List of fluoride-free toothpastes for adults and children. The action and benefits of fluoride-free toothpastes: a list of effective cleaning products for oral hygiene

What do you know about the toothpaste you brush your teeth with every day? Few, when choosing this hygiene product, read anything other than the name and the promised effect on the packaging. And only a few know what is included in the composition, and are guided by this when buying. But the benefits and harms of fluoride in toothpaste are a hot topic in recent years. And if you are really worried about the health of your teeth, you should form your own opinion on this matter. Let's find out what happens with an excess of fluoride and whether it has a place in toothpaste.

A little about fluorine

Fluorine in free form is a colorless gas. Fluorine-containing compounds are called fluorides. In nature, fluorine usually occurs in the form of compounds with other substances, such as sodium and calcium (sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride).

A small amount of fluoride is found in groundwater and open water bodies. Plants, receiving water from the soil, accumulate these compounds in themselves, in the same way animals take them from water.

Do you need fluoride in toothpaste?

Most dentists believe that daily toothpaste must contain fluoride. It protects the enamel from the effects of harmful bacteria and is the prevention of caries.

What compounds with fluorine are included in the pastes?

In the mouth, under the action of saliva, they decompose into ions, as a result of this reaction, active fluorine is released.

Fluoride has been added to toothpastes for about 100 years. Studying the composition of the product on the package, you can find one of the following components:

  • aluminum fluoride;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • tin fluoride;
  • olaflur;
  • sodium monofluorophosphate.

Sodium fluoride pastes, upon contact with saliva, rapidly release active fluoride. Means with this component have a pronounced remineralizing effect. From sodium monofluorophosphate, fluorine is released gradually, so you need to brush your teeth with pastes with this component for at least 3 minutes, otherwise you will not get the proper anti-caries effect. Therefore, it is rarely added to children's pastes, because babies rarely brush their teeth for the required 3 minutes.

Olaflur has an even more pronounced remineralizing effect, which leaves a thin fluorine-containing film on the teeth. From it, fluorine will enter the enamel for a long time. Olaflur has a second name - aminofluoride. At the moment, this component is considered the most advanced among fluorine-containing compounds. Tin fluoride is practically not used in the production of modern pastes, because, despite the high remineralizing ability, this compound has a drawback - when brushing teeth with a paste with tin fluoride, areas of demineralized enamel change color. In addition, when using pastes with stannous fluoride, inflammation of the gums may increase and fillings may darken.

Important: when purchasing a fluoride-containing paste, dentists recommend choosing products with sodium fluoride or olaflur in the composition.

Harm or benefit?

Before classifying yourself in the camp of supporters or opponents of products with this component, you should find out how harmful fluoride is in toothpaste. Being natural substances, fluorides are at the same time toxic to the human body. In pastes, the concentration of fluoride is much higher than the content of this substance in nature. An injection of this dangerous substance in a dose of about 5 grams can lead to death. The amount of this substance in a standard tube of paste, provided that the entire volume of the product is used at a time, is enough to kill a child.

Arguments for"

Dentists claim that fluoride is necessary for the health of tooth enamel. Calcium in it is represented by hydroxyapatite. When fluorine interacts with it, fluorapatite is formed, and this compound is less susceptible to destruction under the action of acids secreted by bacteria in the oral cavity. In addition, fluorine is considered toxic to harmful bacteria, under its influence the ability to process carbohydrates and release harmful acids in bacteria is reduced. Due to this, the anti-caries effect of fluorine-containing pastes is achieved. In addition, fluorine

  • is a powerful antiseptic;
  • prevents the transformation of plaque into stone;
  • increases the efficiency of the salivary glands and the remineralizing effect of saliva;
  • improves metabolism.

According to research results, when switching to toothpaste without fluoride, the probability of caries formation increases by 40%, moreover, dental plaque accumulates more strongly on the surface of the enamel.

In disputes regarding the benefits or harms of fluoride in toothpaste, doctors answer that fluoride is not capable of getting into the blood from the oral cavity and it poses a danger only if the remnants of the product are swallowed. Therefore, for babies, it is recommended to choose children's toothpaste without fluoride, because they can swallow it during the brushing process.

Arguments against"

After scientists discovered fluorine in human bone tissue, they began to add it not only to pasta, but also to tap water. But it turned out that 0.5 mg of the substance in a liter of water is an insufficient dose for the prevention of caries, and 1.5 mg is too high. An excess of fluoride has led to an increase in the incidence of fluorosis. This is a non-carious tooth lesion, which manifests itself as white spots on the enamel, changing color over time. Progressing, fluorosis leads to tooth decay. In addition, an increased content of fluorine can lead to osteochondrosis, the appearance of bone growths, a change in the shape and shade of teeth.

An excess of fluorine is harmful, as is its deficiency.

The addition of fluorine to tap water is especially dangerous for people in whose regions of residence this substance is already found in high concentrations in the soil and air, due to the activities of industrial enterprises.

Important: once in the body, fluorine is not in a hurry to be removed from it, but accumulates in the bones, teeth and thyroid gland.

It is known that an excessive amount of fluoride in the body can trigger early puberty. In 1969, scientists from Japan proved the connection between cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and excessive amounts of fluoride in the body. And in 1990 it became known that an excess of this substance has a negative effect on the functioning of the pineal gland - the pineal gland located between the hemispheres of the brain. The pineal gland produces hormones that are responsible for the frequency of sleep and slow down the aging process. In addition, the pineal gland inhibits the formation and growth of cancer cells. Numerous esoteric theories are associated with the pineal gland, for example, it is believed that this is where the human soul is located.

Due to its properties of a halogen and its lower atomic weight, fluorine replaces iodine in the body, causing its deficiency. According to studies, Alzheimer's disease after the popularization of fluoride-containing pastes began to hurt more people.

Choosing an adult paste without fluoride

  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium pantothenate.

The names of fluoride-free toothpastes are probably well known to you, but you could simply not delve into their composition. The following 3 products are recommended by many consumers.

The product is manufactured by the Italian company Betafarma S.P.A. It gently removes soft plaque, makes enamel shiny, ensures healthy gums and reduces tooth sensitivity to cold and hot. Extracts of medicinal herbs (chamomile, echinacea and sage) in the composition have an antibacterial effect. 3 calcium compounds at once: pantothenate, glycerophosphate and calcium lactate protect teeth from caries. This fluoride-free toothpaste contains the enzyme papain, which dissolves plaque, and xylitol, which prevents plaque from accumulating as quickly.

Paste and conditioner from Betafarma S.P.A.

Parodontax without fluoride

Toothpaste Paradontax without fluoride has collected numerous positive reviews. It effectively eliminates soft plaque, after use there is a feeling of perfect cleanliness of the teeth. But the main action of the remedy is aimed at eliminating bleeding gums, which is caused by the components included in the composition of the remedy:

  • chamomile;
  • myrrh;
  • echinacea;
  • sage;
  • ratania;
  • mineral salts.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the salty aftertaste of pasta, which not everyone likes. The manufacturer notes that within 14 days the taste becomes addictive. Use of Paradontax is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, do not use it more than 3 times a day.

Splat Biocalcium

Therapeutic and prophylactic paste without fluorides of the brand Splat, with regular use, helps to strengthen the enamel and restore it by 30%. When cleaning, the enamel is polished, the pH of the oral cavity is normalized, the mucosa is restored and the damage on it is healed.

This paste has a pleasant mint flavor, freshens breath well, but does not have whitening qualities. In addition, the composition contains a paraben - Sodium Methylparaben.

More fluoride-free toothpastes for adults

If you are wondering what other toothpastes do not contain fluoride, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following list:

Stomatitis. Up to 4 years old, children still do not know how to spit out the remnants of the product, but with Splat Junior, parents can be calm, as the paste is safe to swallow. A good "bonus" is Aloe Vera in the composition of the product, which relieves inflammation of the gums. Along with the toothpaste in the package, parents will find a fingertip brush to take care of their baby's first teeth.

Weleda Zahngel

Gel for the care of children's teeth with calendula extract, fennel oil, mint. The paste does not foam, has a pleasant taste and a slight smell of menthol. Produce gel-paste in Germany. The tool effectively eliminates plaque from children's teeth, reduces inflammation of the gums due to the algae extract included in the composition. The disadvantage of the product is that it does not contain substances that protect teeth from caries, so it is recommended to alternate its use with other products with calcium in the composition.

Some more baby food

The list of children's toothpastes without fluoride continues:

  • R.O.C.S. fragrant chamomile;
  • Splat Juicy Set;
  • R.O.C.S. barberry;

Which toothpaste is better, with or without fluoride? The opinions of consumers and dentists on this matter differ. Be that as it may, fluorine is necessary for the health of the body, but in small quantities. The maximum daily dose of this substance is 5 mg, which can be easily obtained from food. For example, a kilogram of fish contains 5-15 mg, and a liter of wine contains about 3 mg of fluoride. Which toothpaste to use, without fluoride or with fluoride, the choice is yours.

Most people do not even think about the composition of oral care products that they use daily. The elements contained in the composition of fluoride-containing toothpastes are able to linger and accumulate in the body. The use of fluoride-free dentifrices is more relevant for people who live in regions of Russia where drinking water contains a large amount of this substance. For example, in the Northern Urals, in the Moscow region, the Tver region. This article takes a detailed look at the impact of fluoride on dental health and the whole body as a whole, and also talks about an alternative to this substance, which serves to enrich toothpastes.

What is the difference between toothpastes with and without fluoride?

With excessive consumption of fluorine, the body additionally requires calcium. This element has the ability to remineralize teeth and bind fluorine molecules. The composition of fluorine-containing pastes necessarily contains one or more calcium components. In this case, the pastes should not include fluorine compounds - sodium fluoride or aluminum fluoride. Knowing the names of these substances, you can easily find out which hygiene products contain fluorine and which do not.

The benefits of fluoride

The presence of fluorine in the composition of products or water is necessary, since this element is involved in the metabolic processes of the body. Depending on body weight, the norm of this substance for an adult is from 1.5 to 2.8 mg per day:

  • Fluorine has a great influence on the formation of bones, teeth, nails. Of particular importance is the amount of this element for the strength and hardness of enamel - it has the ability to retain calcium in tissues. This helps to strengthen the enamel layer and reduces the risk of caries.
  • Hygiene products containing fluorine have an antibacterial effect. With a decrease in the number of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, the likelihood of developing caries and other dental diseases is reduced several times.
  • During the use of fluoride-containing toothpastes, some of the fluoride compounds penetrate microdamages on the surface of the enamel and seal them. Contacting with molecular calcium, which is contained in saliva, fluorine forms fluorapatite. This compound has unique properties - high strength and hardness. A kind of barrier serves to protect the teeth from destruction and exposure to harmful microorganisms.

Harm to teeth

Despite the undoubted benefits for dental health, fluoride products can harm the body:

  • The systematic excess of the required norm leads to the accumulation of the substance in the enamel layer and tissues of the thyroid gland. A large amount of fluorine interferes with the normal absorption of iodine, which often leads to disruption of the endocrine system.
  • With the accumulation of fluoride compounds in the tissues of the body, fluorosis develops (more details in the article:). This disease affects the bone apparatus, in particular - tooth enamel. This mainly occurs during the formation of bones and teeth.

Which one to choose for a child?

When choosing a children's toothpaste, be sure to take into account the age of the child. For children under 4 years of age, oral care products should have the following qualities:

  • effectively, but gently clean milk teeth;
  • the level of content of abrasive particles should not exceed 20 conventional units;
  • the composition should not contain dangerous compounds, as babies can swallow the paste;
  • the product should be free of fluorine or with a minimum amount of it.

Children's toothpaste, recommended for babies from 4 to 7 years old, should provide quality care for both milk and permanent teeth. A mandatory sign of product quality is the presence of components that provide caries prevention.

Popular fluorine compounds present in toothpastes

List of popular fluoride compounds found in toothpastes:

  1. sodium monophosphate - in order to achieve a quick result and a long-term effect, the procedure should last at least three minutes;
  2. sodium fluoride - acts quickly and effectively, due to which the teeth are remineralized and the enamel is strengthened;
  3. aminofluoride - a thin film for a long time protects the surface of the teeth after brushing;
  4. tin fluoride - this element has a high degree of remineralization, is able to stain areas of the teeth that take the form of chalky spots.

List of the best fluoride-free toothpastes for adults

Currently, using the data of modern dentistry, a number of hygiene products for adults without fluoride have been developed. These remedies are effective and harmless.

  1. The list of the best fluoride-free toothpastes is headed by President Unique (more in the article:).
  2. Pastes of the "Splat" line - "Biocalcium" and "Maximum" are considered no less effective.
  3. Such oral care products as Rocs, Asepta Sensitive, as well as New Pearls with Calcium are also very popular (for more details, see the article:).

Photos of toothpastes from the list of the best can be seen below. Due to the presence of active ingredients that loosen plaque, the use of these products prevents the formation of tartar. Calcium and xylitol resist the development of caries and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. Special additives facilitate the elimination of microbial plaque and reduce excessive tooth sensitivity.

From caries and tartar

The most popular fluoride-free toothpaste that helps to cope with tartar and prevents the development of caries is Splat Biocalcium (we recommend reading:). Due to the content of hydroxyapatite, this product reliably protects the enamel from destruction. Papain has the ability to dissolve hard plaque, which eventually turns into tartar. Regular use of fluoride-free toothpastes can help reduce the risk of cavities.

In the treatment of inflammatory and other pathological processes

Therapeutic toothpastes are recommended for use during complex therapy for diseases of the teeth and gums. Most therapeutic pastes contain hydroxyapatite, antiseptic additives and components that reduce bleeding gums. The constant use of therapeutic toothpastes is not recommended, since toothpastes with antiseptics and hydroxyapatite eliminate only the symptoms of diseases. Prolonged use of therapeutic pastes leads to the fact that the inflammatory process takes on an asymptomatic chronic character. It is also possible the development of dysbacteriosis and candidiasis of the oral cavity. The course of treatment should not exceed more than 30 days.

For prevention

Fluoride-free pastes are used to prevent caries and various inflammatory soft tissue diseases. For example, the Splat Biocalcium toothpaste, which contains aminofluoride, hydroxyapatite and plant extracts, does an excellent job of cleaning teeth. To make the use of toothpaste more effective, it is recommended to use dental floss to remove food debris from the interdental spaces.

Names of the most effective products for children

When choosing a baby paste, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the product. The most important rule is that the paste should be safe, effective and taste good.

  1. The best toothpastes of Russian manufacturers include the Splat and Rocs product line.
  2. Italian pasta "President Baby" is in first place among the products of foreign manufacturers. The second place is rightfully occupied by the Weleda calendula gel made in Germany.

In the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity

The composition of children's medical pastes contains components such as aloe, chamomile, alginate, as well as a complex of auxiliary enzymes. Extracts of medicinal plants help relieve swelling, reduce bleeding gums, have a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The appointment of therapeutic toothpastes should be handled by a pediatric dentist.

To eliminate caries and tartar

Regular use of products containing calcium and xylitol helps against caries and tartar. Effective treatments for children include "ROCS kids - Barberry". It provides anti-caries protection of the teeth and prevents the transformation of soft plaque into tartar. The presence of abrasive components contributes to high-quality cleaning of plaque, xylitol has an excellent anti-caries effect, alginate has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gums.

For preventive purposes

For prevention purposes, the use of toothpastes that contain hydroxyapatite is allowed. One such tool is the Splat Juicy Set. This paste can be used by both children from three to four years old and adults. The presence of hydroxyapatite in the composition contributes to the intensive strengthening of enamel, since hydroxyapatite has the ability to restore damaged enamel, mineralize and strengthen the surface of the teeth.

Cleaning rules

How to choose the right brush?

Properly selected brush is considered an important factor in the prevention of caries. Of great importance is the stiffness and location of the bristles, the shape of the head. To understand which brush is best for cleaning all surfaces of the teeth, you need to familiarize yourself with the products of domestic and foreign manufacturers. Well-known leading dental and oral care companies offer a wide range of quality and environmentally friendly products. Brushes manufactured by Splat, Rocks, Oral-B companies have an anatomical head shape and uneven bristle height. These features allow you to clean even hard-to-reach areas with high quality.

The main steps in daily brushing your teeth

Before brushing your teeth, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the interdental spaces with a special floss. Teeth should be brushed for at least three minutes, paying attention to the inner surface. We should not forget about the thorough cleaning of the molars located at the end of the dentition. Due to the peculiarities of their location, wisdom teeth are more susceptible to caries than others, for this reason special attention should be paid to their cleaning. After brushing your teeth, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that contains aminofluoride or sodium fluoride. This will help calcium to securely attach to the enamel of the teeth.

Fluoride-free cleansers support dental health. The positive effect of therapeutic and prophylactic formulations with calcium is as noticeable as the effect of toothpaste with sodium fluoride or aminofluoride.

Not all fluoride-free toothpastes work the same way. Check out the best hygiene products. For you - a review of high-quality toothpaste for children and adults.

Why is excess fluoride dangerous?

Exceeding the permissible concentration of the active substance provokes a dental disease - fluorosis. Pathological changes under the influence of fluorides were noted in children and adults. The main reason is the regular use of water containing excess fluoride.


  • the enamel becomes stained, erosion appears;
  • gradually the top layer becomes thinner, the quality of enamel and dentin deteriorates;
  • if left untreated, the dental tissue is partially destroyed.

Components and composition

The main component that neutralizes the aggressive action of fluorine is calcium. The mineral not only binds the increased volume of fluorine, but also restores the quality of the enamel. Regular use of cleansing products with a useful mineral prevents the development of caries, reliably protects enamel.

Toothpaste contains various calcium compounds:

  • hydroxyapatite;
  • glycerophosphate;
  • citrate;
  • pantothenate;
  • calcium lactate.

Each type has a positive effect on enamel and dentin. High activity is shown by calcium citrate, synthetic hydroxyapatite.

Fluoride Free Toothpaste: The Best Cleansing Products

There are more than ten brands on the market with calcium compounds for different ages. Get a consultation with a dentist-therapist, find out his opinion. The review presents products that have received high praise from doctors.

Overview of products for children

For oral care, buy a paste designed for a certain age. Cleansing products for the little ones are not suitable for teenagers due to lack of effectiveness. For children, choose hypoallergenic toothpaste from well-known manufacturers.


Many dentists consider the President brand (Italy) one of the best. The optimal combination of active ingredients, the absence of harmful ingredients are the advantages of PRESIDENT brand formulations.

Features of toothpaste for children:

  • does not contain fluorides;
  • active ingredients: xylitol, calcium glycerophosphate;
  • low abrasiveness;
  • no parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • the composition does not cause irritation of the stomach if accidentally swallowed;
  • calcium glycerophosphate strengthens enamel;
  • xylitol normalizes the pH level in the oral cavity, prevents the development of caries;
  • nice raspberry flavor.

The average price is from 120 rubles per 30 ml.

An effective, safe cleansing gel for children 0-3 years old. German quality plus excellent care for milk teeth.


  • there is no fluorine and calcium;
  • only natural ingredients. There is silicic acid, glycerin, esculin, water;
  • there are no harmful dyes, preservatives, flavorings in the composition of the Weleda gel;
  • the product contains alginate - a valuable extract from seaweed for the active removal of soft plaque;
  • a mixture of essential (fennel, spearmint) oils protects delicate gums, prevents inflammation;
  • regular use maintains the balance of microflora in the mouth;
  • the composition does not cause allergic reactions, it is safe if it enters the stomach.

The average price is 340 rubles, the volume of the tube is 50 ml.

Note! Alternate between calcium gel and calcium paste for maximum protection of weak enamel in babies.


A popular product for babies up to 3 years old. Manufacturer: R.O.C.S. (Russia - Switzerland).


  • the cleansing composition gently affects the delicate children's enamel, does not scratch the top layer;
  • a positive effect is provided by calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol;
  • when swallowed, the product does not irritate the mucous membranes due to the absence of harmful components: dyes, parabens, foaming ingredients, antiseptics;
  • the composition strengthens the enamel, delicately removes plaque from milk teeth.

The volume of the tube is 45 ml, the price of a cleansing composition for children is from 240 rubles.


An effective cleansing product that does not contain fluoride. The tool is recommended for children aged 3-7 years.


  • pleasant taste (delicate minty freshness with hints of barberry, fruit ice cream). There are no harmful synthetic dyes;
  • hypoallergenic composition, paste Rocks of the Kids series is not dangerous for young experimenters if intentionally swallowed;
  • strengthening of children's enamel, saturation with minerals;
  • delicately removes plaque, prevents the appearance of carious cavities;
  • prevents loose gums;
  • breath stays fresh for a long time.

The cost of the cleansing product is from 220 rubles, the volume is 45 g.

List of popular brands for adults

The range of fluoride-free cleansers is wider than the children's line. Popular products contain more active ingredients that provide delicate care and protection against caries. Many compounds have a complex effect.


And again, dentists give leadership to the products of the Italian company Betafarma S.p.A. Pasta President without fluoride contains several active ingredients. Regular use eliminates the problems of the dentition.

Dentists recommend alternating the PRESIDENT Unique variety with other types. The reason is the presence of potassium salt in the composition. A useful ingredient reduces the sensitivity of the teeth, but at the same time, masks the symptoms (soreness) in the development of diseases of the dentition.


  • three types of calcium compounds: lactate, pantothenate, glycerophosphate;
  • papain enzyme actively dissolves plaque;
  • xylitol eliminates the negative effect of acid, minimizes the rate of deposit formation;
  • abrasiveness is higher than that of children's pastes. RDA (abrasive particle size) is 75;
  • regular use saturates the enamel with minerals, maintains the health of teeth and gums.

The tube contains 75 ml of cleansing product. The cost is from 190 rubles.


An excellent cleanser made in the UK. A characteristic feature of the composition is a specific salty taste, which not all buyers immediately like. But just a week later, the shade of six herbs already seems pleasant, refreshing.

Dentists highly appreciate the effect of Parodontax paste without fluoride:

  • calcium bicarbonate actively reduces inflammation of the gums, promotes the removal of exudate from periodontal pockets;
  • healing herbs give a specific taste: mint, chamomile, myrrh, rotania, sage, echinacea;
  • the product is indispensable in the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • the product perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, removes plaque;
  • mineral salts, herbal extracts reduce friability of the gums, reduce bleeding;
  • the composition heals mucous membranes, strengthens dental tissue;
  • the product is approved for daily use.

The volume of the tube in red and white design is 50 and 75 ml, the price is 110–140/150–160 rubles, respectively.

Splat Biocalcium

A popular product of the Russian company Organic Pharmaceuticals. An effective product at an affordable price.


  • calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite actively dissolve soft plaque;
  • papain and polydon enzymes enhance the effect of calcium compounds;
  • the smallest particles of calcium hydroxyapatite quickly penetrate through the pores of the enamel, cement the destroyed areas;
  • the cleansing composition gives freshness of breath, gently whitens the top layer.

The cost of Splat paste without fluoride starts from 120 rubles, the volume of the product is 100 ml.

Splat Maximum

Active action, good composition, reasonable cost - this is how patients and dentists characterize a cleanser for adults.


  • papain, polydon loosen, actively remove deposits from teeth and gums;
  • ultrafine hydroxyapatite easily fills microcracks in the enamel, strengthens the top layer and dentin;
  • zinc ions prevent inflammatory processes in the gums, refresh the oral cavity well, prevent decay, the appearance of bad breath;
  • licorice extract has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The volume of the tube is 100 ml, the average price is 130 rubles.

New pearls with calcium

Budget option for dental care. A product of the Russian company Nevskaya Kosmetika. There are few active ingredients, the cleansing effect is good. Calcium citrate has a positive effect on tooth enamel, but one active substance is not enough for high-quality mineralization.

Occasionally you can buy this product, but for regular care, choose a paste with a complex effect. Look for formulations with multiple active ingredients. The presence of enzymes is required for the qualitative removal of soft deposits.

The cleansing product is packaged in 75 ml tubes. Buyers are attracted by the low price - 29-35 rubles.

Pasta Rocks for Adults

An effective cleanser with a good cleansing effect. Contains several active ingredients. Customers are impressed by the palette of flavors, maximum freshness after hygiene procedures.


  • calcium glycerophosphate saturates the top layer, dentin, with useful molecules, strengthens dental tissue;
  • a combination of magnesium, silicon, phosphorus improves the quality of tooth enamel;
  • the enzyme bromelain dissolves the matrix of bacterial deposits, cleans teeth and gums well from soft deposits;
  • low abrasiveness of the compositions allows the use of pastes for the care of sensitive units of the dentition;
  • xylitol does not allow excessive acidity in the oral cavity, reduces the risk of reproduction of cariogenic bacteria;
  • after brushing your teeth, freshness of breath is preserved for a long time;
  • the composition gently cleanses teeth, gums, does not cause allergic reactions.

The cost of a therapeutic and prophylactic agent is higher than that of some cleansing formulations - from 220 rubles. The paste is packaged in tubes, the weight of the product is 74 g.

Does your dentist recommend purchasing fluoride-free toothpaste? Do not worry! Calcium, herbal extracts, enzymes, beneficial minerals will protect the enamel. Fluoride is also necessary, but in some cases, the use of cleansing compounds with this mineral is harmful to health, causing fluorosis.

If in your area there is a high content of fluoride in drinking water, you will have to carefully choose a therapeutic and prophylactic paste. There should be no mention of various fluorine compounds on the packaging. Choose formulations with calcium, enzymes, herbal extracts. Buy cleansing products that have earned positive reviews from dentists and patients.

Video. Another type of fluoride-free toothpaste:

Before shifting this or that product from the supermarket shelf to the basket, many people carefully read the information on the packaging: what does the product that will be eaten consists of.

This is not the case when choosing toothpaste. Here, a commercial often plays a decisive role, obsessively stuck in the head. So a beautifully packaged lie with its main component, whose name is fluorine, comes to our house.

The harm of this chemical element

As such, this substance is almost never found in nature. It is distributed in the form of chemical compounds with other substances. We absorb some of these compounds when brushing our teeth:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • sodium fluorosilicate;
  • fluorosilicic acid.

Fluorine is in no hurry to be quickly excreted from the body, it prefers to accumulate in the teeth, bones, but with greater intensity it penetrates and remains in the thyroid gland, as if cementing it.

Fluorine compounds are dangerous for the body. So sodium fluoride, if you inhale it, affects the respiratory system, circulatory, central nervous system, kidneys, heart. When we take sodium fluoride orally, we take a toxic substance with a lethal dose of 5 to 10 grams. It can affect the brain, cause a heart attack, paralyze the respiratory organs.

Patients with diabetes and people suffering from kidney failure are most affected.

Advice! If the toothpaste contains at least one of these components, you should decide for yourself whether to use such a cleaning and whitening agent or look for another without the presence of fluoride.

And some more information about the dangers of this element, see the following video:

Is there an alternative?

If the inscriptions on the package inform that the composition contains one of the calcium compounds:

  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite,

President Unique. Italian company Betafarma S.p.A.

Preservatives, allergens, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes and, of course, fluorine are absent in this case. The natural plant-based formula gently enhances the natural protection of the oral cavity.

Calcium and xylitol thoroughly clean the enamel. The soothing and antibacterial effect is guaranteed by bioextracts of echinacea, sage, chamomile. Anethole and eucalyptus, selected in ideal proportions, serve to create a sensation of delicate, fresh, long-lasting taste.

  • as prevention of caries, inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • with a lack of calcium in the body;
  • to strengthen the gums, increase the gloss of the enamel;
  • for accurate and effective destruction of plaque;
  • to reduce sensitivity.

It is advisable to apply two or three times a day. Estimated cost of 100 ml package - 190 rubles.

Products from the domestic manufacturer SPLAT-"Biocalcium"

Earned recognition for being it contains no harmful ingredients, but there are useful active substances that contribute to the restoration of 30% of the enamel, normalizing the pH balance, healing wounds, containing moisturizing elements, safely polishing the enamel.

With regard to aesthetic qualities, users note a pleasant consistency of the product, similar to creams of good density. A pleasant impression is left by the taste - sweetish, moderately reminiscent of mint. A pleasant freshness is felt in the mouth for a couple of hours or before the first meal.

Those who prioritize whitening will be upset. The whitening effect is almost absent. The disadvantages also include the presence of the preservative Sodium Methylparaben, and it is dangerous, like all parabens.

What in the end? The pros are:

  • price - quite affordable - 130 rubles;
  • smell and taste are pleasant;
  • cleansing - careful;
  • the presence of useful extracts;
  • the feeling of freshness is long lasting.

Unfortunately, there is also a minus - the composition includes paraben.

Another creation of the SPLAT company - SPLAT-"Maximum"

The product is considered one of the achievements of modern dentistry. It is designed to quickly solve the following tasks:

  • protection of damaged and problematic areas of enamel from the occurrence of caries;
  • providing a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity;
  • raid elimination;
  • preventing the spread of harmful microbes;
  • healing of inflamed gums.

These effects are achieved through the use of only natural ingredients. Nanohydroxyapatite is used to strengthen the damaged areas of the enamel. Removing stains from wine, tobacco, tea, coffee, dissolving plaque is the task of papain and polydon. Anti-inflammatory action is intended to provide thymon and zinc. But SLS and fluorine are not used.

Gentle cleansing is not accompanied by bleeding gums. After the cleaning procedure, a rather pleasant taste remains in the mouth, slightly reminiscent of eucalyptus oil. Pasta will appeal to those who love the formation of foam during dental care.

An unpleasant surprise may be a slight tingling in the mouth at the end of the process. And that seems to be the only downside. And to the listed pluses, one should add a low price - 115 rubles per 100 ml tube.

"ROCS" for adults" from a Russian manufacturer

Without using fluorine in the manufacture of the product, the creators achieve a high level of protection against harmful microbes with alternative components: xylitol, bromelain, magnesium chloride, calcium glycerophosphate. A 75% increase in enamel acid resistance is one of the effects of using ROCS for adults.”

Plaque, which is the cause of dental disease, is gently and gently broken down, and the ability of bacteria to recreate new plaque is reduced. At the same time, the state of microflora in the oral cavity is normalized.

As a consequence of the increased cleaning power, there is no need for a high content of abrasive substances. This effect will be of interest to people with increased enamel abrasion.

And now the advantages suggested by users:

  • sensitivity decreases;
  • a huge assortment with different taste properties;
  • excellent composition;
  • excellent cleansing

and disadvantages:

  • 200 rubles - not so cheap;
  • uneconomical - too liquid, more flows onto the brush than required.

ASEPTA Sensitive

Experts recommend this therapeutic and prophylactic paste:

  • for people who have increased tooth sensitivity;
  • to prevent inflammation in the gums, to prevent bleeding.

Medicinal properties are provided by the use of such components:

  • thermal mud is necessary for healing, recovery, as a sedative;
  • citrate and hydroxyapatite reduce pain, create enamel protection for a long time;
  • to combat harmful microbes in inflamed gums, calendula, calamus, sweet clover are thrown in the form of extracts;
  • and papain, which serves to prevent the formation of plaque.

The paste has a dense texture, perfectly foams, has a slight taste of mint. When squeezing it out for the first time, you need to be prepared for the fact that a greenish substance will appear on the brush. You will have to pay 150 rubles for a tube.

"New pearls with calcium" from "Nevskaya cosmetics"

The cheapness of the product (30 rubles) is due to the absence of additional additives, as well as enzymes and xylitol. The only link of active action is calcium citrate. Its task is the mineralization of the teeth, although not sufficient.

Above were toothpastes for adults. Next will be reviewed fluoride-free oral protection products for babies.

Italian gel-paste "PRESIDENT Baby"

No allergens, no parabens, no fluoride, no sugar! Gel paste has a raspberry smell and taste. It is designed for babies from the first tooth to the age of three. Gently cares for milk teeth, harmlessly eliminates plaque. Calcium, together with xylitol and phosphates, protects against caries and restores health to fragile gums.

A 30 ml tube costs 100 rubles.

Gel with calendula "Weleda" (Germany)

Gel of delicate consistency containing an extract from calendula flowers, mint oil, fennel oil, esculin. The components will not harm the child, even if he decides to eat pasta.

Gel-paste has an attractive taste and a light menthol smell, does not pinch the tongue. During cleaning, foam is not formed. Leaves a wonderful feeling of freshness. Effectively removes plaque.

Since the gel does not contain calcium, it is recommended to alternate it with pastes, for example, those containing calcium glycerophosphate.

Price - 300 rubles per 50 ml.

"SPLAT Juicy Set" (Russia)

It is designed for use by both young children and adults. Intensively strengthens enamel due to the content in the composition of an easily digestible form of calcium - hydroxyapatite. Enzymes also contained in the paste serve to increase the immunity of the mucous membrane and prevent the appearance of stomatitis.

Three tubes in a set cost 250 rubles.

"SPLAT Junior" - children's

Recommended for kids up to four years. Includes xylitol and calcium, which, in combination with enzymes, increase the degree of mucosal protection. Especially useful for babies prone to frequent stomatitis.

Aloe Vera gel reduces discomfort when the first teeth appear. Creamy vanilla taste provokes children to try pasta. It's completely safe.

Unpleasantly surprised by the declared non-existent component of calcis. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not give explanations, and the incomprehensible seems dangerous.

The price of a tube is 179 rubles.

"ROCS - PRO Baby" (Russia) - children's

It can be used for the little ones. For the manufacture of the paste, a very soft base was used, which, while gently cleaning, does not damage the fragile enamel of milk teeth. All ingredients are of natural origin.

The absence of fragrances does not force the child to try the paste. When cleaning foam is not formed. After application on the teeth remains a feeling of good cleanliness.

Price - 210 rubles.

Summing up, it must be said that someone will remain faithful to fluoride pastes, not wanting to change anything, while someone will think and reconsider their attitude to the described subject. Each person must draw conclusions on the basis of extensive information.

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  • Blizzard

    January 19, 2015 at 7:54 am

    In 2013, I thought about the health of my teeth when I saw white spots appear on the enamel. I read on the Internet that this is a symptom of oversaturation of teeth with fluoride. I decided to replace the paste with tooth powder, but it is not very convenient to use: it crumbles, stains clothes and the lid is uncomfortable. Then I stopped using the cleaner altogether and brushed my teeth with just a dry brush, but my teeth lost their whiteness, which was due to the paste. And how to be? I want a snow-white smile without yellowness and spots. You need good pasta. Thanks to the article, I figured out my problem and now I know which paste to buy. Even the budget "Pearl" is perfect 🙂 Thank you 🙂


    March 29, 2016 at 5:25 am

    Pearls also contain fluorine, don't be naive

  • Alexander

    February 4, 2017 at 5:30 am

    At different times I tried both the Splat and New Pearls pastes, but it seemed to me that after application the freshness in the mouth was not very good, so now I use President more often. In my opinion, the effect of cleanliness is longer, and my sensitive gums have practically stopped bleeding. The fact that it is also harmless to the body, as it turned out, is a huge plus.

  • Ivan

    May 15, 2017 at 6:29 am

    I recently learned with surprise and horror that most toothpastes contain sodium fluoride. Previously, I did not think about this issue, but various sources report that sodium fluoride is not only not useful, but also extremely harmful. Its effect is comparable to the effect of lead on the body. I tried to find a toothpaste without fluoride, it turned out to be difficult, but I still searched. Yes, Prezident proved to be the most suitable toothpaste to use.

  • Alexander

    December 6, 2017 at 04:42 pm

    Splat only at the beginning was without fluorine, which is why I bought it, after, as it happens, the manufacturer began to quietly add it. The inscription appeared in small print in the composition. And earlier it was written that without fluorine, now this inscription has disappeared.

Fluoride-free toothpastes are especially relevant for cities, villages and villages with an increased level of this chemical element in local water. In some geographical places of the planet where people live en masse, its amount even reaches 1.0 mg / l. In general, in each region, the content of this component in the aquatic environment varies significantly.

Today, the list of fluoride-free toothpastes is constantly updated. It is possible to use a similar product for oral hygiene, but with a high concentration of fluoride, only in those residential regions where its content in the water is below the norm.

What is in fluoride-free toothpaste?

When fluorine is contained in excess in the water used, calcium is primarily needed for tooth enamel. It immediately reanimates the teeth and at the same time binds the excess of the chemical element. Therefore, Zhemchug toothpaste without fluorine is supplemented with a calcium compound. It can also be included in various oral hygiene products in the form of compounds such as lactate, citrate, synthetic hydroxyapatite, glycerophosphate, pantothenate.

The compositions of pastes of such a plan should not contain any fluorine compounds, which are usually used by manufacturers in their manufacture. Knowing the names of the components, you can always independently determine which hygiene product contains them. These include aluminum, monofluorophosphate, olaflur (aminofluoride), tin fluoride.

Toothpaste without fluoride: a list for children. Top three

First of all, children need all the best and useful, a growing body requires special attention and care. Therefore, the choice of toothpaste must also be taken with all responsibility.

In the ranking of the most useful products for children from 0 to 3 years old, the first place is given to the PRESIDENT Baby gel paste. According to experts, this is without fluoride from the Italian manufacturer for the care of milk teeth. The tool is low-abrasive, it has a delicate raspberry aroma. It contains a strengthening agent. The composition of the preparation also includes xylitol, which effectively neutralizes the acids present in the oral cavity and has a caries-static effect. The product is absolutely safe even if swallowed.

The second position of the list is occupied by Weleda gel. It is also recommended for babies from 0 to 3 years. This German preparation with calendula provides excellent care for developing baby teeth. Its components effectively remove all microbial plaque from the enamel. Due to the content of alginate - an extract from algae - and, of course, essential oils, the baby gel has anti-inflammatory properties. All components are absolutely safe even if ingested. Since it does not contain fluorine / calcium, it is recommended to alternate the gel or use another paste in parallel, which includes, for example, calcium glycerophosphate. This will accelerate the rate of enamel mineralization, increase its resistance to caries.

In the third place of honor in the ranking is children's toothpaste without fluoride "Splat Juicy Set". Its use can be started in the first year of life and used throughout all subsequent decades. This Russian-made product is intended to strengthen the enamel by an intensive method for people of all ages. It contains one of the most easily absorbed forms of calcium, called synthetic hydroxyapatite. This component perfectly restores even weakened enamel. It mineralizes it, makes it stronger. The tool prevents the appearance of stomatitis and inflammation of the gums.

Children's toothpastes without fluoride: the list continues

The fourth position of the rating is assigned to the product "SPLAT Junior". This remedy is used from 0 to 4 years, it has a creamy vanilla taste, produced in Russia. The drug is unique in its complex of enzymes, due to which the immunity of the oral mucosa increases, the occurrence of stomatitis is prevented. The paste, when ingested, does not cause any side effects.

Fifth place for children's paste "ROCS - PRO Baby". This tool is also produced in Russia and is designed for use at the age of 0 to 3 years, does not harm when swallowed, contains xylitol and calcium glycerophosphate, and also has low abrasiveness.

The sixth position is assigned to the Russian paste, this is "ROCS baby - fragrant chamomile". The product is designed for babies from 0 to 3 years old. Its abrasive-polishing components effectively remove plaque, and xylitol, which is part of the composition, neutralizes acids. It has a long cariesstatic effect. The preparation includes alginate and chamomile extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. There is only one minus here - there are no calcium compounds in this remedy, and therefore the teeth are not strengthened. It is safe if swallowed.

The last place in the rating is given to the Russian paste "ROCS kids - Barberry", specially designed for use by children from 3 to 7 years old. The anti-caries protection of the drug is high and is ensured by the presence in its composition of such elements as calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol.

Fluoride Free Toothpaste: A List for Adults. Top three

For adults, a whole line of oral hygiene products has also been developed, where the above component is completely absent. They are effective and harmless.

The top three is headed by PRESIDENT Unique pasta. It has a composition unique in its kind from three easily digestible calcium compounds at once. Thanks to this, Italian pasta stands out from other similar preparations in the first place. Its enzyme xitite inhibits the formation of new plaque, neutralizes the acidic environment of the oral cavity. The enzyme papain, in turn, promotes the dissolution of the protein matrix of plaque, facilitates its elimination.

The second honorary position belongs to the SPLAT-Biocalcium paste from a Russian manufacturer. It includes highly active calcium components (calcium lactate, hydroxyapatite) and substances (papain, polydon) that help dissolve plaque on tooth enamel. The composition of the drug is good, and the price for it is loyal.

The third place is occupied by toothpaste without fluorine, the name of which is "SPLAT - Maximum", it was produced in Russia. The tool contains components that loosen and allow you to quickly remove the pigment (polydon, papain). It also includes easily digestible calcium, which has the form of ultrafine hydroxyapatite and zinc citrate, due to which freshness in the mouth is preserved for a very long time, unpleasant odor is blocked.

Toothpastes without fluoride for adults: the following ranking positions

The list of fluoride-free toothpastes continues with the Russian drug ROCS. The fourth worthy place is given to this pasta for a reason. It contains calcium compounds, xylitol, which resists the formation of caries and inhibits the development of cariogenic microflora. It also neutralizes the acidic environment of the mouth. Thanks to the enzyme bromelain, the agent is able to dissolve the pigment plaque matrix, making it easier to remove. The positive features also include a large number of different flavors of this tool. There are more than 10 of them.

The next fifth place is occupied and included in the list of fluoride-free toothpastes by ASEPTA Sensitive, also from a Russian manufacturer. It contains papain to facilitate the elimination of microbial / pigment deposits and potassium citrate, due to which it can decrease. This, of course, can partially cause the development of caries, since the symptoms are masked.

In sixth place is the New Pearl with Calcium product from Russian developers of oral hygiene products. Previously, this drug was made using calcium glycerophosphate, but today it has been replaced by calcium citrate, since this enzyme dissociates into ions to a greater extent and releases active calcium.

Why is it important?

Much healthier for the body toothpaste without fluoride. The list above shows in detail why it is necessary to make a choice in favor of such hygiene products. Having determined for yourself a suitable drug, the beauty and health of a smile can be preserved throughout the rest of your life.

Excess fluoride: what are the consequences?

The presence of a large amount of fluoride in a hygiene product can harm mainly children, as it contributes to the development of fluorosis in them. In this case, the proposed list of fluoride-free toothpastes will help you choose the right tool to eliminate such consequences. With this disease, white or dark spots appear on the surface of children's enamel of already erupted teeth, which deepen over time, turn into furrows. Adults are not afraid of fluorosis.

Existing home water filtration systems have a significant impact on fluid fluoride levels. If the system works according to the reverse osmosis method, then up to 84% of this chemical element is removed from the water. Carbon filters can remove 81%. These statistics are confirmed by research and were officially published in 1991 in the journal Pediatr.Dent.

Everyone cares about dental health

Today, in many countries, people are wondering which fluoride-free toothpaste is the most effective, gentle on the enamel of the teeth of children and adults. Having studied the ratings provided above, you can choose the most suitable tool for yourself and your household. This will make it possible to avoid a number of dental problems in the future. This is because some oral hygiene-related gum disease is prevented by fluoride-free toothpaste. Ukraine (as well as other countries) can also use the list for itself, especially since many drugs are available on the shelves of local pharmacies and stores.

Toothpastes and the benefits of fluoride

Thanks to fluorine, tooth enamel becomes resistant to the aggressive effects of acids, and this reduces the development of caries by almost 40%. Fluorine also has an antiseptic effect. It inhibits the active development of microbes in the mouth. Its regular deficiency leads to the growth of cariogenic microflora. Dental preparations without fluoride are mainly recommended for use in regions (cities, villages, villages), where its content is increased in water.

Popular fluoride compounds in toothpastes

The most commonly introduced compounds of this element in the composition of pastes are the following:

Sodium monophosphate. The compound dissociates into ions very slowly, and therefore active fluorine is removed from it in a similar way. Toothpastes with this component of the paste are ineffective if a person brushes his teeth for less than 3 minutes.

sodium fluoride. Quickly and easily dissociates into ions, releases active ionized fluorine. It has a high remineralizing activity and due to this it quickly strengthens the enamel.

Aminofluoride (olaflur). This compound has a high remineralizing capacity, even more than that of sodium fluoride. It creates a thin film on the surface of the teeth, which remains on the enamel even after brushing the teeth.

Tin fluoride. The component has a high remineralizing ability, but at the same time stains the demineralized enamel zones. They take on the appearance of white chalky spots and eventually become dark. From an aesthetic point of view, this is not very attractive.