact a neurologist, a psychotherapist.

Is long sleep helpful?

Well, if lack of sleep is so harmful, we think, then you need to sleep for a long time. Sleeping 10-15 hours a day is considered excessive. It turns out that lack of sleep and too much sleep are equally harmful for a person. With an overabundance of the sleep hormone, a person very quickly begins to overwork. It happens that such people say: the more I sleep, the more I want.

This is due to the fact that all the same biological rhythms of the body are upset. As a result, the level of hormones necessary for a healthy life changes. Such people feel lack of strength, laziness and apathy. As with lack of sleep, too much sleep reduces performance, all of which can lead to depression.

Often a person chooses sleep, consciously moving away from important matters, problems and traumatic situations. This further aggravates his condition and relations with loved ones, because these problems do not go anywhere, but only accumulate in a snowball.

Physically, excessive sleep can lead to an increase in migraine attacks, stagnation of blood in the vessels, increased blood pressure, edema, etc.


The norms of sleep time are conditional, because each person has his own time frame for the rest period. Someone needs 6 hours, and some need at least 8. However, we need to know the average indicators in order to build our regimen correctly.

It is also necessary to say that life sometimes puts us in situations in which a person is forced to sleep little. Usually such periods do not last long. After that, it is vital to get enough sleep to restore physical and emotional strength. In such cases, as well as in illness, long sleep is the remedy. However, most often a person himself changes his regimen, deliberately not getting enough sleep or oversleeping, harming his body.

Karpova Valeria

This work includes theoretical and research parts. All studies were carried out on students of the gymnasium together with psychologists. The work contains specific tips and recommendations for improving the quality of sleep.





Despite many years of research and the efforts of thousands of scientists to unravel the mysteries of sleep, sleep is still a phenomenon so mysterious that sometimes directly opposite, mutually exclusive conclusions are drawn about it. It is still not fully understood why a person has dreams, what processes occur during sleep, why is it so necessary for the body?


Often we wake up in the morning in a broken, sometimes inoperable state and feel tired all day long. This kind of chronic lack of sleep negatively affects our performance and health. And I wonder how to correctly calculate your daily routine in order to get enough sleep, feel vigorous and healthy, and maintain your performance at a high level? We decided to study the sleep and wakefulness schedules of students in grades 9-11 to study the mechanisms of the effect of sleep on the performance and health of students.


  • Find out why sleep is essential for human health;
  • To reveal on what sleep factors the state of a person after waking up depends, what should be the duration and quality of sleep for the normal functioning of the body.
  • To study the effect of sleep duration on the performance and health of students in grades 9-11.

The object and the property being studied.

Family members: their sleep and physiological state.

Pupils in grades 9-11: their performance and health.


  • Study theoretical material on the topic;
  • Conduct surveys and research;
  • Process the results;
  • Draw conclusions, make recommendations;
  • Display conclusions in the form of graphs, tables and diagrams;


  • Lack of sleep negatively affects both the physical and mental state of the student.
  • It is necessary to live in accordance with biological rhythms.


Sleep is a periodic physiological state of the human body and higher animals, outwardly characterized by significant immobility from stimuli of the outside world. According to modern scientific data, sleep is a diffuse inhibition of the cerebral cortex, which occurs as the nerve cells spend their bioenergetic potential during the period of wakefulness and reduce their excitability. The spread of inhibition to the deeper parts of the brain - the midbrain, subcortical formations - causes a deepening of sleep. At the same time, in a state of inhibition, partially functional rest, nerve cells not only fully restore their bioenergetic level, but also exchange information necessary for the upcoming activity. By the time of awakening, if the sleep was full enough, they are again ready for active work.

Sleep is a vital need of the body, no less important than food. Physiologists have experimentally proven that, for example, a dog can live without food for about a month. If you deprive her of sleep, she dies in 10-12 days. A person who finds himself in exceptional conditions can starve for about two months, and without sleep he will not live more than two weeks.

More recently, sleep was thought of as a simple rest of the brain after a daytime period of hard work, inhibition of its activity. But the situation changed radically when in 1953 the first results of research by two scientists from the University of Chicago, E. Azerinsky and N. Kleitman, were published. Conducting continuous observations of a person during his sleep, including electroencephalography, recording the movement of the eyeballs, the state of muscle tone, etc., they found that two phases of sleep alternate during the night, which they designated as slow and fast sleep.


Sleep is extremely important for our body. During it, many vital processes take place. Consider the main functions of sleep.

Sleep plays an important role in metabolic processes. During non-REM sleep, growth hormone is released. During REM sleep, the plasticity of neurons is restored and they are enriched with oxygen, the biosynthesis of proteins and RNA of neurons.

Antibodies that fight infection are produced during sleep in large quantities. When we rest, the body can focus on repair processes, which is why the best prescription during illness is to get enough sleep.

Sleep contributes to the processing and storage of information. Sleep (especially slow sleep) facilitates the consolidation of the studied material, REM sleep implements subconscious models of expected events. The latter circumstance can serve as one of the reasons for the deja vu phenomenon.

Sleep helps replenish our energy levels, thus increasing and maintaining overall levels of alertness and alertness. Getting enough sleep has also been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

At night, a person's hair and nails grow.

It is also important that during sleep, a hormone such as melatonin is produced in the body. Melatonin is synthesized from serotonin in the pineal gland. The secretion of melatonin is subject to the daily rhythm. The synthesis and secretion of melatonin depend on illumination - an excess of light inhibits its formation, and a decrease in illumination increases the synthesis and secretion of the hormone. In humans, 70% of the daily production of melatonin occurs at night.

Melatonin is able to quickly restore vitality. Promotes rejuvenation, protects cells from carcinogens, radiation, herbicides and pesticides, helps fight tumors, slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system, helps to cope with stress, increases the ability to experience joy, pleasure, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, lowers blood pressure, helps cope with cardiac arrhythmia, reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

The later a person goes to bed, the less melatonin is produced. Accordingly, he does not receive what should have been replenished and formed in his body during sleep. This inevitably leads to a weakening of the body, a decrease in efficiency, and a deterioration in well-being.

Sleep (whether we like it or not) is a vital necessity. It has a magical property to prolong life, increase efficiency, treat diseases. Saving time through sleep will never pay off.

Lack of sleep

Nowadays, many people suffer from lack of sleep. Either they don't get enough sleep, or the quality of sleep isn't good enough to feel fresh and well-rested when they wake up. Some other reasons also play a role. Consider what lack of sleep can lead to and how it can affect our body.

Sleep deprivation threatens first with emotional disorders: irritability, apathy, rapid transitions from euphoria to depression and back, and then visual and auditory disorders (hallucinations!), Pain in the legs and arms, increased sensitivity to pain. It can be difficult for a person who has been without sleep for a very long time to choose the right word in a conversation, to complete a sentence when answering a question. He forgets recent events.

"Insomnia" mental activity is disturbed, they cannot concentrate on the simplest things (for example, they cannot arrange letters in alphabetical order). Plus, hallucinations begin, visual ability drops sharply. There may be a feeling of a tight bandage on the head. By the fourth day of severe lack of sleep, hallucinatory paranoia, even schizophrenia, a terribly hypertrophied perception of reality, and a sharp deterioration in motor ability are added.

Previous studies have focused on the effects of brief sleep deprivation. Now, doctors are studying the effects of regular sleep deprivation. They found that a week-long lack of sleep for 3-4 hours a night negatively affects even young and healthy people: their body digests and absorbs carbohydrates worse and tolerates stress conditions worse. They develop hormonal abnormalities, and the immune system is weakened.

Lack of sleep, among other things, leads to a violation of blood sugar control and a decrease in the level of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite. That is why those who work at night are very often reinforced, without any obvious need, and with as many high-calorie foods as possible. These changes can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of developing diabetes.

Moreover, insufficient sleep facilitates the development of the inflammatory process in the body in various organs and tissues. This is explained by the fact that at night, during sleep, corticosteroid hormones are produced in the human adrenal glands, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Their maximum concentration occurs in the morning and the first half of the day. If morning never comes on the biological clock of the body, it means that the production of hormones is modified under new conditions, remaining equally low.

Systematic lack of sleep causes changes in metabolism and endocrine function, similar to the effect of aging. Sleep deprivation drastically impairs the ability to absorb glucose, causing blood levels to rise, causing the body to produce more insulin, which can lead to increased insulin resistance, a typical symptom of type 2 diabetes. Excess insulin also promotes fat storage, increasing the risk of obesity and hypertension.

With constant lack of sleep in the afternoon and evening, the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood rises, which is also typical of human aging and is associated with an increase in insulin resistance and memory impairment.

Scientists say that constantly sleep-deprived people do not “catch up” on lost hours of sleep by sleeping on weekends. Saving time for sleep, you can’t do more: a sleepy person does everything more slowly.

Sleep deprivation can occur for several reasons:

1. Insufficient sleep duration.

  1. Insufficient quality of sleep.
  2. Mismatch of biorhythms of the body with natural rhythms.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons.


The duration of sleep is individual for each organism: someone needs 5 hours of sleep, and some do not feel cheerful even after 9 hours of sleep. However, studies have been repeatedly conducted to identify the average optimal sleep duration for the average person.

From 1988 to 1999, with government support, Japanese researchers monitored the lives of 110,000 people in 45 regions of the country for this purpose. It took more than ten years to analyze the results and develop a methodology designed to single out only the effect of sleep on life expectancy without taking into account other factors such as stress, illness, etc.

Japanese researchers claim to have recorded the lowest mortality rate in the group, daily giving sleep 6.5 - 7.5 hours. For those who slept less than 4.5 hours a day, life on average was reduced by about 1.6 times. Researchers say that it is even more harmful to sleep too long. In the group who spent more than 9.5 hours of sleep a day, mortality was 1.7 - 1.9 times higher than in those who slept the coveted seven hours.

Studies have also been conducted on the need for daytime sleep. It turns out that in order to improve your memory, you can not use various medications intended for this, it is enough just to sleep well during the day. The benefits of daytime sleep have been talked about for a very long time, but usually daytime sleep has always been recommended only for children, and this is not entirely correct. An adult who allocates about an hour and a half for daytime sleep brings great benefits to himself. The fact that sleeping during the day is good for memory has been proven by scientists from Israel. An experiment was conducted in which the participants were divided into two groups. These people were given the task to study certain information over a certain period of time. One group of subjects slept during the day, while the other was awake during the day. It turned out that those people who slept during the day remembered the necessary information much better.

History knows some cases of abnormal sleep duration. For information, see Appendix No. 1.


Of course, not only the amount of sleep, but also its quality affects the sleepiness and well-being of a person. Sometimes you can oversleep for a long time, but still wake up in a broken and sleepy state.

The quality of sleep depends primarily on the atmosphere in the room. You need to follow some rules of sleep hygiene to improve its quality.

  • First of all, the room should be quiet. It is necessary to get rid of extraneous sounds, if possible, turn off music, radio, TV, etc.
  • The room should be neither cold nor hot. It is recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed. Fresh cool air promotes fast falling asleep.
  • It is desirable that bright light does not penetrate the room. The atmosphere of absolute darkness favorably affects sleep. Therefore, people suffering from insomnia are advised to sleep on dark bedding.
  • The bed is important: it should be comfortable, spacious, not too soft and not too hard. The blanket should not be too warm.
  • Clothing is desirable loose, so that it "breathes" and does not constrain the body.

For quality sleep, the state of the body before going to bed is also important.

  • On a full stomach, for example, it can be difficult to fall asleep, and during sleep, food is poorly digested, which can cause discomfort and unwanted reactions in the body. It is also not recommended to take alcoholic beverages and foods containing caffeine before bedtime.
  • If you go to bed after a long work at the computer, as well as after watching an action-packed movie or reading an exciting book, then sleep is unlikely to contribute to a good rest. Firstly, the body is in an active overexcited state, in which it is difficult to fall asleep, and secondly, there is a lot of redundant information in the mind, which can negatively affect the content of dreams and the depth of sleep in general. Also, after working on the computer, it is not recommended to immediately go to bed, as the eyes will close in an overstrained state and will not be able to recover overnight. It is advisable to wait about half an hour, when the tension is removed from the eyes, and only then fall asleep.
  • Before going to bed, a short walk is also recommended, relaxing the body and preparing it for sleep.
  • It is not recommended to do physical exercises before going to bed (at least 2-3 hours in advance), because. it also leads to a "shake" of the body, which can prevent him from falling asleep.

Following these simple rules will ensure you a healthy and full sleep.


One of the reasons for lack of sleep is the mismatch of the body's biorhythms with natural rhythms. In this section, we will take a closer look at how our body is rhythmically connected with nature and what biorhythms need to be matched and why.

The human body is inextricably linked with nature. All processes in it obey strictly defined rhythms, called biorhythms, which are consistent with solar, space activity, light, temperature conditions and some other environmental factors.

It is known that human body temperature directly depends on the time of day: it is maximum at 16-18 hours and minimum at 2-4 hours. With an increase in temperature in the body, catabolic processes are activated, the mixing of the cytoplasm in the cell becomes more pronounced, and the activity of enzymes is more active. At this time of day, energy is released from the body and external or internal work is performed. With a decrease in temperature, physical activity also decreases: protoplasm thickens in the cells, as a result of which they pass into an inactive state. Now they are implementing a program of restoration, energy accumulation. Therefore, you should try to distribute your time in such a way that during a decrease in temperature the body rests, and during an increase it does work.

Why do we consider temperature fluctuations during the day? Because it greatly affects the duration of human sleep. If the subject's bedtime coincides with the minimum temperature, sleep does not last long - up to 8 hours. On the contrary, if a person goes to bed with a high temperature, the duration of sleep can reach 14 hours. People with a normal 24-hour wake/night cycle usually fall asleep when their body temperature begins to drop and wake up when it rises. Undoubtedly, the circadian rhythm of body temperature affects the duration of sleep, but most people do not feel this effect, as they live according to a rigid daily routine.

Thus, the main driver and synchronizer of the body's biorhythms is the change of day and night.

How is the connection between the activity of the organism and the light regime carried out? The mechanism of such regulation is as follows. Light through the retina irritates the nerve endings, excites the median structures of the brain (hypothalamus), then acts on the pineal gland - the pituitary gland, which, in turn, sends a signal of readiness to the adrenal cortex, pancreas, thyroid and gonads. Hormones enter the blood - adrenaline, norepinephrine, thyroxine, testosterone. They appropriately irritate the nerve endings embedded in the vessels, muscles, cells. From here, the system of neurohormonal mechanisms receives feedback signals about the state and work of various organs. As a result, the cells and tissues of the whole organism are covered by the circadian rhythm, and the body itself acts as a single complex formation regulated by the central nervous system.

As we can see, the reactions and processes occurring in our body strictly depend on natural biorhythms. But how does the state of our body change depending on the time of day?

According to G.P. Malakhov, the day is divided into 6 periods of 4 hours, each of which has its own characteristics.

one). 6-10 am. In life, this period is reflected in peace and heaviness. If you wake up during this period, the feeling of heaviness and inertia will remain for the whole day. This is the best time to eat your first meal.

2). The period from 10 am to 2 pm is characterized as the most energetic. During this period, the processes of digestion are activated. This period is most favorable for taking large amounts of food and processing it.

3). In the period from 14 to 18 hours, the highest performance, motor activity is manifested. This is the most favorable time for physical activity, sports, which will also contribute to the final phases of digestion and body cleansing.

four). In the period from 18 to 22 hours after the previous turbulent period, deceleration occurs. The body naturally enters a phase of recovery and accumulation. The end of this period is most favorable for going to bed.

5) From 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., an energy period begins with a minus sign. Thought processes contribute to the emergence of the finest intuitive guesses and insights. The body is recovering. Also during this period, non-sleepers may wake up appetite. Therefore, without need, it is better not to wait for this period, but to go to bed on time.

6). The period from 2 to 6 o'clock for a waking person is the most difficult time, exhausting the body. If you get up at the end of this period, then lightness and freshness will remain in the body for the whole day.

From here - for the correct inclusion in the daily rhythm, get up between 5 and 6 o'clock in the morning. Popular wisdom correctly says: “... the most valuable is sleep until midnight. Two hours of good sleep before twelve is worth more than four hours of sleep after.”

So, we figured out at what time of the day it is most useful to go to bed and wake up, but it is not clear yet what time is best to work. We will consider this issue in the next section.


Scientists have found that the maximum efficiency is observed from 10 to 12 hours, then its level drops slightly and from 16 to 18 hours again slightly increases. At the same time, the maximum of individual functional indicators is noted both in the morning and in the evening. So, in the morning, muscle strength is less than in the evening, from 16 to 19 hours, many athletes have better results in long jumps, shot put, and 100 meters.

However, it has been noted that such changes in working capacity are typical only for a part of people. About 30-35% have maximum performance only in the evening hours, 15% in the morning, and 45-50% have the same level of performance throughout the working day. These groups of people are conditionally called "owls", "larks" and "doves".

Scientists have been dividing people into types according to their working capacity since the time of Aristotle and Theophrastus. In their book “The Rhythms of Life”, V.A. Doskin and N.A. Lavrentyeva give a classification developed by the German scientist Lampert. In one group, Lampert united people with a slow and weak reaction, calm and reasonable, partly inert, who are in no hurry to draw conclusions and try to substantiate them well. Among them are many pedants and taxonomists. They are prone to logic, mathematics, generalizations. These are people of duty. They prefer to work in the evenings; during illness, their temperature rises gradually, they recover slowly. These were Caesar, Charles XII, Quantum, Schopenhauer, Balzac, Mozart, Mendeleev.

The second group included people who strongly and quickly react to certain influences. They are enthusiasts, creators of new ideas. In science, they open up new paths, leaving the development of details to the first group. Their temperature jumps and falls, dictating drastic changes in their general condition. They like to work in the morning, get tired quickly, but also quickly recuperate. Such people are prone to Graves' disease, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and are usually very sensitive to changes in the weather.

Leo Tolstoy devoted his morning hours to work. Napoleon was always on his feet at sunrise.

However, not always the lifestyle of "owls" and "larks" can be called healthy. "Owls" lead an unnatural way of life, which destroys the consistency of the rhythm of cells with illumination during the day. Solar energy, through an increase in body temperature, the formation of vitamins (for example, vitamin D is formed when the body is illuminated), ionization of the body's fluid media and other factors enhances biochemical reactions, which leads to an increase in body activity. In the dark, this natural recharge is absent, besides, at night the body cools down, and most enzymes are optimally active at a temperature of 37-38 ° C. A decrease in body temperature significantly reduces their activity, vessels spasm. Only these two factors worsen the digestion of food taken at night or at night, as well as the removal from the body of the metabolic product. As a result of such a vicious lifestyle, a strong slagging of the body occurs. In addition, a person must expend his own additional efforts to “push through” the unnatural rhythm of wakefulness. This wears out the body prematurely to a large extent.

"Owls" use the night hours for this or that creative work, because. Indeed, at 24 - 1 o'clock in the morning one of the peaks of our performance falls. But it is an unnatural activity, and in the following days, such people have a sharp decrease in working capacity. Such disturbances in the natural rhythm of sleep lead to coronary heart disease, hypertension, chronic fatigue, etc. People who live contrary to the natural biorhythm accelerate the aging process.

Being a lark isn't always helpful either. In addition to being more susceptible to certain types of diseases, as well as stress and anxiety, they also wear out their body prematurely. Getting up very early to go to work or do exercises, a person does not benefit his health. On the contrary, it rather increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Therefore, the “dove” mode is most favorable for the body. Thus, it lives in accordance with the light regime, gives a full rest to its organs. It is easier for him to establish a daily routine, to adapt to the regime of workload.

But it is best to listen to your body and feel which mode is closest to it. Each person has their own schedule for changing performance, which is not difficult to determine. Perhaps we force ourselves to live in an unnatural mode, to work during the hours of decline in working capacity and rest when it is at its maximum level. If you set your biological clock in the right way, comply with a strictly established regime and live in harmony with your own organisms, then it will serve us for many years, retaining its capacity and health.

Thus, we see that sleep is essential for the normal functioning and health of the body. In addition, it is necessary that sleep is long, of high quality and consistent with natural biorhythms. Lack of sleep can lead to undesirable consequences, cause serious disorders in the body and provoke serious illnesses. Therefore, in order to maintain health and well-being for many years, you need to get enough sleep.


The practical part of my research consisted of several stages.

  • Measurement of body temperature;
  • Questioning;

We used these techniques in order, firstly, to confirm the theoretical data obtained and test them in practice, and secondly, to reveal our own statistics on the effect of sleep on the performance and health of students, graphs of student performance fluctuations during the day, etc. .P.

Let us describe the results of these studies.



In the theoretical part, the problem of the connection between human biorhythms and the rhythms of the change of day and night has already been covered. We decided to practically confirm these data.

It is known that one of the main regulators of going to sleep is body temperature. Experimentally, we have already proved that when the body temperature drops, we tend to sleep, and when it rises, the body is especially active. Therefore, we decided to investigate how the temperature of the human body changes during the day, whether its fluctuations are subject to any specific rhythms.

We measured the body temperature of 8 people during the day and recorded the results. The conditions were approximately the same, the body was at rest (that is, there was no strong physical exertion, exposure to frost, etc.). As a result, an average graph of body temperature fluctuations depending on the time of day was constructed. (Appendix No. 2).

Analyzing this graph, we can say the following: the rhythm of fluctuations in human body temperature depends on the time of day. The temperature is maximum at 16-18 hours, a slightly smaller peak occurs at 10-12 hours. And at 2-4 hours, the body temperature drops rapidly, regardless of whether a person is sleeping or awake. In the rest of the hours, it almost evenly increases or decreases.

Thus, we see that the temperature of our body is closely related to the change of day and night. Nature has laid down that we sleep at night and work during the day. If you live in discordance with these rhythms, then sleep disturbances may appear: for example, if you go to bed when the temperature is maximum, you can sleep for 14 hours and still not get enough sleep. We have also confirmed this statement in practice.

As a result, we conclude that it is necessary to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day, because. our biorhythms are tuned to this mode.

In conclusion about biorhythms, I want to add that the recommendations I found about the best time to wake up between 5 and 6 in the morning are very useful. I tried to switch to the regimen proposed by G.P. Malakhov (that is, go to bed at 21-22 o'clock, and get up at 5-6 o'clock, see the theoretical part). And I was really convinced of the rationality of this schedule, because. now I really feel that I get enough sleep, I wake up cheerful and in a good mood. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to live according to such a regime because of the strict daily routine, and for others it will not work at all. However, this experience of mine played a very important role for me personally.

This concludes my research on how to sleep properly in order to always get enough sleep and feel good. Now I would like to turn to the problem of lack of sleep in our gymnasium.


Due to the fact that the problem of disruption of sleep and wakefulness, lack of sleep, inconsistency with biorhythms is especially common among students, we decided to investigate how much time do students in grades 9-11 of our gymnasium devote to sleep? Do they sleep? What type of activity do they belong to ("owls", "doves" or "larks"), do they suffer from sleep disturbances, do they observe sleep hygiene, do they dream? In parallel, we decided to link these factors with the performance of students, their diet, sports activities, way of spending free time and health status.

The students were offered a questionnaire (see Appendix No. 3). During the analysis of the questionnaire, we obtained the following results.

Section 1. Sleep. In our school, almost 80% of students do not get enough sleep, moreover, a quarter of them have chronic sleep deprivation. The duration of sleep of students with an increase in class and loads decreases. The number of students who sleep less than 7 hours is increasing, and the number of those who sleep more than 7 hours is decreasing. So, on average, 10th graders sleep better than 11th graders, but worse than 9th graders. (See Appendix No. 4).

The number of hours a student needs to sleep is the same regardless of age. It ranges from 6 to 10 hours, but most of it is 7-8 hours. However, the difference between the time the student takes to sleep and the time he needs to sleep increases.

By the 11th grade, the percentage of those who want to sleep in class increases. Only ninth graders can say that they don't want to sleep in class because they get enough sleep. There are also those who answer that they want to sleep because the lesson is boring.

Pupils go to bed late, mainly for 2 reasons: either they do their homework and study, or they relax - read books, watch TV, sit at the computer. The number of those who go to bed late for these reasons is correlated as 1:1.

By the 11th grade, the number of students who skip school or other classes increases dramatically because they need to sleep off. While in the ninth grade such units. This suggests that the guys have severe disturbances in the schedule of sleep and wakefulness. Therefore, during the holidays, they often sleep more than 12 hours a day to make up for lost hours of sleep.

But in 11th grade there are no problems with insomnia: almost everyone falls asleep immediately, because they go to bed only when they have done all their business (and there are a lot of them in 11th grade) or when they bring themselves to exhaustion. And only those who go to bed according to the schedule or just when they want, sometimes cannot fall asleep for more than 15 minutes. But in the 9th grade, many students cannot fall asleep for more than 15 minutes, and sometimes half an hour. They explain this by their psychological state: unrest, stress, overexcitation, overexertion. Among the reasons, there are also options “no fatigue”, “inconvenience (bed, temperature in the room, sounds, light)”, and “drank coffee”.

Many students noted that in their lives there were cases of sleepwalking and talking in a dream, but they are irregular or left far in the past.

About a third of students, regardless of age, noted that they sleep restlessly at night and sometimes wake up, despite the fact that they observe sleep hygiene. Almost everyone sleeps in loose clothing, in a dark, airy room on a comfortable bed with clean linens.

There is a clear relationship between the quality of sleep and bad habits. Those who drink alcohol at night or smoke often wake up at night and none of them get enough sleep.

Some students use energy drinks such as cola, coffee, citramone, adrenaline. They noted that cola and ground coffee are especially invigorating. There is not a single student in the school who has ever taken sleeping pills.

The level of lack of sleep among students is different: some feel only slight fatigue during the day, others are overcome by drowsiness at inopportune hours, and some note that they suffer greatly from lack of sleep, they always try to seize a minute to take a nap, and fall asleep even when it is impossible, for example , on lessons. In this case, lack of sleep is acute and has a very negative effect on the state of the body. However, there are not very many such students (13 people, 9 of whom are in grade 11). 70% of students noted that when they start reading, after a while their lines begin to float and they fall asleep. And almost all students agree that interesting work can suppress the desire to sleep.

Thus, we can conclude that lack of sleep is a rather urgent problem in our gymnasium. Because of this, students want to sleep in class, and some feel very bad. Sleep deprivation is also associated with a decrease in performance and a deterioration in the quality of sleep. However, many try to practice good sleep hygiene and fit into a consistent sleep-wake schedule.

Section 2. "Owls" and "larks".In this section, we tried to find out which type of activity the student belongs to. It turned out that there are very few pronounced types, and in many cases there is a discrepancy between what type is laid down in the body by nature, and what type has to correspond during life.

Most students note that they use the alarm clock regularly, wake up reluctantly and not immediately, feel overwhelmed for half an hour, and often for several hours. Many people tend to go to bed late and wake up late, thereby gravitating towards "owls". However, other explanations can be found for this: many students are disorganized, put everything off until later, and are often late. This forces them to exercise until late at night and automatically switch to night owl mode, even if they are early risers by nature.

We calculated how many people correspond to which rhythm. For clarity, diagrams were compiled (See Appendix No. 5). As it turned out, the vast majority of students are “pigeons”. There is a clear increase in the number of "owls" by the 11th grade, most likely, this depends on the fact that high school students are switching to a nocturnal lifestyle due to increased workload. Also, by the 11th grade, the number of larks increases: as they note, in the evening they already have so little strength to do anything that they leave important work for the morning.

As a conclusion to this section, we can say that the ability to organize your working day has a strong effect on sleep and wakefulness. Those students who knock down their biorhythms feel bad; their performance decreases.

Section 3. Performance.This section explored the impact of sleep deprivation on student performance and assessed their overall performance.

It is quite clearly noticeable that performance decreases due to lack of sleep, however, in different people in different ways. Some will simply lose their mood and lose interest in work, and some will not be able to do anything at all.

Those who belong to the "lark" or "owl" type of activity note that their performance depends more on what time of day it is. And the "pigeons" claim that their performance depends on how long and how long they slept.

The performance of students is different: some can work under any conditions, completely ignoring external stimuli, while others need an atmosphere of absolute silence for fruitful work. However, it has been observed that most students still tend to be distracted. They can be distracted by light, music, conversations, extraneous noises, a feeling of satiety, and especially people, their own thoughts and hunger. Despite this, the vast majority of students, while doing their homework, watch TV, listen to music, talk on the phone, sit at the computer and eat at the same time. It is not surprising that they do little during the day and the main work remains at night.

Those units that do their homework in absolute silence, oddly enough, have increased academic performance and get enough sleep. This way of organizing your working day is worthy of praise.

Some students note that they prefer to sleep during the day and in the evening, as there is a lot of turmoil at home, distractions that make it impossible to concentrate. But at night, when everyone is sleeping and nothing interferes, they can fully work. However, as we have already found out, staying awake at night is not good for the body. Indeed, in addition to the fact that these students sleep 7 hours during the day, they still very much want to sleep in the morning, which is physiologically quite understandable and natural. Such students are strongly advised not to break the natural schedule and switch back to the mode of daytime wakefulness and nighttime sleep, and during the day try to create around themselves the atmosphere that is necessary for fruitful work. Let for this it will be necessary to give up excessive pastime at the computer and TV or communication with others, but the work will be fruitful, and the body will not suffer due to interruptions in biorhythms and lack of sleep.

As a conclusion to this section, we note that students need to be less distracted and take a more serious approach to doing this or that work. For fruitful activity, it is necessary to organize an appropriate calm environment around yourself during the day, and at night to rest from daytime activities. This is the most beneficial mode of functioning for the body, which should not be neglected.

Section 4. Motor activity.One of the factors that affects both fatigue and sleep quality of students is motor activity. After analyzing how much time students devote to sports activities, we made a diagram. (See Appendix No. 6). Oddly enough, in the 9th grade, students go in for sports less than in the 11th grade. And in the 10th grade, the percentage of those involved in sports is quite high. Moreover, at a younger age, boys are more involved in sports, and at an older age, girls. However, in all parallels, about 30% of students do not go in for sports at all, or only come to a physical education lesson once a week. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that 9th and 11th grades are graduation, employment and workload are quite high, so students do not have enough time for sports. However, by the 11th grade, people understand how sports are important for health. Therefore, among the eleventh-graders, the percentage of those who do exercises in the morning is much higher, which at first glance may seem strange. Everyone who regularly goes in for sports notes that sports make their body more resilient and gives it strength and vigor.

Also, some students noted that they do some physical exercises (stretching, squats, push-ups, tilts) in order to cheer up. And it really helps! Therefore, it is impossible to deny the positive impact of physical activity on human performance and health.

Conclusion: sports activity is necessary for the better functioning of the body, increasing efficiency and mood.

Section 5. Nutrition.As you know, diet is also important for health. However, not every student has a clear diet (See Appendix No. 7). Among 9th grade students, 63% of students do not have a diet, they just often have a snack during the day. Among 11-graders, only 27% of them are. They eat, on average, 2-3 times a day, but densely. However, if it is easiest for 9th graders to refuse dinner, then for 11th graders - from breakfast or lunch. The fact is that in the 11th grade, students do not have time to have breakfast in the morning, and in the afternoon they do not have the opportunity to eat, because they either spend a long time at school or go to courses. Therefore, they eat most densely during dinner, which contradicts the biorhythms of the body, shifts the activity mode from daytime to evening and negatively affects the quality of sleep.

The students also confirmed the fact that if they have to work at night, they have an appetite.

Among students, 38% go to bed on a full stomach, almost immediately after having dinner. Among them there is not one who would get enough sleep or sleep peacefully. They have difficulty falling asleep and often wake up in their sleep. Many students drink liquids at night (milk, water, tea). It also negatively affects the body, because. At night, water stagnates in the vessels and salts are deposited. Not everyone feels this, but a large proportion of students also have restless sleep.

As a result, we can say that it is necessary to follow a clear diet, eat actively in the first half of the day and not really eat up in the second. The food eaten at night or the liquid drunk are only harmful to the body.

Section 6. Computer and TV.One of the factors shaping the way of life of students is the way they spend time in their free time. We decided to find out how much time a student spends on average on a computer and TV. (See Appendix No. 8). It turns out that the older the student, the more time he spends at the computer. Moreover, if the 9th grades sit behind him / during the day and in the evening, then the 11th grades are mostly at night. The goals are different: study and work, games, communication, reading books, visiting various sites. But the result is the same: lack of sleep, overwork, fatigue, poor progress.

Conclusion: the computer and TV are the most powerful distractions that negatively affect the student's body.

Section 7. Dreams.In this section, we explored what is associated with students' dreams. An amazing statistic: ninth graders dream more often than 11th graders and remember them better. The content of their dreams also differs: 9th graders have magical, fantastic, mystical dreams, with fictional places and heroes, while 11th graders dream more about real people and places, everyday scenes, and also what makes a deep impression in reality. This can be explained by the difference in sleep duration between grades 9 and 11. Taking into account the fact that most often only the last dream is remembered, grades 11 only have time to see dreams in the first half of the night - everyday ones, and grades 9 see dreams in the second half of the night - unusual and fantastic - and remember exactly them. The remaining types of dreams are distributed almost evenly among all students. These are adventures, the past, solving problems or problems, what they thought about when they went to bed, what they dream about, what they are going to do in reality, and something strange, incomprehensible, rebellious. To a lesser extent, dreams of poetry, plots of books, the future and nightmares.

Almost all students note that their dreams are colored and bring them joy. Usually, 9th graders have 1 or more dreams per night, while 11th graders only have 0-1. This, apparently, is also a consequence of insufficient sleep duration in high school students. Students see dreams with approximately the same frequency during holidays, study and illness.

Some other facts are curious: about half of the students noted that if they remember a dream when they wake up, then their state is broken, while for the other half, dreams contributed to a cheerful state and elevated mood. Such differences in opinion can be explained by the fact that the first half wakes up at the beginning of the REM phase, and the second - at the end. That is why dreams can bring us both positive and negative emotions.

The strangest thing is that some people who have a strict sleep schedule and sleep every day for 7-8 hours, claim that they do not dream at all. And sleep at the same time! This can also be explained: apparently, they constantly wake up at the same time - in one of the first phases of slow sleep, when the dream is already forgotten. And since this schedule is constant for them, the illusion is created that they do not dream at all. However, this is not a reason to argue that a healthy body does not have dreams. It's just a coincidence!

Here we conclude that the presence and content of dreams largely depends on the duration of sleep and the phase in which the person woke up. And so dreams are always dreamed of by everyone, it’s just that it’s not always possible to remember them and accurately reproduce them in memory.

Section 8. Health. And finally, let's pay attention to the health of students. Here, the dependence is clearly visible: the less a person sleeps, the more he complains about his health. For most people, sleep deprivation causes “brain shifting”, pallor, headaches, redness and burning of the eyes, forgetfulness, disappearance or appearance of appetite, inattention, discomfort in the heart, inability to think, memory impairment, skin irritation, bruising under the eyes, weakness , decreased physical tone and fatigue. To a lesser extent, the consequences of lack of sleep are a decrease or increase in pressure, tremors, ringing in the ears, overweight, fever, speech disorders, swelling of the skin, lack of sleep, a drop in temperature, an increase in blood sugar, uneven heart function, convulsions. Lack of sleep has a particularly strong effect on the psychological state of a person. Sleep-deprived people especially complain about aggressiveness, anxiety, depression, conflict, slowness, indecision, impatience, emptiness, indifference, irritability, loss of interest in work, inhibition, depression and feelings of fear, anxiety, confusion, hopelessness, despair, awkwardness. In some cases, sleep deprivation reports visions, deja vu, isolation, bad dreams, reduced resistance to stress, and difficulty with self-control as a result of sleep deprivation. These data clearly prove the negative impact of lack of sleep on the health of students.

Thus, we see that lack of sleep has a very negative effect on the state of the body, not only physical, but also mental.

Those guys who get enough sleep rightfully consider themselves healthy people. Let's combine their common qualities and make recommendations on how to properly organize your working day.

  • They have a regular sleep schedule. The duration of their sleep is 7-8 hours together in the daytime. They fall asleep easily and sleep peacefully. They practice good sleep hygiene.
  • They do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. They belong to the "dove" type of activity.
  • They work in an atmosphere of absolute silence, do their homework during the day, without being distracted by anything. They study for "4" and "5".
  • They play sports regularly, some professionally.
  • They have a clear diet, they eat most of the food in the morning. At night they do not eat or drink.
  • They spend little time at the computer and TV. Some of them dream, but irregularly, some do not dream at all. They have virtually no health problems.

Here is the pattern of sleep and wakefulness that you need to adhere to in order to be a healthy and successful person. Recommendations to comply this model can be drawn up as a conclusion to this stage of the study.


As a result of numerous studies, the final conclusions were made:

  • Sleep is essential for human health. For normal functioning, a person needs a long and high-quality sleep every day.
  • Lack of sleep negatively affects both the physical and mental state of the body.
  • The state of a person upon awakening depends on several factors of sleep:
  1. From the duration of sleep;
  2. From the quality of sleep
  3. From how the mode of sleep and wakefulness of a person is consistent with the biorhythms of nature.

It is necessary to live in accordance with the biorhythms of nature.

  • The type of activity "pigeon" is most favorable for the organism.
  • Sleep hygiene is essential for good health.
  • For the health of the body, not only a healthy sleep pattern is necessary, but also a diet, physical activity, etc. (see recommendations on page 20).

RESULT: hypotheses were confirmed.


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Kupriyanovich L.I. "Biological rhythms and sleep", 1976.

Malakhov G.P. "Biorhythmology and urinotherapy", 1994.

Rottenberg V. S. "Adaptive function of sleep, causes and manifestations of its violation", 1982.

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Interesting cases. History knows some extraordinary cases that are still a mystery to scientists. Doctors around the world called the 77-year-old Swede Olaf Eriksson, who had not slept for more than 46 years, a medical miracle. In 1919, he suffered a severe form of influenza. It is possible that the disease gave some complications to the brain. Since then, he has not been able to sleep. When he needed some kind of surgery, the doctors could not put him to sleep even with the help of anesthesia, and the operation was performed with difficulty under local anesthesia.

A similar incident took place in London. The Englishman Sydney Edward has not closed his eyes for more than 35 years since the night of July 1941, when his fiancee was killed during an air raid. Sydney was an eyewitness to the tragedy, and the mental shock permanently deprived him of sleep. “I don't see the difference between day and night,” he said. -For me, it's just an endless chain of constantly changing hours. When the lights go out, the real torment begins for me. I am left completely alone and feel as inconsolable as a shipwreck on the high seas.

On the other hand, many cases of prolonged sleep are known. American Patricia Maguira, for example, slept soundly for more than 18 years. In January 1947, upon learning of the death of her fiancé, she suddenly began to yawn. Her parents advised her to go to bed. Patricia lay down and has not woken up since. An even more mysterious case occurred with the Norwegian Augusta Langard, who did not open her eyes from 1919 to 1941. During this time, her face has not changed at all. When she woke up, she began to age before our very eyes. Augusta died five years after her awakening. Nadezhda Artemovna Lebedina, a resident of Dnepropetrovsk, slept for 20 years. In 1953, she felt a slight malaise. The day before she went to visit her mother, where, as it turned out later, she had a nervous experience, and on the way she caught a cold. A week later, she suddenly fell asleep, but the dream continued on the second day, and on the third ... All attempts to bring her out of oblivion did not bring success. The patient was placed in the clinic, she had to be fed with a probe. Some improvement came after a year and a half. Four years later, her mother persuaded the doctors to discharge Nadezhda Artemovna from the clinic and took her to her village. Medical specialists regularly examined the patient. It was not until 1973 that her relatives began to notice that she was showing signs of a reaction if her mother was seriously ill by that time. She woke up in the same year on the day of her mother's funeral. The mental state of Lebedina in the future was absolutely normal. The gift of speech returned to her, she perfectly remembered everything that happened to her before the onset of lethargic sleep.




Before you is a questionnaire, on the results of which scientific research will be based, so please take the task seriously. You are required to answer the following questions. Some have already been answered. You just have to choose (not necessarily one option). If there is no suitable option. you can write your answer next to or at the end of the questionnaire as a note. Some other questions you will have to answer yourself. Questionnaire anonymous. You specify only gender and class. Thanks in advance!

Gender: M F class - __________

Section 1. Sleep.

1. Do you have a regular sleep schedule?

Yes, I go to bed at ___ o'clock and get up at ______ o'clock

No, I sleep on average hours, but at different times of the day

  1. How many hours do you need to sleep? __________________________


4. Do you find daytime naps acceptable?

 Yes, I sleep during the day

Yes, but I can't sleep during the day

I don't think it's necessary

5. You

 Get enough sleep

 Not getting enough sleep

6. Do you feel like sleeping during the lessons?

Yes, because I don't sleep much

Yes, because the lessons are not interesting

No, because it's interesting

No, because I sleep

7. If you go to bed late, then for the reason:

I still won't sleep

Parents go to bed late, brother, sister

I do my homework, I do

I read books, I watch TV, I sit at the computer

8. How often does it happen that you sleep less per day

 8 hours______________

 6 hours _______________

 4 hours________________

9. Do you skip school or other activities because you need to sleep?

Yes, on average once a week

Yes, on average every 3-4 weeks

I don't skip it for this reason.

10. Do you often sleep more than 12 hours in a row?

Happens while studying (often/rarely)

Happens, more often during holidays (often/rarely)

 Very rare

11. If you want to sleep, you:

 Lie down immediately

Lie down after 0.5-1 hour

Keep doing things until you do or until you finish

yourself to the point of exhaustion

12. You go to bed

Just when it gets late, even if you don't really feel like sleeping

When parents force you to go to bed

Even if I didn’t manage to do everything, health is more important

If there's nothing I can do

Just when I want

13. Do you fall asleep easily?

Yes, I always fall asleep

Sometimes I lie down for more than 15 minutes

Sometimes I can't fall asleep for more than half an hour

I often have insomnia

14. Do you sometimes find yourself unable to sleep? If yes, for what reason?

Bad feeling

 Just ate

 No fatigue

 Drunk coffee

Discomfort (bed, room temperature, light)

Anxiety, stress, overexcitation, overexertion

  1. Have you ever had Are you talking in your sleep, sleepwalking?
  1. Are you sleeping well? Do you wake up at night?


  1. Do you follow sleep hygiene?

I sleep in loose clothes

I sleep in what I sleep

I sleep in a ventilated room

 Do not ventilate

I sleep on a comfortable bed with clean linens

I sleep on what I’ll fall asleep: I don’t have the strength to spread out the sofa or straighten the stray sheet

No light enters the room

A lantern shines through the window

I can sleep with the overhead light on

I can fall asleep in an uncomfortable position

I can sleep sitting or lying at my desk

18. If you smoke, how long before bedtime and how long after waking up? ______________________________________________________________

19. Do you drink alcohol at night (at least occasionally)? ______________________

20. Do you use energy drinks (coffee, cola, citramon, adrenaline)? Which ones? Do they help?_______________________________________________________________


21. Do you use sleeping pills? Or do you drink warm milk at night to fall asleep? ________________________________________________________________________

22. Does it happen that you fall asleep for a long time while doing your homework, watching TV, listening to the radio?

It happens when I am very tired: sometimes I can sleep like this all night

It happens, but I wake up soon

No, I'm not so tired that I fall asleep with noise or in the wrong place

23. Select statement(s):

I am very sleep deprived and I suffer a lot from it.

At any time of the day, if I lie down and close my eyes, I will instantly fall asleep.

Sometimes I fall asleep even when I don’t want to or I can’t: in the classroom, for example

I'm always trying to find a minute to take a nap

Interesting work can suppress the desire to sleep

I am awake all the time and only feel tired around the time I usually go to bed.

I never force myself to do anything if I want to. sleep

I have time to do everything that needs to be done, and therefore I sleep as much as I want / get enough sleep

I know that not enough sleep is bad, so in any case I sleep 6-7 hours a day

I would be much more comfortable sleeping during the day (after school) and doing my own thing all night

Section 2. "Owls" and "larks"

  1. If you set your own schedule, what time would you go to bed and wake up?

I would sleep from _______ to _______

  1. What time of day do you most like to sleep? ________________________
  1. What time of day is your performance

 Maximum

 Minimum

27. Human irritability changes over the course of the day. When do quarrels, bouts of aggression most often happen to you, does nervousness and conflict increase? ___________________________________________________________

28. Do you prefer

Early to bed and early to rise

Late to bed and late to rise

29. If you have to stay up all night, you would rather

Sleep before the night

Sleep after the night

Get some sleep before and after

30. Before the exam you

Go to bed early or as usual

Get ready until late at night

Get ready all morning

Get ready at night and in the morning, moreover, there is enough work effective

31. If you have unfinished work, you

You will do until night and go to bed late

Get up early and finish in the morning

32. If you went to bed a few hours later than usual, you:

Wake up at your usual time and never fall asleep again

Wake up at your usual time and then get some more sleep

You will sleep longer than usual

33. Do you use an alarm clock?

Yes, but sometimes I don't hear him and wake up

Yes, I just need it

Not necessarily: I wake up a few minutes before the call

Before important events, I automatically wake up on time

I always wake up without alarm clock

34. Is it easy for you to wake up in the morning?

 Easy

 Not very easy

 Very difficult

35. Do you get up immediately in the morning?

Yes, as soon as the alarm rang

Not really, I wake up ______ minutes after waking up

Not right away, I like to soak up the bed and sleep for another “five minutes”

36. Do you feel sleepy and tired after waking up?

No, I wake up refreshed and refreshed

Yes, within half an hour

Yes, the first few lessons

37. Do you feel tired during the day?

Yes, but only before bed

Yes, in the afternoon

Yes, in the morning

I feel all the time

I don't feel at all

This feeling comes up from time to time.

38. Are you able to work after 12 midnight?

No, by this time I really want to sleep

Yes, but only until ______ hours

Yes, but until the morning

It happens so often

39. Do you easily adapt to a new regimen, a change in time zone?

I adapt right away.

I need a day or two

I need a week

40. You do homework

Right after school

 Late afternoon

 At night

 Early in the morning

41. Do you prefer to do the job that appears right away or leave it “for later”?

 I do everything at once

Leaving work for the future

42. Are you often late for something?

No, I always arrive early (10-20 minutes in advance)

Rarely, under unforeseen circumstances

I always arrive on time

Sometimes I'm late

I'm often late and can't help myself

Section 3. Performance.

43. Does your work capacity decrease if you don't get enough sleep?

Yawn - and stop

I'll think slower

My head will hurt and it will be difficult for me to work

Your mood will drop

I will be sluggish and slow

I can't really do anything

will decrease significantly

Almost won't go down

44. Your performance depends more

From how long and how long you slept

From what time of day it is

45. What time of day would you choose to exercise if you could choose? _________________________________________________________________

46. ​​You

You can work under any conditions, completely ignoring external stimuli and fully concentrating on your work

Can fully work with noise, although from time to time you are distracted

Being heavily distracted, which makes work less fruitful

You can only work in absolute silence, when no one and nothing distracts

47. Doing homework, you

Experience absolute silence

Watch TV at the same time

Listening to music at the same time

Talk on the phone at the same time

While surfing the Internet or chatting with friends

Eat at the same time

48. You can be distracted from work

 Light

 Music

 Conversations

 People

own thoughts

extraneous noise

 Feeling of hunger

 Feeling full

49. Your progress (evaluation for half a year):

 Mathematics ________

 Physics _______

Russian language ________

English language _________

 Chemistry _________

 Biology __________

50. Are you the type of person who devotes the night to work? If yes, why do you work at night? ___________________________


Section 4. Motor activity

51. Do you exercise in the morning?

No, because I don't want to

No, because I can't

 Doing

  1. Do you play sports? How regularly? ________________________________


  1. How does sport affect your performance?

Exhausting: I get tired and want to sleep even more

Makes my body stronger

Gives me strength and vigor, drives away drowsiness

54. Is it possible to say that you suffer from physical inactivity (little movement)?

Yes, I don't play sports

Yes, I have to sit a lot

No, I move a lot

55. Do you ever do some kind of physical exercise to cheer up? Which? Is it effectivethis is? __________________________________________________


Section 5. Nutrition.

  1. Do you have a strict diet? ____________________________________________
  1. What time is your last meal? _____________________________
  1. In the morning

You have a big appetite

Do you have breakfast but not very heavy

Have breakfast if you can

You Can Easily Skip Breakfast

59. You find it easiest to give up

 Breakfast

 Lunch

 Dinner

60. During the day you

Eat ______ times, but densely

Just eat often

61. If you have to work after 12, do you eat a lot?

I don't feel like eating at night

I just snack a little

My appetite awakens, I eat enough

62. Do you often go to bed on a full stomach?

No. I eat long before I go to bed

I can drink milk/water/tea before going to bed

I go to bed almost immediately after dinner/second dinner with a full belly

63. How does your performance depend on food?

Can't work when I'm hungry

It rises if I sing a little

She rises if I bulk up

I can't work at all when my stomach is full.

I'd rather work on an empty stomach

Section number 6. Computer and TV

64. How often and how much time do you spend at the computer (on average)?


Most often

 Daytime

 In the evening

 At night

For what purpose?

 Study / work

 Playing

 Communicating

I climb on the Internet

 I read books

65. How much TV do you watch? What time? ______________________________


Section number 7. dreams

66. Do you dream?

Yes, but I don't remember them

Yes, but I forget them when I wake up

Yes, I remember them well.

More often I see than I don't see

I don't see more than I see

I very rarely see

 I can't see at all

67. You dream

 Future

 Everyday scenes

Magic, mysticism, miracles

Fictional places and characters

 Nightmares

 Adventure

 Past

Real people and places

Problem/Problem Solutions

 Poems

Plots of books (read/written)

What you think about when you go to bed

What you dream about

Something that makes a deep impression

What I'm about to do

Something strange, incomprehensible, rebellious

68. Your dreams

 Colored

 Black and white

Bring you joy

Create an unpleasant impression

69. How often during the night do you have dreams in the amount of:

 0 _____________

 1 _____________

Several __________________

Mainly during

 Studies

 Vacation

 Diseases

70. If you woke up with a presentiment that you had just dreamed something, or you remember a dream, you

Sleepy state, brokenness

sublime mood

Sleepy state

This doesn't happen

Section number 8. Health

71. Do you have problems with lack of sleep? (tick or underline as appropriate)


"Breaking" of brains

 Paleness

 Pain in the head

Eyes: sore, watery, swollen, redden, see worse; fucks them, they close

Pressure: high / low

 Trembling

 Forgetfulness

 Ringing in the ears

 Overweight

Loss/reappearance of appetite

 Fever

Speech disorders


Discomfort in the region of the heart

Inability to think

General painful condition of pain in the joints, spine, neck, muscles

skin swelling

Lack of thought process

No dreams

temperature drop

bad memory

Increase in blood sugar

Irritations on the skin

Heart: beats unevenly, stumbles, gives pain, beats harder than usual

Bruises under the eyes


Decreased physical tone







deja vu








bad dreams



Decreased resistance to stress

Losing interest in work


Difficulties with self-control


Feelings: fear, anxiety, confusion, hopelessness, despair, awkwardness

As well as: ______________________________________________________________________


  1. Do you have any disorders (respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, nervous, immune systems, etc.)? _______________________


  1. How often in life do you have to worry, worry, be nervous, etc.?


  1. Can you name yourselfa perfectly healthy person? Your comments, notes and wishes: _____________________________________________________________


Thanks a lot!




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