Tips on how to change your life. How to change yourself for the better: practical advice

Remember: life is a journey, not a destination

A hackneyed but relevant phrase. Live life to the fullest - feel every day, learn new things, and not sacrifice everything for one goal. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work at first. This is fine.

Be honest with yourself and others

Lies suck energy and make a person unhappy. Just imagine how much you need to remember when lying so as not to accidentally spill the beans. What happiness is here. In addition, if you are not honest with yourself, you cannot grow and develop. And if you lie to others, then trust and intimacy disappear in a relationship.

People tell lies for various reasons. Out of envy, out of unwillingness to offend, fear of opening up or entering into. Being honest is hard, but that's the only way to live life to the fullest.

Learn to accept yourself

We often reminisce about past failures and spend too much time thinking about our weaknesses. We think about what we don’t like about ourselves, how to change it, and we believe that we should become different. Wasting your life on such reflections and events from the past means not noticing the present and being closed to the new in the future. Make a conscious decision to love yourself just the way you are. Get rid of the burden of memories and negative thoughts.

Define your values

Having formulated values, it will be easier for you to set life goals that will not contradict them. Stick to your beliefs and don't let others confuse you. After all, living in accordance with your principles is much more pleasant than constantly following the advice of others.

Stop putting yourself down

It is believed that self-criticism helps to develop, but research How to Stop the Self-Criticism and Feel Better About You proved the negative impact of this approach both on the person himself and on his attitude towards others. The stricter you are with yourself, the higher the chances of treating others in the same way. Downgrading will not help you become better and achieve your goals. Be kind to yourself.

Replace negative thoughts with attitudes. For example, instead of "I'm a failure," say to yourself, "Things didn't go according to plan. But I will figure out why this happened, and in the future I will not make such mistakes. I will find a way to achieve what I want in another way.”

Analyze self-criticism logically. Instead of “I’m stupid, everyone in the group is smarter than me,” think about whether there are objective reasons to think so. Maybe you're just not preparing well enough for class. Maybe laziness is to blame, but not intelligence. Having analyzed the thought in this way, you will understand what steps you need to take without belittling yourself.

Be flexible

Life is full of change. Be open to new things and learn to adapt to the changes that are happening, even if you don’t like them at first. Think of them as an opportunity to gain new experiences. This kind of positive thinking will help develop flexibility.

Getting fired from Apple is the best thing that ever happened to me. The heavy burden of success has been replaced by the carelessness of a novice, less confident entrepreneur. I have freed myself to enter one of the most fruitful periods of my life.

Steve Jobs, American entrepreneur, CEO of Apple

Keep fit

Taking care of the body is another step on the way to a full life. You have one, and it's important to make sure it's healthy. It is difficult to live a rich life when it hurts here, but it hurts there.

Eat right. Eat as many fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates as possible. Try to avoid foods high in sugar, but still treat yourself to a piece of cake or a glass of wine from time to time.

Go in for sports. Regular exercise will help you feel healthier and happier.

Stop forcing yourself

People often force themselves to do things that are at odds with their values ​​and desires. Coercion causes irritation, frustration and sadness. If you get rid of this, then living a full life will become easier.

As soon as "I should" enters your mind, think about why you feel that way. For example, "I need to lose weight." This may be the advice of a doctor or the desire of a person with a different perception of beauty. In the first case, changes are really needed; in the second, they can even be dangerous. Do only what is important to you, not what others demand.

Method 2. Go your own way

Leave your comfort zone

The more often you perform unusual actions for yourself, the higher Anxiety Can Bring Out the Best your performance. The more difficult the tasks you set for yourself, the faster you get used to the new and the more calmly you perceive life's difficulties. Getting out of your comfort zone helps you become more flexible, and we've already found out how important this is.

Start small. Go to a place you don't know anything about. Go on a spontaneous journey or do something at work that you haven't done before.

Be Realistic

Set goals according to your abilities, taking into account your skills and. Strive for what is important to you, and do not compete with others. Achieving what you want should depend only on your needs, but not on the desire to show off or prove something to someone.

Be prepared for things to go wrong

When a person lives a full life, he takes risks. He makes decisions that have consequences. And sometimes they may not turn out as planned. It is important to understand that life is unpredictable, and to treat surprises calmly. The ability to be ready for anything makes it possible to be one step ahead and calculate the options for the development of events.

Look for opportunities to learn

Don't sit still and let life just take its course. Be active, learn new things, make your brain work. Analyze your experience and the experience of others. This will help you to be calmer in difficult situations and will allow you to confidently move forward.

Know how to thank

Gratitude is not just a feeling - it's a lifestyle. It will help you survive the traumas of the past, if you consider them not as pain, but as a valuable experience, and be grateful to life for it. It will strengthen relationships with loved ones, and without them it is extremely difficult to live a full life.

Tell family, friends, and other important people how happy you are to have them. Share gratitude, do not be afraid to express it, and life will be filled with pleasure and harmony.

Appreciate every moment and don't focus on the bad. Appreciate the beauty of everyday life, be grateful to life even for the little things: a beautiful sunset, good weather and delicious coffee.

The more pleasant little things you notice, the better life will become.

Keep a diary

Try not just to record the events that have occurred, but to analyze them. How did you react, why did it happen, how did you feel then and now, and what would you do if this situation happened again. All this will show what is going well in life, and what needs to be worked on more.


Laughter is the best medicine. It lowers stress hormone levels and improves mood. Plus, it's contagious. If you laugh, others will, and this is the easiest way to create emotional and social connections.

Don't chase material things

Too many things won't make you happier. Do not buy impulsively, do not try to get rid of stress through shopping. Buy only what you really need.

If you already have a lot of useless things, donate them to charity. Get rid of everything you don't like and start living a life free from material possessions.

A person picks up the emotions of others as easily as a cold. If you spend a day with happy people, you will start to feel better. If you communicate with gloomy and dissatisfied with life, then this will also affect your mood. Only negative. Therefore, it is important not to waste time on toxic people.

Surround yourself with those who care about you, who respect you and others.

But this does not mean that friends and loved ones cannot constructively criticize you. Sometimes you still need someone to point out mistakes. But it is important to feel that people do it with kindness, respect and care. That they really help you get better.

Discuss your needs

Confidently express your thoughts and needs, but remember that others have desires that need to be heard. Be open and honest, but don't blame or judge people.

It's good to be honest with the person that they hurt you. Explain what exactly bothered you. It is bad to accuse him of inhumanity without a specific explanation of the reason.

To prevent people from taking your words as accusations, always say "I". For example, "I felt like my needs weren't important when you didn't pick me up from work" instead of "You didn't even pick me up from work, you don't care about me."

Instead of judging the actions of others, try to understand why they did it. Ask to tell more about the reasons, find out someone else's point of view. If you still disagree with the opinion, tell us why and offer an alternative.

Be selfless

Often the thought that we deserve more is what keeps us from moving forward. Giving, but not receiving in return, we are in people, life, justice. It's hard to live a full life when there is such darkness in your head. Therefore, it is important to share love, kindness, warmth and care disinterestedly.

But this does not mean that you can allow yourself to wipe your feet. Stop any attempts to take advantage of your good attitude.

Forgive yourself and those around you

Hard, but good for the soul. By forgiving, you will be freed from stress, let go of the accumulated negativity and feel light. Learn to forgive people, despite their behavior, and this will help heal spiritual wounds.

It is important to forgive not only others, but also yourself. Stop thinking about mistakes and blaming yourself for what you did. The past cannot be changed. Use this experience as an opportunity to improve. Show yourself the same empathy that you show others.

Accept people for who they are

It can be difficult to communicate with a person who is so different from us. But do not try to change it and adjust it for yourself. Remember that each person is a unique individual who can teach you something new. Be kind and polite in any company. Enjoy the company of other people. Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.

Each person faces difficulties and problems, and at such moments we understand that it is time to change our lives. Seven simple ways will help you find happiness, get rid of troubles and open a new page in your life.

You have probably met people whose life seems boring and monotonous more than once. Lack of a good job, low salary, problems in personal life are not the only reasons that can lead us to disappointment. Despite this, each person can find happiness, but for this you will have to make an effort, work on yourself and completely change your attitude to life. Many people experience a fear of change, fearing everything new and unknown. However, site site experts recommend that you overcome your fears as soon as possible and start your life from scratch. A few simple guidelines will help you with this.

love your life

There are ups and downs in everyone's life. Once in a difficult situation, a person begins to mistakenly think that this could happen only to him. However, each of us has problems, and our task is to get rid of them, and not give up and fall into depression.

Learn to accept with dignity any surprises that life has prepared for you, even if they are unpleasant. Try to wake up every morning with the thought that you love your life. To make sure of this, learn to look at things rationally and prioritize correctly. If you have difficulties at work, take it as a temporary test that you must overcome with dignity in order to achieve career heights. If you want to spend the evening doing what you love, and not cleaning, do not deny yourself this. Once you understand that living in pleasure is not so difficult, you will love your life and learn to enjoy every new day.

Set a goal for yourself

In order for life to take on a special meaning, it is important to understand what you live for and what you want to move towards. When a person attends work only to pay bills and lives with an unloved person in order to save a family, this is just self-sacrifice that does not have a goal to strive for. For your goal to be truly cherished, you need to understand what exactly you want from life.

If you want to have a strong and happy family, strive to become a good family man and caring parent. If you want to be creative and showcase your work, try to develop your talent. If your goal is career growth, try to immerse yourself in work and develop. Any goal is feasible, the most important thing is to strive to achieve it and move forward.

Find a passion

In addition to everyday activities, it is important to find something that you simply enjoy doing. With the help of hobbies, you will learn how to spend time usefully and even develop new talents in yourself. Most often, people who do not have a favorite pastime, free time is limited to watching TV, meaningless phone calls and other activities that do not bring benefits.

To start life from scratch, learn to be productive. Try to accept the fact that every minute in our life has its value, and if you miss one of them, you risk losing a rare opportunity to move towards your goal. Through hobbies such as knitting, embroidery or assembling construction sets, you can get rid of stress and tension, as well as learn to concentrate your attention. If you have always dreamed of learning how to draw, but your skills are still far from ideal, start developing them right now, and perhaps soon you will be able to outshine famous artists. In the modern world, as hobbies, many people choose to attend training courses and trainings. With their help, you can gain new knowledge, and most importantly, spend time correctly and with pleasure.

Change your social circle

Of course, old friends are always better than new ones, but this rule does not apply in all cases. If you want to change your life in the first place, you will have to carefully review your social circle. To begin with, stop communicating with problem people, envious people and eternal pessimists. Interaction with them will not bring you any benefit, but the harm from them will be much greater. Second, get rid of critics and hypocrites. It is unpleasant to communicate with such people, and friendship with them can even be dangerous for your reputation. Meet smarter, more open, sincere, and more successful people. Their level of intelligence, social status and inner qualities will constantly motivate you, which means that soon you will be able to achieve any goals and find happiness.

Listen to the inner voice

Intuition is your main assistant in any situation. Many people do not even realize what their inner voice is capable of. You have probably noticed how, being in a difficult situation, we panic or experience fear, but suddenly we ourselves find a way out of the situation. It is at such moments that one cannot do without the help of intuition. Of course, you should not deny the advice of loved ones, because very often they are correct and useful. However, in order to start life anew, you must learn to trust yourself and be honest with yourself. Only then will the voice within you guide you to the right path. So that intuition never fails you, start developing it daily, a few simple ways will help you with this.

Stop feeling guilty

Throughout life, we make many mistakes, and some of them make us suffer from remorse. However, if you want life to open new pages for you, you need to get rid of guilt for the mistakes you have made. It is important to understand that negative memories will drag you into the past and prevent you from moving forward. Of course, you will not be able to cross out what you have experienced, but it is quite possible to forget, let go of all the negativity and get rid of the excess burden. As soon as you stop feeling guilty, life will immediately sparkle with bright colors, which means that soon you will be able to be at the pinnacle of happiness.

Be sure you are ready to change your life

The last and most important step is your confidence that you are ready to change your life. If what is happening does not allow you to develop, and everything that happens around leads you to disappointment, then it is time to change something. Getting used to new changes is not so easy, but after overcoming a difficult period of getting used to, you will realize that your efforts were worth the result. Take any difficulties as a gift of fate that will help you develop and achieve your cherished goals.

Happiness is a concept that does not have a precise definition. To become a truly happy person, it is enough to find inner harmony and live in harmony with others around you. By observing the five laws of the universe, you can find happiness and change your life for the better. We wish you success and prosperityand don't forget to press the buttons and

Many mistakenly blame others for their own failures. Women believe that husbands and children are to blame for their failed careers, as a result of which ladies have become housewives. Men blame their parents for not forcing them to get higher education. These are just examples of when a person is not able to take responsibility for his own life. And in vain, in all cases it is necessary to rely only on one's own strength, not relying on outside help.

Step #1. Watch your diet and habits

No wonder the Chinese proverb says, "You are what you eat." Follow it, watch your own diet, eat only healthy foods, give up unhealthy snacks and fast food. There is no need to change your daily diet tremendously, it is enough to replace carbonated drinks with green tea, and packaged juices with fresh juices. It will not be superfluous to refuse white sugar, coffee, alcohol and sweets. Smokers should permanently get rid of addiction. This one step can change your life 180 degrees.

Step #2. Get rich spiritually

Read useful literature, watch documentaries and attend seminars. From books, choose the psychology of personal growth and communication, fiction, natural science and business, history, sociology. Get in the habit of reading one book a week.

If you do not have enough time or you work a lot on a PC (eyes get tired), download audiobooks from the Internet. Listen to them on your way to work, during household chores, while shopping. If you count, about 50 books are published a year, believe me, this will significantly change your life. You will become knowledgeable in many areas of life, you will be able to keep up the conversation in any situation, and you will begin to attract “useful” acquaintances to you.

Step #3. Develop financially

Do you consider yourself self-sufficient? Great, but it's not the limit. Do you really think that the famous millionaires stopped there? No, they continued to work, earning a name for themselves, so that later the name would work for them. Take an example from such people.

Wake up in the morning with the thought that today you will succeed yourself yesterday, achieve more. Do you drive a good car? Well, there are better cars out there. Have you saved up for your own apartment? Save up for the next one. Ask for a promotion at work, if they refuse, go to work in another company. Don't stand still.

People who do not have an apartment or a car, especially should not stop. List in order of priority what you need to achieve this year. Set a goal and move towards it. Hang the list on the refrigerator, if you want to eat - read it, again decided to have a bite - read it again. If you think that you earn little, devote every day to finding additional income.

Step number 4. Get rid of unnecessary things

Open the closet and try on every item in it. Throw away or give away anything that doesn't fit perfectly. No need to store junk, learn to get rid of it. Disassemble the pantry, balcony or other place with unnecessary junk.

Put the shelves in order, remove the old figurines that are there “for furniture”. Leave only what you really like. Believe me, you will experience an inexplicable boost of energy after taking the last package to the garbage container. Update your wardrobe regularly: buy a new thing, throw out the old one.

Step number 5. Find yourself

The unknown is exhausting and exhausting. A person who does not know what he wants from life is doomed to failure. Do you wake up every morning and go to work you hate? Do you work 6 days a week? Change the situation. Look for a better paying job. Perhaps you have a passion for building or repairing cars, or maybe you are an avid fan of information technology. Look for your place.

Many people spend their whole lives in despair, wanting to start enjoying what they do. It is rightly said “The best job is a highly paid hobby”. Strive to wake up in the morning with a smile and look forward to a productive day. Try yourself in different areas, you do not realize the potential until you know what suits you.

Step number 6. Improve yourself

Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language? It's time to act. Study the language schools of the city, attend an introductory lesson. In addition to the fact that knowledge of the language allows you to freely travel around the world, this skill increases the salary by 45%. It is only important to find an employer who needs a qualified employee.

For example, compare the number of Internet users who speak Russian and English. The first is about 50 million, the second is over a billion. Now knowledge of English is not only a whim or a sign of the intelligentsia, its study becomes necessary for general development and communication.

Step number 7. go in for sports

It is no secret that sport significantly raises the fighting spirit. Men should sign up for a boxing, karate or kickboxing section, it will not be superfluous to visit the gym. Set a goal to pump up your back or press in six months, make a bet with your friends. If you don't do it, you'll be an empty talker.

For girls, there is a wider range of destinations. Learn everything about Pilates, callanectics, stretching, half-dance, yoga. Choose the option you like and sign up for a trial lesson. Fans of intense training should pay attention to water aerobics, step and gymnastics. Sport not only tones the body, it allows you to feel confident. No need to be shy of strangers or be afraid of failure, you will succeed.

Step number 8. Look after your appearance

Untidy clothes in spools or worn jeans say a lot about a person. Don't put people off by your looks. Girls need to regularly visit the master of manicure and pedicure, as well as tint the roots and cut the ends. Get your hair done, get nice clothes. Watch your figure, go on a diet if necessary. Instead of wearing tracksuits and sneakers, wear high heels and dresses/skirts. As for men, shave regularly, walk only in clean and ironed clothes. Watch your body, don't grow a belly.

Step number 9. Plan your weekend

No need to lie on the couch all your free time. Go barbecue with friends or take a walk along the river, visit an art exhibition or a museum. In winter, go skiing, ice skating, master the technique of snowboarding. In the summer, rent a bike or skateboard, roller skates will do. Go to the cinema, visit your relatives, sit in a cafe with friends.

Strive to do something new every weekend, explore the world around you. Share new impressions, take pictures. The more you learn, the more interesting life becomes. After a certain period of time, you will no longer be able to sit still, and this is fraught with changes for the better.

Stop playing computer games completely. They take a lot of time, but do not carry any semantic load. Replace virtual communication with real ones, give up being constantly on social networks. In these ways you are wasting your life. Imagine how many useful and interesting things you can do with hours spent on the Internet.

Step number 10. Learn to say "No!"

Do not let others manipulate you, do not follow the lead of friends and relatives. Do you feel like your friends are taking advantage of you? Point out their mistakes, don't be afraid to be direct. Speak clearly and delicately, do not raise your voice. There is no need to feel guilty when you refuse someone. You are a person with your own principles and beliefs. Let others understand. Become independent of the opinions of others. Don't give a damn about anyone who says you can't do it. Surround yourself only with bright, kind and successful people.

Only you can change your life. Clean up your diet, give up bad habits. Enjoy the weekend, learn something new every week. Read books, develop in terms of material wealth, look for yourself. Throw away unnecessary things in the trash, surround yourself only with successful people.

Video: how to change your life yourself and become happy

Many people are not happy with what they have. Someone is not satisfied with the financial situation, tormented by mental imbalance, someone needs recognition in society and full self-realization for happiness, someone sets goals and strives hard for them. But when what is conceived does not come true, hopes collapse, a person is disappointed, wants to change his life. It is important to understand what exactly does not suit you and where to start in order to become truly happy, build an algorithm and act on it.


False beliefs and imposed notions of happiness

Some blame themselves for all the troubles, others shift the responsibility to others and believe that circumstances are to blame for everything. It must be remembered that whatever state of mind is at the moment, all this is the fruit of numerous thoughts and conclusions. Man has the power to change his future.

Often, false ideas, beliefs completely absorb and prevent you from moving forward. They originate from the immediate environment and relate to life, the current situation, loved ones, finances, work.

Beliefs are often imposed from childhood, teachers, relatives, friends can have a hand in this. There are ideas that are formed from life experience. Not all of them have a positive impact. These formed concepts can be a brake on further actions, not only not to develop, but also to limit.

To understand how to satisfy your needs, start enjoying life, you should try to understand what has already happened and is still happening. The first thing to do is to observe your thoughts. They turn into phrases, phrases lead to actions, actions form habits. Habits tend to shape character, which in turn often determines destiny.

Video: Thoughts that will give meaning to existence

How to properly assess what is happening

It happens that it is not circumstances that prevent you from enjoying life, but your attitude to what is happening. Psychologists call the most common mistakes.

The tendency to regret a decision. You can regret that you had to leave your previous job or refuse a gentleman who stubbornly called for marriage. It seems that if you do otherwise, then "today" would be much happier. This is the obsession with the past, the positive moments in real life are no longer valued. It seems that there is no way to change the situation for the better. No time should be wasted on gloomy thoughts. It is better to think about how to get what is so lacking.

The habit of competing with others. And in the end, look for reasons for grief literally out of the blue. For example, it is normal to be nervous about money if there is a real need. Well, if the dream was disturbed only because the neighbors have more expensive repairs, then the level of prosperity has nothing to do with it. This only testifies to the fact that one must certainly be "no worse than others." So you can compare anything: victories on the personal front, income, education, appearance, and even the number of friends. At the same time, the joy of one's own successes is depreciated and does not last long. There will always be someone more successful, prettier or just younger. You need to get out of this endless race and focus only on yourself.

The certainty that you will have to pay for good things. It often seems to such people that today's happiness cannot be eternal, sooner or later they will have to pay somehow. Therefore, in any positive moment, a negative is sought out so as not to rejoice too much. But happiness is not a marketable commodity. There are white stripes in life, sometimes she throws up black ones, but it's not about retribution at all. It's just that the environment is far from ideal. Only a person can decide whether to enjoy the happy moment “here and now” or spoil everything with superstitious experiences.

First of all, you should clearly know what exactly you want to change. Many people experience a stupor when trying to answer this question. Most often, vague and lengthy attempts to explain the essence of the accumulated endless problems follow. If you listen to such people, it is difficult to understand them.

You need to be able to identify your needs, do not be shy to admit to yourself your desires. At first glance, they may seem impossible. But you should not give up and give up quickly, as any dream tends to come true. Therefore, it is necessary to set a goal and systematically move towards it.

Important: A person cannot change his lifestyle if he focuses on imaginary problems. If there is no reference point, then it is useless to act.

Know how to be happy and love

Almost everyone subconsciously learns to make plans for the coming day. Many people live in a routine and forget how you can enjoy the basic everyday things. You have to be able to be happy. You should find positive moments in every, even a small event, enjoy your close surroundings.

If you watch any child, you can see how he rejoices in elementary trifles and thereby generates positive energy. This is what an adult should do. Going out of town, to the river, attending interesting events or a concert - all this forms a happy harmonious life. You have to do what you like.

Note: It is important to learn to love. If you tell your loved ones and loved ones about how dear they are, do not skimp on good and kind words, then you can get a powerful charge of positive energy in return for the given one. We must try to be open, and then a positive energy exchange is ensured.

It's never too late to change for the better

You can change your life at any age. It doesn't matter how long one has lived - 30, 40, and even 60. To understand the meaning of a happy existence is the achievement of a wise person. And wisdom comes to everyone at different ages.

You can't put a cross on yourself. Thoughts that it’s already over 40, it’s too late to change and change anything, let everything remain as it is, you need to drive away. While the heart is beating and the eyes see this beautiful world, you can start changing your personal world.

Take risks and quit your hated job, retrain, finally start doing what you love! There is a wonderful phrase: "Do what you love, and you will not have to work a day ...". What is done with pleasure and with soul, a priori should bring income. Let not fabulous, but sufficient.

Break bad habits

In order to feel the fullness of being, consciousness must be pure. Now more and more people give up smoking and alcohol. Nobody minds a glass of good wine with dinner. We are talking about libations that interfere with life, work, love and serve as a destructive catalyst. When there is such a problem, then you need to get rid of it. Sometimes, this is very difficult. But they cope with addictions if there is a great desire and willpower.

Life is able to sparkle with new colors when a bad habit is defeated. It is possible that you may need the help of a specialist, but if the decision is made, then you should not be shy and consult a doctor.

Travel and study other cultures

Traveling is a great pleasure. Life becomes fuller and richer when new countries are opened to the gaze and there is an opportunity to study a new culture. Each country has a lot of its own characteristics and local color. With what interest you can absorb and learn, meet new people. If you have a passion for travel, then learning the language of the visited country will be an important point.

Learning languages ​​is not easy, but very entertaining. Broadening one's horizons is always useful and interesting.

If it is not possible to travel to distant exotic countries, then the neighboring region is quite suitable. It is always interesting to visit places that were not previously possible to visit.

Self-development and meditation

Important, and in the modern world, one might say, the fundamental point is self-improvement. This is the path to yourself and self-knowledge.

You can start with an evening home meditation. They do it in a dark room, alone, you can light candles and incense, turn on relaxing music. Sit or lie down, close your eyes and try to distract yourself from all pressing problems and thoughts. It's not easy at all. You should try to sit without a single thought for at least a few minutes. If thought forms do appear, then they are observed as if from the outside, without being involved in the process of thinking. If you repeat this every day, the result will not be long in coming.

What's the point? When all the daily “husks” are swept out of the head, then the moment of truth comes. After some time, after several meditations, an answer will suddenly come to a certain question that has been tormenting for a long time, or the solution of a long-standing problem will illuminate.

Meditation is also good for relaxing before bed.

Video: How to learn to meditate. Practice for beginners

Thoughts are material

It is very important to think positively. Life is unlikely to bring pleasant surprises if negative thinking prevails. It has long been proven that even those with unfavorable diagnoses can be cured thanks to certain positive attitudes.

You need to become a source of inspiration not only for yourself, but also for those around you. You should tune your internal "processor" to a multifaceted exciting game. With its difficulties, turns, but also triumphs. The more difficult the victory is, the more precious it is. Changing your being, making it an interesting journey is great. Life is an adventure. This is how you should treat her and not be afraid to leave your comfort zone. After all, in order to get something that was not there before, you need to do something that has not been done before. So be bold!

Breathe correctly. In fact, not everyone knows how to breathe properly. All adults breathe with their chests, but children breathe with their stomachs. And it is right. All bodily energy is concentrated in the lower abdomen. And she needs to circulate properly. If there is a stagnation of energy, then the person begins to feel overwhelmed and tired. It is worth trying to breathe with your stomach: when you inhale, it should inflate, and when you exhale, it should be drawn in. If you practice this constantly, then such breathing will become habitual, and your well-being will improve, as a result, the quality of life will rise.

Correct sleep. It's no secret that the key to a successful and fruitful day begins with a cheerful morning. To do this, you need to get enough sleep, and quality. Try to fit in at the same time. Let it be not early, but by the hour. The body will begin to prepare itself for sleep, if it is accustomed. Forget what insomnia is. The room must be ventilated.

Cold and hot shower. In the morning, ideally, accustom the body to a contrast shower. This is a great charge for the whole day ahead. After such an “execution”, the blues will disappear, all dull thoughts will disappear away. There will be a desire to live and conquer new peaks.

Color mindset- a little secret from psychologists. Not everyone knows that color and certain combinations of it can directly shape the mood. Especially if the person is emotionally unstable. An experiment should be done. Make time for this. Organize your wardrobe and try on all your frequently worn items. After the next dress is put on, you should listen to yourself and analyze what emotions come. One can argue that if you try on a red dress and stilettos, then even an insecure person will feel, if not a star, then definitely much more confident than usual. In case of increased nervousness, you can try an outfit in muted beige colors or a soft cashmere sweater.

Don't forget about rest. The day started well, the state is to move mountains! Do not forget about small breaks during a busy working day. Even in case of emergency, you can turn off for a few minutes, close your eyes slightly, breathe deeply (with your stomach), at this time try to get rid of all thoughts - let your head be empty. It will turn out a short-term meditation, and this is an excellent tool in order to reboot the body.

Smile as often as possible and be polite. In order to improve life and its quality, there is a remedy for the opposite - do not wait for the world to turn around with open arms, but try to give the world your warmth. No need to spoil your mood and nerves in traffic jams in the morning. Even a little rudeness can be answered gently and with a smile. The boor will misfire, most likely, he will be uncomfortable. If you get involved in all skirmishes, then negative energy will envelop and accompany you throughout the day.

Learn anytime, anywhere. To make life better, it's never too late to sit down at the desk again. Even if you already have a basic education and a good job, but an unfulfilled dream lives in your soul, then it is never too late to try to realize it. It is quite possible that the first part of life was successful in the field of wholesale sales, and the writing talent was only timidly making its way all this time. You have to persevere and try.

Live "here and now". The most important piece of advice. We must try to learn to live consciously. What it is? Every action should be lived with gusto. Whether it's enjoying the beautiful sea view or washing dishes. Yes Yes exactly! Any action carries a certain energy, and if something is done reluctantly, then clots of negativity will accumulate in the body, which will not have the best effect on its condition.

Time tends to fly at breakneck speed. If you don’t like something, you don’t need to slow down and invent non-existent obstacles for yourself. We must take risks and destroy what does not suit us. Do not regret the past, because it is an experience. It will become the foundation for something beautiful and new. The main thing is not to delay, but to start right now. Not tomorrow, not from Monday, but now!

Video: Recommendations from psychologist and coach Brian Tracy: “Change your mindset if you want to change your life!”

Programmer, investor and entrepreneur James Altucher, who has already launched several startups, published a very simple, useful and honest guide on TechCrunch for those who want to radically change their field of activity, but do not know where to start. Below is a translation of this article.

Here's the deal: I've been at zero a few times, come back to life a few times, I've done it over and over again. I started new careers. The people who knew me then don't know me now. And so on.

I started my career from scratch several times. Sometimes - because my interests changed. Sometimes - because all the bridges were burned without a trace, and sometimes because I desperately needed money. And sometimes it was because I hated everyone at my previous job or they hated me.

There are other ways to reinvent yourself, so take my words with a grain of salt. This is what worked in my case. I've seen it work for about a hundred other people. From interviews, from letters that have been written to me over the past 20 years. You can try - or not.

1. Change never ends

Every day you rediscover yourself. You are always on the move. But every day you decide where exactly you are moving: forward or backward.

2. Start with a clean slate

All your past labels are just vanity. Have you been a doctor? An Ivy League graduate? Owned millions? Did you have a family? Nobody cares. You have lost everything. You are zero. Don't try to say that you are more than that.

3. You need a mentor

Otherwise, you will go under. Someone has to show you how to move and breathe. But don't worry about looking for a mentor (see below).

4. Three types of mentors

Straight. Someone who is ahead of you, who will show you how he got it. What does "this" mean? Wait. By the way, the mentors don't look like Jackie Chan's character in The Karate Kid. Most mentors will hate you.

Indirect. Books. Movies. You can get 90% of the instructions from books and other materials. 200-500 books equate to a good mentor. When people ask me, “What is a good book to read?” - I do not know what to answer them. There are 200-500 good books worth reading. I would turn to inspirational books. Whatever you believe in, strengthen your beliefs with daily reading.

Anything can be a mentor. If you are nobody and want to re-create yourself, everything you look at can become a metaphor for your desires and goals. The tree you see, with its roots out of sight and the groundwater that feeds it, is a metaphor for programming if you tie the dots together. And everything you look at will "connect the dots".

5. Don't Worry If Nothing Excites You

You care about your health. Start with it. Take small steps. You don't need passion to succeed. Do your job with love, and success will become a natural symptom.

6. Time it takes to reinvent yourself: five years

Here is a description of those five years.

Year 1: You wallow and read everything and just start doing something.

Year 2: You know who you need to talk to and keep working with. You do something every day. You finally understand what the map of your own game of Monopoly looks like.

Third year: You are good enough to start making money. But so far, perhaps not enough to earn a living.

Fourth year: You provide for yourself well.

Year 5: You make a fortune.

Sometimes I got frustrated in the first four years. I asked myself, "Why hasn't this happened yet?" - He beat his fist on the wall and broke his arm. It's okay, just keep going. Or stop and choose a new field of activity. It doesn't matter. Someday you will die, and then it will be really difficult to change.

7. If you do it too fast or too slow, then something is wrong.

A good example is Google.

8. It's not about the money

But money is a good measure. When people say, "It's not about the money," they need to be sure they have some other unit of measure. "How about just doing what you love?" There will be many days ahead when you don't like what you do. If you are doing it out of pure love, it will take much more than five years. Happiness is just a positive reaction from your brain. Some days you will be unhappy. Your brain is just a tool, it does not define who you are.

9. When can you say, "I'm doing X"? When does X become your new profession?

10. When can I start doing X?

Today. If you want to paint, buy a canvas and paints today, start buying 500 books one by one and paint pictures. If you want to write, do the following three things:


If you want to start your own business, start coming up with an idea for a business. Rebuilding yourself starts today. Every day.

11. When will I earn money?

In a year, you will put 5,000-7,000 hours into this business. That's good enough to put you in the top 200-300 in the world in any major. Getting into the top 200 almost always provides a livelihood. By the third year, you will understand how to make money. By the fourth - you will be able to increase turnover and provide for yourself. Some stop there.

12. By year 5 you will be in the top 30-50 so you can make a fortune

13. How to determine what is mine?

Any area in which you are able to read 500 books. Go to the bookstore and find her. If you get bored after three months, go back to the bookstore. Getting rid of illusions is normal, this is the meaning of defeat. Success is better than failure, but the most important lessons come from failure. Very important: do not rush. During your interesting life, you can change yourself many times. And fail many times. It's fun too. These attempts will turn your life into a story book, not a textbook. Some people want their life to be a textbook. Mine is a story book, good or bad. Therefore, changes occur every day.

14. The decisions you make today will be in your biography tomorrow.

Make interesting decisions and you will have an interesting biography.

15. The decisions you make today will become part of your biology.

16. What if I like something exotic? Biblical archeology or 11th century wars?

Repeat the above steps and by the fifth year you will be rich. We don't know how. There is no need to look for the end of the path when you are only taking the first steps.

17. What if my family wants me to become an accountant?

How many years of your life did you promise to give to your family? Ten? All life? Then wait for the next life. You choose.

Choose freedom, not family. Freedom, not prejudice. Freedom, not government. Freedom, not the satisfaction of other people's requests. Then you will satisfy yours.

18. My mentor wants me to follow his path.

This is fine. Learn his way. Then do it your way. Sincerely.

Luckily no one puts a gun to your head. Then you would have to comply with his demands until he lowers the gun.

19. My husband (wife) is worried: who will take care of our children?

A person who changes himself always finds free time. Part of changing yourself is finding moments and reshaping them the way you would like to use them.

20. What if my friends think I'm crazy?

What are these friends?

21. What if I want to be an astronaut?

It's not about changing yourself. This is a specific profession. If you like space, there are many professions. Richard Branson wanted to be an astronaut and created Virgin Galactic.

22. What if I enjoy drinking and hanging out with friends?

Read this post again in a year.

23. And if I'm busy? Am I cheating on my spouse or betraying my partner?

Read this post again in two or three years, when you are broke, out of work, and everyone will turn their backs on you.

24. What if I can't do anything at all?

Read point 2 again.

25. What if I don't have a diploma or it's useless?

Read point 2 again.

26. What if I need to focus on paying off a mortgage or other loan?

Read point 19 again.

27. Why do I always feel like an outsider?

Albert Einstein was an outsider. No one in authority would have hired him. Everyone feels like an impostor sometimes. The greatest creativity is born out of skepticism.

28. I can't read 500 books. Name one book to read for inspiration

Then you can immediately give up.

29. What if I'm too sick to change myself?

The change will boost the production of beneficial substances in your body: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin. Move forward, and you may not get well at all, but you will get healthier. Don't use health as an excuse.

Finally, rebuild your health first. Sleep more. Eat better. Go in for sports. These are the key steps to change.

30. What if my partner set me up and I'm still suing him?

Drop the lawsuit and never think about him again. Half the problem was you.

31. And if they put me in jail?

Wonderful. Re-read point 2. Read more books in prison.

32. And if I'm a timid person?

Make weakness your strength. Introverts are better at listening and concentrating, they know how to arouse sympathy.

33. What if I can't wait five years?

If you plan to stay alive in five years, you can start today.

34. How to make contacts?

Build concentric circles. You must be in the middle. The next circle is friends and family. Then there are online communities. Then - people whom you know from informal meetings and tea parties. Then - conference participants and opinion leaders in their field. Then there are mentors. Then - customers and those who make money. Start making your way through these circles.

35. What if my ego gets in the way of what I do?

After six months or a year, you will return to point 2.

36. What if I am passionate about two things at once? And I can't choose?

Combine them and you will be the best in the world for this combination.

37. What if I'm so passionate that I want to teach others what I'm learning myself?

Read lectures on YouTube. Start with a one-person audience and see if it grows.

38. What if I want to earn money in my sleep?

In the fourth year, start outsourcing what you do.

39. How to find mentors and experts?

Once you have accumulated enough knowledge (after 100-200 books), write 10 ideas for 20 different potential mentors.

None of them will answer you. Write 10 more ideas for 20 new mentors. Repeat this every week.

40. What if I can't come up with ideas?

Then practice it. The mental muscles tend to atrophy. They need to be trained.

It will be difficult for me to reach my toes if I don't exercise every day. I have to do this exercise every day for some time before this posture comes easily to me. Don't expect good ideas from day one.

42. What if I do everything you say, but it still doesn't seem to work?

It will turn out. Just wait. Keep changing yourself every day.

Don't try to find the end of the path. You can't see it in the fog. But you can see the next step, and you will understand that if you take it, you will eventually reach the end of the path.

43. What if I start feeling down?

Sit in silence for an hour a day. You need to get back to your essence.

If you think this sounds stupid, don't do it. Move on with your depression.

44. And if there is no time to sit in silence?

Then sit in silence for two hours a day. This is not meditation. You just have to sit.

45. And if I get scared?

Sleep 8-9 hours a night and never gossip. Sleep is the first secret to good health. Not the only one, but the first. Some people write to me that four hours of sleep is enough for them, or that in their country those who sleep a lot are considered lazy. These people will fail and die young.

When it comes to gossip, our brains are biologically programmed to have 150 friends. And when you hang out with one of your friends, you can gossip about one of the other 150 friends. And if you don't have 150 friends, then the brain will want to read gossip magazines until it looks like it has 150 friends.

Don't be as stupid as your brain.

46. ​​And if everything seems to me that I will never succeed?

Practice gratitude for 10 minutes a day. Don't suppress your fear. Notice your anger.

But also allow yourself to be grateful for what you have. Anger never inspires, but gratitude never inspires. Gratitude is the bridge between your world and the parallel universe where all creative ideas live.

47. And if I constantly have to deal with some kind of personal squabbles?

Find other people to be around.

A person who changes himself will constantly meet people who try to suppress him. The brain is afraid of change - it can be unsafe. Biologically, the brain wants you to be safe, and change is a risk. So your brain will give you people trying to stop you.

Learn to say no.