Dentist home visit. About the importance of professional tooth extraction at home


Service Information

Night call of the dentist: 8499-490-46-65

Caring for the health of teeth is the key to their long and comfortable service to a person. Agree, if you have ever been in a situation of a sudden toothache, you know how unpleasant this feeling is and how much you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. In such a situation, the services of a dentist with a home visit come to the rescue. Calling a dentist will help make life easier not only for people who do not have the opportunity to visit a dental clinic, but also for other people.

There may be a false impression that a dentist cannot provide the full range of medical services outside his office. This is not at all the case: a specialist doctor comes to the client's house along with the necessary high-quality equipment for implantation or prosthetics of the client's teeth. Not only will not the most pleasant procedures be facilitated by being in a familiar homely atmosphere, the client will not have to worry about filling out hospital cards and making an appointment with the doctor - the dentist will take all the necessary documentation with him. The patient only needs to fill out the forms.

The central clinic of the Bibirevo district is a modern clinic that provides a full range of medical services, while guaranteeing the quality and reliability of its work. Thus, calling a dentist at home in Moscow is no different from visiting a real clinic.

Services menu

One of the services provided by our dentistry in Moscow is the visit of a dentist to your home. After all, sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it is not possible to visit a medical facility on your own.

You should order a doctor's visit to your home in the following cases:

  • Patient's disability;
  • Serious health problems;
  • Psychological fear of visiting the dental office;
  • Lack of time or work schedule mismatch.

A home visit by a dentist solves many issues and allows you not to delay the start of treatment. Modern equipment in our time is quite functional and mobile, so the doctor will bring everything he needs with him. In difficult cases, an x-ray is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. The specialist will examine, prescribe a treatment plan, if several procedures are required. In some cases, it is even possible to extract a tooth at home.

To call a dentist at home, you only need to call or leave your request on the site. The medical registrar will accept it and select the optimal time for a visit to the dentist. We always try to meet the needs of customers. Dental care will be provided with high quality and in the shortest possible time. We give a guarantee for the services performed.

Medical procedures will be carried out using the latest analgesics to minimize pain. Our specialists can also carry out the procedure of prosthetics at home.

Extraction of teeth at home from 3500 rubles.

Departure of a specialist is paid separately - 500 rubles.

Departure of the doctor - the stomatologist on the house is a popular service at our clients. We hold a high standard of professionalism. Our dentists regularly take part in conferences, seminars, constantly improve their skills. In the work of the doctor, innovative technologies are used.

Such a service, especially in such a metropolis as Moscow, means saving time, examination and treatment by a highly qualified specialist, an individual approach to the client. Thus, at a convenient time for you, you can get rid of pain, become the owner of a great smile. I would like to note that our pricing policy is very acceptable and flexible.

Recently, a variety of services with home visits are in increasing demand, and our dentistry does not lag behind modern trends. In some cases, a call to the dentist is essential, for example, if the patient, due to their physical capabilities, cannot visit the clinic.

You can also visit one of our clinics, one of them is located in Butovo and the other in Maryino. We have been working for more than ten years and we have more than 15,000 regular customers on our account.

Contact our clinic, do not endure a toothache. Our dentists will stand guard over the health of your teeth!

Manipulations have a surgical direction of core activity and are quite difficult to perform, requiring an appropriate level of doctor's competence and practical skills. The need for therapeutic actions to remove the dental structure may arise in the following cases:

  • large-scale destruction of the surface base of the tooth;
  • irrationality of its reconstruction;
  • chronic form of periodontal disease;
  • atypical arrangement of structures relative to the jaw elements of the cavity of the mouth.

Benefits of going to a private medical center

Removal of teeth at home is carried out not only based on the experience of specialists, but also through the use of the instrumental capabilities of a medical institution, which is more accessible to paid clinics interested in maintaining an appropriate level to perform complex technical manipulations in the dental field of medical activity.

The indisputable advantages of seeking specialized help at the First Doctor clinic are the following indicators:

  • High level of staff competence. In the institution, surgical dentists with extensive experience are receiving, performing manipulations to remove teeth with a visit to the patient's home.
  • State of the art equipment used. In practice, the doctor uses the tools and necessary equipment of the latest technical developments in medicine, allowing you to perform manipulations quickly and accurately, excluding the development of a stressful state in the patient.
  • Use of safe anesthetics. The doctor advises the patient in detail about the drug, its effectiveness and available adverse reactions. Before the procedure, be sure to find out about the presence of any allergic manifestations to medications.
  • Optimum comfort of performing manipulations at home. Service by the clinic staff is based on European standards and ethics when working with a patient. In the process of performing therapeutic actions, the doctor will familiarize the patient in detail about the sequence of the procedure being performed and give further prescriptions for the effective restoration of the mucosa after removal.

Features of anesthesia

The procedure does not cause pain, so it should not cause fear before it is carried out. The specialists of the clinic "First Doctor" perform manipulations quickly, safely and accurately, after performing anesthetic actions by means of a special injection anesthesia. If the patient wishes, after the extraction of the tooth, the doctor at home will definitely give the necessary range of recommendations in order to choose the next method of prosthetics of the dentition to restore its full number.

Removing teeth at home is not a problem, with the clinic "First Doctor"


Service Information

Night call of the dentist: 8499-490-46-65

Caring for the health of teeth is the key to their long and comfortable service to a person. Agree, if you have ever been in a situation of a sudden toothache, you know how unpleasant this feeling is and how much you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. In such a situation, the services of a dentist with a home visit come to the rescue. Calling a dentist will help make life easier not only for people who do not have the opportunity to visit a dental clinic, but also for other people.

There may be a false impression that a dentist cannot provide the full range of medical services outside his office. This is not at all the case: a specialist doctor comes to the client's house along with the necessary high-quality equipment for implantation or prosthetics of the client's teeth. Not only will not the most pleasant procedures be facilitated by being in a familiar homely atmosphere, the client will not have to worry about filling out hospital cards and making an appointment with the doctor - the dentist will take all the necessary documentation with him. The patient only needs to fill out the forms.

The central clinic of the Bibirevo district is a modern clinic that provides a full range of medical services, while guaranteeing the quality and reliability of its work. Thus, calling a dentist at home in Moscow is no different from visiting a real clinic.

As you know, all segments of the population without exception need dental care. Previously, at the time of the beginning of the formation of the dental service in Russia, dental care was provided only in clinics, the number of working personnel was not numerous, and in general, the level of development of medicine and dentistry did not allow performing field operations. But progress does not stand still. Dentistry has become commercial - the commercial side of the industry is developed, which is why competition is increasing. And, of course, according to the laws of the market, if you want to survive in a competitive environment, provide goods and services of the best quality, different from all others. This inspired great minds to create portable drills and even specially equipped cars that are sent to distant villages to provide professional dental care. Do not think that the provision of such a service as the removal of teeth at home is exclusively paid. There are a number of cases when such a procedure is carried out free of charge as a mandatory medical care.

Each municipal clinic serves one or more areas of the city. All residents of the districts will be assigned to the service clinic. Disabled people and other groups of beneficiaries are entered into a special file. The dental clinic organizes a traveling team of dentists. Departures are carried out, as a rule, several times a week. At the same time, one group of dentists leaves on the same day, for example, on Monday - orthopedic dentists, on Tuesday - therapists, on Wednesday - surgeons, and so on. These teams are required to visit patients if the patient or his close relatives have left an application for this. At the same time, such teams have everything necessary to provide primary dental care:

  • portable drill;
  • a set of sterile instruments;
  • filling and other types of materials.

Read also:

How much does it cost to extract a tooth in dentistry?

Free home help

Such brigades cannot provide assistance to everyone. This is impossible both physically and financially, because the treatment or removal of even one tooth in such conditions is costly. Thus, at home assistance is provided:

  • disabled people of I and II disability groups due to a general somatic disease;
  • disabled people who cannot move independently;
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union have privileges and prerogatives.

Removal at home

Removing a tooth at home is not easy. Even in a clinic or hospital, any surgical intervention is associated with a number of risks. Extraction of teeth and roots at home for people with disabilities is the highest risk category, since such patients suffer from common diseases, which is why they are forced to take medications that cause a number of complications. For example, if a patient suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, he must take salicylic drugs such as aspirin and its analogues, or heparin, which prevent the formation of blood clots and, therefore, prevent heart attacks and strokes. They thin the blood, which can cause severe bleeding if removed.
Therefore, when calling a team of surgeons at home to perform a tooth extraction operation, it is necessary to tell in detail about the patient's disease, complications and adverse reactions that have ever occurred, and also indicate all the drugs that are taken.

To remove a tooth or a group of teeth at home is a serious surgical intervention, especially in patients at risk. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to take the patient to the hospital, use it. If this is not possible, then remember the need for a detailed description of the disease and the patient's well-being to the doctor, because such a seemingly simple procedure - a conversation lasting 5-10 minutes - will help to avoid misunderstandings and all kinds of complications.