Validity of commercial offer under the law. How to write a commercial offer

For the recipient to highlight your offer from a number of others, it must be correctly drawn up and formatted. Be sure to highlight your unique competitive advantages.

In addition, if you offer services, you need to talk about the company's employees, and if you offer goods, about the features of production. Finally, it's important that your sales pitch is easy and fun to read.

You will learn:

  • How to write a commercial proposal so that it is read to the end.
  • What types of commercial offers exist.
  • Why you should not start working with a potential partner with a commercial offer.

Commercial offer- a common tool in working with partners: current and potential. A commercial offer is a common type of selling texts.

Each of us met different examples of commercial offers- the text motivates to perform a certain action, for example, a trip to the office, a call to managers, etc. It is the performance of such an action for cooperation with the company that becomes the goal of compiling a commercial offer.

Commercial offer template

Not every manager can do it on his own prepare a commercial offer. Indeed, a commercial offer on paper has serious differences compared to ordinary communication with a client. It is necessary to state on paper the advantages of your offer in such a way that the information is both brief and sufficiently capacious, stimulating a potential client to make a deal.

Sample commercial proposals for download

An example of an ideal commercial proposal

Sample commercial offer No. 2

12 elements of a commercial offer that will increase sales by 16%

Alexander Stroev,

CEO, IT For You, Moscow

In order to receive positive responses from such large customers as, for example, RosAtom, Siberian Generating Company, and others, I began to study their procurement regulations. This experience led us to the idea of ​​creating our own internal regulations for the preparation of commercial proposals for large clients.

These are the provisions that must be provided in the form of a commercial offer.

Types and examples of commercial offers

1. Basic commercial offers.

Such a commercial offer is usually sent out in large numbers. A commercial offer is presented in one unique form. Potential clients of the company do not expect any letters from your company, in this case the goal is to “attract” the attention of their audience.

How to make a commercial offer

Step #1. Your goal. As a rule, a commercial offer is drawn up for distribution to your customers. It indicates the goods and services of the company in the expectation that the recipient will be interested in at least one of the proposed positions. But it is possible to work for sure - to find out the need of the client, betting on it, reporting on specific, important services or goods for the recipient. Therefore, at the first stage, you should decide in order to draw up your commercial offer or send it to a potential partner request for a quotation .

Step #2. Not quantity, but quality. Try to stick to a moderate sentence size - don't try to include everything in it at once. It is better to provide for a relatively small amount of text, choosing quality over quantity. You should pay your attention to more relevant data, refusing unnecessary offers that will only distract the reader. Do not distract the reader from the main thing - stimulating information that will motivate a person to conclude a deal or take another necessary action.

Step #3. Your proposal or offer. An offer is what you offer to a potential buyer. It can be considered the most important element of a commercial offer. Since it usually depends on the blank whether the potential client will be interested in studying the commercial offer. It is important to take care of an informative and sufficiently "catchy" title.

The offer should be based on the following basic postulates:

  • operational provision of services;
  • favorable prices;
  • provision of additional services;
  • availability of payment - deferred payment;
  • providing discounts;
  • delivery terms;
  • additional service;
  • company guarantees;
  • brand prestige;
  • high result;
  • multiple product versions.

good offer or unique selling proposition(USP) involves the combination of several elements. For example, the harmony of an attractive price and comfortable delivery conditions or a guarantee, etc.

Step number 4. Focus on solving customer problems. A competent commercial offer is focused on solving the problem of the target audience. A prerequisite is focusing on the problem of your customers.

It should be borne in mind that a commercial offer, which is limited to just a story about the company's goods or services, is useless waste paper that is not able to interest a potential client.

The text of the commercial proposal should be customer-oriented. He becomes the main character of our story. The more turns “we”, “I”, ours” in the text, the less interest it will arouse the reader. Why should a client waste time reading an ode to a company?

There is even a rule - 4 "you" and one we. Some talk about 3 "you", but the principle does not change from this. Focus on the reader, not on yourself. In this case, the commercial offer for the reader will be more valuable. When compiling a CP, you should always be guided by the client’s question “Why is this beneficial for me?”.

Step number 5. Pricing. The client needs to understand the company's pricing principle. Therefore, you can in your business proposal for cooperation talk about the pricing system - what factors are the basis for the formation of value. Or send a price list with your commercial offer. When working in a highly competitive market, you should send offers with competitor prices. Quite an effective method - the client should convey information about the benefits that he will receive.

If you send along with the commercial offer and the price list, you should consider the following tips:

  1. Usually commercial offers based on the price list go straight to the shopping cart. Therefore, it is necessary to consider stimulating the client to get acquainted with the proposed price list. For example, you can say that there is a discount on all products in the price list that is attached to the letter.
  2. A clear price should be indicated. Clients do not like the wording "from ... rubles." If this wording is not abandoned, then it is necessary to at least explain this “from” - in order to understand what a specific price depends on.
  3. If the price scale is used depending on certain indicators (for example, on the capacity in containers, time parameters, etc.), this should also be deciphered.
  4. If there are some conditional parameters (for example, the validity period of the price). They should not be indicated in small print - it is important for the client to understand the essence of the offer and pricing.
  5. If possible, do not write the word "price list" itself. It can be called a different word, try to highlight the recipient. He must understand that he was sent not a general price list for everyone, but an individual one, attractive just for him.
  6. If you limit the validity of the proposed prices, you must indicate this in a conspicuous place.
  7. Before sending, check that the print quality is good, with no gaps or streaks from the printer. Each letter should be clearly visible, especially the number.

Step number 7. Thanks after the first sale. When you make a sale thanks to a commercial offer, you should not let the client go. The first step after the first cooperation is gratitude. Every person is pleased to see gratitude, to hear "thank you". After all, this confirms that they did something good and good. We rarely meet grateful people. Thanks to your gratitude, at least surprise your client, because he did not have to read such letters.

Download examples of commercial proposals for different business areas at the end of the article.

8 commercial offer killers

  1. Uncompetitive offer in CP.
  2. A commercial offer is sent to people who are obviously not interested in it.
  3. A commercial offer is made without taking into account the needs of the target audience and company's competitive advantages .
  4. Unsuccessful design of the CP, which makes it difficult to read and analyze information.
  5. The KP simply tells, but does not contain a specific offer for customers.
  6. The CP considers only the product itself, without specifying its benefits for the buyer.
  7. The reader is forced to read a too cumbersome commercial proposal.
  8. A person who does not decide on cooperation gets acquainted with a commercial offer.

8 offer enhancers

  1. Data- will give credibility to your statement. Facts are trusted, they are not argued with, and it is they who will help create an offer you can't refuse .
  2. Research results– the effect will be similar to the facts. Research is being done to understand the patterns that help in making the right decisions.
  3. Numbers and numbers. Numbers in practice look much more convincing than words. The numbers are specific information that will be visual on a particular question to the reader.
  4. Calculations- if in your commercial offer for a client you promise to receive additional income, this must be confirmed by calculations.
  5. Images- the phrase “better to see once than hear a hundred times” is very true here. Depending on the specifics of your offer, you can offer readers pictures, photographs or other images.
  6. Tables or graphs is an excellent tool for proving growth dynamics.
  7. List of clients- relevant when there are big names among them. The reader will assume that if they worked with such large companies, they trust, then the company is really serious.

A commercial offer is an ideal tool for working with old partners, and such an offer is also used to find new partners. From our article, you will learn in detail about the specifics of commercial proposals: the rules for drafting, mistakes that can be made, get useful information, as well as examples of proposals and templates.

What is a commercial offer?

Often a company thinking about expanding its client and partner base chooses commercial offers as the main tool. Conventionally, commercial offers can be divided into 2 types:

  • personalized, sent to a specific addressee and containing a personal appeal inside. The main advantage of such offers is that the client involuntarily begins to feel involved in your company, he is pleased that he will individually receive an offer with a special discount or bonuses. Of course, he should not know that several dozen other people received a similar letter.
  • non-personalized also called cold. It contains impersonal information, is not directed to a single person, but is designed for a wide range of consumers. Such a proposal also has disadvantages, firstly, the lack of a personal appeal summarizes information, reducing the degree of client interest. Secondly, the offer can be read by a person who will not make a purchase decision (secretary, middle manager, relative, etc.).

Any type of commercial proposal will help you achieve the following goals:

  • Attract the attention of a potential client/partner.
  • Arouse interest and desire to purchase goods.
  • It will help the buyer decide to make a purchase or order a specific service.

Taking into account these decisions, a commercial offer is developed, but the principle of its "work" is similar to the operation of a conventional advertising campaign. Naturally, the textual content of a commercial offer is 50% of success, if you create a personalized offer, then you need to pay great attention to the paper and even the envelope in which it will be sealed. Usually, in order to attract the attention of the client, the offer is supplemented with a company logo or focuses on corporate colors.

Structure: we compose a proposal sequentially

The standard structure of such a proposal consists of 5 main parts. Let's look at them with examples.

Title and subtitle

  • Headline, which uses a catchy phrase and, if possible, a corporate logo.
  • A subheading that defines the service or product being offered.

How right?

Example #1

  • Headline: How to reduce the cost of a click in Yandex Direct while maintaining a CTR of 40-50%?
  • Subtitle: IT company will cut cost per click by half in 10 days, increasing CTR by at least 10%.

Example #2

  • Headline: Courier service "Minutka" will deliver your order from the cafe so quickly that the dishes will not have time to cool down!
  • Subtitle: Hot lunch delivery service for employees directly to the office.

Example #3

  • Headline: Italian Express Courses: 100% Refund If Your Employees Can't Speak Italian After 3 Months!
  • Subtitle: A special service for the preparation of personnel for the arrival of foreign colleagues, foreign business trips, documentation.

Example #4

  • Headline: What to do if the contractor missed the deadlines, and there is no time left for the interior decoration of the apartment?
  • Subtitle: Company "Remont M": we carry out finishing work in a short time and give a 10% discount.

How wrong?

  • Title: LLC "Stena": we will build it as for ourselves.
  • Subtitle: The Stena LLC has been engaged in construction work for more than 10 years.

Block information and benefits

  • A block that attracts attention and provides advertising information about a product/service.
  • Benefits that a partner or client will receive from cooperation with your company.


The courier service "Minutka" has been on the market for these services since 2010. Only positive feedback is left about our work, we have more than 500 clients, but this is not the limit. Our service cooperates with the companies Technotrade LLC, Autoservice 100 and others. We are the best delivery service in our segment:

  • Large car park.
  • We cooperate with a large number of cafes and restaurants.
  • We provide discounts for regular customers.

The cost of our services depends on the number of your employees, the distance of the cafe from your office and other factors. Contact us by phone or email for more details!

In KP there is no "pepper", there is no intrigue and that very "candy" that attracts customers. Be sure to use more numbers, tempting phrases and sentences that will make a person read the letter to the end and call you.

How right?

Courier service "Minutka" offers to organize meals for your company's employees. Hot lunches in the office are not only saving material resources, but also increasing the efficiency of your team. Why waste time looking for a cafe, because the Minutka courier service will bring hot dishes from any restaurant or cafe in Nizhny Novgorod within 30 minutes.

5 reasons why you should contact the courier service minute:

  • More than 15 organizations of Nizhny Novgorod use our services.
  • We work 744 hours a month, taking orders day and night.
  • We cooperate with more than 25 food outlets of different price categories.
  • The service has its own fleet of vehicles and the latest equipment that allows you to receive and deliver orders within 30 minutes - 1 hour.
  • If you find food delivery cheaper, we will make a personal 20% discount for you.

Review: Our company does not have its own canteen, so we have been cooperating with the Minutka courier service for more than 3 years, we are satisfied with the quality of their work and the speed of delivery. We are often given discounts, sent an extended list of cafes and restaurants with which the courier service cooperates. Our employees are satisfied, we express our deep gratitude to the Minutka service for delicious meals and prompt delivery!

Sincerely, Anna Kovalenko, Director of Recruitment at Latest Technologies!

Shall we cooperate?

Here are your available contacts, address and phone number, you can add the logo of the service.

What is the purpose of the commercial offer?

All advertising tools have one goal - to sell, to sell profitably. And no matter what tools you use, a cheap calendar or an expensive offer on laminated paper should attract the client and arouse his interest. Therefore, all the efforts of the person who makes up the commercial offer should be concentrated on the competent presentation of the benefits of the purchase, which even the client who is “out of touch” will see.

If your potential client reads the offer to the end, then this is a success for the company, which can bring profit and new customers.

Tips to help you write a business proposal

To create a “selling” commercial offer, you need to take into account a few tips that make the offer more interesting for a potential buyer:

  • More specificity and clarity. Avoid vague phrases and vague sentences, you need to place specific information about the product or service on 1 sheet, which will clearly reveal its advantages.
  • When compiling, do not make logical, semantic or technical errors that will immediately scare away customers.
  • Provide only true information. If the client does not receive the promised bonus or product, then he will have a worse impression of the company.
  • Be sure to indicate special offers that you can guarantee to the client.
  • Stick to the structure and fill the offer with confident phrases. Your confidence will be transferred to the client, stimulating him to place an order.

Rules for compiling a commercial offer: determine the goal, audience and other parameters

Before compiling a commercial offer, it is necessary to analyze the target audience for which the document is intended. You must realistically assess the desires and possibilities of the potential audience in order to make a good offer.

Checking after compiling

After compiling a commercial proposal, it is worth conducting a short test check by quickly glancing over the finished letter. Does it solve the client's problem? Does it have patterns? Is everything listed? Several such checks can be carried out, believe me, all the “verbal” husks will be eliminated, and only useful and effective information will remain on paper.

Several tools can be used to validate a proposal:

  • Ask your co-worker or friend to read the proposal. Let your friend evaluate the offer and say whether he would make a call to your company or not. What is important here is perception, understanding of the topic (even if the person is completely unfamiliar with your product), the desire to call.
  • Read the text, discarding all epithets. For example, the phrase “our best hair dryer in the world” sounds simpler and easier without superlatives, ceasing to look like a schoolboy essay.

Just like that, you subtract a commercial offer, saving it from worn-out stamps and really ridiculous phrases. Then give it to a printing house or a designer, and you will receive a CP ready for sending. But what to do next with ready-made proposals? Let's find out together!

Examples of ready-made commercial offers: photo

If you don't have someone on staff with experience in sending out such offers, then you will probably have to hire one. Fan mailing or courier delivery is a delicate science that requires certain skills. But the situation will be facilitated by the use of your own or purchased customer base with potential buyers.

Prestigious companies have a client base formed over the years, so there should be no problems, but a young growing business does not yet have a large number of clients. What to do? You can buy, but they can slip you a dummy with "dead souls" (non-existent email addresses, for example) or sell a base with a non-target audience. For example, a car salon will give its base to a cosmetics store, what's the point?

Summing up

Compiling and sending commercial offers is difficult, really difficult, if you want to get real results. In order for such a “promotion” to bring benefits, be sure to contact professionals or acquaintances who at least once in their lives have been involved in the preparation of commercial proposals.

Effective business proposal. Comprehensive guide Kaplunov Denis Alexandrovich

Limit the duration of the offer

Yes, we often say “right now” in calls to action. But the workdays of our clients do not go the way we want. It happens that “right now” is impossible for a number of reasons. No need to get upset. There is always a way out, and in our case, the way out is simply amazing. The phrase "right now" can be replaced with a specific time period:

"Book your seat by __________ and get a 10% discount."

You give the client freedom of maneuver. If he can't respond to your offer right now, he has a few days. Of course, it is desirable to take the client "hot", only in practice the theory does not always work. The reason is often banal - today there is no money or the budget has already been distributed. But this does not mean that the client will not have money tomorrow or within a week. If your offer interests him, he will take advantage of it.

When I offered a temporary discount on one of my educational products, the customer did not use it on the first day, but almost right on the deadline. Collected the required amount. I remember myself when I bought furniture for the kitchen. The price was under $3000, and a promotion was announced in the store - a 30% discount. I really liked the furniture, I remembered the deadline and began to actively collect money.

When you limit the duration of your offer, you are already incentivizing because you are playing on the client's fear of missing out. He is afraid to miss such an offer. The time limit is an element of the offer, but I decided to talk about it here, because it looks most impressive and effective precisely in the part of the call to action.

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The term of service provision Time is one of the main criteria, taking into account which the client makes a decision, because time is more valuable than money. Money can be earned again, but time cannot be returned. Benjamin Franklin's phrase "Time is money" has become winged for all eras and peoples.

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Limit the Quantity We just limited the time to make a decision, and now we will deal with the limitation of the quantity of goods covered by our offer. Remember the “First customers get a discount” effect? If the product is excellent, offer

Do you intend to send out commercial offers to your potential customers? Are you counting on the subsequent flurry of calls and hundreds of contracts? Then you just need to know the basic secrets of compiling a working advertising offer. Our advice will help increase sales through a well-composed commercial offer.

Always remember that business people value their time very much. Do not paint information about your company on 3-4 sheets, do not list past merits. Write briefly and only about the most important things. The commercial offer should not take more than one page of a standard A4 sheet. The maximum volume is one and a half pages, provided that important graphic information is placed in the document. Take care of your reputation and the client's nervous system. Do not write general phrases and do not make empty promises. Wordings like "German quality", "best service", "mutually beneficial cooperation" are similar to an abstract description of benefits. The specifics will bring a greater result: the availability of a service department with a list of locations of service centers, a 100% guarantee for 24 months, free installation, delivery to a warehouse, customer consultations, etc.

Gently nudge the customer into quick action by setting a short expiration date on the offer. List all possible means of communication, including the address of the corporate website, e-mail, landline and mobile phones, fax phone. This will emphasize the availability and openness of your company, as well as the readiness to start working today.

The validity period of the commercial offer under 44-FZ

As a rule, the supplier indicates the period of validity of the price information, but what to do if the offer does not indicate the period of its validity? How long does the customer have the right to use such an offer to calculate the IMCC?

So, the validity period of the offer is not limited to the financial year. The offer is considered valid if made no later than six months before the settlement of the NMCC. But the best option for obtaining up-to-date information for the customer, of course, is to request new commercial proposals for each purchase.

When sending requests for pricing information, the customer is recommended to address such requests to potential suppliers who, within three years prior to the determination of the NCCP, had experience in successfully completing contacts for the supply of similar goods, works and services without charging fines and penalties for failure to perform or improper performance of their obligations under contract.

In order to identify a supplier, contractor or contractor, it is first necessary to plan electronic procedures. Get an electronic signature. Choose the site that best suits your organization and register. Next, create documentation and a notice, carry out procedures and determine the supplier and conclude a contract, taking into account the characteristics of each of the procurement methods.
See solutions for each electronic method: auction, tender, request for quotation, request for proposals.

If this is not possible, then the customer is forced to use prices from previously received commercial offers. If the calculation will be based on proposals received more than six months before the determination of the NMCC, then in order to bring price information to the current level, the customer must use the calculation coefficient, taking into account the consumer price index, according to the formula specified in clause 3.18 of the Recommendations.

This state of affairs obliges the customer, when calculating the NMCC, to take into account the inflation coefficient, in accordance with clause 3.21. Information about goods, works and services addressed to an indefinite circle of persons is also suitable for use in determining the NMCC.

What price information is better not to use

  • Were represented by persons included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers;
  • Do not contain information about the calculation of the price of goods, works or services;
  • Does not correspond in content to the requirements that the customer specified in the request;

Any information received from anonymous sources is also not the basis for the calculation of the NMCC.

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