Modern diagnostics of urethritis. Urethritis in men and women

The full functionality of the genitourinary system plays an important role in a person's life, and any disease can upset the balance in the body. Problems with urination with urethritis bring discomfort and disrupt the usual rhythm of life, can lead to serious health problems. Tests can diagnose the disease. Since there are quite a few of them, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what tests you need to pass for urethritis, so that later you do not get confused and do not forget anything.

Urethritis is a pathological process that affects the walls of the urethra with viruses and bacteria and is accompanied by inflammation. This is a common disease diagnosed in both women and men. The disease also occurs in children.

Urethritis appears due to infection or medical intervention (for example, during the introduction of a catheter into the bladder). Since the most common cause of the disease are infections of the genitourinary system, it is better to determine the disease as quickly as possible. Prompt treatment will prevent the spread of the disease in the body and to other sexual partners. Moreover, urethritis can cause other diseases, such as inflammation of the prostate in men, and in women it can affect the health of the unborn child.


To detect urethritis, the patient must go through several stages: examination by a doctor, testing and additional types of diagnostics (ultrasound, ureteroscopy, etc.).


First of all, the patient should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The doctor can identify the following clinical symptoms of the disease:

  • Large and small labia and the opening of the urethra become red, causing discomfort to girls and women;
  • In men, the head turns red;
  • In men, there is pain when probing the penis;
  • There is discharge from the urethra.

In general, not a specific doctor deals with urethritis - the specialist depends on the form of the disease and the gender of the patient. If you suspect an illness, you can contact a urologist, gynecologist (in women), andrologist (in men). Sometimes you need to resort to the services of a dermatovenereologist. Since children often cannot fully describe the disease, with urethritis in children, you can contact a pediatrician who will redirect the patient to a specialist.

With urethritis in women, an additional examination is prescribed to detect inflammation of the external organs of the genitourinary system. In men, the doctor may prescribe palpation of the prostate - the prostate gland is probed through the walls of the rectum with the index finger. This is how prostatitis is diagnosed, which may be the result of the development of urethritis.

Urine analysis for urethritis allows you to quickly and effectively understand whether there is an inflammatory process in the urethra. Only a specialist knows for sure how to decipher it.

The main physical and chemical properties of urine are:

  • Color. Under normal conditions, urine is light yellow in color. Deviations in color can be caused not only by urethritis, but also by a number of other diseases or bleeding;
  • Transparency. Turbidity occurs when there is an excess of white blood cells, bacteria, epithelial cells and mucus in the urine. This may be a consequence of the inflammatory process of the urination organs. With increased turbidity, urolithiasis can be an ailment - salt crystals accumulate in the urine. When foam appears, it can be concluded that a high percentage of protein enters the urine;
  • Acidity. This indicator is also affected by the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • Density. With an increased amount of sugar, protein, red blood cells, etc. in the urine, its density increases;
  • The presence of protein, ketone bodies, glucose, nitrites, hemoglobin; indicators of leukocytes and bilirubin.

Urine tests are given in the morning. For maximum objectivity of the biochemical analysis, urine should be at night, at least 4 hours before the analysis is collected, it is impossible to urinate. When taking urine from children, you need to be especially careful to comply with all conditions. It is also necessary to stop taking antifungal and antimicrobial drugs a couple of days before the test. Urine is collected in a special plastic container with a volume of 3-5 mm. The material must be handed over to the laboratory within 2-3 hours.

From the point of view of diagnostics, the indicators of red blood cells and the color of urine are the main ones. A dark color with blood impurities indicates the hemorrhagic nature of urethritis, in which the walls of the mucosa are very easy to injure.

A good property of bacteriological culture is that it not only indicates the presence of infection, but also determines the number of microorganisms. This indicator is referred to as CFU. It allows you to determine the stage of the disease and its severity.

Further, the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to various antibiotics is determined. For an experiment, one or another drug is injected into a colony of infectious agents and its effect is monitored: when pathogenic microorganisms are inhibited, it is considered effective and can be used for treatment.

Three glass sample

If it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and localize the infection, a method such as a three-cup sample is used. The principle of this test is to collect urine in 3 containers. It must be done in a special way. Before passing urine, you can not urinate for 3-5 hours. The analysis is given in the morning, that is, a portion of night urine is needed. In 1 and 3, the container should fit 1/5 of the urine in each. In the second - 3/5 of the volume of urine.

  • Excessive value of leukocytes in 1 serving is a consequence of urethritis;
  • Elevated level in 3 servings is a consequence of posterior urethritis;
  • When arranging the first two signs, an anterior and posterior urethritis is obtained;
  • With an increased level of white blood cells in all samples, a conclusion can be drawn about cystitis and pyelonephritis.

swabs from the urethra

The smear is especially effective due to the fact that the material is extracted directly from the affected area. The smear is taken using a special device that resembles a spoon and placed in the laboratory.

Before the procedure, the patient must:

  • Do not have sexual intercourse during the day;
  • For 7 days, refuse to take antibacterial medicines;
  • Do not urinate for a couple of hours.

In the same way, an analysis of substances released from the urethra (if any) is taken.

Other types of diagnostics

  • Urethroscopy. It is used for researches of a mucous membrane of an urethra. Allows you to assess the general condition of the mucosa, to collect cells. In women and men, the procedure differs only in the shape of the ureteroscope;
  • Urethrocystoscopy. Unlike ureteroscopy, along with the urinary tract mucosa, it allows you to assess the condition of the bladder;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic area;
  • Voiding cystourethrography - a type of radiography, accompanied by the introduction of a contrast agent;
  • Blood analysis.

It is necessary to closely monitor your health and consult a doctor at the first appearance of an ailment. It poses a particular danger, since it occurs both in the adult population and in children - no one is immune from it. It can also be dangerous for the unborn child.

Symptoms of inflammation of the urethra may resemble other diseases of the genitourinary system. But the treatment of different pathologies is significantly different from each other. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the existing disease (is it urethritis or something else). This helps laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of urethritis. What methods are the most informative, how to prepare for them in order to obtain an accurate result, and how are they carried out? Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to detect urethritis by laboratory methods?

Laboratory methods help determine urethritis. They occupy the main place in the diagnosis of this pathology. The main methods that are used to detect urethritis are as follows:

  • Bacterioscopic - examination of the material taken under a microscope.
  • Bacteriological - sowing material on special media and studying the appearance of grown colonies.
  • Serological - determination of antibodies (immunoglobulins of different classes) to the most common and probable pathogens of urethritis. Immunoglobulins can be systemic (class G and M) and local (class A, they are synthesized locally in the mucous membrane).
  • PCR diagnostics - detection in blood or other biological media (urine, urethral discharge, cervical canal) of certain genetic sequences characteristic of a particular pathogen.
  • General clinical - the study of urine and blood by standard methods to assess the presence and degree of the inflammatory process. These tests are assigned to almost every person who seeks medical help.

To establish the correct diagnosis of urethritis (in the presence of suspicious clinical signs or inflammatory changes in the general clinical analysis of urine), it is necessary first of all to examine the discharge from the urethra. But some factors can distort the reliability of this analysis, so doctors adhere to certain rules when taking material.

How to prepare for an analysis from the urethra and how it is performed

The rules for obtaining discharge from the urethra differ in women and men.

For women, these rules include:

  • collection of material not earlier than 1 hour after urination;
  • use a sterile cotton swab. If there is no discharge, then a special endobrush (a brush like a small brush), which is turned clockwise several times, is inserted into the urethra to a depth of 2-4 cm.

For men, the collection rules are as follows:

  • after the last urination should be 2 hours or more;
  • endobrush is inserted into the urethra by 2-4 cm and rotated 2-3 times clockwise.

In cases where urethritis occurs with unexpressed symptoms, and in chronic forms, taking discharge with the help of endobrush is not always informative. Therefore, in such patients, doctors carefully scrape off the mucous membrane using a Volkmann spoon. This procedure is normally tolerated, there may be slight discomfort during its implementation.

The material obtained is either subjected to microscopy (bacterioscopic method) or sown on media (bacteriological method). With the help of microscopic examination, it is possible to quickly and easily identify Trichomonas and gonococci (in relation to other pathogens, the method is less sensitive). But their absence in the smear does not mean that they are excluded as the cause of urethritis. In this case, in the presence of suspicious clinical symptoms, polymerase diagnostics is indicated. The detection of more than 5 leukocytes in a smear in one field of view is a reliable sign of an inflammatory process in the urethral zone, which is called urethritis.

Thus, using microscopy, you can diagnose:

  • the fact of urethritis (presence of inflammation);
  • its cause (a specific pathogen, especially if it is gonococcus or Trichomonas), which affects the further tactics of patient management.

The advantage of bacteriological diagnosis of urethritis is the ability to determine the sensitivity of causative microbes to antibiotics, so that the doctor can initially prescribe the one that will be most effective in this patient.


Initially, if there are complaints about increased urination and its soreness, the doctor suggests urethritis, and therefore prescribes a general urine test. If leukocytes or bacteria are detected in it (or in the analysis according to Nechiporenko), a three-glass test is recommended.

A 3-glass test helps to carry out a topical diagnosis of lesions of the urinary system, i.e. determine which organ is specifically inflamed.

It can also be used to evaluate:

  • the number of pathogens in 1 ml of urine;
  • their appearance;
  • sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

This test is especially informative if opportunistic microbes have become the cause of the disease (if other methods do not detect them):

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • Proteus;
  • coli, etc.

With the help of this analysis, it is possible to understand in which part of the urinary system inflammation has developed. The results are interpreted as follows:

  • urethritis is when pathological changes are detected in the first portion of urine;
  • prostatitis and cystitis leads to the appearance of a large number of leukocytes in the second portion of urine;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys - causes the appearance of leukocytes in all three samples.


In some cases, to clarify the nature of the mucosal lesion, the doctor may perform ureteroscopy. This is an endoscopic method performed under anesthesia. Most often, modern highly effective local anesthetics are used; earlier, anesthesia was used for this, but because of its side effects, this method of anesthesia has now been abandoned.

A special thinnest probe with a video camera is inserted into the lumen of the urethra, and an image is displayed on the screen. Such a diagnosis is carried out in order to establish the features of the lesion of the urethra, as well as in the presence of prostatitis or inflammation of the seminal vesicles.

Ureteroscopy can be performed on both men and women. There are 2 varieties of this method:

  • irrigation ureteroscopy - to improve the visualization of the urethra, saline is injected into the bladder;
  • dry ureteroscopy - instead of fluid, as the ureteroscope advances, the doctor fills the bladder with gas.

Depending on how urethritis proceeds, the urologist chooses the most informative method from those considered. In addition to an inflammatory lesion of the urethra, with the help of ureteroscopy, the doctor can identify:

  • foreign bodies;
  • cysts;
  • tumor lesions;
  • dystrophic processes of the mucosa, often developing in women in menopause.

The method has practically no contraindications. Only running urethritis limits its use, because. due to the pronounced inflammatory process with the introduction of the ureteroscope, there is a very high risk of rupture of the urethra. In this case, the diagnosis is based only on the results of laboratory tests.

Within a few days after the ureteroscopy, some discomfort associated with:

  • with the presence of mild bloody discharge from the urethra;
  • with soreness during a trip to the toilet "in a small way."

If after the procedure the body temperature rises, the urine stream weakens or there is bleeding that does not stop, you should urgently go to the urologist. These symptoms may indicate possible complications of ureteroscopy, which are not deprived of any method of invasive (associated with the direct penetration of equipment into the human body) diagnostics, and ureteroscopy is no exception.

Diagnosis of chlamydial urethritis

To detect chlamydial urethritis, the following methods can be used:

  1. Bacterioscopic, in which the presence of chlamydia is determined in the tissues (they are located intracellularly). The method for chlamydia is low-sensitive - only 10-20% of patients with chlamydial urethritis can detect this microorganism. The information content of the method is increased by immunofluorescence. To do this, the drug is treated with antibodies, and then translucent in fluorescent light. In the presence of chlamydia, a yellow-green glow is detected. This kind of bacterioscopic method is quite informative. So, in about 70-75% of infected patients, it is possible to establish the cause of urethritis.
  2. bacteriological method. It lies in the fact that the resulting material (discharged from the urethra) is introduced into cell culture. It is impossible to use artificial nutrient media for this, because. they do not grow chlamydia. The method is highly sensitive - causative microorganisms are detected in 75-95% of people with chlamydial urethritis. Due to the complexity in clinical practice, it is not widely used. It is usually used to control a complete cure. It will be uninformative if it is carried out while taking antibiotics or within 1 month after the end of antibiotic therapy.
  3. Serological methods. In the blood, the titer of class G immunoglobulins to chlamydia is determined if there is a generalized form of infection or if the material cannot be obtained, because organs are located in places that are difficult to access for non-invasive diagnostics (for example, the prostate, testicles, ovaries, etc.). But to detect urethritis, a study of local immunity is carried out - the titer of immunoglobulins A in the urethral canal is determined. However, the method has two drawbacks. It is not suitable for the diagnosis of acute chlamydial urethritis, because in response to infection, antibodies do not appear immediately, but after some time. The method cannot be used to assess whether the patient is cured or not, due to the fact that the titer of immunoglobulins remains elevated for a long time. Serological methods are especially valuable for detecting sluggish and asymptomatic forms of urethritis, but when there is a lesion of the pelvic organs. In this case, the method is informative in 95% of cases of infection.
  4. PCR diagnostics. The sensitivity of this method is almost 100%; it allows to identify almost all patients infected with chlamydia. Various biological material can be subjected to research. But in men, they usually use the first portion of urine obtained immediately after waking up (there is no need to wash away, so as not to distort the results of the analysis), and in women, cervical mucus (if chlamydia is detected in it, then they are in the urethra). The main advantage of PCR diagnostics is the simultaneous detection of several pathogens of urethritis in the same sample of biological material. So, in urine or cervical secret, in addition to chlamydia, different types of mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas can be detected. However, there is one drawback. PCR cannot be used to confirm the complete destruction of chlamydia in the body (cure of the infection). This is due to the fact that even non-viable fragments of DNA and RNA are detected using PCR, which remain in the body for 2-3 months after the end of successful antibiotic therapy.

The diagnosis of gonorrheal urethritis in most cases is established on the basis of the results of microscopic examination of the detachable urethra. At the same time, diplococci are found, which resemble a coffee bean, consisting of 2 halves. They are:

  • are located intracellularly
  • have different shapes and different colors,
  • outside covered with a capsule.

To detect these causative agents of urethritis, a bacteriological examination is also carried out. The material taken is sown on meat-peptone media, and then the nature of growth on them is studied.

Diagnosis of gardnerella urethritis

Gardnerellezny urethritis helps to detect bacterioscopic methods. The taken material is examined in unstained form and after Gram staining.

In the first case, a sign that indicates gardnerellosis is the presence of key cells. They are cells of the squamous epithelium lining the urethra, to which gardnerella bacteria are attached.

In the second case (when staining the preparation), this infection is indicated by:

  • individual leukocytes, randomly scattered in the fields of view;
  • a large number of bacteria that have a negative Gram stain, while a considerable part of them are attached to epithelial cells.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmal and ureaplasmic urethritis

It is not easy to identify urethritis caused by mycoplasmas or ureaplasmas. Widespread methods of microscopic diagnostics turn out to be uninformative due to the large species diversity of these bacteria.

Cultural methods are also not always informative, because. even if there is growth on nutrient media, this does not mean infection. Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas can be opportunistic inhabitants of the urinary tract of men and women, without causing the development of an inflammatory reaction.

Therefore, at present, urethritis, which is presumably associated with these microorganisms, is an indication for PCR diagnostics.

Diagnosis of herpetic urethritis

Urethritis caused by herpes viruses type 1 or 2 is diagnosed using one of the following methods:

  • microscopy of smears taken from local rashes and urethra. At the same time, the laboratory assistant determines a large number of giant cells and intracellular inclusions;
  • PCR method for detecting virus DNA;
  • immunofluorescence - a bright green glow is detected in smears.

Diagnosis of fungal urethritis

Fungal urethritis is easy to diagnose. During a microscopic examination of the swabs taken, the laboratory assistant sees a large number of micellar filaments located in thick mucus. It makes no sense to use more expensive methods for diagnosing candidiasis, because. microscopy is highly informative.

Diagnosis of trichomonas urethritis

Trichomonas urethritis is not difficult to diagnose, because. has typical symptoms (more in the section "Symptoms of urethritis"). However, the following methods help to finally determine the causative microorganism (Trichomonas):

  • bacterioscopy - even in an unpainted preparation, a laboratory assistant easily detects Trichomonas;
  • bacteriological examination, but it is less common, tk. microscopy is quite informative.


The presence of symptoms of urethritis is an indication for laboratory and / or instrumental diagnostics. Its task is to confirm the inflammation of the urethra, as well as to identify its cause (a specific microorganism). This helps the doctor to differentiate treatment and cure the patient's urethritis.

Urethritis is a pathology that is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the urethra. There is an opinion that the pathology is caused solely by the penetration into the urethra of pathogenic microorganisms that are transmitted during unprotected intercourse. But this is not the only reason, although it is considered the most common. Tests and diagnosis of urethritis are based on symptoms to confirm the diagnosis. Based on the results of the study, it can be said with confidence that not in all cases the pathology is caused by a venereal infection.

Often the causative agents of urethritis are staphylococci or E. coli that enter the urethra due to a violation of basic hygiene rules. This usually happens if there are various inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs. In men, the cause can be, for example, prostatitis, and in women, cystitis, adnexitis or vaginitis. In addition, the cause of urethritis can be an injury to the walls of the urethra when the catheter is incorrectly placed or during other medical procedures.

Another cause of urethritis is irritation of the walls of the urethra with uric and oxalic acid, the concentration of which increases when metabolic processes are disturbed. In this case, urethritis can be regarded as a concomitant pathology.

The causes of urethritis in men may be the irritating effect of local contraceptives, poor-quality condoms, lubricants and soaps. These substances can cause temporary discomfort that does not require special treatment and disappears after removal of the irritant.

The main signs of urethritis are burning and severe pain during urination, discharge from the urethra of a purulent or mucous nature, which, when an infection is attached, have an unpleasant odor, sometimes the discharge is mixed with blood, frequent urge to urinate.

The main symptoms of urethritis are burning and severe pain when urinating.

Diagnosis of urethritis

Diagnosis begins with the collection of anamnesis. The patient is asked about when the pain, burning sensation and frequent urge to urinate appeared. Also, the doctor must find out what chronic diseases of the genitourinary system the patient suffers from. The main focus is on inflammatory processes. After a general examination and questioning, laboratory and hardware diagnostic methods are prescribed. At this stage:

  1. Take a smear from the urethra. The smear is prepared for further microscopic examination.
  2. In the chronic form of urethritis, ureteroscopy is performed, which consists in examining the urethra using special optical equipment.
  3. Assign an x-ray examination of the urethra using a contrast agent. In acute urethritis, the procedure is not performed.
  4. They are sent for a general urine test. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine how severely the urinary tract is affected.
  5. The bacterial flora is sown on a special nutrient medium for subsequent cultivation and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.
  6. An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is performed to find out possible pathological changes.

The main goal of diagnosis is to identify the cause. As soon as the pathogen has been identified in the laboratory, the results are transmitted to the attending physician, who prescribes treatment.

Mandatory analysis is to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. This greatly simplifies the appointment of a treatment regimen.

The main goal of diagnosis is to identify the cause

If sexually transmitted infections have not been identified, and besides, the patient completely denies this route of infection, the doctor prescribes an examination to identify the cause of infection. Examine usually the prostate, bladder, intestines.

In the case of non-infectious urethritis, an examination of the internal organs, in particular, the kidneys and the endocrine system, is prescribed. Small stones that can come out through the urethra injure its walls, which leads to inflammation. Metabolic disorders can also be determined at the stage of diagnosis of urethritis.

Types of laboratory research

To diagnose the cause of urethritis in the laboratory, bacteriological studies are carried out, which include:

  • smear from the urethra;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • general blood analysis.

The study of the smear is carried out in two ways:

  1. Analyze the stained preparation.
  2. cultural method.

To clarify the type of pathogen, molecular genetic diagnostics can be prescribed. It is mainly indicated if the patient applied with a suspicion of infection after unprotected intercourse.

General urine analysis

Urinalysis for urethritis is a rather important point in the diagnosis. In this case, both a general analysis and a study for the detection of bacterial flora are carried out. In order for the diagnosis to be as accurate as possible, absolutely all indicators must be taken into account. There is a standard form by which the condition of the material under study is assessed. A general urinalysis includes such properties as:

  • transparency of urine;
  • color;
  • density;
  • acidity;
  • the presence of protein;
  • percentage of glucose;
  • ketone bodies;
  • erythrocytes;
  • leukocytes;
  • hemoglobinuria.

Prepare for a urine test. Usually, the analysis is scheduled the next morning, and preparation must begin the day before. If the patient is taking any antibiotics, urine collection should be delayed and antibiotics stopped. After three days, you can take the material for analysis. In addition, immediately before the procedure, refrain from urinating. It is desirable that at least three hours pass.
The main indicators that you should especially pay attention to if you suspect urethritis is the number of red blood cells. The color of urine depends on their quantity. If a high content of red blood cells is observed, the urine becomes dark, and an admixture of blood is clearly visible in it, this is a direct signal that hemorrhagic urethritis is developing. In this disease, the mucous membrane of the urethra is exposed to constant irritation for an unspecified reason.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko

After a general urinalysis was performed, and an increased content of blood elements was found, the patient is prescribed a Nechiporenko test. The essence of the method lies in the laboratory study of the middle portion of urine. Thanks to this, it is possible to confirm or refute the presence of a high content of leukocytes, which in itself indicates the development of the inflammatory process. During the study, the quantitative content of blood elements in 1 ml of urine is determined.

There are specific indications for the appointment of this sample. It:

  • suspicion of an inflammatory process of the urinary tract;
  • hematuria;
  • is carried out in order to assess the effectiveness of the therapy.

To diagnose urethritis, doctors almost always prescribe this analysis. At the stage of preparation for the collection of material, it is necessary to completely abandon:

  • alcohol;
  • foods that can change the color of urine, such as beets
  • synthetic vitamin preparations (ascorbic acid makes urine dark and cloudy);
  • all products that can cause a diuretic effect;

If a cystoscopy procedure was performed, then the Nechiporenko analysis can be done only after five days.

Before taking material for research, it is necessary to carry out a thorough hygienic treatment of the genital organs. You need to collect only the middle portion of urine. To do this, approximately 20 ml must be skipped, the next 20-30 ml should be collected in a sterile container, the rest should also be skipped. The collected material must be transferred to the laboratory no later than two hours later, the results can be expected the next day.

Trial of three glasses

The previous analysis can determine with high certainty the presence of an inflammatory process, but in which particular section of the urinary tract it is localized, an additional method, the so-called three-glass analysis, will help to understand.

Urine is collected according to a certain scheme:

  • before collecting urine, it is necessary not to urinate for three hours;
  • perform hygienic treatment of the genital organs without the use of soap;
  • it is necessary to collect urine in three sterile and absolutely dry containers (collect 1/5 of the total amount of urine in the first, 3/5 in the second, 1/5 in the third).

Each serving is priced differently. Analysis of the first sample may indicate cystitis and urethritis, the second sample can determine whether the inflammatory process has spread to the kidneys and ureters, and the third sample indicates an inflammatory process localized in the prostate gland.

In addition, a certain amount of urine from this sample is taken for bacteriological culture. It is also part of a comprehensive diagnosis of urethritis. Urine sediment is also used, which is examined using a laboratory centrifuge. This method helps to identify protozoa in the urine, for example, such as amoeba or Trichomonas.

Bacteriological culture of urine

A fairly accurate diagnostic method is bacteriological culture of urine taken for analysis. This method helps to determine the pathogen that caused urethritis, as well as to clarify the sensitivity of this type of microorganism to antibiotics.

The urine transferred for examination in the laboratory is placed on a nutrient medium that is favorable for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. If nonspecific urethritis is suspected, agar is used as a nutrient medium. If the urethritis is infectious in nature, then a specially adapted nutrient medium is used to grow the culture.

This method helps not only to assess the presence of pathogenic flora (usually a positive or negative result), but also to determine the quantitative composition of microorganisms. This indicator is measured in the so-called colony-forming units (CFU). The need for this study lies in the fact that it helps to estimate the number of bacteria that can give rise to new colonies. And the severity of the inflammatory process depends on this.

To determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, antibacterial drugs are applied to the nutrient medium where the colony is grown. Efficiency is evaluated based on whether the growth and reproduction of microorganisms has been inhibited. If yes, then this drug will have a therapeutic effect in this patient.

For bacterial culture, a sample can be taken from a three-glass sample, or a separate urine sample can be made. To do this, the average portion of morning urine in the amount of 5 ml is placed in a sterile plastic cup and tightly closed with a lid. It is necessary to transfer the material to the laboratory within two hours.

Analysis of urethral swabs

A laboratory study of a smear taken from the urethra helps to quite accurately determine the cause of the pathology by identifying the pathogen. This is due to the fact that the sampling of the test material is carried out directly from the focus of inflammation. A smear is taken using special urological instruments directly from the cavity of the urethra.

This procedure causes discomfort, especially for male patients. Since there is a risk of injury to the walls of the urethra, the sampling of the material should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist. The resulting smear is placed in a sterile container and transferred to the study. Before taking a smear, you must refrain from sexual intercourse for at least twelve hours, do not take antibiotics, and immediately before the procedure, do not urinate for about two hours.

Ureteroscopy is an endoscopic examination of the urethra

There are two main methods for examining urethritis tests:

  1. microscopic: the resulting smear is examined using a microscope, while a special stained preparation is prepared;
  2. bacteriological: confirms the presence of a particular microorganism, and also determines sensitivity to antibiotics (carried out by analogy with the same urine test).


In addition to laboratory research, there are instrumental methods for diagnosing urethritis. These include, in particular, ureteroscopy.

The ureteroscopy procedure consists in an endoscopic examination of the urethra, in which a special apparatus is inserted into it to help assess the condition of the mucous membrane. Thanks to this diagnostic method, you can:

  • examine in detail the mucous membrane of the urethra;
  • take a small piece of urethral tissue for microscopic examination;
  • confirm and refute the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • remove the narrowing of the lumen of the urethra or carry out any other manipulations according to indications.

Usually, the ureteroscopy procedure is performed to assess the condition of the urethra after the treatment of urethritis. There are several preparatory points that must be completed before manipulation:

  • take a weekly course of antibiotic therapy prescribed by a urologist;
  • immediately before the ureteroscopy, it is necessary to empty the bladder;
  • in children, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

There are two types of ureteroscopy:

  1. Dry. A ureteroscope is inserted into the urethra, which is lubricated with petroleum jelly, the examination is carried out throughout the entire urethra;
  2. Irrigation. Due to the constant injection of fluid, the walls of the urethra are stretched and this makes it possible to examine the posterior sections of the canal.

Additional diagnostic methods

In some cases, the doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe additional diagnostics. Basically, such a need arises in complicated forms of urethritis, when other organs of the small pelvis are included in the pathological process. These methods include:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. A procedure is performed to assess the condition of the organs of the genitourinary system, which could be affected due to an ascending infection. They usually check the kidneys, bladder, prostate in men and ovaries in women.
  2. sexual dysfunction.
  3. The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Urethritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra (urethra). The main cause of the disease is a bacterial, fungal or viral infection. Perhaps reactive inflammation of the urethra, which occurs during physical or chemical effects on the urethral mucosa.

Risk factors:

  • female (features of the anatomy of the female body facilitate the spread of infection);
  • male gender (age 20 to 35, active sex life);
  • promiscuity.

Clinical classification of urethritis by etiological factor:

  1. Nongonococcal urethritis:
    • bacterial inflammation of the urethra that occurs in response to a non-gonococcal infection. The cause is various microbes, including sexually transmitted ones (Mycoplasma genitalium, Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Haemophilus vaginalis).
    • bacterial non-specific inflammation of the urethra caused by conditionally pathogenic flora (E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.);
    • urethritis caused by a viral infection (adenoviruses, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, etc.) - rare;
    • urethritis caused by a fungal infection (mycotic);
    • urethritis caused by protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis);
    • reactive inflammation of the urethra, which occurs when the mucosa is exposed to chemicals contained in hygiene products, contraceptives;
    • reactive urethritis that occurs in response to mechanical trauma during medical procedures (catheterization, bougienage, cystoscopy).
    • reactive urethritis that occurs with metabolic disorders and changes in the composition of urine (urolithiasis, oxalaturia, uric acid diathesis or gout).
  2. The course of urethritis matters - acute (gonorrhea) or chronic (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis).

  3. Gonococcal urethritis is an infectious inflammatory disease of the urethra caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Transmitted sexually.

Consider the most common forms of the disease.

Nonspecific bacterial urethritis

Conditionally pathogenic flora is the main cause of nonspecific bacterial urethritis. Most often, the disease causes Escherichia coli (E. coli), staphylococci and other microorganisms. There are primary and secondary bacterial urethritis.

Primary bacterial urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that occurs as an underlying disease. The causative agent penetrates the wall of the urethra from the outside. Urethritis in women occurs more often due to anatomical features (a wide and short urethra facilitates the penetration of infection). Primary bacterial urethritis in men is much less common.

Secondary bacterial urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that occurs as a result of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and adjacent organs. It is a concomitant pathology with pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis. The infection penetrates into the mucous membrane of the urethra from the urine or by the hematogenous route.

This classification has lost its relevance, but is still found in some sources. Regardless of the cause that caused urethritis, the symptoms of the disease, diagnostic methods and treatment principles differ slightly.

Symptoms of urethritis in men:

  • pathological discharge from the external opening of the urethra of a different nature (purulent, mucous, bloody);
  • change in the nature of urine (turbid, mixed with pus, blood).
  • possible local lymphadenopathy, dyspareunia, fever.

Urethritis in women - symptoms:

  • cutting pains, burning and itching, aggravated during urination;
  • stomach ache;
  • increased urination, imperative urge;
  • pelvic pain, dyspareunia;
  • fever;
  • vaginal discharge.

Diagnosis of bacterial urethritis

Diagnosis of bacterial urethritis is not difficult. Familiar symptoms and complaints facilitate the diagnosis.

Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial urethritis is carried out using microscopic and microbiological analysis of urine. The presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, mucus and bacteria in the samples proves the presence of a urinary tract infection. It is recommended to carry out a bakposev of urine and a smear from the urethra, to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. This allows treatment to be carried out more rationally and accurately.

In sexually active people, the exclusion of venereal diseases is mandatory. The best method is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The technology allows diagnosing any infections quickly and accurately.

Treatment of bacterial urethritis

Treatment of urethritis in men and women is the same. The basis of etiotropic therapy is antibiotics. The presence of culture results for sensitivity allows the infection to be treated more efficiently and rationally, which reduces the likelihood of chronicity and complications.

The drugs of choice are doxycycline, azithromycin, erythromycin, levofloxacin, ofloxacin.

Gonorrheal urethritis - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Gonorrhea is the most common sexually transmitted disease, along with chlamydia. Gonorrheal urethritis is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Inflammation of the urethra is the most characteristic symptom of the disease.

Symptoms and clinic of gonorrheal urethritis

Symptoms of gonorrheal urethritis in men and women are different. This is due to the peculiarities of the spread of infection (in men - urethritis, in women - cervicitis). 50% of women do not have severe symptoms. Abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and dyspareunia are possible.

Most men experience yellow-green discharge (mucopurulent or purulent, sometimes with blood) from the urethra, burning, itching and pain during urination. Dysuric phenomena can also be observed in women. These signs are more pronounced in the morning. Symptoms appear 2-12 days after infection.

Diagnosis of gonorrheal urethritis

The laboratory diagnosis of gonorrhea has a leading role. In asymptomatic patients, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is considered the best diagnostic method. Material for research is obtained using smears (from the urethra in men, from the urethra, posterior fornix of the vagina and cervical canal in women).

In patients with severe symptoms, a smear analysis is performed, with staining by gram and bacteriological. The presence of gram-negative double cocci (diplococci) in the field of view of the microscope confirms the diagnosis. Analysis of sensitivity to antibacterial drugs allows you to more accurately prescribe treatment. In addition, there are antibiotic-resistant strains of the pathogen.

Differential Diagnosis

Similar symptoms have the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • nongonococcal urethritis;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • acute prostatitis in men;
  • fungal infections (thrush in women);
  • nonspecific vaginitis (in women);
  • cervicitis (in women).

In addition, the presence of gonorrhea is an indicator that increases the likelihood of having other sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV).

Treatment of gonorrheal urethritis

Antibacterial drugs are the basis of etiotropic therapy. Antibiotics can quickly and effectively eliminate gonorrheal urethritis. Treatment of the disease is carried out in strict accordance with the appointments of a specialist. The disappearance of symptoms is not a criterion for cure.

In general, cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone 1 gram, 7 days) are used to treat gonorrhea, in combination with doxycycline or azithromycin. Monotherapy with drugs of the tetracycline group, fluoroquinolones, penicillins, sulfonamides has now significantly lost its effectiveness. Treatment of sexual partners is mandatory.

Criteria for curing gonorrhea

Previously, provocation methods were used to confirm the cure of gonorrhea. Provocation methods include a mechanical effect on the wall of the urethra (bougienage), taking pyrogenal, eating salty or spicy food (an irritating effect on the urethral mucosa), inductothermia of the genital organs (heating), etc. Currently, it is much more convenient and accurate to use for confirmation cure gonorrhea PCR, 10-12 days after the end of treatment. Genetic diagnosis confirms the absence of infection. For research, a swab is taken from the urethra or cervix.

It should be remembered that re-infection with gonorrhea is not uncommon. In the presence of several sexual partners, the likelihood of relapse increases. In addition, the presence of antibiotic-resistant strains reduces the effectiveness of treatment.


Fresh gonorrheal urethritis is successfully treated. The prognosis is good. The presence of chronic gonorrhea or repeated infections worsen the prognosis. The disease can lead to complications - infertility, premature birth, miscarriage, eye damage in newborns, blindness, inflammatory and purulent processes in the pelvis.

Trichomonas urethritis in men and women - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of trichomonas urethritis

The incubation period is 6-12 days. Trichomoniasis in women is asymptomatic in 44% of cases. The mucous membrane of the vagina is affected in most cases. The main symptom of the disease is frothy discharge from the vagina, yellowish green in color, with a fishy smell, pain during intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen.

The urethra is affected in 20% of women. At the same time, cramps, itching and discomfort during urination, and other dysuric phenomena are observed. The discharge from the urethra is also frothy, whitish.

Trichomonas urethritis in men is often asymptomatic. In addition to the urethra, the infection causes acute prostatitis and inflammation of the seminal vesicles (in 20% of patients). A feature of the disease in men is poor symptoms. Dysuric phenomena are mild, whitish discharge with gas bubbles from the external opening of the urethra, itching, burning during urination are possible. Symptoms are provoked by sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of trichomonas urethritis

The most reliable and effective diagnostic method is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Genetic diagnostics allows you to identify the pathogen with high accuracy.

Treatment of trichomonas urethritis

Trichomoniasis is treated with antiprotozoal drugs. Most often, metronidazole (flagyl) is used at 500 mg, 2 times a day, for 7 days.

Chlamydial urethritis - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in women and men

Chlamydial urethritis - symptoms

Symptoms in men:

  • chlamydial urethritis in men is often asymptomatic (98% of cases);
  • the urethra and epididymis are most often affected;
  • inflammation of the urethra is accompanied by itching, burning during urination, slight secretions of a mucous nature;
  • swelling and soreness of the scrotum often accompany urethritis.

Symptoms in women:

  • chlamydial urethritis in women is also asymptomatic;
  • characteristic symptoms of urethritis - itching, burning, pain when urinating, frequent urination - may be absent;
  • dysuric phenomena are accompanied by a syndrome of sterile pyuria (leukocytosis in smears from the urethra, without signs of a bacterial infection, microbiological research methods, bacterial culture give a negative result);
  • damage to the female genital organs can be manifested by contact bleeding, inflammation of the cervical canal (chlamydial endocervicitis), mucous discharge from the vagina, pain in the pelvis.

Diagnosis of chlamydial urethritis

The most effective and accurate method for diagnosing chlamydia is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The material for the study is a smear from the urethra or cervix. The sensitivity of the method is above 90%.

The basis of the treatment of chlamydial infection is antibacterial drugs of their group of macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones. The drugs of choice are azithromycin (1 gram once) and doxycycline (100 mg/day, 7 days). Levofloxacin and ofloxacin are approved for use only outside of pregnancy. Complicated or recurrent infections may require alternative drugs.

Candidomycotic urethritis - symptoms and treatment

Candidomytic urethritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra resulting from a fungal infection. It is most often caused by fungi of the genus Candida albicans. Fungal lesions of the urethra are quite rare in patients with immunodeficiency conditions (HIV, diabetes, immunosuppressive therapy, etc.). Abuse of antibiotics can also cause candidiasis of the urethral mucosa.

Symptoms of candidomicotic urethritis

Symptoms faded. There may be slight mucous discharge from the external opening of the urethra. Dysuric phenomena (cutting pain during urination, itching, increased urination) may be absent. Possible fungal prostatitis in men, in women - thrush. On the mucous membrane of the affected organs, colonies of the pathogen are visually detected in the form of a grayish-white coating.

Diagnosis of candidomicotic urethritis

Diagnosis is made by microscopy of a scraping of the urethral mucosa. In a preparation stained according to Romanovsky-Giemsa or Gram, a large number of cellular forms of yeast fungi are found, forming clusters, mycelial filaments. The diagnosis is confirmed by bakposev smear on a special environment, favorable for the growth of fungi.

Treatment of candidomytic urethritis

Treatment of mycotic lesions of the urethra is carried out with the help of antifungal drugs - fluconazole, nystatin, itraconazole, ketoconazole, amphotericin B, etc.

Services table

Service name Price
Primary consultation with a urologist-andrologist 3 190 rub.
Initial consultation with a urologist 2 400 rub.
MAR test 1 000 rub.
Spermogram 1 990 rub.
Nonspecific stimulation of spermatogenesis III complex 2 100 rub.
Diagnostic testicular biopsy 20 000 rub.
Ultrasound urological expert 2 750 rub.
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Study SCD 7 150 rub.
TUNEL Sperm DNA Fragmentation Gradient Study 8 000 rub.
TUNEL sperm DNA fragmentation study without gradient 8 800 rub.
Ultrasound urological with Doppler 3 300 rub.
Ultrasound urological expert 2 750 rub.

One of the common diseases, the elimination of which is within the competence of urologists, is urethritis. The condition is an inflammatory process that covers the mucous membrane of the urinary canal. Not differing from the nature of the origin of any inflammation, pathology occurs as a result of damage to the body by pathogenic flora. Pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of urethritis are classified into bacterial, viral or fungal pathogens.

Urethritis almost always suggests an infectious genesis. Inflammation of the urethra, which occurs as a response to irritation of non-infectious origin, is a rather rare occurrence in urology. Therefore, diseases of this category occupy only a small niche of pathologies of the urinary system.

The development of the disease affects men more: their urethra is known for significant anatomical differences from the female one, the inflammatory process is more difficult and more difficult to respond to even a competent therapeutic approach. Given these features, the correct tactic for the patient is to immediately seek medical help, since there is a high probability of the formation of multiple complications for his health.

In most clinical cases, the onset of inflammation can be avoided. To do this, it is important to know the factors that can provoke its onset. Urethritis occurs when a patient:

  • Has a latent sexual infection or has neglected to complete a full therapeutic course for this problem.
  • Systematically irritates and mechanically affects the mucous epithelium of the urethra (for example, by rubbing tight underwear, combing, gels or soaps intended for intimate hygiene).
  • Previously suffered an injury to the urethra.
  • Experiencing excessive sweating in the intimate area.
  • Allows wetting of the skin around the genitals.
  • Received an infection of nosocomial type (most often this occurs when a catheter was inserted into the bladder or bougie with untreated instruments).
  • It has a violation of blood circulation inside the pelvic cavity.
  • Overcooled.
  • Suffers from inflammation of the kidneys (especially chronic).
  • It eats poorly, with long breaks, mainly spicy and salty foods.
  • It has a violation of the water balance of the body, because it consumes liquid in insufficient quantities.

Not only a combination of these aspects can cause inflammation, but also the impact of each of them separately.


Conducting differential diagnosis, the urologist classifies the patient's disease into one of the categories. According to the existing qualification, urethritis differs in the origin of infection, type, developmental features, as well as the period when it happened. Given this fact, there are acute and chronic forms of urethritis of the urethra. They are primary and secondary, infectious and non-infectious nature.

noninfectious urethritis. Diseases of this group are caused by procedures that involve the use of medical instruments. Other factors in the development of non-infectious urethritis:

  1. Violation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  2. Oncological neoplasms of the bladder, urethra.
  3. Long bumpy ride.

The urinary canal becomes inflamed even when the activity of the kidneys is impaired. The disease is characterized by discomfort, pain in the urethra: during the excretion of urine, the symptoms are aggravated, although the course of the disease itself is characterized by lethargy.

The goal of the therapeutic approach is to stop inflammation and eliminate the circumstances predisposing to it. This will not only cure the patient, but also prevent the degeneration of the disease into its infectious form. This phenomenon is preceded by the attachment of a bacterial pathogen.

Urethritis of infectious origin. There is a specific and nonspecific type of infectious urethritis. Specific urethritis is more often caused by sexually transmitted infections, including trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia. The disease has an insidious feature - for a long time it cannot be detected, since the course of the inflammatory process is hidden.

Processes caused by yeast-like fungi are prone to a long latent course. The fact that an infection has developed is indicated by cutting pain during urination, the presence of a light coating on the mucous surface of the genital organs.

Fungal flora is not the only pathogenic environment that can enter the body. A bacterial environment can join the pathogenic flora, then the risk of developing prostatitis or cystitis increases.

Nonspecific urethritis. Pathology has three forms of development - acute, chronic and sluggish. Acute inflammation of the urethra is manifested by such signs as:

  1. Short incubation period.
  2. It hurts inside the canal, urine is problematic.
  3. Mucus or pus is secreted from the urethral canal.
  4. The body temperature rises.

Symptoms of sluggish urethritis differ only in the overall duration of the disease, the admixture of pus in the urine is not always detected.

Chronic urethritis causes pyelonephritis, vesiculitis, orchitis - the infection circulates throughout the urinary tract, causing complications. The most common is urinary retention. Urethral stricture is another negative outcome of inflammation of the urethra, the lumen of which narrows if there is no timely treatment.


The severity of the disease determines where treatment will take place. The therapeutic process takes place on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. The specialist will be able to plan this only after receiving the results of the completed study. The patient will have to undergo tests to establish pathogenic microflora. When the pathogen is specified, the treatment is competent, and therefore effective. Ultrasound of the urinary organs allows you to determine the focus of inflammation and its limits.

The primary task of the urologist is to stop inflammation, which causes a lot of inconvenience and poses a threat due to the high likelihood of complications. Based on the understanding of this feature, the doctor prescribes the introduction of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The optimal route of administration is in the form of intravenous or intramuscular injections.

To achieve a speedy recovery, it is necessary to eliminate the bacterial flora at the local level. Washing the urethra with an antiseptic solution and products that have an antimicrobial property can quickly eliminate pathogens.

When the development of urethritis is based on a sexually transmitted infection, consultation and preparation of treatment by a venereologist will be required. At the time of treatment, the urologist recommends abstaining from sexual activity.

Urethritis cannot be treated at home - the right decision would be to contact a urologist.

Causes (urethritis)

To begin with, it must be said that there are differences in the anatomy of the urethra of men and women, which plays an important role in the implementation of the inflammatory process. In women, the urethra is more straight and short, thus, during urination, the infection does not linger on the mucous membrane, which cannot be said about the male urethra. It has several curves, narrowing and is longer, which leads to a slight stagnation of urine, but under certain conditions, it is a good environment for the development of urethritis in men. Symptoms, causes, treatment will be discussed below.

Urethritis, causes of the disease.

To date, according to the etiology of occurrence, urethritis in men and urethritis in women is divided into two groups:

  • Infectious
  • non-infectious

Infectious urethritis is the most common, and it is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. This form includes:

  • Specific
  • non-specific

Nonspecific is inherently a purulent process. It is caused by such pathogenic flora as streptococcal, staphylococcal, E. coli and other pathogens. Manifestations and treatment of this form of urethritis does not depend on the type of bacteria.

Specific urethritis, in all patients, is provoked by infectious agents that are transmitted through sexual contact:

  • Herpes virus.
  • Gonococcus. Infection occurs from a sexual partner, when using common personal hygiene products of a sick person.
  • Chlamydia - cause chlamydia urethritis. They belong to bacteria, as they contain characteristic features in their structure. Most often, the covering layer of the internal organs of the reproductive system is affected.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Urogenital mycoplasmas are fungi that cause candidomytic lesions of the urethra.

Of the causes of urethritis in men, is sex with a partner suffering from mycotic inflammation of the vagina. It is also common as a side effect of long-term antibiotic therapy.

With urethritis, the causes, symptoms, and treatment depend on the type of bacteria.

Urethritis of infectious origin is divided from the entrance gate:

  • Primary - an infectious agent enters the urethra, through sexual contact, from a partner who has a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Secondary - penetrates from nearby organs in which there is inflammation (pelvic organs, prostate, bladder). And also for infectious diseases, from any other organ (lungs, kidneys, lymph nodes, etc.).

For example, infectious urethritis, causes in women can be colpitis, vulvitis, vaginitis.

Non-infectious urethritis, as mentioned earlier, is caused by opportunistic flora. With urethritis, the symptoms, causes, treatment are varied. The impetus for the aggressive actions of these microorganism are the provoking factors:

  • Injuries. During intercourse, when performing diagnostic procedures and manipulations (for example, placing a catheter, cystoscopy). With urolithiasis. Sand and stones can become a damaging factor. Nonspecific urethritis in men, the causes may be masturbation with the introduction of foreign objects into the urethra. Hard, aggressive sexual intercourse is also the cause of urethritis in women, the treatment is to eliminate the mechanical factor of action.
  • Tumors of the urethra. Malignant formations often cause an inflammatory process.
  • Allergy. It appears in response to various allergens. These can be drugs, food and chemical agents.
  • Metabolic disease. Most often, people suffering from such a severe endocrinological disease as diabetes mellitus are also observed.
  • Anomalies in the development of the genitourinary system, and in particular congenital narrowing of the urethra. It occurs at different levels, where during the period of embryogenesis, the urethra is combined from different rudiments. In this case, stagnation of urine occurs, which is a favorable soil for the reproduction of bacteria.
  • Stagnation in the pelvic organs.
  • Violation of a rational diet. Eating spicy, irritating food leads to irritation of the urethral mucosa, which in turn can cause inflammation. Compliance with various diets, such as protein, carbohydrate, etc., can be the causes of urethritis in women, specific treatment is not required.
  • Violations of the regime of work and rest, causes a decrease in general and local immunity.
  • Insufficient water intake leads to the accumulation of bacteria on the walls of the mucosa, which leads to the process of inflammation.
  • Violation of personal hygiene.

Regarding the clinical course, urethritis in men and urethritis in women, is divided:

  • Spicy.
  • Chronic.

The causes of acute urethritis are all of the above. With frequent inflammation of the urethra, untimely access to doctors, self-treatment attempts, the inflammatory process can become chronic.

Chronic urethritis also develops in people with reduced immunity. This is especially important for young people. An untimely treated inflammatory process can make itself felt when planning a pregnancy. Since dormant infections cause infertility in both sexes. To avoid this, early diagnosis and access to highly qualified doctors are important. Urethritis in men, symptoms, causes, treatment are clarified and carried out within the walls of a medical institution.

From the localization of the process (according to anatomical criteria - the wall of the urethra), urethritis happens:

  • anterior - in the region of the outlet of the urethra, on the head of the penis.
  • posterior - an inflammatory process, closer to the bladder.
  • total - covers all the walls of the urethra, respectively.

Summing up, we note that urethritis in men and urethritis in women, the symptoms and causes of its occurrence are the same. The fundamental difference is only in the anatomical structure of the male and female body. And it is important to note that with all types of urethritis, causes and treatment are closely interrelated.


Symptoms of urethritis occur after a while, after the pathogen enters the human body. The time from the moment the microbe enters the body to the first symptoms of the disease can take up to one and a half months (more typical for nonspecific urethritis). For specific urethritis, exact dates are distinguished. Most often, doctors observe an asymptomatic course of urethritis. The patient is not worried about anything. This condition is more typical for women. With urethritis in men, the incubation period is shortened, the clinic is quite obvious at the beginning and the subsequent bright clinic.

General symptoms of urethritis:

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  • The patient is disturbed by cramps, itching, a feeling of heat.
  • Infrequent, short-term pain in the pubic area.
  • Urinary dysfunction. It is not uncommon and its most acute delay, which requires surgical assistance. This condition is typical for males.
  • Offensive, yellow-white, thick discharge.
  • The presence of blood in the urine.
  • The external opening of the urethra is sealed, often in the morning.

Symptoms occur in different ways. The degree of their severity is different, some to a greater extent, others may be absent. With an exacerbation of the process, the general well-being of the patient remains satisfactory. In chronic urethritis, there are practically no symptoms. This form is characterized by the appearance of intervals of rise and fall.

Clinic for various specific forms of urethritis:

Gonorrheal urethritis is caused by gonococcal flora. The route of transmission is sexual. Signs of urethritis in men: in an acute condition, the symptoms are similar to urethritis caused by a nonspecific infection. In a chronic process, patients are concerned about pain during urination, discharge from the urethra, purulent, more often after drinking alcohol, sexual intercourse. In women, the symptoms are as follows: pain and discomfort during urination. When the process is chronic, the clinic is basically absent, a professional examination by a doctor and the results of laboratory methods will help to make the correct diagnosis.

Urethritis disease, symptoms in the photo:

Candidal urethritis is caused by fungal flora, with a decrease in immunity, both local and general. Manifestations in men and women are almost identical. Patients complain of soreness and pain in the urethra, viscous whitish discharge. Complications in men, often in the form of balanoposthitis. In candidal urethritis, symptoms and treatment are interrelated, patients take antifungal drugs.

Trichomonas urethritis. The average incubation period is 14 days.

Women have irritation, a feeling of heat in the genital area. Men are also concerned about the feeling of heat, discomfort closer to the outer opening of the urethra. In the semen, traces of blood may be observed. It is also characterized by scant discharge. If the patient, at the height of the disease, does not go to the doctors, after a month the clinic leaves, and the process acquires the status of a chronic one. If these symptoms of urethritis in men are detected, antitrichomonas medications are prescribed.

Herpetic urethritis - refers to diseases that occur in a latent form and stay in the body for a long time. The incubation period is from 1 to 11 days. Initially, general symptoms appear, such as: weakness, fatigue, malaise, lethargy, muscle pain, etc. Further, specific symptoms are observed in the form of a vesiculo-papular rash in the genital area. When urinating, they experience pain that brings discomfort to a person. With herpetic urethritis in women, the symptoms and treatment depend on the timeliness of contacting specialists, since it is they who often have complications in the form of vulvitis, and should be observed by gynecologists (a risk factor for cervical cancer). With these symptoms of urethritis in women, drugs are prescribed immediately after the diagnosis is established. These include antiviral drugs such as acyclovir.

Staphylococcal urethritis. As mentioned earlier, staphylococcus is present in the body of each of us, but under the influence of provoking factors, it has a negative effect on the human body. When urethritis appears frequent, imperative urge to urinate, itchy irritation. An increase in the size of the genitals (edema). In the urine, impurities of blood, pus are detected, the urine is opaque, and with a white tint. Purulent eruptions on the skin, around the genitals. Men may have testicular enlargement. Most often, the staphylococcal process is detected in the female, but in men the process becomes more severe, in the form of pastitis, balanitis. When detecting staphylococcal urethritis in men and symptoms, treatment consists in prescribing antibiotics, antimicrobial drugs, immunocorrectors.

Urethritis in men, symptoms in the photo:

It is important to remember that treatment that is not started in a timely manner can lead to infertility. Therefore, after a thorough diagnosis, using special laboratory research methods, such as a complete blood count, urine, bacteriological cultures, PCR, you should choose the right treatment program and strictly adhere to it.

From the type of urethritis, symptoms, treatment, drugs are prescribed on the first day after diagnosis.

I would like to single out another category of the population, whose urethritis, you need to be able to recognize, is children. With urethritis in a child, the symptoms are different, depending on gender. Little girls have pain in the pubic area, lower back, frequent urge to urinate. Boys develop severe irritation in the genital area, discharge from the penis, mixed with blood.

Children, this is such a category of the population that cannot explain what worries them. Most often they are restless, capricious, constantly crying, screaming, and most importantly, with the strongest irritation, they comb the burning site, which creates the basis for further infection. Therefore, parents should pay attention to this, and contact a specialist in a timely manner.


Clinical manifestations of different types of urethritis are similar to other diseases, in particular the reproductive and urinary systems. The tactics and treatment regimen for each nosological system is different. The approach to treatment depends on the correct diagnosis. And in this the doctor is helped by additional research methods, both laboratory and instrumental. Let's look at each method below.

The main niche in the diagnosis of inflammation of urethritis is occupied by laboratory research methods.

What methods are more often used to detect urethritis?

Microscopic - study the morphological and structural features of the pathogen using a microscope. The task of this method is to identify the cause of the disease, morphological affiliation.

Cultural (bacteriological) - the essence of the method is to sow cultures isolated from the material for research, and their further study.

Serological examination - the basis of this method is the detection of pathogen antigens in the human body, and the determination of specific antibodies.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - based on the direct detection of the genetic material of a foreign agent that caused the disease, i.e. DNA and RNA, even non-viable pathogens.

And also we must not forget about the general blood test and urine test, from which the diagnosis of urethritis begins.

Tests for urethritis in women and tests for urethritis in men are similar. If there are all the data for urethritis, what tests can help us?

In order to identify the cause of inflammation in the urethra, most often doctors, first of all, after passing a general analysis of urine and blood, prescribe a smear from the urethra. There are certain rules for sampling the test material.

Preparation for the diagnosis of urethritis in men and women is different:

  • In men: sampling is carried out at least 2 hours after the last urination; a cytobrush is inserted into the urethra to a depth of about 3 cm, while making rotational movements in a clockwise direction, and then the material is applied to a glass slide or nutrient medium.
  • In women: after urination, at least an hour later; take a cotton swab or, in the absence of discharge from the urethra, a special cytobrush, injected into the urethra, to a depth of 5 cm, with rotational movements, applied to the glass for research / nutrient medium.

Sometimes, when the process has an erased clinic, or has passed into the chronic stage, sampling with a cytobrush can be uninformative. Then doctors prescribe a scraping of the mucous membrane of the urethra. This method is somewhat painful and unpleasant.

Thanks to the bacterioscopic method of research, it is possible to easily identify gonococcal and Trichomonas flora. When using the bacteriological method, we also easily identify the pathogen, but also determine the antibiotic sensitivity, which is very important for prompt treatment.

If a specialist preliminarily diagnoses urethritis, what tests should be done? To begin with, as mentioned earlier, they take a general urine test. What can be revealed? With urethritis, blood in the urine, a large number of leukocytes and bacteria. Further, the doctor, with identified changes in the urine, prescribes a 3-cup test. It allows you to identify in which part of the genitourinary system the inflammatory process is taking place, for this, three portions of urine are examined:

  • If changes occur in the first portion, it means that the process is going on in the urethra and we can talk about urethritis.
  • Leukocyturia in the second portion of urine, speaks of an inflammatory process in the prostate or bladder.
  • If changes are detected in all three portions of urine, this means that inflammation is in the pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys.
  • Urinalysis for urethritis in women and men has no fundamental differences.

In modern practice, a method has proven itself well, which allows diagnosing various pathological conditions, as well as identifying changes in the entire urinary system, this is ultrasound diagnostics. With ultrasound, urethritis is manifested by a thickening of the mucous membrane, and will also show whether neighboring organs are involved in the pathological process.

Sometimes they use an endoscopic method of research to see firsthand the degree of changes - urethoroscopy. A special video sensor is inserted into the urethra, and a study is carried out under local anesthesia and online. There are two ways to do it:

  • When filling the urethra, bladder with oxygen.
  • When filling the above organs with sodium chloride, in order to stretch the walls, and reveal the pathological process.

It is also possible to identify tumors, cysts, foreign bodies, etc. In severe degrees of urethritis, the method is contraindicated, since complications are possible in the form of rupture of the urethra, bleeding. This procedure is best performed on inpatient treatment, and stay under the supervision of doctors for a couple of days.

Differential diagnosis of urethritis is not difficult and is easily carried out by an experienced physician. In order to understand a specific or non-specific process, doctors are helped by laboratory research methods that easily identify the type of pathogen. To detect chlamydial urethritis, all of the above listed laboratory research methods are used, but one of them helps with a 100 percent probability of isolating the pathogen. The material for research in men is the first portion of urine, in women, mucus is taken from the cervical canal. For herpetic urethritis, in addition to expensive PCR research, the microscopic method is well suited. Huge cells are visualized in the smear. With mycoplasmal urethritis, fungi are easily detected in a smear, as well as their colonies when sown on nutrient media.

Diagnosis of urethritis is simple and does not require additional costs for the patient. First of all, the patient needs to be tested. Urethritis, at this level of medicine, is not difficult to determine. Based on complaints, symptoms, laboratory and instrumental research methods, it is easy to make a diagnosis, identify the true causes of urethritis, and prescribe timely treatment.

Medical treatment

Treatment of urethritis can be carried out on an outpatient basis. It depends on the type of pathogen, its sensitivity to certain drugs, as well as symptoms, complaints, and identified changes with the help of correct diagnosis.

In the treatment, antibiotics are most often used. Their choice, as mentioned above, depends on the agent that caused the inflammation and its antibiotic sensitivity. A well-chosen drug will create conditions for the speedy recovery of the patient.

Antibiotics are used in several forms:

  • Tableted.
  • In the form of injections.

And also in the treatment of urethritis in women, drugs should be prescribed intravaginally, in the form of suppositories, especially when there is a concomitant gynecological pathology.

How to treat urethritis in men and women?

  • With nonspecific urethritis, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are used for its treatment: cephalosporins (ceftriaxone, cefazolin, cefipime), macrolides (azithromycin), sulfonamides, tetracycline antibiotics. Prescription and use of drugs by patients occurs immediately after diagnosis, without waiting for the results of crops. After the results are obtained, more effective drugs are prescribed for the microorganism that caused inflammation in the urethra.
  • Gonorrheal urethritis. The main antibiotics are cephalosporins, macrolides (spiramycin, josamycin), tetracyclines, and their combinations (tetracycline + macrolide = oletethrin).
  • There are special criteria by which they judge at what stage the disease is. After treatment, which lasts up to 14 days on average, a smear is taken to check for the presence of gonococci. If they are not identified, then provocative therapy with pyrogenal is carried out, or silver nitrate is injected into the urethra.

Then for three days they study urethral swabs, urine and prostate secretions.

If nothing is found, such therapy is carried out 2 more times, with a difference of one month. If everything is clear in these studies, then the patient is considered healthy and is removed from the register. With gonorrheal urethritis, the medicine and the price for them is affordable for everyone.

Trichomonas urethritis. Antiprotozoal drugs such as metronidazole are used. The mechanism of its action is based on the destruction of the DNA structure of microorganisms. Furazolidone is an antimicrobial drug of the nitrofuran series, it works well against Trichomonas. In combination, local antiseptics are used: miramistin, chlorhexidine. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) are used as symptomatic therapy. Also, along with antibiotics, trichomonacid can be administered, intraurethral, ​​for 5-10 minutes, during the week. It is important to note that antitrichomonas therapy should also be carried out by the sexual partner.

In candidal urethritis, antifungal drugs are used, such as nystatin, ketoconazole, nirozal, canditral, flucostat, etc.

Chlamydial urethritis is treated with the following category of drugs: tetracycline and doxycycline. Broad-spectrum antibiotics: chloramphenicol. Has antimicrobial action. Trade names: Levomycetin Aktitab, Levomycetin. Hormone therapy in combination with antibacterial drugs (prednisolone / dexamethasone) has proven well.

With herpetic urethritis, acyclovir (trade name: vivorax, zovirax), famvir, valtrex are prescribed. Acyclovir is an effective drug, urethritis responds well to this therapy.

In the acute form, urethritis and home treatment are not comparable things, in such cases only inpatient treatment.

Important! All drugs should be taken by patients at the same time, without gaps. During the treatment of urethritis in men, drugs, like in women, quickly help to cope with the disease. Summing up the intermediate result, I would like to say that what kind of urethritis, treatment and medicines will be selected accordingly.

In addition to the use of drugs, you need to follow a diet, the correct mode of work and rest. What is the right diet during the course of urethritis:

  • Remove spicy, fatty, salty foods from the diet.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • In addition to diet, it is important to refrain from sexual intercourse, prevent hypothermia of the body and do not forget about personal hygiene.

It is characteristic for the principles of treatment of chronic urethritis that more complex therapy is prescribed. In addition to antibiotics, and their introduction into the urethra along with antiseptics, immune preparations and vitamins with minerals are used.

If there are growths on the urethral mucosa, intraurethral colloidal silver is administered.

Urethritis and folk remedies for its treatment are increasingly used among those who seek help:

  • Available to all grass, which is available in every garden - parsley. Has a diuretic effect. To do this, take the parsley and finely chop. For one liter of water, you need two teaspoons with a slide. We add the grass to the water, and we insist all night. Method of application - 1-2 tablespoons, with breaks of 1.5 hours.
  • The second recipe is with parsley. 100 grams of finely chopped parsley, spread in a bowl, and pour a little milk. We put in the oven on a very slow fire, and simmer. After that, we pass it all through cheesecloth. You need to drink 2 teaspoons, often, in order to drink everything in a day.
  • You need to take cornflower leaves. For 300 ml of boiling water - one teaspoon of herbs. All this should stand for one hour, and take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day, before meals.
  • Grass Zelenchuk yellow has an anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary system. For 200 ml of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of herbs, let it brew and take a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • We take blackcurrant leaves, and insist in a volume of 500 ml. We drink instead of tea.

We must not forget that when acute urethritis is on the face, alternative treatment is not effective, you need to seek qualified help. But in complex therapy, treatment of urethritis at home can bring the desired result.

antibiotics for urethritis

With inflammation in the urethra, antibiotics are prescribed depending on the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to the main groups of antibacterial drugs.

In females, due to anatomical features, urethritis manifests itself in a not as active and acute form as in men. But if the process is not treated and started, it leads to cystitis, gynecological diseases, etc. If the clinician diagnosed urethritis, what antibiotics will help us?

Antibiotics for urethritis in women, a list of the most popular:

  • Fluoroquinolones 2nd generation.
  • β-lactam antibiotics (protected aminopenicillins or 3rd generation cephalosporins).
  • Tetracycline antibiotics.
  • Macrolides

What antibiotics are used for urethritis in men? The answer is simple, all the same as in women, but spectimicin helps well. It is used when urethritis in men is complicated by prostatitis. Produced in vials, in the form of a powder. The route of administration is intramuscular.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic related to 3rd generation cephalosporins - ceftriaxone. Its action is aimed at inhibiting the processes of synthesizing the cell wall. Fights staphylococci, streptococci, gram-negative pathogens. This drug is administered intravenously / intramuscularly. For men and women, the dosage is the same, and is 1.5-2 grams per day, or 1 gram 2 times a day. Cooking method:

  • For intramuscular injections, 0.5 grams of dry matter is dissolved in 2 ml of one percent lidocaine, 1 gram in 3.5 ml of lidocaine, respectively.
  • For intravenous injections, 0.5 grams of the substance is dissolved in 5 ml of injection water, 10 ml is taken for 1 gram. Enter slowly.
  • !It is important that before administering the drug, it is imperative that all patients undergo a skin test for drug tolerance.

Azithromycin is an antibacterial agent that is classified as a macrolide antibiotic. Who is sensitive to this drug?:

  • Streptococcus/staphylococcus
  • Gonococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamydia

More often produced in tablet form of 125 and 500 mg. Sometimes it can be found in the form of syrup. With urethritis, antibiotics should be taken one hour before meals, and 3 hours after meals. 1 gram 1 time per day. Contraindicated: with allergic reactions to the drug; during pregnancy and lactation; in renal and hepatic insufficiency.

The tetracycline series of drugs has a wide spectrum of action. The whole world has been known for over 75 years. Many pathogens are already resistant to them, but show a good therapeutic effect against chlamydia. Their action is based on blocking protein synthesis. It is most often used in the form of tablets of 50, 100.250 mg. Patients should take 300-500 mg, 3-4 times a day, and an hour before meals. Contraindications are similar to the macrolide group. One of these drugs, Unidox Solutab, is very effective for urethritis. One of its features is that it protects the lining of the digestive system, in particular the esophagus and stomach. Unidox with urethritis is contraindicated only for pregnant and lactating women.

Combined drugs have proven themselves well in the treatment of urethritis. One of these is oletetrin. It is a combination of macrodide oleandomycin and tetracycline. Available in 125 and 250 mg tablets. Take 250 mg 4 times a day for 6-12 days.

Augmentin is a broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic from the penicillin group. The active substance is amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin fights gram-positive and gram-negative flora, and clavulanic acid protects against the action of lactamases, which are secreted by many bacteria. Take 325 mg 3 times a day for mild and moderate forms, and 625/1000 mg 2 times a day. Antibiotics of the penicillin series should be prescribed carefully, and without fail, after consulting a doctor, since allergic reactions very often occur, and with a fatal outcome. Contraindicated in people with renal and hepatic insufficiency, as well as with diseases of the hematopoietic system. Urethritis after antibiotics, properly selected, is quickly cured. In an inflammatory process, in particular urethritis, after taking antibiotics, it can cause dysbacteriosis.

With urethritis, antibiotics do not help, only if the analysis of pathogens for sensitivity has not been done. After the use of antibiotics for urethritis, patient reviews are positive, they note an improvement after a 7-10 day course.

  • Metronidazole. Belongs to the group of antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agents. The mechanism of its action is based on the destruction of the DNA structure of microorganisms. Active against trichomonas and gardnerella. Assign in tablet form of 0.25 g, 2 times a day, for a course of up to 10 days. In addition to tablets, women are prescribed intravaginally, in the form of suppositories.

Antiseptics are also used to treat urethritis. A good modern drug Miramistin. It has a broad antimicrobial effect against gram-positive and gram-negative flora. It has an antifungal effect, it also fights sexually transmitted pathogens well. Available in vials for topical use. There are 2 nozzles in the package. One gynecological, the other, a regular spray nozzle. Patients use these nozzles 2-3 injections into the urethra, 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 14 days. This drug is used in combination therapy, along with antibiotics and antimicrobials. Which enhances the effect of the latter. Allergic reactions are rare. There are no special contraindications, only with intolerance to the components of the drug.

Candles for urethritis

In terms of their effectiveness and use, suppositories used for urethritis are more suitable for female representatives. By their frequency, they are not used in all cases in this disease. Only with exacerbated processes of urethritis can this method of treatment be used. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, to whom you should contact after various clinical manifestations. If for some reason you did not go to the doctor and began to treat yourself, then there is a very high risk of turning the disease into a chronic process.

If urethritis is detected, what suppositories should be prescribed to a sick person? This article will detail effective and commonly prescribed drugs for patients with urethritis. Most often, doctors prescribe such candles:

  • Hexicon.
  • Genferon.

Candles methyluracil with urethritis are also prescribed to patients and affect the patient's therapeutic effect. Regardless of the rectal or vaginal suppository, under the influence of the patient's body temperature, the drug begins to soften and release special healing particles. Further, the released substances begin to penetrate into the patient's body and directly act on the focus of inflammation.

Without fail, a sick person is given a combined treatment of all types of drugs at once. In particular, antibacterial drugs. Based on this, the infectious agent is inhibited much faster than in other cases. If so, then there is no need to prescribe the drug. Pathogenic microflora may not die, but is only in the stage of oppression, this leads to the acquisition of immunity from the infection. That in the future there is a form of chronic course. To make sure that the patient has fully recovered, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory diagnosis of blood and urine. Only the attending physician can tell whether a person is healthy or sick.

Hexicon suppository urethritis is the most typical common drug that affects the process of stopping the disease. It can be used in various other processes of inflammation of the human urinary system as a result of infection. The element that directly fights infection is chlorhexidine digluconate. In addition to urethritis, hexicon treats other diseases:

  • The process of inflammation of the bladder.
  • Erosive processes of the cervix.
  • Candidiasis (thrush).
  • Inflammation of the vagina and cervical canal.
  • Colpitis.

Candles are also prescribed as an auxiliary effect for some surgical interventions in women:

  • C-section.
  • Termination of pregnancy - abortion.
  • Installation of intrauterine devices.
  • It is forbidden to use the drug if you have a contraindication or allergy to it.

With the constant use of these candles, some side effects may occur:

  • Changing the color of the teeth.
  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Perversion of taste sensitivity.

As for hexicon, the drug is allowed to be used by women in position, or who are breastfeeding their children.

Any anti-inflammatory suppositories for urethritis are prescribed only after the permission of the doctor. It is impossible to use hexicon on its own, this also applies to other medicines.

Positive reviews have vaginal suppositories for urethritis - genferon. This drug copes well with urethritis. It has a positive effect on the positive dynamics of the patient's recovery and fights against:

  • Infections of bacterial origin.
  • Gribkov.
  • Viruses.

Candles are prescribed for urethritis for men only for rectal use. The drugs are prescribed the same as for women.

Genferon fights infection well, as mentioned above, and gradually normalizes and stimulates an increase in the immune system.

It is forbidden to use this drug in patients if there is an allergic reaction to it. Patients with hypersensitivity are also undesirable to use the remedy.

Contraindications are:

  • Hoshimoto's disease.
  • Diabetes diabetes.
  • SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus).
  • The best candles for urethritis in women can be obtained from the doctor.

Miramistin for urethritis

Miramistin urethritis how to apply? This drug is allowed to be used only after the recommendation of a doctor. The use of the drug will be listed below. When a person becomes ill with urethritis, first of all, drug treatment with tablets is prescribed. But, it is also possible to carry out therapeutic therapy, through the use of local means. Miramistin is the drug that speeds up the healing process several times.

The tool fights directly with the infection, that is, the action of an antiseptic nature. They have a wide range of effects on pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, he is just, by the way, with such a disease as urethritis. The composition contains such elements that directly destroy them from the body as a whole, and from the urethra in particular. Such pathogenic microorganisms can be:

  • Fungal and yeast bacteria.
  • Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
  • viral agents.
  • The simplest bacteria.
  • Dermatophytes.

How to use miramistin for urethritis? The use of this drug is quite simple. But in women it is used according to one method, in men according to another. This is due to the anatomical features of these sexes. The mechanism of action of Miramistin is that it stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora. And finally, it completely destroys their activity in the human body and in the urethra in particular. It is also important that it provokes the development of the immune system, which favorably affects the patient's speedy recovery. One of the positive aspects of this drug is that it is used in various forms of urethritis (chronic, acute).

Miramistin with urethritis in men how to apply? The technique of the procedure is not particularly difficult. In order to flush the penis part of the urethral canal, you need to take a syringe with a volume of 20 milliliters. If you have to process the back of the urethra - 130 milliliters. It is not a needle that is put on the syringe, but a special medical tube. And they directly recruit Miramistin.

The first stage: the man should lie on his back and put a towel under the lower back so that the pelvic region is on a hill, while the legs should be apart and bend at the knees.

The second stage: before the introduction of the rubber tube, the glans penis is treated with a special antiseptic.

The third stage: the urethra is directly moved apart, and a tube 1 centimeter deep is inserted. If you wash the back section, then the tube must be brought up to 1.5 centimeters. The drug must be administered slowly, one might say drip.

To prevent a quick outflow of healing fluid, you need to slightly squeeze the urination channel with your fingers before removing the rubber tube.

In men, miramistin with urethritis - only positive reviews. The introduction is low-impact. But of course, it doesn't feel very good.

Miramistin with urethritis in women how to apply? According to its mechanism of drug administration, it does not differ in any way from men. But there are some small features and differences:

  • For washing, you need not 20 ml as in men, but only 4 milliliters. This is due to the short urinary tract.
  • A special glass tube is used in order to prevent the backflow of liquid. This use is due to a weak urethral sphincter. Introduced at 6 millimeters.
  • The duration of the procedures is no more than 9 days. The drug is administered twice a day. Miramistin for urethritis in women reviews are only positive.

Treatment at home

The issue of rational nutrition remains important. If the patient has allergic reactions to any food, it is necessary to exclude them from the diet. Spicy, salty, smoked, flour foods should be abandoned. Remove alcohol, tobacco, caffeine for the period of treatment. Do not overcool and emotional peace, as stress can have its detrimental effect.

Urethritis at home is treated with herbs, which is well tolerated by patients. The most commonly used herbs for urethritis in women and men are linden, cornflower flowers, parsley, mint, nettle, wild rose, elderberry.

We take linden flowers, about 3 tablespoons, pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist. Drink a warm decoction before going to bed. Relieves itching, discomfort and feeling of heat in the urethra.

10 grams of cornflower flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, filter and drink before meals, 3 tablespoons, 3 times a day.

100-150 grams of finely chopped parsley, pour a small amount of milk. We put in the oven on a slow fire, and simmer. After that, we pass it all through cheesecloth. You need to drink 2 teaspoons, often, in order to drink everything in a day.

Carrot and cranberry juices also help with this ailment.

Herbal collections. We take horsetail, juniper and wild rose berries, and elderberry. Or mint, nettle + calamus. 2-3 tablespoons of such fees + 500 ml of boiling water, insist and drink one glass 2 times a day.

The most famous recipe, currant leaves. You need to take 3 tablespoons of crushed leaves and pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist. We drink as tea or instead of it.

Finely chop 10 grams of marshmallow roots, pour 200 ml of water, leave for 12 hours. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

We take 1 teaspoon of mulberry root peel and 1 teaspoon of prutnyak. Pour 100 ml of hot water and insist. You can add sugar if needed for taste. Taken orally, in a dark form.

Prepare a solution of hemp seeds. They need to be ground, and pour in the liquid, until a white solution is obtained. Drink 3-5 ml, 2-3 times a day.

With urethritis, alternative methods are good, as an additional therapy to drug treatment. Before using them, you need to know the opinion of the doctor and his recommendations on this matter. Since their uncontrolled use can cause a negative effect.

Chamomile is a natural antiseptic. It has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. How can you use it:

  • Baths for urethritis in women and men, based on a decoction of chamomile flowers, calendula.
  • Lotions and washing of the urethra, after each urination, with the same herbs.
  • How to wash urethritis? Chamomile, calendula, a solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate are well suited, relieve inflammation.

Often people think that a hot bath will help with urethritis. Yes, hot water relieves pain by relieving muscle spasm and relaxing the muscles. But this effect is short-lived. Then comes the opposite. Because of hot water, blood circulation in the body improves, and pathogens can spread upward, for example to the kidneys, and cause inflammation already there. Therefore, if you decide to use baths for urethritis, then there are several criteria:

  • First, the water should be about 38 degrees and a warm room.
  • It is better if you take a seated position.
  • Add an infusion of herbs (linden, chamomile, etc.).
  • Do baths before going to bed, for a duration of about 10-20 minutes, no more.
  • The course of such procedures is up to 14 days.

You can often hear that soda is used for urethritis. Indeed, it alkalizes the sour urine which often occurs in urethritis. Acidic urine irritates the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, causes discomfort, discomfort. In an alkaline environment, microorganisms do not develop and die. This is another healing effect of baking soda. How is the solution prepared? We take 10 grams of soda, and dissolve it in 200 ml of hot water, let it cool, and drink in small sips. You can take 2-3 glasses a day. If the taste is unpleasant, add citrus fruit juice, in a small amount.

When diagnosed in men and women, urethritis, homeopathy is also an equally good method of treatment, along with traditional therapy. What drugs are used?:

  • With pain, severe irritating itching in the urethra, frequent urge to urinate, and the feeling that you cannot completely go to the toilet, Argentum is prescribed.
  • If urine with an unpleasant odor, with a purulent component, viscous; pain throughout the urethra, prostatitis, it helps himaphylla umbellata.
  • The drug digitalis is indicated for gonorrhea with profuse discharge, prostatitis; with a feeling of incomplete emptying, nocturnal discharge.

Gel for urethritis, vaginal and for external use, with antibacterial, antiprotozoal action - Metrogyl. It is used in women, since vaginosis often gives a complication in the form of urethritis. It is used in complex therapy, 5 grams, 2 times a day. It is not recommended to take along with penicillin antibiotics, alcohol.

Treatment with leeches - hirudotherapy. Leeches are placed on the points where the ureter is projected. This is done by a specialist. Up to 7 sessions are shown, after 2-3 days.

After the complex therapy, the prevention of urethritis is very important in order to avoid relapses and the occurrence of more formidable diseases:

  • Everyone follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Use personal protective equipment during sexual intercourse.
  • Never endure, but at the urge, carry out urination.
  • Avoid stress, do not overcool.
  • Stick to a rational, proper diet. There is more fiber. Drink more ordinary, purified water, at least 2 liters per day, which will remove bacteria.
  • Do not start previously existing inflammatory processes, but contact specialists for qualified assistance.
  • Do not self-medicate.
  • Get preventive checkups.
  • Even if nothing bothers to visit a urologist / gynecologist.

doctor treating urethritis

Diagnosed with urethritis, which doctor should I go to? Since this disease is associated with the inflammatory process of the urination canal, it is necessary to contact a urologist. The process of inflammation occurs as a result of the penetration of an infectious agent. It is necessary to apply as soon as possible if there are prerequisites for the presence of inflammation of the urethra (urethritis). According to the frequency of occurrence, it should be noted that the male gender is more likely to suffer from this pathology. Women get sick less because of the anatomical structure of the urethra. It is much shorter, and when infected with an infection, the bladder immediately becomes inflamed.

Urethritis, which doctor should I contact? So, if a man falls ill, he should immediately contact a urologist. Since men are more likely to get sick, urologists have deduced statistics that there is more chronic urethritis. Acute urethritis is observed less frequently for certain reasons. The clinical picture is such that this disease manifests itself sluggishly, because of this, patients do not immediately apply. This fact provides for the chronization of the process. Urethritis in women, which doctor should I contact? In females, this pathology is treated by a urologist. But a gynecologist can also treat urethritis. In most cases, the process of inflammation begins with the vagina, then the urethra becomes inflamed - according to the ascending principle.

The doctor treating urethritis diagnoses using various laboratory and instrumental methods. There are many factors that cause this disease. The reasons are divided into two parts:

  • Nonspecific.
  • Specific.

Nonspecific are observed as a result of penetration into the body and provoking inflammation by pathogens such as staphylococci, streptococci.

Specific are those reasons that are of venereal origin. Some infectious agents that are sexually transmitted: trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and coli of intestinal origin.

A doctor treats urethritis on an outpatient basis, this is a disease in a person not in the acute stage. Clinical manifestations are such that they are not difficult to identify. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. If for some reason there is no narrow specialist urologist, then you should go to see a family doctor or therapist.

Urethritis is suspected, which doctor diagnoses the patient? Any diagnostic and therapeutic measures are carried out by a urologist. First of all, the symptoms are studied:

  • Pain syndrome.
  • Discomfort when going to the toilet.
  • Itching and burning in the perineum.
  • Subfebrile body temperature, rarely high.
  • Unpleasant odor of urine of a fetid nature.
  • Excretion of urine with an admixture of pus.

Also, the attending physician must carry out some diagnostic measures, while conducting:

  • Clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Specific test according to Zimnitsky.
  • Taking swabs from the urination canal for sowing pathogenic microflora.
  • Urine sampling according to Nechiporenko.
  • Identification of certain norms of creatinine and urea in order to exclude kidney pathology. After all, kidney damage is dangerous for the patient.
  • Urography of excretory research.
  • According to certain indications, if the doctor considers it necessary, a serological examination is performed.

In no case should you self-medicate. Otherwise, chronic disease may occur, which is already difficult to treat. Chronic urethritis can be treated for a very long period. Subject to all the recommendations and appointments of a urologist, you can achieve quick positive results. Be healthy!

Urethritis in pregnant women

In pregnant women, there is a slight decrease in the immune system, which leads to the activation of various pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, a woman is more susceptible to various diseases. Urethritis in pregnant women is no exception, which can be diagnosed. Very often inflammation of the urinary tract is accompanied by inflammation of other parts of the urinary and reproductive system.

In this age category, there is a danger of pregnancy if a woman is sick with urethritis. Possible penetration of infection to the fetus itself, or inflammation of the membranes of the fetus. But more terrible than the above adverse consequences are premature birth or miscarriage spontaneously.

Urethritis in women during pregnancy is an unfavorable disease that can lead to negative consequences. As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, there is a sharp surge in hormonal levels in the body. Also, in this condition, a change in the anatomical features of the urinary and reproductive systems is diagnosed. Such phenomena can provoke various pathological processes in the form of inflammation of the urethra. There are some factors that provoke the appearance of urethritis:

  • Effects of the main hormone progesterone. It lowers the tone of the ureter. Most often it concerns the right ureter.
  • Glucosuria. A sharp jump up in the pH of the urine.
  • Recurrent refluxes of the bladder and urethra.
  • Decrease in the functional activity of the sphincter in the urethra. Often this phenomenon is diagnosed in the last months of pregnancy.
  • Glucocorticoids at a high level, as well as a deficiency of immunity of a transient nature.
  • Urethritis during pregnancy E. coli forum may indicate that the cause may be this particular bacterium.

Urethritis in early pregnancy is dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for the fetus itself. The process of the course of urethritis is very fast with further ensuing complications. To prevent this, you must urgently consult a doctor.

If urethritis is not treated during pregnancy, severe complications can occur. Often, inflammation of urethritis occurs with cystitis together, which leads to such negative phenomena:

  • Stopping the development of the fetus.
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriages.
  • Abnormal phenomena in the placenta.
  • Hypotrophic syndrome in the fetus.
  • Insufficiency of placental origin.
  • The birth of a child with various deformities and severe defects.
  • Penetration of infection into the fetus itself or its membranes.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Childbirth earlier than the specified dates, that is, premature.
  • The outpouring of water.
  • Death of the fetus in the womb.
  • Also, a pregnant woman with urethritis may develop pyelonephritis.

To identify the causative agent of this process of inflammation, you need to take a smear from the urination canal from a woman in position. This is done quite simply and quickly. The woman lies down on a gynecological chair and a urethra is taken from the urethra with a special applicator. You need to enter the fingering with a depth of no more than 3 centimeters. At the time of insertion of the instrument, it must be rotated into the urethra. Next, the taken material is applied to a special glass, after which it is examined in the laboratory.

If during the treatment of urethritis during pregnancy, the feedback from the patients is positive and they are satisfied with the result.

To prevent the appearance of urethritis in a future mother, you need to follow some tips:

  • Keep the genitals clean.
  • After sex, you need to take a shower.
  • Using contraceptives during pregnancy.
  • Intimate contacts with the same partner.
  • Dress warmly and avoid hypothermia.
  • Try not to succumb to stressors.
  • If symptoms appear, contact a gynecologist.

Urethritis during pregnancy forum can show many different recommendations. In no case can not be treated on their own, it is fraught with serious complications. It is necessary to consult a doctor and be treated in time.

Acute urethritis

Acute urethritis code for ICD 10 - N34. This is a special classification of diseases of international importance. Acute urethritis is the process of inflammation of the urinary tract. This pathology is observed in both males and females. The most basic and important factor that provokes inflammation is the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the urination canal. Also, according to diagnostic data, inflammation occurs for a different reason.

If acute urethritis is diagnosed, the microbial code is N34. The need for such coding is to account for medical records. Also, this designation is the same for all physicians and is used in all countries of the world. With the exact detection of the disease, this encoding is entered on the title page of the patient's medical history, which is being treated.

Clinical manifestations with such urethritis are very pronounced. Based on this, the diagnosis is not difficult and the disease can be quickly taken under control and treated. Diagnosis shows acute urethritis, microbial 10 is needed to collect statistical data.

If you do not start treatment, or carry out insufficient drug therapy, the disease can go into the form of a chronic course. And this type of disease can lead to various negative consequences. The process of inflammation of the urethra can gradually move to other parts of the urinary system and the reproductive system. This process can lead to serious consequences.

Acute urethritis in men is diagnosed more often than in women. But all other forms of inflammation of the urethra, on the contrary, are detected in women more often.

Clinical manifestations in men and women are the same. Acute urethritis in women can be detected during a routine gynecological examination. So, the symptoms of acute urethritis are as follows:

  • Unpleasant sensations - itching, burning.
  • Pain in the groin and pubis.
  • Quick jump in body temperature to febrile figures.
  • Every trip to the toilet is accompanied by unpleasant pain.
  • Acute anterior urethritis is also manifested by the above symptoms, but in addition, problems with urination are also observed. The sphincter of the urethra begins to function problematic, sometimes even spontaneous urination.
  • Very often there is a similarity of clinical manifestations of inflammation of the urethra and bladder. There is also discomfort during urination, problematic urination phenomena. In order to accurately determine the diagnosis of the pathological process, it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms of a secondary nature:
  • Detection of blood in the urine.
  • Whitish discharge from the urethra, which may also acquire a yellowish color.
  • Offensive smell of urine and from the urethra itself.

To start drug treatment of this disease, it is necessary to determine with accuracy what the patient has for the disease. To do this, conduct a general examination of the patient, external organs, urethra. Palpation is an essential element of diagnosis. When carrying out palpation of the urethra, immediately there is a release of urine with mucus. To consolidate and confirm the diagnosis in a patient, it is necessary to carry out the following:

  • Clinical analysis of urine and blood. This is a mandatory item.
  • Urine sampling according to Nechiporenko.
  • Exclusion of tuberculous acute urethritis. Examination of urine for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

There are also other diagnostic studies, but they are already prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient. With timely treatment to the doctor, serious complications can be avoided.

Chronic urethritis

Chronic urethritis is a long-lasting inflammatory process in the urethra. Clinical manifestations are expressed in the representatives of the stronger sex, which is associated with the anatomical structure of the urethra. Chronization of the process occurs after 2-3 months from the onset of the disease. In this case, there are periods of exacerbation and remission of the process. It is important that treatment be started on time, otherwise the patient may face serious complications, including infertility.

The causes of chronic urethritis are often:

  • Late visit to the doctor, self-treatment. The patient felt better, stopped taking medicines, ignored the doctor's recommendations and seems to have recovered. But the process has gone into a hidden form.
  • The most common cause is unprotected intercourse. This is typical for a specific urethritis caused by gonococci (chronic gonorrheal urethritis), trichomonads, mycoplasmas, herpes viruses, etc.
  • Nonspecific infectious urethritis is caused by a flora that is normally present in the human body, but provoking factors such as hypothermia, stress, alcohol abuse, malnutrition, reduce the protective properties of the body, and cause an inflammatory process in the urethra.
  • Also, pathogens can enter the urethra, from distant organs in which there is inflammation: from the tonsils with tonsillitis, the gallbladder with cholecystitis. When diagnosed with chronic urethritis, cystitis and prostatitis can cause inflammation.
  • Non-infectious urethritis occurs when a mechanical effect on the mucous membrane of the urethra. For example, during medical manipulations (placement of a catheter), the passage of stones from the kidneys.
  • Now very often urethritis is recorded against the background of allergic diseases.

Chronic urethritis, the symptoms and the degree of their manifestation, oddly enough, depend on gender. Symptoms of chronic urethritis in women are often poor, and resemble the clinic of cystitis or are not expressed at all. In men, the clinic is bright:

  • Pain during urination.
  • Feeling of heat, burning, splinters.
  • Discharge of pus, blood from the urethra. Pus can stand out for a long time, even during intercourse.
  • Urge to urinate.
  • Hyperemia in the vulva.
  • With the herpetic nature of urethritis, vesiculo-papular rashes in the genital area are noted.

Mycoplasma urethritis is characterized by the appearance of white plaque in the urethra, gluing the external opening of the urethra.


At the first stage, a thorough medical history is taken. The doctor finds out when such symptoms first appeared, with what the patient associates them. The specialist should analyze whether there is a connection between urethritis and the patient's sexual life. Since already at this stage the patient can set the wrong vector, deceiving the doctor or not saying something. Whether he is registered in hospitals for chronic diseases. Whether there is an allergy. What tests should be done and what research methods should patients undergo?:

  • General analysis of urine and blood
  • Bacteriological cultures of discharge from the urethra and urine.
  • Bacteriological examination of a smear from the urethra.
  • 3 glass sample
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.
  • Urethroscopy according to indications.
  • For men, a prostate examination is mandatory.

The treatment of chronic urethritis in men and the treatment of chronic urethritis in women are basically the same, the only difference is whether there are specific complications for each of the sexes, for example, vaginitis in women, prostatitis in men. Chronic urethritis in women, symptoms and treatment are more favorable than in men.

As soon as the diagnosis of urethritis is confirmed clinically and laboratory, antibacterial agents are prescribed, taking into account their sensitivity to pathogens. If it was not possible to conduct a sensitivity test, broad-spectrum antibiotics are taken. How to treat chronic urethritis and what groups of drugs are prescribed most often?:

  • Macrolides
  • Tetracycline series
  • Penicillins + clavulanic acid
  • Cephalosporins
  • Antiseptics (miramistin) topically
  • With fungal infection - nystatin and its analogues
  • Herpetic urethritis - acyclovir
  • Antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drugs.
  • Immunotherapy
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes
  • Just as important is the correct rational diet, with the use of balanced food. At the same time, excluding spicy, smoked, salty, sour, fatty, alcohol, tobacco, flour, carbonated drinks, i.e. everything that can irritate the urinary tract. And give preference to vegetables and fruits.
  • Correctly observe the regime of work and rest.

In chronic urethritis in men, the symptoms and treatment are closely interrelated, and one follows from the other. Chronic urethritis takes longer to heal. Well suited as a combination therapy, the use of herbs and decoctions of them. After the course of treatment, bacteriological culture from the urethra is required.

We must not forget about neglected conditions that lead to complications. In women, these are vaginitis, bartholinitis. Men often develop prostatitis, cystitis, epididymitis. Sometimes there are urethral strictures, and abscesses in the perineal region, which require surgical treatment. Often people look for methods of treatment on the Internet, read an article, look for a chronic urethritis forum where people share their methods, ignoring a visit to a doctor, this is fundamentally not true. With timely treatment, properly selected therapy, and the implementation of all doctor's recommendations, the prognosis and outcome of urethritis is favorable.

Prevention consists primarily in the use of personal protective equipment during sexual intercourse, especially if you do not know your sexual partner. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Undergo a special medical examination, at least once a year, even if there are no complaints. The complex of all these measures will help you avoid a disease such as urethritis.

Candida urethritis

The urination channel becomes inflamed when an infectious agent penetrates. Based on this, candidal urethritis may occur. Treatment, drugs should be carried out only after the permission of the doctor. Such a pathological process can be both in men and in the fair sex. The infection penetrates through the urethra, where it gradually begins to affect the canal. The breeding environment for candida in the urethra is favorable.

The causative agent of the disease is candida, belonging to the group of yeast fungi. Each person has such a bacterium, and only after certain factors, they begin to actively multiply and infect a person. Such a factor is the main decrease in the level of the patient's immune system. According to statistics, urethritis of candidal origin is more often diagnosed in women. As for men, they are less likely to get sick and are more likely to be carriers of such pathogenic fungi.

Candidal urethritis in men treatment, drugs. Before starting treatment of the patient, it is necessary to identify the most important causes that caused the disease. As mentioned above, the cause of this inflammation of the urination channel is a decrease in immunity. The human body cannot keep the situation under control, and candida begins to multiply actively. Such fungi are transmitted through the sexual route.

There is also another way of transferring pathogenic fungi that affect the urethra. Candida can be carried through the blood from internal organs and tissues. According to the classification, urethritis of candidal origin is primary and secondary. The difference is that in the primary, only the urethra is affected, and the secondary is diagnosed if a lesion occurs as a complication of another disease. Candidiasis urethritis photo can be considered in more detail.

In addition to the above-mentioned causes of candidal urethritis in any gender, there are others:

  • Eating disorders.
  • Stress factor and overexertion.
  • Overweight, obesity of various degrees.
  • Diseases of autoimmune origin.
  • Violation of the activity of digestion due to intestinal disorders.
  • A consequence of long-term use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Violation of the activity of the endocrine glands.
  • Hormonal failures.
  • Alcohol and tobacco smoking.

If a person has immunity at a normal stable level, then Candida fungi cannot cause inflammation of the urethra. But as soon as a favorable environment is observed, they begin to actively divide. The incubation period is about 3 weeks from the moment of infection. But this applies to men. The female incubation period is one week. The difference between a man is that clinical manifestations are observed almost immediately.

How to treat candidal urethritis symptoms? The manifestation of the disease in men at first is absent. It all depends on the incubation period, which lasts a long time. With their large accumulation and reproduction, symptoms can be observed. Candida urethritis in men symptoms treatment. Clinical manifestations are:

  • Cutting and burning when going to the toilet.
  • Hyperemia of the glans penis or, in women, the vagina.
  • The presence of a whitish coating on the penis, clitoris, vagina.
  • Offensive odor of urine with discharge.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Women have a slight swelling of the labia.

Candidiasis urethritis in women, the symptoms are the same as in the opposite sex. Of all the clinical manifestations, the most unfavorable is the discharge from the urethra. After all, they are of a purulent nature. And this process is dangerous complications. Inflammatory processes may also occur in other parts of the human urinary system. Urgent medical treatment is needed. Self-medication will not lead to anything good, you need to contact your doctor. With self-treatment, there is a high risk of earning a terrible complication - infertility.

How to treat candidal urethritis in men, drugs? Before carrying out drug treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the disease, that is, diagnosis. As soon as a specific pathogen is identified, antibiotics are immediately prescribed. After all, for each pathogenic fungus there is an antifungal drug.

If candidal urethritis is detected in women, the treatment is no different from the male. As soon as the pathogen is identified, special therapy is prescribed. First of all, antibiotic therapy, which is needed to stop the reproduction of fungi. A good fight and removal of fungi from the body perfectly copes with an antifungal origin. With a timely visit to the doctor, you can quickly get rid of the sore.

Candidiasis urethritis drugs that cope well with the disease:

  • Fluconazole.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Ketokenazole.
  • Miconazole.
  • Futsis.
  • Candidal urethritis fluconazole is one of the most effective remedies.

This therapy is carried out in a short period of time. And from a part some of them are accepted once. We must always remember that you need to take medicines after the permission of the doctor. Treatment is prescribed depending on the level of damage to the urethra and the severity of the course.

Various local ointments that are used on the genitals help very well. They usually help when there is itching, stinging or burning. The most effective is clotrimazole ointment. After application to the affected area, swelling, hyperemia and itching immediately decrease. For general strengthening therapy, the doctor prescribes vitamins and drugs that boost immunity.

Effective is the use of candles for women, which are installed in the vagina. The course of such suppositories lasts one week. According to many reviews, they help women stop the disease. Candles should also be used after the permission of the doctor. If the symptoms do not go away, then repeated courses of vaginal suppositories are prescribed. If symptoms of the disease are observed, an urgent need to see a doctor.

Nonspecific urethritis

Urethritis of nonspecific origin is an unfavorable condition for the patient. Both women and young people suffer from such a pathology. There is a nonspecific lesion of the urination canal, the urethral mucosa becomes inflamed, resulting in disturbing clinical manifestations of the patient. The most typical causative agents of urethritis are gonococci, herpesvirus, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis. But if a person falls ill with a nonspecific pathology, then these pathogenic agents are not observed.

Classified nonspecific urethritis mkb 10 - N 34.1. This code is necessary for the differentiation of the disease, because there are many pathologies and they must be taken into account. This is an international classification that exists in most countries. Any urethritis can be diagnosed and treated without much difficulty. But the symptoms of nonspecific urethritis in the initial stages of development are practically absent. From such an individual manifestation of the disease, treatment is somewhat difficult. Given this fact, this pathology quickly acquires a chronic course.

Nonspecific urethritis drugs are prescribed after the doctor's recommendations. Drug treatment of such a course of inflammation of the urethra is not particularly specific. The sooner the patient turns to the doctor for help, the faster and without any complications the disease can be overcome. If bacterial nonspecific urethritis is detected, symptoms in women and young people can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the level of immunity.

In order to identify the disease, it is necessary to identify the following clinical manifestations:

  • Burning in the urethra itself.
  • Pain at the time of rest, and during urine output.
  • After going to the toilet, there is a sharp throbbing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Hyperemia of the external genital organs, in men directly the head of the penis.
  • Edema process.
  • Palpation of the head of the external organ causes severe pain and discomfort.

Also, the most unfavorable and dangerous clinical manifestation is discharge. They come in a whitish hue or a cheesy hue. In fact, it is a purulent discharge, often mixed with blood. At the same time, the smell is disgusting and unpleasant. Such a symptom is diagnosed in the morning or after sex with a partner. When the secretions begin to dry out, they acquire a yellowish tint. Nonspecific urethritis in men, the symptoms are the same as in women.

Nonspecific urethritis in women, symptoms, as in men, can develop both very quickly, within two days, and for a long period. In some cases, it may take 4-6 weeks from the moment of illness to the onset of the first symptoms. If we conduct a differential diagnosis with the usual acute urethritis, then there is no difference. The only thing is that the clinical manifestations in nonspecific lesions are less acute.

The severity of symptoms over time depends on the level of the immune system. If a person's immunity does not function sufficiently, and it is lowered, then the disease develops rapidly with the resulting symptoms.

Nonspecific urethritis in men treatment drugs should be prescribed after finding out the cause of the pathological process. These factors for the onset of the disease are:

  • Intimacy with a partner who was a carrier of a pathological agent. That is, sex without contraception.
  • Adverse or allergic reactions to certain drugs. Also the consequences of eating certain foods.
  • Failure to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the area of ​​the urination canal, most often congestion in the venous vessels.
  • The introduction of an infectious agent at the time of surgical interventions on the bladder or in the urination canal.
  • When installing a urinary catheter or during various diagnostic measures in the urethra.

An interesting fact is that, about 60% of men suffering from non-specific urethritis have problems with the prostate gland (prostatitis). Bacterial nonspecific urethritis in women most often appears as a result of promiscuity.

The most typical causative agents of this disease are:

  • Mushrooms.
  • Staphylococci.
  • Streptococci.
  • Sticks of intestinal origin.

If a person’s immunity is at a sufficient level, it is impossible to get sick with such nonspecific urethritis.

To begin treatment of nonspecific urethritis in women and men, it is necessary to carry out some diagnostic measures. Conduct an examination of the patient, describe complaints and study the anamnesis of life. It also plays a special role to find out the sexual life of the patient, to clarify about the health of the partner. Well, the most important element of diagnosis is instrumental and laboratory examinations.

To stop the underlying disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations. Antibiotic therapy (tetracycline, azithromycin, ceftriaxone) is prescribed. These antibiotics have a wide range of effects on pathogenic microorganisms. As soon as it is possible to find out about the causative agent of the disease, narrower antibiotics are prescribed, which will specifically fight the pathogenic agent. For general strengthening of the body and as an auxiliary treatment, the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy and drugs that boost immunity.

A very good and effective element of treatment is local washing of the urethra with a solution of furacilin.

At the time of the drug treatment, the doctor also recommends that you follow the rules. These items are:

  • Diet.
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Drinking large amounts of liquid.
  • Cancellation of heavy loads of the physical plane.
  • Do not have sex at the time of treatment.

If acute nonspecific urethritis is suspected, the Internet forum is not an adviser, you must urgently consult a doctor.

Trichomonas urethritis

Trichomonas urethritis in men symptoms treatment can be carried out only after the doctor's recommendations. This pathological process is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. There is a lesion of the mucosa of the urination canal, resulting in inflammation. Typical clinical manifestations are discomfort in the vulva, pathological discharge and moderate pain during urination. But the most dangerous phenomenon is that if the disease is not treated, then the disease becomes chronic. If the patient starts Trichomonas urethritis, then severe complications and other diseases of the small pelvis may develop.

Trichomonas urethritis symptoms. Clinical manifestations of this disease are equally observed in men and women. The duration of the incubation period of the disease is about 10 days. But this figure is not exact, depending on the level of the immune system, the incubation period may vary in terms. About 30% of all patients who have trichomoniasis in the body have no symptoms. Therefore, these people can infect their partner without knowing they are carriers.

Trichomonas urethritis in women, the symptoms and treatment are still somewhat different from men. There is a more acute process of the disease, thus diagnosing the disease is not difficult. When the urethra is infected, the following symptoms are observed in women:

  • Discharge of a whitish-yellow character from the urethra.
  • Pain in the perineum.
  • Cutting and burning at rest and during sex with a partner.
  • Offensive odor from the vagina, in men from the penis.
  • Sleep and appetite disturbance.

As for women, the disease can worsen when there is a menstrual cycle.

Trichomonas vaginitis and Trichomonas urethritis are very often diagnosed in a woman, these two diseases at the same time. In addition to the above symptoms, there are additional clinical manifestations in vaginitis and urethritis:

  • Edematous process of the entire vagina and external labia.
  • Whitish discharge, with an admixture of foam. When any tissue is diagnosed with trichomoniasis, there is a rapid formation of carbon dioxide.
  • Hyperemia of the vagina, up to the cervical canal. In severe cases, the doctor may identify warts.
  • Trichomonas urethritis in men should be treated after a full examination and identification of clinical manifestations. In men, the symptoms are relatively less pronounced. In some cases, a man does not even know that he is sick due to the absence of manifestations. But if a man has very pronounced symptoms, then they are very painful for a man. But such a process is diagnosed in only 15% of male patients.

These signs in young people are:

  • Itching, pain in the penis at the time of urination.
  • Offensive odor from perineum.
  • Purulent discharge from the urethra.
  • Sleep disturbance and loss of appetite.
  • The presence of an admixture of blood in the urine at advanced stages. Also, blood can be observed in the semen after intercourse.
  • In the morning, adhesion of the urethral sponges is observed.

In the absence of adequate treatment, some complications may appear in men (the process of inflammation of the testicles, prostate and testicles).

Treatment of trichomonas urethritis begins only when a complete examination of the patient is carried out. In turn, the disease gives some difficulties to identify it. Doctors indicate this due to the fact that the disease proceeds without any clinical manifestations.

Trichomonas urethritis how to treat? The disease can be stopped in any case and with various degrees of severity of the process of inflammation with trichomoniasis. The most important element of treatment is that both the patient and his sexual partner must be treated. Otherwise, there will be no positive effect and recovery of the patient. The reason for this, as mentioned above, the disease is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. Metronidazole is an effective and common drug for stopping the disease. It can be used in various dosage forms. For women, the best medicinal type is a vaginal gel. If you do not seek medical help for a long time, then both women and men can develop a serious complication. The most unfavorable complication is infertility.

If a man is sick recently, that is, an early stage of the course of the disease, then a single dose of a metronidazole tablet will be enough. Ornidazole is also an alternative drug. Both agents are effective and beneficial to the patient.

In men, trichomonas urethritis is often accompanied by chlamydia or gonorrhea. In this case, in addition to the main treatment, additional drugs are prescribed - derivatives of fluoroquinolone and doxycycline.

Trichomonas urethritis in women treatment lasts a little longer. It all depends on the level of damage to the urethra and clinical manifestations.

Complications of trichomonas urethritis are usually inherent in those patients who did not follow the doctor's recommendations or were not treated at all. Strange as it may seem, but negative consequences are observed in those men who drink alcohol in large quantities. A special danger to the patient is a beer drink. Heavy loads also provoke negative consequences. The most typical complications are: purulent plaque, ulcers and the development of epididymitis.

To protect yourself from such a disease, you need to follow only a few rules. Protect yourself with sexual partners if you are not sure about them. Do not have sexual contact with girls of easy virtue and drug addicts. The most elementary protector will be a condom for you. If you use protective equipment, you can protect yourself one hundred percent.

Bacterial urethritis

According to some statistical indicators, urethritis is equally diagnosed in both sexes. Most often, urethritis of bacterial origin is diagnosed when a pathogenic bacterium has entered the urination canal. Patients often complain of pain during urination. After insertion of the catheter into the urethra, infection of the urinary tract is possible. Also, the cause of inflammation of the urethra is promiscuity. To prevent complications and adverse effects, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out drug treatment.

Treatment of bacterial urethritis is carried out when the causes of the onset of the disease are clarified. Such a pathology appears as a result of the penetration of staphylococcal flora into the urethra. There are other pathogens, but they are much less commonly diagnosed. Pathogens appear in the urethra due to unprotected sexual intercourse.

If staphylococcus appeared in the urethra from an exogenous environment, then this is considered a disease of a primary nature. With the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism from other organs and tissues - secondary urethritis of bacterial origin. Staphylococci are carried from other parts of the body through the blood and lymph. In addition to these causes of bacterial urethritis, there are others:

  • Various injuries of the urethra.
  • Pathological narrowing of the urethral canal.
  • Chronic disease of the pelvic organs.
  • Allergic reactions due to the use of food and drugs.
  • The presence of stones in the bladder that injure the urethra or provoke congestion.
  • Heavy loads of the physical plane.

Bacterial urethritis symptoms can be identified without any problems. From them you can build on and find out the causes of the disease. Often the disease appears as a result of inadequate or improper intake of food. Abuse of alcohol and tobacco provokes inflammation of the mucosa.

Bacterial urethritis in men symptoms treatment is the same as in women. At first, patients do not even realize that they are sick, since there are no prerequisites and symptoms of the disease. The incubation period is highly variable. In some patients, symptoms are observed 3-4 days after the bacterial infection, in others - 4-5 weeks. Bacterial urethritis in women has the same symptoms as in men. These clinical manifestations are:

  • Itching and discomfort in the groin area.
  • Unpleasant discharge with a fetid odor.
  • Pain during urination and during sex in the urethra.
  • Sleep disturbance due to frequent urge to urinate.

In men, in a sense, the symptoms are more pronounced. The anatomical structure of the urethra is such that the urination canal is somewhat longer. Because of this, pain and other uncomfortable sensations are more likely to bother men. In men, there is also hyperemia of the foreskin and moderate swelling. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out therapeutic measures. The outcome is unfavorable if urethritis of bacterial origin is not treated.

Bacterial urethritis in men treatment. Medical therapy for a woman is the same. Before carrying out curative measures, it is necessary to fully diagnose the disease. There are many methods for this. Various tests are taken, smears for crops, and instrumental techniques are also carried out. Ultrasound is the most common research tool. Ultrasound can examine the bladder, prostate, kidneys, and urethra. A complete examination should be carried out to exclude concomitant pathological processes. The day before the ultrasound examination, you must stop taking antibiotics and having sex.

If bacterial urethritis is detected, the medication is prescribed by the attending physician. Drug treatment is aimed at stopping the process of inflammation and the destruction of pathogenic flora. First of all, patients are prescribed antibacterial agents. Also, as an auxiliary treatment, the doctor prescribes miramistin, furacillin and collargol. These drugs reduce swelling and discomfort in the urethra. Bacterial urethritis in women can be treated at home, but subject to doctor's prescriptions.

Bacterial vaginosis urethritis cystitis pyelonephritis forum is not an adviser. Only the attending physician can recommend treatment and stop urethritis, as well as concomitant inflammatory processes.

Infectious urethritis

Infectious urethritis in men occurs due to the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the urination canal. When dividing the forms, pathology can be both specific and non-specific. The inflammation of the urethra proceeds in different ways, depending on the infectious agent that has entered the patient's body.

Infectious urethritis in women is also observed, but the clinical manifestations are less pronounced. This is due to the anatomical features of the urethra, in women it is somewhat shorter.

Inflammation of the urethra appears due to the penetration of certain infectious microorganisms:

  • Gonorrhea.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • Chlamydia.

Chlamydial urethritis in women is diagnosed somewhat more often than other infectious inflammations. And in men, any infectious urethritis can imperceptibly move from the acute stage, into the period of chronicity. Since the urethra is somewhat larger than in women, the colonies gradually settle in all parts of the urethra.

Acute gonorrheal urethritis in men is treated only after finding out all the causes and clinical manifestations. The causative agent of this process is gonococcus, which gradually affects the urethra. There are sharp pronounced symptoms that worsen the quality of life. A typical clinical manifestation is the presence of a whitish plaque on the mucous membrane. This plaque can be excreted along with urine or semen.

Diagnosed with chlamydial urethritis in men, the symptoms are somewhat sluggish, in some cases practically absent.

All infectious urethritis are very dangerous because they can affect not only the urethra, but also other parts of the human genitourinary system. And this, in turn, can lead to serious complications (cystitis, prostatitis). With insufficient or complete lack of treatment in a person, a generalization of the infectious process may occur. In some cases, both men and women may experience infertility.

Treatment of chlamydial urethritis in men and women, treatment of gonorrheal urethritis, as well as other infectious inflammations of the urethra, is carried out under the strict supervision of a urologist. In women, treatment can also be carried out by a gynecologist.

Regarding non-specific urethritis, they appear as a result of damage to the body by the following pathogenic bacteria:

  • Streptococcus.
  • Wand intestinal.
  • Staphylococcus.

A person gets sick because of some favorable conditions for these pathogenic microorganisms. When a person is constantly sick with infectious diseases or with significantly reduced immunity. As soon as the body weakens, these pathogenic agents begin to multiply rapidly and affect this part of the body.

The symptomatic picture of infectious urethritis is extremely diverse. Depending on the origin of inflammation, most urethritis are observed with a large release of pus and mucus. Usually such pathological discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. You can observe such a process, both at rest and with urine and semen. Pain periodically causes pain processes, which may be at the time of excretion of urine or semen. The quality of life worsens, sharp pains are also diagnosed during sexual intercourse with a partner.

If you do not carry out drug treatment for a long time, then such complications can overtake, which then need to be treated for a long time. Total gonorrheal urethritis in women is one example where adequate treatment is not carried out. This picture is so terrifying that it is then difficult to carry out medical therapy and save a person. Also typical complications are: orchitis, pyelonephritis, in rare cases glomerulonephritis.

With adequate medical treatment of any infectious urethritis, complete recovery occurs.

Infectious urethritis treatment is done at home if there are no complications. Before the start of drug therapy, the patient undergoes diagnostic measures, an anamnesis is studied, and an examination is carried out. It is mandatory to pass an analysis for the presence of the causative agent of the disease.

For each patient, drugs are selected individually, since pathogens can be different. In general, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, as well as drugs that increase the level of immunity. Effective is the introduction into the urethra of local antimicrobial agents and drugs that fight inflammation. The number and frequency of taking tablets, ointments and the like is decided solely by the doctor.

Complications of gonorrheal urethritis are very unfavorable for the body of a man or woman. It is necessary to beware of the most dangerous complication - infertility of a secondary nature. There is such a complication, after the defeat of the reproductive organs, which in turn became inflamed due to urethritis of gonorrheal origin.

If a patient is diagnosed with urethritis of candidal origin, then drugs against fungi are prescribed. After all, the causative agent of Candida belongs to the family of fungi.


Favorable consequences occur when the patient follows all the recommendations of the doctor. Constantly takes prescribed medications and visits a doctor for dynamic control of the disease. Complications occur when the disease becomes chronic. It is very difficult to cure any chronic urethritis, it is necessary to carry out treatment for years. The most typical complications of infectious urethritis are:

  • erection dysfunction.
  • Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.
  • Reproductive disorders - infertility.
  • Narrowing and obstruction of the urinary tract.

If you have various pathological processes, you should not hesitate and quickly consult a doctor. The sooner you apply, the sooner you will be healthy.

Non-infectious urethritis

Many believe that if the process of inflammation of the urination channel occurs, then the cause is an infection. Sometimes it's not like that at all. Part of the reason is completely different factors that cause urethritis and inflammation of other parts of the urinary system. Equally, this process of inflammation is diagnosed in men and women. Taking into account some anatomical features of organs and systems in the small pelvis, pathogenic microorganisms of viral bacterial origin may further be involved in the inflammation process.

The most typical factor in the appearance of non-infectious urethritis is microtraumatic processes of the urination canal. Damage to the mucous membrane of the urethral canal leads to a rapid process of inflammation. Further, any bacterium or infection can join this process, which can aggravate the pathological condition of the patient.

Equally important is the irritation of the urination canal of urine, which has an increased acidity. Because of this, there is a structural change in the walls of the urethra, which is already a driving factor in the appearance of inflammation processes.

Non-infectious urethritis in men symptoms treatment is performed only after the permission of the doctor. In no case should you self-medicate, otherwise there may be a complication and chronicization of the disease. Treatment of non-infectious urethritis in men is carried out, as well as in women.

There are some reasons that also provoke non-infectious urethritis:

  • Massive influence of food and contact allergens. Typical is the picture of irritation due to the care of the genitals and the use of certain foods.
  • Injuries. It is the most common cause of non-infectious urethritis. Mechanical damage to the urethra due to the use of various urinary catheters for diagnosis and treatment. The use of devices - ureteroscopes, and other urological instruments. The use of foreign objects in the urethra also leads to trauma.
  • The impact of thermal environmental factors. Burns often result from the misuse of antimicrobial agents. Usually this happens at home, when a person does not know the use of the drug, in the hospital walls this is a rarity. Burns occur as a result of improper treatment of venereal diseases.
  • Mechanical damage. Non-gonorrheal urethritis in men, that is, a non-infectious process of inflammation, appears due to the friction of stones and sand released from the renal pelvis. Patients suffer from acute or renal diseases (urolithiasis, gout and other systemic pathologies).
  • Processes of stagnation in the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems. Usually there is a violation of blood circulation through the venous vessels. Proceeding from this, inflammation processes begin to develop slowly, but develop. This pathology is typical in pregnant women, as well as in patients who are in a state of paralysis.

An important factor in the appearance of non-infectious urethritis in people is a violation of the diet. A variety of foods can cause some problems with the urinary tract. Usually products of acute origin. In addition to urethritis, these people may experience urolithiasis.

Classification of non-gonococcal urethritis is necessary for the diagnostic measures of the patient. Well, in general, the non-infectious process of inflammation is divided into:

  • Chemical.
  • Allergic.
  • Traumatic, in some sources - mechanical.
  • Burn.

There is also urethritis of congestive origin, when there are processes of stagnation in the urethra.

Non-infectious urethritis in men as a result of masturbation does not appear so often, but it has its place in the causes of the onset of the disease.

If we compare non-infectious, non-gonococcal urethritis symptoms and clinical manifestations of all bacterial, infectious urethritis, then they are no different. The etiology of the pathological process is determined after a complete examination of the patient. By clarifying the diagnosis and cause of the disease, you can choose a treatment that will lead to a quick recovery. Urethritis non-infectious symptoms begin stepwise and gradually.

Non-infectious urethritis in women, the symptoms and treatment do not differ from the drug therapy of a man. To identify the disease, it is necessary to study the complaints and symptoms of the patient:

  • Burning sensation at the time of urination.
  • urinary dysfunction. There are facts of urge to excrete urine, but urine does not come out. This fact is a lesion of the nerve fibers of the urethra.
  • Constant feeling of pain in the urethra, external genital organs. The process is especially pronounced after visiting the toilet.
  • The process of swelling and hyperemia of the edge of the urethra.
  • Problems at the time of sex, there is discomfort at the time of erection.
  • The presence of blood in the urine, which is observed with a long untreated inflammation of the urethra.

How to treat non-infectious urethritis in women? After a complete examination of the patient, all drugs (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulators) are immediately prescribed. First of all, the cause of the inflammation process is eradicated, if possible. Non-infectious urethritis in women treatment is no different from men. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and take medications.

Identification of the cause occurs within a few days from the moment the patient contacts. But medical therapy begins instantly, regardless of etiology. After all, waiting for results and not treating the patient is a big mistake.

Diagnosis of any urethritis, including non-infectious, is not difficult for an experienced urologist. This pathology in women can be treated not only by a urologist, but also by a gynecologist. Prolonged lack of treatment leads to severe complications.

Viral urethritis

According to statistics, in most men and women, urethritis of viral origin is not diagnosed as often as a different etiology of inflammation of the urethra. Viral urethritis symptoms are the same as in other processes of canal inflammation. This disease appears most often in the male half of the population. A typical factor in inflammation is the transfer of a viral agent directly through dirty hands to the penis at the time of going to the toilet. Similarly, the process of appearance in women is through household contact. There is also a place for the virus to enter through any kind of sex.

Clinical manifestations of the pathological process are somewhat pronounced and give the patient some problems. Symptoms disturb the patient within a week from the moment of infection. Further, the disease can be stopped with drugs of viral origin. If no treatment is carried out, then the disease can go into the stage of chronicity - the symptoms temporarily disappear. Typical causative agents of the pathological process is the herpes virus.

Viral urethritis in men symptoms treatment is allowed to be carried out at home, after the doctor's recommendations. But before that, the doctor conducts diagnostic measures and identifies the causes. The main factors for the appearance of pathology are:

  • Promiscuous sexual activity.
  • Immunity is low.
  • Uncleanliness and dirt on the hands.
  • Infection by household or contact route.
  • Untreated diseases caused by herpes virus.

Treatment of viral urethritis in men does not last long if the appeal was timely to the doctor. The doctor diagnoses the patient. Urine and blood tests are taken, an ultrasound examination, a smear for the presence of a pathogen and other auxiliary methods are performed.

Viral urethritis treatment. Procedures and drugs are prescribed depending on the type of pathogen. The most typical means of stopping the disease are:

  • Drugs that fight the virus. The most common are bactrim, biseptol, trimethoprim and sulfonamide derivatives.
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • Medications that improve the immune system.

Gerpevir, cycloferon, viferon are prescribed both in tablets and in gels. The dosage is adjusted by the doctor depending on the degree of damage.

Viral urethritis in women, the symptoms and treatment in general, is no different from the male. For patients of any gender, it is necessary to adhere to a strict rest regimen at the stage of treatment, constantly lie down, and not drink alcohol and tobacco. You also need to exclude all sexual contact with a partner, otherwise the inflammation process can only get worse. In general, patients during this period do not want to have sex, as clinical manifestations worsen the quality of life. Sex for such patients does not bring any pleasure, but only pain and burning sensation in the urethra. Acute viral inflammation of the urethra can be treated quickly, following the treatment regimen.

Urethritis in men

Inflammation of the urethra in young people is a disease of urological origin. In another way, the disease has a name - urethritis. There are a huge number of reasons and factors for the appearance of such an unfavorable disease. According to the classification, urethritis is divided into two large sections. The first is inflammation of the urethra of an infectious origin, and the second is a non-infectious genesis.

If an infectious etiology is observed, then the pathogens are most often specific (gonococci) and nonspecific (staphylococci and coli of intestinal origin).

Many people wonder, is urethritis transmitted from a man to a woman? As the disease itself is not transmitted, but pathological microorganisms can be transmitted sexually. As a result, there is inflammation in the sexual partner. If you think meticulously, then indirectly the disease is transmitted. Such a pathological process as inflammation of the urethra affects those people who:

  • Engage in promiscuous sex with various partners.
  • They suffer from urolithiasis.
  • diabetes type diabetes.
  • Transferred research on the urethra, by using various instruments and catheters.

Posterior urethritis in men photo, which indicates the localization of the inflammation process. Many urologists indicate that allergic urethritis in men is diagnosed less often than all other inflammations of the urethra.

The causes of the appearance of the disease can be many factors, but in order to differentiate, there is a primary urethritis and a secondary one. It should be noted right away that the primary inflammation is easily stopped by medication than the secondary one. Primary urethritis implies direct inflammation as a result of infection at the time of sexual intercourse. Secondary is diagnosed as a result of the consequences of another disease. Such diseases can be: cystitis, prostatitis, epididymitis and the like.

To make a division between all the processes of inflammation of the urinary tract, there is some differentiation:

  • Herpetic urethritis in men (herpes virus).
  • Mycoplasma urethritis (mycoplasma).
  • Non-gonococcal urethritis in men (presence of an inflammatory agent other than gonococcus).
  • Candidiasis (Candida albicans).
  • Trichomonas (Trichomonas).
  • Chlamydia (chlamydia).
  • There is also a mixed urethritis, when several varieties of pathogenic microorganisms are diagnosed.

Traumatic urethritis in men after 40 years is diagnosed somewhat more often. This phenomenon is connected due to the frequency of cases of detection of urolithiasis. After all, most often with such a pathology, passing stones through the urethra injure the mucous membrane, as a result, the inflammation process is guaranteed.

If purulent urethritis is detected in men, the forum gives a lot of advice on how to stop the disease. But you should always remember that you should not self-medicate. This is fraught with serious consequences that can lead to infertility in men. The purulent process can go further up and affect the scrotum, where sperm production occurs. It is necessary to immediately contact a urologist if symptoms are detected.

Clinical manifestations of inflammation of the urethra are the following items:

  • Painful processes in the perineum.
  • Allocations of a pathological nature.
  • Violation of the process of urination.
  • Presence of blood in urine.
  • Hyperemia of the glans penis.
  • Edema process of the urethra.
  • The presence of pus, blood and pathological secretions in the semen.

Some urethritis can occur without symptoms at all, and some, on the contrary, are pronounced in a man. In any case, if there are complaints, it is necessary to urgently contact a medical institution and be treated. After all, if a chronic process sets in, then the treatment will be somewhat difficult.

In order to prescribe a medicine, an ointment for urethritis in men, it is necessary to start with diagnostic measures. If a man has a promiscuous sex life, then the doctor appoints a narrow specialist - a venereologist. The main diagnostic criteria are the following steps:

  • General examination of the patient.
  • Palpation of the external genitalia.
  • The study of anamnesis.
  • Identification of all symptoms and complaints.
  • Clinical analysis of urine and blood. If leukocytosis is observed, then this is a confirmation of the process of inflammation.
  • Material is taken from the urethra to identify the causative agent of the inflammatory process.

If the doctor considers it necessary, or the above diagnostic measures are not enough for him, then he carries out auxiliary measures:

  • Examination by ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Urine sampling according to Nechiporenko.
  • Trial of three glasses.
  • Examination with a ureteroscope.
  • Urine PCR. The causative agent of the pathological process is being studied.

In any case, therapeutic measures begin immediately, as the patient applied. At the same time, diagnostics are carried out. As soon as the pathogen is detected, a narrower spectrum of drugs is prescribed that will point to destroy the cause of the disease.

The most basic method of combating most urethritis is antibiotic therapy. First, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed, and when a pathogen is detected, the treatment regimen changes to a narrower spectrum. Monural with urethritis in men has a positive effect. In addition, the following therapeutic measures are performed:

  • Local antiseptics. Treatment of the penis with solutions (furatsilin, chamomile infusion).
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • Drugs that improve the body's immune system.
  • Antibacterial agents.
  • The diet is individual for each patient. In general, the intake of a variety of spicy and fatty foods is excluded.
  • Exclusion of alcohol and tobacco.
  • Cancellation of any sexual relations.
  • If urethritis is treated in time, the reviews of men are only positive. Patients fully recover.

Urethritis in women

Inflammation of the urethra in women is a disease in the pelvic area. In another way, in medicine, pathology has its own term - urethritis. There are currently many causes and factors for the appearance of such an unfavorable process of inflammation. By differentiation, urethritis is divided into two main groups. The first group includes inflammation of the urethra due to various infections, and the second of non-infectious origin.

If there is an infection in the body of a woman, then the pathogens are most often specific and nonspecific pathogenic microorganisms.

Urethritis is transmitted to a woman - this term is incorrect. As the disease itself is not transmitted, but agents of infectious and bacterial origin can be transmitted through sexual contact. As a result, urethritis appears in a woman. Such an unpleasant process of inflammation occurs as a result of several factors. These reasons are:

  • Having sex with different partners. The disease is often diagnosed in women of easy virtue (prostitutes).
  • Diseases of renal origin - urolithiasis.
  • History of previous examinations on the urethra. Use of various urethral instruments and catheters.

The disease urethritis in women is a photo that clearly indicates the inflammatory processes of the mucosa. Many experts in the field of medicine prove that allergic urethritis in women is rarely detected.

The main driving factors for the onset of the disease can be many reasons. But to identify all these etiological moments, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures. Women have primary and secondary urethritis. Primary urethritis is a direct inflammation of the urinary tract, which occurs as a result of sexual contact with a man. Secondary is diagnosed as a result of a complication of another disease. Such diseases can be: inflammatory processes of the bladder, uterus, cervical canal, and the like.

To separate all types of urethritis, there is a certain classification that is inherent in both women and men. These types are:

  • Herpetic.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Chlamydial.

Herpetic urethritis in women after sex is diagnosed more often than all other types. The herpes virus is transmitted sexually directly from a partner. In women, in comparison with the opposite sex, urethritis of a mixed nature is much more often detected. Several causative agents of the inflammation process are observed in the body of a woman at once.

According to statistics, urethritis in older women also worries much more often than young girls. Among all species at this age, urethritis of traumatic origin is in the lead. This phenomenon is observed due to the increased incidence of kidney stones. After all, most often with such a pathology, passing stones through the urination canal injure the inner surface, as a result - the process of inflammation is 100%.

If postcoital urethritis is detected in women, the forum gives recommendations on how to stop the disease. Recall that this is a type of urethritis that occurs after the first sexual contact with a man. But you should always know that you should not self-medicate. This is fraught with serious consequences, which can lead to a lack of offspring in the future. If postcoital urethritis is detected in women, the reviews after the treatment provided are only positive.

Symptoms of inflammation of the urethra in women are the following items:

  • Pain in the region of the external labia.
  • Discharge of an unpleasant odor and a whitish-yellow color.
  • Violation of the act of urination.
  • Blood in urine.
  • Redness of the vagina, lips and clitoris.
  • Swelling of the vagina.

Some types of inflammation of the urination canal can generally proceed without the presence of a clinic, and some, on the contrary, are pronounced in the fair sex. If there are complaints, it is imperative to contact a medical institution and carry out medical treatment. After all, if a process of a chronic type occurs, then the treatment will already be somewhat complicated.

In order to prescribe drugs, ointment for urethritis in women, it is urgent to carry out diagnostic studies. If a woman has sex with various partners in history, then the doctor prescribes a venereologist. The main elements of a woman's diagnosis are:

  • Examination on a gynecological chair.
  • History and onset of clinical manifestations
  • Accounting for all complaints and symptoms.
  • Clinical analysis of urine and blood.
  • Fence for the presence of the causative agent of the inflammation process.
  • The doctor prescribes additional methods only when the above diagnostic measures are insufficient. These methods are:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Taking urine according to Nechiporenko.
  • Examination of the urethra with a special probe.
  • Polymerase chain reaction to identify the pathogen.

Treatment begins in any case as soon as the patient entered the doctor's office. Simultaneously, the patient is diagnosed. As soon as the etiology of the disease becomes known, a certain drug is prescribed to stop the cause.

The most important point in the fight against most urethritis in women is the use of antibiotics. First, funds are prescribed for a wide range of effects, and when a pathogen is detected, a specific drug is prescribed. Monural with urethritis in women affects the fight against infection on the positive side. In addition, the following manipulations are performed:

  • Use of local antiseptics. Treatment of the vagina with a solution of furacilin.
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Diet for urethritis in women is one of the important points for a quick recovery.
  • Complete ban on alcohol and tobacco.
  • Also an important element of the recommendation is the exclusion of any sexual intercourse at the time of treatment.

Urethritis in children

Among the children's population, urethritis is observed relatively less frequently than in adults. Everything has to do with causes. Indeed, most often in children there is an inflammatory process of the urethra due to a traumatic factor. There is also a process of inflammation of bacterial etiology and irritation of the mucous membrane due to a violation of hygiene standards.

Urethritis in children photo indicates the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Provoking factors

Urethritis in a child of 5 years, and other age categories appears due to some reasons. The main ones are:

  • Prolonged exposure to cold.
  • Traumatization of the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems.
  • Lack of hygiene or insufficient cleanliness in the child.
  • An allergic reaction to a particular food.
  • The reaction of the urethral mucosa to chemicals (shampoo, soap).
  • Close fitting clothing.
  • bacteria.

Urethritis in a boy's baby can also be observed if the rules of hygiene are not followed, as well as when wearing a diaper for a long time. In older children, inflammation is due to hypothermia. According to some sources, the fact of hypothermia is like stress for the whole organism.

Urethritis in young boys and girls can occur due to mechanical impact. This phenomenon occurs after the use of catheters or as a result of other manipulations in the urethra. Trauma can occur in a child if a stone from the renal-pelvic complex has passed through the urethra.

Urethritis in boys photo indicates the process of traumatization by stones from the kidneys.

Clinical manifestations

In general, the symptomatic picture, both in boys and girls, is no different. The most common clinical manifestations in children with urethritis are:

  • Itching and burning sensation in the vulva.
  • Painful process that haunts the baby.
  • Subfebrile temperature, which can be with a severe course of the disease.
  • Feeling of discomfort at the time of urination.
  • Hyperemia and moderate swelling of the external genital organs and the urethra itself.

In children, the feeling of itching leads to the fact that they begin to constantly comb. Such a process can provoke the entry of pathogenic microflora.

Urethritis in a 5-year-old boy, that is, children of this age may experience symptoms if the disease begins to become severe. These manifestations are:

  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Discharges of a purulent nature.
  • Blood clots in the urine.
  • Change in color to a hazy hue.

Urethritis in a 3-year-old girl can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen in the suprapubic region.
  • Scratching and burning of the labia.
  • Constant visits to the toilet of the child.
  • Violation of sleep and appetite due to a deterioration in the quality of life.

When the above symptoms appear, you need to bring your child to the doctor. Late treatment and treatment can lead to serious complications. This is especially true for boys, because they may experience infertility as a complication in adulthood. In girls, urinary incontinence is a common complication.

In addition to prescribing treatment, the doctor diagnoses the disease to identify the causes of the disease. These main criteria for identifying the disease are the following points:

  • Conducting interviews with the child's parents. The medical history is described.
  • General examination, palpation of the external genital organs, as a result of which hyperemia, edema and various discharges can be detected. On palpation, the pain may increase sharply.
  • Blood and urine tests.
  • Sampling of material to identify the pathogen, if an infectious or bacterial etiology is suspected.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • When carrying out all diagnostic measures, treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Urethritis in a child of 3 years and in children of any age, the essence of treatment is no different from adults. Combined drug treatment is carried out. If a child has an infectious lesion of the urethra, then drugs are prescribed to fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment will directly depend on the causes of the disease.

To stop the process of inflammation and destroy the bacterial, infectious, viral flora, antibacterial agents are prescribed. Broad-spectrum antibiotics fight many pathogenic microbes. The most typical and common drugs that are prescribed to children are:

  • Cefaclor.
  • Cefipim.
  • Amoxicillin.
  • Cefixime.
  • Ceftriaxone.

The duration of antibiotic therapy is 7-10 days. Deadlines are set by the attending physician.

If urethritis is detected in a 2-year-old boy, then the dosage of the drug is prescribed according to age. The older the child, the greater the amount of funds assigned. It is necessary, before carrying out such treatment, to find out if the child is allergic to the medicine.

Phytotherapy will be very useful for a child. Such an additional method of treatment is effective. Urine excretion increases, which leads to the rapid release of pathogenic microflora to the outside.

If you carry out the appointment of a doctor's treatment, then the child will recover quickly. Untimely access to a doctor can lead to adverse consequences in a child.