Degree of erythrocyte sedimentation. What does an increase or decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in the blood indicate? Analysis for the determination of ROE

When receiving the results of a general blood test, each person wants to understand and understand his own indicators, even if the doctor tells him his general state of health. Today we will deal with such an indicator as ESR, find out how much ESR should be in the blood and what the ESR indicator in the blood says, which differs from the norm in a smaller and larger direction.

What does the soy value in the general blood test mean?

ESR is an abbreviation, the full decoding of which sounds like "erythrocyte sedimentation rate." Any blood consists of plasma and cells of various origin dissolved in it. The best known blood cells are platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes. Each of them is responsible for a specific function and the deviation of any characteristic from the norm entails a disease of varying severity.

Erythrocytes make up the majority of bodies. That is why the analysis aimed at the stratification of blood cells and plasma is simply called the erythrocyte sedimentation rate - ESR.

Sometimes, as a result of a general blood test, there is such a thing as "ROE". ESR and ROE are the same thing, literally ROE means "erythrocyte sedimentation reaction", which, in fact, is the same. In any general blood test, there should be an ESR indicator, since ESR is indicated in a blood test not by some intricate code or a set of Latin letters, then anyone can recognize and evaluate it.

ESR is a non-specific indicator, which means that it reacts both to mild viral diseases (even such as the common cold) and is a reaction to severe pathologies (cancer). Therefore, ESR is not used as an analysis by which an accurate diagnosis can be established, however, together with other results, it is important and is widely used to monitor the dynamics of a disease or recovery.

What does ESR show in a blood test?

ESR reacts to any inflammatory process that unfolds in the body, and it depends on the neglect of the disease how much it will deviate from the permissible ESR value.

Based on the results on the ESR, one can also suggest the onset or development of oncological diseases.

If the change in the ESR is not large, this may not carry a suspicion of a disease. For example, during a strict diet, psychological stress and excessive physical exertion, ESR changes. I must say that even if you take a complete blood count not on an empty stomach, as is customary, but after having a hearty breakfast, the ESR value will already have an inaccurate result.

In general, the ESR shows how quickly the cells in the blood settle to the bottom of a specially calibrated test tube in one hour. Their movement can be influenced by:

  • the number and size of red blood cells;
  • the appearance of proteins that respond to inflammation;
  • an increase in the number of fibrinogen;
  • an increase in the number of immunoglobulins in the blood;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • other reasons;

What is the norm of soy in the blood in adults

The ESR indicator may depend on age, gender, physiological and mental state. It happens that a completely healthy person has a standard ESR value, which differs from those accepted everywhere.

Norm for children:

  • 0-multiple days: 1mm/h;
  • 0-6 months: 2-4 mm/h;
  • 6-12 months: 4-9 mm/h;
  • 1-10 years old: 4-12mm/h;
  • up to 18 years: 2-12 mm / h.

Norm for women:

  • 2-16mm/h;
  • during pregnancy up to 45 mm / h;

Norm for men:

  • 1-12 mm/h.

ESR above normal: what does it mean

Often, it is the increase in the rate of blood sedimentation that is of interest to the doctor. If a blood test showed an elevated ESR that deviates significantly from the norm, the doctor should prescribe a further examination that will help find out the cause of such a deviation.

If the ESR value is slightly increased, this problem can be solved by a second blood test. The fact is that the speed at which blood cells move increases with increasing temperature. And factors such as increased temperature in the laboratory, temporary overheating or cooling of the body can significantly affect the result.

ESR increases with:

  • inflammatory process.

Moreover, ESR can be affected by both serious illnesses (with pneumonia) and a minor cold (by the way, ESR with allergies also changes its indicator).

  • with pneumonia;
  • with sinusitis
  • heart attacks and strokes.

This can also be associated with inflammation, since damage to heart tissue that occurs during a heart attack causes an inflammatory impulse in the body, which captures the ESR analysis.

  • tumors.

Often, by analyzing the ESR, it is possible to preliminarily determine whether there are neoplasms in the body. If the result differs from how much ESR a healthy person should have by 60-80 units or more, but there are no noticeable viral, infectious and bacteriological diseases, then the probability of detection during further examination of tumors is very high.

  • with any viral and infectious disease

since in this case the body produces a large amount of immunoglobulins, which slow down the movement of red blood cells.

  • under certain conditions in women

In general, the rate of ESR in women is greater than in men of the same age. However, during menstruation, ESR tends to increase even more. During pregnancy, ESR increases by more than a dozen, and this indicator is considered the norm. ESR also changes during menopause, before menstruation and after childbirth, the norm in the latter case may vary for several days. In particular, blood loss and, as a result, a decrease in hemoglobin levels can cause an increase in ESR.

  • with tuberculosis;
  • with diabetes;
  • after operation;

When a person loses any significant amount of blood or suffers an injury, the ESR level may increase. This is due to the fact that in an emergency dangerous situation, the body slightly changes the composition of the blood, which, of course, affects the rate of its deposition. It is difficult to judge how long ESR is restored after an illness, because it all depends on the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the person and the damage done to the body. In some cases, recovery can take several months.

  • with HIV infection;
  • with anemia;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • with cirrhosis;

If you received the result of your blood test and are worried about your condition, ask your doctor what the ESR value in the general blood test means in your case. You should not force yourself if the result differs from the norm; in order to establish or refute the diagnosis, it is necessary to fully examine the body.

The measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the use of this indicator as a method of medical diagnosis was proposed back in 1918 by the Swedish researcher Faro. First, he was able to establish that the ESR in pregnant women is significantly higher than in non-pregnant women, and then he found that an increase in ESR indicates many diseases.

But this indicator entered the medical protocols for blood tests only decades later. First Westergren in 1926 and then Winthrop in 1935 developed methods for measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which are widely used in medicine today.

Laboratory characteristic of ESR

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate shows the ratio of plasma protein fractions. Due to the fact that the density of erythrocytes is higher than the density of plasma, they slowly settle to the bottom under the influence of gravity in the test tube. At the same time, the very speed of this process is determined by the degree of aggregation of red blood cells: the higher the level of aggregation of blood cells, the lower their resistance to friction and the higher the settling rate. As a result, a thick burgundy precipitate of erythrocytes appears in the test tube or in the capillary at the bottom, and a translucent liquid remains in the upper part.

Interestingly, in addition to the red blood cells themselves, other chemicals that make up the blood also affect the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In particular, globulins, albumins and fibrinogen are able to change the surface charge of erythrocytes, increasing their tendency to "stick together" with each other, thereby increasing the ESR.

At the same time, ESR is a non-specific laboratory indicator, by which it is impossible to unambiguously judge the reasons for its change relative to the norm. At the same time, its high sensitivity is appreciated by physicians, who, when the erythrocyte sedimentation rate changes, have a clear signal for further examination of the patient.
The ESR is measured in millimeters per hour.

In addition to methods for measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of Westergren and Winthrop, Panchenkov's method is also used in modern medicine. Despite some differences in these methods, the results they show are approximately the same. Let's consider all three methods of studying ESR in more detail.

The Westergren method is the most common in the world and it is he who is approved by the International Committee for the Standardization of Blood Research. This method involves the sampling of venous blood, which is combined for analysis in a ratio of 4 to 1 with sodium citrate. The diluted blood is placed in a capillary 15 centimeters long with a measuring scale on its walls, and an hour later the distance from the upper border of the settled erythrocytes to the upper border of the plasma is measured. The results of the ESR study using the Westergren method are considered as objective as possible.

The Winthrop ESR method differs in that the blood is combined with an anticoagulant (it inhibits the blood's ability to clot) and placed in a tube with a scale on which the ESR is measured. At the same time, this technique is considered indicative for high rates of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (more than 60 mm / h), since in this case the tube becomes clogged with settled blood cells.

According to Panchenkov, the study of ESR is as similar as possible to Westergren's methodology. The blood diluted with sodium citrate is placed for settling in a capillary divided by 100 units. An hour later, the ESR is measured.

At the same time, the results according to the methods of Westergren and Panchenkov are the same only in the normal state, and with an increase in ESR, the first method fixes higher rates. In modern medicine, with an increase in ESR, it is the Westergren method that is considered more accurate. Recently, automatic devices for measuring the ESR index have also appeared in modern laboratories, the operation of which actually does not require human intervention. The function of a laboratory employee is only to decipher the results.

Norms of erythrocyte sedimentation rate

The ESR indicator in the norm varies quite seriously depending on the sex and age of the person. The gradations of this standard for a healthy person are specifically indicated and for clarity we present them in the form of a table:

In some gradations of ESR norms for people aged 60 years and over, not a specific indicator is used, but a formula. In this case, in older men, the upper limit of normal is equal to age divided by two, and in women, age plus "10" divided by two. This technique is used quite rarely and only by individual laboratories. The values ​​​​of the maximum ESR norm for it can reach 36-44 mm / h and even higher rates, which by most doctors is already considered a signal of the presence of pathology and the need for medical research.

It is worth noting once again the fact that the ESR norm in a pregnant woman can seriously differ from the indicators given in the table above. In anticipation of a child, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can reach 40-50 mm / h, which in no way indicates a disease or pathology and is not a prerequisite for any further research.

Reasons for the growth of ESR

The growth of ESR can indicate dozens of different diseases and abnormalities in the body, so it is always used in combination with other laboratory studies. But at the same time, in medicine there is a certain list of groups of diseases in which the erythrocyte sedimentation rate invariably increases:

  • blood diseases (in particular, with sickle cell anemia, the irregular shape of erythrocytes provokes an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which differs significantly from the normative indicators);
  • infarctions and (in this case, acute-phase inflammatory proteins are adsorbed on the surface of blood cells, reducing their electrical charge);
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, cystic fibrosis, obesity);
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma (with myeloma, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in almost all cases exceeds 90 mm / h and can reach 150 mm / h);
  • malignant neoplasms.

In addition, an increase in ESR is observed in most inflammatory processes in the body, with anemia and with various infections.
Modern statistics of laboratory studies have collected enough data on the reasons for the increase in ESR, which made it possible to create a kind of "rating". The absolute leader causing the growth of ESR are infectious diseases. They account for 40 percent of the facts of detection of excess ESR. Oncological diseases and rheumatism took the second and third places of this list with the results of 23 and 17 percent. In eight percent of cases of fixation of a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, it was caused by anemia, inflammatory processes in the digestive tract and pelvic area, diabetes mellitus, injuries and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and in three percent of cases, increased ESR was a signal of kidney disease.

Despite the fact that the collected statistics are quite eloquent, you should not self-diagnose yourself in terms of ESR. This can only be done by a doctor, using several laboratory tests in combination. The ESR indicator can increase very seriously, up to 90-100 mm / h, regardless of the type of disease, but in terms of the result of the study, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate cannot serve as a marker for a specific cause.

There are also prerequisites under which the growth of ESR does not reflect the development of any disease. In particular, a sharp increase in the indicator is observed in pregnant women, and a slight increase in ESR is possible with allergic reactions and even on the type of food: diet or fasting lead to changes in the blood test and to some extent affect the ESR. In medicine, this group of factors is called the causes of a false positive ESR analysis and they are tried to be excluded even before the examination.
In a separate paragraph, it is worth mentioning the cases when even in-depth studies do not show the reasons for the increase in ESR. Very rarely, a constant overestimation of this indicator can be a feature of the body that has neither prerequisites nor consequences. This feature is typical for every twentieth inhabitant of the planet. But even in this case, it is recommended to be regularly examined by a doctor so as not to miss the development of any pathology.

It is also important that in most diseases, the growth of ESR does not begin immediately, but after a day, and after recovery, the restoration of this indicator to normal can last up to four weeks. This fact should be remembered by every doctor, so that after the completion of the course of treatment, the person should not be subjected to additional studies due to a residual increase in the ESR.

Reasons for the growth of ESR in a child

The body of children traditionally differs from the adult in terms of laboratory results. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is no exception, the growth of which in a child is provoked by a slightly modified list of prerequisites.

In most cases, an increased ESR in the blood of a child indicates the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the body. This is often confirmed by other results in the general blood test, which, together with ESR, almost immediately form a picture of the child's condition. At the same time, in a small patient, an increase in this indicator is often accompanied by a visual deterioration of the condition: weakness, apathy, lack of appetite - a classic picture of an infectious disease with the presence of an inflammatory process.

Of the non-communicable diseases that most often provoke an increased ESR in a child, the following should be highlighted:

  • pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis;
  • anemia and blood diseases;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • injury.

However, if an increased ESR is found in a child, the reasons can be quite harmless. In particular, going beyond the norm of this indicator can be triggered by taking paracetamol, one of the most popular antipyretic drugs, teething in infants, the presence of worms (helminthiasis), and vitamin deficiency in the body. All these factors are also false-positive and must be taken into account even at the stage of preparation for the delivery of a laboratory blood test.

Causes of an underestimated ESR

A low relative to the norm erythrocyte sedimentation rate is quite rare. In most cases, this situation is provoked by violations of hyperhydration (water-salt metabolism) in the body. In addition, low ESR may be a consequence of developing muscle dystrophy and liver failure. Among the non-pathological causes of low ESR, corticosteroids, smoking, vegetarianism, prolonged fasting and early pregnancy are distinguished, but there is practically no consistency in these prerequisites.
Finally, let's summarize all the information about the ESR:

  • this is a non-specific indicator. Only on it it is impossible to diagnose the disease;
  • an increase in ESR is not a reason for panic, but is a reason for in-depth analysis. The reasons can be both very harmless and quite serious;
  • ESR is one of the few laboratory studies that is based on mechanical action, and not on a chemical reaction;
  • until recently, automatic systems for measuring ESR made laboratory error the most common cause of a false result in the analysis of erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

In modern medicine, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate continues to be perhaps the most popular laboratory blood test. The high sensitivity of the analysis allows doctors to clearly determine the presence of problems in the patient and prescribe further examination. The only serious drawback of this study is the strong dependence of the result on the correctness of the actions of the laboratory assistant, but with the advent of automatic systems for determining ESR, the human factor can be eliminated.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

SOE stands for " sedimentation rate of erythrocytes". Such a test is a mandatory step in the general study of the state of the blood. Most often, ESR is carried out in the diagnosis of various pathologies, examination in a dispensary or for prevention.

Features of the technique

First, let's figure out what ESR means in a blood test. This test shows the rate at which erythrocyte sedimentation occurs. The norm of the ESR blood test indicates that the patient does not have any inflammatory pathologies. However, a correct diagnosis can be considered only if other indicators are taken into account, for example, the leukocyte blood count, various protein fractions, etc.

Important! The result of the study is affected by the number and condition of the erythrocytes themselves.

How to prepare for analysis

An ESR blood test is taken from a finger and mixed with sodium citrate (5% solution). Next, the resulting mixture is poured into thin test tubes, which are placed on a stand strictly vertically. After that, an hour is recorded, and then the results are calculated based on the height of the formed column of erythrocytes. Thus, RBC readings are measured in mm per hour.

In order for a complete blood count of ESR to show a realistic level, the patient should prepare for this test:

  • The analysis is taken on an empty stomach, so the last meal should be 12 hours before blood sampling.
  • The day before blood sampling, it is advisable to exclude smoking and drinking alcohol.

The test procedure involves a number of rules that the laboratory assistant must adhere to:

  • The capillary must be filled with blood without air, which collects in characteristic bubbles.
  • During the analysis, only dry and well-rinsed capillaries, as well as fresh reagent, should be used.
  • ESR analysis should be carried out at an air temperature of 18-22 degrees.
  • The ratio of blood to sodium citrate should be strictly 4:1.

Important! In case of any deviations from the above rules, incorrect research results may occur. Most often, the inexperience of the laboratory assistant and a violation of the technique of conducting leads to incorrect test results.

Normal ESR

Table: ESR norm in comparison with other indicators

Since, under normal conditions, erythrocyte sedimentation occurs slowly, even after an hour their level should be quite low. The ESR value can increase with various pathologies, which are characterized by an increase in the level of protein and fibrin in the blood.

How is SOE deciphered

Deciphering the ESR blood test is very non-specific and most often relies on counting the level of leukocytes. For example, if a patient suffers from acute myocardial infarction, then an increase in the level of leukocytes is observed in the first hours, while the ESR level remains normal. However, after four days of illness, a drop in leukocyte counts is observed, and the ESR rises sharply.

The test for erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is accepted in medicine all over the world as mandatory when conducting a general blood test. It is carried out during preventive examination, dispensary examination and diagnosis of diseases.

The norm of ESR in the patient's blood indicates the absence of a pronounced inflammatory reaction in organs and tissues. However, the ESR indicator is not considered the only and unique in the diagnosis. Correct interpretation is possible only together with other results of the analysis: the total number of leukocytes, leukocyte blood count, c-reactive protein are taken into account. The number of erythrocytes and their qualitative composition can also affect the ESR index. Consider how a laboratory analysis is carried out.

Method for determining ESR

In Russia, the well-known Panchenkov method is used.

The essence of the method: if you mix blood with sodium citrate, then it does not coagulate, but is divided into two layers. The lower layer is formed by erythrocytes, the upper one is transparent plasma. The process of erythrocyte sedimentation is associated with the chemical and physical properties of blood.

There are three stages in the formation of a precipitate:

  • in the first ten minutes, vertical clusters of cells are formed, which are called "coin columns";
  • then forty minutes are spent on settling;
  • for another ten minutes, the erythrocytes stick together and condense.

This means that the entire reaction takes a maximum of 60 minutes.

These capillaries collect blood to determine the ESR

For research, a drop of blood is taken from a finger, blown into a special recess on the plate, where a 5% solution of sodium citrate has been previously added. After mixing, the diluted blood is drawn into thin glass graduated capillary tubes up to the upper mark and placed in a special stand strictly vertically. In order not to confuse the tests, a note with the patient's name is pierced with the lower end of the capillary. The time is recorded by a special laboratory clock with an alarm. Exactly one hour later, the results of the height of the erythrocyte column are taken into account. The answer is recorded in mm per hour (mm/h).

Despite the simplicity of the methodology, there are guidelines that must be followed when performing the test:

  • take blood only on an empty stomach;
  • apply a sufficiently deep injection of the pulp of the finger so that the blood does not have to be squeezed out (red blood cells are destroyed under pressure);
  • use fresh reagent, dry washed capillaries;
  • fill the capillary with blood without air bubbles;
  • observe the correct ratio between sodium citrate solution and blood (1:4) with stirring;
  • carry out the determination of ESR at an ambient temperature of 18-22 degrees.

Any violations in the analysis can lead to unreliable results. The reasons for the erroneous result should be sought in violation of the technique, inexperience of the laboratory assistant.

Normal level

Under normal conditions, red blood cells settle slowly, which means that the figure in an hour will be quite low. With various diseases, an increased amount of proteins, fibrin appears in the blood. They cause red blood cells to settle faster. The ESR value increases.

The norms of ESR in the blood depend on age, physiological state (pregnancy). Women, men and children are different. There is evidence that they even differ somewhat among residents of different territories.

To determine the exact standard, mass surveys were carried out. The average value obtained is considered normal.

The norm of ESR in a child, depending on age, is presented in the table.

In women during pregnancy, a relationship between the norm and the body type was revealed.

In addition, there is a dependence of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate on the hemoglobin level in a pregnant woman.

ESR norms in adults also change with age.

Interpretation of the analysis

The interpretation of such an indicator as ESR is very non-specific in the analysis. A more specific indication of the type of disease is obtained by taking into account the level of ESR and the number of leukocytes together. These indicators are studied by the doctor in dynamics by the days of the disease.

For example, in acute myocardial infarction, the number of leukocytes increases in the first hours of the disease, while the ESR remains normal. On the fifth day, a symptom of "scissors" is expected, when the level of leukocytes falls, and the ESR, on the contrary, rises and stays above the norm for a long time. In the future, leukocytes remain normal, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is used to judge the scarring of the heart muscle and the effectiveness of the treatment.

The combination of a high white blood cell count, an accelerated ESR allows the doctor to continue the diagnosis in terms of finding the source of the inflammatory reaction.

Significantly increased the value of ESR in allergic processes in the body, especially in diseases associated with an erroneous autoallergic reaction to one's own cells. These include systemic diseases: lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Deciphering high numbers of erythrocyte sedimentation rate makes it possible to identify tumor diseases, blood diseases (acute leukemia, multiple myeloma), is important for the diagnosis of various anemias (anemia), the degree of blood loss during injuries, surgical interventions, kidney diseases, kidney failure.

An elevated ESR level is determined in infectious diseases: rheumatism, tuberculosis, any viral infection complicated by bacterial inflammation (paranasal sinuses with influenza, measles and scarlet fever in children). The erythrocyte reaction signals how long the inflammation lasts.

A decrease in ESR is noted with damage to erythrocytes (erythremia, sickle cell anemia), extensive burns that increase blood viscosity, cholera due to fluid loss, congenital heart defects with chronic heart failure, liver and kidney diseases with a decrease in protein in the blood.

Once identified unusual analysis must be repeated to exclude the influence of various factors. A persistent increase in ESR is a serious reason for an in-depth examination.

It is possible to find out exactly what reason caused the increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in a particular case after a diagnosis, taking into account the verification of other objective symptoms of the disease. Clinical examination allows you to detect the disease at the stage of absence of clinical manifestations.

One of the indicators of a general blood test is ESR - the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Previously, another term for ROE was adopted - the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction, but since no reaction actually occurs, this name was abandoned.

Indicators of ESR in the blood cannot be considered separately from other clinical tests, since deciphering the level of ESR in the norm does not yet indicate the absence of a disease, and vice versa, underestimated or increased indicators do not always indicate a violation of the functioning of the body.

ESR analysis

An ESR blood test in the laboratory is carried out with simple manipulations. When doing a general analysis, the laboratory assistant puts the blood into a test tube, adding an anticoagulant that prevents the blood from clotting. The material is in the flask for an hour, while the erythrocytes due to their mass settle to the bottom, and the plasma occupies the upper part of the liquid. An hour later, you can determine the level of ESR - it corresponds to the height that the plasma occupies. The border between red bodies and clear plasma on the scale of the test tube will be the rate of erythrocytes per hour (in millimeters).

In men and women, the compliance with the ESR norm is different, but there are many conditions under which a level above or below the average also means the norm.

ESR norm indicators

It is generally accepted that the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation in newborns is 0-2 mm / h, under the age of six months 12-17 mm / h, in men 2-10 mm / h, in women 3-15 mm / h.
Women are subject to frequent changes in the composition of the blood and the level of its components. So, for example, for women from 20 to 30 years old, the optimal indicators will be 3-15 mm / h, in adulthood (30 - 60 years old) - 8-25 mm / h, for those who are over 60 - 12-53 mm / h h. As for pregnant women, they have an average level of 25 to 45 mm / h.

Diet, lifestyle also affects the ESR, which slightly increases as a result of a hearty breakfast, menstruation, in the postpartum period, fasting or a strict diet, as well as in the case of allergic diseases. In the latter version, a general analysis is done several times when taking anti-allergic drugs - if the indicators begin to approach the norm, this means the medicine is chosen correctly.

A very low sedimentation rate is observed when following a vegetarian diet and when taking certain blood-thinning drugs (aspirin, calcium chloride).

ESR level categories

In modern medicine, deviations from the norm are usually classified by degrees. The first degree includes indicators that differ by several units from the established ones. The decoding of the analyzes determines that the bodies in the blood are at a relatively acceptable level.

The second degree includes patients whose erythrocyte sedimentation rate exceeds 15-30 units. This already indicates inflammatory processes in the body as a reaction of the body to colds or infections that can be cured over a period of about 30 days. During this period, the dynamics of ESR should be monitored and a general blood test should be taken, since the first changes will be noticeable only after 24-72 hours, a significant increase will appear on the 12-14th day of the disease, and the peak can be reached already during the recovery period. Such amplitudes are explained by the fact that the human body takes time to produce the required amount of antibodies.

If in the dynamics within 30 days the general analysis shows higher deviations - by 30-60 units, it's time to seriously think about health. This primarily indicates the presence of serious inflammatory processes or intoxication of the body due to tissue breakdown or a progressive malignant tumor.

The fourth degree - an increase in ESR by 60 units cannot pass without a trace. Usually the patient knows about his disease, purulent-septic reactions take place in his body.

What factors affect the erythrocyte sedimentation rate?

The main indicator that affects the ESR is the protein composition of the blood. The more proteins in the blood (globulins and fibrinogen), the lower the resistance of red blood cells. The immune system begins to actively produce immunoglobulin to fight infection and viruses, and the rate of red blood cells increases. As for leukocytes, their speed and number are directly proportional to the indicators of erythrocytes. So at the beginning of the attack on the body, there are more of them, on the 10-14th day the number decreases, and only on the 21-30th day, leukocytes and erythrocytes increase their level in the same dynamics.

Methods for determining ESR

In modern medicine, it is customary to determine the ESR in two ways: the Panchenkov method and the decoding of the analysis according to Westergren. The norm for both types of research is the same, but they differ in the type of test tubes and the scale during measurements. More sensitive to an increase in ESR is the Westergren method.