Chair in an adult, what should be the feces? Mushy chair.

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Unstable chair

Almost every patient who has encountered disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract reports the occurrence of various kinds of stool disorders ( unstable chair). Such a violation is caused by frequent changes in constipation and diarrhea, changes in the color and amount of feces, which significantly depletes the patient's body and makes it difficult to treat the underlying ailment.

It is worth noting that unstable stools are most often associated with intestinal diseases, however, problems with the stomach, liver and pancreas can also cause stool disorders.

Chair instability against the background of improper functioning of the stomach is associated with the intensity of the release of digestive juices. If the stomach produces them in excess (occurs when gastritis, stomach ulcer), then, most likely, the patient will be disturbed by constipation. With gastritis, an unstable stool will be pronounced brightly - there may be no stool for 3-4 days (less often - a week), when emptying the patient feels pain, however, at the moments of remission of the underlying disease, there are no problems with the stool.

Diagnosis of gastric ulcer constipation may be accompanied by significant pain along the large intestine (more often in the lower abdomen, on the left and / or on the right). The reason is that the acidic gastric contents from the stomach, getting into the intestines, irritate the walls of the organ, resulting in noticeable spasms. Along with spasms and constipation, the quality of the stool also changes - the amount of outgoing masses decreases significantly, acquiring the appearance of "sheep feces".

In diseases of the stomach with reduced production of gastric juice ( chronic gastritis, stomach tumors), on the contrary, the stool becomes more frequent and the patient is regularly disturbed by diarrhea. This is due to the fact that food is not sufficiently processed by juices and enters the intestine almost in its original form. Diarrhea is an increase in emptying up to 2-3 times a day, which is naturally not the norm. With diarrhea associated with a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, the quality of the feces does not change - there are no impurities in the masses, and its amount does not increase.

With unstable secretion of gastric juices (periods of exacerbation and remission of stomach diseases, periods of initiation of treatment of such diseases), unstable stools are most pronounced, constipation and diarrhea often change.

But still, the main reason for the development of unstable stools is intestinal diseases, this is due to the fact that this particular organ is responsible for digestion, absorption and final formation of feces.

Among bowel diseases that can provoke the development of fecal disorders, the following are distinguished:

Inflammation of the small intestine chronic enteritis- (causes frequent stools, 2-3 times a day with unformed feces in the form of liquid porridge of a golden yellow color);

Chronic inflammatory processes in the colon - colitis, enterocolitis- (the stool is unstable: constipation alternates with diarrhea; during constipation, the feces look like sheep: it is very dry and is excreted in small portions, sometimes with an admixture of blood or mucus, with diarrhea: the stool can be up to 10-15 times a day, emptying transmit rumbling, flatulence and severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen).

Functional disorders in the large intestine - irritable bowel syndrome- (the stool is disturbed towards constipation, and from minor to persistent and prolonged, with severe pain and significant discomfort - emptying seems incomplete, unsatisfactory).

Disorders of the intestinal vessels - hemorrhoids, anal fissures- (the stool is broken in the direction of constipation: severe pain during defecation makes patients forced to restrain the act of emptying, which eventually leads to chronic constipation: hard feces, sometimes with blood impurities).

Nervous turmoil - stress- (strong stress shocks can provoke one-time cases of diarrhea).

What diseases cause unstable stools:

Which doctors to contact if there is an unstable stool:

- Therapist
- Proctologist

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Do you have an unstable chair? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

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The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

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If loose stools predominate, then such an internal state of the patient leaves much to be desired, increases the number of defecation acts and makes him dependent on the toilet. That is why the cause of the mushy stool must be determined in a timely manner, otherwise the disease may become chronic.

Nutrition Features

The dark color of feces with a liquid consistency may indicate the predominance of an intestinal infection. Such microscopic microorganisms not only multiply rapidly, but also gradually destroy the walls of the mucous membranes. For their quick elimination, it is required to resort to antibiotic therapy, which suppresses the activity and viability of microbes.

Another reason that violates the color and consistency of feces is dysbacteriosis. There is an erroneous opinion that this disease progresses only in infancy, in fact, adult patients are also subject to this diagnosis. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, diarrhea becomes chronic, periodically reminds of itself with acute relapses.

When a patient consumes stale or spoiled food in the diet, then complete or partial intoxication certainly cannot be avoided. Indigestion is accompanied by disturbed stool, which also has a suspicious color and smell. This is a temporary phenomenon, which is quite realistic to eliminate with the help of sorbents for internal use.

A similar reaction occurs to those foods or nutritional supplements that are categorically not tolerated by the body. The problem will be present until the patient understands what kind of aggressor disrupts digestion, causing such an acute reaction. This may include dairy products with lactose intolerance, as well as confectionery products with a clear rejection of sucrose.

Intestinal stools in an adult patient may occur against the background of malnutrition, when preservatives, convenience foods and fast food predominate in the daily diet. Normalize digestion will allow the basics of proper nutrition, which are recommended to adhere to every day. In addition, this alarming symptom often accompanies travelers who change not only the climate zone, but also their usual food. The period of adaptation to new foods may begin with an acute disturbance of the stool, which is complemented by diarrhea and physical malaise.

A disturbed stool can be a companion of beriberi, that is, to inform the patient about the shortage of an organic resource. Not only will a mushy stool frighten and disturb with its systematicity, but also the tendency to disease will increase almost several times. It is advisable to protect and strengthen the immune system, otherwise soon intestinal infections will remind you of themselves with pathogenic attacks.

It becomes obvious that a therapeutic diet and a complete rejection of junk food will help to normalize the consistency of the stool in the first place. For some patients, even drug therapy is not required, since the digestion process will regulate itself. However, this is not always the case, and mushy stools can be an alarming symptom of a dangerous disease.

Dangerous diseases

If a disturbed stool prevails in a patient, and the causes of the pathology remain a mystery for a long time, it is imperative to contact a gastroenterologist. Only a detailed diagnosis will help determine the optimal treatment regimen, ensure the final disposal of a progressive problem.

This can be a terrible diagnosis called "Tuberculosis", which, in addition to a violation of the stool, is accompanied by a complete lack of appetite, shortness of breath, weight loss, a violation of the body's water balance and bouts of dry cough. Diarrhea in such a clinical picture does not disappear for more than 2-3 weeks, and the mushy consistency acquires blood impurities.

In diseases of the endocrine system, this unpleasant symptom also predominates, and such an anomaly is explained by a violation of the hormonal background. If the stool has a dark color and a liquid consistency, then it is important to visit not only a gastroenterologist, but also an endocrinologist to determine the etiology of the pathological process.

If chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract predominate in the patient's body, as an option - gastritis and ulcers, then their periodic exacerbations may be accompanied by bouts of diarrhea, signs of dyspepsia and a general decline in performance. In such a clinical picture, remission of the underlying disease should be ensured, and the symptoms will disappear on their own.

Extensive lesions of the liver and kidneys also cause this unpleasant symptom, it is especially important to beware of recurrence of kidney failure. If the problem is not solved in time, then valuable vitamins and trace elements important for life are excreted from the body in large quantities. It is advisable to avoid the state of degradation, otherwise, in the near future, other lesions of the body will remind of themselves with acute attacks.

Rectal cancer is another cause of disturbed stools, but this clinical picture presents colorful symptoms. Unpleasant changes in general well-being will definitely lead to disturbing suspicions about your health, and then a detailed diagnosis will make the final verdict.

If mushy stools prevail in an adult patient, then within three days he needs to drink white or black coal. If the clinical picture does not change, and the intensity of the symptoms is the same, then a visit to the endocrinologist must follow. It is this highly specialized specialist who will determine the problem, make the correct diagnosis and help get rid of it soon.

Normal stool in an adult reflects the good functioning of the digestive system. This may sound like a joke, but in order to monitor the state of your health, you also need to be able to figure out what poop should be normal, and what stool changes indicate. But how many of us are aware of what should be the feces of an adult? First of all, we should be interested in:

  • Bowel frequency
  • The shape of the feces
  • stool color

How many times do they go to the toilet for the most part?

The rate of bowel movement is one full-fledged trip to the toilet per day, when a person feels not partial, but complete bowel movement. Sometimes there is more frequent stool. Often bowel movements occur 2-3 times a day. This suggests that a person's metabolic processes are faster, or he consumed food that has a natural laxative effect. More frequent bowel movements (more than 3 times a day) indicates that you have met with diarrhea, which we will discuss below.

There is an opinion that bowel movements once every couple of days is normal, but this is a controversial issue. Having a bowel movement is the best way for the body to get rid of toxins, acids, and other unwanted substances that may accumulate inside, so this process should ideally occur daily.

What happens cal. Stool shape (Bristol scale)

type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 type 5 type 6 type 7

Properly formed normal feces is a guarantee that the process of digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, as well as the elimination of toxins and other waste, occurs without any disturbance. The Bristol stool scale gives an idea of ​​what a healthy person's stool should look like.

Type 1: Watery stool without solid particles

Type 2: Fuzzy "fluffy" chair with torn edges

Type 3: Soft droplets with clear ragged edges (come out with ease)

Type 4: Smooth and soft sausage

Type 5: Like a sausage, but with cracks on the surface

Type 6: Sausage shape, but bumpy and lumpy

Type 7: Separate small lumps, small balls that come out with difficulty

The best option is Type 4. Ideal sausage-shaped feces come out easily and smell more like overripe fruit than something terrible. The feces should be easy to stand out and gently fall into the water.

  • If the feces are poorly washed off the walls of the toilet, there are not digested fats in it.
  • If the feces do not sink - either a lot of gases, or fiber, or undigested fats.
  • If it falls sharply and with a splash - a lack of dietary fiber.

Type 5 is better than Type 2 and 3. Diarrhea is difficult to control and its causes are sometimes not so easy to treat. Diarrhea does not absorb essential nutrients into the body.

  • Mushy feces may indicate inflammatory processes in the intestines, malabsorption.
  • Foamy feces - fermentation processes in the intestines.
  • Lumpy stools may indicate insufficient water intake.

What color should feces be? stool color

Be aware that some foods and food coloring can change the color of your stool.

  • Normal stool is medium to dark brown in color.
  • If your stool is black, it may be the result of consuming currants, blueberries. Or it gets blood in the upper gastrointestinal tract - in this case, you need to see a doctor.
  • Beetroot makes the color of feces reddish.
  • A huge amount of greenery - green.
  • Carrots and a large amount of beta-keratins make it orange.
  • The gray-white color of the feces indicates such a violation as the inflow of bile into the intestines.
  • Green stools can occur as a result of taking antibiotics, iron supplements. If the green color of the feces is not associated with the intake of foods and drugs, then the reason is poor digestion. If the digestion process is too fast, the bile does not have time to be processed with food and turns the feces green.

Liquid stool. What to do?

If you have soft, too frequent, loose stools for a long time, this indicates a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. To get rid of diarrhea, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. Try to strengthen your stool with foods that strengthen. These are unripe bananas, applesauce, rice, fatty meat, broth, muffin, mashed potatoes.

An excellent home remedy for diarrhea is black peppercorns. Take, depending on body weight, 10-15 pieces and swallow with water.

When diarrhea lasts more than three days or there is blood in it, you need to see a doctor and do a detailed analysis of feces.

Constipation of the intestines

If your stools are too infrequent and hard on a regular basis, a doctor's consultation is a must. In case of infrequent manifestations, you need to drink more water, eat more vegetables, add foods to the diet that give a natural laxative effect. Plums, apricots, raw zucchini, beets, vegetable oils, prunes help well. If there was no stool for a couple of days, it is better to do an enema.

How to fix a chair in an adult

1. Pose in the toilet!

Toilets are a relatively recent invention of mankind. Just sitting on the toilet as if on a chair is not the best option for doing your big things. In the picture you can see that in this position the rectum is pinched, which forces us to make efforts during defecation, which puts pressure on the rectal veins. This can lead to consequences in the form of hemorrhoids and other diseases.

From an anatomically correct point of view, a person should empty the intestines on the cards. But we live in a modern civilization and are not going to get rid of the toilets, so you can get a little used to make the pose more correct. You can put your feet on a small hill. The point is to raise the legs so that the position is closer to the squatting position, when the legs are not at a right angle to the body, but at a sharper one.

2. Schedule

Enter the daily morning ritual of sitting on the toilet for 15 minutes each morning. Try to relax completely at this time, you can read something. This way you will train your body to get rid of waste every day and you will be able to establish a regular chair.

3. Drink more fluids

The body needs water for all systems in general, in particular, the large intestine needs it to form stool, which is 75% of it. People who get enough fluids are the least constipated and have normal stools.

4. More movement!

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle brings few health benefits, and a person needs more movement and physical activity, including in order to go to the toilet well and have a normal stool.

5. Of course, proper nutrition!

We try to eat natural food. You need to consume enough vegetables every day, because they contain the necessary fiber that improves digestion and maintains normal stools, vegetable oils, organic meat, eggs and dairy products.

How to quietly poop in other people's toilets, at work and at a party

How to poop (Video). Malysheva

The main cause of mushy stools in a child is malnutrition. Charcoal will not help you in cases where adult mushy stools are a symptom of certain infectious diseases or bowel cancer.

The condition is far from being the most pleasant, and in order to be able to competently deal with it, one should understand the reasons that cause it. There may be more reasons. The occurrence of diarrhea indicates a malfunction in the intestines. If the child is a newborn, the cause of diarrhea may be pathogenic bacteria that are completely safe for an adult, but pose a threat to the baby.

Mushy chair

Often, mushy yellow stools are due to poor digestibility of food, indicating diseases of the stomach. Among the main causes of yellow diarrhea is the so-called rotavirus infection.

Mushy stool in an adult. Causes and treatment of diarrhea.

Such symptoms can appear for very minor reasons: as a result of the use of mucus-like products in food or with a common cold. If the appearance of a mushy stool in the morning is chronic, then serious problems have accumulated in the body and medical intervention is necessary.

Diarrhea may occur in the morning due to the intake of drugs that give a laxative effect. The cause of acute diarrhea may be infection with one of the forms of intestinal infections.

In the case of frequent watery stools, accompanied by pain, outflow of blood, mucus, a medical examination is necessary. Having found out the cause of frequent diarrhea, you should begin to treat the disease that caused it. Many of us have experienced problems with loose stools more than once. Agree, this state is far from pleasant.

Loose stools for various diseases

This list can be continued and expanded. The cause of the diarrhea was an attack of appendicitis, and only the ambulance, who arrived on time as never before, saved the situation. Stool or feces is the contents of the lower colon, which is the end product of digestion and is excreted from the body during bowel movements.

Yellow diarrhea in an adult

Changes: No stool for several days (constipation) or too frequent stools - up to 5 times or more (diarrhea). Breastfed babies have golden yellow or yellow stools. Pathology: mushy, dense, liquid, semi-liquid, putty. This is a symptom that can be triggered by many reasons.

Many have repeatedly encountered problems associated with sudden diarrhea and the need to quickly eliminate it. It is important to know that diarrhea can cause almost any disease. It is not worth the risk, and if activated charcoal does not help, you should consult a specialist. Many diseases change the nature and frequency of fecal discharge.

What should be the normal stool and what do its changes say?

In young children, diarrhea can be life threatening because it causes dehydration. Statistics from the Ministry of Health show that formula-fed babies are 6 times more likely to suffer from digestive disorders than breastfed babies. It is easy to recognize, because when it appears, the temperature rises instantly and the emerging stool on the second day becomes a gray mass.

In fact, loose stools (diarrhea) are not a disease. Frequent mushy stools happen in periods, breaks up to a month are possible. Below are interpretations of the quality of the stool in normal and pathological conditions.

Short-term loose stools in an adult are most often a symptom of an intestinal infection.

Chronic diarrhea lasts longer than three weeks, while the stool can be not only watery, but also unformed mushy.

Feces, especially loose stools, can be a marker of serious problems of internal organs, systemic metabolic disorders.

The article will not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what to do when you notice yellow loose stools in an adult, but it can suggest the main directions of action.

Acute and chronic diarrhea

Diarrhea or diarrhea is not a separate disease, so it should not be treated, but to understand the cause of the "leakage" and what to do in each individual case. Understanding the nature of diarrhea is the first step to finding its cause.

The consistency of feces is not the only characteristic of diarrhea. The frequency of bowel movements matters, they say about diarrhea if loose stools are more than three times a day.

The presence of feces in the diarrheal masses is important. With cholera, a person loses up to 10 liters of fluid per day during defecation, but all of it is a product of the secretion of the intestinal mucosa and does not contain feces, so technically, stool with cholera is not diarrhea.

Acute diarrhea is characteristic of intestinal infections. Most of them in adults and children should not be treated, but waited out.

The best strategy for helping with diarrhea and any type of loose stools is to constantly replenish the fluids and salts that the body loses with water in the stool.

Acute diarrhea may occur due to the patient's emotional state - loose stools as a reaction to certain events.

Gastroenterologists are aware of the relationship of a person's neuropsychological state with digestion and intestinal health, so problems that cause loose stools are often treated in tandem with psychotherapists.

Chronic diarrhea is loose or loose stools for more than three weeks. The reason may be a sluggish intestinal infection or IBS due to a previous intestinal infection.

The stool in chronic diarrhea is often not watery, but mushy. It is a mistake to consider such a mode of operation of the intestine as a cleansing of the body.

Even diarrhea that does not cause serious discomfort and is not accompanied by pain is dangerous. Dehydration and electrolyte deficiencies that are characteristic of acute diarrhea also occur in chronic diarrhea, but are prolonged over time.

An incompletely formed stool means that the right amount of water and electrolytes, building and repair materials for body cells, have not been absorbed in the small intestine.

The skin, hair, and nails are the first to suffer in chronic unformed stools. A person notices signs of premature aging and buys expensive multivitamin complexes and personal care products, but there is no significant improvement.

Whatever is ingested or applied externally, if valuable substances are not absorbed in the intestines, then their deficiency is irreplaceable.

If an adult has loose stools for a long time, then this will certainly affect the condition of the joints, bones, teeth, and the functioning of internal organs.

The process is slow and almost imperceptible, so it is difficult to immediately associate problems with the intestines and the quality of the stool.

If you are not satisfied with the work of your intestines, then before attributing problems with appearance and health to any other reasons, consult a gastroenterologist.

Color, smell, texture and other characteristics of feces

Normally, that is, in a healthy person, the stool has certain characteristics that suggest the proper functioning of the intestines and other digestive organs.

Such a chair does not have a strong unpleasant odor. Of course, feces cannot smell like violets, but too strong and sharp stench of feces can be a reason to suspect something was wrong with the intestines and digestive organs.

The chair should be uniform. If there are streaks of mucus or blood in the feces, then this is a symptom and a clear reason to see a doctor.

Pieces of undigested food and feces like water in an adult mean that the cause of digestive problems lies in the small intestine.

It is here that the main valuable substances in the composition of food and most of the water that enters the intestines are absorbed.

Normally, the chyme enters the large intestine already completely digested - only one out of eight liters of water is absorbed here, therefore, diarrhea due to inflammation of the large intestine is rarely too plentiful and high in water, pieces of food cannot be seen in the feces.

The fact that the food, which has turned into chyme in the stomach, has given up its valuable contents, will be indicated by feces in the form of sausages. A more liquid stool is called unformed, in which valuable elements pass through the body in transit and leave it with feces without being absorbed.

Brown color (the shade of feces can vary from light to dark) stool acquires as a result of the treatment of chyme with bile in the duodenum.

Stools that are too light, up to white, are the result of a lack of contact with bile during digestion, which suggests obstruction of the biliary tract and other problems with the gallbladder.

Stools that are too dark in color may result from staining of feces with activated charcoal, iron preparations, and other products.

If there is no explanation for black feces, and you feel unwell, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Melena, or black stools, occurs when bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

This color of stool is due to the reaction of red-colored hemoglobin with hydrochloric acid.

Bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer can be a life-threatening condition, and therefore requires emergency intervention.

The last sign of healthy digestion is regular stools at the same time. However, the main difference between the norm and pathology is not in the set of fecal characteristics.

Quite healthy people can defecate once every two or three days, the color and smell of feces may depend not so much on the disease as on the diet.

By and large, any characteristic of a chair is individual. The problem should be spoken about when the patient is worried about something in his condition, there are real symptoms, and the stool has changed the usual characteristics.

Functional digestive disorders and diarrhea

Diarrhea and loose stools in general are not mandatory, but a possible symptom of functional digestive disorders - functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome.

The word "functional" means the absence of organic disorders, but the functions (in this case, the stomach and intestines) are not performed properly, as evidenced by loose stools.

Functional dyspepsia is a condition that doctors called gastritis 20 years ago.

By the standards of modern gastroenterology, gastritis is a precancerous condition, which is characterized by changes in the gastric mucosa at the cellular level and can be completely asymptomatic, without affecting the characteristics of the stool.

The exact causes and treatment of functional dyspepsia and IBS are unknown.

For some reason, the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach in some people becomes too sensitive, which leads to a number of symptoms: rumbling in the intestines, the appearance of constipation or loose stools, the causes of which are not fully explained by tests and examinations, abdominal pain, nausea, rare cases of vomiting.

Foamy stool in an adult is one of the symptoms of fermentative functional dyspepsia.

Feces can foam for various reasons, but in the vast majority of cases, the cause is the abuse of carbohydrates, especially simple ones, which include refined foods, which are extremely rich in the diet of a modern person.

With prolonged use of sweets, flour products from refined flour of the highest grade, kvass, carbonated drinks in the intestines, the number of bacteria that cause fermentation gradually increases.

Foamy yellow stools (light-coloured stools can vary up to white) can also serve as a marker of digestive enzyme deficiency in problems with the digestive organs, in particular the pancreas.

Symptoms of digestive disorders, including loose stools, do not allow an accurate diagnosis - a diagnosis based on analyzes and hardware methods is necessary.

The need to see a doctor depends on the severity of the symptoms and how you feel. If in some cases you can do something at home, then in others, for example, with blood in the stool, sometimes minutes count, and the whole future life depends on the timeliness of going to the doctor.

Behavioral strategy for stool disorders

Medical science believes that stress and psycho-emotional state are one of the important factors for intestinal disorders, as a result of which psychotherapy is recommended to patients.

High-quality psychotherapy is not a cheap pleasure, and turning to a therapist requires courage and honesty with oneself.

If any of the above is missing, then there are other ways to find inner balance - change jobs or environments, start running / walking / doing yoga / meditating, and so on.

Any method that will help you get rid of stress and, as a result, improve bowel condition and stool characteristics is good.

The second thing you can and should do is to improve nutrition. Functional disorders cannot be "earned" by eating certain foods, so it is important not so much to exclude certain foods in order, for example, to eliminate yellow loose stools, but to change the approach to nutrition.

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the overall load on the digestive tract:

  • eat in small portions;
  • eat often - one meal every three hours;
  • do not snack between meals;
  • at least temporarily exclude sweet fiber (grapes and raisins, plums and prunes, sweet varieties of apples);
  • eliminate or reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates, especially refined sugar. Those with a sweet tooth should replace it with more healthy sweets or make up for a zinc deficiency in the body, which provokes cravings for sweets and, as a result, loose stools;
  • in the diet, focus on proteins, and consume the minimum required amount of fats and carbohydrates;
  • monitor your condition and exclude from the menu products that cause certain symptoms, including loose, foamy stools. When the work of the body will improve, it will be possible to try to return them little by little.

However, functional disorders are diagnoses of exclusion - when the doctor does not find infections and disorders in the functioning of organs and systems, functional dyspepsia and IBS remain.

Before deciding what to do and how to improve the chair, go through at least a minimal examination.

A person is constantly in contact with unfriendly microorganisms that enter the body with water, food, even inhaled air.

Usually, defense mechanisms (guardian bacteria in saliva, hydrochloric acid in the stomach, caustic bile acids, and so on) work, and a person does not notice microscopic attacks.

But if the body is weakened or there are too many "enemies", for example, if hygiene standards are not observed, then the intestines become infected, and the consequences can seriously and permanently affect the ability of the digestive tract to perform its functions, a marker of which may be loose stools.