Travel remedy for diarrhea. On vacation - with a first aid kit

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A mandatory attribute of every traveler traveling abroad on vacation during a vacation is a first-aid kit, no matter where he goes. What should be in a traveler's first aid kit? How to choose the right funds in the first-aid kit abroad with a child? What can not be transported to other countries? You will read about this and much more in our article.

We collect a first-aid kit on vacation abroad

Often, a first aid kit when traveling abroad for vacations in Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries is more versatile and comprehensive compared to home counterparts. The reason for this is quite clear - the most typical acute conditions at home can be easily stopped, while promptly seeking qualified medical help.

At the same time, even in developed countries there are certain peculiarities in the provision of emergency medical care, moreover, climate change, time zones, and external living conditions can additionally negatively affect the health of people who have gone on vacation, especially if they have hidden chronic diseases or other problems with health.

Necessary list of drugs for the first-aid kit of a traveler abroad:

  • Medicines for gastrointestinal problems. In particular, we are talking about antidiarrheal drugs, enzymes, as well as agents that improve digestion;
  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Classic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both in the form of tablets and ointments;
  • Dressing kits. Includes bandages, adhesive plaster, dressing kits, splint, hemostatic tourniquet and other devices;
  • Remedies for colds. You will need ear and nasal drops that relieve the symptoms of diseases, paracetamol, as well as eye drops against severe irritation and lacrimation;
  • Antiseptics. Necessary for local treatment of wounds;
  • Antihistamines. Recommended to reduce the risk of developing a severe allergic reaction when traveling abroad to various irritants;
  • Other means. As an addition, it is worth taking with you medicines for motion sickness, sunburn remedies, antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids, sunscreen, just in case, as well as specific medicines that may be necessary when visiting exotic countries, for example, those intended for insect and snake bites.

Remedies for gastrointestinal problems

One of the most typical problems that a person who has traveled to another country as a tourist may encounter is the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. New food, the use of dirty water, climatic conditions, and other factors create the prerequisites for critical loads on the operation of this system.

The most acute and problematic in this context is the formation of diarrhea or constipation. In addition, the tourist may experience a deterioration in the quality of digestion.

  • Intestinal antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. Nystatin, Nifuroxazide, Ftalazol;
  • Adsorbents. Smecta, activated carbon, Polysorb, Atoxil, Enterosgel;
  • Electrolytes with carbohydrates. Regidron, Orsol, Gastrolit, Ionica;
  • Drugs to reduce gastrointestinal motility. Loperamide, Imodium;
  • Anti-inflammatory suspensions in acute bowel conditions. Sulfasalazine, Mutaflor;
  • Antidiarrheal microbial agents. Acipol, Linex, Hilak, Lactobacterin, Enterogermina, Enterol;
  • Enzymes. Pancreatin, Festal, Panzinorm, Mezim, Creon;
  • Laxatives. Glycerin, sodium sulfate, Norgalax, castor oil, Guttalax.

Painkillers and ointments

Another important component of the tourist's first aid kit are various painkillers. The most popular in this context in the territory of the post-Soviet space are analgesics.

It should be borne in mind that in many states, classic Analgin or Ketorol can be used exclusively by prescription, and in some cases their use is completely prohibited.

That is why, in order not to get additional problems when crossing the border, it is advisable to complete the first-aid kit with guaranteed broad-spectrum OTC drugs, which naturally do not contain absolutely or relatively prohibited components.

The optimal list of drugs in the traveler's first aid kit:

  • Paracetamol. It is advisable to take several packages. It has a moderate analgesic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Ibuprofen. It is also quite effective, while the principle of its action is different from paracetamol, respectively, it can be used in combination with the last remedy;
  • Diclofenac. It can be used both in tablet form and as an ointment for topical application. If earlier Paracetamol and Ibuprofen were taken into the first-aid kit, then it is better to buy Diclofenac as a local remedy.

Before visiting a particular party, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the potential restrictions regarding the import of Ketorol and Analgin and the legitimacy of use on the territory of the state where the traveler will rest for some time.

Naturally, the above-described Ketorol and Analgin are more powerful painkillers.

Antipyretics and antibiotics

The clear versatility of paracetamol and ibuprofen, as well as the possibility of their use as both painkiller and antipyretic, makes it possible to combine a first aid kit in this context.

The only justification for including antibiotics in a tourist’s first aid kit is a visit to an exotic country with poorly developed medicine and a lack of immediate qualified medical care, if necessary, so that in “field conditions” there are fallback options for quick treatment of bacterial infections.

Required list of medicines in the first-aid kit for holidays abroad:

  • paracetamol and ibuprofen;
  • Several types of broad-spectrum systemic antibiotics. In particular, it is possible to use penicillin, cephalosporin and macrolide drugs, as well as fluoroquinolones. They correspond to Augmentin, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin.

Remedies for injuries

A fairly common problem for tourists traveling abroad to Turkey, Tunisia, Vietnam and other countries, especially those involved in extreme sports, is getting injured. In addition, a child can get such a pathology, and even an ordinary adult, for example, by negligence.

The most typical medicines in the first aid kit for a trip abroad:

  • Dressing materials. This includes bandages, dressing kits, hemostatic tourniquet. For minor wounds and cuts, a medical plaster is enough. It is advisable to choose sterile means so as not to introduce a secondary bacterial infection;
  • Ointments. Be sure to take a heparin ointment with you, which helps to relieve swelling and get rid of infiltrates. In addition, Lidocaine is effective for pain relief at the local level, as well as Apizartron - the latter is used a few days after the injury and accelerates the healing process;
  • Other means. As an addition, you can take a medical splint with you, as well as ready-made kits for applying compresses.


Antiseptics are an important component of any first aid kit, including a tourist one. They are designed to prevent the processes of decomposition and decay on the surfaces of open wounds.

The most typical and effective antiseptics include:

  • Boric acid. Effective against fungal infections and individual viruses;
  • Iodine solution. It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, including destroying spores;
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Effective for cleaning and deodorizing wounds, ulcers;
  • Chlorhexidine gluconate. An effective antiseptic for the skin.

Remedies to relieve symptoms of a cold

Effective medicines to relieve the symptoms of a cold are:

  • Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory complexes. The most popular solutions are Fervex, Rinza, Coldrex and Coldakt. May contain paracetamol, chlorphenamine maleate, phenylephrine, caffeine, ascorbic acid, and so on;
  • Nasal drops. Rational use of topical vasoconstrictor drugs that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and eliminate nasal congestion. Typical representatives are Naphthyzin, Nazivin.

Ear and eye drops

Often, with various diseases, ears and eyes can become inflamed during travel. In this case, you can use local symptomatic drugs that alleviate the course of the problem.

The most effective means that can be put in a travel first-aid kit:

  • For ears. Otipaks, Normaks, Ciprofarm, Otinum;
  • For eyes. Tobrex, Albucid, Oftaquix, sodium sulfacyl are topical antibacterial agents. Universal options for irritation - Alomid, Polinadim, Okumetil, Vizin.

Antiallergic drugs

Even in people who are not prone to allergies, while traveling to another country, the prerequisites for appropriate reactions may form, especially if they eat unfamiliar food, drink local water, and so on.

In this situation, it is necessary to supplement the first-aid kit with high-quality antihistamines.

Of the modern drugs in this group, it can be noted:

  • Means based on levocetirizine. The most famous in this respect are Suprastinex and Zodak;
  • Drugs with desloratadine. Erius, Loratadine;
  • Medications based on fexofenadine. Fexofast, Telfast, Allegra.

Medicines for motion sickness

Any person, both an adult and a child, can get sick on the road, while the problem is encountered both during a move or flight to another country, and directly at the place of stay, for example, in the case of being on the water, local air travel and so on.

The composition of the first-aid kit of a tourist abroad requires typical representatives of motion sickness remedies:

  • Dramina. A drug based on dimenhydrinate. It has a calming, antiemetic, and antiallergic effect, eliminates the symptoms of dizziness and nausea;
  • Validol. It is a combination of levomenthol solution in menthyl isovalerate. It has a general calming effect, reflexively dilates blood vessels, reduces irritation of nerve endings;
  • Homeopathic remedies. Rational use of those situations when the course of their application begins even before the trip, since there is a long sea voyage ahead, or several exhausting air flights. The most famous in this respect are Vertigoheel, Avia-Sea, Kokkulin.

Remedies for sunburn and sunburn

In the vast majority of cases, foreign travel is invariably associated with the sea and sun tanning. If a tourist leaves for a resort, then he must put a good sunscreen in the first-aid kit to form the perfect tan and protect the skin from burns. This is especially true for those who have very fair skin and are prone to frequent burns.

In the modern domestic market, a huge number of sunscreens are available, both for the body and for the face, which can be taken in the medicine cabinet for holidays abroad in Turkey, Cyprus, Tunisia and other countries.

The most famous products include:

  • Lancaster;
  • biotherm;
  • sun look;
  • La Roche Posay;
  • Uriage;
  • The Skin House;
  • Holy Land;
  • And others.

The specific level of protection factor must be selected directly under the skin. If it is very white, then you need to buy funds with an SPF of 50 or higher. For darker people, options with SPF 25-30 are suitable.

What to do if the tourist is still burned? Naturally, do not lubricate the skin with sour cream, vegetable oil, or use other folk methods, which in most cases will only lead to a worsening of the condition after the burn.

Supplement the tourist's first aid kit with Panthenol in any form, or with Bepanthen.

Olazol and Radevit are also considered as a supplement - the latter are applied a few days after receiving a burn and accelerate the healing process of tissues.

Funds needed for exotic countries

If tourists plan to travel abroad to an exotic country with a special climate and corresponding fauna, then several additional groups of medicines must be included in the classic list of first-aid kits.

The traveler can protect himself from the greatest dangers at home, for example, by vaccination against malaria and other exotic diseases.

At the same time, a variety of insects, as well as poisonous snakes, pose a certain danger.

To reduce the risk of being bitten by insects, as well as to overcome the consequences of this circumstance, it is necessary to take the following list of drugs with you to your first-aid kit on a trip:

  • Universal repellent sprays, repelling mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes, horseflies and so on. Typical in this context are funds from Green Pharm Cosmetic or domestic analogues of the Antikus type;
  • Anti-inflammatory and decongestant topical agents. Already available in the general medicine cabinet, however, if necessary, a complex ointment is purchased with the inclusion of corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs in it.

Unfortunately, there is no universal remedy or drug that can reduce the potential risks to health and life after being bitten by a venomous snake.

Existing antidotes are predominantly specific, respectively, can be introduced only after admission to the hospital and determining the specific type of creature that introduced its poison into the human body.

In the general case, the basic guidelines for bites of this kind include squeezing and sucking out the substance (no later than 5 minutes after the incident), disinfecting the wound with an antiseptic, applying a compressive bandage, as well as reducing the symptoms of intoxication with the use of a large amount of liquid, ascorbic acid .

First aid kit when traveling with a child

A first aid kit for a trip abroad to Turkey, Thailand and other countries for mother and child should be selected as carefully as possible, taking into account the age of the baby, as well as the individual characteristics of the female body. You can find out how to assemble a children's first aid kit at sea.

Necessary list in the first-aid kit abroad with a child:

  • Painkillers anti-inflammatory drugs - Paracetamol and Ibuprofen;
  • Medicine for gastrointestinal problems. Mezim, activated charcoal, Regidron, Loperamide, Linex, Nifuroxazide, and Guttalax;
  • Antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids. Accordingly, Loratadine and Dexamethasone;
  • Other medicines. Dressings and hemostatic kits, local antiseptics, anti-cold drugs, motion sickness, sunburn and so on.

Prohibited drugs to be transported abroad

The specific list of medicines prohibited or restricted for import must be clarified before you go on a trip. Different countries present their own rules in this regard.

Under an absolute ban, all types of narcotic analgesics and other medicines containing similar substances.

In addition, it is forbidden to import Analgin, preparations based on ketorolac, ephedrine, and products containing caffeine into developed countries. In any case, you should familiarize yourself with the detailed list of requirements and restrictions on the transport of medicines even before customs clearance, because otherwise part of the first-aid kit will be confiscated at the border.

Listed below are some useful tips on how to properly pack a first aid kit when traveling abroad.

  • Act systematically. Be sure to include in the tourist's first aid kit all the basic necessary groups of medicines;
  • Prepare the export of specific medicines. If a person has any specific disease that requires regular intake of prescription drugs, then it is necessary to prepare a complete list of documents for the possibility of importing them into another country;
  • Distribute the space correctly. Do not mix drugs together;
  • Choose a secure container. It is best to purchase a hard case or a medical bag.

Decided to go on vacation or travel? No matter how long the trip will be, in any case, you need to take a first aid kit with you. Before setting off on a journey, it is worth considering what medicines you need to take with you, and what you should not take.

the site picked up a list of drugs, without which it is better not to go on a trip. We will tell you how to properly assemble a pharmacy and consider a number of other important issues.

We remind you that before using this or that medicine, you should consult a doctor. Because almost all drugs have contraindications.

Necessary medicines

A travel first aid kit is like insurance. You should always hope that it will not come in handy, but it is worth taking it on the road. It is better to bring a first aid kit unpacked than to be left without medicines at the most inopportune moment.

The list below does not depend on the country chosen for the trip, gender, age, or other factors. Do not choose new drugs. It is better to put proven and familiar means in the first aid kit.

What to put in the first aid kit:

Antipyretics: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol;

This list is independent of country, age, or other factors. Choose the drugs that you usually take: do not take unfamiliar medicine on a trip.

What to put in the tourist first aid kit:

  • For diarrhea (indigestion): Activated carbon, Mezim and Smecta;
  • Painkillers: Ketanov, Analgin, Nosh-pa, and also Baralgin;
  • Antipyretic: ibuprofen and paracetamol;
  • From allergic reactions: antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Tavegil or Claritin;
  • From colds: Coldrex, Insty, Anti-Flu, etc. You need to choose the drug that helps you. Do not neglect them, going to warm countries, you can catch a cold in Egypt, at a temperature of +40;
  • Dressing: bandage and plaster;
  • Antiseptics: greenery and iodine.
  • Antiseptics: iodine, brilliant green;
  • For hiking trips to the mountains, a tourniquet will not be superfluous;
  • When going to the sea, it is worth adding to this basic list also a remedy for sunburn and sunburn (Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.). Even if the main goal of the vacation is to earn a chocolate tan, you should take at least a small tube of cream with SPF30-50 (in case you have to stay in the sun longer than planned).

Take at least one or two preparations from each section. You should not take 10 types of painkillers or antipyretics with you, this is useless.

What else is worth putting

Do you only plan to do long walks? Then you should stock up on a large number of patches. Because travelers often rub calluses. It is also worth taking a small bottle of antiseptic (chlorhexidine or miramistin) with you to treat wounds.

For those who wiped their legs to the blood, it's too late to use a patch from corns. In addition, it contains active substances that irritate an open wound. For such cases, the classic bactericidal patch is ideal.

When thinking about what to put in your first aid kit for a trip, you should pay attention to various gels and foot creams. They are used to treat edema as well as varicose veins. Heparin or its more popular counterpart, Lyoton, is ideal.

Going to travel to Asia, it is better to put more funds in the first aid kit to prevent and combat digestive tract disorders.

An antiseptic gel will not be superfluous. Try to use them every time you get off public transport and before eating.

If the path lies in exotic countries, remedies for allergic reactions will not be superfluous. It is never known how the body will react to a foreign fruit or unusual foods.

What not to put in the first aid kit

First of all, do not put potent and narcotic drugs in the first aid kit for travel. It is better not to take antibiotics with you, because only a doctor should prescribe them, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the microorganisms that caused the disease.

No need to take malaria medicines with you. They have a long list of side effects as well as contraindications. It is better not to do this, also because malaria is a serious disease that cannot be cured on its own. The main task, in case of detection of the first symptoms, is to consult a doctor. Local medicines will help overcome the disease much faster and more efficiently than those bought at home.

How to carry a first aid kit on an airplane

In the cabin of the aircraft, a first aid kit is unlikely to be necessary. Going on a trip with luggage, it is better to pack it there. If you need to take any medications regularly, take them with you to the salon.

It is possible to transport medicines on an airplane, but two important factors must be taken into account:

  1. When transporting several packages of the same drugs, it is worth taking a doctor's certificate with a prescription;
  2. It is important to always remember about liquid restrictions (including gel and cream). The capacity should not exceed 100 ml. It is allowed to take with you up to 10 such containers, the total volume of which should not exceed 1 liter.

It is also worth putting all drugs in liquid form in a separate transparent zip-lock bag.

Note: There are no restrictions for people who have chronic conditions that require regular liquid medications. But you need to have an appropriate certificate with you, which will be translated into English (in case of a trip abroad).

Many airlines prohibit the carriage of mercury-type thermometers. For travel, it is better to purchase an electronic analogue, it is much more practical and safe.

No need to take scissors in hand luggage. Although some companies do not prohibit the transportation of knives and scissors, the blade of which does not exceed 6 centimeters, it is better not to risk it. Items like this are often taken away.

How to talk to a pharmacist abroad

What should I do if I suddenly run out of the right medicine while traveling abroad? Don't worry. In any pharmacy in the world you can buy it, or find an analogue. So, for example, even in the countries of the European Union, symptomatic drugs (cold remedies, antipyretics, mild painkillers, etc.) are dispensed by pharmacists without a doctor's prescription. Without knowledge of the local language, it will be possible to acquire more specific means. This can be done by learning the international name of the drug.

So, since 1953, the World Health Organization has been working hard to ensure that all active ingredients (or active substances) have an International Non-proprietary Name - this is a unique name that is understood all over the world. Every year the INN lists are updated and supplemented with new names. Now there are over 8,000 of them (each name in Latin is given equivalents in Russian, Spanish, English, Chinese, French, Arabic).

How to assemble a first aid kit:

  1. First of all, you need to put all the medicines that you need to take regularly;
  2. You need to take with you only those funds for which the instructions have been studied in advance. You should not have any contraindications;
  3. It is always worth taking the instructions with you, because when it comes to spontaneous medication, there is a high probability of getting nervous and forgetting about the recommended dosage, as well as compatibility with other drugs. Many keep the manual in their smartphones;
  4. You need to check the expiration date. It is important to make sure that the product is not expired (especially if it was taken in a home first aid kit, where it has been gathering dust for years);
  5. Read the terms of storage. It will not be superfluous to look at the instructions and make sure that the medicine does not deteriorate along the way. So, for example, rectal suppositories melt at a temperature exceeding +25 degrees Celsius;
  6. If possible, it is better to replace drugs in liquid form with powders, capsules and tablets. They weigh an order of magnitude less, and, in his case, they will not flood a tourist backpack or bag. If there is no choice, try to take liquids in plastic bottles, not glass containers;
  7. You should make sure that the name and expiration date are on the opened package. If the blister of tablets has already been started, but the name has been erased on it, it is better to replace it with a new one;
  8. Do not exaggerate with the desire to save the volume and weight of the first aid kit. Throwing out cardboard boxes is not a good idea. For example, when traveling abroad by plane, it is important that all drugs are well identified. This will avoid unnecessary questions from customs officers. At least - the name of the product should be read on the blister. However, it is better to leave the original packaging;
  9. It is necessary to take prescription drugs with a large supply. Often, drugs are allowed to be imported into other countries with the expectation of 3 months of their use. Even if you are not going to drink them for so long, try to take funds with a margin just in case. This is especially true for essential drugs such as insulin. Various unforeseen situations happen (delay on a business trip, being late for a flight or transferring it, etc.);
  10. Don't forget to take your prescription with you.

Are you planning a trip? Take care of all the little things that you may need right away. A must-have item on vacation is a first-aid kit of a tourist; on a trip abroad, it should be equipped in a special way, which we will do now.

Nobody wants to get sick during the holidays, but anything can happen. Therefore, try to take all the necessary drugs so that problems do not take you by surprise. For travel by sea or abroad, the list of medicines will be as follows.

List of medicines for the tourist's first aid kit

1. Pills for motion sickness(aeron, bonin, air-sea, etc.).

2. Antipyretics and painkillers funds. For adults, you can take nurofen or paracetamol, tempalgin, for children - panadol, nurofen in syrup or tablets. It is better not to take candles, because they can be stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. An exception can be made if your trip abroad takes place during the cold season.

  • Do not miss:

3. Antispasmodics must be included in the list (no-shpa).

4. Medicines that may be needed in case of poisoning on vacation. First of all, this sorbents(white coal, sorbex, enterosgel, smecta), allowing to remove toxins from the body. Take medicines that will help prevent dehydration (orsol, rehydron) - they need to be taken with loose stools, vomiting. It is also worth putting antimicrobial intestinal preparations (bactisubtil, nifuroxazide), enzymes (mezim-forte, festal) and probiotics (linex, bifiform) into the traveler's first aid kit.

5. Gastric remedies(phosphalugel, almagel, maalox) - a tourist may need it on vacation, when tasting unusual or potentially dangerous dishes.

6. Antiallergic drugs(tavegil, suprastin).

7. Antivirals(arbidol, groprinosin, cycloferon), cold powders (fervex, teraflu), throat lozenges (strepsils, falimint), antitussives and nose drops. Sometimes you just can’t do without them, because it’s so easy to catch a cold on the road.

8. Antibiotics you need to put it in the first-aid kit before the trip, since abroad they are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and you cannot buy them without a prescription. Give preference to medications that you have already taken to prevent the possibility of an allergic reaction. For example, you can take azithromycin or sumamed - the course of treatment with such an antibiotic is 3 days, it is taken once a day.

  • It can be useful:

9. Antiseptics(iodine, hydrogen peroxide) and dressings (sterile wipes, cotton wool, bandage, bactericidal plaster).

10. Pain-relieving ointments(Indovazin, "Rescuer") - on a journey, no one is immune from injuries - bruises, sprains, dislocations.

11. If you travel in the summer or go on vacation to hot countries, in order not to spoil your vacation on the very first day, do not forget about sunscreen- foams, creams with varying degrees of protection. An excellent salvation from sunburn - panthenol spray, simply indispensable in the first aid kit when traveling to the sea. It is also useful for treating skin with chafing, allergic rashes, scratches and wounds.

12. Ear and eye drops. A good option - sofradex - drops with antimicrobial action for the ears and eyes.

13. Digital Thermometer. You should not take a mercury thermometer, as it can easily break on the road, and mercury vapor is very toxic.

14. Consider the fact that on vacation, with climate change, the possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases increases. When packing a first-aid kit at sea, take on a trip abroad the medicines that you take for these ailments, as well as medicines for emergency care. List only the medicines that are best for you.

When packing a first aid kit for a trip abroad, do not forget that customs legislation prohibits tourists from taking certain medicines abroad. If you are taking any drug that contains narcotic or psychotropic drugs, do not forget to fill out a customs declaration and confirm the need for their use with a doctor's note, prescription, or an extract from the medical history. In order to know whether it is possible to import medicine into a particular country, get a preliminary consultation about this at its consulate.

  • Read also:

When packing a first aid kit for traveling abroad, follow these tips:

  • take with you on vacation only well-tested medicines that are not in doubt;
  • before the trip, check the expiration date of all medicines;
  • do not take medicines without packaging, because it is possible
  • do not know the drug to be taken;
  • follow the dosage and read the instructions before taking the tablets;
  • in the presence of a chronic pathology, include in the list of the traveler's first aid kit the medicines that you constantly take;
  • Before going on vacation, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Of course, it’s very good if you don’t need the contents of a tourist’s first aid kit on the road to the sea and abroad. But with her, the rest will be safer and calmer.

Has it ever happened that a sudden onset of illness ruined your long-awaited vacation days? We have had this situation a couple of times. I remember, on vacation in Egypt, my stomach ached. The reason was the olive oil on which all the dishes in the hotel were prepared. My stomach obviously did not like this alignment. Good that our travel kit always at hand, and I quickly coped with an unpleasant illness.

I am sure that the question of what medicines to take on vacation arose for everyone, therefore, today we will tell you what our traveler's first aid kit consists of.

By the way, it is not necessary to run straight to the pharmacy and buy the necessary medicines. Indeed, on the eve of a vacation, there is so much to do (pack things, take pets to their mother, pay a communal apartment, make a travel plan, etc.).

Nowadays, it has become convenient and profitable to buy everything on the Internet. You will not surprise anyone by buying tickets, travel insurance, clothes, gadgets and other things online. Why not?!

We basically do that. This allows you not to waste time, which is already lacking, saves money, and, moreover, does not distract from work. Medicines are now expensive and we often look for affordable options in online pharmacies. This is how we found the Algo-Pharm pharmacy for ourselves. The prices there are cheaper, the quality is excellent and you do not have to stand in line for a long time. The drugs are delivered by courier or can be obtained at the nearest New Post office.

A traveler's first aid kit is not always used, but you must admit, no one is immune from accidental troubles, such as cuts, allergies, diarrhea, colds, etc. Therefore, it is better to be prepared and allocate in a suitcase, a little space for a first aid kit.

Consider what medications you need. Make a list or check out ours. You can add or remove unnecessary preparations at your discretion. An important point is the packaging of the traveler's first aid kit. Please note that tubes and jars are tightly closed and well packed. Anything can serve as a container. I use a shower gel bag. It closes well, is quite dense and light.

Now let's move on to filling the first aid kit. First, I will write what medicines to take on vacation, and then I will share the components of our traveler's first aid kit.

What medicines to take on vacation

Medicines for diarrhea, overeating and bloating

The most common travel problem is diarrhea. The reasons may be different: unusual food, climatic conditions, nervous breakdown, for example, associated with the flight. If you are overtaken by diarrhea, cope with it, help: Furazolidol, Levomycetin, Imodium, Smecta.

The second problem that often occurs on vacation is overeating. As a rule, we relax, move away from our daily dietary rules. In order not to feel heaviness after eating, take with you: Pancreatin, Festal or Mezim.

Do not forget to put medicines for bloating, heartburn, gastrointestinal discomfort in the traveler's first aid kit: activated charcoal (2 tablets per 10 kg of weight), smecta.

Do not drink tap water, especially in other countries, wash your hands, food (vegetables, fruits) well. If you're eating outside and there's no place to wash your hands, keep wet wipes and hand sanitizer with you.

Cold remedies

In the scorching heat, you just want to drink something cold or cool off near the air conditioner. Unfortunately, this can lead to a cold, which will ruin your vacation catastrophically. Therefore, the traveler's first aid kit should contain:

at the first symptoms - Asicylsalicylic acid, Fervex, Coldrex, Nimisil;

for sore throats - lollipops with eucalyptus or menthol, any spray that suits you, for example, Ingalipt, Hexoral. Spray Yoks or rinsing with an ordinary iodine solution helps me (a couple of drops of iodine in a glass of water), it also helps with a runny nose (wash the sinuses 3-4 times a day);

from the common cold - we do not use any drops and sprays. We treat it with iodine solution and an ordinary asterisk. If you are not a follower of folk remedies, take your proven drops or spray with you (Pinosol, Nazol, Sanorin, Otrivin, etc.);

for cough - tablets with thermopsis. She recently opened them herself when a friend from the Czech Republic asked to bring them. They are called cough tablets. They are cheap and very effective. You can also grab Mukaltin, Septefril or cough syrup (Gerbion, Flavamed).

Antipyretic drugs

In addition to a cold, an increase in body temperature can occur with sunstroke, toothache, poisoning, and other diseases. In this regard, an electronic thermometer and antipyretics (Paracetamol, Nimisil, Asecylsalicylic acid) should be put in the traveler's first aid kit.

Medicines for motion sickness

If you get motion sickness on a plane, bus, ship, you need to have motion sickness pills with you. Avia-sea, Dramina have proven themselves well. Taking medication for motion sickness should be taken very seriously. You need to take them when your condition is very bad. I always take mint coffees or chewing gums when I travel, they help a lot. Just in case, take a couple of bags with you. Don't eat too much before the trip.

Antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs.

Even if you have never had an allergy, it is better to take a package of Tavigil or Suprastin with you. A different climate, food, vegetation, can provoke an allergic reaction. If you have been suffering from this disease for a long time, then you probably know what saves you. Do not forget to put the tested drugs in the first aid kit.


On vacation, anything can happen, for example, a toothache or a headache. We will not suffer and endure hellish pain. Therefore, we will supplement our traveler's first aid kit with painkillers. Any will do (ketanov, spazmalgon, pentalgin). It will relieve pain with pain in the abdomen, and with menstruation No-shpa.

Help with injuries

No one is immune from cuts and injuries. Especially if you lead an active lifestyle on vacation. Even with a long walk, you can rub the corn, so we always put iodine, bandage, cotton wool, an antiseptic (Chlorhexedine or Hydrogen Peroxide), a bactericidal patch, and a wound healing ointment (Rescuer, Boro plus) in our first aid kit

Help with burns

If your vacation is planned in hot countries, take care of sunburn remedies. Often tourists use Panthenol. To be honest, I'm not one of them. I use coconut or olive oil. Of course, it’s better not to injure the skin, apply safe tanning products, and stay out of the sun during peak hours.

For chronic diseases

If you are constantly taking medications, be sure to put them in the first aid kit. Just in case, take more than you need for the holiday period. Who cares about thrush or cystitis, take proven suppositories or tablets.

hygiene products

Near the sea or in the mountains, the lips become weathered. They peel off, blush, have a not very attractive appearance. With this problem on the journey, hygienic lipstick will do well. It is better to buy with sun protection (SPF 15).

Due to climate change, the hormonal cycle may change, and menstruation may come earlier than usual. Of course, there will be no problems with buying pads, but somehow you need to get to a pharmacy or a store. Take with you the means that you use (pads, tampons).

I wear contact lenses so I carry them with me all the time. I take a spare pair just in case in case of loss.

I remind you that scissors, nail files must be put in luggage. They cannot be carried in hand luggage. We talked about this in the article: List of necessary things for the road.

Looks like you haven't forgotten anything! So, above we figured out what medicines to take on vacation, and now - a list!

Our Traveler's First Aid Kit (list)

So, our first aid kit consists of:

  • Pancreatin
  • Activated carbon
  • Smecta
  • Paracetamol, Asecylsalicylic acid, Nimisil
  • Thermopsis cough tablets
  • Mukaltin
  • Ketanov
  • Vietnamese asterisk (for a runny nose, reduces itching from mosquito bites)
  • Iodine
  • peroxide or chlorhexidine
  • Tavigil
  • Bandage
  • cotton wool
  • Bactericidal plaster
  • Wound healing ointment Boro-plus
  • Thermometer
  • Hygienic lipstick
  • Coconut or olive oil (use after sunbathing)

The components may change and be supplemented depending on the country to which we are going, the length of stay on vacation, the conditions of rest (mountains, sea), but basically our travel kit contains only the drugs listed above.

Unfortunately, a traveler's first aid kit is not always enough, so take care of travel insurance. you can click on the link.

I hope our article helped you figure out the issue: What medicines to take on vacation?. You can use the list of our traveler's first aid kit as a template, add something, and take something away!

Waiting for your comments friends! I wish you all good health and that you never need a first aid kit!

What medications do you take on the road?

Going on vacation, you need to take care of your health and well-being while traveling. Then the rest will be more pleasant and safe.


Going on a long journey without being prepared is at least unreasonable. What if you or the children you are taking with you get in trouble?

Anything can happen on vacation. Another country has its own characteristics that differ from Russian ones: the epidemic situation, climatic conditions, natural. You can catch a cold, get poisoned, or worse, get injured.

Be sure to take a first aid kit with a set of essential medicines on the road to the sea. Abroad, it is not always possible to purchase drugs, and they are much more expensive than in Russia. Without knowing the language, it will be difficult to explain your problem to a foreign pharmacist so that he sells the right remedy.

We offer an approximate set of medicines, with the help of which it will be possible to provide first aid to adults who are practically healthy or suffering from chronic diseases. If you know your own diagnosis - a disease of the stomach, intestines, asthma, do not forget to take pills, inhalers and other drugs recommended by your doctor with you.

This list contains the names of remedies that can help with the most common problems:

1. Remedies for injury to the body

While relaxing, you can easily injure your leg on sharp stones on the beach, wipe your legs to blood during a hike, get sunstroke or burns. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately put cotton wool, a bandage, a disinfectant solution, a bacterial patch (several pieces of different sizes), hydrogen peroxide.

A special sunscreen with a protective UV filter of more than 30 will help prevent skin burns. Apply it to the surface of the skin when you go to the beach. If you are burned in the sun or rubbed your leg, the pain will be relieved by medications Solcoseryl, Dexpanthenol or similar Bepanten, D-panthenol.

From folk remedies, you can use sour cream, vegetable oil. They lubricate and cool the skin.

2. Medicines for flu and other colds

No one is safe from SARS or the common cold, even in a warm country. We sat in a draft - a sore throat, a runny nose appeared. On a trip, you should take funds that lower body temperature (Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Nurofen), nasal drops, mint candies, solutions, for example, Miramistin. Drops from otitis. Ear diseases with frequent swimming in the sea are not uncommon.

3. Pain medications

Sometimes there are headaches, toothaches, tingling in the stomach. You need to take a safe and effective pain reliever, or rather a few - no-shpu, analgin, baralgin.

4. For the stomach

Unfamiliar exotic cuisine can cause stomach or intestinal disease. With severe pain in the abdomen, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor, as this is a sign of the development of a serious illness. Activated charcoal, Smecta, Linex, Hilak Forte will help with diarrhea. From overeating, you can take Mezim or Festal.

5. Against allergies

Even those who have never experienced this under normal conditions cannot be saved from allergies. Insects, exotic smells, fruits. Abroad, from antiallergic drugs, you can capture Loratadin, Akrikhin, Suprastin, Fenistil-gel.

6. Pregnant

Sea air will be useful for a pregnant woman if she prudently takes with her the drugs recommended by the gynecologist, as well as the usual first-aid kit for ladies in position: vitamins, valerian tincture, no-shpa, activated charcoal, something from antipyretics.

7. Contraceptives

Accessories exclusively for adults that protect against genital infections. Sometimes a holiday romance ends with a visit to a venereologist. Put a pack of condoms, creams, suppositories, antiseptics in a separate bag.

It should be noted that some drugs are not allowed to be transported abroad. So, completely harmless cough pills are banned in a number of foreign countries, up to criminal liability. They contain substances that act on the centers of the brain. When in the wrong hands, the pills turn into drugs. Give up such drugs so that there are no troubles later.

To combat bronchitis, local pharmacies will offer alternative remedies. Also, you don't need to take antibiotics. If anything, then if you have medical insurance, you can always contact the clinic to specialists. Why self-medicate?

As a supplement, some take a vial of antibacterial gel with them on vacation. If during the tour there will be no opportunity to wash your hands before eating, then he will help out.

At sea with a child

What medicines will be needed for a small child if he goes to the sea with his parents? First of all, we add to the first-aid kit means from the heat. These can be herbal syrups that do not cause an allergic reaction, rectal suppositories containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly prohibited because it causes complications.

From diarrhea, Nifuroxazide is suitable. Soothing, expectorant for the treatment of cough - "Gedelix" or syrup "Erespal". They are given to children of two years of age. It is better for a one-year-old baby to offer Ambrobene syrup.

Against allergies for a child, you can take Tavegil, which is allowed to be given to babies from one year old.

The thermometer completes the medical list. Additionally, it can be recommended to purchase a drug for increased gas formation "Espumizan" for a trip with children. Gels or Fenistil in the form of an emulsion help well against mosquito bites. They relieve itching, irritation, suitable even for adults.

Vaccinations before traveling to southern countries

Another important point cannot be ignored. Trips to India, Turkey, Thailand and other countries in Asia, South America, Africa are dangerous for Russian residents. On the eve of the trip, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the epidemic situation in the region where your tour will take place. If there is an increase in certain diseases among the local population, be sure to get yourself vaccinated.

Consult with an infectious disease specialist by visiting the clinic. He will tell you which drug can provide the prevention of a particular disease. Often vaccination procedures are paid, so bring cash with you.

It is better to contact the clinic in advance, at least 1-2 months before the planned trip. The action of the vaccine begins after some time. Sometimes you have to do repeated injections.