Make a diagram about the meanings of compound sentences. Complex sentences examples with schemes

Sentence parsing scheme:

1. Describe the sentence according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative or incentive.

2. Characterize the sentence by emotional coloring: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

3. Describe the sentence by the presence of grammatical foundations: simple or complex

If a simple sentence:

5. Describe the sentence by the presence of the main members of the sentence: two-part or one-part, indicate which main member of the sentence, if it is one-part (subject or predicate).

6. Describe the proposal by the presence of secondary members of the proposal: widespread or non-common.

7. Indicate whether the sentence is complicated by something (homogeneous members, appeal, introductory words) or not complicated.

8. Underline all members of the sentence, indicate parts of speech.

9. Draw up a sentence outline, indicating the grammatical basis and complication, if any.

If a complex sentence:

5. Indicate which connection is in the proposal: allied or non-union.

6. Indicate what is the means of communication in the sentence: intonation, coordinating unions or subordinating unions.

7. Conclude what kind of sentence this is: unionless (BSP), compound (CSP), complex (CSP).

8. Parse each part of a complex sentence as a simple one, starting from point No. 5 of the adjacent column.

9. Underline all members of the sentence, indicate parts of speech.

10. Draw up a sentence outline, indicating the grammatical basis and complication, if any.

An example of parsing a simple sentence:

Oral analysis:

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, grammatical basis:pupils and pupils study , common, complicated by homogeneous subjects.
Written review:

Narrative, non-excited, simple, two-part, g / opupils and pupils study , spread, complicated.

An example of parsing a complex sentence:

Oral analysis:

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, allied connection, means of communication subordinating unionbecause , a complex sentence. The first simple sentence: one-part, with the main member - the predicatedid not ask common, not complicated. Second simple sentence: two-part, grammatical basiswe went with the class, common, uncomplicated.

Written review:

Narrative, non-exclamation, complex, connection allied, medium connection sub-unionbecause , SPP.

1st PP: single composition, with main member - skaz.did not ask distribution, not complicated.

2nd PP: two-part., g / owe went with the class, distribution, no complications.

Teacher Mizhiritskaya L.S.

"The structure of a complex sentence. SPP schemes".

Lesson Objectives:

    consolidate the concept of a complex sentence;

    learn to represent the structure of the NGN in the form of diagrams; improve punctuation skills;

    develop the ability to formulate and argue their own point of view; summarize the received data;

    evaluate the work of other students;

    develop the ability to work in a team;

    educate respect for the environment through a system of artistic images.

During the classes

Checking homework

Questions to consolidate theoretical knowledge:

    What is the difference between SSP and SSP?

    What methods of attaching subordinate clauses do you know?

    How to distinguish subordinating conjunctions from allied words?

    What role do descriptive words play?

    How are compound subordinating conjunctions formed?

    What is the place of subordinate clauses in relation to the main clause?

    What is the function of punctuation marks between sentences in NGN?(Separating.)

    Are complex sentences typical for the colloquial style of speech?

Exercise check

85 we check “along the chain”: we draw sentence schemes on the board.

Linguistic warm-up

The structure of complex sentences

We will write sentences from dictation, explain spelling, present the structure of sentences in the form of diagrams; we will determine how the subordinate clauses are attached to the main ones (one person works at the blackboard, the rest in notebooks).

1) Experienced chess players can play blindly without looking at the board, which is very difficult for beginners.

2) Sophia realized too late that Molchalin never loved her.

3) The origins of filial feelings for the homeland lie where we are born and live.

(V. M. Peskov.)

Sentence schemes: 1) , (what...); 2) what(); 3) [...there], (where...). Allied words (members of the sentence) and demonstrative words are put in parentheses, subordinating unions are put out of brackets.

Designing proposals

Make sentences according to these schemes using the visual range of the slide:

1) “(which...).

2) , (where...)?

3) [there.., (where...),...].

4) To (),.

Suggestion examples:

1) How beautiful are the bunches of grapes that caress the last ray of sunshine.

2) Have you ever been in the autumn forest, where silence reigns?

3) Where the path turns to the left, against the background of golden foliage, fluffy spruces were green.

4) To remove fallen leaves from the park alleys, Kuzmich got up very early.

Schematic restorative dictation

1. The teacher reads the sentences (sufficient pauses must be made between them), the students write down only diagrams in their notebooks.

2. The teacher reads the dictation a second time, after which the students reconstruct the text according to the diagrams.

1. We notice air when it begins to be missed. 2. To make this expression quite precise, it would be necessary to use the word “cherish” instead of the word “notice”.

3. Indeed, we do not value air and do not think about it while we breathe normally and freely. 4. But still, not true, - we notice. 5. We even enjoy when it pulls warm moisture from the south, when it is washed by the May rain, when it is ennobled by lightning discharges. 6. We do not always breathe indifferently and casually. 7. There are the sweetest, precious breaths of air that a person remembers all his life.

(79 words) (According to V. Soloukhin)

Offer schemes:

1. [...then] when ().

2. To (),.

3. while().

4. .

5. when ().

6. .

7. , (which...).

Notebooks are submitted for review.

teacher's word

The dictation we just wrote is unusual. You restored sentences according to the schemes that you made by ear. This technique can also be applied in the work on presentations. During the year we will write several essays. The more we can make out the statements, the easier it will be for you in the exam.


Paragraph 9, exercise 87 (I).

Complex sentences- These are sentences consisting of several simple ones.

The main means of connecting simple sentences in complex ones are intonation, conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating) and allied words (relative pronouns and pronominal adverbs).

Depending on the means of communication, complex sentences are divided into allied and unionless. Allied proposals are subdivided into compound and complex subordinate.

Compound sentences (SSP) are complex sentences in which simple sentences are connected to each other by intonation and coordinating conjunctions.

Types of compound sentences by the nature of the union and meaning

SSP type Unions Examples
1. connecting unions(connective relationship). AND; Yes(in meaning and); no no; yes and; too; also; not only but.

They opened the door, and air from the yard flowed into the kitchen.(Paustovsky).
Her face is pale, slightly parted lips also turned pale.(Turgenev).
Not only was there no fish, but the rod did not even have a fishing line.(Sadovsky).
He did not like jokes, and she was with him left alone(Turgenev).

2. Compound sentences with opposing alliances(opposite relationship). BUT; but; Yes(in meaning but); but(in meaning but); but; but; and then; not that; not that; a particle(in the meaning of union a); particle only(in the meaning of union but).

Ivan Petrovich left, but I stayed(Leskov).
Beliefs are inspired by theory, behavior is shaped by example.(Herzen).
I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry.(Tendryakov).
It rained in the morning, but now the clear sky shone above us(Paustovsky).
you today should talk with his father, otherwise he will worry about your departure(Pismsky).
Boats immediately disappear into the darkness, only bursts of oars and voices of fishermen are heard for a long time.(Dubov).

3. Compound sentences with divisive unions(separating relations). Or; or; not that ..., not that; then ... then; whether... or.

Either eat the fish or run aground(proverb).
Either he envied Natalia, or he regretted her(Turgenev).
Either silence and loneliness affected him, or he just suddenly looked with different eyes at the situation that had become familiar(Simonov).


1) Coordinating conjunctions can connect not only parts of a compound sentence, but also homogeneous members. Their distinction is especially important for punctuation marks. Therefore, when parsing, be sure to highlight the grammatical foundations in order to determine the type of sentence (simple with homogeneous members or a compound sentence).

Wed: From the smoky hole a man walked and carried a large sturgeon(Peskov) - a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates; I’ll give money for the road, and you can call a helicopter(Peskov) - a compound sentence.

2) Coordinating conjunctions usually take place at the beginning of the second part (the second simple sentence).

In some places, the Danube serves as a border, but it serves as a road people to each other(Peskov).

The exceptions are unions, too, also, particles-unions are the same, only. They necessarily take or can take place in the middle of the second part (the second simple sentence).

My sister and I were crying, my mother was also crying.(Aksakov); His comrades treated him with hostility, while the soldiers truly loved him.(Kuprin).

Therefore, when parsing such complex sentences, they are often confused with non-union complex sentences.

3) The double union not only ..., but also expresses gradation relations and is referred to as connecting unions in school textbooks. Very often, when parsing, only its second part is taken into account ( but also) and are mistakenly referred to as adversarial unions. In order not to be mistaken, try replacing this double union with the union and.

Wed: The language should not only understandable or vulgar but also the language must be good (L. Tolstoy). - Language should be understandable or vernacular, and language must be good.

4) Compound sentences vary greatly in meaning. Quite often they are close in meaning to complex sentences.

Wed: You leave - and it becomes dark(Schefner). - If you leave, it will become dark; I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry.(Tendryakov). - Although I didn't eat anything, I didn't feel hungry.

However, when parsing, it is not this particular meaning that is taken into account, but the meaning determined by the type of the coordinating union (connective, adversative, divisive).

Notes. In some textbooks and manuals, compound sentences include complex sentences with explanatory conjunctions. that is, namely, for example: The board authorized him to speed up the work, that is, in other words, he authorized himself to this(Kuprin); The flights of birds have developed as an adaptive instinctive act, namely: it gives the birds opportunity to avoid adverse winter conditions(Peskov). Other researchers attribute them to complex sentences or distinguish them as an independent type of complex sentences. Some researchers of sentences with particles only refer to non-union sentences.

The scheme of the complex sentence must be correctly drawn up. Only she will help to understand the difficult cases of setting commas, dashes and colons. In addition, its schematic execution also helps to correctly characterize a complex syntactic unit. Questions of syntax and punctuation are included in the tasks of the USE and GIA, so it is absolutely necessary to be able to visualize the composition of a complex sentence. How to do it right? Let's figure it out in this article.

The concept of a complex sentence

It is necessary to define a complex sentence as such. This is the most complex syntactic unit, which has several simple ones in its composition.

Thus, such a sentence has at least two grammatical bases. They can be related to each other in different ways:

  • and allied words.
  • Unionless.
  • Within the framework of one syntactic unit, various types of communication can be observed.

Accordingly, in Russian they are determined by the type of connection within them. They will be called complex, compound, unionless and with various types of communication, respectively.

Scheme of the proposal: highlights

The scheme of a complex sentence requires special attention. In fact, it is necessary to explain the setting of all punctuation marks in it. the algorithm for its compilation can be represented as follows:

  1. Highlight grammatical basics and determine the number of parts.
  2. Find out the type of connection of parts within a sentence. It must be remembered that we denote subordination with round brackets, the main part, the coordinating and non-union connections - with square brackets.
  3. Determine the secondary members of the proposal, see if there are any homogeneous ones among them. The latter are also needed in the expanded scheme. It should be remembered that particles, unions do not play a syntactic function. Prepositions refer to those members of the sentence with which they form a grammatical link.
  4. See how each part of the circumstance is complicated, introductory words and constructions, homogeneous members).
  5. In a complex sentence, determine the type of subordination: parallel or sequential.

Compound sentence and its scheme

Let's take a look at a specific example: In the summer sky, full of rippling clouds, small clouds began to gather, and a cool rain drizzled.

First, let us prove that this proposition is indeed complex. It has two bases: clouds (subject 1), began to gather (predicate 2); rain (subject 2), drizzled (predicate 2). The parts are connected by a union and, accordingly, a compound sentence.

We work with the first part: in the sky - a circumstance expressed by a noun with a preposition; summer - a definition expressed by an adjective; small - a definition expressed by an adjective. This part is complicated by a separate definition of rippling clouds, it is expressed by participial turnover.

The second part has only one minor member, the definition of cool. She is uncomplicated. Thus, the scheme of a complex sentence will look like this:

, [u=-]

In this scheme, the sign X denotes the word being defined, to which the isolated definition refers.

The scheme will help to distinguish a compound sentence from a simple one with homogeneous predicates connected by the union and. Compare: In the summer sky, full of rippling clouds, small clouds began to gather and cover the horizon. There are only homogeneous predicates here: they began to gather, to cover. They are connected by the union and.

Complex sentence and its scheme

Complex sentences in Russian with a subordinating connection have unequal parts: main and subordinate. It is quite simple to determine them: in the latter there is always a subordinating union, or such schemes of a complex sentence are quite interesting. We will analyze examples below. The fact is that the subordinate clause can be at the beginning, end of the sentence, and even break the main one.

When the Cossack raised his hand and shouted, a shot rang out. The sentence is complex: Cossack - subject 1; raised, shouted - predicates 1; shot - subject 2; resounded - predicate 2. The parts are connected by the union when, it is subordinating, therefore the sentence is complex. In this case, the clause begins the sentence. Let's prove it. Firstly, it contains an alliance, and secondly, one can easily ask a question to it: a shot was fired (when?) When the Cossack raised his hand. In the scheme, the subordinate part is enclosed in parentheses. In addition, the subordinate clause is complicated by homogeneous predicates (we also indicate them graphically). The scheme of a complex sentence will look like this: (when - = and =), [=-].

Another option is when a complex sentence begins with the main part: A shot rang out as the Cossack raised his hand and shouted.[=-], (when - = and =).

Complex sentences: special cases

Compound sentences broken by subordinate clauses are the most difficult. We will now analyze examples with unions. The smoke from the fires, into which everything was thrown, corroded the eyes to tears. The grammatical basis of the main part: smoke - subject, corroded - predicate. In the subordinate part there is only the predicate thrown. The grammatical basis of the main part is broken by the subordinate clause with the allied word which. Accordingly, the scheme will be as follows: [-, (in which =), =].

Another example: The hut, empty for several years, where we decided to stay, was located on the very edge of the village. Main part: subject - hut, predicate - was; it is complicated by participle turnover, which is not isolated. The subordinate part: the subject - we, the predicate - decided to stop. The scheme is as follows: [|p.o.|-, (where -=), =].

Scheme of an union-free complex sentence

We have considered coordinating and subordinating compound sentences. Examples with unions are not the only ones. There is also a connection of parts exclusively in meaning, unionless. Here the correct scheme is especially important, because in such sentences, along with commas, a semicolon, dash or colon can be used. Their choice depends on semantic and grammatical relations.

It should be remembered that the parts of a non-union sentence are equivalent and are indicated by square brackets. Let's look at examples.

  1. The wind howled even louder; even louder ran the rats, bustling about in their burrows. This complex sentence consists of two parts: in the first base, the wind howled, in the second, the rats ran. According to the rule, if there are still punctuation marks in other parts, it is required to put a semicolon in case of an allied connection. The second part contains a separate definition separated by a comma. The scheme will look like this: [-=]; [=-, |p.o.|].
  2. There was a bustle in the house all day: servants scurried about, princesses tried on outfits, adults in excitement checked their readiness for the holiday. In this sentence with an allied connection, there are four parts. The grammatical bases are as follows: vanity (subject) was (predicate), servants (subject) scurried around (predicate), princesses (subject) tried on (predicate), adults (subject) checked (predicate). The first sentence is explained by the following ones, so a colon is required. The scheme is: [=-]: [=-], [-=], [-=].
  3. If you read as a child, books will become true friends for life. Let us prove that the proposition is complex. There are two grammatical bases: you will (predicate), books (subject) will become friends (predicate). In this case, a dash is required, because the second part contains a consequence of the first. The scheme is simple: [=] - [-=].

Different types of connection in a complex sentence

Studying a complex sentence at school (grade 8), various types of communication pass within the framework of one sentence. Let's analyze the drawing up of a diagram of a similar design.

The souvenirs acquired during the trip were associated with some history, and each trinket had a long pedigree, but among all these rare things, there would not be one that would be worth attention on its own.(B. Hart)

This sentence has 4 parts connected by a coordinating and a subordinating connection. The first - souvenirs (subject) were connected (predicate), the second - a trinket (subject) possessed (predicate), the third - was not found (only the predicate), the fourth which (the allied word, subject) would be worth attention (predicate). There is a coordinating connection between the first and second parts, in addition, in the first there is a separate definition; between the second and third also coordinating, between the third and fourth subordinating. The scheme will be as follows: [-,|p.o. |, =], [a-=], [but =], (which =).

Characteristics of a complex sentence

The characteristic of the proposal should go inseparably from the scheme. It must indicate what it is in terms of the purpose of the statement and intonation, and then it is necessary to describe each of the parts: composition (one or two-part), prevalence, complete or not, and what is complicated.

Let us take as an example the sentence outlined in the previous section. It is narrative, non-exclamatory. 1st part: two-part, common, complete, complicated by a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover; 2nd part: two-part, common, complete, uncomplicated; 3rd part: one-component (impersonal), widespread, complete, not complicated by anything; 4th part: two-part, common, complete, uncomplicated.

For the correct formulation and presentation of their own thoughts, schoolchildren and adults need to learn how to correctly place semantic accents in written speech. If in life we ​​often use simple constructions, then in writing we use complex sentences with different types of connection. Therefore, it is important to know the features of their construction.

In contact with


What types of communication proposals used in Russian :

  • coordinative with and without unions, when the components of the syntactic construction are independent, equal in relation to each other;
  • subordination, unionless and allied, when one part of the structure is the main one, and the second is dependent;
  • allied, coordinating and subordinating, expressed with the help of coordinating or subordinating unions and allied words;

Complex sentences consist of several simple ones, therefore they have more than two grammatical bases. When meeting them, do not be surprised and remember that there can be not only 2 or 3 parts, but on average up to 10-15. They constantly combine different types of communication.

The main types of complex sentences with examples:

  1. Unionless.
  2. Compound.
  3. Complex sentences.
  4. Structures with different types of connection.

An example of a unionless relationship: The wind drives the clouds to the edge of heaven, the broken spruce groans, the winter forest whispers something.

It is necessary to note the main feature of constructions with a coordinative connection. The function of a coordinative connection is to show the equality of parts within a complex sentence, is performed using intonation and the use of coordinating conjunctions. Unionless communication can also be used.

How are compound sentences constructed? examples with diagrams :

The firmament cleared of hanging clouds - and the bright sun came out.

The fields were empty, the autumn forest became dark and transparent.

Sentences of the fourth type usually consist of three or more parts that are connected to each other in different ways. To better understand the meaning of such constructions, how to learn how complex sentences with different types of connection are built and grouped. Often, sentences are divided into several blocks, connected without union or with the help of a coordinating connection, while each of the parts represents a simple or complex sentence.

Dependent parts can have different semantic meanings, according to this feature complex sentences are divided into several groups.


They serve to characterize and reveal the attribute of the noun being defined from the main clause. Join with and : where, from where, where, which, what. They are found only inside the main or after it. Questions can be posed to them: what?, whose?


How painfully hot in those hours when noon hung in silence and heat.

For a long time he admired, smiling, his capricious beloved daughter, who thought, not noticing anything around.


They refer to words that have the meaning of thoughts (to reflect), feelings (to be sad), speech (answered, said), in order to reveal in detail the meaning of the main word, to clarify, to supplement. They also include demonstrative words - that, that, that, to which the dependent clause is attached. Connected by unions what, to, as if, as if.


The guy quickly realized that the girlfriend's parents are not particularly smart, and thought out a further strategy.

This could be seen from the fact that he drove several times with his cart around the yard until he found the hut.


They are related to or to words that have adverbial meaning. Let's name their varieties and ways of attaching to the main word:

  • time, specify the period of time when the action is performed, subordinating temporary unions are used for communication: when, until what time (When it was about the war, the stranger lowered his head and thought);
  • places, talking about the place, are connected with the main word by allied words-adverbs: where, where, from where (Leaves, wherever you look, were yellow or golden);
  • conditions that reveal under what circumstances this or that action is possible, are joined by subordinate conjunctions: if, if ..., then. They can start with particles - so, then (If it rains, then the tent will need to be moved higher);
  • degree, specifies the measure or degree of action I in question, you can put questions to them: to what extent? to what extent? (The rain stopped so quickly that the ground did not have time to get wet.);
  • goals, they tell what goal the action pursues and is connected by target unions: so that (In order not to be late, he decided to leave early);
  • reasons, union is used for joining - because(He did not complete the task because he fell ill);
  • the manner of action, indicate exactly how the action was performed, are joined by subordinating unions: as if, as if, exactly (the Forest was covered in snow, as if someone had bewitched it);
  • consequences serve to clarify the result of an action, you can ask them a question - as a result of what? Join the union - so(The snow shone brighter in the sun, so that my eyes hurt);
  • concessions, unions are used to join them: let it, although, despite. Allied words can be used (how, how much) with a particle neither (No matter how hard you try, nothing will work without knowledge and skills).

Building offer schemes

Let's take a look at what an offer scheme is. This is a graphic showing the structure proposals in a compact form.

Let's try to draw up schemes of sentences, which include two or more subordinate clauses. To do this, let's turn to examples with different inflected parts of speech.

Complicated sentences may consist of several subordinate clauses, which have a different relationship with each other.

There are the following types of offer links:

  • homogeneous or associative;
  • parallel (centralized);
  • sequential (chain, linear).


Characterized the following signs:

  • all subordinate clauses can be attributed to the whole main thing or to one of the words;
  • subordinate clauses are the same in meaning, answer one question;
  • coordinating unions are connected or unionless communication is used;
  • intonation during pronunciation is enumerative.

Examples and offer linear schemes:

I noticed how the stars began to blur (1), how a coolness swept by with a light breath (2).

, (how how…).

Sometimes subordinate clauses are represented by a cascade of explanatory sentences, depending on one word in the main part:

It is not known where she lived (1), who she was (2), why a Roman artist painted her portrait (3) and what she was thinking about in the picture (4).

, (where ...), (who ...), (why ...) and (about what ...).


Such complex sentences have subordinate clauses with different meanings belonging to several types

Here are examples of sentences with diagrams:

When our boat sailed from the ship to the shore, we noticed that women and children began to run away from the settlement.

(When what…).

Here two subordinate clauses depend on the main clause: tense and explanatory.

Constructions can create a chain, which can be depicted in the diagram as follows:

In some places, houses were crowded, which in their color were similar to the surrounding rocks, that one had to be closer to distinguish them.

, (which ...), (what ...), (to ...).

Possible and another variant when one sentence is inside another. Sometimes constructions are combined, linking with one subordinate clause within another.

At first, the blacksmith was terribly frightened when the devil raised his devil so high that nothing could be seen below, and rushed under the moon itself so that he could catch it with his hat.

, (when…, (what…), and…), (what…).

The proposals use various punctuation marks:

  • comma, example: The final remark of the sister-in-law ended already on the street, where she went on her urgent business;
  • semicolon: Some time later, everyone in the village was fast asleep; only a month hung high in the luxurious Ukrainian sky;
  • colon: It happened like this: at night the tank got stuck in a swamp and drowned;
  • dash: Thick hazel bushes will block your path, if you hurt yourself on a prickly thorn bush - stubbornly go forward.


Simple structures are connected to one another in a chain:

There is a known knot on a tree trunk, on which you put your foot when you want to climb an apple tree.

, (on which ...), (when ...).

Determination procedure

What plan determines the types of communication of sentences in a letter. We offer a step-by-step guide that is suitable for any occasion:

  • read the offer carefully;
  • highlight all grammatical bases;
  • divide the structure into parts and number them;
  • find allied words and conjunctions, in their absence, take into account intonation;
  • determine the nature of the relationship.

​If available two independent parts, then this is a sentence with a coordinating connection. When one sentence gives the reason for what is being discussed in another, then this is a complex sentence with subordination.

Attention! Adventitious constructions can be replaced either by adverbial turnover. Example: In the black sky dotted with myriads of small stars, soundless lightning appeared here and there.

Learning Russian - complex sentences with different types of connection

Types of communication in complex sentences


The types of connection of sentences depend on their classification. They use . The schemes are very diverse, there are many interesting options. Graphic drawing of a proposal allows you to quickly determine construction and sequence of all components, highlight the basics, find the main thing and correctly punctuate.